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Team Leader

2. - Manufacturing Engineer
1. Product quality
- Mechanical Designer 1. Trade-offs
2. Product cost
- Electronics Designer 2. Dynamics
3. Development time & cost
-Purchasing Specialist 3. Details
4. Development capability
-Marketing Professional 4. Time pressure

- Industrial Designer 5. Economics

Characteristics of
Who Designs and The Challenges
Successful Product
Develops of Product
Products? Development


The Contribution of
Successful Product
Development Industrial

1. Lack of empowerment of the

1. Creation
1. an electric scooter
2. Functional allegiances
2. Satisfaction of societal
2. a mobile telephone transcending project goals
and individual needs
3. an automobile engine 3. Inadequate resources
3. Team diversity
4. a digital copier 4. Lack of cross-functional
4. Team spirit
representation on the project team
The First Chapter in Product Design & Development is Introduction. In this
chapter we learn how a company become successful or failing based on their
ability to identify the needs of customers and to quickly create products that
meet these needs and can be produced at low cost. The first one is the
Characteristic of Successful Product Development. This is to determine
whether the product is able to be sold profitably. Second is who to develop the
products. This usually consist of Team leader and each representative from
other division together make a team specifically to design & develop a specific
product. The third one is The Challenges of Product Development is all the
challenge the design and development team has to face in order to able
successfully develop a product and how to product cope with all the challenge.
The fourth one, The Contribution of Successful Product Development is the
reason why the product is able to sold profitably and appeal to the market.
And the last one the Organizational Realities is the realisation that when we
design and develop a product, the development of the product is unsuccessful
or delayed.

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