BSC 1st Sem Courses

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(Hons) Physics

Course Specifications: Mechanics

Course Title Mechanics

Course Code 18MPC101A
Course Type Core Theory Course
Department Physics
Faculty Mathematical and Physical Sciences

I. Course Summary

The aim of this course is to enable the students to understand and apply the concepts of
Newtonian mechanics.

The students are taught the fundamentals of one- and two-dimensional kinematics,
gravitation, elasticity, viscous flow, diffusion, surface tension and special theory of relativity.
The course deals with analytical expressions for simple geometries and solve numerical
problems related to these concepts.

2. Course Size and Credits:

Number of credits 4
Credit Structure (Lecture: Tutorial: Practical) 3:1:0
Total hours of interaction 60
Number of Weeks in a Semester 15
Department responsible Physics
Total Course Marks 100
Pass requirement As per the Academic Regulations
Attendance requirement As per the Academic Regulations

3. Course Objectives (CO)

After the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

CO - 1 Explain the basic concepts in units and dimensions, laws of motion, rigid body
dynamics, gravitation and elasticity.

CO - 2 Explain the concepts in fluid mechanics and special theory of relativity.

CO - 3 Formulate the relevant expressions in laws of motions, rigid body dynamics,
gravitation, elasticity, fluid mechanics and special theory of relativity
CO - 4 Solve problems in laws of motions, rigid body dynamics, gravitation, elasticity, fluid
mechanics and special theory of relativity.
CO - 5 Apply the concepts of laws of motions, rigid body dynamics, gravitation, elasticity,
fluid mechanics and special theory of relativity to understand the real life physical

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. (Hons) Physics

4. Course Contents

Units and dimensions:

Fundamental and derived units---Principal systems of units—Dimensions—Formulation of
equations by dimensional analysis—Limitations of dimensional analysis
Vectors--Vector addition—Scalar product and vector product—Vector derivatives—Velocity and
acceleration in linear and circular motion
Laws of motion--Newton’s Laws—Projectiles- Centre of Mass--Conservation of momentum --
Work and energy—Conservation of energy and momentum—Elastic and inelastic collisions–
Rocket propulsion

Rigid body Dynamics:

Moment of inertia—Torque—Parallel and perpendicular axes theorems—Derivation of
expressions for moment of inertia of a rectangular plate, circular disc, cylinder and sphere about
different axes of rotation—Experimental methods for determining moment of inertia of a
Flywheel—Kinetic energy of rotation
Static friction—Sliding friction—Rolling friction-- Acceleration of a body rolling down on an
inclined plane

Newton’s law of gravitation—Gravitational field and potential at a point (i) inside and outside a
spherical shell (ii) a hollow sphere and (iii) a solid sphere

Motion of a particle in a central force field----Kepler’s Laws--Satellite in circular orbit and

applications--Geosynchronous orbits-- Basic idea of global positioning system (GPS).

Special theory of relativity:

Frames of reference and Galilean transformations—Lorentz transformations—Length
contraction—time dilation—Twin paradox-Relativistic momentum and energy—Equivalence of
mass-energy –Stellar energy reactions—Particles with zero rest mass—Radiation pressure

stress, strain and Hooke’s law—equivalence of a shear to compression and extension at right
angles to each other--Formulation of relations between elastic constants from deformation of a
cube-Poisson’s ratio—Relationship between elastic constants-Twisting couple on a cylinder —
bending of beams—bending moment(derivation)--Analysis of a (i)beam loaded at one end and
(ii) a beam loaded uniformly—Experimental determination of elastic moduli

Fluid mechanics:
Rate of flow —lines and tubes of flow—Streamline and turbulent flow— Bernoulli’s theorem and
its applications-Reynold’s number- viscosity —Derivation of Poiseuille’s equation –Experimental
determination of viscosity of a liquid
Surface tension—capillary rise, Diffusion—Fick’s law—Graham’s law for diffusion of gases

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. (Hons) Physics

5. Course Map (CO-PO-PSO Map)

Programme Outcomes (POs) Programme Specific

Outcomes (PSOs)
PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO-5 PO-6 PO-7 PO-8 PO-9 PO-10 PSO-1 PSO-2 PSO-3
CO-1 3 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 2
CO-2 3 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 2
CO-3 2 2 3 2 1 3 2
CO-4 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1
CO-5 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
3: Very Strong Contribution, 2: Strong Contribution, 1: Moderate Contribution

6. Course Teaching and Learning Methods

Teaching and Learning Methods Duration in Total Duration in
hours Hours
Face to Face Lectures 42
1. Demonstration using Videos 1
2. Demonstration using Physical 03
3. Demonstration on a Computer 2
1. Solving Numerical Problems 15
Practical Work
1. Course Laboratory
2. Computer Laboratory
3. Engineering Workshop/Course
4. Clinical Laboratory
5. Hospital
6. Model Studio
1. Case Study Presentation
2. Guest Lecture
3. Industry/Field Visit
4. Brain Storming Sessions
5. Group Discussions
6. Discussing Possible Innovations
Term Tests and Written Examination 10
Total Duration in Hours 70

7. Course Assessment and Reassessment

The details of the components and subcomponents of course assessment is presented in the
Programme Specifications document pertaining to the B.Sc. Programmes. The procedure to
determine the final course marks is also presented in the Programme Specifications document.

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. (Hons) Physics

The evaluation questions are set to measure the attainment of the COs. In either component
(CE or SEE) or subcomponent of CE (SC1, SC2, SC3 or SC4), COs are assessed as illustrated in the
following Table.

Focus of COs on each Component or Subcomponent of Evaluation

Component 1: CE (50% Weightage) Component 2: SEE
Subcomponent  SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 (50% Weightage)
Subcomponent Type
Term Test Term Test Assignment Assignment
 100 Marks
Maximum Marks  25 25 25 25
CO-1   
CO-2   
CO-3     
CO-4   
CO-5     
The details of SC1, SC2, SC3 or SC4 are presented in the Programme Specifications Document.

The Course Leader assigned to the course, in consultation with the Head of the Department,
shall provide the focus of COs in each component of assessment in the above template at the
beginning of the semester.

Course reassessment policies are presented in the Academic Regulations document.

8 Achieving COs
The following skills are directly or indirectly imparted to the students in the following
teaching and learning methods:

S. No Curriculum and Capabilities Skills How imparted during the course

1. Knowledge Classroom lectures
2. Understanding Class room lectures,
3. Critical Skills Assignment
4. Analytical Skills Class room, assignment
5. Problem Solving Skills Class room, assignment
6. Practical Skills Class room, assignment
7. Group Work Classroom
8. Self-Learning Assignment
9. Written Communication Skills Assignment, examination
10. Verbal Communication Skills --
11. Presentation Skills --
12. Behavioral Skills Course work
13. Information Management Assignment, examination
14. Personal Management Assignment, examination
15. Leadership Skills --

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. (Hons) Physics

9. Course Resources

a. Essential Reading
1. Class notes
2. Kittel, C., Knight, W. D. and Ruderman, M. A., (2008) Berkeley Physics Course:
Mechanics, University of Michigan: Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company limited.
3. Daniel Kleppner, Robert Kolenkow, (2013) An Introduction to Mechanics, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
4. Mathur, D.S. and Hemne, P.S. (2012) Mechanics, New Delhi: S. Chand& Company
b. Recommended Reading
1. David Halliday, Robert Resnick and Jearl Walker, (2013) Fundamentals of Physics, New
York: John Wiley & Sons.
2. French A. P., (2003) Newtonian Mechanics, New Delhi: Viva Books Private Limited.

c. Magazines and Journals

d. Websites

e. Other Electronic Resources


10. Course Organization

Course Code 18MPC101A

Course Title Mechanics
Course Leader/s Name As per time table
Phone: 080 4906 5555
Course Leader Contact Details
Course Specifications Approval Date 14 June 2018
Next Course Specifications Review June 2021

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. Hons (Physics)

Course Specifications: Chemistry-I

Course Title Chemistry-I

Course Code 18MPC102A
Course Type Core Theory Course
Department Chemistry
Faculty Mathematical and Physical Sciences

1. Course Summary

The aim of this course is to introduce students to fundamentals and basic applications of certain
aspects of Chemistry.
Students are taught the basic concepts of chemistry, periodic properties and principles of
thermodynamics. They are also taught about the properties of liquids and chemistry of Chemistry of
alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, cycloalkanes and aromatic hydrocarbons.

2. Course Size and Credits:

Number of Credits 04
Credit Structure (Lecture: Tutorial: Practical) 3:1:0
Total Hours of Interaction 60
Number of Weeks in a Semester 15
Department Responsible Chemistry
Total Course Marks 100
Pass Criterion As per the Academic Regulations
Attendance Requirement As per the Academic Regulations

3. Course Outcomes (COs)

After undergoing this course students will be able to:

CO 1. Describe the properties of liquids, nature of matter and periodic properties of some of
CO 2. Explain the basic concepts of orbitals based on rules for filling up of electrons in orbitals,
thermodynamics, qualitative and quantitative analysis, chemistry of aliphatic and aromatic
CO 3. Identify the factors affecting properties of liquids, alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, cycloalkanes
and aromatic hydrocarbons, limitations of first law of thermodynamics and surface tension
CO 4. Relate the temperature dependence of the change in internal energy of a reaction to the
difference in isochoric heat capabilities of reactions to temperature, properties of
beryllium and aluminium
CO 5. Determine the electronegativity of atoms, surface tension of liquids and assess the stability
of orbitals

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. Hons (Physics)

4. Course Contents
Basic Concepts of Chemistry:
Nature of matter - Dalton’s atomic theory, elements, atoms, molecules, concepts of concentration
(molarity, normality, molality, percentage composition), Concept of orbitals, quantum numbers,
shapes of s, p and d orbitals, rules for filling electrons in orbitals - Aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion
principle and Hund’s rule, electronic configuration of atoms, stability of half-filled and completely
filled orbitals.

Periodic Properties:
Modern periodic table with respect to classification of elements based on outer electronic
configuration. Periodic properties: Atomic and ionic radii, ionization energy, electron affinity and
electronegativity. Effective nuclear charge, shielding or screening effect, Trends in the periodic
properties. Determination of electronegativity by Pauling’s method, diagonal relationship between
Beryllium and Aluminium.

First law of Thermodynamics, Work done in isothermal and adiabatic expansion and compression of
an ideal gas. Heat capacity of a gas at constant pressure and constant volume: Relation between P, V
and T in an adiabatic process. Derivation of Kirchhoff’s equation, numerical. Spontaneous and non-
spontaneous processes. Limitations of first law of thermodynamics with illustrations. Second law of
thermodynamics, Concept of entropy and its physical significance-illustrations with order, disorder,
physical and chemical processes and probability.

Properties of Liquids:
Parachor-mathematical expression, numerical problems and factors affecting them. Viscosity-
mathematical expression, Coefficient of viscosity, Factors affecting coefficient of viscosity. Surface
Tension- mathematical expression, effect of temperature and solute on it.

Organic Chemistry:
General introduction, methods of purification, qualitative and quantitative analysis, classification
Chemistry of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, cycloalkanes and aromatic hydrocarbons:
IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds, Sources, preparations, physical properties and chemical
reactions of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and cycloalkanes, Wurtz reaction, Kolbe’s synthesis and use of
Grignard reagent. Aromatic Hydrocarbons - Sources, preparations, physical properties and chemical
reactions; Electrophilic substitution - nitration, halogenation and sulfonation. Friedel-Craft’s reaction,
Side chain oxidation of alkyl benzenes.

5. Course Map (CO-PO-PSO Map)

Programme Specific
Programme Outcomes (POs)
Outcomes (PSOs)
PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO-5 PO-6 PO-7 PO-8 PO-9 PO-10 PSO-1 PSO-2 PSO-3
CO-1 3 3
CO-2 2 2
CO-3 3 3
CO-4 3 3
CO-5 2 2
3: Very Strong Contribution, 2: Strong Contribution, 1: Moderate Contribution

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. Hons (Physics)

6. Course Teaching and Learning Methods

Total Duration
Teaching and Learning Methods Duration in hours
in Hours
Face to Face Lectures 45
1.Demonstration using Videos 00
2. Demonstration using Physical Models / Systems 00
3. Demonstration on a Computer 00
1. Solving Numerical Problems 15
Practical Work
1. Course Laboratory 00
2. Computer Laboratory 00
3. Engineering Workshop / Course/Workshop /
00 00
4. Clinical Laboratory 00
5. Hospital 00
6. Model Studio 00
1. Case Study Presentation 00
2. Guest Lecture 00
3. Industry / Field Visit 00 00
4. Brain Storming Sessions 00
5. Group Discussions 00
6. Discussing Possible Innovations 00
Term Tests, Laboratory Examination/Written Examination, Presentations 10
Total Duration in Hours 70
7. Course Assessment and Reassessment
The details of the components and subcomponents of course assessment are presented in the
Programme Specifications document pertaining to the B.Sc. Hons (Physics) Programme. The
procedure to determine the final course marks is also presented in the Programme
Specifications document.
The evaluation questions are set to measure the attainment of the COs. In either component (CE
or SEE) or subcomponent of CE (SC1, SC2, SC3 or SC4), COs are assessed as illustrated in the
following Table.
Focus of COs on each Component or Subcomponent of Evaluation
Component 1: CE (50% Weightage) Component
2: SEE (50%
Subcomponent SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4
Subcomponent Type  Term Test Term Test Assignment Assignment
100 Marks
Maximum Marks 25 25 25 25
CO-1   
CO-2   
CO-3   
CO-4   
CO-5   
The details of SC1, SC2, SC3 or SC4 are presented in the Programme Specifications Document.

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. Hons (Physics)

The Course Leader assigned to the course, in consultation with the Head of the Department, shall
provide the focus of COs in each component of assessment in the above template at the
beginning of the semester.

Course reassessment policies are presented in the Academic Regulations document.

8. Achieving COs
The following skills are directly or indirectly imparted to the students in the following
teaching and learning methods:

S. No Curriculum and Capabilities Skills How imparted during the course

1. Knowledge Classroom lectures
2. Understanding Classroom lectures, Self-study
3. Critical Skills Assignment
4. Analytical Skills Assignment
5. Problem Solving Skills Assignment, Examination
6. Practical Skills Assignment
7. Group Work --
8. Self-Learning Self-study
9. Written Communication Skills Assignment, Examination
10. Verbal Communication Skills --
11. Presentation Skills --
12. Behavioral Skills --
13. Information Management Assignment
14. Personal Management --
15. Leadership Skills --

9. Course Resources

a. Essential Reading
1. Class notes
2. Gurudeep Raj, (2014) Advanced Physical Chemistry. 4th Edn. Meerut – UP: Krishna
Prakashan Media Pvt. Ltd.
3. Lee J.D., (2008) Concise Inorganic Chemistry. 5th Edition, New Delhi: Oxford
University Press.
4. Bahl, B. S and Arun Bahl, (2014) Advanced Organic Chemistry. 7th Edition. Bangalore:
S. Chand & Company Ltd.

b. Recommended Reading
1. P. Atkins, P. J. De, (2006) Atkin’s Physical Chemistry. 6th Edn. Noida-UP, Oxford
University Press.
2. Shriver and Atkins, (2006) Inorganic Chemistry. New York: WH Freeman and
3. Smith, M. B., (2013) March Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanism,
and Structure. 7th Edn. New Jersey – USA: Wiley

c. Other Electronic Resources


Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. Hons (Physics)

10. Course Organization

Course Code 18MPC102A

Course Title Chemistry-I
Course Leader’s Name As per Timetable
Phone: +91-804-906-5555
Course Leader’s Contact Details
Course Specifications Approval Date 14 June 2018
Next Course Specifications Review Date June 2021

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B. Sc. Hons (Physics)

Course Specifications: Calculus I

Course Title Calculus I

Course Code 18MPC103A
Course Type Core Theory Course
Department Mathematics and Statistics
Faculty Mathematical and Physical Sciences

1. Course Summary

The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of differential and integral calculus of
multivariate functions. The course introduces students to the basic concepts in limits, continuity
and differentiability of functions of multiple variables. Students are taught the concepts of series
expansion for functions of one and two variables, fundamental theorem of calculus, applications of
integration, improper integrals.

2. Course Size and Credits:

Number of Credits 04
Credit Structure (Lecture: Tutorial: Practical) 3:1:0
Total Hours of Interaction 60
Number of Weeks in a Semester 15
Department Responsible Mathematics and Statistics
Total Course Marks 100
Pass Criterion As per the Academic Regulations
Attendance Requirement As per the Academic Regulations

3. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the successful completion of this course, the studentwill be able to:

CO-1. Explain the principles of differential and integral calculus of multivariate functions
CO-2. State and prove important theorems such as Rolle’s theorem, Lagrange and Cauchy mean
value theorem, Taylor’s theorem and Euler’s theorem
CO-3. Solve simple mathematical problems associated with differential and integral calculus of
multivariate functions
CO-4. Apply differential and integral calculus to model real world problems
CO-5. Solve complex real world problems associated with differential and integral calculus of
multivariate functions

4. Course Contents

Limits and Derivatives: Functions of single real variable- limit, continuity and differentiation, and
their applications. Rolle’s Theorem, Lagrange and Cauchy mean value theorems with proofs and their

Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Sciences

B. Sc. Hons (Physics)

applications. Indeterminate forms and L’Hospital’s rule. Taylor’s theorem, Taylor and Maclaurin

Integrals: Definite Integrals as Riemann sum, fundamental theorem of calculus, indefinite integrals,
mean value theorem for integration. Applications of integration- arc length and area of surface of
revolution. Improper integrals- classification and convergence. Gamma and beta functions.

Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates: Parametric equations, polar coordinates, polar curves,
tangent to polar curves, area and lengths in polar coordinates.

Partial Derivatives: Functions of two variables - limits, continuity and partial differentiation. Total
differential, errors and approximations, tangent plane approximation of a surface. Chain rule for
partial differentiation of composite and implicit functions. Homogeneous functions and Euler’s
theorem. Taylor’s theorem and Taylor’s series. Unconstrained extrema and constrained extrema -
Lagrange multipliers.

5. Course Map (CO-PO-PSO Map)

Programme Specific
Programme Outcomes (POs)
Outcomes (PSOs)
PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO-5 PO-6 PO-7 PO-8 PO-9 PO-10 PSO-1 PSO-2 PSO-3
CO-1 3 2 3
CO-2 3 2 3
CO-3 3 2 3 3
CO-4 3 2 1 1 1 3 3 1
CO-5 3 2 3 1 1 1 3 1

6. Course Teaching and Learning Methods

Total Duration
Teaching and Learning Methods Duration in hours
in Hours
Face to Face Lectures 45
1.Demonstration using Videos 00
2. Demonstration using Physical Models / Systems 00
3. Demonstration on a Computer 00
1. Solving Numerical Problems 15
Practical Work
1. Course Laboratory 00
2. Computer Laboratory 00
3. Engineering Workshop / Course/Workshop /
00 00
4. Clinical Laboratory 00
5. Hospital 00
6. Model Studio 00

Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Sciences

B. Sc. Hons (Physics)

1. Case Study Presentation 00
2. Guest Lecture 00
3. Industry / Field Visit 00 00
4. Brain Storming Sessions 00
5. Group Discussions 00
6. Discussing Possible Innovations 00
Term Tests, Laboratory Examination/Written Examination, Presentations 10
Total Duration in Hours 70

7. Course Assessment and Reassessment

The details of the components and subcomponents of course assessment are presented in the
Programme Specifications document pertaining to the B. Sc. (Hons.) Programme. The procedure to
determine the final course marks is also presented in the Programme Specifications document.
The evaluation questions are set to measure the attainment of the COs. In either component (CE or
SEE) or subcomponent of CE (SC1, SC2, SC3 or SC4), COs are assessed as illustrated in the following

Focus of COs on each Component or Subcomponent of Evaluation

Component 1: CE (50% Weightage) Component 2:
SEE (50%
Subcomponent SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4
Subcomponent Type  Term Test Term Test Assignment Assignment
100 Marks
Maximum Marks 25 25 25 25
CO-1   
CO-2   
CO-3   
CO-4   
CO-5   
The details of SC1, SC2, SC3 or SC4 are presented in the Programme Specifications Document.

The Course Leader assigned to the course, in consultation with the Head of the Department, shall
provide the focus of COs in each component of assessment in the above template at the beginning
of the semester.
Course reassessment policies are presented in the Academic Regulations document.

Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Sciences

B. Sc. Hons (Physics)

8. Achieving COs
The following skills are directly or indirectly imparted to the students in the following teaching
and learning methods:

S. No Curriculum and Capabilities Skills How imparted during the course

1. Knowledge Classroom lectures, tutorials,
2. Understanding Classroom lectures, tutorials,
3. Critical Skills Classroom lectures, Assignment
4. Analytical Skills Assignment
5. Problem Solving Skills Assignment, Examination
6. Practical Skills --
7. Group Work Assignment
8. Self-Learning Self-study, Assignment
9. Written Communication Skills Assignment, Examination
10. Verbal Communication Skills --
11. Presentation Skills --
12. Behavioral Skills Course work
13. Information Management Assignment, Examination
14. Personal Management Course work
15. Leadership Skills --

9. Course Resources

a. Essential Reading
1. Class notes
2. James Stewart, 2015, Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 8th Ed., Boston, Cengage
3. Maurice D. Weir and Joel Hass, 2017, Thomas Calculus, 13 th Ed., New Jersey,
b. Recommended Reading
1. Tom M. Apostol, 2007, Calculus: One-Variable Calculus with an Introduction to
Linear Algebra, Vol 1, 2nd Ed., New Delhi, Wiley.
2. Tom M. Apostol, 2007 Calculus: Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra with
Applications to Differential Equations and Probability, Vol 2, 2 nd Ed., New Delhi,
3. Michael Spivak, 2006, Calculus, 3rd Ed., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

c. Magazines and Journals

1. The College Mathematics Journal, Mathematical Association of America.

Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Sciences

B. Sc. Hons (Physics)

2. SIAM Undergraduate Research Online, Society for Industrial and Applied

3. Involve – A Journal of mathematics,
4. Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal, Rose-Hulman Institute of
d. Websites


e. Other Electronic Resources


10. Course Organization

Course Code 18MPC103A

Course Title Calculus I
Course Leader’s Name As per Timetable
Phone: +91-804-906-5555
Course Leader’s Contact Details
Course Specifications Approval Date 14 June2018
Next Course Specifications Review Date June 2021

Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Sciences

B. Sc. Hons (Physics)

Course Specifications: Introduction to Statistics and Probability

Course Title Introduction to Statistics and Probability

Course Code 18MPC104A
Course Type Core Theory
Department Mathematics and Statistics
Faculty Mathematical and Physical Sciences

1. Course Summary

The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of elementary statistics and probability. This
course teaches the students about the ideas of collecting and analyzing numerical data in large
quantities. Students are taught the concepts of center, variability of quantitative data and provide
graphical summaries of data. The concepts of correlation and linear regression are discussed. The
role of probability in quantification of randomness and importance of conditional probability is

2. Course Size and Credits:

Number of Credits 04
Credit Structure (Lecture:Tutorial:Practical) 3:1:0
Total Hours of Interaction 60
Number of Weeks in a Semester 15
Department Responsible Mathematics and Statistics
Total Course Marks 100
Pass Criterion As per the Academic Regulations
Attendance Requirement As per the Academic Regulations

3. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

CO-1. Explain the importance and significance of statistics and probability in data analysis and
in quantification of randomness
CO-2. State and prove important theorems on probability such as Bayes’ theorem and law of
Large numbers
CO-3. Solve simple problems in data analysis, contingency, correlation and probability
CO-4. Model real world problems by using statistics and probability
CO-5. Solve complex problems arising in real world involving data analysis, contingency
correlation and probability

4. Course Contents

Introduction and Descriptive Statistics: Introduction to Statistics, Sample versus Population.

Different types of data, Data representation, measuring the center and variability of
quantitative data and graphical summaries of data. Introduction to experimental and
observational studies. Data collection methods, pilot survey.

Association of Variables, Regression and Curve Fitting: Association between two attributes and
contingency table. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate data. Association between two

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B. Sc. Hons (Physics)

variables: Correlation, regression and significance of 𝑅 2 .Curvilinear regression: Polynomial,

exponential, logarithmic.

Introduction to Probability: Introduction to probability, definition of probability as

quantification of randomness. Sample space, probability of an event. Axioms of probability,
probabilities by using Venn diagram. Conditional probability, multiplication rule and Bayes’
Theorem. Applications of probability.

5. Course Map (CO-PO-PSO Map)

Programme Specific
Programme Outcomes (POs)
Outcomes (PSOs)
PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO-5 PO-6 PO-7 PO-8 PO-9 PO-10 PSO-1 PSO-2 PSO-3
CO-1 3 2 3
CO-2 3 2 3
CO-3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 3 3 1
CO-4 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 3 3 1
CO-5 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 3 3 1
3-Very Strong Contribution; 2-Medium Strong Contribution; 1-Strong Contribution

6. Course Teaching and Learning Methods

Total Duration
Teaching and Learning Methods Duration in hours
in Hours
Face to Face Lectures 45
1.Demonstration using Videos 00
2. Demonstration using Physical Models / Systems 00
3. Demonstration on a Computer 00
1. Solving Numerical Problems 15
Practical Work
1. Course Laboratory 00
2. Computer Laboratory 00
3. Engineering Workshop / Course/Workshop /
00 00
4. Clinical Laboratory 00
5. Hospital 00
6. Model Studio 00
1. Case Study Presentation 00
2. Guest Lecture 00
3. Industry / Field Visit 00 00
4. Brain Storming Sessions 00
5. Group Discussions 00
6. Discussing Possible Innovations 00
Term Tests, Laboratory Examination/Written Examination, Presentations 10
Total Duration in Hours 70

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B. Sc. Hons (Physics)

7. Course Assessment and Reassessment

The details of the components and subcomponents of course assessment are presented in the
Programme Specifications document pertaining to the B. Sc. Hons (Physics) Programme. The
procedure to determine the final course marks is also presented in the Programme
Specifications document.
The evaluation questions are set to measure the attainment of the COs. In either component (CE
or SEE) or subcomponent of CE (SC1, SC2, SC3 or SC4), COs are assessed as illustrated in the
following Table.

Focus of COs on each Component or Subcomponent of Evaluation

Component 1: CE (50% Weightage) Component
2: SEE (50%
Subcomponent SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 Weightage)
Subcomponent Type  Term Test Term Test Assignment Assignment
100 Marks
Maximum Marks 25 25 25 25
CO-1   
CO-2   
CO-3     
CO-4     
CO-5   
The details of SC1, SC2, SC3 or SC4 are presented in the Programme Specifications Document.

The Course Leader assigned to the course, in consultation with the Head of the Department, shall
provide the focus of COs in each component of assessment in the above template at the
beginning of the semester.
Course reassessment policies are presented in the Academic Regulations document.
8. Achieving COs
The following skills are directly or indirectly imparted to the students in the following
teaching and learning methods:
S. No Curriculum and Capabilities Skills How imparted during the course
1. Knowledge Classroom lectures, tutorials,
2. Understanding Classroom lectures, tutorials,
3. Critical Skills Classroom lectures, Assignment
4. Analytical Skills Assignment
5. Problem Solving Skills Assignment, Examination
6. Practical Skills --
7. Group Work Assignment
8. Self-Learning Self-study, Assignment
9. Written Communication Skills Assignment, Examination
10. Verbal Communication Skills --
11. Presentation Skills --
12. Behavioral Skills Course work
13. Information Management Assignment, Examination
14. Personal Management Course work
15. Leadership Skills --

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B. Sc. Hons (Physics)

9. Course Resources

a. Essential Reading
1. Course notes
2. Spiegel, M.R.,Schiller,J and Srinivasan, R.A., 2000,Probability and Statistics, 2nd Ed.,
New York: McGraw-Hill.
3. Rohatgi,V.K. andEhsanesSaleh,A.K.Md., 2000,An Introduction to Probability and
Statistics, 2nd Ed., New York: Wiley.
4. Larson,H.J., 1982,Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistical Inference,3rd Ed.,
California: John Wiley & Sons.
b. Recommended Reading
1. DeGroot, M.H. and Schervish, M.J., 2014,Probability and Statistics, 4th Ed., Harlow
(UK): Pearson.
2. Milton,S.and Arnold, J.C., 2006,Introduction to Probability and Statistics: principles
and applications for engineering and computing sciences, 4th edition, Delhi:
3. Gupta, S.C. and Kapoor, V.K., 2000,Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 10th
revised edition, New Delhi : S. Chand & Sons.

c. Magazines and Journals

d. Websites

e. Other Electronic Resources


10. Course Organization

Course Code 18MPC104A

Course Title Introduction to Statistics and Probability
Course Leader’s Name As per Timetable
Phone: +91-804-906-5555
Course Leader’s Contact Details
Course Specifications Approval Date 14th June 2018
Next Course Specifications Review Date June 2021

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. (Hons) Physics

Course Specifications: Mechanics Laboratory

Course Title Mechanics Laboratory

Course Code 18MPL105A
Course Type Laboratory Course
Department Physics
Faculty Mathematical and Physical Sciences

1. Course Summary

The aim of this course is to train the students to get practical experience in mechanics. Students
are trained to measure mechanical properties of matter.

This course intends to expose the students to the challenges and rewards related to experimental
physics. Students gain hands-on experience by conducting experiments in a controlled laboratory
environment. Students are trained to conduct experiments related to mechanics. They are trained
to analyze the measurements, results and infer appropriate conclusions based on fundamental
concepts of Newtonian mechanics.
2. Course Size and Credits:

Number of credits 01
Credit Structure (Lecture: Tutorial: Practical) 0:0:1
Total hours of interaction 30
Number of Weeks in a Semester 15
Department responsible Physics
Total Course Marks 50
Pass requirement As per the Academic Regulations
Attendance requirement As per the Academic Regulations

3. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
CO - 1 Setup the experimental apparatus required to achieve the stated aim.
Conduct experiments as per the standard procedures and tabulate the measured
CO - 2
CO - 3 Calculate the required parameters and plot the results
CO - 4 Interpret and draw conclusions
CO - 5 Write laboratory report asper the prescribed format

4. Course Contents
1 Errors and analysis.
2 To determine the moment of Inertia of irregular body about a given axis of rotation

3 To determine the Young’s modulus of given metal plate by Uniform Bending method.
4 To determine the moment of inertia and the mass of the Fly wheel.
5 To determine acceleration due to gravity by Bar pendulum experiment.
6 To verify parallel and perpendicular axis theorem.

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. (Hons) Physics

7 To determine acceleration due to gravity by Simple Pendulum.

8 To determine spring’s constant and mass of the spring by spring oscillations.
9 To determine the viscosity of given liquid by Stokes method.
10 To determine the viscosity of a liquid by capillary flow method.

5. Course Map (CO-PO-PSO Map)

Programme Outcomes (POs) Programme Specific

Outcomes (PSOs)
PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO-5 PO-6 PO-7 PO-8 PO-9 PO-10 PSO-1 PSO-2 PSO-3
CO-1 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 2
CO-2 2 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 1
CO-3 3 1 1 3 1 1
CO-4 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1
CO-5 1 2 1 2
3: Very Strong Contribution, 2: Strong Contribution, 1: Moderate Contribution

6. Course Teaching and Learning Methods

Duration in
Teaching a n d Learning Methods Total Duration in Hours
Face to Face Lectures
1.Demonstration using Videos
2.Demonstrationusing Physical Models / Systems 00

3.Demonstration on a Computer
1. Solving Numerical Problems
Practical Work
1. Course Laboratory 30
2. Computer Laboratory
3. Engineering Workshop / Course 30
Workshop / Kitchen
4. Clinical Laboratory
5. Hospital
6. Model Studio
1. Case Study Presentation
2. Guest Lecture
3. Industry / Field Visit 00
4. Brain Storming Sessions
5. Group Discussions
6. Discussing Possible Innovations
Term Tests, Laboratory Examination / Written Examination, 06
Presentations Total Duration in Hours 36

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. (Hons) Physics

7. Course Assessment and Reassessment

The details of the components and subcomponents of course assessment are presented in
the Programme Specifications document pertaining to the B.Sc. Programmes. The procedure
to determine the final course marks is also presented in the Programme Specifications
The evaluation questions are set to measure the attainment of the COs. In either component
(CE or SEE) or subcomponent of CE (SC1, SC2), COs are assessed as illustrated in the following

Focus of COs on each Component or Subcomponent of Evaluation

Component 2: SEE (50
Component 1: CE (50% Weightage)
% Weightage)
Subcomponent  SC1 SC2
Experiment conduction Internal Test and Viva
Subcomponent Type 
and Lab Report Voce 50 Marks
Maximum Marks  25 25
CO-1   
CO-2   
CO-3   
CO-4   
CO-5 
The details of SC1, SC2are presented in the Programme Specifications Document.
The Course Leader assigned to the course, in consultation with the Head of the Department,
shall provide the focus of COs in each component of assessment in the above template at the
beginning of the semester.
Course reassessment policies are presented in the Academic Regulations document.

8. Achieving Learning Outcomes

The following skills are directly or indirectly imparted to the students in the following
teaching and learning methods:

S. No Curriculum and Capabilities Skills How imparted during the course

1. Knowledge Laboratory instruction
2. Understanding Laboratory instructions and experiments
3. Critical Skills Laboratory work
4. Analytical Skills Laboratory work
5. Problem Solving Skills Laboratory work
6. Practical Skills Laboratory work
7. Group Work Laboratory work
8. Self-Learning Laboratory work
9. Written Communication Skills Laboratory work, examination
10. Verbal Communication Skills Laboratory examination
11. Presentation Skills --
12. Behavioral Skills Course work
13. Information Management Laboratory work
14. Personal Management Course work
15. Leadership Skills --

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. (Hons) Physics

9. Course Resources

a. Essential Reading
1. Laboratory manual.
2. Kumar, P.R.S. (2011),Practical Physics, New Delhi: Prentice Hall India Learning Private
3. Mathur, D.S. and Hemne, P.S., (2012) Mechanics, New Delhi: S.Chand & Company
4. Kittel, C., Knight, W. D. and Ruderman, M. A., (2008) Berkeley Physics Course:
Mechanics, Mechanics, University of Michigan: Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company

b. Recommended Reading

1. French, A.P. (2003) Newtonian Mechanics, New Delhi: Viva Books Private Limited

c. Magazines and Journals

d. Websites

e. Other Electronic Resources


10. Course Organization

Course Code 18MPL105A

Course Title Mechanics Laboratory
Course Leader/s Name As per time table
Phone: 080 4906 5555
Course Leader Contact Details
Course Specifications Approval Date 14th June 2018
Next Course Specifications Review June 2021

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. Hons (Physics)

Course Specifications: Chemistry-I Laboratory

Course Title Chemistry I Laboratory

Course Code 18MPL106A
Course Type Laboratory Course
Department Chemistry
Faculty Mathematical and Physical Sciences

1. Course Summary

This course intends to train students to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis related to
inorganic chemistry.
Present course deals with the foundational knowledge of inorganic preparations and different types
of titrations for the volumetric analysis. It will help students to develop complementary practical
laboratory skills and basic understanding of quantitative and qualitative analysis. Course will enable
them to competently perform laboratory tasks and do the calculations.

2. Course Size and Credits:

Number of Credits 01
Credit Structure (Lecture: Tutorial: Practical) 0:0:1
Total Hours of Interaction 30
Number of Weeks in a Semester 15
Department Responsible Chemistry
Total Course Marks 50
Pass Criterion As per the Academic Regulations
Attendance Requirement As per the Academic Regulations

3. Course Outcomes (COs)

After undergoing this course students will be able to:

CO 1. Setup the experimental apparatus required to achieve the stated aim

CO 2. Conduct experiments as per the standard procedures and tabulate the measured values
CO 3. Calculate the required parameters and plot the results
CO 4. Interpret and draw conclusions
CO 5. Write laboratory report as per the prescribed format

4. Course Contents
List of Experiments:
1. Preparation and standardization of solutions of different Molarity/Normality of
2. Preparation of buffer solutions (i) Sodium acetate-acetic acid (ii) Ammonium chloride-
ammonium hydroxide*
3. Estimation of oxalic acid by titrating it with KMnO4
4. Determination of pKa value of a weak acid by using pH meter
5. Determination of alkalinity in a water sample

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. Hons (Physics)

6. Estimation of potassium permanganate using standard sodium oxalate solution.

7. Estimation of iodine using sodium thiosulphate and standard potassium dichromate
8. Estimation of carbonate and bicarbonate present together in a mixture.
9. Determination of viscosity coefficient of given organic liquid
10. Identification of a simple organic compound by determining its melting point
11. Preparation and reporting the yield of any one of the following compounds:
(a) Acetanilide (b) p-Nitroacetanilide
12. Determination of one anion and one cation in a given salt:
Cations – Fe2+, Zn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+
Anions – CO32-, SO42-, NO3-
* Practice sessions (not for assessment)

5. Course Map (CO-PO-PSO Map)

Programme Specific
Programme Outcomes (POs)
Outcomes (PSOs)
PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO-5 PO-6 PO-7 PO-8 PO-9 PO-10 PO-11 PO-12 PSO-1 PSO-2 PSO-3
CO-1 3 3
CO-2 3 3
CO-3 3 3
CO-4 3 3
CO-5 3 3
3: Very Strong Contribution, 2: Strong Contribution, 1: Moderate Contribution

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. Hons (Physics)

6. Course Teaching and Learning Methods

Total Duration
Teaching and Learning Methods Duration in hours
in Hours
Face to Face Lectures 00
1.Demonstration using Videos 00
2. Demonstration using Physical Models / Systems 00
3. Demonstration on a Computer 00
1. Solving Numerical Problems 00
Practical Work
1. Course Laboratory 30
2. Computer Laboratory 00
3. Engineering Workshop / Course/Workshop /
00 30
4. Clinical Laboratory 00
5. Hospital 00
6. Model Studio 00
1. Case Study Presentation 00
2. Guest Lecture 00
3. Industry / Field Visit 00 00
4. Brain Storming Sessions 00
5. Group Discussions 00
6. Discussing Possible Innovations 00
Term Tests, Laboratory Examination/Written Examination, Presentations 06
Total Duration in Hours 36

7. Course Assessment and Reassessment

The details of the components and subcomponents of course assessment are presented in the
Programme Specifications document pertaining to the B.Sc. (Hons) Programmes. The procedure
to determine the final course marks is also presented in the Programme Specifications
The evaluation questions are set to measure the attainment of the COs. In either component (CE
or SEE) or subcomponent of CE (SC1, SC2), COs are assessed as illustrated in the following Table.

Focus of COs on each Component or Subcomponent of Evaluation

Component 1: CE (50% Weightage) Component 2: SEE
Subcomponent SC1 SC2 (50% Weightage)
Subcomponent Type  Lab Report Term Test
50 Marks
Maximum Marks 25 25
CO-1   
CO-2   
CO-3   
CO-4   
CO-5 
The details of SC1, SC2 are presented in the Programme Specifications Document.

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. Hons (Physics)

The Course Leader assigned to the course, in consultation with the Head of the Department, shall
provide the focus of COs in each component of assessment in the above template at the
beginning of the semester.

Course reassessment policies are presented in the Academic Regulations document.

8. Achieving COs
The following skills are directly or indirectly imparted to the students in the following
teaching and learning methods:

S. No Curriculum and Capabilities Skills How imparted during the course

1. Knowledge Classroom lectures
2. Understanding Classroom lectures, Self-study
3. Critical Skills Assignment
4. Analytical Skills Assignment
5. Problem Solving Skills Assignment, Examination
6. Practical Skills Assignment
7. Group Work --
8. Self-Learning Self-study
9. Written Communication Skills Assignment, Examination
10. Verbal Communication Skills --
11. Presentation Skills --
12. Behavioral Skills --
13. Information Management Assignment
14. Personal Management --
15. Leadership Skills --

9. Course Resources

a. Essential Reading
1. G. Svehla, (1996) Vogel's Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, 7th Edn, New Jersey – USA:
Prentice Hall (ISBN-13: 978-0582218666, ISBN-10: 0582218667
b. Recommended Reading
1. Arthur Israel Vogel, G. H. Jeffery, (1989) Vogel’s text book of quantitative chemical
analysis, London – UK: Longman Scientific & Technical
c. Other Electronic Resources

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. Hons (Physics)

10. Course Organization

Course Code 18MPL106A

Course Title Chemistry I Laboratory
Course Leader’s Name As per Timetable
Phone: +91-804-906-5555
Course Leader’s Contact Details
Course Specifications Approval Date 14 June 2018
Next Course Specifications Review Date June 2021

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B. Sc. Hons (Physics)

Course Specifications: Introduction to Scientific Programming

Course Title Introduction to Scientific Programming

Course Code 18MPL107A
Course Type Laboratory
Department Mathematics and Statistics
Faculty Mathematical and Physical Sciences

1. Course Summary

The aim of the course is to train students to write simple programs in MATLAB/SCILAB.

Students are taught the concepts of arithmetic operations, matrix, relations and logical operators,
control structures and looping structures. The students are trained to perform mathematical
operations in Matrix theory, inversion and diagonalization of matrix, symbolic computations of
differentiation and integration, 2D plots, 3D plots and implementation of the same using MATLAB.

2. Course Size and Credits:

Number of Credits 01
Credit Structure (Lecture: Tutorial: Practical) 0:0:1
Total Hours of Interaction 30
Number of Weeks in a Semester 15
Department Responsible Mathematics and Statistics
Total Course Marks 50
Pass Criterion As per the Academic Regulations
Attendance Requirement As per the Academic Regulations

3. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

CO-1. Perform basic operations in MATLAB

CO-2. Plot graphs using MATLAB built-in commands
CO-3. Write and execute programs using MATLAB
CO-4. Solve simple mathematical problems and compare the results with that of solutions
obtained using MATLAB
CO-5. Solve complex real world mathematical problems and compare the results with that
of solutions obtained using MATLAB

4. Course Contents

1 Introduction to MATLAB
2 Basic arithmetic operations in MATLAB
3 Matrix operations in MATLAB
4 Command line functions
5 Scripts and functions
6 Relational and logical operators

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B. Sc. Hons (Physics)

7 Control structures in MATLAB

8 Looping structures in MATLAB
9 Symbolic computations: Differentiation and integration
10 2D and 3D plots

5. Course Map (CO-PO-PSO Map)

Programme Specific
Programme Outcomes (POs)
Outcomes (PSOs)
PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO-5 PO-6 PO-7 PO-8 PO-9 PO-10 PSO-1 PSO-2 PSO-3
CO-1 3 2 1 2 3 1 3
CO-2 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 1
CO-3 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 1
CO-4 3 3 1 3 2 1 3 2
CO-5 3 3 1 3 2 1 3 2 2

6. Course Teaching and Learning Methods

Total Duration in
Teaching and Learning Methods Duration in hours
Face to Face Lectures 7
1.Demonstration using Videos 00
2. Demonstration using Physical Models / Systems 00
3. Demonstration on a Computer 8
1. Solving Numerical Problems 00
Practical Work
1. Course Laboratory 00
2. Computer Laboratory 15
3. Engineering Workshop / Course/Workshop /
00 15
4. Clinical Laboratory 00
5. Hospital 00
6. Model Studio 00
1. Case Study Presentation 00
2. Guest Lecture 00
3. Industry / Field Visit 00 00
4. Brain Storming Sessions 00
5. Group Discussions 00
6. Discussing Possible Innovations 00
Term Tests, Laboratory Examination/Written Examination, Presentations 06
Total Duration in Hours 36
7. Course Assessment and Reassessment
The details of the components and subcomponents of course assessment are presented in
the Programme Specifications document pertaining to the B. Sc. Hons (Physics) Programme.

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B. Sc. Hons (Physics)

The procedure to determine the final course marks is also presented in the Programme
Specifications document.
The evaluation questions are set to measure the attainment of the COs. In either component
(CE or SEE) or subcomponent of CE (SC1 and SC2), COs are assessed as illustrated in the
following Table.

Focus of COs on each Component or Subcomponent of Evaluation

Component 1: CE (50% Weightage) Component 2: SEE (50%
Subcomponent SC1 SC2 Weightage)
Laboratory Manual
Subcomponent Type  Laboratory Test
Report 50 Marks
Maximum Marks 25 25
CO-1   
CO-2   
CO-3   
CO-4   
CO-5   
The details of SC1 and SC2 are presented in the Program Specifications Document.

The Course Leader assigned to the course, in consultation with the Head of the Department,
shall provide the focus of COs in each component of assessment in the above template at the
beginning of the semester.

Course reassessment policies are presented in the Academic Regulations document.

8. Achieving COs
The following skills are directly or indirectly imparted to the students in the following
teaching and learning methods:

S. No Curriculum and Capabilities Skills How imparted during the course

1. Knowledge Laboratory Instruction
2. Understanding Laboratory Instructions and experiments
3. Critical Skills Laboratory Work
4. Analytical Skills Laboratory Work
5. Problem Solving Skills Laboratory Work
6. Practical Skills Laboratory Work
7. Group Work Laboratory Work
8. Self-Learning Laboratory Work
9. Written Communication Skills Laboratory Work, Examination
10. Verbal Communication Skills Laboratory Examination
11. Presentation Skills --
12. Behavioral Skills Laboratory Work
13. Information Management Laboratory Work
14. Personal Management Laboratory Work
15. Leadership Skills --

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B. Sc. Hons (Physics)

9. Course Resources

a. Essential Reading
1. Laboratory manual.
2. Rudra Pratap (2013) Getting started with MATLAB. United Kingdom: Oxford
University press.
3. Shastry, S.S. (2010) Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis. 4th edn.
New Delhi: PHIlearning Pvt. Limited.
b. Recommended Reading
1. Dukkipati, R.V. (2011) Applied Numerical Methods using MATLAB. 1st edn. New
Delhi: New Age publication.
2. Jain, M. K., Iyengar, S.R.K. and Jain, R.K. (2008) Numerical Methods. New Delhi:
New Age.

c. Magazines and Journals

d. Websites

e. Other Electronic Resources

10. Course Organization

Course Code 18MPL207A

Course Title Introduction to Scientific Programming
Course Leader’s Name As per Timetable
Phone: +91-804-906-5555
Course Leader’s Contact Details
Course Specifications Approval Date 14th June 2018
Next Course Specifications Review Date June 2021

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B. Sc. Hons (Physics)

Course Specifications: Introduction to R

Course Title Introduction to R

Course Code 18MPL108A
Course Type Laboratory Course
Department Mathematics and Statistics
Faculty Mathematical and Physical Sciences

1. Course Summary

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the basic programing concepts in R.Students
are taught the concepts of computations on quantitative data and graphical summaries of data
using R. Computation of center and variability of quantitative data, correlation and regression
are discussed by using R.

2. Course Size and Credits:

Number of Credits 1
Credit Structure (Lecture: Tutorial: Practical) 0:0:1
Total Hours of Interaction 30
Number of Weeks in a Semester 15
Department Responsible Mathematics and Statistics
Total Course Marks 50
Pass Criterion As per the Academic Regulations
Attendance Requirement As per the Academic Regulations

3. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

CO-1. Explain the fundamental concepts of programming in R

CO-2. Perform statistical computations on quantitative data and graphical summaries of
data using R
CO-3. Write and execute simple programs using R
CO-4. Solve simple problems associated with vectors, matrices, control structures, lists and
data frames using R
CO-5. Solve complex real world problems associated with vectors, matrices, control structures,
lists and data frames using R

4. Course Contents

1 Introduction to R
2 Basic arithmetic and statistical operations in R
3 Different methods of reading data into R
4 Lists and data frames
5 Data visualization in R-I
6 Data visualization in R-II
7 Central tendency and variation
8 Correlation and regression

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B. Sc. Hons (Physics)

9 Control structures in R
10 Functions

5. Course Map (CO-PO-PSO Map)

Programme Specific
Programme Outcomes (POs)
Outcomes (PSOs)
PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO-5 PO-6 PO-7 PO-8 PO-9 PO-10 PSO-1 PSO-2 PSO-3
CO-1 2 2 1
CO-2 2 2 3 2 1
CO-3 2 2 3 3 3 2 1 3 2 1
CO-4 2 2 3 3 3 2 1 3 2 1
CO-5 2 2 3 3 3 2 1 3 2 1
3-Very Strong Contribution; 2-Medium Strong Contribution; 1-Strong Contribution

6. Course Teaching and Learning Methods

Total Duration
Teaching and Learning Methods Duration in hours
in Hours
Face to Face Lectures 07
1.Demonstration using Videos 00
2. Demonstration using Physical Models / Systems 00
3. Demonstration on a Computer 08
1. Solving Numerical Problems 00
Practical Work
1. Course Laboratory 00
2. Computer Laboratory 15
3. Engineering Workshop / Course/Workshop /
00 15
4. Clinical Laboratory 00
5. Hospital 00
6. Model Studio 00
1. Case Study Presentation 00
2. Guest Lecture 00
3. Industry / Field Visit 00 00
4. Brain Storming Sessions 00
5. Group Discussions 00
6. Discussing Possible Innovations 00
Term Tests, Laboratory Examination/Written Examination, Presentations 06
Total Duration in Hours 36

7. Course Assessment and Reassessment

The details of the components and subcomponents of course assessment are presented in the
Programme Specifications document pertaining to the B. Sc. (Hons) (Physics) Programme. The

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B. Sc. Hons (Physics)

procedure to determine the final course marks is also presented in the Programme
Specifications document.
The evaluation questions are set to measure the attainment of the COs. In either component(CE
or SEE) or subcomponent of CE (SC1 and SC2), COs are assessed as illustrated in the following
Focus of COs on each Component or Subcomponent of Evaluation
Component 1: CE (50% Weightage) Component 2:
SEE (50%
Subcomponent SC1 SC2 Weightage)
Subcomponent Type  Laboratory Manual Report Laboratory Test
50 Marks
Maximum Marks 25 25
CO-1   
CO-2   
CO-3   
CO-4   
CO-5   
The details of SC1 and SC2 are presented in the Programme Specifications Document.

The Course Leader assigned to the course, in consultation with the Head of the Department, shall
provide the focus of COs in each component of assessment in the above template at the
beginning of the semester.

Course reassessment policies are presented in the Academic Regulations document.

8. Achieving COs
The following skills are directly or indirectly imparted to the students in the following
teaching and learning methods:

S. No Curriculum and Capabilities Skills How imparted during the course

1. Knowledge Laboratory instruction
2. Understanding Laboratory instructions and experiments
3. Critical Skills Laboratory work
4. Analytical Skills Laboratory work
5. Problem Solving Skills Laboratory work
6. Practical Skills Laboratory work
7. Group Work Laboratory work
8. Self-Learning Laboratory work
9. Written Communication Skills Laboratory work, examination
10. Verbal Communication Skills Laboratory examination
11. Presentation Skills --
12. Behavioral Skills Laboratory work
13. Information Management Laboratory work
14. Personal Management Laboratory work
15. Leadership Skills --

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B. Sc. Hons (Physics)

9. Course Resources

a. Essential Reading
1. Laboratory manual
2. Venables, W.N. and Smith, D.M., 2009, An Introduction to R, 2ndEd., Network
Theory Ltd.
b. Recommended Reading
1. Quick, J.M.,2010, Statistical Analysis with R, Packt Publishing.

c. Magazines and Journals

d. Websites

e. Other Electronic Resources

10. Course Organization

Course Code 18MPL108A

Course Title Introduction to R
Course Leader’s Name As per Timetable
Phone: +91-804-906-5555
Course Leader’s Contact Details
Course Specifications Approval Date 14th June 2018
Next Course Specifications Review Date June 2021

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. Hons (Physics)

Course Specifications: Communication Skills 1

Course Title Communication Skills 1

Course Code 18HST103A
Course Type Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course
Department Directorate of Transferable Skills and Leadership Development
Faculty FMPS

1. Course Summary

The students are equipped with skills essential for effective communication in terms of speaking,
writing and comprehension.

The course gives practical exposure to the students by equipping them to use appropriate body
language and tone for conversation. It focusses on comprehension of words and building of the word
repertoire for meaningful communication. Students are instructed on the ways to construct
grammatically correct sentences and compose paragraphs and essays.

2. Course Size and Credits:

Number of Credits 03
Credit Structure (Lecture: Tutorial: Practical) 3:0:0
Total Hours of Interaction 45
Number of Weeks in a Semester 15
Directorate of Transferable Skills and
Department Responsible
Leadership Development
Total Course Marks 100
Pass Criterion As per the Academic Regulations
Attendance Requirement As per the Academic Regulations

3. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

CO-1. Identify the nuances of communication skills

CO-2. Apply the concepts of grammar in written communication
CO-3. Apply professional etiquette as appropriate
CO-4. Practice extempore and basic conversation skills
CO-5. Practice comprehension skills
CO-6. Compose precise paragraphs as per the given topic

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. Hons (Physics)

4. Course Contents
Communication Skills:
Process of communication, terminologies used in communication process, active listening,
communication barriers, types of communication – verbal and non-verbal

Sentence formation, sentence types, different parts of speech, adjectives and articles, verbs and
preposition, present and past tense, future tense, use of participles in different tenses, usage of
tenses, rules of subject verb agreement

Essentials of Speaking Skills:

Importance of spoken skills, appropriate use of language, appropriate use of tone, pitch and volume

Preparation for extempore, mind mapping for speaking readiness, Content of extempore –
beginning, body and conclusion, Delivery of extempore – body language and paralanguage

Conversation Skills:
Body language in conversation, tones in conversation, conversation manners, stages of conversation
– introduction, feed forward, close, order of introduction, conversation barriers

Reading and the Techniques:

Skimming, scanning and reading in details

Paragraph Writing:
Structure of paragraph – topic sentence, supporting sentence, conclusion sentence, functions of
paragraph, paragraph patterns, paragraph writing principles – coherence, unity, order, length

Purpose of comprehension, low-level comprehension, high-level comprehension

Précis Writing:
Paraphrasing techniques, Usage of appropriate words

Professional Etiquette and Goal Setting:

Etiquette and its importance, types of etiquette – workplace, meeting, telephone, dining,
norms of etiquette, goals, types of goal, setting SMART goal

5. Course Map (CO-PO-PSO Map)

Programme Specific
Programme Outcomes (POs)
Outcomes (PSOs)
PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO-5 PO-6 PO-7 PO-8 PO-9 PO-10 PSO-1 PSO-2 PSO-3
CO-1 2 3 3
CO-2 2 3 1 3
CO-3 2 3 1 3
CO-4 2 2 3 1 3
CO-5 2 2 3 1 3
CO-6 2 2 1 3
3-Very Strong Contribution; 2-Medium Strong Contribution; 1-Strong Contribution

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. Hons (Physics)

6. Course Teaching and Learning Methods

Duration in Total Duration
Teaching and Learning Methods
hours in Hours
Face to Face Lectures 30
1.Demonstration using Videos 02
2. Demonstration using Physical Models / Systems 00
3. Demonstration on a Computer 00
1. Solving Numerical Problems 00
Practical Work
1. Course Laboratory 00
2. Computer Laboratory 00
3. Engineering Workshop / Course/Workshop / Kitchen 10 10
4. Clinical Laboratory 00
5. Hospital 00
6. Model Studio 00
1. Case Study Presentation 00
2. Guest Lecture 00
3. Industry / Field Visit 00 3
4. Brain Storming Sessions 03
5. Group Discussions 00
6. Discussing Possible Innovations 00
Term Tests, Laboratory Examination/Written Examination, Presentations 10
Total Duration in Hours 55

7. Course Assessment and Reassessment

The details of the components and subcomponents of course assessment are presented in the
Programme Specifications document pertaining to the B.Sc. Hons Programme. The procedure to
determine the final course marks is also presented in the Programme Specifications document.
The evaluation questions are set to measure the attainment of the CO’s. In either component (CE
or SEE) or subcomponent of CE (SC1, SC2, SC3 or SC4), COs are assessed as illustrated in the
following Table.
Focus of CO’s on each Component or Subcomponent of Evaluation:

Focus of COs on each Component or Subcomponent of Evaluation

Component 1: CE (50% Weightage) Component 2: SEE
Subcomponent  SC1 SC2 (50% Weightage)
Subcomponent Type  Term Test Assignment
50 Marks
Maximum Marks  25 25
CO-1 X X
CO-2 X X
CO-3 X
CO-4 X X
CO-5 X X
CO-6 X X
The details of SC1, SC2, SC3 or SC4 are presented in the Programme Specifications Document.

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. Hons (Physics)

The Course Leader assigned to the course, in consultation with the Head of the Department, shall
provide the focus of COs in each component of assessment in the above template at the
beginning of the semester.

Course reassessment policies are presented in the Academic Regulations document.

8. Achieving COs
The following skills are directly or indirectly imparted to the students in the following
teaching and learning methods:
S. No Curriculum and Capabilities How imparted during the course
1. Knowledge Face to face lectures
2. Understanding Face to face lectures, group discussions
3. Critical Skills
4. Analytical Skills Face to face lectures, activities, , group
5. Problem Solving Skills discussions, assignment
6. Practical Skills Face to face lectures, activities, , group
7. Group Work discussions,
Course work,course work
practice, assignment, group
8. Self-Learning discussion
Course work, practice, assignment, group
9. Written Communication Skills discussion
Face to face lectures, Course work, practice,
10. Verbal Communication Skills assignment, group discussion
Face to face lectures, Course work, practice,
11. Presentation Skills assignment, group discussion
12. Behavioral Skills Course work, practice, assignment, group
13. Information Management discussion,
Assignmentpresentation practice, role plays
14. Personal Management
15. Leadership Skills

9. Course Resources

a. Essential Reading
1. Class Notes
2. Raman M and Sharma S (2004) Technical Communication: Principles and Practice.
New Delhi: Oxford University Press
3. Hory Sankar Mukherjee, (2013), Business Communication, Oxford University
4. Kroehnert, Gary (2004), Basic Presentation Skills, Tata McGraw Hill

b. Recommended Reading
1. Sethi. J. Dhamija PV, (1999) A course in Phonetics and Spoken English-2nd Edition.
Prentice Hall India Learning Private Limited
2. Dr. Funk. W and Lewis. L, (2009) 30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary – Revised
Edition: Simon and Schuster
3. Murphy R. (2000). Essentials of English Grammar-2nd Edition. South Asia:
Cambridge University Press.
4. Rao P. (2016). High School English Grammar and Composition Wren & Martin-
Regular Edition. India: Blackie ELT Books (An imprint of S. Chand Publishing)
c. Websites

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

B.Sc. Hons (Physics)


d. Other Electronic Resources

1. Electronic resources on the course area are available on RUAS library

10. Course Organization

Course Code 18HST103A

Course Title Communication Skills 1
Course Leader’s Name As per Timetable
Phone: +91-80-453666666
Course Leader’s Contact Details
Course Specifications Approval Date 14th June 2018
Next Course Specifications Review Date June 2021

Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

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