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provides bypass capacitance.


The measurement of unknown RF. power is done by using bolometer bridge in which a
known A.F. power is superimposed on unknown RF. power. The schematic of power measurement
using bolometer bridge is as shown in the Fig.

Using the variable resistance R and the d.c. bias voltage Yss, the current is adjusted till bolometer
element is heated and its resistance equals R1. With this value, bridge achieves balance condition.
The test RF. input is switched off which again unbalances bridge. To achieve the balance condition
again, the A.F. voltage is increased till RF. power equals

When the KF. powe~ is dissipated in the bolometer element, the bridge again becomes unblanced.
But again the output voltage of amplifier readjusts the balancing condition automatically by restoring
the value of bolometer resistance. Note that the amount of A.F. power level reduces in the bolometer
isequal to the unknown C applied KF.power.The voltmeter V measures A.F. voltage

Power measurement using self balancing bolometer

This method uses a self balancing bolometer bridge. The bolometer bridge is called self bal,lIlcing
because it rebalances bridge automatically whenever the bolometer element is supplied with
unknown KF. power. A typical circuit diagram for self balancing bolometer bridge is as shown in the

This method uses an audio amplifier which is high gain frequency selective amplifier.The
input and output terminals of the amplifier are coupled through bolometer bridge. The feedback used
in amplifier produces sustained A.F. oscillations and also maintains the resistance of the bolometer at
a fixed value required for balanced condition.
When the supply is switched ON, the bolometer bridge becomes unbalance. But due to the
oscillations produced with a proper phase, the bridge becomes almost balanced. The gain of the tuned
audio amplifier plays important role. That means if the gain of the amplifier is higher then the
bolometer bridge balancesclosely.
When the KF. power is dissipated in the bolometer element, the bridge again becomes unblanced.
But again the output voltage of amplifier readjusts the balancing condition automatically by restoring
the value of bolometer resistance. Note that the amount of A.F. power level reduces in

and it is calibrated in such a way that the magnitude of the KF. power is read directly.A typical self
balancing bolometer bridge circuit can be used for measurement of several power ranges from 0.1
mW to 100 mW. In such circuit, the bolometer used has a resistance with five selected values form
50 n to 250 n within + 10 % range.
Introduction to Signal conditioning: Introduction:
The primary objective of industrial process control is to control physical parameters such as
temperature, pressure, flow rate, level, force, light intensity, and so on. The process control system is
designed to maintain these parameters near some desired specific value.
As these parameters can change either spontaneously or because of external influences, we must
constantly provide corrective action to keep these parameters constant or within the specified range.
To control the process parameter, we must know the value of that parameter and hence it is
necessary to measure that parameter. In general, a measurement refers to the transduction of the
process parameter into some corresponding analog of the parameter, such as a pneumatic pressure, an
electric voltage, or current. A transducer is a device that performs the initial measurement and
energy conversion of a process parameter into analogous electrical or pneumatic information. Many
times further transformation or signal enhancement may be required to complete the measurement
function. Such processing is known as signalconditioning.
Electronic aided measurement:
For any measurement system., the first stage detects the physical quantity to be measured this is done
with the help of suitable transducer. The next stage converts this signal into an electrical form. The
second stage is used to amplify the converted signal such that it becomes usable and suitable for the
last stage which is signal conditioning stage. The last stage includes various elements used for
different purposes such as indicating, recording, displaying, data processing and controlelements.

typical electronic aided measurement system is as shown in the Fig

The first stage is the input device which is nothing but a transducer which converts measurand
into an usable form i.e. electrical signal. In other words, the quantity measured is encoded as an
electrical signal. The next stage modifies the electrical signal in the form suitable for the output or
read-out devices. Generally the most frequently used electronic circuits are amplifiers, with
parameter adjustments and automatic compensation circuits specially used for temperature variation.
of the input device and non-linearities of the input device. The output is obtained from read-out
devices such as meter, recorder, printer,display unitsetc.
In general, the quantity which is measured by using transducer can be encoded in different
ways. For example, as a physical or chemical quantity or property, as a characteristics of the
electrical signal, as a number. The property or different characteristics used to represent a data is
called data domain.
The electronic aided measurement system represents the measurement of physical quantity
faithfully in the analog or digital form of it obtained from the signal conditioning circuits. For passive
transducers, the signal conditioning circuit mainly' includes excitation and amplification circuitry,
while for active transducers, only amplification circuitry is needed and the excitation is not needed.
Depending on the type of the excitation either a.c. or d.c. source, we have a.c. signal condit ioning
system and d.c. signal conditioning system.
D.C. Signal Conditioning System:

The block diagram of d.c. signal conditioning system is shown in the Fig

The resistance transducers are commonly used for the d.c. systems. The resistance transducers like
strain gauge forms one or more arms of a wheatstone bridge circuit. A separate d.c. supply is required
for the bridge. The bridge is balanced using potentiometer and can be calibrated for unbalanced
conditions. This is the function of Cdlibration and zeroing network. Then there is d.c. amplifier
which also reqUIresi..l separate d.c. supply.
The d.c. amplifier must have following characteristics:
1. Balanced differentialinputs.
2. High common mode rejection ratio.(CMRR)
3. Hlgh inputimpedance.
4. Good thermal and long term stability. The d.c. system has followingadvantages:
1. It is easy to calibrate at lowfrequencies.
2. It is able to recover from an overload condition.
But the main disadvantage of d.c. system is that it suffers from the problems of drift.The low
frequency spurious unwanted signals are available alongwith the required data signal. For
overcoming this, low drift d.c. amplifiers are required.
The output of d.c. amplifier is given to a low pass filter. The function of low pass filter is to
elliminate unwanted high frequency components or noise from the required data signzd. Thus the
output of low pass filter is the required data signal. Thus the output of low pass filter is the required
d.c. output from the d.c. signal conditioningsystem.

The applications of such system are in use with common resistance transducers such as
potentiometers and resistance straingauges.
A.C. Signal ConditioningSystem:
The limitation of d.c. signal conditioning system can be overcome upto certain extent, using a.c.
signal conditioning system. The block diagram of a.c. signal conditioning system is shown in the Fig

This is carrier type a.c. signal conditioning system. The transducer used is variable resistance
or variable inductance transducer. The carrier oscillator generates a carrier signal of the frequency of
about 50 Hz to 200 kHz. The carrier frequencies are higher and are <ltleast5 to 10 times the signal
The bridge output is amplitude modulated carrier frequency signal. The a.c. amplifier is used
to amplify this signal. A separate power supply is required for the a.c. amplifier.
The amplified signal is demodulated using phase sensitive demodulator. The advantage of using
phase sensitive demodulator is that the polarity of d.c. output indicates the direction of the parameter
change in the bridge output.
Unless and until spurious and noise signals modulate the carrier, they will not affect the data
signal quality and till then are not important. Active filters are used to reject mains frequency pick up.
This prevents the overloading of a.c. amplifier. Filtering out of carrier frequency components of the
data signal is done by phase sensitivedemodulator.
The applications of such system are in use with variable reactance transducers and for the
systems where signals are required to be transmitted through long cables, to connect the transducers
to the signal conditioningsystem.

The digital voltmeters generally referred as DVM, convert the analog signals into digital and display
the voltages to be measured as discrete numericals instead of pointer deflection, on the digital
displays. Such voltmeters can be used to measure a.c. and d.c. voltages and also to measure the
quantities like pressure, temperature, stress etc. using proper transducer and signal conditioning
circuit. The transducer converts the quantity into the proportional voltage signal and signal
conditioning circuit brings the signal into the proper limits which can be easily measured by the
digital voltmeter. The output voltage is displayed on the digital display on the front panel. Such a
digital output reduces the human reading and interpolation errors and parallax errors. The DVMs
have various features and the advantages, over the conventional analog voltmeters having pointer
deflection on the continuous scale.

Performance parameters of digital voltmeters:

1. Number of measurementranges:
The basic range of any DVM is either 1V or 10 V. With the help of attenuator at the input, the range
can be extended from few microvolts to kilovolts.
2. Number of digits in readout: The number of digits of DVMs vary from 3 to 6. More the number
of digits, more is theresolution.
3. Accuracy: The accuracy depends on resolution and resolution on number of digits. Hence more
number of digits means more accuracy. The accuracy is as high upto ± 0.005% of thereading.
4. Speed of the reading: In the digital voltmeters, it is necessary to convert analog signal into
digital signal. The various techniques are used to achieve this conversion. The circuits which are used
to achieve such conversion are called digitizing circuits and the process is called digitizing. The time
required for this conversion is called digitizing period. The maximum speed of reading and the
digitizing period are interrelated. The instrument user must wait, till a stable reading is obtained as it
is impossible to follow the visual readout at high readingspeeds.
5. Normal mode noise rejection: This is usually obtained through the input filtering or by use of
the integration techniques. The noise present at the input, if passed to the analog to digital converting
circuit then it can produce the error, especially when meter is used for low voltage measurement.
Hence noise is required to befiltered.

6. Common mode noise rejection :This is usually obtained by guarding. A guard is a sheet metal
box sourrounding the circuitry. A terminal at the front panel makes this 'box' available to the circuit
7. Digital output of several types: The digital readout of the instrument may be 4 line BCD, single
line serial output etc. Thus the type of digital output also determines the variety of the
8. Input impedance :The input impedance of DVM must be as high as possible which red l1ces the
loading effects. Typically it is of the order of 10:M.ohm.
Block diagram of DVM:
Any digital instrument requires analog to digital converter at its input. Hence first block in a general
DVM is ADC as shown in the Fig.

Every ADC requires a reference. The reference is generated internally and reference generator
circuitry depends on the type of ADC technique used. The output of ADC is decoded and signal is
processed in the decoding stage. Such a decoding is necessary to drive the seven segment display.
The data from decoder is then transmitted to the display. The data transmission element may be a
latches, counters etc. as per the requirement. A digital display shows the necessary digital result of
the measurement.
Ramp type DVM: Linear ramp technique:
The basic principle of such measurement is based on the measurement of the time taken by l1 linear
ramp to rise from a V to the level of the input voltage or to decrease from the level of the input
voltage to zero. This time is measured with the help of electronic time interval counter and the count
is displayed in the numeric form with the help of a digitaldisplay.

Basically it consists of a linear ramp which is positive going or negative going. The range of the ramp
is ± 12 V while the base range is ± 10 V. The conversion from a voltage to c1 time interval is shown
in the fig
At the start of measurement, a ramp voltage is initiated which is continuously compared with
the input voltage. When these two voltages are same, the comparator generates a pulse which opens a
gate i.e. the input comparator generates a start pulse. The ramp continues to decrease and finally
reaches to 0 V or ground potential. This is sensed by the second comparator or ground comparator.
At exactly 0 V, this comparator produces a stop pulse which closes the gate. The number of clock
pulses are measured by the counter. Thus the time duration for which the gate is opened, is
proportional to the input voltage. fn the time interval between start and stop pulses, the gate remains
open and the oscillator circuit drives the counter. The magnitude of the count indicates the magnitude
of the input voltage, which is displayed by the display. The block diagram of linear ramp DVM is
shown in the Fig.
Thus the time duration for which the gate is opened, is proportional to the input voltage. fn the
time interval between start and stop pulses, the gate remains open and the oscillator circuit drives the
counter. The magnitude of the count indicates the magnitude of the input voltage, which is displayed
by the display. The block diagram of linear ramp DVM is shown in the Fig

Properly attenuated input signal is applied as one input to the input comparator. The ramp
generator generates the proper linear ramp signal which is applied to both tne comparators. Initially
the logic circuit sends a reset signal to the counter and the readout. The comparators are designed in
such a way that when both the input signals of comparator are equal then only the comparator
changes its state. The input comparator is used to send the start pulse while the ground comparator is
used to send the stoppulse.
When the input and ramp are applied to the input comparator, and at the point when negative
going ramp becomes equal to input voltages the comparator sends start pulse, due to which gate
opens. The oscillator drives the counter. The counter starts counting the pulses received from the
oscillator. Now the same ramp is applied to the ground comparator and it is decreasing. Thus when
ramp becomes zero, both the inputs of ground compaotor becomes zero (grounded) i.e. equal and it
sends a stop pulse to the gate due to which gate gets closed. Thus the counter stops receiving the
pulses from the local oscillator. A definite number of pulses will be counted by the counter, during
the start and stop pulses which is measure of the input voltage. This is displayed by the digital
he sample rate multivibrator determines the rate at which the measurement cycles are initiated.
The oscillation of this multivibrator is usually adjusted by a front panel control named rate, from few

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