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NAME________MATEESCU ANA VICTORIA_______________________

SPECIALIZATION________________SOCIOLOGIE ________________


1. Construiti propozitii in care sa folositi corect cuvintele urmatoare: (1 punct)

Society – Society is full of different social class.

Social – A social experiment was conducted two days ago.

Sociologist – He is a great sociologist Max Weber.

2. Puneti cuvintele de mai jos in ordinea corecta. (1 punct)

1. (yesterday, away) Tom, our cat, ran
Tom our can ran away yesterday.
2. (last night, the guitar, at the concert, beautifully) Alexandra played
Alexandra played the guitar beautifully last night at the concert
3. (in lab class, an experiment, tomorrow) The students will make
The students will make an experiment
4. (hard, soon, here) I’m sure it’s going to rain
I’m sure it’s going to rain hard soon here.
5. (angrily, him, last night) The speaker answered
The speaker answered him angrily last night
6. (since 1997, here) David has been living
David has been living here since 1997.
3. Puneti verbul potrivit in fiecare spatiu liber. Folositi corect SIMPLE PAST TENSE sau
1. speak: ………Did…… Andrew ………speak…… to Barbara? Yes, he ……
spoke……… to her last week.
2. grow up, live: I ………………grew up………in Boston. I ………lived………………
there until my eighteenth birthday.
3. fall, live: Berlin is an exciting city to live in. I lived………………… here since the
Berlin Wall ……fell………………… in 1989.
4. close, leave: ……Did……… you ……close……… the door before you …left…………
the house?
5. work, start: We’re exhausted! We started…………………… last night and
……………………worked… until now. It’s truly time for a break!
6. discover, create: Michelangelo ………created…………… the famous Pietà at the
Vatican in the same century that Columbus ……………discovered……… America.

4. Potriviti cuvintele in italice cu definitiile de mai jos. (2 puncte)

armed conflict immigrant minority influx
detention center persecution refugee asylum

________refugee___________ - 1. is a person who has escaped from their own country for
political religious or economic reasons or because a war.
_________________immigrant__ - 2. is a person who has come to a different county in order to
live there permanently.
________________persecution____ - 3. to treat someone unfairly or cruelly over a long period of
time because of their race, religion, or political beliefs or to annoy someone by refusing to leave
them alone.
_____________armed conflict_______ - 4. an active disagreement between people with opposing
opinions or principles where weapons are used in the disagreement.
_____________asylum_______ - 5. protection or safety, especially that given by a government to
foreigners who have been forced to leave their own countries for political reasons.
_____________influx_______ - 6. the arrival of a large number of people or things at the same
_____________minority_______ - 7. a national or racial group living in a country or area which
contains a larger group of people of a different race or nationality.
__________________detention center__ - 8. a place where people who have entered a country
without the necessary documents can be kept for short periods of time.

5. Alegeti raspunsul corect la intrebarile de mai jos. (1 punct)

1. Most sociologists would argue that gender roles are learned, rather than based on biology.
a. True b. False
2. Which one of these behaviours shows a pattern of role-reversal compared to traditional gender
roles in western societies?
a. Women going out to work and men staying at home to look after the children
b. Women and men both going out to work
c. Girls doing better than boys at school
3. What term do sociologists learn to describe those aspects of our behaviour as men and women
which are learned, rather than based on biology?
a. Gender b. Sex
4. If masculine and feminine roles are based on our biology, what will we find when we study
other cultures?
a. Men and women's behaviour varies depending on the culture studied.
b. Men and women's behaviour is always the same.

6. Potriviti termenii sociologici de mai jos cu definitiile corespunzatoare (litera la cifra). (2

a. double standard f. family of procreation
b. family g. extended family
c. kinship h. endogamy
d. nuclear family i. exogamy
e. family of orientation j. homogamy

H___ 1. a norm specifying that a person brought up in a particular culture may marry within the
cultural group.
__C_ 2. the role relations among people who consider themselves to be related by blood,
marriage or adoption.
_F__ 3. the nuclear family that a person forms through marriage or cohabitation.
_J__ 4. the tendency to marry a person who is similar to oneself in social background.
__G_ 5. an individual’s nuclear family plus the nuclear families of his or her blood relatives.
_B__ 6. a group of people related by blood, marriage or adoption.
_D__ 7. two or more people related by blood, marriage or adoption.
_E__ 8. the nuclear family in which a person is born and raised.
I___ 9. a norm specifying that a person brought up in a particular culture may marry outside the
cultural group.
__A_ 10. the belief that women must adhere to a different and more restrictive moral code than
that applied to men.

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