Kequan Yu (2016)

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Materials and Structures (2016) 49:4517–4532

DOI 10.1617/s11527-016-0804-x


Fracture properties of high-strength/high-performance

concrete (HSC/HPC) exposed to high temperature
Kequan Yu . Jiangtao Yu . Zhoudao Lu .
Qingyang Chen

Received: 12 February 2015 / Accepted: 18 January 2016 / Published online: 25 January 2016
Ó RILEM 2016

Abstract An investigation of the residual fracture 1 Introduction

properties of high-strength/high-performance con-
crete (C80 and C100) exposed to high temperatures With the development of concrete technology, high-
is reported in this article. Three-point bending test strength concrete (HSC/HPC) is becoming increas-
specimens of 100 mm 9 100 mm 9 515 mm size ingly popular in practical engineering [1, 13]. By using
were prepared according to the RILEM recommenda- HSC/HPC, higher and more complex buildings can be
tion. The three-point bending beams were exposed to constructed. However, it is well known that as the
temperatures varying from 200 to 800 °C. The com- strength increases concrete becomes more brittle.
plete load-crack mouth opening displacement curves HSC/HPC is often used in modern complex structures
and load-deflection curves of the specimen were such as high-rise buildings and long-span bridges,
worked out after cooling. The fracture toughness, which are more vulnerable to damage caused by
including the initial and unstable fracture toughness, earthquakes and other disasters. Hence, the fracture
fracture energy, and characteristic length, was calcu- properties of HSC/HPC are more important than those
lated. These four parameters were shown to decrease of normal-strength concrete (NSC) with regard to the
monotonically with temperature. Other mechanical safety assessment and design of modern structures.
properties including the compressive strength, com- As fire still constitutes a tremendous risk to human
pressive Young’s modulus, and splitting strength of society, the fracture properties of HSC/HPC after fire
post-fire specimens were also obtained. The digital need to be determined. To date, most studies have
image correlation method was utilized to monitor the concentrated on the reduced strength or stiffness
whole fracture process, and the results from the digital (modulus) of HSC/HPC subjected to elevated temper-
image correlation method fit well with those from the atures [9–11, 19, 23]. Some investigations revealed
direct measurements. that HSC/HPC is more vulnerable to fire than NSC
because of the explosive spalling [8, 18, 20, 23]. Only
Keywords High temperature  High-strength/high- a few studies have focused on the fracture behavior
performance concrete  Fracture properties  Digital parameters (fracture energy and fracture toughness) of
image correlation HSC/HPC, which are very useful for the post-fire
safety assessment, structural analysis, and numerical
K. Yu (&)  J. Yu  Z. Lu  Q. Chen
For normal-strength concrete, Yu et al. [32] used
College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University,
Shanghai 200092, China the wedge-splitting method; Bazant [5], Baker [2],
e-mail: Zhang et al. [35], and Nielsen and Bicanic [21]
4518 Materials and Structures (2016) 49:4517–4532

conducted three-point bending tests (TPBs) on whole fracture process, and the results from DIC were
notched pre-heated beams. These experiments show compared with those from the direct measurements.
that the fracture energy exhibited an increase-decrease The residual fracture toughness (including initial
tendency with increasing temperatures. For high- fracture toughness Kini and unstable fracture tough-
strength concrete, Zhang et al. [35–37], and Peng ness Kun) and residual fracture energy GF of specimens
et al. [22] investigated the effects of temperatures on were calculated, and their relationships with Tm were
the fracture energy of high-performance concrete, and identified. The residual compressive and splitting
they found that the fracture energy generally exhibits strength and residual Young’s modulus were also
an upward tendency with temperature. However, in measured.
those experiments, the highest temperature was only
450 °C, which is far less than the temperature in a
real fire. 2 Experimental program
On the other hand, the fracture toughness is also an
important fracture parameter to assess the property of 2.1 Materials, mix proportions, and test specimens
high-strength concrete after exposure to high temper-
atures. Prokopski [26] and Fattah and Hamoush [14] Two concrete strengths, C80 and C100, were prepared
investigated fracture toughness at both high temper- in the present research. A total of 50 TPB beams with
ature and after cooling by conducting TPB tests on the uniform dimensions (100 mm 9 100 mm 9 515 mm)
concrete beams. Both experiments demonstrated that according to the RILEM [27] were prepared. The
fracture toughness was highly influenced by temper- concrete mix proportions (by weight) are listed in
ature and decreased steadily with increasing temper- Table 1. Ordinary Portland cement was mixed with
atures because of the reduction of the peak load of TPB medium river sand and 10-mm-grade coarse aggregate.
beams. Silica fume was used as a partial replacement material at
At normal temperature, the compressive Young’s approximately 10 % by weight of binder. To avoid
modulus is close to the tensile Young’s modulus. concrete spalling, 0.3 % polypropylene (PP) fiber by
Hence, the compressive Young’s modulus is used in volume was added. The water binder ratio was
the calculation of fracture parameters. However, for controlled at 0.31 and 0.23 for C80 and C100, respec-
concrete exposed to high temperature, the compressive tively. The slump of both concretes was 100 mm.
and tensile Young’s modulus may be different because Each specimen had a precut notch with 30 mm
of the existence of micro-cracks induced by the high depth and 3 mm thickness. Three thermocouples were
temperature and different stress states. It may be set at the centroid of the cross section near the mid-
necessary to clarify the difference in these two span to monitor the thermal field. After demolding, the
Young’s moduli. The tensile Young’s modulus is specimens were cured at room temperature. Three
calculated from the initial slope load-deflection curves. standard cube specimens of 150 mm 9 150 mm 9
The fracture energy is an important parameter to 150 mm for both strengths were cast to determine the
assess the energy dissipation capacity of concrete compressive strength at 28 days. The compressive
under the tensile stress state. It is a useful input strengths were 76.5 and 96.5 MPa for C80 and C100,
parameter for numerical simulation. Hence, the resid- respectively. Additionally, the tested TPB specimens
ual fracture energy of high-strength concrete is were cut to dimensions of 100 mm 9 100 mm 9
necessary for the assessment of residual mechanical 200 mm and 100 mm 9 100 mm 9 100 mm to pre-
properties of concrete structures. cisely measure the residual compressive strength
In this research, the effects of temperature on the (prism and cube), splitting strength, and residual
residual fracture behaviors were investigated by Young’s modulus after the specific temperature
conducting the TPB tests on the notched pre-heated treatment.
specimens. The complete load-crack mouth opening
displacement curves (P-CMOD) and load–deflection 2.2 Heating regime
curves (P–d) were obtained. During the loading
process, the digital image correlation (DIC) method, Four target temperatures, ranging from 200 to 800 °C
an indirect measurement was utilized to monitor the (Tm = 200, 400, 600, and 800 °C) were adopted with
Materials and Structures (2016) 49:4517–4532 4519

Table 1 Concrete mix proportion and concrete strength at 28 days

Strength Cement Sand Aggregate Silica fume HRWRA Water PP fiber Compressive strength
(MPa) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (150 mm cube) (MPa)

C80 441 615 1194 39 6.7 150 2.7 76.5

C100 590 565 1098 66 9.2 150 2.7 96.5

the ambient temperature as a reference. An electric depth and 3 mm in thickness. The span-depth ratio
furnace with the net dimensions of 600 mm 9 equals 4. To obtain the complete load-displacement
600 mm 9 900 mm was used for heating. The fur- (CMOD, CTOD and d) curves, the testing rate was
nace rose at a rate of 6.6 °C/min to the target fixed at 0.025 mm/min.
temperatures, which were then maintained for another For the cube compressive test, a universal testing
3 h to obtain a uniform temperature field in the whole machine with a maximum capacity of 2000 kN was
specimen. During the heating process, no concrete employed, and the testing rate was fixed at 0.2 mm/
spalling occurred thanks to the melting of PP fibers. min until failure. For the prism compressive test, the
For safety, the specimens were cooled in the furnace same testing machine and testing rate were utilized
for approximately 24 h. The heating regime is shown (0.2 mm/min monotonously to failure), hoping to
in Fig. 1. obtain a stable stress-strain curve to calculate the
residual compressive strength and Young’s modulus.
2.3 Testing methodology Strain gauges were glued on the specimen surface to
monitor the compressive strain during loading. For the
In the TPB test, a closed-loop servo-controlled post-fire concrete, due to the existence of numerous
hydraulic jack with a maximum capacity of 100 kN micro cracks, it is reasonable to use the monotonic
was employed. Two clip-on extensometers were fitted loading method to obtain Young’s modulus, but not
at the mouth and the tip of the notch to measure the the conventional method of loading-unloading cycles.
crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) and crack The loading-unloading process would close the micro
tip opening displacement (CTOD). The deflection at cracks in concrete, which would increase Young’s
the loading point (d) was measured by two LVDTs. modulus. The geometry of the test specimen is shown
The geometry of the specimen is shown in Fig. 2a. in Fig. 2b.
Each specimen had a precut notch with 30 mm in The splitting test was carried out by means of a
universal testing machine with a maximum capacity of
2000 kN, and the testing rate was fixed at 0.1 mm/min
1000 to maintain a stable loading state. The geometry of the
test specimen is shown in Fig. 2c.
800 In the test, digital image correlation-DIC technol-
ogy was utilized to monitor the whole loading process.
600 DIC is an optical technique to visualize surface
deformations by successive post-processing of digital
T /ºC

images [12, 15, 28]. With this technique, analysis of

the deformations can be conducted by comparing the
deformed images during loading with the reference
200 image before loading. In the process of identifying the
deformations, a small part of the reference image is
0 defined as the reference subset and the corresponding
0 500 1000 1500
part on the deformed image as the target subset. The
Time / mins
target subset can be searched by gray scale distribu-
Fig. 1 Heating regime for TPB beams tion. Thus, the measurement of the deformations is
4520 Materials and Structures (2016) 49:4517–4532

Clip gauge


Strain gauge 100mm



(b) (c)
Fig. 2 a Configuration of TPB beams, b compressive test, and c splitting tests

transformed into digital correlation calculation, and (shown in Fig. 3). Pictures were taken automatically
the displacements at the various points in the reference with a 10-s interval until the specimen failed.
subset are obtained by subtracting the new coordinates
from the original ones.
For the purpose of deformation identification, the 3 Experimental phenomena
specimen surface was treated by creating a random,
sprayed-on speckle pattern with a white-black point For high-strength/high-performance concrete speci-
(shown in Fig. 3). In the experiment, a digital camera mens, when the specimens were exposed to temper-
with a resolution of 6000 9 4000 pixels was used atures below 400 °C, the fracture load generally
Materials and Structures (2016) 49:4517–4532 4521

Fig. 3 Test set-up for DIC measurement

reached its peak with no visible crack observed. Once The aggregate particles were pulled out of the cement
the had been crack initiated, the splitting load dropped paste, which could be attributed to the degradation of
dramatically because of its brittle nature. Figure 4 the bond and the existence of micro cracks at the
shows that the crack propagated vertically to the interface zone between the coarse aggregates and
bottom of the specimen along with the precut notch at mortar paste.
25 °C. At temperatures above 400 °C, the crack path
became more tortuous.
Figure 5 shows the fracture surfaces of C100 4 Experimental results
exposed to 400 and 800 °C. For high-strength/high-
performance concrete subjected to a temperature of 4.1 Load-deflection and load-CMOD curves
400 °C, the bond of the aggregate particles with the
cement paste was higher, which caused the aggregate To determine the residual fracture parameters, the
particlesto crack in numerous sites. At 800 °C, the complete load-deflection (P–d) and load-CMOD (P–
fracture surfaces tended to be more tortuous, and fewer CMOD) curves are crucial. A complete load-displace-
cracks across the aggregate particles were observed. ment (including the deflection and CMOD) curve can

Fig. 4 Crack path of

specimens exposed to
different temperatures
4522 Materials and Structures (2016) 49:4517–4532

Fig. 5 Crack surface at 400 and 800 °C of C100 (red circle means the cracking grains). (Color figure online)

represent a number of findings, such as the initial Figure 6 shows typical complete load-displacement
stiffness, ultimate load capacity, displacements at curves of C100 exposed to temperatures up to 800 °C.
cracking and failure load, and hardening and softening The figure shows that the ultimate load Pu generally
properties. Even the geometric shape of the curve can decreased significantly with Tm, whereas the deflec-
reflect the toughness or brittleness in some way. As tion and CMOD increased with Tm. The initial slope of
long as the P-CMOD curve has steep loading and ascending branches decreased with temperature, and
unloading branches with a well-defined peak, concrete the curve gradually became flatter and more extended.
can be considered a ‘‘quasi-brittle’’ material, while Figure 6 shows the variation of the initial cracking
softer loading and unloading branches with a rounded load Pini and peak load Pu of C100 with Tm. The Pini is
peak (something occurring at high temperature) indi- determined by the graphic method [32]. The average
cate a greater meandering and branching of cracks in Pini decreased from 4.26 kN at ambient temperature to
the fracture zone. 4.06 kN at 200 °C, 2.42 kN at 400 °C, 1.05 kN at

8 100-25 8.0
Pini Average
7 7.0
100-400 Pu Average
6 100-600 6.0
5 5.0
P ini, P u /kN

4 4.0

3 3.0

2 2.0

1 1.0

0 0.0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0 200 400 600 800
CMOD/mm T /°C
(a) (b)
Fig. 6 a Load-CMOD curves at all temperatures of C100 and b initial and ultimate load with Tm
Materials and Structures (2016) 49:4517–4532 4523

600 °C, and finally to 0.42 kN at 800 °C. Pu slightly The crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) was
decreased from 7.35 kN at room temperature to 6.55 also monitored by the DIC technique. Figure 9 shows
kN at 200 °C. Then, it continuously decreased to 4.02 the computational domain with 40 mm width, four
kN at 400 °C, with a sudden drop of 3.33 kN, 2.03 kN times that of the maximum coarse aggregate. The
at 600 °C, and 1.06 kN at 800 °C, with a final drop of horizontal displacement along the computational line
85 %. Meanwhile, the critical CMOD (CMODc), LR was calculated by the DIC technique. The
corresponding to the ultimate load Pu, increased from experimental load-CTOD curve of the C100-25 con-
0.049 mm at room temperature to 0.096 mm at crete specimen is shown in Fig. 10.
400 °C, 0.211 mm at 600 °C, and 0.261 mm at Figure 11 shows the displacements at the compu-
800 °C with a final increase of five times the initial tational points along line LR at four loading stages P1,
value. It shows that the concrete became less brittle P2, P3, and P4, shown in Fig. 10. From Fig. 11a, it can
with Tm. be seen that, at loading point P1, the displacement
distribution was basically horizontal, indicating that
4.2 Test results from the DIC method the specimen was in an elastic state, and the tiny
fluctuations could be induced by the heterogeneity of
Figure 7 shows the comparison of load-deflection concrete. At loading point P2, the displacements
curves obtained from the direct measurement and DIC increased obviously, and a displacement jump
measurement. The two curves coincide well in the occurred near point O, as shown in Fig. 11b. The
whole loading process, which proved the accuracy of displacement jump was caused by the formation of
the DIC measurement. The corresponding crack micro cracks. At loading point P3, the micro cracks
propagation at different loading stages is also shown extended, and the displacement jump became more
in Fig. 7. obvious, as shown in Fig. 11c. At loading point P4, the
Figure 8 shows the comparison of load-CMOD micro cracks extended and widened further, and the
curves obtained from the clip gauge and DIC displacement jump became even more prominent, as
measurement for C100 concrete subjected to high shown in Fig. 11d. It should be noted that the
temperatures. The CMOD determined by the DIC fit displacement jump was concentrated mainly near
well with the CMOD measured by the clip gauge in the point O and became negligibly small as the compu-
whole loading process, which proved the accuracy of tational point moved away from point O. Thus, the
the DIC measurement. CTOD was obtained by subtracting the displacement

Peak Load

4.0 P2

0.5 LVDT
25% Peak Load 0.0
DIC 40% Peak Load
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

Fig. 7 Comparison of load-deflection curves from LVDT and DIC measurement and the crack propagation during loading process
4524 Materials and Structures (2016) 49:4517–4532

7 4.5

6 Measured by clip gauge Measured by clip gauge
3.5 Determined by DIC method
Determined by DIC method

4 2.5

3 2.0


0 0.0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.81 1.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
(a) (b)

2.5 1.2

Measured by clip gauge 1 Measured by clip gauge

Determined by DIC method Determined by DIC method




0.0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 1 2 3 4
(c) (d)
Fig. 8 Comparison of load–CMOD curves for C100 specimens 400 °C. c Load–CMOD curves of C100 exposed to 600 °C.
subjected to high temperature. a Load-CMOD curves of C100 d Load–CMOD curves of C100 exposed to 800 °C
exposed to 200 °C, b Load–CMOD curves of C100 exposed to

at the jump point Q from that at point T. For example,

the crack opening displacement on line LR was equal
to 320 lm at loading point P4. The observation of the
Computational domain
displacement jump provided another method to deter-
mine the initial cracking load besides the graphic
method [33].
L R Y 4.3 Residual compressive and splitting strength

Figure 12 shows the residual compressive strength fp

of the 100 mm 9 100 mm 9 200 mm prism with Tm.
Fig. 9 Calculated domain of the DIC method Both compressive strengths decreased continuously
Materials and Structures (2016) 49:4517–4532 4525

8.0 Compared with the normal-strength concrete, temper-

P3 atures of 200 and 400 °C induced more strength loss in
the high-strength/high-performance concrete partly
6.0 because of the melting of the PP fiber beyond 170 °C
5.0 P2 [24]. The difference narrowed when the temperature
Load /kN

increased to 600 and 800 °C; both the normal- and

4.0 high-strength concretes suffered a significant strength
3.0 loss [3, 24].
For cube specimens with the strength of C100, the
2.0 P1 P4 residual compressive strength (fc) decreased from
1.0 109.80 MPa at room temperature to 94.60 MPa at
200 °C, with a decrease of 15.20 MPa, or 14 %.
0.0 Afterwards, it decreased continuously to 87.76 and
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
CTOD/mm 42.18 MPa at 400 and 800 °C, with a net drop of 20
and 62 %. Similarly, for C80, the residual compres-
Fig. 10 Experimental load-CTOD curve of the C100-25 sive strength (fc) decreased from 88.26 MPa at room
specimen temperature to 74.66 and 34.00 MPa at 400 and
800 °C, with a net drop of 16 and 62 %. Compared
up to 800 °C. High temperatures can be divided into with the previous knowledge [9, 10, 22], the strength at
two ranges in terms of the effect on concrete strength 400 °C in this investigation was relatively low, which
loss, namely 20–400 °C and 400–800 °C. Lower might have been due to a longer duration of exposure
temperatures (25–200 °C) have a gentle influence on to 400 °C temperature. Additionally, the strength loss
high-strength/high-performance concrete, which of the prism specimen is more significant than that of
almost maintained the original strength. In the range the cube specimens, especially for temperatures higher
of 400–800 °C, the concrete lost most of its original than 400 °C [24].
strength, especially at temperatures above 600 °C. The loss in tensile splitting strength is considerably
Thus, 400–800 °C can also be regarded as the critical sharp (shown in Fig. 13), which is clearly different
temperature range for the strength loss of plain from the more gradual loss of compressive strength.
concrete [10]. Higher temperatures would cause more This is owing to the tensile strength being more
micro cracks, dehydration, and decomposition and sensitive to cracks on either the macro- or micro-scale,
degrade the strength. caused by the high temperatures of the concrete [10].
In spite of their different strengths, the two The high-strength/high-performance concrete suf-
concretes exhibited almost the same trend in terms fered more severe splitting-strength loss than nor-
of the evolution of their behavior in compression and mal-strength concrete [10].
tension. For C100, the residual compressive strength
of the concrete prism (fp) decreased from 80.48 MPa 4.4 Residual Young’s modulus
at room temperature to 77.86 MPa at 200 °C, with a
decrease of only 2.62 MPa, or 2.3 %. Afterwards, it Figure 14 shows that the residual Young’s modulus E,
decreased continuously to 58.61 and 22.63 MPa at 400 obtained from the prism compressive test, decreased
and 800 °C, with a net drop of 27 and 72 %. Similarly, continuously with Tm for both concrete strengths.
for C80, the residual compressive strength (fp) Each point in Fig. 8 is the average value of at least
decreased from 55.28 MPa at room temperature to three concrete prisms. The micro cracks, dehydration,
54.86 MPa at 200 °C, with a decrease of only and decomposition of the cement matrix and aggregate
0.42 MPa. Afterwards, it decreased continuously to induced by high temperatures reduced the concrete
41.49 and 16.05 MPa at 400 and 800 °C, with a net stiffness. Young’s modulus E of C100 at all temper-
drop of 25 and 71 %. The evolution of the compressive atures was higher than that of C80 because of the
strength of the concrete prism fits with the previous increased strength. For C100, E decreased from 55.20
research dealing with the post-fire high-strength/ GPa at room temperature to 49.66 GPa at 200 °C,
high-performance concrete [3, 4, 6, 7, 25, 29, 34]. 24.25 GPa at 400 °C, and finally 3.78 GPa at 800 °C,
4526 Materials and Structures (2016) 49:4517–4532

0.02 0.02

0.01 0.01

u /mm
u /mm

0 0

-0.01 -0.01

-0.02 -0.02
-20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20
Y/mm Y/mm
(a) (b)

0.02 0.30

0.01 0.20
u /mm

0 0.10

u /mm
-0.01 0.00

-0.02 -0.10

-0.03 -0.20
-20 -10 0 10 20 20 -10 0 10 20
Y/mm Y/mm
(c) (d)
Fig. 11 Displacements at the computational points along line of the peak load in the pre-peak region. c At P3 corresponding to
LR at four loading stages. a At P1 corresponding to 28 % of the the peak load. d At P4 corresponding to 18 % of the peak load in
peak load in the pre-peak region. b At P2 corresponding to 82 % the post-peak region

with a significant loss of 51.42 GPa, or 93 % of the to cracks at either the macro- or micro-scale caused by
initial value. For C80, E decreased from 49.35 GPa at high temperatures [17].
room temperature to 41.70 GPa at 200 °C, 19.00 GPa Young’s modulus can also be determined from the
at 400 °C, and finally 2.78 GPa at 800 °C, with a initial slope load-deflection P–d curve for a three-
significant loss of 46.57 GPa, or 94 % of the initial point bending beam [30] and was calculated by the
value. The variation of the compressive Young’s following equation:
modulus is consistent with the previous study [4].
Similar to the splitting tensile strength, the loss in 6Sa0 24a0
Young’s modulus with temperature is considerably E¼ V ð a0 Þ ¼ V ð a0 Þ ð1Þ
Ci bh2 Ci bh
more serious than the compressive strength. The
reason is that the Young’s modulus is more sensitive For Sh ¼ 4,
Materials and Structures (2016) 49:4517–4532 4527

100 one increased from 1.28 at room temperature to 3.02 at

90 C100 Average
800 °C, while for C80, the ratio increased from 1.28 at
80 room temperature to 2.04 at 800 °C. The thermal
C80 Average
damage induced by the high temperature greatly
reduced the stiffness of concrete because of the full
f p /MPa

development of micro cracks. When the specimen is

50 exposed to tensile stress, the micro cracks become
40 wider. In contrast, when subjected to the compressive
30 stress, the micro cracks would be close and the fine and
20 coarse aggregates between the cracks would help to
transfer the compressive stress and recover the com-
pressive modulus. Hence, the tensile Young’s modu-
0 200 400 600 800 lus suffers more seriously from thermal damage than
T /°C the compressive Young’s modulus.
For high-strength concrete and for concrete (normal
Fig. 12 Compressive strength of C100 and C80 with Tm
and high strength) [31] subjected to high temperature,
it is more reasonable to use the load-CMOD curve to
7 calculate Young’s modulus instead of the compressive
C100 Average
test because of the different stress state between the
6 C80 Average TPB test and compressive test.
Splitting Stress/MPa

4 4.5 Fracture energy

3 The fracture energy, GF, defined as the total energy

dissipated over a unit area of the cracked ligament, is
obtained on the basis of the work done by the force and
1 the self-weight. The fracture energy GF is calculated
based on the following equation [27]:
0 200 400 600 800
Z d0 .
T /°C GF ¼ PðdÞdd þ mgd0 Alig ð3Þ

Fig. 13 Splitting strength of C100 and C80 with Tm where GF is the fracture energy (J/m2), m = m1 ? m2
(kg), m1 = Ms/l (weight of the beam between the
V ða0 Þ ¼ 0:76  2:28a0 þ 3:87a20  2:04a30 support, calculated as the beam weight multiplied by s/
0:66 l), M is the mass of the specimen, m2 is the weight of
þ ð2Þ the part of the loading arrangement that is not attached
ð 1  a0 Þ 2
to the machine but follows the beam until failure,
where S is the span of specimen, and h and b are the s = span, L = length of the specimen, g = 9.81 m/s2,
depth and width of the beam, respectively. a0 is the d0 is the mid-span deflection of the specimens at
depth of the notch, a0 = (a0 ? h0)/(h ? h0), and h0 is failure (m), Alig is the area of the ligament (m2), d is the
the thickness of the clip gauge holder. In this mid-span deflection (m), and P is the load (N).
experiment, the slope was obtained by the linear Figure 15 shows the residual fracture energy GF of
regression of the P-CMOD curve when the load the concrete specimens. Each point in Fig. 15 is the
achieved 20 % of the maximum load. The calculated average value of at least four beams. As an energy
values are shown in Fig. 14. index, the fracture energy decreased more gently than
The testing values of Young’s modulus at all the strength value (compressive and splitting strength)
temperatures are higher than the calculated values. For with temperature because of the increase of deflection
C100, the ratio of the testing value to the calculated of post-fire TPB beams. For C100, GF decreased from
4528 Materials and Structures (2016) 49:4517–4532

6.0 6.0
C100 Testing C80 Testing

5.0 C100 Calculated 5.0 C80 Calculated

4.0 4.0

E /× 10 MPa
E /× 10 MPa


3.0 3.0

2.0 2.0

1.0 1.0

0.0 0.0
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
T /°C T /°C

Fig. 14 Young’s modulus obtained from the compressive test and calculated from the load-CMOD curve

400 400

350 350

300 300

250 250
G F /N·M
G F /N·M

200 200

150 150

100 100
Fracture energy of C100 Fracture energy of C80
50 50

0 0
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
T /°C T /°C

Fig. 15 Fracture energy of C100 and C80 with Tm

362.2 to 306.67 J/m2 at 200 °C, 276.18 J/m2 at strength helped to increase GF, the crack path of C80
600 °C, and 232.41 J/m2 at 800 °C with only a 36 % was more tortuous than that of C100, which induced
decrease (compared to the 61 and 68 % decrease of higher energy dissipation. This phenomenon could
compressive and splitting strength at 800 °C). For also explain the gentle decrease of GF with
C80, GF decreased from 344.68 to 290.38 J/m2 at temperature.
200 °C, 263.16 J/m2 at 600 °C, and 225.30 J/m2 at The normal-strength concrete holds an increase-
800 °C with a 35 % decrease. In high-strength/high- decrease tendency of GF with temperature with an
performance concrete, the fracture energy generally inflection point at approximately 400 °C [2, 21, 35].
tends to remain constant with the temperature or to The more tortuous cracking path and less severe
increase (even by 20–30 %, see [4, 34] up to strength loss resulted in a higher GF. As mentioned in
400–450 °C. The fracture energy of C100 and C80 Sect. 3, for high-strength/high-performance concrete,
are very close at all temperatures. Although high the bond of the grains with the cement paste was still
Materials and Structures (2016) 49:4517–4532 4529

400 400

350 350

300 300



G F /N·M
G F /N·M

200 200 G F = 120.43f p
R = 0.6777
150 150
G F = 68.595f c
100 2 100
R = 0.724
50 50

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
fc /MPa fp /MPa

Fig. 16 Relationship between fracture energy and compressive strength (left cube compressive strength; right prism compressive

higher at 400 °C, which caused the grains to crack in thickness. f (a) is the function of the deformability of
numerous sites, inducing a much flatter crack surface the TPB specimen; similarly, f(a0) for Kini and f(ac) for
for high-strength concrete. Kun, and they are determined as follows [30]:
Figure 16 shows the relationship between fracture  
energy and compressive strength, including concrete 1:99  a0 ð1  a0 Þ 2:15  3:93a0 þ 2:7a20
f ða0 Þ ¼ ;
cube and prism compressive strength. From the ð1 þ 2a0 Þð1  a0 Þ3=2
experimental point, it is more convenient to conduct a0
a0 ¼ ð5Þ
the compressive test than the TPB test. Hence, it is h
necessary to establish the relationship between these  
1:99  ac ð1  ac Þ 2:15  3:93ac þ 2:7a2c
parameters. The results show that the residual fracture f ðac Þ ¼ ;
energy decreased with the fall of the concrete strength ð1 þ 2ac Þð1  ac Þ3=2
in a power index because of the thermal damage ac
ac ¼ ð6Þ
induced by the temperature. h
a0 is the initial notch depth of the test specimens; ac
4.6 Fracture toughness is the critical notch depth of the test specimens
according to the literature [30]:
Toughness commonly characterizes the capacity of a  1=2
material to resist deformation and fracture, making 2 bECMODc
ac ¼ ðh þ h0 Þ arctan  0:1135
toughness a synthetic property. A lower toughness is p 32:6Pu
commonly understood to be the tendency for a  h0 ð7Þ
material to fracture abruptly before significant irre-
versible deformation occurs. The initial fracture where E is the Young’s modulus obtained from the
toughness Kini and unstable fracture toughness Kun slope of the P-CMOD curve; h0 is the thickness of the
are calculated with the following equation [30]: clip gauge holder; CMODc is the critical crack mouth
opening displacement, and Pu is the peak load.
3PS pffiffiffi Figure 17 shows the evolution of fracture tough-
K¼ af ðaÞ ð4Þ
2bd2 ness with the temperature of C100. Both fracture
where P is the vertical load, Pini for Kini and Pu for Kun; toughnesses decreased linearly with Tm, fitting with
d is the specimen depth, and b is the specimen the previous findings [14, 37]. Higher temperatures
4530 Materials and Structures (2016) 49:4517–4532

2.5 the concrete brittleness, including energy-based,

C100 Unstable fracture toughness
C80 Unstable fracture toughness deformation-based, and complex parameters. Within
C100 Initial fracture toughness an elastic-brittle approach, Hillerborg et al. [16]
C80 Initial fracture toughness proposed the characteristic length lch as a brittleness
K ini , K un /MPa·m

lch ¼ ð8Þ
where the material properties E, GF, and ft are the
functions of temperature. E is Young’s modulus; ft is
the splitting tensile strength. Because lch includes a
combination of energy, stiffness, and strength param-
0.0 eters, it is regarded as a synthetic brittleness param-
0 200 400 600 800
T /°C eter. The larger the value of lch is, the less brittle (or
tougher) the concrete.
Fig. 17 Fracture toughness of C80 and C100 with Tm Figure 18 shows that lch decreased linearly with Tm.
For C80, the characteristic length lch continuously
induced more thermal damage and micro-cracks in the decreased from 448 mm at room temperature to
concrete; hence, it was much easier for the specimens 370 mm at 400 °C, and 91 mm at 800 °C, with a
to fracture. The initial fracture toughness continuously significant loss of 357 mm or 80 %. While for C100,
decreased from 0.83 MPa m1/2 at room temperature to the characteristic length lch decreased from 860 mm at
0.79 MPa m1/2 at 200 °C, 0.47 MPa m1/2 at 400 °C, room temperature to 411 mm at 400 °C, and 136 mm
and finally 0.10 MPa m1/2 at 600 °C, with a significant at 800 °C, with a significant loss of 724 mm or 84 %.
loss of 0.69 MPa m1/2 or 88 %. The unstable fracture The characteristic length of C80 was higher than C100
toughness decreased from 2.18 MPa m1/2 at room at all temperatures, which meant that the concrete
temperature to 1.25 MPa m1/2 at 400 °C, and brittleness increased with concrete strength.
0.39 MPa m1/2 at 800 °C, with a significant loss of
1.79 MPa m1/2 or 82 %.
The evolution of fracture toughness with a temper- 5 Discussion
ature of C80 is similar to that with C100. The initial
fracture toughness continuously decreased from The mainly new contribution of this article is to utilize
0.74 MPa m1/2 at room temperature to 0.45 MPa m1/ the DIC method to monitor the whole fracture process
at 400 °C, and 0.06 MPa m1/2 at 800 °C, with a
significant loss of 0.68 MPa m1/2 or 92 %. The unsta- 1,000
ble fracture toughness decreased from 1.71 MPa m1/2
C80 Characteristic length
at room temperature to 0.37 MPa m1/2 at 800 °C, with
800 C100 Characteristic length
a significant loss of 1.34 MPa m1/2 or 78 %.
Figure 17 shows that the initial and unstable frac-
ture toughness increased with concrete strength. 600
l ch /mm

However, with increasing temperatures, the fracture

toughness (Kun and Kini) of C100 and C80 got closer 400
because of the fierce thermal damage.
4.7 Concrete brittleness

Brittleness is commonly understood to be the tendency 0

0 200 400 600 800
for a material or structure to fracture abruptly before
T /°C
significant irreversible deformation occurs. Different
brittleness or toughness parameters are used to assess Fig. 18 Characteristic length of C100 and C80 with Tm
Materials and Structures (2016) 49:4517–4532 4531

of post-fire high-strength concrete. The accuracy of higher than the calculated values because of the
this method was first proved using the comparison of heat-induced micro- and macro-cracks, as well
load-deflection curves obtained by the displacement as the different stress states in uniaxial com-
gauges and DIC measurement. Then, by giving the pression and three-point bending. In the TPB
information on crack-tip opening displacement, digital test, using the calculated Young’s modulus
image correlation provides, therefore, another way to from the load–CMOD curve instead of that from
determine the first-cracking load. The fracture process the compressive test is suggested.
including the fracture zone and full fracture length (4) The fracture energy of C100 and C80 decreased
could be further analyzed. slightly with high temperature. The initial
On the other hand, the tensile/flexural Young’s fracture toughness and unstable fracture tough-
modulus was found to be different from the compres- ness decreased monotonically with high tem-
sive Young’s modulus for post-fire high-strength perature, while increasing with the concrete
concrete because of the existence of temperature- strength.
induced micro cracks and the different stress states. (5) The characteristic length of both concretes
Adopting the tensile Young’s modulus in the fracture decreased linearly with the temperature, which
analysis is suggested. meant a decrease of brittleness with tempera-
ture. The characteristic length of C80 was larger
than the value of C100 at all temperatures,
6 Conclusions which meant that the concrete brittleness
increased with the compressive strength.
The effect of temperature on the residual fracture
properties of high-strength/high-performance con- Acknowledgments The authors are grateful for the financial
crete of C100 and C80, including the strength support received from the Natural Science Fund of China
parameters (cube and prism compressive strength, (project nos. 51478362 and 51378397).
splitting strength), stiffness parameter (compressive
Young’s modulus), fracture parameters including the
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