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Unit - I Fourier Series 11 Introduction In Differential Calculus we are familiar with the expansion of a differentiable function f(x) inthe form of a power series. Taylor’sseriesof f(x) about x = @ isan infinite series in ascending powers of (x —a) and Maclaurin’s series is an infinite series in s it becomes necessary to expand ascending powers of v. In many engineering, problet a given function f(x) ina series containing, cosine and sine terms which belongs to a class of functions called periodic functions. In this unit we discuss various aspects of such series referred to as Fourier series. As a preamble we briefly present two concepts connected with infinite sereies of positive terms. [12] Convergence and Divergence of infinite series of positive terms If v,, is a function of n defined for all integral values of 1, an expression of the form uy diy bug te bu, +e- > containing infinite number of terms is called an infinite series usually denoted by S)u,, or simply 3° 4, ei 1, is called the n'" term or the general term of the infinite series. The sum of the first n terms of the series is denoted by s,. That is, 5, =u 0 pig tigte +H, Aseries Su, issaid to be convergent if lim s, = 1 where fis a finite quantity and Yu, issaid to be divergent if lim s, = + ©. 2 FOURIER SERIES Illustrative Examples Example -1 Let us consider the geometric series : a+ art are + a(1-2") 3, = GED itr et A) a and : atc digrod -.Q) Now if |r| <1, 7 3 0 as 1-9 © and from (1) we have, a a lim s, = (1-0) = which is a finite quanitity. a Suet or Ln? ij Hence we conclude that the geometric series is convergent for | r [= Next if r > 1, we have from (2), =, since 7” —» c& when r > Lat aut) ims, = Jim i woe nae Hence we conclude that the geometric series is divergent forr > 1. Example - 2 Let us consider the series: 1 +2+3++++ +14 nel ey = L423 w=¥n= ) n a 2 i — im Pete im s, = lim 5 °° nye tae Hence we conclude that the series is divergent. Example -3 1 Let us consider the series 237 34 It 1 The! termu,, = > > n n(n+d) Further, 1 : ! L tial fracti y mae by partial fractions. 1 wnt) on nad 7 PAS alee Now 5, =u +My tH tos FU, n 1 rt FOURIER SERIES OF PERIOD 2x 4 iéy or Hence we conclude that the series is convergent. [1.3] Periodic functions A real valued function f(«) is said to be periodic of period Tif f(x+T) = f(x), T>0. k (constant), sin x, cos x are periodic functions of period 2n as we know from trigonometry that sin(v+2n) =sinx, cos(x+2n) = cosx Also if f(x) = & then f(x+2r) = k Further we also have a property stating, that A linear combination of periodic functions having period T is also periodic of period T. 14| Trigonometric series and Euler’s formulae The functions k, cos mx, sinuy (m= 1, 2, 3, ...) are alll periodic functions of period 2. Taking the constant k = q)/2,, the linear combination of all the periodic functions is of the form : + Ya, cosax+ Yb, sinnx n= ne where @,,0, (7 = 1, 2, 3, ...) are all constants is called a Trigonometric series. Hence any function f(x) expressible as trigonometric series of the above form must also be periodic with period 2r. We shall assume that f(x) is defined in an interval of length 2z, say (c, ¢+2m) and be considered as periodic with period 2n. Then we have, wo c+2n ° ct+on \ 1 - f sn _ , , ay = = J fora a= J Fexyeosnedy by a { F(x) sinny ax The expressions for finding a), @,,, b, are called Euler's formulae. These can be established with the help of the following basic formulae 4 FOURIER SERIES c+ ln c+2n af cosmedy = 0 = J sinned where 1 is a positive integer e+ 20 e+2n 2, f cosmecosnrdy = 0= f sinmr sinnedx where m and are positive integers ,m #1 ext j nimx cosnxdx = 0 where m and n are positive integers. c+2n c+2n a fee medy == J sin? nx dx where 11 is a positive integer Proof of Euler's formulae a Let fix) =-5 + Yi a, cosnx + > b, sin nx a) = =i ned Integrating (1) w.antx trome to ¢ + 2, c+2n c+ 2n sa, Joosnxdy+ 3b, fF sinicds r% xn é ‘ n=l ¢ n= 0 e+ 2n we Next, taking the expanded form of (1), multiplying by cos nx and integrating wirtx from ¢ to c+ 2m we have, FOURIER SERIES OF PERIOD 2% 5 c+2n e+ in c+ 2i . 1 fox) cosmvdy = 5) J cosnedvt+a, | cosnx-cosxdx e+2n e+2n + ay f cos nx cos 2xdx+e++ + 4), J cos’ nx dx+ e ¢ e+2n 4b, fsinxeosindytby ff sin 2x cosmedys-- Using the basic results appropriately onto the R.H.S of the above we have, rf IPPTop! s e+ On J f08) cosmydx = 0404-44, m40404 0 =a, 2 e+in 1 . 4 f f(x) cos nv dx +B) Similarly, multiplying the expanded form of (1) by sin 1 and proceeding on thesame lines we obtain +n b, “= J foxy sinns dx a) Thus we have established Ender's forniutae. Remark : Tye constant term in the series (1) is taken as ay’2 fo make the formula derived for a, valid for the particular case 11 = 0 as well as for any positive integer n 15) Fourier Series of period 2 Suppose we form the trigonometric series from f(x) defined in (¢, c+ 2m) with the help of Euler’s formulae we cannot conclude that the series will converge to f(x). We can only say that when f(x) isof the form (1) the coefficients of the terms in the series are given by the formulae (2), (3), (4). We now proceed to state the conditions known as Dirichlet’s conditions under which theexpansionof f(x) asa trigonometricserieswillconvergeto f(x) ateverypoint ofcontinuity. 1. f(x) is single valued and finite in the interval (c, c+2m) 2. f(x) is periodicwith period 21 6 FOURIER SERIES 3. f(x) has only afinite number of discontinuities in (¢, ¢+ 2a) 4. f(r) hasat the mosta finitenumber of maximaandminimain (¢, ¢+2n). Thus we can say that, if f(x) i defined in (c, c+2m) and satisfies Dirichlet’s conditions, then the trigonometric series (1) is called as the Fourier ser of F(X) in (c, 42m), The constants 24, @,,, },,a8 given by (2), (3), A) respectively are called Fourier coefficients Remark : If f(x) is discontinuous at x, then the series (1) converges to 1 : 2 9 [FG ya f(x | of f(x) gioen by phere f(x"). f(x) are respectively right hand and left hand limits i f(xtay, fo) =H firey, bee a0 ho0 fat) i However at the enc points f(x) converges to | fC + fC +2n) | Note: Bernoulli's generalized rule of integration by parts White finding the Fourier coefficients, in most of the problens ae lurve to perfornt integration oft product with the first function as a polystonnial in x. In sucl cases Bernoulli's rule as giver below will be highly helpful fucode=u fodv—w ffoar deta” [ffodr dx dy Here are a few illustrative examples. 5 ( er) Bt aye 7 a fixe are S [5 2 (xtx7) cos my dy >: Sin HX f —cos nx — sin Ix =cxtx) | 7 [-C42x) | = 7 | \ (2 n The following integrals will be useful in problems si a fe cos deity = 5 (a cos bx + b sits by) a+h ar id 5. sin bxdx = _ (asin by - bcos bx) arth FOURIER SERIES OF PERIOD 2x 7 The following values will have frequent reference in problems when n is an integer. ce sinum = 0 2. cos um 1)" In particular cos(2n)m = -+1,cos(2u+1)m = -1. That is to-say that cos um = +1 whew in is even and is equal to -1 wher 1 is odd. Remark : 1! fs also possible to deduce a particular series from the Fourivr series of a given f(x) ina given interval. We have to substitute a suitable value for x in the given interval. Normally we take the values to be etther of the end points or the middle point. The resulting serivs will be equal to the value as discussed in convergence. WORKED PROBLEMS x of f(xy =" 1. Obtain ihe Fourter serie a Osx<2n Hence deduce that >> The Fourier series of f(x) having period 2x is given by a = ‘ . f : fay= 5 +E a, cosmx + Yb, sinny -Q) Sy asl 2n 2n ‘ 2a 1 ly. . where ay = = J Fox) dea, = = J f(x) cosnxdx, b, = : JC) sin nade 6 6 4 4 On x 1 2 9 Now, a, = nx = = (2 -2n)-0' =0 0 2 2n 0 my a, = Applying Bernoulli's rule ort =cos nx a 1)" | 2n : cos ity J", since sin 2m = 0 -1,; ‘ = 53 | cos 2m ~ cos 0 |= 0, since cos 2un = 1 rn ! cos 0 a,=0 8 FOURIER SERIES 2a 1p m-x b, = 2 J 75% sinuvds, Again by Bemoulli’s rule, t, 2 1 | { —cos x ) sin ux ) — =x \-¢-1 b, an | Lie }-¢ | Z | li =f “ Pr Lo dm | (EON) 608 HX b + oh bye op 0) =4 eqn) i 2 = Rcos ue -Rcos 0) = -% ann OBS nie sAl tai i b= 1/0 Thus by substituting the values of do, a, 8, in (i), the Fourier series is given by 3 _ 2a By A pe A= Ape x 1 Sine To deduce the required series we put.x = 1/2in the Fourier series of f (V). [| Note thatat x = 0 ar 2n, x = RALS of the Fourier series becomes cero and hence 2e (0, 2n)] we try x 1 fam) f(m2)y=¥ nl 5 | et ) m-(m/2) sinin 2). sing | sin(3n/2 sin( 51/2 ie, aes + . * a sin2e NE J - 1 x wo 2 12 1 2 Gi + L i ' + =% a PoP gs 4 s 1 414 (iid ttatates Phe Fourier series of f(x) having period 21 is given by FOURIER SERIES OF PERIOD 2 1 9 fy on z oS fO)= 74D 4, cosnx + Yb, sinnx a) naa net where the Fourier coefficients a, b, are given by Euler’s formulae. or ( ny 1 1 * 4,75 J fox) cosine de = 7 J x? cos nx dx tt =n # on(=S") \nc2 (=a) w te since sin jim = 0 2 5 | cosnm—(=m) cosm|, since cos (—nm) = eosin mit 2 = 5 + An cosa nit 4-1)" a = 2 " n 1 . leo. b,= 2 J f(x) sinnedx = f° sinned " T Tt ax 7 1 p < , vq 2, { ~ cos nx = sin nx cos 1x b =~] (x7) 2) —(2){ = +2) 5 ] "0 ny Low . wey) ( Jhon \ > cos tim) +0+ “ (cos nm—cos nm) n 10 Thus by substituting the values of % 4, + > = pye tae 5 MOY com n=1 we Deductions: Putting x = 0 in (2) we get 2 ss “ay fOy=5+ E ADD" cos 0 =0; cos0=1 ie., Again, putting x = 7 in (2) we get FOURIER SERIES bin (1) the Fourier series is given by 2) -() 2 a(-l +e (-1" cos nT 1 ie., vay = (-1y", since f(m) = and cosnm = (—1 iP 4 . 2 2 2 ie, oo or aa sk, since (-1)"= 41 3 tit wi © iy.ty2.442 mio ~ 3 r 1 \ ie. 7 =2 +a +: 4 x | eit ,i yi pig st -Q) FOURIER SERIES OF PERIOD 21 "1 3. If f(x) = x (20x) in OS x S 2m show that foxy =" 3 i cosx | cos2x | cos 3x -4 ar 2 + ye 1 2: ar 2 w Hence deduce that “> = >> The Fourier series of f(+) having period 2m is given by % 4 f(x) = 24+ Na, cosmy + Yb, sin ny «a(t 2 i ue ned si Qn Qn. Now ay wf Fa) ae = 3 J (oma?) on on 1 7 a, =) | 0x) cosmede =) f (amx— 37) cos med % Hg 1 Oo 0 hi eta ex en f Vt a, =2| Cax-22)| a -2n-20/ eos) 95 | ons 1X 2 3 \ } ] Lm df fod oo =| 0+ n= 20) c08 ne +0 (= 21 cos 2nm — 2m cos 0) Lon h —4 “2 (cos 2un = 1 = cos0) on on =! f pox) sinnvay =} f (anxe-x2) sin med * o 0 b 1 12 FOURIER SERIES fostnnx) fey liepre (22 yt = cos 1x - (2n-2x)| =sinm) (9) (8°) [ \ un nv - \ ) dh “on 2 vos 5 soa | = A [ore T " I 2) iszero at x=0, 2m and sin 2am = 0 = sin] 2 mut wo ae F(X) = 2-2? Expanding R.H.5 by putting 1 = 2 2 cos xX Foy = 4S i 2) To deduce the required series we shall first put_x = 0 in (2) Since f(x) = 2nx- in 0< x <2n, f(0) = 0 and hence (2) becomes Again putting x =m in 2), f(x) = f(m) = 2n(n)-1 = and hence (2) becomes , 1 1 + 4 cos2n + cos3m te) 2 vo (4) FOURIER SERIES OF PERIOD 2x 13 Now adding (3) and (4) we obtain, 4. Obtain the Fourier series to represent e “from x = =m to x = m, Hence derive the series for sinh >> The Fourier series of f(x} having period 27 is given by 4, f=5t Sa, cosny +E b, sinnx A) ae mo . a = 7 J ron ax, a, = * J fx) cosmxdy, by = : J fl) sin nx dx “* = . Now, ap =e f ee dx Mo sin a 2 am x y ax a, 22 Jo cosneds. Wo 1 We have the standard formula, ae Je® cos bx dx = 5 (acos bx +bsin bx) a+ To ” a, —acosnx+nsinnx) 1 ft le “cosmx |, since sinnm = 0 L in (~ nm) 14 FOURIER SERIES ~a | a f \ a, = 5. 1¢ "" cosnm—e"™ - cos(—nm) | (gam my _ n(a +n) nr +e) _ 2a(-1)" sink an a zg natn) 4 = b, = — fe sinned, a Be an We have the standard formula, os [ e” sin bx dy = 4°, (asin bv bcos bx) e+e af b, = ~ (asin nx —ncos nx) aytn % n =n - Le nwo)’ ‘The function to be evaluated between the limits ~7 to 7 is same as ina, _ 2n(-1)" sink an no b m(ar+n) Substituting the values of ay, @,,, 6, in (1) the Fourier series is given by ; sinhan | 2a(-1)" sinhan 2 (= 1)! sinh ax for) = SBM gf MED sine oye 4g § CEU sin ay am oa ee net Ba tir) ax _ sinhan © 2 (-1)" = 2an(-1)" Ths ren OE yg PE 2 cosmx + y 2H a satel an Y od+n 1 oem | To deduce the series we shall put a = 1.x = 0 in the Fourier series. sin = 2(-1)"| wo sini | 5 2EIY | since cos 0 sind = 0 nz | y itn? | “s ~ ty" iv, » _ sini | oe Senso SY 1 | sinh Toler FOURIER SERIES OF PERIOD 2x 15 3 5 “1 1 1 1 } R 1+ pores Thus ——— = si 5. Find a Fourier series in (—m, 1) to represent the following functions . (a) f(x) = x-* (b) f(x) = x7 Hence deduce that >> (a) Period of f(x) = m—(—m) = 2nand the Fourier series of period 21 is given by a “ oO S 3+ Y acosnx + Yb, siniex where f(x)= a=% Wey is it i 75 Proode, a7 [ F(x) cosnxdy, b= J f(x) sin nx dx ae -n =n 16 FOURIER SERIES cos mx dX . 1 -sinnx | | 3 || J 1 2, sinnx ~ cos) (xox) | (1=20)| OSE | (2) , fg L nw} n J ~m 1 =, [(1-2x) cos mx], = —5 (1-20) cost (1 + 2m) cos nt mit Tut 4 4 4a, = ie cosnmt = 2 (2 a(-1yit! bn ze ft b J (e=3?) sin nx dy f fi 7 1 { ~ cos ix ( ‘osnx ))" =F) o>?) “ )-a-2x] (-2)| S|] ™ v ) \ nj} x T eat i 2 2 \] Gy | (ROR Yeas n= (—m—T ) COSTAR 5 (cos mR cos 7) F 4 n | \ -2 ; bh, =~ 2, Cameos nme) = T -1) 2 nt BO The required Fourier series is given by 2 oy 1 o ned - (-1)"* -1 7 = Zyay i . 3 PAE. 2 a sin nx (a) ‘To deduce the series, first let us putx = 0 which isa point of the interval (-7, 7). Hence (1) becomes - 2 -ayttl ae 1+0 1 nN FOURIER SERIES OF PERIOD 27 17 2 11 1 1 7] i, De 41a-gpeagcdt 3 i> Bee w | wo4ioi11i1 i op gig gto 2) Next let us put x = win (1). Since f(x) = is defined in- m < x < 7 the value of f(x) at x= being f(t) is given by ; Lf(—m)+f(n)] which being fn) +in-2)] = Hence (1) becomes (-ayett cos + 0 a -1yrtl since cos mt = @) ..Q) (b) Fourier series of f(x) = .x+x° in —m 1 n 1 All the three series can be deduced ina similar way. 18 FOURIER SERIES _ fx m OSes y, . Brarsindlcnede - 6. If f(x) = Ve-x in nsx sn how that the Fourier series of f(x) in Bx. cos 5. (0, 2m] i 5 - + ere = = | and hence deduce that roi, 8 pe 32 >> The Fourier series of f(x) having period 21 is given by mH & fx) = 2+ ¥E a, cosme + Yh, sinnx, “ nel a They axl Now, a =— g| jPod « [Hers 0 i ie, a" [Fxaes Taxa al ® 0 ba ‘s on a lle] [3] x 2 L? , alee . -( pu E. hed 2) My =F (0) + nt 2m) —| 20° 2 J (w)=n af2 = 1/2 Qn on a, = 2 J fx) cosnix de = LV pcx) conned f fox) fey oO 0 1 1 m 2a y= ge | | eos ine dee | Om) cos mx dx 0 a _! [(S)- | n in este where we have applied Bernoulli’s rule to each of the integrals. FOURIER SERIES OF PERIOD 2 19 on a, = | [osm -[cosnx] |, since sine = 0 = sind a! x J 1) = 1) |(cosnm—1)-(1—cosnm)', since cos = 1 = cos 2nn Tn” 1 7 -2 = 5 (-2+2cosnm) = 5 (1-cosirm) nw mr T Qn | b, FY L662 since ff) sin mete oO n i 1 | b, =i Joxsinnxdy + f (2n-x) ee o T tn ai © 0 al comeny (08"") - L‘ 7 | -1 m 2n =-— J | xcosn +0+/ (2n-x) cosnx| -0 nn | o i I J b, = — |(mcosnm-0)+(0—n cosnm)| = 0 s TH 0 Co The Fourier series representation of f(x) is given by 1-(-1)"| cos nx f(xy=5+ EG Jl-(-1) = 2 if n is odd no But 1-(-1)" = [L-(+1) = 0 if n is even : i fixyaG-= 5 + 2 cos nx 3 20 FOURIER SERIES * ; Thus f(x) = 5 - z [s + S53 cos 5x + + we To deduce the series let us put x = 0. Then f(x) =0 since fix) =x in 0Sx sm Hence the Fourier series becomes: 7. Obtain the Fourier series for the function x inQ> f(x) isdefined in (~1, 1) and the Fourier series of f(x) having period 2x is given by fax) = oy Sa, cos nx + > b, sin nx ..() nal na1 4% Lf = 7 aes, F yes dre jo a} ay -" Ln x 0 © 27 vlioeds toast |e! nat fon 1 veils FOURIER SERIES OF PERIOD 2 21 x ffx) cosnxdx 0 x J fx) cosnxdx + f f(x) coma E 0 J LJ 0 rn | J -xcosnvdx + J x cos nx dx a a | 0 7 | 1 sin nx | sin nx [ =cos nx =—\-n +] x- -)1 fa nt ” we i ‘ 0 J —% where the integration is carried out by Bernoulli’s rule in the second integral. sind an a, = —z [cosnx | 1 < A 5 (cos nt—cos0), since sinnm = 0 0 nw # i J f(x) sin nx dx i 0 nm | J f(x) sinmxdx + J f(x) sinned ee 0 1| If j | J-nsinnxdx + J vsinnx dx 7 0 | [- cos nx cos Hx -1 He n n —[xcosnx] |, since sinnm = 0 tn of 1 T sin 0 fn | > 8 (cos 0 ~ cos nm) —(mcos 1-0) | 22 FOURIER SERIES m | 1 b = |1-cosnm—cos nm) =~ (1-2 cos nt) " Tur n _1| a b= HRD") Substituting the values of dy, 4, b, in (1), the Fourier series is given by -n 2 7) = ay . faq tt |1-(-1)" cosmx +E 1-2(-1)") sinnx nan ee ana” ‘To deduce the required series let us put x = 0 in the Fourier series. Itshould be observed from the given f(x) that x = 0 isa point of discontinuity and hence the series converges to T 2 5 Lreotyercoa | = 5 [or 0] Because to the right of 0, in (0, ™),f(2) =x and F(0') = 0. Also to the left of, in (-@, 0),f(x) =-m and f(0)=-% Hence the Fourier series becomes -3 == i a -1)" , since cosd = 1sind = 0 ie., Rid 2 = f 4 ty ie., iz- iy"! 1—(41) = 0 when i is even But 1=(-1)" = 9) (3) = 2 when 7 is odd Hence we get “yp = ‘Thus the sum of the reciprocal squares of the odd integers is w/8. 8. Obtain the Fourier series for the function fixe fo in-m > (2) isdefined in [~n, 1] and the Fourier series of period 2 is given by Tm : F(X) = +E a,cosme + Sh, sina a) nad | a1 | a 5 | J foyavs [pcx ae ie 0 | { x x {foar+ ff sind) = * J sinxae 7 | oO 1 (cos t—cos0) =~ = (- Fa 0 T | 1 1 1 1a PFlx) cosmede = 21 [0 cosmedy + J siny - cosmdx| 5 ha ~ Tt ot 1 0 | 1 . 1 ie, a, =— [ sinx cosnedy. 0 1 yo . Using sinA cos B = x sin(A+B)+sin(A-B)! x 1 1 “ a= J 5 [sin (x4 me) +sin (x—mx)| de ms 2 0 1 i “ay | sin(1+a)x+sin(1—n)x! dx it = 55 J sin Gre 1) x sin Gr 1) x dx 0 re Lf -eos(n +1) x | cos (#1), atl nH x — where n #1 on i eh/ at cos (+1) 1-cos0) + lh ore maeeet))| 2n | n+] n-1 | Using cos 0 = 1,coskx = (-1)* and rearranging, 24 FOURIER SERIES oll, ST sy tee al n—1)| a age ye ea OT Hay? (-1ytt] n+l + nel =1 " homme |1+(-1)") where n #1 " (n-1) Now we shall find t, when n= 1. Thatistofind a, x 1 Wehave a, = 7 J simx cos me dk Q 1 1 Psin2 sin 2x Putting n = La, =~ J sinx cosxdx = — ulting w= La, = 7 Fsiny cosxde= 7 f dx 0 Lf -eos2x fT _ -1 1 [cos 2x - - eae “|: py, (cos 2e= cos) = (1) =0 1 | a,=0 and a,=— 5 [1+(-1)"|, for n #1 n(w-1) if |i i | by = 4, PFC) sinmeds = ail 0. sin wx dy + J sinx sinned = re Hp 1 sg 7 we, By = 9 J siny sin nxde 0 1 Using sin A sin B=, cos (A-B)-cos(A+B), FOURIER SERIES OF PERIOD 2 25 4, b= * [4 cos(x-nx)—cos(x +x) de a = Lf cos(1-n)x-cos(itn)x dx =~ [cos(-1)x-cos(nt+1)x dx, since cos(-0) = cos0 0 —2 where 1 #1 7 sin(n-1)x _ sin(+1)x n-1 n+l b, = O(1 #1) since sink =D for integral values of k. Now we shall find 6, when nm = 1. Thatis to find b,. x Wehave b, = — f sinx sinnx dx x 1 . 1 Putting 7 = 1,0; = f sinx - sinxdy = m4 Tn x 1 pd sin’ a J 5 (1 =c0s2r) d= 2 [: __ sin 2x = a (n-0) = , since sin 2x = 0 = sinO b, = 1/2, 6, =0 for n #1 Let us consider (1) in the form, 4 0 FX) = 9 +a cosx + Et, cosme rd, sinx+ YB, sin nx Thus by substituting the values of the Fourier coefficients, the required Fourier series is given by a 1 1 xy=—t+ 7 1+(-1 cos nx + > foyaet plate i yan BU To deduce the required series we shall first put x = 0 26 FOURIER SERIES -)14#(-1)")-1+0 1) Also f(0) = 0 aswehave f(x) =0 in-msx<0 ie., -1)"} ie, ie, {rec-1y"! 1 ayn [141 = 2 when 1 is even But 1+(-1)" = [ae panes vos 2 1 1 1= (2) or = we Pe 1 2 wei owe tubo t et oe fi pe mus 3. 15 35 om 313.7357 57 Next let us put x = 7/2 inthe Fourierseries. i, 2 1 ni im 1 (5)-5+ 7 14 (-1)"} cos Fe 51 2)on 2a pee 2" 2 Also f (n/2) =sin (7/2) =1, since f(x) =sinx inOsxs7 \ ‘ nm 1 ie., \4+(-1)"} cos ts i 1 g¢1y"} cos i, Delage rt ne) ie, ; [1+ (-1)"} cos m-2 ej nme ie 7 “Zz (2) cos 2 gee 4 got 2 ie nad. {h cos + © cos2n + & cos 3 je ri 3 nT 15 cos 2 + 35 cos 3m + ++ FOURIER SERIES OF PERIOD 20 27 9. An alternating current after passing through a rectifier has the fornt I) sin® for 0<0> The Fourier series of period of 2m is given by % = r=f(@)=5 + Ea, cos m8 ‘= b, sin n® ) We have to find the Fourier coefficients by using Euler’s formulae for the interval (0, 2n) i an 1 an a = x f f(0)do, ay = x J f(8)cosn6da, b= oO 0 1 f f(a) sin no a ni! ony Fach of the above integrals after splitting into two integrals in the range (0, 1), (a, 2) and substituting for f(@) will give us Et i Th =a Jsingas, a, = 2 J sinacosnpds, &, => f sino sin no do ” nm a 0 0 a, These integrals are same as in the previous problem and hence the Fourier coefficients are as follows. b)=0 if m #1 and b, 9 Thus by substituting these values in (1) the required Fourier series is given by ae \ \ fy T=f(@)=7 + F 1+(-1)") cosn8 +> sin® mote aCe 2 28 FOURIER SERIES 10. Obtain the Fourier sevies for (-k in (-1, 0) T ry= , bree = f(x) +k in (0, 7) Hence deduce that SS The Fourier series of f(x) defined in (—m, 1) having period 2m is given by M% * ce foxy= Be XS aycosne + Sb, imax a) a= n=l % ‘ i x ] aE J f(x) dea s | f f(x)dx + [fe dx! i Li pees \% 7 J -kar + [kas i 0 = * !-(04+2)+(m-0) =0 alr 0. ay/2 =0 é 1 1 (* n y= J FO) cosmede = | J f02) cosnrdx + J fe) cos me dx -n I © 0 m x 1 | 4, = | J -keos mx dx + f keos nvdx "on 0 ° 1 ef —* {_[ sinnx | [es 0, since sin0 = 0 = sina mL om - “<1 oF 1 n 4 fo n b= [ f(x) sinned = © J fox) sinnrde + [ fer) sin xd T 7 7 0 j | i, - innxdy + J ksin nx dx} 0 ) FOURIER SERIES OF PERIOD 2% 29 o k | cos nx cose] | b= al i ne " ” \ > The Fourier series of f(x) defined in (~x, =) having period 2n is given by a, ” “ - 0 : < 5 F(xy= a + Y a,cosux + Yb, sinnx nel ned 30 FOURIER SERIES T 0 ba a= Jpoya=t Jor are Frey 1m : \ 1 T W | 0 _ 0 n eal [2 2] (oom | +] (1-2) (comm mt u LA mt 1 0 =1 = —— |1+cosnm—cosnm-1| = mm b=0 a Thus the required Fourier series is given by fiy= 5 AY 1-1)" cos ne na 1H -f-Tyt = 1-(+1) = Oif # iseven ae ase fees if n isodd 8S cosne foo = 4 ; k f . 8 (cosx , cosdx ) Go x) = B (£08 , c083e | or FO = [SG SS Now putting x = 0,f(«) = 1. The Fourier series becomes 32 FOURIER SERIES Fourier series of even and odd functions Definition : A function (1) is said to be even if f(—x) = f(x) and odd if f(-x) =-f(x) 3 6 = 3 5 Forexample,7, a4, x°, ...cosx are even functions and x, x7, 3, ...sinx are odd functions. Property-1. ; The product of two even functions and that of two odd functions is always even whereas the product of an even and an odd function is always odd. +a a l2 Jo (x) dx if 6 (x) is even Property-2.: J @ (x) dx = | ° ca 0 if (x) is odd Now, suppose the periodic function f (2) is defined in the interval (~m, 7) then the Fourier coefficients are given by x Ed X lr, 1 1 % = 5 J f(x) dx, a, = n J f(x) cosnxdx, by = 1 J f(x) sin nx dx -" -n 1 Let us examine the following two cases. Case-i: f(x) is aneven function f(x) cos nx being the products of two even functions is also even and f(x) sin nx being, the product of an even and odd function is odd [Propertw-1]. Now applying property-2 to these integrals we have 1X 2 a= = | f(x) cosmadr,b, = 0 0 at a, =~ [f(xy m a Case-ii: f(x) is an odd function f(x) cosnx will bean odd function and f(x) sin sx willbe an even function. Now by property-2 we have x =0, 4,=0, b,= 2 J fl) sin nx dx 0 Thus we can conclude that when x € (—1, 7), if f(x) is even b, = 0 and if f(x) isodd a, =0,a,=0 FOURIER SERIES OF EVEN & ODD FUNCTIONS 33 ox) in -n

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