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In CB configuration, the base of a transistor is common to input and output circuits.

Input voltage is applied between emitter and base and output is taken across collector and
base. CB configuration is also called grounded base configuration. In this setup, an increase
in emitter current causes an increase in collector current. Collector current is given by the
expression IC = IE - IB. Since IB is in the order of microamperes, collector current is almost
same as the emitter current in spite of the variation of the variations in the collector base
junction. Another important expression for a CB transistor configuration is IC = aIE + ICBO ,

where I
CBO is the current flowing through the collector circuit when the collector base

junction is reverse biased and emitter base junction is open circuited. Transistor offers a low
input resistance and very high output impedance when it is in CB configuration. It provides
almost unity current gain and high voltage gain.
Dynamic input resistance: Input characteristics are plotted between the IE and VEB for a

constant value of VCB . The reciprocal of the slope of the curves gives the value of dynamic
input resistance ri and is given by the expression

ri = DVEB / DIE keeping VCB constant.

Dynamic output resistance: Output characteristics are plotted between the collector current

IC and VCB for a constant value of I . The dynamic output resistance can be obtained from

these curves and is given by the expression ro = DVCB / DIC keeping IE constant.

Common base current gain: It is given by the expression constant.

Setup the circuit on the breadboard as shown in figure. For input characteristics, fix the
value of V . Vary V from 0V to 0.7V in steps. Note down the corresponding emitter

current IE for different values of VBE . Repeat the procedure for different values of VCB , say
3V and 6V. Plot the characteristics with VBE along the X-axis and IE along Y-axis. Calculate
the input resistance.

For output characteristics, note down the collector current for different values of collector
base voltage for constant emitter current. Plot the output characteristics with VCB on the

X-axis and IC on the Y-axis. Reverse the biasing voltage VCB to get the saturation part of the
output characteristics (both emitter and collector base junction is forward biased). Calculate
the output resistance and current gain from this curve.

Select the transistor BC107.

For the safety of the transistor against excess voltages, two current limiting resistors R E at the
emitter and RC at the collector are used.

RE  (5V VBE ) / IE  (5V  0.6V ) / 20mA  220

RC  (30V VCB ) / IC  (30V 10V ) / 20mA  1K

Circuit Diagram:
Input characteristics:
i. The graphical representation emitter-base voltage and emitter current (IE) at constant
collector base voltage (VCB) is called input characteristics.
ii. For a given collector voltage, the emitter current increases rapidly with increase in
emitter-base voltage i.e. input resistance is very small.
iii. For a higher negative collector voltage, the emitter current increase more rapidly with the
collector emitter voltage.

Output characteristics:

Observation table
i. The graphical representation collector-base (VCB) voltage and collector current (IC) at
constant emitter current (IE) is called output characteristics.
ii. For a given value of emitter current , the collector voltage is not zero even when
collector-base voltage is zero.
iii. For agiven emitter current, there is a rapid increase in collector current for an increase in
low negative collector-base voltage. It is the region of low collector resistance, transisitor
is never operated in this region.
iv. For a given emitter current, the collector voltage become saturated for a certain collector-
base voltage. Beyond it there is no increase in collector current for further increase in
negative collector base. It is the region of high collector resistance.

Sample calculations
Dynamic Input Resistance = 0.19 x 103 ohm

Dynamic output resistance = 0.57 x 103ohm

Common base current gain (α) = 0.968

We have successfully plotted the input and output characteristics of an NPN transistor in
common base configuration and also calculated the dynamic input resistance, dynamic output
resistance and common base current gain.

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