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Written Test

Unit Name: - SITHCCC008

Unit Code: - Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and
farinaceous dishes
Name - Anjali Rani
Student Id : STD08777
Assessment for this Unit of Details

Assessment 1 Written Test

Assessment 2

Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 2

Assessment Guidelines

What will be assessed

The purpose of this assessment is to assess your knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements
and performance criteria of this unit:

· culinary terms and trade names for ingredients used in standard recipes for vegetable, fruit, egg and
farinaceous dishes, relating to:

o convenience products

o fresh products

· contents of stock date codes and rotation labels

· characteristics of different vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes:

o appearance and presentation

o classical and contemporary variations

o freshness and other quality indicators

o nutritional value

o service style

o taste

o texture

· accompaniments and sauces for vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes
· historical and cultural origin of different vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes and products
· cookery methods for vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes listed in the performance evidence
· health risks associated with raw egg products and alternative egg products
· culinary applications which use eggs as specified in the performance evidence
· mise en place requirements for vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes
· appropriate environmental conditions for storing food products to:

o ensure food safety

o optimise shelf life

· safe operational practices using essential functions and features of equipment used to produce
vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted

AITT Class Room and Training Kitchen

Resource Requirements

Pen, paper, calculator, internet access

Reasonable Adjustments- Refer to P.15 on Assessment instructions for students document

RPL- Refer to P.7 on Assessment instructions for students document

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

You are required to address each question in this assessment.

Once you have completed all questions, check all responses and calculations.
Your trainer will be providing you with feedback.
The seasonal factors and source to be used to gather information for the purpose of this
Assessment, will be provided to you by your trainer as outlined on the following page for

Assessment 1
Your task:
You are required to complete all questions and tasks for this portfolio. All tasks and exercises are
based on the theory content and recipes contained in your workbook
All recipe cards and workflow plan templates will be provided by your teacher where required.
The information you provide in this assessment may be followed-up with questions from your
trainer before the final practical assessment. It is therefore essential that you have sufficient
knowledge to explain and substantiate all information you provide in this paper.

1. Access the market information in your state and identify all fruit and vegetables
currently in season. Categorise these in the provided tables below:
refer to season tables in text book
Root vegetables

Tubers Bulbs Roots

Sweet Potato Onion Turnip

Potato Leek Radish
Yam Garlic Carrot
Taro Shallot Beetroot
Spring Onion Celeriac

Green vegetables in season:

Flowers Leaves Stems Legumes (seed pods) Fruits

Broccoli Lettuce Fennel Okra Avocado
Globe artichoke Belgian endive Celery Corn Tomato
Bloodflower Cabbage Bamboo shoot Peas Pumkin
Cauliflower Spinach Asparagus Chickpeas Cucumber
Beans Zucchini Correct
Fruits in season:

Stone Fruit Hard Fruit Soft Fruit Citrus Fruit Tropical Fruit

Plum Quince Blueberry Orange Banana

Apricot Pear Melon Lime Pineapple
Peach Nashi Strawberry Lemon Mango
Cherry Apple Grapes Mandarine Date
Nectarine Crabapple Cranberry Grapefruit Fig
Pink Lady Red Currant Kumquat Coconut
Youngberry Tangelo Papaya


2. The following table lists 7 methods of cookery. From the fruit and vegetable you listed in
question 1, select 2 root vegetables, 2 green vegetables and 3 different fruit.
a. Allocate them so that each cookery method below has 1 vegetable or fruit suitable for
cooking with that method.
b. Describe how you would cook each vegetable or fruit using the cookery method you
c. Provide a suitable sauce or accompaniment and appropriate garnish for each dish and
brief details for presentation.
Cookery Fruit, Green or root Suitable Dish with How to prepare/details
Method Vegetable sauce or

Boiling We can use a dip like We can cook green vegetables in a

garlic, saute ginger, short time. We should not add salt in it

Potatoes, Carrots, Peas, apples pepper Sauce. because it will bring in loss of color.
Always cook them on a simmer. Hard
fruits such as apples must be blanched
so that they cannot oxidise. Correct

Braising Okra, Butter, Parmesan To soften the fibrous vegetables.While

eggplant,Onions,Potatoes, cooking these vegetables absorb the
Dried fruits flavours from liquid. Correct

Roasting Carrots, Capsicum, Potatoes Rosemary Here starchy vegetables are used with
their skin. Mostly some vegetables
such as onions and potatoes are roasted
with meat together.Correct

Deep- Potato Mayonnaise To keep the moisture inside, green

frying vegetables are protected from cooking
medium. Correct

Shallow- Cauliflower Mustard cream, White To provide some flavour and gloss
frying wine tarragon they are mostly tossed with butter.
Cooking time is Correct

Stewing Celery, Cabbage Oregano, Rosemary For softening, vegetables are stewed.
Combination with meat. Such as irish
stew or curries Correct

Microwav Pumpkin Mayonnaise To retain colour and flavour of the

e food, covered with cling wrap and
cooked for a short time. Correct

3. List 10 culinary uses of eggs and provide an example for each use.

1. Aerating: In this, eggs will capture and hold the air bubbles, when they are whipped and the mixture
becomes lighter. We can observe this in meringue. Pavlova, sponge and souffle.
2. Enriching: To provide the extra flavour in the sauces and desserts eggs are used. To provide flavour and
smoothness we can use Liaison.
3. Coating: To attach the breadcrumbs on the food, we can use eggs. For coating seafood, we can use eggs.
4. Setting: Mostly used in custard, by weighing itself twice. For firm custard, the ratio could be 1:1 eggs, for
soft mixture the ratio could be 1:2.
5. Binding: To bind the ingredients we can also use eggs such as in meatloaf. It provides structure to the
baked food.
6. Emulsifying: To emulsion the liquids, egg yolk mixture can be used. To make vinaigrette, we mix oil and
vinegar together, but they can separate easily. But if we use egg yolk then they cannot be separated.
7. Clarifying: To hold the impurities, egg white will help, and helps in bringing them to the top of the liquid.
This must be used in clarifying the soups.
8. Thickening: Eggs are mostly used to thicken the sauces.To add some flavours and make the liquid thick we
can use egg yolks. For example, To thicken the liquid mostly we can use Liaison.
9. Glazing: Under the salamander, before browning the dish, egg yolks should be used in sauces. For
example, for oyster Mornay, we can use egg wash on pastry to achieve the golden colour before baking.
For example puff pastry Fleurons.
10. Garnishing: In many dishes, we can see that eggs can be used as a garnish ingredient. E.g. For caesar salad,
poached quail egg can be used.
Well done

4. What are the essential hygiene requirements which must apply to eggs during storage, preparation and
service of egg products to ensure egg safety?
Why is this of particular importance when dealing with elderly, children, pregnant women, small children,
babies and people with weak immune systems?
1. When we want to separate the eggs then we have to use an egg separator.
2. Always store the eggs at the temperatures below 5 C.
3. We always have to make fresh raw egg products everyday.
4. We have to acidify the raw egg products by using lemon and vinegar having pH 4.2
5. We have to discard every emulsified sauce such as hollandaise which is made in house after 2 hours.
We have to make it fresh for every new service.
6. To prevent cross contamination always wash your hands before and after handling eggs.
7. Any equipment which we have used for making egg products must be cleaned or sanitized.
8. Always check their date before storing them.
Storage: We should have to store them in a cold and dry place. But make sure that eggs are separated from
meat. We have to apply FIFO procedure for it and correct container for storage.
Preparation: While working with the eggs always make sure that eggs are not cracked. We have to crack the
eggs into small containers in case of contamination. At the room temperature, use these within 30 mins. To
prevent contamination make sure there is no any shell of the eggs in the mixture.
Service of cooked product: We have to serve egg products as soon as possible. Always store eggs from the
ingredients having a strong smell.
Beware of high risk customers: Most vulnerable people are children, sick people, pregnant women, elders
and having low immune systems.
Well done

5. Provide an overview of the preparation techniques and a menu example including sauce and
accompaniment (where applicable) for each of the following egg dishes:

Dish Preparation technique Sauces and accompaniments

Eggs Benedict Poached eggs are cooked until Hollandaise Hashbrown

they become set and smooth
inside for better flavour and
consistency. Now we have to put
vinegar with a ratio of 1:10 to
help in the process of coagulation
and now we can put eggs

Fried Eggs First we have to warm the saute Salt and pepper Toasted
or griddle and after that we have
to add fat. Baco fat, Shortening
oil. When the fat becomes air
pockets, put the eggs into it. It is
ideal if the eggs are aired out into
a dish

Coddled Eggs We have to set the coddler inside Salt and pepper season and seal
the medium dish and fill it with shut Toasted
upto 75 percent of the coddler.
Kill coddler and convey the water
to a sensitive air pocket over
medium warmth and while later
margarine coddler.
Pour in the half of the cream and
add some ham and chives and
season it with salt and pepper.
Now add egg, then top with
leftover cream, ham, chives and
so on.

Egg Dip 1. We have to Blend the Mayonnaise, Mustard sauce

eggs, Minced chives Toasted
es in a blender.
2. Now we have to put it in
the bowl.
3. Add some mustard
sauce, pepper powder
and salt according to the
portion of the dish.
4. Add some harsh cream
and cheddar.
5. Mix it well and Cool it
for 30 minutes.
6. Serve it with rough

Scrambled Eggs 1. Properly beat the eggs. Salt and pepper Toasted
2. We need milk approx ½
cup for 6 eggs
3. Add some fat into it. And
warm it.
4. HWen the fat air pockets
, void your beaten eggs
into the blender.
5. Mix it well.
6. For rich consistency
there is no egg white
showing up they should
be cooked properly.
7. More you cook the egg it
will becoming hard.

Omelette with filling Crack the eggs into a small bowl Salt and pepper
and add some salt pepper. You
can also add some vegetables in .
Take a non-stick pan and put
some oil on it. You can use olive
oil also then pour all the mixture
on to the pan and heat on
medium flame.

6. Provide an overview of the nutritional values for each, eggs, fruit and vegetables including the essential
requirements to retain vitamins and minerals during storage, preparation and cooking:

Vitamin Effect on Body if Deficient Food sources Properties

A Deficiency of this vitamin in our diet could Apricots, Carrots and It is fat soluble
lead to the skin infection. Apple Heat resistant

B1 It will affect our nervous system Yeast, Potato, Meat It is water soluble,
and Fish also a heat resistant

B2 Sleeplessness and nervousness Malt, milk, Liver and Heat sensitive


B6 Deficiency of this will lead to the eye Wheat gram, Liver and It is heat resistant
infection and weight loss yeast and water soluble

B12 It will affects DNA synthesis Liver and eggs It is water soluble.

C Infection to the gums, tiredness, Scurvy Green vegetables and It is water soluble
citrus fruits

D Rickets and Reduced body growth Fish Liver oil, Eggs It is fat soluble

E It affects our body muscles Cereals and Liver Fat soluble

K Affects blood coagulation Green leafy vegetables It is fat soluble

and egg yolk
Well done
7. List the equipment required to prepare each dish listed in Question 5. Explain the WHS points of care,
cleaning and sanitation requirements, and preparation for use:

Dish Equipment Points of care Preparation for use

Egg Benedict Stove 1. Wash the English muffin

Bowl equipment Bacon
Pot properly. Hollandaise on top
Wisk 2. We have to
Slotted spoon wash the eggs.
3. Wash your
hands while
handling the egg

Fried Eggs Pan 1. Wash the eggs Plate

Spatula properly Bacon
2. Now wash all Toast
3. Wash your
hands before
and after
handling eggs
4. Heat should be
in control while
5. Soft texture

Coddled Eggs Pot 1. Eggs must be We need Little slice of

Slotted Spoon cooked toast. And some salt and
Stove 2. Do not burn pepper.
yourself, be

Scrambled eggs Fry pan 1. First we have to Plate Bacon Butter

Spoon wash the eggs Spinach
Stove properly. Cheese
Bowl 2. Eggs should not
Wisk be cracked
3. Wash all the
4. Egg products
must be used
within 30

Omelette Fry pan 1. Correct Plate

Spatula thickness Foulther over
Bowl 2. Heat should be Bacon
Wisk in control Salt
3. Wash your pepper
hands while
handling eggs.
4. Wash
equipment after
and before
handling egg
Well done

8. What are the requirements for the safe handling of foods when collecting ingredients, and during
preparation, display and storage to meet food safety requirements? Which provisions will ensure food
safety at each step?
1. We have to first with our personal hygiene. We should have to wear clean uniforms, always keep
nails clean and do not wear jewellery during work and tie your hair back.
2. Before starting a new task and after completion of any task we have to wash our hands regularly.
3. Before starting cooking, every surface of food preparation should be cleaned or sanitized. Clean that
surface area before and between tasks.
4. Always make sure that you are monitoring the temperature of food regularly.
5. To prevent using the same tool or chopping boards for different tasks, always remember one thing
that we have kept separate raw and cooked ingredients.
6. Without cleaning and sanitising between taks, do not use the same equipment tools for raw and
cooked food.
7. Between production steps always change the chopping boards and clean and sanitize them properly.
8. Make sure that food should not be in the danger zone. (5 C to 60 C).

Gathering ingredients: All things should be mise en place. Always check the quality of ingredients.
Always check the freshness of seafood by their colour of skin that should be firm also. Vegetables
should be fresh.

Preparation: Before preparation we have to consider the cuts such as we need precision cuts. We
need a recipe card where we can check the ingredients used in the dish. Vegetables cuts should be
used for soups. Everything should be mise en place. For sorbets natural items off cuts can be used.

Display: Before displaying dishes we have to make sure that the surface should be clean. Food is
stored for display in the proper temperature not in the danger zone (5 C to 60 C).
Storage: Before storing at their places, we have to label them included: name of product, Date, name
of the person who made this. Always consider the rule of FIFO.
Well done

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