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Date Performed: 03/19/2021

Date Submitted: 03/21/2021


Fluid mechanics is the study of how fluids react to forces. Fluid mechanics
includes hydrodynamics, the study of force on liquids, and aerodynamics, the study of
bodies moving through air. This encompasses a wide variety of applications. Can you
think of any examples of engineering applications for which an understanding the
behaviour of fluids is important? Environmental engineers use fluid mechanics to
study pollution dispersion, forest fires, volcano behaviour, weather patterns to aid in
long-term weather forecasting, and oceanography. Mechanical engineers implement
fluid mechanics when designing sports equipment such as golf balls, footballs,
baseballs, road bikes and swimming gear. Chemical engineers implement fluid
mechanics in designing pipes and tubes in Manufacturing industry. Bioengineers
study medical conditions such as blood flow through an aneurysm. Aerospace
engineers study gas turbines that launch space shuttles and civil engineers use fluid
mechanics for dam design. Considering just these few examples of the wide variety of
applications of fluid mechanics, you can see how fluid mechanics is important to
understand for many types of engineering design in our world.

Density is the mass of a unit volume of a material substance. The formula for
density is d = M/V, where d is density, M is mass, and V is volume. Density is
commonly expressed in units of grams per cubic centimeter. Density offers a
convenient means of obtaining the mass of a body from its volume or vice versa; the
mass is equal to the volume multiplied by the density (M = Vd), while the volume is
equal to the mass divided by the density (V = M/d). The weight of a body, which is
usually of more practical interest than its mass, can be obtained by multiplying the
mass by the acceleration of gravity. Tables that list the weight per unit volume of
substances are also available; this quantity has various titles, such as weight density,
specific weight, or unit weight. See also specific gravity.

Viscosity, the resistance of a fluid liquid or gas, to a change in shape, or

movement of neighbouring portions relative to one another. Viscosity denotes
opposition to flow. The reciprocal of the viscosity is called the fluidity, a measure of
the ease of flow. Molasses, for example, has a greater viscosity than water. Because
part of a fluid that is forced to move carries along to some extent adjacent parts, the
viscosity may be thought of as internal friction between the molecules; such friction
opposes the development of velocity differences within a fluid. Viscosity is a major
factor in determining the forces that must be overcome when fluids are used in
lubrication and transported in pipelines. It controls the liquid flow in such processes
as spraying, injection molding, and surface coating. For many fluids, the tangential, or
shearing, stress that causes flow is directly proportional to the rate of shear strain, or
rate of deformation, that results. In other words, the shear stress divided by the rate of
shear strain is constant for a given fluid at a fixed temperature. This constant is called
the dynamic, or absolute, viscosity and often simply the viscosity. Fluids that behave
in this way are called Newtonian fluids in honor of Sir Isaac Newton, who first
formulated this mathematical description of viscosity. The dimensions of dynamic
viscosity are force × time ÷ area. The unit of viscosity, accordingly, is newton-second
per square meter, which is usually expressed as pascal-second in SI units. The
viscosity of liquids decreases rapidly with an increase in temperature, and the
viscosity of gases increases with an increase in temperature. Thus, upon heating,
liquids flow more easily, whereas gases flow more sluggishly. For some applications,
the kinematic viscosity is more useful than the absolute, or dynamic, viscosity.
Kinematic viscosity is the absolute viscosity of a fluid divided by its mass density.
The dimensions of kinematic viscosity are area divided by time; the appropriate units
are meter squared per second. The unit of kinematic viscosity in the centimeter-gram-
second system, called the stokes in Britain and the stoke in the U.S., is named for the
British Physicist Sir George Gabriel Stokes. The stoke is defined as one centimeter
squared per second.

In this activity, we'll be measuring a property of fluids called viscosity. Again

viscosity describes how a fluid resists forces, or more specifically shear forces. And
what is the relationship of density to viscosity? Hence, density is the mass over a unit
volume while shear is the type of force that occurs when two objects slide parallel to
one another. Since fluids are composed of many molecules that are all moving, these
molecules exert a shear force on one another. Fluids with low viscosity have a low
resistance to shear forces, and therefore the molecules flow quickly and are easy to
move through. Can anyone name an example of a low-viscosity fluid? One example is
air! Another example is water. Fluids with high viscosity flow more slowly and are
harder to move through. What are examples of high-viscosity fluids? One example of
a high-viscosity fluid is honey.
Part I.

 The aim of this investigation is to compare the densities of

three different liquids: water, compound A-1, and compound

 Identify the name of compound A-1 and Compound A-2

Part II.

 Determine the relationship of density and viscosity

 The aim of this investigation is to compare the viscosity of

different liquid


Part I.

Material/Apparatus/Equipment/Chemical Used

 Distilled Water

 Wash Bottle

 50 mL Graduated Cylinder

 Analytical Balance

 Compound A-1

 Compound A-2

Part II.

Material/Apparatus/Equipment/Chemical Used

 Clean, dry marble  Cooking oil

 5 pcs. Graduated cylinder (25mL)  Syrup

 Timer  Heated Honey

 Water  Honey

Part I.

1) Identify the room temperature. (In this experiment I use 25 oC)

2) Drag the empty measuring cylinder & place it on the analytical balance.

3) Click the TARE button to zero the balance. (The balance should now read
0.0 when the empty measuring cylinder is on it).

4) Drag the water bottle and place it next to the top of the measuring cylinder.

5) Click and hold the hand until the liquid reaches exactly 50.0 mL.

6) Record the mass (in grams, g) of the liquid (this is taken from the
analytical balance reading).

7) Record the volume in (millilitres, mL): [ Hint: the volume will be 50.0
Compound A-1 Compound A-2

Result Result

8) Calculate the density (in g/mL). Remember, density = mass/volume. (Use

a calculator).

9) Repeat steps 1 to 7 for Compound A-1 and Compound A-2. [ i.e. Click
Reset and go back to Step 1, place empty measuring cylinder on balance
then Step 2, press TARE then Step 3, select next liquid, and so on all the
way to Step 7.]
Part II.

1) Fill the graduated cylinder with the first liquid, making sure to leave enough room at
the top so that it does not overflow when the marble is dropped in.

2) Weigh the marble and record the weight in kilograms.

3) Drop the marble into the liquid while starting the stopwatch.

4) Stop the timer when the marble reaches the bottom of the graduated cylinder.

5) Record the time in seconds and the height in meters for this liquid.

6) Repeat steps 1-5 two more times with the same liquid and record findings.

7) Calculate the average for the three trials and record.

8) Repeat steps 1-7 with the other liquids.

9) Calculate the viscosity for each liquid.

10) Heat the liquid found to have the highest viscosity in the microwave for 20 seconds.
Immediately repeat the experiment with the heated liquid.

11) Calculate the viscosity of the heated liquid.


Part I.

Name of Liquid Mass (g) Volume (mL)
Water 50 50 1.0
Compound A-1 63 50 1.26
Compound A-2 42.50 50 0.85

 List the liquids in order of increasing density (that is from least dense to most dense)

Answer: Compound A-2 – Water - Compound A-1

 What is the name of the liquid chemical that is used in this experiment Compound A-
1 and Compound A-2?

Answer: Compound A-1 is glycerine (C3,H8,O3 )

Compound A-2 is palmitic acid (CH3(CH2)14COOH)

Part II.

 Weight of the Marble: 5 grams= 0.005 kg

 All liquids were filled past the 25 mL mark on the graduated cylinder to the height of
12 cm = 0.12 m.

Average Absolute
Liquids t1 t2 t3 d
time viscosity
21.34 0.14m
Water 21.53 sec 21 sec 21.34 sec 0.7621 Pa.s
93.33 0.14m
Cooking oil 78 sec 90 sec 115 sec 3.3689 Pa.s
Syrup 645 sec 675 sec 630 sec 650 sec 0.14m 23.214 Pa.s
Honey 818 sec 853 sec 837 sec 836 sec 0.14m 34.83 Pa.s
Heated honey 540 sec 625 sec 587 sec 854 sec 0.14m 35.583 Pa.s

Water (14 cm = 0.14 m)

Run 1: 21.53 sec Run 2: 21 sec Run 3: 21.34 sec

Average Run: 21.34 sec

µ= (0.005 kg) (21.34 sec)/ 0.14 m = 0.7621 Pa•s

Cooking Oil (14 cm = 0.14 m)

Run 1: 78 sec Run 2: 90 sec Run 3: 115 sec

Average Run: 94.33 sec

µ= (0.005 kg) (94.33 sec) / 0.14m= 3.3689 Pa•s

Syrup (14 cm = 0.14 m)

Run 1: 645 sec Run 2: 675 secs Run 3: 630 sec

Average Run: 650 sec

µ= (0.005 kg) (650 sec)/ 0.14 m = 23.214 Pa•s

Honey (14 cm = 0.14 m)

Run 1: 818 sec Run 2: 853 sec Run 3: 837 sec

Average Run: 836 sec

µ= (0.005 kg) (836 sec)/0.14m = 34.83 Pa•s

Heated Honey (14 cm = 0.14 m)

Run 1: 540 sec Run 2: 625 sec Run 3: 587 sec

Average Run: 854 sec

µ= (0.005 kg) (854 sec)/0.14m = 35.583 Pa•s

 What is the relationship of density and viscosity?

Answer: There is no direct relation between viscosity and density. However,

both Viscosity and density are affected by temperature. This implies, for any
given fluid, when the temperature is raised, the particle in it start to move
apart, bringing down fluid density thereby the value of viscosity also falls
down or fluid becomes less viscous.

 Can anyone name an example of a low-viscosity fluid?

Answer: Water, Milk, and Blood

 What are examples of high-viscosity fluids?

Answer: syrup, honey, and toothpaste



The objective of this investigation was to compare the densities of

three different liquids: water, compound A-1, and compound A-2 and also to
determine the name of Compound A-1 and Compound A-2.

The result show that Compound A-1 is the most dense liquid and
Compound A-2 is the most least dense. On the other hand, I determine the
name of Compound A-1 which is glycerine just because the density of
glycerine @ 25°C is 1.25802 g/ml so I assume that the compound will be
glycerine. Thus, I determine the name of Compound A-2 which is Palmitic
acid just because the density of palmitic acid @ 25°C is 0.853 g/ml so again I
assume that the compound will be palmitic acid.


The thicker liquids have a higher viscosity than the thinner liquids.
Honey had the highest viscosity, followed by syrup, then oil, and lastly water;
as predicted. The intermolecular forces of these liquids affect their viscosity.
The liquids with strong intermolecular forces have a higher viscosity while
those with weaker intermolecular forces. Since honey had the highest viscosity
it was the liquid that was heated. After heating its viscosity fell by 0.753 Pa•s.
Its viscosity was higher than water and oil but lower than syrup and room
temperature honey. Water’s intermolecular forces are hydrogen bonding,
dipole-dipole attractions, and dispersion forces. While hydrogen bonding is a
particularly strong bond, water is a small and relatively simple molecule which
are two factors that contribute to its low viscosity. Cooking oil is composed of
hydrocarbon chains with the only intermolecular force being dispersion forces,
the weakest of the intermolecular forces. Although the intermolecular forces
of cooking oil are weak they are still stronger than those of water, which is
why oil has a higher viscosity than water.

Syrup is composed mostly of sucrose and water. Sucrose is composed

of hydrogen bonds, which are very strong. However, since there is also water
it brings down the viscosity of syrup. This explains why it had a higher
viscosity than everything but honey. Honey is also composed of sucrose,
which exhibits hydrogen bonding. It also contains glucose and fructose. These
large molecules combined with the hydrogen bonding present account for
honey’s high viscosity.


On this laboratory experiment I learned that viscosity and density are

the characteristics of a fluid, but there is no direct relation between them.
Thus, when the temperature is increased, its density decreases, thus the fluid
becomes less viscous. And also the thicker liquids have, a higher viscosity
than the thinner liquids will. On the other hand, I experience a lot fun when I
do the density experiment via Virtually, while I suffer a lot when I conducted
the viscosity experiment because it takes a lot of time to calculate and record
the time of marble as it falls down. But still I enjoy it and have some fun just
because this laboratory is hard and challenging.



Data Reference:
Laboratory Performed Reference:

Video Reference:

Part II.

Data Reference & Video Reference:

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