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Translation Glossary for the CR/10 Project


China's Cultural Revolution in Memories: The CR/10 Project Web Site

Pinyin Original term Synonyms-CHN English Translation Synonyms-ENG Reference

"successor (to the
(ge ming) jie ban ren (革命)接班人 接班人 revolution)"
ai dou 挨斗 struggle against
ba huo che 扒火车 crowding onto trains
Wikipedia contributors, "Tiananmen Square
protests of 1989," Wikipedia, The Free
Tiananmen Square Protests
the 1989 Tiananmen Square Encyclopedia,
89 六四事件 Protests
of 1989; June 4 Incident;
Tiananmen Square Incident
of_1989&oldid=805765188 (accessed October 19,
August 18, 1966: Mao
Zedong's [First] Reception of
ba yi ba 818 818毛泽东接见红卫兵 the Red Guards at Tiananmen
Wikipedia contributors, "Wuhan Incident,"
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://
bai wan xiong shi 百万雄师 Million Heroes Million-Strong Mighty Army
Incident&oldid=791656530 (accessed October 19,
bai zhuan dao lu 白专道路 "apolitical academic"
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to
Z of the Chinese Cultural Revolution(Lanham,
bao huang pai 保皇派 Royalists
MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009), 315, ProQuest Ebook
Central, accessed June 14, 2018.
the Great Northern
bei da huang 北大荒 Wilderness
Zhongguo jun shi jiao yu xue hui. Han ying jun shi
ji shu da ci dian: A Chinese-English Dictionary of
bian fang bu dui 边防部队 frontier guards
Military Technology Terms. (Beijing: Xue yuan chu
ban she, 2004), 51.  
frontier administrative
bian jing qi 边境旗 division [banner]
plans to overthrow/take
bian tian zhang 变天账 power [from the government,
an institution, etc.]
bing tuan zhan shi 兵团战士 "soldiers of the corps"
to return to the city from
bing tui 病退 病退回城 the countryside because of
bu dui 部队 army
cha dui 插队 插队落户 join a production team 1/16
Pinyin Original term Synonyms-CHN English Translation Synonyms-ENG Reference
"factories establishing
chang she gua gou 厂社挂钩 connections"
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to
searching [people’s]
Z of the Chinese Cultural Revolution(Lanham,
chao jia 抄家 houses to confiscate [their] ransacking households
MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009), 301, ProQuest Ebook
Central, accessed October 18, 2017.
cheng fen 成分 social status
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, "Barefoot
Doctor," In Historical Dictionary of the Chinese
chi jiao yi sheng 赤脚医生 "barefoot doctor"
Cultural Revolution,2nd ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman
& Littlefield, 2015), 29.
eat a poor meal (specially
chi yi ku fan 吃忆苦饭 prepared) to recall past
Wikipedia contributors, "Stinking Old Ninth,"
"the stinking old ninth"  "the stinking ninth class" Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://
chou lao jiu 臭老九 [i.e. intellectuals - negative [i.e intellectuals  - negative
connotation] connotation] Ninth&oldid=750264454 (accessed October 19,
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to
Z of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Lanham,
chu shen 出身 family background
MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009), 316, ProQuest Ebook
Central, accessed October 18, 2017.
chuan lian 串联 "networking"
“rough outline”and "fine
cu xian tiao, xi xian tiao 粗线条,细线条 outline"
da bian lun 大辩论 "great debate"
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,2nd
da chuan lian 大串联 "great networking"
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015),
Wikipedia contributors, "Big Swords Society,"
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,https://
da dao hui 大刀会 大刀战斗队 Big Swords Society Great Swords Combat Team
note-GamesDennis2015-1 (accessed June 14,
da dui 大队 生产大队 production brigade
Wikipedia contributors, "Sailing the Seas
Depends on the Helmsman," Wikipedia, The Free
Da hai hang xing kao duo “Sailing the Seas Depends Encyclopedia,
大海航行靠舵手 on the Helmsman” php?title=Sailing_the_Seas_Depends_on_the_
Helmsman&oldid=789805697 (accessed October
19, 2017).
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to
Z of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, (Lanham,
da lian he 大联合 Grand Alliance [movement]
MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009), 316, ProQuest Ebook
Central, accessed October 18, 2017.
da ming 大鸣 "great airing of opinions" 2/16
Pinyin Original term Synonyms-CHN English Translation Synonyms-ENG Reference
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
da ming da fang 大鸣大放 "free airing of views" Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,2nd
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 187.
da pan tu 大叛徒 "rank traitor"
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
da pi pan 大批判 great criticism Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,2nd
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 404.
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
Daxing County Massacre; Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
Da xing shi jian 大兴事件 Daxing Incident
Daxing August 31 Incident ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015),
da yuan 大院 compound
da yue jin 大跃进 The Great Leap Forward
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
da za qiang 打砸抢 "strike, smash, snatch" Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 404.
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,2nd
da zi bao 大字报 "big-character poster"
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015),
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to Z
of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Lanham, MD:
dang quan pai 当权派 "those in power" party officials; ruling party
Scarecrow Press, 2009), 60, 250, ProQuest Ebook
Central, accessed October 18, 2017.
dang xiao 党校 political party [CCP] school
dang zhi bu 党支部 party branch
di zhu fen zi 地主分子 landlord
Hai ci ci dian 海词词典 [], "Di zhu fu nong
di zhu fu nong 地主富农 landlords and rich peasants 地主富农,"地主富农 (accessed
February 2, 2017). 
Wikipedia contributors, "The East Is Red (song),"
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://
Dong fang hong 东方红 “The East is Red”
Red_(song)&oldid=801982517 (accessed October
19, 2017).
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
"fight selfishness, repudiate
dou si pi xiu 斗私批修 revisionism"
Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,2nd
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 404.
dou zheng 斗争 struggle against
Du juan shan 杜鹃山 "Azalea Mountain"
Zhongguo jun shi jiao yu xue hui. Han ying jun shi
ji shu da ci dian: A Chinese-English Dictionary of
dui wu 队伍 rank(s) troop(s)
Military Technology Terms. (Beijing: Xue yuan chu
ban she, 2004), 326. 3/16
Pinyin Original term Synonyms-CHN English Translation Synonyms-ENG Reference
[of cadres] to stay at a
gain firsthand experience by selected grassroots unit to Hai ci ci dian 海词词典 [], "Dun dian 蹲
dun dian 蹲点 working with a grassroots help improve its work and 点,"
unit gain firsthand experience for (accessed October 20, 2017).
guiding overall work
duo quan 夺权 "power seizure" [n.] "seizing power" [v.]
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to
Z of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Lanham,
fan chao liu 反潮流 "going against the tide"
MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009), 316, ProQuest Ebook
Central, accessed June 14, 2018.
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
fan dong 反动 reactionary Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,2nd
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 404.
""bourgeois academic Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to
资产阶级学术权威 , "reactionary academic authority";"bourgeois Z of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Lanham,
fan dong xue shu quan wei 反动学术权威
资产阶级反动学术权威 authority" reactionary academic MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009), 316, ProQuest Ebook
authority" Central, accessed June 14, 2018.
fan ge ming 反革命 counter-revolutionary
Hai ci ci dian 海词词典 [], "Fan xiu fang xiu 反
"combat and prevent
fan xiu fang xiu 反修防修 Revisionism" 
(accessed October 20, 2017).
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to Z
of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Lanham, MD:
fan you 反右 反右派斗争 Anti-Rightist campaign Scarecrow Press, 2009), 81, 92-3, 117, 171, 207,
279, ProQuest Ebook Central, accessed October 18,
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
"feudalism, capitalism,
feng zi xiu 封资修 revisionism"
Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,2nd
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 404.
"resume classes and [/to]
fu ke nao ge ming 复课闹革命 make revolution" 
gai ge kai fang 改革开放 Reform and Opening
gai zao 改造 re-education
ge ming lu xian 革命路线 "revolutionary line"
ge ming qun zhong 革命群众 revolutionary masses
ge ren chong bai 个人崇拜 personality cult
ge wei hui 革委会 革命委员会 revolutionary committee 
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
Six Regulations of Public
gong an liu tiao 公安六条 Security
Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,2nd
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 405.
Chinese Communist Party Communist Party of China
gong chan dang 共产党 [CCP] [CPC]
Zhongguo jun shi jiao yu xue hui. Han ying jun shi
ji shu da ci dian: A Chinese-English Dictionary of
gong cheng bing 工程兵 engineer corps
Military Technology Terms. (Beijing: Xue yuan chu
ban she, 2004), 511 . 4/16
Pinyin Original term Synonyms-CHN English Translation Synonyms-ENG Reference
gong fen 工分 work point
Wikipedia contributors, "Worker-Peasant-
Soldier student," Wikipedia, The Free
Worker-Peasant-Soldier Encyclopedia,
gong nong bing xue yuan 工农兵学员 工农兵大学生 student index.php?title=Worker-Peasant-Soldier_
student&oldid=715336071 (accessed October 19,
gong qing tuan 共青团 Communist Youth League
gong she 公社 commune
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
gong xuan dui 工宣队 workers propaganda team Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,2nd
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 405.
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,2nd
gong zuo zu 工作组 "work group"
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015),
grain purchasing certificate[-
gou liang zheng 购粮证 temporary]
gou zai zi 狗崽子 "son of a dog"
guo min dang 国民党 Kuomintang [Nationalists]
the State Council Leading
guo wu yuan jiao yu ge ming 国务院教育革命领导
Group on Education
ling dao xiao zu 小组 Revolution
Hai ci ci dian 海词词典 [], "Hai wai guan xi 海
hai wai guan xi 海外关系 "overseas relations"
%E5%85%B3%E7%B3%BB (accessed October 20,
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, "Black
Gang," In The A to Z of the Chinese Cultural
hei bang 黑帮 "black gang" Revolution (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009),
55, ProQuest Ebook Central, accessed October 18,
"five black categories"
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
地富反坏右(地主,富农, (landlords, rich farmers,
hei wu lei 黑五类 Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
反革命,坏分子,右派) counter-revolutionaries, bad ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 115.
elements, rightists)
hei zai zi 黑崽子 "black brats" "black bastards"
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, "Red
August," In Historical Dictionary of the Chinese
hong ba yue 红八月 Red August August red terror
Cultural Revolution, 2nd ed. (Lanham, MD:
Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 269-70.
Hong deng ji  红灯记 "Red Lantern"
Wikipedia contributors, "Red Guards on Honghu
"Red Guards on Honghu Lake," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://
Hong hu chi wei dui 洪湖赤卫队 Lake"
Lake (accessed April 4, 2018).
Hong lou meng 红楼梦 Dream of the Red Chamber 5/16
Pinyin Original term Synonyms-CHN English Translation Synonyms-ENG Reference
hong qi zhan dou xiao zu 红旗战斗小组 "red flag struggle group"
"The Red Detachment of
hong si niang zi jun 红色娘子军 Women"
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, "Five
Black Categories," In Historical Dictionary of the
hong wei bing 红卫兵 Red Guards
Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd ed. (Lanham, MD:
Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 271-73.
hong wei jun 红卫军 Red Guard Army
hong wu lei 红五类 "five red categories"
hong xiao bing 红小兵 小红卫兵 Little Red Guards
Hu zhi ming xiao dao 胡志明小道 Ho Chi Minh trail
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, "Make
a Clean Break," In Historical Dictionary of the
hua qing jie xian 划清界限 "make a clean break"
Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd ed. (Lanham, MD:
Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 204-5.
huai fen zi 坏分子 "bad elements"
huan xiang tuan 还乡团 "home-going legion"
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to Z
of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Lanham, MD:
huang shuai shi jian 黃帥事件 Huang Shuai Incident
Scarecrow Press, 2009), 128-29, ProQuest Ebook
Central, accessed October 18, 2017.
Hai ci ci dian 海词词典 [], "Ji ji fen zi 积极分
ji ji fen zi 积极分子 activist element activist 子,"积极分子 (accessed October 20,
ji ti hu 集体户 collective household
ji ti zhu yi 集体主义 collectivism
ji wei 纪委 Planning Commission
Hai ci ci dian 海词词典 [],
"Jie dai zhan 接待站," http://dict.
jie dai zhan 接待站 "reception station" "reception center"
(accessed October 20, 2017).
jie fang 解放 Liberation
Chinese Civil War; War of
jie fang zhan zheng 解放战争 civil war
jie ji di ren 阶级敌人 class enemy
jie ji dou zheng 阶级斗争 class struggle
British Museum, "Chairman Mao Badges: Symbols
and Slogans of the Cultural Revolution, Glossary,"
"economize when making "conserve when making
jie yue nao ge ming 节约闹革命 revolution" revolution"
PDF, 121.
HW.pdf (accessed October 24, 2017).
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to
Ninth National Congress of
中国共产党第九次全国 Z of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Lanham,
jiu da 九大 the CCP [Chinese Communist
代表大会 Party]
MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009), 318, ProQuest Ebook
Central, accessed October 18, 2017. 6/16
Pinyin Original term Synonyms-CHN English Translation Synonyms-ENG Reference
jiu dou 揪斗 seize and struggle against
ju wei hui 居委会 neighborhood committee
Zhongguo jun shi jiao yu xue hui. Han ying jun shi
ji shu da ci dian: A Chinese-English Dictionary of
jun 军 corps
Military Technology Terms. (Beijing: Xue yuan chu
ban she, 2004), 817 .  
jun dai biao 军代表 army representative
jun shi wei yuan hui diao Bureau of Investigation and
cha tong ji ju 
军事委员会调查统计局 军统 Statistics
Central Military Commission Wikipedia contributors, "Central Military
of the Communist Party of Commission (China)," Wikipedia, The Free
jun wei 军委 Central Military Commission China; Military Commission of Encyclopedia,
员会 the Communist Party Central Central_Military_Commission_(China) (accessed
Committee November 29, 2017).
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
jun xuan dui 军宣队 army propaganda team Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 406.
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
kai men ban xue 开门办学 "open-door schooling" Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 406.
"War to Resist America and
kang mei yuan chao 抗美援朝 Aid Korea"
War of Resistance Against
kang ri 抗日 抗日战争 Japan
Second Sino-Japanese War

to return to the city from the

kun tui 困退 困退回城 countryside because of family
lao gai 劳改 劳动改造 reform through labor
lao jiao 劳教 re-education through labor
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, "Old Red
Guards," In The A to Z of the Chinese Cultural
lao hong wei bing 老红卫兵 Old Red Guards Revolution (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009),
203-4, ProQuest Ebook Central, accessed October
18, 2017.
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, "Old Three
Classes" In The A to Z of the Chinese Cultural
lao san jie 老三届 “old three classes" Revolution (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009),
203, ProQuest Ebook Central, accessed October 18,
Hai ci ci dian 海词词典 [], "Li shi fan ge ming
historical counter- 历史反革命,"
li shi fan ge ming 历史反革命 revolutionary F%B2%E5%8F%8D%E9%9D%A9%E5%91%BD
(accessed October 20, 2017).
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, "Mass
Dictatorship," In The A to Z of the Chinese Cultural
li shi wen ti 历史问题 “problematic history” Revolution (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009),
178, ProQuest Ebook Central, accessed October 18,
2017. 7/16
Pinyin Original term Synonyms-CHN English Translation Synonyms-ENG Reference
lian 连 [military] company
the Capital [Middle School] Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
lian dong 联动 United Action Committee Red Guard United Action Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
行动委员会 Committee ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 325.
lian dui 连队 troop company
Zhongguo jun shi jiao yu xue hui. Han ying jun shi
ji shu da ci dian: A Chinese-English Dictionary of
lian zhang 连长 company commander
Military Technology Terms. (Beijing: Xue yuan chu
ban she, 2004), 915.
Wikipedia contributors, "兩報一刊," 維基百科, 自
The People's Daily, The
"two newspapers and a 由的百科全書, 維基百科, 自由的百科全書, https://
liang bao yi kan 两报一刊 magazine"
People's Liberation Army两报一刊 (accessed June 14,
News, and Red Flag magazine
liang piao 粮票 grain coupon
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to
Liang Xiao [Peking University
Liang Xiao Great Criticism Z of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Lanham,
liang xiao 梁效 And Tsinghua University
Group MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009), 178, ProQuest Ebook
Great Criticism Group]
Central, accessed October 18, 2017.
Wikipedia contributors,"Lin Biao incident," In
"Lin Biao," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
9/13 Incident; September 13
Lin Biao shi jian 林彪事件 九一三事件 Lin Biao Incident
Biao&oldid=803910847 (accessed October 19,
Lu yi xue yuan 鲁艺学院 鲁迅艺术学院 Lu Art Institute Lu Xun Art Institute
Zhongguo jun shi jiao yu xue hui. Han ying jun shi
ji shu da ci dian: A Chinese-English Dictionary of
lv 旅 brigade
Military Technology Terms. (Beijing: Xue yuan chu
ban she, 2004), 938.  
Ma Zhenfu shi jian 马振抚事件 Mazhenfu Incident
Selected Works of Mao
Mao xuan 毛泽东选集 毛选 Zedong
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, "Mao
Zedong Thought," In The A to Z of the Chinese
Mao Zedong si xiang 毛泽东思想 Mao Zedong Thought Cultural Revolution (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press,
2009), 177, ProQuest Ebook Central, accessed
October 18, 2017.
Mao Zedong si xiang xuan Mao Zedong Thought
chuan dui
毛泽东思想宣传队 propaganda team
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to Z
Quotations from Chairman Red Book of Treasures; "the of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Lanham, MD:
Mao zhu xi yu lu 毛主席语录 Mao  little red book" Scarecrow Press, 2009), 320, 153, 157, ProQuest
Ebook Central, accessed October 18, 2017.
Wikipedia contributors,"South Sea Fleet"
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https://
Nan hai jian dui 南海舰队 South Sea Fleet (accessed
January 26, 2018).
Inner Mongolia Production
Nei Meng bing tuan 内蒙兵团 內蒙古生產建設兵團 Inner Mongolia Corps
and Construction Corps 8/16
Pinyin Original term Synonyms-CHN English Translation Synonyms-ENG Reference
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
"cow-demons and snake-
niu gui she shen 牛鬼蛇神 spirits"
Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 75.
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, "Cow
Shed," In The A to Z of the Chinese Cultural
niu peng 牛棚 "cow shed" Revolution (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009),
85, ProQuest Ebook Central, accessed October 18,
Zhongguo jun shi jiao yu xue hui. Han ying jun shi
ji shu da ci dian: A Chinese-English Dictionary of
pai 排 platoon
Military Technology Terms. (Beijing: Xue yuan chu
ban she, 2004), 1000.
MDBG Word Dictionary, "Pai xi, 派
pai xi 派系 派性,派;派系意识 factionalism/faction
(accessed October 20, 2017).
Hai ci ci dian 海词词典 [], "Pai zhang 排长,"
pai zhang 排长 platoon leader 排长 (accessed November 14, 2017). 
pei dou 陪斗 [to hold a] "tandem criticism"
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, "Jet
Plane Style," In The A to Z of the Chinese Cultural
pen qi shi 喷气式 "jet plane style" Revolution (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009),
133, ProQuest Ebook Central, accessed October 18,
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
pi dou 批斗 struggle against Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 300.
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
pi dou hui 批斗会 斗争会, 批斗大会 struggle meeting Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 300.
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
Criticize Lin [Biao] and Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
pi lin pi kong 批林批孔 Criticize Confucius campaign ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015),
pi pan 批判 criticize
pin gu nong 贫雇农 贫农 poor peasant[s]
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, "Poor
Peasants Management Committee," In The A to
poor and lower-middle
pin xia zhong nong 贫下中农 peasant[s]
Z of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Lanham,
MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009), 217, ProQuest Ebook
Central, accessed October 18, 2017.
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to
Z of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Lanham,
pin xuan dui 贫宣队 peasants propaganda team
MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009),321, ProQuest Ebook
Central, accessed June 14, 2018. 9/16
Pinyin Original term Synonyms-CHN English Translation Synonyms-ENG Reference
rehabilitate [to be
ping fan 平反 rehabilitated]; rehabilitation
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
Destroy the Four Olds Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
po si jiu 破四旧 Destroy the Four Olds
campaign ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015),
Destroy the Four Olds,
po si jiu, li si xin 破四旧, 立四新 Cultivate the Four News
qian fan 遣返 repatriate/repatriation exile (v./n.)
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
7.21大学,7.21工农兵 July 21 Worker-Peasant- Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
qi er yi da xue 7.21工大 July 21 University
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no regrets about [one's]
qing chun wu hui 青春无悔 youth
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Qing hua fu zhong 清华附中 清华大学附属中学 School
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qing li jie ji dui wu 清理阶级队伍 清队 campaign
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qun zhong wen yi 群众文艺 masses
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群众专政指挥部 headquarters"
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san kuai hong 三块红 "three red pieces" 10/16
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Shaoqi," In The A to Z of the Chinese Cultural
"three years of natural "three difficult years";
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san zhong ren 三种人 "three kinds of people" 
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san zhong yu su wu xian 三忠于四无限 limitlessnesses"
Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
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"three freedoms, one
san zi yi bao 三自一包 guarantee"
Sha jia bang 沙家浜 "Shajia Creek"
shang diao 上调 send back to the city
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
"elevate minor faults to the "elevate minor faults up to
shang gang shang xian 上纲上线 level of principle violation" the level of principle"
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ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 409.
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shang shan xia xiang 上山下乡 and down to the countryside" ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015),
sheng chan da dui 生产大队 大队 production brigade
sheng chan dui 生产队 生产小队 production team 11/16
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Hai ci ci dian 海词词典 [], "Sheng huo hui 生
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shi 师 [military] division
Military Technology Terms. (Beijing: Xue yuan chu
ban she, 2004), 1206.
"ten-year disaster"; "ten
years of great disaster"; i.e.
shi nian hao jie 十年浩劫 [the] "ten-year catastrophe"
the Cultural Revolution, 1966-
Shui hu zhuan 水浒传 Water Margin
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
si ge wei da 四个伟大 Four Greats Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 119.
the Four Cleanups Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
四清运动, 社会主义教 Movement (1963-66); Four Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
si qing 四清 Four Cleans campaign
育运动 Cleans; Socialist Education ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 118,
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si ren bang 四人帮 Gang of Four
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si san pai 4.3派 April 3 Faction
si si pai 4.4派 April 4 Faction
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si wu Tian an men shi jian 4.5 天安门事件 April 5 Tiananmen Incident
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si wu yun dong 四五運動 April Fifth movement Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 22.
"kick out the Party committee
ti kai dang wei nao ge ming 踢开党委闹革命 to make revolution"
"suspend classes and [/to]
ting ke nao geming 停课闹革命 make revolution"
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column," In Han ying jun shi ji shu da ci dian: A
tuan 团 regiment
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“the local Eighth Route
tu ba lu 土八路 Army”
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tu gai 土改 土地改革 Land Reform
“opening land for cultivation
tun ken shu bian  屯垦戍边 and guarding the frontier" 12/16
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tu zai zi 兔崽子 son of a rabbit
"ten-thousand person
wan ren da hui
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wang tie ren 王铁人 Iron Man Wang The Free Encyclopedia,
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wei dou 围斗 surround and struggle against
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Cultural Revolution Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
wen ge wei yuan hui 文革委员会 文化革命委员会 Committee ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015),
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
wen hua ge ming wei yuan Cultural Revolution Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
文化革命委员会 文革委员会 Committee ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015),
wu chan jie ji wen hua da Great Proletarian Cultural
ge ming
无产阶级文化大革命 文化大革命,文革 Revolution
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
wu dou 武斗 violent struggle Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 333.
MacDonald, James,“The Use of Slogans and
‘Uninterrupted Revolution’in China in the Early
Part of 1964,”In Ch'en, Jerome and Nicholas
wu hao zhan shi 五好战士 "five-good soldier" Tarling, ed., Studies in the Social History of China
and South-East Asia: Essays in Memory of Victor
Purcell, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1970), 178. 
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
wu qi gan xiao 五七干校 May 7 cadre school Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 220.
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
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wu qi zhi shi 五七指示 May 7 Directive
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wu yi liu tong zhi 五·一六通知 《中共中央通知》 May 16 Circular May 16 Notification
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Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 221-22.
county-level military
wu zhuang bu 武装部 department
xia fang 下放 send down
[go] "down to the
xia xiang 下乡 countryside" 13/16
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xiao dang wei 校党委 school Party committee
xiao fen dui 小分队 small rebel group
xiao hong wei bing 小红卫兵 红小兵 Little Red Guards
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
xiao yao pai 逍遥派 "bystanders" Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 42.
xiao zi qing huai 小资情怀 "petit bourgeois sentiment" 
xiu zheng zhu yi 修正主义 Revisionism 
xiu zheng zhu yi jiao yu lu
修正主义教育路线 Revisionist education line Revisionist line in education

xuan chuan dui 宣传队 propaganda team

"do field study on farms and
xue gong xue nong 学工学农 in factories"
xue tong gong ren 血统工人 "worker by blood lineage" "blood line worker"
study class; Mao Zedong
xue xi ban 学习班 study group
Thought study class
university faculty residence
xue xiao da yuan 学校大院 大学教授宿舍 compound
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yang ban xi 样板戏 model drama(s)
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yi dui hong 一对红 "a red pair"
yi ji zhi chang 一技之长 having a specialized skill
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
having one's head shaved in
yin yang tou 阴阳头 "yin-yang style" haircut
"yin-yang" style
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ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 383.
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ying 营 barracks
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ying bin hui 迎宾会 welcome reception
you pai 右派 rightist
you qing 右倾 right-deviation  adj.: right-deviationist 14/16
Pinyin Original term Synonyms-CHN English Translation Synonyms-ENG Reference
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
“right-deviationist reversal-
you qing fan an feng 右倾翻案风 of-verdicts trend”
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you qing ji hui zhu yi fen zi 右倾机会主义分子 opportunist element" opportunist"
parade [someone] through parade someone through the Hai ci ci dian 海词词典 [], "You dou 游斗,"
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parade [n./v.]; parade
you xing 游行 someone around [v.]
yu er lao shi 育儿老师 daycare worker
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Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
zao fan pai 造反派 rebel faction rebels
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proclaim [one's] plans for the
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zao qing shi wan hui bao 早请示晚汇报 day; give an update on [one's]
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activities in the evening
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zhan dou dui 战斗队 combat team
zhan tian dou di 战天斗地 fight heaven and earth
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The National Committee of the Chinese People's
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zheng xie wei yuan 政协委员 Chinese People's Political
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zhi qin pai 执勤排 "guard duty group"
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zhi zuo 支左 "support the left"
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intellectuals [neutral
zhi shi fen zi 知识分子 connotation] 15/16
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"Resolutions of the
Central Committee of Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, "Sixteen
zhong gong zhong yang
《中共中央关于无产阶 the Chinese Communist Articles," In Historical Dictionary of the Chinese
guan yu wu chan jie ji wen 十六条 16 Points
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Great Proletarian Cultural Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 290-91.
Revolution"; 16 Articles
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, "May 16
zhong gong zhong yang Circular (1966)," In Historical Dictionary of the
tong zhi
《中共中央通知》 五·一六通知 May 16 Circular May 16 Notification
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Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 221-22.
Central Party School of the
zhong yang dang xiao 中央党校 中共中央党校 Communist Party of China
Central Party School

Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, "Central

Cultural Revolution Small Group," In Historical
zhong yang wen hua ge Central Cultural Revolution
ming xiao zu
中央文化革命小組 中央文革 Small Group (CCRSG)
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Dance," In Historical Dictionary of the Chinese
zhong zi wu 忠字舞 loyalty dance
Cultural Revolution, 2nd ed. (Lanham, MD:
Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 198.
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical
"grasp revolution, promote
zhua ge ming cu sheng chan 抓革命促生产 production"
Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd
ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 413.
zhuan zheng dui 专政队 "dictatorship group"
zi chan jie ji fa quan 资产阶级法权 "bourgeois rights"
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Reactionary Line," In Historical Dictionary of the
zi chan jie ji fan dong lu xian 资产阶级反动路线 Bourgeois Reactionary Line
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Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 39-41.
"bourgeois reactionary
zi chan jie ji xue shu quan 资产阶级反动学术权威, "bourgeois [reactionary] academic authority";
wei 反动学术权威 academic authority" "reactionary academic
zou gou 走狗 "running dog"
Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, "Capitalist-
走资本主义道路的当 Roaders," In Historical Dictionary of the Chinese
zou zi pai 走资派 "capitalist-roader"
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"improper male-female
zuo feng wen ti 作风问题 relations" 16/16

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