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Topic: Prophets

Q: what is the difference between Rasul and Nabi?

A: Rasul:
 Rasul is the one who was given a new scripture or a book.
 Rasul receives a new shariah or code of life.
 There were 313 rasuls.
 Example: hazrat Musa AS, hazrat Eisa AS, Hazrat Nuh AS, hazrat
Mohammed saw
Nabi is the one who spreads the message of Allah swt but;
 does not receive a new shariah or code of life.
 Rather a Nabi follows the shariah of previous Rasul.
 Therefore, a Nabi is not given a new scripture or book.
 There were 1,24,000 Nabi.

Q no. 2: write down the similarities between Rasul and Nabi?

 Both Rasul and Nabi are prophets.
 Both are chosen and specially blessed by Allah swt and are role
models for mankind.
 The prime responsibility of both Rasul and Nabi is that they both
spread the message of Allah swt.
 Teachings of both Rasul and Nabi was decided into three
o Oneness of Allah
o Tidings about day of judgment.
o Life after death
o Testified previous prophets.

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