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I. True or False
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if
1. Medieval music were more on vocal, and wide
selection of instruments served as accompaniment
2. Middle ages is also known as the "dark ages".
3. The five parts of the mass are the Kyrie,
Alleluiah, Credo, Sanctus and Agnus Dei.
4. Renaissance means rebirth, revival and
5. Mass is a polyphonic choral composition made
up of nine sections.
6. Motet is a piece for several solo voices set to a
short poem usually about love.
7. Martin Luther advocated Protestant
8. Thomas Weelkes was the master of
Renaissance music.
9. Renaissance music uses word painting for
musical representation of specific poetic images.
10. The era of medieval music was also known as a
Golden Age of A capella Choral Music.

II. Enumeration
1-2 Sacred Music of the Renaissance
3-5 Famous Composers of the Renaissance Period
III. Describe Renaissance Music

Identify the following pictures. Write EGYPTIAN if the
picture pertains to Egyptian art and PREHISTORIC if
the picture pertains to the prehistoric times.
4. 5.
1. 2. 3.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10
III. Identification. Write the correct answer.
1. Shows the queen at the height of her beauty,
wearing the crown of upper and lower Egypt.
2. A surface made from the thin-shaved pith of
the papyrus plant, glued together to form a
continuous sheet.
3. The first large pyramid in Egypt.
4. An immense lion with the head of Khafre.
5. A coffin in the shape of a mummy, and is made
of solid gold.
6. Are engravings or carvings into the rock panel.
7. Are large designs and motifs that are created
on the stone ground surface.
8. Abstract motifs found alongside human and
animal figures, and are given equal prominence.
9. Used by early men that have been excavated
and may have been the world’s first tools.
10. Are paintings or drawings that have been
placed onto the rock surface.

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