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OPINION Update in adult community-acquired pneumonia:
key points from the new American Thoracic
Society/Infectious Diseases Society of America
2019 guideline
Joshua P. Metlay a and Grant W. Waterer b

Purpose of review
The American Thoracic Society and Infectious Diseases Society of America recently released their joint
guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of adults with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). The
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co-chairs of the guideline committee provide a summary of the guideline process, key recommendations
from the new guideline and future directions for CAP research.
Recent findings
The guideline committee included 14 experts from the two societies. Sixteen questions for the guideline
were selected using the PICO format. The GRADE approach was utilized to review the available evidence
and generate recommendations. The recommendations included expanded microbiological testing for
patients suspected of drug-resistant infections, empiric first-line therapy recommendations for outpatients and
inpatients including use of beta-lactam monotherapy for uncomplicated outpatients, elimination of
healthcare-associated pneumonia as a treatment category, and not recommending corticosteroids as
routine adjunct therapy.

CAP is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Effective antibiotic therapy is available and remains
largely empirical. New diagnostic tests and treatment options are emerging and will lead to guideline
updates in the future.
antibiotic guidelines, community-acquired pneumonia, microbiological testing

INTRODUCTION of interactions with industry that would exclude

Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is one of someone from participating on the committee or,
the most common and serious infections managed at a minimum, exclude someone from voting on
in both the outpatient and inpatient settings. Opti- specific recommendations within the guideline. The
mal management of CAP has been the subject of COI policies did prevent several experts in the field
numerous professional society guidelines over the from participating on the guideline committee but
years. In the United States, the American Thoracic we recognized the important experience and
Society and Infectious Diseases Society of America
each produced widely disseminated guidelines and
combined efforts to produce a joint adult CAP guide- Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Massa-
chusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mas-
line published in 2007 [1].
sachusetts, USA and bRoyal Perth Hospital and University of Western
In 2013, both societies initiated a revision to the Australia, Perth, Australia
CAP guideline for adults and we were asked to co- Correspondence to Joshua P. Metlay, MD, PhD, Division of General
chair the guideline committee. Several key changes Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General
were implemented in the guideline process that Hospital, 100 Cambridge Street, 16th Floor, Boston, MA 02114,
significantly impacted the process. USA. E-mail:
First, the professional societies adopted stricter Curr Opin Pulm Med 2020, 26:203–207
conflict of interest (COI) rules that identified a range DOI:10.1097/MCP.0000000000000671

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Infectious diseases

infection and respiratory complaints, but no defini-

KEY POINTS tive evidence of a lung infection.
 The new guidelines abandon the category of HCAP. In this article, we provide a high-level summary
of some of the recommendations from the guide-
 The circumstances under which sputum and blood line. For a full discussion of the evidence with rele-
culture testing are recommended have been increased vant citations, readers should review the online
compared with prior guidelines.
version of the guideline or the recently published
 Corticosteroids are not recommended as part of routine executive summary [3 ].
care of patients with CAP.


knowledge they bring to the field and relied on the Diagnostic test utilization including
review process to solicit their feedback. Overall, we microbiological tests and biomarkers
support the stricter COI policies though also recog- CAP is caused by a range of infectious agents, includ-
nize that COI is about more than just industry ing both common bacteria and viruses. Like many
interactions and, ultimately, guidelines should other infectious illnesses, it would be helpful to be
reflect the full input of experts in the field. able to accurately and rapidly identify the causal
Second, the professional societies endorsed the organism to choose appropriate antiinfective ther-
more rigorous Grading of Recommendations apy. Historically, the two main microbiological tests
Assessment, Development and Evaluation available to identify an etiological agent in CAP are
(GRADE) approach towards evidence review and sputum and blood cultures. In addition, urine anti-
guideline generation [2]. The process is arduous gen tests for Streptococcus pneumoniae and Legionella
and clearly contributed to the multiyear process pneumophila are available and have high level of
required to complete the guideline. Unfortunately, specificity in adults. More recently, there has been
numerous key questions addressed by the guideline an expansion of molecular assays using respiratory
were not supported by the highest level evidence samples to test for a range of viral and bacterial
emphasized by GRADE. As a result, review of lower pathogens. Yet, even with the availability of these
quality evidence and expert opinion were neces- extensive diagnostic testing strategies, the causal
sary to address the core guideline questions. Thus, pathogen remains undetected in the majority of
whether the rigorous steps required by GRADE adults with CAP [5]. Moreover, high-level evidence
truly resulted in a different set of guideline recom- does not exist that testing strategies result in
mendations is unclear. What is clear is that the improved outcomes for adults with CAP compared
multiyear process is difficult to sustain and, given with empiric treatment strategies without testing.
the pace of new research, a faster paced process is We do acknowledge that there is a strong desire
required to update the guideline as new informa- to limit antibiotic use, or at least utilize the narrow-
tion is available. Indeed, even as the guideline was est spectrum possible, based on sound antibiotic
being finalized, new antibiotics were approved for stewardship principles as discussed below. However,
use in CAP and ongoing experience with these there is also no evidence that existing diagnostic
agents should be incorporated into updates to tests achieve this outcome and some evidence
the guideline. clearly showing that they do not.
In this article, we summarize five key areas of Thus, the adult CAP guideline does not endorse
focus of the guideline, representing important routine use of any current diagnostic testing strate-
changes from the past guideline and/or emerging gies in the majority of adults with CAP. However, we
areas of research that are likely to continue to evolve did identify two major exceptions when testing is
in the next several years [3 ]. We maintain the recommended. First, adults with severe CAP
conventions of the published adult CAP guideline. [defined as 1 major or 3 minor ATS/IDSA criteria
Specifically, we focus on adults (>18 years) without (see Table 1)], are the most likely to benefit from
immunosuppressing conditions who have radio- microbiological testing as they are more likely to
graphic confirmation of pneumonia. We recognize have drug-resistant pathogens and may need
that many physicians will diagnose and manage expanded therapy beyond the standard empiric rec-
adults with CAP without requiring chest radiogra- ommendations. Second, adults with suspected drug-
phy but substantial evidence highlights the inaccu- resistant pathogens, especially methicillin-resistant
racy of clinical examination to diagnose pneumonia Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) or Pseudomonas aerugi-
[4], and the guideline was not developed to manage nosa, should have testing to either identify
patients with biomarker evidence of bacterial the pathogen and target therapy accordingly or

204 Volume 26  Number 3  May 2020

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Update in adult CAP Metlay and Waterer

Table 1. 2007 IDSA/ATS criteria for defining severe CAP treatment strategy for adults with CAP; however,
there is currently insufficient data to currently sup-
Minor criteria
port such an approach.
Respiratory rate 30 breaths/min
Thus, recommendations for empiric antibiotic
PaO2/FiO2 ratio 250 therapy focus on the typical bacterial pathogens
Multilobar infiltrates identified in CAP patients, with broader coverage
Confusion/disorientation recommended for outpatients with co-morbidities
Uremia (blood urea nitrogen level 20 mg/dl) or inpatients, especially those with severe CAP.
Leukopeniaa (white blood cell count <4000 cells/ml) Some key changes in the current guideline included:
Thrombocytopenia (platelet count <100 000 /ml)
Hypothermia (core temperature <36 8C) (1) Recommending monotherapy with beta-lac-
Hypotension requiring aggressive fluid resuscitation tams (e.g. amoxicillin) for uncomplicated out-
Major criteria
patients, largely based on the results of inpatient
Septic shock with need for vasopressors
(2) Reducing the strength of recommendation for
Respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation
monotherapy with macrolides for uncompli-
Validated definition includes either one major criterion or three or more minor cated outpatients, largely based on the contin-
criteria. ued emergence of macrolide resistance among
Due to infection alone (i.e. not chemotherapy-induced). clinical isolates of Strep. pneumoniae.
(3) Acknowledging the rising number of reports of
de-escalate therapy if cultures do not reveal adverse drug events associated with certain clas-
these pathogens. ses of antibiotics, especially fluoroquinolones
We recognize that newer molecular diagnostic (vascular injury, tendinopathy, Clostridium dif-
platforms are creating the possibility of rapid, accu- ficile infection) and emphasizing that when
rate pathogen identification including both bacte- multiple treatment options are presented, the
rial and viral pathogens. We strongly encourage final choice should reflect a risk–benefit assess-
evaluation of these testing strategies to determine ment for each individual patient.
if the routine use of such tests improves antimicro-
bial drug selection, and, especially, patient out- Notably, although newer antimicrobial agents
comes. were recently approved for CAP (omadacycline,
lefamulin), experience with these agents was
too limited to have them listed as first-line
Empiric treatment recommendations agents in the current adult CAP guideline. Still,
As with past versions of the adult CAP guideline, we believe that ongoing monitoring and evaluation
empiric treatment recommendations were based on is critical and could support updates to these
severity of illness and site of care. As noted above, empiric treatment recommendations in the next
while we would prefer to be able to make pathogen- few years.
directed treatment recommendations, the reality is
that pathogen identification is too uncommon and
empiric treatment strategies are needed. We also Accounting for drug-resistant pathogens
recognized that the microbial pathogenesis of CAP One of the major strategies endorsed as part of the
is changing. In particular, the introduction of the last adult CAP guideline was the recognition of
pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in the early 2000s healthcare-associated pneumonia (HCAP) as a dis-
has resulted in a significant decline in the frequency tinct entity that would warrant broader spectrum
of Strep. pneumoniae as a respiratory pathogen in empiric antibiotic treatment to cover for drug-resis-
both children and adults [6]. Indeed, it is likely that tant pathogens, especially MRSA and P. aeruginosa.
an increasing proportion of adult cases of CAP are HCAP risk factors included nursing home or long-
because of viral pathogens alone, eliminating the term care residence, recent hospitalization, and
need for any antibacterial therapy. Unfortunately, hemodialysis. Unfortunately, the HCAP strategy
we did not identify any high-level studies that sup- failed for several reasons: HCAP poorly predicted
ported a strategy of withholding antibiotic therapy the presence of these drug-resistant pathogens in
at the time of CAP diagnosis. We acknowledge that most settings, HCAP criteria were widely prevalent
the combination of positive findings with rapid viral and led to extensive and inappropriate use of
testing and negative findings with a biomarker, broader agents (e.g. vancomycin, piperacillin–tazo-
such as procalcitonin that predicts bacterial infec- bactam, carbapenems) for CAP patients, and out-
tion could ultimately support, such a nonantibiotic comes for patients meeting HCAP criteria were

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Infectious diseases

worse when they received broader treatment com- or per patient utilization of antibiotic classes and
pared with standard guideline recommended treat- resistance to those classes in the community or
ment [7,8,9 ]. hospital, respectively. Thus, as highlighted earlier,
Therefore, the guideline committee recom- every antibiotic prescription decision must be
mended that clinicians abandon the use of HCAP framed as a risk-benefit decision.
as a strategy for prescribing broader spectrum antibi- The guideline committee spent considerable time
otic therapy. The challenge, however, was identifying discussing how best to incorporate these concerns
an alternative strategy, as we also recognized that a over individual and community-level risk associated
small proportion of adults with CAP are infected with with antibiotic prescribing. Ultimately, the adult CAP
these drug-resistant pathogens and are likely to suffer guideline emphasized evidence demonstrating equiv-
worse outcomes if treatment does not cover for them. alence of different antibiotic treatment strategies as we
Although a few clinical prediction rules have been did not feel that adverse events reported for individual
developed and likely outperform HCAP as tools to classes of drugs should invalidate existing data that
identify CAP patients at higher risk of drug-resistant demonstrated therapeutic equivalence across drug
pathogens, none of these rules has been tested in classes. For example, while increasing reports high-
clinical settings and demonstrated to lead to light individual risks of fluoroquinolones and fluoro-
improved patient outcomes. In addition, we recog- quinolone drug resistance among multiple pathogens
nize that the risk of drug-resistant pathogens varies (especially Gram-negative pathogens) is a rising prob-
enormously by clinical site and as the ultimate per- lem, such evidence did not change the available ran-
formance of any prediction rule relates to the baseline domized trial evidence demonstrating therapeutic
prevalence of the different pathogens, it is critically equivalence of respiratory fluoroquinolones to other
important for sites to measure their own local rates of empiric treatment regimens. However, the continued
these pathogens. Thus, some sites may adopt more inclusion of these different treatment options does not
aggressive strategies for the use of broader spectrum mean that they should be treated equally in all sit-
empiric treatments, especially in patients with severe uations. Moreover, local infection control strategies
CAP, whereas other sites may be able to withhold may particularly influence the relative favoring of one
such therapies even in the face of known risk factors. strategy over another.
Therefore, although the guideline committee was Similarly, the guideline committee endorsed the
very sympathetic to the desire for a simple rule guid- goal of limiting antibacterial drug exposure to those
ing the use of anti-MRSA and anti-P. aeruginosa ther- patients who have susceptible bacterial infections.
apy, the reality is that there is no substitute for We strongly endorsed de-escalation strategies that
clinicians having knowledge of their local etiological narrow or perhaps even stop all antibacterial drugs
data to determine if these are needed. depending on the available laboratory and clinical
In part to help support such local data gathering, evidence. Moreover, we called for future studies to
as noted above, the committee recommended rou- test empiric strategies that withhold antibiotics in
tinely obtaining sputum and blood culture data selected groups of patients with CAP.
whenever drug-resistant pathogens are suspected, However, it is worth highlighting that relative to
especially when broader spectrum empiric therapy the total amount of antibiotic prescribing, especially
is initiated. In addition, routinely collecting such in the outpatient setting, the amount prescribed to
diagnostic tests when broader spectrum empiric treat adult patients with CAP is relatively small and
therapy is initiated would allow for de-escalation is likely not the major driver of the drug toxicities
of therapy at 24–48 h if culture results do not indi- and resistance patterns that are being reported.
cate the presence of drug-resistant pathogens requir- Thus, although antimicrobial stewardship is an
ing the broader therapy. important perspective to consider in developing
CAP treatment guidelines, it is also important to
highlight that the major efforts to reduce inappro-
Antibiotic stewardship priate and unnecessary antibiotic-prescribing pat-
Antibiotic-prescribing decisions have both individ- terns should focus on other patient populations,
ual and societal consequences. Appropriately, especially those with acute bronchitis and upper
increasing attention is being paid to the unintended respiratory tract infections that are not responsive
harms that are caused by these prescriptions. At the to antibiotic therapies.
individual level, these harms include dose-depen-
dent and idiosyncratic adverse events as well as an
increased individual risk of subsequent antibiotic- Role of corticosteroids
resistant infections. At the societal level, studies One of the major new therapeutic drug classes to be
have demonstrated a clear link between per capita evaluated since the release of the last CAP guideline

206 Volume 26  Number 3  May 2020

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Update in adult CAP Metlay and Waterer

was corticosteroids. Several randomized trials have Acknowledgements

now been published and meta-analyses have sum- The authors are indebted to the outstanding other mem-
marized these data [10,11]. Although some of bers of the ATS/IDSA Adult CAP guideline committee:
these analyses have highlighted the potential for Ann C. Long, Antonio Anzueto, Jan Brozek, Kristina
clinical benefit in the use of corticosteroids in Crothers, Laura A. Cooley, Nathan C. Dean, Michael J.
patients with severe CAP, the guideline committee Fine, Scott A. Flanders, Marie R. Griffin, Mark L. Meter-
did not endorse routine use of corticosteroids in sky, Daniel M. Musher, Marcos I. Restrepo, and Cynthia
patients with CAP, including severe CAP. This deci- G. Whitney.
sion reflected several considerations including:
important weaknesses in some of the trials that Financial support and sponsorship
drove the positive results of the meta-analyses,
Administrative support for the guideline committee was
appreciation of risks associated with widespread
provided by the American Thoracic Society.
use of corticosteroids in patients with CAP, and
knowledge of ongoing major trials designed to pro-
vide more definitive evidence on the use of steroids Conflicts of interest
for adults with CAP, including one strongly nega- There are no conflicts of interest.
tive randomized controlled trial published after
the guidelines had been finalized and accepted
for publication [12 ]. Notably, we did emphasize REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
settings in which corticosteroid use is recom- READING
Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have
mended and could co-exist in adults with CAP, been highlighted as:
including reactive airway diseases, other steroid- & of special interest
&& of outstanding interest
dependent chronic conditions, and sepsis with
refractory shock. 1. Mandell LA, Wunderink RG, Anzueto A, et al., Infectious Diseases Society of
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Appropriate management of patients with pneumo- rating quality of evidence and strength of recommendations. BMJ 2008;
nia has been the focus of debate for over 100 years. 3. Metlay JP, Waterer GW, Long AC, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of adults
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the American Thoracic Society and Infectious Diseases Society of America.
antibiotics and vaccines, pneumonia remains a Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2019; 200:e45–e67.
major source of morbidity and mortality worldwide. This is the only version of the full 2019 Adult CAP guideline endorsed by ATS and
IDSA. An executive print summary is also available.
In the United States, acute cough illness is one of the 4. Metlay JP, Fine MJ. Testing strategies in the initial management of patients
leading causes of urgent and emergency care visits with community-acquired pneumonia. Ann Intern Med 2003; 138:109–118.
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is disappointing that the development of new and 2006-2010. Clin Infect Dis 2015; 61:1403–1410.
effective preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic 8. Attridge RT, Frei CR, Restrepo MI, et al. Guideline-concordant therapy and
outcomes in healthcare-associated pneumonia. Eur Respir J 2011;
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tions include the introduction of the pneumococcal 9. Webb BJ, Sorensen J, Jephson A, et al. Broad-spectrum antibiotic use and
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2019; 54:; pii: 1900057.

influenza vaccination, and the relatively recent This is an important study that helped establish the failure of the HCAP approach to
guide empiric antibiotic therapy for patients with pneumonia and helped lead to a
introduction of new antimicrobial drug options. newer approach endorsed by the 2019 guideline.
Moreover, emerging molecular diagnostic assays 10. Briel M, Spoorenberg SMC, Snijders D, et al., Ovidius Study Group; Capisce
Study Group; STEP Study Group. Corticosteroids in patients hospitalized
hold the potential to support rapid, point-of-care with community-acquired pneumonia: systematic review and individual patient
testing strategies that could transform treatment data metaanalysis. Clin Infect Dis 2018; 66:346–354.
11. Siemieniuk RA, Meade MO, Alonso-Coello P, et al. Corticosteroid therapy for
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directed. However, for such strategies to be recom- view and meta-analysis. Ann Intern Med 2015; 163:519–528.
12. Lloyd M, Karahalios A, Janus E, et al., Improving Evidence-Based Treatment
mended in future iterations of the adult CAP & Gaps and Outcomes in Community-Acquired Pneumonia (IMPROVE-GAP)
guideline will require evidence that such strategies Implementation Team at Western Health. Effectiveness of a bundled inter-
vention including adjunctive corticosteroids on outcomes of hospitalized
improve patient outcomes. As new evidence patients with community-acquired pneumonia: a stepped-wedge randomized
becomes available, we support a process that clinical trial. JAMA Intern Med 2019; 179(8):1052–1060.
This study provides more recent evidence that routine corticosteroid use in CAP
will allow more frequent updates to the adult CAP does not provide benefit for adult patients and helped inform the decision to not
guideline. routinely recommend corticosteroids in the new adult CAP guideline.

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