موضوع عن التدخين بالانجليزي

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smoking is a very bad habit.

many people smoke everyday and they are not

aware of how bad smoking is. people may die younger because of smoking.
they also waste their money on buying cigarette. researcher suggest that
smoking can cause many serious diseases. x

smoking can cause many bad diseases such as cancer and heart disease. also
smoking can harm body cells and increase the risk of stroke. smoking can
damage the human body with many other diseases as well. doctors always
recommend smokers to stop smoking as soon as possible. x

Smoking is a very bad habit. Smoking cause many deadly diseases. Many
people start smoking for the fun of it, and they think it’s easy to stop. The
truth is that it is very hard to quit smoking. People start smoking one
cigarette a day and then increase. Many people get addicted to smoking and
needs to smoke cigarettes continuously. x

When we sit next to a smoker, we breathe in smoke. This is called passive

smoking which is very bad for non smokers. If a pregnant woman smokes it
is harmful for her child. Smoking is bad for our skin and can cause cancer.
Smokers have dark lips and bad breath. Constant smoking destroys our
lungs. It causes mouth and lung cancer as well. x

there is a strong medical evidence that smoking is related to many diseases.

it has negative effects on nearly all the human body and overall health.
smoking can cause many diseases and health issues that can be prevented by
not smoking. smoking has negative impacts on people of all ages and for
both genders. x

Smoking has an adverse impact on your physical appearance

 Smoking causes so many diseases that lead to death

 Smoking exposes you to a greater risk of depression
 Smoking affects your relationships with family and friends

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