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Recommendations for

Concrete Members
Prestressed with Single­
Strand Unbonded
� Reported by Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 423


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American Concrete Institute


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First Printing
American Concrete Institute
Always advancing
July 2017
ISBN: 978-1-945487-70-5

Recommendations for Concrete Members Prestressed with Single-Strand

Unhonded Tendons

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ACI 423.3R-17

Recommendations for Concrete Members

Prestressed with Single-Strand Unbonded Tendons

Reported by Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 423

Carin L. Roberts-Wollmann, Chair Amy M. Reineke Trygestad, Secretary

Theresa M. Ahlborn Martin J. Fradua Larry B. Krauser Miroslav Vejvoda

Rashid Ahmed" William L. Gamble Jason J. Krohn Jeffrey S. Volz
Robert W. Barnes Harry A. Gleich Theodore L. Neff H. Carl Walker
Florian G. Barth Pawan R. Gupta Sami H. Rizkalla ZumingXia
Asit N. Baxi" William M. Hale James Rogers Paul Zia
Roger J. Becker H. R. Trey Hamilton III Brandon Ross
Charles W. Dolan" Carol Hayek" Bruce W. Russell
James P. Donnelly Mohammad Iqbal Thomas C. Schaeffer"
Pierre Esselinck Donald P. Kline" Richard W. Stone

Consulting Members

Kenneth B. Bond/ Chunsheng "Steve" Cai Ward N. Marianos Jr. Thomas E. Nehil
Robert N. Bruce Jr. Steven R. Close Hani Melhem Andrea J. Schokker
Ned H. Bums Henry J. Cronin Jr. Antoine E. Naaman

•Subcommittee members involved in updating this report.

This report provides information for the design of.flexural concrete CONTENTS
members in buildings post-tensioned with single-strand unbonded
tendons. The report is intended to complement the commentary CHAPTER 1-INTRODUCTION, p. 2
in ACJ 318 and to provide suggestions for revisions and addi­ 1 . 1-General, p. 2
tions to A CI 318. Consideration is given to design for gravity and
1 .2-0bjective, p. 2
lateral loads, determination endurance, design for seismic
1 .3-Scope, p. 2
forces, and design for catastrophic loadings. Recommendations
concerning details and properties of tendons, protection against
corrosion, and construction procedures are presented. CHAPTER 2-NOTATION AND DEFINITIONS, p. 2
2 . 1 -Notation, p. 2
Keywords: concrete slabs; cracking; fire resistance; joints; punching shear; 2.2-Definitions, p. 3
unbonded post-tensioning.


3 . 1-General, p. 3
3 .2-0ne-way systems, p. 3
3 .3-Two-way systems, p. 4
ACI Committee Reports, Guides, and Commentaries are 3 .4-Beams, p. 8
intended for guidance in planning, designing, executing, and 3 .5-Effects of supporting walls and columns on prestress
inspecting construction. This document is intended for the use forces, p. 9
of individuals who are competent to evaluate the significance
and limitations of its content and recommendations and who
will accept responsibility for the application of the material it CHAPTER 4-ANCHORAGE ZONES, p. 10
contains. The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and 4 . 1-Anchorage zone reinforcement, p. 1 0
all responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall
not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom.
AC1423.3R-l7 supersedes ACl 423.3R-05 and was adopted and published July 2017.
Reference to this document shall not be made in contract
Copyright© 2017, American Concrete Institute.
documents. If items found in this document are desired by
All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by
the Architect/Engineer to be a part of the contract documents,
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CHAPTER 5-SEISMIC DESIGN, p. 1 1 1.3-Scope

5.1-Earthquake loading, p. 11 Recommendations pertinent to design with single-strand
unbonded tendons considered in this report include the
CHAPTER 6-DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS, p. 13 design of slabs, beams, and continuous members; details
6.1-General, p. 13 and properties of tendons and anchors; and protection from
6.2-Design strength, p. 13 corrosion during construction and throughout the life of the
6.3-Tendon stress at factored load, p. 13 structure.
6.4-Prestress losses, p. 14 The recommendations in this report are not intended for
6.5-Average prestress, p. 14 unbonded construction stages of elements using bonded
6.6-Serviceability requirements, p. 15 tendons; for multistrand unbonded tendons used as external
6.7-Continuous members, p. 15 tendons; for members subject to direct tension, such as
6.8-Corrosion protection, p. 15 tiebacks, cable stays, arch ties, or circumferential tendons
6.9-Fire resistance, p. 16 for containment structures; or for ground-supported post­
tensioned slabs for light residential construction.
7.2-Protection materials, p. 18
7.3-Protection of anchorage zones, p. 18 2.1-Notation
.'7.4-Concrete cover, p. 18 Ab net bearing plate area. in.2 (mm2)
Ab' = maximum area of the portion of the concrete
CHAPTER a-CONSTRUCTION, p. 19 anchorage surface that is geometrically similar to and
.8.1-Construction joints, p. 19 concentric with the area of the anchorage, in.2 (mm2)
'8.2-Closure strips, p. 19 A c' cross-sectional area of the slab, perpendicular to
.8.3-Placement of tendons, p. 19 the slab edge, between the center of the exterior
'8.4-Concrete placement and curing, p. 19 span and the slab edge, in.2 (mm2)
8.5-Stressing operations, p. 20 Acf larger of gross cross-sectional areas of the slab­
8.6-Form removal and reshoring, p. 21 beam strips of the two orthogonal equivalent
8.7-Welding and burning, p. 21 frames intersecting at the column, in.2 (mm2)
8.8-Protection of tendons, p. 21 Aps = area of prestressed longitudinal tension reinforce­
ment, in.2 (mm2)
CHAPTER 9-R EFER ENCES, p. 2 1 As.min= minimum bonded reinforcement in negative
Authored documents, p. 21 moment areas of two-way systems
b width of compression face of member, in. (mm)
CHAPTER 1-INTRODUCTION br total flange width
b" effective overhang flange width for normal forces,
1.1-General in. (mm)
Since the publication of previous ACI 423.3R reports, perimeter of critical section for two-way shear in
many of their recommendations have been incorporated into slabs, in. (mm)
ACI 318. All references to ACI 318 refer to ACI 318-14 effective flange width for normal forces at post­
unless specifically noted. The recommendations in this tension anchor, in. (mm)
report have been prepared to provide a comprehensive guide distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid
for design, materials, and construction for concrete members of prestressing reinforcement, in. (mm)
prestressed with single-strand unbonded tendons. Suggested modulus of elasticity of prestressing reinforcement,
revisions and additions to ACI 318 are also included in psi (MPa)
this report. Mandatory language used in this report reflects !c/ strength of concrete at time of initial prestress, psi
requirements inACI 318. (MPa)
permissible concrete compressive stress, psi (MPa)
1.2-0bjective compressive stress in concrete, after allowance
This report presents recommendations for design, mate­ for all prestress losses, at centroid of cross section
rials, and construction for concrete structures prestressed resisting externally applied loads or at junction
with unbonded tendons that are commensurate with the of web and fiange where the centroid lies within
strength, serviceability, and safety requirements of ACI 318. the fiange, psi (MPa); in a composite member, he
Practitioners should use their judgment when applying the is the resultant compressive stress at centroid of
recommendations of this report. This report is not intended composite section, or at junction of web and fiange
for reference in a specification or a code. where the centroid lies within the fiange, due to
both prestress and moments resisted by precast
member acting alone, psi (MPa)


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stress in prestressing reinforcement at nominal s heat h ing-material encasing prestressing reinforcement

flexural strength, psi (MPa) to prevent bonding of the prestressing reinforcement with
stress in post-tensioned tendons at nominal strength the surrounding concrete, to provide corrosion protection,
at high temperatures, psi (MPa) and to contain the corrosion-inhibiting coating.
specified tensile strength of prestressing reinforce­
tensile strength of tendons at high temperatures, psi
(MPa) 3. 1-General
effective stress in prestressing reinforcement, after The design provisions of ACI 318 apply to the contents
allowance for all prestress losses, psi (MPa) of this chapter, but some recommendations are offered
J; specifi ed yield stress of reinforcement, psi (MPa) that complement those of ACI 318. Significant changes
h slab thickness, in. (mm) were made in ACI 318-02, ACI 318-08, ACI 318-11, and
L span length of beam or one-way slab; clear projec­ ACI 318-14 that impact the design of prestressed concrete
tion of cantilever, in. (mm) members and unify the design approach for prestressed and
length of tendon, in. (mm) nonprestressed members. ACI 318 limits for flexural rein­
M total applied static moment (unfactored), lb-in. forcement and moment redistribution are specified in terms
(kN-m) of the net tensile strain in the extreme tension reinforcement
retained midspan moment, lb-in. (kN-m) £1• Prestressed members are grouped into three design cate­

retained negative moment capacity at Column 1, gories: uncracked (U), transition (T), and cracked (C). Each
lb-in. (N-m) category is defined according to the maximum calculated
M12e- retained negative moment capacity at Column 2,
= flexural tensile stress under service load conditions. For
lb-in. (N-m) C members, there is no upper limit on calculated flexural
Nc = resultant tensile force acting on the portion of the tensile stresses under service loads, and any combination of
concrete cross section that is subjected to tensile stressed and unstressed reinforcement is permitted. Service­
stresses due to the combined effects of service ability requirements related to C and T members are given
loads and effective prestress, lb (N) inACI 318.
P average force in the prestressing reinforcement, lb
(N) 3.2-0ne-way systems
VP vertical component of effective prestress forces One-way slabs are addressed in ACI 318-14 Chapter 7.
crossing the critical section The chapter organization provides design limits, required
Vc stress corresponding to nominal two-way shear strength, required design strength, reinforcement limits, and
strength provided by concrete, psi (MPa) reinforcing detailing.
Vcw nominal shear stress provided by concrete where 3.2.1 Minimum bonded reinforcement-The minimum
diagonal cracking results from high principal bonded reinforcement required in ACI 318-14, 7.6.2, is
tensile stress in web, lb (N) considered adequate to limit crack widths due to dead load
w uniformly distributed load, plf (kN/m) and live load by providing adequate crack distribution (Bums
as constant used to calculate Vc in slabs, lb (MPa) et al. 1978; Yamazaki et al. 1969; Burns and Pierce 1967).
f1e tendon elongation, in. (mm) This amount of reinforcement also provides an independent
<P strength reduction factor load-carrying system in the event of a catastrophic failure of
A modification factor to reflect the reduced mechan­ the tendons or abnormal loading in one span of a continuous
ical properties of lightweight concrete one-way post-tensioned element with unbonded tendons.
pP ratio of Aps to bdP For this reason, ACI 318-14,, requires that bonded
reinforcement used as part of the design moment strength be
2.2-Definitions detailed in accordance with the provisions of ACI 318-14,
ACI provides a comprehensive list of definitions through 7.7.3. Such bonded reinforcement provides an independent
an online resource, "ACI Concrete Terminology," https:// load path in one-way systems. All prestressed concrete slabs (Classes U, T, and C) inACI
Definitions provided herein complement that source. 318-11 were exempt from the reinforcement spacing limits
encapsulated tendon-a tendon that is completely in ACI 318-11, 7.6.5 (deformed flexural reinforcement
enclosed in a watertight covering from end to end, including spacing to be less than 3h and 18 in. [610 mm]). However,
anchorages, sheathing, post-tensioning coating, sleeves, and this requirement was changed in 7.7.2 of ACI 318-14 for
an encapsulation cap over the strand tail at each end. Class C prestressed concrete slabs to make it similar to
post-tensioning coating-material between prestressing nonprestressed. Based on field experience with the perfor­
reinforcement and sheathing used to protect against corro­ mance of Class U and Class T unbonded post-tensioned
sion and reduce friction. slabs, the maximum spacing of the deformed reinforcement
prestressing reinforcement-strand, wire, or bar should be limited to six times the slab thickness or 36 in.
tensioned to impart forces to the concrete. (910 mm), whichever is less. Extension requirements for

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reinforcement that is not part of the moment strength are to straighten out, and this process can impose large tensile
given in ACI 3 1 8-14, stresses in webs of post-tensioned beams or joists. Severe
In one-way slabs, the use of service load design tensile cracking has been observed in several instances where no
stresses in the range of 9 -.J.[c' to 1 2 -.J.[c' psi (0.75 -.J.fc' to 1 .0 -.J.fc ' stirrups were provided. Unintended curvature of the tendons
MPa) usually results in bonded reinforcement strength can be avoided by securely tying tendons to stirrups that are
requirements reasonably similar to those required by ACI rigidly held in place by other elements of the reinforcing
3 1 8- 1 4, Tests of slabs with this level of design cage.
tensile stress in conjunction with the bonded reinforce­ 3.2.4 Prestressed shrinkage and temperature reinforce­
ment requirements of ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 7 .6.2.3, indicate that ment-ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 24.4.4, is the result of an extensive revi­
such slabs have performed satisfactorily (Burns et a!. 1 978). sion in ACI 3 1 8- 1 1 . The gross concrete area is now defined
Prestressed concrete members categorized as Class C in ACI as the total beam web area, including the slab thickness and
3 1 8 have no upper limit on flexural tensile stresses, and the the area of the slab tributary to the beam. Beam tendons may
use of any combination of prestressed and nonprestressed be included in providing the required 1 00 psi (0.7 MPa)
reinforcement is permitted. The use of lower design tensile minimum average compression stress on this gross concrete
stresses, however, is preferable from the durability stand­ area. The spacing of shrinkage and temperature tendons should
point for applications in aggressive environments, such as not exceed 6 ft ( 1 .8 m), measured between adjacent tendons,
parking structure decks in severe climates (Walker 1980). between faces of beams, or between walls and the closest
One-way post-tensioned beams and slabs with unbonded tendon. When tendon spacing exceeds 4.5 ft ( 1 .4 m), nonpre­
tendons are waived from the 1 .2Mcr requirement of ACI stressed reinforcement, parallel to the tendons, is added at the
3 1 8- 1 4, 7 .6.2. 1 , because the undesirable behavior due to slab edge in accordance with ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 7.7.6. At least one
sudden transfer oftensile force from concrete to prestressing tendon is required in the slab between the faces of adj acent
reinforcement at first cracking in lightly reinforced sections beams or walls.
does not occur in members with unbonded tendons. Tendons used for shrinkage and temperature reinforce­
3.2.2 Tendon spacing-The minimum bonded reinforce­ ment should be positioned parallel to the beams and verti­
ment requirements for one-way slabs under ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, cally as close as practicable to the center of the slab. Where, typically result in the use ofNo. 4 (No. 1 3) bars at 2 1 shrinkage and temperature tendons support or conflict with
in. (500 mm) centers for both positive and negative moments the principal slab tendons, variation from the slab centroid
for a 4- 1/2 in. ( 1 1 5 mm) thick slab. For an 8 in. (200 mm) is permissible, but the resultant eccentricity of the total
thick one-way slab, No. 4 (No. 1 3) bars are required at shrinkage and temperature tendons within the slab should
approximately 1 2 in. (300 mm) centers; larger bars can be not extend outside the kern limits of the slab cross section.
used at somewhat wider spacing. In consideration of this Figure 3.2.4 illustrates details for the use of unbonded
amount and spacing of bonded reinforcement, a maximum tendons as shrinkage and temperature reinforcement in
tendon spacing of eight times the slab thickness but not more one-way beam and slab construction.
than 5 ft ( 1 .5 m) is recommended for one-way slabs with 3.2.5 Structural integrity-ACI 3 1 8 contains no specific
normal live loads and uniformly distributed loads (refer also recommendations for structural integrity of one-way
to 3.3 . 5). Tendon spacing may need to be adjusted for slabs prestressed slabs with unbonded tendons.
with concentrated loads, based on the size, configuration,
and magnitude of the load concentration. ACI 3 1 8 contains 3.3-Two-way systems
no requirement for maximum tendon spacing or minimum Two-way slabs are addressed in ACI 3 1 8- 1 4 Chapter 8 .
axial compressive stress in one-way prestressed slabs. It is The chapter organization provides design limits, design
common practice to use an average minimum effective axial strength, required resistance, reinforcement limits, and rein­
precompression stress of 1 25 psi (0.86 MPa) at every cross forcing detailing.
section tributary to the tendon, which can be further reduced 3.3.1 Analysis-Slab systems prestressed in more than
to 100 psi (0.69 MPa) for short spans with little or no tension one direction for flexure should be analyzed in accordance
stresses. with the provisions of equivalent frame or by more precise
In certain cases, such as external tendon retrofits, tendon methods, including finite element techniques or classical
spacing greater than eight times the slab thickness or 5 ft elastic theory. The equivalent frame method of analysis has
( 1 .5 m) may be applicable. In such cases, these limits may be been shown by tests of large structural models to satisfac­
exceeded, provided it can be shown by analysis that the slab torily predict factored moments and shears in prestressed
system can adequately carry the design loads. slab systems (Post-Tensioning Institute 1977; Burns and
3.2.3 Minimum shear reinforcement-A minimum amount Hemakom 1977; Scordelis et a!. 1 959; Cleland et a!. 1 979).
of shear reinforcement is necessary in all post-tensioned The referenced research also shows that the yield-line
joists to provide a means of supporting the tendon design theory accurately predicts the flexural strength of two-way
profile in the beam cross section. Where tendons are not post-tensioned slabs. Analysis using prismatic sections or
adequately supported by stirrups, local deviations of the other approximations of stiffness, which differ substantially
tendons from the assumed smooth parabolic curvature can from the equivalent frame method, may provide erroneous
result during placement of the concrete. When such tendons and unsafe results. Moment redistribution for prestressed
are stressed, the d,eyiqtiqp�.fr<;>rr1 the intended curvature tend slabs is covered in ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 6.6.5. ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 8 . 1 1 .6.5,
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strands' in 9 � (230 mm) \ 9 strands' in 1 0.5� (270 mm) \4strands" in 9" (230 mm;






"1/4 1n. diameter 240 ks1 (6.5 mm diameter 1 660 MPa) seven-w1re strand was used
to simulate strand tendons in model. Partial length tendon over interior column
used for experimental purposes.

Fig. 3.3. 1-Banded tension distribution (Kosut et al. 1985).
i��� � TU
- .
'- :
· .-.-. .-, ---, =�

requirements under lateral loads may disclose the need for

reinforcement to resist moment reversals (Han et al. 2006).
Such reinforcement should be located within a distance of
Fig. 3. 2. 4-Detailsfor use ofunbonded tendons as shrinkage 1.5h outside opposite faces of the column, where h is the
and temperature reinforcement in one-way beam and slab slab thickness.
3.3.2 Limits for reinforcement-Two-way post-tensioned
construction. (Note: 1 in. = 25. 4 mm.)
slabs with unbonded tendons are waived from the 1 .2Mc,.
does not apply to two-way prestressed slabs. ACI 318-14, requirement of ACI 318-14,, because the undesir­, is excluded because the distribution of moments able behavior due to the sudden transfer of tensile force
between column strips and middle strips is based on tests from concrete to prestressing reinforcement at first cracking
of reinforced concrete slabs and the concept of column in lightly reinforced slabs does not occur in members with
strips and middle strips is virtually never used in prestressed unbonded tendons.
slabs, almost all of which use a banded tendon distribution Only at load levels beyond the factored design load
(Fig. 3.3 .I). Further, simplified methods of analysis using is the additional cracking extensive enough to cause an
average coefficients do not apply to prestressed concrete slab abrupt change in the load-deflection pattern. Tests have
systems. All other provisions of ACI 318-14, 8.11, specifi­ also shown that it is not possible to rupture, or even yield,
cally including the arrangement of live loads specified in unbonded post-tensioning tendons in two-way slabs before
ACI 318-14, 6.4.3, are applicable for the analysis of post­ a punching shear failure (Post-Tensioning Institute 1977;
tensioned slabs. Bums and Hemakom 1977; Hemakom 1975; Kosut et al.
ACI 318 requires that two-way prestressed slab systems be 1985; Scordelis et al. 1959; Gerber and Burns 1971; Smith
designed as Class U, with a maximum permissible concrete and Burns 1974; Kosut 1977). The use of unbonded tendons
flexural tensile stress of 6..J.fc' psi (0.5..J.fc' MPa) under service in combination with the minimum bonded reinforcement
loads. The lateral load stiffness should be assessed consid­ requirements of ACI 318-14, and 8.7.5, has been
ering the effects of slab cracking (ACI 318-14, 8.11; Kang shown to ensure post-cracking ductility and that a brittle
and Wallace 2008b; Han et al. 2006). For lateral load anal­ failure mode will not develop at first cracking.
ysis, the cracked section bending stiffness should be used 3.3.3 Minimum bonded reinforcement-Significant
and the torsional stiffness taken as 1/10 of the torsional changes were made in ACI 318-99 to the requirement for
member when using the equivalent frame method of anal­ minimum bonded reinforcement in negative moment regions
ysis and where there is the potential for extensive cracking; of two-way systems. Prior to ACI 318-99, the amount of
where slabs have highly irregular shapes; where there are reinforcement was based on the span parallel to the direc­
long pour lengths between construction, expansion joints, tion of the reinforcement. In rectangular panels, this resulted
or both; or where slabs have unfavorable locations of walls. in more reinforcement parallel to the longer span; however,
The cracked section bending stiffness should always be used it could also result in less reinforcement than tests have
for the computation of drift under seismic loads. Strength shown is necessary parallel to the shorter span (Burns and
under lateral loads should be evaluated using the load factor Hemakom 1977; Hemakom 1975; Kosut et al. 1985; Smith
combinations given in ACI 318-14, 5.3, in conjunction with and Burns 1974; Kosut 1977; Foutch et al. 1990). It also
the provisions of ACI 318-14, 8.4.1. Evaluation of strength
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10 • It is emphasized that the minimum bonded reinforcement

9 • • addressed in this section is for the minimum amount required
• •
for crack distribution and to ensure sufficient punching shear
8 •
strength. Flexural strength considerations may require more
• ••
• • • •

reinforcement than these minimum amounts.
7 •

.. . -
- Where the computed tensile stress in the concrete at service
load exceeds 2...Jf;,' psi (0.17...Jf;, ' MPa), required bonded rein­
� -

• -
1 . , <-
-- VCN

• __
vcw -3.5 .JI(
'c +0.3fpc forcement in positive moment areas of two-way flat slabs is
given by Eq. (3.3.3b) or ACI 318-14,
ft: -- .
.... .
-- -

[i!- Slab failed in flexure.

3 ,.,.
A= � (3.3.3b)
s 0.5fy

where the value of /y of bonded reinforcement is limited to

60,000 psi (420 MPa), and Nc is the tensile force, including
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10
the tensile component of the bending moment, in concrete
due to unfactored dead load plus live load, plus effec­
tive prestress. Placement details for this reinforcement are
Fig. 3.3. 4-Two-way post-tensioned flat plate shear test included in 3.3.5. Slab reinforcement spacing requirements
data versus Eq. ( of ACI 318-14. provided in ACI 318-14,, do not apply to bonded
reinforcement in unbonded post-tensioned slabs.
required substantially more reinforcement than tests have 3.3.4 Shear and moment transfer-ACT 318 revised the
shown necessary in square panels parallel to the slab edge shear calculations in two-way members to be based on shear
at exterior columns. To correct this, minimum bonded rein­ stress rather than force. The revision clarified the torsional
forcement in negative moment areas of two-way systems, stresses generated by the slab rotation at the column interface.
As.mi"' is given by Eq. (3.3.3a) Figure 3.3.4 shows the results of single column-slab spec­
imen punching shear tests and results of multi-panel slabs
As,min 0.00075Acf
= (3.3.3a) tested in shear (Kosut et al. 1985). Concrete shear capacity
(Eq. (3.3.4)) expressed in terms of the perimeter of critical
where Acf is the larger of the gross cross-sectional areas of section for slabs ba is
the slab-beam strips of the two orthogonal equivalent frames
intersecting at the column. This addresses the problem of (3.3.4)
reinforcement parallel to the short span in rectangular
panels, and results in an overall increase in reinforcement where PP is the smaller of 3.5 (0.29) or (asdlbo + 1 .5) [(asdlbo
when compared with ACI 318 Codes prior to 1999. + 1.5)/12]; as= 40 for interior columns, 30 for edge columns,
The aforementioned change does not, however, address the and 20 for comer columns; b0 is perimeter of critical section
edge panel condition and will still result in roughly twice the defined in ACI 318-14, and 22.6.4;/pc is average
amount of minimum reinforcement required parallel to the value of.J;,c for the two directions, with a minimum of 125
slab edge at exterior columns. This amount of bonded rein­ psi (0.9 MPa) and a maximum of 500 psi (3.5 MPa); VP is the
forcement is required within a slab width between lines that vertical component of all effective prestress forces crossing
are 1.5h outside opposite faces of the column support, where the critical section; and /... is a modification factor to reflect
h is the slab thickness. Tests (Bums and Hemakom 1977; the reduced mechanical properties of lightweight concrete
Hemakom 1975; Kosut et al. 1985; Smith and Bums 1974; relative to normalweight concrete of the same compressive
Kosut 1977; Foutch et al. 1990) show that it is appropriate to strength.
provide bonded top reinforcement parallel to the slab edge It is assumed that no portion of the column cross section
at exterior columns on the basis of 0.00075Ac', where Ac' is is closer to a discontinuous edge than four times the slab
the cross-sectional area of the slab, perpendicular to the slab thickness, and.f;,' does not exceed 5000 psi (35 MPa). This
edge, between the center of the exterior span and the slab effectively limits the use of Eq. (3.3.4) to interior columns.
edge. At exterior columns of flat plates with square panels Edge and comer columns are required to be evaluated using
and no projection of the slab beyond the exterior column ACI 318-14,
face, the minimum bonded reinforcement parallel to the slab For values of.J;,c less than 125 psi (0.9 MPa), Vc is limited
edge should logically be 50 percent of the bonded reinforce­ to the value obtained using ACI 318-14,, for
ment perpendicular to the slab edge. It is recommended that nonprestressed construction. In practice, VP is commonly
ACI Committee 318 reconsider the minimum reinforcement and conservatively ignored in shear calculations.
requirement for this condition and modify the requirement to Moment transfer from prestressed concrete slabs to inte­
be more consistent with test results. rior columns can be evaluated using the procedures of ACI
318-14, 22.6 and (Parme 1972). In this case, the
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factored shear stress V11 should not exceed the value of <Pvc The spacing of individual single-strand tendons is usually
calculated from ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, All reinforcement governed by the minimum average prestress requirements.
within a distance of 1 .5 times the slab thickness on either For groups of two or more tendons, the 8h criterion usually
side of the column is effective for transferring the portion of controls maximum tendon spacing. Tendon spacing may
the moment not transferred by shear. Effective tendon stress need to be adjusted to accommodate concentrated loads.
fse should be used in moment transfer capacity calculations. Horizontal curvature of bundled single-strand tendons
Tendons bundled through the column or over the lifting collar should be avoided. If this is not possible, additional trans­
in lift slabs are an effective means of increasing the moment verse reinforcement, such as hairpins, and other accessories
transfer strength of lift-slab connections. The moment may be required at points of horizontal curvature to main­
transfer strength of lift-slab connections is also controlled tain the horizontal plane of tendon bundles during stressing.
by details of the lift slab connection. ACI 3 1 8- 14, 22.6 and Bundles should be limited to a maximum of four tendons, are also applicable to calculations of the moment where significant horizontal curvature is required.
transfer from prestressed concrete slabs to exterior column Transverse reinforcement may also be required to control
connections for moments normal to a discontinuous edge. horizontal splitting cracking that can occur due to in-plane
Bonded reinforcement, detailed as closed ties or hooked so forces from horizontally-curved banded tendons, particu­
that it can act as torsional reinforcement, should be provided larly those curved to avoid openings.
when the calculated upward factored shear stress V11 at the Recommended details of reinforcementfor banded
discontinuous edge exceeds 2 -Yfc ' psi (0. 1 7 -Yfc' MPa). Until tendon distribution-The predominant and recommended
further research data become available, the maximum calcu­ method of placing tendons in two-way slab systems is the
lated shear stress at such exterior columns should be limited banded distribution illustrated in Fig. 3.3 . 1 . The use of a
to those specified in ACI 3 1 8- 1 4 Table 22.6. 5.2. Tests of banded tendon distribution greatly simplifies the process of
four edge column specimens of a post-tensioned flat plate placing tendons, and therefore provides a significant reduc­
with banded tendon details support the use of ACI 3 1 8- 1 4 tion in field labor cost. The number of tendons required in
Eq. ( for shear design (Foutch et al. 1 990). Code the design strip-that is, the center-to-center of adjacent
provisions for the use of headed shear stud reinforcement panels-may be banded close to the column line in one
for two-way shear strength in slabs were introduced in ACI direction and distributed in the other direction. At least two
3 1 8-08 and are provided in ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 22.6.8. Recommen­ tendons are required by ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 8.7.5 .6, to be through
dations for the use of shearbands for two-way shear strength the region bounded by the longitudinal reinforcement of the
were introduced in ACI 352. 1 R. The limited test data avail­ columns in each direction.
able (Kosut 1 977; Pillai et al. 1 982) do not show beneficial For lift-slab construction, the same general details of
effects on shear strength resulting from the use of nonpre­ tendon distribution apply and provisions should be made
stressed shear reinforcement with anchorage device details for tendons to pass through or over the lifting heads. Even
such as conventional headed studs in post-tensioned flat though no tendons are provided in one direction between
plates. The use of headed shear studs or stirrup reinforce­ bands, the maximum spacing of tendons normal to bands
ment with modified anchorage details has been shown to ensures one-way reinforcement for this part of the slab.
increase shear strength (Dilger and Ghali 1 9 8 1 ; Mokhtar et Except for small triangular sections adjacent to the slab edge
al. 1 985 ; Muller et al. 1 984; ACI 42 1 . 1 R; Pilakoutas and Li and closure strips, the area between bands is also prestressed
2003 ; Kang and Wallace 2008a; Kang and Park 2012). in both directions. For widely spaced tendons, consideration
3.3.5 Tendon and bonded reinforcement distribution and should be given to placing reinforcement similar to ACI 3 1 8
spacing-Within the limits of tendon distributions that (Fig. 3 . 3 . 5 . 1 ) in these triangular regions.
have been tested, research indicates that the moment and Recommended details for nonprestressed reinforcement
shear strength of two-way prestressed slabs is controlled are:
by total tendon strength in a given bay and by the amount a) Minimum bonded slab reinforcement As,min at columns
and location of nonprestressed reinforcement rather than by is As,min = 0.00075Acj; given in Table of ACI 3 1 8- 1 4,
horizontal tendon distribution (Ritz et al. 1 975 ; Bums and where Acf is the larger of cross-sectional areas of the slab­
Hemakom 1 97 7; Hemakom 1 975 ; Kosut et al. 1 985 ; Parme beam strips of the two orthogonal equivalent frames inter­
1 972; Cleland et al. 1 979). While it is important that some secting at the column (refer to 3 .3.3). At least four No. 5
tendons are located within the shear perimeter over columns, (No. 1 6) bars should be provided in each direction in nega­
distribution elsewhere is not critical, and any rational method tive moment areas at columns. The minimum area of bonded
that satisfies static equilibrium may be used. For uniform reinforcement parallel to the slab edge at exterior columns
loading, ACI 3 1 8- 1 4,, specifies that the maximum should be based on 0.00075Ac', where Ac' is the cross­
spacing of single tendons or groups of tendons in one direc­ sectional area of the slab, perpendicular to the slab edge,
tion shall not exceed eight times the slab thickness, with a between the center of the exterior span and the slab edge.
maximum spacing of 8h or 5 ft ( 1 .5 m). In addition, tendons b) Bonded reinforcement should be placed within a slab
are spaced to provide a minimum average prestress of 1 25 width between lines that are 1.5h outside opposite faces
psi (0.9 MPa) on the local slab section tributary to the tendon of columns (ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 8.7.5. 6.3). Maximum spacing of
or tendon group, the section being one-half of the spacing these bars is 12 in. (300 mm).
on either side of the center of the tendon or tendon group.
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s s

Length� s

Added shrinkage and temperature reinforcement

Shrinkage and temperature tendon (typical)

Fig. 3. 3.5.1 Plan view at slab edge showing added shrinkage and temperature reinforce­
ment (A CI 318-14, Fig. R 7. 7. 6. 3.2)

c) The minimum length for negative moment bars is one­ forcement of the column, and the anchorage shall, according
sixth the clear span on each side of support. Refer to Item (f) to ACI 318, be located beyond the column centroid and
for development considerations. away from the anchored span. In case this provision cannot
d) Where service load positive moment produces stress be satisfied, alternative structural integrity bonded reinforce­
exceeding 2"ifc' psi (0.17"ifc ' MPa), minimum bonded rein­ ment is provided by means of bottom reinforcement satis­
forcement is given by Eq. ( of this document or ACI fying ACI 318-14, This alternative provision first
318-14 Table appeared inACI 318-08. ACI 318-14, R8., notes that
the placement of tendons to satisfy structural integrity provi­
As,min = Nj0.5/y ( sions additionally prevents bursting through the top of the
as discussed in 3.3.3.
e) The minimum reinforcement for pos1t1ve moment, 3.4-Beams
when required, should have a length at least one-third the Beams are addressed in ACI 318-14 Chapter 9. The
clear span, with the bars centered in the positive moment chapter organization provides design limits, design strength,
area. Refer to Item (f) for development considerations. required resistance, reinforcement limits, and reinforcing
f) Where bonded reinforcement is required along with detailing.
unbonded tendons to satisfy strength requirements, in addi­ 3.4.1 Beam tendon layout-To maintain the tendon profile,
tion to minimum A5,,;, this reinforcement is to be developed the tendon should be supported along its length. Bundles of
in conformance withACI 318-14 Chapter 25. two to four single-strand tendons should be tied to minimum
g) Some licensed design professionals provide a contin­ No. 3 (No. 10) stirrups or support bars at a recommended
uous bottom mat of nonprestressed reinforcement in maximum spacing of 2 ft 6 in. (760 mm) on centers. Bundles
two-way slabs regardless of the bottom tensile stress to of five or six single-strand tendons should be tied to minimum
mitigate cracking. This reinforcement can be used to satisfy No. 4 (No. 15) stirrups or support bars at a recommended
serviceability and strength requirements and for tendon maximum spacing of 3 ft 6 in. (1.1 m) on center. Bundles
supports in one direction. of more than six tendons are not recommended. Bundles
3.3.6 Minimum shear reinforcement-A minimum amount should also be limited to two layers. More than two layers
of shear reinforcement is necessary in all post-tensioned or bundles of more than five tendons increase the possibility
two-way joists. The shear reinforcement additionally of tendons riding on top of, below, or between the adjacent
provides a means of supporting the tendon design profile in tendons when stressed due to the initial space taken by the
the beam cross section. Where tendons are not adequately sheathing and coating. This size and spacing of stirrups is
supported by stirrups, local deviations of the tendons from recommended even when the magnitude of the shear stress
the assumed parabolic curvature can result during placement is such that no stirrups are required under the provisions of
of the concrete. When such tendons are stressed, the devia­ ACI 318-14, 9.7 .6.2. In most cases, closer stirrup spacing
tions from the intended curvature tend to straighten out, and will be required to satisfy the shear reinforcement require­
this process can impose large tensile stresses that can result ments of ACI 318.
in cracking. 3.4.2 T-beam flange width-The effective flange width b1
3.3.7 Structural integrity-ACT 318-14,, requires of post-tensioned T-beams in bending may be taken in accor­
that at least two tendons with 1/2 in. (13 mm) diameter or dance with ACI 318-14,, or may be based on elastic
larger strand should be placed in each direction at columns. analysis procedures. Flange widths exceeding those speci­
Tendons are placed in the region bounded by the longitudinal fied for nonprestressed reinforced concrete T-beams in ACI
reinforcement of the column and should be anchored within 318-14,, have been used with satisfactory results. The
the region of the column bounded by the longitudinal rein- effective flange width for axial forces near post-tensioning
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I I \ I
I I \ I I


�� � �
� 1-1 I \ I I I
�\ , ...-, � "�Oo \I II (a) TENDONS (b) TENDONS

Fig. 3. 5-Plan view showing tendon layouts: (a) crack­

inhibiting layout; and (b) crack-promoting layout.

the point toward which all other points move, to mitigate

restraint-to-shortening effects. For irregular layouts where a
small slab area cannot deform with the deformations of the
Fig. 3. 4.2-E.ffectiveflange widthsfor normal forces.
adj oining slab, it is advisable to provide a complete struc­
tural separation between the two slab areas. Small areas may
anchorages may be assumed in accordance with Fig. 3 .4.2 as
be designed as nonprestressed reinforced concrete when it is
2b" + bw. The transitional width 2b" +bw increases, as seen in determined that post-tensioning cannot be used effectively.
Fig. 3 .4.2, until it reaches the effective flange width bf or the
b) Where slab lengths between construction joints exceed
edge of the member. approximately 1 5 0 ft (45 m), consideration should be given
Once selected, the design flange width should remain to the effects of slab shortening on restraining walls and
consistent throughout the design for gravity loads, including columns. In such cases, the structure may be segmented with
section properties for flexural concrete stress calculations closure strips or temporary joints to minimize the movement
and compression widths for strength design. Different flange
and restraint developed during post-tensioning and due to
widths may be appropriate in design for effective member early volume changes. Reinforcement, either prestressed or
stiffness in the lateral load analysis. nonprestressed, should be provided to achieve continuity
when the closure strip is closed with concrete. These strips
3.5-Effects of su pporting walls and columns on
should preferably be left open for a sufficient length of time
prestress forces
to help minimize the effects of slab shortening. Allowing
When columns and walls have significant stiffness in the the slab to creep and shrink for 30 to 60 days is sometimes
direction of prestress, consideration should be given to the adequate. The design of reinforcement should be based on
effects of the mutual restraining actions of the slab, columns, the amount of reinforcement required to achieve continuity,
and walls (Aalami and Barth 1989). These restraining
taking into consideration the deflection or camber that is
actions may result in cracks in either the slab, the supporting expected to occur before casting the closure strip. Tempo­
elements, or both. This effect can be quite serious for long rary shoring can be used to ensure full continuity for both
slabs with high shrinkage and creep (Branson and Chris­ dead and live loads.
tiason 1 97 1 ). Likewise, the effects of the prestress forces on c) Detail the connection between the flexural elements and
stiff supporting elements should be investigated. Design and
columns to permit movement. Use this method with care to
construction options are available to reduce the effects of the ensure that it is effective and easily constructed, because
shortening on both the slab and the supporting elements. The such details often cause more problems than they solve.
moments or stresses that occur over time due to creep and
d) Improve the layout of bonded nonprestressed reinforce­
shrinkage shortening are reduced approximately 50 percent ment or add bonded nonprestressed reinforcement. Bonded
compared to the results of elastic analysis due to creep reinforcement placed parallel to restraining walls is effective
(Ghali et a!. 1 969). Dimensional changes due to tempera­ in distributing potential restraint cracks. A reinforcement
ture variation occur over a relatively short period, and ratio of 0. 1 5 percent with bars placed half at the top and
their effect would not be reduced by creep of the concrete. half at the bottom of the slab over a width of approximately
The restraining effects due to dimensional changes can be one-third of the span normal to the wall can be considered
accommodated in the following ways: adequate for this purpose. Potential diagonal cracks at slab
a) Design or locate supporting elements to minimize comers, reentrant slab comers, and comers of walls can
restraint. Relatively long, flexible columns may reduce be similarly distributed by providing either diagonal or
restraint forces to the point where the forces can be accom­
orthogonal bonded reinforcement. Overlapping of tendons
modated by the column. This sometimes can be achieved is recommended around openings to counteract potential
by lowering the column footing. Lateral-load-resisting diagonal cracks at the corners of the openings in accordance
elements can often be located near the center of movement,
with Fig. 3 . 5 .

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e) Sand pocket column bases have also been used in alle­ uted more uniformly across the section. For intermediate
viating volume change movement. A sand pocket column anchorage devices, the anchorage zone includes the disturbed
base is a temporary hinge created at the bottom of selected regions ahead of and behind the anchorage devices. The
columns that are most susceptible to volume change effects­ general zone includes the local zone.
that is, those furthest from the center of rigidity, exception­ For the local zone, bearing plates are defined as either
ally stiff columns, or both. This temporary hinge is created basic or special anchorage devices. Basic anchorage devices
by blocking out the bottom of the column form by filling a are typically large, stiff, bearing plates that develop bearing
prescribed height, typically 1 to 2 ft (300 to 600 mm), with stresses less than 0.4[,! and can function adequately with no
sand that is removed after the forms are removed, leaving a confining reinforcement. The requirements for basic devices
length of column supported only by the vertical reinforce­ are specified in 5 . 1 of AASHTO (20 14). Special
ment. Similar to closure strips in the slab, the pocket is left anchorage devices are typically smaller bearing plates with
open for an allotted period to allow elastic shortening and more complex geometries, multiple bearing planes, integral
early-age shrinkage and creep in the floor to dissipate before wedge plates, and stiffening ribs, which develop high bearing
the pocket is cast. The capacity of the vertical reinforcement stresses and require confining reinforcement to function
to support the anticipated column loads expected prior to properly. Special devices are required to pass acceptance
casting the pocket and restoring full column capacity should tests outlined in 1 0.3.2 ofAASHTO (20 1 5 ).
be verified. A sand pocket is accounted for in design by For single-strand anchors, ACI 3 1 8 allows anchorage
assuming that all elastic shortening and early-age shrinkage devices that meet the bearing strength requirements of ACI
and creep has been dissipated through the temporary hinge. 423.7. Anchorage dimensions should be such that average
The column is then only subjected to volume change that bearing stresses on concrete should not exceed permissible
occurs after the pocket is cast. concrete compressive stress at transfer, given as
f) The effects of elastic shortening, shrinkage, and creep
of the floor system cause a sustained shortening load in
the structure; however, the shortening from shrinkage and
creep takes place gradually over time. For typical columns,
the effect of shortening on column design is lessened due
J cp

:::; 1 .25 ;ci
(4. l a)

to creep and micro-cracking of columns. Thus, for cast-in­ and at service

place post-tensioned structures with typical columns, the
computed strain values for elastic shortening, shrinkage,
and creep can be reduced by dividing by a factor of 2 for (4. l b)
analysis and design, as suggested by Fintel ( 1 985). Further
consideration of the effects of floor system shortening may
be necessary for structures with more rigid elements such as where fcP is permissible concrete compressive stress; fc/ is
walls and large columns. strength of concrete at time of initial prestress; fc' is speci­
In two-way flat plates, the average prestress is often on fied concrete compressive strength; Ab' is maximum area
the order of 1 2 5 psi (0.86 MPa). Prestress of this magnitude of the portion of the concrete anchorage surface that is
does not usually produce large dimensional changes due to geometrically similar to and concentric with the area of the
elastic shortening or concrete creep. Even at this prestress anchorage; and Ab is net bearing plate area.
level, however, care should be exercised when the building The average bearing stress P!Ab in the concrete is calcu­
dimensions or the dimensions between joints become lated by dividing the force P of the prestressing steel by the
large, or when the flexural elements are supported by rigid net bearing area Ab between concrete and bearing plate or
elements that could produce substantial restraint forces if not other structural element of the anchorage that has the func­
properly detailed. tion of transferring force into the concrete.
Tests have shown that to function properly at this stress
CHAPTER 4-ANCHORAGE ZONES level, with an acceptable factor of safety against failure,
backup bars are required as described in ACI 3 1 8- 1 4,
4.1 -Anchorage zone reinforcement (Sanders et a!. 1 987; Falconer and Wilson 1 988).
Anchorage zone reinforcement should be designed in An acceptable detail is illustrated in Fig. 4. l b . The two No.
accordance with ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 25 .9. This section considers 4 (No. 13) horizontal bars are usually adequate for single­
the anchorage zone to be divided into two zones, as seen in strand anchors.
Fig. 4. l a. For more complex general zones, ACI 3 1 8 allows the
a) The local zone is the rectangular prism, or equiva­ following methods for analysis and design:
lent rectangular prism for circular or oval anchorages, of a) Equilibrium-based plasticity models; for example,
concrete immediately surrounding the anchorage device and strut-and-tie models
any associated confining reinforcement. b) Linear stress analysis including finite element analysis
b) The general zone in post-tensioned members is the or equivalent
portion of the member through which the concentrated c) Simplified equations where applicable
prestress force is transferred to the concrete and distrib-
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3h/8 to h/2

Plan view
s h/2
zones (a) Sectional #3 or larger bars
elevation Hairpins req u i red if s :5; 1 2 in.
A-A #4 or larger straight bars
parallel to slab edge and
enclosed in hairpins
� 6 in. extension

I. ==

Sectional elevation Anchorage spacing, s

Fig. 4. 1a-Local andgeneral zones (AC1318-14, R25.9. 1 . 1 a.)

For design, ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 25.9.2. 1 , stipulates a load factor

of 1 .2 be used on the maximum tendon jacking force. The Edge of slab
strength reduction factor for post-tensioning anchorage
zones for normalweight concrete is 0.85 (ACI 3 1 8- 1 4 Table A
2 1 .2 . 1). Additional guidance for anchorage zone design can
be found in Sanders et al. ( 1 987), Breen et al. ( 1 994), and
Post-Tensioning Institute (2000a). - - <t Tendon (typ. )
Anchorage zone reinforcement can be spirals, stirrups,
orthogonal reinforcement, headed shear stud reinforcement,
or combinations of these. Groups of anchorages should be
restrained with reinforcement in a direction perpendicular to
(b) Plan view
tendons and extending through the entire group of anchor­
ages. All orthogonal reinforcement should be mechani­ Fig. 4. 1 b-Anchorage zone reinforcement for groups of 112
cally anchored around reinforcement running parallel to in. (13 mm) diameter 2 70k (1860 MPa) single-strand tendon
the tendons. Spirals, stirrups, or orthogonal reinforcement anchorages in slabs (A CI 318-14, R25. 9. 4.4. 6). (Note: 1 in.
should be fully developed. The clear distance between bars = 25. 4 mm.)
or pitch of spirals used as anchorage zone reinforcement
should be not less than the maximum size of the aggregate loads only, and in horizontal diaphragms connecting lateral­
plus 1/2 in. ( 1 3 mm) or 1 - 1 /2 in. (40 mm). load-resisting elements under earthquake loading, it limits
the amount of prestress force in frame members resisting
earthquake forces.
ACI 3 1 8- 14, 1 8.6.3 .5, states
5.1 -Earthquake loading
5.1 . 1 Code requirements-Most concrete structures Prestressing tendons shall be permitted in flexural
located in areas subject to seismic activity that include post­ members of frames provided the average prestress
tensioned elements in the gravity load-carrying structural J;,c, calculated for an area equal to the member's
system are provided with shearwalls, braced frames, or shortest cross-sectional dimension multiplied by
nonprestressed special moment frames for resisting lateral the perpendicular dimension, must be the lesser
forces due to wind and earthquakes. The International of 500 psi (3 .45 MPa) or fc'/ 1 0 at locations of
Building Code (International Code Council 20 1 5) contains nonlinear action where prestressing tendons are
minimum seismic design criteria based on the requirements used in members of frames.
and commentary published by the Structural Engineers
Association of California ( 1 999), NEHRP ( 1 99 1 ), or both. Figure 5 . 1 . 1 illustrates the applicable cross-sectional area.
While the International Building Code (International Code ACI 3 1 8- 14, 1 and d, require that for members in
Council 20 1 5) permits the use of unhanded post-tensioning which prestressing tendons are used together with mild rein-
tendons in structural elements carrying gravity or vertical forcement to resist earthquake-induced forces, prestressing
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external precast concrete moment frames using unbonded

post-tensioning tendons as part of the primary beam rein­
forcement. Code requirements were satisfied with perfor­
mance criteria. One such building, the Paramount Apart­
Applicable area ments at 3rd and Mission Streets in San Francisco, was, at
is show n as � h
the time it was built, the tallest concrete building in Seismic
Design Categories D, E, and F (Englekirk 2002).
ACI 550.3 and ACI ITG-5.2 both address specific perfor­
mance and qualification requirements for specific applica­
tions of unbonded post-tensioning. ACI 550.3 provides
design guidance for precast post-tensioned frame struc­
Fig. 5. 1. 1-Area ofdetermining maximum prestress force in tures, whereas ACI ITG-5.2 reports design methodology for
seismic frame T-sections. precast post-tensioned shear wall structures.
5.1 .2 Behavior-Under-reinforced prestressed concrete
9.5 elements-that is, tension controlled in accordance with
ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 2 1 .2.2-can generally satisfy ductility require­
ments of the International Building Code (International Code
Council 201 5), Section 1 9 10.5.2 (Parme 1 972). Figure 5 . 1 .2
(Hawkins 1 9 8 1 ) shows that after low-intensity reversed
5.5 Prestressed slab
cyclic loading of interior column-slab specimens, conven­
Reinforced slab with integral
4.5 tionally reinforced slabs required the addition of closely­
beam stirrups
:;2 3.5 Reinforced slab without stirrups spaced stirrup reinforcement to attain ductility compa­
.Q 2.5 rable to that of a post-tensioned slab. Because strains in an
� 1 .5
unbonded tendon are distributed over the tendon length,
...J the tendons would not be expected to be stressed beyond
the elastic range, even in a severe earthquake. As a result,
under large member deformation, unbonded tendons absorb,
store, and release substantial amounts of energy elastically;
·2.5 however, they do not dissipate much energy in the form of
·1.0 1 .0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
heat or member degradation. This elastic response results in
Edge deflection, in.
a substantial decrease in associated damage to the member.
(1 in. � 25.4 mm)
ASCE/SEI 7 requires that slabs and diaphragm collector
(1 kip � 4448 N) elements and the connections to the vertical seismic-force­
resisting system use of an overstrength factor Q0 to promote
Fig. 5. 1. 2-Comparison oflatera/ load-edge deflection rela­ elastic slab/diaphragm response and to limit the inelastic
tionships for reinforced and prestressed concrete slab-inte­ behavior to the elements specifically designed and detailed
rior co�umn specimen (Hawkins 1 981). for ductile behavior. Some designers have extrapolated this
requirement to the entire diaphragm design, where possible,
tendons shall not provide more than one-fourth of the
and unbonded post-tensioning often provides for this without
strength for both positive moments and negative moments
any added cost to the structure.
at the joint face and shall extend through exterior joints
Laboratory tests of post-tensioned structural elements
and be anchored at the exterior face of the joint or beyond.
have indicated that energy dissipation characteristics under
Anchorages for tendons should pass dynamic and fatigue
seismic loadings conforming to accepted standards can be
testing requirements. Anchorage assemblies are to with­
achieved by appropriate combinations of prestressed and
stand, without failure, a minimum of 50 cycles of loading
nonprestressed bonded reinforcement (Chung 1973 ; Miya­
ranging between 40 and 85 percent of the minimum speci­
moto 1 973 ; Inomata 1 9 7 1 ; Blakeley and Park 1 9 7 1 ; Park
fied strength of the tendon.
and Thompson 1 977; Priestley and Tao 1993 ; Priestley and
The International Building Code (International Code
MacRae 1 994). In addition to these laboratory tests, which
Council 20 1 5) and ACI 3 1 8 contain provisions that all
deal with members having both bonded and unbonded
framing elements not required by design to be part of the
tendons, several mid-rise and high-rise structures incor­
lateral-force-resisting system should be capable of resisting
porating unbonded tendons in earthquake-resisting frame
moments induced by the displacements of the structure
members resisted high lateral forces with no structural
resulting from lateral forces in addition to the moments
distress during the 1 9 7 1 San Fernando, the 1 989 Lorna
caused by vertical loads; this applies to prestressed concrete
Prieta, and the 1 994 Northridge earthquakes (Watry 1 994).
elements as well as to those constructed of other materials.
In the design of these structures, the contribution of the
Many tall concrete buildings, some with more than 40
tendons as tensile reinforcement under seismic loading was
stories, have been built in recent years in California with
neglected, but the moments induced in the frame by tendon
unbonded post-tensioned flat-plate floor systems and
action were considered. Grade 60 (Grade 420) reinforcing

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bars were provided for moment capacity and to supply where.ft,, is the stress in prestressed reinforcement at nominal
energy dissipation. Because the tendons were not stressed strength; fse is the effective stress in prestressed reinforce­
beyond the elastic range, they reduced the deterioration of ment after allowance for all prestress losses; p" is the ratio
shear capacity by providing a nearly constant shear friction of prestressed reinforcement Ap,lbdp; and ft,y is the specified
force at beam-column joints. yield strength of prestressing reinforcement, psi (MPa). In
Post-tensioned beams are commonly proportioned to be all cases,.ft,, should not exceed.ft,y.
more slender than conventionally-reinforced members. The Tests have shown that Eq. (6.3a) overestimates the amount
resulting reduction in beam stiffness is offset by the increase of stress increase in unbonded tendons in one-way slabs,
in stiffness resulting from the reduction in flexural cracking two-way flat plates, and flat slabs with higher span-depth
and reduced inelastic hinge lengths, such that the overall ratios (Mojtahedi and Gamble 1 978). For members with
performance of the frame compares favorably with conven­ span-depth ratios greater than 35,.ft,, is calculated using Eq.
tional ductile frames. (6.3b) or ACI 3 1 8- 1 4 Table 1 for design stress in
Results of high-intensity reversed cyclic loading tests unbonded tendons
(Hawkins and Ishizukra 1 988) of specimens representing
concrete ductile moment-resistant frames with unbonded {' + 1 0, 000 + � ::; ls
.t:ps (psi) = lse {' e + 30, 000
post-tensioned beams indicated similar results to specimens 300p p
containing only nonprestressed reinforcement. This report f' (6.3b)
J:ps (MPa) = + 70 + :S: + 2 1 0
recommends that the average prestress, based on the rectangular 300p p
cross-sectional area of the beam, should be limited to approxi­
mately 350 psi (2.4 MPa). The stiffness after seismic loading Research (Bums et al. 1 99 1 ) indicates that redistribution
ofthe post-tensioned frame specimens was larger than the stiff­ over time, or equalizing of unbonded tendon stresses fse, is
ness of the non-post-tensioned specimen. Post-tensioning also not fully achieved. This research recommends that Eq. (6.3a)
improved the behavior of the beam-column joint. and (6.3b) be used to calculate .ft,, at each individual design
Specifications for anchorage systems for unbonded tendons section along the member, known as the variable force
(Post-Tensioning Institute 2000a; ACI 423.7) contain static method, rather than averaging the values between positive
and fatigue test requirements that are more severe than would and negative moment sections in each span.
be anticipated in an earthquake of high intensity. Variable force along the tendon is a function of the type of
The construction failure of a flat plate lift-slab structure tendon, total wobble and curvature, and construction care.
demonstrated the integrity of unbonded tendon anchorages Bondy ( 1 992) indicates that for most typical configurations,
even after collapse of the structure, despite the tensile failure designs using variable force will not vary signific antly from
of the strand and shattering of the concrete immediately designs using the constant force method, where the design
ahead of the anchorages (Suarez and Schupack 1 988). at all points along the member is based on the average force
required to produce the initial tendon elongation, less long­
CHAPTER 6-DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS term losses. Given the Bondy ( 1 992) work and the over-
whelming experience with design of buildings using this
6,1 -General method, the average force method is generally accepted for
i Strength and serviceability limitations, including stresses,
most building configurations (Kang and Wallace 2008b ). In
are to conform to the provisions of ACI 3 1 8, but some some cases, such as unusually long tendons, tendons with
recommendations are offered that differ from ACI 3 1 8 to more angular changes in the profile, or tendons with greater
provide equivalent strength and serviceability, or relate to friction, the engineer may opt for a variable force design and
areas not covered by ACI 3 1 8. specify the force requirements accordingly.
ACI 3 1 8 eliminated the requirement that the tendon stress
6.2-Design strength after transfer be less than 0.82.ft,y or less than 0. 74fr,11• Whereas
The strength of prestressed members are to be at least this condition could theoretically exist in the interior of a
equal to the required strength provisions contained in the beam away from anchor locations, it was not observed to
member chapters of ACI 3 1 8 . result in any field performance issues.
Additional studies have been conducted to refine the afore­
6.3-Tendon stress at factored load mentioned equations that appear in ACI 3 1 8. MacGregor
Equation (6.3a) or Table 1 of ACI 3 1 8- 1 4 was ( 1 989) constructed and tested a one-fourth-scale, three-span
developed primarily from test results of beams and is limited continuous segmental box-girder bridge, post-tensioned with
to members with span-depth ratios of 35 or less (Mattock et external tendons. His measurements and observations influ-
al. 1 97 1 ) enced the development of the AASHTO (2003 , 2014) equa­
tion for the stress increase in unbonded tendons at ultimate .
.t:ps (psi) =
J+se + 1 0, 000 + � ::; + 60, 000 The derivation of the equation is based on the assumption
l OOp p that, at ultimate, a simple span beam or slab prestressed with
f' (6.3a) unbonded tendons will form a mechanism comprising two
.t:ps (MPa) = I'
lse + 70 +
_ c_ :S: fse + 420
100pp rigid members connected at a hinge. All tendon elongation
is assumed to be equal to the length of the opening hinge.
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Naaman et a!. (2002) published a document on this subject. Table 6.4-Approximate prestress loss values
The methodology and prediction equation proposed in this (Post-Tensioning Institute 1990)
study is an attempt to provide a rational solution for both Prestress loss, psi (MPa)
steel- and fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) tendons. The Post-tensioning material Beams and joists
proposed equation accounts for numerous parameters that are
Stress-relieved 270k strand and
not entirely covered in other codes, and accommodates the 30,000 (207) 35,000 (240)
stress-relieved 240k wire
combined presence of reinforcing steel and prestressing rein­
forcement, the span-depth ratio, nonmetallic reinforcements, Bar 20,000 ( 1 38) 25,000 ( 1 72)

and differences in load patterns. It also provides a theoretical Low-relaxation 270k strand 1 5 ,000 ( 1 03) 20,000 ( 1 38)
framework in cases where unusual conditions may be encoun­
tered. The document was reviewed but not accepted by Joint
the total concrete cross section, as defined in ACI 3 1 8- 1 4,
ACI-ASCE Committee 423 due to its complexity.
8.6.2. 1 . There has been satisfactory experience in one- and
two-way slabs with an average prestress of at least 1 25 psi
6.4-Prestress losses
(0.9 MPa). Lower values have been used successfully for
Prestress losses consider friction, elastic shortening,
short-span applications. These short-span applications can
wedge seating, creep, shrinkage, and relaxation, and should
be characterized as having flexural stresses substantially
below 6'ifc, psi (O.S'ifc,' MPa), minimal volume-change
be calculated by the design engineer and stated on the

design drawings. Zia et a!. (1979) made it possible to calcu­

effects and vertical element stiffness such that restraint to
slab shortening is minimized. It should be noted that the
late reasonably accurate values for the various code-defined
sources of loss without excessive effort. For preliminary
1 25 psi (0.9 MPa) minimum average compressive stress
design, the values of prestress loss given in Table 6.4 may
for two-way slabs in ACI 3 1 8- 14, 8.6.2. 1 , was based on
be used instead of more detailed loss calculations (Zia et a!.
punching shear criteria (Bums and Hemakom 1 977) and not
1 979). The loss values in Table 6.4 are based on the use of
flexural behavior.
normalweight concrete and on average values of concrete
ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 8.6.2 . 1 , clarified that the 125 psi (0.9 MPa)
strength, prestress level, and exposure conditions. Signifi­
minimum prestress must apply at all slab sections along the
cant deviations in loss values have little effect on strength or
tendon group. The 3 1 8- 1 4 Commentary states
performance, because even large variations in losses up to
1 00 percent are relatively small percentages of tendon effec­
If the slab thickness varies along the span of a slab
tiveness and strength stress levels. A complete discussion of
or perpendicular to the span of a slab, resulting in
prestress losses and their interaction with strength design
a varying slab cross section, the 1 2 5 psi minimum
can be found in ACI 423 . 1 0R.
effective prestress and the maximum tendon spacing
Prestress losses may vary significantly above or below the
is required at every cross section tributary to the
values in Table 6.4 in cases where the concrete is stressed at
tendon or group of tendons along the span, consid­
low strengths, where concrete is highly prestressed, or in very
ering both the thinner and the thicker slab sections.
dry or very wet exposure conditions. The loss values in Table
This may result in higher than the minimum he in
6.4 do not include losses due to friction or wedge seating. Some
thinner cross sections, and tendons spaced at less
portion of the friction loss can usually be offset by use of
than the maximum in thicker cross sections along
temporary initial tendon stresses exceeding 0.70hu· Special
a span with varying thickness, due to the practical
consideration, such as detailed friction loss calculations,
aspects of tendon placement in the field.
more precise wobble and curvature coefficients, and resul­
tant reductions in effective tendon forces, should be given to
This provision requires the minimum level of prestress in
friction losses whenever tendons in excess of approximately
changes of slab thickness, drop panels, and shear panels.
100 ft (30 m) long are stressed from only one end.
In view of the amount and distribution of bonded rein­
For calculation of friction losses for unbonded strand
forcement required in one-way slabs as discussed in 3 .2. 1
tendons with post-tensioning coating in plastic sheathing
and 3 .2.2, minimum average prestress is considered less
using the formulas in ACI 423 . 1 0R, the friction factor J.l,
significant for one-way slabs than for two-way slabs, which
usually ranging from 0.05 to 0 . 1 5 , and the wobble factor K,
usually do not have bonded positive moment reinforce­
usually ranging from 5 to 1 5 x 1 0-4/ft ( 15 to 50 x 1 0-4/m),
ment in interior panels. For applications such as parking
can be used for design calculations. It may be necessary
structures, where control of cracking is significant from
to obtain more precise values for the friction-factor and
the standpoint of improving durability against application
wobble-factor coefficients to calculate tendon elongations
of deicing chemicals, average prestress levels of the order
during stressing for comparing tendon force as measured by
200 psi ( 1 .4 MPa) in each direction are recommended. In
gauge pressure and tendon elongation.
this case, the designer is cautioned to implement available
measures to mitigate cracking that can result from restraint
6.5-Average prestress
to axial shortening, which could be aggravated if providing
6.5.1 Minimum average prestress-The average prestress
200 psi ( 1 .4 MPa) results in an increase in prestress force
is defined as the total prestress force, after losses, divided by
(refer to 3.5).


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6.5.2 Maximum average prestress-A high value of negative moment bars need only extend one-sixth the clear
average prestress may induce excessive shortening due to span on each side of the support. Restraint-to-shortening
elastic deformation and creep. Values of average prestress cracking has been observed in the space between the ends
in slabs higher than 300 psi (2. 1 MPa) should be used of the top and bottom bars detailed in accordance with ACI
with caution and, in such cases, available means should 3 1 8- 1 4, Some licensed design professionals extend
be employed to mitigate the effects of cracking due to the at least one-third of the bottom reinforcement in single-span
restraint of shortening. Detailing, as discussed in 3 . 5, to slabs or one-fourth of the reinforcement in continuous span
ensure that restraint of immediate and long-term shortening slabs to the full span length as an added element for struc­
does not interfere with the imposition of the calculated tural integrity.
average prestress in the concrete, is of increasing importance In accordance with ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 7 .7 .4.2 or 7 .7.4.3, bonded
as the average prestress is increased. reinforcement required for strength in both beams and slabs
is required to be detailed in accordance with the provisions
6.6-Serviceability requ i rements of ACI 3 1 8-14 Chapter 25, with sufficient development
Design for performance at service loads should consider length for the positive and negative moment bars, to ensure
the factors included in ACI 3 1 8- 1 4 Chapter 24. Specified that the bonded reinforcement will function as an indepen­
limits on calculated service level deflections are provided dent load-carrying system.
in ACI 3 1 8-14 Table 24.2.2. The deflection limits in each 6.7.2 Two-way members-In the case of two-way slabs
member chapter of ACI 3 1 8 are based on calculated deflec­ of the usual proportions, catastrophic loading beyond design
tions only and not measurements made on the actual struc­ capacity in one bay is generally not as critical to other spans
ture. Deflections can be influenced by many construction as in one-way systems. For two-way slabs, the load-carrying
factors that are beyond the control of the designer. Conse­ capacity of the tendons in each direction should be consid­
quently, field surveys may be unable to isolate deflections ered. Tests (Post-Tensioning Institute 1 977; Ritz et a!. 1 975 ;
caused by applied loads from deflections resulting from Burns and Hemakom 1977; Hemakom 1 975) have demon­
construction practices. strated that two-way flexural behavior of slabs with signifi­
ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 24.2.3, requires that the immediate deflec­ cant loss of prestress force still has adequate strength. This
tions of two-way prestressed slabs be calculated using favorable behavior is recognized in ACI 3 1 8 and the Interna­
methods or formulas for elastic deflections. ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, tional Building Code (International Code Council 20 1 5), and
R.24.2.23, states that the calculations of deflections for two­ some local building codes by a reduction of the amount of
way slabs is challenging, even if linear elastic behavior can bonded reinforcement required in comparison with one-way
be assumed. Simplified approaches to deflection calculations systems. Additional information regarding crack control in
are available (Scanlon 1 999; Chao and Naaman 2006). continuous post-tensioned slabs is presented in Aalami and
Barth ( 1 989).
6.7-Continuous members
6.7.1 One-way members-For slabs or beams continuous 6.8-Corrosion protection
over two or more spans with one-way prestressing only, Unbonded prestressing tendons are required to be
a loading condition or fire exposure that causes failure of protected against corrosion during fabrication, transit,
all the tendons in one span will lead to a loss of prestress storage, construction, and after installation. ACI 3 1 8- 1 4,
and much of the load-carrying capacity in the other spans. 20.6.3, indicates minimum requirements for corrosion
Consideration should be given to the consequence of such protection and requires encapsulated tendons. RecommeJ,l­
a catastrophic failure in any specific span to the overall dations for encapsulated tendons in prior editions of ACI
stability of the structural system. ACI 3 1 8 has responded 3 1 8 varied, as did the description of extreme environments.
to this concern and to other considerations, such as crack More detailed requirements for encapsulated tendons are
width limitation, in ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 9.6.2. This section speci­ found in ACI 423.7. ACI 423.4R provides a history of the
fies minimum bonded reinforcement equal to 0.40 percent development of corrosion protection methods and a descrip­
of the area of that part of the cross section between the tion of problems that can arise due to inadequate corrosion
flexural tension face and the center of gravity of the gross protection systems.
section. Grade 60 (Grade 420) reinforcement should be used ACI 423 . 7 requires that all anchorage assemblies be
for this purpose. This amount of bonded reinforcement is encapsulated for tendons used in applications governed by
approximately equal to the minimum flexural reinforcement either ACI 3 1 8 or ACI 350 to protect against corrosion.
requirement for nonprestressed slabs (ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 7.6. 1 ). The encapsulation includes a watertight connection of the
One-way slabs can also incorporate unbonded partial sheathing to the anchorage, and a watertight closure of the
length tendons, lapped tendons, or tendons with interme­ wedge cavity and prestressing steel. For tendons used in
diate anchorages that would serve to limit the extent of the other applications, it is permissible to use non-encapsulated
loss of load-carrying capacity. Reinforcement required by anchorages unless otherwise specified by the licensed design
ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 7 .6.2, is not required to satisfy Chapter 25 of professional. Once fabricated, tendons are to be protected
ACI 3 1 8- 1 4; the top and bottom reinforcement is not even from exposure to moisture, deicing salts, and other corrosive
required to overlap. In ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 7. 7 .4.4, positive moment elements during handling, shipping, and storage. Further
bars need only be L/3 in length, centered in the span, and guidance for the protection of tendons during storage, transit,
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and installation can be found in Post-Tensioning Institute restrained slabs, there are no steel temperature limitations,
(2000a). Concrete cover for unbonded tendons should be but the heat transmission end-point temperature limita­
detailed considering the factors discussed in 7 .4. tion (250°F [ 1 40°C]) is the same as for unrestrained slabs.
Fire tests of axially restrained slabs indicate that slabs with
6.9-Fire resistance unbonded post-tensioned reinforcement behave approxi­
Fire resistance ratings can be determined in accordance mately the same during a fire as reinforced concrete slabs
with the heat transmission and dimensional provisions of of the same dimensions. Accordingly, the required cover for
PCI MNL- 1 24- 1 1 , 6.9. 1 , or by the rational design proce­ post-tensioning tendons in axially restrained slabs could be
dures for determining fire endurance discussed in PCI essentially the same as the cover specified by the Interna­
MNL- 1 24- 1 1 , 6.9 .2. Additional references are found in Post­ tional Building Code (International Code Council 20 1 5) for
Tensioning Institute (2000b ), ACI 2 1 6 . 1 , and ASTM E 1 1 9. mild reinforcement in slabs. Applying these criteria to post­
ASTM E 1 1 9 includes a guide for classifying construction tensioned slabs, the suggested slab thickness is provided
as restrained or unrestrained. A restrained member may in Table 6.9 . 1 . 1 a and cover is as recommended in Table
develop considerable axial forces due to the lateral stiff­ 6.9. l . l b (ACI 2 1 6 . 1 ; Bailey and Ellobody 2009).
ness of the supporting elements. This allows the member to 6.9.1 .2 Beams Minimum dimensions for beams with

arch and may improve its ability to support load. Similarly, post-tensioned reinforcement for various fire endurances are
rotational end restraint may assist load-carrying capacity. If functions of the types of steel, concrete, beam width, and
the supporting members are too flexible and cannot restrain cover. For restrained beams spaced more than 4 ft ( 1 .2 m)
the expansion of the member, or are incapable of resisting on center, the temperature of 800°F (430°C) for cold-drawn
the axial forces caused by the expansion of the member, the prestressing reinforcement should not be exceeded to achieve
member should be treated as unrestrained. a fire endurance classification of 1 hour or less. For classi­
6.9. 1 Minimum dimensions for various fire resistive fications longer than 1 hour, this temperature should not be
classifications exceeded for the first half of the classification period or 1
6.9. 1 . 1 Slabs-To meet minimum heat-transmission hour, whichever is longer. The recommended cover in Table
requirements-that is, a temperature rise of 250°F ( 1 40°C) 6.9. 1 .2 is based on these criteria. For post-tensioned beams
of the unexposed surface-the thickness requirements for or j oists less than 8 in. (200 mm) wide using strand tendons,
concrete slabs should be the same whether the concrete is ACI 2 1 6. 1 can be used. Beams or joists that are narrower
plain, reinforced, or prestressed. Table 6.9. 1 . 1 a gives the than 8 in. (200 mm) with post-tensioned high-strength alloy
slab thickness recommended for this purpose. The required steel bars should have the same cover as reinforced concrete
thickness for post-tensioning tendons in unrestrained slabs joists of the same size and fire endurance.
is determined by the elapsed time during a fire test until 6.9.1 .3 Anchorage device protection-The cover to the
the tendons reach a critical temperature. For cold-drawn prestressing reinforcement at the anchorage should be at least
prestressing steel, that temperature is 800°F (430°C). For 1/4 in. (6 mm) greater than that required in Tables 6.9. l . l b
and 6.9. 1 .2. Minimum cover to the reinforcement bearing
Table 6.9. 1 . 1 a-Suggested thickness requirements plate or anchor casting should be at least 1 in. (25 mm) in
for concrete slabs for fire endurance (From ACI beams and 3/4 in. (20 mm) in slabs.
216.1-14 Table 4.2) 6.9.2 Rational designforfire endurance Rational analyt­

Aggregate I hour, 1 - 1/2 hours, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, ical procedures for the determination of the fire endurance
type in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) of post-tensioned prestressed concrete structures have been
Carbonate 3.2 (80) 4.0 ( 1 0 1 ) 4 . 6 ( 1 16) 5.7 ( 1 45) 6.6 ( 1 67)
developed from evaluation of results of fire tests conducted
in accordance with the criteria for standard fire tests, ASTM
Siliceous 3.5 ( 8 1 ) 4.3 ( 1 09) 5.0 ( 1 27) 6.2 ( ! 57) 7.0 ( 1 77)
E 1 1 9. Basic data on the strength-temperature relationships
2.7 (69) 3.3 (84) 3 . 8 (97) 4.6 ( 1 1 9) 5.4 ( 1 37) for steel and concrete are used together with information
on temperatures within concrete beams and slabs during
Lighnyeight 2.5 (63) 3 . 1 (79) 3.6 (9 1 ) 4.4 ( 1 1 2) 5 . 1 ( 1 30) standard fire tests. Rational design procedures for concrete

Table 6.9. 1 . 1 b-Suggested minimum cover for slabs prestressed with post-tensioned reinforcement (Post­
Tension ing Institute 2006)

Cover thickness, in. (mm)

Restrained or
unrestrained Aggregate type I hour 1 - 1 12 hours 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours
Unrestrained Carbonate 3/4 (20) 1 - 1 1 1 6 (30) 1 -3/8 (35) 1 -7/8 (50)
Unrestrained Siliceous 3/4 (20) 1 - 1 /4 (35) 1 - 112 (40) 2 - 1 18 (55)
Unrestrained Lightweight 3/4 (20) I (25) 1 - 1 /4 (35) 1 -5/8 (40)

Restrained Carbonate 3/4 (20) 3/4 (20) 3/4 (20) I (25) 1 - 1 14 (35)

Restrained Siliceous 3/4 (20) 3/4 (20) 3/4 (20) I (25) 1 - 1 14 (35)

Restrained Lightweight 3/4 (20) 3/4 (20) 3/4 (20) 3/4 (20) I (25)


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Table cover thickness for beams prestressed with post-tensioned reinforcement (Post­
Tensioning Institute 2006)
Cover thickness, in. (mm), for the fire endurance of:
Restrained or Beam width,
unrestrained Steel type Concrete type in. (mm) I hour 1 - 112 hours 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours
Unrestrained Cold-drawn Nonnalweight 8 (200) 1 -3/4 (45) 2 (50) 2-1/2 (65) 4-1/2 ( 1 1 5 )
Unrestrained Cold-drawn Lightweight 8 (200) 1 - 1 /2 (40) 1 -3/4 (45) 2 (50) 3 - 1 /4 (85)
Unrestrained HSAl bars Nonnalweight 8 (200) 1 - 1 /2 (40) 1 - 1/2 (40) 1 - 1 /2 (40) 2- 1/2 (65)
Unrestrained HSA bars Lightweight 8 (200) 1 - 1 /2 (40) 1 - 1/2 (40) 1 - 1 /2 (40) 2-1/4 (60)

Restrained Cold-drawn Nonnalweight 8 (200) 1 - 1 /2 (40) 1 - 1/2 (40) 1 -3/4 (45) 2 (50) 2- 1/2 (65)

Restrained Cold-drawn Lightweight 8 (200) 1 - 1 /2 (40) 1 - 1/2 (40) 1 - 1 /2 (40) 1 -3/4 (45) 2 (50)

Restrained HSA bars Nonnalweight 8 (200) 1 - 1 /2 (40) 1 - 112 (40) 1 - 1 12 (40) 1 - 112 (40) 1 - 112 (40)

Restrained HSA bars Lightweight 8 (200) 1 - 112 (40) 1 - 112 (40) 1 - 1 12 (40) 1 - 112 (40) 1 - 112 (40)

Unrestrained Cold-drawn Nonnalweight > 12 (300) 1 - 1 /2 (40) 1 -3/4 (45) 2 (50) 2 - 1 12 (65) 3 (75)

Unrestrained Cold-drawn Lightweight > 12 (300) 1 - 1 /2 (40) 1 - 112 (40) 1 -3/4 (45) 2 (50) 2 - 1 12 (65)

Unrestrained HSA bars Normalweight > 1 2 (300) 1 - 1/2 (40) 1 - 112 (40) 1 - 1 12 (40) 1 - 1 12 (40) 2 (50)

Unrestrained HSA bars Lightweight > 1 2 (300) 1 - 1 /2 (40) 1 - 112 (40) 1 - 112 (40) 1 - 1 12 (40) 2 (50)

Restrained Cold-drawn Normalweight > 1 2 (300) 1 - 1 /2 (40) 1 - 112 (40) 1 - 112 (40) 1 -3/4 (45) 2 (50)

Restrained Cold-drawn Lightweight > 1 2 (300) 1 - 1/2 (40) 1 - 112 (40) 1 - 112 (40) 1 - 112 (40) 1 -3/4 (45)

Restrained HSA bars Nonnalweight > 12 (300) 1 - 1 /2 (40) 1 - 112 (40) 1 - 112 (40) 1 - 112 (40) 1 - 112 (40)

Restrained HSA bars Lightweight > 12 (300) 1 - 112 (40) 1 - 112 (40) 1 - 112 (40) 1 - 112 (40) 1 - 112 (40)
For beams w1th w1dths between 8 and 1 2 m. ( 2 0 0 and 300 mm), cover thickness can be determmed by mterpolat10n.
IHSA � high-strength alloy.

beams and slabs that are post-tensioned with unbonded For continuous beams or slabs using continuous draped
tendons are essentially the same as those for pretensioned unbonded tendons exposed to fire from below, the value of
prestressed concrete elements (PCI MNL- 1 24- 1 1 ). Curved J;,se in the negative moment regions should be taken the same
tendons, rather than straight or harped tendons, introduce as those in the positive moment region. The capacity at any
only minor differences that do not change the design proce­ point along the length of an unbonded tendon is limited by the
dures. Tests of post-tensioned elements (Post-Tensioning capacity at the point where the steel temperature is highest.
Institute 1 990) indicate that the temperatures of the tendons On this basis, it is possible to determine the retained theo­
in positive moment regions at the end of a fire test can be retical moment strength at a specified period of fire endur­
considered essentially the same, regardless of whether the ance (for example, 2 hours) in the positive moment region
tendons are bonded or unbonded. Further, these tests indi­ and in both negative moment regions of a given panel in a
cate that the prestressing reinforcement stress J;,se at failure building. The maximum slab moment capacity at exterior
during fire tests can be estimated as a function of the ulti­ columns cannot exceed that which can be transmitted to and
mate steel strength at temperature e by the relationship resisted by the column. To evaluate the retained theoretical
moment strength, it may be assumed that if a fire exposes the
slab soffit to high temperatures, a redistribution of moments
(6.9.2a) will occur, yielding the negative moment bonded reinforce­
ment. If the applied midspan moment is less than the retained
moment capacity after redistribution, the fire endurance will
whereJ;,s is the stress in post-tensioning tendons at nominal be adequate. This moment, based on uniformly applied
strength, psi (MPa), which may be calculated for unbonded loads, is given as
tendons by ACI 3 1 8- 1 4 Table 20.3 .2.4. 1 (refer to 6.3); !;,11
is the specified tensile strength of prestressing reinforce­ (6.9.2b)
ment, psi (MPa) ; J;,se is the stress in post-tensioned tendons
at nominal strength at high temperatures, psi (MPa); and where M is the total applied static moment (unfactored) =

hue is the tensile strength of tendons at high temperatures, wL2/8; M19+ is the retained midspan moment capacity; M,,9-
psi (MPa). is the retained negative moment capacity at Column 1 ; and
ASCE/SEI 7 provides a minimum required load combi­ M129- is the retained negative moment capacity at Column 2 .
nation for extraordinary events such as fire. All the current If, however, the applied static moment is greater than the
fire rating and testing (under ASTM E 1 1 9 rules) have been total retained moment capacity, changes should be made to
performed based on the load combination of 1 .0D + l .OL, the design. Several options for improving the fire endurance
and this is the basis for the current building codes. are available, including:
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a) Increasing the concrete cover in the positive moment 7.1.4 Couplers-Unbonded tendons should be coupled
region only at locations specifically indicated or approved by the
b) Increasing the number of prestressing tendons licensed design professional. Couplers should not be used
c) Adding bonded positive moment reinforcement at points where tendon radius of curvature is less than 480
d) Adding bonded negative moment reinforcement strand diameters. All couplers should develop at least 95
Other solutions include the use of a thicker slab, the use of percent of the specified tensile strength of the prestressing
lightweight aggregate concrete, the addition of a fire-resis­ reinforcement. The couplers should not reduce the elonga­
tant ceiling, or the application of an appropriate insulating tion at rupture below the requirements of the tendon itself.
material to the slab soffit. Couplers should meet the fatigue test recommendations in
7 . 1 .3 .2. When used, couplers, components, or both, should
CHAPTER 7-MATERlALS be enclosed in housings long enough to permit the neces­
sary movement of the tendon. All coupler components
7. 1-Tendons should be completely encapsulated before final encasement
ACI 423 .7 specifies the testing protocols for tendons and in concrete. Anchorages and couplers in aggressive environ­
anchorages. Key elements of the specification are summa­ ments should be encapsulated.
rized in the following sections.
7.1 . 1 Prestressing reinforcement-Prestressing reinforce­ 7.2-Protection materials
ment for unbonded post-tensioning tendons should meet 7.2.1 Post-tensioning coating Unbonded single-strand

the requirements of ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 20.3 . The total elongation tendons should use a corrosion-inhibiting coating in confor­
under ultimate load of the tendon and anchorage assembly mance with ACI 423 .7.
should not be less than 2 percent measured in a minimum 7.2.2 Sheathing Sheathing for unbonded single-strand

gauge length of 3 ft (9 1 5 mm) between two points at least 3 tendons should conform to the requirements of ACI 423 .7.
in. (75 mm) from each anchorage. Bondy (2008) points out
that the 2 percent strain is overly conservative and is often 7.3-Protection of anchorage zones
not possible to achieve at the minimum required tendon The anchorages of unbonded tendons should be protected
strength of 0.95J;,11 (7 . 1 .2). adequately from corrosion and fire. Except in special
7.1.2 Anchorage devices-ACI 423 . 7 and ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, cases, anchorages should preferably be encased in concrete
25.8. 1 , require the anchorage devices for unbonded tendons complying with ACI 3 0 1 .
to develop 95 percent of the specified strengthJ;,11• The actual Where concrete or grout encasement cannot be used,
breaking strength of a length of prestressing reinforcement the tendon anchorage should be completely coated with a
is an unknown quantity, known after the fact, only for the corrosion-resistant elastomeric coating equivalent to that
sample tested. For a discussion of actual-versus-specified applied to the tendons. A suitable enclosure should be placed
strength in this context, refer to Bondy (2008). In either case, where necessary to prevent the penetration of moisture or
this is much higher than the maximum permissible design the deterioration or removal of this coating. The anchorage
stress for unbonded tendons,J;,s. discussed in 6.3 . encasement should provide fire resistance at least equal to
7.1 .3 Tests of tendons and anchorage devicefittings that required for the structure.
7 .1.3.1 Static tests-The test assembly should consist of
standard production-quality components, and the tendons 7.4-Concrete cover
should be at least 3 . 5 ft ( 1 . 1 m) long between anchorages. Specification of concrete cover for unbonded tendons
The test assembly should be tested in a manner to allow should consider the placement tolerances specified in ACI
accurate determination of the yield stress, tensile strength, 3 1 8- 1 4, 26.6.2 . 1 a, and the exposure conditions. The use of
and percent elongation of the complete tendon. The spec­ high-quality concrete, adequate cover, good construction
imen used for the static test need not be one that has been practices, and a limit on the amount of water-soluble chloride
subj ected to fatigue loading. ions in the concrete (ACI 3 1 8- 14, 19 .3) are all necessary to Fatigue tests-A fatigue test should be performed ensure long-term durability, particularly in aggressive envi­
on tendon specimens with standard production quality ronments. At the minimum, the use of at least the additional
components and with a minimum length of 3 ft (900 mm) cover specified in ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 20.6. 1 , and consideration of
between anchorages. The tendon should withstand without a somewhat higher average prestress level, is recommended
failure 500,000 cycles from 60 to 66 percent of its minimum for applications exposed to deicing chemicals or for loca­
specified tensile strength, and 50 cycles from 40 to 80 tions in the immediate vicinity of coastal regions. What is
percent of its minimum specified tensile strength. Each cycle considered as the immediate vicinity is left to the judgment
involves the change from the lower stress level to the upper of the licensed design professional. Some guidance is given
stress level and back to the lower. The specimen used for the in ACI 362. 1R. Extra cover cannot be a substitute for good
fatigue test need not be one that has been subjected to static quality concrete. At angled slab edges, minimum concrete
testing. The specimen used for the second fatigue test (50 covers should be maintained to all parts of the anchorage.
cycles) need not be the same used for the first fatigue test Angled pocket formers or angled block-outs should be such
(500,000 cycles). so that the anchors and anchorage cavity areas have adequate
cover for protection againsfcorrosion and fire.
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8.1 -Construction joints

Construction joints may be used to divide the floor system
into segments of suitable size for placement of concrete.
Intermediate stressing anchors can be used at construction
joints, or the tendons may run through the joint without
anchors. The distance between joints should not exceed
approximately 1 5 0 ft (46 m). If it does, then consideration
should be given to the effects of slab shortening as described
in 3.5(b). Care should be taken to ensure a watertight joint
to prevent leaks and subsequent corrosion of tendon compo­
nents and reinforcement in the joint vicinity.

8.2-Ciosure strips
Closure strips, also known as pour strips or delay strips,
: are open strips that temporarily separate adjacent slabs
Fig. 8.3. 3-Plan view showing isolated slab areas.
; during construction, as discussed in 3.5 . Temporary shoring
! may be required for one or more levels to ensure full conti­
: nuity of the slab for both live and dead loads. The location
' m) for 1/2 in. ( 1 2. 7 mm) diameter strands, sufficient clear­
: and details of closure strips should be clearly indicated on ance of the tendons from the edge of an opening, a straight
: the construction documents.
' tendon extension beyond the opening comers, and hairpin
reinforcement to transfer the lateral forces to the surrounding
8.3-Piacement of tendons concrete (Falconer and Wilson 1 988).
8.3.1 Tendon profile-The placement of tendons should For larger openings, when it is necessary to terminate
closely follow the specified profile within the tolerances some tendons at the opening, the crack-inhibiting layout
recommended in 8.3.2. Prestressing tendons should be of tendons shown in Fig. 3 . 5(a) (Aalami and Barth 1 989)
firmly supported at intervals not exceeding 4 ft ( 1 .2 m). Any is recommended rather than the crack-promoting layout in
inadvertent local reversed curvature should be corrected Fig. 3.5(b). In some cases, it may be preferable to isolate
before concreting. Tendon profiles are maintained by tying small slab sections adjacent to openings with slab joints, as
to reinforcement, chairs, or other supports with wire ties. shown in Fig. 8.3.3 (Aalami and Barth 1 989). The isolated
Ties should be installed so that they do not visibly imprint or slab sections should be reinforced as required with nonpre­
dent the extruded sheathing. Recommendations for spacing stressed bonded reinforcement.
of ties to stirrups for bundles of unbonded tendons in beams For larger openings, reinforce the top and bottom of the
are presented in 3 .4. 1 . In beams, the tendons should be slab at openings with diagonal bars to control cracking initi­
placed in bundles in accordance with the spacing limitations ated at the comers of the opening. In some cases, additional
given in ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 25.6.2 . 1 and 26.4.4. 1 . The placement perimeter reinforcement may be necessary to distribute loads
of beam tendons in wide, fiat bundles or layers should be applied at the slab opening. Loads at openings can normally
avoided where it prohibits the proper placement, consolida­ be accommodated by use of tendons and additional bonded
tion, and continuity of the concrete in the member. reinforcement around the perimeter. Beams, however, may
8.3.2 Tolerances-Vertical deviations in tendon location be required to carry the loads at perimeters of openings, and
should be kept to ±1/4 in. (6 mm) for slab thickness dimen­ a structural analysis should be made to determine whether
sions less than 8 in. (200 mm), ±3/8 in. ( 1 0 mm) in concrete these loads can be carried by use of additional tendons and
with dimensions between 8 in. and 2 ft (200 and 600 mm), and additional bonded reinforcement, or whether beams are
±112 in. ( 1 3 mm) in concrete with dimensions over 2 ft (600 required. It is generally preferable to locate openings in the
mm). These tolerances should be considered in establishing midspan areas of one- and two-way slabs to minimize the
minimum specified tendon cover dimensions, particularly in effect of the opening on the shear capacity of the slab at
applications exposed to deicing chemicals or saltwater envi­ walls or columns. When openings are located where they
ronments where use of additional cover is recommended to reduce shear capacity, a more exact analysis of the capacity
compensate for placing tolerances. Slab behavior is relatively of the actual slab configuration is essential.
insensitive to horizontal location of tendons.
8.3.3 Openings Deviations of tendons in the horizontal
- 8.4-Concrete placement and curing
plane may be necessary to avoid interferences such as open­ Concrete should be placed in such a manner that tendon
ings, ducts, chases, and inserts. Horizontal deviations around alignment and reinforcement positions remain unchanged.
openings may result in concrete cracking due to the lateral Attention should be given to concrete vibration at tendon
force component of the deviated tendon. Appropriate means anchorages to ensure uniform consolidation at these loca­
to avoid or limit cracking include an adequately-large radius tions. Voids behind the bearing plate, or insufficient concrete
of curvature, a minimum of 480 strand diameters, or 20 ft (6 strength, will cause concrete failure or blowout. Careful
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vibration and proper curing will eliminate most of these tendon force calculated by elongation measurements. Price
difficulties. Voids behind the anchorage should be repaired (2007) states that for tendons less than 25 ft (7.6 m) long, a
before the stressing operation. fixed tolerance value of ± 1 14 in. (6 mm) is more consistent
Curing in accordance with the recommendations in ACI with what is observed on site. The cause of variation in force
308. 1 should be followed to avoid various types of shrinkage­ determination in excess of 7 percent is to be ascertained and
related cracking and to ensure proper quality concrete. corrected. The modulus of elasticity of seven-wire strand
Calcium chloride or additives containing calcium chloride varies somewhat from the 28,000,000 psi ( 1 93 GPa) average
or other chlorides should not be used in prestressed concrete value suggested. Because a variation of 1 ,000,000 psi (6.9
construction or in the material used to protect end anchor­ GPa) in the reinforcement modulus of elasticity represents
ages. Set accelerators that do not contain calcium chloride a difference of approximately 4 percent in elongation, ACI
are commercially available and may be used when required. 3 1 8 requires the use ofthe actual modulus of elasticity of the
strand used on the project when comparing tendon elonga­
8.5-Stressing operations tion and gauge pressure in the field.
The stressing operation may begin when test cylinders The tendon elongation is affected by the variation in force
cured under jobsite conditions and representative of the throughout the tendon length due to friction losses. For this
concrete strength in the immediate vicinity of the anchorages reason, friction losses should be considered in translating
indicate that the concrete has attained the strength specified tendon elongation measurements into tendon forces. The
for stressing. Post-tensioning anchor assembly suppliers elongation measurement provides a measure of the average
often specify a minimum compressive strength of 3000 psi force throughout the length of the tendon, whereas the gauge
(2 1 MPa) or, if no recommendation is given, 50 to 80 percent pressure gives the force in the tendon at the anchorage.
of the 28-day strength may be used. Nondestructive testing, Methods for calculating the effects of friction along the
maturity methods, or other monitoring methods may be used length of the tendon are presented in ACI 423 . 1 0R.
to verify the approximate in-place concrete strength. ACI ACI 3 1 8- 1 4, 26. 1 0.2, requires that the gauges used to
3 1 8 does not currently include nondestructive methods in its measure jacking forces be calibrated. This calibration should
criteria for acceptance of concrete. Such methods, however, be done by an approved laboratory within 6 months of use.
may be satisfactory for evaluating the concrete in the imme­ Stressing equipment for post-tensioning tendons incor­
diate vicinity ofthe anchorages to ensure meeting anchorage porates reasonable factors of safety. Occasionally, flaws in
bearing requirements. material are undetected or the equipment is misused. For this
Stressing of tendons should be monitored in two ways. reason, established safety protocols should be exercised at
First, the gauge reading on the pump should be translated all times, as stressing is carried out at extremely high pres­
into force in the tendon at the anchorage. This information is sure and stored strain energy. The primary safety rule is to
generally provided in a tendon stressing data table or curve keep personnel from being directly ahead, behind, over, or
supplied as part of the shop drawings. Second, the elonga­ under stressing equipment.
tiop of the tendon 11e, before losses, may be estimated using Occasionally it is necessary to detension a fully stressed
Eq� (8.5) and then compared to field measured elongation tendon. A detensioning operation that applies additional force
to the tendon to free the grippers can apply additional force
on concrete that has not previously been tested during the
11 = __!_!____ (8.5) original stressing operation-that is, the concrete between
I Aps Es the anchor surface and the bearing side of the concrete.
Detensioning should only be done when absolutely neces­
where 11e is the elongation, in. (mm); P is the average sary and with trained personnel using appropriate equip­
prestress force (considering friction effects along the length ment and safety procedures. The use of detensioning as a
of the tendon), lb (N); l is the length of tendon, in. (mm); Aps quality-control measure is not recommended. The procedure
is the area of prestressing reinforcement, in.2 (mm2); and Es known as a lift-off, where an anchored strand is reengaged
is the modulus of elasticity of prestressing reinforcement, and pulled until the wedges become loose, can cause exces­
psi (MPa). sive notching of the strand. This may lead to failure of the
The moduli of elasticity of various post-tensioning tendon strand or individual wires.
materials can be assumed as follows (Post-Tensioning Insti­ Failure during the stressing, or detensioning, operation
tute 1 990): may cause serious injury to any personnel in back of or in the
Seven-wire strand: Es 28,000,000 psi ( 1 93 GPa)
= immediate vicinity of the stressing equipment. If a concrete
Wire: Es 29,000,000 psi (200 GPa)
= compression failure occurs during stressing, all hydraulic
Bars : Es 30,000,000 psi (207 GPa)
= pressure on the stressing equipment should be released at
A table of elongation values for various tendons on a once, the faulty concrete should be removed, and the void
project, a graphical presentation, or both, of expected elon­ should be patched with suitable material. The patching mate­
gations should be provided as part of the shop drawings for rial should attain the required strength before the tendon
a project. is restressed. Calcium chloride or admixtures that contain
It is a requirement of ACI 3 1 8 that the tendon force chloride ions should not be used in the patching operation,
measured by gauge pressure agrees within 7 percent of the as required by ACI 3 1 8.
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According to ACI 3 1 8-14, 26. 1 0.2(g), loss ofprestress force ACI 308 . 1 - 1 1-Specification for Curing Concrete
due to unreplaced broken prestressed reinforcement shall not ACI 3 1 8-99-Building Code Requirements for Structural
exceed 2 percent of the total prestress force in a prestressed Concrete and Commentary
concrete member. For cast-in-place post-tensioned slab ACI 3 1 8-02-Building Code Requirements for Structural
systems, a member is that portion considered as an element Concrete and Commentary
in the design, such as the T-beam/joist or effective slab width ACI 3 1 8-08-Building Code Requirements for Structural
in one-way beam and slab systems, or the slab width of an Concrete and Commentary
equivalent frame in two-way slab systems. The slab strip ACI 3 1 8- 1 1-Building Code Requirements for Structural
width used for effective prestress force evaluations should Concrete and Commentary
consider the effect of concentrated loads and slab openings. ACI 3 1 8- 1 4-Building Code Requirements for Structural
Concrete and Commentary
8.6-Form removal and reshori ng ACI 350-06-Code Requirements for Environmental
Shoring should be left in place until the stressing opera­ Engineering Concrete Structures
tion is completed. Edge or pocket forms and bulkheads ACI 352. 1 R- 1 1-Guide for Design of Slab-Column
should be removed ahead of the stressing operation. Beam Connections in Monolithic Concrete Structures
or side forms may be removed before stressing with permis­ ACI 362 . 1 R- 1 2-Guide for the Design and Construction
sion from the licensed design professional. of Durable Concrete Parking Structures
Removal of shoring and forms may follow immediately ACI 42 1 . 1 R-08-Guide to Shear Reinforcement for Slabs
after the stressing operation, subject to an appropriate ACI 423 .4R- 14-Report on Corrosion and Repair of
strength gain in the concrete and the approval of the licensed Unbonded Single-Strand Tendons
design professional. After stressing, reshoring may be ACI 423 . 7- 14--Specification for Unbonded Single-Strand
required to prevent overloading during additional construc­ Tendon Materials
tion. Reshoring should not be wedged beyond a snug fit ACI 423 . 1 0R- 1 6-Guide to Estimating Prestress Losses
against prestressed members. ACI 550.3-1 3-Design Specification for Unbonded Post­
Tensioned Precast Concrete Special Moment Frames Satis­
8.7-Welding and burning fying ACI 374 . 1
When welding or burning near tendons, care should be ACI ITG-5 .2-09-Requirements for Design o f a Special
exercised to prevent the prestressing reinforcement from Unbonded Post-Tensioned Precast Shear Wall Satisfying
overheating, to keep electric arc jumps from occurring, ACI ITG-5 . 1 and Commentary
and to keep molten slag from coming in contact with the
prestressing reinforcement. Grounding of welding equip­ American Society of Civil Engineers
ment to the prestressing reinforcement should not be allowed. ASCE/SEI 7-1 0-Minimum Design Loads for Buildings
When using oxyacetylene burning of the tendon tails, and Other Structures
the oxyacetylene flame should not be directed toward the
wedges. Besides rapid oxyacetylene burning, other methods ASTM International
to remove tendon tails are hydraulic shears, plasma cutting, ASTM E 1 1 9-1 6-Standard Test Methods of Fire Tests of
and abrasive wheel. Plasma cutting and abrasive wheel Building Construction and Materials
cutting may require modified anchor pockets. Construction
practice requires encapsulation caps be placed immediately Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute
after the strand tail is cut off. If the tail is burned, the strands PCI MNL- 1 24- 1 1-Design for Fire Resistance of Precast/
should be allowed to cool sufficiently to prevent the cap Prestressed Concrete
from melting.
Authored documents
8.8-Protection of tendons Aalami, B., and Barth, F., 1 989, "Restraint Cracks and
Guidance for the protection of tendons during storage, Their Mitigation in Unbonded Post-Tensioned Building
transit, and tendon finishing can be found in ACI 423 .7 and Structures," Cracking in Prestressed Concrete Structures,
ACI 301 . SP- 1 1 3 , G. T. Halvorsen and N. H . Burns, eds., American
Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, pp. 1 57-202.
CHAPTER 9-REFER ENCES AASHTO, 2003, "Guide Specifications for Design and
Committee documents are listed first by document number Construction of Segmental Concrete Bridges," second
and year of publication followed by authored documents edition, American Association of State Highway and Trans­
listed alphabetically. portation Officials, Washington, DC, 8 pp.
AASHTO, 2014, "LRFD Bridge Design Specifications,"
American Concrete Institute seventh edition, American Association of State Highway
ACI 2 1 6 . 1 - 1 4-Code Requirements for Determining and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC, 2 1 60 pp.
Fire Resistance of Concrete and Masonry Construction AASHTO, 20 1 5 , "LRFD Bridge Construction Specifica­
Assemblies tions," third edition, American Association of State Highway
ACI 3 0 1 - 1 6-Specifications for Structural Concrete and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC, 3 pp.
American Concrete Institute
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Bailey, C. G., and Ellobody, E., 2009, "Fire Tests on Fintel, M., 1 985, Handbook of Concrete Engineering,
Unbonded Post-Tensioned One-Way Concrete Slabs," second edition, Van Nostrand Reinholt, New York, 738 pg.
Magazine of Concrete Research, V. 6 1 , No. 1 , pp. 67-76. Foutch, D. A.; Gamble, W. L.; and Sunidj a, H., 1 990,
doi : 1 0 . 1 680/macr.2008.00005 "Tests of Post-Tensioned Concrete Slab-Edge Column
Blakeley, R. W. G., and Park, R., 1 97 1 , "Seismic Resis­ Connections," A CI Structural Journal, V. 87, No. 2, Mar.­
tance of Prestressed Concrete Beam-Column Assemblies," Apr., pp. 1 67- 1 79.
ACJ Journal Proceedings, V. 68, No. 9, Sept., pp. 677-692. Gerber, L. L., and Burns, N. H., 1 97 1 , "Ultimate Strength
Bondy, K. B., 1 992, "Variable Prestress Force in Unbonded Tests of Post-Tensioned Flat Plates," PC!Journal, V. 1 6, No.
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Ductility of Unbonded Post-Tensioning Tendons," PTI Continuous Reinforced Concrete Beams," A CJ Journal
Journal, Feb., pp. 6 1 -62 Proceedings, V. 66, No. 1 1 , Nov., pp. 907-9 1 5 .
Branson, D. E., and Christiason, M. L., 1 9 7 1 , "Time Han, S . W. ; Kee, S . H . ; Kang, T. K . ; Ha, S . S . ; Wallace,
Dependent Concrete Properties Related to Design-Strength J. W.; and Lee, L. H., 2006, "Cyclic Behaviour of Inte­
and Elastic Properties, Creep, and Shrinkage," Designing rior Post-Tensioned Flat Plate Connections," Magazine of
for Effects of Creep, Shrinkage, Temperature in Concrete Concrete Research, V. 58, No. 1 0, pp. 699-7 1 1 . doi: 1 0 . 1 680/
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Hills, MI, pp. 257-277. Hawkins, N. M., 1 98 1 , "Lateral Load Resistance of
Breen, J. E.; Burdet, 0. L.; Roberts, C. L.; Sanders, D. H . ; Unbonded Post-Tensioned Flat Plate Construction,"
and Wollmann, G., 1 994, Anchorage Zone Reinforcement PC! Journal, V. 26, No. 1 , pp. 94- 1 1 7. doi: 1 0 . 1 5 554/
for Post-Tensioned Concrete Girders, NCHRP Report No. pcij . 0 1 0 1 1 9 8 1 .94. 1 1 7
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Bums, N. H., and Hemakom, R., 1 977, "Test of Scale Moment Resistant Frames," Proceedings, Ninth World
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1 03, No. ST6, June, pp. 1237- 1 25 5 . Hemakom, R., 1 975, "Strength and Behavior of Post­
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1 0. 1 5554/pcij . 1 00 1 1 967. 1 5.29 of Prestressed and Reinforced Concrete Beams Subject to
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"Tests of One-Way Post-Tensioned Slabs with Unbonded doi: 1 0 . 1 5554/pcij . O 1 0 1 1 97 1 .2 1 .37
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Bums, N.; Helwig, T. ; and Tsuj imoto, T., 1 9 9 1 , "Effective Kang, T. H.-K., and Park, H.-G., 20 1 2, "Performance
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Unbonded Tendons," ACJ Structural Journal, V. 88, No. 1 , SP-287, Recent Development in Reinforced Concrete Slab
Jan.-Feb., pp. 84-90. Analysis, Design, and Serviceability, American Concrete
Chao, S.-H., and Naaman, A. E., 2006, "Simplified Calcu­ Institute, Farmington Hills, MI (CD-ROM).
lation of Short-Term Deflection in Prestressed Two-Way Flat Kang, T. H.-K., and Wallace, J. W., 2008a, "Seismic
Slabs," A CI Structural Journal, V. 1 03, No. 6, Nov.-Dec., Performance of Reinforced Concrete Slab-Column Connec­
pp. 850-856. tions with Thin Plate Stirrups," A CJ Structural Journal, V.
Chung, H. W., 1 973, "Unbonded Tendons in Post­ 1 05, No. 5, Sept.-Oct., pp. 6 1 7-625.
Tensioned Concrete Beams under Repeated Loading," ACI Kang, T. H.-K., and Wallace, J. W., 2008b, "Stresses in
Journal Proceedings, V. 70, No. 12, Dec., pp. 8 1 4-8 1 6 . Unbonded Tendons of Post-Tensioned Flat Plate Systems
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the Columns," International Conference on Concrete Slabs, Kosut, G. M., 1 977, "Shear Strength of a Post-Tensioned
University of Dundee, 14 pp. Flat Plate at the Column Connections," MS thesis, The
Dilger, W. H., and Ghali, A., 1 98 1 , "Shear Reinforcement University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, 1 04 pp.
for Concrete Slabs," Proceedings, ASCE, V. 1 07, No. ST 1 2, Kosut, G. M.; Bums, N. H . ; and Winter, C. V. , 1 985, "Test
Dec., pp. 2403-2420. of Four-Panel Post-Tensioned Flat Plate," Proceedings,
Englekirk, R., 2002, "Design-Construction of the Para­ ASCE, V. 1 1 1 , No. 9, Sept., pp. 1 9 1 6- 1 929.
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and without Bond," ACI Structural Journal, V. 68, No. 2, Post-Tensioning Institute, 2000a, "Specification for
Feb., pp. 1 1 6- 1 25 . Unbonded Single Strand Tendons," second edition, Post­
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Prestressed Concrete Beams," Railway Technical Research Post-Tensioning Institute, 2000b, "Field Procedures
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Mojtahedi, S., and Gamble, W. L., 1 978, "Ultimate Steel Post-Tensioning Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 62 pp.
Stresses in Unbonded Prestressed Concrete," Proceedings, Price, R., 2007, "Field Elongation Measurements," PTI
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