History Activity

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Activity 1: Read the purposes of the constitution and choose the most important

constitution to you and explain, in a short essay.

Purposes: its goal is to secure the sovereignty of the state and the integrity of the
national territory. The prime duty of the government is to serve and protect the

The 1935 constitution provided the legal basis of the Commonwealth

Government which was considered a transition government before the granting
of the Philippine independence with American inspired constitution; the
Philippine government would eventually pattern its government system after
American government.

Think about this!

1. why do you think that a Constitution is considered as a “ the highest

expression of the law”?

- Because Constitution is defined as the fundamental law of the nation or state. It

establishes the character and basic principles of the government. It is these same
principles that makes clear the rights of the individuals and the limitations to
government power. It is described as the Highest expression of the law.

2. Let us look at your graphic organizer, what are your thoughts of each

- we the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to
build a just and humane society and establish a Government that shall embody
our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our
patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our posterity of independence.

3. How do you think the previous constitutions helped in the creation of our
current constitution (1987 Constitutution)

Because it help us to have the rights, like to freedom of speech, expression ,

freedom of assembly and the right to petition. And it lay down belonging to
different ethnic and religious groups to live in harmony.

Let us do this!

a. Among the four constitution mentioned, which constitution do you think

offered the least benefits to the nation?


For me the Constitution that offered least benefits to the nation is the 1973
Constitution which is Martial Law, because when Martial law is in effect, the
military commander of an area or country has unlimited authority to make and
enforce laws. The power of Martial law, once held to be nearly absolute, has
limitation , Civilian may not be tried by military tribunals as long as civilian courts
are functional.

Aside from all the negative effects of Martial law during the Marcos era, you will
note that Mindanawone who favor Martial Law insist that “no harm will be fall
you if you follow the law”, and “peace and order are better”, both of which signal
very chilling changes in culture.

A Martial Law culture cedes all responsibility for safety and security from the
individual and the barangay towards the military and savior or father figures. In
the broader sense, this abandonment of responsibility contributes to a culture of
irresponsibility in the culture at large. Immigrants from the provinces bring these
attitudes into the city, and leave their trash on the streets, and refuse to pick up
other peoples trash in their own barangays, Because “it’s not my responsibility”
it’s a very negative development.

A second pernicious effect is the abandonment of participation in rulership and in

seeking accountability. People under Martial Law do not think of law as counting
from them, by them, and for them. It is viewed as coming from a superior class or
superior people, impressed upon lesser for their own good. Instead of demanding
accountability and representation of their concerns from their leaders, they start
treating and viewing their leaders as absolute leaders and kings or goals. This also
means that they abandon law as something an individual asserts on their own,
because it is their idea. Law is something that is enforced from outside the self,
rather than something that is internet to self. These traits breed a dependent
people trapped into strict hierarchies. Law is imposed by force and from without,
and they have do not seek or act with responsibility or drive.



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