(20181013-01) - Lecture - Carpinteria

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Well, the beginning of this history is that it used to be the

tradition that after Gaura Purnima His Holiness Indradyumna Swami
would come and stay here. And then on the first Saturday after
Gaura Purnima we would go to the beach for the regional Maha
Gaura Purnima festival. Gaura Purnima was quite soon after Srila
Narottama Das Thakua disappearance day, so I set out a picture of
Narottama Das Thakura on the altar and left it there. When
Indradyumna Swami came he told me about a temple of Radha Mohan
in Vrindavan that he had discovered, and he said it was out of
the way, most devotees didn't know about it and it was very poor.
He started to go there with his group and he gave donations.

Now going back 500 years, the first Gaura Purnima festival was
celebrated in Keturi, in the presence of Janava Devi, Narottama
Das Thakura, and Srinivasa Acharya. And at that festival they
installed six pairs of deities, and one of them was Radha Mohan,
and this set of deities was sent to Vrindavan. And this conch
shell was sent with the deities. All right, then how did the
conch shell get here?

So when Indradyumna Swami came he told me about this temple and

how poor they were, and he asked me if I would give a donation,
and I said yes and I gave him a pretty good one, that they could
keep in the fixed deposit and from the interest they could make
these goals. They weren't even able to afford to make them close
to the deities. So that Kujari was so indebted to Indradyumna
Swami that he gave him this conch shell that was sent by
Narottama Das Thakura with the deities. And as he said, we don't
know, it might have been blown by Narottama Das Thakura or
Srinivasa Acharya, but we do know for sure that it was sent with
the deities from Keturi.

When I said, “Okay, I'll give this donation” he said “Okay, I'll
give you the conch shell.” And apart from its sacred history-- I
don't know if all the conch shells [03:55 inaudible], but this
one distinctly has two pitches, a higher pitch and a lower pitch.
Well, yeah, do you want to demonstrate? [Laughter]


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