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Session Notes

Dungeon of the Dead Three

● Additional Treasure
○ A cloak made of bronze dragon scales (Cloak of Protection)
■ “You find a cloak made up of a layering bronze scale material. It is wide
enough to cover your upper body with its layers of reptilian scales. It is
about 60 inches long and at the top of it, it has a dragon head button (also
made of bronze) that can be put through a small loop to button up.”
■ Additional Notes: Detect Magic reveals it has a Abjuration like effect on it
and with an Intelligence (Arcana) check of DC 13, they can recognize it’s
draconic origins.
○ A 5’ circle disk made of an unknown alloy that is 1’ thick and contains infernal
script (Soul Coin)
■ “You also find a cylindrical shaped object. It has a five inch diameter and
an inch thick iron-like design. It
● Scrolls found in D11
○ Scroll of Commune
○ Scroll of Slow
○ Scroll of Inflict Wounds
○ Scroll of Armor of Agathys
○ Scroll of Contact Other Planes

Vanthampur Villa
● Descriptions
○ V10
■ “Along the walls, you find four oil paintings which depict almost what
looks like a timeline of a woman’s life. In one painting, you see a bold
woman in her mid-twenties with a barrel bodied chest and strong arms.
Next to her is a slender nobleman and a small, sickly child standing in
front of the two. In another painting, you see a similar woman, but now in
her early thirties accompanied by a handsome man in his twenties with an
ill-looking preteen and a young child with dark hair. In the third painting,
you see the woman enter her middle age with a similarly aged man with a
genial look on his face. They have a frail teen; a fit preteen, and a chubby
child. In the last painting, the woman, now in her sixties, has a stern
expression on her face as she is surrounded by the three men, two of
which you immediately recognize to be Mortlock and Amrik. The third
man appears to be in his forty and looks pale and ill.”

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