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Assisting in Establishing Routines

Maintaining positive classroom atmosphere in order to achieve learning goals
is one of teachers. Teacher employ various strategies to keep a positive learning environment and
establishing classroom routines is one of the teachers’ labor-saving strategies.

Prepares FS 2 Students for PPST: Your Intended Learning Outcome

Domain: Learning Environment Sustain and monitor established
Strand: Proportion of purposive learning routines.

Your Experiential
Reflection Tasks

5.1 Exposure
Monitoring the Implementation of
classroom Routines.
5.2 Participation
Identifying Effective Strategies for
Transition Routines and Activities.
5.3 Identification
Recognition consequences of transition
5.4 Internalization
Practicing Classroom Routines and
Procedures  What can make a positive classroom
5.5 Dissemination atmosphere?
Designing an Organized and Happy

44 Outcome-Based Learning Experience 5: Assisting in Establishing Routines

Monitoring the Implementation of Classroom Routines

Assist your Cooperating Teacher in the implementation and monitoring of the following
classroom routines and check the students' level of compliance. The students’ level of compliance
will serve as your guide in assisting your CT in monitoring the implementation of the routines.

Level of Students’ Compliance

Classroom Routines
Always Seldom Never
Comply Comply Comply

1. Raising hands properly 

2. Lining up for checking of seatwork 

and assignments.

3. Greeting Visitors 

4. Passing Papers and notebooks 

5. Using class pass for going out the 

6. Observing proper listening 
7. Working in small group 

8. Following teacher’s hand signals 

9. Observing movements during 

List other Routines

10. Turning assignment 

11.Making homework 

12. Group project 

13. Using classroom Library 

14. Finish work early 

15. Participating in class 

45 Outcome-Based Learning Experience 5: Assisting in Establishing Routines

Identifying Effective Strategies for Transition Routines and Activities

List down the Classroom routines that your Cooperating Teacher needs you the most for
assistance. Set them as your priority to help your CT make a whole some learning environment.

Review the following strategies and identify which of them can be effective in assisting
your CT during transition.

1. Entering/Exiting the Classroom

2. Turning in Assignments
3. Attendance/Tardy/Absent Procedures
4. Lunch/Recess Procedure
5. Use of Library
6. Use of Technology
7. Transitioning and Moving in the Classroom
8. Organization
9. Getting supplies
10. Emergency Drills

Match them with effective transition strategies of your Cooperating Teacher.

1. Prepare them
2. Use a Visual Schedule
3. Use a Visual Timer
4. Offer sensory Breaks
5. Use a transition object
6. Teach transition songs
7. Choose transition activities
8. Allow for extra time
9. Use social stories
10. Maintain consistency

46 Outcome-Based Learning Experience 5: Assisting in Establishing Routines

Recognizing Consequences of Transition Periods

1. Assist your Cooperating Teacher in establishing classroom routines during transition

period and list down how you assisted in establishing the classroom routines.
 Ensure that students understand the reason for the routine
 Clarify the procedures through modeling
 Allow students to have opportunities to practice the routine through rehearsal
 Try not to overwhelm students by teaching too many routines at once. Because this
strategy may take several days.
 Remember that it will probably be necessary to revisit this process as you see the need
2. What could have happened if these transitional activities were not done?
 If the transitional activities were not done, the students might not understand and might
be disoriented just in case a command is being addressed to them.


During your assisting task in establishing routines, what are the problems that
you have encountered in carrying out the different transition routines?
 My problems are some students are not listening and complaining of
what is the purpose of transition.

47 Outcome-Based Learning Experience 5: Assisting in Establishing Routines

Practicing Classroom Routines and Procedures

Continue assisting your Cooperating Teacher by practicing with the students their
classroom routines and procedures. List the challenges you have encountered in the following:

Behavioral Routines and Procedures

 Challenges Encountered
 Quiet and shy type Students
 Hard headed and trouble maker student
 Not paying attention during class discussion

Working Routines and Procedures

 Challenges Encountered
 Lack of Time Management
 Lack of materials
 Not knowledgeable to the topic

Transitional Movement Routines and Procedures

 Challenges Encountered
 Leadership
 Creative
 Teaching Skills

48 Outcome-Based Learning Experience 5: Assisting in Establishing Routines

Designing an Organized and Happy Classroom

Based from your assisting experience in establishing routines, write your thoughts of an
organized and happy classroom.

Growth Portfolio Entry

A Happy and an Organized Classroom

Having a happy and an organized classroom is every teacher’s

dream. To achieve this without compromising academic results and
personal growth from the student, the students must feel safe and the
teacher must implement policies that promote physical, emotional and
social security. Another way is students must be valued, to achieve this, I
need to develop a positive vibe with them even some students misbehave.
I also need to invest time for my students and get to know them and
makes me easy to understand what kind of student they are inside and
outside of my classroom. I must inject fun, humor and playtime while
ensuring focused learning takes place too. So that I could get better
results when it comes to grades but also have happier students under my

49 Outcome-Based Learning Experience 5: Assisting in Establishing Routines


50 Outcome-Based Learning Experience 5: Assisting in Establishing Routines


51 Outcome-Based Learning Experience 5: Assisting in Establishing Routines


For Use of the FS Program Coordinator

Criterion: Relevance of Experience

Score Description
The experience of assisting in establishing routines is found to be very
91-100 relevant in keeping positive learning environment.

The experience of assisting in establishing routines is found to be relevant

81-90 in keeping positive learning environment.

The experience of assisting in establishing routines is found to be

71-80 somewhat relevant in keeping positive learning environment.

The experience of assisting in establishing routines is found not relevant at

61-70 all in keeping positive learning environment.

There is no indication of experience of assisting in the establishing

51-60 routines.

Rating for LE 5: ___________

Signature of FS Program Coordinator

52 Outcome-Based Learning Experience 5: Assisting in Establishing Routines

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