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International House Mexico

Melvin Garmendia - Teaching Practice 2 - 1/20/2022

Teaching Practice Details

Tutor: Carmen Torres Level: C1 45
o provide listening practice for Learners will have also discovered the MFP of new
Main gist and specific information in Sub lexical items. Learners will have also practised
of 10
Aim: the context of informal Aim: their fluency for speaking in the post-task
negotiation discussion

Lesson assessment
Lesson Grade: To standard

Comments on the lesson execution:

Thank you for your lesson Melvin

You provided an engaging, personalized and student centered lead in.

OCFB of lead in stage was carried out, good, but remember to allow this stage to be faster.No need to check
language at this stage- you have DEC for this.

Vocabualry stage:
Accurate student centered task to check meaning of the new words- good demonstration of task- Avoid wordy
instrucions though, reduce TTT. Good providing pair checking, and later display of answers.

Pronunciation practice was povided, effective and effecitive choral drilling.

Parts of speech were well elicited.

Accurate gist task was provided,, but reduce TTT when setting task, no need to overexplain task. Pair checking was

Specific listening task was provided. Accurate task, reduce TTT to set task.
Pair checking was provided. Well done. Answers were displayed on slides to allow a natural pace and stage
Third listening was to provide listening in detail but the gap fill exercise was aimed at specific listening. Pair
checking was provided and answers were displayed on slide.

Follow up productive task was carried out maintaing context- good demonstration of task.

DEC was carried out. Correct/ incorrect sentences were displayed on slide- failry student centerdness here- but
reduce TTT, let students think and talk about mistakes.
You did go over time 5 min, due to slow stage transition and high TTT.

Comments on the lesson plan:

Complete and well staged receptive skills lesson plan.

Accurate wording in all stages and in main/sub aim.
Good to see effective and student centered tasks thoughout all slides.
Course book information and hyperlinks were added to lesson plan.

The CRITERIA referred to when assessing lessons are listed below. The grading for each criterion is provided to help
you recognise strengths and action points to work on.
Specific areas of success:
• 5h) feedback: DEC was carried out in student centered way, but in overtime
• 5g) eliciting/concept-checking: Effective eliciting to discover the differetn parts of speech.
• 3a) reading/listening: Listening practice was provided
• 2e) clarifying language: Effective and systematic MFP clarifaction, as well as student centered.
• 1d) rapport/learner involvement: excellent rapport with learners
• 4d) materials prep: Course books and hyperlinks were added to lesson plan
• 4b) staging: Well staged and sequenced receptive skills lesson plan
• 4e) procedure: Complete
• 4c) materials design: Effective and student centered tasks throughout all slides
• 4a) stating aims: Accurate wording in all stage aims and in main//sub aim

Specific areas to focus on:

• 2a) TTT/language grading: Reduce TTT and avoid overexplaining elements.
• 5f) instructions: Avoid wordy and sequenced instructions. No need to overexplain task using metalanguage.
• 5i) pace: Remember to maintain a speedy stage transition.
• 5k) timing: You went over time 5 min due to high TTT and wordy instruction

Please sign that you have read and understood the above:

Candidate's signature: ___________________ Tutor's signature: ___________________

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