The Marrow Thieves Formal Paragraph Assignment

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The Marrow Thieves: Formal Paragraph Assignment

● To demonstrate an ability to analyse character (or theme) in literature
● To demonstrate an understanding of, and ability to, communicate in formal
● To demonstrate an understanding of the PEA method of organizing an argument
(in this case, a paragraph)
● To demonstrate an ability to use the writing process

Task: Outline, and then write, a formal paragraph that analyses one aspect of the novel The
Marrow Thieves.

Step #1:
● Look over your “The Visitor” paragraph from earlier this semester.
● Choose one of the thesis statements discussed during class for this paragraph.

Topic Sentences:
❏ In the novel The Marrow Thieves, written by Cherie Dimaline, Miig is an ideal
❏ In the novel The Marrow Thieves, written by Cherie Dimaline, Frenchie is an
admirable protagonist.
❏ The novel The Marrow Thieves, written by Cherie Dimaline, shows that Elders
are a valuable asset to their communities.
❏ In the novel The Marrow Thieves, written by Cherie Dimaline, Miig’s family
illustrates the traditional and contemporary Indigenous ideas of community
❏ Another topic of your choice- must be cleared with Ms Woolley before you

Step #2:
● Outline the paragraph

Topic Sentence
In the novel The Marrow Thieves, written by Cherie Dimaline, Miig is an ideal

Point Evidence Analysis
(Quotation with page #)

When they find a new group "Miigwans Kiwenzie, anish When he main group would
miig talks to them first. de kaz. Miig spoke first, find a new group miig would
giving him his full name." be the first person to talk to
(Page 164) the new group and make
sure they are safe
Miig is brave "Only one way to find out, I When the group found the
suppose. Miig put his four winds hotel they didnt
packsack on the ground, know if the fence
pulled the sash off his surrounding it was electric or
forehead, and let his bedroll not so miig was the first
drop behind his feet. (Page person to volunteer to touch
57) the fence.

Miig is caring "This is my family." Miig held Miig considers everyone his
his hand out to us and we family so that means he will
approached in a bundle." do anything to protect them
page 121 even if he has to give up his
own life

Step #3
● Write the paragraph

In the novel The Marrow Thieves, written by Cherie Dimaline, Miig is an ideal leader, Miig is
an ideal leader because he would do anything to keep his family safe, one of my examples
of that is when the group found the four winds resort and miig was the first person to
volunteer to touch the fence because he did to know if it was safe for the group to go
through or not because they could of got electrocuted my proof of this is on page 57 when
miig puts down all of his belongings and reaches out for the fence but frenchie does it
before him. IE "Only one way to find out, I suppose. Miig put his packsack on the ground,
pulled the sash off his forehead, and let his bedroll drop behind his feet. My second
example is that whenever the main group would find a new group miig would go first and
talk to them so that he can make sure the new group is safe and safe for the group to go
near them:"Miigwans Kiwenzie, anish de kaz. Miig spoke first, giving him his full name."
My third and final reason of why miig is a great leader is that miig would do whatever he
can for his family and would do anything to make sure his group made it out alive and safe.
"This is my family." Miig held his hand out to us and we approached in a bundle."

Step #4
● Peer Evaluating, Proofread and revise the paragraph, using the checklist
Step #5
● Submit the final copy via “Final Project” Tab

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