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Early marriage

In our life, each person has a particular situation so that some people prefer to marry when they
are young, while others prefer to wait until they are older to marry. However, people prefer to
marry late have some conveniences about economy, finance, experience. They also have a stable
job to take care their future family firm so that some people who prefer to wait until when they
are older to marry. People get married late are better than some people marry early because they
have more conveniently than after marriage.

The first reason why some people prefer to wait until when they are older to marry is that having
a stable job. This point shows that people life has three important problems such as having a
stable job, marriage, building the house so having a stable job is one of important problems to
have happiness in the future. When they have a stable job, they can support themselves and help
difficulties from their family. Then they can marry easily that their family do not worry about
their life and family.

The second reason why some people prefer to wait until when they are older to marry is that not
ready motherhood. This point proves that they do not have many experiences to take care of
baby. A long time they have not got married, they can learn many experiences from other people
to become mature person. Moreover, they have not felt ready to have the baby and take care it
and wanted a small family to interesting in and build happiness.

The third reason why some people prefer to wait until when they are older to marry is that
enjoying the young age. This point of view shows that they want to do anything they like and
have free time to care their parents and friends. Furthermore, they can have a long time to
prepare all things for their future family such as cooking, taking care child, earning money, and
find out their lover carefully before they marry in order to understand together clearly.

Opponent of some people prefer to wait until when they are older to marry may say that they
marry early to have a stable family in order to concentrate on working and building happiness. In
addition, they prefer to marry when they are young because they have the good health to earn
money to support their child and they want to have baby early to take care it when they have
good health to have a baby easily. However, when they marry early they do not have a stable job
and many experiences to take care of their baby and family. They also can face to difficulties in
their life when to lack of knowledge. Beside difficult life causes many problems to make them
worried and anxious. Then they feel family ties make them not free for individual life. They only
know to work and take care of their family while their friends do whatever they like that they not
worry about something.

In conclusion, some people prefer to marry late have many conveniences about experience,
finance, a stable job so that they can support their family better. Beside some people are older
that they become mature person with profound thoughts to have their future family firm
Early marriage is better than late marriage
The choice of the time to marry varies from one person to another. Some prefer early marriages
while others prefer late marriages. In both cases, there is need to understand the workings of the
marriage institution before plunging into it. This paper seeks to discuss the merits of early
marriage as compared to late marriage.

The main reason for early marriage is pregnancy. In many instances, young people who are not
married have sexual intercourse without using any protection due to lack of information. As a
result, the girl may get pregnant and end up plunging into early marriage for purposes of
securing a family for the kid.

False expectations is another reason for early marriage. Young people get into early marriages in
pursuit of protection, security and confidence. In this case many get into early marriages
believing that they will enjoy life in a better way together. Moreover, financial stability also
causes early marriages. When young people get into sustainable employment, they quickly get
into marriages since they feel that they are adequate and able to cater for their families. Another
reason for early marriage is infatuations. At this point, a couples get into marriage in a hasty way
in order to fulfill their sexual desires. In most instances, such marriages end up in divorce.

Merits of early marriages

Early marriage is advantageous because it offers permanent family support to the couple from an
early age. This helps the couple to enjoy mutual development in life. When one enjoins to
another person in marriage, he/she is determined to support it towards achieving their goals.
Progress becomes crucial for both of the partners since they have shared needs and experiences.

Another merit is that parents of those people that get into early marriages also become happy
knowing that their son or daughter is independent and responsible. In many cultures, once a boy
or a girl gets into marriage, they cut their dependency ties with their parents. In fact, one of the
forces that drive young people to get into early marriages is financial independence.

Moreover, those who get into marriage at an early age are able to get children at a young age and
therefore take care of them during their employment time as they grow. This enables them to
support their children in their major stages in life, for example, in education, marriage, and even
settlement. When young people get into early marriages, they can therefore be able to monitor
the children while below 50 years of age when they still have energy. On the other hand, late
marriage makes the young people lose their valuable age of conceiving, supporting the
pregnancy and getting children. Experts in the field of health have proven that the best
reproductive age is between 18 and 30 years of age. This means that late marriages may
experiences some problems in reproduction due to more advanced age.

In addition, the mishaps of life are numerous and therefore one needs to get married at an early
age and have siblings for purposes of sustenance. At an early age, young people have enough
energy and their brains are very active. This gives them the impetus to engage in gainful
employment and form a firm foundation for themselves and their families. Having an assurance
of spending life with someone they love and focusing their minds on family achievements makes
them assertive in life. Late marriages expose the family lineage to the danger of discontinuation.
For example, if a young mature man or girl dies before having children, then their lineage is cut
short and discontinued.

Young people who are in engagement experience a lot of anxiety and fear of what is likely to
happen in their future. This fear impedes on their development and on their anxiety to live a
settled life. They get worried about who they will marry and where, when and even how. This
fear destabilizes their lives and they end up wasting a lot of time looking for a perfect spouse to
marry and live with. This also spends a lot of money and resources that would have been
channeled to other useful activities and projects.

Early marriage also offers a learning ground for the young couple. In marriage couples undergo
various adjustments in life in order to be able to live together. For example, in physical, mental
even on social angles. Early marriage life provides a good time for them to learn about each
other and adapt to each other’s needs. At this time, couples still have enough energy and ability
hence adjusting to each other’s lifestyle takes a shorter period than when they are old. This
provides more time for the young couple to learn from one another and chance accordingly. This
is a good foundation for better understanding. After the couple adapt to each other’s lifestyle
they then live for long year and enjoy long family life together. Such couples also experiences
less conflicts in their later marriage years. According to Gottman and Nan (1999), after a
marriage life of six to eight years, a couple has an 87.4% probability of living together with no

Early marriages also provides for sexual satisfaction for the couple. Young people are prone to
fornication and even adultery due to the high levels of libido and energy in their bodies. It is also
at the early years that young people are influenced to drug abuse. This high sex drive in young
people makes most of them sexually pervasive. In the course of looking for a perfect partner to
marry, young people find themselves having multiple sexual partners. This predisposes them to
sexually transmitted diseases. When this gets into their lives, it demoralizes them and their self-
esteem is negatively affected. Others may even go to the extent of committing suicide. We can
therefore argue that early marriages reduce the chances of contracting sexually transmitted
diseases. On the other hand, those who get into marriage at a late age may experience much
compromise from the society. For instance, they may be regarded as masturbators or they may be
seen as adulterous. At this point, these people may end up contracting sexually transmitted
disease. Couples also enjoy sex more at this age than those who get married when aged since
their sexual hormones are more active at this point.

Criticism of early marriage

On the other hand, late marriages have received much criticism from both the elderly and the
youths. In many instances, young people would avoid getting into early marriages in order to
complete their higher education and even secure gainful employments. Other young people delay
their marriages in order to wait for their elder sisters and brothers to get married first. In other
cases, some young people leave the decision about time to marry on the hands of their parents.
This is especially for the young people who are very dependent on their parents. Moreover,
others see marriage as unnecessary step in life and prefer enjoying the freedom of being single,
for example, going for night outs without being accountable to anyone.

In conclusion, early marriage is better than late marriage. Though some of its causes are negative
like early pregnancies and infatuations, the merits of it are many. A couple is able to get children
at an early age and nurture them, is able to learn from each other and enjoy sex life avoiding
sexually transmitted diseases.
Early Marriage Or Late Marriage
Marriage is the union of a man and a woman who makes a permanent and exclusive commitment
to each other of the type that is naturally fulfilled by bearing and rearing children together. It is
essentially a union of hearts and minds, enhanced by whatever forms of sexual intimacy both
partners find agreeable but, there are numerous problems a couple can face when marriage
happens at an early stage for them.

Early marriage is also referred to as child marriage, where emotional and social effects take
place, but one of the most common outcomes of early marriage is the withdrawal of girls from
formal education. Education is important as it is not all about studying and getting good marks,
but it means to discover new things and to gain a vast amount of knowledge. It would be one of
the largest losses to a girl if she is married young.

Couples that are married young may also lead to financial problems to occur. As a result, it
brings them to poverty, the deprivation of basic human needs. Lack of proper education do not
help the inexperience couples to receive large income for the profession they do. Furthermore,
children who grow up in poverty suffer more persistent than children who grow up under better
financial circumstances. In addition, children in poverty have a greater risk of
displayingbehaviour and emotional problems, such as impulsiveness and difficulty getting along
with their parents. Although money does not buy happiness, it is true that a financially unstable
family can create tensions.

Well, women believe that becoming a parent early means giving your body a better chance to
recover from the childbearing demands, which works through preserving your youth.
Gynecologist approve of the fact that the early you conceive, the more fit you stay. This could be
true but not in all circumstances. It would not be beneficial at all as it increases the risk of dying
and a higher chance that the newborn will not survive. According to the studies, mothers in this
age group have 20 to 200 percent more chances of deaths during pregnancy than 20 to 24 year
old mothers.

On the other side, those who get into marriage at an early age are able to get children at a young
age and therefore take care of them during their employment time as they grow. This enables
them to support their children in their major stages in life, for example, in education, marriage,
and even settlement. When young people get into early marriages, they can therefore be able to
monitor the children while below 50 years of age when they still have energy. On the other hand,
late marriage makes the young people lose their valuable age of conceiving, supporting the
pregnancy and getting children. Experts in the field of health have proven that the best
reproductive age is between 18 and 30 years of age. This means that late marriages may
experiences some problems in reproduction due to more advanced age.
On the other hand, late marriages have received much criticism from both the elderly and the
youths. In many instances, young people would avoid getting into early marriages in order to
complete their higher education and even secure gainful employments. Other young people delay
their marriages in order to wait for their elder sisters and brothers to get married first. In other
cases, some young people leave the decision about time to marry on the hands of their parents.
This is especially for the young people who are very dependent on their parents. Moreover,
others see marriage as unnecessary step in life and prefer enjoying the freedom of being single,
for example, going for night outs without being accountable to anyone.

In conclusion, the lack of formal education, financial problems and early pregnancy are all the
effects of early marriage and not only will it affect the parents but also chains the children in
unhealthy customs. Marriage is a great responsibility, and everyone should consider the effects
of early marriage. As said by Mahatma Gandhi “An eye for an eye only ends up making the
whole world blind”.

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