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Q3 - LESSON 7 Student’s name:........................................Class: 9A..............

Corrector’s name:......................................

You will hear an interview with an architect called Lucy Collet who designs small buildings. For
questions 15-20, choose the answer A, B, C or D which fits best according to what you hear.
15. Lucy enjoyed building the tree-house because it
A. gave her children somewhere to play.
B. presented an interesting design problem.
C. demonstrated the type of work she does.
D. allowed her to fulfill a childhood ambition.
16. What fascinated Lucy about the historical phone boxes?
A. their international character B. their luxurious interiors
C. their range of styles D. the quality of their construction
17. At college, Lucy designed small buildings so that they
A. could be assembled in a shorter time.
B. would comply better with safety rules.
C. would have a wider range of uses.
D. could be built in a simpler style.
18. Lucy got the idea for a folding market stall
A. from her parents.
B. from travelling salesmen.
C. while she was at a trade fair.
D. while she was on an overseas trip.
19. What did Lucy like best about her award-winning design?
A. the shape B. the display space
C. the decoration D. the building material
20. The hotel phone booths which Lucy worked on were
A. developed with mobile phone users in mind.
B. designed for countries with relatively few mobile phone.
C. placed at the entrance to the hotel lobby.
D. intended to be the largest feature of the lobby.

I. Add one set of adjectives in the best order to each definition.
northern / sharp / cool / thin prickly / juicy / large / tropical / yellow
similar / white / rare / large / black bluish-grey / great / hard / shiny white / small

A. Panda: a (1) ………………………. (2) ………………………. (3) ………………………. and (4)

………………………. animal (5) ………………………. to a bear.
B. Pearl: a (6) ………………………. (7) ………………………. (8) ………………………. or (9)
……………………. ball that forms inside some oysters and is of (10) ……………………. value as a jewel.
C. Pine: a tree that produces cones and has (11) ………………………. (12) ………………………. leaves
throughout the year. Pines grow in (13) ………………………. (14) ………………………. regions.
D. Pineapple: a (15) ………………………. (16) ………………………. fruit with (17) ……………………….
(18) ………………………. flesh and a (19) ………………………. skin.

II. Make appropriate compound adjectives from each pair of words and add them to the sentences.
Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 976 968 1
distance / long end / never grow / fast keep / peace
educate / well funny / look home / make wash / white
~ Ghana had to increase food imports to meet the needs of a …fast-growing… population.
20. Mrs. Baxter offered us scones with cream and her ……home-made………. jam.
21. Please don’t use this phone to make any …long-distance…………. calls.
22. Soldiers have to learn to talk rather than fight when they are sent on ……peace-keeping……. missions.
23. The president’s wife seemed to have a ……never-ending………. supply of new shoes and handbags.
24. We have to invest more in schools and teachers if we want to have a ……well-educated………
25. That ……funny-looking……. piece of cloth at the end of each sleeve is called a frill.
26. We rented a small cottage in Devon, with a red-tiled roof and ……white-washed………. walls.

III. Underline and correct the mistakes in this text.

Sometimes I wonder what people in other countries think about us. We are no longer among the rich and
powerful of Europe. In a very short period, we seem to have turned into the poor and weaks. The situation is
appalled. You cannot walk down a street in our cities without seeing a homeless. The unemployeds stand
around on our street corners. The old and sick receives no help. Why are we no longer shocking that this is
going on? Is it like this everywhere? Does the Japanese and the Canadian have the same problems? I doubt it.
The unthinkable have happened here and we must do something about it soon.

27. ....................................................................................................................................................
28. ....................................................................................................................................................
29. ....................................................................................................................................................
30. ....................................................................................................................................................
31. ....................................................................................................................................................
32. ....................................................................................................................................................
33. ....................................................................................................................................................
34. ....................................................................................................................................................
35. ....................................................................................................................................................

IV. Add these adverbs to this text.

actually certainly nervously probably still uncontrollably
apparently completely of course seriously very unfortunately

‘You’ve seen the ghost?’ I asked.

‘More than once,’ the old man replied. ‘(36) …………………………………………, I have a photograph. Want
to see it?’
This is absurd, I thought, but asked, ‘You took a photo of the ghost?’
‘No, not me. It’s a photo of Lady Barnett from an old newspaper report of her death. She’s wearing a long
white gown, almost (37) …………………………………………the same one she wears when she appears at
He said all this (38) ………………………………………… (39) …………………………………………as if it
was solid evidence for the truth of his ghostly tale. ‘She was rich and, (40) …………………………………………
for her, she was murdered for her money.
It all happened about ten years ago. The police thought it was her husband who did it. He disappeared
soon after. They found him later, locked in a small basement room. His hair had turned (41)
……………………………… white and his eyes were wide open. He was dead, (42)
He was clutching the key to Lady Barnett’s safe deposit box in the bank. I think her ghost had (43)
………………………………………… found him and had scared him to death.’
‘Oh, my god! And she-she-she’s still here?’ I found myself stuttering (44) ………………………………
Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 976 968 2
‘Oh, yes. I think she (45) …………………………………………walks through the house in search of his
mistress. She only appears when there’s a new woman in the house. (46) …………………………………………
her husband was in love with another woman and he just wanted Lady Barnett’s money so he could run away
with her.’ ‘What happened to the mistress?’ I asked rather (47) …………………………………………, looking
round the dark room.
‘Nobody knows,’ he answered. ‘But if I was her, I would stay far away from this house.’


I. Complete each dialogue with an idiom.
wear and tear nook and cranny neat and tidy here, there and everywhere
give or take bumper to bumper neck and neck little by little

48. A: Was the traffic bad on the way here?

B: Yes, it was ……………………………………………………………. the whole way.
49. A: Did you get everything you needed today?
B: Yes, but I had to go ……………………………………………………………. to find it all.
50. A: This sofa is only six months old, but it looks really old.
B: Well, it gets a lot of …………………………………………………………….
51. A: We’re making very slow progress with this project.
B: But we’re getting there …………………………………………………………….
52. A: Have you found your watch yet?
B: No, I’ve searched in every …………………………………………………………. but I still can’t find it!
53. A: What’s Galya’s flat like?
B: Well, you know how organised she is! It’s very …………………………………………………….
54. A: Which horse won the race?
B: Two of them finished …………………………………………………………….
55. A: Were there a lot of people at the party?
B: About a hundred, ……………………………………………………………. a few.

II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
56. He didn’t cry when the story ended in tragedy.
Not a tear ...................................................................................................................................
57. I never thought of asking for her help.
The thought ................................................................................................................................
58. The film didn’t come up to my expectations.
The film fell .................................................................................................................................
59. You must remember to lock the drawer whatever you do.
On ..............................................................................................................................................
60. In summer, there are thousands more tourists than the locals.
In summer, the locals are vastly .................................................................................................
61. If the work is finished by lunchtime you can go home.
Get .............................................................................................................................................
62. His description of the incident was completely different from what really happened.
His description of the incident bore .............................................................................................
63. I don’t understand a single word of this letter.
I can’t make head .......................................................................................................................
64. Have a few days’ rest and you’ll be fully recovered in no time. ABOUT
Have a few days’ rest and you’ll ………………………………………………………. in no time.

65. I’ve often told him not to leave his car unlocked. TIME
Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 976 968 3
I’ve told him ………………………………………………………. not to leave his car unlocked.
66. The work required a lot of effort but it was worth it. BLOOD
The word required a lot of ………………………………………………………. but it was worth it.
67. The whole team’s been in a state of confusion since Kay resigned. SEVENS
The whole team’s been ………………………………………………………. since Kay resigned.
68. I keep dropping things today - I’m so clumsy. THUMBS
I keep dropping things today – I’m all ……………………………………………………….
69. My mum and I are completely different people, but we get on well. CHALK
My mum and I are ………………………………………………………., but we get on well.

Choose the best answer.
It only (70) ……………… the completion of the reconstruction of the human genetic map for a whole host of
hereditary diseases to be (71) ………………. Originally, it was forecast that the venture would take until the
beginning of the 21st century to be (72) ………………. At present, it is clear that the task can be finished much
earlier. Hundreds of scholars have gone to (73) ……………… to help (74) ……………… the mystery of the
human genetic structure with an ardent hope for (75) ……………… mankind from disorders such as cancer,
cystic fibrosis or arthritis.
The progress in this incredible undertaking is (76) ……………… by an accurate interpretation of the
information (77) ……………… in the chromosomes forming the trillions of the cells in the human body. Locating
and characterizing every single gene may (78) ……………… an implausible assignment, but very considerable
(79) ……………… has already been made. What we know by now is that the hereditary code is assembled in
DNA, some parts of which may be diseased and (80) ……………… to the uncontrollable transmission of the
damaged code from parents to their children.
Whereas work at the completion of the human genome may last for a few years more, notions like gene
therapy or genetic engineering don’t (81) ……………… much surprise any longer. Their potential application
has already been (82) ……………… in the effective struggle against many viruses or in the genetic treatment of
blood disorders. The hopes are, then, that hundreds of maladies that humanity is (83) ……………… with at
present might eventually cease to exist in the not too (84) ……………… future.

70. A. expects B. requires C. anticipates D. remains

71. A. terminated B. interfered C. eradicated D. disrupted
72. A. accomplished B. discharged C. dismantled D. exterminated
73. A. maximum B. utmost C. supreme D. extremes
74. A. dissolve B. interrogate C. respond D. unravel
75. A. liberating B. surviving C. insulating D. averting
76. A. dependent B. reliant C. qualified D. conditioned
77. A. associated B. contained C. involved D. derived
78. A. sound B. hear C. voice D. perceive
79. A. headline B. heading C. headway D. headship
80. A. amiable B. conceivable C. evocative D. conducive
81. A. evoke B. institute C. discharge D. encourage
82. A. examined B. inquired C. accounted D. corroborated
83. A. aggravated B. teased C. persecuted D. plagued
84. A. far-away B. outlying C. distant D. imminent


Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 976 968 4
Q3 - LESSON 7 Student’s name:.............................................Class: 9A..............
Corrector’s name:..........................................

I. Choose the most appropriate word from each pair for each space.
acute / acutely color / colored far / further just / only pleased / pleasing
certain / certainly early / earlier Japan / Japanese now / yet young / youngest

One evening in the spring of 1936, when I was a boy of fourteen, my father took me to a dance
performance in Kyoto. I remember only two things about it. The first is that he and I were the (1)
…………………………………. Westerners in the audience; we had come from our home in the Netherlands only
a few weeks (2) ……………………………., so I had not (3) ………………………………. adjusted to the
cultural isolation and still felt it (4) ………………………………….. The second is how (5)
…………………………………. I was, after months of intensive study of the Japanese language, to find that I
could now understand fragments of the conversations I overheard. As for the (6) ………………………………….
(7) …………………………………. women dancing on the stage before me, I remember nothing of them except a
vague impression of brightly (8) …………………………………. kimono. I (9) …………………………………. had
no way of knowing that in a time and place as (10) …………………………………. away as New York City nearly
fifty years in the future, one among them would become my good friend and would dictate her extraordinary
memoirs to me.

II. Choose the suitable adverb to complete these sentences.

angrily casually enough extremely of course traditionally
carelessly completely even individually only very

11. …………………………, marriages were arranged, but that’s ………………………… changed now.
12. There was …………………………… one ticket left and everyone wanted it, …………………………
13. He did the test so ……………………………, he didn’t …………………………… finish part of it.
14. ………………………, each player is good, but they don’t play well ………………………… as a team.
15. Although he was dressed …………………, he wasn’t ………………………… relaxed.
16. Because he was ………………………… annoyed, he started complaining …………………………

III. Choose the correct answer that can be used appropriately in all three sentences
17. I’ll meet you after ……………………………. and we’ll go for a drink.
He’s one of the most famous artists of the Impressionist ……………………………. of painters.
What are you going to do when you leave …………………………….?
18. She’s only just started playing but she’s already very good for her …………………………….
They ought to compete against boys and girls in their own ……………………………. group.
We are living in the ……………………………. of the computer.
19. It’s a pity we lost, but never ……………………………. We’ll play better next time.
It was raining hard but I didn’t ……………………………. it all that much.
Would you ……………………………. opening the door for me?
20. His parents taught him how to play when he was very young so he had a head ………. over the other
She led the race from …………….………… to finish.
The team were playing so badly that they decided to make a fresh …………….………… with a new


Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 976 968 5
Questions 21 – 23. Circle THREE letters A-F.
What does Katy say about the Language Centre?
A. It is near the College.
B. The library’s materials are for advanced learners only.
C. All books have accompanying cassettes.
D. It receives a Spanish newspaper every day.
E. At present, at least fifteen languages are taught by computer.
F. All the computers can be used for Internet learning.

Question 24. Choose TWO letters A-E.

Which TWO of the following can you watch on the second floor?
A. live TV in English
B. live TV in Japanese
C. live TV in Turkish
D. recorded news in Arabic
E. recorded news in Portuguese

Questions 25 – 27. Circle THREE letters A-F.

What must you do when you join the Language Centre?
A. pay a small amount of money
B. show some proof of identity
C. be accompanied by someone from your Department
D. take a test in the language you want to study
E. register at Reception in the Language Centre
F. learn how to use the Centre’s equipment

Questions 28. Choose TWO letters A-E.

Which TWO should you tell the librarian?
A. whether you have studied the language previously
B. why you want to study this language
C. how many hours per week you must study it
D. which text books you will use
E. which other languages you have learned

Questions 29-30. Circle TWO letters A-E.

Which TWO of these can you do at the Language Centre?
A. read and listen to materials on your own
B. choose books to take away from the Centre
C. copy tapes to listen to them outside the Centre
D. photocopy materials yourself
E. have a few pages of a book photocopied


Tầng 3, Tòa nhà 29T2 - N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy – 0961 976 968 6

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