Management System

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Subject : Management Of System

Question : 1   Organization structure primarily refers to

  how activities are coordinated and controlled

   how resources are allocated

   the location of departments and office space

   the policy statements developed by the firm

Question : 2   The job design would be LEAST formal in a

   matrix structure

   professional bureaucracy

   divisionalized structure

   machine bureaucracy

Question : 3   The purpose of job enrichment is to

   expand the number of tasks an individual can do Total Visitor - 1/10
8/1/2021 Exam Paper

   increase job efficiency

   increase job effectiveness

   increase job satisfaction of middle management

Question : 4   USX (formerly U.S. Steel) has become mostly an energy company. This is an example of a change in





Question : 5   Strategic planning as a broad concept consists of

  corporate strategy and business strategy

   strategy formulation and strategy implementation

   inputs and outputs

   environmental analysis and internal analysis

Question : 6   Early theories about how individuals make decisions were based on the concept of a(n)

   utilitarian philosophy

   action man

   economic man

   attentive man

Question : 7   One of the most helpful mechanisms for refining a spoken or written communication is called the


   counseling service

   five cs

   complaint system

Question : 8   According to Herzberg, which of the following is a maintenance factor?


   work itself



Question : 9   The concept of power refers to

  defined authority and responsibility

   a relative hierarchical position in an organization

   the ability to influence the behavior of others

   the specialized knowledge possessed by an individual

Question : 10   The school of thought typified by Joan Woodward says that

   size is the most critical determinant of structure Total Visitor - 2/10
8/1/2021 Exam Paper

   technology is the most critical determinant of structure

   structure follows strategy

   strategy follows structure

Question : 11   A major problem with a task force type of management is

   there is no logical basis for task force information

   its status is too inflexible


   lack of planning

Question : 12   Some policies are imposed by external forces, such as

   governmental regulatory agencies

   employee demands

   management decisions

   lack of funding

Question : 13   While guiding organization members in appropriate directions, a manager exhibits

   consideration behavior

   authoritarian behavior

   theory y behavior

   leadership behavior

Question : 14   Individuals such as Albert Einstein, Edwin Land and Steven Jobs lead through which type of power?





Question : 15   Communication begins with


   idea origination


   channel selection

Question : 16   Functional managers are responsible

   for a single area of activity

   to the upper level of management and staff

   for complex organizational sub-units

   for obtaining copyrights and patents for newly developed processes and equipment

Question : 17   Policies are sometimes defined as a(n)

   shortcut for thinking Total Visitor - 3/10
8/1/2021 Exam Paper

   action plan

   substitute for strategy

   substitute for management authority

Question : 18   One method of bringing a group to agreement is called

   proportional values




Question : 19   In general, if a policy is not thought out and established

   a situation requiring action will arise

   social issues will cause change in the organization

   managers will be hired from the outside

   there will be significant staff turnover

Question : 20   The problem-solving process begins with

   clarification of the situation

   establishment of alternatives

   identification of the difficulty

   isolation of the cause

Question : 21   The business management process has changed from function management to _______________ management.




Question : 22   ______ are used to solve extremely complex problems like mapping of human genome, forecasting weather an
modelling complex processes like nuclear fission.
   mini computers

   super computers

   mainframe computers

   desktop computers

Question : 23   A __________ is processed with reference to business rules, it is scrutinized for conformance to the rules, policy
or guidelines before it is taken up for further processing.



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8/1/2021 Exam Paper

Question : 24   ___________ assures the accuracy, validity and proprietary of information system activities.
   administrative control

   information systems control

   procedural control

   physical facility control

Question : 25   Before any transaction can be input into the system, a specific code should be assigned to it called as

   transaction codes


   control totals


Question : 26   MIS classification depends on the following aspects : functionality, ____, ____ , processing type and frequency of
   organization structure and people

   size, infrastructure

   people, usage

   utility, area of application

Question : 27   A complete business systems requires models from three different perspective - class model, _____ model and
_________ model.
   entity, interaction

   global, interaction

   state, interaction

   class, global

Question : 28   Business process redesign is part of the revolutionary level which involves more thorough revaluation of the
enterprise _____and the _________
  value chain and production process

   efficiency and effectiveness

   issues and efficiency

   network and effectiveness

Question : 29   The process reengineering brings about a radical change in the ________________ of the information and
related _______________ from one business function to another very efficiently.
   production, documents

   flow, documents

   abstraction , documents

   generation, documents

Question : 30   In the refreezing step of Lewin?s model, the change is ______________ and equilibrium is
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8/1/2021 Exam Paper

   evident, established

   made , disturbed

   consolidated , reinforced

   analyzed , established

Question : 31   In the systems lifecycle the desing phase leads to ______________ and _______________.
   requirements collection , prototyping

   prototyping , implementation

   feasibility study, validation

   testing, feasibility study

Question : 32   The managers in the functional areas of management are responsible for achieving the targets and
accomplishing the _____ and ___________.
   goals and objectives

   vision and mission

   vision and objectives

   mission and goals

Question : 33   The functional information can be assessed on the following three parameters ? the ________ the ___________
and the functional objectives.
   work, responsibility

   people, commitment

   organization, approach

   software characteristics, personnel

Question : 34   All organizations have their own __________ and ____________ arising from differences in interest groups.
   methods and procedures

   objectives and procedures

   policies and ventures

   cultures and policies

Question : 35   A business decision making process depends upon the level of __________ and _____________ involved in the
   uncertainty, certainty

   risk, uncertainty

   management, variables

   business, parameters

Question : 36   Neural Networks can be used in various business applications like ___________, ________________, market
analysis etc.
   forecasting, stock analysis

   graphical analysis, linear analysis

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8/1/2021 Exam Paper

   budgeting, costing

   monitoring , controlling

Question : 37   The basis of conventional organization design is command & control which is now ____________ and
   collaborate & control

   communicate & control

   command & collaborate

   command & communicate

Question : 38   The four business models that work together in an e-enterprise organization are _______ , __________, e-
business and e-commerce.
   e-shopping, e-buying

   e-buying , e-selling

   e-communication, e-collaboration

   e-trading, e-ordering

Question : 39   ln reality, there is no right or wrong decision but a __________ or _______________ decision.
   big , small

   rational , irrational

   optimistic, pessimistic

   good, bad

Question : 40   Decision making at the middle level is of type___________ and that at the top level is of type _______________.
   certainty, risk

   uncertainty, risk

   certainty, uncertainty

   risk, uncertainty

Question : 41   The _____and _____of information also changes depending upon the risk in decision making.
   value , scope

   quantum , structure

   quantum , scope

   quantum , value

Question : 42   Management Science models are developed on the principles of ___________________, _______________,
   networking, behaviour, hierarchy

   business management, accounting, econometrics

   accounting, systems, hr

   economics, engineering, and science

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8/1/2021 Exam Paper

Question : 43   A _____ provides a single, pre-established WAN communications path from the customer premises through a
carrier network, such as a telephone company, to a _____ network.
   wide area network, local

   local area network, remote

   metropolitan area network, local

   point-to-point links, remote

Question : 44   ____________ and _________ are the protocols by which data are transmitted over networks.
   http, ftp

   top, ftp

   http, udp

   tcp, udp

Question : 45   As a monitor, the CIO must scan the external environment to keep up with ________and ____________.
   technical changes, competition

   market changes, technical changes

   development, competition

   control factors, competitive pricing

Question : 46   Match the following:P) TPS x) The system adopted is capable of quick data Acquisition and interpretation of the
data which is necessary in decision making. Q) KBS Y) Helps the management in decision-making by providing them with reports
and different statistical tools. R) MRS Z) Helps in conducting the daily routine activities like sales order entry, airline reservations,
payroll etc.The correct answer is:

   p-x, q-y, r-z

   p-y, q-z, r-x

   p-z, q-x, r-y

   p-x, q-z, r-y

Question : 47   In implementing a computer based information systems the major behavioral factors which affect the system are :
_____ , need for __________ organizational _____ , _____ to change and organizational climate.
   decision making, change, behavior, willingness

   decision structure, change, behavior, acceptance

   decision styles, explanation, expectations, resistance

   decision support, explanation, changes, willingness

Question : 48   Under Porter?s framework, enterprises have four generic strategies available to them whereby they can attain
above-average performance. They are:
   cost leadership, differentiation, product focus, focused differentiation

   cost leadership, integration, product focus, focused differentiation

   cost leadership, differentiation, cost focus, focused differentiation

   cost leadership, integration, cost focus, focused differentiation

Total Visitor - 8/10
8/1/2021 Exam Paper

Question : 49   Match the following:P) Six sigma X) measuring performances against standards Q) Customer focus Y) specific
measure of quality R) Benchmarking z) service, product features, quality Which of the following is correct?

   p-x, q-y, r-z

   p-y, q-z, r-x

   p-z, q-x, r-y

   p-y, q-x, r-z

Question : 50   DFD uses symbols like circle, rectangles etc. to represent data flows and illustrate relationships among ___ ,
____ , ____ and __________.
   data, flows, external entities and stores

   data, object, product, stores

   data, product, item, stores

   data, list, entities, blocks


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