Ujian Akhir Semester Genap SMK Smip Nusantara 2009/2010

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Bidang Studi : BCE

Kelas/ Jurusan : I/ Akomodasi Perhotelan

Question 1 to 5 is refers to the following letter. Choose best answer a, b, c, d

Jl. Imam Bonjol 199

Dear Martha,

I’m sorry that I have to turn down your invitation. I’d give anything
if I could go with you to Karimunjawa Island, but Dad needs me at the
store. Since nearly all of his clerks are on vacation, I have to stay around to
help out.
I hope that you and your family have a good trip



1. Why did Joyce write the letter?

a. She missed her friend c. She is good writer
b. She wanted to go d. She cannot comply with an invitation
2. Why couldn’t Joyce go with Martha?
a. She was lazy c. She has to keep the store
b. Dad wanted her to stay at home d. Dad wanted her to go around the store
3. What does the word turn down (line 5) mean?
a. Accept b. Refuse c. Put up with d. Turn up
4. Why were some clerks absent?
a. They were keeping the store c. They were taking days off
b. They were having a rest d. hey were sleeping
5. What is the synonym of the word nearly (line 7)?
a. More b. Quite c. Just d. Almost

Choose the best answer a, b, c, d

6. What do that sign mean? It means that ……park here
a. you are allowed to
b. you are permitted to
c. it is prohibited to
d. it is permitted to
7. Adi : I’m having a little party at my home on Saturday. Can you come?
Ira : …, what time is it?
a. I see b. Thank you c. No, I can’t d. Yes, I’d love to
8. Kym : There ia a bazaar at the city hall today. …?
Dina : Yes, I’d like to
a. I’m glad you like it c. Could you come to my house
b. I’d like to go d. Would you go there with me
9. X : Could you come to my house tonight?
Y : …., but I must do mu assignment
a. No way b. I can’t c. I’d like to d. Why not
10. Rahmat is 17th years old. Rina is 15th years old.
It is mean thar Rahmat is …. Than Rina
a. Old b. Older c. Oldest d. Younger
11. The Shanghai World Financial has 101 floors. The Petronas Tower has 88 floors.
It’s mean that The Shanghai World Financial has … floors than The Petronas Tower
a. many b. more c. much d. less

Questions 12 to 15 is refers to the following FLIGHT SCHEDULE

To Yogyakarta
Direct Flight:

From Jakarta
Airlines Flight No. Frequency Departure Arrival
Garuda Indonesia GA Daily 06.30 07.35
Sempati Air SG Daily 11.30 12.45
Merpati Nusantara MZ Daily 14.30 15.45
Bouraq Indonesia Airlines BO Daily 16.35 17.35

12. How many airlines have direct flights from Jakarta to Yogyakarta
a. Four b. Five c. Ten d. Eleven
13. How often does the direct flight from Jakarta to Yogya run?
a. Everyday b. Twice a week c. Twice a day d. Evwry week
14. How long does it takes from Jakarta to Yogyakarta by Bouraq Indonesia Airlines?
a. One hours b. Two hours c. Three hours d. Four hours
15. The word ‘arrival’ in the text has similar meaning to word
a. Flying b. Coming c. Leaving d. Taking off

Complete the following sentences with the correct preposition: at, in, or on
1. The dog is lying … the floor
2. Will you wait for me… the bus stop?
3. Trent arrived … the school building just in time
4. Bram and Ramzi are out practicing the football field
5. Passenger are prohibited to use electronic devices… airplanes during take off and landing
6. The study at school begin … Monday
7. The alarm rings … 6 p.m.
8. My father like to read newspaper … the afternoon
9. The book was published …2008
10. The train leaves the station … noon

Bidang Studi : BCE

Kelas/ Jurusan : II/ Akomodasi Perhotelan

Question 1 to 3 refers to the following instruction

Manual Usage
Instruction in using dishwasher
Start by taking an empty dish rack and load the dishes so that none of them are touching each
other. Place the rack at the opening of the machine and hit the power switch. Check the dishes
when they come out on the other side and if they aren’t completely clean, run the rack through
the machine again. When they’re done, take the dishes out and stack in the dish cart

1. What should we do in the beginning of using the dishwasher?

a. Checking the dishes when they come out c. Placing the rack at the opening machine
b. Taking an empty dish rack and lead the dishes d. Hitting the power switch on
2. The manual gives us instruction about…
a. how to place the rack c. how to clean the dishwasher
b. how to load the dishes d. how to operate the dishwasher
3. …and if they aren’t completely cleans…(line 5)
The word ‘they’ refers to
a. Dishwasher b. Dish rack c. Dishes d. Machine

Question 4-5 refers to the following MEMO

To : Ms. Fatima
From : Director
Subject : Meeting
Date : December 14th 2009

Please attend the meeting at Hotel Sriwijaya on Wednesday, December 16th , 2009 at
9 a.m. on behalf of the director. Looking forward to your report upon the completion meeting.

4. What should Ms. Fatima do?

a. Represent the director at a meeting c. Meet the director
b. Arrange a meeting d. Bring the report to the meeting
5. When did the director write the memo?
a. December 16th , 2009 c. December 14th , 2009
b. December 10th , 2009 d. at 9.00 a.m.
Arrange these jumbled sentence into good paragraph describing Recycling Paper ( Daur
Ulang Kertas). Attention to the transitional signals used.

a. Then, Soak paper pieces in enough water for at least 5 minutes

b. Blend until the paper and the water becomes a thick paste
c. First of all, cut or tear paper into small pieces
d. Take the paste from the blender and strain most of the water from the paper
e. After that, boil the water and paper pieces on a stove for at least 15 minutes
f. While boiling the water and paper, stir every 1 or 2 minutes to make sure all the paper is evenly
g. Add glue to the paste to make a structure
h. After the boiling process, put the paper and water in a strainer and strain all the hot water out
i. Then, spread the pulp on a cookie sheet and flatten with a rolling pin to desired thickness and
use a sponge to soak up excess water
j. Next, scoop the paper into a blender and add just enough water to cover the paper
k. Finally, eave dry for at least one day

Give your opinion and suggestion about you life and how the life is should be. (Berikan
pendapat dan saran tentang kehidupan Anda dan bagaimana kehidupan itu seharusnya)

Here are some opinions, give the reason for the opinion that you choose
~ Life is an adventure
~ Life can be wonderful
~ Life is a dream
~ Life is hard but beautiful
~ Life as a film in which you are main character

Bidang Studi : FOO

Kelas/ Jurusan : I/ Akomodasi Perhotelan

Buatlah pemesanan kamar dengan memasukan data berikut pada Formulir Reservasi
Hari ini Miss Ina dari kantor JICA per telephone (335450) memesan kamar untuk tamu
yang bernama Mr. T. Kuraba. Tamu tersebut akan menginap tanggal 26 Mei 2010 (selama 3
malam). Kedatangan dari Tokyo dengan pesawat JAL721 medarat di bandara jam 17.15. Kamar
yang dipesan adalah standar single dengan harga Rp. 350.000. ditambah 10% service charge dan 5
% tax. Discount untuk kantor JICA sebesar 10 % dan rekening akan dibayar oleh tamu yang

Bantulah untuk mengisi formulir Registration card dan selesaikan pendaftaran tamu
tersebut dan Lengkapi juga Bellboy Errand card
Hari ini tanggal 26 Mei 2010 check in tamu bernama Mr. T. Kuraba, kebangsaan
JEPANG dengan alamat Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba Japan. Tanggal lahir 27 Maret 1972, nomor
passport Mb 79787458, tanggal dikeluarkan passport 1 Januari 2009. Alasan kunjungan adalah
business. Setelah dari Jakarta akan meneruskan perjalanan ke Denpasar Bali. Beliau membawa
barang bawaan yakni 2 buah Suitcase, 2 hand bag dan 1 tas Laptop
Catatan: Nomor Kamar telah ditentukan adalah 10

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