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Profesor: Student:

a Vukčević Stefan Milošević
Broj indeksa: M001-29/2018

Beograd, 2020. godina



Do you ever wonder whether your irritable or unhappy adolescent might actually be
experiencing teen depression? Of course, most teens feel unhappy at times. And when you
add hormone disbalance to the many other changes happening in a teen's life, it's easy to see
why they have mood swings. Yet findings show that one out of every eight adolescents has
teen depression. But depression can be treated as well as the serious problems that come with
it. The risk for the condition can begin in childhood or the early teens, however, and increases
steadily through the mid-20s. Around 11 percent of young people will have experienced an
episode of depression by the end of his or her teenage years. 1 Depression in children, teens,
and young adults is much more than a phase. It's a real condition that can interfere with daily
life, lead to suicidal thoughts and behavior, and go on to affect a person throughout life.
Issues such as peer pressure, academic expectations and changing bodies can bring a lot of
ups and downs for teens. Teen depression isn't a weakness or something that can be
overcome with willpower - it can have serious consequences and requires long-term



Why do adolescents get depression? There is many things who can cause depresson. For
example: Social status, genetics, sexual orientation, family life etc.

Which teens are at risk for major depression? Family history of depression, cigarette
smokers, teens who have some mental problems etc.

What are the symptoms of adolescents depression? Each adolescent with depression may
have different symptoms. Here are more signs of depression in adolescents even though they
may or may not show all signs: Apathy, loss interest in food or compulsive overeating,
memory loss, skipping school, staying awake at night and sleeping at day etc.

How is adolescent depression diagnosed? The doctor will look for signs of potentially co-
existing psychiatric disorders such as anxiety or substance abuse or screen for complex forms
of depression such as bipolar disorder or psychosis. The doctor will also assess adolescent for
risks of suicidal or homicidal features.

How is adolescent depression treated? There are a variety of methods used to treat
depression, including medications and psychotherapy: Antidepressant medicines, talk
therapy, famiy therapy etc.

What are possible complications of depression in adolescents? Without treatment, depression

can last for weeks, months, or years and it also can be linked to a higher risk for suicide.


Why do adolescents get depression?..........................................................................................5

Which teens are at risk for major depression?...........................................................................5

What are the symptoms of adolesncet depression?....................................................................6

How is adolescent depression diagnosed?..................................................................................7

How is adolescent depression treated?.......................................................................................7

What are possible complications of depression in adolescent?.................................................8



Why do adolescents get depression?

Depression has no single cause , there are multiple reasons why a adolescent might become
depressed. Many factors, such as genetics and the environment, play a role .For example,
teens can develop feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy over their grades. School
performance, social status with peers, sexual orientation, or family life can each have a major
effect on how a teen feels. Sometimes, teen depression may result from environmental stress.
But whatever the cause, when friends or family - or things that the teen usually enjoys - don't
help to improve his or her sadness or sense of isolation, there's a good chance that he or she
has teen depression.

Depression runs in families, but not everyone with a depressed family member becomes
depressed. People with no family history of depression also can have depression. For teens, a
stressful home environment or neighborhood poverty and violence can lead to depression.
Drug and alcohol abuse also can affect mood and lead to depression, and many teens turn to
these substances to medicate their emotions.

Which teens are at risk for major depression?

A teen may be more likely to have major depression if he or she has:

 Family history of depression, especially if a parent had depression when young

 Lots of stress
 Abuse or neglect
 Physical or emotional trauma including peer problems, bullying, and academic trouble
 Other mental health problems
 Loss of a parent, caregiver, or other loved one
 Cigarette smoking
 Loss of a relationship, such as moving away or losing a boyfriend or girlfriend
 Other chronic illnesses, such as diabetes
 Other developmental, learning, or conduct disorders
 Gender issues, especially if the person is bullied
 Suffered a traumatic brain injury

What are the symptoms of adolesncet depression?

Often, adolescents with depression will have a noticeable change in their thinking and
behavior. They may have no motivation and even become withdrawn, closing their bedroom
door after school and staying in their room for hours. Each adolescent with depression may
have different symptoms. A adolescent often needs to have several of these symptoms during
the same 2-week period to be diagnosed with major depression.

Adolescents who are depressed may sleep excessively, have a change in eating habits, and
may even exhibit criminal behaviors such as DUI or shoplifting. Here are more signs of
depression in adolescents even though they may or may not show all signs:

 Apathy
 Complaints of pains, including headaches, stomachaches, low back pain, or
 Difficulty concentrating
 Difficulty making decisions
 Excessive or inappropriate guilt
 Irresponsible behavior -- for example, forgetting obligations, being late for
classes, skipping school
 Loss of interest in food or compulsive overeating that results in rapid weight
loss or gain
 Memory loss
 Preoccupation with death and dying
 Rebellious behavior
 Sadness, anxiety, or a feeling of hopelessness
 Staying awake at night and sleeping during the day
 Sudden drop in grades
 Use of alcohol or drugs and promiscuous sexual activity

How is adolescent depression diagnosed?

There aren't any specific medical tests that can detect depression. Health care professionals
determine if a adolescent has depression by conducting interviews and psychological tests
with the adolescent and his or her family members, teachers, and peers.

The severity of adolescent depression and the risk of suicide are determined based on the
assessment of these interviews. Treatment recommendations are also made based on the data
collected from the interviews.

The doctor will also look for signs of potentially co-existing psychiatric disorders such as
anxiety or substance abuse or screen for complex forms of depression such as bipolar
disorder (manic depressive illness) or psychosis. . The doctor will also assess adolescent for
risks of suicidal or homicidal features. Incidences of attempted suicide and self-mutilation is
higher in females than males while completed suicide is higher in males. One of the most
vulnerable groups for completed suicide is the 18-24 age group.

How is adolescent depression treated?

There are a variety of methods used to treat depression, including medications and
psychotherapy. Family therapy may be helpful if family conflict is contributing to a
adolescents depression. The adolescent will also need support from family or teachers to help
with any school or peer problems. Occasionally, hospitalization in a psychiatric unit may be
required for adolescent with severe depression.

Treatment will depend on adolescents symptoms, age, and general health. It will also depend
on how severe the condition is. Major depression can often be treated. Treatment may include
one or more of the following:

 Antidepressant medicines. These can be very helpful, especially when used with
 Talk therapy (psychotherapy). This treatment helps adolescents with depression
change their distorted views of themselves and the environment around them. It also

finds stressors in the adolescents environment and teaches him or her how to stay
away from them. A teen will also learn how to work through hard relationships.
 Family therapy
 School input

What are possible complications of depression in adolescent?

Without treatment, depression can last for weeks, months, or years. It can cause relationship
and social problems. Depression is also linked to a higher risk for suicide. This risk rises
when the depressed teen has other mental health problems. These include conduct disorder
and substance abuse. This is especially true for adolescent boys.


Depression is one of the most common of all mental health problems. The good news is that
it's also one of the most treatable conditions. Young people with depression and their families
and friends often don't know how to spot the problem or where to seek help.

Seek professional help if you suspect your adolescent suffers from depression, and choose a
therapist who specializes in treating adolescents. Find a different counselor if the one you
visit makes your son or daughter feel ill at ease or doesn't seem to understand their needs.

A therapist who's too formal or can't establish good rapport with children will make your
child more apprehensive. If possible, get a recommendation from your health care provider, a
school counselor, or friend.

Depending on the severity of your adolescent depression and its causes, the therapist may
suggest either talk therapy, medication, or both.

Usually, a combination of both will get the best results. An antidepressant helps correct the
chemical imbalance within the brain, so the teen begins to feel better. But the negative
thought patterns that lead to depression may still remain, and therapy will help change these
patterns, so the teen can better cope with the stressors in life that contribute to depression.

The FDA issued a warning in September 2004 that antidepressants may cause some children
and adolescents to become suicidal. Talking about suicide does not increase the likelihood of
an attempt, it can actually open the door to professional help. If 100 patients are given
antidepressants, two or three will develop suicidal thoughts. Adolescents who begin
antidepressant medications should be monitored closely for any suicidal thoughts or
behaviors, especially in the early weeks of treatment.2




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