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75 MHz marker beacon 25

aborted landing 12
absorption cross-section 159
accelerometer 22 310 316
active stabilisation 20
adjoint method (of wind retrieval) 207 208
advanced traffic management system (ATMS) 343
aerodrome control see control, aerodrome
aerodynamic roughness 59
aerofoil 15 17 20 61 63
aerosols 161 163 164 183
agility 122 129
airborne collision avoidance system (ACAS) 28
aircraft separation 3 14 27 35 40
74 130 340
procedural 29
radar 29
aircraft situation displays (ASDs) 343
air-data system 23
air pocket 39
airport surface detection radar (ASDR) 30
airport surveillance radar (ASR) 30 32
ASR-7 30

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airport surveillance radar (ASR) (Continued)
ASR-8 30 281
ASR-9 30 281
with weather channel 7 30 281 289 339
341 429
airport visibility (AV) 325 329 331
air route surveillance radar (ARSR) 30 274 275
ARSR-2 30
ARSR-3 30
ARSR-4 30
air space
controlled 28 72 73 123
special rule 28
uncontrolled 28
upper 28
air traffic control (ATC) 3 4 6 7 12
26 41 73 96 130
134 137 181 245 274
275 279 281 282 326
328 339 347
procedural 29
radar beacon system (ATCRBS) 31 34
air traffic management 4 245 340
air traffic service 6 27 32 35 122
aliasing interval 255 259 264
barometric 23
radio 25

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ambiguity 7 73 194 247 252
256 260 264 268 271
278 365
Doppler 256 257 260 264 278
range 247 252 256 257 261
267 271 277
range-Doppler 256 257 278
resolution 247 258 260 261 272
velocity 252 256 261 264 285
klystron 191 283
logarithmic 191
low-noise 192
analogue-to-digital (A/D) converter 192 283
anemometer 62 134 137 140 290
306 307 330 368
centre-field 307 308
cup type 306
vane type 122 306
angle of attack 15 46 52 63 64
98 102 310
angular resolution 145 163 201
dual-beam 282
fan-shaped beams 25 26 31 191 274
gain 147 169 245 391
scan direction 152

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antenna (Continued)
scan rate 148 189 191 195 201
245 264 271 272 283
anvil 83
approach control see control, approach
arcus (cloud) 100
area control see control, area
ARINC Communication and Retrieval System
(ACARS) 341 342
atmospheric eddies 183
atmospheric electricity 37 69 407
atmospheric profilers see wind profilers
atmospherics 95 97 407 411
attenuation coefficient 159 163
automated radar terminal system (ARTS) 32
automated surface observing system (ASOS) 318 321 329 339 368
automated weather observation system
(AWOS) 7 317 318 320 329
automatic classification (of precipitation) 439
automatic detection
based on interest images 368 370
gust fronts 363
mesocyclones 356
microbursts 369
storm outflows 369
thunderstorms 353
tornadoes 360
weather features 352

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automatic direction finder (ADF) 24
automatic gain control (AGC) 191
autopilot 21 22 46
aviation corridors 3
Aviation Gridded Forecast System (AGFS) 7 342 343 347
aviation impact variables (AIVs) 342 345
aviation terminal forecast 48
Aviation Weather Products Generator
(AWPG) 7 238 343 346
National (NAWPG) 347 348
products 348
Regional (RAWPG) 347 348
AWOS data acquisition system (ADAS) 318
fore-and-aft 19 20
lateral 17 19
pitch 19
roll 19 20
yaw 19

backscattering cross-section 155 166
batch mode (of signal transmission) 257
beam filling
incomplete 171
nonuniform 171
partial 171
bore 103 104
undular 104 217

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effect 303
scatter 379
scatterer 158
scattering 157
buffeting 66

carburettor 63
chop 53 54 56
chord length 20
clear air 157 6
detection 140
mode 367 371
observation 171 247 301 315
phenomena 157 191 266
detection 269
radar 295
reflectivity (or backscattering) 157 158 295 297 315
returns (or echoes) 157 158 258 291 330
scan modes (of WSR-88D) 272
turbulence (CAT) 56 113 315 375
wind shear 315
cloud base 68 69
clutter 143
canceller 249 435
ground 183 187 188 194 201
259 267 269 272 282
309 315 368 435
rejection 201 247 257 261 276
weather 143

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coherent radar see radar, coherent
cold front 224
collection efficiency 65
collision avoidance 3 27
collision-coalescence 173
comfort 2 6 38 42
communication 1 5 6 39
simplex 33
aeronautical 32
broadcast mode 33
selective mode 33
conditionally stable atmospheric layer 82
confidence factor 439
aerodrome 28
approach 28
area 28
forces 20
moments 20
surface 64
zones 28
convergence (definition) 87
linear 87
radial 87
convolution 172
corona 310
correlation 388
coefficient at zero lag 431
longitudinal 385
transverse 385

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crosswind 40 43 48
cumulonimbus convection 82
cumulus clouds 81

basic 194 221
display 134
high level 6 74 133
integration 7 339
interpretation 8 134
low level 133
intelligent 74
multisensor 133
refreshment rate 6 122
single-sensor 133
speed 6
meteorological 5
computation 194
primary 185
smoothing 153
rate 33 34 268
reduction 54 153
WSR-88D 250
dead-reckoning 23
defruiter 31
density current 101
derived gust velocity 52

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differential phase 433
specific 235 433
dihedral 20
dipole (in thunderstorms) 407
direct user access terminal (DUAT) services 348
discrete phase coding 263
distance measuring equipment (DME) 24 26
divergence (definition) 87
generalised 87
linear 87
radial 87 88
doublet (or couplet) 227 230 357 362 371
frequency 182
navigator see navigator, Doppler
radar 6 51
shift 28 182
spectral moment estimation 191 195 263
pulse-pair method 197 199
spectral method 198 200
spectrum width 187 199
downburst 91
downdraft 43
drag 18 59
coefficient 18 66
induced 18
lift-dependent 18
pressure 18
wave 18

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drop size
distribution 173 174
Marshall-Palmer 174 437
statistics 8
droplet size distribution (in clouds) 64
dry line 224
dual-Doppler-radar mapping 205 206
Dutch roll 21
dynamic modes 43
rigid body 51

economy 6 40 42
eddy dissipation rate 8 316 396
efficiency 1 6 11 40 42
aerodynamic 60
electroluminescence 2
extinction 59
turbofan 19
turbojet 19
enhanced traffic management system (ETMS) 348
en route
flight advisory service (EFAS) 28
operations 34
extinction coefficient 159 329

false alarm 251 279
fast Fourier transform (FFT) 261

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F-factor 49
equivalent 312
Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) 318
random 384
isotropic 384
statistically homogeneous 384
scalar 384
vector 384
flameout 59 61
flap 17
flare 12
flight data processing (FDP) system 32
flight delays 39 41
flight mechanics 15
flight plan 28
flight rules
instrumented (IFR) 27 29 41
visual (VFR) 27 29 59
flight service station 28
streamlined 16 61
turbulent 17
fly-by-wire 18
fore/aft scanning technique (FAST) 207
forward scatterometer 243 244 329 330
free flight 135
frontal shear 113
freezing altitude (or height) 61

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geographic situation display 236
geostationary operational environmental
satellites (GOES) 321
GOES-7 323
GOES-8 323
GOES-9 321 325
GOES I-M 323 324
glideslope angle 12
global positioning system (GPS) 24
graphic weather display system (GWDS) 348
gravity current 101
gust 43 56
alleviation factor 52
gust front 8 98 223
asymmetric 100
symmetric 100
washout 367
gyroscope 23 316

damage due to 62
detection 438
signal 438
size 94
hailstone 61
hard landing 48
headwind 21 46
heavier-than-air machines 2 15

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height of neutral buoyancy 82
height of neutral density 82
hydrometeorological phenomena 37 57
hydrometeors 58 60 292
hydroplaning 59

ice accretion 63 64
icing 61 63
inertial navigator see navigator, inertial
inertial subrange (of turbulence) 388
inference generation 134
infinite-impulse-response filters 247
insects (airborne) 184
instrument flight rules (IFR) see flight rules,
instrument landing system (ILS) 25 26
glideslope 25
localiser 25
integrated terminal weather system (ITWS) 7 338 355
interim terminal Doppler weather radar
intermediate frequency (IF) 192
International Civil Aviation Organisation
(ICAO) 27
International Maritime Satellite Organisation
isodops 357
irrigation 5

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low-level 111 112
nocturnal 111
jet stream 57 113 114
joint airport weather studies (JAWS) 106

Kelvin-Helmholtz instability 218
klystron amplifier, see amplifier
Kolmogorov-Obukhov energy spectrum 392

landing guidance 60
lapse rate 82
saturated adiabatic 82
laser radar 163
lateral guidance 25 26
lateral wind 48
lidar 163
lift 15 17 18 51 59
coefficient 16 17 52
lift-to-drag (L/D) ratio 60
avoidance 412
channel 409
cloud-to-ground flashes 410
negative 410
positive 411

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lightning (Continued)
detection 423
in marginally electrified stratiform clouds 425
in mixed-phase clouds 425
in thunderstorms 407
in winter storms 425
intracloud flashes 96 409
leader 96 409
return strokes 411
strike to aircraft 415
‘tree’ 414
Lightning Characterization Program 412
linear depolarisation ratio 431
lines of position 24
liquid water content 64
Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS) 342
for terminal areas (T-LAPS) 342
loss factor 169
atmospheric 169
finite bandwidth 170
system 169
low level wind shear alert system (LLWAS) 7 305
enhanced 307
with network expansion (LLWAS-NE) 308

macroburst 105
magnetic compass 23
Marshall-Palmer distribution see drop size

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mean radial velocity 188 197
median volume diameter (MVD) 66
memory matrix 196
mesocyclone 8 227 228
mesoscale analysis and prediction system
(MAPS) 342
meteorologist’s weather processor (MWP) 348
microburst 8 48
asymmetry 111
shape 111
strength 111
dry 106 107
outflows 109
risk image 344
wet 106 107
wind index (WINDEX) 241
microwave landing system (MLS) 25 26
mode S (beacon system) 31 33 344
see also transponder
mountain wave 43
moving-Doppler-radar technique 207
multiple-time-around echoes 253

navigation 2 3 4 6
hyperbolic 24
navigational aids (navaids) 60
Doppler 23
inertial 23

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nondirectional beacon (NDB) 24
Northern Illinois Meteorological Research on
Downbursts (NIMROD) 106
nowcasting 42
Nyquist frequency 147
Nyquist velocity 255

observation ceiling 128
optical horizon 126
oscillations 47 52 56
see also dynamic mode
outdoor sports 5

parameter estimation 7
parcel theory of convection 82
passenger discomfort 39 40 48
pattern recognition 8
pencil beam 145
periodogram 198
phugoid mode 21 103
pilot fatigue 20
piston-engined aircraft 63
pitch plane 20
pitching moment 19
coefficient 19
pitot-static tube (also pitot tube) 16 22

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pixel 152
plan position indicator (PPI) 31 128
plasma channel 410
point target 6 143
polarimetric radar see radar
position fixing 23 24
preamplifier 192
intensity 7
precision approach radar (PAR) 30
predict 356
gust fronts 363
thunderstorms 356
tornadoes 363
primary sensor 6 138
principal user processor (PUP) 246
probability of detection 251 279
profilers see wind profilers
Project Rough Rider 90
propeller 19
pseudo-dual-Doppler method (of wind
mapping) 207 209
pulse-pair processing see Doppler
pulse repetition frequency (PRF) 146 248
pulse repetition interval (PRI) 146
pulse repetition time (PRT) 146
staggered 262
pulse-to-pulse phase coherence 191

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calibration 435
coherent 6
cross-section 154
data acquisition (RDA) unit 246
data acquisition status control (RDASC) 257
data processor (RDP) 32
equation see radar, range equation
horizon 126
polarimetric 8 430
polarisation diversity 429
primary 30
product generator (RPG) 246
pulsed 144
range equation 165
secondary 30
surveillance (SSR) 30
monopulse 31
separation 29
in-phase (I) 190 192
quadrature (Q) 190 192
signatures 6
radio acoustic sounding systems (RASS) 7 302 325
augmentation for sensing icing 304
radio-interference 247
accumulation 234 235
attenuation 8 159
cell 93

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rain (Continued)
orographic 175
rate 59 93 174 222
stratiform 175
thunderstorm 175
random phase transmission 263
range folding 232 252
see also range ambiguity
range-height indicator (RHI) 203 221 226
range overlays 257
Rankine vortex 357 358 360
rate of climb 66
Rayleigh scatterers 154
Rayleigh scattering 435
real-time weather processor (RWP) 347
receiver losses
atmospheric 169
filtering 170
lens effect 170
system 169
reflectivity 155
difference 432
differential 431
determination 195
factor 155
equivalent 156
horizontal polarisation 431
vertical polarisation 431
gradient 191

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regional atmospheric modelling system
(RAMS) 342
resolution volume (definition) 149
symmetrising 153
Reynolds number 63
roll 102
solitary 102
roll cloud 100
roll mode (of oscillation) 21 48
icing 40
visual range (RVR) 27 326 327 329

GOES see geostationary operational
environmental satellites
imagery 4
infrared band 321
multispectral 321
visible band 321
observation 320
radiometric 320
scan cycle 270 273
scanning strategies 270
stacked-beam 271
schedule-keeping 6 39
search and rescue services 29
second trip echo 253

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sidelobe effects
in ATC 31
in weather radar 193
signal processing 186 260
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) 148
sink rate 89
siting (of radar) 7 266
skin friction 18
slope of the lift curve 52
dry 60 185
wet 60
snowstorms 60
solitons see waves, solitary
space missions 14
space shuttle 60
space-time grid 7
specific differential phase see differential
specific extinction 159
spectral decomposition 260
spectral density tensor 386
spectral functions 388
spectral method (of moment estimation) see
air 21 47 52
ground 21
inertial 22
stall see stall

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speed (Continued)
wind see wind
spherics see atmospherics
squall line 436
stability 61
dynamic 21
static 20
stable local oscillator (STALO) 192
stall 17 47 59 63
angle-of-attack 17
margin 66
speed 12 17
state-of-the-atmosphere variables (SAVs) 342
storm cell identification and tracking (SCIT)
algorithm 229
storm cells 8
Storm Hazards Program 71 412
storm top 83
stratosphere 81
supercell 84 215
sweep (of wings) 20
synchronous detector 192

tactical air navigation system (TAGAN) 24
tailwind 21 43 46 4
tangential velocity assumed display (TVAD) 207 361
temperature profile 7
terminal air traffic control automation
(TATCA) 341

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terminal area surveillance system (TASS) 285
terminal Doppler weather radar (TDWR) 7 275
location 280
terminal radar control (TRACON) 12 279
terminal speed (or velocity) 58 173
threat alert and collision avoidance system
(TCAS) 28
three-body effect 283
thrust 18 19 49 50 52
59 61
complex 85
cumulus stage 83
dissipating stage 83
mature stage 83
time-domain computation (of spectral
moments) 197
time-height plot 56 299
time-of-arrival (TOA) technology 424
tornado 8 92
ground track 228
vortex signature (TVS) 225 361
tracers (of atmospheric motion) 183 206
tracking 355
gust fronts 368
thunderstorms 355
tornadoes 363
traffic density 14
Transall Programme (of lightning study) 412

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transmissometer 328
detector 328
projector 328
transmitted power
average 146
peak 146
transoceanic flying 3
transponder 24 28 30 290 344
mode S 31 33 34 344 348
tropopause 81
troposphere 81
airborne measurement 316
clear-air see clear air turbulence
continuous 53
extreme 56 90
in K-H waves 379
in thermal plumes 378
in thunderstorms 89 90 377
intermittent 53
light 53 58 90 396
moderate 53 58 90 396
occasional 53
severe 54 58 90 396
turbulent flow
isotropic incompressible 387
turbulent structure parameter of refractive
index 158

unambiguous range 147 253

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unambiguous velocity 147 255
interval 255
undershoot 48
updraft 83
user-friendliness 6

vector wind 204 207
retrieval 206
velocity aliasing 252
velocity azimuth display (VAD) 203 219 250 291
velocity dealiasing 258
velocity discontinuities (or jumps) 8 258
very-high frequency omnirange (VOR) 24
visual flight rules see flight rules
voice switching system 33

buoyancy 102 321
gravity 102 321
solitary 102
wavenumber 386
detection 8
hazard estimation 8
recognition 8
products 7 73 279
radar see radar and Doppler

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weather (Continued)
long-range 7
weathercock mechanism 21
anemometer combination 306
divergent 8
gradients 40
shear (definition) 44 45
aiborne detection 310
forward 45
hazard index see F-factor
horizontal 45 46 108 109 165
vertical 45 49
shift 22
speed 7
vector see vector wind
wind profilers 7 56 58
405 MHz 296
915 MHz 297
boundary layer 196
(MST) 298
radar 291
stratospheric-tropospheric (ST) 297
tripod configuration 293
tropospheric 295
lower 295
wing loading 18 52
Winter Icing and Storms Project (WISP) 66

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Wright brothers 2 3
WSR-57 178
WSR-88D 7 246 285 339 341
342 347 361 366 368
402 435

zone of blindness 267
Zooplankton 184
Z-R relationship 175

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