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The product can be further reduced

chemically to yield separate or

E.g. the reduction of Uranium (VI) multi-component insoluble species
to insoluble Uranium (IV), made by
Shewanella putrefaciens, Desulfovibrio
vulgaris, Desulfovibrio desulfuricans
and Geobacter sulfurreducens. The iron Fe(III) can be bioreduced
into Fe(II) and S(VI) into S(II)
(hydrogen sulfide, H2S).

Change of radionuclides of a higher

oxidation state to a lower one made by E.g. Adsorption
facultative and obligate anaerobes using The oxidation of organic compounds or
hydrogen are coupled to the reduction of iron of radionuclide
acetate/lactate as electron donors U(VI) by the brown
Fe(III) or sulfur S(IV) in the form of sulfate.
marine alga
Cystoseira indica

Sequestration of
Direct Indirect
positively charged metal ions
to the negatively charged cell
membranes and
polysaccharides secreted on the
outer surfaces of bacteria
Microorganisms generate Enzym atic through slime and capsule
biofilms to bind significant Bioreduction formation. Microbes
Biosorption biosorb or E.g. Pu and Am was
quantities of metallic ions, taken up by tresh-water
which can serve as a platform Microorganisms can bacterium Aeromonas
Th, U, Np, Pu
for the precipitation of interact with metal ions hydrophila
and Am.
insoluble minerals. and immobilize them to

Biom ineralisation Bioaccumulation is an active

Bioaccum ulation
process wherein metals are taken
up into living cells and sequestered
Bacterial intracellularly by complexation with
strategies for natural specific metal-binding components
attenuation of radioactive or by precipitation.

Bioremediation of
Radioactive waste /
E.g. Nitrate is
used as a nutrient to
It is the deliberated addition of biostimulate the
exogenous microbial populations with
reduction of
desired traits to accelerate bacterial Addition of nutrients with
Man-made Uranium
metabolic conversion of radioactive trace elements, electron
waste. strategies donors or electron acceptors to
stimulate activity and growth of
natural indigenous microbial
Biostim ulation communities.
Bioaugm ent ation

'- O m ics'- im plem ented

biorem ediation

Potential genes and proteins involved in

the metabolism of radionuclides are identified
and studied via advanced genomics and
proteomics techniques

This allows the expression of

required proteins and enzymes of
interest into radionuclide-resistant
organisms for bioremediation. -BY MAHITA R SAINI
ROLL NO. 4420

1. Bioremediation: a genuine technology to remediate radionuclides from the
environment, NCBI
2. Biotransformation of uranium and other actinides in radioactive wastes, A.J.

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