The Marrow Thieves Formal Paragraph Assignment

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The Marrow Thieves: Formal Paragraph Assignment

● To demonstrate an ability to analyse character (or theme) in literature
● To demonstrate an understanding of, and ability to, communicate in formal
● To demonstrate an understanding of the PEA method of organizing an argument
(in this case, a paragraph)
● To demonstrate an ability to use the writing process

Task: Outline, and then write, a formal paragraph that analyses one aspect of the novel The
Marrow Thieves.

Step #1:
● Look over your “The Visitor” paragraph from earlier this semester.
● Choose one of the thesis statements discussed during class for this paragraph.

Topic Sentences:
❏ In the novel The Marrow Thieves, written by Cherie Dimaline, Miig is an ideal
❏ In the novel The Marrow Thieves, written by Cherie Dimaline, Frenchie is an
admirable protagonist.
❏ The novel The Marrow Thieves, written by Cherie Dimaline, shows that Elders
are a valuable asset to their communities.
❏ In the novel The Marrow Thieves, written by Cherie Dimaline, Miig’s family
illustrates the traditional and contemporary Indigenous ideas of community
❏ Another topic of your choice- must be cleared with Ms Woolley before you

Step #2:
● Outline the paragraph

Topic Sentence
In The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline, Miigwans is an ideal leader because he is
focused on developing others.

Point Evidence Analysis
(Quotation with page #)

He teaches his family how to “You boys need to work on First off, Miig taught
hunt your hunting” ( Dimaline 33 ) everyone to hunt at the
“Okay, Slopper , if they are beginning of this novel, “You
close enough for you to see boys need to work on your
them, there better already be hunting” (Dimaline 33). He
a bullet or an arrow on the then taught Slopper, “Okay,
way to take them down.” ( Slopper , if they are close
Dimaline 35 ) enough for you to see them,
there better already be a
bullet or an arrow on the way
to take them down.”
(Dimaline 35). Miigwans is a
leader and will help when he
is needed. It is very
important to have the skill of
hunting because it gives a
great source of food that can
last for a few days
depending on the hunt.
Having skills like unting is
very important especially if
the family eventually splits

He taught his family how to “Setting up the main camp, Second, Miig taught his
build camp stringing the woods with family everything he knew,
traps and alarms. By the they learned from the best.
end of day two it was as if Setting up camp was so
we had been there all along.” much easier with more
(Dimaline 213). people, that would not be the
case if he was not such an
amazing teacher. It is very
important to know how to
build camp because it is their
home, their safe place.
Since they live on the run,
having a safe and secure
living situation is very
needed. Miigwans helped
the family gain necessary
skills in order to survive
**Miig helps them gain these

He taught his family what to “Could be the same group Lastly, Miig was always very
do in tough situations. Wab saw back before the calm and collective.
resort. He rubbed his chin Whenever a tough situation
then gave orders. Chi-Boy, came into view he always
walk the perimeter. Tree, made sure everyone knew
Zheegwon, lay extra wires. what to do. It is important for
He turned to me. French, a leader to be calm in tough
you know what to do.” situations because it would
(Dimaline 112-113). give the rest of the group
reassurance. It would help
them feel ready and
prepared for anything.

Step #3
● Write the paragraph

In The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline, Miigwans is an ideal leader because

he is focused on developing others. First off, Miig taught everyone to hunt at the
beginning of this novel, “You boys need to work on your hunting” (Dimaline 33). He
then taught Slopper, “Okay, Slopper , if they are close enough for you to see them,
there better already be a bullet or an arrow on the way to take them down.”
(Dimaline 35). Miigwans is a leader and will help when he is needed. It is very
important to have the skill of hunting because it gives a great source of food that can
last for a few days depending on the hunt. Having skills like hunting is necessary,
especially if the family eventually splits up. Second, Miig taught his family everything
he knew, they learned from the best. Setting up camp was so much easier with more
people, that would not be the case if he was not such an amazing teacher. “Setting
up the main camp, stringing the woods with traps and alarms. By the end of day two
it was as if we had been there all along.” (Dimaline 213). It is very important to know
how to build camp because it is their home, their safe place. Since they live on the
run, having a safe and secure living situation is very needed. Miigwans helped the
family gain necessary skills in order to survive. Lastly, Miig was always very calm
and collected. Whenever a tough situation came into view he always made sure
everyone knew what to do. “Could be the same group Wab saw back before the
resort. He rubbed his chin then gave orders. Chi-Boy, walk the perimeter. Tree,
Zheegwon, lay extra wires. He turned to me. French, you know what to do.”
(Dimaline 112-113). It is important for a leader to be calm in tough situations
because it would give the rest of the group reassurance. It would help them feel
ready and prepared for anything. Without Miigwans this group may not be here
today, Miig is an ideal leader for this group.

Step #4
● Peer Evaluating, Proofread and revise the paragraph, using the checklist
Step #5
● Submit the final copy via “Final Project” Tab

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