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What is feasibility Report?

A feasibility study is a document that assesses a set of potential project paths or solutions to
see if they are feasible. A person who writes a feasibility report assesses the feasibility of
various options before making a suggestion for the best option. They then give their company
the feasibility study and make their proposal. A feasibility study can assist you in evaluating
the viability of several options and selecting the best one. Knowing how to write a feasibility
study is useful if your firm needs to determine the best path for a project or solution to a
A feasibility report's goal is to assess the viability of various solutions or project paths and
select the best choice. The purpose of a feasibility study is to help readers understand the
viability of various approaches to a problem or project. Readers can determine whether to
follow the study's recommendation for the optimal method based on the evaluation presented
in the report. This in-depth examination of several ways can assist businesses in making the
best judgments possible about projects and difficulties.

Company Description

Introduction of the company

The name of the company is “Green Bags” established in 2019. It is an independent working
firm which sells the jute bags. As the plastic bags are very hazardous for the environment and
sooner or later the use of plastic bags is going to be completely banned. So, we came up with
the initiative of selling jute bags.
Jute bags are naturally green. It aims to help the environment by encouraging more people all
over the world to use earth-friendly bags. Jute is one of the most affordable natural fibres.
Jute bags helps in reducing the use of wasteful and unnatural materials. Jute Bags are most
durable than other bags. It is not easy to tear like those of plastic. Life time of the bag may be
more than five years. Jute is biodegradable recyclable and thus environment friendly. Jute
also does not generate toxic gases when burnt. Jute is known as the ‘Golden Fibre’ due to its
golden-brown colour and its importance. In terms of usage, production and global

Vision of the Company

The vision of our company is creating awareness about jute products creating pollution free
environment by providing fashionable and useful jute products at an affordable price. The
ultimate goal is to earn the profit and make the environment plastic free as it is eco-friendly
paper bags which is poised for a higher growth with a bright future.

Core values
 Competitiveness.
 Quality and service as per market demands.
 Commitment to natural fibers.

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