Questions For Shopping

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What is shopping?  Name several reasons why people go shopping. Do you like shopping?  Why or why
not?  Is shopping a necessity or a leisure activity for you?  Do you have a favorite shop? Why is it your
favorite? Is there a particular shop you dislike, and why? Do you ever have a hard time finding what you
want to buy? Do you ever go shopping abroad because you can't find what you want in Slovakia? Do you
go shopping alone, or with someone else?  Does another person's opinion influence what you buy?  

Do you have a strategy when you shop?  Do you like to window shop until you find something you like? 
Do you ever browse or go shopping without any intention of buying anything?  Do you write a list and look
for only what is on your list. How much time do you spend shopping?  What is important for you while you
are shopping? Are prices better at small shops or at department stores or hypermarkets? What types of
things do you usually shop for?  Do you prefer brand name clothes?  Why or why not?  What are your
favorite brands?  Do you shop only for things for yourself, or do you shop for food and things for other
family members. Do you prefer shopping in malls, markets or streets?

Do you prefer going to a shopping centre rather than small shops?  What is a shopping mall and what can
you do there?  Do you go often and just "hang out"?  When you buy things, is it important to keep the
receipt?  Have you ever taken goods back to the shop?  Why?  What was your experience like?  Do you
like to shop in the town centre or not?  Why are street markets like Jarmok popular in Slovakia?  Do you
like to shop there?  Do you buy fruits and vegetables at outdoor stands?  Why or why not?
Describe your experiences with shop assistants.  Are they polite and helpful to you?  Do they treat you
suspiciously as if you are going to steal something? How could customer service be improved between
shop assistants and customers? What is customer service?  If you don't like the service, have you ever
complained?  Is shoplifting a problem in Slovakia?  How do stores try to prevent it?  What is your most
surprising, terrible, wonderful or fun shopping experience? How would you describe a shopaholic?  Is it a
serious problem?   What is retail therapy?  Does buying new things make you feel better? Do you think
women like shopping more than men? Explain.

Have you ever bought something you didn't need and didn't want?
Do you buy things on sale?  Do you look for discounts and bargains to save money?  Do you wait until
prices are lower to purchase things?  Do you compare prices before buying?  On what types of goods? 
What do you think of second-hand shops?  Have you ever bought something second-hand?  or not?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of supermarkets?  Describe the various departments of a
supermarket.  Compare them to the small market in your village or near your home.  What does "self-
service" mean?
What types of shops can you name and what can you buy there?  What is a convenience store, a
newsstand or news agent, a department store, a greengrocer’s, a bakery, a delicatessen, an ironmonger's
(hardware store), a DIY store, a florist's?  Have you ever bought something through a catalogue?  What
are the pros and cons of doing this?  Have you ever bought something online?  Did you like doing this? 
Give the pros and cons. Have you ever been shopping in other countries, why, how does it differ? Would
you ever go on a shopping holiday? Where?
What kind of services do you and your family need most often?  What services are available at Galeria
shopping mall? How can you pay for your goods?  What are the advantages and disadvantages of paying
by cash, by debit card, by credit card, bank transfer, and cash on delivery?  What do you know of bitcoin?
how is it used? Explain the difference between a debit card and a credit card. Is buying things online from
another country good? are there additional risks?
Do you like self service check-outs? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Shopping online is
having a huge impact on high street stores,(particularly in the U.S.A and U.K), and many are closing, why?
Is this a change you welcome?
What are the different ways that shops and businesses advertise their goods and services?  Do
advertisements influence you?  What information should advertisements give you?  Do you think that they
are misleading or untruthful?  What do you think about selling goods using sexual advertisements that
have nothing to do with the product? Cashless stores are increasing in the UK/USA- what are they? and
what advantages do they bring to the retailer?

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