Derrida - Geschlecht IV (From Reading Heidegger)

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Studies in Continental Thought (Reading Heidegger John Sallis, general editor COMMEMORATIONS Comating Es seb. ego ry Raton ‘Deis ne ‘be face Edited by John Sallis sna Cay caning see Iden L Deyn feet heen Dt Pre Ke Thome Sean re an ee Sts ‘one Lie cr We Dl Wend Indiana University Press JACQUES DERRIDA 11. Heidegger’s Ear Philopolemology (Geschlecht IV) ‘Translated by John P. Leavey, Jr (ener Denes Sen —— scammer a oenpnenme ee = a ‘The end is silent. This fren. Keeps silent Here, atleast his fiend says ‘hing. One could nearly conclude om his, fom then on, tha his ind wes ‘hing determinable: Heidegger evokes noting sid by ot eying. howe fend of the fiend. The vie ofthis rend doesnot necessarily speak. This ‘ould be aphasic. One could even be physially deaf without ceasing £0 cary [porter it vice be sch, ith oneself, tough its vice. With oneself ‘does not mean sight next to oncself With oneself des not mean the eae, ‘he coset nor in onee In il sti gramantialiy, he pas a that Dass aris wih I the end el, and ot only is voice als Héeen der time ‘ex rounder, den jeden Dasein bei sich tat” (SZ. 34 p13). Though its oice that I hear I hear the fiend el Bejod is vice but in that woe. ‘ear and cary the fend with mein hearing i wie, OF couse, Bem entenda, Dasein “carries the friend Wl, But atthe fiend in its ality, Mesh and ‘ood Dasein cases one might nin the figure of 8 voce, is eon fg (apart forthe whole. What abou his retrc that Seems to complicate the grammar without, however, contradicting i? For iis ined the fiend and is woe that [heat What abot this exemplary patt ht seems wo be vali forthe whole? Why docs the wie ply thie role? And why does hearing su this presen ofthe frend permanealy carted by Dasein "bei sic? The question of this pieged metonymy wil no longer lene ws. "Where then i his oie? Where does i come om? seems to be neither In us, nor uti ut, but within the fren. Nether in ou eat. nor outsie out far Bu what dacs "el sich tragen” men to sy? Whereis an ear? What i the inside andthe ouside ofan ear? What tf an et, 1 (be) open?” What Is it tw prick up one ear lene ore]? To heat (emtendre] or motto beat? To be det, no 0 Beatle oro be ning to esr, perhaps i the sense in which Heidepger wil speak inter (1933-38), abou HOietiny Der Rhein, about ‘morals that orn, a i ain Frosch and gl defeat" (dos Uberhoren)? Unlike gods and poets, Moras ear ike thse th anea ea (as nchiren- ‘einen their understanding (ene) isthe deaf ear (das Uberire) and the ‘wlloteo ear (Oberhremwolen)” (GA 39: $14 p. 200; cite this ese pas {See immediately fr fen of not ving the time to devote al the necessary aten- tion ot ere ae, a wel ao what aid of Uberhirn aod of misunderstand: ing, mishearing. sich Verkiren Inthe lecture Logos (9st) or 0 what sd ‘ofthe ear in Der Sats vm Grand (988-56) ‘Where then the ea that we led a is dn French and English, in partic lar the ear we lend tothe voice of the fend? What isthe ea. ithe Hier Ipnoprel sence, if tere is sch a sense? Wat, propery speaking. isthe er, tho cara suc and ins singularity? I trv ht oweveelipical Heiegeers Title pase seems already to assure ws that we do not even take the nitive in lending o priking up te er to the voice ofthe rend. Throogh his vice Dasein cars the fend wit whether wishes 0 not wheter t Knows itor nt and whatever ie resolution. In ay case, what mates hee is 20 what te frend vice sys, ote aid, ot eve the ayng Of esa. Marly ie ‘oie. Rather what mater tthe Rerig (das Haren o voice. Das Horon Ir the principal theme ofthis chpter. And ths Beating could aat open Dasin {ots cwrmon poetility-for being (ain eigenter Sennen)" eaing were not first the hearing ofthis ice the exemplary metonymy ofthe fiend hat ‘ach Dasein bears cose By self et sich). "The enigma stated pechaps Melee’ Ear: Prpeemaony us ot fa very chose by if not within these few word, “bei sich” and “tage,” et us ot forget that the expression et sch will hive stuck, the German tongue, he sttement(énnce] of one ofthe most Obscure things, nothing lest than abolute knowledge athe end of Hepls pester hpi, the pure concept sit conceives itself, “the simple beng 10 which the ies deters elt 4nd [thal] isthe concept that ne determination, remains cose by self (er ‘infache Sein, 2u dem Sch de dee Destin nd et der seiner Bestinoang be chlo bebende Beefy ‘This end does not speak, but i also iis. The frend does sot appear para. appara any mae tha comes to speak oF 0 deci [ive prononce ‘24 ese prononce) The tend has no fac, 00 igre (ure. No sex. No nae. The fiend isnot a man, nor a wom i isnot I, nor 8 "self" Bo «subject ora person I is anther Dascin that ech Dasein cures, though the ice iChear, with sel (bet sch rg, neither within lin teen, nthe “inet ean” idea subjective interes, nor ft ‘say, 00 far fom the ea, fr one fan also hear fom afr in an exterior apace ori some tascendence, but Ih is vicinity (parages), a istace that sneer bsaute—aboiet nite ‘orl in the absolute proximity af an owes propridt],nor then dteriable cording to some objective uit of measiement inthe wold. This carrying distance (pore) ofthe oie this dre-t-porde devo, a6 ne wld a) French, this being within earsbot ofthe vie, appear of another ode. ‘Tht pethaps is wha on canbe authorized fo sitet to Pein, about, the tiend such sit i appre name, only once named, brit parent clause of Sein und Zet. This allusion seems unig, remains so bit and 30 nigmatic that almost no oe has lent any atenton or eve judge i necessary tostop ati except, my hnowlege, Christopher Fynsk, Jan Frangois Courtine 1nd Jean-Luc Nancy to whose beef and recent incursion I py trite a1 ting ready today fo engage myself na ditection that as no thi. The fend, the, sams named once in Sin nd Ze, bat heey silent xen itis eee is evoked. The frend dos no appear. hs the vst of mo determined figure or fae, has no subjective, persona, sexi sae one canoe veh decide if the fied is Tiving ce dead. When Ixy tat the finds rane, that sill too much, for It hs 80 proper name: the find cals pep, Bois ot tea called, and noting permits one 10 suppose thatthe fend ir singular even if ‘he common noun that designs i "he voice ofthe fre,” grammatically singular. "The vice af the fend” seems rather to confer oni kind of oneness hat doesnot excde poral A rend is las he ren. This fiend i alas the frend. As will be seen, certain singularity remains quite this fend '8 not the concept fiend, noe the fend in general. The fend this commonly tamed is ot called: the autor of Sen und Zeros no abies he ted, oes not yt it as Hokdelin or Arise Ia famous apostrophes, "O, fend. "0. fremds" One then can harly say thatthe fiend tr named by Heeger in Sein und Zeit 1 prefer wo say thatthe fendi nly evoked. Why nly evoked? For thee reasons! {0 Fest of lees of fre and na ty of pass ‘The passage of the wor! "end" rather thn of the frien, sn parents clause, a suspended ait could be ina poets evan, without Wellmarked Demis or consequences eee er eee ee ey eeree a cae Sarat ae cuersuee ca taree Se ee ae eee as Sor sin uig ar ebert nasige a or ee ee ee eae eae cae Tina pcre bless oan ego Tiaras ar emo Sr ae Sateen ee aokto es ben eetat Ekrnecs mcr aa a eee eect Tide ae te ae ee eae na eee ee ee screen fo vasa al as ees Sine helelags aor erent ee See ee ar Set ae eee ineteay emessnoe mesteraoeiar rate eres Siratne ese eee Sara Seeger oes Se eae alee ee Possessed See een eee ae eae ee ea ee eae gen ee erecta Soe rated eee maned riley a erty yee fet enh reeled past ete ae eee soe See eee ae co ce ey 1 ean ring on he? Fm ig Heider Bar: Paopoemaigy i is this carving distance of the wee ofthe find by every Dasen, perhaps it 4s sarting from his eating of the vie ofthe fen by enself ope ost fe Dascin that on wil eb ale wo eur ad urns nt co fren, but also Deseo, "oie." "earrying-dstnce," "being by” and Seance ‘mean To begin to read the earying-dtance of is “Tagen” wah he sees i calls fo. it would be necessary to neglect sting ofthe thang anes tat Heidegger acordsto the German semantics of agen andl Ie eae ‘esoarces hat he exis on this or with which he pls, ashe wl don porte ach Ine, on a motif hat oo jut ay mot since ts 2 mater of sce less than dferece, of one of the names he gies ference (Cue so wit, Austra Without having the time to engage myself in this here, only recall hat cis singular wring of Tagen is deployed in parla iw Die Sprache prcene the ex im Unters ar Sprache that des fom 10. and so Tins te alter Sein und Zeit. stile, Die Sprache, tus repecces tp! tthe Wie ad the chapter of Sein und Zeit in which we vead this evocation the ceo te {end that every Dain be sich re, name, “Dasin und Rede Dic Sake 1 Die Sprache, witout in fat [mine] neglecting the Moma ctrying occa 48 is suid ofa child “caried to teem” by is mother in Fetch pone o hen and in German “ei auseragens Kid” Heidegger deserbes what | sal ca the sigulr spacing ofthe call (Ry) Like the woe ofthe hen, said wth Dasein by Dasen, the cal isi inthe ear nr far ms te ea nee EA nor far away And to destbe this topics or this slopes, Heder cae {0 the light of day Ua venir au ju alte cigs ingestion inthe seven of Tagen, Let me sclet or ack of time, & few lies In assadaee sah aha is elle in them by the friends voice thus carried. T cite he lne a Cot ‘ut shal aot ransate them ater I shall Bold myself between talon a aaphease, In Die Sprace, Heidegger listens in tO Trkl poem, he wl (8 aptn eliwhere, a the place where Teak also speals of the bother abd of the stranger in «tex | spoke abot some yeas ago The sentences slog {0 rad follow the famous passage tat sas “Die Sprache sprit Diese ‘gleich und zuvor: Die Sprache sprit Dre Space” Ud het dr Merah Der Ruf rut zwar her. So bint et das Atuesen des worden Unpetoinny ‘inci Nie, Das Herruten rutin cine Nee. Abe der Rt core leciged as Gerutene nich der Ferne, in dr ex dutch das Hinfenseaten tebe Dot Rute uftin sich und datum tes hin und herein Anwese: inns Abwesce (US 20-20 Spesch spats. Tat also and fist ofall meas, speech ope Speech? And not man? The cll lls indeed to come hee ts ngs 1 pacity the presece of wha tforchund wos mo cle. The al 29 calls (oa proximity. But ral tha, the cll Jos ot upost whet fe {fom the distance in whch what i calle remains eld bythe sll tae casreg ‘sf toward it The cll callin self and thus alms poe und mes hee tomrd presence there, toward absence Everything sid hereof the call and ts spacing of is elation to distance and to proximity, to presence and absence. ty enne ts ‘elation to distance yy us Reso Hameccee to me to sit what was aeady sui ofthe Ryerater des Gewisens oof Das Gevisuen ale Raf der Sorge (98 56-87) i Sein und Zeit ("Te character of consence ava call” “Consens a he call of cate’), 8 well a what was ‘Sid ofthe voice ofthe fiend tht every Dein caries with (bet Schrag — ‘nase tht neither inched nor ec, neither interior nor exterior, nether ear or fr, wh sea ies fom acrtaln concep ofthe Ariston Xa that say ed Yo the ales of presence, proxy amis. Just 38 wel in Sen und Ze 8 in Die Sprache, he arlss of Ru mst no doa be Bought to contact with thi file phrase on the oie f the Tend, on the carying dstance [por] ofthis vie sb sy abusing ie the French idem, tae the rapport between these two pores ofthe voice 510 my mind more than ft analogy oes coincidence. {wll come back hs “And father on, silo De Sprache, flowing gain the mai ofthe Geert that gathers (sersammer this wil once more be my guiding tread) das Dingen cdr Dinge (te thinging of things), Heidegger vances in he space tha lates refers Tragen to tusragen as carying (0 term) [pode], gestation, Penang into the world tat bring term orto bith, and o Austag as ciference oF ‘iowopd Avaopd signer at once difference (Cnershed), but aso the dliferend,vagreemeat, the ds- bY which on scared 0 one wide, By which ‘nei separated in ing carried lon athe discord. In Braop a in rapport relation, refereac, ference, tere isthe reference 10 ference, 10 cating Iparéel, tthe Grek dpa ote Lain for, 10 Biappa eile, T deter, Tespart, and ary, bea, to the end)-1t span “Die Ding traen, idem sie dagen, Wel aus” "Ting, as they unfold tee thing-eing being into the trl, erty te wld oth wold,” “Unsere alte Space nnn Ss Austagen bem, aren, daer dhe Worter “eeige’ und Gebarde Digend sind de Dige ings Dingead geben se Welt (US 23) "Ouro tongue ames his cueing fo term’ (luiragen) Bern, ren, rom shch come the words “Gebire (gh birth, carry to term, delves, bear chen all gestation) and "Gebire’ [gestre, ‘eed, behave, how ope caries oneself competent fo unfoling the hing” being ae things things In unfolding tt thing cig, they There Ur 2 reolo- ism] ‘ges [geston] word (bey carey it during Besta, carry if tem, Binet compartment a euntenance, gre, face, a gesture)" ‘Now the cer name of what cates the word othe world and totem in the Ausray isthe guhered unity oF lnimacy of the difference UnterSohied tha Heidegger writes herein two word) of of he Sagopd. Lam again gong to read and, if ot anit, ols paraphrase» passe ia which this constlls tio of eiferene gathered lao unity. of wager. Ausrog and Nachrapckt of water, gOmen, and of Breigis shoal introduce vs "machragheh” (25 years ebind) to the tough of fiendip tat anounced inthe lite pase of Sel tnd Zeit | at ust mo eying 0 approach. At the sume time, in ths pasage, the selection othe cating ot I must o fo lak of time wil follow the course ‘of concept and words that will be, 1 hk, Indispensable for us to approach the configuration of let, neyo, Ayo, o the ut of inking af Hedezpe ‘The names of these concepts then’ are imagen, Ausirag. nackirglich, wallen, Heideeer’s Ear: Prpoemaogy 1 snnen, Ereignt. They all resi tration, which i why the vileace of my str wll consis no onlin cting ou ba in paraphrasing ue tha asl ine. ‘Hedegper has just sad that the word acon 1 things the favor of thei ‘eence of tir uaflding. The word that is important hee to mes goanem, el see why shortly and how i translates for Heidegger the very movement ‘of gull ino, as be flows is teses in Heractus “Diese [We gonnt ‘en Dingen ihr Wesen, Die Dinge gehen Welt. Wel gan die Ding (US 24). The word offers, give, lt ethers accords, to things ther bein. thei essence, the unfold of wht they ae I prefer the word “sso othe word fhosen by the French translators Coffe) [or te English transator (srt) to anslategdnnen, For we find in ths word, bese the sense of genres gif tha of accord, of dppovia, of harmony atacand quasi mui and peeps to. certain ar This himony wil be of importance tous short nour reading of Heidegger Heraclitus The this world accord to things thst being. Things ‘ary the world ( term or in pestaion: de Dine gebirden Wel, The world 1s the accord of thigs. wold equals accord of things (Mer gon de Dine) ‘he world accords things in the double Sete of giving things giving to things tee essence Buta thet avon Farther oo one Sees appear the walle that, a8 we'll shorty se, will hve Jong commanded all he thought ofthe Heracitean neyo, as Heidegger ets i Itimacy, nteiority mgt that gates the weld and things snot 2 confusion (Vrsohmelzug). This intimacy preva, imposes isl oti ce, Indeed is violence; rls or dominates (waters it emport, 1 woul sy th French, or in Expl, caries the day, only where te ide (das ange, wo and thing ae purely separated isjoied (ren sich sceide) an resin Ssined, Separated, dissocinted(geschede lei Inthe mide o the wo, Inthe Between that separates Woe a hing, nthe “inter.” inthis Unter ofthe Uner Sched, in thei of the eifference, te separation cates the day (im liven inter, bt ‘esem Une. wales der Schid). Ten, after insisting on he fc that i erence (UneerSchied) mast 0 longer be hearé here asthe nae of general concept Iolding for ll pose ferences, but a thi irene, the ene and unique (als dieser Ene. Er ust cig), Heidegger names this difference "det

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