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Date- 10TH August, 2021

Q.1 - Explain the elements and principles in terms of interior design?


1. Balance

Balance can be described as the equal distribution of visual weight in a room

3 types - symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial.

Symmetrical balance - same objects repeated in the same positions on either side of a room.

Asymmetrical balance - some dis-similar objects that have equal visual weight in the room.

Radial balance - elements are arranged around a center point

Symmetrical Balance Asymmetrical Balance Radial Balance

2. Rhythm
It is all about visual pattern repetition. It is defined as continuity, recurrence or organized
Repetition - Create rhythm by using a color throughout with pillows, paintings, rugs, and
Contrast - use black and white pillows to create rhythm

3. Unity/ Harmony
When all the parts of a room or home are related to a theme or one idea.
Example- all the elements of the room creates oneness “tropical interior design”…Tropical
design generally includes nature into it… more wood work, leafy patterns.
4. Emphasis
Creating a focus within a designated space.
There are 5 ways to create Focal point…. color, scale, isolation, pointing and framing.
Example- that frame… shades of blue is dragging the viewer’s attention.

5. Proportion and Scale

Proportion refers to how well the items fit together
Scale refers to how well your pieces fit in your space
Relates to the actual and relative size and visual weight of the design and its components.
Furniture and accessories are in proportion with the room


1. Line
Lines create outlines by enclosing and containing parts of a design
Lines can be smooth, rough, continuous, broken, thick or thin
Lines can be formed into shapes or frames
Types of Lines
Horizontal: straight left and right and perpendicular to vertical lines
Vertical: straight up and down perpendicular to horizontal lines
Curved: lines that bend in any amount of degree
Diagonal: lines that are straight in any direction except vertical or
Example- vertical lines are found in the wooden partition placed in the background.

2. Space
Area within, around, above, or below an objects.
There are 2 types of spaces- positive space (filled space) and negative space (empty space).
Positive space negative space

3. Form
Adding dimensions to the shape… shape can be natural or
Example- furniture having bunch of geometric shapes included

4. Texture
Surface quality or appearance of an object.
Textures can be rough, smooth, shiny etc.,
2types- visual and actual texture
Visual texture- can only see not necessarily felt
Actual texture- can be seen and feel

5. Color
Color wheels are used to classify colors and their relation to each other
Primary colors are hues from which all other colors can be made: red, yellow, blue. Secondary
colors are made from mixing equal parts of the Primary colors: orange, green, violet.
Tertiary colors are those colors between Primary and Secondary colors: yellow-orange, red-
orange, etc.
Complementary colors are colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel: red-green,
orange- blue, yellow-violet.
Analogous colors are colors that are adjacent (side by side) to each other on the color wheel.
Monochromatic colors are variations in value of one color by adding either white to make tints
or black to make shades.
Example- background colors can change the theme of the room

6. Pattern
A repetition of more than one design elements
Example- background the wallpaper had a pattern of hexagon
and the flooring having wooden panels in pattern.

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