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Discuss about the Changeling
Discuss about Changeling Classes

1. Introduce the show
a. Say the title of the show, say what the show is about, etc.
2. Introduce host and guest (Me!)
a. Describe why I’ve been brought on and give my experience in the subject matter.
3. Introduce the topic at hand
a. Briefly introduce the changeling in DnD 5e and why they are worth playing

1. Introduction
a. Properly introduce the Changeling and its concept, history, media representation,
b. Note: Make sure to mention we are discussing Eberron's Changeling.
2. What does the changeling get (Summarized)
a. +2 in Charisma (and a +1 to one other)
b. Proficiency to two skills among Deception, Insight, Intimidation, and Persuasion.
c. Common + 2 other languages
d. Shapechanger
3. Discuss about Shapechanger and its limits
a. Shapechanger is described as followed:
i. “As an action, you can change your appearance and your voice. You
determine the specifics of the changes, including your coloration, hair
length, and sex. You can also adjust your height and weight, but not so
much that your size changes. You can make yourself appear as a member
of another race, though none of your game statistics change.
ii. You can't duplicate the appearance of a creature you've never seen, and
you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs that
you have. Your clothing and equipment aren't changed by this trait.
iii. You stay in the new form until you use an action to revert to your true
form or until you die.”
4. Discuss fun ideas and applications for Shapechanger
5. Discuss some interesting ideas and perspective to play a Changeling
a. Changelings can view life from all perspectives.
b. Without a real, concrete identity; Changelings might find it in larger organizations
(religion, government, organized crime, etc.)
c. Changelings might wear personas like costumes
i. Relate this to study that shows wearing lab coats make you smarter.
ii. Similarly, Changelings might have a specific persona to wear in certain
circumstances. (I.e. the Changeling could have a “Doctor” or “Detective”
persona they wear to boost their confidence.)
d. Personas could be passed down from a line of Changelings.
Changeling Classes
*Note: With each one, try to discuss some interesting character ideas for each of them.
**Also Note: Specify that there is no best class in 5e, but we’ll be talking about the ones that fit
narratively and mechanically for the Changeling.
1. Rogue
a. Changelings make excellent infiltrators not necessarily because they are stealthy,
but because they can be anyone. Rogue compliment Changelings greatly because
they get many skills (8 skills after class, race, and background) and they can
easily escape trouble by taking on a new persona. They make excellent faces and
devious backstabbers.
b. Especially talk about the Assassin. They get Infiltration Expert (allows for the
character to make up a well-history character with connections and a backstory at
the cost of 25 gold and seven days) at level 9 and Imposter (can completely mimic
a person’s voice, writing, and mannerisms if studied for three hours. Advantage
on rolls to pass yourself off as the person if you are using one of the three
aforementioned means.)
c. Swashbucklers are also good since they get to add their Charisma to their
initiative with Rakish Audacity and they can roll Persuasion against a creature’s
insight to either have them focus exclusively on them if they are hostile, or
consider them a friendly acquaintance if they are non-hostile.
2. Bard
a. Excellent choice for making a face. Changeling Bards utilize their charisma bonus
to boost their spell capabilities. Along with that, they utilize Shapechanger to
become anyone they want and have the proficiency to back it up. Great for having
spells and many skill proficiencies (7 after race, background, and class. 10 if he
goes Lore Bard).
b. Talk about the College of Whispers since they get Mantle of Whispers. This
allows for them to steal someone’s identity and gain basic information on them
after they have killed them. Good for getting an impromptu disguise and the
information to easily pass off as them.
3. Warlock
a. Great for making a versatile caster, Changeling Warlocks are great at being weird
outsiders who try to find a meaning through fringe deities. They get a good spell
list and have many invocations to really flesh out a unique caster
b. Bring up the Mask of Many Faces invocation that allows for them to cast
Disguise Self at will. This is great since Disguise Self allows for them to make up
an illusory costume any time they wish. This is great for quickly becoming
someone entirely new in as short as twelve seconds.
4. Sorcerer
a. Great for making a caster with control over their spells, Changeling Sorcerers are
good since they have a bonus to Charisma starting out. With their metamagic,
they can get subtle casting and easily cast spells without drawing attention to
themselves. Expand on this section some more.
5. Paladins
a. Great for having spells, healing, and martial capabilities; Changeling Paladins
excel at being good at just about everything and having an oath to fulfill their
need for identity. While Shapechanger doesn’t really benefit the Paladin
particularly, the Changeling can use their Charisma bonus to boost their spells and
class features as well as their free attribute bonus on either Strength or Dexterity.

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