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EE6200 Power Electronic Control of Electric Machines

Assignment 03

September 30, 2021

A cruise control system aims at driving a vehicle at a particular reference speed irrespective of
external disturbance such as changes in wind speed or slope of road.
A car with such a system, is having a mass of 1000 kg. The aerodynamic design of the car is such that,
it experiences air friction force proportional to velocity, the proportionality constant being 50N/m/s.
The car is needed to accelerate from rest to a speed of 36 kmph on a horizontal road.

1. If the car is accelerated using manual operating mode (open loop), and a constant force of 500 N
is applied by the engine, what is the time taken by the car to reach the steady speed? Plot the
curve of variation of velocity with time. What is the bandwidth of the open loop system?

2. If the steady state speed is required to be attained in 30 seconds,design a suitable PI controller

for the closed loop cruise control system to attain the desired specification. Plot the velocity
variation graphs, and also the variation of force applied to the car. What is the maximum force
that the engine needs to generate?

3. Can the desired specification be achieved with only Proportional controller? Explain with suitable

4. For the design obtained in question 2, plot the responses again if the Ki is kept constant and

• Kp is doubled
• Kp is halved

What is the limiting value of Kp for the response to be non-oscillatory?

5. If the force generated by the motor has to be limited to 600 N, what should be the steady state
time required in the following cases

• If limit is applied only to output of PI block

• If limit is applied to output of I as well as PI block.

Plot the velocity response of without limit, and the aforesaid two cases with limits, on a same
Explain the difference in the outputs.

6. If the required bandwidth is changed to 0.0556 rad/s, what will be the plot of force developed,
and the velocity response. Is there any saturation of controller output?

7. What is the maximum bandwidth that can be achieved without driving the controller to satura-
tion? Verify the result using graphs.

(Note: The calculations, simulations and plots can be done in MATLAB/SIMULINK. Steady state value can be
considered to be 98% of final value.)

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