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Q.1. Why does the Quaid stress on youth to be continuously vigilant?

Ans. The Quaid stresses on youth to be continuously vigilant so that they keep an eye on the developments
around them. This is how they are able to recognize traitors in the society; to eliminate selfish people from their
ranks who exploit the public for their personal gains; and to learn to judge and support true and sincere people
who have the will to serve the State unselfishly.

Q. 2. What, according to the Quaid, is the prime responsibility of youth?

Ans. Devotion to studies is the prime responsibility of youth. This can assist them to be helpful to
themselves, their parents and the State. The Quaid believes that education not only equips a person for the
battle of life but also makes him a source of strength to the State. Consequently, such a person proves handy in
solving the nation’s socio-economic issues, thus enabling it to rank among the strongest nations of the world.

Q. 3. Having read the text of the Quaid’s speech, what traits of character the Quaid wants to see in the
educated youth?
Ans. The Quaid wants the youth to be responsible and committed so that they understand their duty towards
themselves, and the State. He also wishes to see them vigilant so that they become aware of the challenges that
the new State faces. This, he believes, will make them an asset to the State. Finally, he wants them to be
revolutionary enough to get out of the rut by changing their viewpoint regarding their careers.

Q.4. What advice does the Quaid give to the youth about the choice of career?
Ans. The Quaid guides the youth about the choice of their careers. In fact, he wants to save them from
becoming the victims of the rut that aims at producing well-trained clerks. On the contrary, he tells them about
the opportunities that technical education offers. By quoting the example of a young man, he convinces them to
go for banking, commerce, trade and industry where there is great margin to excel and improve.

Q.5. Compare and contrast the youth of today with the ideal youth of the Quaid-i-Azam as described in
his speech.
Ans. The youth of Pakistan have always been dedicated and committed. In the Quaid’s days they had people
like the Quaid himself who would always teach them how to be beneficial not only for themselves but also for
the State. Although the youth of today are more enlightened as well as promising than their predecessors yet
they lack the proper direction required to serve the need of time. Consequently, they seem to have fallen a prey
to the rut that the Quaid warned about.

Q.6. Having read the text of “Responsibilities of Youth”, what, in your view, could be the possible role of
youth in crisis management of the country?
Ans. I expect the promising and determined youth of Pakistan to stand firmly against any disaster whenever
the time demands. It won’t be the first time that they will be doing this; they have proved their mettle on
numerous occasions. They have always been eager to extend their help to the victims of earthquakes, floods,
terrorist attacks and any other calamity that the people of this country faced.

Q.7. The Quaid says, “Not only has Pakistan survived the shock of that upheaval than ever.” Which
upheaval is he talking about?
Ans. To weaken and destroy the newly-born State, Pakistan’s enemies caused problems by not only
butchering Muslim families but also uprooting them from their homes in the Indian Dominion. This brutality
forced five million people to migrate to Pakistan. The issue of the rehabilitation of these terror-stricken
refugees caused great problems. But to the enemy’s disappointment, Pakistan not only survived the shock of
that upheaval but also emerged stronger than ever.

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