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prophylaxis [ ¸prɔfi´læksis ] (pl -xes [-si:z]) = prophylactic treatment, such as the cleaning of
the teeth by a dentist or dental hygienist.
apex [ ´eipeks ] (pl apexes [´eipeksiz) tooth apex = the tip of the tooth
dental hygienist [ hai´dʒi:nist / hai´dʒenist] = dental assistant
to shield = to protect
mouth-guard = gum-shield
to avulse [ə´vʌls] = to pull off or tear away forcibly
e.g. to avulse a ligament (сухожилие)/ avulsed tooth - избит зъб със сила)

transient [´trænziənt] краткотраен = short-term = temporary

e.g. transient sensitivity of teeth after dental prophylaxis
to subside (for pain, storm)= to abate [ə´beit]
e.g. The sensitivity/ the pain slowly abated/ subsided.
to promote blood circulation – стимулира на кръвообращението = to improve
the presence of germs (микроби, бацили) ≠ the absence of microbes
the sequence (ред, последователност)= the order
e.g. the sequence of brushing and flossing
plaque disclosing toothpaste/ tablets = one that colours dental plaque to highlight the areas
that need further brushing
to disclose = to reveal e.g. to disclose secrets / personal (sensitive) data
prescription glasses - диоптрични очила = prescribed by a doctor = spectacles (with
corrective lenses)
e.g. prescription pills – с рецепта
glasses = goggles (only for specific purposes) = shades (slang) = specs (slang)
The American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance = the ADA Approval is considered
the gold standard for evaluating safety and efficacy ([´efikəsi] = effectiveness = efficiency) of
dental products.
e.g. ADA-Accepted dental floss
entire [in´taiə] = whole
e.g. Toothbrushes cannot do the entire job of removing plaque.
available over-the-counter at your local pharmacy = without a doctor’s prescription
pharmacy = drugstore = chemist’s [´kemists]
dye = paint e.g. hair dye / clothes dye / the dye in a toothpaste
disabled people = handicapped people = people with disabilities
unprivileged people – в неравностойно положение = without much money, possessions,
education, opportunities, etc.
to facilitate [fə´sili¸teit] = to make easy
e.g. to facilitate damaged tissue repair
fluoride [´fluə¸raid] флуорид = a compound containing fluorine ([´fluəri:n] флуор) with
another element
fluoridation [¸fluəri´deiʃən] = adding fluorides to public water supplies
e.g. topical fluoridation = applying fluorides locally
e.g. to apply the medicine topically = locally
substantial [səb´stænʃəl] значителен = considerable
e.g. substantial reduction in caries cases
sodium fluoride – натриев флуорид
infancy [´infənsi] = very early childhood = babyhood infant = baby
adolescence [¸ædə´lesəns] юношество = period between puberty [´pju:bəti] and adulthood
adolescent [¸ædə´lesənt] юноша
slightly [ˈslaɪtli] малко = not very much, only a little
e.g. a slightly chipped tooth/ I feel slightly tried today.
a gap = the difference = in-between space
e.g. to widen/ to reduce/ to narrow / to bridge the gap between rich and poor
e.g. The gap widens between people with good and poor oral health.
lab coat – мед. престилка = lab gown [gaun]
an approach – подход = a method
e.g. a modern approach to tooth decay treatment
elderly (adjective and noun) - застаряващото поколение; стар, много възрастен = old-
aged adults (as opposed to ‘middle-aged adults’ ) (According to WHO – World Health
e.g. Doctors recommend that the elderly get vaccinated.
inmate [´in¸meit] = prisoner
orderly - санитар
disparity [dis´pæriti] = inequality = gap
e.g. a disparity in age
social deprivation – социална депривация (изолиране)
objective [əb´dʒektiv] цел = goal = purpose = aim = target
grooves [gru:v] (on molars and premolars) - фисури (бразди) = fissure [´fiʃə] - Grinding teeth: A Major Cause For

Gum Recession ([ri´seʃən] отдръпване на венците = receding gums)

!!! WRITTEN homework assignment !!!

1. Summarize the benefits from using a mouth-guard overnight according to the above
2. What is the mouth-guard alternative suggested by the doctor?
3. Apart from bruxism, what are other causes of gum recession?

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