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Figure 1. Conceptual Model

3.1 Introduction

“Methodology is basis upon which a study is founded or it is philosophical

framework within which the study is conducted (Brown, 2006). This chapter of the study

describes research methods, approaches and designs used throughout the study.

3.2 Research Design

The purpose of the research design is to offer a suitable framework for a study. The

choice of research approach is a crucial decision in the research design process since it

dictates how relevant information for a study will be gathered, evaluated, and results will

be presented. There are usually two approaches used for research i.e. qualitative and

quantitative. We are using quantitative approach. Unit of analysis will be the employees

of the healthcare sector. Well-structured questionnaires will be used to collect primary

data in the survey. The study will be cross-sectional in nature as we shall be conducting

survey only once. Results from these findings will provide us evidence that will support

our hypotheses and proposed research model.

The main focus of this study is to investigate that either despotic leadership has any

impact on employee performance or not. It will also focus on testing those techniques to

measure weather anger rumination mediates between despotic leadership and employee

performance and does trait anxiety moderate despotic leadership and Anger Rumination?

IBM-SPSS and AMOS v.26 software will be used to analyze the entire data set.

Structural Equation Model will be used to analyze the remaining questions. SEM

is a term that refers to a group of statistical methods that are used to validate a theoretical

or conceptual model. Some common method that are used in SEM are confirmatory factor
analysis, path analysis and latent growth modeling. SEM basically include two factors

“Measurement model” that use observed variable to define latent variable. Second,

“structural regression model” that associates latent variable together (Cheng, 2001).

3.3 Industry Setting

The aim of this study is to see how despotic leadership affects healthcare

employees. There are various reasons to conduct this research specifically in healthcare

sector of Pakistan. First, the dark side of leadership has remained ignored in the

healthcare sector though it is known for several destructive results and even downfall of

firms like Enron and WorldCom (Naseer et al., 2016). Second, Despotic leadership more

common in developing countries like Pakistan. Finally, despite its importance, the

country's healthcare industry has the highest number of unsatisfied professionals,

according to Atif, Khan, and Maqbool (2015), who found that 26–92 percent of doctors

in various Pakistani cities are dissatisfied with their career. As a result, the choice of

country and industry for the current study is justified.

The healthcare infrastructure has grown dramatically in response to rising demand

for public health services. These facilities have a total of 245,987 registered doctors,

27,360 registered dentists, and 116,659 registered nurses. From Rs 421.8 billion in 2018-

19 to Rs 482.3 billion in 2019-20, health-related spending grew by 14.3% (Pakistan

Economic Survey 2020-21).

3.4 Data Collection

A structured and self-administrated questionnaire survey will be conducted among

the employees of healthcare sector through which primary data will be collected without
any subjective influence. They will be contacted through physical visits, google forms,

LinkedIn and emails for getting the data.

3.5 Measure

A structured questionnaire will be adapted on the already existing scale to find out

the impact of despotic leadership on employee performance while anger rumination

mediates the relationship of mentioned two variables and trait anxiety moderates despotic

leadership and anger rumination. The questionnaire will contain 35 items in total and will

be designed based on 5-points Likert Scale and closed ended questions.

3.6 Participants

As this study mainly focuses on the healthcare sector in Islamabad and

Rawalpindi. The questionnaires will be distributed among the employees of those firms.

Gaskins James (2012) gave a formula for calculating appropriate sample size for

quantitative study, that is, sample size= 50+5x, where ‘x’ represents the number of

indicators. So, according to this formula the sample size for our study would be 225. The

Potential Respondents are employees of healthcare sector in Islamabad and Rawalpindi


3.7 Sampling Technique

Convenience sampling technique will be used for data collection. “Convenience

sampling is a kind of non-probability sampling in which a sample is taken from a

population portion that is close at hand.”. It allows the researcher to obtain fundamental

information without having to use a randomized sample. (Sedgwick, 2013).

3.8 Procedure

The structured questionnaires will be distributed among those who will volunteer

to take part in the study. It will be ensured that the data is being collected only for research

purpose and the findings of this study will not affect their job titles and salary. It will also

confirm that all of their personal information including their identities will be kept private

and would never be disclosed at any stage of this study.

3.9 Variables

Independent variable: Despotic Leadership is an independent variable in this


Dependent variable: Employee performance is the dependent variable in this


Mediating variable: Anger Rumination

Moderating variable: Trait Anxiety

3.10 Measures and Scales

Following is the list of variables and their scales. All these measures are valid and

reliable as they are already tested and used by various studies. A little amendment in the

scales may be incorporated to fit the context of study. Despotic Leadership will be

examined through six items, Employee Performance will be tested through six items,

Anger Rumination will be examined through nineteen items and Trait Anxiety will be

examined through four items.

Sr No Name of The Variable Developed by

1 Despotic Leadership Hanges & Dickson, 2004

2 Employee Performance Salanova et al., 2005

3 Anger Rumination Sukhodolsky et al., 2001

4 Trait Anxiety Thatcher & Jason, 2002


S.No. Activity Completion Date

01 Proposal Submission July 1, 2021

02 Proposal Defense July 10, 2021

03 Submission of Final Proposal August 30, 2021

04 Literature Review September 08, 2021

05 Instrument Development September 15, 2021

06 Piolet Test October 03, 2021

07 Data Collection October 13, 2021

08 Write up of Methodology, Data Entry October 20, 2021

09 Data Analysis November 01, 2021


Naseer, S., Raja, U., Syed, F., Donia, M. B., & Darr, W. (2016). Perils of

being close to a bad leader in a bad environment: Exploring the combined effects of despotic leadership, leader member exchange, and

perceived organizational politics on behaviors. The Leadership Quarterly, 27(1), 14–33.

Atif, K., Khan, H. U., & Maqbool, S. (2015). Job satisfaction among doctors,

a multi-faceted subject studied at a tertiary care hospital in Lahore.

Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 31(3), 610–614

Hanges, P. J., & Dickson, M. W. (2004). The development and validation of the

globe culture and leadership scales. Culture, leadership, and organizations:

The GLOBE study of , 62, 122-151

Salanova, M., Agut, S., & Peir´o, J. M. (2005). Linking organizational resources

and work engagement to employee performance and customer loyalty: the

mediation of service climate. Journal of applied Psychology, 90(6), 1217-


Sukhodolsky, D. G., Golub, A., & Cromwell, E. N. (2001). Development and validation of the

anger rumination scale. Personality and individual differences,

31(5), 689-700.

Thatcher, & Jason. (2002). An empirical examination of individual traits as

antecedents to computer anxiety and computer self-efficacy. MIS quarterly,

Brown, R. B., & Brown, R. (2006). Doing your dissertation in business and management: the

reality of researching and writing. Sage.

Gaskin, J. (2012). Structural equation modeling. Gaskination’s StatWiki. Http://Statwiki.

Kolobkreations. Com.

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