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The line graph sets out the earnings of clothing exports of three countries in millions of
dollars between 1999 and 2003. Mainly two countries ran into the increase of exporting the
clothing, while another had come down in millionmillions of dollars for it in a period of five
In 1999, Myanmar experienced the lowest earnings of the clothing exports at 10 million
dollars compared to other countries. Besides a significant decline from 2001 to 2002 at above
300 million dollars, Myanmar saw the greatest rise in a period of five year, peaked at more
than 900 million dollars in 2001 and ended 400 million dollars in 2003.
Elsewhere, started at above 400 million dollars in 1999, Colombia’s earnings for exporting
the clothing climbed gradually until exceeding Japan’s earning in 2000 and reached the
highest income at 700 million dollars in 2002. Even one year later, there was a brief decline
at just above 600 million dollars.
On the other side, Japan, the highest exporter for clothing that almost reached 600 million
dollars in 1999, experienced a gently decline in two periods, from 1999 to 2000 at a bit above
500 million dollars and from 2001 to 2003 reaching the lowest export earnings at below 500
million dollars, although from 2000-2001 the country export of clothing bounced back to the
better earns at 600 million dollars.

Task 2
Do the following writing question

Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high
school programmes (for example working for a charity, improving the neighborhood or
teaching sports to younger children).
To what extent do you agree or disagree? (write your answer in 250-300 words)

Unpaid community service as a part of compulsory activities for students in high school is
uncommon in Indonesia. However, this idea could be beneficial for them in practicing their
soft competencies. Students as the future leaders are expected not only mastering the
knowledge delivered in the class by teachers, but also requiring to possess a variety of
experience that can help them improve the communication skills as one of the soft
For instance, one of the programs is working for a charity in which there will be a situation
that may show the students unlucky people. Their empathy can be better by meeting diverse
people and understanding others. Moreover, the program could improve their communication
skills and teamwork because the programs necessitate the coordination among the students.
Another example of program is teaching sports to younger children. The students’ leadership
will be sharpened by leading and managing others in good manner. It could be challenging
for the students, but it is valuable for their future. Moreover, the programs can make the
students feel providing impact on their societies.
Indeed, the time allocation and type of the programs must be proportional and proper for the
students because they are still obligate to learn in the classroom. The school have to involve
parents and committee to decide what programs are suitable for them and how long the
programs will take. Parents and committee have a role to provide the information about
students that can leverage the quality of programs.
In conclusion, the unpaid community service as a part of compulsory activities for students in
high school conveys a fruitful and meaningful for the students because the activities can
improve their soft competencies.
line graph sets out the earnings[da1]  of clothing exports of three countries in millions of
dollars between 1999 and 2003. Mainly two countries ran into [da2] the increase of exporting
the clothing, while another had come down [da3] in millions of dollars for it in a period of five

Colombia started at above 400 million dollars in 1999. The revenue of the fashion industry
climbed gradually, exceeded Japan’s clothing exports in 2000, and reached the highest
income at 700 million dollars in 2002. 

In the last year of the period, Colombia’s clothing exports experienced a brief decline to
finish as the country with the highest income at just above 600 million dollars.

Although it experienced a slight decrease in the last year of the period, Colombia’s clothing
exports were the highest of all in 2003 with around 600 million dollars in sales. 

In 1999, Myanmar had the lowest amount of the clothing exports at only about 10 million
dollars. From 1999 onwards, the exports of Myanmar increased sharply to peak at above
900 million dollars in sales in 2001. The trend then reversed as the sales plunged in the next
year, to reach its lowest point at around 300 million of dollars in exports. The sales then
gradually picked up to finish at just above 400 million of dollars in exports, returning
Myanmar’s position as country with the lowest export of all.  

 Besides [da4] a significant decline from 2001 to 2002 at above 300 million dollars, Myanmar
saw the greatest rise in a period of five year, peaked at more than 900 million dollars in 2001
and ended 400 million dollars in 2003.

Japan, the highest exporter for clothing that almost reached 600 million dollars in 1999.

In 1999, Japan was the highest clothing exporter of three countries with the number of sales
just under 600 millions of dollars. This number was higher than Colombia and Myanmar
whose exports were only under 500 millions and 100 millions of dollars, respectively. Over
the period, aside from a slight increase in 2000 to 2001 and a peak at 600 millions of dollars,
Japan’s clothing exports experienced a steady decline to finish at just under 500 millions of
exports in 2003. 

 experienced a gently [da6] decline in two periods, from 1999 to 2000 at a bit above 500
million dollars and from 2001 to 2003 reaching the lowest export earnings at below 500
million dollars, although from 2000-2001 the country export of clothing bounced back to the
better earns at 600 million dollars. (buat penjelasan secara kronologis dan linear)

10 millions

10 million rupiahs

10 millions of rupiahs
Task 2
Do the following writing question

Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high
school programmes (for example working for a charity, improving the neighborhood or
teaching sports to younger children).

To what extent do you agree or disagree? (write your answer in 250-300 words)

Unpaid community service as a part of compulsory activities for students in high school is
uncommon in Indonesia. However, this idea could be beneficial for them in practicing their
soft competencies. Students as the future leaders are expected not only mastering the
knowledge delivered in the class by teachers, but also requiring to possess a variety of
experience that can help them improve the communication skills as one of the soft

For instance, one of the programs is working for a charity in which there will be a situation
that may show the students unlucky people. Their empathy can be better by meeting diverse
people and understanding others. Moreover, the program could improve their
communication skills and teamwork because the programs necessitate the coordination
among the students. Another example of program is teaching sports to younger children.
The students’ leadership will be sharpened by leading and managing others in good manner.
It could be challenging for the students, but it is valuable for their future. Moreover, the
programs can make the students feel providing impact on their societies.

Indeed, the time allocation and type of the programs must be proportional and proper for the
students because they are still obligate to learn in the classroom. The school have to involve
parents and committee to decide what programs are suitable for them and how long the
programs will take. Parents and committee have a role to provide the information about
students that can leverage the quality of programs.

In conclusion, the unpaid community service as a part of compulsory activities for students in
high school conveys a fruitful and meaningful for the students because the activities can
improve their soft competencies.

Opinion Questions (Agree or Disagree) 

Typical Question Words–

What is your opinion?

Do you agree or disagree?

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Direct question.

Example Question–

Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high
school programmes (for example working for a charity, improving the neighborhood or
teaching sports to younger children).

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Dany is kind.

He loves to give to charity.

Yesterday, he gave 10 Million Rupiahs for the disaster relief program.



Sentence 1- Paraphrase Question

Sentence 2- Thesis Statement (It is agreed…/It is disagreed…/This essay agrees/disagrees…)

Sentence 3- Outline Sentence (This essay will discuss….)

Main Body Paragraph 1 

Sentence 1- Topic Sentence

Sentence 2- Explain Topic Sentence

Sentence 3- Example

Main Body Paragraph 2

Sentence 1- Topic Sentence

Sentence 2- Explain Topic Sentence

Sentence 3- Example


Sentence 1- Summary and opinion


Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high
school programmes (for example working for a charity, improving the neighborhood or
teaching sports to younger children).

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is argued that volunteering should be made part of the school curriculum. This essay agrees
with that suggestion completely because of the benefits it brings to pupils. The essay will first
look at how voluntary work can help students develop soft skills (1) and then discuss how
these extracurricular activities are valued by universities and employers (2).

Education should not be limited to strictly academic pursuits and those in education should
also develop life skills, such as teamwork, empathy and self-discipline, and one of the best
ways to hone these aptitudes is through community service. Serving those less fortunate than
ourselves teaches us many lessons including how to work with people from other
backgrounds and the value of hard work. For example, I personally volunteered to spend 6
weeks in Africa teaching disadvantaged children and this led to a much higher work ethic
when I returned to my studies.

Many colleges and companies are also increasingly looking for this type of experience. Most
school leavers have the same grades and charitable works can help set you apart from the
herd. For example, Cambridge and Oxford receive thousands of applications from straight-A
students every year and can only accept a small percentage of applicants. What you have
done outside the classroom is often the thing that differentiates you from everyone else and
gets you that coveted spot.

In conclusion, teenagers should be made to partake in unpaid work as part of their schooling
because it will help them learn things they wouldn’t ordinarily learn from their teachers and it
will also boost their chances of getting into third level education.

Deduktif - general to specific - abstract to concrete/operational

Why, how, what, when, where,


The bar graph compares the number of selected foods sold on day-to-day sales for two
seasons at the Vista Café. The graph gives information about the average daily sales of five
items bought by the customer in Winter and Summer.
All in all, the ordered foods at the café in summer were similar in average which the iced
coffee was the favourite one and soup as well as salad at the least. While in summer, the iced
coffee is the least favourite item at the Vista Café. The best-selling food is hot coffee
followed by soup in the second favoured choice and ice cream as well as salad as the next
preferred food by the customers.
In summer, the most popular item was the ice coffee with exactly 40 orders that is
remarkably different in winter about 2 sales. Then, the Vista café could sell the ice cream
with approximately 35 items and hot coffee with exactly 30 servings, followed by soup and
salad with around 25 sales. Whereas, at the Vista café in winter, hot coffee was in the best
choice for customers with just over 70 items and followed by soup with exactly 50 sales. Ice
cream and salad are the next best foods with just around 25 items for each of them.

Harus ada pengelompokan sendiri

Harus dibandingkan variable
Angka dari tinggi ke turun
Word usage
Respectively = sold in turn

The bar chart sets out the comparison of generous Britons in giving money for the donation
based on their age ranges between 1990 dan 2010. Generally, all age ranges in 1990 had
provided more funds compared to 2010.
In 1990, the 36-50 age group possessed the funds with just over 40% of population, followed
by the group ranges of 26-35, 51-65, and over 65 years old with just over 30%, around 33%
and exactly 35% of the population. The youngest group had the lowest percentage with just
over 15% in 1990.
On the other hand, the 51-65 age group was the highest percentage of charity for others in
2010 with nearly 40%. The older and younger age were the same percentage at accurately 35
%. Then, the size of the 18-25 and 26-35 age group provided funds for the donation at about
5% and nearly 25% of the population in 2020.
In some countries, an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems
as a result of eating too much fast food. It is, therefore, necessary for governments to
impose a higher tax on this kind of food.
Do you agree or disagree?

The number of people suffering the diseases caused by consuming fast foods is growing in
some countries. To deal with it, the government's plans to create policy by raising the tax on
fast foods. The following arguments will provide the disagreements of the plans because the
problems are not solely affected by the junk foods. The arguments are explaining the other
possible factors of triggering the health problems and providing some preventive actions to
minimize the effects.
People's health is influenced by how they live in daily activities, such as what they drink,
how they do exercises, how long they sleep and what food they eat. By judging merely from
the consumed food is a mistake. People can get sick when they have less sleep and seldom
drink mineral water. For instance, you have a busy day and decide to stay up late. The next
morning you are tired because of it and aggravated by having less drink.
There are some programs that can be done to minimize the effect of junk foods for health.
Starting by managing the diet as the hardest part is the first essential step because people have
a tendency to eat or drink everything they love. Then, scheduling the regular exercises can
increase the metabolism of the body and keep the spirit spiritually healthy. Finally, choosing
fun activities can boost your mood and improve your mind. For instance, you can eat fast
food once a month and do some fun exercise twice a week.
Thus, it can be concluded that raising the fast food tax will not change the situation in which
the number of health problems rise. There must be other positive day-to-day activities done
by people to improve their health.

The two maps compare the development of Shipsmouth in the years 1997 and 2010. It can be
seen from the maps that Shipsmouth has been improved and extended, with much more
public transportations, tall buildings and entertainment sites.
Firstly, there was no apartment for living in 1995, but then the trees in the northwest of the
map had been cut down to build the apartment blocks. The previous factory near the lake has
been demolished and replaced by a shipping centre in which between it and the old station,
the football stadium was constructed. More trees have been cut down to build the airport in
the southeast. The obvious change is the house near the airport has been knocked down to
establish the wonderful skyscrapers.
Another major change to the area in 2010 was the replacement of the church into a pub.
Furthermore, the station has been extended to the north and the function of the roadway in
1995 in front of the city centre was changed to be a sidewalk for pedestrians in 2010.

Di map ga perlu semua

Penggunaan present perfect klo today dan past perfect klo tahun sebelumnya

Currently the fresh graduates of senior high school in some countries are driven to work or
travel for a year before entering the university. Indeed, this circumstance is not only
providing them benefits but also placing them in drawbacks.
Principally, the benefits of having trips and working could help youths to more relax and
enrich their skills. Vacation could increase young people’s mood before having a tough time
in studying in university. Moreover, when youths decide to work, the possibility to gain
experience related to their next study will be inevitable. In office, youths have to face some
problems that can develop their decision making and communication skills. How they
conveying their arguments to solve the difficulties and socializing with diverse people could
trigger the young people more independent and having good leadership.
On the other hand, some unexpected drawbacks should be dealt by the fresh graduates when
deciding to work or travel. Youths have a tendency not to continue their education because
they work and can afford their desired things. Money could be the best distraction for young
people. Whereas, education possesses higher possibility for them to create a better career.
Moreover, by having long trips for a year does not give the youths any useful experience
rather than spending much money. Vacationer must pay for hotels, transportation, foods,
drinks and gifts in which all of them entail a lot of money.
In conclusion, two sides of the same coin are present in this situation and the youths have to
deliberate the possible outcomes. One side could assist them to pursue and prepare the next
journey in the university, while another side is the high walls that is challenging to be pass

Outline belum ada, poin inti dr setiap paragraph 1

Setiap argument beban tingginya harus sama
Harus Deduktif lagi
Present tenses
In conclusion sebutkan lagi poinnya

The diagrams illustrate the two processes of honey production by involving bees and honey
farmers. The initial stage described in the left diagram shows the stages of generating the
honey by the bees, while another one in the right diagram illustrates the steps conducted the
beekeepers to gain and sell the honey.
Firstly, in a honey comb, the queen bee lies eggs that will hatch out in the next three weeks
into the bees. They then fly leaving the hive to collect nectar from flowers and back to the
hive to gather the nectar that eventually become honey.
Afterwards, a bee farmer chooses the best honeycomb that possess much honey from the hive
to be extracted utilizing a machine. The next process requires the bee farmer to ensure the
honey hygiene by boiling it in hot stove. Finally, the honey is poured to the packages that can
be distributed and sold to shops and customers.

Klo process balik lagi ke proses awal

Transition signal perlu di proses kaya the, firstly, finally dll
Task 2

Nowadays technology, such as internet, handphone, and laptop, is rapidly utilized in

educational institutions. The advantages can be gained for teachers and students when wisely
employed it in the process of educating, while some argue that disadvantages of technology
in education are inevitable. Eventually, technology provides more benefits for education.
Internet, as technology, obviously breaks the limitation of information access which now
create the possibility for everyone searching for everything they need for learning. Moreover,
teachers and students can conduct online class without requiring them to meet in the same
place. This technology also accelerates the innovation in education by emphasizing the
learning goals and assists the teachers create the interesting activities for the students in the
class. For instance, the pandemic forces the education institutions to conduct all learning
activities using Zoom as online meeting platform and utilizes videos and websites that can
improve the quality of teaching process.
On the other hand, technology could be distractions for students during the class activities.
Handphone could be addictive for students because there are social media that attract them
every time. Additionally, information provided in the internet are not always reliable and
valid that mislead the students’ comprehension about the materials. For example, it is quite
often the students access their social media while the teacher presenting the materials. Then,
when they get confused, they choose to understand them by reading articles in internet
without checking the sources.
It can be concluded that technology offers people the benefits by providing limitless
information and developing exciting activities, whereas the problems must be considered,
such as the distractions and the validity. Nevertheless, the wisely use of technology could
bring greater positive impacts for the teachers and the students in the learning activities.
Task 2

The students’ dependency on the technology is increasing over the period of time. This essay
sets out the most attracted technology, namely computers, for the students and argues that
there is a necessity to provide solutions for this situation.
The addiction to computers harms to the students’ physical health because of the duration.
The emitting lights produced by the monitor could damage the eyes if the students are
careless about the distance and brightness of the monitor. Besides, sitting too long on the
chair while using computer could hurt the students’ back bone. There was a case which a
student loved to play games in the computer. The distance between the monitor and his eyes
was to close that eventually made him had to wear glasses.
If the students are consciously aware that their habit using computer must be balanced by
other activities to reduce the risks. Firstly, the screen must be adjusted based on the
brightness of the room and put it in the proper and save distance. In addition, after sitting on
the chair about two hours, they need to do small exercises. For instance, a student who has
been using computer for two hours, she has to walk for just 5 minutes.
Therefore, the students’ reliance on the technology, especially the use of computer can cause
their physical health, such as the eyes and the backbone. These issues can be solved by doing
small exercises and customizing the brightness and the distance of monitor. These solutions
can minimize the jeopardies of the excessive use of the computers.

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