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Controversy, calls
of reverse bias belie
complicated history
By Christopher Borrelli
Chicago Tribune

About 90 years ago, just after

New Year’s, in the dark of the
Great Depression, the Chicago
Board of Education began root-
ing through its proposed $93
million budget, eager to trim $7
million. It was looking for what
it called “frills.” Instances of glar-
ing, unnecessary excess. And soon
they found one, a frill in the guise
of a single museum docent, whom
the city had employed for years to
provide Chicago schoolchildren
with tours of the Art Institute of
Chicago. Unlike most contempo-
rary docents, who serve as volun-
teers, this one, Mary Buehr, had a
salary; firing her, the city saved just
$3,000 a year (or $60,000 in 2021).
Still, fire her, they must: “This is the
most ridiculous item I have found The Waukegan Generating Station coal-fired plant can be seen from North Beach on Tuesday in Waukegan. ERIN HOOLEY/CHICAGO TRIBUNE

Waukegan’s legacy of
in the entire budget,” board Presi-
dent Lewis Myers told this news-
And that was that.
Except, of course, it wasn’t.
A few days later, a letter arrived

industrial pollution
at the Tribune, a lengthy letter

Turn to Docents, Page 12

Residents organizing to fight in home of 5 Superfund sites

By Sylvia Goodman | Chicago Tribune In Waukegan, old factories, are turned into a slurry and
from a closed asbestos manu- dumped into coal ash ponds. In
rowing up in Waukegan, Eduardo Flores didn’t think facturing facility to an active June 2019, the Illinois Pollution
gypsum factory, sit discordantly Control Board ruled that the
much about the presence of inhalers on his playground. alongside public beaches and facility violated environmental
Every couple of months, one of his classmates or a kid forest preserves. Home to more regulations and was responsi-
from a different grade would suffer an asthma attack than 86,000 people, the city ble for groundwater contami-
A makeshift memorial stands contains five active Superfund nation from its coal ash ponds in
outside Oxford High School in while playing tag or soccer at recess. sites. And on the shores of Lake Waukegan and elsewhere.
Oxford, Mich., on Friday. SYLVIA “Whenever someone got an asthma attack, I would always have Michigan sits the Waukegan Studies have also shown
JARRUS/THE NEW YORK TIMES Generating Station — a facility coal ash ponds can emit pollut-
to run and help get an inhaler,” said Flores, now 19. “It was such a that has burned coal for decades ants into the air, possibly caus-
Parents of normal thing to me as a child that I never questioned it.”
It wasn’t until Flores got involved with environmental activism
— and its coal ash ponds.
Coal ash, a residual of
ing an increase in respiratory
symptoms in the surrounding

killing suspect
combustion, is made up of parti- communities.
that he realized there might be a reason for all the asthma cases in cles including heavy metals
his community. and radioactive elements that
enter pleas
Turn to Waukegan, Page 16

Manhunt finds duo

whose son accused
in school shooting Does testimony put pressure on Smollett?
By Kathleen Foody Attorneys haven’t said
and Corey Williams
Associated Press whether actor will
take stand in his trial
PONTIAC, Mich. — A judge
imposed a combined $1 million By Megan Crepeau
bond Saturday for the parents of and Jason Meisner
the Michigan teen charged with Chicago Tribune
killing four students at Oxford
High School, hours after police Not long after they allegedly
said they were caught hiding in a pretended to beat up actor
Detroit commercial building. Jussie Smollett in January 2019,
James and Jennifer Crumbley two Chicago brothers took off
entered not guilty pleas to each of for their ancestral home of Nige-
the four involuntary manslaugh- ria, where they were going to
ter counts against them during a audition for a show called “Big
hearing held on Zoom. Jennifer Brother Naija.”
Crumbley sobbed and struggled to The brothers, aspiring actors
respond to the judge’s questions at Abimbola and Olabinjo Osun-
times and James Crumbley shook dairo, never got the roles. But
his head when a prosecutor said they wound up starring instead
their son had full access to the gun in a far higher-profile drama right
used in the killings. here in their hometown:
Judge Julie Nicholson assigned Smollett’s criminal trial.
bond of $500,000 apiece to each Over two days this week,
of the parents and required GPS the Osundairo brothers’ long-
monitoring if they pay to be awaited testimony riveted
Abimbola Osundairo, left, attorney Gloria Schmidt Rodriguez and Olabinjo Osundairo walk outside the
Turn to Parents, Page 10 Leighton Criminal Court Building on Thursday in Chicago. ARMANDO L. SANCHEZ/CHICAGO TRIBUNE Turn to Trial, Page 2

Chicago Weather Center: $5.75 city and suburbs and elsewhere

Tom Skilling’s forecast High 43 Low 32 Forecast in Nation & World, Page 14 174th year No. 339 © Chicago Tribune
2  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 ★

Trial Abimbola testified. “That’s

when I proceeded to punch
from Page 1 him in the face and tussle … I
threw him to the ground, put
jurors and spectators at the the bruise on his face, then I
Leighton Criminal Court saw some car lights and then
Building, where they laid ran away.”
out in detail a bizarre plot Later that morning, after
allegedly hatched by Smol- media reports began to
lett to pretend to beat up surface that Smollett had
the “Empire” actor, pour been the victim of a hate
bleach on him and wrap crime, Abimbola said he sent
a rope around his neck a text expressing condo-
while shouting racist and lences — which Smollett
homophobic slurs. had directed him to do as
Both brothers said Smol- another part of the hoax.
lett had hoped the fake “Bruh say it ain’t true, I’m
attack would be captured on praying for speedy recov-
a surveillance camera near ery,” read the text, which
his Streeterville apartment was displayed on a screen in
and splashed in the media, the courtroom. “(Expletive)
putting pressure on the is wild.”
“Empire” studio to address On cross-examination
what he felt were security by Smollett attorney Shay
concerns. Allen on Thursday, Abim-
Though the camera bola testified with a straight
turned out to be pointed up face throughout, showing
the street and the incident little emotion as the defense
was not recorded, Smol- peppered him with ques-
lett’s allegations that he was tions. Didn’t he get a new
attacked made international trainer right after the inci-
headlines just the same. Two dent? Has he been shopping
weeks later, after the Osun- around book deals? Didn’t
dairo brothers were arrested he say that he wouldn’t
at O’Hare International Jussie Smollett sits in a car before being driven away from the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Wednesday in Chicago. testify if Smollett gave him
Airport as they returned CHRIS SWEDA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE $1 million? No, no, and no,
from Nigeria, they agreed to Abimbola said.
cooperate against Smollett, Only once did he crack
who is now standing trial on a smile: When Allen asked

Jussie Smollett judge, defense

charges of lying to the police. him whether, while walking
The case is now in the around in the bitter cold at
hands of the defense, which 1:30 a.m., he’d thought about
has tried to paint the broth- just scrapping the plan and
ers as criminals and homo-
phobes who were using
Smollett to advance their
own budding acting careers.
attorney differ on lunging claim going home.
“I did, yeah,” he said.
But you really wanted
to carry out this attack on
P r o s e c u t o r s h av e By Megan Crepeau even involuntary — but it huddled in a corner — with- making “snarling” faces Jussie, Allen said.
presented significant collat- and Jason Meisner was shocking all the same. out a court reporter present. when granting objections “Fake attack,” Abimbola
eral evidence that seems to Chicago Tribune “I was in disbelief,” she The defense asked Linn for from prosecutors. Osundairo replied.
corroborate what the broth- told the Tribune. “… I did not a mistrial based on his char- Linn denied making faces, After the allegedly phony
ers have said — includ- It was a jaw-dropping expect that type of reaction acterization of the cross-ex- denied lunging and denied attack, Abimbola and his
ing cellphone records, text moment in an already (to) me doing my job.” amination as “collateral.” the mistrial. After a recess, brother flew to Nigeria.
messages, surveillance dramatic trial: An attorney The incident was touched “As soon as I made the the trial moved on. While they were there,
video, taxi and ride-share for Jussie Smollett said in off during Walker’s cross-ex- motion, Judge Linn reacted Walker told the Tribune they searched online to see
receipts — and Smollett’s court that, just moments amination of Olabinjo Osun- with shock and seemed to that, contrary to some media if anything had made the
attorneys might have an before, the judge presiding dairo, one of the state’s key become upset, and at that reports, she was not crying news. He was curious, he
uphill battle in convincing over the case had lunged at witnesses, who testified moment had a reaction to as she made her argument. testified.
the jury their client was her while attorneys huddled Smollett recruited him and physically move toward me “My voice cracked, but I “About what?” Allen
actually the victim of a in a sidebar. his brother to stage a hoax with the upper portion of did not cry about the inci- asked. “You were there,
horrific crime. “Judge, you physically hate crime attack on him his body,” Walker told the dent,” she said. “I was in right?”
Without smoking-gun moved towards me,” Tamara one night in January 2019. Tribune on Friday. shock and disbelief, and “Media attention,” Abim-
evidence either way, only Walker told Cook County Attacking the broth- After the sidebar, Linn my voice broke. I could not bola answered. “Jussie
Smollett himself could Judge James Linn during ers’ credibility is central to directed jurors to leave the believe I was relating what wanted it. He got what he
refute the brothers’ testi- the trial Thursday. the defense case. They are courtroom, and Walker occurred.” wanted.”
mony — and when the trial Linn vigorously denied expected to argue, in part, again asked for a mistrial Walker said she viewed Defense attorneys also
resumes Monday, all eyes it, and the courtroom that the brothers may have — this time in open court the encounter as part of a tried to make hay out of
will be on whether he takes devolved into something actually attacked Smol- — because of the collateral long pattern of disrespect allegedly homophobic
the stand. close to chaos. Spectators lett, perhaps motivated by comment “as well as your toward female attorneys — comments made in the past
Smollett’s attorneys have murmured, attorneys began homophobia. physical actions toward me particularly Black female by Olabinjo Osundairo, and
played close to the vest any an animated argument for a To bolster that argument, in the sidebar.” attorneys — in courtrooms even suggested in their
discussion about having mistrial, and Linn denied the Walker showed jurors texts Linn strenuously denied across the country. questioning that Abimbola
Smollett testify. They did not accusation strenuously. He from Olabinjo Osundairo making threatening moves, “Throughout my 21 years and Smollett had a sexual
mention to jurors in open- had simply been extremely that called someone “fruit” saying he was just “quite of practice I have had expe- relationship.
ing statements whether they surprised at what attorneys and “gaylord,” as well as startled” that the defense riences that my white male In her questioning,
would hear from the actor. requested during the side- an exchange between him would ask for a mistrial on counterparts have not, defense attorney Tamara
So far, the defense has bar, he said. and his brother in which those grounds. including being mistaken for Walker asked Olabinjo about
presented three witnesses, The story spread like he referred to someone “What collateral meant a court clerk, being mistaken a tweet in which he asked
none of whom rebutted the wildfire through the Leigh- who might have been gay as in that context (was) we’re for a defendant or member someone “why you follow-
brothers’ testimony. One, a ton Criminal Court Building, “sicko.” talking about things he said of the general public, being ing Frank Ocean, you know
doctor from Northwestern where Linn has presided During the course of the to other people,” he said told to sit down when I came that (epithet) gay, right?”
Memorial Hospital, where over a felony courtroom for questioning Linn said the from the bench. “There’s up to the clerk to check in for Olabinjo said he didn’t
Smollett was treated on the years. matters being raised were nothing for a mistrial here clients,” she said. “My expe- consider the tweet problem-
morning of the attack, may On Friday, Walker told the “very collateral,” at which … frankly I’m stunned you’d riences are not isolated; a atic — just a joke between
have actually helped pros- Tribune she believed Linn’s point Walker and her team consider a mistrial.” number of female or Black friends. He also said he
ecutors by confirming the physical response was spon- repeatedly requested a side- In addition, Smollett women practitioners have didn’t know whether or not
actor had no serious inju- taneous and not intended to bar. attorney Heather Widell experienced the same thing Ocean, a popular singer and
ries from the beating and intimidate — perhaps it was Attorneys and the judge said in court Linn was throughout our careers.” songwriter, is gay.
was given nothing but Tyle- Allen tried an even more
nol before being sent home. abrupt approach with
Anticipation of the Osun- Abimbola Osundairo, who
dairo brothers’ testimony brothers’ credibility. The the stand for a total of five studio and the media, Smol- “Empire” set. testified on direct that he’d
had been building for nearly information vacuum led to hours Thursday. Prosecu- lett wanted the brothers Both brothers testified worked on “Empire” from
three years, ever since they months of speculation and tors rested their case after to attack him while wear- Smollett gave them a check 2016 to early 2019 and hung
gave sworn statements to allegations of impropriety the brothers’ testimony ing red hats to look like for $3,500 for their efforts out with Smollett socially,
a Cook County grand jury by Foxx’s office, and almost concluded. supporters of then-Presi- and also $100 in cash to pay often going to nightclubs,
on Feb. 20, 2019, leading cost her reelection. Both brothers came dent Donald Trump and put for the rope, ski masks, hats strip clubs or bathhouses.
to the filing of the original A year later, after special across as composed and a rope around his neck, both and other supplies. They In a made-for-TV
disorderly conduct charges prosecutor Dan Webb was well-coached on the stand, brothers testified. believed some of the money moment, Allen asked Abim-
against Smollett. appointed to look into the often responding to ques- “He wanted us to say, was also meant as payment bola point blank on cross-ex-
Their statements took matter, he indicted Smollett tions with clipped, one- or ‘Aren’t you that “Empire” for a diet and fitness plan the amination: “When did you
on even more weight a on almost identical disor- two-word answers. (homophobic slur) (racial brothers had worked up for and Jussie start dating?”
month later, when State’s derly conduct charges based They were largely able to slur)?’ and ‘This is MAGA Smollett through their busi- “What?” Abimbola said.
Attorney Kim Foxx’s office largely on the same testi- avoid clashes with Smollett’s country,’ ” Olabinjo Osun- ness, “Team Abel,” they said. “We were never dating.”
abruptly dropped the case mony from the Osundairo attorneys, who tried to rattle dairo testified. On the morning of the “Were you using the sexual
in exchange for Smollett brothers. them on cross-examination On the way to a “dry run” attack, which was delayed tension between you to prog-
forfeiting his bond and So interest was high when with rapid-fire questions of the fake attack, Olabinjo by nearly four hours because ress your acting career?” Allen
doing a minimal amount of the first brother to testify, about their drug dealing, said, Smollett got more Smollett’s flight from New asked Thursday.
community service. Abimbola Osundairo, strode criminal pasts, motives for specific about their roles: York departed late, the “I didn’t know there was
In the ensuing uproar, into Associate Judge James befriending Smollett, even “For me, he wanted me to brothers walked around the sexual tension,” Abimbola
Foxx, who had withdrawn Linn’s seventh-floor court- alleged homosexual or put the noose around his Streeterville neighborhood Osundairo replied.
from the case after revealing room Wednesday. Abimbola, homophobic tendencies. neck and pour bleach on in the bitter cold for a while, Allen also tried to ques-
she had contact with Smol- who goes by the nickname The brothers largely him, while my brother hit killing time until Smollett tion Abimbola about
lett’s representatives early “Abel,” was the closer of the stuck to the version of him and put the bruise on showed up at the prescribed homophobia in Nigerian
in the investigation, wrote brothers to Smollett and the events that has been alleged his face.” location near his apartment culture, to prosecutors’
a Tribune op-ed saying for person the actor allegedly since the day Smollett was Smollett asked Abim- building, Abimbola Osun- repeated objections that
the first time that aspects of turned to first with the plan first charged: that the actor bola Osundairo to do the dairo told the jury. Then were sustained by Linn. “He
the evidence and testimony to stage an attack. approached them in late hitting because, “He didn’t they saw him and sprang was born in Chicago. Move
“would have made securing Abimbola Osundairo’s January 2019, saying he was think that I would be able into action. on,” the judge said.
a conviction against Smollett testimony, which stretched upset that his studio was not to hold my punches back,” “I said, ‘Hey, aren’t you
uncertain.” for about eight hours over taking seriously a threaten- said Olabinjo, whose ripped that “Empire” (homophobic jmeisner@chicago
Foxx did not elaborate at two days, was followed ing letter he’d received a physique was shown to slur)?’ and we said the other
the time on whether she was immediately by that of week earlier. the jury through a shirt- words, and my brother said, mcrepeau@chicago
talking specifically about the his brother, who was on To get the attention of the less photo of him on the ‘This is MAGA country,’ ”

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★ Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  3

Paying tribute in a variety of different ways
truckers together
at pilgrimage
By Laura Rodríguez
Presa and Alice Yin
Chicago Tribune

Central Road in Des

Plaines, normally whizzing
with fast cars, was empty
just after noon on Satur-
day, save for the police cars
blocking entry. There was
only the sound of honking
Then soft clomps came
from the east, steadily grow-
ing in volume and soon
accentuated with neighing.
Over the horizon, a cadre
of horseback riders slinked
toward its destination, some
snapping photos on their
phone and others proudly
placing their arms akimbo.
That was the first sighting
of at least 1,000 equestrians
who rode through a Cook
County Forest Preserve in
Wheeling to pay homage to
Our Lady of Guadalupe, or
the Virgin Mary.
Saturday marked the
10th kickoff of the tradi- Hundreds of riders arrive Saturday at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Des Plaines to pay their respects. ANTONIO PEREZ /CHICAGO TRIBUNE PHOTOS
tion in which mostly Latino
Catholics from across the Guadalupe, also known as
tristate area and even the the Patroness of the Amer-
U.S. made the pilgrimage icas, for several years, in
to Des Plaines to visit the 2016 she and her brother
Guadalupana’s shrine, the organized a caravan with
most visited monument of their semi-trucks offering
its kind in the United States. it as prayer for their family
Many make the annual business.
journey to the shrine to “We wanted to thank God
mirror the pilgrimages done for keeping us safe, but we
in Mexico to fulfill a promise also wanted to pray for all of
— a manda — or give thanks our drivers and truckers in
to the Virgin Mary for bless- the city,” Vargas said.
ings and protection. Others On Saturday’s pilgrimage,
do it as a sacrifice as they more than 50 semi-truck
pray for a specific need or drivers and their families
concern. also joined the devotees who
Arturo Gante, 48, said he paid a visit to the Guada-
traveled from Lake Station, lupana, a week before the DESIGNER HOLIDAY GIFTS
Indiana, for his first pilgrim- Naomi Quintana, the wife of a trucker, decorates a truck with annual feast at the shrine
age to the shrine. While
fixing the equipment on his
an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Saturday in Des Plaines. that will resume this year
after last year’s pause. The
horse named Colorado, he “Just being here is important to me drivers adorned their trucks
spoke of excitement over with images of the Virgen
paying respects as well as and my family, especially since this is De Guadalupe, lights and
praying for his family and
his job.
pretty much how you do it in Mexico. It’s tinsels.
The wives and children
“We’re just here to cele- really important for us to come and just of the drivers also joined the
brate,” Gante said while journey. While the mariachi
tending to Colorado. “I’m celebrate our religion.” played at their meeting spot
Catholic, so that’s part of the at a parking lot near Pilsen,
church.” — Napoleon Abella Calzada, 16, from Appleton, Wisconsin the families ate tamales.
Jenni Ochoa, a freshman “It’s a gathering of love
at Eastern Illinois Univer- and community,” said
sity, traveled to the shrine and stored away to deter For Jesus Gonzalez, Vargas. “It’s a demonstra-
as a volunteer, fixing up the people from congregating the event’s organizer, the tion of love for Our Lady of
roses and other arrange- for a special day known as pilgrimage is a family affair, Guadalupe, but also for the
ments around the shrine. the “Feast of Our Lady of done with the help of his people that you pray for.”
The visit has special mean- Guadalupe,” which draws children and wife. His She said the devotion
ing to Ochoa, who was more than 200,000 devotees brothers all own horses for the Virgin Mary breaks
baptized at the shrine’s each December. and year after year join the barriers and for a few hours
church, but also to her Before the journey began sacred journey. people forget their differ-
elders, she said. in the morning, Napoleon In Gonzalez’s native ences and join each other
“It’s great just seeing Abella Calzada, 16, watched town in Mexico, he grew up for Our Lady Of Guadalupe’s
everybody out here prac- as his father guided his surrounded by horsemen in blessings.
ticing their faith,” Ochoa, horse to waltz back and traditional Mexican rodeos The past years haven’t
who grew up in Round forth on the grass. It was the and other equestrian sports. been easy, Vargas said.
Lake Beach, said. “Most boy’s first pilgrimage of this “We’ve always been grate- One of their drivers died of
churches were closed size, and he was in awe at the ful for our health and the COVID-19. They intend to
through the pandemic. crowd that was prepared to love that surrounds us,” he honor him with the caravan.
“The majority of the join his father. said. “Pilgrimages renew faith,”
older Hispanic commu- “Just being here is import- Equestrians and their Vargas said. “If people are
nity, I feel like their faith is ant to me and my family, families from all over the willing to walk miles, brav-
stronger, so it brings joy to especially since this is Midwest partake in the ing the cold, sacrifice so
them to be here.” pretty much how you do it pilgrimage. There are young much, you realize the power
Last year, the image of Our in Mexico,” Abella Calzada, children and women who of faith.”
Lady of Guadalupe, the first from Appleton, Wisconsin, also ride their horses.
replica of the sacred cloak said. “It’s really important Though Maria Vargas has larodriguez@chicago
with her image in Mexico’s for us to come and just cele- attended hourslong pilgrim-
basilica, was taken down brate our religion.” ages to honor Our Lady of

Chicago overdue for lasting snowfall. So,

what are chances of a white Christmas?
By Sylvia Goodman Chicago’s first snow accu- favor a little bit wetter than part to the usual effects of
Chicago Tribune mulation, Kluber said, is normal for us, but doesn’t La Nina.
sometime during the late necessarily mean it will be,” AccuWeather defines a
Anyone who’s lived in afternoon into the evening Kluber said. “It’s kind of like “white Christmas” as having
Chicago for a few years Tuesday. a feast or famine, sometimes at least an inch of snow on
knows one thing for certain: “The bulk of the precipita- with the La Nina pattern the ground for the holiday.
It’s not a question of if it’ll tion may split up to the south where you can get your- Kluber said it’s simply too
snow, but how much. This and then another wave self in a storm track and be far out to guess at snowfall
fall, however, the city has to the north on that day,” very active for a long period for the big holiday, especially
barely seen snowflakes, let Kluber said. “But of all the of time. But we didn’t find since it’s such a “sensitive”
alone snow accumulation. days coming up here, that’s ourselves in the track of matter for many households.
According to National probably our best shot.” those storms (this year).” “We could have a very
Weather Service meteo- Chicago is overdue for The same unpredictabil- warm December, but all
rologist Todd Kluber, we snow, the weather service ity that made this fall drier it takes is just one small
might finally be seeing that said. The average day by than usual means it’s diffi- system to come through
first 10th of an inch — the which we usually see snow cult to predict exactly how on Christmas morning and
weather service’s minimum on the ground is Nov. 18. The much snow Chicagoans can drop 2 inches of snow and
amount of measurable snow city’s “meteorological fall,” hope to see on Christmas that could be an outlier for
— next week. While fore- which looks at September, morning. the whole month,” Kluber
casters haven’t ruled out October and November, was While the weather service said. “But it still technically 630.954.2662
the chance of snow early about 2.9 degrees warmer doesn’t typically speculate would qualify as a white
Sunday morning, Kluber than usual this year. several weeks in advance, Christmas.”
said it’s “not looking likely However, Kluber said, AccuWeather, a national This weekend, forecast-
at this point.” November was actually weather forecasting service, ers said Chicago can expect
Oak Brook Promenade
Snow might fall a little fairly close to average for has predicted a 50% to 75% below freezing nighttime
3021 Butterfield Road | Oak Brook, Illinois
Monday morning as cold air Chicago, but it was dryer chance of snow for a large temperatures with daily
moves in behind showers than usual despite the swath of the Midwest based highs in the mid-40s or low Store Hours:
Sunday morning, but still, effects of La Nina, which on historical patterns, even 50s. There’s a chance of Wednesday through Sunday 11am - 4pm
the potential for accumula- usually means more precip- predicting a higher chance freezing rain Sunday night By Appointment Only
tion is low. itation for the Midwest. for a white Christmas than with a low possibility of
The most likely day for “The pattern does tend to normal in Chicago, due in snow.
4  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 ★

Lakeview favorite
Yoshi’s Cafe will
close after 39 years
French-Asian pretty good on most days,
and we have been pretty
mainstay’s last day busy,” she said. “We have
set for Dec. 12 been developing a lot more
of a younger clientele. I’m
By Louisa Chu still happy running around
and Ariel Cheung in the dining room.”
Chicago Tribune She met with employees
at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, she
Yoshi’s Cafe, a beloved said, to let them know first.
restaurant that pioneered With seven servers, and
the fusion of French and three cooks in the kitchen,
Asian cuisine from the the closure will affect about
Lakeview neighborhood of a dozen employees in all.
Chicago for 39 years, will “I’m really sad to close
close permanently. the place, but it’s about time
“Yoshi’s Cafe’s last day for me to go on to the next
will be Dec. 12,” said owner chapter,” said Katsumura.
Nobuko Katsumura. “I had “Next year, I will be 70. So
somebody approach me just for a few months I will
to buy my property, and it just take care of myself. And
happened so quick. The then after maybe I have a
closing will be Dec. 15.” little plan.”
Katsumura opened the She would like to spend
restaurant in 1982 with her time with her family and
late husband, the acclaimed grandchildren. Chef Yoshi Katsumura, right, works in his restaurant, Yoshi’s Cafe, in Chicago in 2011. TERRENCE ANTONIO JAMES/CHICAGO TRIBUNE
chef, Yoshi Katsumura. “My son’s kids,” Katsu-
He died in 2015 at age 65 mura said. “My son left in Le Francais, where Yoshi Vettel praised the “unmis- work as a pastry and sous yolk and uni butter.
of cancer. Their son, Ken January. He wanted to work Katsumura cooked under takable” culinary skill in his chef at Entente and Gideon Last year, Mari Katsu-
Katsumura, had taken over on other things.” the legendary chef Jean three-star review — even Sweet received widespread mura temporarily trans-
as chef. “The chef right now has Banchet. with the slashed prices and praise before she joined with formed the front of Yūgen
“I’m not selling to a devel- been working for us for 17 In 1996, cognizant of the relaxed atmosphere. restaurateur Michael Olsze- into a luxurious grab-and-go
oper,” Nobuko Katsumura years,” she said. He was changing market and neigh- Yoshi Katsumura worked wski to open Yūgen in the market called Kaisho — also
said. “It’s somebody who’s working under Yoshi and borhood, Yoshi Katsumura in some of the area’s most West Loop in 2018 as exec- the name of their casual bar
in the neighborhood. He he kept Yoshi’s recipes and remodeled Yoshi’s, more famed French restaurants, utive chef. originally in the space —
came to me, and said if you people are loving it.” than doubling its capacity including Le Francais and Yūgen’s high-end tasting to meet pandemic dining
ever want to sell your prop- In the early years of his and creating a more casual Le Bastille, before join- menu featured Japanese restrictions.
erty, let me know.” eponymous restaurant, and affordable menu, where ing Jimmy Rohr to create flavors deeply personal Yūgen closed in May
She doesn’t know, Yoshi’s was a luxury-dining steak au poivre sat side by Jimmy’s Place, perhaps to Mari Katsumura, who after Mari Katsumura said
however, what plans the restaurant, offering French- side with tofu steak, crab Chicago’s first French-Asian would describe how crab she felt the time was right to
new owner has for the prop- Asian fusion and classic wontons, creative sushi and fusion restaurant. rice she made as a kid move on to other projects.
erty, including the restau- French dishes. The latter a daily risotto. Daughter Mari Katsu- for an after-school snack
rant space. included duck consomme At the time, former long- mura also inherited her translated into a definitive Phil Vettel contributed to
“We have been doing en croute, a signature from time Tribune critic Phil father’s skill. Her early version with soy-cured egg this report.

Itasca’s rejection of Haymarket drug treatment center draws federal investigation

By John Keilman icans with Disabilities Act. Inn hotel, saying the town the continuing overdose crisis complying with the depart- protection district and
Chicago Tribune Mayor Jeff Pruyn released of 9,000 can’t afford the shows the need for additional ment’s request for informa- school systems.
a letter Lausch sent last week, projected public safety costs rehab services in the suburbs. tion,” he wrote. A spokesman for the U.S.
The Haymarket drug in which he announced the it would entail. Its attorneys have contended A village spokeswoman attorney’s office declined to
treatment center’s more- probe and noted that the ADA That capped a process that turning down the center said Pruyn would have no comment.
than-two-year attempt protects people with disabil- that began in 2019 and would constitute an ADA additional comment. Haymarket President
to open a rehab in Itasca ities — including substance created plenty of resistance violation, and Pruyn said in Lausch asked village offi- and CEO Dan Lustig, mean-
took another turn Thurs- use disorder — from discrim- among Itasca residents, who a letter to residents that the cials to produce a raft of while, issued a four-word
day when officials said U.S. ination. marched in the street by the U.S. attorney’s letter came as documents within the next statement: “We welcome an
Attorney John Lausch has The Village Board hundreds and peppered no surprise. 30 days, including zoning investigation.”
launched an investigation last month turned down the DuPage County suburb “Since receiving the bylaws, internal emails
into whether the village’s Haymarket’s proposal to with lawn signs to protest communication, the village related to Haymarket and jkeilman@chicago
rejection of the center was put a 240-bed treatment the plan. has informed interested any relevant communi-
in keeping with the Amer- center in a former Holiday Haymarket has argued that party taxing bodies and is cations with the local fire Twitter @JohnKeilman

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6  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 ★

One of the 2 suspects charged in

shootout makes court appearance
By Deanese on foot as Covington went Meanwhile, Coving-
Williams-Harris inside the station, Jenkins ton then ran to a nearby
and Rosemary Sobol said. Taylor remained in the house in the 9100 block of
Chicago Tribune Jeep’s driver’s seat. South Harper as three resi-
Covington got back in the dents were getting home
Two men engaged in a SUV and it began rolling in their car. Covington told
“shocking” shootout with forward a slow speed, but them he’d been shot and he
police that sparked a high- one of the officers was able needed help. He barged into
speed chase and left a to open the rear driver’s the front door, then into a
Chicago police officer and side passenger door and hop back bedroom, while telling
one of the suspects shot on into the SUV announcing: one of the residents to throw
the Far South Side, prosecu- “Chicago police,” Jenkins out of his hoodie and not to
tors and a judge said Satur- said. call 911, Jenkins said.
day afternoon. Body-worn camera He got into a bedroom,
Adonis Covington, who captured Covington draw- which happened to be
was shot by police, remained ing a gun with a large maga- equipped a security camera
hospitalized, but Michael zine and pointing it at the that recorded him telling
Taylor appeared before officer in the SUV, who said someone that he’d been shot
Cook County Judge Maryam Covington then fired once by police, and 911 was called,
Ahmad, who denied bail at him as he tried to get out. Jenkins said.
for both during a hearing The officer returned fire as Covington was arrested
that was broadcast live on he was “falling out” of the in the home, while Taylor
YouTube. Jeep, Jenkins said. was found underneath a car
Covington, 21, of the 8100 His partner fired at the nearby. Both were taken to
block of South Hermitage Jeep and took cover as it hospital, where Covington
Avenue, was charged with pulled out of the station, remains.
two counts of attempted jumped a curb and crashed, Taylor is 26, lives with
first-degree murder, one while the other officer ran his mom, his nephew and
count of armed habitual after it and ordered the two little sisters, said his
criminal and one count suspects to put up their attorney Brian Shields. He
of receiving/possessing a hands, Jenkins said. attended Eastern Illinois
stolen vehicle, according to At that point, Taylor got University for two years,
Chicago police. out of the driver’s seat and graduated from Chicago
Taylor, 26, of the 7900 raised his gun toward both Vocational High School with
block of South Kimbark officers, Jenkins said. Pod honors and has worked at
Avenue, also was charged cameras captured “visible the Chicago Park District as
with attempted first-de- muzzle flashes’’ near the well as a janitor, said Shields.
gree murder, unlawful use driver’s side of the Jeep, “This was not a premedi-
of a concealed weapon and where spent shell casings tated incident,” said Shields,
possessing a stolen vehicle, were later found. who added there was no
police said. As both officers returned evidence he fired a gun.
The charges stem from a fire, one was shot in his left Before denying bail Judge
Wednesday shooting during calf while Covington was Ahmad said Taylor “basi-
a traffic stop in the 9200 block shot in his knee and Taylor cally engaged in a shootout
of South Stony Island Avenue was grazed in his right shin, with the police in the city of
in the Calumet Heights neigh- Jenkins said. The officer has Chicago in a highly popu-
borhood, where an exchange since been released from the lated area.”
of gunfire broke out, police hospital. The allegations in this
said. The suspects then fled case are “quite shocking”
In court, Assistant State’s to the Skyway Motel, 9132 because it appeared they
Attorney Lorin Jenkins said S. Stony Island Ave., across “were shooting at indi-
the situation began when the street, where Covington viduals who were wear-
two on-duty Chicago police was filmed “hobbling along” ing clearly marked police
spotted the same stolen the side of the building with uniforms,” Ahmad said.
black Jeep Grand Cherokee an apparent knee injury and “The court knows how big
that fled when they tried to making a “throwing motion” those letters are on the vest.”
pull it over two days before. as he ran toward an alley, The third suspect, a South
The officers, who were where later nearby police Side man named Blake
(630) 423-5785 not wearing uniforms but
had official vests with the
found a gun, Jenkins said.
Taylor ran through the
Williams who was out on
bond for an alleged carjack-
words “police” on them, parking lot and to the back ing, was charged in the same
tried again to pull it over, but of the motel, where several shootout.
it sped away at a “high rate of witnesses appeared to see Covington and Taylor are
speed,” Jenkins said. him. He then placed some- due back in court Monday.
They tracked it to a Citgo thing inside a Dumpster,
gas station at 9155 S. Stony where police eventually dawilliams@chicago
Island Ave. and began found two guns, one with a
approaching the station laser attached, Jenkins said.

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8  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 ★

Labor board grants hearing on vaccine mandate

Police unions claim status but could choose to
undergo regular COVID-19
city overreach on testing, rather than get shots,
COVID-19 policies through the end of the year.
After police unions chal-
By Alice Yin lenged the vaccine mandate
and Gregory Pratt in court, though, a judge
Chicago Tribune suspended the Dec. 31 date
for those members to be
The Chicago police fully inoculated, saying that
unions’ unfair labor prac- needed to go through arbi-
tice claims against the city tration. Other unions repre-
over its COVID-19 vaccine senting city workers are
mandate will be heard also now seeking the same,
before a judge, the state’s though they have yet to see
labor board has determined. the same success.
Leaders of the Fraternal The ILRB decision to
Order of Police and other hold a hearing stems from
local police unions allege the an unfair labor practice
city failed to bargain in good charge the FOP and other
faith over its vaccine poli- Chicago police unions
cies, and the Illinois Labor brought on Oct. 13 against
Board said in a newly issued the city. These cases usually
complaint it will hold a hear- lead to dismissal, deferral to
ing on the matter. arbitration, or a “complaint
The labor board issues for hearing,” which was the
a complaint when it finds result of this FOP complaint.
that an unfair labor prac- The FOP claims the city
tice charge has sufficient “failed to provide informa-
merit to warrant a hearing, tion” to the police unions
though it is not a final deter- and that the vaccination
mination. policy must be bargained.
Police union lead- If the final ruling goes the
ers argued that the city’s unions’ way, they could seek
vaccine policies involve relief from the city.
“wages, hours, and terms Since October, dozens of
and conditions of employ- first responders in Chicago
ment and is a mandatory have been placed on no-pay
subject of bargaining.” They status for failing to report
also argued that Mayor Lori their vaccine status, though
Lightfoot implemented the overall rate of compli-
her rules “without first Local Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara speaks out against Chicago’s vaccine mandate at a rally outside City ance with the mandate has
bargaining the impact of Hall in October. JOSE M. OSORIO/CHICAGO TRIBUNE climbed over that time. At
the decision to impasse or one point, a judge granted
agreement.” and a hearing will be set police members. Other legal was shot down by a judge, for mination was a victory. the city’s request for a
The city “failed and later for both sides to argue cases, however, have led to example. The city has “violated restraining order against
refused to bargain in good their cases. federal and Cook County A Lightfoot spokeswoman state labor law, period,” Catanzara to stop him
faith,” in violation of the Earlier this fall, a judge judges denying motions to said the city has not yet seen Catanzara said. from publicly encouraging
state’s Labor Relations Act, ordered a delay to the Jan. alter or pause the vaccina- the complaint. Local FOP Under Mayor Lori Light- union members to defy the
the unions claim. 1 vaccination requirement tion policy. On Thursday, the President John Catanzara foot’s directive, all city reporting mandate. But that
Lightfoot’s administra- set by Lightfoot, but it only FOP’s bid to block the vacci- said in a video posted by the employees had until Oct. 15 expired and the city dropped
tion has 15 days to respond, applies to unionized Chicago nation reporting requirement union that the ILRB deter- to report their vaccination the lawsuit in recent days.

Cop car on way to call crashes into Little Village home with children
By Paige Fry officers received a call that to the call, he tried to avoid sign at 30th and Keeler, On the first floor, a man everyone declined medical
Chicago Tribune an officer had crashed into a crash with a 2017 Honda and as he was entering the said that he and his four attention, though at least
a home in the 2800 block of Civic at the intersection of intersection, he saw an SUV children — aged 2, 9, 10 and one officer in the police car
A Chicago police officer South Keeler Avenue, the 30th and Keeler. But the going in the wrong direc- 13 — were home at the time complained of neck, back
crashed through a fence, report said. They found an squad car hit the Honda tion, the report said. He tried of the crash, which caused and leg pain.
hitting a Little Village home unmarked 2017 police Ford and ricocheted, hitting the to accelerate to avoid crash- a wooden “load-bearing Representatives from the
where four children were Explorer plowed into the fence and the home, the ing but was still hit. structure beam” to plunge city’s department of build-
inside, while responding to surrounding fence and side report said. The owner of the home into their living room, caus- ings were called to the scene
a call Friday night, according of a home. The driver of the Honda said that he, his wife, daugh- ing structural damage” and and the home’s occupants
to a traffic crash report. The officer said that said that while he was driv- ter and grandson were on debris to scatter but no phys- found somewhere else to
No injuries were reported. while he was driving west ing south on Keeler, he made the second floor when it ical injuries. stay out of safety concerns,
About 10:40 p.m., police in an eastbound-only road a complete stop at the stop happened, the report said. EMS arrived on scene, but the report said.

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★ Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  9

Aurora Salvation Army says donations are ‘pretty far behind’

Group faces
shortage of bell
ringers at stores
By David Sharos
For Beacon-News

The worker shortage that

continues to plague virtu-
ally every kind of business
in the nation has also hurt
non-profits including the
Salvation Army, whose
annual Red Kettle Campaign
is off to a struggling start.
Here in the Aurora area,
the campaign kicked off
before Thanksgiving on
Nov. 19 and after just 10
days, those coordinating the
annual collection effort said
“we’re pretty far behind.”
“One of our challenges —
and I think we’re in the same
boat as a lot of organizations
and businesses — is that bell
ringers are hard to come by,”
said Major Gabriela Rangel,
51, of the Aurora Salvation
Army, who has worked
with the Salvation Army Akeysta Simmons, of Aurora, works ringing the bell for the Salvation Army outside the Walmart Supercenter at 2900 Kirk Road in Aurora on Monday. She said
for 15 years. “We only have “people aren’t giving as much this year.” DAVID SHAROS/BEACON-NEWS
10 bell ringers, even though
we have 34 spots that need “Collections go in waves. Out of every 10 tion totals “may also be of the things we noticed last money.”
to be filled.” affected by the economy as year was with our virtual Clothing donations were
Aurora is not alone in people that come in the store maybe one people are struggling with kettle things were really cut back last year, “as we
having difficulty finding
bell ringers. Captain Xavier
or two will put something into the kettle. things being more expen-
good. People were more
aware because we were
could not provide them for
every child” Rangel said,
Montenegro of the Salva- There are dry spells where no one seems “I really can’t pinpoint in the worst point of the adding that “coats, gloves
tion Army’s Metropolitan exactly what is happening pandemic and donors were and socks – these are basic
Division said donations and to be donating and then a whole bunch but I think it would be safe to more aware of the need and necessities as far as clothing
the number of bell ringers will put something in. It goes in spurts.” say some people are a little they found ways to help.” that are always a plus” and
across the Chicago area are insecure about their income Other challenges have that those donations are
down this year compared to — Lawrence Romain of Aurora but in terms of our totals, included finding drivers welcome.
2020, but he remains opti- we are pretty far behind,” to take bell ringers to their “We do our best to
mistic. Rangel said 10 days into the various assignment posts assist everyone that comes
“It could possibly be ers are hard to come by,” she “A lot of the volunteers collection. which Rangel said has until Dec. 24 and not turn
where people are at them- said. work just a few hours Sadly, the numbers prompted the organization anybody away once we do
selves financially,” Monte- Akeysta Simmons of whereas we do this full-time offered show 2021 hasn’t “to tell ringers to get there an interview to see there is
negro said. “That might be Aurora was being paid to — like eight hours a day, five been a good year for collec- on their own and just meet- a genuine need,” she said.
impacting them, but I think work ringing a bell for the days a week,” he said. “I love tions so far and Rangel ing them with the bell.” “Whatever donations we
the generosity is still there. Salvation Army at Walmart the Salvation Army and we admits it will be nearly This year’s Salvation receive will go to a child.”
… It might not be as much Supercenter at 2900 Kirk do the most good. We help impossible to catch up in Army toy drive also started Donations can still be
as they were able to do last Road in Aurora from 10 a.m. a lot of needy families and December. slowly, Rangel said, but made by scanning the QR
year, but people are still until 7 p.m. on Monday, and children.” “We have graphs and added “I think it’s going code at collection sites
being generous.” said collections overall were Romain said he wasn’t on this day (Nov. 29) back better than it did last year.” where new payment options
People can donate or light. surprised donations were in 2018, we had raised “Unfortunately we’ve like Apple Pay have been
volunteer through https:// “I really don’t know why down “since a lot of people $50,000,” she said. “In 2019, lost some of our previous added this year., people aren’t giving as much don’t carry cash anymore.” the total was about $45,000.” donors for good because Those interested in
Montenegro said. this year,” she said. “People “Collections go in waves,” This year’s total in the they closed down but some making a contribution online
Over the past few years in see the sign. If they don’t he said. “Out of every 10 same time period was who couldn’t participate can go to www.centra-
Aurora, collection problems want to give you can’t force people that come in the store $24,240, which Rangel notes last year came back,” she
have been worsened by not them.” maybe one or two will put is even less than last year at said. “Even today we were auroraIL/contact-us/
having enough volunteers Lawrence Romain of something into the kettle. the height of the pandemic. approached by one of them
to fill positions and this year, Aurora was working another There are dry spells where “Even last year, we were a who said ‘We’re willing to David Sharos is a freelance
Rangel said things aren’t any door at the south end of the no one seems to be donating little farther ahead. We had do this’. We still have need reporter for
different. Walmart and said he has and then a whole bunch will collected about $35,000 but not as great as we did The Beacon-News.
“We have had to hire bell worked 15 years as a paid put something in. It goes in and we’re never going to last year – we are getting
ringers in the past few years employee of the Salvation spurts.” catch up if our donors are there. We’re not as far Chicago Tribune’s Alice Yin
and even now paid bell ring- Army. Rangel said the collec- not active,” she said. “One behind as we are with the contributed.



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10  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 ★

from Page 1

released, agreeing with

prosecutors that they posed
a flight risk.
Defense attorneys for
the Crumbleys still argued
Saturday that they never
intended to flee and had
made plans to meet their
lawyers early that morn-
ing. Attorney Shannon
Smith accused prosecutors
of “cherry picking” facts
to release publicly, includ-
ing that accusation that
their teenage son had unre-
stricted access to the hand-
gun prosecutors say his
father purchased for him
days before the shooting.
“Our clients are just as
devastated as everyone else,”
Smith said, adding that the
gun “was locked.” She didn’t
provide more detail during
Saturday’s hearing.
Oakland County Prosecu-
tor Karen McDonald’s office
filed involuntary manslaugh-
ter charges against the
Crumbleys on Friday,
accusing them of failing Detroit Chief of Police James White briefs members of the media outside the building where James and Jennifer Crumbley, the parents of suspected Oxford High
to intervene on the day of School shooter Ethan Crumbley, were arrested Saturday in Detroit. MATTHEW HATCHER/GETTY
the tragedy despite being
confronted with a draw- that the pair left town earlier afternoon. On Friday, McDonald Parents in the U.S. are found a note on Ethan’s
ing and chilling message — in the week “for their own “These are not people offered the most precise rarely charged in school desk and took a photo. It
“blood everywhere” — that safety” and would be return- that we can be assured will account so far of the events shootings involving their was a drawing of a gun
was found at the boy’s desk. ing to Oxford to face charges. return to court on their that led to the shooting children, even as most pointing at the words, “The
The Crumbleys commit- During Saturday’s hear- own,” she said. at Oxford High School, minors get guns from a thoughts won’t stop. Help
ted “egregious” acts, from ing, Smith said they were in A Detroit business owner roughly 30 miles north of parent or relative’s house, me,” McDonald said.
buying a gun on Black Friday touch by phone and text on spotted a car tied to the Detroit. according to experts. There also was a draw-
and making it available to Friday evening and blamed Crumbleys in his park- Ethan Crumbley, 15, School officials became ing of a bullet, she said,
Ethan Crumbley to resist- prosecutors for failing to ing lot late Friday, Oakland emerged from a bath- concerned about the with words above it: “Blood
ing his removal from school communicate with her and County Undersheriff room with a gun, shoot- younger Crumbley on everywhere.”
when they were summoned fellow defense attorney Michael McCabe said in a ing students in the hallway, Monday, a day before the Between the gun and the
a few hours before the Mariell Lehman. statement. A woman seen investigators said. He’s shooting, when a teacher bullet was a person who
shooting, McDonald said “Our clients were abso- near the vehicle ran away charged as an adult with saw him searching for appeared to have been shot
Friday. lutely going to turn them- when the business owner murder, terrorism and other ammunition on his phone, twice and is bleeding. He also
Authorities had been selves in; it was just a matter called 911, McCabe said. The crimes. McDonald said. wrote, “My life is useless”
looking for the couple of logistics,” she said. couple was later located and Under Michigan law, the Jennifer Crumbley and “The world is dead,”
since Friday afternoon. But McDonald said on arrested by Detroit police. involuntary manslaugh- was contacted and subse- according to the prosecutor.
Late Friday, U.S. Marshals Saturday that the couple Detroit Police Chief ter charge filed against the quently told her son in a text Asked at a news confer-
announced a reward of up took $4,000 out of an ATM James White said the couple parents can be pursued if message: “Lol. I’m not mad ence if the father could be
to $10,000 each for informa- on Friday morning in Roch- “were aided in getting into authorities believe some- at you. You have to learn not charged for purchasing the
tion leading to their arrests. ester Hills, not far from the the building,” and that a one contributed to a situa- to get caught,” according to gun for the son, McDonald
Smith, the Crumbleys’ courthouse where they person who helped them tion where there was a high the prosecutor. said that would be the deci-
attorney, had said Friday should have appeared that may also face charges. chance of harm or death. On Tuesday, a teacher sion of federal authorities.

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★ Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  11

College Prep
players and
Southland College Prep hosts its “It’s awesome because cheerleaders
for practice, this cuts out
first-ever home game at new field house an hour of our time getting
get ready to
hit the court
there and coming back. Wednesday
By Jeff Vorva home games at home. When Having our own gym is really for the first
For Daily Southtown we played, it definitely didn’t helpful. boys varsity
feel like a home game — it felt “We like having our fans basketball
Alaya Cherry jumped out like a neutral game between here and we are proud and home game
of her seat and yelled after two high schools.” appreciative.” on campus in
senior Kwabena Robin- Coach Christel Allen digs school history.
son hit a 3-point basket on the new digs. Jeff Vorva is a freelance JEFF VORVA/
Wednesday night. “We want to hit the floor reporter for the Daily South- DAILY
It was the first basket by running here,” she said. town. SOUTHTOWN
a Southland College Prep
varsity boys player in the
first true home game in the
history of the school.
The bad news is that it
came with 7 minutes left in
the second quarter and the
Eagles were already down
30-0 to visiting Eisenhower.
Eisenhower went on to
win 67-19 in the nonconfer-
ence battle and may have
stolen the show in this
historic debut, but didn’t
steal the enthusiasm those
on Southland side have
about a new 36,000-square
foot field house.
It didn’t steal the enthu-
siasm of Cherry, of Univer-
sity Park, or her friends
Maya Foulks of Matteson,
Laila Johnson of Richton
Park or Kami’yelle Carter of
Park Forest, who were yell-
ing, laughing, cheering and
having a good time despite
the score.
All four said they would
have not gone to this game if
it wasn’t on campus.
“I think this will lift school
spirit because this is a really
prestigious thing,” Cherry
said. “It’s nice to have stuff
we can do and enjoy on
“This was an amazing
experience even though we
lost,” Carter said. “We’re
here for the fun.”
Sports will be a big part
of the field house’s use but
officials also plan on hold-
ing graduation ceremonies,
holiday concerts, programs,
special meetings and other
big events that the school in
Richton Park could other-
wise not host.
Blondean Y. Davis, the
superintendent of Matteson
School District 162, has plenty
of academic, band, college
acceptance and other success
to brag about at Southland
and now athletics will be a
part of that equation.
“Since we built this facility,
104 of our 580 students tried
out for basketball,” she said.
“We have three competitive
teams and for the first time,
we have a girls basketball
team. This is a new adven-
ture for us. Our goal is to be
as competitive athletically as
we are academically.”
There were a few hundred
people in attendance for the
opener but Davis predicts
when COVID-19 threats are
over, the place will be packed.
Cherry, Foulks, Johnson and
Carter are also on the new
girls basketball team and
Cherry yelled “We’re also
making history, baby!”
The school plans to make
bids for Illinois High School
Association postseason
play, such as regional and
sectional tournaments.
Southland College Prep
was established in 2010 and
before it had the new facility,
the basketball team played
and practiced at either at
O.W. Huth Middle School
or other off-campus facili-
ties including the Southland
Center in Lynwood.
“Since freshman year, I’ve
been dreaming of having a
home gym,” Robinson said.
“We would have to go to
practice on a bus and some-
times the bus wouldn’t show
up and if it did, it would be
30 minutes taken out of our
practice time. We didn’t have
a place to call home.”
The school’s most noted
basketball player in school
history is Tim Barnes, who
went to Beloit College and
is now playing professional
ball for Ararat Yerevan in
Armenia. He is the school’s
all-time leading scorer.
He has some time off and
said he was happy to be able
to come home and catch the
first home game.
For the past three years,
he has donated scholarship
money for students at South-
land and he helped fund the
team’s new jerseys.
“It’s a beautiful gym, man,”
Barnes said. “Anyone who
went here loves it. I think
it’s the best gym in the area.
It’s great that they built this.
When I was here, we didn’t
have anything like this.
“We played at Huth and
the Matteson Recreation
Center down the street. We
played games everywhere
but here. It’s good to have
12  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 ★

from Page 1

to the editor, decrying the

treatment of Chicago’s only
official art docent. See, the
school board had fired the
wrong docent. They did not
know who they had messed
with. Buehr, in her 60s, was
no kindly old art dowager.
She was a beloved teacher
and acclaimed artist herself
who had solo exhibitions in
Paris; she was also married
to Karl Buehr, a renowned
impressionist and beloved
instructor at the School of
the Art Institute who had
started at the museum as a
night watchman. She had
history. Like other docents,
often the welcoming, public
faces of monolithic institu-
tions, Mary Buehr had led
many school groups, and the
letter noted: “As a result of
(those) tours, literally thou-
sands of letters of appre-
ciation for this art service
are received by Chicago’s
docent from pupils rich and
poor and teachers and .…”
Sound familiar?
That echo you hear — of
dismissals, cries of unfair-
ness, letters to the editor —
that’s the sound of a similar
and more persistent blowup
at the Art Institute nearly a
century later. Art Institute of Chicago docents Gigi Vaffis, from left, Joi Daskal, Dietrich Klevorn and Tom O’Keefe. When the Art Institute dismissed its staff of volunteer docents
In September, the in September, the undercurrent was the staff was dismissed over demographics, but there was more to the situation. E. JASON WAMBSGANS/CHICAGO TRIBUNE
museum informed its
80-plus docents — some Arwady, commissioner of that within “the volunteer
of whom had been volun- the Chicago Department of space there is a great deal
teering there for decades Public Health, and WTTW’s of gratitude and generos-
— that it was suspending Geoffrey Baer — are a ity but not necessarily the
their 60-year-old program bit more equally divided same degree of account-
and rebooting it with an between men and women. ability” that paid museum
eye on remaking the docent Still, docents in Chicago professionals might offer.
corps as more reflective of cultural institutions tend to The museum now plans
a multicultural Chicago. be white, older and profes- to replace its traditional
Unless docents reapplied to sional. Less than 10% of program with a combination
a new program in the future, Architecture Center docents of “part-time, paid educa-
they were no longer part of are people of color, said tors” and unpaid volun-
their program. And some President Lynn Osmond, teers; in a letter to docents in
had responded as if it were who added the organiza- September, Veronica Stein,
their program. They put in tion is not recruiting new executive director of learn-
the time, acquired the art docents early next year so ing and public engagement
knowledge, gave the tours. it can rework requirements for the Woman’s Board,
They made the program a and create a docent pool wrote that the program will
staple. more reflective of the city’s be rebuilt “in a way that
You heard about this. demographics. Retirees, for allows community members
Probably, you moved on. instance, also are dispropor- of all income levels to partic-
Museum professionals, tionally represented among ipate, responds to issues of
and docents, have not. Not docents. At the Oriental class and income equity, and
even a little. That’s true in Institute at University of does not require financial
Chicago, and that’s true at Chicago, there’s a docent flexibility to participate.”
museums across the coun- (who gave tours as recent But according to Gigi
try, where docent programs as 2019) who was part of Vaffis, the docent council
are mostly paused because the museum’s first docent president at the museum,
of the pandemic. Many class in 1966. At the Field volunteers had been
say, when they do return, Museum — which has 193 suggesting many of those
the ramifications of what docents — a few have been changes for years. She said
happened at the Art Insti- active more than 40 years. they asked the museum
tute will play out for years. According to the letter that about diversifying its docent
Depending who’s talking, it’s Art Institute docents sent ranks, bringing in educators
about diversity, gratitude or the museum in reply to its trained for specific exhibits,
merely the future of muse- plans for them, the average partnering with Chicago
ums. Buehr’s dismissal was docent there has been lead- schoolchildren on the
definitely different: It was ing tours for at least 15 years. content of museum tours,
about money and misogyny. In fact, for 30 years, that shifting training to nights
Art docents were histor- history has been butting and weekends to create
ically white women of heads nationwide with the a broader docent corps.
means; many early docents growth and influence of “From my perspective, we
had influential husbands generally younger profes- offered ideas, but for a long
who sat on museum boards sional staffs of museum time, there wasn’t a capac-
and found them work in the education departments. ity (from the museum) to
museums as something for So, these days, muse- act.” She just never thought
them to do. ums are confronting ques- dismantling the program
But in Buehr’s 1932 tions about a reliance on itself was an option.
dismissal, we hear sounds free labor, questions about So, alas — shouts, hollers.
of 2021, echoes of influ- the makeup of their boards, Soon enough, Emil
ence, privilege, expertise, questions about the diversity Ferris, an acclaimed
the passion of docents, their of the art, questions about Evanston-based graphic
well-placed connections, the legacies of colonialism novelist, tweeted how mean-
their impact. Also misogyny that at times provided that ingful docents had been to
and money. We can imag- Visitors at the Art Institute of Chicago’s Modern Wing on Nov. 18. JOSE M. OSORIO/TRIBUNE art. “Docents are a very visi- her education. The online
ine a fairly white group of ble symptom of the larger arts magazine Hyperaller-
museum docents in the attempt to reflect the demo- shouted exactly that. An artists or art lovers? Was it changes already happening gic described the docent’s
1930s. The thing is, it stayed graphics of those cities, editorial in this newspaper about aesthetics or informa- at museums,” said Ryan Hill, response as “the work of a
that way, and it remains don’t expect the Case of the said the museum found its tion?” who has managed docent group that expects to oper-
that way now. By the 1950s, Dismissed Museum Docents docents were “wanting as a As docents became programs at several institu- ate with autonomy by virtue
Buehr was a lecturer at the to fade away. demographic.” common in museums, tions, including the Smithso- of donating its labor.” Those
museum. By 1961, the docent Said Dietrich Klevorn, The problem, said Porchia women found those jobs nian’s Hirshhorn Museum, were two of the thoughtful
program at the Art Institute who had been an Art Insti- Moore, head of the museum “partly because of misog- which ended its docent responses.
was formalized, becoming tute docent since 2012, one studies department at ynistic views that linked program in 2014, replac- Meanwhile, lost in the
something of an institution of two Black docents: “I fully the University of Flor- education and children to ing docents with univer- accusations against the
within an institution. understand historically how ida and a longtime consul- women,” Prottas said, “but sity art students who gave docents and museum alike
Now that history is the docent corps looks as it tant on questions of race also the work of women was tours for course credit. The were those meant to bene-
running headlong into does. I also understand a and cultural competence, valued less and art education Art Institute, which boasts fit from the changes. “What
another history — one of little of what is going on is is there are more than two deemed dispensable. Muse- a $1 billion-plus endow- strikes me about the way all
exclusion. you have the kind of people sides. “This is a multifaceted ums didn’t have the budgets ment (when combined with of the institutions involved
This is not the simple who would probably appre- subject being reduced to for these roles, so they the School of the Art Insti- responded was the amount
story you’ve been hearing, of ciate a handwritten letter race, when in fact, it’s about needed people who could tute of Chicago), laid off of attention given to the
white people shoved aside of thanks for years of work. what a museum should be in work for free.” more than 70 staff last year impact on docents and
in the name of equity, and While on the other hand, a the 21st century.” Hence, the first docent and now faces (like many nobody else,” said Nina
rich women finding them- museum run by people who pools came out of commu- other museums) an intense Sánchez of Enrich. “It gives
selves forced to change. just send an email. I think a It’s hard to pinpoint when nity groups, Junior Leagues push to unionize the staff. credence to divisive rheto-
This is more expansive, little of that is in this.” guides were first called and progressive settle- Docents were “just lowest ric, and at some point we just
with repercussions reach- Said James Rondeau, “docents,” but historians ment-house organiza- hanging fruit,” said Caro- need an honest conversation
ing far beyond museum president and director of note the title gained trac- tions, which tended to line Goldthorpe, director of about who we’re really pref-
volunteers. Often, the the Art Institute: This is “no tion at Boston’s Museum overlap with social circles museum studies at North- erencing.”
museum professionals and critique on the past,” and of Fine Arts around 1900. frequented by wealthy western University.
docents who spoke for this that the museum “never Historically, being a docent white women — who in turn But when the Art Insti- Jenny Woods is president of
story laid blame all around. messaged any sense of a required understanding recruited new docents from tute docents were informed the American Association
Many applauded the goal rationale driven by the a museum’s holdings and those circles. These groups, of their future, docents for Museum Volunteers and
of the Art Institute, then demographics of volun- providing footing to its visi- which often included everywhere shuddered. “I former assistant manager
added quickly: They also teers.” He called the change tors; school groups became wealthy donors to cultural had so many calling, just to of the volunteer program
should not have summarily “evolutionary, centered on the bread and butter. None institutions, dug into their talk,” said Sue Geshwender, at the Seattle Art Museum.
dismissed the docents. Many the needs of students.” of which has changed much. roles. Indeed, by 1952 — the who leads 70 docents at the She said the AAMV has not
spoke of the importance of You hear two sides talking Except docents then were same year the Art Institute Oriental Institute. “It was made a formal statement
change and the importance past each other, obliquely. often paid museum staff. Not established the Woman’s like they had all felt a distur- about the Art Institute
of retaining knowledge. One so invested and unlike today, they arrived as Board that supports educa- bance in the Force.” docents, but like Sánchez,
Nina Sánchez, co-director well-meaning they can museums were redefining tion programs at the Madelyn Mayberry, presi- she does wonder about
of Enrich Chicago — which appear blind to the inevita- themselves. museum — Vogue featured dent of the National Docents who is not being respected
works with cultural insti- ble changes around them. “Museums then were a photo spread of influential Symposium Council, orga- here. “Saving a program to
tutions (including the Art The other relating to its free considering what it means Art Institute benefactors. nized a webinar titled “The avoid hurt feelings will not
Institute) to provide train- labor in the coldest of corpo- to be public-oriented and Not that all docent Evolving Docent,” because serve anyone. I don’t want to
ing, with the goal of remov- rate jargon and art-speak. who that public should programs are alike, even “there were so many sound like I am disrespect-
ing racist policies — said, You hear both sides sound- be,” said Nathaniel Prottas, now: Befitting the more concerns all over.” ing any volunteers — they
“There is no set of instruc- ing naive when identity poli- associate editor of the Jour- cutting-edge works on its According to Rondeau, have been my career — but
tions for this, there is no road tics have come up. Indeed, nal of Museum Education walls, the docent pool at docents had been told this is a two-way street.
map. If only it were so easy.” headlines on right-wing and director of education at the Museum of Contem- changes were coming and Still, I do see the disconnect.
The Art Institute is not websites soon claimed the the Wien Museum, the city porary Art tends to skew “an evolution” had been Many (docents) spend so
even unique. Similar stories museum was discriminat- museum of Vienna. “Muse- somewhat younger. The discussed with them for much time working for free,
played out in Arizona, ing against white people; ums were moving out of 350 active docents at the years — which is partly why they can feel an ownership.
Alabama, Washington, D.C. anonymous stickers slapped the Victorian era, so the big Chicago Architecture new docents have not been
As museums in large cities to lamp posts in the Loop debate was if they were for Center — including Allison admitted since 2012. He said Turn to Docents, Page 13
★ Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  13

Docents Like the Minnesota Alliance

of Volunteer Advancement,
from Page 12 whose executive director,
Karmit Bulman, a Chica-
When a big change comes goan who spent her child-
along, you get this natural hood at the museum, said
tension.” “dismantling race inequity
Indeed, good docent requires boldness.”
programs are often She applauds the museum
compared with gradu- and says a tipping point has
ate-level art programs. been reached: To stay rele-
Tom O’Keefe taught vant, a cornerstone cultural
English for 38 years at institution needs to more
Homewood-Flossmoor closely resemble its commu-
High School and became nity in 2021.
an Art Institute docent Not that this means
in 2008; he’s now retired cultural organizations will
and lives in Winnetka. To pay everyone now. Jeanne
become a docent, he took a Schultz Angel, president
couple of years of art history of the Illinois Association
classes with the museum, of Museums, said “with-
followed by classes to trans- out the volunteer piece,
late that history into lessons. many smaller museums and
“(Within) the second year, community historical soci-
you start with a mentor on the eties would be unsustain-
tours.” Which then require a able.” Lynn Osmond said the
couple of hours each week. Architecture Center “could
“It’s time-consuming, but not financially do it” if they
you love it if you see yourself paid volunteers.
as a lifelong learner. Know- As for the former docents
ing every part of a museum of the Art Institute of
means knowing about histo- Chicago docent Mary Buehr leading an art class, circa 1930s. (From Buehr family papers, 1880-1984, Archives of American Art, Chicago?
ries of religions, histories of Smithsonian Institution.) FREDERICK O. BEMM Gigi Vaffis still hopes to
countries. (The museum) be reinstated; she said that
was also good at keeping to low-income adults. At the its docents now roll large at Chicago, the department future is still being mapped. conversations have evolved
us abreast of new ideas and Milwaukee Art Museum — red carts stocked with of museum and exhibition But there are clues. Docents between Art Institute
theories on art.” which has experimented objects for visitors to inter- studies is planning to remove will not be responsible for docents and the museum
“I can’t tell you how many with weekend and online act with; that program is led a requirement that students knowing everything within in the past few months
times my husband has said, access to docent training, by Aimee Davis, who previ- complete a museum intern- the museum; specialization “to a more positive place.”
‘Wait, explain to me again. to attract more volunteers ously taught improvisation ship because those positions will become more common. Others are not so sure
You’re not getting paid for — there was a paid docent at Second City. often provide only college There will also be more of where this is going. Joy
any of this?’ ” said Dietrich program for formerly incar- Still, change in the credit, which favors students an emphasis on teaching Daskal had been at the Art
Klevorn. “Meanwhile I nod cerated men; it ended when museum world is often slow, who can afford to work itself, more emphasis on Institute for 21 years (and
yes and sit there surrounded grant money ran out, said said consultant Porchia for free. Therese Quinn, the “civic wellness” of the 23 at the MCA). She liked
by the five art books I’m Brigid Globensky, senior Moore, who notes countless director of the department, visiting public, with more the direction the docent
reading that cost $300 of my director of education and instances of cultural insensi- sees the docent issue as “intersections” between the program was moving. “It
own money.” programs, “but it showed tivity among docents, often “symptomatic” of general museum’s “community part- was no longer top down. It
That said, those critical of me a broad community who explained away. She noted mistreatment and low pay ners” and the volunteers. was ‘This is your place. You
docent programs like to note would like to docent if those an international museum at museums. “There’s a He said “museums like tell me what you want out
a codependency can develop resources were there.” conference in 2019 that tried massive concentration of ours were often regarded of this.’ Which was a huge
between volunteers and Klevorn, who also was to update the definition of wealth at the top. It’s clear as impenetrable temples of difference” from when she
museums, particularly when a docent at the Museum “museum,” affording for (the Art Institute) doesn’t culture, closed off and only started. She said she knew
docents are also donors. of Contemporary Art work ethics, cultural climate, have its priorities right. I for the few.” He imagines things were changing and
Ryan Hill, who worked with Chicago, said the MCA, a multiplicity of voices. doubt they could have seen an Art Institute more like a paid docents were proba-
Hirshhorn volunteers, said more centered on temporary That concept was so divi- a better result.” “dynamic social platform,” ble. She was even co-chair
docents there had connec- exhibits than the Art Insti- sive, the conference opted offering “virtual spaces,” and of the docent’s diversity
tions with local media that tute, required less time of against voting on a defini- James Rondeau also not only a study of objects committee; she cringed at
“allowed them to amplify” docents, and “therefore you tion. doesn’t want his museum but “of experiences.” how the docents became a
their outrage at changes. But would see younger people, a But the ideas remain. “dependent on free labor,” Which is in line with right-wing cause célèbre.
once the museum brought different mix racially” in its Ask museum profes- he said. He understands an museum professionals who She said she’s been asked to
in students and professional docent corps. sionals about the Art Insti- institution with the reach believe places like the Art sit on a new advisory coun-
educators for tours, “over Many docent programs, tute controversy and, along and influence of the Art Institute will evolve like cil tasked with shaping
time the balance changed.” for at least the past decade with issues of diversity and Institute can’t operate the libraries, into community the future of its volunteer
Elsewhere in recent years, or so, had already shifted privilege, ageism comes up way it has for generations. spaces, shaking off histo- educator program. (Five
museums in Atlanta and from lecture-based tours to as well as a concern about He wants to focus on the ries full of somber gravi- former docents have already
Minneapolis have tweaked more conversational, inqui- deep-pocketed cultural future — though talking with tas, soaked in prestige and joined the council.)
its programs to draw in a ry-based ways of explain- institutions still using free him, it’s not always clear exclusion. In fact, after the She plans to return to the
mix of communities. For ing art. That includes the labor in 2021. Goldthorpe at what that future resem- docent shake-up, the Art fold. “But then, I’m not sure
the past eight years, docents Art Institute. O’Keefe said Northwestern doubts that bles. Partly this is because Institute found itself with how it will look now, and I’m
at the Smart Museum of Art that he knew from decades phasing in part-time paid of business jargon that he some unlikely support- guessing, truly, no one else
at the University of Chicago of teaching high school, docents (especially if they gravitates toward — new ers, the kind of progressive at the museum does, either.”
have been paid and partly “lecturers always become don’t receive health care staff are not hired, they’re groups that tend to criticize
drawn from a program that pariahs among students.” benefits) solves much. In “onboarded,” and so forth museums like the Art Insti- cborrelli@chicago
offers humanities courses At the Field Museum, 81 of fact, at University of Illinois — and partly because that tute for moving too slowly.

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14  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 ★

Give her the beauty

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with Blue Sapphires and Diamonds A tearful Carmen Bolden Day, mother of Jelani Day, is comforted by her attorney, Ben Crump, while the Rev. Jesse Jackson speaks
in 14K Rose Gold from $989 during a news conference calling for further investigation into Jelani Day’s death. STACEY WESCOTT/CHICAGO TRIBUNE

Dead grad student’s mom enlists civil

Chain included
Matching Earrings available

rights lawyer in search for answers

By Shanzeh Ahmad State University graduate old African American high resources.
Chicago Tribune student died by drowning. school student who was shot “They didn’t make him a
The manner of Day’s death and killed in Florida in 2012. priority, but we will make
Woodfield Mall
Lower Level near Starbucks, 847-995-0594
Jelani Day, who was last is still unknown. Bolden Day Crump said the group him a priority,” Crump
seen alive in Bloomington, said Friday the coroner has of family members and said. “We’re asking the FBI Illinois, on Aug. 24, was told her there were no signs supporters gathered Friday to make this young Black
reported missing the next of trauma to the body and no are “demanding” the U.S. man, Jelani Day, a priority
day by his mother, Carmen indication that Day’s body attorney general instruct the just like they made a young
Bolden Day. was put in the river. FBI to investigate Jelani’s white woman, Gabby Petito,
May Your Days be Merry One -hundred days Bolden Day did not say disappearance and death as a priority.”
later, she is still look- that authorities have explic- a hate crime investigation. Bolden Day recalled
and Bright, and May all Your ing for answers and has itly labeled Day’s death as a He said “we are very seeing Petito’s news cover-
enlisted civil rights attor- suicide, but she said she’s clear in our declaration age on TV and remembered
Holidays be Filled with Light. ney Ben Crump to help been told several things that this was not suicide” hearing that her parents
urge authorities to look by investigators “that says based on facts such as hadn’t spoken with their
Stop by The Lamp Shader in Glenview to get further into her son’s disap- to me without saying to Day’s car, clothes, wallet daughter in two weeks and
a creative shade, lamp or finial for the person pearance and subsequent me that Jelani did this to and cellphone being found then began to worry. Bolden
that has everything this Holiday Season. death. Bolden Day spoke himself, and Jelani did not away from where his body Day said she empathized
Friday at a news conference do this to himself.” was found, nowhere near with those parents because
along with Crump, several “I will never accept that where he attended school, she knew what it felt like to
family members — includ- that’s what happened to and some of the items were be missing your child, but
ing her other children and him,” she said. found in different areas. she knew something was
Jelani’s siblings — and other Attempts to reach the Day’s car was found Aug. 26 wrong after not speaking to
supporters Bloomington Police Depart- hidden in a wooded area in her son for one day.
“I need the FBI to come in ment, LaSalle County sher- Peru, in LaSalle County. After more than three
and take over because these iff’s office and other agencies Crump brought up the months, she said she hopes
local jurisdictions have involved in the investigation multistate and federal the other agencies she wants
shown us that they have not Friday were unsuccessful. resources used in the inves- the same attention from will
made us a priority,” Bolden Crump said it was “very tigation surrounding Gabby hear her and get her some
Day said. “They have not emotional” being at the Petito’s disappearance, answers.
made Jelani a priority.” news conference at Rain- which made national head- “I’m asking you,” she said.
Day, 25, was identified as bow/PUSH Coalition head- lines for weeks earlier this “I’m imploring you. I’m
the person whose body was quarters. The last time he year. He said Day’s family begging you. I need to know
found in the Illinois River in was in the nonprofit’s audi- is “losing confidence in the what happened to my son.”
LaSalle County in September. torium was nearly 10 years local authorities” because
The LaSalle County coroner ago with the mother of Day’s case is not being given sahmad@chicago
said in October the Illinois Trayvon Martin, a 17-year- nearly the same amount of

University to get Elgin TIF money for dorm, classrooms

By Gloria Casas school’s main Elgin campus gled with the plan to give in our downtown.”
For Courier-News off Route 31, not including TIF money to a private- Judson officials estimate
the building that serves as ly-owned, nonprofit school. the university adds about
Judson University will its Rockford campus. “Typically, we think of TIF $65 million to the city’s
receive $485,000 in tax Judson’s World Leaders dollars improving a public economy annually. The new
increment financing from Forum Inc. purchased the space or going toward a dorm and classroom space
Our only limit is the city of Elgin to help 20,860-square-foot prop- taxpaying body,” he said. will bring students down-
your imagination fund its plans to convert
the former downtown PNC
erty in 2019. Located on the
southwest corner of East
“We have to be transparent
with ourselves. Judson is a
town and help boost sales at
local restaurants and busi-
Bank building into living and Highland and North Grove nonprofit not paying prop- nesses, they said.
1710 MacLean Court in Glenview learning space for its grad- avenues, with frontage along erty taxes.” “This isn’t ideal in a TIF
1-847-998-1220 uate architecture program. Riverside Drive to the west, However, there’s also district,” Councilman Dustin
CREATIVELY LIGHTING THE HOLIDAYS SINCE 1974 The Elgin City Coun- the building has been vacant the fact that the renovated Good said. “However, this
cil unanimously approved since 2017 and dates back to building will help bolster project coming together is a

fine art
the money at its meeting 1960, city planners said. the downtown economy series of unique pieces that
this past week to assist the Tax increment financ- because people will be living will serve our downtown
Give the gift of $2.5 million project, which
calls for the renovation of a
ing, or TIF, funding can
be used to provide incen-
and working there, Shaw
said. It’s also improving what
Councilwoman Carol
building that’s been vacant tives for businesses making has become a blighted prop- Rauschenberger said she
since 2017. It also signed off improvements to down- erty, he said. was enthusiastic about the
on design plans for 13 dorm town properties or for “I will be supporting it, project. “I welcome Judson
rooms and 2,100 square feet public improvements, like (but) it is not without some to our downtown,” she said.
of studio and classroom. the recently renovated Civic reservations,” Shaw said.
This will be the first Center Plaza. “I’m happy Judson is moving Gloria Casas is a freelance
Judson building to be located Councilman Toby Shaw, a forward with the project. I reporter for The
somewhere other than the Judson alum, said he strug- think it’s a good investment Courier-News.



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16  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 ★


Dulce Ortiz of Clean Power Lake County stands on North Beach with the Waukegan Generating Station coal-fired plant behind her on Wednesday. ERIN HOOLEY/CHICAGO TRIBUNE PHOTOS

Waukegan Jennifer Cassel, senior attor-

ney at Earthjustice. “And it’s
from Page 1 clear that the liners are not
stopping contamination. We
“I got older and realized, think cap-in-place is a real
hey, asthma isn’t as preva- problem.”
lent in other areas. It’s prev- NRG spokesperson Dave
alent here because we’re Schrader said the company
so close to the coal plant,” plans to present its coal ash
said Flores, who interns at closure plans during virtual
Clean Power Lake County, public meetings Dec. 15 and
a community-driven coali- 16.
tion advocating for environ- “Our plans will comply
mental, economic and racial with all applicable regu-
justice. lations, approvals, and
NRG, the current owner, implementation schedules
said it plans to close the coal- and Midwest Generation
fired units at the plant next (now owned by NRG) will
year, but battles continue focus on the well-being of
over what to do with the coal the community, the envi-
ash ponds left from decades ronment, and maintaining
of production. Waukegan, communication with the
one of the most diverse public and other stakehold-
cities in the Chicago area, ers,” Schrader said in an
with more than half its resi- emailed statement.
dents identifying as Latino,
is one of several environ-
mental justice communities ‘Joint values’
the Tribune is visiting. Much of the environmen-
Activists and environ- tal advocacy in Waukegan
mental organizations have began in or still exists within
been trying for years to places of worship.
improve the city for future The Waukegan Generating Station coal-fired plant can be seen from North Beach on Tuesday in Waukegan. Clean Power began in
generations through regula- downtown’s Christ Episco-
tory actions, political lobby- did not have health insur- ipal Beach, where resi- pal Church, where the Rev.
ing and youth movements. ance and had to pay out-of- dents frequently go to relax About this series Eileen Shanley-Roberts
Flores said he plans to pocket for an inhaler, Ortiz and have fun, the top of the was a founding member.
return after college because said. Then, Ortiz devel- coal plant peeks out over In Illinois and the Midwest, there are numerous neighborhoods Faith in Place, a nonprofit
he loves his community — oped asthma in her late 20s the bluff. A nearby factory bordering properties that produce air, water or soil pollution. that fosters green initiatives
both for what it is and what despite being an avid runner. belches smoke into the sky, Some residents have lived in these areas for generations; through faith communities,
it can be. There is little scientific and a web of mostly defunct others can’t afford to move. In the 1990s, state and federal operates throughout Illinois
“There’s not a lot of research on the effects of railroad lines crisscross over officials began establishing environmental justice policies to and has seven participating
people that want to come coal ash on respiratory the roads. prevent toxic threats in communities of color and low-income congregations in Waukegan.
back. But the few that do health; however, several A sign on the beach warns neighborhoods. According to the Illinois Environmental According to Candace
want to come back?” Flores studies published in the past fishers not to eat the fish Protection Agency, the principle of environmental justice May, Faith in Place’s Lake
said. “They’re so passionate couple of years show that due to the potentially toxic requires that no segment of the population, regardless of race, County outreach coordina-
about it. And so that’s kind communities living near buildup of pollutants. Ortiz national origin, age or income, should bear disproportionately tor, places of worship are
of like what gives me hope is coal ash facilities are more said she frequently sees high or adverse effects of environmental pollution. More than the perfect place to begin
knowing that, you know, hey, likely to report respiratory people fishing by the lake: 25 years later, many question whether these policies have conversations around envi-
there are people that want to symptoms than others. “I don’t think they’re doing helped. In the coming year, the Tribune will visit some of these ronmentalism because there
improve this place.” Although Ortiz and Flores it for enjoyment.” communities and tell the stories of people who live next door is already a bond and a sense
spent most of their lives in to a health threat. of “joint values.”
Waukegan, neither knew May compared the faith
‘A beautiful for years that the huge What to clean up Today Surrounded by Superfund sites and coal ash ponds, aspect of her environmen-
community’ factory complex just down and how Waukegan residents hope their city can one day realize its talism to the civil rights
the street from Waukegan’s potential: “We have a jewel of a lakefront.” movement, in which a great
Dulce Ortiz moved to downtown was a coal plant. Built by Commonwealth Part One Fiercely proud of their home, residents of the deal of organizing took place
Waukegan when she was 10 “I thought it was just like Edison in the 1920s, the Southeast Side — long a toxic dumping ground — are rising up within churches.
years old after immigrating another factory,” Flores Waukegan coal plant is against polluters. Go to “It’s a good way to get
to the United States illegally. said. “I felt betrayed by the among dozens nationwide Part Two Many industries call the Southwest Side home. In people to come together. I
Now a co-chair of Clean school system honestly. I that started generating McKinley Park, a controversial asphalt plant built four years think Faith in Place helps
Power Lake County and just I couldn’t believe that electricity before Congress ago has sparked complaints about noxious odors. Go to Christians and people of
executive director of Mano I’ve grown up in Waukegan passed the 1970 Clean Air faith become stewards of
a Mano Family Resource my whole life and there had Act. Midwest Generation the Earth and really see the
Center, a Lake and McHenry barely been a mention of the bought the ComEd plants in Earth as a gift from their
county organization that coal plant.” 1999 and kept them running toxic chemicals have seeped involves draining the liquid, Creator,” May said.
helps immigrant families Ortiz said the responsi- as a growing number of into the community’s drink- leaving the ash in place and Faith in Place is a member
integrate into their neigh- bility falls on residents to scientific studies found that ing water is unknown. capping it with layers of soil of the coalition that advo-
borhood, Ortiz has spent research environmental coal plant pollution triggers NRG announced this and drainage systems. The cated for the Climate and
her entire career and much hazards like the coal plant. asthma attacks, causes heart year it will close its Wauke- other would move the coal Equitable Jobs Act passed
of her free time aiding the As a culturally and disease and shaves years off gan coal plant in June 2022. ash to a separate facility. by the General Assembly
community. economically diverse city, lives. In 2014, NRG acquired The decision came amid an The complaint, however, in September. The bill was
Ortiz said she has never nearly 80% of Waukeg- Midwest Generation. ongoing regulatory battle also targets other, less regu- designed to improve air
considered moving away an’s residents are people of According to a report that began in 2012. lated sources of coal ash quality, cut carbon power
from the city where her color and more than half are produced by the Environ- Now, the battle revolves near the factories, including substantially, and incentiv-
mother lives and where she low-income. Many simply mental Integrity Project, around remediation — what a pond that was used before ize clean jobs, especially in
hopes her own children will don’t have the bandwidth to Earthjustice, Prairie Rivers coal ash to clean up and how. Midwest Generation and communities of color and
stay. fight on another front, Ortiz Network and the Sierra New state regulations then NRG bought the plant places where coal-fired elec-
“It’s a beautiful commu- said. Club based on state records, require energy companies to and fill areas outside the tricity plants operate, like
nity. And it has so much “It’s really unjust and 22 of 24 of Illinois’ report- clean up sites contaminated ponds that contain coal ash. the Waukegan Generating
potential,” Ortiz said. “This unfair to have to burden ing coal-fired power plants with coal ash pollution. The Environmental organi- Station.
is such a beautiful city. We communities of color with have contaminated nearby dumps will be sealed or, in zations want the coal ash in The act created 13 clean
have a jewel of a lakefront, having to do advocacy in groundwater with unsafe some cases, excavated and those areas removed, saying jobs workforce hubs, one
and we just have to do a regards to environmental levels of toxic pollutants, moved to licensed landfills. it too poses a risk to the of which will be in Wauke-
better job of ensuring that justice, because environ- many of them near low-in- But state officials are allow- community’s health. gan, and sets aside $40
we get rid of all the industry mental justice is one of the come communities. ing companies to suggest “Based on the experi- million per year in grants for
that’s there.” issues that we fight,” Ortiz In Waukegan, the study a preferred option to close ence at Waukegan, based on communities that are transi-
Ortiz said living near said. “And with Wauke- found average concen- each site, then giving envi- what we’ve seen from other tioning away from fossil fuel
pollutants may have taken a gan, too, how do you expect trations of arsenic, boron, ronmental groups and Midwestern sites and else- or coal industries.
toll on her and her family’s community members to manganese, chromium, community leaders chances where, this coal ash, as long Many Waukegan resi-
health. Ortiz’s mother devel- come out and advocate lithium, molybdenum and to challenge the industry’s as it continues to be exposed dents hope cleaner indus-
oped adult-onset asthma when they’re working two sulfate exceeded health- plans at public hearings and to water from groundwater try will replace the fossil
after living for years near or three jobs? These families based thresholds at publicly in written comments. flowing into it from below, fuels and factories that once
the plant. Due to her immi- are in survival mode.” reported monitoring wells. NRG submitted plans for continues to pose a serious
gration status, her mother At the Waukegan Munic- The level to which these two coal ash ponds. One risk of contamination,” said Turn to Waukegan, Page 17
★ Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  17

Waukegan “There’s not a

from Page 16 lot of people that
defined the town, including
want to come back.
the coal plant that domi- But the few that
nates several acres of lake-
front property. do want to come
Schrader, however, said back? They’re so
NRG plans to continue
partial operations at the site passionate about
with two gas-fired peaking
units, which do not produce
it. And so that’s
coal ash, limiting future kind of like what
development on the lake-
front property. gives me hope is
“We will evaluate oppor- knowing that, you
tunities to pursue renewable
projects at our facilities. Our know, hey, there are
current development plans
at the site include energy
people that want to
storage,” Schrader said in improve this place.”
an email.
Some residents, like Flores, — Eduardo Flores, who grew
hope the land could be repur- up in Waukegan
posed as a solar farm, provid-
ing clean affordable energy
for the community and classes about healthy eating
beyond. Others, like Ortiz, and gardening for kids and
wonder if the land could be adults, which led Drobi to
rehabilitated and turned into set up a vegetable garden in
a lakefront park to create her backyard.
more green space if the Enrolled at the College of
company sold the property. Lonna Drobi and her 9-year-old son, Omar, check out their raised garden bed at their home on Tuesday in Waukegan. Drobi has Lake County, Flores plans
“Not only even going to made some lifestyle changes, including a backyard garden and composting. ERIN HOOLEY/CHICAGO TRIBUNE PHOTOS to graduate with a degree
Chicago, but even driving 15 in either education or envi-
minutes down (the shore), created Cool Learning ronmental science and take
you have Lake Bluff, Lake Experience, an all-day that knowledge back to his
Forest. And they don’t have summer program. alma mater, Waukegan High
a coal plant. And they don’t Waller said the Superfund School. He wants to teach
have all these brownfields sites that surround Wauke- a class on environmental
by the lake,” Ortiz said. “And gan and the coal plant just justice so students can learn
not a lot of people of color down the road are part of about the things he had to
live there either. It’s kind of the discussions. discover by himself.
hard not to believe that this “That’s a part of their Although growing up in
is by design, that this is on history, whatever those Waukegan shaped Flores’
purpose. And so we have to decisions were made (about) activism, some transplants
change that.” the coal plant or other indus- also share his sentiments.
According to May, chil- tries,” Waller said. “We just Karen Long MacLeod,
dren are often the most want the children to know another member of Clean
receptive to learning about the facts. ... We want them to Power Lake County, moved
environmental work and do their own critical think- to the town in 2007. Her
are eager to make changes ing.” husband opened a busi-
in their community. In addi- Lonna Drobi, who has ness in Waukegan, and they
tion to talking to congre- lived in Waukegan for decided to invest in the
gants about how to reduce about 25 years, enrolled community.
their carbon footprint, May her 9-year-old son, Omar, When her husband died
runs a youth program that in Cool Learning Experi- a few years later, MacLeod
includes research, leader- ences in 2020. Drobi said the said she already felt part of
ship training and environ- program helps kids express the community and had no
mental justice discussions. themselves artistically and interest in leaving.
Barbara Waller is the The 70-acre Yeoman Creek Landfill Superfund site is adjacent to apartment buildings in engage with the community. “We live here; we put
founder of another orga- Waukegan. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, “A landfill operated onsite from “We need to do what we down roots. We have family;
nization that helps kids 1958 to 1969 and reportedly accepted both municipal and industrial wastes.” can and not just be so waste- we have jobs.” MacLeod
connect with nature and ful. Let’s reuse what we can said. “And just because
engage in environmen- ral thing to me to just enjoy Waller said. children and nature in or let’s bless others with something isn’t perfect
tal activism. She grew up being in nature: falling She moved to Waukegan American society, affecting it. Let’s take it and make it doesn’t mean you abandon
in the country in a segre- among the leaves in the fall in the ’90s, and several years their health and emotional something else,” Drobi said. it. You try to make it better.”
gated community outside and enjoying picking black- later read the book “Last well-being. “I think the program opened
Memphis, Tennessee. berries and making sure you Child in the Woods,” about The message hit Waller his eyes.” sygoodman@chicago
“It was sort of just a natu- don’t get bitten by a snake,” the disconnect between hard, and in 2008 she Waller coordinates

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18  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 ★


Proponents and opponents of teaching critical race theory attend a Nov. 16 Placentia-Yorba Linda School Board meeting in California. ROBERT GAUTHIER/LOS ANGELES TIMES

Critical race theory

is no excuse for ignorance
enacted in 12 states and proposed in can Glenn Youngkin in the race for the district south of Nashville.
29 others, according to an Education governor. A central issue in the contest In a similar spirit, a York, Pennsyl-
Week analysis at the end of last month. was CRT and how children are being vania, school district sparked student
Since June 1, the Chicago-based educated. I realized — as McAuliffe protests by striking books on race,
American Library Association’s Office did, too late — that whether anti-CRT history and social justice — books
for Intellectual Freedom has tracked individuals could define CRT accu- about Rosa Parks, “Sesame Street” and
Clarence Page 155 incidents across the country and rately didn’t matter. The issue that the biography of education activist
has provided support and consultation grabbed their hearts and won their Malala Yousafzai.
Political campaign season may be in 120 of those cases, office director votes was simply how well their chil- And back in Illinois, a high school
over but battles against what increas- Deborah Caldwell-Stone told me. dren were being educated — or not. district school board meeting in
ingly is being called “critical race “That was just from July 1 to the There’s a lesson there for Demo- suburban Downers Grove turned
theory” are not. first weeks of September,” she said, crats. What voters know matters less raucous as some Proud Boys joined
I still put CRT in quotes. I know that “compared to last year when we than how you make them feel. McAu- parents and others to call for removal
those who want to kick CRT out of received 153 for the entire year.” liffe’s effort to paint the mild-man- of the award-winning “Gender Queer:
public schools hate to hear me bring “What we’re seeing is challenges, nered Youngkin as another Donald A Memoir” by Maia Kobabe from the
up the fact that CRT isn’t taught in particularly of books for young people, Trump failed miserably. As election district’s library shelves.
public schools. under the claim that they are critical analysts say, McAuliffe had a messag- Those who spoke up to defend the
But that technicality doesn’t matter race theory, but more often than not ing problem. Future Democratic book, which is not part of the assigned
to the activists, including some genu- they are age-appropriate, develop- candidates take note. curriculum, reportedly outnumbered
inely concerned parents. True, CRT mentally appropriate books for young Meanwhile, in state governments its detractors, I was relieved to learn.
is an academic framework, created by people dealing with Black American and local school boards, anti-CRT I haven’t read the book yet but I am
progressive legal scholars in the 1970s history or racism — and often being campaigns, fueled by brisk social heartened to hear about students who
and 80s, that posits racism to be not removed against (anti-censorship) network traffic, pose a threat to want to read something more than
only a matter of individual bias but policy.” academic freedom and informed their text messages.
also embedded in legal systems and Back when the anti-CRT crusade education about people of color, The best response to controversial
policies that historically have shaped was catching fire last spring, I said LGBTQ people and other marginal- speech, according to an old maxim,
American law and public policy. I couldn’t wait to see what happens ized groups. is more speech. I feel the same way
Yet, I’ve heard that label politically when Black History Month rolls It struck me as ominous, for exam- about good, age-appropriate books.
repurposed by conservatives and around. That’s because I found that ple, that the first complaint filed There’s a big diverse world those kids
ballyhooed effectively through conser- most of the anti-CRT culture warriors under Tennessee’s new anti-CRT law are about to take over. We don’t do
vative media to apply to just about I asked couldn’t really define what targeted a book about Martin Luther them any favors by keeping them in
any publication or classroom instruc- CRT is. They only knew that it was King Jr. ignorance about it.
tion that, in their terms, “divides the “bad,” didn’t belong in our schools and The Williamson County chapter of
races into ‘victims’ and ‘oppressors,’ ” maybe cited a conservative website the conservative parents group Moms Clarence Page, a member of the
or otherwise “might cause white chil- or cable TV commentator to back up for Liberty complained that the book Tribune Editorial Board, blogs at www.
dren to feel badly about themselves.” their point. about King and his historic March
That’s not accurate, either, but it Then voters in Virginia turned on Washington was part of a set that
is the description I widely hear from Democrat Terry McAuliffe’s early promoted “Anti-American, Anti-
advocates for laws like those already lead into a stunning loss to Republi- White and Anti-Mexican teaching” in Twitter @cptime


★ Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  19

CHICAGO FLASHBACK Breaking history since 1847


The USS Shaw explodes during the Japanese attack on the U.S. Pacific fleet at the base in Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, on Dec. 7, 1941. KEYSTONE/GETTY

Looking back 80 years after the attack

on Pearl Harbor, when everything
changed in wartime America
By Ron Grossman | Chicago Tribune

harles Collins thought he’d do a little Christmas shopping on
Dec. 7, 1941. It was a Sunday, and he’d already filed the next
installment of “A Line ‘O’ Type Or Two,” a venerable Chicago
Tribune column peppered with readers’ verses and quips.
No sooner did he step outside than he heard a newspaper hawker
yell: “They’re historic, and will be worth money years from now.”
Headlines announced that Japan had attacked Pearl Harbor.
The previous Friday’s column, whip ’em, but it’ll take a few
the stunned Collins remembered, months to do it.’ ”
had included a sympathy note for “‘Finally it’s here,’ one man was
Japan’s war dead — referring to heard to say.”
casualties of Japan’s war in China. For months, war clouds had
But the reader’s jingle had been hung over the U.S., but the attack
re-contextualized by the 2,390 still took Americans by surprise.
Americans killed by Japanese On Dec. 7, the pastor of a Keno-
aircraft that brought the United sha church was scheduled to
States into World War II. speak to the Evanston chapter
Tuesday is the 80th anniversary of the America First Committee.
of the day that those who were Having served in World War I,
alive when it happened could the Rev. Fred Franklin wanted the
never forget. U.S. to stay out of a contemporary A small boat rescues a USS West Virginia crew member from the water after the Japanese bombing of Pearl
The news about the attack on conflict. Harbor, Hawaii, on Dec. 7, 1941. Two men can be seen on the superstructure, upper center. The mast of the USS
Pearl Harbor spread through- World War I had been touted as Tennessee is beyond the burning West Virginia. AP
out Chicago jerkily, like runaway a war to make the world safe for
frames of movie film. democracy. But in its aftermath, prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor Finally, Hitler cast the die. you with every horrible weapon
The attack occurred at 7:55 dictators took over Germany, was the European situation. Three “Things are different now,” Pvt. he has,” McCormick said in his
a.m. Hawaiian time. It was shortly Italy, the Soviet Union and several days before, Dec. 4, 1941, its head- John Landers, an Army deserter, weekly talk over WGN Radio. “To
before noon at Comiskey Park, smaller European nations. line screamed: “F.D.R.’s War Plans!” had said to a Tribune reporter stand up to the strain you must be
where fans were desperately look- So both the America First isola- The story claimed the paper had when he walked into the Warren as brave as he; you must be as well
ing for tickets to a sold-out game tionists and those who reluctantly documentary evidence of President Street police station after Pearl armed as he; and you must feel
there between the Bears and the accepted the necessity of war Franklin Roosevelt’s intention to Harbor was attacked. “Now I that you are a better fighting man
Cardinals, Chicago’s other foot- were focusing on battlefields far deploy 5 million soldiers and sailors want to go back and do my part.” than he.”
ball team. from Pearl Harbor. against the Nazis by 1943. Events Lots of Americans had a similar Casualty reports and an occa-
At 1:50 p.m., WGN broke into its “The Japanese people are in no proved those numbers a reasonable impulse when Germany declared sional bit of good news under-
coverage of the game to announce condition to continue the wars estimate. war on the United States four days scored McCormick’s message that
Japan’s strike on the U.S. Navy’s they have already started to say Since attacking Poland in 1939, later. it would be a long, bitterly fought
Pacific Fleet. But portable radios nothing of taking on an opponent Adolf Hitler had conquered most “The period of democratic war, with defeats preceding victo-
were bulky and mobile phones like America,” said Herald Fry, of Europe. By late 1941, only debate on entering the war is ries.
didn’t exist, so those in the ball- who covered Japan for The Chris- England and the Soviet Union over,” the America First Commit- Midwest families and commu-
park weren’t aware of what was tian Century, a Protestant maga- were still resisting the German tee wrote. “The time for military nities learned news of a more
going on. zine. “Old buildings are being dictator. action is here.” personal nature over the next few
Listeners at home heard the pulled down just to get the nails.” The U.S. was giving mate- Col. Robert McCormick, the days.
news as radio stations broad- Even as Japan was attacking rial support to the British and Tribune’s publisher, abandoned the Cpt. Thomas L. Kirkpatrick,
cast an account phoned in by a Hawaii, the Chicago Tribune was Russians, and Roosevelt was America First’s position. Drawing a Navy chaplain killed at Pearl
reporter on the scene: promoting it as a sunshine getaway: under pressure to do more, but on his service in the World War I, Harbor, had been the assistant
“Hello, NBC. Hello, NBC. This “And don’t forget that you’re under hesitated. “America should not he counseled Americans on what pastor of the Oak Park Presbyte-
is KTU in Honolulu, Hawaii. I the protection of the American flag assume the role of European to expect in the new war: rian Church.
am speaking from the roof of the at all times while there.” policeman,” a Tribune editorial “Bear this in mind: Battle is Francis Campbell Jr.’s parents
Advertiser Publishing Company What troubled the Tribune just proclaimed. terrible; the enemy is trying to kill in Chicago received a two-word
Building. We have witnessed this cablegram from their son, a
morning the distant view of a brief Marine stationed on Midway
full battle of Pearl Harbor and the Island: “OK, Love.” The Japanese
severe bombing of Pearl Harbor had attacked it and Pearl Harbor
by enemy planes, undoubtedly simultaneously.
Japanese. The city of Honolulu Pvt. Robert Shattuck was killed
has also been attacked and consid- in the Dec. 7 Japanese attack
erable damage done. … It is no on Hickam Field in Hawaii. His
joke. It is a real war.” father, a druggist and the village
Reporters encountered vari- president of Blue River, Wiscon-
ous responses to those devel- sin, had served in the 54th Infan-
opments. A few Chicago streets try during World War I.
were littered with the shattered In Bristol, Indiana, neigh-
windows of Japanese restaurants. bors weren’t surprised when the
A Chicago Tribune reporter Army praised Lt. Louis Sanders
wrote this account: for “spectacular feats of hero-
“‘We’ll whip ’em in two weeks,’ ism” during dogfights over Pearl
prophesied a Notre Dame junior Harbor. Back home, he was
over a glass of beer at Clark and known for daredevil stunt-flying.
Randolph. ‘Don’t be silly,’ said the “Oh boy am I proud!” his father
man on the next stool. ‘They’ve told the Tribune. “Guess I don’t
been fighting: we haven’t. We’ll have to worry any more.”
20  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 ★

Par Ridder
Phil Jurik, Amanda Kaschube,
Mitch Pugh Todd Panagopoulos,
Executive Editor
Rochell Bishop Sleets
Chris Jones, Editorial Page Editor Founded June 10, 1847
Margaret Holt, Standards Editor


Our children deserve better

To the children of this nation, I’m
deeply sorry that as a nation, we are more
concerned with gun rights than your safety.
Our children deserve better from us
and from our country’s leaders who are
supposed to protect their lives, their hopes
and their dreams. We have failed them over
and over again, every time there’s been a
mass shooting. The grandniece of my friend
was at Oxford High School in Michigan
when the shooting happened. It was an ordi-
nary day until she heard the shots, went into
hiding and texted her mom as she waited in
terror. She had been at lunch earlier that day
with one of the students killed that after-
In time, there will be some healing, but the
scars will last a lifetime. Until we have the
courage to pass responsible gun legislation,
there will be more school and mass shoot-
ings. For now, I dream and hope for the day
when we will love our children as much as
our guns
— Sister Kathleen Sherman, Westchester

Lights in the world

In looking back on this time of giving
thanks, I feel so grateful for the moments of
connection that can feel like true miracles.
My cat nestling on the bathmat as I read-
ied for work Sunday was one, and the little
girl in church who jumped for joy when I
asked her if she’d like to light the first Advent
candle was another. Her uninhibited joy was
a wonderful moment for me to see that amid
SCOTT STANTIS all that’s going on in the world, there are true
small graces to be found.

The remap turf war is ridiculous

We can all be such lights within the world.
I plan to hold to the belief that our best will
come out in this blessed holiday season.
— Mandy May, Evanston
When will Chicago’s aldermen put voters before themselves? Give senior citizens a break
It’s human nature to be territorial. I am 76 years old, and my driver’s license
People tend to protect their turf, whether expired on June 11, 2020. The Illinois secre-
it’s at the office, in the economy cabin of tary of state was kind enough to extend the
an airplane, or amid rush hour traffic on expiration date to June 11, 2021, and send me
the Eisenhower Expressway. a letter and sticker for my driver’s license.
For Chicago politicians, however, Because of COVID-19, the expiration date
territoriality can take on grandiose was extended again to Jan. 1, 2022.
dimensions. The ongoing donnybrook Since I am over age 75, I must take a driv-
over the City Council remap serves as a er’s test and eye exam to renew my license.
perfect example. I am unavailable on Tuesday, Thursday and
The council’s Black and Latino Saturday because of dialysis treatments. I am
caucuses have been fencing with dueling having difficulty getting an appointment for
ward remap proposals for weeks — with one of the other days. I hope and suggest that
neither side giving any quarter and both the secretary of state give more one more
sides bent on only one mission: maxi- extension for us senior citizens and others
mum political gain for themselves. who have had difficulty getting an appoint-
It’s a battle royale undertaken once ment for a road test.
every 10 years, when new U.S. census — Bruce Christensen, La Grange
data sets in motion the decennial process
of redrawing electoral boundaries at
the local, state and congressional level.
Ald. Jason Ervin and the Aldermanic Black Caucus present a proposed ward redistricting
map for Chicago at the Harold Washington Cultural Center on Nov. 22. The loyalty isn’t reciprocal
Ideally, redistricting should be guided by E. JASON WAMBSGANS/CHICAGO TRIBUNE There’s no place like home for the holi-
shifts in population and demographics. A days. Jail is no place to be, especially during
congressional district that gains legions the pandemic, the ceaseless plague of ican majority ward around Chinatown the holidays. But that’s where some of the
of new citizens should have new bound- gun violence, inequities in neighbor- and 13 majority white wards. people charged in the Jan. 6 insurrection
aries that reflect the shift. hood investment. Nope. The stalemate Why would City Hall power brokers find themselves: in jail, awaiting trial, unable
In practice, however, remaps routinely between the two caucuses endures, and ignore that map? Because it allows voters to be with their families because they can’t
devolve into secretive backroom affairs now the specter of the whole matter to pick their leaders — not the other way make bail.
in which people with clout gerryman- heading to a referendum in 2022 looms. around. In a letter to Mayor Lori Light- Maybe they should ask the former pres-
der their way toward, well, even more Perfect. foot, Change Illinois Executive Director ident to establish a legal defense fund on
clout. What should be a civic exercise Squabbling aldermen have had their Madeleine Doubek rightly chastised the their behalf. He’s got the money. According
that empowers citizens becomes a selfish chance. Not only have they selfishly put mayor for reneging “on your campaign to the Federal Election Commission, which
feeding frenzy that further empowers their own interests ahead of what’s good promises to support independent redis- tracks campaign finances, Donald Trump
the powerful. for Chicagoans — they’ve kept every- tricting. amassed a $100 million-plus campaign
Where the City Council’s remap chaos day citizens shut out of the process. Yes, “The City Council has failed utterly to war chest. Moreover, he’s not shy about
is headed from here on out is anyone’s Ald. Michelle Harris, chair of the Rules deliver a process that involves commu- spending it on himself. The FEC reported
guess. Committee, said last week that public nity members,” the Nov. 30 letter contin- that Trump’s Make America Great Again
The latest U.S. census results show meetings will be held to give Chicagoans ued. “Instead, council members have political action committee spent nearly $8
a 5% rise in the city’s Latino popula- their say on the remap. Two meetings are succumbed to perpetuating the histor- million to pay his legal bills. And to add to
tion, and a 10% drop in Chicago’s Black slated for this upcoming week, and more ical backroom deals done in secret that his embarrassment of riches, the Repub-
community. Black aldermen are push- sessions are expected in January. But this have hurt Chicagoans for decades.” lican National Committee just cut him a
ing a map that sets out 16 Black-major- sudden embrace of transparency comes We doubt anyone at City Hall will check for even more money to help him
ity wards along with a ward with Black infuriatingly late, and only as the pros- suddenly undergo an epiphany and real- pay his lawyers.
plurality. That map lays out 14 Latino pect of a referendum emerged. ize the merit in Change Illinois’ perspec- Insurrection defendants unable to make
wards, 18 white-majority wards and Council members were given a golden tive. Few governmental functions expose bail might be justified in asking the former
an Asian-majority ward, which would opportunity to turn the remap into what aldermanic selfishness like a decennial president for the same loyalty and support
be a first for the city. The map should it should be — an open, data-driven effort remap. But council members should they showed him. But the fact that loyalty
come with a large red flag pinned to it; it that gave the public a seat at the table. remember that, though their self-serving and support weren’t there from the begin-
was crafted by Mike Kasper, the long- Earlier this year, the Chicago Advisory behavior may have short-term value, it ning should tell them a lot about the man
time election law adviser to former Redistricting Commission, a citizens carries down-the-road risk. they chose to follow.
Democratic overlord and Illinois House group formed by the civic advocacy Voters don’t forget aldermen who — John Morello, Plano
Speaker Michael Madigan. organization Change Illinois, drafted shortsightedly put themselves before the
The Latino Caucus’ latest map an independent, nonpartisan ward map Chicagoans they were elected to repre-
includes 16 Black-majority wards and 15 that reflected the city’s diversity and kept sent. If those voters aren’t given a chance Biden embodies work ethic
Latino-majority wards. Seems as if both largely intact communities of need. That to have their say on the remap, they’ll Some people are so quick to attack “the
sides are oh-so-close. A bit of give-and- document, known as the “People’s Map,” express themselves at the polls in 2023. new guy.” Joe Biden is a good, earnest and
take, a dash of compromise, and City includes 15 majority Black wards, 14 No amount of backroom gerrymander- well-intentioned man who clearly will give
Hall could turn its gaze to other, press- majority Latino wards, two wards with ing can help an alderman voters believe his last and best efforts for the good of Amer-
ing issues — economic recovery from more than 45% Latinos, an Asian-Amer- they can’t trust. ica. He could teach his predecessor volumes
about work ethic. Thank you, Mr. President.
— Richard Nolan, Park Ridge

ABOUT THE OTHER COVID HEALTH SCARE Where is liberals’ outcry?

President Joe Biden approved imposing a
There’s another worrisome, omicron is just a Democratic hoax in that that often” seem almost quaint. travel ban on eight African countries. Where
COVID-related health care scare infect- party’s quest to win elections at all costs But they’re not. They are part of a are the massive demonstrations in liberal
ing politically connected doctors who — even subverting democracy. (Hmm, calculated ploy to keep the reins of cities? Where are the people screaming that
have a bullhorn and a bully pulpit. where would they get an idea like that?) power in Trump backers’ hands, no the president is racist?
Unlike the coronavirus that emanated But Rep. Ronny Jackson is also Dr. matter the cost, even one as high as When then-President Donald Trump
from China, or omicron, just discovered Ronny Jackson, former White House 777,000 Americans dead. imposed an African travel ban, Biden called
in South Africa, this virus comes from physician under President Trump and Jackson joins the likes of Sen. Rand it racist.
the land of MAGA. — and! — President Obama. He joins Paul — also Dr. Rand Paul — who has — Neil Spun, Monmouth
“Here comes the MEV — the Midterm several high-profile, medically trained, little use for infectious-disease expert Dr.
Election Variant! They NEED a reason supposedly science-hugging profession- Anthony Fauci’s credible medical guid-
to push unsolicited nationwide mail-in als who are out of their minds — or just ance…
ballots Democrats will do anything to politically shrewd, and perverse. We’re just not sure how this latest For online-exclusive letters, go to www.
CHEAT during an election — but we’re It’s an outlandish claim that makes scourge can be contained, but voting for Email your letter
not going to let them!” Jackson’s previous assertions, calling the science nerds next time could be the submissions, 400 words or less, to letters@
That’s Texas Republican U.S. Rep. mask-wearing a “personal choice” and cure. Include your full name,
Ronny Jackson on Twitter, claiming that saying that he doesn’t “wear a mask all Miami Herald Editorial Board address and phone number.
★ Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  21


Students hug at a memorial at Oxford High School in Oxford, Michigan, on Wednesday after a deadly school shooting. PAUL SANCYA/AP

Vaccines = fewer COVID deaths.

Fewer guns = fewer gun deaths.
Americans won’t connect those dots. That’s how you patriotically
connect two dots with a crooked line,
Great point, Mike. Just because we
see one dot on a piece of paper and
as the Founding Fathers intended. another dot three inches away, there’s
the only patriotic way to connect dots, It’s not unlike the COVID-19 no reason to think we should connect
and I’ll be darned if I’m going to let the pandemic. Biden gave a speech Thurs- them. Heck, I would argue that dot
government force me to use a straight day imploring all Americans to get connection is a uniquely liberal
line. That’s communism. vaccinated and, if eligible, get their creation, and if we start connecting
Besides, maybe I don’t want to booster shots as well. He asked people dots, we could evolve into a country
connect those dots at all. As an Amer- to wear masks and make smart choices we won’t recognize, mainly because
Rex W. Huppke ican, I have the freedom to leave dots over the holidays to slow the virus’ so few people would be getting shot
unconnected. spread, particularly with the arrival of and killed or dying from a preventable
As Americans watched yet another At Oxford High School in Michi- a new variant. disease.
deadly school shooting unfold in gan on Tuesday, police say a 15-year- Would vaccinations and masks be So let’s stop (guns) obsessing over
Michigan, we were again (guns) left to old used a gun his father had recently a simple and effective solution to a whether there’s one device (guns)
wonder (guns) what could be to blame purchased to kill four students and problem that has cost hundreds of central to all (gun) shootings, and let’s
(guns) for a seemingly unstoppable injure seven other people. thousands of Americans their lives? not pretend there’s an easy (vaccina-
problem (guns, guns, guns). I do notice a consistent theme Sure. Just like a straight line would tions) way to stop (masks) the spread
At the same time, President Joe (guns) in America’s seemingly endless be the shortest distance between two of COVID-19 (masks and vaccinations)
Biden braced the country for a possi- stream of deadly shootings (guns), points. But that overlooks the myriad and save (vaccinations, vaccinations,
ble winter surge of COVID-19 cases, be they at schools across the country Americans out there who don’t want vaccinations) lives.
leaving us all pondering (vaccinations) or on the streets of our own city — a to connect those dots the way a Demo- When it comes to the gun violence
what we could possibly do (masks) to device called “a gun” is used to propel cratic president advises. epidemic or the coronavirus pandemic
put an end (masks and vaccinations) bullets into people in a manner that There is simply (vaccinations) no — or really any kind of -emic — Amer-
to this horrible pandemic (masks and makes those people no longer alive easy way (masks) to get control of this icans might stare at two dots that can
vaccinations and vaccinations and (guns, guns, guns). virus (vaccinations and masks), so we be easily connected.
masks). It seems one could posit that the need to live our lives free (and sick and Fewer guns, fewer gun deaths.
It would seem that we, as a nation, removal of guns would lead to fewer maybe dead) and let nature take its More vaccinations, fewer people
are uniquely bad at dealing with things shootings. Bullets, after all, are far less course (which it will, mercilessly). dying of COVID-19.
that end in “-emic,” be it a pandemic deadly when thrown by hand. Returning to gun violence and But that doesn’t mean we’re willing
or an epidemic of gun violence. It’s But that reckless theorem — fewer the Michigan high school shooting, to draw that straight line.
understandable. Reining in those guns = fewer people shot by guns — is Republican Mike Shirkey, the state’s That would be the easy path. And
two problems, given all we know, is probably nonsense, akin to the absurd senate majority leader, cautioned easy paths, like connected dots, seem
complicated — like looking at two dots suggestion that two points can be against reckless calls for gun control in to be decidedly un-American.
on a page and trying to figure out how connected by a straight line. the wake of an uncontrolled gun:
we could possibly connect them. I mean, if someone kept hitting me “We could, I suppose, spend a lot of Don’t forget to donate to the fourth an-
Would a straight line do the trick? in the face with a pan, taking that pan our time focusing on eliminating every nual Insult-A-Columnist Holiday Food
That’s what SOME people want you to away would not solve the problem. risk that we have, because there’s a Drive benefiting the Greater Chicago
believe. But what if drawing a straight The correct American answer would lot of them. But if we get obsessed Food Depository. Vote under RexRocks
line infringes on our inalienable right be for me to get a pan and make sure with eliminating all risks, we will then ( or Rex-
to connect two points with whatever everyone around me is pan-equipped develop and evolve into a country we Stinks (
type of line we prefer. I read a thing on so we can stop malicious pan-wielders won’t recognize because we’ll also
the internet that said crooked lines are with our good-guy pans. have no freedom.”

Abortion bans don’t protect rights of ‘the people’

“this Court should be scrupu- Each pregnant woman is free to in the Constitution. They have no prevent the birth of children with
lously neutral on the question of decide for herself. home in our history or traditions.” serious congenital defects?
abortion, neither pro-choice nor But when Stewart and Kava- In fact, they have a spacious Of course not. Requiring abor-
pro-life.” naugh use these terms, they place in our history and tradi- tion would be a gross violation of
Letting the people decide, have in mind a different mean- tions. In his 2017 book “Sex and physical autonomy, which enjoys
and aligning the court to neither ing. If Roe and Casey were the Constitution,” University of broad constitutional protection.
Steve Chapman promote nor prevent abortion, overturned, the people would Chicago law professor Geoffrey But banning abortion has the
sounds sensible — even liber- be empowered not as individu- Stone notes that abortion was same effect. And the Supreme
On Wednesday, the Supreme tarian. What neither Stewart als but as a collective. The court legal and widely performed in Court appears poised to let it
Court heard arguments over a nor Kavanaugh acknowledged, would be “neutral” only on the the United States at the time the happen.
Mississippi law banning abor- though, is that, in a fundamen- matter of whether states allow Constitution was ratified — and Pro-life advocates say abor-
tions after the 15th week of preg- tal sense, these conditions have abortion or ban it. wasn’t outlawed for more than a tion ends a human life, as if that
nancy. The law roundly defies the already been met. Apply these meanings to a century afterward. settles everything. But the issue
court’s decisions affirming a right Under the court’s major abor- different constitutional right and It’s true that the Constitu- is not whether a fetus is alive or
to abortion, but the state portrays tion decisions, the people, as the defects in their logic become tion doesn’t mention the right human. It’s whether and when
the ban as the mildest of correc- individuals, already have the full clear. Champions of gun rights to abortion. But the Constitu- its preservation is sufficiently
tives. authority to make up their minds have always argued that “the tion protects many freedoms it important to override a woman’s
All Mississippi wants the on the issue. Those who believe right of the people to keep and doesn’t mention — the freedom fundamental right to control her
justices to do, insisted state Solici- that every pregnancy should be bear arms” is an individual liberty, to marry, the freedom to refuse own body.
tor General Scott Stewart, is defer carried to term are free to forgo as the court agreed in 2008. medical treatment, the freedom Americans have long disagreed
to “the people.” The law, he said, abortions. Those who disagree They believe the court must to have children and govern their on that question. Our disagree-
came about because “many, many are free to procure abortions. keep “the people” of any state upbringing and more. ment is a powerful argument for
people vocally really just wanted No woman is forced to abort her from using the power of govern- The Ninth Amendment stip- leaving the choice to each preg-
to have the matter returned to fetus, and no woman is forced to ment to abridge this right. Amer- ulates that not all protected nant woman.
them so that they could decide it undergo childbirth. icans who believe in free speech liberties are spelled out: “The Right now, we let the people
— decide it locally, deal with it the By the same token, the and religious liberty feel the same enumeration in the Constitu- decide, one by one, under the
way they thought best and at least Supreme Court has adopted a way about First Amendment tion, of certain rights, shall not be protection of a neutral govern-
have a fighting chance to have position of neutrality. Just as the guarantees. construed to deny or disparage ment. But probably not for long.
their view prevail.” Constitution does not let govern- Stewart insisted that abortion others retained by the people.”
Justice Brett Kavanaugh ment forbid or require anyone to rights are different because the If the Constitution has nothing Steve Chapman writes for Cre-
seemed to find the argument worship, the Constitution does framers didn’t explicitly protect to say about abortion, does that ators Syndicate. He can be reached
persuasive. It’s his understanding, not let the government forbid or them. The Roe and Casey deci- mean a state could require some at stephen.j.chapman13@gmail.
he said, that Mississippi believes require anyone to bear a child. sions, he argued, “have no basis women to have abortions — say, to com.
22  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 ★



‘Radical’ Mennonite pastor who

founded communal housing dies
By Brian L. Cox because devaluation, decay,
theft, or deception are inher-
Ruth Leaman remembers ent to any investment or
her father, Virgil Vogt, as a venture in this life.
visionary and leader with He also became a traveling
a deep faith who believed apostle, visiting Christian
in “sustainable living” long intentional communities
before it became a popular in Spain, Korea, Canada
idea in wider society. and throughout the United
“He was ahead of his time States.
in some of his ideas,” said Vogt contributed to the
Leaman. “He was a leader larger Mennonite denomi-
who was able to draw people nation as managing editor of
around that vision.” Concern: a Pamphlet Series
Virgil Vogt, 87, who helped for Questions of Christian
establish and run Evanston’s Renewal from 1961-71, and
Reba Place Fellowship and served with the Illinois
the Reba Church died peace- Mennonite Conference as
fully Nov. 2 after living with Virgil Vogt has died at age 87. moderator and conference
Parkinson’s disease for many VIRGIL FAMILY minister to the Chicago-area
years, said Leaman. Mennonite churches.
Vogt was a self-described “That Godly heritage and Vogt also enjoyed nature
“radical” Mennonite pastor leadership was really at his and Lake Michigan. He
who was instrumental in core,” she said. windsurfed and liked
bringing the charismatic In the 1960s, Vogt lived traveling to Door County,
renewal movement to Reba with his wife, Joan, and five Wisconsin, where the Vogt
and new growth to the children, in the commu- family would camp in the VA L U E D
community in the 1970s. nal setting, which has a summer. SUBSCRIBER
Starting in the 1970s, common treasury, some- Leaman said her father
Vogt worked with Reba to thing Leaman said was a lived an orderly life and that
buy and rehabilitate apart- fundamental part of her he once made a desk with
ment properties in south- father’s vision. Even after dozens of drawers of differ-
east Evanston in an effort to The Reba Place Fellowship ent but precise sizes, one
create affordable housing, created Reba Place Church for each purpose. On any Get more out of your subscription
Leaman said. The apart- in the 600 block of Madison given day, his daughter said
ments are still owned by the Street in Evanston in the she might find her parents by setting up your digital account
Fellowship. 1970s, the Vogts continued singing a hymn at the piano
“Part of his vision was to live in the Fellowship. together or with their chil-
to provide safe, affordable “What he built carries on,” dren, grandchildren, or • More articles than what’s in print
housing,” she added. “Reba said Leaman, who now lives friends.
started buying up buildings in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. In a reflection about his • Breaking News alerts with the mobile app
in the area and converted “There’s the church and life last year, Vogt wrote: • Unlimited access to our website
them to affordable housing. the intentional Christian “My cup is full and running
He believed everyone had living community, that are over with answered prayer • eNewspaper, a digital replica of the
potential and he wanted continuing to thrive.” and providential circum- paper emailed daily
to unleash their potential. “The intentional commu- stances every day.”
That’s something that drove nity is drawing in many Vogt is survived by his
him.” young people who are highly wife, Joan Miller Vogt, five
Virgil Vernard Vogt was educated progressive think- children, 14 grandchildren It’s easy to start your online access!
born June 4, 1934, in a cabin ers who care about relation- and three great-grandchil-
in the mountains of Darjeel- ships, community and living dren. Visit:
ing, India. His parents, sustainably,” she said. “That There will be a Celebra-
Milton Christian Vogt and concept is relevant now. He tion of Life Service at 1:30
Esther Bergey Kulp, were was a visionary ahead of his p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 4 at
notable Mennonite mission- time. Those concepts that First Presbyterian Church,
aries who spent most of their he formed are relevant and 1427 Chicago Ave, Evanston.
lives in India. compelling to young people A livestream of the service
Leaman said her father now.” will be at firstpresevanston.
often talked about having a In 1982, Vogt published org/vogt.
“Godly heritage” and said “Treasure in Heaven,” a In lieu of flowers, the
that his ancestors arrived book that describes his family asks that donations be
in Pennsylvania in 1707, and philosophy that the Chris- made to Reba Place Church
formed the first Mennonite tian goal of working is to or to support Dr. Aikaterini
congregation in the United give, not to accumulate for Markopoulou’s research on
States. personal desires or security Parkinson’s disease.

ON DEC. 5 ... to the Constitution, repeal- president, died in Carthage,

ing the 18th Amendment. Tenn.; he was 90.

In 1776, the first scholastic
fraternity in America, Phi In 1955 the American Feder- In 1999 Cuban President
Beta Kappa, was organized ation of Labor and the Fidel Castro demanded that
at the College of William and Congress of Industrial Orga- the United States return
Mary in Williamsburg, Va. nizations merged to form 5-year-old Elian Gonzalez,

our app
the AFL-CIO under its first who was rescued at sea, to
In 1782 the first native U.S. president, George Meany. his father in Cuba within 72
president, Martin Van hours.
Buren, was born in Kinder- In 1978 the American space
hook, N.Y. probe Pioneer Venus 1, In 2001 Afghan leaders
orbiting Venus, began beam- signed a pact in Germany
In 1791 composer Wolfgang ing back its first information to create an interim govern-
Amadeus Mozart died in and picture of the planet. ment.
Vienna; he was 35.
In 1989 East Germany’s In 2002 Gen. Ne Win, former It’s easy to access award-winning
In 1792 George Washington former leaders, including dictator of Myanmar, died in news on your phone:
was re-elected president; ousted Communist Party Yangon; he was 91. Also in  
John Adams was re-elected chief Erich Honecker, were 2002 ABC executive Roone 1. Open the camera on your smartphone
vice president. placed under house arrest. Arledge died in New York; or tablet (some devices not compatible)
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In 1848 President James Polk In 1991 Richard Speck, who
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’49 by confirming that gold nurses in Chicago in 1966, of flu shots in the United 4. Download the app
had been discovered in Cali- died in prison a day short of States, Chiron and Aventis
fornia. his 50th birthday. Pasteur, announced they
had run out of vaccine and
In 1901 filmmaker Walt In 1993 a Palestinian boarded would not be able to meet
Disney was born in Chicago. a bus and opened fire with a surge in demand. Also in OR QUICKLY SEARCH FOR OUR APP
an assault rifle in the first 2003 a suicide bombing on
In 1902 Strom Thurmond, major attack in Israel since a commuter train in south-
who would become the the signing of a peace pact ern Russia killed 44 people,
longest-sitting U.S. senator, with the PLO; the gunman two days before the nation’s
was born in Edgefield, S.C. killed a reservist before parliamentary elections.
being gunned down. Also in 2003 a federal judge
In 1932 German physicist in Utah threw out the case
Albert Einstein was granted In 1994 Republicans chose against two civic leaders
a visa, making it possi- Newt Gingrich to be the first accused of bribery in their
ble for him to travel to the GOP House speaker in four efforts to bring the 2002
United States. Also in 1932 decades. Winter Games to Salt Lake
singer Little Richard was City.
born Richard Penniman in In 1996 President Bill Clin-
Macon, Ga. ton announced the foreign In 2005 Secretary of State
policy team for his second Condoleezza Rice denied
In 1933 national prohibi- term, including Madeleine the United States engaged
tion came to an end as Utah Albright as the first female in torture or lesser forms
became the 36th state to secretary of state; William of cruel treatment against
ratify the 21st Amendment Cohen as defense secretary; terror suspects.
and Anthony Lake as CIA
director. In 2012 jazz pianist and Dave
Brubeck, best known for the
In 1997 the World Trade song “Take Five,” died of
Organization rejected a heart failure in Norwalk,
American claims that the Conn.; he was 91.
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conspired with the Japa-
nese government to keep
In 2013 Nelson Mandela,
anti-apartheid icon jailed for
To follow the news
Eastman Kodak products
out of Japan.
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he was 95.

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★ Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  1

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Contact tracing revving up in states
More efforts are linking the other five coro-
navirus cases directly to the
expected soon due event.
to virus’s uncertainty Proof of vaccination was
necessary for admission, as
By Heather mandated by city law, and
Hollingsworth masks were also required.
and Bobby Caina Calvan Officials said they had
Associated Press reached all 36,500 conven-
tion attendees, vendors and
The arrival of the omicron exhibitors for whom they
variant of the coronavirus in had contact information, via
the U.S. has health officials in email, text message or phone
some communities reviving call. But they decided it
contact tracing operations wasn’t necessary to contact
in an attempt to slow and every single attendee since
better understand its spread the infected man did not
as scientists study how appear to have close contacts
contagious it is and whether based in New York.
it can thwart vaccines. In Minnesota, meanwhile,
In New York City, officials officials are investigating “a
quickly reached out to a man circle of contacts” for the
who tested positive for the man believed to have been
variant and had attended infected at the conference,
an anime conference at said Kris Ehresmann, the
a Manhattan convention state’s infectious disease
center last month along with director.
more than 50,000 people. Amid the surge of the
Five other attendees have delta variant, health inves-
also been infected with the tigators across the U.S.
coronavirus, though officials became overwhelmed and
don’t yet know whether it scaled back contact tracing
was with the omicron vari- A flight crew from Air China arrive in hazmat suits Friday at Los Angeles International Airport. FREDERIC J. BROWN/GETTY-AFP operations, finding it nearly
ant. impossible to keep up with
“As for what we learned detected in a handful of from the Baltimore area who response, allowing health ing alarms. New COVID-19 the deluge of new infec-
about this conference at other states so far, including are the first known cases in departments to notify people cases in South Africa, which tions, administer vaccines
the Javits Center and these California, Colorado and the state. Two are from the who had close contact with first alerted the world to and also do tracing at the
additional cases, our test Hawaii. same household, including an infected person and slow omicron last week, have same time.
and trace team is out there Contract tracers have a vaccinated person who the progression of COVID- burgeoned from about 200 Many health officials ulti-
immediately working with been busy in Nebraska after recently traveled to South 19. a day in mid-November to mately focused on exposures
each individual who was six cases of omicron were Africa, and the third has no “Contact tracing can give more than 16,000 on Friday. at schools or potential super-
affected to figure out who confirmed Friday. One of recent travel history and is us information about how Some of the U.S. cases spreader incidents where
else they came in contact the people had recently unrelated to the other two. it’s spreading and hope- involve people who hadn’t large numbers of people
with. That contact tracing returned from a visit to Nige- Dr. Marcus Plescia, chief fully break chains of trans- traveled recently, mean- were at risk of exposure.
is absolutely crucial,” New ria, and the other five were medical officer of the Asso- mission to stop clusters and ing the variant was likely Dr. William Schaffner,
York Mayor Bill de Blasio close contacts of that person. ciation of State and Terri- outbreaks, or at least delay already circulating domes- a professor of infectious
said. In Philadelphia, officials torial Health Officials, said them until we know more tically in some parts of the diseases at the Vander-
Once a global epicenter were working to track down “more and more” contact and understand what our country. bilt University School of
of the pandemic, New York contacts of a man in his 30s tracing efforts are expected next steps need to be,” said In New York, the three- Medicine, expects that will
has the country’s biggest who is Pennsylvania’s first in the coming days, in part Crystal Watson, a senior day anime festival in Novem- ultimately happen with
contract tracing effort. The resident infected with the because of the uncertainty scholar at the Johns Hopkins ber is presenting a staffing omicron.
city identified four omicron variant, the city’s Depart- about how effective vaccines Center for Health Security challenge for tracers due to “... We won’t be able to
cases Thursday, and a fifth ment of Public Health said. and treatments like mono- at the Bloomberg School of the large number of attend- track it down to each and
was discovered in nearby And in Maryland, offi- clonal antibodies will be Public Health. ees. The one known omicron every case, and at a given
Suffolk County on eastern cials were rushing to trace, against omicron. While much is still infection involved a man point, when you know it is
Long Island. quarantine and test close Contact tracing is a unknown about the vari- from Minnesota. here and spreading, why do
The variant has been contacts of three people vital tool in the pandemic ant, early reports are rais- Officials cautioned against we need to do that?” he said.

Biden, Putin set call as

Ukraine tensions grow
Video conversation necessary steps to protect mous.
critical infrastructure from U.S. officials and former
set for Tuesday over any such attacks. American diplomats say
potential invasion Ransomware attacks while the Russian president
have continued since then, is clearly laying the ground-
By Dasha Litvinova, though perhaps none has work for a possible inva-
Aamer Madhani been as alarming as the one sion, Ukraine’s military is
and Colleen Long from May that targeted a better armed and prepared
Associated Press major fuel pipeline and today than in the past, and
resulted in days of gas short- that sanctions threatened
MOSCOW — Presidents ages in parts of the U.S. by the West would do seri-
Joe Biden and Vladimir Russia is more adamant ous damage to the Russian
Putin will speak in a video than ever that the U.S. economy.
call Tuesday, the Kremlin guarantees that Ukraine “What I am doing is
said, as tensions between will not be admitted to the putting together what I
the United States and Russia NATO military alliance. But believe to be, will be, the A Ukrainian soldier sits in a fighting position Friday on the line of separation from pro-Russian
escalate over a Russian troop NATO’s secretary-general, most comprehensive and rebels near Debaltsevo, Donetsk region, Ukraine. ANDRIY DUBCHAK/AP
buildup on the Ukrainian Jens Stoltenberg, said this meaningful set of initiatives
border that’s seen as a sign past week that Russia has to make it very, very difficult help of Ukraine’s richest ing NATO’s expansion to “We know what President
of a potential invasion. no say in expansion plans by for Mr. Putin to go ahead and man, Rinat Akhmetov. Ukraine. Biden tried to head Putin has done in the past,”
Kremlin spokesman other countries or the alli- do what people are worried Russia and Akhmetov off the demand in comments Psaki said. “We see that he is
Dmitry Peskov confirmed ance. Numerous former U.S. he may do,” Biden said have denied that any plot is to reporters Friday before putting in place the capacity
plans for the conversation to and NATO diplomats say Friday. underway, but the Russians leaving for a weekend stay to take action in short order.”
Russia’s state news agency any such Russian demand to Ukrainian officials have have become more explicit at Camp David. Biden’s administration has
RIA Novosti and said it will Biden would be a nonstarter. said Russia could invade recently in their warnings “I don’t accept anyone’s imposed sanctions against
take place Tuesday evening. U.S. intelligence offi- next month. Ukraine’s to Ukraine and the United red line,” Biden said. Russian targets and called
“The presidents will decide cials, meanwhile, have defense minister, Oleksii States. White House press secre- out Putin for the Kremlin’s
themselves” how long their determined that Russia has Reznikov, said the number of Biden is also expected tary Jen Psaki said Friday interference in U.S. elec-
talk will last, he said Satur- amassed about 70,000 troops Russian troops near Ukraine to speak with Zelenskyy in that the administration tions, cyberactivity against
day. near its border with Ukraine and in Russia-​a nnexed the coming week, accord- would coordinate with American companies and
The White House did not and has begun planning for Crimea is estimated at ing to a person close to European allies if it moved the treatment of opposition
immediately comment on a possible invasion as soon 94,300, and warned that a the Ukrainian leader. This forward with sanctions. figure Alexei Navalny, who
the announcement. as early next year, according “large-scale escalation” is person was not authorized She alluded to Russia’s 2014 was poisoned last year and
The leaders have not to a Biden administration possible in January. to comment publicly before annexation of Crimea, the later imprisoned.
spoken since July, when official who was not autho- Ukraine’s president, Volo- the announcement of the Black Sea peninsula that When Putin and Biden
Biden pressed Putin to rein rized to discuss that finding dymyr Zelenskyy, recently call and spoke on the condi- had been under Ukraine’s met in Geneva in June, Biden
in Russia-based criminal publicly and spoke on the charged that a group of tion of anonymity. control since 1954. Russia warned that if Russia crossed
hacking gangs launching condition of anonymity. Russians and Ukrainians The Kremlin said Friday has also backed separat- certain red lines, his admin-
ransomware attacks against The risks for Putin of planned to attempt a coup that Putin, during his call ists in eastern Ukraine in a istration would respond and
the United States. Biden going through with such in his country and that the with Biden, would seek seven-year conflict that has “the consequences of that
said the U.S. would take any an invasion would be enor- plotters tried to enlist the binding guarantees preclud- cost over 14,000 lives. would be devastating.”

Chris Cuomo fired by CNN in scandal fallout

By David Bauder attorney general released mation has come to light.” why and how I helped my
and Michelle L. Price details showing he was more CNN would not discuss that brother,” he said.
Associated Press involved than previously information, or characterize As women came forward
known in helping to strate- whether it had anything to accusing former Gov.
NEW YORK — CNN gize and reach out to other do with his brother. Andrew Cuomo of sexual
fired anchor Chris Cuomo journalists as his brother “It goes without saying harassment, his brother,
on Saturday after details fought to keep his job. that these decisions are not despite being a CNN anchor,
emerged about how he CNN hired a law firm for easy, and there are a lot of pressed sources for infor-
assisted his brother, former the review. The firm recom- complex factors involved,” mation on the accusers and
New York Gov. Andrew mended Chris Cuomo’s Zucker said in an email to reported back to the gover-
Cuomo, as the politician termination and CNN chief CNN staff on Saturday. nor’s staff on what he was
faced sexual harassment Jeff Zucker informed the Cuomo issued a statement learning.
allegations earlier this year. anchor of the decision Satur- on Twitter calling the deci- He was active in helping
The network suspended day. sion disappointing. craft their response to the
Chris Cuomo earlier in The network said that “This is not how I want charges, according to emails
CNN fired Chris Cuomo amid revelations about the role he the week to investigate his “while in the process of that my time at CNN to end and a transcript of his testi-
played in defense of his brother. EVAN AGOSTINI/INVISION 2019 conduct, after New York’s review, additional infor- but I have already told you mony to investigators.
2  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 ★

Justices’ Roe pledges now in doubt

Assurances about But Sen. Amy Klobuchar,
D-Minn., who had intense
‘settled law’ seem exchanges with Kavana-
distant in Miss. case ugh and Barrett during the
confirmation battles — and
By Lisa Mascaro voted against both — said
Associated Press what she heard from the
court was about what she
WA S H I N G T O N — expected.
During his confirmation to “I’m not one bit
the Supreme Court, Brett surprised,” Klobuchar said.
Kavanaugh convinced Barrett had told senators
Sen. Susan Collins that he that Roe v. Wade did not fall
thought a woman’s right in the category of a “super
to an abortion was “settled precedent,” described by
law,” calling the court cases legal scholars as cases that
affirming it “precedent on are so settled there are no
precedent” that could not calls to revisit them.
be casually overturned. Yet as a conservative
Amy Coney Barrett told Christian, she insisted one’s
senators during her Senate own views don’t play a role.
confirmation hearing that “It’s not the law of Amy,” she
laws could not be undone told senators. “It’s the law of
simply by personal beliefs, the American people.”
including her own. “It’s Last week, Barrett pressed
not the law of Amy,” she the lawyers to explain why
quipped. women couldn’t simply give
But during last week’s up babies for adoption, now
landmark Supreme Court that safe haven laws exist in
hearing over a Mississippi the states. “Why didn’t you
law that could curtail if not address the safe haven laws
outright end a woman’s right and why don’t they matter?”
to abortion, the two newest Asked about the discon-
justices struck a markedly nect between the Senate
different tone, drawing Sens. Susan Collins, center, and Dianne Feinstein arrive for a vote Thursday. During confirmation, Brett Kavanaugh assured hearings and the court argu-
lines of questioning widely Collins that the right to abortion was “settled law,” but his recent comments sounded a different note. J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP ments, Sen. Dick Durbin,
viewed as part of the court’s D-Ill., and now the Judi-
willingness to dismantle comment. She opposed federal judges, including v. Casey became very real- Yet during this week’s ciary Committee chairman,
decades-old decisions on Kavanaugh and supported justices, a political process.” life questions for Ameri- court hearing Kavanaugh acknowledged the hear-
access to abortion services. Barrett, both nominees Confirmation hearings can women as Republicans read from a long list of court ings have their limits, but
The disconnect is rais- among the most narrowly before the Senate Judiciary reached for the long-sought cases that have upturned refrained from judgment
ing fresh questions about confirmed in the split Committee are intense goal of rolling back abortion past precedents and ques- until the court issues its
the substance, purpose Senate. affairs, hourslong sessions access. tioned why the court ruling.
and theater of the Senate’s The court’s ruling on the that typically drag for days. Kavanaugh repeatedly couldn’t now do the same “We can’t ask for sworn
confirmation process that Mississippi case may not be Kavanaugh’s hearing in told the senators under with abortion. affidavits,” Durbin said.
some say is badly broken. known until June but the 2018 exploded amid stun- grilling from Democrats “If you think about some “My belief is the person and
And it’s creating hard poli- fallout from last week’s argu- ning allegations he had and Republicans that the of the most important cases, their life experience is more
tics for Collins, R-Maine, ments are reviving concerns sexually assaulted Chris- women’s right to an abortion the most consequential predictive of the outcome of
and another Senate Repub- that the judicial branch is tine Blasey Ford when they has been affirmed. cases in this court’s history, future cases than any decla-
lican who supports abortion becoming deeply politi- were teenagers at a house “The Supreme Court has there’s a string of them ration they make to a commit-
rights, Sen. Lisa Murkow- cized, and that Congress party decades ago, claims recognized the right to an where the cases overruled tee.”Republican Sen. John
ski of Alaska, as the nation must do better in its consti- he vehemently denied. abortion since the 1973 Roe precedent,” he said. Cornyn of Texas, a former
confronts the potential tutional role to advise and The abortion debates have v. Wade case — has affirmed Kavanaugh said during judge, shrugged off the differ-
unraveling of the law. consent on presidential been front and center at it many times,” he told Sen. the court hearing that the ence between what’s said in
“I support Roe,” Collins nominees. confirmation hearings, but Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. abortion debate is “hard” committee hearings as a fact
said as she ducked into “It’s not like the senators senators snapped to focus To Sen. Dianne Fein- and perhaps the court of life in politics.
an elevator shortly after have been naive and have as Republican President stein, D-Calif., Kavanaugh should throw it to the states “I’ve seen too many
Wednesday’s arguments trusted too much,” said Neil Donald Trump nominated stressed “the importance to decide — essentially confirmation conversions,
at the court. The Maine Siegel, a law professor at three conservative justices of the precedent” under the ending the federal protec- where people basically
Republican voted to confirm Duke University, who has during his term, potentially previous court rulings and a tion. repudiate things they’ve
Kavanaugh but opposed served as a special counsel to tipping the nine-member “woman has a constitutional Senators said the justices done and said in the past in
Barrett’s nomination as too Senate Democrats, includ- court away from centrists right to obtain an abortion could simply be submitting order to get confirmed, but
close to the 2020 presiden- ing when Joe Biden was a and liberals. before viability,” referring to a line of questioning, forc- once we’ve somebody gets
tial election. senator. “I think the prob- Suddenly what had been the 24 weeks of pregnancy ing lawyers for the state confirmed, there’s basically
Murkowski declined a lem is primarily that we’re long debates over the legal now in question under the and federal government to nothing we can do about
hallway interview Thurs- deeply polarized, and the precedents set by the land- Mississippi law, which respond, rather than reflect- it,” said Cornyn, who voted
day at the Capitol and has Constitution makes nomi- mark cases Roe v. Wade would lower the threshold ing their own reading of the to confirm both Kavanaugh
not provided further public nation and confirmation of and Planned Parenthood to 15 weeks. law. and Barrett.

In wake of riot, Congress

eyes change to electoral law
By Luke Broadwater
and Nick Corasaniti
The New York Times

Members of the select
congressional commit-
tee investigating the Jan.
6 attack at the Capitol are
pressing to overhaul the
complex and little-known
law that former President
Donald Trump and his allies
tried to use to overturn the
2020 election, arguing that
the ambiguity of the statute
Cheri Burness’s daughter, Miranda, got so sick that she couldn’t eat any food prepared with puts democracy at risk.
the tainted water. The family dog, Lilikoi, refused to drink the water. CHERI BURNESS The push to rewrite the
Electoral Count Act of 1887

Petroleum found in tap water

Members of the committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot want
has taken on new urgency to overhaul the law Donald Trump tried to use to overturn the
in recent weeks as more 2020 election. ERIN SCHAFF/THE NEW YORK TIMES
details have emerged about

alarms Pearl Harbor families the extent of Trump’s plot

to exploit its provisions to
cling to power.
have repeatedly blocked
efforts by Democrats to alter
election laws in the wake
the electoral results of each
state during a joint session
of Congress, members of
By Audrey McAvoy commander, told a town water system serves 93,000 Trump and his allies, of the 2020 crisis, and it is the House and Senate may
Associated Press hall meeting the Navy took people. using a warped interpre- not clear whether a bid to submit objections in writ-
this well offline on Nov. 28 In the days after Thanks- tation of the law, sought to revamp the Electoral Count ing, which can be sustained
HONOLULU — Cheri because it was the closest giving, Burness’ daughter persuade Vice President Act will fare any better. But if a majority of both cham-
Burness’ dog was the first well to affected housing felt so sick she didn’t want Mike Pence to throw out experts have described the bers approves. Should a
to signal something was areas. to eat any leftovers, includ- legitimate results when law as “almost unintelligi- state submit multiple slates
wrong with their tap water. Converse said the Navy ing vegetables boiled in Congress met in a joint ble,” and an overhaul has to Congress, the governor’s
He stopped drinking it two will flush clean water water. session Jan. 6 to conduct its the support of several lead- certified electors would
weeks ago. Then Burness through its distribution On Nov. 28, Burness official count of electoral ing conservative groups. hold, the law says, unless a
started feeling stomach system to clear residual started seeing comments votes. Pence and members “There are a few of us majority in both chambers
cramps. Her 12-year-old petroleum products from on social media from mili- of Congress ultimately on the committee who voted to reject them.
daughter was nauseous. the water. The process, tary families saying their tap completed the count, are working to identify The statute, written in the
“It was just getting worse followed by testing to make water smelled like fuel. She rejecting challenges made proposed reforms that aftermath of the disputed
every day,” said Burness, sure the water meets Envi- didn’t smell it, but people by loyalists to Trump and could earn support across election of 1876 between
whose husband is in the ronmental Protection told her to turn on her hot formalizing President Joe the spectrum of liberal to Republican Rutherford
Navy. Agency drinking standards, water and check. She did Biden’s victory. conservative constitutional B. Hayes and Democrat
Their family is among could take four to 10 days, and smelled it too. Had Pence done as scholars,” said Rep. Adam Samuel Tilden, has dictated
hundreds of military fami- he said. She told her family not Trump wanted — or Schiff, D-Calif., a member how Congress formalizes
lies living near Pearl Harbor The Navy will also inves- to drink the water and not had enough members of of the Jan. 6 committee. elections.
with similar complaints tigate how contaminants to wash their hair and face Congress voted to sustain “We could very well have But what unfolded Jan. 6
after the Navy’s water got into the well and fix it, with it. She ordered private the challenges lodged by a problem in a future elec- tested its limits.
system somehow became he said. water delivery for $120 a Trump’s supporters — the tion that comes down to Both of the objections
contaminated by petro- The crisis came after month. On Monday, when outcome could have been an interpretation of a very by Trump’s allies — who
leum. the Navy on Nov. 22 said a she gave her dog some different. poorly written, ambiguous sought to invalidate the
The problems have water and fuel mixture had bottled water, he imme- “We know that we and confusing statute.” electoral votes of Pennsyl-
afflicted one of the most leaked into a fire suppres- diately drank a full liter’s came precariously close The Constitution leaves vania and Arizona — failed
important Navy bases in the sion system drain line in a worth and then drank two to a constitutional crisis, it up to Congress to final- in the House, although the
world, home to submarines, tunnel at a massive fuel stor- more liters over the next 12 because of the confusion ize the results of presiden- vast majority of Republi-
ships and the commander age facility 3 miles inland of hours. in many people’s minds tial elections shortly before cans supported them. In the
of U.S. forces in the Indo-​ Pearl Harbor. The Navy said The Navy has since that was obviously planted Inauguration Day. Article months since, it has become
Pacific region. The issues it removed about 14,000 started distributing bottled by the former president as II, Section 1 says, “The pres- clear those challenges were
may even threaten one of gallons of the mixture, and water and said Marines to what the Congress’ role ident of the Senate shall, in part of a broader strategy.
Honolulu’s most important said the liquid hadn’t leaked would set up showers and actually was,” said Zach the presence of the Senate John Eastman, a lawyer
aquifers and water sources. into the environment. laundry facilities connected Wamp, a former Republican and House of Representa- advising Trump, drafted a
The Navy said Thurs- The Navy said so far it’s to clean water. congressman from Tennes- tives, open all the certifi- plan that included sending
day that tests had identi- received calls about a fuel The Army said it would see who is a co-chair of the cates, and the votes shall to Pence, who presided over
fied petroleum in its Red odor or physical ailments help affected families move Reformers Caucus at Issue then be counted.” the joint session in his role
Hill well, which taps into from 680 homes in Navy into hotels or new homes One, a bipartisan group that The process is further as president of the Senate,
an aquifer near the base. housing and 270 in Army and the Navy is working on is pressing for changes to detailed in the Electoral a slate of Trump electors
Rear Adm. Blake Converse, housing on the Navy’s a similar plan. The Navy is the election process. Count Act, which says that from seven states won by
Pacific Fleet deputy water system. The Navy also setting up clinics. Republicans in Congress as lawmakers read through Biden.
★ Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  3


UK tightens travel
rules among omicron
virus variant concerns
From news services officials said.
The eruption sent resi-
LONDON — Britain’s dents fleeing as a huge
government tightened travel column of smoke blanketed
restrictions Saturday amid nearby villages in darkness,
concerns about the spread turning day into night.
of the omicron coronavirus In addition to one known
variant, saying all travel- death and injuries, two
ers arriving in England will people were missing and
need to take a COVID-19 eight stone miners were
test before they board their trapped following the erup-
flight. tion, Indah Masdar, deputy
Health Secretary Sajid district chief of Lumajang,
Javid said the new rules will said in a televised news
apply from 4 a.m. London conference.
time Tuesday. “We hope that those
“In light of the most trapped can be rescued soon.
recent data, we are taking Their families are crying and
further action to slow the anxious about their fate,”
incursion of the omicron she said.
variant,” he said in a tweet. Rescue efforts were
Javid also added Nigeria hampered by thick mud
to the U.K.’s travel “red list,” and the collapse of a major
which means that arrivals bridge linking two districts, Demonstrators block a highway to protest against Anglo-Australian company Rio Tinto’s plan to mine lithium in Belgrade,
from there will be banned said Suharyanto, the head Serbia, on Saturday. Thousands of demonstrators blocked major roads across the country as anger swelled over a government-
except for U.K. and Irish of the National Disaster backed plan to allow mining giant Rio Tinto to extract lithium from the Balkan nation. OLIVER BUNIC/GETTY-AFP
residents, and those trav- Management Agency.
elers must isolate in desig-
nated quarantine facilities. Confederate symbols in jury came after a circuit court appeared to show police dispersing them with tear CVS and other stores, offi-
He said there was a “signif- room: A Tennessee appeals judge denied Gilbert’s with guns drawn prevent- gas and stun grenades. cials said.
icant number” of omicron court has granted a new motion for a new trial. ing medics from reaching Damascus Gate was the Bonta’s warning came
cases linked to travel with trial for a Black man who The appeals court ruling him, prompting calls for an epicenter of protests and amid growing concern
Nigeria, with 27 cases was convicted of aggravated said that allowing the jury investigation into possible clashes between Palestin- over a recent surge in thefts
recorded in England. assault by an all-white jury to decide whether Gilbert excessive use of force. ians and Israeli police last and robberies involving
Karen Dee, the chief exec- that deliberated in a room was innocent or guilty in a The Magen David Adom spring, during the Muslim large groups of people who
utive of the Airport Opera- containing Confederate room at the Giles County emergency service said it holy month of Ramadan. mobbed luxury stores in the
tors Association, said the symbols. Courthouse maintained by treated an ultra-Orthodox The unrest spread to other Bay Area and Los Angeles.
new measures will be a The Tennessee Court the United Daughters of the man in his 20s who was parts of the city, including
“major deterrent” to travel, of Criminal Appeals ruled Confederacy “exposed the stabbed, saying he was in a nearby holy site sacred to Trump media venture:
just as airports and the travel Friday that Tim Gilbert jury to extraneous prejudi- moderate to severe condi- Jews and Muslims, even- Donald Trump’s new social
industry were hoping for a deserves a new trial on cial information and violated tion. tually helping to ignite the media company and its
small uplift over the festive charges stemming from a his constitutional rights to Israeli police released 11-day Gaza war. special purpose acquisi-
season. December 2018 altercation, a fair trial conducted by an surveillance video in which tion company partner say
“This is a devastating The Tennessean reported. impartial jury.” the attacker can be seen Retail theft ring: Members the partner has agreements
blow for aviation and tour- Gilbert was sentenced to stabbing the Jewish man of a Bay Area theft ring for $1 billion in capital from
ism,” she said. six years in prison after his Israeli police shoot Palestin- and then trying to stab a believed to have stolen institutional investors.
Authorities recorded conviction on charges of ian: Israeli police shot dead a Border Police officer before merchandise worth millions The former president
another 42,848 confirmed aggravated assault, reckless Palestinian after he stabbed being shot and falling to the of dollars from retailers have launched his new company,
coronavirus cases in the U.K. endangerment, unlawful and wounded an ultra-Or- ground. Police identified pleaded guilty in the case Trump Media & Technol-
as of Saturday, with 127 more possession of a weapon by a thodox Jew on Saturday the attacker as a 25-year-old and its leader is expected ogy Group, in October. He
deaths. With over 145,000 convicted felon and resist- near Damascus Gate just from Salfit, in the occupied to be sentenced to several unveiled plans for a new
COVID-19 deaths in the ing arrest. outside Jerusalem’s Old West Bank. years in prison, California messaging app called “Truth
pandemic, Britain has the His attorney appealed, City, a tense and crowded “The awareness and Attorney General Rob Bonta Social” to rival Twitter and
second-highest virus death arguing that Gilbert’s right area that is often the scene of quick reactions by the police announced Friday. the other social media plat-
toll in Europe after Russia. to a fair trial was violated demonstrations and clashes. brought about the neutral- The admissions by Danny forms that banned him
because the jury deliberated A widely circulated video ization of the terrorist,” Louis Drago, the purported following the Jan. 6 insur-
Indonesia volcano: At least in a room adorned with an shot by a bystander appeared police said in a statement. head of the ring, and four rection at the U.S. Capitol.
one person was killed and antique Confederate flag to show an officer from Isra- Large numbers of security others came two years after TMTG’s plan is to become
41 suffered severe burns and a portrait of Confed- el’s paramilitary Border forces were deployed to authorities opened an inves- a publicly listed company
after the Semeru volcano in erate President Jefferson Police shooting the attacker the area, where they briefly tigation into the operation, through a merger with
Indonesia’s East Java prov- Davis. when he was already lying clashed with a crowd of in which the group resold the publicly traded Digital
ince erupted on Saturday, The appeal court’s ruling on the ground, and another young Palestinians before products stolen from Target, World Acquisition Corp.

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Alexandra Edward, 10, closes her eyes and holds her nose as she is baptized Nov. 7 in the Atlantic Ocean near Palm Beach, Florida. SCOTT MCINTYRE/THE NEW YORK TIMES PHOTOS

Baptisms still wet, get wild

The Christian ritual now includes
hot tubs, hashtags, T-shirts and
can even get a ‘little rowdy’
By Ruth Graham new facilities. Sanctuaries
The New York Times are “worship centers,” and

steeples and stained glass
u s s e l l Mo o r e ’s are out. Natural light is often
baptism in 1983 was eschewed in favor of a black-
a decorous occa- box theater aesthetic opti-
sion, or at least as deco- mized for flashy audiovisual
rous as possible when the experiences and online
main event consists of being streaming.
plunged underwater in front It’s not just the archi-
of one’s entire church. The tecture that is changing.
ceremony took place in a Contemporary evangelical
formal baptistery inside his baptisms are often raucous
family’s Mississippi church, affairs. Instead of subdued
with a painting of the Jordan hymns and murmurs, think
River — where Jesus was roaring modern worship
baptized by John the Baptist music, fist pumps, tears and
— behind the tank. An organ cheering. There are photog-
played softly in the back- raphers, selfie stations and
ground. Moore wore a long hashtags for social media.
white robe. One church in Texas calls its
But a few weeks ago, regular mass baptism event
when it came time to baptize a “plunge party.”
Moore’s 14-year-old son, Scarce, too, are the tradi- Paul Allen, a deacon, left, and the Rev. Jimmy Scroggins of Family Church perform a baptism last month in the Atlantic. Church
Jonah, the scene was differ- tional white robes. Instead, members will often brace themselves against the waves and keep an eye out for sharks in an unusual setting for a religious rite.
ent. many churches hand out
Jonah wore a T-shirt. custom T-shirts with Those “cooler churches” River in the West Bank.
Moore wore sneakers. A slogans like “#washed” and are often “church plants,” or Adriana Robles, 21, was
full rock band accompa- “Meet the new me.” new congregations estab- baptized a few weeks ago
nied. And Moore, who is “We live in an age where lished by an existing church in a trough at Momen-
the public theologian at people like experiences,” or denomination with the tum Las Cruces, a nonde-
Christianity Today maga- said Mark Clifton, pastor of goal of evangelizing in a nominational church in
zine, submerged his son in Linwood Baptist in Kansas, new location. They typically New Mexico. She had been
a galvanized steel livestock which closed its built-in begin by meeting in rented baptized as a toddler in a
trough. baptistery last year and now facilities like schools, movie Catholic church, she said,
Baptism is getting a little uses an inflatable hot tub. theaters or storefronts, and but it was important for her
bit wild. “It’s not that it looks better, they are attuned to events to participate as an adult
In South Florida, but it feels better. It feels and aesthetics that will as a demonstration of her
members of Family Church more authentic.” attract crowds. commitment to her faith.
gather on the beach for The hot tub, Clifton said, H i st o r i c a l l y B l a c k She was nervous before-
afternoon baptisms in the is also easier to fill, requires churches have generally hand, she said, and the
ocean, bracing themselves almost no storage and lets maintained a more formal water was cold. But coming
against the waves and keep- people gather around to tradition, said David Lati- out of the water to the roars
ing an eye out for sharks. view baptisms up close. Mathealine Lewis wraps up her son, Whitley Edward, in a towel more, director of the Betsey of music and cheers, “I felt
In Mansfield, Texas, Cree- Baptism is a core Chris- after he and his sister were baptized in the Atlantic. Stockton Center for Black like God was with me in that
kwood Church rents out the tian tradition dating back Church Studies at Prince- moment.”
Hawaiian Falls Waterpark, to the earliest days of the commonplace when those at Austin who has written ton Theological Seminary. But it doesn’t take a hip
where twisting slides tower church. Depending on were the only practical about the history of indoor The Black church “has setting to make baptism a
over the ceremony. one’s theology, the ritual is a options. But they were also baptisteries. The middle and always resisted the pull of boisterous occasion.
“I would have proba- component of salvation or a messy, rustic and subject to upper classes now embrace informality for informal- On a recent weeknight at
bly thought a decade ago symbol of it. the whims of weather. the “primitive” as a mark of ity’s sake,” Latimore said. First Denton, a large Baptist
that not having a tradi- Facilities tend to flow In the 19th century, some authenticity. Since baptism is a ritual of church north of Dallas, more
tional baptistery would feel from theology. urban churches without Yet built-in baptisteries belonging and “citizenship,” than 200 college students
disconnected from my tradi- In traditions like Cathol- running water painstak- are bothersome. Mold and it had a kind of double mean- and a few family members
tion,” Moore said after his icism that baptize infants ingly carried water into the leaks are a constant prob- ing for much of American gathered for a Baptism
son’s ceremony, which took by sprinkling or pour- church to set themselves lem, and because the tanks history. “There’s a great and Night held by the church’s
place at Immanuel Nash- ing water on their heads, apart from rural churches. are larger than most porta- heavy sense of the profound college group, Overflow.
ville, where he serves as the equipment required is The indoor facilities became ble options, they take longer sacredness of this ritual,” he Last fall, the event was post-
minister in residence. “But minimal, although it can be prevalent in the early 20th to fill and heat. “Maintaining said. poned because of a leak in
I’ve found it to be the oppo- ornate: a bowl on a stand and century, when technology baptisteries is very expen- the baptistery, but on this
site.” perhaps a small pitcher. But and the growing respectabil- sive,” said Evan Welcher, night it was in shipshape
many of those who prac- ity of adult baptism made it until recently the pastor at Big moment condition.
tice “credo-baptism,” or the feasible for more churches Vine Street Bible Church, No matter the level of “We see baptism as a
Informal style voluntary baptism of believ- to install them. in Glenwood, Iowa, which spiritual solemnity, baptism celebration,” Jared Gregory,
Performing the age-old ers as an outward expression The typical baptistery is operates two large 19th-cen- offers a moment of spec- the college pastor, told the
Christian ritual in a more of faith, require the person behind and above the pulpit, tury church buildings on the tacle, a perk especially for congregation. “Things are
informal style “conveys this — usually a teenager or an with stairs on the side lead- same block. religious traditions like going to get a little rowdy.”
isn’t your grandmother’s adult — to be fully immersed ing off to a hidden dress- These days, Welcher eyes evangelicalism, whose About a dozen students
church,” said Drake Osborn, in the water. For the congre- ing room. Pastors often put newer, ostensibly hipper architecture is often utili- had signed up in advance
pastor of teaching and gations in that category, on hip waders to enter the baptism facilities with tarian, and which otherwise for the ritual, and others
liturgy at Grace Church in including Baptists and tub with the person to be something like envy. emphasize invisible shifts in felt moved to volunteer on
Waco, Texas. His congre- charismatics, that means baptized, who stands in the “We have two baptister- personal belief as the site of the spot. The men changed
gation moved into a former plumbing, heating equip- water until the moment in ies, and at different times greatest drama. clothes in a dressing room
bowling alley in 2016 but ment, maintenance costs the ceremony in which that they both leaked,” he said. Pop star Justin Bieber on one side of the baptistery;
never considered installing and potentially hundreds person is dipped briefly but “The cattle trough looks posted photos to Instagram women on the other.
a built-in baptistery. Instead, of gallons of water for each dramatically backward into really easy; it looks so much last year of his baptism One by one, they stepped
Grace Church uses a foam event. the pool. better. People might say ‘Oh, outdoors with his wife. It down into the warm water,
model bought online for As those 20th-cen- the cool churches do it,’ but was “one of most special where Gregory was wait-
about $2,500. tury churches have aged, it actually looks like a better moments of my life,” he ing for them. He plunged
The shift has taken place Not aging well however, their once-mod- way.” wrote. (He had previously them backward, declaring
as many pre-21st-century In the United States, ern baptisteries have come Vine Street, which has been baptized in an NBA them raised by Christ. One
symbols of church life have indoor baptisteries — along to look old-fashioned, too. baptized four people this star’s oversize bathtub.) by one, they burst out beam-
fallen out of fashion in with steeples and ornate “It’s like eating organic year, spent around $3,000 to Other celebrities, includ- ing, sometimes with tears
evangelical culture, espe- architecture — were initially food,” said Chad Seales, a fix a broken heating pump ing Demi Lovato and Mario streaming down their faces.
cially among churches that a mark of class. Baptisms professor of religious stud- in one of its facilities a few Lopez have been baptized in And each time, the crowd
are expanding or building in lakes and rivers were ies at the University of Texas years ago. recent years in the Jordan went wild.
★ Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  5

US military explosives go AWOL

AP: Misplaced,
stolen arms often
make it to civilians
By Kristin M. Hall,
Justin Pritchard
and James LaPorta
Associated Press

The Marine Corps demo-

lition specialist was worried
— about America, and about
the civil war he feared would
follow the presidential elec-
And so, block by block, he
stole 13 pounds of C4 plastic
explosives from the training
ranges of Camp Lejeune.
“The riots, talk about
seizing guns, I saw this
country moving towards a
scary unknown future,” the
sergeant would later write,
in a seven-page statement to
military investigators. “I had
one thing on my mind and
one thing only, I am protect-
ing my family and my consti-
tutional rights.”
His crime might have
gone undetected, but
authorities caught a lucky
break in 2018 as they investi-
gated yet another theft from
Lejeune, the massive base A site in Jacksonville, North Carolina, where military authorities recovered stolen military explosives in June 2018. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE
on coastal North Carolina.
In that other case, explo- In August, an artillery from military shipments or loss and theft reports every 1,900 entries for missing The Navy said that only
sives ended up in the hands shell exploded at a Missis- bases. year. explosives, about half of 20 hand grenades have
of some high school kids. sippi recycling yard. Chris Military officials said One thing those reforms which it said were recov- been stolen, with all but two
These are not isolated Smith suddenly found thieves in the ranks are a won’t do: Make it harder to ered. The majority was recovered. When the AP
cases. Hundreds — and himself cradling a co-worker small minority of service steal explosives such as C4. described as C4/TNT. produced military inves-
possibly thousands — of who was bleeding profusely members and that, compared Explosives already are Other categories included tigative records showing
armor-piercing grenades, from his legs. The man died to overall stockpiles, the harder to account for than artillery, mortars, land an additional 24 grenades
hundreds of pounds of plas- right there. amounts of lost or stolen firearms. While troops mines, grenades, rock- were reported missing from
tic explosives, as well as land “For no reason at all,” explosives are minuscule. check guns in and out, explo- ets and armor-piercing 40 a ship’s armory in 2012,
mines and rockets have been Smith said in an interview. “We want to get the sives are distributed with mm grenades shot from a Navy spokesman Lt. Lewis
stolen from or lost by the Two days later, an intact number to zero, so there is the presumption they will be launcher. Aldridge said the case was
U.S. armed forces over the shell was found at the scrap no loss, but it doesn’t mean detonated. Although at least Despite a painstaking, “beyond the 2-year local
past decade, according to an yard. that we don’t take seriously two people are supposed to manual records review, records retention require-
ongoing Associated Press The AP unearthed dozens losses that happened,” sign consumption reports, Army researchers couldn’t ment.”
investigation into the mili- of explosives investigations Pentagon spokesman Lt. it’s an honor system. always determine amounts, The Marine Corps
tary’s failure to secure all its by the Naval Criminal Inves- Col. Uriah Orland said. Spokespeople for the four spokesman Lt. Col. Brandon released data that were
weapons of war. Still more tigative Service, Army Crim- The AP’s AWOL Weap- armed services described Kelley said. So, for example, too unclear to calculate a
explosives were reported inal Investigation Command ons investigation has shown explosives security as a high it was not possible to know precise tally. AP’s rough
missing and later recovered. and Defense Criminal Inves- that poor accountability and priority and said they could exactly how many pounds of analysis showed that thou-
Troops falsified records tigative Service. In the insider thefts have led to account for nearly all explo- C4/TNT were represented sands of armor-piercing
to cover up some thefts, majority of these 63 cases, the loss of more than 2,000 sives. The amounts that are in the 1,066 entries, Kelley grenades and hundreds of
and in other cases didn’t the military didn’t realize military firearms since missing add up, however, said. pounds of plastic explosives
report explosives as miss- any explosives were gone 2010. Some guns were used given the military’s vast The Air Force provided were reported lost or stolen.
ing, investigative files show. until someone recovered in civilian crimes, found supplies. a chart that reported about “Some of it was later recov-
Sometimes, they failed to them where they shouldn’t on felons or sold to a street AP sought detailed loss 50 pounds of C4 and several ered and often these reports
safeguard explosives in the be. gang. or theft data from 2010 dozen 40 mm armor-pierc- are attributed to human
first place. These were not rusty war In response, Congress is through 2020. ing grenades had disap- error, such as miscounts or
The consequences can be trophies cast out of grand- set to require that the mili- The Army provided a peared without being improper documentation,”
deadly. pa’s attic. They were taken tary give lawmakers detailed chart that totaled nearly recovered. Capt. Andrew Wood said.

Taliban, 9/11 families fight over frozen funds

By Charlie Savage matter said.
The New York Times Under the proposal, the
plaintiffs, as holders of the
WASHINGTON — Nearly default judgment, would
20 years ago, about 150 keep some of that money,
family members of Sept. 11 while redirecting the rest of
victims sought a measure it to two other purposes.
of justice for their losses by Some of the remaining
suing a list of targets like money would go to several
al-Qaida and the Taliban. A thousand spouses and chil-
decade later, a court found dren of those killed in the
the defendants liable by Sept. 11 attacks who were not
default and ordered them part of the lawsuit, and who
to pay damages now worth for technical reasons did not
about $7 billion. receive certain payments
But with no way to collect from a compensation fund
it, the judgment seemed for victims of terrorism set
symbolic. up by Congress.
Today, however, the Tali- The other portion would
ban are back in control of be donated to various orga-
Afghanistan. The group’s nizations that provide food
leaders say their country’s and medicine to people in
central bank account at the Afghanistan. The plaintiffs
Federal Reserve in New say this could be a lawful
York, in which the former way to tap into the blocked
government accumulated central bank funds so that
about $7 billion from foreign some could swiftly be spent
aid and other sources, is on humanitarian assistance.
rightfully theirs. And that in It is not clear how much
turn has raised a question: If money would go into each of
the money is the Taliban’s, those three pots; the people
shouldn’t the plaintiffs in the familiar with the discussions
Sept. 11 lawsuit be entitled to Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid discusses Afghanistan’s new government Sept. 7 in Kabul. After the Taliban takeover in said the numbers remain
seize it? August, its access to the old regime’s international accounts was blocked. VICTOR J. BLUE/THE NEW YORK TIMES subject to negotiation. The
High-level officials in the proposed deal would not
Biden administration are Netburn, granted that delay, administration should help a statement for this article, matters, a second group of give any payout to other
now debating the answer writing that “the court their cause. and much remains unclear plaintiffs in a smaller case relatives of victims of the
to that question, which recognizes that the treat- “After our husbands were about the parameters of — brought in the Northern Sept. 11 attacks.
presents a complex knot ment of the Afghan funds killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, what the U.S. government District of Texas by seven The negotiations come
of national security, legal, currently in the Federal terrorist attacks, we have can do — let alone what State Department contrac- as the Taliban have been
diplomatic and political Reserve Bank of New York spent many years fighting decision it will make, several tors who were injured in separately lobbying to gain
problems — the latest exam- involves numerous compli- to achieve justice on their people familiar with the a 2016 terrorist attack in access to Afghan central
ple of how thorny issues cated questions of law and behalf,” they said. “Together matter said. Afghanistan — are also bank funds in the United
stemming from the terrorist policy.” with the others in our case, After the Taliban abruptly seeking to seize a portion of States, along with smaller
attacks remain unresolved The Justice Department we obtained an enforceable took military control of the funds to pay off a $138 deposits in Europe. On
more than two decades later. has been negotiating with money judgment against the country in August, the million default judgment Nov. 17, the acting Taliban
Among the specifics to be lawyers for the Sept. 11 the Taliban and now call on New York Federal Reserve against a list of defendants foreign affairs minister
worked out is whether and plaintiffs about a potential President Biden to ensure blocked access to the Afghan that included the Taliban. released a public letter to
how the United States can deal to divide up the money the funds we have attached central bank’s account. The Justice Department the U.S. Congress implor-
sidestep any legal require- if the government supports go to us and not the terror- Under long-standing coun- has intervened in both ing it to release the funds,
ment to recognize the Tali- their attempt to seize it, and ists who played a role in terterrorism sanctions cases, invoking a power to saying there was no justi-
ban as the legitimate Afghan the White House’s National taking the lives of our loved imposed on the Taliban by inject the government into fication in blocking them
government in order to use Security Council has been ones.” the U.S., it is illegal to engage any pending litigation and now that the war is over and
the money in the central working with agencies Any transfer of the Afghan in financial transactions inform the court about how they were needed to avert
bank account to help resolve across the government to central bank reserves is sure with them. the United States views its a humanitarian crisis this
the claim by the Sept. 11 weigh the proposal, accord- to infuriate the Taliban at a Shortly afterward, interests. The litigation has winter.
families. ing to people who described moment when the West is lawyers for the families in been frozen awaiting its “Freezing Afghan assets
The U.S. government had the deliberations on condi- trying to pressure and coax the old default judgment statement, court documents cannot resolve the problem,”
been set to tell the court tion of anonymity. the organization into behav- case persuaded a judge to show. he said. “We are concerned
on Friday what outcome In a statement, two of ing differently than it did issue an order that started Behind the scenes, that if the current situation
it thought would be in the the plaintiffs in the lawsuit when it last ran that coun- the process of transferring lawyers for the plaintiffs prevails, the Afghan govern-
national interest. But last — Fiona Havlish, whose try, on matters ranging from the money to them to pay off opened negotiations with ment and people will face
week, the Justice Depart- husband worked on the respecting women’s rights the debt. On Sept. 13, a U.S. the Justice Department. problems and will become a
ment asked for a further 101st floor of the South to refusing to host interna- Marshal served the legal They have proposed a deal to cause for mass migration in
delay until Jan. 28, saying Tower, and Ellen Saracini, tional terrorist groups. The department of the Federal divide the $7 billion among the region and world which
the administration needed whose husband was a pilot Taliban have been demand- Reserve of New York with a three categories of recip- will consequently create
more time. of one of the hijacked planes ing access to the funds. “writ of execution” to seize ients if the Biden adminis- further humanitarian and
On Thursday, a federal that flew into the World The National Security the money. tration backs them in court, economic issues for the
magistrate judge, Sarah Trade Center — said the Council declined to provide Further complicating the people familiar with the world.”
6  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 ★

Your guide to managing money, work and the business of life

Jill Schlesinger
Jill on Money

Embrace your
Grinch this
holiday season
You have undoubtedly heard about
the difficulty in getting holiday gifts this
year, due to supply chain problems. As a
reminder, there have been problems with
the global supply chain for some time,
which were further exacerbated by trade
conflicts. Then, when COVID hit, factories
from China to South Korea to Germany
were shut down or were forced to reduce
production because workers were sick or in
lockdown. In response, shipping compa-
nies cut their schedules in anticipation of a
drop in demand.
But demand never really eased up.
Locked-down Americans simply redirected
the money that they had previously spent
on services and started buying goods. Many
were able to use stimulus checks and excess
savings to keep demand high and, as a
result, the timing and quantity of consumer
purchases swamped the system.
Factories couldn’t catch up fast enough.
When they did produce the goods, there
were not enough shipping containers avail- FAST COMPANY

We should
able, which in turn caused transportation
expenses to skyrocket. And, of course, labor
shortages, especially among truck drivers, network in terms of how many people
have also slowed the movement of goods we are connected to, rather than in terms
and have contributed to higher prices of the quality of the connections and the
across the board. types of people with whom we are linked.
I warned about these issues right after Although it may feel good to have

want quality,
Labor Day, telling the audience of “CBS a large number of followers on Twit-
Mornings” that the kinks in the global ter or LinkedIn, or to see that number
supply chain would likely result in product rising quickly, those numbers are empty.
shortages, especially for the most in-de- Why? Because quantocracies subordi-
mand products of the 2021 holiday season. nate quality to quantity and generate an
Many consumers heeded the warnings environment where counting, rather than
and started the holiday shopping season understanding the meanings and values

not quantity
in earnest. The government reported that behind what is counted, becomes viewed
retail sales were up 1.7% in October from as the goal in and of itself. What matters is
September, the highest monthly increase how many? without a great deal of reflec-
since March of this year — sales were up tion on how good?
16.3% from a year ago. Our society tells us to care about how
Part of the increase in retail sales is due much or how many we have of things,
to the overall increase in prices, but even ideas and even types of people. It deval-
when adjusted for inflation, spending is ues the much more important task of
higher than it was before the start of the
pandemic. Higher wages, ample savings
Our obsession with having more, more, understanding the qualities, experiences
and meanings of those things, ideas and
and the desire to start the holiday season
early to combat supply chain issues all more is making our lives feel empty people that shape our lives and bring us
satisfaction and happiness.
contributed to the robust results in October. In our workplaces (and more generally
The report tamped down fears of a revolt By J. W. Traphagan | Fast Company sity, for example, upper-level administra- in our lives), we need to ask a simple ques-

against consumerism, which emerged after tors implemented a system in which they tion: Do we want to live in a world driven
the University of Michigan’s sentiment f you spend time on Twitter, you would count the number of butts in seats by how much we have of everything or do
index showed a surprise drop to a 10-year may notice regular tweets like, “so (a quantity) for each college and then we want to live in a world driven by the
low in the preliminary November reading. excited, almost to 500 followers!” allocate funds (another quantity) on the quality of what we have, our experiences
If Americans are worried, they aren’t People ask others to follow them, basis of whether or not a given college had and our lives?
acting like it, and they don’t plan to pull promising to follow back. And if you don’t met its assigned bench mark of butts (yet If we wish, both as individuals and as
back on their holiday spending because of follow back quickly, there’s a good chance another quantity) for the year. Colleges a society, to live in the latter, the first step
inflation anxieties. According to Deloitte’s the other person will unfollow you. Tweet that surpass the butt bench mark get more is to stop counting everything. Rather
annual holiday retail survey, holiday spend- often to get more followers, we are told. money; those that don’t get less. than being concerned with the number of
ing is expected to average $1,463 per house- Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat are Why is this bad? Because, the endless followers we have on Twitter or LinkedIn,
hold, up 5% from 2020, and just $3 below no different. Even Venmo, which is for emphasis on quantity distracts us from or the number of butts we have in college
the 2019 level of $1,496. In fact, the strong the purpose of transferring money, states, something much more important: quality. classroom seats, we might want to begin
retail sales report, combined with antici- “Adding friends is an important part of the Being focused on how many butts are in by asking about the qualities of the people
pation of a strong holiday shopping season, Venmo experience.” Clearly, we should seats shifts attention away from the much who follow us and whom we follow or
has fueled optimism that the economy has want more money and more friends. It’s more important question of the quality of the features of education that generate
snapped back from the Delta summer slow- the quantity that matters. learning and thinking that is going on in responsible citizens and a healthy society.
down and is back on track. Analysts predict On social media, as in life, people are the classrooms (and among the students When it comes to networking, before
that growth, as measured by gross domestic often focused on how much they can get whose butts we are concerned with following someone or being pleased that
product, could come in at 4% to 5% for the or produce. It seems much less common counting). we were followed, we should ask ques-
last three months of the year, which would to be focused on the quality of one’s This transforms the complex balance tions like: Do we have similar interests?
be twice as fast as the third quarter. tweets — or the quality of one’s followers among different forms of knowledge Does person X have views different from
In thinking back to that TV segment from and friends on social media — than it is to production into a numbers game, priv- my own that challenge me to think in new
a couple of months of ago, I recall that some have a lot of either. ileging disciplines that can draw large ways? Is it, perhaps, better to have five
viewers wrote in and implored me to stop The result is an endless shallowness, numbers of students, like engineering and followers who make me think than 5,000
being a Grinch about supply chain woes. a monotony of empty tweets and remote business, over those that don’t, like philos- who only follow me because I followed
In the moment, I felt defensive about being acquaintances whose primary existences ophy and cultural studies. them or because we have the same politi-
too Grinchy, but in honor of the start of the are experienced as amounts. It’s basically the same as counting cal views?
holiday season, I am embracing the label. The emphasis on quantity starts early. followers on Twitter. And the emphasis If we were to emphasize the quality of
Not the early, stingy Grinch, but the one How much candy did you get on Hallow- on counting tends to promote the absence connections in our networks, we might
whose heart grew three times after under- een? A big haul is best. And at the most of quality, which as philosopher Robert have far fewer numbers, but the strength
standing the true meaning of the season, pernicious of all holidays, children are Pirsig put it, “is the essence of square- of those networks would be stronger and
the one who concluded, “Maybe Christmas taught to value how many presents are ness.” And to be square is to be boring, our interactions with people across those
doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christ- under the Christmas tree, often with little conventional, uninteresting. In other networks would become a foundation for
mas perhaps means a little bit more!” concern for the quality or meaning of words, it’s shallow. supporting interdependence and mean-
That message is the one that I am adopt- those presents. We live in a “quantocracy.” We live in a ingful communication.
ing for the 2021 holiday season — I hope It stays with us as we age: How many society driven by the idea that everything
you do, too. cars do you own? How many children must be counted and then judged on the J.W. Traphagan is a professor in Human
do you have? How many steps did I walk basis of how many of something we have Dimensions of Organizations at the Uni-
Jill Schlesinger, CFP, is a CBS News today? We even represent the value of accumulated — more is usually better. versity of Texas at Austin. His most recent
business analyst. A former options trader individuals in terms of a quantity — we Indeed, it’s in the way we often book is “Embracing Uncertainty: Future
and CIO of an investment advisory firm, call it net worth. approach networking that this problem Jazz, That 13th Century Buddhist Monk,
she welcomes comments and questions at Counting permeates most aspects of is most clearly evident. Social media plat- and the Invention of Cultures.” Follow him
askjill@jillonmoney. our lives. Several years ago at my univer- forms encourage us to conceptualize our on Twitter @John_Traphagan.

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★ Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  7


The ultimate guide

to retirement planning Attend to these
Terry Savage
The Savage Truth

financial matters
before 2021 ends
Elliot Raphaelson As we approach year-end, countless arti-
The Savings Game cles will mull over the events that defined
Wade Pfau, Ph.D, CFA, is a recog- But when it comes to financial matters,
nized retirement researcher and scholar, this time of year is not for looking back but
well respected in the field of retirement rather for assessing where you stand — and
planning. His latest book, “Retirement where you want to go in 2022. The next
Planning Guidebook: Navigating the few weeks are a time to take specific steps
Important Decisions for Retirement to make sure you’re on track. Here are a
Success” (Retirement Researcher Media), few items to consider.
has received excellent reviews from lead-
ing retirement planning experts, such as Your required minimum distribution:
William Bernstein and Ed Slott. If you’re 70 or older, you must take a
I have read the book, and I agree prescribed amount out of your tax-shel-
with experts in the field that it is the tered retirement accounts — IRAs, 401(k)
most comprehensive and well-written s, 403(b)s and other specialty retirement
personal financial guide ever published. plans. Do that now — before year-end. It
I have yet to read a book that contains as might be easy to forget because in 2020,
much detail, with references to excellent there was no RMD. But now you must take
sources. I believe every financial planner an RMD for 2021.
offering personal finance advice should You can take the money from one or
own a copy. several of your accounts, but the total
I also believe that individuals near required is based on the value of ALL your
retirement (or in the early stage of retire- retirement accounts as of last year-end
ment) who are willing to put in the effort (2020). The amount of your RMD can be
should use this guide. easily calculated by any one of your plan
The book is over 450 pages; I don’t DREAMSTIME custodians, if you give them the total value
recommend the guide to individuals who of ALL your accounts.
aren’t willing to devote the time to review retirement income style. I did so and so you can develop a spending plan that
the planning options presented and apply received feedback quickly, which I found will work for you throughout your retire- Year-end profits: If you own stocks or
them to their own personal situation. useful and accurate. ment. other assets outside of your retirement
The major sections of the book discuss Here is a brief rundown of some of the Annuities: The focus in this chapter accounts, you might want to sell and
retirement risks, quantifying goals and material covered: is on immediate and deferred annuities. take profits. It’s still uncertain whether
assessing preparedness, sustainable Retirement risks: This chapter explains This chapter will be very useful to readers Congress will increase capital gains
spending from investments, annuities risk associated with longevity, market and regarding how they might fit into your tax rates in the next legislative session.
and risk pooling, Social Security, Medi- sequence-of-return, fixed income, stocks, retirement plan. Current tax rates are near modern historic
care and health insurance, long-term care lifetime sequence-of-return, financial Social Security: This chapter is helpful lows. Long-term capital gains rates apply
planning, housing decisions, tax plan- elder abuse and other important risks. in determining when you should apply for to investments held longer than one year.
ning, legacy and incapacity planning, and Quantifying goals and assessing benefits. You will be given guidance as to Gains on stocks held less than a year before
non-financial aspects. preparedness: This chapter will help you when you should apply before or at full sale are taxed as ordinary income.
Each chapter covers these subjects in determine whether you are on the finan- retirement age, or at age 70. Now is the time to decide if you want
detail and concludes with an action plan. cial track that will lead to a successful Medicare and health insurance: This to take some gains — and to minimize the
Also included are sources for further retirement — for example, whether you comprehensive chapter includes an taxes by selling any losers you might have.
study. I have used many of these sources have sufficient assets to meet anticipated action plan you will find very useful. Pfau You can offset capital gains and losses, both
and believe they are very reliable. retirement liabilities. It offers guidance suggests other sources I have recom- short term and long term, to save on taxes.
In the first chapter, Pfau offers readers in establishing a retirement budget and mended, including Philip Moeller’s book, But you can only deduct $3,000 of capital
the option to fill out a questionnaire and goals, as well as reviewing your expected “Get What’s Yours for Medicare.” losses against ordinary income.
receive a free profile report that will help assets and liabilities throughout retire- Long-term care planning: This chapter If your investments are held inside a
identify their retirement income style. ment. The action plan will help you deter- covers in depth the options for funding retirement account, you can ignore this
In order to do this — and you can do this mine if your initial plan is underfunded long-term care, including self-funding, topic. All of your retirement withdrawals
prior to obtaining the book — visit www. and, if so, take required steps to develop a Medicaid, traditional long-term care will be taxed as ordinary income down the You can fill in course of action to develop a reasonably insurance and hybrid policies. His discus- road when you withdraw, except for Roth
the questionnaire and obtain your profile funded plan. sion of hybrid policies is thorough. IRAs and Roth 401(k)s, which are with-
without cost or obligation. Sustainable spending: This chapter drawn tax-free.
After you fill out the questionnaire, examines the 4% rule and why the rule Elliot Raphaelson welcomes your questions Don’t think you can take a loss for tax
you will receive feedback regarding your may be too low. Alternatives are presented and comments at purposes and then buy the stock back right
away, or even a few days later in the new
year. You’ll be caught in the “wash sale”
rule if you repurchase that stock within 31
days. And your loss will be disallowed.

4 retirement trends Organize year-end statements: If you

are scrambling for year-end balances from

for the coming decade

last year in order to calculate your RMD
for this year, now is the time to set up a
paper filing system to collect the year-end
statements that will arrive in January. And
By Catherine Siskos of seniors are choosing private insurers if you’ve gone paperless, just make a list of
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance each year. The trend toward privatization, year-end online balances in all your retire-
though, hasn’t been as good for beneficia- ment accounts to make it easier next year
The era of trading a long career for a ries or Medicare’s bottom line. at this time.
pension and afternoons on the golf course Unlike traditional Medicare, which
ended long ago. In its place, today’s retir- lets patients see any doctor they want, Reconsider your debt: According to
ees face growing financial pressure from Advantage plans are managed care with, the average interest rate
multiple directions. restrictive provider networks and lower on credit cards is 16.4%. And many people
Here are four forces shaping retirement premiums. Several studies, however, have are paying 21% or higher — especially if
in the 2020s: shown that sicker enrollees are far more they are trapped with big balances. Can
likely to switch to traditional Medicare, you stop yourself from charging more now
Flexible work. The pandemic set up less raising questions about the quality of care and then pay double the minimum every
traditional work and more remote work, from Advantage plans. Medicare Advan- DREAMSTIME month? That would considerably shorten
and that’s good for seniors, says Allison tage also costs the government more. the 30-plus-year time period it will take to
Schrager, senior fellow at the Manhattan Any discussion about fixing Medicare change — wildfires, droughts, hurricanes pay off the balance using only the mini-
Institute. Many may prefer to work part must address those inefficiencies and and floods — are all around us, but many mum — and save a fortune in interest.
time or switch to a less stressful full-time the quality of care before expanding the older Americans contemplating where to
job. Members of Generation X, who start program, says David Lipschutz, associ- retire don’t take it into account. Contributions: Consider making a char-
turning 60 in 2025 and are known for ate director of the Center for Medicare Tom Nowak, a certified financial plan- itable contribution right now. The higher
being entrepreneurial, may be especially Advocacy. ner in Langley, Washington, says they standard deduction of $12,550 in 2021,
well positioned to work as consultants should because many retiree locations along with limited deductions for state
and set their own hours. A tech revolution in care. Adding to in the South and West are in the cross- and local taxes, means most people aren’t
Medicare’s burden is the looming short- hairs of global warming. If grocery prices searching for tax deductions. But charities
Evolving entitlement programs. Social age of medical professionals. The Asso- soared from recent disruptions to the food still need your help. Check out good causes
Security is expected to run short of money ciation of American Medical Colleges supply, just imagine what prices will be at, and help those
in 2033 and Medicare as early as 2026. projects a shortfall of up to 139,000 like when water emergencies are declared who worry more about food and shelter
To fix the shortfalls, Congress can raise doctors in the U.S. by 2033. The health in the bread and fruit baskets of America, than tax deduction and retirement distri-
revenue, cut benefits or both. Politicians, care industry hopes technology can help Nowak says. butions.
though, are unlikely to slash benefits. fill the void. The single biggest worry for retirees is It’s the best way to show gratitude for
That doesn’t mean the fixes will be Artificial intelligence can potentially the loss of home value, says David Stookey, your good fortune. And that’s The Savage
painless. One solution, according to the improve health care. With AI’s data anal- author of “Climate-Proof Your Personal Truth.
Center for Retirement Research, is to ysis, doctors and hospitals can detect Finances.” That loss can come suddenly
raise payroll taxes 1.6% for employees and and diagnose illnesses more accurately, after a drought, flood or fire devastates a Terry Savage is a registered investment
employers alike, which would fund Social customize treatments and track patient community. adviser and the author of four best-selling
Security for the next 75 years. outcomes closely. books, including “The Savage Truth on
As for Medicare, the growing popu- Catherine Siskos is managing editor at Money.” Terry responds to questions on her
larity of Advantage plans means millions Climate disruption. The signs of climate Kiplinger’s Retirement Report. blog at

Make tough decisions easy easy with withthe the5-minute

5-minute‘Ladder ‘LadderRule’ Rule’
JeffSteen, Inc.
Steen, Inc.
As with most major life decisions, I have found it exceedingly helpful to concretize the facts in a written format that’s easy to
As with most major life decisions, I have found it exceedingly helpful to concretize the facts in a written format that’s easy to
digest and
and is
is as
as objective
objective as
as possible.
yourself Third
and Fourth
rung(top ofof
(top the ladder):
the ladder):
questions outcomes
outcomesby bywriting
down Once you have options and
Once you have options and
decisionhavehaveaameasurable On
measurable Onaapiece
option outcomes
outcomes defined,
defined, highlight the
highlight the
or noticeable impacton
noticeable impact onmy
mypeople, ininone ones you see as the most desirable
people, one sentence. Keep it briefand
sentence. Keep it brief andstick
stick ones you see as the most desirable
company,or orsociety?
this totowhat you know (facts and verified
what you know (facts and verified This
likea silly exercise,
a silly exercise,but
time-sensitive?IfIfthe observations). ititdoes two things remarkably well.
the observations).Next
write does two things remarkably well.
answer toeither
to eitherisis“yes”
“maybe,” aasingle First,
youtotothink about the
move single sentence describing thelikely
sentence describing the likely think about the
moveup upto
rung. outcome. knowable details and facts of your
becauseitit knowable details and facts of your
allows decisions
you’renotnotswayed byby
Second rung: Give yourself
Second rung: Give yourself
allows you to map real outcomestotoreal
you to map real outcomes real swayed
space and time to focus decisions. It also highlights options and emotion or external stressors. Second,
space and time to focus decisions. It also highlights options and emotion or external stressors. Second,
Set aside five minutes to outcomes that are unclear and require it trains your mind to approach
Set aside five minutes to outcomes that are unclear and require it trains your mind to approach
concentrate solely on the more definition before you can make an decision-making in a very objective,
concentrate solely on the more definition before you can make an decision-making in a very objective,
decision you need to make. informed decision. considered way.
decision you need to make. informed decision. considered way.
8  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 ★


Pre-COVID-19, employees who went

to work while under the weather were
considered tough or dedicated workers
Steve Rosen
because they were willing to gut it out Kids & Money
and get their work done. ... Now, in the
post-COVID-19 world, this is not enough. Get your
kids involved
in giving
One section of sidewalk, steaming
hot chocolate and goofy, but festive
holiday hats. That’s how my three
kids learned about generosity toward
others and the importance of giving
time, talent or money.
When the Salvation Army kettles
appeared at holiday time, our family
answered the call for bell ringers and
manned the same store entrance on
Christmas Eve for I don’t know how
many years regardless of snow, wind
and subfreezing temperatures. The
hot drinks and holiday hats made for
a fun and meaningful family tradition
— something we all looked forward
to as the holidays approached.
While it was easy to teach our kids
the value of giving during the holi-
days, we helped steer them to other
opportunities the rest of the year,
FAST COMPANY including stocking shelves at a food

Sick days amid COVID-19

pantry, raking leaves or shoveling
snow for an elderly neighbor, reading
books to young children at a Boys &
Girls Club, and even dusting book-
shelves at a local library.
Perhaps you have worked on
teaching your kids about saving
By Scott Dust and Shannon Taylor loads. This is increasingly common, as federal paid sick leave law. As a result, as money, making good choices when
Fast Company the pandemic has left many organizations Olga Khazan wrote in The Atlantic, “Amer- spending money, and the concept of

understaffed and employees stretched thin. icans are some of the only workers in the delayed gratification. What about the
or many, the “return to work” isn’t When overburdened employees work Western world who risk getting fired if they concept of charity?
going well. This time, however, it has with colleagues who appear sick, they’re don’t drag their sick selves into work.” With so many toys in short supply
nothing to do with long commutes, more likely to keep their distance from Policymakers can enact legislation to this year, consider cutting back
putting on work clothes or the ability to those colleagues, limit their conversations ensure that employees aren’t forced to on buying and instead emphasize
walk the dog during lunch. with them or avoid them altogether. Worse choose between their financial demands “giving” rather than “receiving.”
Recent research illustrates that as yet, these employees are more likely to and their health. Charity begins at home, including
employees go back to the office, some are be condescending and make demeaning Further, organizations could deter teaching your children the impor-
acting rudely toward one another. This or derogatory remarks toward their sick presenteeism (taking the form of showing tance of helping others and the expe-
seems strange, as most would assume that colleagues. So much for collaboration. up sick to work) by offering paid sick leave rience of feeling generous. Kids will
employees would enjoy reconnecting with But it’s not all bad news. Some employees or instituting reasonable absence policies. follow your lead, especially younger
their officemates to make up for lost time. were genuinely worried about the well-be- Organizations might balk at the additional children. Even the simple act of
The source of the problem is that employ- ing of their sick colleagues. But those with costs. But paid sick leave could produce cost packing up old winter coats that no
ees are exhibiting cold and flu-like systems heavy workloads reacted with self-concern savings because it stops the spread of illness. longer fit and delivering them to a
as temperatures begin to drop. And in turn, — they were focused on their own physical Not to mention, as this recent research community drop-off site won’t go
many of their co-workers are worried that well-being. And organizations hoping to get suggests, doing so could reduce the costs unnoticed.
their sniffling or coughing colleagues have back to the good old days of in-office collab- associated with workplace mistreatment. It’s easy to write a check and send
COVID-19 and will get them sick. oration should realize it’s been tough for Although COVID-19 has been devastat- it off. But before you do, talk to your
In our study, published in the Journal employees to shed their COVID-19-induced, ing, there have been a few silver linings as children about what you’re doing
of Applied Psychology, we found evidence self-protective mindsets. What should orga- it relates to the future of work. Employees and why. Perhaps you’ve designated
from two worker samples that employees nizational decision-makers do? are demanding, and in most cases receiv- two or three special charities to
are exhibiting strange behavior around their ing, increased flexibility and mental health donate to because of a family or other
sickly colleagues. The study points out that resources. It’s time to add another win to the personal connection, or an issue that
pre-COVID-19, employees who went to Actionable steps ledger: paid sick leave. you’re passionate about. These could
work while under the weather were consid- Organizations need to recognize that be meaningful stories to share with
ered tough or dedicated workers because employees are going to show up to work, Scott Dust, Ph.D., is a management professor your kids.
they were willing to gut it out and get their even when sick, out of financial necessity or at the Farmer School of Business at Miami In addition, help your child find
work done. Covering their mouth to cough due to strong organizational norms. University and the chief research officer at a charity that they are interested
or sneeze was enough. Now, in the post- During the height of the pandemic, the Cloverleaf, a technology platform facilitat- in knowing more about, said Susan
COVID-19 world, this is not enough. Families First Coronavirus Response Act ing coaching for everyone. Shannon Taylor, Beacham of Money Savvy Genera-
The findings illustrate that employees are provided paid leave taken for COVID-19; Ph.D., is a management professor at the Uni- tion, a financial literacy company.
more likely to mistreat their sick colleagues however, this has since expired. Moreover, versity of Central Florida College of Business She suggests staying local so you
when they’re saddled with heavy work- unfortunately, there is no such thing as a Administration. can visit the charity in person and
possibly even have some hands-on
experience that will turn the abstract
concept of charity into something

Car buying for beginners Other strategies:

„„If age appropriate, encourage
your kids to check out watchdog
websites that review charities such
By Michael Korsh cle. Buying is smart if you plan to hold on to as the Better Business Bureau’s
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance the car until the loan is paid off and beyond. Wise Giving Alliance, Guidestar and
Leasing often makes sense if you tend to Charity Navigator. Vetting a char-
The recent global microchip shortage trade in a car before you’ve paid off the loan. ity is most important now because
triggered supply shocks affecting a wide With a lease, you are paying mainly for the December is the biggest month for
array of products. But no industry has taken car’s depreciation over the term of the lease giving.
a bigger hit than the auto industry. (typically three years). Monthly payments „„When shopping, give your child
With increased demand amid the short- are usually lower than they are for a car some money to drop in a bucket
ages, many car buyers are paying top dollar loan, and repairs (but not maintenance) are outside the grocery store, or let the
for their new or used vehicle — and some- covered as long as the warranty lasts. Be youngster help pick out food items
times for the car loan, too. If you’re look- sure to negotiate just as hard for the price of for those who are struggling.
ing to purchase and finance a car before a leased car as you would for a purchase. „„Most importantly, Beacham said,
supplies return to normal, do some compar- Even if the loan or lease payments fit your show your child “how to give what is
ison shopping to be sure you’re not overpay- budget, make sure you understand how within their means and then explain
ing. much interest you’re paying overall and for PSISAA/DREAMSTIME how their giving is added to other
You’ll save money buying a used car, even how long. The dealer’s finance and insur- donations, and before you know
though loan rates are a little higher for used ance office can extend a loan or manipulate turer incentives, such as low- or no-interest it, the amount of the donation is
vehicles. Recently, rates averaged 3.88% a lease to lower your monthly payments, but financing or cash-back offers. Major used- significant.”
for a four-year new-car loan and 4.5% for a that may not be best for your overall finan- car sellers, such as CarMax and Carvana, The bottom line: Encouraging
four-year used-car loan, according to Bank- cial prospects. also offer loans. CarMax, for example, your kids to devote time, energy Budget for costs beyond the monthly aggregates multiple financing sources on and even some money during the
However, when you buy a used car, you payments, such as repairs, maintenance, its website so that buyers can compare holidays will go a long way toward
run the risk that the vehicle will need major fuel and insurance. You can find a 5-Year deals. Carvana includes a tool on its website helping them continue those habits
repairs. For more peace of mind, consider Cost to Own tool at that esti- that lets you pre-qualify for a loan so that throughout the year.
buying certified pre-owned (CPO) vehi- mates those costs, depreciation and more. you can explore various vehicle financing What are your family’s charitable
cles, which come with a manufacturer’s One of the main decisions car buyers options. You may also get a better deal on a traditions? Share them with me.
warranty, says Matt Degen, an editor at make is whether to get financing at the deal- loan from your bank or credit union.
automotive website Kelley Blue Book. ership or from a bank or credit union. Questions, comments, column ideas?
If you’re choosing a new car, decide Borrowing through the dealership allows Michael Korsh is a contributing writer at Reach Steve Rosen at sbrosen1030@
whether you want to buy or lease the vehi- you to take advantage of any manufac- Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine.

Tips for holiday tipping throughout the year in the same way you
budget savings for presents for birthdays
and holidays. A lot of people say if you can
afford the service, then you can afford the
we give a little extra to this year?
A: A group we have added to our list
recently is grocery delivery people. That
kind of service boomed this year because of
By Emma Patch up takeout. extra tipping that goes on top of it. But I the pandemic. If you use curbside pickup
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance think that’s a really tough position to put or grocery delivery regularly, giving a tip
Q: How does tipping change around people in. Sometimes people really need a with a card during the holiday season is a
Lizzie Post, author of “Higher Etiquette” the holidays? service, such as a babysitter, and they can’t really nice thing to do.
and co-author of “Emily Post’s Etiquette,” A: Tipping around the holidays is really afford anything extra.
offers insight into tipping during the holi- about thanking those service provid- Q: Are there special rules and policies
day season. ers who help you throughout the year, Q: What should you do if you can’t for certain kinds of workers that we
whether that’s your dog walker, a regular afford to tip? should look out for?
Q: How much should you tip, if at all? babysitter or nanny, your trash collector, A: If you’re not able to give tips, but A: It’s a good idea to find out whether
A: Tipping may seem optional, but it mailperson or your at-home health care you have been able to keep some service tipping is an allowed practice for a particu-
really isn’t under certain circumstances. provider. These may be people you tip providers in your life, consider writing a lar industry. The post office is a good exam-
Some people’s pay is based on the expec- throughout the year as well, but this is the card. If you were able to tip last year and ple. For an individual postal worker, the
tation that part of their income will come bonus to show you really appreciated the you’re not able to tip this year, it’s OK to gift must be less than $20 in value, and gift
from tips. In the 20th edition of “Emily help they provided this year. mention that. It’s OK to let people know cards, or anything that can be used as cash,
Post’s Etiquette,” we suggest 15% to 20% that this year was a little different. are not allowed.
as a rough standard, but there are lots of Q: How should you budget for holiday
situations where you can tip less, such as tipping? Q: The pandemic has put a lot of pres- Emma Patch is a staff writer at Kiplinger’s
when you’re getting your coffee or picking A: Think about budgeting for tipping sure on front-line workers. Who should Personal Finance magazine.
★ Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  9

Stocks Recap Gold

It’s the perfect time to
test a no meetings policy
60.65 -88.27 -53.96 64.06 -38.67 236.60 -652.22 -461.68 617.75 -59.71
d $1,782.00
4,800 37,000

By Aleksandra Sulimko
4,600 36,000
-.66 clearly articulated, they
d $22.45 Fast Company can easily be shared among
4,400 35,000 additional contributors
Crude Oil It’s that time of the year. and to the wider company.
4,200 34,000 -1.89 You and your team can’t Transparency is key to a
d $66.26 wait for the holidays to no meetings policy as the
S&P 500 Dow Jones industrials descend, yet there’s still entire team needs to be able
4,000 33,000
Close: 4,538.43 Close: 34,580.08 Natural Gas plenty of work to be done. to access relevant informa-
1-week change: -56.19 (-1.2%) 1-week change: -319.26 (-0.9%) Especially in global orga- tion on their own schedule.
3,800 32,000 -1.42 nizations with dispersed
J J A S O N J J A S O N d $4.13 teams, everyone’s sched- Tools needed for success
52-WEEK YTD 1YR ules are different, partic- With the holidays
HIGH LOW INDEX HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG %CHG %CHG %CHG 10-year T-note ularly at the end of the approaching, scheduling
36565.73 29463.64 Dow Jones industrials 35287.91 34006.98 34580.08 -319.26 -0.9 +13.0 |99875432 +14.4
-.16 year when many people meetings with all the perti-
18246.51 12065.37 Dow Jones trans. 16502.16 15472.29 15967.24 -248.41 -1.5 +27.7 | 999942 +25.3
9 d 1.33% are taking time off. Some nent players at the same
952.76 792.08 Dow Jones utilities 922.89 892.07 914.03 +7.08 +0.8 +5.7 |97542 +6.8 team members like to take time becomes even more
17364.31 13977.05 NYSE Comp. 16794.55 16133.21 16347.87 -277.00 -1.7 +12.6 |9986421 +13.4
Euro a big chunk of time off to challenging than usual.
6692.11 5700.01 NYSE International 6284.88 6087.59 6124.31 -101.18 -1.6 +3.6 |85432 +3.1
truly unplug, while others This is a great excuse to
16764.86 12090.93 Nasdaq 100 16454.56 15543.31 15712.04 -313.54 -2.0 +21.9 |999994321 +25.4
+.0005 splurged early in the year start testing out project
16212.23 12027.16 Nasdaq Comp. 15833.11 14931.05 15085.47 -406.18 -2.6 +17.1 |999964321 +21.0 u to .8840/$1 and only have a day or two management software that
4743.83 3594.39 S&P 500 4672.95 4495.12 4538.43 -56.19 -1.2 +20.8 |9999831 +22.7
2925.93 2165.63 S&P MidCap 2813.54 2664.11 2702.14 -77.27 -2.8 +17.2 |99995 +20.4 left when November and can help you go asynchro-
49089.39 37516.94 Wilshire 5000 48103.68 45928.30 46360.95 -1016.70 -2.2 +17.5 |99987651 +19.8
Yen December come around. nous. When teammates
2458.85 1813.56 Russell 2000 2281.28 2143.12 2159.31 -86.63 -3.9 +9.3 |99874321 +14.1
-.56 But this doesn’t mean return from time off, they
490.58 381.63 Dow Jones Stoxx 600 471.84 459.54 462.77 -1.28 -0.3 +16.0 |999765321 +17.4 d to 112.63/$1 everything has to come can get themselves up to
7402.68 6263.60 FTSE 100 7196.05 6989.66 7122.32 +78.29 +1.1 +10.2 |9865421 +8.7 grinding to a halt. In fact, speed by reviewing the
the increase in erratic holi- project and task details.
day schedules is actually an This vital tool, in addition
Most active Largest Companies How the region’s opportunity to try some- to a messaging app and a
thing that could boost your collaboration application,
Based on market capitalization
Top 100 companies fared company’s efficiency in are all that’s really needed
Ranks based on market capitalization of public the long term: stop having to effectively communicate
Ford Motor 19.14 -.61 ASML Holding NV 771.52 -10.50 companies headquartered in Illinois and north- meetings altogether. asynchronously.
AT&T Inc 23.46 -.76 Abbott Labs 130.27 +4.39 west Indiana as of Friday, December 3, 2021
Carnival Corp 17.20 -.75 AbbVie Inc 118.85 +2.34
Bank of America 43.87 -1.68 Accenture PLC 361.42 +7.82 Market capitalization Stock Stock Why eliminating meetings Best practices for imple-
Pfizer Inc 54.27 +.27 Adobe Inc 616.53 -45.57 in millions of dollars $ %
AMC Entertainment A 29.01 -8.62 Alibaba Group Hldg 111.96 -21.39 change return makes sense mentation
DiDi Global Inc
Palantir Technol
Alphabet Inc C
Alphabet Inc A
Let’s first examine why Implementation of a no
Uber Technologies 35.85 -4.67 Inc 3389.79 -114.77 this might be a good idea meetings policy shouldn’t
Twitter Inc
Norwegian Cruise Ln
Apple Inc
Bank of America
1 Abbott Labs 230,354 130.27 s +4.39 +20.4 in general. Go ahead and be sudden. Consider
Wells Fargo & Co 47.75 -.68 Berkshire Hath A 418676.00 -9156.74 2 AbbVie Inc 210,028 118.85 s +2.34 +16.3 conduct an informal poll rewarding teams who are
Cleveland-Cliffs Inc 20.12 -1.72 Berkshire Hath B
Broadcom Inc
+11.53 3 McDonalds Corp 186,310 249.33 s +.70 +20.5 of your colleagues and able to cut down on meet-
NASDAQ STOCK MARKET Chevron Corp 114.41 -.10 4 Boeing Co 116,652 198.49 t -.72 -9.6 your friends, and it will ings in the first month
CocaCola Co
-.19 5 Deere Co 108,285 349.24 t -10.06 +36.8 reveal that many of them or two after the goal is
Apple Inc 161.84 +5.03 Comcast Corp A 51.78 +.68 6 Caterpillar Inc 106,998 197.80 t -.93 +15.6 complain about wasting announced. Next, analyze
Ardelyx Inc
Sundial Growers Inc
Costco Wholesale
Danaher Corp
-11.02 7 Mondelez Intl 84,061 60.26 s +.01 +4.5 time in meetings. The stats the feedback and unless
Arbutus Biopharma 4.15 +1.02 Disney 146.22 -1.89 8 CME Group 80,957 225.26 s +3.10 +27.9
don’t lie: Executives spend there are serious issues,
Lucid Group Inc
Petros Pharmaceutic
Eli Lilly
Exxon Mobil Corp
-.36 9 ITW 74,050 235.92 s +1.17 +16.9
an average of 23 hours per move forward with manda-
Adv Micro Dev 144.01 -10.80 Home Depot 407.81 +6.76
10 Exelon Corp 51,570 52.74 t -.69 +31.0
week in scheduled meet- tory implementation after
American Airlines Gp
Nvidia Corporation
JPMorgan Chase
Johnson & Johnson
+.18 11 Motorola Solutions 41,886 248.00 t -5.58 +49.3
ings, and 71% of managers the adjustment period.
Cumberland Pharm 4.59 +2.36 MasterCard Inc 322.11 -2.06
12 Kraft Heinz Co 41,176 33.64 t -1.19 +6.3
feel that meetings are inef-
SoFi Technologies
Microsoft Corp
Meta Platforms Inc
Microsoft Corp
-6.67 ficient. Neutralize the FOMO effect
13 Walgreen Boots Alli 40,276 46.53 s +.63 +16.7
Progenity Inc 2.36 -1.28 Netflix Inc 602.13 -63.51 If you think about it At a typical company,
14 Baxter Intl 39,079 78.05 s +2.04 +1.6
Nike Inc B
Novo Nordisk AS
-1.09 objectively, the more people employees miss between
STOCK CLOSE CHANGE Nvidia Corporation 306.93 -8.06
15 Arch Dan Mid 34,981 62.53 t -1.87 +29.1
in a meeting, the less effi- five to seven meetings per
iPath Sh Term Fut 27.96 +1.80
Oracle Corp
PayPal Holdings
16 Gallagher AJ 34,300 165.48 s +2.82 +45.1
cient it really is. First comes vacation week. Histori-
iShares Brazil 29.77 +.39 PepsiCo 164.71 +4.65 17 Equity Residential 31,891 85.04 s +.77 +45.7
the reality that a conve- cally, for many of my team
iShs China Large Cap
iShs Emerg Mkts
Pfizer Inc
Procter & Gamble
18 Discover Fin Svcs 31,848 108.67 t -5.90 +37.1
nient time for a meeting members, the more meet-
iShares EAFE ETF 77.03 -.10 Inc 258.32 -25.89 19 Zebra Tech 31,438 588.29 t -2.43 +62.6 for one person may be ings the company had, the
iShs iBoxx HY CpBd 86.00 +.53 Taiwan Semicon 119.33 +2.24
iShares Rus 2000 214.71 -8.14 Tesla Inc 1014.97 -66.95
20 Allstate Corp 31,052 108.32 t -5.18 +8.9 inconvenient for another. more they worried about
Invesco QQQ Trust
ProShs UltraPro QQQ
Thermo Fisher Sci 636.11 -2.63 21 CDW Corp 26,014 191.67 s +.51 +48.9 More importantly, though, what they missed. Even
Toyota Mot 182.46 +2.63
ProShs UltPro ShtQQQ 6.82 +.36 Unitedhealth Group 449.32 +10.86
22 Grainger WW 25,318 491.44 s +1.90 +21.4 is a meeting truly the best when colleagues are dili-
SPDR Energy
Verizon Comm
Visa Inc
23 Nthn Trust Cp 24,225 116.66 t -2.23 +29.4 way to convey informa- gent about sharing detailed
SPDR Financial 38.03 -.74 WalMart Strs 137.51 -7.39 24 Dover Corp 24,046 167.01 t -3.23 +37.7 tion and make decisions? notes, it’s challenging to
25 TransUnion 21,583 112.65 s +1.42 +22.1 The answer is simply no. truly get the substance from
26 Ulta Salon Cosmetics 20,591 378.81 t -20.72 +36.0 Attendees may have their another person’s recollec-
minds elsewhere as the tions.
Largest mutual funds 27 Ventas Inc
28 IDEX Corp
18,825 47.16 t -2.34
17,357 228.29 t -2.65 +21.3
meeting is going on, and It’s much easier to catch
Based on Total assets they may only be half-lis- up on the process after a
CHG 1-YR CHG 1-YR 29 LKQ Corporation 16,483 56.55 t -1.01 +60.9
30 Equity Lifesty Prop 15,281 83.13 t -1.06 +44.1 tening, waiting for the vacation using a project
American Century UltraInv 89.35 -2.76 +22.7 T. Rowe Price LrgCpGrI 72.42 -2.30 +22.3
31 ConAgra Brands Inc 15,047 31.37 t -.23 -8.6 information that they deem management system as
American Funds AMCpA m 44.46 -1.17 +21.7
American Funds AmrcnBalA m 33.35 -.15 +13.7
T. Rowe Price MdCpGr
T. Rowe Price NewHorizons
124.44 -3.56
87.94 -6.00
+12.1 32 Fortune Brds Hm&Sec14,079 103.73 s +.80 +29.1 relevant to them. And what all updates are clear and
American Funds AmrcnMutA m 52.37 -.08 +20.2 T. Rowe Price Rtr2025 21.15 -.21 +11.6 33 CBOE Global Markets 13,765 129.08 s +1.16 +40.4 about when you miss the concise.
American Funds BdfAmrcA m 13.54 +.08
American Funds CptWldGrIncA m64.30 -.53
T. Rowe Price Rtr2030 31.42 -.37 +13.2
34 Morningstar Inc 13,540 314.21 s +3.58 +59.5 meeting? Who will fill you That means they can
American Funds CptlIncBldrA m68.08 +.05 +11.7
Vanguard 500IdxAdmrl 419.99 -5.00 +25.5
35 Paylocity Hldg 13,417 243.84 t -12.46 +32.2
in on all the important easily get the point and
American Funds EuroPacGrA m 65.99 -1.04 +4.1
Vanguard BalIdxAdmrl
Vanguard CAITTxExAdm
48.63 -.43
12.22 +.02
+1.1 36 United Airlines Hldg 13,141 40.61 t -1.65 -10.9
details, especially during reengage their work
American Funds FdmtlInvsA m 77.44 -1.20
American Funds GrfAmrcA m 77.57 -2.80
+19.8 Vanguard CptlOppAdmrl 207.55 -6.53 +20.5 37 CF Industries 12,699 59.21 t -3.59 +59.8
the holidays when so many routine. This not only
American Funds IncAmrcA m 25.98 -.01 +14.0 Vanguard DevMIdxAdmrl 16.01 -.08 +10.4
38 Packaging Corp Am 12,653 133.21 t -.36 +3.0
people are out of the office? impacts the productivity of
American Funds InvCAmrcA m 51.92 -.57 +21.4 Vanguard DevMIdxIns 16.03 -.08 +10.4
39 Jones Lang LaSalle 12,135 240.45 t -7.12 +78.7
the team member returning
American Funds NewWldA m 89.32 -1.24 +6.4 Vanguard DivGrInv 38.58 -.01 +19.7
American Funds NwPrspctvA m 68.31 -1.43 +18.1 Vanguard EMStkIdxInAdm 40.67 -.16 +2.5
New ways to communicate from vacation but also their
40 CNA Financial 11,682 43.05 t -.23 +27.5
American Funds SmCpWldA m 84.38 -2.71 +14.0 Vanguard EqIncAdmrl 93.10 -.64 +21.5 If you can see the inef- colleagues who don’t have
41 Hill-Rom Hldgs
American Funds TheNewEcoA m63.94 -2.17
American Funds TxExBdA m 13.64 +.03
Vanguard ExplorerAdmrl 133.43 -5.05 +19.4
10,282 155.68 s +.13 +62.8
ficiencies to the old-fash- to engage in a drawn-out
American Funds WAMtInvsA m 58.40 -.28 +23.4
Vanguard ExtMktIdxAdmrl
Vanguard ExtMktIdxIns
134.72 -6.95
134.71 -6.96
42 NiSource Inc 9,856 25.10 s +.11 +4.4
ioned meeting process, you process. Without meet-
Artisan IntlValueInstl 40.48 +.30 +15.8
Vanguard ExtMktIdxInsPls 332.46-17.16 +15.1
43 Middleby Corp 9,571 172.06 t -8.87 +29.1
may be wondering how to ings, there’s no reason for
Baird AggrgateBdInstl
Baird CorPlusBdInstl
11.47 +.06
11.83 +.07
-.1 Vanguard GNMAAdmrl 10.58 +.02 -.4
44 First Indl RT 8,059 62.41 s +2.33 +52.3
effectively convey import- FOMO.
BlackRock StrIncOpIns 10.22 -.01 +1.6 Vanguard GrIdxAdmrl 158.50 -3.44 +26.1 45 Aptargroup Inc 7,820 118.80 t -7.81 -4.1 ant information without Being a global digital
Calamos MktNetrlIncIns 14.42 -.03 +4.7 Vanguard GrIdxIns
Vanguard HCAdmrl
158.51 -3.44
95.04 -2.07
46 Littelfuse Inc 7,555 306.75 s +2.47 +29.3 meetings. That’s the perfect studio, what works for
Columbia DivIncIns 30.65 -.10 +22.5
DFA EMktCorEqI 24.65 +.19 +8.2 Vanguard HYCorpAdmrl 5.89 +.03 +3.3
47 Old Republic 7,291 23.75 t -1.16 +49.8 question to ask, but it’s TheSoul Publishing may
DFA FvYrGlbFIIns 10.80 +.01 -.8 Vanguard HYTEAdmrl 12.08 +.02 +4.6 48 Brunswick Corp 7,246 94.00 t -5.74 +31.3 not as simple as flipping a not be completely anal-
DFA IntlCorEqIns
DFA USCorEq1Instl
15.59 -.10
35.70 -.53
Vanguard InTrBdIdxAdmrl 12.11 +.07 -1.4 49 CCC Intellig Solut 7,081 11.73 t -.72 switch. It involves adjusting ogous to every business.
DFA USCorEqIIInstl 32.69 -.48 +26.6
Vanguard InTrInGdAdm
Vanguard InTrTEAdmrl
10.08 +.06
14.73 +.02
50 US Foods Holding 6,955 31.22 t -1.76 -3.5 your processes and getting However, companies
DFA USLgCpValInstl 45.29 -.55 +23.7
Vanguard InflPrtScAdmrl 29.02 +.01 +6.7 51 IAA Inc 6,550 48.58 t -.06 -16.5 used to new standards and that are primarily remote
DFA USSmCpValInstl
47.49 -1.23
45.52 -1.16
Vanguard InflPrtScIns 11.82 ... +6.7 52 Ingredion Inc 6,261 94.11 t -2.50 +25.0 tools. (we’ve been 80% remote
Dodge & Cox Bal 115.34 -.47 +17.0 Vanguard InsIdxIns 397.46 -4.73 +25.5 53 Stericycle Inc 5,266 57.33 t -3.10 -16.5 Some companies with since 2016) will most likely
Vanguard InsIdxInsPlus 397.48 -4.73 +25.5
Dodge & Cox Inc
Dodge & Cox IntlStk
14.24 +.05
46.41 -.28
+7.9 Vanguard InsTrgRt2020Ins 27.96 -.10 +8.9
54 John Bean Technol 5,005 157.56 t -5.80 +42.2 no meetings policies rely see immediate benefits to
Dodge & Cox Stk 239.86 -1.83 +27.9 Vanguard InsTtlSMIInPls 87.90 -1.65 +23.7 55 Wintrust Financial 5,003 87.77 t -3.29 +58.0 almost exclusively on asyn- implementing the policy.
DoubleLine TtlRetBdI 10.49 +.01 +1.1 Vanguard IntlGrAdmrl 155.49 -6.37 +2.1 56 CDK Global Inc 4,760 40.23 s +.47 -15.6 chronous communica- We’ve seen a significant
Edgewood GrInstl
Fidelity 500IdxInsPrm
61.70 -1.91
157.85 -1.87
Vanguard IntlValInv 41.87 -.07 +7.6
57 RLI Corp 4,715 104.23 t -2.23 +10.3 tion, which means that all boost in efficiency and over-
Vanguard LTInGrdAdm 11.40 +.21 +.1
Fidelity BCGrowth 181.62 -6.72 +25.3 Vanguard LTTEAdmrl 12.20 +.03 +2.8 58 Envestnet Inc 4,215 77.14 s +.24 -2.9 company communications all productivity. We’ve also
Fidelity Balanced 29.71 -.31 +17.9 Vanguard LfStrGrInv 44.23 -.42 +14.6 59 Hyatt Hotels Corp 4,042 80.37 s +2.24 +13.1 are written down in one grown substantially during
Fidelity Cap&Inc x 11.04 -.20 +11.6
Fidelity Contrafund 19.64 -.62 +23.1
Vanguard LfStrModGrInv 33.84 -.19 +10.7
60 GATX 3,578 100.81 t -1.06 +25.0 way or another. This system this time, and this growth
Fidelity ContrafundK 19.69 -.63 +23.2
Vanguard LtdTrmTEAdmrl
Vanguard MdCpIdxAdmrl
11.18 +.01
302.14 -8.02
+22.3 61 Kemper Corp 3,433 53.94 t -4.37 -27.1 allows employees to make has been seamless as a direct
Fidelity EmergMketsOpps
Fidelity ExMktIdxInPr
23.47 -.16
85.49 -4.41
+15.0 Vanguard MdCpIdxIns 66.74 -1.78 +22.3 62 Equity Commonwlth 3,051 25.24 t -.78 -2.1
requests to teammates result of not needing meet-
Fidelity Frdm 2025 16.06 -.10 +10.6 Vanguard MdCpIdxInsPlus 329.18 -8.73 +22.3
63 Hub Group Inc 2,692 79.28 t -2.47 +43.8
without hopping on a Zoom ings to make big decisions.
Fidelity Frdm 2030 20.17 -.14 +12.0 Vanguard PrmCpAdmrl 179.44 -3.88 +20.1
64 Federal Signal 2,686 43.99 t -.22 +45.9
where everyone needs to
Fidelity GlobalexUSIdx
Fidelity GroCo
14.91 -.09
40.02 -1.61
Vanguard RlEstIdxAdmrl
Vanguard SCpGrIdxAdm
152.68 -.21
94.91 -4.12
+8.9 65 Stepan Co 2,609 116.42 t -1.53 +2.1
be “present” at the same Aleksandra Sulimko is the
Fidelity GroCo 28.04 -1.08 +27.4 Vanguard SCpValIdxAdm 73.78 -2.08 +27.1 66 Fst Midw Bcp 2,263 19.83 t -.67 +40.1
moment. If the outline and CHRO of TheSoul Publish-
Fidelity GroCoK 40.15 -1.61 +25.8 Vanguard STBdIdxAdmrl 10.66 ... -.7 deadline of a project are ing.
Fidelity IntlGr 19.92 +.01 +16.4 Vanguard STInfPrScIdAdmr 26.12 -.10 +5.6 67 TreeHouse Foods 2,106 37.77 t -.71 -3.6
Fidelity IntlIdxInstlPrm 48.54 -.22 +9.5
Vanguard STInfPrScIdIns 26.14 -.10 +5.7 68 Allscripts Hlthcare 2,050 16.73 s +.14 +16.7


Fidelity IntlVal 11.20 +.05 +13.6
Vanguard STInvmGrdAdmrl 10.81 -.01 -.1 69 Knowles Corp 1,995 21.61 t -.25 +24.4
Fidelity InvmGradeBd x 11.72 +.05 +1.0
Fidelity LowPrStk 52.93 -.43 +21.1 Vanguard STInvmGrdIns 10.81 -.01 -.1
70 Teleph Data 1,945 18.12 t -.73 -3.5
Fidelity Magellan 15.21 -.25 +26.1 Vanguard STTEAdmrl 15.88 -.01 +.3
Fidelity NasdCmpIdx 190.54 -5.03 +22.7 Vanguard SmCpIdxAdmrl 104.05 -3.59 +18.9 71 MYR Group 1,870 110.87 t -5.49 +110.9
Fidelity OTCPortfolio 19.50 -.56 +25.2 Vanguard SmCpIdxIns 104.05 -3.59 +18.9 72 Methode Electronics 1,726 45.23 t -.76 +24.9
Fidelity Puritan 26.90 -.24 +18.0 Vanguard StarInv 33.25 -.42 +11.2
73 US Cellular 1,589 29.88 t -.85 -6.1
Fidelity TotalBond x 11.14 +.06 +1.0 Vanguard TMCapApAdm 236.66 -3.72 +24.3
Fidelity TtlMktIdxInsPrm 128.98 -2.41 +23.6 Vanguard TrgtRtr2020Fd 36.50 -.14 +8.9 74 Horace Mann 1,560 37.61 t -.42 -2.3

Fidelity USBdIdxInsPrm 12.08 +.06 -.8 Vanguard TrgtRtr2025Fd 23.16 -.12 +10.4 75 First Busey Corp 1,469 26.11 t -.51 +32.7
First Eagle GlbA m 62.30 -4.62 +10.7 Vanguard TrgtRtr2030Fd 44.04 -.29 +11.9
Franklin Templeton GrA m 143.96-16.83 +21.3 76 Adtalem Global Educ 1,449 29.12 t -1.54 -.2
Vanguard TrgtRtr2035Fd 27.67 -.23 +13.4
Franklin Templeton IncA1 m 2.43 -.07
Franklin Templeton RisingDivsA m92.58-4.24
Vanguard TrgtRtr2040Fd
Vanguard TrgtRtr2045Fd
49.08 -.46
31.57 -.34
77 Gogo Inc
78 Enova Intl Inc
1,396 12.70 t
1,384 38.02 t
-.32 +29.2
-.89 +68.9
Harbor CptlApprecInstl 117.95 -6.12 +17.9


Harding Loevner IntlEqInstl 29.64 +.09 +10.5 Vanguard TrgtRtr2050Fd 50.96 -.57 +16.6
79 Addus HomeCare 1,348 84.68 t -6.71 -13.0
INVESCO DevMktsY 50.00 -.59 -2.9 Vanguard TrgtRtrIncFd 15.41 -.02 +5.9
JPMorgan CoreBondR6 12.02 +.06 +.1 Vanguard TtBMIdxAdmrl 11.31 +.06 -.6 80 Coeur Mining 1,336 5.20 t -.53 -34.2
JPMorgan EqIncI 23.21 -.10 +21.2 Vanguard TtBMIdxIns 11.31 +.06 -.6 81 Tootsie Roll 1,288 32.76 s +.74 +11.2
$7-Million Retail Value
John Hancock DiscpValMCI
Lord Abbett ShrtDurIncA m
Lord Abbett ShrtDurIncF b
28.02 -.29
192.41 -3.85
Vanguard TtBMIdxInsPlus
Vanguard TtInBIdxAdmrl
Vanguard TtInBIdxInv
Vanguard TtInSIdxAdmrl
11.31 +.06
22.95 +.11
11.48 +.06
33.49 -.17
82 Century Aluminum
83 AAR Corp
84 Huron Consulting Gp
1,189 13.20 t
1,182 33.33 t -1.02
1,038 47.40 t
-.75 +19.8
-.18 +10.1
HAND opportunity
Bulk or
MFS ValI 53.54 -.10 +22.3
Vanguard TtInSIdxIns 133.92 -.68 +8.3
Metropolitan West TtlRetBdI 10.99 +.05
Metropolitan West TtlRetBdPlan10.30 +.05
Vanguard TtInSIdxInsPlus 133.96 -.68 +8.3
85 Great Lakes Dredge
86 Ryerson Holding
986 15.01 t -.30 +34.3
937 24.41 t -2.02 +101.6
Wholesaler Purchase at fraction of cost!
Old Westbury LgCpStrats 19.44 -.41 +18.3 Vanguard TtInSIdxInv 20.02 -.10 +8.2
PGIM Investments TtlRetBdZ
PIMCO AlAstInstl
14.64 +.14
12.77 -.04
Vanguard TtlSMIdxAdmrl
Vanguard TtlSMIdxIns
112.54 -2.11
112.56 -2.10
87 Tenneco Inc
88 QCR Holdings Inc
879 10.71 t
858 55.05 t
-.15 +54.5
Bidding Ends: THURSDAY, Dec. 16 • 11:00 AM CT
PIMCO IncA m 11.86 +.01 +2.3 Vanguard TtlSMIdxInv 112.49 -2.11 +23.5 Asset Location: 1600 S. Prairie Dr. Sycamore, IL
89 Heidrick & Struggles 855 43.65 s +.72 +64.4
PIMCO IncI2 11.86 +.01 +2.6 Vanguard USGrAdmrl 187.08-10.29 +15.0
PIMCO IncInstl 11.86 +.01 +2.7 Vanguard ValIdxAdmrl 54.68 -.47 +21.9 90 Acco Brands Corp 797 8.33 t -.17 +7.1 HUGE ASSORTMENT!!! • Including Sockets • Drives • Impact Sockets
PIMCO TtlRetIns 10.35 +.05 -.1 Vanguard ValIdxIns 54.68 -.47 +22.0 91 Heritage-Crystal Cln
• Wire Sets • Dead Blows • Wrenches • T-Handle Screwdrivers • Pliers
785 32.48 t -1.03 +67.1
Parnassus CorEqInv 61.25 -.28 +25.2 Vanguard WlngtnAdmrl 86.97 -.09 +16.7 • Punches • Chisels • Pry Bars • Hex Key Wrenches • Coil Steel • much more
Schwab SP500Idx 70.29 -.84 +26.5 92 Consolidated Commun 775 7.85 s +.08 +40.7
Vanguard WlngtnInv 50.36 -.06 +16.6
Schwab Schwab1000Idx 100.44 -1.74 +25.0
Vanguard WlslyIncAdmrl 72.13 +.15 +7.8 93 Fst Mid Bancshares 764 42.26 s +.26 +41.5 Inspection is by appointment only WEDnESDAY, Dec.15
Schwab TtlStkMktIdx
T. Rowe Price BCGr
79.66 -1.49
188.56 -7.27
Vanguard WndsrAdmrl 85.61 -1.33 +23.1 94 Sanfilipo John 737 83.10 s +.19 +20.6 Please contact to schedule an appointment:
T. Rowe Price CptlAprc 39.15 -.36 +16.5 Vanguard WndsrIIAdmrl 84.23 -.75 +26.8 95 OneSpan Inc 656 16.42 t -.48 -15.9 Jennifer Reiner – 847.545.6374
Vanguard WndsrIIInv 47.46 -.42 +26.7
T. Rowe Price DivGr 71.07 -.14 +22.3
WCM FocIntGrIns 27.53 -.45 +16.2 96 SP Plus Corp 624 26.88 t -2.40 -6.4
T. Rowe Price EqInc 36.73 -.43 +20.8
T. Rowe Price GrStk 113.16 -4.68 +20.5 Western Asset CorBdI 13.16 +.05 -1.0 97 Groupon Inc 571 19.35 t -3.54 -33.5 Sale Details & Registration:
T. Rowe Price HlthSci 106.08 -3.90 +11.8 Western Asset CorPlusBdI 11.96 +.06 -1.0 98 SunCoke Energy Inc 523 6.30 s +.12 +35.5
b - Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. 99 ANI Pharma 503 39.55 t -1.22 +44.8
m - Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. s - fund
split shares during the week. x - fund paid a distribution during the week. Source: Morningstar. 100 Titan Intl 434 6.96 t -.55 +32.8

IL Auction Lic. #444.000438 & 441.001779

★ Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  11

Jobs &Worktribune publishing recruitment services


Good advice:
It’s never the wrong time to hear ways to
improve your job search
To help today’s active jobseekers find not just a job, but
the right job, we’re offering several suggestions about how
to approach your quest for the perfect career:

Choose carefully: If you’re looking for a career with

potential, focus your job search on those companies that
prioritize innovation. “You should be asking about what
the company is doing to stay on top of customer trends,
attract diverse talent and keep pace with fast-changing
technologies and competitive maps,” says Amy Radin, a
former executive with Citibank and American Express and
author of “The Change Maker’s Playbook: How to Seek,
Seed and Scale Innovation In Any Company.” Look for
indications of collaboration, experimentation and openness.
This has little to do with whether there is an open floor
plan and is more about talent and culture, where resources
are being invested, how fast things happen, how decisions
are made and whether the business accepts that failure is to Dreamstime
be expected as a necessary part of what it takes to iterate a
concept and achieve market success. they may have impressive academic records and quality key stakeholder, which is ultimately the hiring manager
internships but if they lack the soft skills needed to succeed — the person who’s going to be directly in charge because
Use your hands: John Morehouse, director of the at work, they may have to settle for a lesser first job. The they’re the ones who know what type of person works not
Center of Innovation for Manufacturing for the state of same goes for experienced workers looking to improve their only with the culture of the company but also for their
Georgia’s Department of Economic Development, says careers as well. “Soft skills are the differentiator between team,” she says. “If a company has a very clear mission
high school graduates shouldn’t be so quick to discredit people getting many job offers and maybe just a few,” says statement, it has very strong leaders who are helping
manufacturing jobs. “Everyone thinks manufacturing is Paul McDonald, senior executive director of staffing firm promote and cultivate that culture from the top down, as
important to our country and to our economy but there’s Robert Half. “You can have great university training, you well as from the bottom up.”
definitely not as much support for those people who want to can take the right technology courses, but I urge all students
go into manufacturing,” Morehouse says. “These are well- to branch out into public speaking, to take writing courses, Take a breath: Feeling a bit on edge before your job
paying jobs and you can build a future with them. There’s to take courses that will make them more emotional- interview? Take a few minutes to settle yourself down
a demand for workers with a complex set of skills, a awareness-type courses. And don’t let your soft skills suffer before meeting with your interviewer. If you don’t, prepare
combination of technical skills, soft skills, creative thinking, once you start working. You’d be surprised at the number to be judged by everything but your skills and experience.
critical thinking, communication, advanced problem solving of people who’ve advanced their careers because they took “People play with their pens, rub their hands and tap their
and more. We’re talking about rewarding work that doesn’t the time to learn — and I mean, really learn — Microsoft feet without even realizing what they’re doing and that’s a
have to come home with you. And you can earn a good Excel.” problem. Constant movement isn’t the way to an employer’s
salary — money to buy a house, go on vacation — if you Don’t take rejection personally: What if your heart, that’s for sure,” says Paul C. Green, author of “Get
can see through the old perception and instead look at these personality rubs a job interviewer the wrong way — or Hired! Winning Strategies to Ace the Interview”. “If you
jobs for what they actually are — strong, interesting, stable more likely, doesn’t fit in with your desired company’s find yourself fidgeting during the interview, take a deep
jobs that can provide a person the means for a great life.” culture? Amanda Augustine, a New York-based career breath, place your hands on your legs for support and focus
coach and resume writer for TopInterview, says most times on sitting still.
Increase your skills: Today’s college seniors looking when that happens, it’s to the benefit of the job seeker.
to enter the workforce upon graduation should know that – Marco Buscaglia
“Whether or not you’re hired is going to come down to the

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from home — while their parents are in a machine shop. That’s a lot of noise. DRIVERS >> take projects to research, dev & test advanced computational
models of mechanical eng. equipment. Master’s in Mechani-
cal Eng/related field+2yrs exp req’d. Req’d Skills: Automotive
trying to enjoy their retirement. You get home, you want some quiet. We engine design; model-based design for controls systems; Sys-
“I look at my phone as soon as I wake enjoyed each other’s company but we Driver 6370215 tem level designing (thermal/flow modeling of after-treatment
Carol Stream, IL systems, turbo systems), real-time modeling of automotive
up, sign onto my computer and still enjoyed the silence. It had a purpose systems & subsystems; HIL systems; Matlab/Simulink; AMES-
JM SWANK, LLC, A BRENNTAG COMPANY - Come Grow im; dSPaCE; ETAS; National Instruments. Send resumes to:
have my phone at my side until the end then, without getting too philosophical. I with the Leading Food Ingredients Dis- REF:HRP
of the day,” says Joan Parelli, a retired don’t know the purpose now.” tributor in the North American Market!
JM Swank, LLC, a Brenntag Company,
teacher for the Chicago Public Schools Sharon Farnsworth, a Rochester, New offers a $12k Sign-On Bonus with
who now tutors online from her home
in Clearwater, Florida. “I wish it wasn’t
York-based social worker who specializes
in family relationships, says it’s fair for
Monthly Payouts. CDL-A Company
Drivers Earn $1,300-1,500 gross run-
ning 2300-2400 Miles per week. Enjoy Incredible Health and
Wellness Benefits Day One, 25 Paid Days Off per calendar year
that way but I like seeing pictures of my one person to feel slighted when the and Amazing 401k. Apply Today! Advisory Senior Consultant
grandkids and playing games with my other is constantly plugged in. “People Call 319-449-0835 Chicago, IL Apply Online
friends when I have breaks from work. I don’t realize how consumed they can be Newspaper Delivery Drivers Needed 6317318 DELOITTE & TOUCHE - seeks an Advisory Senior Consultant
in Chicago, IL to identify & evaluate complex bus. & tech.
don’t view it as a hindrance at all.” by checking Facebook and Instagram, Chicago, IL 312-222-2803 risks, internal controls that mitigate risks, & related opportuni-
But Vincent Parelli, Joan’s husband, especially if they’re older,” Farnsworth CHICAGO TRIBUNE - We are looking for candidates with ties for internal control improvement. Position requires 80%
travel. To apply visit Enter XSFH-
strong customer service and attention to detail. If you or
considers his wife’s phone addiction a says. “Retirement and the years leading someone you know is looking to make extra income we’re 22FA1121CHI1 in ‘Search jobs” field. EOE, including disability/
interested! veterans.
“devil in disguise,” saying his wife uses up to it can be confusing and lonely.
her grandchildren as an excuse to keep People begin to question their worth and Work requires a reliable vehicle, proof of insurance and the Economist 6367446
ability to work early morning hours 7 days a week (3-4 hours Chicago, IL Apply by Email
the phone within arm’s length “all day find themselves living vicariously through per day). All carriers are sub-contracted with a Chicago Tri-
COMPASS LEXECON, LLC - Process public & private data,
and all night,” whether she’s home or not. others. They get involved in debates on bune Home Delivery Conctractor.
dvlp analytic models & perform cmplx econometric & finan-
“How many pictures can you see of your Facebook that do nothing to improve or To inquire, please call 312-222-2803 or email cial analyses using STATA, Excel & other analytical softw. Job
req a Master’s. in econ, finance, or rltd. Send cover letter/re-
grandchildren a day?” enhance their day-to-day lives. “
sume identifying job code XY to
‘A substitute for real life’ Farnsworth says she sees signs of Perfect as a second job or for a stay-at-home parent. No calls.
this mindset in her own mother, who Immediate openings throughout Chicagoland!
Dr. Mark Goulston, a Los Angeles-
based psychiatrist and author of “Just
still works as a full-time nurse but is the
only member of her “nursing clique” who INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY >>
Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting hasn’t retired. “She scrutinizes every one
of their posts and pictures. She’ll call me
ENGINEERING >> Audit & Assurance Analytics Specialist Senior Manager
Through to Absolutely Anyone,” says Chicago, IL Apply Online
it may be time for couples like the and tell me to look at someone’s page. Lead Structural Revit Production Engineer 6297319 DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP - seeks an Audit & Assurance
Parellis to get on the same page when ‘See? She’s bored to death’ or ‘I don’t Chicago, IL Analytics Specialist Senior Manager in Chicago, IL to redefine
audit by infusing cutting-edge technologies, data analytics &
it comes to personal technology. “Life is know why she just doesn’t get a divorce.’ DESMAN, INC. - (Desman, Inc. has an opening in Chicago, IL)
visualizations, & transformative audit delivery models to de-
Lead Structural Revit Production Engineer: Create graphical
constantly shifting,” says Goulston. “It’s It’s almost like a substitute for real life,” representations of parking structures & assist in planning &
liver a more dynamic picture to our clients. Position requires
approx. 70% travel. To apply visit
important to be honest with each other Farnsworth says. design of parking structures using Revit drawing tools. Reqs.
BS in Civil Engr., or closely related field & 2 yrs. of exp. in the
Enter XSFH22FA1121CHI2 in ‘Search jobs” field. EOE, including
and update our expectations.” job offered, or related. 2 yrs. must include. exp. w/ Revit, Au-
– Marco Buscaglia toCad, Etabs, & SAFE. Email resume to jhenriksen@desman.
Consulting, Consultant
That makes a lot of sense to Vincent com.
Chicago, IL Apply Online
Master Software Engineer DELOITTE CONSULTING LLP - seeks a Consulting, Consultant
Chicago, IL Apply Online in Chicago, IL and various unanticipated Deloitte office loca-
tions and client sites nationally to provide software advisory
CAPITAL ONE SERVICES, LLC - in Chicago Metro Area; Mult
and implementation services to help companies unlock the
pos avail: Lead overall tech design, dvlpmnt, modification, &
value of big technology investments as discrete services or
implementation of comp apps using existing & emerging tech
comprehensive solutions. 50% travel required nationally. Tele-
platforms. To apply, visit
commuting permitted. To apply visit Enter and
XBAL22FC1121CHI1718 in “Search jobs” field. EOE, including
search “Master Software Engineer” or “R126845”.
Master Software Engineer Director - PM Information Security Engineering
Chicago, IL Apply Online Chicago, IL Apply Online
CAPITAL ONE SERVICES, LLC - in Chicago, IL; Mult pos avail:
Lead overall tech design, dvlpmnt, modification, & implemen- BMO HARRIS BANK N.A. - to develop, test, and implement
tation of comp apps using existing & emerging tech platforms. information security platform and infrastructure strategies for
To apply, visit the Bank. Requires: Bachelor’s degree (or higher) in Computer and Science, Engineering, Information Systems, Information Secu-
search “Master Software Engineer” or “R127910”. rity, or a closely related field (willing to accept foreign educa-
tion equivalent) plus nine (9) years of experience in analyzing
Project and Application Engineers 6364107 complex issues regarding information security platforms in a
financial services industry or other highly regulated industry.
Westmont, IL To apply, visit
GAMMA TECHNOLOGIES, LLC - Gamma Technologies, LLC External/job/Chicago-IL-USA/Director---PM-Information-
seeks Project and Application Engineers for Westmont, IL lo- Security-Engineering--Chicago--Illinois-_R210028825-2;
cation to work w/application & support team on automotive the Job ID is: R210028825.
electrical apps, electric machine architectures, & Stochastic
Reactor Models (SRMs). Master’s in Electrical Eng, Comp Eng/
related field+2yrs exp req’d. Req’d Specific Skills: electric
Discover your potential.
Dreamstime motor design, 2D/3D electric motor finite element analysis,
electric motor drives & control, MotorCAD, Ansys/Maxwell, Explore a new position.
Matlab/Simulink. Send resumes to:
about-gt/careers/ REF:ZH
12  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 ★

CAREERS Senior Regulatory Publishing Submissions Associate Vice President of Client Success 6361672
Northbrook, IL Apply by Mail Rosemont, IL Apply by Email
ASTELLAS PHARMA GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. - seeks SOFTSERVE, INC. - in Rosemont, IL seeks a Vice President of

Clean or clutter: Curb bad desk habits in Senior Regulatory Publishing Submissions Associate in North-
brook, Illinois, to coordinate and support regulatory documen-
tation for the company’s clinical drug development, including:
coordinate and compile standard and complex submissions
Client Success. Qualified applicants will possess a Bachelor’s
degree in Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Business
Administration, or closely related field and six years of experi-
ence in the job offered or six years of experience in forming

2021 to avoid spillover into 2022 and registration documents for multiple projects at various
stages of development. The position requires a Master’s de-
gree or the foreign equivalent in Chemistry, Pharmaceutical
Science, or related field in Life/Health Science, and 24 months
and leading teams in software outsourcing, technical consult-
ing or closely related industry; working with software devel-
opment principles and processes, design methodologies,
modern technologies, SaaS, Cloud, CyberSecurity, and process
Sure, your workspace is a hot mess more clear the desk, the better.” in the job offered, or as a Regulatory Submissions Specialist automation; and working with advanced technologies such as
right now but who cares? Well, you Still, if you feel your clutter works for or related position. Alternatively, we will accept Bachelor’s Big Data, Data Science, Machine Learning, Internet-of-Things,
degree or the foreign equivalent in Chemistry, Pharmaceutical and DevOps. To apply, submit resumes to
should. you, don’t be so quick to force yourself Science, or related field in Life/Health Science, and 48 months and include job code SGC-36.
in the job offered, or as a Regulatory Submissions Specialist
After all, old habits may be hard into a stringent environment, says Linda or related position. Position requires less than 5% of domes-
to break, whether you’re back at the Dalton, a medical records transcriptionist tic and international travel. Mail resume, reference Job Code
20357.245.5, to: ATTN: Walter Garcia, Astellas US LLC, 1 Astel-
workplace or working remotely. in St. Paul, Minnesota, who says a las Way, Northbrook, IL 60062. Equal Opportunity Employer:
For some, a neat, organized desk, clutter-free desk may be a sign of a M/F/D/V.

especially if they want to be mindful person who spends a limited amount of Senior Software Engineer - Full Stack 6363611
of others around them, is key to time doing his or her job. “I’ve worked Riverwoods, IL Apply Online
in offices where people have literally DFS CORPORATE SERVICES LLC - seeks Senior Software
productivity. For others, not so much. Engineer - Full Stack in Riverwoods, IL to dvlp & maintain
But there’s a difference between nothing on their desk except for their full stack solutions to fit bus. needs. Promote risk-aware cul-
ture to ensure efficient & effective risk & compliance mgmt
“unorganized” and “disgusting.” The computer and I would always think, this practices by adhering to req’d standards & processes. Req’ts:
former allows for a few random piles is not a team player. This is not a person Bachelor’s or equiv in IT, CS, or rel. field of study & 4 yrs of exp:
utilizing Message Broker & Pub/Sub model to enable apps,
of paper; the latter means you have the who is trying to help others out or doing syst’s, & srvcs to communicate w/ each other & exchange info
in real-time; utilizing Java & Spring Boot Exp to address mod-
cure for Covid-25 growing at the bottom what they can to help the office run ern bus. needs via portfolio projects & build web & enterprise
of one of the seven coffee cups on your smoothly,” she says. “No one’s asking apps/APIs; utilizing Gradle to build apps by compiling, linking,
& packaging code; integrating & building processes w/ auto-
desk. And another reason to clean things this guy for help because they know this mation tools; utilizing Jenkins to apply continuous integration
up if you’re working from home? How is a person who does his job and leaves (CI) processes & adding continuous delivery (CD) by leverag-
ing DevOps model; utilizing GitHub for version control & col-
about sparing your guests those looks of as soon as that little hand hits five on the laboration; utilizing RDBMS/Nosql DB to dsgn data structures
clock.” w/ both vertical & horizontal scalability; engaging in test au-
disgust when they’re looking for a quick tomation/Junit/Integration tests to reduce bus. risk & enable
place to make a phone call during your Still, Dalton says she keeps her desk faster feedback cycle; utilizing APM tools, incl AppDynamics,
Instana, & Grafana to facilitate quick issue resolution & resto-
holiday party, and happen to stumble fairly clean. “I get too stressed out when ration of apps to normal state; & utilizing Amazon Web Srvcs
across your chamber of horrors? there are piles everywhere, especially (AWS), Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF), & Openshift to deploy &
build cost effective, scalable, & secure apps. In alternative
At work, if you’re fairly organized, when in the morning,” she says. “I have employer will accept Master’s or equiv in above-mentioned
you’ll enjoy the benefits of working in
a clutter-free zone and avoid being “that
a few items on my desk but I do like to
start the day with a clean slate.”
fields & 2 yrs of exp in above-listed areas. Pls apply directly
through our website at for Job ID
R11502 by clicking on “Apply Now.” EOE/D/V.
guy” who causes a scene every time
Software Engineer PERFECT
you’re looking for an important document – Marco Buscaglia
Chicago, IL Apply by Mail
or your car keys. Of course, some argue JOB LOCATION: CONTAX, INC. - 311 W. Superior St, Ste 313,
a messy desk inspires them to be more Chicago, IL 60654. Duties: Perform SAP HANA Admin, Instal-

lation, Upgrading, Monitoring w/ SAP HANA Cockpit/Studio
creative. Maybe. But a huge mess where tools. Performance tuning & optimize resource utilization on
you work is good for your brain? That’s HANA Cloud & Cloud Foundry HANA Service. Develop XSA
apps w/ JAVA & SAP HANA as backend DB. Migrate DB w/ SAP
a bunch of garbage. Literally. Gum HANA Migration tools & Smart Data Access. Telecommute
from any location w/in the U.S. Reqs: Master’s degree or for- Stop wasting time searching for jobs.
wrappers, half-eaten bagels, empty soup eign equiv. in Comp Sci, Software Eng, Info Systems, or closely
Find the right jobs with tribune publishing
bowls. Toss them out. Stop the pigsty related degree & 3 yrs prior exp as a Software Eng. Exp which
may have been obtained concurrently must include 3 yrs prior recruitment services.
approach to work and get back on track. exp in SAP HANA DB Admin, HANA Cockpit, SAP HANA Cloud
“A clean desk is a sign of efficiency. DB Migration. Mail resume to: Ms. Audra Miller, Contax, Inc.,
9151 Atlanta Ave #7006, Huntington Beach, CA 92615. We work hard to make your job search
It’s a sign that you are working on easy. With our expansive network of
one thing at a time and that you’re Strategy Advisor, Bus. Design, (Customer) Manager (Multiple Positions) 6363618 distinguished employers from coast
not wasting your efforts being pulled Chicago, IL Apply Online to coast and advanced job matching
ERNST & YOUNG U.S. LLP - Help clients strategize and ex-
to a million different places. It shows ecute on their future customer vision and experience. Re-
technology, you’ll find opportunities
organization and purpose,” says James quires travel up to 80% to serve client needs. Employer will that match your skills, your personality
accept any suitable combination of education, training, or ex- and your life.
Will, a financial planner in Fort Myers, perience. For complete job description, list of requirements,
Florida. “If you have to wade through a and to apply online, go to:, and click on
“Find jobs” (Job Number - 437901). Search jobs. Post your resume.
desk filled with clutter, you’re probably Stand out from the crowd.
not going to get as much done as you can Systems Analyst
because you’re distracted. To me, the Dreamstime Oak Brook, IL
Apply by Email
ized software. Req: B.S. or for equiv in Comp Sci, Elec Eng,
Manager, Business Analytics Math, related, and 3 yrs related exp incl: analyzing, design-

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY >> Hoffman Estates, IL ing, developing, implementing computer programs using:
Apply Online Java, J2EE, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Commergent, XML, ANT,
TRANSFORM SR HOLDING MANAGEMENT, LLC - to support Tomcat, JBoss, Weblogic, Websphere, Eclipse, UML, SVN, Log5j,
strategic initiatives via analysis, reporting, business cases, fi-
nancial models & project management; manage integration
PHP, Junit, Webservices, JSP, Ajax, JavaScript, Jquery, Oracle The Chicago Tribune has
Enterprise Sys Anlyst 11g/10g/9i/8i/7.x, SQL Server, DB2, MySql, Agile methodology,
Lincolnshire, IL Apply by Mail
requirements, process change management & deployment
of an enterprise wide customer profile service. Reqs MS+3 yrs
Design patters, Windows XP/2000/NT/98, Unix, Red Hat Linux. all the resources you need
Permanent US work auth required. Apply to
ZEBRA TECH CORP - has an opening in Lincolnshire, IL: En- exp or BS+5 yrs exp. For complete description of job duties
& requirements & to apply visit and to start a new career.
terprise Sys Anlyst: Lay out the IT ecom tech stratgy. Bach +
7 yrs exp rqrd. Telecommuting permitted. When not telecom- reference 1007592BR.
muting, must report to work site. To apply, mail your resume
to and reference job #2306768 Multiple Openings
Chicago, IL
Chicago Tribune delivers more job
Apply Online Chicago Tribune delivers more job
IT Advisor CHARLES SCHWAB - has the following openings in Chicago opportunities than any other
Chicago, IL Apply Online IL: *Sr. Mgr, Risk Analytics/Modeling (Job ID#2021-76599) Lead opportunities than any other
ERNST & YOUNG U.S. LLP - IT Advisor, Tech. Con. - DET - Sr. crssfnctional prjects using advnced data modeling & analysis Chicagoland newspaper.
tchniques. Chicagoland newspaper.
Eng. - OMS Architect – (Mngr) (Mult. Pos.) Assist clients on new
technology delivery, maintenance and the future order fulfill- *Sr Team Mgr. (Job ID#2021-76525) Conceptlzng, Planning,
ment roadmap in various Order Management technologies. Executing, Trckng & end to end dlivry of speclzd tools. To ap-
Travel is required 50% of the time. Employer will accept any ply, please reference Job ID & submit resume online at

suitable combination of education, training, or experience. For
complete job description, list of requirements, and to apply
online, go to:, and click on “Find jobs” Principal Model Validation 6363634
(Job # - 469467). Riverwoods, IL Apply Online
DFS CORPORATE SERVICES LLC - seeks Principal Model Vali-

IT Advisor dation in Riverwoods, IL to manage independent model valida-
Chicago, IL Apply Online tions & effective challenge of fin’l & account mgmt models
ERNST & YOUNG U.S. LLP - IT Advisor, Tech. Con., Msft - Biz such as balance sheet/ALM, revenue, expense, credit loss,
Apps - Data Eng. - (Mngr.) (Mult. Pos.), Ernst & Young U.S. LLP, econ capital, regulatory capital, treasure, interest rate, acqui-
Chicago, IL. Advise clients to understand, architect, select and sition scorecards, ML/AI models, AML models, & operational

implement bleeding edge solutions required to efficiently run risk models. Promote risk-aware culture to ensure efficient
their businesses, with a focus on Digital and Cloud. Requires & effective risk & compliance mgmt practices by adhering
domestic travel up to 80%, of which 20% may be international, to req’d standards & processes. Req’ts: Master’s or equiv in
to serve client needs. Employer will accept any suitable com- Computational Fin., Risk Mgmt, Econ, Statistics, or rel. quan-
bination of education, training, or experience. For complete titative field & 4 yrs of exp: utilizing analytical tools, incl SAS,
job description, list of requirements, and to apply online, go SQL, R, Teradata, Unix, & Excel; & utilizing technologies, incl

to:, and click on “Find jobs” (Job # - Git & Docker. 1 yr of exp must incl writing & presenting model
505261). dvlpmt or validation reports; & performing validations of sta-
tistical models in areas, incl portfolio risk mgmt, credit risk,
IT Analyst. & loss forecasting. Pls apply directly through our website at for Job ID R11515 by clicking on “Ap-
Lincolnshire, IL 175 Olde Half Day Road, Suite 290 ply Now.” EOE/D/V.
MANNING & SILVERMAN LTD - Bachelor’s in Comp Sci or
related req. Mail resume to: Manning & Silverman LTD, Attn: Senior Network Systems Administrator 6336372
HR, 175 Olde Half Day Road, Suite 290, Lincolnshire, IL 60069

Chicago, IL
IT professionals SCIENTIFIC GAMES CORP - Resp for providing engineering &
support for Global Systems Engineering Team. REQS: Bach’s

Chicago, IL Apply Online deg (or foreign equivalent) in Comp Info Systems or rel field
CAPGEMINI AMERICA, INC. - (Sogeti division), an IT consult- and 5 yrs’ exp in job offered or as a Deputy General Manager.
ing Co, seeks IT professionals to fill multiple consultant posi- Must have 5 yrs of exp (can be gained concurrently with exp
tions in Chicago, IL and various unanticipated sites throughout
the US. Entry through Sr. level positions available. Specific skill
sets needed:
above) in: (1) Managing windows & Unix OS Servers with multi
vendor’s servers, storage & blades hardware. (2) Design, build
& manage High available DNS, Dhcp, Active Directory & vm-
carrier routes
Web Application Development 010- Responsible for software
design & development using Microsoft-based corporate en-
ware Vsphere infrastructure. (3) Data Center Designing, imple-
mentation, reconsolidation & migration using tools VMware available
vironment. vCenter Server, Unix Rsync & windows Robocopy. The follow-
Web Application Development 020- Responsible for designing ing certifications are also required: VMware, Microsoft, Red-
& developing a suite of Web Services which will form the basis hat Systems Administrator, SNIA Storage & ITIL. Background

of advanced application development. check & drug screening required. Employer will accept any
Business Intelligence 030 – Define the architecture, design suitable combo of education, training or exp. Employer: Sci-
solutions, & develop test & implementation of Business Intel- entific Games Corporation, Qualif. applicants email resume to
ligence & software applications., ref Job #00277. EEO.
Database Services 040 – Responsible for designing, develop-
ing & testing database solutions & bi-directional ETL (extract, Senior Principal Application Architect 6368020
transform, load) processes.
Testing & QA Services 070– Perform various functions related
Riverwoods, IL Apply Online
to testing & QA services for web & non web based environ- DFS CORPORATE SERVICES LLC - seeks Senior Principal Ap-
ments. plication Architect in Riverwoods, IL to dsgn & dvlp solutions
ERP Consultants 080 – Responsible for overall day to day care to app, syst. admin, & network issues. Promote risk-aware cul- We are looking for candidates Work requires a reliable vehicle,
ture to ensure efficient & effective risk & compliance mgmt
& feeding of those elements of Oracle procurement, purchas-
ing & AP. practices by adhering to req’d standards & processes. Req’ts: with strong customer service proof of insurance and the ability
PLM Consultants 090- Develop prototypes & write production Bachelor’s or equiv in IT, Comp Eng’g, or rel. field & 8 yrs of and attention to detail. If to work early morning hours 7
progressively responsible exp: dsgning & architecting solu-
ready code or configure & execute on approved design docu-
ments reflecting the requested Teamcenter & Enovia configu- tions in Digital & Emerging Payments space utilizing EMVCo you or someone you know is days a week (3-4 hours per day).
rations, integrations, extensions. rel. technologies, specifications, implementation architects, &
test tools & methods, incl Secure Remote Commerce Syst.,
looking to make extra income All carriers are sub-contracted
Apply online at:
job-search/ and search for job and code 010 through 090. Tokenization, Mobile Wallets, 3-D Secure, & Contact & Con- we’re interested! with a Chicago Tribune Home
Must be available to work on projects at various, unantici- tactless chip technologies; dsgning Secure Remote Com-
merce (SRC) Syst., incl architecture, bus. & processing logic
Delivery Contractor.
pated sites throughout the United States
dsgn & implementation, incl API dsgn, security models dsgn,
Lead Data Science Analyst 6363618 implementing federated identity & device fingerprinting, &
SDK & Mobile/Browser app dvlpmt; utilizing Global Platform
Riverwoods, IL Apply Online Specifications, card personalization processes, & Trusted
DFS CORPORATE SERVICES LLC - seeks Lead Data Science Srvcs Manager (TSM) architecture implementation & opera-
Analyst in Riverwoods, IL to lead dvlpmt & implementation of tion; performing mobile/card personalization & transaction
advanced analytics, incl customer segmentation, optimiza- simulation testing using EMV qualification tools, incl UL/Collis,
tion, prescriptive analytics & machine learning algorithms, Gallit VisuCard, Barnes CPT/CAT, & FIME Smart spy; perform-
& make recommendations to solve bus. problems. Promote ing data encryption/decryption & signing using various keys,
risk-aware culture to ensure efficient & effective risk & com- algorithms, & standards, incl AES CBC, AES ECB, JWE, JWS,
pliance mgmt practices by adhering to req’d standards & pro- ECDSA, & SHA using AES, RSA, & ECC keys; utilizing encryption
cesses. Req’ts: Bachelor’s or equiv in Bus. Analytics, Project technology for payment technology solutions; dvlping using
Mgmt, Statistics, or rel. field & 4 yrs of exp: utilizing bus. in- Eclipse, Spring Web, & JPA; deploying to Cloud Foundry PaaS,
telligence data visualization technologies, incl Tableau, Power AWS Cloud environ, & API Gateways; & working in enterprise
BI, or Cognos; coding languages using SQL, SAS, or Python; project environ using SAFe Agile methodology & modern CICD
using data & analytics, incl data sci to solve bus. challenges technologies & tools, incl Github, Jenkins, Gradle, & Nexus. Pls
& drive bus. impact; utilizing statistical & data sci models, incl apply directly through our website at
generalized linear models, decision trees, clustering, associa- com for Job ID R11557 by clicking on “Apply Now.” EOE/D/V.
tion rules, & ensemble methods. In alternative, employer will
accept Master’s or equiv in above listed fields & 2 yrs of exp Senior Principal Systems Architect 6364671
in above-listed areas. Pls apply directly through our website Riverwoods, IL
at for Job ID R11512 by clicking on
Apply Online
“Apply Now.” EOE/D/V. DFS CORPORATE SERVICES LLC - seeks Senior Principal Sys-
tems Architect in Riverwoods, IL to be responsible for dsgning
Lead Data Science Analyst 6371168 & implementing comp & info networks incl local area net- Perfect as Immediate
Riverwoods, IL Apply Online
works, wide area networks, intranets, extranets, & other data
communications networks. Promote risk-aware culture to en-
a second job openings
DISCOVER PRODUCT INC. - seeks Lead Data Science Ana- sure efficient & effective risk & compliance mgmt practices by or for a throughout
lyst in Riverwoods, IL to lead dvlpmt & implementation of ad- adhering to req’d standards & processes. Req’ts: Bachelor’s stay-at-home Chicagoland!
vanced analytics, incl customer segmentation, optimization, or equiv in CS, IT, or rel. field & 8 yrs of progressively respon-
prescriptive analytics & machine learning algorithms & make sible exp: deploying apps on cloud platforms, virtual servers, parent.
recommendations to solve bus. problems. Promote risk- & configuring routes utilizing Pivotal Cloud Foundry; creating
aware culture to ensure efficient & effective risk & compliance
mgmt practices by adhering to req’d standards & processes.
scripts using Shell & Perl for Corn & Batch jobs; performing
code review for performance analysis & regression testing; TO INQUIRE, PLEASE CALL

Req’mts: Bachelor’s or equiv in Applied Math, Fin’l Math, creating Apache instances & configuring vhosts & firewalls;
Stats, Analytics, or rel field & 4 yrs exp: prog’g in SAS, SQL, & performing change mgmt, release mgmt, problem mgmt, &
Teradata; performing data analysis in big data platforms, incl issue tracking; & utilizing technologies, incl GitHub, Jenkins,
Snowflake & Hadoop; prog’g in UNIX/Linux; performing stat Gradle, AppDynamics SonarQube JMeter, Rally, Jira, Linux, Ora-
analysis & conducting fin’l impact analysis; & utilizing MS Of- cle, & MariDB. In alternative, employer will accept Master’s or
fice tools, incl Excel & PowerPoint. In alternative, employer equiv in one of above-listed fields 6 yrs of exp in above-listed
will accept Master’s or equiv in above listed fields & 2 yrs exp
in above-listed skills. Pls apply thru
skills. Telecommuting &/or working from home is permissible.
Pls apply directly through our website at or email
for Job ID R11643 by clicking on “Apply Now.” EOE/D/V. com for Job ID R11553 by clicking on “Apply Now.” EOE/D/V.

Be on your way to finding your dream job. Climb that job ladder. Make your way to the top.
14  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 


SUNDAY, DEC. 5 NORMAL HIGH: 38° NORMAL LOW: 24° RECORD HIGH: 68° (2001) RECORD LOW: -8° (1871)

Upcoming week to feel a lot more like winter

-10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 990s
0s 100s 110s quite mild, but by Monday,
the mild conditions will be in
Saturday’s lowest: -6 ° at
Mt. Washington, N.H. the rear-view mirror. Rain
Seattle Spokane Intern
national Falls develops across the area
HIGH LOW 41/35 34/25
20s 30s Sunday, but could begin as
smarck freezing rain in locations
43 32 Steady or
rising at night Portland
34/ 14
Minneapolis Green Bay
35/2 27
well west and north of the
city. Any ice should melt by
■ Large NW/SE temp 40s
Detroit Buff
44/38 40s afternoon as temperatures
range across the area. Chiicag
go 41/39 40/39 New York climb into the 40s. The rain
Icy conditions possible Rapid City will end Sunday night,
35/9 Des Moines 43/32 Pittsburgh 46/41
far north and west
sections in the morning
50s Reno
Cheyenne 53/223 Cleveland 49/47 40s followed by the coldest
51/13 Omaha 48/47 50s Washington
weather of the season,
■ Cloudy and windy with 60s
Salt Lake City 56/25
St . Louis Indianapolis delivered by strong west
SE winds increasing to San
62/35 53/35
50s winds gusting in excess of 40
20-30 mph and gusty. Kansas City y
Las Vegas 62/17 Louisville
Winds becoming south in
mph. On Monday
the afternoon. Los Angeles
Wichita 60s
Charlotte 60s temperatures will slowly fall
■ Rain develops from west 62/51 Albuquerque 65/29 Nashville 62/49 through the day. Tuesday
to east during the day. 70s
62/32 69/53 will bring the season’s
Oklahoma City Little Rock Atlanta
Some freezing rain
73/34 Birmingham 66/55 second subfreezing high.
Phoenix 7 1/49
possible well west/north San Diego
77/50 70/63 Chicago is overdue for its
of the city in the morning. 65/51
Jackson 70s first measurable snowfall,
■ Highs range from the Dallaas
El Paso
77/65 which typically occurs by
upper 30s far northwest to 72/39
Orlando mid-November. That could
around 50 far southeast New
Houston Orleans
80/63 happen Tuesday as a
■ Showers end early, then
windy, colder overnight
80/70 78/64
80s 80s weather system approaches
with strong west winds. (Precipitation at 6 a.m. CST)
Saturday’s highest: 89°
Miami from the Plains.
Lows fall to the lower 30s. SNOW RAIN at Zapata, Texas



33 15 28 20 32 22 36 30 42 31 42 23
Steady or Steady or Steady or Steady or Steady or Steady or
rising at night rising at night rising at night rising at night rising at night rising at night
Partly sunny, very windy and Coldest day of the season A wintry day. Cloudy and Still cold under mostly Temperatures rebound a bit Cloudy with a chance of rain
sharply colder. Strong west as highs only reaching the cold with a few morning cloudy skies. Highs peak in as highs peak in the lower or snow. Northeast winds
winds 25-35 mph and gusty. upper 20s. Cloudy with light snow showers. Some the middle/upper 30s. 40s. Clouds dominate. Rain 12-22 mph. Highs top out
Temperatures fall from the snow developing, possibly afternoon sun emerges as Southeast winds 10-15 mph. or mixed rain and snow around 40.
lower 30s into the 20s the season’s first measur- clouds thin and break. Highs develops overnight.
during the afternoon. able snow. struggle to the lower 30s.
Clouds gather overnight.

Chicago Chica
ago Chiica
ago Chicago

NOTE: Predicted high/low temps on Tribune weather page are chronological—the “high” refers to maximum reading expected during day and “low” is the minimum reading expected
x t the following night.


Dear Tom,
Did Chicago’s 1967 “Big
Snow blitz—Chicago’s daily snowfalls of six or moree inches SATURDAY TEMPERATURES
Aurora 44 26 Midway 46 31
Chicago’s typical seasonal snowfall, based on current 30-year normals DISTRRIBUTION OF CHICAGO’S 6”+ DAILY SNOWFA ALLS SINCE 18 884
Snow” actually qualify as a (1991-2020) stands at about 38 inches. Much of the snow falls in small Gary 43 30 O’Hare 44 31
blizzard? amounts through the cold season, but in most winters the city experiences EARLIEST LATEST Kankakee 43 28 Romeoville 44 29

—Michael J. Pesek, Shorewood at least a couple of snowstorms with six or more inches of snow. Often
these heavier snowstorms are spread out over portions of two or even three
11 8.0”
12 9.0” Lakefront
11/6/1951 4/6/1938
Dear Michael, days, but the city can be walloped by powerful, crippling snowstorms that 8 7 CHICAGO PRECIPITATION
deliver six inch-plus snow totals in a single day. Since the city’s snowfall 3 5 PERIOD 2021 NORMAL
It sure did. To be classified records began in late 1884 there have been 107 days with six or more inches 1 Sat. (through 4 p.m.) Trace 0.08"
as a blizzard, a winter storm of snowfall. Most of these occur spread out through December-March, but
there is a decided peak during the first half of February. After a late-winter
must produce sustained winds lull, there is another spike during the back half of March.
1-15 16-30 1-15 16-31 1-15 16-31 1-14 15-29 1-15 16-31 1-15 Year to date 27.85" 36.06"

or frequent gusts of at least 35 Winter seasons with the Chicago’s five biggest CHICAGO SNOWFALL
mph and visibilities of 1/2 most days of 6”+ snow calendar day snowfalls
BRING CHICAGO HEAVY SNOW 4 18.6” Sat. (through 7 p.m.) 0.0" 0.0"
mile or less for a minimum of Winter storms tracking south of Chica
1929-30 1. Jan. 2, 1999
Season to date
three hours. The city’s 1978-79 4 2. Jan. 13, 1979 16.5” Trace Trace
and passing near Indianapolis often 1907-08 3 3. Jan. 26, 1967 16.4” Normal to date 2.8" 2.4"
biggest-ever snowstorm bring heavy snow 1969-70 3 4. Feb. 1, 2015 16.2” SOURCE: Frank Wachowski

qualified with ease. The Alberta Clipper 1977-78 3 5. Jan. 30, 1939 14.9” LAKE MICHIGAN CONDITIONS
visibility dropped to 1/4 mile Panhandle hook Chicago’s never had a 6” . . . but the holiday period

at 7:20 am on the morning of Gulf Coast Storm snow on Christmas Day . . . has had six 6”+ snowstorms
Wind SE/S 20-30 kts.
Waves 4-8 feet
W 25-35 kts.
4-8 feet
Jan. 26 and remained there City’s biggest Christmas Sat. shore/crib water temps 45°/42°
Day snowfalls YEAR 12/24 12/25 12/26 TOTAL
until 4:37 pm, when it finally HIGH TEMPS ON DAYS 50 46
1909 2.4” 5.0” 1.5” 8.9”
Number of days


increased to 1/2 mile. Winds A 6”+ SNOWFALL 30 28
1950 1919 7.1” 0.4” 0 7.5” DEC. 4 2021 2020
were consistently gusting 1909 5.0” 1933 0 4.3“ 2.5“ 6.8“
High temperature range 20 16 1933 4.3” Area covered by snow 9.0% 15.1%
above 35 mph, with the 9 1950 0 5.1” 3.9” 9.0” Average snow depth 0.4" 0.9"
Nearly 70% occur with 10
1 1 2 3 1 1951 4.0” 1951 4.6” 4.0” 0 8.6”
highest sustained wind, 41 temps between 26-35°
0-5° 6-10° 11-15° 16-20° 21-25° 26-30° 31-35 36-40° 41-45° 1935 3.9” 2009 0 0.4” 5.6” 6.0” TRACKING THE COLD
mph, and the highest gust, 53 SOURCES: Frank Wachowski, National Weather Service archives STEVE KAHN AND JENNIFER M. KOHNKE / WGN-TV
Sub-32° highs 1 days 1 days
mph, all from the NE. During Subzero lows 0 days 0 days
part of that period, the snow
accumulated at a rate of two MIDWEST CITIES OTHER U.S. CITIES WORLD CITIES
Saturday’s reading Good
inches an hour. Thundersnow SAT./SUN. FC HI LO FC HI LO SAT./SUN.
Abilene pc
77 44 w 53 33
87 74
32 30 Sunday’s forecast Good
Illinois Fairbanks cl 9 9 cl 20 17 Palm Beach pc 74 56 cl 74 59
was observed at Meigs Field. Carbondale sh 64 39 su 42 24 Albany
Albuquerque su
cl 40
Fargo ss 30 -1 pc 6 -3 Palm Springs su 87 57 pc 82 60 Algiers
Amsterdam cl
rn 61
Critical pollutant Particulates
Champaign sh 53 30 w 35 18 Flagstaff su 58 23 pc 56 29 Philadelphia pc 51 42 sh 64 34
The storm delivered 23.0 Decatur sh 55 30 w 35 19 Amarillo
Fort Myers pc 82 62 pc 83 62 Phoenix su 77 50 su 77 54 Ankara
Moline sh 48 26 su 31 15 Fort Smith pc 74 44 su 52 33 Pittsburgh cl 49 47 rn 55 23
inches of snow, producing Peoria sh 52 28 su 34 18 Asheville
Fresno pc 56 41 cl 58 44 Portland, ME pc 39 31 rn 55 31 Auckland
Mexico City su
pc 85
Sun 7:02 a.m. 4:19 p.m.
Quincy cl 57 28 su 35 20 Grand Junc. pc 54 24 cl 45 27 Portland, OR pc 46 39 rn 48 46
widespread drifts of 4-6 feet Rockford sh 43 27 w 29 12 Atlanta cl
Atlantic City pc
Great Falls cl 22 9 ss 26 12 Providence pc 47 35 sh 60 33 Bangkok
Moon 8:46 a.m. 5:38 p.m.
Springfield sh 55 30 su 36 19 Harrisburg pc 47 40 sh 58 30 Raleigh su 63 48 pc 72 43
with some as high as 15 feet. Sterling sh 44 26 w 30 13 Austin
Hartford cl 45 33 sh 60 30 Rapid City w 35 9 cl 29 11 Barcelona
Helena cl 33 17 ss 32 20 Reno su 61 33 cl 56 33
Indiana Billings cl 34 14 ss 27 16 Beirut rn 72 60 Nairobi pc 77 60
Honolulu ts 79 73 ts 76 70 Richmond pc 56 45 pc 71 35
Bloomington rn 57 38 pc 42 20 Birmingham sh 70 63 rn 66 40 12 w 16 6 Berlin ss 35 29 Nassau su 81 73
Write to: ASK TOM Evansville rn 63 40 su 43 23 Bismarck w 29 3 pc 14 5
Int'l Falls
Sacramento na
cl 40
56 40 cl 54 40 Bermuda pc 72 68 New Delhi pc 76 58
Fort Wayne rn 48 34 w 38 18 Bogota ts 69 48 Oslo cl 17 10
2501 W. Bradley Place Indianapolis rn 53 35 w 40 19
Salem, Ore. pc
Salt Lake City su
35 Brussels sh 41 34 Ottawa cl 28 23
Dec 10 Dec 18 Dec 26 Jan 2
Lafayette rn 52 32 pc 36 16 Bucharest pc 43 34 Panama City ts 86 75
Chicago, IL 60618 South Bend rn 43 32 w 35 18
Brownsville cl
Buffalo cl
Kansas City
San Antonio cl
San Diego pc
56 Budapest ts 36 32 Paris sh 42 37 SUNDAY’S PLANET WATCH
Buenos Aires ts 72 59 Prague cl 37 30 Wisconsin
Green Bay sn 35 27 w 29 1
Las Vegas
San Francisco su
San Juan ts
77 Cairo su 68 55 Rio de Janeiro ts 86 70
Kenosha rn 41 28 w 31 11 Charlstn SC pc 73 50 cl 75 55 Lincoln w 58 23 su 36 24 Santa Fe pc 64 47 cl 63 50 Cancun pc 83 72 Riyadh su 80 53 Mercury 7:27 a.m. 4:25 p.m.
La Crosse cl 39 20 w 24 10 Charlstn WV pc 62 53 rn 61 24 Little Rock ts 71 49 pc 52 33 Savannah su 74 50 cl 75 56 Caracas pc 87 74 Rome sh 58 43
Venus 10:03 a.m. 7:02 p.m.
WGN-TV meteorologists Mark Madison ts 37 25 pc 28 7 Chattanooga sh 62 58 rn 63 34 Los Angeles pc 62 51 pc 68 57 Seattle cl 41 35 ts 41 40 Casablanca su 67 43 Santiago su 93 58
Milwaukee ts 41 29 w 32 10 Cheyenne w 51 13 cl 33 21 Louisville cl 65 49 rn 56 26 Shreveport ts 75 64 ts 69 42 Copenhagen w 36 27 Seoul su 44 36 Mars 5:29 a.m. 3:13 p.m.
Carroll, Steve Kahn, Richard Wausau sn 33 21 pc 25 -2 Cincinnati cl 57 47 rn 53 22 Macon pc 73 49 cl 74 48 Sioux Falls w 46 15 pc 21 13 Dublin su 44 36 Singapore ts 85 76
Cleveland cl 48 47 rn 55 24 Memphis ts 71 50 rn 54 34 Spokane pc 34 25 ss 29 23 Edmonton pc 5 -5 Sofia pc 46 36 Jupiter 11:34 a.m. 9:57 p.m.
Koeneman, Paul Merzlock and Michigan Colo. Spgs pc 64 15 pc 35 27 Miami pc 82 71 pc 82 69 St. Louis cl 62 35 su 42 26 Frankfurt sh 41 33 Stockholm pc 20 7 Saturn 10:47 a.m. 8:31 p.m.
Detroit rn 41 39 w 44 21 Geneva ts 38 31 Sydney sh 67 63
Paul Dailey, plus Bill Snyder Grand Rapids ts 35 31 w 34 17
Columbia MO cl
Columbia SC pc
Tallahassee pc
cl 41
59 Guadalajara pc 81 48 Taipei pc 73 63 BEST VIEWING TIME DIRECTION
Marquette sn 29 25 ss 27 1
contribute to this page St. Ste. Marie sn 29 27 ss 31 10
Columbus cl 51 51 rn 56 21 Montgomery pc 75 61 sh 75 48 Tampa pc 80 62 pc 81 61 Havana su 85 63 Tehran cl 57 35
Mercury Not visible
Concord pc 40 30 rn 54 29 Nashville ts 69 53 rn 58 29 Topeka pc 66 27 pc 42 28 Helsinki su 8 2 Tokyo su 52 44
Traverse City sn 33 32 ss 34 16 Crps Christi cl 81 70 cl 81 57 Hong Kong su 72 61 Toronto ss 36 35
New Orleans pc 78 64 ts 78 59 Tucson su 76 45 su 80 49 Venus 5:30 p.m. 12.5° SW
Hear Demetrius Iowa Dallas cl 77 50 w 57 40 New York pc 46 41 w 58 35 Tulsa su 74 38 su 48 31 Istanbul pc 57 52 Trinidad pc 85 74
Mars 6:00 a.m. 5° ESE
Ames cl 51 22 su 29 14 Daytona Bch. su 77 60 pc 81 58 Norfolk pc 55 50 pc 70 41 Washington pc 52 43 sh 65 30 Jerusalem su 62 46 Vancouver cl 40 33
Ivory’s weather Cedar Rapids fr 43 20 w 26 13 Denver w 62 17 cl 41 25 Okla. City w 73 34 su 48 29 Wichita su 65 29 su 43 29 Johannesburg ts 64 57 Vienna sh 40 34 Jupiter 5:30 p.m. 33.5° SSW
Des Moines cl 53 23 su 30 19 Duluth sn 29 5 w 9 -5 Omaha w 56 25 su 32 23 Wilkes Barre cl 44 37 rn 54 27 Kabul pc 51 28 Warsaw ss 34 30
updates weekdays 3 to 6 p.m. Dubuque sh 39 22 w 24 10 El Paso su 72 39 su 62 38 Orlando su 81 63 pc 84 62 Yuma su 82 51 su 80 55 Kingston pc 88 77 Winnipeg ss 22 -9 Saturn 5:30 p.m. 24° SSW
on WGN-AM 720 Chicago FORECAST (FC) ABBREVIATIONS: su-sunny pc-partly cloudy cl-cloudy rn-rain ts-thunderstorm sn-snow fl -flurries fr-freezing rain sl-sleet sh-showers rs-rain/snow ss-snow showers w-windy na-unavailable Source: Dan Joyce, Chicago Astronomical Society

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 Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  1

INSIDE RIDES Automotive news and reviews, plus Motormouth Bob Weber answers drivers’ questions

Brad Biggs
On the Bears

to show
Stretch run proving
ground for Bears’
2nd-year edge rusher
Justin Fields’ performance in
the stretch run of the season will
set the tone in terms of what the
Chicago Bears roster looks like
going forward.
Complicating that is the ribs
injury he suffered Nov. 21 during
the aggravating 16-13 loss to the
Baltimore Ravens. Fields missed
the Thanksgiving Day victory
in Detroit and Andy Dalton is
set to start again Sunday against
the Arizona Cardinals at Soldier
If you are compiling a list of
young players not named Fields
in position to offer hope for the
future, start with outside line-
backer Trevis Gipson.
The 2020 fifth-round pick
hasn’t gotten the attention given
to wide receiver Darnell Mooney,
tight end Cole Kmet, cornerback
Jaylon Johnson, offensive tackles
Larry Borom and Teven Jenkins
or even running back Khalil
Herbert, but Gipson is a player
the Bears need to take a large step
forward in the final six games.
The others, of course, have carved
out niches for themselves or are
working to do that.
Gipson has flashed on occasion,
and with 17 games of experience
entering Sunday, it’s time for him
to show if he can push for a start-
ing position in 2022 or if he’ll be
a reserve the team is looking to
replace. What’s ahead for Gipson
is unlimited opportunity with
Khalil Mack out for the season
with a left foot injury and Jere-
Loyola guard Lucas Williamson celebrates a 68-64 win over DePaul on Saturday at Wintrust Arena in Chicago. JOHN J. KIM/CHICAGO TRIBUNE miah Attaochu previously side-
lined with a torn pectoral muscle.

Kings of Chicago
LOYOLA 68, DEPAUL 64 The defense sacked Ravens
backup quarterback Tyler Hunt-
ley six times and Gipson had one,
giving him three for the season.
He followed that up by punching
the ball out of the clutch of Lions
quarterback Jared Goff before
securing the ball.
There’s no way to overstate
what the remainder of the season
means to Gipson. The stakes are
Ramblers hang on in renewal of a city rivalry that lives up to hype raised, and he knows it.
“It promises me a lot of oppor-
DePaul and Loyola faced “We talked about it earlier this The Ramblers improved to 7-2 tunities,” Gipson said. “But if I
off the first time since 2012 on week. Lucas (Williamson) and with the win, led by Williamson’s don’t take advantage of the first
Saturday afternoon at Wintrust I obviously came to Loyola 15 points and 13 from Dartmouth one, then the rest won’t come. I’m
Arena, renewing a traditional together, and it was so fun to transfer Chris Knight. DePaul just focused on taking advan-
city rivalry that fell by the see two outstanding, traditional awoke from a brutal start to tage of that, obviously praying
wayside for reasons never really basketball programs getting to make it a game, but it turned into for Khalil hoping he comes back
explained. Paul Sullivan play each other from the same another vintage defensive effort
Why it ended doesn’t really In the Wake of the News city. from the Ramblers, who held Turn to Biggs, Page 6
matter now, and after Loyola was “Crowd noise one way. Crowd the Blue Demons to 24 points
able to eke out a 68-64 win over an annual basis. noise the other way. Just an under their season average and UP NEXT
the previously unbeaten Blue “Just a big-time college basket- outstanding, early-season, shut down star Marcus Free- Cardinals at Bears
Demons, everyone agreed the ball atmosphere,” Loyola coach nonconference college basket- Noon Sunday,
matchup needs to be revived on Drew Valentine said afterward. ball game.” Turn to Sullivan, Page 2 FOX-32


Huskies go from worst to 1st


CFP spot
on the line
Winless in the spring, the MAC until proven otherwise.
Obviously they didn’t prove us
NIU claims 6th MAC otherwise.”
title behind Lombardi Momentum appeared to be
Michigan wide receiver Roman shifting to the Golden Flashes
Wilson runs up field for a 75-yard By Bob Tripi at the start of the second half.
touchdown reception in the first Associated Press Andrew Glass kicked a 41-yard
half of the Big Ten championship field goal on the opening drive
game Saturday against Iowa in DETROIT — Quarterback for their first points of the game,
Indianapolis. The No. 2 Wolver- Rocky Lombardi ran for three and the Kent State defense forced
ines, making their first appearance touchdowns and Jay Ducker Northern Illinois (9-4) to punt for
in the title game, were looking to rushed for 146 yards on 29 carries the first time.
lock up a spot in the College Foot- to power Northern Illinois to a But on the next drive Dustin
ball Playoff. For the result and 41-23 victory over Kent State in Northern Illinois quarterback Crum, the MAC’s most valu-
full coverage of the game, go to the Mid-American Conference Rocky Lombardi reacts after able player this season, was DARRON CUMMINGS/AP title game Saturday. scoring on a 1-yard run Saturday in intercepted by C.J. Brown who
It is the Huskies’ sixth MAC Detroit. CARLOS OSORIO/AP returned it 26 yards for a touch-
title and first since 2018, when down as the Huskies went ahead
CHAMPIONSHIP SATURDAY they beat Buffalo. Kent State last place this year after going 0-6 24-3.
SEC Big 12 (7-6) was shooting for its first in 2020. “I don’t think any team “I saw it tipped and I went
No. 3 Alabama 41, No. 1 Georgia 24 No. 9 Baylor 21, No. 5 Okla. State 16 conference championship since has gone winless the year before up and had to make a play,” said
American ACC winning it in 1972. and won a championship. Brown who was named the
No. 4 Cincinnati 35, No. 21 Houston 20 No. 15 Pitt vs. No. 16 Wake Forest, late “This is historic,” said Huskies “When everybody said we defensive player of the game. “I
coach Thomas Hammock, whose would finish last, all I told our
CFP SELECTION SHOW: 11 a.m. Sunday, ESPN team was predicted to finish in team was we are the best team in Turn to NIU, Page 2
2  Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 ★

Team Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

BEARS Noon | FOX-32


BLACKHAWKS 6:30 p.m. | NBCSCH 7:30 p.m. | NBCSCH 6 p.m. | NBCSCH

BULLS 7 p.m. | NBCSCH 6 p.m. | NBCSCH


from Page 1

man-Liberty, who came in as one

of the nation’s leading scorers at
23.5 point per game.
“Tonight was one of my favor-
ite games of all time,” William-
son said. “The atmosphere, it felt
like a tournament game, like late
March, like something was at
stake here.”
Freeman-Liberty got in foul
trouble early and was held
scoreless until hitting a pair of
free throws with 2 minutes, 27
seconds left in the first half to
give the Demons their first lead.
He fouled out with less than four
minutes left and finished with
nine points on 2-for-9 shooting.
David Jones led DePaul with
19 points, but Brandon Johnson
struggled with an apparent leg
injury and scored only seven on
3-for-6 shooting.
“We can’t ask Javon to get 25
night in, night out,” DePaul coach
Tony Stubblefield said. “We know
that’s not going to be the case.
He struggled a little bit from an
offensive standpoint, but he did a
lot of good things.
“Javon has a high basketball
IQ. He really studies the game,
so he’ll bounce back. William-
son and all of them do a great job
of packing in the lane and really
helping, and they did a good job of
defending him.” Loyola forward Aher Uguak, left, and guard Braden Norris, top right, grab teammate Chris Knight after a play as DePaul guard Javon Freeman-Liberty looks
The Ramblers hit 10 of their up at the official in the second half Saturday at Wintrust Arena. JOHN J. KIM/CHICAGO TRIBUNE PHOTOS
first 13 shots to jump to a 23-8
lead, while the Blue Demons back in the day.
missed their first seven field- “It was a good rivalry because
goal attempts and 14 of their we played those kids in the
first 17. The tide began to turn summer all the time,” Klein-
when DePaul cut the deficit to schmidt said of Loyola-DePaul.
eight points on a steal and slam “So we knew each other well,
by Jones, waking up the Blue we hung out with them well, but
Demons crowd, which seemed when we stepped on the court we
to be outnumbered in their own were competitors.
home to that point. “Loyola has had so much
DePaul took a 37-31 lead into success now, and we’ve got some
the half, but that’s when the new blood in here with some new
Ramblers clamped down on kids and a Chicago kid in (Free-
defense, limiting DePaul to 34% man-Liberty). It’s refreshing to
shooting in the second half. see. You know, we were down 15
Knight’s slam with 45 seconds early, and they might’ve folded a
left gave them a four-point lead, couple years ago. But they fought
and DePaul couldn’t recover. back and played hard.”
“It shows the ceiling of our Williamson and Freeman-Lib-
team,” Valentine said. “To win a erty were high school teammates
game by four against a team like at Young, celebrating the Class
that, and we probably played our 4A title together in 2017 after
‘C’ game, I think that shows where an overtime win in the champi-
our potential could be as a team.” onship game against city rival
It’s weird to think now, but Simeon.
DePaul is trying to get to where “It’s always fun playing
Loyola is at after being the kings against somebody you went to
of Chicago college ball when the high school with and somebody
Mark Aguirre-led teams in the I’ve won a state championship
late 1970s and early ‘80s took with,” Williamson said. “Me and
over. The Ramblers, who have Javon have had some battles, and
the only NCAA men’s title in tonight was a battle. I knew going
state history, have been the local in he was the third-leading scorer
darlings since Williamson was a in the nation. He’s improved and
freshman on the 2018 Final Four grown so much since his junior
team. Loyola forward Saint Thomas (0) and DePaul Blue forward David Jones collide in the first half Saturday, year when I first met him. It was
Their trip to the Sweet 16 just a lot of fun.”
in March, when Loyola upset rolling, and the Ramblers look Demons proved they won’t here. This is the best it’s been in Valentine said he’s game for
top-seed Illinois in the second like they’ll compete for another back down. Now if only the two a while — loud, exciting, and it’s more battles between Loyola and
round, made coach Porter Moser Missouri Valley Conference title schools can do this every year. a great place to play. If we keep DePaul. It’s good for the schools —
such a hot item he was able to and a possible tournament invi- “Why not?” said former DePaul getting wins, it’ll be fun.” and for the city’s basketball fans.
cash in and take over at Okla- tation. Stubblefield, meanwhile, forward Tom Kleinschmidt, who Kleinschmidt and Aguirre were “The city of Chicago is like a
homa while leaving the program is the latest savior hoping to is coach at DePaul Prep. “The in attendance Saturday, support- basketball family,” Valentine said.
in good hands with Valentine, his revive DePaul after years of being ‘L’ series, I don’t know why (it ing Stubblefield’s revival efforts. “That brotherhood, it’s friendly
assistant. battered around in the Big East. stopped). It would great to see They’re a couple of Chicago kids competition. … It’s all love. I think
Valentine and Williamson In spite of the loss Satur- them play every year, home-and- who appreciated going up against our fans would love it. I think
are now trying to keep the ball day that left them 6-1, the Blue home. The atmosphere is great the rest of the city’s best players DePaul’s fans would love it.”

NIU 2-yard touchdown run to push the

Huskies ahead 10-0 with 2:09 left
from Page 1 in the first quarter.
Following a leaping interception
felt like that was a game-changing by Northern Illinois linebacker
play when we needed it.” Dillon Thomas on Kent State’s next
The Golden Flashes cut the defi- drive, Lombardi drove the Huskies
cit to 24-10 with 27 seconds left in 81 yards and extended their advan-
the third quarter when Crum hit tage to 17-0 when he bulled over
Nykeim Johnson on a 17-yard scor- the goal line from the 1 with 8:33
ing strike. remaining.
The Huskies ended Kent State’s “To become the MAC champi-
comeback hopes when Lombardi ons means the world,” said Ducker,
scored on a 3-yard keeper with 10 who was named the offensive
minutes, 54 seconds left, making player of the game. “We set a goal
it 31-10. He added a 2-yard scoring at the beginning of the year to win
run nearly four minutes later. the MAC championship and we
“Picked a bad day to not coach got it today.”
these guys to the best of my abil- The Golden Flashes and Huskies
ity, not lead my staff to the best of will need to wait until Sunday to
my ability,” Kent State coach Sean find out their bowl destinations.
Lewis said. “That’s unfortunate The MAC has eight bowl-eligible
because these guys deserve better.” teams, but the conference cham-
Kent State’s Collin Schlee ran pion does not automatically qualify
4 yards for a touchdown and also for a specific bowl.
threw a 7-yard TD pass to Luke Before the game, a moment of
Floriea as time expired to close out silence was observed in memory
the scoring. of the killing of four students this
Northern Illinois held Crum to week at Oxford High School, Northern Illinois players celebrate after the Mid-American Conference championship game against Kent State on
27 passing yards in the first half located about 30 miles north of Saturday in Detroit. The Huskies won 41-23. CARLOS OSORIO/AP
while building a 17-0 lead. Detroit. Black ribbons were tied
After John Richardson kicked to each goal post in support of nized during the first half. players who finished high school second-youngest roster among 130
a 27-yard field goal to close the the school and community, and After going 0-6 in 2020, North- in 2020 or 2021. According to an FBS team this season. Only Navy’s
first drive, Clint Ratkovich capped students from Oxford High School ern Illinois completed a worst- NIU sports information spokes- roster was younger, with 99 play-
a 10-play, 78-yard march with a were hosted at the game and recog- to-first season with a roster of 75 person, the Huskies had the ers from classes in the same years.
★ Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  3



Baylor ends
CFP hopes
for Cowboys
Associated Press

Dezmon Jackson came up inches short

on a desperate, fourth-down dive in the
final seconds for No. 5 Oklahoma State,
knocking the fifth-ranked Cowboys out
of contention for a spot in the four-team
“Just heartbreak,” Cowboys guard Josh
Sills said.
Baylor safety Jairon McVea knocked
Jackson out of bounds without letting
him reach the pylon with 24 seconds
remaining in the Big 12 championship
game Saturday, preserving a 21-16 victory
for ninth-ranked Baylor.
The Bears’ win came a year after they
went 2-7 in coach Dave Aranda’s debut
last season.
“This moment is something they can
never take away,” Bears linebacker Terrel
Bernard said.
Aranda recalled Oklahoma State coach
Mike Gundy telling him “that winning is
hard” before an earlier meeting between
the teams. The title game was a sure
example of that.
Blake Shapen, starting again for injured
Gerry Bohanon (right hamstring) threw
three TDs while completing his first 17
passes as Baylor (11-2) took a 21-3 lead in
the first half.
But the Cowboys (11-2) rallied back,
then went 89 yards on 17 plays on that
final drive before their Big 12 and national
championship hopes wound up just shy.
After having first-and-goal from 2
following a pass interference penalty,
Jackson gained a yard and was held for no
gain before an incomplete pass by Spen-
cer Sanders. On fourth down from the
1, Jackson tried to sweep wide left, but
Alabama’s Bryce Young celebrates a touchdown with Evan Neal (73) in the SEC Championship on Saturday. KEVIN C. COX/GETTY with McVea in pursuit, he barely missed

Rising Tide
while trying to reach the pylon in the
SEC CHAMPIONSHIP ALABAMA 41, GEORGIA 24 front corner of the end zone.
“When I saw the running back with
the ball, I thought I’ve got to run this guy
down,” McVea said, who wasn’t even sure
where the ball was when the tackle was
made. “The ref signaled not a touchdown,
so when I saw that I was pretty happy.”
“They made a good play. It’s not 27′s
fault,” Gundy said, referring to Jackson.
Sanders threw four interceptions,
one by McVea, and the Cowboys were
without leading rusher Jaylen Warren
because of his lingering ankle and shoul-
No. 3 Alabama clinches spot in “You guys gave us a lot of positive rat season, barely challenged and a unanimous der issues. Baylor won with 242 total
poison,” the coach quipped to reporters. choice as the nation’s No. 1 team for the past yards of offense, only 36 after halftime.
CFP by topping No. 1 Georgia “The rat poison you usually give us is fatal. two months. The Bulldogs boasted a fear- Shapen finished 23 of 28 for 180 yards
But the rat poison you put out there this some defensive unit that had allowed only passing overall.
By Paul Newberry week was yummy.” 6.9 points a game. Young made that vaunted There would need to be some chaos, in
Associated Press No one lapped it up more than Young, defense look like a scout team, earning form of an upset or two in other confer-
who set SEC championship records with game MVP honors, bolstering his Heisman ence title games later in the day, for third-
ATLANTA — Underdog is an unusual role 421 yards passing and 461 yards total offense. Trophy chances and moving on to an even time Big 12 champion Baylor to have a
for Alabama. “He played great tonight,” Saban said. bigger game on the final day of 2021. chance to be in the final four for the first
Turns out, it suits the Crimson Tide just “He’s played great for us all year long.” “He’s soooo good at avoiding the rush,” time when the CFP rankings come out
fine. Coming off a surprisingly difficult, Georgia coach Kirby Smart said. “He buys Sunday. Aranda passed on politicking
Now, Nick Saban’s team is in a much more four-overtime win over Auburn and already time with his mobility and makes plays for the playoff. Baylor’s 11 wins match
familiar position: getting ready to play for saddled with a loss, the Tide knew they downfield. Give him credit. He did a tremen- a school record and came after the 2-7
another national title. needed a victory to ensure a return to the dous job.” record last year, when the pandemic
Bryce Young carved up the nation’s playoff. The playoff field will be announced wiped out spring drills when he was
top-rated defense, throwing for three No problem. Sunday, with the semifinals set for the coming off a national championship as
touchdowns and running for another as the The reigning national champions gave Orange and Cotton bowls on Dec. 31. LSU defensive coordinator.
third-ranked Crimson Tide rolled over No. Saban a chance to add to his record seven Alabama (12-1) had six offensive scoring “I’m sure it will work out the way it’s
1 Georgia 41-24 in the Southeastern Confer- titles — six of them coming since he arrived drives — five covering at least 75 yards, the supposed to,” he said.
ence championship game Saturday. in Tuscaloosa in 2007 to lead a storied other 62 — and finished with a staggering
The stunning result will likely send both program that has become perhaps the great- 536 yards against a team that was giving up Ragin’ Cajuns hold on for Sun Belt title:
powerhouse programs to the four-team est dynasty in college football history. just under 231 per game. Levi Lewis scored on a career-high
College Football Playoff. “The resiliency they’ve shown all year This one will be remembered for 56-yard run and passed for another
For Alabama, it would be the seventh makes this so special,” Saban said. “Winning Alabama’s dismantling of the Georgia touchdown, and No. 24 Louisiana-La-
appearance in the eight-year history of this the game as we did last week, playing a game defense, which had not allowed more than fayette capped off soon-to-be Florida
postseason format, but this might the most today to a level that most people probably 17 points in a game during the perfect regu- coach Billy Napier’s time with the Ragin’
unlikely one of all given the way the Tide didn’t expect, I’m really proud of this bunch. lar season. Cajuns by defeating Appalachian State
struggled late in the regular season. They’ve shown tremendous ability to over- “We didn’t play our best game,” linebacker 24-16 on Saturday in the Sun Belt Confer-
Saban made sure his players heard all the come adversity all year long.” Nakobe Dean said. “We’ve got a lot to work ence championship game.
skeptics. Georgia (12-1) cruised through the regular on.” Emani Baily rushed for 117 yards, high-
lighted by his 35-yard touchdown run on
a third-and-9 play to give the Cajuns a
two-touchdown lead early in the fourth
Lewis passed for 210 yards without a

Win and in: Bearcats do their part

turnover and finished with 43 net yards
rushing as Louisiana-Lafayette (12-1, 9-0
Sun Belt) lengthened its school-record
winning streak to 12 games.
No. 4 Cincy in position to be Cameron Peoples ran for a 43-yard
touchdown in the first half for Appala-
1st non-Power 5 team in CFP chian State (10-3, 7-2), but the Mountain-
eers’ offense struggled to match its usual
By Jeff Wallner production while trying to play catch-up
Associated Press from its first possession.

CINCINNATI — Jerome Ford rushed for Utah State rolls to Mountain West crown:
187 yards and two touchdowns, Desmond Less than a year after coach Blake Ander-
Ridder threw three touchdown passes and son and several players uprooted their
No. 4 Cincinnati broke open a close game lives and moved across the country to
in the third quarter and rolled past No. 21 team up at Utah State, they triumphantly
Houston 35-20 in the American Athletic raised their new school’s first Mountain
Conference championship game Saturday. West Conference trophy.
The Bearcats are in position to become the Whether they’re from Arkansas, Texas,
first non-Power 5 team to qualify. The final northern Utah or points between, these
rankings will be announced Sunday. Aggies are all champions.
Head coach Luke Fickell believes the Brandon Bowling caught two touch-
Bearcats have done enough. down passes from Logan Bonner during
“The resounding statement is what we did the decisive third quarter, and Utah State
on that football field,” Fickell said. “Nobody won the league title with a 46-13 rout of
is going to call and ask us what we think. I No. 19 San Diego State on Saturday.
don’t think these guys can be denied that Cincinnati’s Desmond Ridder carries the ball past Houston’s Logan Hall #92 in the AAC title Bonner passed for 318 yards and four
opportunity. It would be a shame.” game Saturday at Nippert Stadium in Cincinnati, Ohio. EMILEE CHINN/GETTY TDs, while fellow Arkansas State transfer
Cincinnati (13-0) which extended the Bowling had eight catches for a career-
nation’s second-longest home winning for 250 yards with two touchdowns and an put the Cougars back in front, 10-7. But on high 154 yards. The Aggies (10-3) punc-
streak to 27, scored three touchdowns in interception as Houston (11-2) lost for the the first play of Cincinnati’s next possession, tuated their inspiring turnaround under
fewer than eight minutes to finish off its first time since dropping its season-opener Ford broke free for a 79-yard TD run to give their first-year head coach by blowing out
second straight AAC crown. to Texas Tech on Sept. 4. the Bearcats a four-point lead. the short-handed Aztecs (11-2) for their
The fans rushed the field amid a shower It was a wild first quarter on Saturday with “We went toe to toe with them for as long first win over an AP Top 25 opponent
of confetti. the teams combining for 24 points and 316 as we could,” Houston head coach Dana since 2015.
“I don’t really remember last year (after yards. Holgorsen said. “They are first-class and
beating UCF in the AAC title game), but this After the Cougars settled for a field goal deserving of top four. I don’t know how you Florida locks up Napier: A person familiar
year I wanted to get out there and celebrate on their opening possession, the Bearcats keep Cincinnati out.” with negotiations says new Florida coach
with the fans,” Ridder said. “It’s a blessing to responded by going 82 yards in five plays As for reaching the playoff, the Bearcats Billy Napier agreed to a seven-year, $51.8
have never lost a game I’ve played at Nippert. capped by Ridder’s 25-yard TD pass to Tyler say they are ready if an invite comes. million contract that makes him the fifth-
We have such a great atmosphere here.” Scott. “Put the ball down and let us play,” Bear- highest-paid coach in the Southeastern
Cougars junior QB Clayton Tune passed Nathaniel Dell’s diving 16-yard TD catch cats linebacker Joel Dublanko said. Conference.
4  Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 


Green is latest to test
positive for COVID-19
New case is second in you know, are you infected? Are
you healthy? We’ve got a couple
week, third in month for (of ) teammates and guys on the
fully vaccinated team team that have tested positive, so
sure some of that stuff goes to those
By Julia Poe guys’ minds.”
Chicago Tribune The NBA has experienced a
spike in positive tests through-
NEW YORK — The Chicago out the league last week. Four
Bulls are hoping to prevent a Charlotte Hornets tested positive
COVID-19 outbreak after Javonte Saturday, less than a week after
Green became the second player to playing the Bulls in Chicago on
test positive for the virus last week. Monday. The group of positive
Green returned a positive test players including LaMelo Ball,
Friday, one day after the Bulls beat the brother of Bulls guard Lonzo
the Knicks in New York and two Ball.
days after Coby White was placed These cases come as the U.S.
into isolation for a positive test. announced travel restrictions for
The Bulls played the Nets on Satur- eight countries as the omicron
day night in Brooklyn. variant — a mutation that could
Coach Billy Donovan said Green be more resistant to vaccines
“drove through the night” to — spreads worldwide. The first
return to Chicago from New York reported case of the omicron vari-
on Friday. White is experiencing ant in the U.S. stemmed from the
symptoms similar to a cold, while New York Anime Convention,
Donovan said it’s “too early” to which took place in Manhattan
report whether Green is symptom- two weeks before the Bulls arrived
atic as well. for their two-game stint in New
The Bulls reinstated manda- York.
tory daily testing for players last Between the latest variant and
week after White tested positive the holiday season, Donovan said
Wednesday. he expects the league to tighten its
Green is the third Bulls player COVID-19 policies in the coming
to test positive in the last month weeks. The NFL made a simi-
after Nikola Vučević missed 11 lar change ahead of Thanksgiv-
days in mid-November with a posi- ing, requiring players to return to
tive case. Vučević also reported mandatory testing and mask-wear-
cold-like symptoms but has since ing that had been loosened earlier
returned to nearly full capacity for in the season.
the Bulls without lingering effects “I don’t think there’s any ques-
from the virus. tion it’s happening,” Donovan
Donovan said the recent rash of said. “My guess would be stricter
positive tests has been frustrating policies than they’ve already
for the Bulls because the team is been this year. Thanksgiving and
fully vaccinated. then dealing with Christmas and
“I think there was some hope New Year’s, people are going to
and some optimism that we passed be around family. ... The way it’s
this going into this season. That moving right now is it’s getting a
certainly hasn’t happened,” Dono- little bit more stricter, and certainly
The Rangers’ Alexis Lafreniere jumps out of the way of the puck as the Blackhawks’ Kevin Lankinen makes the van said. “There’s a lot of inconve- for us it’s a lot stricter because
stop in the second period Saturday at Madison Square Garden. ELSA/GETTY niences. Things can get frustrating we’ve got two players that are posi-
and annoying. You worry about, tive.”
The Blackhawks jumped to a 1-0 lead, but the Rangers fought back to win 3-2 and extend their winning streak
to six games Saturday at Madison Square Garden in New York. Patrick Kane scored with 23 seconds left in the
first period to give the Hawks a lead, but Ryan Strome and Adam Fox scored second-period goals, and former
Hawk Artemi Panarin added a goal in the third. Alex DeBrincat’s 14th goal of the season pulled the Hawks within BULLS 111, NETS 107
3-2 with 1:19 left in the third, but they couldn’t find the equalizer and lost for the third time in five games. More
coverage at

‘Skinny kid’ Hagel

starting to make it big
By Phil Thompson especially in the corners. I’m not King said Hagel has matured a
Chicago Tribune afraid to go in there. lot since Rockford.
“Obviously could put on a few “He would turn pucks over a
NEW YORK — Chicago Black- pounds of muscle — it would defi- lot on the half wall because he
hawks coach Derek King remem- nitely help me, and I know that. wanted to turn up and make plays
bers the first time he met Brandon But it’s one of those things of and drive me nuts,” King said. “He
Hagel — he just wanted to be sure proving people wrong and work- got closed off quick because he
he didn’t take the heat if Hagel ing my hardest every single shift was so light.
turned out to be a bust. and good things will happen.” “He’s a little stronger now, so
“When we first got him in Hagel surprised as a rookie, he knows to get it a little deeper,
Rockford (in 2018), young, baby- scoring nine goals and adding 15 manages the puck a lot better and
faced kid, he’s skinny and you’re assists in 52 games, but he has he’s playing the game the right
wondering, ‘OK, am I going to taken another step in his evolu- way.”
blame the scouts on this one in tion this season. He has almost Hagel said he needed that year
about a month?’ “ matched last season’s goal total in Rockford to grow, and even last
Hagel doesn’t even remember with seven through just 19 games season’s offensive slumps made
meeting King, the IceHogs coach entering Saturday’s road matchup him work on finer points of his
at the time. against the New York Rangers — game.
“But he was welcoming,” Hagel second only to Alex DeBrincat on “You always hear to play in the
said. “I liked him, we got along, the Hawks — to go along with two NHL, it’s ‘off the boards and get
he’s a jokester for sure. assists. the puck out’ is always a good
“It definitely boosts your confi- Six of those goals have come play,” Hagel said. “This league is
dence when you have a coach like since a two-goal game against the just full of (players that if ) you
that and (you’re) able to talk to Ottawa Senators on Nov. 1. turn the puck over, it’s probably
and go to whenever you need and “Over my years I’ve always in the back of your net.
be able to joke around with you on scored goals,” Hagel said. “So I knew that was something
off days. It gets your confidence He had 41 goals and 61 assists I needed to change in my game —
up, especially when things aren’t his final season in Red Deer in not necessarily change, just get
going good.” 2018-19 before cutting his teeth better at.”
One thing King learned from with the IceHogs, getting an assist Hagel said he had to bear down
those days: Don’t go by first in eight games late in the sched- on the nuances of taking care the
impressions and don’t underes- ule. The next season in Rockford, puck — not trying to force offense
timate Hagel. he put up 19 goals and 12 assists. — and eventually saw the connec-
“He does not play like he’s “And then last year (with the tion to it paying off later in the
whoever, 160 pounds soaking Hawks) I was more of a passer, I offensive zone.
wet,” King said. “He plays like he’s guess,” Hagel said. “I think it’s just keeping it
200 pounds. And he’s just gotten “It’s been one of those things simple,” he said. “You need to
better and better.” ... it (either) goes in the net or it manage the puck. Either it’s in
“Positoning on the ice and doesn’t go in the net. I think I the neutral zone, (and if ) you’re
playing the game the right way. struggled a little bit with that last turning the pucks over there, it’s
And with that, with his work year, but also I think from last not going to get in the O-zone. The Bulls’ Lonzo Ball celebrates after hitting a 3-pointer late in the fourth
ethic, and then he’s got some year it helped me a lot trying to “If you just take care of those quarter against the Nets at Barclays Center. MIKE STOBE/GETTY
skill to back it up. He’s tracking find ways to score. I went through little things — like Derek was
on the right direction, let’s put a time when I couldn’t put the saying, not turning the pucks over, BULLS RECAP
it that way.” puck in the net and I had tons of losing battles on the wall, losing The short-handed Bulls rallied from an 11-point deficit to defeat the Nets
Hagel, who’s 5-foot-11 and 174 chances. pucks on trying to break the puck 111-107 on Saturday night in New York, pulling within a half-game of the
pounds, said, “It was one of those “Just having that full year and out — I think those are going to Eastern Conference leaders. Zach LaVine scored 31 points and DeMar
things that I’ve always been the learning the league, it takes time. affect your offensive game. DeRozan 29 for the Bulls (16-8), who won for the fourth time in five games.
slim kid that needs to put on It did take me a little bit of time, “Just be smart there, and when Nikola Vucevic and Ayo Dosunmu added 11 point each, and Lonzo Ball
weight, but I’m pretty strong in I’m grateful it only took me a you get in the O-zone, anything hit a huge 3-pointer late. Kevin Durant led the Nets with 28 points. More
certain areas that I need to be, year.” can happen.” coverage at



★ Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  5


Giveback demands
in bargaining lead
to work stoppages
By Ronald Blum qualifying offers has been
Associated Press in place since 2012. MLB
has offered to eliminate
NEW YORK — When compensation.
Major League Baseball
players agreed a decade
ago to restraints on sign- Luxury tax
ing bonuses for draft picks, First agreed to after the
then-union head Michael 232-day strike in 1994-
Weiner said: “If it doesn’t 95, the so-called compet-
work, we can always try itive-balance tax was
something else.” an alternative to MLB’s
Getting a side to give back proposed salary-cap system.
something it gained previ- The initial system that
ously in collective bargain- started in 1997 assessed a tax
ing can lead to difficult on 35% of the amount above
negotiations, which is why $51 million for the five teams
MLB has its first work stop- with the highest payrolls
page in 26 years. exceeding the threshold.
Free agency has been the Rules were strengthened
central issue in collective in the 2002 agreement, with
bargaining for a half-cen- a tax starting at 17.5% on
tury, joined by luxury taxes, payrolls above $117 million
salary arbitration and cost in 2003. Thresholds and
controls on amateur spend- rates have been raised, with
ing. this year’s threshold at $210
Following a rare decline million and rates of 20% for
in the average salary, these a first time over, 30% for a
are some of the areas in second in a row and 50% for
White Sox slugger Dick Allen takes batting practice on April 14, 1972, at Comiskey Park. CHICAGO TRIBUNE FILE PHOTO which the Major League third or more.
Baseball Players Associa- The recently expired
HALL OF FAME tion demands change. MLB agreement also had surtaxes

Broad shoulders
has told the union there is no for exceeding the thresh-
support among the owners old by $20 million or more
for the union’s proposals on and $40 million or more. A
free-agent and arbitration maximum of six clubs have
eligibility. exceeded the threshold in a
single season. Players have
proposed lifting the thresh-
Free agency old to $245 million and
Agreed to in collective owners to $214 million.
Golden Days and Early Baseball Era ballots filled with Chicago ties bargaining in 1976 follow-
ing the decision by arbitra-
By LaMond Pope tor Peter Seitz, who ruled Salary arbitration
Chicago Tribune in the Andy Messersmith/ It began in 1974, when
Dave McNally grievance players with two or more
Pioneers, an American League that the reserve clause in seasons of major-league
MVP and a consistent winner on the the uniform player contract service were eligible. In
mound are among those with ties to meant a team could renew the settlement of a two-day
Chicago teams on the Golden Days a player for just one season, strike in 1985, the sides
and Early Baseball Era ballots for the not in perpetuity as manage- raised eligibility to three
Baseball Hall of Fame. ment had long claimed. seasons starting in 1987, the
Former White Sox greats Dick Since the 1976 agree- first significant giveback by
Allen, Minnie Miñoso and Billy Pierce ment, free-agent eligibility players during bargaining.
are among the 10 on the Golden Days has been set at six seasons of As part of an agreement that
Era ballot. That list also includes major-league service. followed a 32-day lockout in
Jim Kaat and Ken Boyer, who had The players association, 1990, eligibility was restored
stretches with the Sox. claiming teams deliberately to the top 17% of players by
Buck O’Neil, one of the game’s have held back prospects to service time, with at least
greatest ambassadors and the first delay their eventual eligibil- two years of service but
Black coach in AL or NL history while ity by a year — one season of fewer than three. That was
with the Cubs, is one of the 10 on the service is 172 days, mean- raised to 22% in 2013.
Early Baseball Era ballot. ing an extra 15 days in the
That group includes John Donald- minors can keep a player
son, who pitched in the Negro under team control for an Amateur
Leagues and pre-Negro Leagues for extra year — proposed that contracts
more than 30 years and later was a for the 2023-24 and 2024-
White Sox scout from 1949-54, and 25 offseasons it becomes Players agreed to sign-
Dick Redding, who played for the six years of service or five ing-bonus pool limits for
Chicago American Giants, among years of service and age 301/2, the amateur draft start-
other teams. whichever comes earlier. ing in 2012, with financial
Candidates with 75% of the vote by For the 2025-26 offseason penalties for exceeding a
the 16-member committees receive and later, eligibility would signing-bonus pool and
election. Results will be announced Chicago White Sox outfielder Jim Landis, left, holds up one finger to indicate a become six years of service draft-pick loss for teams
Sunday. one-hit game pitched by Billy Pierce, right, against the Washington Senators on or five years of service and exceeding by more than
Here are a few dates that highlight June 27, 1958, at Comiskey Park. CHICAGO TRIBUNE FILE PHOTO age 291/2, whichever comes 5%. Since then, no team
some of the contributions Miñoso, earlier. has exceeded by more
Allen, Pierce and O’Neil made to the Black players in the Cubs organiza- Players lost a griev- than 5%. While the union
game, along with how the Tribune tion. He had been a scout in the Cubs ance over the timing of the has opposed management
marked the occasions. organization since 1956, according to Chicago Cubs’ decision to proposals for a draft of inter-
the article. bring up Kris Bryant in April national prospects, it agreed
O’Neil was a three-time All-Star 2015. to a hard cap on interna-
April 30 and May 1, 1951 during 10 seasons with the Memphis “Fans want to come to tional signings starting in
Miñoso joined the Sox from Cleve- Red Sox and Monarchs of the Negro the ballpark and see their 2017.
land as part of a three-team trade on American League, according to the team competing and play- Scott Boras, the most
April 30. The Sox also landed Paul most recent information available on ing well,” union head Tony influential agent, claims
Lehner from the Philadelphia Athlet- Clark said. “Fans like to see capping signing bonuses for
ics as part of the deal. He was also one of the game’s great a higher level of integrity in draft picks caused an erosion
A story in the May 1 Tribune by ambassadors and helped found the the system, such that the in the season’s integrity.
Irving Vaughn said of the two acquisi- Negro Leagues Baseball Museum in types of manipulations that “It created an incentive
tions, “The White Sox will have some- Kansas City, Mo. we’ve seen don’t continue to for the race to the bottom,”
thing new to show this afternoon.” The National Baseball Hall of manifest themselves.” he said, “because now we
The story noted Miñoso’s speed and Fame’s John Jordan “Buck” O’Neil MLB would keep the have half the major-league
said he could “operate in the outfield Lifetime Achievement Award, estab- existing provision or change teams at some time during
as well as in the inner defense.” lished in 2007, honors “an individual eligibility to age 291/2 rather the season being noncom-
Miñoso became the franchise’s first whose efforts broadened the game’s than six years, which it has petitive, trading off their
Black player on May 1, hitting a home appeal and whose character, integrity been since 1976. players, making the game
run in his first at-bat with the team. and dignity is comparable” to O’Neil, “We already have teams in and the season very different
“The White Sox yesterday according to the Hall’s website. It is smaller markets that strug- than what it was intended to
presented their new ensemble — the presented by the Hall’s board of direc- gle to compete,” Commis- be, and that was having an
additions being Orestes Miñoso and tors “at its discretion, though not more sioner Rob Manfred said. incentive to win every game
Paul Lehner — but it wasn’t quite frequently than every three years.” “Shortening the period of that you play.”
enough to awe the world champion John Jordan “Buck” O’Neil stands in O’Neil, who died in 2006, was the time that they control play- With greater ability to
New York Yankees,” Vaughn wrote in the Cubs dugout in an undated photo. first recipient in 2008. ers makes it even harder predict the costs for acquir-
the May 2 Tribune. CHICAGO TRIBUNE HISTORICAL PHOTO for them to compete. It’s ing amateur talent, a higher
The Yankees won 8-3 “before 14,776 also bad for fans in those percentage of teams went
Comiskey Park patrons, who didn’t Sept. 26 Tribune. Nov. 15, 1972 markets. The most negative into rebuilding mode at the
think favorably of the final decision, Pierce finished 1955 with a 1.97 Allen became the first Sox player reaction we have is when a same time, which manage-
but found consolation in some of the ERA, the best in the majors. since Nellie Fox in 1959 to earn the player leaves via free agency. ment says is a reasonable
things done by the pair of newcom- He had 16 complete games in 1955, AL MVP. We don’t see that, making it strategy and which the
ers,” Vaughn wrote. finishing tied for third in the Ameri- “Baseball is more and more an indi- earlier, available earlier, we union calls “tanking.”
Miñoso went on to become one can League. He led the league in the vidual game, but I am one of those don’t see that as a positive.” “We see major problems,”
of the top offensive players in the category in 1956 (21), ‘57 (16) and ‘58 guys who happen to believe it is still Compensation for losing said Mets pitcher Max
league during an 11-year span from (19). a team sport,” Allen said, according free agents led to a 50-day Scherzer, a member of the
1951-61 with the Sox and Cleveland. A seven-time All-Star, Pierce to a Nov. 16 Tribune story about him midseason strike in 1981 union’s eight-man executive
He displayed several of the skills that went 211-169 with a 3.27 ERA in 18 winning the award. “I’m glad to have that caused the cancellation committee. “First and fore-
made him an All-Star in two of his seasons, 13 with the Sox. He reached been a part of it with the White Sox of 713 games. The current most, we see a competition
three Negro League seasons with the double-digits victories in 12 of his 14 this year.” system requiring draft- problem and how teams are
New York Cubans. seasons as a big-league starter, includ- Allen slashed .308/.420/.603 that pick compensation for free behaving because of certain
Miñoso, who died in 2015, was a ing leading the AL with 20 wins in season, leading the league in on-base agents who turned down rules.”
nine-time All-Star and won three Gold 1957. He died in 2015. percentage and slugging. He also had
Glove Awards as an outfielder during league highs in home runs (37) and
17 seasons with Cleveland, the White RBIs (113).
Sox, St. Louis Cardinals and Wash- May 29, 1962 “It was as big a thrill for me as it was
ington Senators. And “The Cuban The Cubs signed O’Neil to the for Dick,” then-Sox manager Chuck
Comet” was a trailblazer for genera- coaching staff, paving the way for him Tanner said in the story.
tions of ballplayers that followed. to become the first Black coach in the Allen, who died last December, was
AL or NL. a seven-time All-Star. He was named
“O’Neil formerly played for and the 1964 NL Rookie of the Year with
Sept. 25, 1955 managed the Kansas City Monarchs the Philadelphia Phillies.
Pierce struck out 12 and allowed of the Negro American league, and it Allen played from 1963-77 for five
three hits while going the distance in was under him that both Ernie Banks teams and had 351 home runs, 1,119
a 5-0 victory against the Kansas City and George Altman of the Cubs got RBIs and a .292 average. He hit .307
A’s in the final game of the season. their start in baseball,” wrote Richard with 85 home runs and 242 RBIs
“A skimpy Comiskey Park crowd Dozer in the May 30 Tribune. during his three seasons with the Sox,
watched Billy Pierce pitch his sixth Dozer also noted that O’Neil was leading the league in homers in 1972 Commissioner Rob Manfred looks on before Game 1 of the
shutout,” wrote Edward Prell in the “instrumental” in signing most of the and ‘74. World Series on Oct. 26 in Houston. BOB LEVEY/GETTY
6  Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 ★

Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Nov. 8 Nov. 21 Nov. 25 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 20 Dec. 26 Jan. 2 Jan. 9

Loss Win Loss Win Win Loss, Loss Loss Loss Loss Win Noon 7:20 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 3:05 p.m. Noon Noon
34-14 20-17 26-6 24-14 20-9 24-14 38-3 33-22 29-27 16-13 16-14 FOX-32 NBC-5 ESPN FOX-32 CBS-2 FOX-32

Bears linebacker Trevis Gipson sacks Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Derek Carr in the third quarter Oct. 10 at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas. BRIAN CASSELLA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE

Biggs Scouting report

from Page 1 Budda Baker, Cardinals free safety
Information for this report was obtained
healthy.” from NFL scouts.
The Bears have Mack, 30, under contract through 2024, and Budda Baker, 5-foot-10, 195 pounds,
while they could create $6 million in salary cap savings during is in his fifth season in Arizona after the
the offseason by moving on from the six-time Pro Bowl selection, Cardinals made him a second-round
a long conversation would need to be had before heading down pick in 2017 out of Washington. Baker, a
that path. Multiple restructures of his contract have driven up his captain, is fourth on the defense with 41
2022 cap hit to $30.15 million. The Bears would have a $24 million /solo/ tackles and has two interceptions
cap hit without Mack, so for the difference of $6 million he could and three pass breakups.
anchor the defense for another season unless the team gets more A three-time Pro Bowl selection
in a trade than most imagine he would bring. (once on special teams), the Cardinals
Robert Quinn was named NFC defensive player of the month extended Baker /received a contract
for November after having 5 1/2 of his 11 sacks and he has become extension/ before the start of the 2020
everything the Bears hoped he would be last season. The 31-year- season, a deal that places him fourth
old is set to earn $12.9 million in 2022. If the Bears have a roster in among safeties in the league with an
transition next season, it’s difficult to imagine they will pay two annual average of $14.75 million, just
pass rushers over the age of 30, but that decision is a couple of above the Bears’ Eddie Jackson.
months off. Trevis Gipson yells after sacking Ravens quarterback Tyler Huntley at “They’ve been mixing man and zone
The franchise has spent two decades paying for pass rushers. Soldier Field. JOHN J. KIM/CHICAGO TRIBUNE this season, but the last few weeks
Since 2000, only two drafted edge rushers have produced eight they’ve been more zone-heavy,” the
sacks in a season. Rosevelt Colvin, a fourth-round pick in 1999, had and beat him. It was a good, athletic play. Goff felt the pressure and scout said. “That could be based on
10 1/2 sacks in 2001 and 2002 before exiting in free agency. Mark tried to spin out but Gipson was in position to get him down. tendency and who they are playing
Anderson, a fifth-round pick in 2006, had 12 sacks as a rookie but against. They’ve been good on both.
only 9 1/2 in his next 50 games before being released in 2010. Week 5 at Raiders That was a big concern about this team
The Bears consistently have paid players to spearhead the pass The Raiders went with max protection using 12-personnel to coming into the season — did they
rush, acquiring and then extending players such as Phillip Daniels, take a play-action shot downfield with a two-man route. The Bears have the corners to play as much man
Adewale Ogunleye, Julius Peppers, Willie Young, Lamarr Hous- were rushing only four, and the Raiders had eight in to block, but because (coordinator) Vance Joseph
ton, Pernell McPhee, Mack and most recently Quinn. Young was because of the way the line was sliding Gipson got a one-on-one is a heavy man-pressure coach? — , but
the best value addition of the group by former general manager versus tight end Foster Moreau. This was a power move with they’ve done that, and Budda Baker
Phil Emery, and most of the players on that list provided what active hands. Moreau tripped a little bit but not until after Gipson really helps them do both.
the Bears were seeking. But it’s an expensive proposition to buy a bent him back to create a path to the quarterback. He showed the “It’s not always perfect with him, but
pass rush, and time and again it has limited the organization from burst to close on Derek Carr. he plays with urgency. He’s at top speed
adding key offensive pieces. all the time and he is a game changer
The Bears were without a pick in the fifth round of the 2020 Week 11 vs. Ravens for them because he can fill the alley vs.
draft when Gipson was sitting on the board. The Bears deemed Coming out of a two-point stance on the defensive left side, versus the run, he can blitz, check tight
him worth getting, leading to a rare in-division trade with the Gipson won with a classic pass-rush move. Right tackle Patrick ends and he can drive top down on the
Minnesota Vikings to add a pick and select him. Mekari set deep in the second-and-15 situation. Gipson pressed ball. He’s got enough range to spin him
With a shortened training camp and no preseason during his Mekari upfield and forced him to open his hips. This created a to the post. He’s got multi-dimensional
rookie season, he made a slow adjustment to playing on his feet situation in which Gipson had to bend, turn the corner and flatten traits but he when you turn on the tape,
and not with a hand in the dirt as a defensive end, as he was accus- to get to Huntley, preventing Mekari from running him upfield. the thing that always jumps out is he’s
tomed to at Tulsa. Gipson showed progress this summer and is Gipson did a good job of dropping his anchor and bending — he playing faster than everyone else.
getting more action than he could have expected with Quinn miss- had to rip, change levels and get through Mekari and did a good “Everyone in the NFL can run, so
ing time because of COVID-19 and Mack sidelined. job to get home to Huntley. why is this guy always a step ahead of
Gipson has been on the field for 48% of the defensive snaps but Gipson has shown the signs that he has the ability. The Bears everyone? I think he sees it faster than
has been at 69% over the last five games. He has shown the abil- have a major hole without Mack, something defensive coordina- everyone else, and when he goes there, if
ity to defeat pass blockers and needs to do it on a more consistent tor Sean Desai has to scheme around weekly. That’s not a knock on you’re a ball carrier, he’s gonna going to
basis with five tackles for loss, four quarterback hits, two forced Gipson, who is getting the chance to evolve his game. thump you too. He’s an excellent tackler,
fumbles and the recovery against Goff. “It’s a great opportunity given where that room is going,” Desai he’s a good tackler in space and what he
Here’s a look at his three sacks this season. said. “He is continuing to develop. You’ve seen spurts of him ultimately is for Arizona is a tone-setter.
getting better with his hands at the point of attack, his conversions If you’re a wide receiver coming across
Week 4 vs. Lions in the pass rush, stuff that (outside linebackers coach Bill) Shuey the middle of the field or a running back
Gipson did a really nice job of setting up Lions first-round pick has been working on and emphasizing with him. He’s training his bouncing the ball outside the tackles, you
Penei Sewell, starting at left tackle in place of Taylor Decker, body and mind to try to improve on those. better get your pads low.
taking him vertically upfield off the ball. Gipson forced Sewell “And it’s still a process. He’s not where he wants to be and I don’t “He doesn’t have the same play-
to widen in his set, opening the door to beat him inside. It was a think he’s where we want him to be. But he’s still a young player making traits of Eddie Jackson or the
schemed one-on-one, a simulated pressure from the Bears bring- who hasn’t played a lot of snaps in this league. We’ve got to make same fluid range, but his lateral speed
ing three to that side. The left guard had to account for blitzing sure that we develop him and build him up to our standard.” is better and his closing speed is better
linebacker Roquan Smith, the back was releasing because it was If Gipson plays well — if he can accumulate more impact plays — and he’s more than a willing tackler.
only a four-man rush, creating a true one-on-one versus Sewell. the Bears can gain confidence that a young player is beginning to He wants to drop the hammer. You
Gipson made him set vertically and then went to the inside with ascend. If not, they’re going to have to continue paying top dollar, can build a secondary around that. He
a quick swim move, pinned the inside arm of Sewell to remove it one way or another, for edge rushers. dictates the tempo of the game.”


Brad Biggs (9-2) Colleen Kane (10-1) Dan Wiederer (10-1)

The Bears were able to change the vibe at This looks like a tough matchup for the Bears In a battle between one of the NFL’s top-five
Halas Hall by ending their five-game losing on both sides of the ball, especially if Murray scoring offenses and one of the league’s bottom
streak with a victory at Detroit. To maintain plays for the first time since Week 8. Even if five, the odds are stacked against Matt Nagy’s
hope that there is something to play for, they Murray is a little rusty, the Bears will have their team. The Bears will have to play a near-per-
cannot fall further behind the five teams one hands full with a quarterback who boasts a fect game Sunday to pull off an upset. But with
game ahead of them in the win column in the NFC, making 110.4 passer rating. The Bears might find some success on ongoing injury issues, the Bears are way too short-handed
this game critical. The Cardinals enter with the best record offense behind running back David Montgomery on what on both sides of the ball to either limit the Cardinals explo-
in the NFL and they’re 6-0 on the road where they’ve been is forecast to be a cold, rainy day. But with a depleted wide sive offense or keep up with it. Cardinals 27, Bears 13
blowing opponents out, averaging 32.8 points per game. receivers corps, the Bears and Andy Dalton could find it
The Bears have been struggling to score more than half tough to get much going in the passing game. In their last
that much. With Cardinals quarterback Kyler Murray and couple of losses, the Bears kept it close, but there’s poten-
wide receiver DeAndre Hopkins expected back after miss- tial for an ugly one here. Cardinals 27, Bears 16
ing three games with injuries, the Bears are in a tough spot.
Cardinals 28, Bears 17
 Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  7




ATLANTIC GP W L OT PTS GF GA ATLANTIC W L PCT GB No. 1 Georgia (12-1) lost to No. 4 No. 1 Duke (7-1) did not play. Next: vs.
Alabama 41-24, SEC championship. SC State, Tuesday.
Florida 24 17 4 3 37 93 67 Brooklyn 16 7 .696 —
Next: TBD. No. 2 Purdue (8-0) did not play. Next: at
Toronto 25 17 6 2 36 77 56 Boston 12 11 .522 4
No. 2 Michigan (11-1) vs. No. 15 Iowa, Rutgers, Thursday.
Tampa Bay 23 14 5 4 32 74 64 Philadelphia 12 11 .522 4
Big Ten championship. Next: TBD. No. 3 Gonzaga (7-2) lost to No. 16
Detroit 25 13 9 3 29 71 78 New York 11 12 .478 5
No. 3 Cincinnati (13-0) beat No. 16 Alabama 91-82. Next: vs. Merrimack, Thu.
Boston 21 12 8 1 25 61 56 Toronto 10 13 .435 6
Houston 35-20, AAC championship. No. 4 Baylor (8-0) beat Ark.-Pine Bluff
Buffalo 24 8 13 3 19 70 90
Next: TBD. 99-54. Next: vs. No. 6 Villanova, Dec. 12.
Montreal 26 6 17 3 15 59 93 SOUTHEAST W L PCT GB
No. 4 Alabama (12-1) beat No. 1 Geor- No. 5 UCLA (7-1) did not play. Next: at
Ottawa 22 6 15 1 13 57 86 Washington 14 9 .609 — gia 41-24, SEC championship. Next: Washington, Sunday.
METROPOLITAN GP W L OT PTS GF GA Miami 14 10 .583 1/2 TBD. No. 6 Villanova (6-2) beat Saint
Washington 25 15 4 6 36 88 62 Charlotte 13 11 .542 1 1/2 No. 5 Oklahoma St. (11-2) lost to No. Joseph’s 81-52. Next: at No. 4 Baylor,
N.Y. Rangers 23 16 4 3 35 71 58 Atlanta 12 11 .522 2 9 Baylor 21-16, Big-12 championship. Sunday, Dec. 12.
Carolina 23 16 6 1 33 75 52 Orlando 5 19 .208 9 1/2 Next: TBD. No. 7 Texas (6-1) did not play. Next: at
Pittsburgh 23 10 8 5 25 65 66 No. 6 Notre Dame (11-1) did not play. No. 25 Seton Hall, Thursday.
Columbus 22 12 10 0 24 70 71 CENTRAL W L PCT GB Next: TBD. No. 8 Kansas (6-1) did not play. Next:
New Jersey 22 9 9 4 22 65 76 No. 7 Ohio St. (10-2) did not play. Next: vs. UTEP, Tuesday.
Chicago 16 8 .667 —
Philadelphia 21 8 9 4 20 50 65 TBD. No. 9 Kentucky (6-1) did not play. Next:
Milwaukee 15 9 .625 1
N.Y. Islanders 19 5 10 4 14 36 58 No. 8 Mississippi (10-2) did not play. vs. Southern U., Tuesday.
Cleveland 13 10 .565 2 1/2
Indiana 9 16 .360 7 1/2 Next: TBD. No. 10 Arkansas (8-0) beat UALR 93-78.
WESTERN CONFERENCE No. 9 Baylor (11-2) beat No. 5 Okla- Next: vs. Charlotte, Tuesday.
Detroit 4 18 .182 11
CENTRAL GP W L OT PTS GF GA homa St. 21-16, Big-12 championship. No. 11 Arizona (6-0) did not play. Next:
Next: TBD. at Oregon St., Sunday.
Russia’s Daniil Medvedev celebrates his team victory after
Minnesota 24 17 6 1 35 92 71 WESTERN CONFERENCE
St. Louis 24 12 8 4 28 80 70 SOUTHWEST W L PCT GB No. 10 Oregon (10-3) did not play. No. 12 BYU (7-1) beat Missouri St. beating Germany’s Jan-Lennard Struff in their Davis Cup
Nashville 24 13 10 1 27 68 68 Next: TBD. 74-68. Next: vs. Utah St., Wednesday. semifinal match Saturday. MANU FERNANDEZ/AP
Memphis 13 10 .565 —
Colorado 21 12 7 2 26 85 71 No. 11 Michigan St. (10-2) did not play. No. 13 Tennessee (6-1) beat Colorado
Dallas 11 11 .500 11/2
Dallas 21 12 7 2 26 60 58 Next: TBD. 69-54. Next: vs. Texas Tech, Tuesday.
Winnipeg 23 11 8 4 26 68 65
San Antonio
New Orleans
8 13 .381
7 18 .280
No. 12 BYU (10-2) did not play. Next: No. 14 Florida (6-1) did not play. Next: TENNIS DAVIS CUP

Russia heads
Chicago 23 8 13 2 18 52 76 TBD. vs. Texas Southern, Monday.
Houston 6 16 .273 6 1/2
Arizona 24 5 17 2 12 43 89 No. 13 Oklahoma (10-2) did not play. No. 15 Houston (7-1) did not play. Next:
PACIFIC GP W L OT PTS GF GA Next: TBD. vs. Alcorn St., Monday.
NORTHWEST W L PCT GB No. 14 Utah (10-3) did not play. Next: No. 16 Alabama (7-1) beat No. 3 Gonzaga
Calgary 24 15 4 5 35 79 48 Utah 15 7 .682 — TBD. 91-82. Next: vs. No. 15 Houston, Dec. 11.
Edmonton 22 16 6 0 32 85 65 Denver 11 11 .500 4 No. 15 Iowa (10-2) vs. No. 2 Michigan, No. 17 UConn (8-1) beat Grambling St.
Anaheim 25 13 8 4 30 84 74

to the finals
Portland 11 12 .478 4 1/2 Big Ten championship. Next: TBD. 88-57Next: at West Virginia, Wed.
San Jose 24 13 10 1 27 62 62 Minnesota 11 12 .478 4 1/2 No. 16 Houston (11-2) lost to No. 3 No. 18 Memphis (5-3) lost to Missis-
Vegas 23 13 10 0 26 78 71 Oklahoma City 6 16 .273 9 Cincinnati 35-20, AAC championship. sippi 67-63. Next: vs. Murray St., Friday.
Los Angeles 22 9 9 4 22 59 62 Next: TBD. No. 19 Iowa St. (7-0) at Creighton. Next:
Seattle 24 9 13 2 20 72 84 PACIFIC W L PCT GB No. 17 Pittsburgh (10-2) vs. No. 18 vs. Iowa, Thursday.
Vancouver 24 8 14 2 18 59 76 Wake Forest, ACC championship. No. 20 Southern Cal (8-0) beat Wash-
Golden State 19 4 .826 —
Next: TBD. ington St. 63-61. Next: vs. E. Kentucky,
NOTE: Two points for a win, one point Phoenix 19 4 .826 —
for overtime loss. Top three teams in L.A. Clippers 12 11 .522 7 No. 18 Wake Forest (10-2) vs. No. 17
Pittsburgh, ACC championship. Next:
No. 21 Auburn (7-1) beat Yale 86-64.
By Joseph Wilson Friday. Russia and Croatia
each division and two wild cards per
conference advance to playoffs.
L.A. Lakers
12 12 .500 7 1/2
9 14 .391 10 TBD. Next: vs. Nebraska, Saturday. Associated Press will be aiming for a third
No. 19 San Diego St. (11-2) lost to Utah
St. 46-13, Mountain West champion-
No. 22 Michigan St. (7-2) beat Toledo
81-68. Next: at Minnesota, Wednesday.
Davis Cup title.
Denver 113, New York 99 ship. Next: TBD No. 23 Wisconsin (7-1) beat Marquette Daniil Medvedev had “Croatia is a very strong
Florida 4, St. Louis 3, SO
Washington 3, Columbus 1 Chicago 111, Brooklyn 107 No. 20 Louisiana-Lafayette (12-1) beat 89-76. Next: vs. Indiana, Wednesday. just put Russia into the team, it has always been at
Detroit 4, N.Y. Islanders 3(OT) Milwaukee 124, Miami 102 Appalachian St. 24-16, Sun Belt Cham-
pionship. Next: TBD
No. 24 Michigan (5-3) beat San Diego
St. 72-58. Next: at Nebraska, Tuesday. Davis Cup final by sealing the Davis Cup,” Medvedev
Tampa Bay 3, Boston 2(OT)
Nashville 4, Montreal 3(OT)
San Antonio 112, Golden State 107
Memphis 97, Dallas 90 No. 21 NC State (9-3) did not play. No. 25 Seton Hall (7-1) beat Nyack a win over Germany when said. “I am not expecting
Minnesota 4, Toronto 3(SO) Boston at Portland, late Next: TBD.
No. 22 Clemson (9-3) did not play.
113-67. Next: vs. No. 7 Texas, Thursday.
he turned to the stands at anything easy, so we will
Ottawa 6, Colorado 5(OT)
Carolina 6, Buffalo 2
L.A. Clippers at Sacramento, late
Next: TBD. SATURDAY’S SCORES Madrid Arena and pointed have to play our best to
N.Y. Rangers 3, Chicago 2 SUNDAY’S GAMES No. 23 Arkansas (8-4) did not play.
Next: TBD. Boston U. 68, Binghamton 63 repeatedly at the hard have our chances to win.”
Pittsburgh at Vancouver, late Utah at Cleveland, 2:30p.m.
Charlotte at Atlanta, 5p.m. No. 24 Texas A&M (8-4) did not play.
Catholic 75, Scranton 73 court beneath his feet. Medvedev reaches the
SUNDAY’S GAMES Washington at Toronto, 5p.m. Next: TBD.
Columbia 77, Maine 66
Hofstra 88, Bucknell 69 He was here to stay in final, where he should face
San Jose at Columbus, 6 p.m. New Orleans at Houston, 6p.m. No. 25 Kentucky (9-3) did not play.
Next: TBD.
La Salle 84, Holy Cross 65 Madrid for one more day, Croatia No. 1 Marin Cilic,
Tampa Bay at Philadelphia, 5p.m.
Chicago at N.Y. Islanders, 6:30p.m. MONDAY’S GAMES
Lehman 82, Brooklyn 76
Loyola (Md.) 61, Mount St. Mary’s 55 to lead Russia against after not dropping a single
Los Angeles at Edmonton, 7p.m. Oklahoma City at Detroit, 6p.m. Big 12 Championship, Arlington, Tex. New Hampshire 67, CCSU 45 Croatia for the most illus- set at the tournament.
Toronto at Winnipeg, 7p.m.
Calgary at Vegas, 9p.m.
Philadelphia at Charlotte, 6p.m.
Washington at Indiana, 6p.m.
Baylor 21, Oklahoma State 16 Princeton 81, Drexel 79, OT
Providence 66, Rhode Island 52
trious team trophy in With four players
Memphis at Miami, 6:30p.m.
MAC Championship, Detroit
Northern Illinois 41, Kent State 23 Seton Hall 113, Nyack 67 men’s tennis. ranked in the top 30,
MONDAY’S GAMES Atlanta at Minnesota, 7p.m.
Cleveland at Milwaukee, 7p.m.
Mtn. West Championship, Carson, Calif.
St. Bonaventure 68, Buffalo 65
Temple 81, Penn 72
The jeers poured down Russia was favored against
Anaheim at Washington, 6p.m.
Colorado at Philadelphia, 6p.m. Denver at Chicago, 7p.m.
Utah State 46, San Diego State 13
Sun Belt Championship, Lafayette, La.
UConn 88, Grambling St. 59 from the German fans and a German team playing
Ottawa at New Jersey, 6p.m. San Antonio at Phoenix, 8p.m. La.-Lafayette 24, Appalachian State 16
UMass 87, Harvard 77
Villanova 81, Saint Joseph’s 52
neutral Spaniards, but the without star Alexander
Arizona at Dallas, 7:30p.m.
Los Angeles at Vancouver, 9p.m.
L.A. Clippers at Portland, 9p.m.
Orlando at Golden State, 9p.m.
SWAC Championship, Jackson, Miss. West Virginia 67, Radford 51 world’s second-ranked Zverev. The reigning U.S.
Jackson St. 27, Prairie View 10
Pittsburgh at Seattle, 9p.m. SEC Championship, Atlanta
Auburn 86, Yale 64
player didn’t mind. In Open champion had little
Brooklyn at Dallas, 6:30p.m.
Alabama 41, Georgia 24 Charlotte 86, George Washington 79 fact, he egged them on and trouble commanding his
N.Y. Rangers 1, San Jose 0 New York at San Antonio, 7:30p.m.
American Ath. Championship, Cincinnati
Cincinnati 35, Houston 20
Davidson 70, William & Mary 46
East Carolina 62, Gardner-Webb 52
defiantly stamped his foot serve against Struff, and
Winnipeg 8, New Jersey 4 Boston at L.A. Lakers, 9p.m. Big Ten Championship, Indianapolis Louisville 73, NC State 68 before he pumped his fist it seemed only a matter of
Vegas 7, Arizona 1
Seattle 4, Edmonton 3 FRIDAY’S RESULTS
Michigan (11-1) vs. Iowa (10-2), late
ACC Championship, Charlotte, N.C.
Miami 80, Clemson 75 to the Russian contingent when he could pounce on
Mississippi 67, Memphis 63
Calgary 4, Anaheim 3(SO) Cleveland 116, Washington 101 Pittsburgh (10-2) vs. Old Dominion 60, George Mason 50 soaking up their victory. a mistake by the German.
Miami 113, Indiana 104
Philadelphia 98, Atlanta 96
Wake Forest (10-2), late Syracuse 63, Florida St. 60 Medvedev said it was Struff hung tight with
Brooklyn 110, Minnesota 105 Also: USC (4-7) vs. California (4-7), late
Tulane 85, Alcorn St. 64
UNC-Asheville 82, NC Central 66 just his team’s way of cele- Medvedev until he dug
AMERICAN CONFERENCE Houston 118, Orlando 116
New Orleans 107, Dallas 91
VCU 65, Campbell 61 brating in an imitation himself into a 0-40 hole at
New England 8 4 0 .667 336 190
Utah 137, Boston 130 FRIDAY’S SECOND ROUND
Wake Forest 80, Virginia Tech 61
MIDWEST of other team sports like 4-4 in the first set. He saved
Buffalo 7 4 0 .636 326 182
L.A. Clippers 119, L.A. Lakers 115
Golden State 118, Phoenix 96
Villanova 21, Holy Cross 16 BYU 74, Missouri St. 68 soccer where the ‘stay two break points before
Miami 5 7 0 .417 234 279 Montana 57, Eastern Washington 41
Bradley 80, SIU-Edwardsville 55
Cleveland St. 85, Wright St. 75
calm’ gesture has become sending an approach shot
N.Y. Jets 3 8 0 .273 199 334
SOUTH W L T PCT PF PA ODDS North DakotaSt. 38, S. Illinois 7 Dayton 79, N. Illinois 41 popular. And if the crowd into the net to fall behind.
Tennessee 8 4 0 .667 304 290
ETSU 32, Kennesaw St. 31
James Madison 59, SE Louisiana 20
E. Illinois 76, North Park 71
E. Washington 92, Omaha 81
took it wrong, so be it. Medvedev then held
Indianapolis 6 6 0 .500 340 283 COLLEGE BASKETBALL
Sam Houston 49, Incarnate Word 42 Evansville 59, Tennessee Tech 51 “We have a joke on the his serve easily to take a
.182 164 292
.182 173 283 at Maryland 31/2 Northwestern Montana St. 26, UT-Martin 7 Fort Wayne 71, N. Kentucky 57
Indiana 68, Nebraska 55
team when we practice one-set lead. Medvedev
S. Dakota St. at Sacramento St., late
at Niagara
at Canisius
Indiana St. 69, Miami (Ohio) 68 or play cards, I have seen pressed home his advan-
Baltimore 8 3 0 .727 263 240 Valparaiso 41/2 at W. Michigan NCAA DIVISION II PLAYOFFS Jackson St. 61, Illinois St. 55
Loyola Chicago 68, DePaul 64
football players like Cris- tage after going up a break
.636 309 226
.500 224 267
W. Illinois 6 at C. Michigan SATURDAY’S QUARTERFINALS
Shepherd 30, Kutztown 28 Michigan 72, San Diego St. 58 tiano (Ronaldo) do it, we at 3-2 in the second set.
Cleveland 6 6 0 .500 254 267
at Manhattan 51/2 Quinnipiac
at Rider 3 Marist Ferris St. 41, NW Missouri St. 20 Milwaukee 77, Robert Morris 69
Oakland 78, IUPUI 45
say ‘calm, calm, calm’,” The fifth-ranked Rublev
WEST W L T PCT PF PA at Saint Peter’s 81/2 Siena Valdosta St. 41, Bowie St. 17
Colorado Mines 34, Angelo St. 26 Ohio 78, St. Francis (Pa.) 75 Medvedev said. “So I had shown weakness over
Kansas City 7 4 0 .636 281 250 at S. Carolina 5
at Mississippi St. 10
S. Illinois 66, So. Mississippi 41 decided to celebrate like the past week. He lost to
Denver 6 5 0 .545 228 196 UAB 77, Saint Louis 73
L.A. Chargers 6 5 0 .545 273 293 at UIC 31/2 Detroit Mercy NCAA DIVISION III PLAYOFFS
W. Illinois 81, UT Martin 64 this and everyone started Spain’s 40-year-old Feli-
Las Vegas 6 5 0 .545 259 295 Richmond
at Texas St.
at N. Iowa
Denver Mount Union 35, Muhlenberg 29
Wisconsin 89, Marquette 76 whistling... I am just really ciano Lopez and had to
NATIONAL CONFERENCE Belmont 11 at Samford Mary Hardin-Baylor 49, Linfield24
Youngstown St. 82, Green Bay 58
SOUTHWEST happy we managed to still go three sets to beat Ecua-
EAST W L T PCT PF PA North Carolina 41/2 at Georgia Tech North Central 55, Rensselaer 6
Wis.-Whitewater 51, Central (Iowa) 21
Abilene Christian 97, Incarnate Word 65 be here on Sunday.” dor’s Roberto Quiroz and
Dallas 8 4 0 .667 353 267
Arizona 111/2
at San Diego 12
at Oregon St.
Cal Poly
Arkansas 93, UALR 78
Rice 100, Jarvis Christian 62 Medvedev brushed Swede Elias Ymer.
.455 229 282
.417 304 273
at Seattle 71/2 VMI
Conf. USA Championship, San Antonio
WEST aside Jan-Lennard Struff He needed just 50
N.Y. Giants 4 7 0 .364 202 253
at Oklahoma St. 21/2
at Utah 81/2 California
UTSA 49, Western Kentucky 41
Air Force 76, Army 58
Alabama 91, Gonzaga 82
aside 6-4, 6-4 to seal the minutes to see off Koepfer.
at Wichita St. 31/2 Kansas St.
Pac-12 Championship, Las Vegas
Utah 38, Oregon 10
Colorado St. 74, Saint Mary’s (Cal.) 58 Russian victory on Satur- Rublev smashed in
Tampa Bay
.727 347 253
.455 199 302
at San Jose St. 151/2
at Oregon 9
Tennessee 69, Colorado 54
Wyoming 79, McNeese St. 58
day after Andrey Rublev six aces to ease to a set
Carolina 5 7 0 .417 236 253 Ohio St. 31/2 at Penn St.
SOCCER won the opening singles advantage. Koepfer faded
New Orleans 5 7 0 .417 274 276
NBA SUNDAY MLS CUP PLAYOFFS WOMEN’S AP TOP 25 FARED over Dominik Koepfer fast, ceding breaks in his
FAVORITE LINE O/U UNDERDOG SATURDAY, WEST CONFERENCE FINALS No. 1 South Carolina (9-0) did not play. 6-4, 6-0. Germany won three service games of
Green Bay 9 3 0 .750 283 242
Minnesota 5 6 0 .455 281 276
Utah 5 (211) at Cleveland at Providence Park, Portland, Ore.
#4 Portland 2, #7 Real Salt Lake 0
Next: vs. No. 8 Maryland, Sunday,
Dec 12.
the doubles when Kevin the second set as Rublev
Chicago 4 7 0 .364 179 254
at Atlanta
at Toronto
4 (2271/2) Charlotte
1 (2121/2) Washington SUNDAY, EAST CONFERENCE FINALS No. 2 UConn (4-1) did not play. Next: vs. Krawietz and Tim Puetz cruised to victory.
0 10
.045 174 289
New Orleans 3 (223) at Houston at Subaru Park, Chester, Pa. Notre Dame, Sunday. beat Aslan Karatsev and The Russian team is
#2Philadelphia. vs.
Arizona 9 2 0 .818 310 202 NFL SUNDAY #4 New York City FC, 2p.m.
No. 2 NC State (7-1) did not play. Next:
vs. Elon, Sunday. Karen Khachanov 4-6, officially being called RTF
L.A. Rams 7 4 0 .636 299 263 FAVORITE LINE O/U UNDERDOG No. 4 Stanford (5-2) did not play. Next: 6-3, 6-4 to make the final (Russian Tennis Federa-
San Francisco
.545 280 248
.273 209 226
at Miami
6 (391/2) NY Giants
10 (441/2) at Houston
#4Portland vs. #2Philadelphia/#4 New
vs. Pacific, Sunday, Dec 12.
No. 5 Baylor (8-1) beat Missouri 70-68.
score 2-1. tion) in the competition
Minnesota 71/2 (461/2) at Detroit York City FC winner, 2p.m. Next: vs. Alcorn State, Wednesday. Croatia awaits Russia amid its ongoing doping
Philadelphia 61/2 (45) at NY Jets
Arizona 71/2 (421/2) at Chicago SOCCER
No. 6 Indiana (5-2) did not play. Next:
vs. Penn St., Monday.
after eliminating Novak suspension in interna-
Arizona at Chicago, noon at Cincinnati 3 (491/2) LA Chargers No. 7 Arizona (7-0) did not play. Next: Djokovic’s Serbia on tional sport.
Indianapolis at Houston, noon Tampa Bay 101/2 (501/2) at Atlanta ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE vs. N. Dakota St., Thursday.
L.A. Chargers at Cincinnati, noon at Las Vegas 11/2 (48) Washington CLUB GP W D L GF GA PTS No. 8 Maryland (7-2) did not play. Next:
Minnesota at Detroit, noon at LA Rams 13 (48) Jacksonville at Rutgers, Sunday.
Man City 15 11 2 2 32 9 35
N.Y. Giants at Miami, noon Baltimore 41/2 (44) at Pittsburgh No. 9 Iowa (4-1) did not play. Next: vs.
Liverpool 15 10 4 1 44 12 34
Philadelphia at N.Y. Jets, noon
Tampa Bay at Atlanta, noon
San Francisco
at Kansas City
31/2 (451/2) at Seattle
91/2 (47) Denver
Chelsea 15 10 3 2 35 9 33
Michigan St., Sunday.
No. 10 Louisville (6-1) did not play.
West Ham 15 8 3 4 28 19 27

Morikawa pulls away

Jacksonville at L.A. Rams, 3:05p.m. Next: vs. Belmont, Sunday.
Arsenal 14 7 2 5 17 20 23
Washington at Las Vegas, 3:05p.m. MONDAY No. 11 Tennessee (7-0) did not play.
Tottenham 13 7 1 5 13 17 22
Baltimore at Pittsburgh, 3:25p.m. at Buffalo 21/2 (411/2) New Eng. Next: at Virginia Tech, Sunday.
Man United 14 6 3 5 24 24 21
San Francisco at Seattle, 3:25p.m. No. 12 Michigan (7-1) did not play.

in Bahamas, eyes No. 1

NHL SUNDAY Wolverhampton 15 6 3 6 12 13 21
Denver at Kansas City, 7:20p.m. Next: vs. Akron, Sunday.
FAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE Brighton 15 4 8 3 14 16 20
No. 13 South Florida (5-3) did not play.
Tampa Bay -130 at Phila. +108 Leicester 14 5 4 5 22 25 19
MONDAY’S GAME Next: at VCU, Sunday, Dec. 12.
at Columbus -119 San Jose -102 Crystal Palace 14 3 7 4 19 20 16
New England at Buffalo, 7:15p.m. No. 14 Iowa St. (7-1) did not play. Next:
at NY Islanders -161 Chicago +135 Brentford 14 4 4 6 17 19 16
vs. Longwood, Sunday.
at Edmonton -192 Los Angeles +159 Aston Villa 14 5 1 8 19 23 16
Off: Cleveland, Tennessee, No. 15 Texas (5-1) did not play. Next: at
Carolina, Green Bay Toronto -127 at Winnipeg +107 Southampton 15 3 7 5 14 21 16
Everton 14 4 3 7 17 24 15
No. 17 Texas A&M, Sunday. News services 3 Gonzaga on Saturday.
at Vegas -119 Calgary
For the latest odds, go to FanDuel
Leeds 14 3 6 5 13 20 15
No. 16 Kentucky (5-1) did not play.
Next: vs. Merrimack, Sunday.
Drew Timme led the Bull-
THURSDAY, DEC. 9 Sportsbook, https://sportsbook. Watford
15 4 1 10 20 29 13
14 1 7 6 14 21 10
No. 17 Texas A&M (8-0) did not play. Tiger Woods joined the dogs (7-2) with 23 points.
Pittsburgh at Minnesota, 7:20p.m.
Newcastle 15 1 7 7 17 30 10
Next: vs. No. 15 Texas, Sunday. broadcast booth for his
SUNDAY, DEC. 12 GOLF Norwich 14 2 4 8 8 28 10
No. 18 Ohio St. (5-1) did not play. Next:
at Purdue, Sunday. Hero World Challenge, NFL: Steelers activated star
Atlanta at Carolina, noon
No. 18 Oregon (4-3) beat Portland and what he saw from linebacker T.J. Watt off the
Baltimore at Cleveland, noon
Dallas at Washington, noon 3rd of 4 rounds; Albany Golf Course; West Ham 3, Chelsea 2
62-59. Next: vs. Long Beach St. , Dec. 11.
No. 20 Georgia (7-0) did not play. Next:
Collin Morikawa must COVID-19 list on Saturday,
Jacksonville at Tennessee, noon New Providence, Bahamas; 7,302 yds; Newcastle 1, Burnley 0
Southampton 1, Brighton 1
vs. Georgia Tech, Sunday. have looked familiar. giving their beleaguered
Las Vegas at Kansas City, noon
New Orleans at N.Y. Jets, noon
Par 72
Collin Morikawa 68-66-64—198 -18 Liverpool 1, Wolverhampton 0
No. 21 BYU (8-0) beat Utah 85-80. Next:
at Oklahoma, Friday.
Morikawa carved up defense a boost before
Seattle at Houston, noon Brooks Koepka 67-67-69—203 -13 Man City 3, Watford 1
No. 22 Florida Gulf Coast (7-1) did not Albany Golf Club to build Sunday’s visit by the AFC
Detroit at Denver, 3:05p.m.
N.Y. Giants at L.A. Chargers, 3:05p.m.
Patrick Reed
Viktor Hovland
68-69-67—204 -12
68-69-67—204 -12 SUNDAY’S MATCHES
play. Next: vs. Palm Beach Atlantic, a five-shot lead Saturday North-leading Ravens. The
Buffalo at Tampa Bay, 3:25p.m. Daniel Berger 66-69-69—204 -12 Leeds vs. Brentford, 8a.m.
No. 23 Oregon St. (4-2) did not play. over Brooks Koepka, and Steelers placed Watt on the
San Francisco at Cincinnati, 3:25p.m. Sam Burns
Tony Finau
71-65-68—204 -12
68-66-70—204 -12
Man United vs. Crystal Palace, 8a.m.
Tottenham vs. Norwich, 8a.m.
Next: at Monmouth, Friday. too many pursuers faded list Monday, a day after a
Chicago at Green Bay, 7:20p.m.
Scottie Scheffler 71-68-66—205 -11 Aston Villa vs. Leicester, 10:30a.m.
No. 24 Notre Dame (7-1) did not play.
Next: at No. 2 UConn, Sunday.
from contention with a 41-10 loss to the Bengals
MONDAY, DEC. 13 Bryson DeChabeau 69-64-73—206 -10
No. 25 Florida St. (5-2) did not play. series of mistakes that only dropped the Steelers to
L.A. Rams at Arizona, 7:15p.m.
Off: Indianapolis, Miami,
Tyrrell Hatton
Harris English
69-67-71—207 -9
75-70-63—208 -8 Everton vs. Arsenal, 2p.m.
Next: vs. Charleston Southern, Sunday. made another victory look 5-5-1. He did not practice
New England, Philadelphia Matt Fitzpatrick 71-70-68—209 -7 U.S. MEN’S SCHEDULE (17-2-2)
SATURDAY’S SCORES inevitable for Morikawa. during the week, remain-
TOP RECEIVERS Xander Schauffele 70-70-70—210 -6
Webb Simpson 67-72-71—210 -6
Jan. 31: U.S. 1, Trinidad & Tobago 0 Bryant 61, New Hampshire 54 With an 8-under 64 — ing away from the team’s
206, Davante Adams, GB at CIN 10/10
(OT) (11rec., 1TD)
Justin Thomas 67-72-71—210 -6 March 25: u.S. 4, Jamaica 1 Coppin St. 77, Marshall 69 the first bogey-free round facility as part of the
201, Ja’Marr Chase, CIN at BAL 10/24(8
Justin Rose
Abraham Ancer
71-70-70—211 -5
66-73-72—211 -5
March 28: U.S. 2, Northern Ireland 1
May 30: Switzerland 2, U.S. 1
Drexel 57, Maine 33
La Salle 64, St. Francis (Pa.) 59
of the week — Morikawa league’s COVID-19 proto-
rec., 1TD)
Rory McIlroy 66-71-75—212 -4 a-June 3: U.S. 1, Honduras 0 Lafayette 71, NJIT 64 took a big step toward cols. ... Seahawks elevated
197, Tyreek Hill, KC vs. CLE 9/12(11
rec., 1TD)
Henrik Stenson 72-75-70—217 +1 a-June 6: U.S. 3, Mexico 2, ET Lehigh 79, Binghamton 68
Milwaukee 66, Robert Morris 47
reaching No. 1 in the world. veteran running back
189, Deebo Samuel, SF at DET 9/12(9
Jordan Spieth 71-72-75—218 +2 June 9: U.S. 4, Costa Rica 0
Niagara 76, Cornell 71 “You love being in these Adrian Peterson from the
rec., 1TD)
189, Kadarius Toney, NYG at DAL 10/10
Saturday’s 3rd round; Magnolia Grove-
b-July 11: U.S. 1, Haiti 0
b-July 15: U.S. 6, Martinique 1
Rider 59, Army 57 spots and you don’t get practice squad to the active
Saint Joseph’s 52, Yale 49
(10rec., 0TD) Falls and Crossing Courses; Mobile, b-July 18 : U.S. 1, Canada 0 St. Peter’s 77, Delaware St. 50 them every week,” Mori- roster for Sunday’s game
186, Tyreek Hill, KC at PHI 10/3 (11
rec., 3TD)
Ala.; 6,664yds; Par 72; a-amateur q-World Cup qualifying SOUTH kawa said. “You wish you against the 49ers.
Pauline Roussin-Bouchard
178, Tyler Lockett, SEA vs. TEN 9/19(OT) 69-67-66—202 -12 TENNIS
FIU 53, North Florida 51
Hampton 56, Norfolk St. 52
did. But when you do, you
(8rec., 1TD) Hye-Jin Choi 69-66-68—203 -11 Howard 62, Hofstra 60, OT want to take advantage of NHL: Kirill Kaprizov
171, Deebo Samuel, SF at CHI 10/31(6 DAVIS CUP WORLD GROUP FINAL
rec., 0TD)
Atthaya Thitikul
Peiyun Chien
73-65-66—204 -10
66-72-66—204 -10 SATURDAY’S SEMIFINALS
Jacksonville 57, Florida A&M 36
Memphis 57, Southern U. 50
them. So hopefully, we can scored in the third round
169, Justin Jefferson, MIN vs. GB 11/21(8 Ayaka Furue 69-67-69—205 -9 Hard-Indoor, Group Round Robin NC A&T 86, SC State 46 take advantage tomorrow.” of a shootout and the Wild
rec., 2TD)
165, Mike Williams, LAC vs. CLE 10/10(8
Selena Costabile
Yaeeun Hong
67-69-69—205 -9
68-71-67—206 -8
At Madrid Arena, Madrid, Spain
Samford 75, Murray St. 66 beat the Maple Leafs 4-3
Stetson 67, Furman 58
rec., 2TD) Na Rin An 67-67-72—206 -8 GERMANY 1 Towson 66, East Carolina 51 College basketball: Jaden Saturday for their sixth
163, Cooper Kupp, LAR at IND 9/19(9
rec., 2TD)
Katie Yoo 69-70-68—207 -7 Andrey Rublev (RTF) d.
Dominik Koepfer, 6-4, 6-0
Wake Forest 90, Troy 61 Shackelford scored 20 of straight win. Jordan
Caroline Inglis 69-69-69—207 -7
163, Kyle Pitts, ATL at MIA 10/24(7rec., Kaitlyn Papp 70-67-70—207 -7 Daniil Medvedev (RTF) d.
IUPUI 74, Oakland 49
his 28 points in the first Greenway, Mats Zucca-
0TD) Haylee Rae Harford 68-69-70—207 -7 Jan-Lennard Struff, 6-4, 6-4 Ill.-Chicago 68, Detroit 64, OT half, Jahvon Quinerly rello and Marcus Foligno
162, Stefon Diggs, BUF at NYJ 11/14(8 Kevin Krawietz/Tim Puetz (G) d.
rec., 1TD)
Alana Uriell
Isi Gabsa
70-70-68—208 -6
69-71-68—208 -6 Asland Karatsev/Karen Khachanov,
Miami (Ohio) 81, Evansville 73
N. Iowa 59, S. Dakota St. 50
and JD Davison both hit had goals in regulation for
159, Ja’Marr Chase, CIN vs. GB 10/10(OT) Karis Anne Davidson 68-71-69—208 -6 6-4, 3-6, 6-4 North Dakota 97, Minnesota-Morris 55 key 3-pointers, and No. 16 the Central Division-lead-
(6rec., 1TD)
159, Courtland Sutton, DEN at JAC 9/19
Maddie McCrary 67-72-69—208 -6
Sophie Hausmann 69-69-70—208 -6 SUNDAY’S FINAL
Ohio 98, Richmond 89 Alabama held off Gonza- ing Wild, which has
Pittsburgh 64, Ball St. 54
(9rec., 0TD) Emily Kristine Pedersen 65-70-73—208 -6 At Madrid Arena, Madrid, Spain South Dakota 71, Wichita St. 59 ga’s big second-half rally outscored opponents 28-12
156, Deebo Samuel, SF vs. SEA 10/3 (8
rec., 2TD)
Bianca Pagdanganan 75-69-66—210 -5 Croatia vs.
Russian Tennis Federation, 9a.m.
St. Thomas (MN) 62, Chicago St. 57 for a 91-82 win over No. during the winning streak.
Sarah Jane Smith 70-73-67—210 -5 Youngstown St. 67, Green Bay 58
8  Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 ★



Football Hall of Famer Humphrey dies 4 Hornets enter COVID-19 protocols Manchester City now on top of the EPL
Pro Football Hall of Famer Claude Four Hornets players, including last Defending champion Manchester City
Humphrey, one of the NFL’s most fear- year’s Rookie of the Year LaMelo Ball, is on top of the English Premier League
some pass rushers during the 1970s pictured, have been placed in the NBA’s for the first time this season. And if Pep
with the Falcons but long overlooked health and safety protocols on Satur- Guardiola’s team keeps playing like
on mostly losing teams, has died at the day, an indicator they have tested posi- this, it could be difficult to knock City
age of 77. Humphrey, who also reached tive of the coronavirus. Along with off its perch — even in a tight title race
the Super Bowl with the Eagles, died Ball, guard Terry Rozier, center Mason that saw three different teams lead the
unexpectedly Friday night in his home- Plumlee and forward Jalen McDaniels standings Saturday. On a day when
town of Memphis, Tennessee, according to the Hall of will be sidelined for at least 10 days, or until they have previous leader Chelsea faltered, City displayed total
Fame, which was informed of his death by his daughter. recorded two negative tests in a 24-hour period according dominance in a 3-1 win at Watford that showed off the kind
No cause was given. Humphrey was the No. 3 overall pick to league rules. Barring more positive tests, the Hornets of fluid passing game that helped Guardiola’s team win
by the Falcons out of Tennessee State in 1968 and went on would meet the NBA’s minimum required eight players three of the last four league titles. Bernardo Silva, pictured,
to play 11 years with the team, earning the last of six Pro to play their next scheduled game on Sunday night at scored twice after Raheem Sterling’s early opener as City
Bowl appearances as a member of the famed “Grits Blitz” Atlanta. The team is scheduled to depart for Atlanta on proved once again that it can do perfectly fine without
defense in 1977. He moved to the Eagles in 1979 and served Saturday. The Hornets (13-11) are currently seventh in the a recognized striker in the lineup. It was a fifth straight
as a designated pass rusher on the 1980 team that reached NBA Eastern Conference standings. Charlotte’s last game league win for City, which is one point ahead of Liverpool
the Super Bowl. Humphrey retired after the 1981 season, came Wednesday night at Milwaukee. The Hornets’ news and two in front of Chelsea after 15 rounds. “It’s always
before sacks became an official stat, but he was credited comes as the league and the National Basketball Players better to be top of the league than second, third or fourth,
with 130 sacks over 13 seasons (he missed the entire 1975 Association has been pushing for players, coaches and but it’s still early,” Silva said. West Ham shook up the title
season recovering from a knee injury). Humphrey was staff to get booster shots. The league has said about 97% race by beating Chelsea 3-2, and Liverpool needed an inju-
inducted in the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2014 and the of players are vaccinated. It is unclear how many players ry-time goal from Divock Origi to earn a 1-0 win at that put
Falcons Ring of Honor in 2008. have received booster shots. Jurgen Klopp’s team on top for a few hours. —AP


Week 13
By Sam Farmer | Los Angeles Times

Last week’s record: 9-6. Season: 109-70-1.

Vikings (5 -6) at Lions (0 -1 0 -1 )

Sunday, noon. Line: Vikings by 7 1/2. O/U: 46 1/2.
The Vikings will miss Dalvin Cook but should
be able to handle Detroit without him. Alex-
ander Mattison is capable of picking up that
slack against a Detroit team that can hang in
for a while. Vikings 27, Lions 17

Colts (6 -6) at Texans (2-9)

Sunday, noon. Line: Colts by 10. O/U: 44 1/2.
The Colts are a team to watch. Jonathan Taylor
should have a big day, and the Indianapo-
lis defense can rush the passer and stop the
run. Carson Wentz will play well against over-
matched Houston. Colts 31, Texans 17

Chargers (6 -5 ) at Bengals (7-4 )

Sunday, noon. Line: Bengals by 3. O/U: 49 1/2.
The Chargers can’t stop the run and that’s a
bad situation against Cincinnati, which can
run it and set up the play-action for Joe Burrow.
Justin Herbert should keep the visitors in it.
Bengals 28, Chargers 20

Eagles (5 -7 ) at Jets (3-8 )

Sunday, noon. Line: Eagles by 6 1/2. O/U: 45.
The Jets are sneaky tough, and the Eagles a
little desperate after blowing it against the
Giants. But that Philly defensive line is going
to get in Zach Wilson’s face, and Jalen Hurts
will bounce back. Eagles 30, Jets 20

Buccaneers (8 -3) at Falcons (5 -6)

Sunday, noon. Line: Bucs by 10 1/2. O/U: 50 1/2.
Tom Brady has had a few weeks of less-than-
stellar play and he’s poised for a breakout game.
The pass rush is coming around for Tampa.
Atlanta will put up a fight for a while but
Tampa is just better. Buccaneers 38, Falcons 20

Cardinals (9 -2) at Bears (4-7 )

Sunday, noon. Line: Cardinals by 7 1/2. O/U: 42 1/2.
Cardinals will be fresh after week off and
should keep rolling against underwhelming
Bears. Chicago’s front seven can play pretty
well, but its secondary is banged up. Arizona
returns some weapons. Cardinals 33, Bears 17

Giants (4-7 ) at Dolphins (5 -7 )

Sunday, noon. Line: Dolphins by 6. O/U: 39 1/2.
Miami’s defense has played really well the
last month. Tua Tagovailoa is getting the ball
Raiders wide receiver DeSean Jackson has found a connection with quarterback Derek Carr. JEFF BOTTARI/AP out of his hands, despite a subpar offensive
line. Giants can’t afford to lose Daniel Jones.
Dolphins 24, Giants 17

Jackson thrive
Jaguars (2-9) at Rams (7-4)
Sunday, 3:05 p.m. Line: Rams by 13. O/U: 48.
After three losses in a row, the Rams need to
stop the bleeding. The Jaguars are a bad team
but they can get very physical — check the tape
on the Buffalo game — so they can deliver a
bruising. Rams 30, Jaguars 18

New WR, Carr have found big them games get and obviously play- ready to handle a much bigger role, so Washington (5 -6) at Raiders (6 -5 )
ing for (Washington) and leaving, the let’s get him involved and try to get him Sunday, 3:05 p.m. Line: Raiders by 1 1/2. O/U: 48.
rhythm in time for Raiders way I feel about the teams I leave that involved early. And it worked out well The Raiders should hold their ground behind
I once played for, I always feel like I’ve for us.” the play of Derek Carr, who has been excellent.
By W.G. Ramirez got to play extra hard because they Indeed, as Renfrow finished with But Washington is scary with the way Taylor
Associated Press had the chance to keep me, and they eight receptions for 134 yards — both Heineke is building a belief and the defense
didn’t.” season highs — while Jones had five is coming around. Raiders 27, Washington 23
DeSean Jackson has tormented NFC Jackson’s 34 career touchdowns of catches for 59 yards, also season
East teams for years, having played 11 50 yards or more are two shy of Jerry bests. Jacobs, meanwhile, rushed for 49 ers (6 -5 ) at Seahawks (3-8 )
of the first 13 years of his career for the Rice’s record. He has the most recep- a season-high 87 yards on 22 carries. Sunday, 3:25 p.m. Line: 49ers by 3 1/2. O/U: 45 1/2.
Eagles and Washington. tions of 20 or more air yards since 2000 “To get him the right amount of plays The 49ers are getting healthy on defense and
Advantage, Las Vegas. with 125, which is 14 more than Julio to get chemistry with Derek, I think it look as if they’re returning to form at the right
The 35-year-old wideout, who cele- Jones. took a little bit of time and hopefully time, though losing Deebo Samuel hurts. Seat-
brated a birthday Wednesday, ignited The speedy Jackson also ranks fifth it can get a little bit better each week,” tle is struggling mightily — including Russell
the Raiders’ offense on Thanksgiv- all-time with 136 catches of 25 or more interim coach Rich Bisaccia said. Wilson. 49ers 28, Seahawks 17
ing in a 36-33 win over the Cowboys yards. Sunday, against his former employer,
to help Las Vegas snap a three-game After being on the field for 25 snaps Jackson faces a Washington team he Ravens (8 -3) at Steelers (5 -5-1)
losing streak. He’ll look to carry that combined in his first two games with has nine TDs against, tied for the most Sunday, 3:25 p.m. Line: Ravens by 4 1/2. O/U: 44.
momentum into a critical home game Las Vegas, including a fumble on against all opponents. Lamar Jackson is due for a big bounce-
Sunday against the Washington. his lone reception, Jackson played And for Carr, who completed 24 of 39 back performance against suspect Steelers.
The Raiders (6-5) are one game 42 snaps against the Cowboys and passes for 373 yards and a touchdown Ravens 28, Steelers 21
behind the first-place Chiefs in the certainly brought much more to the without an interception at Dallas, he’s
AFC West, tied for second with the team than just his three catches. finally on the same page with a bona Broncos (6 -5 ) at Chiefs (7-4)
Chargers and Broncos. With Carr’s usual No. 1 target, tight fide veteran wideout he can feel confi- Sunday, 7:20 p.m. Line: Chiefs by 9 1/2. O/U: 47.
Jackson, signed Nov. 8 to replace end Darren Waller, leaving the game dent in throwing to after sharing the Kansas City is returning to form, but Denver
Henry Ruggs III and provide quar- and now listed as week-to-week, the right look with one another, and a guy could make this interesting. The problem for
terback Derek Carr with a deep-ball quarterback proved he can flourish who can change the complexion of a the Broncos is their passing game has strug-
threat, has slowly acclimated himself with other weapons thanks to Jackson game with one big play. gled, which is odd, since they have the talent
to offensive coordinator Greg Olson’s opening up the offense for receivers “What we saw in the Dallas game to throw on anybody. Chiefs 28, Broncos 23
system and was finally utilized as a like Hunter Renfrow, Zay Jones and was he was on the field more, he had
major component at Dallas. Bryan Edwards, while giving running more opportunities,” Carr said. “That’s Patriots (8 -4 ) at Bills (7-4)
“Any time I’m able to get on the field, back Josh Jacobs breathing room out him just being able to handle more and Monday, 7:15 p.m. Line: Bills by 2 1/2. O/U: 41 1/2.
I’m just looking forward to do some of the backfield. be in the system more and being able The Bills aren’t playing up to potential, and
great things for my team,” said Jack- “His comfort level, being able to play to play more. Josh Allen is playing the way Patrick Mahomes
son, who caught three passes for 102 a full game obviously since he’s been “I think that him being able to do was a month ago — everything’s the hero play.
yards, including a 54-yard catch-and- here, is much greater now,” Olson said. that obviously gives us that stretch that Still, this is where New England’s six-game win
run touchdown against the Cowboys. “We just felt like that game against we are going to need for everyone else streak ends. Bills 27, Patriots 23
“Playing in that division, knowing how Dallas was a game where, all right, he’s to get active, too.” Open: Browns, Titans, Panthers, Packers
★ Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  9


One of four new colors, Vivid Orange Metallic, with a white-painted roof, gives the Chevrolet Trailblazer a far greater presence than it might otherwise have. JIM FRENAK/CHEVROLET PHOTOS

Daily driving device

In a market filled with compelling alternatives, the 2022 Chevy Trailblazer is a solid choice
By Larry Printz clown car. at speed. But entering an
Tribune News Service Interior ambience is interstate takes a bit longer

about what you’d expect than you might expect.
aving arrived in of a vehicle that starts at Maneuverability is good
2021 wearing a around $21,000: there’s thanks to its size and tight
nameplate last lots of hard black plas- turning radius, but it’s not
used in 2009 on a midsize, tic. The interior’s design a sporty handler. Body lean
body-on-frame SUV, the is decidedly modern in is evident once you crank
2022 Trailblazer is now appearance, but lacking a the wheel, and the cabin
a subcompact crossover. point of view, rendering it becomes noisy at higher
Developed and built by utterly charmless. At least speeds and the ride occa-
GM Korea in Incheon, it’s functional, which is all sionally harsh over broken
South Korea, it doesn’t that most buyers expect at pavement. Also, there’s an
feel much like its larger this price. A 7-inch color abundance of engine vibra-
American counterparts. touch screen anchors the tion, particularly around
Instead, the Trailblazer is instrument panel. Wireless town, which explains
a modestly sized, modestly Apple CarPlay, Android why a massaging seat isn’t
styled daily driving device, Auto and Amazon Alexa optional; you don’t need
one that competes in an capability are available, one.
intensely competitive as is a worthwhile $1,620 Chevrolet did do a good
market segment against Technology Package that job of providing a decent
such stalwarts as the funky enlarges the touch screen amount of standard driv-
and endearing Kia Soul, to eight inches, and adds er-assistance safety gear,
the athletic yet upscale adaptive cruise control, including automatic
Mazda MX-30, the fun-to- wireless charging, Bose emergency braking, front
drive Hyundai Kona, and The interior’s design is decidedly modern in appearance, but lacking a point of view, rendering it premium audio, HD Radio, pedestrian braking, lane
such popular options as utterly charmless. SiriusXM, an SD card keep assist with lane depar-
the stylish Jeep Compass reader, an HD rear vision ture warning, following
and unglamorous Subaru side. It will fit with the but comes solely with the off-road worthy tires, and camera, 4.2-inch driver distance indicator, forward
Crosstrek. doors shut. Sweet. And larger engine and a nine- RS trims receiving a black- information display and collision alert and auto-
Against these compet- check out the cargo capac- speed automatic trans- out treatment. They’re LED headlamps. You might matic headlamps. Rear
itors, the Trailblazer ity on this Lilliputian: more mission. Towing is rated priced identically, so it’s also want to splurge for park assist, rear cross traffic
comes off as a bit generic than 25 cubic feet; that at 1,000 pounds with the basically a question of your the $1,770 Sun and Liftgate alert, lane change alert with
and charmless, a midpack beats any full-sized sedan. towing package. personal preference. Package, which brightens side blind zone alert are
competitor bereft of And it’s surprisingly roomy Fuel economy is OK, but Chevrolet sent an up the gloomy interior with part of a $345 Driver Confi-
personality. But spend in both rows for full-size not as high as you might all-wheel drive ACTIV a panoramic sunroof and dence Package.
some time with it, and adults. expect given its size. The model for a weeklong drive. adds a hands-free program- While no longer the
its charms become more Starting to look good, EPA rates the Trailblazer at The test vehicle was mable power liftgate. Trailblazer of old, the new
apparent. It starts when isn’t it? 30 mpg in combined city/ painted one of four new Despite the ACTIV one proves to be a solidly
you first get in. The Trail- The Trailblazer’s 1.2-liter highway driving with the colors for 2022, Vivid model’s off-road modern choice in a market
blazer’s upright styling three-cylinder turbo- standard 1.2-liter engine; 28 Orange Metallic, accented pretensions, there’s no filled with compelling
makes entering or exiting charged engine funnels mpg with the larger engine with a white-painted roof, center-locking differential alternatives. One is even
a breeze, something you 137 horsepower through and all-wheel drive. But opt giving it a far greater pres- or special low gear. This is made by GM: the Buick
won’t find on competitors. a continuously variable for the larger engine and ence than it might other- more the urban warrior, Encore GX, the Trailblaz-
Or try to schlep home an transmission to the front skip all-wheel drive and the wise have. And thankfully, one that might find its way er’s mechanical twin. It’s
eight-foot piece of lumber; wheels. A better choice EPA predicts you’ll see 31 the Trailblazer is big tromping across an odd worth considering if you’re
the Trailblazer’s cabin can is the optional 155-horse- mpg — not bad. enough that a grown man field every now and then, also shopping for a heavily
accommodate an 8-foot- power 1.3-liter, three-cyl- Chevrolet offers this won’t look silly getting out or transporting its owner optioned Trailblazer. You
long item. Just fold down inder turbocharged engine. affordable crossover in of one, something that can’t through foul weather. The may find little difference in
the front passenger seat Front-wheel drive is stan- ascending LS, LT, ACTIV be said of the smaller Trax, Trailblazer’s three-cylinder price, making the fancier
and angle the wood from dard with either engine. and RS trim levels, with which makes you look as heart provides responsive nameplate the better
there to the rear driver’s All wheel drive is optional, ACTIV models getting if you’re getting out of a power around town, and option.

Survey: Glitches dent electric SUV reliability

Associated Press subscribers to the maga- auto testing for Consumer than gas-powered vehicles,
zine and website who Reports. Fisher said. But electric
Electric SUVs generally collectively own more than Overall, Japanese brands SUVs tend to be high-
are among the least reliable 300,000 vehicles. Tesla’s led by Lexus, Mazda, er-priced luxury vehicles at
vehicles on the road, but it’s Models X and Y, the Audi Toyota and Infiniti took present, and those have all
not because of the batter- E-Tron and Volkswagen eight of the top 10 spots the latest technology that
ies or electric motors that ID.4 were among the vehi- in the reliability survey. can cause trouble, he said.
power them. cles singled out as having General Motors’ Buick “The powertrains aren’t
Instead, it’s because of problems in areas other brand finished fifth, and the problem,” Fisher said.
glitch-prone electronics than the electric power- BMW’s Mini was 10th. Instead, the electric SUVs
including climate controls train. Ford’s Lincoln luxury often are equipped with
and power equipment, In contrast, compact and brand finished last of 28 electric door handles, A Tesla Model Y Long Range is displayed Feb. 24 at the Tesla
the annual auto reliability plug-in gas-electric hybrids brands with Tesla, Jeep, electric-activated climate Gallery in Troy, Michigan. CARLOS OSORIO/AP
survey of subscribers by led by the Toyota Prius and Genesis and Volkswagen control vents and other
Consumer Reports found. Prius Prime and the Honda rounding out the bottom features. “By having all of more problems associated reliable than gas-powered
Electric SUVs were the Insight were the most reli- five. Electric vehicles, with these new technologies with them.” ones as manufacturers
least reliable category able category, said Jake far fewer moving parts, saddled into these early Fisher said electric vehi- work the bugs out of their
in the annual survey of Fisher, senior director of should be more reliable adopter-mobiles, there are cles are likely to be more features.
10  Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 ★

Fixing a faulty warning light

Bob Weber
Q: I own a 2000 Honda
Accord. It constantly
shows the red brake light
The 2022 Volkswagen Golf GTI has a standard manual six-speed transmission or an optional on the dash. Previously,
seven-speed dual-clutch automatic. DANIEL BYRNE/VOLKSWAGEN the light would appear
only intermittently. I
REVIEW had the brakes checked
out two different times

VW Golf GTI getting better and everything is in good

condition. How can I
correct this? — T.M., Should a lamp burn out, a warning is triggered. DREAMSTIME
Sugar Grove, Illinois
By Henry Payne 2022 Volkswagen suspension upgrades and A: Your car has a brake change intervals. I drive only lasts for a few
The Detroit News Golf GTI an aluminum subframe lamp warning system. a 2014 Prius and put on seconds. I haven’t been
that actually reduces curb Should a lamp burn out, only about 6,000 miles able to make out what it
It’s not easy staying top Price: $30,540 ($39,385 weight from last gen. a warning is triggered. a year. My manual says I says, maybe, “keep hands
dog. manual with carbon fiber A driver’s car like this Sometimes the lamp may only need to change the on the wheel.” Dealer
The Volkswagen Golf package as tested) deserves to have its neck check out fine and even oil every year or 10,000 has no idea what it says.
GTI (then badged Rabbit Power plant: wrung with a manual illuminate, but a weak miles. However, after Apparently, it isn’t an
GTI for the U.S. market) 2.0-liter turbo-4 cylinder shifter, and the 6-speed ground or dirty contacts changing my oil reli- important warning, but
won America’s hearts as Power: 241 horsepower, tranny is VW’s best yet. will cause a change in giously every 3,000 miles it is a real puzzler. Any
the first affordable pocket 273 pound-feet of torque Past boxes could ruin the sensed voltage on the or 3 months most of my ideas? ­— D,D., Oviedo,
rocket in 1983. By turning Performance: momentum with mushy circuit similar to a burned life, it makes me feel very Florida
a standard compact Golf 0-60 mph, 5.4 seconds 2-to-3 shifts. My tester was out lamp. Sometimes, the uncomfortable to go that A: Your car has lane
into a steroid-infused, (automatic, Motor Trend) as crisp as the fall air. GTI problem is intermittent long between changes. keeping assist. Cameras
apex-carving, cargo-haul- Fuel economy: EPA, 24 typically sells 40% manu- and hard to pin down. My car does not have an see the lane lines on the
ing fun box, VW inspired mpg city/34 highway/28 als; this gen should sell oil life indicator read- road and, if you drift too far
a segment that has born combined (manual); 25 more. Q: A few months ago, out, so I regularly check to either side, a warning is
imitators like the Ford mpg city/34 highway/28 Not that the 7-speed I brought my Nissan in the oil level and look to issued. On some vehicles,
Focus ST, Honda Civic Si, combined (auto) dual-clutch automatic for service and I asked see if it is changing color. the steering wheel will
Subaru WRX, Hyundai is any slouch. With a them to check on a prob- However, is there any gently tug to let you know
Veloster, Hyundai Elantra flick of the wrist, I slot- lem I was having with better way to accurately you are drifting wide. The
N and Mazda 3 Turbo. why they paid 16 grand ted it into DRIVE, firing the hatchback. They monitor oil quality at system doesn’t work if
Golf GTI has responded more. My GTI tester was off lightning-quick said they would have to home between changes? there are no lane lines or
to challengers to the painted bright Pomelo up-and-downshifts with charge me a $160 diag- — S.D., Glenview, Illinois if weather — such as snow
throne with constant Yellow to call attention to steering-mounted paddles. nostic fee. Is the diag- A: To get an analysis — obscures the lines. One
improvement comple- the feat. But analog manual nostic fee a new charge of motor oil, you have to more thing: If you travel
menting its innate The VW’s huge twinned, better fits GTI’s person- every dealer service is send it away to a lab. It is in a straight line for a long
German-engineered all-digital displays are ality. If it’s automatic you charging? Does the diag- not terribly expensive, just time, the warning will acti-
talent. The third-Gen state-of-the-art. You want want, let me introduce you nostic fee go toward the inconvenient. Plus, your vate. You may choose to
Mark III introduced a an Audi? The 10.5-inch to GTI’s big brother Golf R cost of any repair that Prius engine doesn’t do as turn the system off. Check
sensational V-6 engine. instrument display offers — R as in Rocket. might be needed or is much work as a non-hy- your owner’s manual for
Mark V showed off phone five configurations just like Get it if you can afford it just an extra charge? brid car’s engine. Back in how to do it.
dial wheels, one of V-dub’s its luxe cousin. GTI tele- it, but your grin will be — S.K., Rancho Mirage, the olden days, 3,000-mile
most distinctive designs. graphs this interior trans- no wider than in the GTI. California oil changes were necessary Bob Weber is a writer and
Of late, GTI has lagged formation with its sexiest That’s because both share A: Doctors charge for because the oil suffered mechanic who became an
in interior panache. The exterior in years. an electronics architecture examinations and diag- from gasoline contamina- ASE-certified Master Auto-
mesmerizing Mazda 3, for Menacing narrow head- that includes (standard on noses, electricians and tion and other stuff. Today’s mobile Technician in 1976.
example, upped the ante lights set the tone. Sharply the GTI) goodies like adap- plumbers charge for show- oils are far superior to the He maintains this status by
with its stylish, driver-cen- creased hood and shoul- tive cruise control that is as ing up at your door. Most former ones and engine seeking certification every
tric design. But Wolfs- ders once again remind good a highway semi-au- professional auto service tolerances are much tighter. five years. Weber’s work
burg has been burning the of Audi. Get the 19-inch tonomous system as I have shops charge a diagnostic You are doing the right appears in professional
midnight oil on dashboard wheels. Love it. found this side of Tesla’s fee. They have to pay the thing by routinely checking trade magazines and other
upgrades. Love the handling, too. Autopilot and GM’s Super- technician for his or her the oil level. consumer publications.
The result is the best Over the roller-coaster Cruise. time. The diagnostic fee is His writing also appears in
GTI ever, a landmark State Route 209 west of Throttle wide-open generally rolled into the Q: I have two 2020 automotive trade publica-
model that — like Gen I — Asheville, North Carolina, over a high-speed crest on repair if you decide to have Hyundai Tucsons. Peri- tions, Consumer Guide and
sets a new bar for pocket the GTI stormed about Route 209, the eighth-Gen the work done. odically, while driving, Consumers Digest. Send
rockets. It is a vehicle so as if on rails. GTI comes Golf GTI felt as fresh as my I hear a chime and a questions along with name
good that Audi S3 consum- standard with a limit- first Mark I 40 years ago. Q: I too love your message appears on the and town to motormouth.
ers will be left wondering ed-slip front differential, Bar reset. comments about oil dashboard. The message

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Chicago Tribune | Section 4 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  1


Work continues inside of the Ramova Theater in Chicago’s Bridgeport neighborhood, which is currently being renovated into a performing arts venue. CHRIS SWEDA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE PHOTOS


Bridgeport’s Ramova Theater is in the midst of a
costly renovation and it may once again be
the center of a Chicago neighborhood
the time. People stopping to ask what’s
going on, to tell us their stories of the old
theater. There is real affection here.”
Nevius is not from Bridgeport. He
is the owner of Our Revival Chicago,
the main co-developer of the Ramova
Rick Kogan Theater and surrounding properties

with Chicago-based Baum Revision.
They, with a lot of other people and
n the heart of Bridgeport a many millions of dollars, are in the busi-
few weeks ago, I was stand- ness of transforming and energizing this
large portion of the neighborhood.
ing near the corner of Halsted The centerpiece of this ambitious
and 35th streets when an old man project is the rebirth of the theater, at
3518 S. Halsted St., as a performing arts
approached. For a while we stood facility, with space for audiences of
1,700. Not only is the old movie house Exterior of the Ramova Theater in Chicago’s Bridgeport neighborhood. There are plans
near one another and near some being reborn but adjoining spaces are for a large brewery and tap room on two floors.
scaffolding and staring at the being remade, with plans for a large
brewery and tap room on two floors and 1985, its final film offering “Police Acad- Ald. Patrick Daley Thompson, grandson
marquee of an old movie theater, its other spaces for private events and inti- emy 2.” of Richard J. Daley and nephew of Rich-
R-A-M-O-V-A sign stretching into mate performances. The Ramova sat empty for decades, ard M. Daley, and currently awaiting
“There are great challenges,” said deteriorating. In 2005, a group of trial on tax-related charges.
the sky above us. Nevius. “But it will be so worthwhile.” neighborhood residents, led by real Then in 2019, Nevius moved with his
The Ramova opened in 1929, estate agent Maureen Sullivan, orga- wife and kids to the neighborhood from
“You ever saw a movie here?” he designed by architect Myer O. Nathan nized an effort called Save the Ramova, New York and launched his redevelop-
asked. “I used to see all my movies as the larger twin to the Music Box a campaign to forestall the theater’s ment plans, only to have them delayed
here.” Theatre by architect Louis Simon on N. demolition. But it never gained traction, for a time by the pandemic. But eventu-
Later, inside the building, Tyler Southport Avenue, both with Spanish-​ even as Sullivan ran for Alderman of the
Nevius was saying, “That happens all inspired touches. The theater closed in 11th Ward, losing that race to current Turn to Kogan, Page 6


In a huge year for This Sunday’s edition of A+E begins

a series of stories looking back
and taking stock of 2021, a year

publishing, why
of both great achievement and
great uncertainty as the Chicago
arts began reopening from a long

these 10 stood out

pandemic shutdown. The Chicago
Symphony Orchestra and downtown
theaters played again for live
audiences, as did dance companies,
the Ear Taxi festival, blues bands,
By Christopher Borrelli the probable record coming for off-Loop theaters, the Lyric Opera,
Chicago Tribune 2021 (publishers saw double- comedy clubs and movie houses —
digit sales leaps for much of the and audiences let them know they
When I look over this list of year) — settling on 10 was tough. were happy to be back. Museums
the best books of 2021, I see So, in the interest of celebra- and art galleries reopened their
what’s not there, what didn’t tion, tell me what you loved doors. But at the same time, we
make the final cut and deserved this year. New book, old book. E. JASON WAMBSGANS/CHICAGO TRIBUNE knew that not everyone was ready or
the hosannas. Rebecca Solnit’s Send an email to cborrelli@ able to return. Chicago needs its arts.
discursive biography “Orwell’s, DM me Performance” (Random to be a Black audience. On This Sunday has our picks for best
Roses.” Clint Smith’s sobering on Twitter (@Borrelli) — I’ll House, $27): Columbus essayist “Chappelle’s Show”: “It look books of 2021, a year in which
travelogue “How the Word is include replies in an upcoming and poet Hanif Abdurraqib — white people laughing too loud publishing didn’t slow at all. Coming
Passed.” Matt Bell’s climate- “What We’re Reading” column. who’s had quite the year, named and too long — and laughing in the weeks ahead:
change epic “Appleseed.” Even Just one thing: Tell me what a National Book Award nomi- from the wrong place — to build
Seth Rogan’s “Yearbook,” a you actually loved, not what you nee and MacArthur “genius” in the show a coffin.” On pianist DEC. 12: Best in theater, classical
consistently thoughtful collec- think will make you look good. the same week — hasn’t written Don Shirley (of “Green Book”) music and jazz, dance and visual art.
tion of essays on the strange- As for the following 10 — I a bad book. His is a still-young and his lesser-known subver- DEC. 19: Best in movies and
ness of Hollywood, was not to wish I could read them again for career, but this is probably a sion of a University of Chicago television, plus who we lost in 2021.
be taken lightly. It’s been a great the first time. In no particular high mark, a profound medi- juvenile delinquency study: “In DEC. 22: The return of Save the
time to read widely and often, order: tation on Black artists and the a country still obsessed with Seats for New Year’s Eve.
and considering the near-one “A Little Devil in Amer- “mundane fight for individu- DEC. 26: Our Chicagoans of the Year
billion books sold in 2020 — and ica: Notes in Praise of Black ality,” as well as what it means Turn to Books, Page 7 in Art.
2  Chicago Tribune | Section 4 | Sunday, December 5, 2021

Stand-up to solo show in ‘Dishwasher Dreams’

Immigrant comic Alaudin Ullah doesn’t with Ullah at Dartmouth
College, 10 or 12 years ago,
want to play a version of his father when they both attended a
play development retreat
By Myrna Petlicki story to be my version of under the auspices of New
Pioneer Press the Hollywood shuffle,” he York Theatre Workshop.
said. “I was this kid who Ullah was working on a
Alaudin Ullah didn’t rejected everything about different play at the time
appreciate what a diffi- being Bangladeshi, being but during breaks they
cult transition it was for Muslim,. when I flew out spoke about “Dishwasher
his parents when they to Los Angeles to chase this Dreams.”
emigrated from Bangladesh dream of being a comedian. “I contributed to some
to the United States until When I got there, I realized questions and ideas and
the lifelong New Yorker they wanted me to play this tried to help him out as
moved to Los Angeles in stereotype. I was successful much as possible,” Yew
search of a career change. but I was successful doing a said.
Ullah will share that version of my father.” Yew suggested the proj-
experience and many His big break came when ect to Writers Theatre
others in his solo show Ullah was offered a signifi- because theater staff were
“Dishwasher Dreams” at cant role in a major motion “asking to do more work
Writers Theatre in Glen- picture. “But it was at the of color, particularly for
coe. expense of playing this communities that had not
Ullah, who is a stand-up stereotypical terrorist.” been represented in the
comedian, was inspired Ullah laughingly admit- Chicagoland area.” The
to create this show after ted that he is still making large South Asian popu-
viewing another solo show changes to his show. He lation in the Chicago area
about 15 years ago. noted that Santiago-Hud- falls into that category.
“I saw Ruben Santia- son, who has become a Interim Artistic Direc-
go-Hudson do his play friend, told him, “You never tor Bobby Kennedy, who
‘Lackawanna Blues’ years finish a solo show.” Yew said loved the work,
ago at the Public Theater, That has certainly been programmed it as Writers
and I was really moved by the experience for Ullah as first live show since the
it,” Ullah said. “I was at a he has been working with Pandemic.
point in my career and my director Chay Yew, who Yew, who has directed
life where I wanted to do Ullah credits with greatly over 20 solo shows, is a fan
something a lot deeper helping to shape the piece. of that theater style.
than stand-up. I’d seen solo “When you work with “I love solo work
shows before but it was the Chay, you feel like you’re because it’s a direct, unfet-
first time I saw a solo show playing football because tered, unfiltered dialogue
with music. After I saw you have to memorize the between the performer
that, I was crying on the plays — the blocking, the and the audience,” he said.
subway home.” staging, the emotion, try “There’s no fourth wall so
Ullah was feeling to make sure I remem- you can’t hide behind sets
dejected at the time after ber the lines,” Ullah said. or anything else. So you
returning from a disap- “You almost feel like you’re have to basically tell the
pointing trip to Los Ange- performing in the circus by truth.”
les in search of acting jobs yourself.” That what Yew encour-
because he felt he had hit a Not entirely by himself, aged Ullah to do — particu-
wall in his stand-up career. though. “Even thought larly in relation to the trials
Things didn’t turn out the this is a solo show, in many his mother faced as a young
way he hoped on the West ways this is sort of like a woman.
Coast. “I felt I was part of two-man show because I Yew believes that writing
a minstrel show of audi- have Chay to bounce off and enacting his family’s
tioning for terrorists and what it is to be an immi- story “is an opportunity
cabdrivers,” he recalled. grant,” Ullah explained. for Alaudin to reconnect
Ullah began writing the Ullah added that Yew has and hopefully under-
show all those years ago encouraged him to include stand much better what
and had the opportunity things that might be painful his parents had to endure,
to develop it at the Public — like his mother’s difficult even though they’ve since
Theater, although the Writ- early life. passed.”
ers production is the first “The script constantly Ullah concluded, “I
production of the show. changes because Chay want to spend the rest of
Live musical accompa- challenges me,” Ullah said. my career working with a Alaudin Ullah will play dozens of characters in his solo show “Dishwasher Dreams,” presented
niment at Writers will be “Which I why I really enjoy director like Chay. It’s so Dec. 9-Jan. 16 at Writers Theatre. AMIR HAMZA
performed by tabla percus- working with him. challenging. That’s the kind
sionist Avirodh Sharma. “I’m just his humble of work I want to be doing.” Writers Theatre, 325 Tudor tion at 847-242-6000; Myrna Petlicki is a free-
Ullah had a vision for servant,” Yew declared. “Dishwasher Dreams” Court, Glencoe; tickets lance reporter for Pioneer
his show. “I wanted the Yew first connected will run Dec. 9 to Jan. 16 at $35-$90 and more informa- dishwasher-dreams Press.


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Rosenberg and Gail Waller Charitable Trust
Chicago Tribune | Section 4 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  3

Does theater
have to be
on a stage?
Teatro Vista’s new co-leaders challenge
selves, the company to think different
By Jerald Pierce Ruiz and ensemble
Chicago Tribune member Marvin Quijada
had been working on this
In many ways, Teatro season’s production of
Vista, entering its first “Detective Q” for a while
season guided by co-artis- before Diaz and Mateo
tic directors Lorena Diaz joined the company. When
and Wendy Mateo, has its prompted to see where
eye on the future — the this story may live besides
future of the company, sure, on the stage, they started
but also the future of how to explore what it would
theater itself operates. be like as a graphic novel.
In an effort to reflect that Now the production is set to
vision, Diaz and Mateo are be released on the compa-
using the unifying theme ny’s YouTube and social
of “Futurology,” or “the media pages in a style that
study of current trends that combines film noir and
forecast future develop- mime.
ments” for the company’s While Ruiz said that it was
31st season. In the months difficult to have their initial
between Diaz and Mateo idea challenged, he found it
joining the company over freeing to experiment with Teatro Vista’s new artistic directors Lorena Diaz, left, and Wendy Mateo will buck the traditional brick-and-mortar theater
the summer and the season something new to him. season by featuring works in a variety of mediums. ANTONIO PEREZ/CHICAGO TRIBUNE PHOTOS
announcement earlier this “Wendy and I always
month, the duo spent time say that joy is currency,”
studying Teatro Vista as a said Diaz, “and we want to
company and as individual infect our ensemble with
artists, having one-on-one that thinking so that when
meetings with ensemble they create their ideas,
members, to figure out how they’re more like intellec-
the theater will venture tual property that can grow
into the future. into many different forms.”
Though some of this Ruiz said that the ensem-
season’s productions were ble’s response to this mind-
in the works before Diaz set from the leadership
and Mateo joined the duo has been extremely
company, the season’s offer- positive, not least because it
ings still give audiences a comes from a place of them
glimpse of their vision. wanting to support the
The four-production ensemble’s work and ideas
season bucks the tradi- as artists.
tional brick-and-mortar “They have this wonder-
season by featuring works ful energy that leads with
in a variety of mediums, courage, that is supremely
ranging from a serial audio unafraid of risk,” said Ruiz.
play to start the season, Risk is encapsulated
to an animated graphic in Ruiz’s season-opening
novel, to an ensemble-de- serial audio play “The Fifth
vised digital experience. World,” which Ruiz had
And there’s still a world started working on with the
premiere musical from company’s previous leader-
New York-based actor, ship. When he mentioned
composer and writer Brian the project during his
Quijada in the mix. one-on-one with Mateo
Diaz and Mateo said that and Diaz, Ruiz recalled
it is important to them to the duo being immediately
fund and fuel the projects enthusiastic about hearing
their ensemble members more and supporting the
are excited about and do project. Teatro Vista artistic directors Wendy Mateo left, and Lorena Diaz on Nov. 24, 2021. The directors will be creating streaming
whatever they can to facil- This has led to a series content at La Celia Latin Kitchen.
itate the artistic growth of of new experiences for
those ensemble members,
and that includes pushing
Ruiz, who just so happens
to be making his Broad-
“Wendy and I always say that joy is and Lookingglass Theatre
Company’s Heidi Stillman
desert, but finds himself in
a whole other world.
them to experiment with way debut in “MJ the currency and we want to infect our have reached out to them in “Detective Q” (early
different styles. Musical” in December. support since they’ve taken 2022): A moving graphic
“That’s a part of what Ruiz noted that “The ensemble with that thinking so that when these positions with Teatro novel by Marvin Quijada
drew the ensemble to our Fifth World” is one of they create their ideas, they’re more like Vista. Diaz and Mateo hope and Gabriel Ruiz. This
work,” said Mateo. “We his first works produced, they can extend a simi- animated work that joins
have this long history one of the first works he’s intellectual property that can grow into lar helping hand to other film noir and mime and
of content creation. We
always wanted to offer a
produced himself, and one
of the first works where
many different forms.” artists in the city, provid-
ing artists and communi-
uses interactive elements
and immersive experiences
digital piece. We wanted he’s gotten his hands — Teatro Vista artistic director Lorena Diaz ties of color, who so often captured in different spots
to continue to learn film- dirty with sound design are undersupported, find around the city.
making. We wanted to put (under the watchful eye of funding and a home within “Somewhere Over the
the ensemble in positions Mikhail Fiksal and along- a company that supports Border” (spring 2022): A
of director, of producer, side Giselle Castro). idea continue to grow more people could have them and their ideas. world premiere musical by
of writer, and start influ- “This is a duo that takes and evolve by giving their seen the work. “The prevailing thought Brian Quijada. Inspired by
encing the representation whatever ideas you bring to ensemble the tools (and “When you think about now is so much about how his mother’s journey from
behind the camera and them and amplifies them,” nudge) to develop their being a kid and wanting to can we share resources El Salvador to the United
behind the table.” said Ruiz. “They don’t give ideas beyond that original connect with this type of and opportunity,” said States, the musical follows
While some compa- you the option of dreaming concept. work, now we have plat- Ruiz. “It’s time to start Reina who travels north to
nies strive for a brick-and- small. That is a reflex that In doing this, they also forms that really can reach doing things together. One the Mexican border, gath-
mortar, in-person space, makes me very excited about have the opportunity to them,” Mateo said. “So how of the things that entered ering friends, facing down
Teatro Vista’s new leaders this upcoming season and bring those productions do we continue using our our vernacular, they keep dangers and holding tight
are thinking more fluidly the next couple of years as to audiences outside of an platforms to reach those saying it over and over: to the memory of the little
about how they can provide they make decisions about in-person theater space. audiences that have histori- ‘Forward together. Forward boy she left behind.
their art to their audience. what this company is going Though it’s an audio play, cally not been able to afford together. Forward together.’ “La Vuelta” (summer
They’re pushing their to look like moving forward.” Teatro Vista intends to to go to the theater?” We are making moves and 2022): A digital experience
artists to think beyond their After seeing the work combine “The Fifth World” Mateo said that audiences we’re not doing it alone. written by Isaac Gómez
initial ideas, prompting Teatro Vista’s ensemble with a visual component can expect the company Everyone’s coming with.” and directed by Monty
them to explore how a story members have been doing that can be taken to brew- to feature an American The 2021-22 season at Cole. This filmed theatri-
can live beyond the stage. elsewhere, Diaz said it was eries and wineries and Latinx perspective featur- Teatro Vista includes: cal experience interrogates
Ensemble member a goal of her and Mateo to other locations around the ing a mixture of ethnicities “The Fifth World” (fall the circuitous relationship
Gabriel Ruiz admitted bring their work home and city where they can invite and cultures that lie within 2021): A serial audio play between oneself and others,
that he used to be a theater offer them a space where audiences to listen to the that perspective. But Mateo by Gabriel Ruiz, directed by and how our existence in
purist, thinking that plays they could feel safe and play and watch a compan- and Diaz also said they look Ruiz and Lorena Diaz. “The the world has ripple effects
should be kept on the stage. supported around fellow ion film at the same time. forward to collaborating Fifth World” is a six-epi- beyond us, even in times of
The pandemic and its artists who understand As Mateo noted, this with other artists of color sode audio play that follows crisis and isolation.
restrictions and opportuni- their voices in an authen- opens the door to better around the city. Sebastian Reyes who
ties have changed that for tic way. So the idea is not accessibility to the art and They noted that artis- arrives in the small desert More information about
him and led him to thinking to simply produce their connects directly with their tic leaders like Victory town of Palomas, Arizona, streaming and live per-
that theaters really have to work on stage and let that audiences while hope- Gardens’ Ken-Matt Martin, to make his name produc- formances as part of the
be multimedia companies be the end of it. The desire fully avoiding that all too UrbanTheater Compa- ing a true crime story 2021-22 season at www.
of a sort these days. is to help each artist’s common feeling of wishing ny’s Miranda González about a missing child in the

MCA brings back ‘On Stage’ live performances this spring

By Doug George is organized by MCA sexuality from the perspec- different interpretations of access as a culture, tracing dance can be.
Chicago Tribune curator of performance tive of life’s later years. A the title’s missing letters, the line between “us” and Performances take place
Tara Aisha Willis and is as playful and candid conver- from “mother” to “matter” “them” through the meta- in the museum’s Edlis
Things are happening at follows, with show descrip- sation with strangers about to “murder,” provoking phoric use of barbed wire. Neeson Theater, 220 E.
the Museum of Contem- tions adapted from the first crushes, turbulent interaction, laughter and In “Wired,” barbed wire Chicago Ave. Tickets for the
porary Art Chicago. On announcement: affairs, unexpected preg- occasional discomfort. comes to represent move- “On Stage: Entanglement”
the heels of the news of Mammalian Diving nancies and more, accom- Knight makes meaning ment and connection. series go on sale Dec. 1 at
the appointment of René Reflex: “All the Sex I’ve panied by a Chicago DJ out of the everyday social Kinetic Light members 312-397-4010 and mcachi-
Morales and Jamillah Ever Had” (March 24-30): who spins songs from each interactions that comprise Alice Sheppard, Lauren Audience members
James as new lead curators, Six everyday Chicagoans decade. contemporary culture, Lawson, Michael Magg, must have proof of vacci-
the MCA on Wednesday over the age of 65 take audi- Autumn Knight: “M_ often putting Black and Jerron Herman collab- nation; masks required in
announced the return of ence members decade-by- _ _ER” (April 14-16): women, such as herself, in orate with Ailís Ní Ríain, the theater. Unvaccinated
live performances. decade through their lives, Harlem-based artist contested and confronta- Josephine Shokrian, and children under age 12 must
A spring season of three prompted to divulge all Autumn Knight guides tional positions of power. LeahAnn Mitchell, and be accompanied by a vacci-
works, under the banner the memories they care to audiences through a Kinetic Light: “Wired” with local rigging special- nated adult.
of “On Stage: Entangle- share about their romantic participatory perfor- (May 5-8): A dance expe- ists Chicago Flyhouse,
ment” and running from lives, milestones, and their mance. “M_ _ _ER” invites rience that treats disabil- defying gravity and dgeorge@chicagotribune.
March 24 to May 8, 2022, relationships to love and audiences to explore ity as a creative force and assumptions about what com
4  Chicago Tribune | Section 4 | Sunday, December 5, 2021

New crop of Christmas movies shaking up TV

Genre gets sharper and the casts for their films
have become more inclu-
edge in ‘Naughty or sive.
Nice’ slate on VH1 Tia Mowry, Kelly
Rowland, Tatyana Ali,
By Greg Braxton Roselyn Sanchez and
Los Angeles Times Rekha Sharma are among
the stars featured in this
As the holidays rev into season’s “It’s a Wonderful
high gear, families every- Lifetime” schedule on the
where will gather to wrap cable channel, for instance,
presents, trim trees, sip where many of the films’
eggnog and bathe in the romances are interra-
glow of the gift that never cial. The network is also
stops giving — the made- promoting its first lesbian
for-cable Christmas movie. romance holiday movie,
The annual downpour of “Under the Christmas
peppermint-scented tales Tree.”
starring photogenic low- to But Longoria says the
mid-level celebrities has networks have a lot of
become a holiday-themed catching up to do. “You
flood, boosting one of TV’s can’t just check the box and
most reliable — and profit- throw the Black or brown
able — cottage industries. person up on a poster,”
At least 145 new films are she said. “There has to be
debuting this year on Life- representation behind the
time, Hallmark, BET+ and camera as well.”
numerous other networks. The rowdy musical
Most of these titles — “Miracles Across 125th
“Dancing Through the Street” stars Cannon as
Snow,” “Gingerbread Mira- a former gangsta rapper
cle” and “Nantucket Noel,” seeking redemption as he
to name just three — posi- returns from rehab to help
tion the enchantment of Nick Cannon is the star, writer, director and executive producer of “Miracles Across 125th Street.” MTV ENTERTAINMENT GROUP out his father’s struggling
Christmas as the cure for church.
all ills: grief, depression, developed by Eva Longoria, sexual tension simmers Street” (Dec. 20). holiday makeover. “I wanted to do the
financial woes, loneliness Jamie Foxx, Nick Cannon between a workaholic talk Fields, Longoria and “I enjoy the genre, but I story of the Prodigal Son
and family estrangement. and Kim Fields as they join show host and a famous others participating in especially enjoy pushing as a musical,” Cannon
In these alternate reali- forces with VH1 for its new outdoorsman in “Adven- the VH1 films say they are the envelope in the genre,” said. “The movies embod-
ties, romances are chaste, “Naughty or Nice” holi- tures in Christmasing” unabashed fans of the tradi- said Fields, who stars in ies hip-hop culture — the
political and racial conflicts day film slate. Spiced with (premiered Nov. 29). tional Christmas movie. and executive produced good and the bad. It shows
are nonexistent, small- raunchy dialogue, rowdy RuPaul and 20 drag queens “It’s one reason why “Adventures in Christmas- the journey of an individ-
town values are sacred, and characters and outrageous from his “RuPaul’s Drag I keep doing them,” said ing.” ual who really is looking
there’s no such thing as a shenanigans, the projects Race” reality competition Fields, who reunited with “The holiday movies for peace, family and love.
pandemic. bring a sharper edge to the series provide mischievous her “Facts of Life” cast- are often overly magical or I think everyone can relate
But this season, one tried-and-true blandness of mayhem in “The B---- Who mates for 2019’s “You overly staged,” said Longo- to that.”
network is giving the the Christmas movie genre. Stole Christmas,” set in a Light Up My Christmas.” ria, an executive producer Cannon wrote, directed,
proverbial snow globe a “We wanted to break the Christmas-obsessed small “These movies are feel- of “Let’s Get Merried.” executive produced and
vigorous shake. mold in a loud way,” said town (Dec. 2). Foxx is an good magic. Our industry is “Our movie is raunchy as composed original music
Viewers switching the Nina L. Diaz, president of executive producer of “Hip notorious — in a good way hell and hilarious, but it’s for the film. “I saw a real
dial might come across a content for MTV Enter- Hop Family Christmas,” in — for providing that kind of also down-to-earth, closer void. As a musician, I
tight group of girlfriends tainment Group, which which a prominent family experience.” to real life. These are real wanted to bring gospel
on their way to a Santa- is producing the films. of hip-hop musicians tries Added Longoria: women with really compli- music to the forefront.
themed amusement park, “Christmas movies usually to reverse its scandalous “Thematically, they’re cated relationships and Those early morning
where they take ecstasy offer comfort food, which image by participating in about bringing family in different stages of their Christmas services are
and other substances. Or a is great. But Christmas a live Christmas special together, whether it’s lives. I just love that it all really what Christmas is all
group of drag queens and films that are disruptive, (Dec. 6). your chosen family or takes place in a Christmas about for my family.”
proclaimed “sluts” dressed edgy and more diverse are In “Let’s Get Merried” your born family. They’re world.” Diaz said the network
as dominatrixes compet- long overdue. We wanted (Dec. 13), a heartbroken about coming together and Much of the strategy will continue to produce
ing in a Christmas carol to have a modern, naughty- Christmas hater vows to about love. I like movies behind “Naughty or Nice” offbeat and diverse movies
competition. Or a famous or-nice take on the classic get married during a bach- that make you feel good is to bring more multicul- to take on other holidays,
survivalist bragging during genre. We also wanted to elorette party at Santa’s and remind you what the tural flavor to the genre, such as Valentine’s Day and
a talk show about eating open doors to fresh voices Hamlet, where she and her Christmas spirit is about, which has been criticized Halloween. “We want to
“bull testicles” to increase and have a more inclusive posse talk about sex and get but more so what humanity for spotlighting predomi- keep doing movies that are
his sexual appetite. slate of movies that you high. And a gangsta rapper is about.” nantly white casts. Hall- unexpected and disruptive
These scenarios and haven’t seen before.” tries to turn his life around However, they agreed mark and Lifetime have and have a unique spin on
others appear in projects An undercurrent of in “Miracles Across 125th that the genre was due for a responded in recent years, those timeless events.”

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Chicago Tribune | Section 4 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  5

Book recommendations
from the Biblioracle
John Warner tells you what to read based on the last
five books you’ve read.

1. “The Genius and the Goddess” by

Aldous Huxley
2. “Paradise Reclaimed” by Halldor
3. “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by
Flannery O’Connor
4. “Sound and the Fury” by William
5. “Cathedral” by Raymond Carver
— Odin B. Union Mills, Indiana
I’m taking it as a challenge to connect Odin
with a more contemporary book. I think
he’d like something that deals a bit with the
uncanny, but is still well-grounded in close
connection to character. Why not one of my
personal all-time, go-to favorites, “Geek
Love” by Katherine Dunn?


Biblioracle’s 8 favorite
1. “I Know This Much Is True”
by Wally Lamb
2. “The Most Fun We Ever Had”
by Claire Lombardo
3. “Survive the Night” by Riley Sager

nonfiction books of 2021

4. “Early Morning Riser”
by Katherine Heiny
5. “The Plot” by Jean Hanff Korelitz
— Katrina K., Winfield
For Katrina I want a book that provides
comfort while being decidedly good
By John Warner exceptionalism that will sacrifice individu- outcomes from post-secondary education company: “The Lager Queen of
For Chicago Tribune als to maintain the image of an exceptional are rooted in the very origins of the system Minnesota” by J. Ryan Stradal.
America. Rather than the government we maintain today. Harris argues, convinc-
Somehow, the calendar is telling me that operating to benefit the citizenry, we’ve ingly, that a system designed to explicitly
it is December, which doesn’t seem possi- been left to fend for ourselves in the face of exclude and disadvantage Black students
ble, though now that I think about it, the corporate power. I promise I’m not a radi- cannot possibly be reformed without
sun goes down not long after lunch, so yep, cal. It’s just that these books are undeniable. addressing these original sins. 1. “Break the News: How the Media
December. Best books that taught me the history Best books to restore your faith in Undermine American Democracy”
That means it is time for my annual I never knew: First is “Until I Am Free: America: First is “When the Stars Begin by James Fallows
Biblioracle Book Awards in which I recog- Fannie Lou Hamer’s Enduring Message to Fall: Overcoming Racism and Renew- 2. “The Control of Nature” by John
nize the books first published in 2021 that to America” by Keisha N. Blain (Beacon ing the Promise of America” by Theo- McPhee
moved and shook me. I do not warrant Press, $24.95). I grew up in time and place dore R. Johnson (Atlantic Monthly Press, 3. “Empire of Pain: The Secret History of
that these are the “best” books of the year where civil rights-era history was a heap- $26.00). Former Navy commander and the Sackler Dynasty” by Patrick Radden
because I haven’t read all of the books, but ing helping of Martin Luther King Jr., White House staffer, Theodore John- Keefe.
these are books very much worth your time. with a side of Rosa Parks and a smidgen of son makes a compelling case rooted in his 4. “Kindred” by Octavia E. Butler
This week, we focus on nonfiction. Next Malcolm X. Blain, a professor of history personal story for an approach to national 5. “Oryx and Crake” by Margaret Atwood.
week, biography and memoir. After that, at the University of Pittsburgh, not only solidarity that deals forthrightly and — Leonard T., Memphis, Tennessee
fiction. animates the life of Civil Rights activist honestly with the problem of racism. Also I’m going to combine Leonard’s interest in
Best illustration of what ails society: Fannie Lou Hamer, but shows how her “Republic of Detours: How the New John McPhee’s explorations of our natural
I previewed this in a midyear column, and struggle is as relevant today as during her Deal Paid Broke Writers to Rediscover world with his orientation toward science
am repeating two books, “The Hospi- own time. Next is “Teaching Machines: America” by Scott Borchert. (FSG, $30) fiction, and recommend “2312”″by Kim
tal: Life, Death, and Dollars in a Small The History of Personalized Learning” An account of how government acted when Stanley Robinson, a novel about what
American Town” by Brian Alexander by Audrey Watters (MIT Press, $34.95). it looked like things were falling apart, happens when humans try to engineer
(St. Martin’s, $28.99) and “Empire of For generations, important men (like B.F. resulting in enduring contributions to our nature across the entire solar system.
Pain: The Secret History of the Sack- Skinner) have been promising that technol- country and culture, including figures like
ler Dynasty” by Patrick Radden Keefe ogy will take the place of teachers. Watters Zora Neale Hurston, Studs Terkel, and
(Doubleday, $32.50), and now adding a deep history examines the forces that Nelson Algren.
third, “Reign of Terror: How the 9/11 Era view teaching, teachers, and students as A reminder of what’s possible when
Destabilized America and Produced
Trump” by Spencer Ackerman (Viking,
problems to be solved, rather than humans
to be engaged. Third, “The State Must
priorities are in place.
John Warner is the author of “Why They
Get a reading
$30.00). Each book tackles a different Provide: Why America’s Colleges Have Can’t Write: Killing the Five-Paragraph from the Biblioracle
aspect of some part of society gone haywire, Always Been Unequal — and How to Essay and Other Necessities.”
and together they show the cost of hubris Set Them Right” by Adam Harris (Ecco, Send a list of the last five books you’ve
mixed with greed and a brand of American $27.99). The roots of unequal access to and Twitter @biblioracle read to

jingles for commercials. As she heads home
for the holidays, she’s enlisted by the local
high school music teacher to help save MOVIES
to watch YOU’LL LOVE
the school arts program. In the process,
Abby rediscovers her voice and regains the
confidence to go after her dreams, and she
lets the possibility of love in, too. Rainbow Sun

Francks also stars.

The National ‘Sister Swap: A Hometown Holiday’

Dec. 5, 2021 Christmas Tree Lighting CROWN MEDIA UNITED STATES LLC

All times Central. Start times can vary based CBS, 7:30 p.m. musical artists performing from The Grove in
on cable/satellite provider. Confirm times on LL Cool J hosts this special presentation of Los Angeles.
your on-screen guide. the National Christmas Tree official lighting ‘Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch’
ceremony in Washington, D.C. Billy Porter, Mr. A & Mr. M: ILLUMINATION AND U
College Football Playoff Chris Stapleton, H.E.R., Juanes, Keb’ Mo’,
The Story of A&M Records A Very Merry Bridesmaid (2021,
Kristin Chenoweth, Maren Morris and Patti
Selection Show LaBelle are among the performers singing EPIX, 9 p.m.  New Miniseries Romance) Emily Osment, Casey
Deidrick Hallmark, 5 p.m.
ESPN, 11 a.m. Live holiday favorites. The producers behind EPIX’s superb 2020
The Cotton Bowl and Orange Bowl playoff music docuseries Laurel Canyon bring a Abominable (2019, Children) Chloe
semifinal matchups for New Year’s Eve are Small Town Christmas similar in-depth approach to this two-part
series that looks at the history of A&M
Bennet, Albert Tsai FX, 5 p.m.
revealed with the release of the selection UPtv, 8 p.m.  New Series Angel Has Fallen (2019, Action)
committee’s final rankings. Records, the famed recording label started
In each episode of this four-part docuseries, Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman
by Herb Alpert and Jerry Moss that brought
host Megan Alexander, Inside Edition’s national TNT, 7 p.m.
Something’s Coming: correspondent, takes viewers to a different
a distinct, artist-focused philosophy to
handling its talent roster that included Joe Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch (2018,
West Side Story — small town around the country. Through Cocker, Janet Jackson, The Police, Carole King Children) Benedict Cumberbatch,
food, drink, music, entertainment and faith, and many other big music names. As Laurel Cameron Seely FX, 7 p.m.
A Special Edition of 20/20 the episodes highlight local businesses and Canyon did, this series offers an immersive
ABC, 6 p.m. communities that are making Christmas Dirty Dancing (1987, Romance)
experience of time and place thanks to rare
Sixty years after the original Oscar winner, special in their own unique ways. Tonight’s Jennifer Grey, Patrick Swayze CMT,
archival footage, audio-only interviews with
director Steven Spielberg and costar Rita premiere installment visits Branson, Missouri. 8 p.m.
artists and, of course, great tunes. The series
Moreno talk about the upcoming singing, concludes next Sunday. Live Free or Die Hard (2007,
dancing retelling of the famed Romeo and The 23rd Annual Action) Bruce Willis, Justin Long
Juliet tale set in 1950s New York City, with
A Home for the Holidays The Rookie SYFY, 8 p.m.
Ansel Elgort as star-crossed lover Tony, ABC, 9 p.m. Captain Marvel (2019, Action) Brie
opposite Rachel Zegler’s Maria. at The Grove In “Hit and Run,” the team goes on a city-wide Larson, Samuel L. Jackson TBS,
CBS, 8:30 p.m. hunt for an individual who is threatening a 9 p.m.
Sister Swap: The entertainment special features uplifting mass casualty event. Meanwhile, Tim’s sister
Tevya (1939, Drama) Maurice
A Hometown Holiday stories of adoption from foster care and raises Genny shows up unannounced with some
Schwartz, Miriam Riselle TCM,
Hallmark Channel, 7 p.m.  Original Film awareness of this important social issue. surprising news, and Lopez continues her inner
9 p.m.
The inspirational stories of these American struggle over Wesley’s deal with Elijah and tries
Jennifer and Meg Swift (Kimberly Williams-
families are enhanced by some of today’s top to come up with a plan to get them out of it. Tyler Perry’s A Madea Family
Paisley and Ashley Williams) are sisters who
Funeral (2019, Comedy) Tyler
couldn’t be closer despite living in different Perry, Cassi Davis VH1, 9 p.m.
cities. Jennifer runs a successful restaurant
in Salt Lake City, and Meg lives in their
hometown of Hazelwood. Jennifer and her son
CATCH A Now You See Me (2013, Comedy-
drama) Jesse Eisenberg, Mark
return home to Hazelwood for the holiday,
where they wish for one more Christmas at
CLASSIC Ruffalo TNT, 9:30 p.m.
The Wedding Singer (1998,
the Madison — the local old movie theater
owned by their Uncle Dave (Kevin Nealon). The Bishop’s Wife Romance-comedy) Adam Sandler,
TCM, 5 p.m. Drew Barrymore Comedy Central,
With help from Eric (Mark Deklin), Jennifer’s 10 p.m.
former high school debate team rival, they This delightful, Best Picture Oscar-
just might pull off one last encore. nominated 1947 holiday comedy/fantasy Titanic (1997, Historical drama)
stars Cary Grant as Dudley, a suave angel Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet
My Favorite sent to Earth to come to the aid of young
CMT, 10:30 p.m.
bishop Henry Brougham (David Niven). But
Christmas Melody is Dudley there to help Henry raise money with his loving, but neglected, wife, Julia
Lifetime, 7 p.m.  Original Film for the construction of a new cathedral or (Loretta Young)? Monty Woolley and James
Once a promising singer-songwriter, Abby to smooth over the clergyman’s relationship Gleason also star. From the editors of
(Mya) now finds herself writing uninspired TV Weekly and
6  Chicago Tribune | Section 4 | Sunday, December 5, 2021

from Page 1

ally things started to move

The project received the
necessary authorizations
from the city. The esti-
mated cost is more than $23
million with $6.6 million
coming from Tax Incre-
ment Financing, another
million from the state and
the rest from private inves-
tors and loans. The city sold
the property to Nevius for
$1. Off the record, he tells
me of some very prominent
investors, a couple of big
names in the entertainment
industry. A formal ground-
breaking celebration took
place on Oct. 12.
The adjoining Ramova
Grill is being remade too. It
opened when the theater
opened and since the 1950s
was owned and run for
generation by the Gertos
family until closing in 2012.
The new place will be oper-
ated by sixth-generation
Bridgeport native Kevin
Hickey, an accomplished
chef who runs the nearby
Duck Inn.
Andy Totten is a vice
president of McHugh
Construction and the
project executive on this
specific job. He is able to
envision beauty from what
now looks like, frankly, a McHugh Construction Vice President Andrew Totten, left, and developer Tyler Nevius look around the Ramova Theater in Chicago’s Bridgeport neighborhood.
mess. “This is a tremendous job for us, but I believe we have the best restoration team in Chicago,” Totten said. CHRIS SWEDA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE
“This is a tremendous
job for us, but I believe we Old Eagle Room, a strik- the astonishing Zhou B Art
have best restoration team ing space that is used for Center.
in Chicago,” Totten said. “It private and public events. “We stay here because
is a lot of work, to be sure, He transformed the floors this is our home,” ShanZuo
but we want to restore and above his restaurant into Zhou told me long ago.
reconstruct, honor the past the Bridgeport Bed and Writers, of course, have
a boost the future of the Breakfast, a collection ever used the neighbor-
neighborhood.” of several themed suites hood in their work. There
He and Nevius are full of including the Sox Suite, was, with the politi-
enthusiasm and optimism. Mayor’s Suite, 11th Ward cal connection, Mike
They are aware that some Suite and Hardscrabble Royko, of course, but
in neighborhood view Suite, a bow to the early such fiction writers as
their project with skepti- name for the neighbor- Stuart Dybek, a child of
cism, some worrying about hood. nearby Little Village and
potential parking problems, I am not from Bridge- Pilsen, has used the area
congestion and financial port but have come to powerfully in his stories.
woes. These people will understand what a strong He in turn inspired the
cite the troubles encoun- influence it has on people Bridgeport-raised Billy
tered by long and ener- who are. Some years ago, Lombardo to do likewise.
getic efforts to restore the when he was Alderman of Poet and writer John
Uptown Theatre, which the 11th Ward with deep Aranza, a neighborhood
has been closed since 1981. neighborhood roots, James guy through and through,
But many see this Balcer told me, “There is a has a charming memoir
venture with guarded opti- memory on every corner titled “My Bridgeport” and
mism. here for me. I want this area many new residents are The interior of the Ramova Theater. Andrew Totten and Tyler Nevius say they hope to open late
Bridgeport has ever been to be a place of economic writing their own stories. in 2022. CHRIS SWEDA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE
a fascinating community. development. But we’ve got Nevius and Totten opti-
For people of a certain age, to keep the nitty-gritty ... I mistically say they hope to
it was known as the cradle want to save the Ramova open late in 2022.
of mayors and at the Polo Theater. I want people who “We want to host events
Inn, 3322 N. Morgan St., have lived here for genera- for local schools and
you have long been greeted tions to still live and work community group,” said
by a handsome mural here.” Nevius. “We want to be a
featuring the many local He added. “My kids go to vital part of this neighbor-
guys who made it to the the same school (St. Barba- hood.”
offices on the fifth floor of ra’s) as my grandfather, my So, after a hard-hat-
City Hall: Edward Kelly, father and me.” ted tour of the facility, I
Martin Kennelly, Richard Another great example was back on the sidewalk
J. Daley, Michael Bilandic of its impact can be seen in and would have walked
and Richard M. Daley. The the Zhou brothers. Shan- a couple of blocks south
Polo was opened in 1985 Zuo Zhou and DaHuang and stopped for a drink at
by its chef/owner Dave Zhou (pronounced like Schaller’s Pump, once a
Samber, who came here “Joe”) moved here in neighborhood landmark
after being disillusioned 1986. They came with two and oasis, a place where
by the real estate busi- suitcases and $30 in their politics and Ireland hung
ness on the North Side. He pockets. They have since heavy in the air.
carved his cozy restaurant thrived, while earning But Schaller’s closed in
from what was once the international acclaim as 2017 after 136 years. It was
city’s oldest confection- artists and having exhibi- a great place but, oh well,
ery and has thrived since. tions at prestigious galler- life goes on.
He created, from what ies and museums across
was once a Lithuanian the planet. They started rkogan@chicagotribune.
movie house next door the a foundation and opened com A rendering of the renovated Ramova Theatre in the Bridgeport neighborhood. O’RILEY OFFICE



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Chicago Tribune | Section 4 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  7

from Page 1

Black people solving prob-

lems they didn’t create,
Don Shirley walked away,
answering only to himself.”
Abdurraqib’s lengthy essay
on the importance of “Soul
Train” is already classic.
“Second Place” (FSG,
$25): The first novel from
Rachel Cusk after her cele-
brated Outline Trilogy,
and somewhat like those
great books, here is another
consideration of art and Hanif Abdurraqib is a music critic, essayist and poet from
responsibility, if slightly
A dazzling

less abstracted, though just
as probing of its characters. paradigm-shifting bits of Press leans slightly into the
A mother has a revelation alchemy) to upend our pandemic “essential” work-
in a gallery and proceeds
to detonate her world, her
marriage, her future. It’s a
understanding of sanity
and fiction. “Frankenstein”
feels very close, and the
ers of the title, albeit stra-
tegically, with reason: His
aims are higher, the moral
of exquisite
novel of ideas, as they say. age-old presumptions of cost of jobs hidden away.
But the kind that has you unintended consequences He profiles drone pilots,
leaning forward, recog- get uncertain. So exqui- prison guards, slaughter-
nizing the places where a sitely unnerving, I guess it’s house workers. But he
person’s moral certainty
and self image look fabri-
... horror?
“Beloved Beasts: Fight-
ing for Life in an Age of
gains steam as whenever
he pulls back on disturb-
ing low-paying work to
dancing and
“The Trees” (Graywolf,
$16): Someday, inevitably,
when Percival Everett is
Extinction” (Norton,
$28): Science journalist
Michelle Nijhuis’ engross-
poke into culpability, how
the harshest assessments
often avoid the people in
read by more people and ing history of animal charge. Not just the usual
not a painfully passed- conservation avoids exactly bosses, but also, the invest-
over novelist whose work the cheerleading that ment bankers, the software
gets thrust into hands with would render other books engineers. Picture Upton
a messianic promise of impotent. Here is a move- Sinclair wading through
“Trust me,” here’s the book ment, she writes, “full of the guts of our stock-

to tip the scales. Someone people who did the wrong yards, detecting the stench
is killing the ancestors of things for the right reasons, in even our most sterile
the guys who murdered and the right things for the offices.
Chicago teenager Emmett wrong reasons.” Charac- “Smile” (Simon &
Till back in 1955. To tell ters arrive multifaceted, Schuster, $27): In the — Chicago Tribune
you more would deny you full of spirit and irony: The days after giving birth to
page after page of gasps, Smithsonian zoologist twins, the left side of Sarah
and laughs. Everett is going who, to ensure a sample Ruhl’s face began to droop
for an unstable cocktail of of American bison, kills and stiffen and she lost
broad parody, mystery and 10% of remaining bison; her ability to smile. She
social justice, and the result the tenacious bird watcher found herself in that small
feels thrillingly volatile, who buys a mountain to percentage of people who
and brave, a swing at a new preserve raptors. Nijhuis contract Bell’s palsy and
kind of novel on American is particularly good on the do not recover. This is not
violence. complexity, the colonial- the setup for overcom-
“Everyone Knows Your ism and racism at the heart ing-the-odds kind of uplift.
Mother Is a Witch” (FSG, of many efforts, without Instead, the Wilmette
$27): Not quite satire, not missing the innovation, native and celebrated play-
entirely historical fiction, and the guts of amateurs. wright uses her abruptly
but full of truth and chill- She is upfront on the future frozen face to circle the
ingly hilarious in an age — i.e., fairly pessimistic — meaning of a smile, symme-
of QAnon conspiracies, but determined about the try, disfigured villains,
anti-vaxxers and cancel urgency to continue, ends but also, a loss of faith, the
culture. Rivka Galchen and means considered. misogynistic roots of bed
takes a page from Monty Every page is a joy. (That rest — and much more.
Python, Salem and the World Wildlife Foundation Narrative loves an epiph-
#MeToo movement to tell panda? The WWF adopted any, she writes, but “the
the story of real-life Katha- it because it was cute. And chronic resists plot.”
rina, a 16th century German because black and white is “The Man Who Lived
widow with very import- cheaper to print.) Underground” (Library
ant children (her oldest, “100 Things We’ve Lost of America, $23): Though
Johannes Kepler, explained to the Internet” (Crown, Richard Wright’s novella
how planets move). She $27): Perhaps the only book was well-known, the full
fights court accusations on this list that might gain text of his harrowing
of witchcraft, for years. a little if read in dribs and portrait of Chicago police
Galchen splinters the POV drabs, tucked away beside abuse went unread for 80
and gets at the absurdity your toilet. Pamela Paul, years, so disturbing Harper
(“The matter of how we editor of the New York editors they rejected it — at
came to know is simple Times Book Review and a time when Wright was
— we already knew”) but a breezy, skeptical op-ed the bestselling Black author
more evocatively, the long sort of voice in her own in America. The novel was
reach of sexism and endless right, does not set out to shelved for decades, biding
loops of groupthink. transcend the plaintive loss its time. What’s here now is
“When We Cease to of the title. Which is why feverish, familiar, a tale of a
Understand the World” this becomes so aching. Black man beaten by police
(New York Review Each chapter is a memory who escapes under the city,
Books, $18): At first, it of a too-suddenly rare at a cost: His foundation of
reads like harrowing emotion (private humili- reality frays. Sounds like
nuggets of history and ation), behavior (looking “Invisible Man”? Fren-
hubris but soon, Benjamin out the window) or artifact emy Ralph Ellison sought
Labatut’s ingenious story (bad photos), described inspiration from it, though
of complicity and horrors with ennui and anger but Wright’s complete novel is
of scientific achievement enough clear-eyed memory singular. And nothing less
takes just enough liberty to be a true incantation. than the reestablishing of a
with the men behind the “Dirty Work: Essential major legacy.
invention of chemical Jobs and the Hidden Toll
weapons and the concept of Inequality in America” cborrelli@chicagotribune.
of black holes (among other (FSG, $28): Journalist Eyal com

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Chicago Tribune | Section 4 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  9


From modest
beginnings to
TV revolution
Before competition arrived, HBO
changed what television could be
By Dwight Garner of the dot-com bubble in
The New York Times 2000, he tried to combine
Time Warner, of which
There’s enough animos- HBO was a subsidiary,
ity, jealousy, score-set- with Steve Case’s already
tling and killing gossip sinking AOL. In the ruin-
in “Tinderbox,” James ous wake, Levin resembled
Andrew Miller’s moun- the proverbial hedgehog,
tainous new oral history of the one who climbs off the
HBO, to fill an Elizabethan hairbrush while sheepishly
drama. Yet the book’s tone muttering, “We all make
is largely fond. mistakes.”
The people who created If you’re going to read
HBO made something “Tinderbox,” prepare for
they’re proud of. They’re a landslide of corporate James Gandolfini in HBO’s “The Sopranos.”“We were putting a husky guy with a hairy back wearing a wife-beater in the lead role,”
glad to have been there, history. Students of power says Jeff Bewkes, a former Time Warner CEO. “Nobody else would do that.” HBO
to have had a piece of it, will find much to inter-
in the early, freewheeling est them. HBO had many It began to make its mark An important early hire role,” says Jeff Bewkes, a
decades. Most know they’ll stepparents over the years. on popular culture in the was Sheila Nevins, stolen former Time Warner CEO.
never have it so good again. Following these deals is late 1970s and early ’80s, from CBS to run HBO’s “Nobody else would do
HBO went live Nov. 8, complicated, like following around the time I was in my documentary unit. A that.”
1972, broadcasting to a few the lyrics to “There Was an teens. Barbra Streisand concert HBO’s luck held for a
hundred houses in Wilkes- Old Lady Who Swallowed My family didn’t have was an early hit. Boxing while after “The Sopra-
Barre, Pennsylvania. The a Fly.” HBO, but a friend’s did. It was vital to the early nos” signed off. Lena
first thing you saw on the In reverse order, Miller was where you clicked to growth of HBO, as were Dunham’s “Girls” and
screen (cue screaming describes how HBO — see George Carlin say the midweek broadcasts of “Game of Thrones” were
from future Time Warner the fly, more or less, in seven words you couldn’t Wimbledon. The channel in the wings. But the souk
shareholders) was Jerry this scenario — has been say on television, to watch launched a million comedy that is the modern televi-
Levin, sitting on a sofa. He sequentially consumed movies with naked people clubs. If you were a comic sion world was growing
welcomed viewers, then from 1972 through today: in them and to laugh your without an HBO special, crowded.
kicked it over to a hockey “Warner Bros. Discov- ribs loose seeing comedi- you weren’t on the map. HBO was no longer the
game from Madison ery rescued it from AT&T, ans (Robert Klein, Bette “Tinderbox” slows down brash insurgent. It passed
Square Garden, which was which had gobbled it up Midler, Eddie Murphy, and lingers purposefully on shows — “Mad Men,”
followed by Paul Newman from Time Warner, which ‘Tinderbox’ Robin Williams) do mate- on the turn of the century, “House of Cards,” “Orange
in “Sometimes a Great had saved it from Time By James Andrew; Henry rial they’d never get away when the so-called golden Is the New Black,” “Break-
Notion.” Warner AOL, which had Holt & Co., 995 pages, $50. with on Carson. age of television began ing Bad,” “The Crown”
Levin was an ambitious somehow abducted it HBO was so sexy people to come into view. With — that went on to become
young lawyer who had from Time Warner, which another and throw enemies went to hotels to watch it. shows like “Sex and the crucial hits for Netflix and
been brought in by a cable had shrewdly outplayed into the back of a van. The channel had no adver- City,” “Six Feet Under,” other streaming services
company, Sterling Commu- Time Inc. for it, after Time Miller gets good quotes: tisers, and thus no one to “Curb Your Enthusiasm” and cable channels.
nications, to run HBO’s had outflanked Sterling “The only way I was going complain about brash or and especially “The Sopra- HBO has retained much
startup programming. Communications long ago.” to sit across a table from steamy content. nos,” HBO changed notions of its magic. “Succession”:
“Tinderbox” explains how Miller, who has previ- Jerry was if I could jump Before HBO, television in of what television could what a treat. That sound
Sterling eventually ran ously compiled oral histo- across it and grab him by the hands of the big three be and pickpocketed the of that bumper — the
wires to all those build- ries of “Saturday Night the throat”; “He’s a dog, networks was a waste- cultural conversation from static, the choir — remains
ings in Manhattan and Live,” ESPN and Creative he’ll follow whoever feeds land — “a vast exercise in film. Pavlovian in its promise.
elsewhere, sometimes via Artists Agency, digs into the him.” condescension,” as Robert “The Sopranos” was not But our over-entertained
sublegal methods. machinations and bruised HBO’s famous bumper Hughes put it, “by quite an immediate hit, but it was faces have more options,
Levin, of course, would egos behind these deals. — the static, the celestial smart people to millions of beloved internally. “We and the channel’s compet-
become the architect of the These guys (they were choir — didn’t debut until others whom they assume were putting a husky guy itors, Miller makes clear,
most ill-judged merger in mostly guys) all seemed 1993. But the channel had to be much dumber than with a hairy back wearing have the long knives sharp-
media history. At the height to want to flex-cuff one an aura long before that. they actually are.” a wife-beater in the lead ened.

Gift a friend or yourself with
‘Titan of Tehran’ uniquely any of these new paperbacks
blends history, memories By Moira Macdonald
Seattle Times
Publishers Weekly in a
starred review. “Norman’s
By Rob Merrill things introduces plastic entertaining, psychedeli-
Associated Press to Iran. The boom years December is a lovely cally tinged portrait shows
last for decades. In 1973- month for reading, and for why Hendrix made such
When most of us get 1974, the country’s gross thinking about what books a deep impression on rock
curious about our family national product rises 30%, to buy as holiday gifts. (You ’n’ roll.”
history, we pay a visit to and it’s easy to see why may have heard: Order Shahrzad Habib Elghanian loved his early this year.) Here are “The Writer’s Library: The
Elghanayan is not most country so much. six fresh-minted options in Authors You Love on the
of us. But it’s that love of coun- paperback, to suit a variety Books that Changed Their
She is the granddaugh- try that blinds him to the of tastes. Lives” by Nancy Pearl and
ter of Habib Elghanian, dangers he faced in Iran Jeff Schwager (Harper-
arguably one of the most as a prominent Jewish “Leave the World Behind” Collins, $16.99): Seattle
famous Iranian industrial- businessman during the by Rumaan Alam: A best- librarian extraordinaire
ists of all time, whose rise ayatollah’s rise to power. seller and National Book Pearl and playwright
and fall mirrored that of Elghanayan struggles Award finalist, Alam’s Schwager asked 22 prom-
his homeland. She’s also an to understand why her novel throws two fami- ‘Leave the World inent authors — among
award-winning photojour- grandfather didn’t leave lies — strangers to each Behind’ them Donna Tartt, Amor
nalist. ‘Titan of Tehran’ Iran when he could, before other — together in a By Rumaan Alam; Towles and Louise Erdrich
For readers not familiar By Shahrzad Elghanayan; AP the Revolutionary Guard remote beach house HarperCollins, 272 pages, $17 — to name the books that
with Iranian history, this Books, 290 pages, $28 began tracking and kill- during a blackout. Calling shaped and inspired them.
story is broadly summa- ing prominent Jews. Was it a “slippery and duplic- Pearl and Schwager “bring
rized on the book’s cover: to track. But those specif- it national pride? Stub- itous marvel of a novel,” “Moonflower Murders” boundless enthusiasm and
“Titan of Tehran: From ics won’t matter except to bornness? “I haven’t done a NPR reviewer noted by Anthony Horowitz curiosity to this eclectic
Jewish Ghetto to Corpo- historians who now have anything wrong,” Habib that “‘Leave the World (HarperCollins, $17): If and probing book of inter-
rate Colossus to Firing a new firsthand source to tells four of his family Behind’ is atmospheric and you, like me, fell head views,” wrote Publishers
Squad — My Grandfa- consult. members during a visit prescient: Its rhythms of over heels in love with Weekly, in a starred review.
ther’s Life.” Elghanayan The most readable parts to New York about six comedy alternating with Horowitz’s “Magpie “Readers of this delightful
opens in a narrative style, of the book are in the first months before his execu- shock and despair mimic Murders” — a mystery compendium will relish
recounting how her father person as Elghanayan tion. “I built buildings, I so much of the rhythms of deliciously wrapped in the chance to find many of
set up a shortwave radio remembers her childhood built factories. ... I haven’t life right now. That’s more another mystery — you’ll those shared loves, as well
in the family’s New York in Tehran. (Her father done anything bad to Iran than enough to make it a be delighted to hear of as discover new ones.”
bathroom so he could moved the family to New that anyone would want to signature novel for this this sequel. In it, former
hear the news from Iran York in 1977 about two get me for anything.” blasted year.” editor Susan Ryeland (now “The City of Mist: Stories”
in the spring of 1979. On years before Ayatollah The hindsight of running a hotel on a Greek by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
May 8, 1979, he learns of Khomeini and his Islamic history, of course, makes “The Searcher” by Tana island) gets called back (HarperCollins, $15.99):
his father’s execution: revolutionaries toppled his actions seem tragic in French (Penguin, $18): into the literary world Zafón, the Barcelona-born
“While our black short- the Shah.) Here she is the extreme, but writing French is the author of the when she learns that one author of the international
wave droned on in the remembering the large this book has obviously wonderful Dublin Murder of her former authors, bestseller “The Shadow
cold marble bathroom, my family home her father left brought his granddaugh- Squad series, which began now deceased, based his of the Wind,” died last
grandfather’s bullet-rid- behind: “In a large cage, ter a sense of peace. “As with the award-win- book on a real-life crime. If year of cancer at age 55.
dled body languished in we kept dozens of pigeons, I have delved into our ning “In the Woods” and you’re in need of a holiday This posthumous collec-
the prison morgue, with a and I worried about the former homeland’s record continued for five more gift for someone who loves tion of stories features
cardboard sign around his one with brown and of injustices, to us and so novels, each told from the witty British mysteries, many that have never
neck. It read: ‘Habib Elgha- white feathers who stood many others, I’ve stopped point of view of a different wrap up these two books before been published in
nian: Zionist Spy.’ ”  apart from the gray ones. yearning for this faraway member of a Dublin police and prepare to be thanked. English, returning readers
After that dramatic Being different, I thought, land where I’d never have department’s homicide to the mythical Barce-
opening, Elghanayan — put him in some sort of the opportunity to flourish division. Her last two have “Wild Thing: The Short, lona library known as the
who spells her last name danger.” because of my religion or been stand-alone myster- Spellbinding Life of Jimi Cemetery of Forgotten
slightly differently from But Elghanayan avoids my gender. That kind of ies; this one was inspired Hendrix” by Philip Norman Books explored in “The
the way her grandfather’s inserting herself too much yearning is nothing more by the Irish author’s love (Liveright, $16.95): Born Shadow of the Wind” and
name has been translit- into the narrative, choos- than toxic romanticism.” of Westerns. Reading it in Seattle 79 years ago several sequels. Writing
erated — settles in and ing to focus on her grand- In sharing her grand- last year, I wrote, “ ‘The this month, Hendrix was of “The Shadow of the
recounts her grandfa- father’s story. And what a father’s remarkable story Searcher’ feels different only 27 when he died in Wind,” which sold more
ther’s story more like an story. He was Iran’s version with the world, Elghan- from French’s previous London, after a remarkable than 15 million copies
objective reporter than a of a Rockefeller or Carne- ayan manages to avoid books — there’s a sparse- four years as a rock star. worldwide, a New York
beloved family member. gie — a self-made million- such romanticism, telling ness to the setting that “In this rollicking biogra- Times reviewer described
She peppers her text aire who saw business a very personal story that contrasts with the bustle of phy, Norman (“Paul McCa- Zafón’s style as “Gabriel
with footnotes and obvi- opportunities everywhere also contributes to the the Dublin Murder Squad, rtney”) follows the electric García Márquez meets
ously did her research. after World War II as Iran historical record. or even the gathered guitar god from hard- Umberto Eco meets Jorge
For readers coming to the moved quickly to modern- family in ‘The Witch Elm’ scrabble Seattle boyhood Luis Borges for a sprawl-
story cold, it can be hard ize its economy. He and Merrill worked at AP from — but is no less addictive; to enormous fame and ing magic show, exasper-
to follow. So many foreign his six brothers build an 2007 to 2015, but never met the pages practically turn his 1970 martyrdom to atingly tricky and mostly
names and relationships empire that among other the author. themselves.” rock-star excess,” wrote wonderful.”
C Chicago Tribune | Section 6 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  1

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The official voice

In case you’ve been wondering about the “voice” behind
official Chicago mayor social media accounts on Twitter and
Instagram, it’s Kikora Mason. And she’s having a ball.

Imagine if
LIFE enjoying an
Black leaders, next gen holiday meal
Black Bench Chicago is a program with the singular goal was not
of replacing the leaders of yesterday and today with the leaders connected
of tomorrow. Its 30-strong new cohort is ready for the world. to guilt TNS
C Chicago Tribune | Section 6 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  3

We need to stop demonizing our food

Heidi Stevens
Balancing Act
A delightful meme is
making the rounds on
social media, just in time
for the diet industry’s
annual holiday finger-wag-
It skewers the ridicu-
lous advice that shows up
every year, as predictable
as a mall Santa, remind-
ing us how much exercise
it takes to counteract the
naughty calories in a typical
holiday meal. (“Nine hours
of casual downhill skiing”
will forever be my favor-
ite, courtesy of a Huffing-
ton Post slideshow on how
to burn 3,000 calories —
the average consumed at
Thanksgiving, apparently.) Imagine if enjoying an indulgent holiday meal wasn’t connected to guilt and if exercise wasn’t associated with “earning” the right to calories. DREAMSTIME
The meme looks like
a poster, with a headline
banner that reads, “How
I think we should try to
“We should take every opportunity to our health,” Damour told
me recently, when I asked
Next to the cranberry
sauce … “NOPE you can
much exercise does it take imagine those ifs into exis- talk about the pleasures and benefits of her about holidays and find joy and purpose in
to burn off those Thanks- tence. This year, of all years. eating disorders. “We them exclusive from one
giving calories?” A row of Eating disorders food: It tastes good, it brings us together, should steer clear of talking another.” And next to the
foods — turkey, mashed skyrocketed during the it gives us energy, and it supports our about any food as being roll with butter … “NOPE
potatoes and gravy, pump- pandemic. Since March ‘good’ or ‘bad’ or talking you can also just take a
kin pie — sits across from a 2020, when lockdown health.” — Author and psychologist Lisa Damour about exercise as some- holiday and chill for a few
row of stick figures engaged orders went into effect in thing we do to ‘repent’ days.”
in exercise. most states, the National for what we’ve eaten. So This year, of all years.
The fine print is where it Eating Disorders Associa- well-being, more teenagers ing — after not gathering long as we frame eating When our kids and our
gets interesting. tion helpline has reported selected “weight, fitness last year, in many cases — and activity as essential to psyches and our nerves
Follow the arrow to see a staggering uptick in level, general health, or for holidays. Holidays that taking care of ourselves, have been through the
how many calories you calls — a 78% year-over- body image” than any other revolve around prepping we’re setting the right wringer.
need to burn after eating year increase during some category, including social and cooking and eating and tone.” This year, of all years.
six ounces of turkey and months. Teenagers account media, racial violence and drinking. Damour said she’s When we’ve learned how
you get … “NOPE. Exercise for up to 35% of the calls. associated trauma or finan- What better time increasingly aware, as a quickly the traditions we
is not a punishment.” Next Providers have been cial struggles. It was the to untangle the ways mental health practitioner, know, the people we love,
to mashed potatoes and turning away new clients or No. 1 concern for girls and we’ve been taught to feel of the lengths the diet the rituals we rely on, can
gravy … “NOPE. Eating is adding them to monthslong the No. 2 concern for boys, ashamed for surpassing our industry goes to assert itself leave us — faster than we
not a punishable offense.” waiting lists. after social media. FDA-recommended daily into our daily lives, particu- expected, long before we’re
Next to half a cup of stuff- “It’s really, really worri- The loss of predictable calorie intake? larly through social media. ready.
ing … “NOPE. These things some,” author and psychol- routines and rhythms, What better year to stop “Algorithms track what This year, of all years. I
do not have to have a toxic ogist Lisa Damour told me cherished after-school linking — particularly in the social media users look hope your holiday meals
partnership.” in the spring. activities and face-to- earshot of kids — a pre-din- for,” she said, “and if they are bountiful and beauti-
A toxic partnership A survey conducted for face friendships likely ner hike or after-din- search for information ful and enjoyed with grace,
indeed. Well Beings and PBS News- fueled the eating disorder ner touch football game about weight loss, exercise gratitude and zero shame.
Imagine if our holiday Hour Student Reporting increase, Damour said, to burning calories, and or fitness, they will soon be
treats weren’t demon- Labs asked teens how the with kids (and grown-ups) instead link them to fresh flooded by ads that push Heidi Stevens is a Tribune
ized. Imagine if enjoying pandemic was affecting suffering from a mixture air, nature, fun? exercise programs, diet News Service columnist.
an indulgent meal wasn’t their mental health and of boredom and isolation, “We should take every plans, and even dangerous You can reach her at
connected to guilt. Imagine revealed an alarming truth, combined with a desire to opportunity to talk about supplements.”,
if exercise wasn’t associ- Damour said. exert control over some the pleasures and benefits I appreciate the goofy find her on Twitter
ated with “earning” us the When asked to select the area of their lives. of food: It tastes good, it little Thanksgiving meme’s @heidistevens13 or join her
right to calories, or cleans- factors that have a nega- It’s against that backdrop brings us together, it gives attempt to offset the Heidi Stevens’ Balancing
ing us of their shameful tive impact on their mental that many of us are gather- us energy, and it supports onslaught. Act Facebook group.

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4  Chicago Tribune | Section 6 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 C


Building authenticity
Meet the person behind that viral social media post that came from the official
@Chicago and @chicagosmayor Twitter handles. Her name: Kikora Mason.

By Darcel Rockett
Chicago Tribune

ands hovering
over the keyboard
writing and delet-
ing words? Trying to gauge
whether a social media
post will strike all the right
chords or go the opposite
direction, making your 15
minutes of fame infamous?
To post or not to post, that
is the question.

If you’re not an influ-

encer, not focused on build-
ing a brand, this day-to-day
occurrence might not be in
your purview. But for Kikora
Mason, 33, deputy director
of digital strategy with the
city of Chicago, social media
is her domain. The Tallahas-
see, Florida, native has been
working on Mayor Lori Light-
foot’s handles on Instagram,
Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat,
Nextdoor and Twitter social
media platforms, as well as the Kikora Mason, the City of Chicago’s deputy digital director and the person behind the @Chicago Twitter account, sits at her desk in her office at
city of Chicago, since Septem- City Hall in Chicago on Nov. 22. TERRENCE ANTONIO JAMES/CHICAGO TRIBUNE
ber 2020. Mason develops
content and strategy for all of learn about the city.” and should be leading in more It hurts me, because I truly I have to believe that there are
the mayor’s social channels and Over a year later, Mason organizations. And I want to do believe that Mayor Lightfoot other Black people working
provides strategic social media is making her mark: Do you whatever I can to ensure that cares and wants to do the best in digital leadership positions,
direction/oversight to all city recall the Sept. 3 tweet from happens.” for the city. But there are so but I don’t know a lot of them.
departments/sister agencies the @chicagosmayor account Mason further enlightened many attacks she has to rise And I’ve been really diligent
that have a social media pres- about the city budget? The post us about her mission to make above that are deeply rooted about trying to expand my
ence. went viral, as it paid homage to Lightfoot “the most digitally in racism and sexism. I think network to meet more Black
A cursory look at comments Drake’s “Certified Lover Boy” savvy mayor in the country.” this country has proven time women leaders in this digital
on @Chicago and @chicagos- album cover. The following interview has and time again, it does not like space — because we need to
mayor posts reveal a mix of “I didn’t expect it to blow up been condensed and edited. strong, outspoken, powerful be in rooms where decisions
reactions that run the spectrum the way it did,” Mason said. “I Q: There’s a lot of Chicago- Black women. But do you know are being made, so that we’re
of emotions from love to hate was sitting at my computer and ans leaving the city for other what we’ve proven? We’ve represented authentically and
and everything in between — we were in the thick of budget places, what makes you stay? proven that perseverance is in accurately.
commenters pontificating and season, which I was already Kikora Mason: What I our DNA. And we’re going to Q: What’s been the hardest
asking who runs the account? thinking about: ‘How can we really love about Chicago is the be here. challenge, being the person
“There are people saying talk about the city budget passion that people have for Q: What is your routine/ behind these handles?
things like: ‘What intern is on the internet in a way that their city here. And I have used process when you’re work- KM: The racist and sexist
running this account? ‘Or ‘Y’all people will care about and be a lot of that as the inspiration ing your social media magic commentary. I think people
are trying too hard!’ Or ‘Here interested in?’ So I was already for the voice and tone for @ on Lightfoot’s social handle forget that the mayor is some-
y’all go.’ It seems like people in that head space. And then Chicago. A lot of those things as well as @Chicago? one’s daughter, someone’s
don’t realize that it is a Black Drake dropped the cover art. I that have gone viral from that KM: Those channels are mother, someone’s loved one. I
woman running the account,” saw a couple brands play into channel are really based off of obviously very different. Mayor don’t like the way people speak
Mason said. “I get the sense it. I was like, ‘Oh wow, this is things that I’ve learned from Lightfoot’s channels, we pretty about her on the internet.
that they think it is a 20-some- great. I wonder how we can my friends and conversations much know every day what Q: There’s so many
thing white boy, who’s trying to play into this?’ And what we that I’ve heard over the years. we need to talk about. Our creators in Chicago. Who are
emulate Black culture. It’s kind would talk about that will make Q: What’s your modus priorities are always going the ones who we need to be
of funny reading it because it’s sense for us?’ What we were operandi when dealing with to be: COVID, crime, taxes, paying attention to?
like, ‘Huh, they have no idea?’ ” talking about was easy: budget. commenters, do you respond schools. We know that. With KM: I’m very much a fan
With a degree in psychology But what would the creative or let them duke it out @Chicago, the voice plays into of Luvvie (Ajayi’s), work. Her
from Florida A&M Univer- actually look like for this? And among themselves? Black culture, which really is trajectory has been amazing to
sity and a master’s degree my mind immediately went KM: I think you have to be pop culture. So it just depends watch. I think she is definitely
in journalism from DePaul, back a year ago ... when I’m careful. The point of a post like: on what’s happening in the somebody who commands
Mason’s career path veered sure you saw the meme of the the city versus the suburbs, it world, what’s happening on the internet. I have always
toward social media and mayor standing in front of the obviously gets people talking. the internet, and I don’t think really enjoyed her because
public relations. Several jobs barricades closing the beaches. There’s a conversation that’s too deeply about those things. she’s always remained true
with communications groups That’s the image. The whole happening. And I manage @ Something that I tell agencies to herself. To see where she
and marketing/PR agencies, creative ideation process prob- Chicago, but I’m also manag- that we work with and our is now, I think has been truly
including Burrell Commu- ably took less than 30 minutes. ing the mayor’s social presence departments: When it comes remarkable. Shermann is defi-
nications and brands such as And the online reaction was and there’s always conversa- to social media, less is more. nitely someone that everybody
Toyota, Essence and McDon- very powerful.” tion that’s going on in those If you spend too much time should be paying attention to.
ald’s USA. Taking a break from We talked with Mason on comments. And I see most of it. thinking about something, then We’ve had so many conversa-
agency life, she sought a new the eve of the city launching It’s not always worth respond- that tells you that you’re not tions about how he started and
opportunity and landed a job it’s “We Built Chicago” content ing to the negative stuff. So, thinking about it the right way. all these new opportunities
with the city. series. Mason, Candace Moore, if there’s a negative stream of Q: After 2020, there’s been that are coming his way. If you
“It’s always been really chief equity officer for Chicago, conversation going on, I’m very more conversation about are creating content that is real,
important to me to be and Shermann “Dilla” Thomas, mindful and I monitor it. But a race. How does race factor and that people can connect
connected to the work that I’m (the Chicago Urban Historian, lot of times, it’s just not worth it. into the digital space? What’s to, the internet will do what
doing and that I’m doing some- for those on TikTok) came Q: When you approached been your experience? it does. He didn’t expect to be
thing meaningful,” Mason said. together to make the six-video this job, did it scare you due KM: I’m in a position where he is. But he was sharing
“That’s why I love and still love series exploring the racial to the gravitas politics brings where I have access to deci- interesting information. He
multicultural work so much demographics of Chicago. (The to the table as opposed to sion makers at the major social was being open and authentic
because I saw myself in it. This first video dropped on TikTok consumerism? media platforms, and I have to about who he is and sharing
is probably the freest I’ve ever on Thanksgiving.) KM: I was not scared. I am admit that I’m really disap- that on the internet. And he
felt in my career. I am in a space “It’s a hard job and it’s not a Black woman in America. pointed that racist, sexist and just has a love and passion for
where I have an opportunity for the faint of heart,” Mason There are very few things that generally offensive rhetoric the city that people also love.
to create more opportunities said. “I make a decision every could scare me. But also being goes unchecked. That’s a prob- One thing that I have learned in
for Black creators and bring day to show up because I’m Black in America, it’s tough. I lem for me. this space, and I always advise
awareness to city resources. using these skills and exper- know what it feels like to walk Seats at the table and Black people on — authenticity is
Because I have all these years tise to help Mayor Lightfoot, a into a room and constantly people in the digital commu- what matters. People need to
of digital experience and Black woman and the chief of have to prove why you deserve nity doing this work that I’m feel connected to what it is that
expertise, I feel like I am able staff Dr. Sybil Madison, a Black to be in that space. It absolutely doing ... I really think there you’re saying.
to be very creative in commu- woman, succeed. I believe very does not feel good. If I can just could be a better job of creating
nicating what people need to strongly that Black women can be vulnerable for a moment. a Black digital talent pipeline.


Put the kids first, go to co-parenting counseling

By Jann Blackstone lying. When I confront saying is that it wouldn’t Their parents have lost
Tribune News Service him about the lies, he acts matter, anyway. He would sight of what is important
like I’m crazy. He under- lie about what happened. — the children. They are
Q. My ex and I have mines my parenting, sets So I will offer my take on locked in a war of who is
been split up for two me up for failure and the big picture. right and who is wrong.
years. He had an affair each time I try to defend I have no idea who is Your ex could be setting
and left. He’s living with myself, it doesn’t matter. right and who is wrong. I you up, but he could also
her and seems happy, but The kids are taking his have no idea who is lying honestly have a completely DREAMSTIME
that’s not the real issue. side, and he’s the one who and who is not, nor would different perspective to
We have four children, all cheated! I don’t know any co-parenting profes- whatever “happened will not be forced to choose position, it is difficult to
18 and older. I know we what to do. sional, even if you both sat concerning the kids” than between you. Neither of know exactly how to put
must co-parent, but his A. It is very difficult in our office and continued you do. The key word: kids. you will have to defend the kids first. Go to co-par-
take on things that have to assess and then offer the narrative. But the truth It’s about them. When you yourself because you will enting counseling with a
happened concerning the suggestions when I am is, it doesn’t matter. When and dad put aside trying to both be on the same side — professional who refuses to
kids is so different than only hearing from one side, children start taking sides, prove who is right and who for your children. be your referee. You need a
mine, it’s obvious he’s but it seems what you are it is out of desperation. is wrong, your children When you are in this coach.
C Chicago Tribune | Section 6 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  5

Black Bench Chicago graduates first group

Creators hope it’s the start of an emerging, ongoing talent pipeline of young Black leaders in public affairs
By Darcel Rockett Sims said Black Bench
Chicago Tribune is about the importance
of having more people of
When then-labor orga- color at the table.
nizer Anthony Driver spoke “There are too few of us
in February about Black in these rooms and having
Bench Chicago — whose each other to lean on will
purpose is to educate be crucial for our success,”
participants on legislative she said. “I am hoping
processes, special inter- that our generation finds
ests, the history of Black a way to talk about what is
organizing in Chicago, uncomfortable. We cannot
campaigns and budgets, fix the inequities until we
among other topics — he directly confront institu-
was excited to find a vehi- tional racism — this group
cle that would help him is ready to push program-
bridge the gap between the ming in their individual
best and worst the city has prospective fields with that
to offer. His goal: to take the lens in mind.”
new knowledge and use it Michelle Jenkins,
to better the Black commu- deputy chief of intergov-
nity. ernmental affairs at the
It was the reason he Illinois Department of
looked forward to being a Juvenile Justice, said the
part of the first cohort. On Black Bench experience
Sunday, Driver, along with provided a safe space to
30 others, graduated from have intimate conver-
the program. He said the sations with people one
program helped bridge a normally wouldn’t, and to
number of different gaps. attack different issues from
“This is the only program a holistic standpoint. She’d
I know that exists to create Black Bench Chicago’s first cohort of graduates poses for a group photo Nov. 14 at Tree House in Chicago’s River North. BRIAN recommend Black Bench
a pipeline of people to CASSELLA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE PHOTOS Chicago for others willing
replace the leaders of today to apply.
and yesterday where the nonpartisan Black Bench dives.” “It’s good for anybody
sole focus is advancing was created to build a Kyra Woods, a clean who is interested in learn-
Black people; it’s simply pipeline of Black leader- energy policy advocate, ing more about Chica-
preparing you to lead,” ship through monthslong said she was grateful for the go’s political field, who’s
Driver said. “I think many teaching, passing knowl- diversity of thought and the currently in the midst of
times in Chicago, loud edge from the old guard of knowledge and relation- leading some organization
voices try to paint Black Black politicos to the new. ships from Black Bench and could use that extra
people in a binary way, Cohort fellows ranged from allowed her the opportu- support of a network,” she
when in reality, there’s a activists to radio person- nity to better understand said. “The great thing about
lot of nuance and complex- alities to law partners to the city’s political and civic having a bunch of leaders
ity of Black life — I saw nonprofit leaders. Illinois landscape to be a more from a bunch of different
that reflected in the Black Secretary of State Jesse effective advocate. fields, is we’re both learn-
Bench. It was a group of White and activist Jacque- “There’s something ing across as well as learn-
people that span the polit- lyne Grimshaw served as really powerful about ing up.”
ical spectrum. Yet, we all program chairs and Andy the opportunity to learn “There’s so much to
have one goal, which is to Zopp, Michael Straut- Black Bench Chicago founder Alex Sims applauds other together, to problem-solve unpack in our history as
see Black people in the city manis, Larry Luster and speakers as the organization’s first cohort of graduates together and to ask potent Black Chicago and under-
of Chicago succeed and Melody Spann-Cooper gathers Nov. 14. questions together. Even standing that Black polit-
thrive.” sit on the advisory board, if we don’t actually come ical history,” Woods said.
The brainchild of Alex- among others. Experts led and showing how fights “As we were engaging in with hard solutions, Black “Keep an eye out for those
andra Sims, president and monthly discussions over that started 40 or 50 years these different sessions, Bench provided a space of us in the program, and
founder of APS & Asso- Zoom with participants in a ago are still continuing different things would for us to do that as a set of for those who are curious
ciates, community orga- collaborative format. today. come up. Once we voiced a young leaders,” she said. and interested in doing that
nizer Ronnie Mosley and According to Driver, “We had folks from a concern, the coordinators “This is us coming together learning with one another,
Jonathan Swain, a former everything from media range of different profes- pulled folks together and as young leaders saying, and honestly being ready to
Chicago Board of Elec- (learning how editorial sions help us to contextual- gave us an opportunity to ‘this is where I’m at, this is roll up your sleeves and ask
tions commissioner and boards work) to electoral ize and understand where engage with them directly how I got here, and as we the tough questions.”
president of the mentor- organizing to labor history exactly we fall in this fight for an hour or two that was envision a stronger, more
ship nonprofit LINK was discussed, blending for Black people in the city completely unscripted. just Chicago, this is how we drockett@chicagotribune.
Unlimited Scholars, the the past with the present of Chicago,” Driver said. We would call them deep can build that together.’ ” com


Doctor’s office the best place

for children to get flu vaccine
By Dr. Flor Munoz
American Academy of Pediatrics

Q: Does it matter
which flu vaccine my
children get this year and
when they get it?
A: Many people don’t
realize it, but flu can be
a very serious illness. It
causes thousands of deaths
in the United States every
year, even among previ-
ously healthy children.
With COVID-19 expected
to still be spreading this fall DREAMSTIME
and winter, it is even more
important to protect your vaccine, or at any time. receive two doses if this
child from viruses like Talk with your pediatrician is the first time they are
influenza. about your child getting being vaccinated against
As a parent, the best the flu vaccine along with influenza, or if they have
thing you can do to protect other recommended only received one dose
your children from the flu immunizations. of flu vaccine ever before
is to get them vaccinated Last flu season was July 1.
right away. All children unusual, with physical It’s a great idea to go to
ages 6 months and older distancing, mask-wearing, your pediatrician’s office
should get their influenza hand hygiene and other for the vaccine. Your
vaccine as soon as possi- steps to prevent the spread pediatrician knows your
ble. Everyone around your of COVID-19 and possibly child best. The pedia-
children should be vacci- doing the same for the flu. trician’s office has your
nated, too. However, flu and COVID- child’s health informa-
For the 2021-22 influ- 19 are predicted to spread tion, making it easy to keep
enza season, two types this winter. track of the flu shot in the
of influenza vaccines are Children with COVID- health record.
available. The first is what 19 can still get a flu vaccine Now more than ever,
many people call the flu after they have recovered it is important to stay
shot. The second comes from their COVID-19 connected to your pedia-
as a nasal spray. All the illness. Keep in mind that trician and your medical
vaccines available for chil- symptoms such as a stuffy home. Many pediatricians
dren this year contain four and runny nose can make it also offer flu shot clinics,
influenza viruses (two A hard to give the nasal spray including curbside and
and two B viruses). vaccine. drive-through clinics.
Both the AAP and A child who had an If your child needs to go
the Centers for Disease allergic reaction after a flu somewhere else, such as a
Control and Prevention vaccine in the past should pharmacy or retail-based
want as many children be seen by an allergist. The clinic, parents should
as possible to get a flu allergist can help parents share the document they
vaccine every year. The decide if their child should receive with the pediatri-
AAP recommends that any receive their annual flu cian.
licensed vaccine available vaccination. A child with Remember, getting
this year and appropriate a known history of egg vaccinated is the best way
for a child’s age and health allergy can receive the flu to protect your children,
status be given to chil- vaccine. yourself, and your parents
dren, with no preference. When possible, chil- and grandparents from
Both types of available flu dren should get the flu the flu.
vaccine (flu shot or nasal shot immediately. There’s
spray) can be given accord- no need to wait, even if Dr. Flor Munoz is an asso-
ing to their indications, your child got the previous ciate professor of pediatrics
with no preference, this year’s flu vaccine in March and infectious diseases at
season. or April. Influenza season Texas Children’s Hospital
If your child is eligible typically peaks in February, and Baylor College of Med-
to receive a COVID-19 so it’s not too late to get the icine. She also is a member
vaccine, it can be given at shot. Children 6 months of the AAP Committee on
the same time as the flu to 8 years of age should Infectious Diseases. .
6  Chicago Tribune | Section 6 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 C

‘Here at the Palms, we’re a family’

But numbers dwindling
at America’s first LGBTQ
retirement community
By Hannah Critchfield outreach and sustained
Tampa Bay Times programming, there’s no
assurance that that space
Fred Hodges can still will stay LGBTQ-friendly
remember the names and or affirming.”
faces of neighbors who are Exactly when Palms
long gone. properties stopped being
There was Irving, who advertised as part of an
adopted his lifelong part- LGBTQ retirement hub
ner, Ron, so they could have is up for debate. Gay and
some sort of legal recog- lesbian residents say things
nition while same-sex changed gradually once the
marriage was still banned bank took over — with a
in Florida. slow drip of new residents
There was Emery, a moving into empty units.
doctor who advocated for “Whoever bought after
the health of coal miners that was straight, pretty
and AIDS patients and much,” said Mary Cumisky,
eventually was murdered 80, a homeowner since
in what was rumored to be 2002 who identifies as
a hate crime. lesbian. “One after the
And there was Jan, who other.”
died of lung cancer last year Today, LGBTQ retirees
without any known rela- own 14 of the 21 single-fam-
tive. Hodges paid a private ily homes in the Palms,
investigator in Indiana to Hodges said. Two of those
find the beneficiary named are rented to straight
in his 20-year-old will. people. The villa area is
“It’s bad when you live by even more mixed, and
yourself, and you don’t have new homes will be open to
anybody,” said Hodges, anyone.
whose partner of nearly a Longtime residents and neighbors, Mary Cumisky, 80, left, and Fred Hodges, 71, share a laugh while reminiscing about old parties “Back then, there was a
half-century died in 2019. at their community Nov. 8 at Cumisky’s house at the Palms of Manasota. MARTHA ASENCIO-RHINE/TAMPA BAY TIMES need for that camaraderie
“Which is why, here in the and being together and that
Palms, we’re a family.” the neighbors out into the community until his death years. The undeveloped of experiencing violence, security,” said Hodges. “It’s
The Palms of Manasota, street. There’s not a rain- in 2000. land was sold to the bank, lack of familial support now 2021. We have come a
nestled inside a sun-kissed bow flag in sight — but it When Hodges and his where it remained dormant and economic instabil- long way. There’s still obvi-
side street in Palmetto, was was always that way. partner, John, moved until it was bought ity, Kopp-Richardson ously hatred, but not near
touted 20-some years ago In the mid-1990s, a into the Palms in 2002, by Meridian General said. Many LGBTQ elders like it used to be. So there’s
as America’s first retire- retired psychology profes- there were 21 single-fam- Contracting in 2020. report fearing they’ll face not really a need for it. I do
ment community for sor named Bill Laing ily homes and six condo- Many of the original discrimination and have miss it, though.”
LGBTQ people. bought roughly 22 acres of miniums, The Economist residents have died. Others to “re-closet” themselves “It was a dream,” said
“We’re still here,” said land south of Tampa. reported, with plans to moved into long-term care upon entering a retirement Cumisky. “That’s all it was.”
Hodges, who is 71. But the Inspired by a friend who bring in another 250 homes. community. An all-LGBTQ retire-
number of LGBTQ resi- had faced discrimination people. Hodges estimates that “All of these factors ment community might
dents is dwindling. at his nursing home after Subtlety was the word most of the remaining magnify the isolation that have been a dream, but the
“That’s straight,” he said, disclosing his sexuality, from the start. Early home- LGBTQ residents are over is already huge for seniors,” concept of “chosen family”
gesturing toward a nearby Laing envisioned a place owner bylaws forbid resi- 70. Kopp-Richardson said. lives on in the Palms.
home. Then he pointed where members of the dents from putting up flags Many retirement “So an affinity-based space “When I had to have my
to the next one: “That’s LGBTQ community could of any kind, according to communities designed for with your peers, in your hip replaced last February,
straight.” live out their later years in Hodges. LGBTQ seniors that sprung community, can really help I didn’t have anybody at
He stopped by a “For safety among their peers. “The original owners up in the wake of the Palms with your social, mental all to help take care of me,”
Sale” sign in Carol’s yard, It was radical. News- here came to escape the have struggled financially. and physical health.” Hodges said. “And Mary
which could lead to papers around the globe prejudices of being gay and But there’s growing Retirement communi- was my nurse. She actu-
another straight person — from The Wall Street lesbian,” he said. “It’s not a interest in — and need for ties designed for LGBTQ ally used to be a psychiatric
moving in. Journal to The Economist gated community, so they — LGBTQ-specific hous- seniors face a delicate nurse.”
Walking into the Palms — reported on construction did not want to advertise, ing, according to Sydney balance, however. Under “It was very appropri-
of Manasota is like enter- of the nation’s first “alter- ‘Homosexuals live here. Kopp-Richardson, director the federal Fair Housing ate,” Cumisky said, laugh-
ing a postcard for Florida native lifestyle retirement Beat us up!’ ” of the National LGBTQ Act, a community cannot ing. “We have a good life.
living. village.” Originally, Laing planned Elder Housing Initiative at keep someone from moving We really do have a good
Spanish moss adorns “It’s going to have to to build an assisted-living SAGE. in because of their sexual life.”
every oak tree, and mani- be gays and lesbians or facility inside the Palms, An estimated 7 million orientation. “We care for each other,”
cured palms line the people who understand so residents could age in LGBTQ people will be over “You can’t enforce that Hodges agreed.
streets. A pool with a foun- the lifestyle,” Laing told the place. But the developers the age of 50 by 2030. only LGBTQ people live “It’s what’s left of the
tain, complete with a single Sarasota Herald-Tribune who took over after Laing’s These seniors — partic- there or give LGBTQ elders Palms, the original idea,”
turtle, tops it off. in 1994. “We’re not going to death filed for bankruptcy ularly transgender elders priority,” said Kopp-Rich- added Cumisky. “We still
There’s no hint of the turn anyone away.” Laing, in 2010, halting construc- and older adults of color ardson. “So if there isn’t have the feeling for it. And
parties that once brought who was gay, lived in the tion on the property for — are at heightened risk intentional marketing, for each other.”

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C Chicago Tribune | Section 6 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  7


SOCU Southern Kitchen & Oyster Bar features flavorful renditions of Southern dishes. SOCU SOUTHERN KITCHEN

7 must-visit restaurants across the US Nectar Farm Kitchen
By Leslie Royal of contemporary cuisine and Launched this year on South
Chicago Tribune Southern fare, the restaurant Carolina’s Hilton Head Island, this
serves the likes of barbecue chic restaurant fronted by a cohort
Heading south for the winter? shrimp and grits, crab cakes of talented chefs focuses on locally
Warmer temperatures are a remoulade, bacon-wrapped sourced ingredients from nearly
perfect excuse to escape the pork tenderloins, spicy pimento 30 farms across the region. Menus
chill and indulge in some superb cheese and fried chicken in an for breakfast, lunch and dinner
Southern food. elegant environment. Guests offer a dizzying array of dishes,
When planning a vacation or can pair entrees with drinks from sweet potato pancakes
getaway, let your palate be your from the extensive wine list, crowned with peach butter and
guide and head to one of these sporting unique varietals of candied pecans in the morning to
seven culinary destinations, sparkling, white, rosé and red. a supper menu featuring a duck
where unique renditions of soul Those in the know should pastrami French dip sandwich,
food classics and longstanding request Table 301, the upstairs blackened catfish with Carolina
local favorites are sure to warm spot with superb views of the gold rice, and root beer-braised
you right up. kitchen and dining room. Not short ribs.
able to make the trip right away? 35-A Office Park Road, Hilton
Try out the restaurant’s signa- Head Island, South Carolina;
Nana’s ture recipes yourself with the 843-682-2337; nectarfarmkitchen.
Chicken-N-Waffles “Soby’s New South Cuisine” com
Since opening at the end of 207 S. Main St., Greenville,
2016, Nana’s Chicken-N-Waffles South Carolina; 864-232-7007;
Employees meet inside Nellie’s Southern Kitchen in Belmont, North
Carolina on Sept. 10, 2020. MIKE HENSDILL/THE GASTON GAZETTE SOCU Southern
has garnered national acclaim Kitchen & Oyster Bar
for traditional Southern cuisine
featuring family recipes that
Nellie’s Southern kitchen in Lexington, Kentucky,
chef-owner Christian Gill has After finding herself wanting
date back to 1939. Fried green Bully’s Restaurant Kitchen spent his life in pursuit of the for a boxed waffle mix that met
tomatoes are blanketed with There’s nothing fancy about Before there were the Jonas perfect biscuit. After stints as her high standards for breakfast,
oozy pimento cheese and a Bully’s Restaurant. Southern Brothers, there was Nellie Jonas, executive chef at the Cincinnati Erica Barrett launched a culi-
shower of bacon bits, and deep- classics are served on cafete- the namesake for the restau- Art Museum and developing nary brand from her hometown
fried lobster tail can be added ria-​style compartment trays in rant founded by her grandson — food for adored local brewery of Mobile, Alabama, with flavor-
to entrees like shrimp and grits. a wood-paneled dining room and father to the famous Kevin, Rhinegeist, Gill teamed up with packed waffle mixes, bacon rubs
The specialty chicken-and- festooned with laminated Nick and Joe — Kevin Jonas Sr. PJ Neumann to open this fron- and fried chicken mixes that can
waffles combo can be done up newspaper clippings, posters The restaurant is an homage to tier-themed restaurant in Cincin- be found in major grocery stores
in any number of imaginative and framed portraits. But this Nellie’s love of delicious food, nati’s Pendleton neighborhood, and online. As she grew her busi-
ways, from a bananas foster off-the-beaten-path restaurant warm Southern hospitality and just east of trendy Over-the- ness, appearances on “Shark
option made with a deep-fried has been drawing locals and visi- great music. Live music plays Rhine. Gill’s buttermilk drop Tank” and “The Profit” garnered
cinnamon waffle to a dish tors for almost 40 years. They most nights in the elegantly biscuit is the focal point of the national attention for Southern
crowned with warm peach keep coming — some multiple revamped pre-World War II menu, from Korean fried chicken Culture Artisan Foods, and her
cobbler, cream cheese and a times per week — for delecta- building, which also features a biscuit sandwiches topped with most popular products are regu-
shower of powdered sugar. ble, heaping portions of daily rooftop terrace. Standout dishes house-made kimchi and gochu- larly sold out. But you can still
Owners Kelli and Mark Ferrell specials like chicken tetrazzini include chicken swimming in jang barbecue sauce; to cinnamon get a taste at her seafood-focused
both grew up in kitchens, and and meatloaf; toothsome smoth- broth with house-made dump- biscuit doughnut holes served restaurant, which opened in 2019.
their delectable dishes have been ered oxtail and fried catfish; and lings; a platter of pecan-smoked with a locally sourced honey There, you’ll find deviled eggs
featured on “Good Morning a smorgasbord of classic sides pulled pork with four-cheese dipping sauce. Toothsome platters topped with fried lobster, spring
America,” the Food Network, like fresh greens, fried okra mac; and a burger topped with include a Cincinnati-influenced rolls filled with oxtail and shred-
and in Kelli’s own cookbook, and sweet potatoes — and don’t melted pimento. Heading to poutine with goetta gravy, and ded Gouda; and Parti Gras Pasta,
“Kooking with Kelli.” forget the signature peach, apple Vegas in 2022? Keep an eye out steak chilaquiles. The whiskey studded with forkfuls of craw-
1040 Flat Shoals Road SE, and blackberry cobblers. In 2016, for a second Nellie’s, opening in library features approximately 75 fish, lobster, shrimp and andouille
Conyers, Georgia; 770-285-6591; Bully’s was named one of Amer- Sin City early next year. bourbon and whiskey selections, sausage. Barrett is also plan- ica’s Classics by the James Beard 36 N. Main St., Belmont, North many from craft distilleries such ning to open a second location
Foundation, designating it as a Carolina; 704-396-7169; nellies​ as New Riff and Boone County. in Birmingham’s popular Pizitz
beloved locally owned restaurant A suburban location opened in Food Hall next year.
Soby’s with “timeless appeal” worthy of July in Union, Kentucky, about 30 455 Dauphin St., Mobile,
In 1997, Soby’s became one national recognition. minutes southwest of Cincinnati. Alabama; 251-287-6766; socu​
of the first restaurants in the 3118 Livingston Road, Jack- Boomtown 1201 Broadway St., Cincinnati;
United States to unveil the son, Mississippi; 601-362-0484; Biscuits & Whiskey 513-381-2666; 9039 U.S. Highway
concept known as New South​ 42, Union, Kentucky; 859-384-5910; Leslie E. Royal is a freelance
cuisine. With a unique fusion 121341084545979 Raised in his grandmother’s writer.

GeoQuiz Which state is called the Beaver State? Find out on Page 9
C Chicago Tribune | Section 6 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  9

Baden-Baden: Getting naked with strangers

Rick Steves
Relaxing at the spa
resort of Baden-Baden in
southern Germany’s Black
Forest, I see more naked
people in two hours than
many Americans see in
their entire lives.
Ever since the Roman
emperor Caracalla bathed
in the mineral waters
here, Baden-Baden has
welcomed those in need
of a good soak. In the 19th
century, the town was
Germany’s ultimate spa
resort, and even today,
the name Baden-Baden is
synonymous with relax-
ation in a land where the
government still pays for
its overworked citizens to
take a little spa time. And
since the beginning, the
dress code has always been
Americans who can’t
handle nudity don’t know
what they’re missing.
My first time was with
some German friends — a
classy, good-looking young
couple. We were swept
into the changing area with
no explanation. Suddenly Ever since the Roman emperor Caracalla bathed in the mineral waters here, Baden-Baden has welcomed those in need of a good soak. RICK STEVES
they were naked and I felt
like the Road Runner just shoulders and obliterates meat, I feel entirely relaxed. face and buoyant breasts ened. I tell him closing puffing around my head.
beyond the cliff’s edge. the rest of the world. He The massage is over, and glide by, creating barely time. He wraps me in hot Wonderfully naked under
Then — easing up, and gives me plastic slippers and with a Teutonic spank, I’m a ripple. On my right, an sheets and a brown blanket. my clothes, I can only think,
stripping down — I realized a towel, ushering me into sent off into the pools. Aryan Adonis, staring at Actually, I’m not wrapped “Ahhh ... Baden-Baden.”
it’s not sexy ... simply open a dry-heat room with fine Nude, without my the ethereal dome, drapes ... I’m swaddled: warm,
and free. wooden lounges — the slats glasses, and not speaking himself over the lip of the flat on my back, among 20 Rick Steves (www.rick
For me, enjoying the too hot to sit on without the the language, I bumble like pool. Germans are noncha- hospital-type beds. Only writes Euro-
Friedrichsbad Roman- towel. Staring up at exotic Mr. Magoo in flip-flops lant, tuned in to their one other bed is occupied; pean travel guidebooks
Irish Baths in Baden-Baden tiles of herons and palms, I through a series of steam bodies and focused on soli- the guy in it is as still as a and hosts travel shows on
is one of Europe’s most cook. After more hot rooms rooms and cold plunges. tary relaxation. Tourists are corpse. I stare up at the public television and public
elegant experiences. Tradi- punctuated with showers, The steamy labyrinth tentative, trying to be cool ceiling, losing track of time radio. Email him at rick@
tional, stately, indoors, it’s time for my massage. leads to the mixed section. ... but more aware of their and myself. Sometime later, and follow
these baths are extremely Like someone really This is where the Ameri- nudity. I remind myself I’m jolted awake by my his blog on Facebook.
relaxing ... and not very drunk going for one more cans get uptight. The paral- there’s nothing sexy about own snore.
social. It’s just you, your glass, I climb gingerly lel spa facilities intersect, it. Just vivid life in full As I leave, I weigh myself
body, and an unforgettable onto the marble slab and bringing men and women flower. The climax is the again: 201 pounds. I’ve
experience. lay belly-up. The masseur together to share the finest cold plunge. I’m usually not shed two pounds of sweat. GEOQUIZ ANSWER
Wearing only the locker holds up two mitts and three pools in Friedrichs- a fan of cold water — yet It would have been more if
key strapped around my asks, “Hard or soft?” In bad. Here, all are welcome I absolutely love this. You tension had mass. Stepping Oregon. Though the state
wrist, I start by weighing the spirit of wild abandon, to drift under the exquisite must not wimp out on the into the cool evening air, legislature has never adopted
myself — 203 pounds. The I growl, “Hard,” not even domes in perfect silence, cold plunge. I’m thankful my hotel is a an official nickname, Oregon
attendant leads me under certain what that will mean like aristocratic swans. A For my last stop, the level, two-block stroll away. has been unofficially called
the industrial-strength for my skin. I get the coarse, woman glides in front of attendant escorts me into Back in my room, I fall in the Beaver State. The legisla-
shower. This torrential Brillo-pad scrub-down. me, on her back. Like a the “quiet room” and asks slow motion onto my down ture named the beaver as the
kickoff pounds my head and Tenderized like a slab of serene flotilla, her peaceful when I’d like to be awak- comforter, the big pillow official state animal in 1969.


‘Party Thrifty rental car drop-off

Aunt’ EP results in extra $932 fee
explores By Christopher Elliott
King Features Syndicate

Midwest Q: I’m contacting you about a $932 fee added to

my car rental bill by Thrifty. The fee is for return-
ing my rental vehicle to the wrong airport termi-
By Jae-Ha Kim nal in Minneapolis.
Tribune Content Agency When I made the reservation, I selected Minne-
apolis-Saint Paul International Airport as the
An executive producer return spot. The whole time, I had in my head
and co-creator of “Chicago that we would return to the MSP main terminal.
Party Aunt,” Katie Rich I never looked closely at the rental agreement. I
described the raunchy returned to the Minneapolis airport, and it didn’t
Netflix animated series even occur to me there would be two rental loca-
as an homage to her tions.
hometown, where she “Chicago Party Aunt” co-creator Katie Rich said she didn’t The terminals are 3.8 driving miles apart. Some-
still resides. “I was in the realize how much she missed traveling for work until the one could have and should have said to me to drive
middle of relocating to Los pandemic hit. STEVIE NELSON the vehicle to the correct terminal. I would have
Angeles and then there been able and happy to do so with no problem.
was a pandemic, so I’m say about a New York slice to see Phish, so that got This is not the same kind of hardship for a car
currently in Chicago,” said is that its portability can’t postponed as well. But I rental business as when a customer returns a vehi-
Rich. Thanks to her trav- be beat. actually think we ended cle across town or in a different city. This was a
els with the Second City up traveling more than simple 3.8 miles and was within the same Minne-
improv troupe, Rich said Q: Did you do any ever just in the Midwest, apolis airport system. This is not like the differ-
she feels at ease meet- traveling during this tooling around in our little ence between Chicago Midway or O’Hare (which
ing strangers. “No matter pandemic? Honda Fit. have different airport codes).
who I meet, I know a little A: Since I was working This is the same MSP airport system, and the
something about where remotely, my husband and Q: What untapped terminals are 3.8 miles apart. A $932 charge for
they are from, even if it’s my dog and I started Airb- destination should such a short distance and honest mistake is too
from a place like Salmon, nb-ing our way around people know about? harsh and abusive. Can you help me get my money
Idaho,” said Rich, who also the Midwest in early A: The Madeira Islands back?
was a writer for “Saturday May of 2020. We would off the coast of Portugal. I — Matt Oyen, Little Canada, Minnesota
Night Live.” rent these huge places in lived and performed on a
the middle of nowhere cruise ship for four months
Q: Do you think your because they were so and we actually crossed A: This is such a strange rental companies routinely contacts, explaining your
series could’ve been cheap. And because we the Atlantic, going from case; I could hardly believe charge extra fees when you situation and everything
just as good if it was any couldn’t explore towns Miami to Europe. The first it. I reviewed your rental drop a vehicle off at the you’d done to resolve this
other big city? like we could in the past, place we docked was the agreement and it said you wrong location. But almost problem. If you ever rent
A: Absolutely! The party we wanted places that Madeira Islands and none would return your car to $1,000 for 4 miles seems a car again, I strongly
aunt character is pretty were fun on their own. of us knew anything about Terminal 2 at the Minne- excessive. By my calcu- recommend that you find
universal. We all have one, We rented one place in them really. We stepped apolis airport. lations, that works out to the exact location for the
or a party uncle, or maybe Elkhorn, Wisconsin, that off the ship into a magic This was a one-way $245 per mile. Come on! return. A rental company
we’re the party relative was basically its own resort land of purple trees and rental that you picked up in By the time you may have multiple loca-
in our family. And while and ended up celebrat- bobsleds that take you Santa Ana, California. So, it contacted me, you had tions, and failure to return
Chicago is obviously a ing my birthday there a down hills and we couldn’t wasn’t as if you intention- already reached out to your car to the right one
huge part of the show, as couple months ago with believe it. ally returned the vehicle to the state attorney gener- may result in an extra fee.
the episodes go on, that other people. We only the wrong place. It looks al’s office and contacted a After you contacted
universality becomes even recently started flying Q: Where have you like you just asked your lawyer. A lawyer from the the Thrifty executives, a
more apparent. again, because now every- traveled to that most phone for directions to the attorney general’s office representative called you
one seems to be getting reminded you of home? Thrifty return in Minne- called you back right away and promised a full refund
Q: New York or married. A: I was lucky enough apolis, and it brought you and seemed interested in of the $932 fee. This time,
Chicago pizza? to get to go to Naples, Italy, there. But this was the helping you. The lawyer you got it.
A: If we are talking deep Q: If you had to cancel which is where my family wrong terminal. would have cost more than
dish vs. slices, neither is travel plans due to the is from. To be honest, I Someone should have your claim was worth. But Christopher Elliott is the
better, because they are a pandemic, where were didn’t expect it to be as said something to you. no worries — you’re not chief advocacy officer of
completely different food. they to? comforting as it was, but And a further review of out of luck. Elliott Advocacy, a nonprof-
It’s like comparing casse- A: We were going to man, did I love it there. It’s your paper trail shows that I provided you with it organization that helps
role to flat bread. But, I’m have a lovely trip to Seattle, a gritty town that doesn’t you did speak with some- executive contacts at consumers resolve their
a tavern-style girl at heart. which is one of my favor- really clean itself up for one who promised you a Thrifty and Hertz (Hertz problems. Elliott’s latest
I like that you can eat 20 ite places — so much so visitors and it reminded refund. But you didn’t get owns Thrifty) at elliott. book is “How To Be The
pieces of pizza in one that I went there spring me of home so much. the promise in writing, and org/company-contacts/ World’s Smartest Traveler”
sitting. That’s hard to do break my senior year in the refund never came. hertz/. I also recom- (National Geographic).
with New York slices. That high school. We also were For more from the reporter, I’m really puzzled by mended that you send a Contact him at
being said, one thing I’ll going to go to Mexico visit your case. It’s true, car brief, polite email to the help or
10  Chicago Tribune | Section 6 | Sunday, December 5, 2021 C

Designer cabins offer chic Minn. overnights

Treehouse-style relieved to have something
sturdier than tent fabric
amenities for a protecting me from the
nature getaway elements.
A year ago, Whitetail
By Rachel Hutton Woods opened two Prairie
Star Tribune View cabins, located just
a short walk away from
MINNEAPOLIS — the Pine Forest trio. The
When the morning sun newcomers have been
peeked into our camper nearly 100% occupied, too.
cabin at Whitetail Woods The Prairie cabins share
Regional Park, I almost the Pines’ clean, contem-
thought I’d awoken as a porary aesthetic, but
bird. My nest was, in fact, they’re sited at the top
a boxy, mod bunkhouse, of a hill. Contrasting the
cantilevered into a stand forest cabins’ “portrait”-
of evergreens. I looked style framing of the pine
through the cabin’s glassy plantation, the new cabins’
back wall and watched the “landscape” orientation
thin, towering trunks sway displays a sweeping vista
in the barest breeze. I never of the Vermillion River
would have noticed their Valley.
invisible rhythm if not for Planners envisioned the
my uncommon perch. chic little cabins as a signa-
In late 2014, Dakota ture amenity that could be a
County opened the park regional draw. “Something
and began taking reserva- just beyond what you might
tions for its three tree- expect,” explained Katie
house-​style camper cabins. Pata, operations supervisor
Within 30 minutes, there with Dakota County Parks,
were more than 200 “with a wow factor.”
requests for overnights. The cabins’ cool
They’ve been booked design had, indeed, lured
nearly solid ever since. my family to a park we
The uniqueness of the wouldn’t have otherwise
cabins, designed by Minne- visited. It feels a little far
apolis-based HGA archi- from our Minneapolis
tects, initially drew me to home for a day trip. But the
Whitetail Woods. But once The Pine Forest camper cabins are cantilevered into the trees. RACHEL HUTTON/MINNEAPOLIS STAR TRIBUNE drive is relatively short for
I arrived, I discovered the an overnight destination,
park’s location and ameni- basic models supply only a contains double-wide bunk explore between the logged onto the Dakota and yet far enough from
ties were ideal for a quick, wood stove. They’re meant beds, a foldout couch and a 100-plus miles of trails County website at 6 a.m. the Cities for a refreshing
nature-intensive getaway. to be utilitarian, and that’s dining table. The sleek lines and the scenic overlooks and reserved the remain- change of scenery.
My family could hike and how they feel. of tongue-and-groove pine of Empire Lake. Whitetail ing two cabins for the next “There’s something
bike through the park’s Though Dakota County’s and the roof’s upward slope Woods was created from Saturday available, a year about staying in a space for
450-some acres of woods, Whitetail cabins are nearly draw the eye to the focal scratch, all at once, on land away. 24 hours,” Pata said. “You
wetlands and prairie. Then, as spartan, their design point: sliding glass doors purchased from a family This summer, friends feel the pulse of the park. ...
after communing around makes the overnight expe- leading to the cabin’s deck, that had formerly used it joined us in the adjacent It appeals to the senses in a
the campfire, we’d sleep on rience more special. The jutting into the boughs. for hunting and farming. cabin. The park’s renovated different way.”
mattresses, with roof over- ones I’ve visited, dubbed And oh, that view. It’s easy Wildlife management areas Fawn Crossing Nature Now that Whitetail
head. The exurban spot the Pine Forest cabins, to see why the cabins won on two sides of the park Play Area had reopened, has shortened its book-
was close enough to have were built on a slope, with awards from the national insulate it from encroach- delighting the kids with its ing window from a year in
pizza delivered, but felt far the backs on stilts. From and state chapters of the ing development. climbable stumps, water advance to 120 days, reser-
more secluded. afar, they resemble angu- American Institute of We soaked up the sounds pump and giant, fort-build- vations are more accessible
The DNR operates about lar telescopes, trained Architects. of cicadas and crickets and ing sticks. to those deterred by plan-
100 camper cabins across on the trees. The trio are The first time my family woodpeckers. We followed Rain began to fall just as ning so far ahead. Sponta-
Minnesota’s state park placed close enough to one stayed in a Whitetail a fluttering monarch we were roasting our hot neous visitors can watch
system — rustic, one-room another that a marshmal- camper cabin, in August through the prairie. This- dogs. But with the help of a Dakota County Parks’
structures positioned low roasting stick could 2020, we could hardly pry tles grew taller than our few umbrellas, we finished Facebook page for cancel-
somewhere between a tent practically reach the neigh- my preschoolers off the heads. But we also appre- cooking and retreated to lations.
and motel room. They’re bors’ fire pit. But being beds, enamored as they ciated having flush toilets our cabin. My family is already
sparsely furnished with tucked back in the trees were of bouncing on the and showers close to our We ate at the dining table planning a third over-
bunk beds (BYO bedding) creates a sense of privacy. upper bunk. cabin, whose shady site and watched the storm night at Whitetail Woods
and a dining table. Most are Inside, the 250-square- But once we coaxed remained surprisingly cool from the couch. When — this time to check out
outfitted with electric heat foot wood-lined boxes them outside, there was despite the heat. thunderbolts cracked the Prairie Cabins and the
and power, though a few feel snug as a sauna. Each more than enough to Upon our return, I and water poured, I was cross-country ski trails.


or call (866) 545-3534
C Chicago Tribune | Section 6 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  11

Mackie book looks back on costume career

Designer wanted A: Cher shows up in
a dress. and it was quite
to be in fashion amazing. And people
since his childhood just kind of wore cocktail
clothes and maybe a pants
By Brooke Lefferts jumpsuit or something.
Associated Press They were dressed up, but
nothing like it is now. And
NEW YORK — When of course, Cher wearing
Bob Mackie was 11 and that outfit made them all
his uncle asked him what think, “Oh, maybe we ought
he wanted to be when he to dress up a little more.”...
grew up, he didn’t hesi- But then all of a sudden,
tate: a costume designer on people are wearing stuff
Broadway. The Southern that looks like maybe they
California boy had never looked at all the old shots
been to New York, but he of her, and “what can we
was fixated on the “color, wear that will get just as
excitement and glamour” much attention?” And then
of the movies and show the same dress was on the
business. cover of Time magazine a
The famed celebrity couple of months later.
costume designer tells the
story of his career in a new Q: You also designed
coffee table book, “The Art a memorable dress for
of Bob Mackie,” by authors Cher to wear at the
Frank Vlastnik and Laura Oscars in 1986.
Ross. A: The first crazy one
Mackie didn’t have to she wore was with the big
go across country. His first Mohawk headdress when
job out of college was at she gave the award for
Paramount Pictures in 1961, best supporting actor to
as a freelancer sketching Don Ameche. And I said
costumes for movies. His Costume and fashion designer Bob Mackie poses with a sketch of clothing designs he did for Cher throughout her career, at his to her at the time, “Aren’t
talent and work ethic soon home in Palm Springs, California. The sketch was used for the 2019 Broadway show “The Cher Show.” CHRIS PIZZELLO/AP you afraid of upstaging
helped land jobs in televi- whoever wins this award?”
sion, where he teamed up the costume designers’ on, as close as I could come “curtain rod dress” for for both Carol Burnett And she says, “Oh, they
with Carol Burnett. Mack- union for 60 years. That’s to Marilyn Monroe. Then a “Gone With the Wind’ and Cher simultane- won’t care, he’ll be fine.”
ie’s designs for her variety a long time. That’s a lot of I never heard about it for spoof on “Carol Burnett.” ously? Well, the next day, her
show drew attention for costumes. And it kind of the longest time. And then How did that happen? A: We had the best time. picture was in every news-
their colorful sequins and surprised me even. And a couple of weeks later, all A: Her name was “Star- Carol was in one studio and paper in the country, and
campy style. then I see Cher turned 75, of a sudden, there’s all these let” in our version. She Cher was in another and it’s become very famous.
Mackie has received and I met her when she pictures in the paper of her went to the window and the only thing in between I remember in the begin-
three Oscar nominations was like 22, and that really singing to the president in took down the green velvet was the men’s room, which ning people were horrified.
and nine Emmy awards freaked me out! So, you this dress. drapes and drug them up had two doors — one from They said, “Well, that’s
while designing for celeb- know, you just, you do what the staircase. And of course, each studio. And every now not fashion.” She was so
rities such as Elton John, you do. Q: How did you that happens in the real and then, Cher would go gorgeous and she still is. So
Diana Ross, Pink and his approach designing movie as well. So that was into the men’s room and why not?
ultimate muse, Cher. Q: One of your early costumes for “The Carol already funny to me. And say, “I’m coming through,
The book is filled with sketches turned into a Burnett Show”? then all of a sudden they guys!” And she would just Q: In a full circle
Mackie’s original sketches very famous dress worn A: It’s fabulous because stuck it in the sketch, and race through and they moment, you won a Tony
and hundreds of photos by Marilyn Monroe. you can really get a laugh or I had to do something that would all get very nervous Award in 2019 for design-
that help tell the story of his A: She was asked to sing two before you even open was funny and I thought, over at the urinal. There ing costumes for “The
sparkling career. “Happy Birthday” to Pres- your mouth. I love design- “Well, how do I do this was always a lot of laughs Cher Show,” how was
Mackie spoke to The ident Kennedy at Madi- ing costumes. It’s the most now? What do I do that’s and it was good theatrical that experience?
Associated Press about son Square Garden. So fun because you’re helping. different?” And that was show business. Both shows A: I got to go to the Tonys
designing for icons and a she calls (designer) Jean You’re part of the team the best I could do, and it were very funny in their and win my award, do my
musical character based Louis up and said, “Would that helps create the story, was a hit. Thank God, it was own way and very differ- little speech ... and it was
on himself. Answers have you make me one of those really, and who that woman a hit and it got more laughs ent from each other. But just the best. And there
been edited for brevity and see-through dresses like is or who that man is and per second or whatever the two ladies loved each was a guy in the show that
clarity. you do for Marlene Diet- where they come from. than anything ever had other and often exchanged played me — he had a blond
rich?” And he used to do And are they chic or are before. So that was kind of appearances. wig and a funny suit and
Q: This book is a look that for her Vegas acts and they a mess? Who are they? really fun. And it’s in the he was great. He was
back at your costuming stuff. So he asked me to do That’s the fun part. Smithsonian now. Q: There’s a picture in maybe a little more flam-
career. How does it feel to the sketch and he showed the book of you escorting boyant than I am. But it was
see it? me what he wanted. And I Q: Perhaps your most Q: At one point you Cher to the Met Gala in a Broadway musical so it
A: I’ve belonged to did the sketch and I put it iconic design is the were designing costumes 1974. was all right.

2 sisters take jewelry brand’s How to cash in on old clothes

sparkly legacy into the future
By Sara Bauknecht
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

PITTSBURGH — Sisters Ellen Warren

Alexandra Mayr-Gracik Answer Angel
and Miriam Mayr remem-
ber well the early days of Dear Answer Angel
Sabika. Ellen: I am in a bit of
Their mom, Karin, dilemma. I need to sell off
founded the direct-to-​ many pairs of shoes. A few
consumer jewelry business that I never wore. Bottom
at their kitchen table. Her line, I don’t want to sell
hope was that its sparkling, and have them returned
artisan-crafted accesso- because of fit. I don’t want
ries could help empower to sell on eBay because
women — including ones I want a set price and I
in her own family. no longer have PayPal.
“I was still in high school Another problem is many
and remember the jewelry of the shoes are of narrow
pinned on foam boards width, which is an endan-
and packing them in trash gered species. Few stores
bags,” recalled Mayr, who’s Mariam Mayr, left, and her sister Alexandra Mayr-Gracik, are carry narrows in either
now executive director of co-owners of Sabika Jewelry. PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE limited stock or brands.
sales and marketing. Any suggestions?
Her older sister debut collection includes online platforms, including — Judy A.
succeeded their mom a modern chain-link Zoom and Facebook Live.
as CEO in 2018 and also necklace with turquoise “Our consultants really Dear Judy: I hear a lot Consignment stores are one option for selling unwanted
is head designer. As the touches, sleek, versatile quickly realized how of complaints from read- shoes and other clothing items. DREAMSTIME
company celebrates its earrings and cuff rings much you can expand your ers that they can’t find
20th anniversary, they’re with a bit of bling. Like reach (online). You don’t narrow width shoes, so to sell to a buyer who bids choose is artful blending so
working together to other Sabika jewelry, they have to be my next-door yours might be in high lower than what you’re you don’t wind up replac-
preserve their moth- are handcrafted by Euro- neighbor. I can Zoom with demand depending on asking. ing the dark areas with
er’s vision while adding pean artisans. you three states away,” style and condition — and paler makeup that screams
their own to the Sabika “It’s really beautiful to Mayr said. the opposite of a problem Dear Answer Angel concealer.
story. That next chapter see how excited people One of their biggest you need to worry about. A Ellen: What do you or your Watch a few of those
includes a new line called are about it,” Mayr-Gracik motivations for help- few chain stores — Buffalo readers recommend for how-to videos, then — if
ALMI Jewelry, a nod to the said. ing Sabika build a path Exchange (buffaloex- dark under-eyes? There you’re comfortable shop-
sisters’ first names. It went All pieces in the ALMI forward is their mom. and Clothes are so many products out ping in person — head to
on sale recently at sabika-​ collection are priced below “Alex and I have become Mentor (clothesmen- there and I don’t know if a department store. You’ll $200 — about $130 less quite proficient in telling, among others any of them work, but I’m find a dizzying number
The goal behind this than top-priced pieces Karin’s story,” said Mayr. — will pay you cash on tired of my dark, baggy of cosmetic brands and
extension to the Sabika in core Sabika collec- “For her to say, ‘Now it’s the spot for your clothes, eyes. Help! trained makeup artists to
brand is to expand the tions. The company will time for you to tell your shoes and accessories. Or — Claire M. tell you how to use them.
company’s reach to a donate $5 from sales of story,’ that’s such a gift and find a consignment shop It’s a process to figure out
younger clientele and to each ALMI piece to one of an incredible thing for in your area that will sell Dear Claire: This is a what works for your color-
remind women and girls of three organizations: Girls someone to open up that your shoes for you. But tough one, made tougher ing, but ask for advice on
all ages that “It’s OK to be Inc., Earth Day and Mental door.” be warned that they often by the pandemic. I’m not what shade(s) to choose.
all me” — the motto behind Health America. Her sister said that take a 40-60% commis- impressed by the creams, While COVID-19
the line. “With ALMI, we wanted thinking about the next sion. lotions, gels, serums and curtails hands-on personal
“Something that we to invite younger profes- generation of women — As for eBay, if you stip- other products sold — mini-makeover demon-
consistently hear is, ‘Oh, sionals to make these including her 14-year-old ulate “no returns” in your often at huge prices — to strations of the past, you
my mom loves Sabika,’ ” almost starter investment daughter — also inspires eBay listing, the eBay rules reduce bags and dark can still seek advice and
Mayr said. “We wanted to pieces,” Mayr said. “We her work. are: “If they ordered the circles. At best, my experi- free samples to try at home,
think about how we get know they will last for a “Being a teenager in wrong item or changed ence is they make minimal, no purchase necessary.
daughters to see this not very long time.” today’s world is really, their mind, then you aren’t short-term improvement.
just as a brand for their ALMI Jewelry is just the really hard. I see (my required to accept the Makeup is your friend
moms but a brand they latest move the sisters have daughter) fostering her return.” on this one. If it is any Now it’s
have a place in as well.” made to position Sabika creativity and making her The rules also say if comfort, your problem is your turn
From a design perspec- for future growth. When own jewelry at home,” the buyer wants to return common, and if you doubt
tive, ALMI Jewelry goes the first wave of COVID- Mayr-Gracik said. “What’s the item because it is that, just go to YouTube Send your questions,
beyond the crystal chok- 19 shutdowns hit, Sabi- exciting to me is continu- “damaged, faulty or didn’t and see the many, many rants, tips, favorite finds —
ers and other sparkling ka’s network of over 1,000 ing to strengthen this vehi- match your listing descrip- videos on how to hide on style, shopping, makeup,
Swarovski statement consultants in 40-plus cle that we have and to be tion then you need to dark, baggy under-eyes. fashion and beauty — to
pieces that are synony- states quickly pivoted their able to use it to promote a accept the return.” As for Crucial to concealing with answerangelellen@gmail.
mous with Sabika. The in-person sales parties to positive message.” price, you’re not required whatever cosmetics you com.
C Chicago Tribune | Section 6 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  13

Stop package theft with these devices

As deliveries begin to roll in ahead of the

holiday season, it’s prime time for porch
pirates to swipe unprotected packages off
of doorsteps. A number of strategies can
foil their evil plans, and bringing a few
smart home gadgets into play is high on
the list.
Americans are estimated to spend
$63 billion online for holiday shopping
this season. But package theft could cost
shoppers and retailers significant time
and money. However, you can take some
measures to ensure the safety of your
packages. The proliferation of smart home
devices means you can monitor deliver-
ies from your phone. Here are three great
security devices that will help ensure that
your packages get to you.

Arlo Video Doorbell

Connected buzzers work in much the
same way as traditional security cameras.
The hardwired Arlo Video Doorbell has
high-definition resolution, a live video
feed, motion alerts and more — for a super
reasonable price. Subscribe to the Arlo
Smart cloud service for access to advanced
motion alerts that differentiate between
people, animals, cars and packages. You
can also look back at your video footage
with Arlo Smart to help neighbors and law
enforcement (if necessary) identify who
snagged your holiday deliveries.

Arlo Pro 4 Ring’s Mailbox Sensor helps make tracking deliveries a lot The hardwired Arlo Video Doorbell includes a high-definition resolution, a live
The Arlo Pro 4 is smart and feature-rich, easier. RING/CNET video feed and motion alerts. TYLER LIZENBY/CNET
with 2K video resolution, a built-in spot-
light for nighttime deterrence, a surpris-
ingly loud siren and all the smarts of the
company’s video doorbell. With a subscrip-
tion, you can look back at recorded events,
get alerts and use two-way talk to scare off
would-be porch pirates.

Ring Mailbox Sensor

Ring’s Mailbox Sensor is a device specifi-
cally for tracking when people are opening
your mailbox, which makes tracking deliv-
eries a lot easier. But if you have a home
security system at home, another easy
way of monitoring your mailbox is using
a door/window sensor — one of those
magnetic gadgets that pings the system
when an entryway is opened — inside the
door of your box. Either way you do it,
you should be able to track the delivery of
small parcels — and make sure you know
when someone’s opening the mailbox who
shouldn’t be.

For more reviews of personal technology

products, visit With an Arlo Pro 4 subscription, you can use two-way talk to scare off would-be porch pirates. ARLO/CNET

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C Chicago Tribune | Section 6 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  15

This ‘dinosaur’ does not care SOLITAIRE
for advent of text messaging MAHJONG

may no longer use the statement to me about my
telephone function. Many engagement was, “I just
no longer use email. You want you to be happy.”
won’t use texting. And We are beginning

almost nobody except Miss to make plans for our
Manners writes letters. wedding. Should I send
Judith Martin Is there any wonder her an invitation?
Miss Manners that people seem to have
problems communicat- Gentle reader: Because

Dear Miss Manners: One ing with one another? a wedding is a major life
of the worst technological Although, considering the event, determinations
“advances” has been the tone of current discourse, about whom to invite
advent of text messaging. perhaps things would be should take a medium- to
The expectation with this worse if everyone could get long-term view of each
disease is that everyone is through. individual’s status.
always poised to respond Siblings we squabbled
to any inane writing, and if Dear Miss Manners: About with and hung up on last
they do not do so imme- three years ago, I began a week are still invited.
diately, “something is relationship with a man I Siblings we broke ties with
wrong.” People sit with am head-over-heels in love decades ago over their
their smartphones in the with, and we have been treatment of Father’s third
expectation that they will living together for two wife are likely not. Friends COOKIE DAILY
receive something and years. with whom we were, CRUSH
must respond. Early in our relation- recently, on intimate terms
There are very few situ- ship, my “best friend” (we are still considered to be
ations that require instant have been like family for so, even if we no longer see
responses, and most of half of our lives) heard each other every week.
those can be reconciled some gossip about my You, not Miss Manners, DAILY
with a dialed call. The rest man, believed it totally for will have to determine SUDOKU
can be handled with an the truth, and completely whether the person in
email — or even a written changed her attitude question is still a friend,
letter (there’s a concept!). toward him. She refused or whether the air quotes
I am a dinosaur. I have to tell me what was said indicate a permanent
a flip phone that does about him or who said it, change of status. BUBBLE
not send texts (because I only that when the rela- SHOOTER
refuse to use that feature),
but does receive alerts
tionship failed, she would
be there for me.
Dear Miss Manners:
Is there a specific way
from our bank or police Shortly afterward, I to present a teardrop
department. We have a learned from someone else diamond engagement ring
landline with an answering what was said and who in the box when propos-
machine attached, which said it: a well-known liar ing?
does not accept texts. and gossipmonger who
We tell all our friends, had taken tidbits of truth Gentle reader: This may
family, neighbors and and added a great deal of be one of Miss Manners’
acquaintances that we do untruth and speculation. I all-time favorite questions,
not text, and we do not could not believe my friend presuming, as it does, that
answer the phone during would even listen to some- there is a right way and a
meals. We do not consider one with such a reputation wrong way to do every-
this attitude rude because for deviousness, first of thing. She is game.
we have set expectations. all, and secondly that she Presumably you are
It’s really a shame that didn’t have my back. asking whether the
“instant” communication
has become an acceptable/
Needless to say, our
friendship has become
pointed or the rounded
part should face the lady. Jum
mble Da aily
required behavior because cold and distant. I have Miss Manners chooses the
there is no real reason for
attempted to restore the
friendship by extending
round part. The diamond
will look bigger that way.
umble Crossw word Daily
Gentle reader: There is
a phrase Miss Manners
invitations (which are not
accepted) and engaging in
positive, hopeful conversa-
Plus, it is rude to point.

To send a question to the

Jumble Sunday
would like everyone to
learn, in the hope that it
tion about my life (which is
shut down).
Miss Manners team of
Judith Martin, Nicholas Sudokku - Ma
Bubblee Shootter Pro
would lessen the type of My boyfriend proposed Ivor Martin and Jacobina
annoyance you express: a few months ago and Martin, go to missmanners.
“The best way to reach gave me a beautiful com or write them c/o Uni-
me is ...” People who are
welded to their phones
diamond that she has yet
to acknowledge. Her only
versal Uclick, 1130 Walnut
St., Kansas City, MO 64106. Plus many more

As we social distance,
COVID-19 pushes
us apart.
As we help children
around the world,
we pull together.
The pandemic shows how connected we all
are, how the quality of life anywhere affects
everyone’s health and well-being, everywhere.
Children in the world’s poorest places face the
gravest risks — not just from COVID-19, but also
from its ripple effects, especially hunger. Because
when parents can’t work, children can’t eat.
We’ve never seen a crisis like this.
But ChildFund is helping millions of children
across Africa, Asia and the Americas stay
connected to what they need to grow up healthy,
educated and safe. In the biggest emergency
response of ChildFund’s 80-year history, we and
caring people everywhere are pulling together
to make sure that children not only survive the
pandemic but thrive beyond it.

Chicago Tribune | Section 7 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  1



Is buying rental property

the right fit for you?
By James Royal lord-tenant laws, a fortune teller’s If you do decide to finance the to forgo some of the cash flow in foresight and, should you choose to purchase, keep in mind that you’ll order to enjoy that appreciation.
manage your rental property your- need to come up with a larger The result: house appreciation
If you’ve been watching reruns self, a landlord’s firm-but-friendly down payment than what is typi- outstrips the growth in rents, and
of HGTV’s “Income Property” and disposition. cally required for a residential houses appreciate while yielding
wondering if it’s time to buy an “Where people who want to mortgage. relatively low cash flow.
investment property and become a become landlords fall short is, they Most lenders require a down “As a result, the property has
landlord, you’re not alone. don’t realize how much work goes payment of at least 15% for an to appreciate more in order to
Between a recent jump in infla- into it,” said Diana George, founder investment property. You’ll also compete as an investment with
tion, historically low interest rates, of DG Design Group. need to have enough cash to cover properties in less desirable areas,”
and the mood of millennials to rent So before you leap in, you’ll closing costs, homeowners insur- Kisner says.
instead of own, buying rental prop- want to consider whether you ance, property taxes and mainte-
erty has been on an uptick in recent have the time, willingness and nance issues that come up at the Success requires a long-term
years. skill to put into managing a rental. property. outlook: The unit Kisner has held
Real estate is now Americans’ While rental property is consid- for 13 years has had two tenants
favorite long-term investment, ered a passive investment, that Find the right location: That old and low maintenance, while the
according to a recent Bankrate doesn’t mean you’re fully passive in Realtor mantra about the impor- other has had three tenants in four
study. Real estate investing has managing it. tance of location takes an interest- years — the last one a costly evic-
consistently ranked as one of the ing turn when applied to income tion.
top choices since Bankrate started Buy or finance? Analyze which is property. He’s taking the same advice he
the survey in 2012. better for you: While some finan- “The best locations with the gives his clients.
Should you take the plunge on a cial pundits insist you should never most appreciation are where you’ll “The way that people get in trou-
rental property? buy a rental unless you can pay potentially have the worst cash ble with almost all investments is,
Experts offer a qualified yes, cash for it, Jeremy Kisner, a senior flow with a rental,” Kisner said. they just don’t hold onto things
provided you do your homework wealth adviser at Surevest Wealth Why? Investors can earn a long enough,” Kisner said.
first. Management in Phoenix, begs to return in two ways: cash flow and “With rentals, if you break even
differ. appreciation. In some areas inves- on a cash-flow basis, that’s actually
Determine if buying an investment “Leverage (that is, a mortgage) tors may want higher cash flow not too bad because you’re paying
rental property is right for you: To typically magnifies returns, on both in order to compensate them for down the principal and building
make the most of income property the upside and downside,” said slower appreciation. But if inves- equity that way. Then, you hope-
requires an accountant’s eye for Kisner, who owns two rental prop- tors expect an area to appreciate
detail, a lawyer’s grasp of land- erties in Las Vegas. substantially, they may be willing Turn to Income, Page 2


Riverside home designed by Jarvis Hunt sells for $605K

By Bob Goldsborough Havemeyer hired Hunt to custom-built oak shelv- Hathaway HomeServices
For Chicago Tribune design. Hunt and Have- ing, a large formal dining Chicago told Elite Street.
meyer both were East room, a rear staircase and “There’s a lot of original
A five-bedroom Queen Coast natives who got a primary bedroom suite wood inside the home, and
Anne-style house in River- to know one another as with a walk-in closet, a gas there’s attention to detail
side that was designed by fellow early members of fireplace and a screened in the living room and
architect Jarvis Hunt sold the Chicago Golf Club in porch. Other features the staircases. Plus, it’s a
Oct. 29 for $605,000. Wheaton. include recently refinished gigantic house. And, it’s in a
Built in 1894 for William In Riverside, the three- oak floors, a basement with fantastic area, close to some
A. Havemeyer, an execu- story house has 4 1/2 bath- a private office and a three- of the best schools in all of
tive with American Sugar rooms, five fireplaces, a car garage. Riverside and close to the
Refining Company, the custom oak staircase with “The woodwork inside downtown area. And it has
13-room house on Bartram a hidden closet, a living that house is just impec- a three-car garage, which
Road is one of three homes room with a fireplace, cable,” listing agent Steve A Riverside home designed by Jarvis Hunt sold for $605,000.
in a row on Bartram that a first-floor office with Jasinski of Berkshire Turn to Elite, Page 2 PRESTIGE REAL ESTATE IMAGES

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Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Realty are independent contractor sales associates, not employees. ©2021 Coldwell Banker
Realty. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Realty fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Owned by
Tory Rezin | Kiley Cox | Dawn McKenna | Lauren Walz | Karen Iantorno | Caitlin Smith a subsidiary of Realogy Brokerage Group LLC. Coldwell Banker, the Coldwell Banker logo, Coldwell Banker Global Luxury and the Coldwell Banker
Global Luxury logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.
2  Chicago Tribune | Section 7 | Sunday, December 5, 2021

Income strapped to a lease.”

“Also, they can’t raise
from Page 1 rent,” George said. “The
only way you can change
fully also see some appre- rent is if you have them
ciation.” sign a form changing the
lease every year. That’s
Make sure you’re landlord how you keep your
material: If you purchase tenants in check,” George
a rental property, should said.
you be your own land-
lord or fork over 6-10% Don’t forget rental prop-
of your rental income to erty at tax time: There’s
a management service? a singular ray of sunshine
While there’s no right that beams down upon
answer for everyone, income property owners
George and Kisner prefer each spring as they
to subcontract the work. hunker down with their
“They do the back- accountant to prepare
ground check on your their federal income tax
tenant, make sure they return.
sign the lease and pay “When you own an
their rent on time,” investment property,
George said. “That frees your Schedule E tax form
you up to manage your enables you to write off
money, not your property nearly everything under
and tenants.” the sun, from painting
Kathy Hertzog, former the home to changing
president of Erie, Penn- the light bulbs. So, even
sylvania-based Landlor- though you have rental, said income to report, you can
there’s a potentially steep show less income than
downside to being your you’re actually collecting The Riverside home has recently refinished oak floors. “The woodwork inside that house is just impeccable,” listing agent Steve
own landlord. and write off your mort- Jasinski of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Chicago told Elite Street. PRESTIGE REAL ESTATE IMAGES PHOTOS
“If you get too close gage payment and inter-
to your tenants and the
tenants have financial
est while building equity
at the same time,” George Elite Although Calamos is based
in Naperville, the company
problems, you can find said. from Page 1 announced in April that
yourself stuck because it would open an office in
you don’t want to evict Understand how rental is almost unheard of in our Chicago’s Fulton Market
them,” she said. law works: State and local area.” district, in order to attract
landlord-tenant laws can The seller, a physi- employees wanting to work
Budget for the unex- act like an open manhole cian, had owned the in that area, Koudounis told
pected: Failure to plan cover for rental owners 6,290-square-foot home the Tribune at that time in
for the myriad expenses who ignore them, accord- since buying it in 1991 for an email.
of owning a rental can ing to Hertzog. $305,000. In the Tribune Tower,
become a fast track to “There is definitely The house first was Koudounis used an Illinois
disaster. “As a landlord, bookkeeping involved. listed in 2017 for $765,000, limited liability company
you want to save about You need to have that and its price was reduced to buy the unit, which is
20% to 30% of your rental account for each tenant to $706,000, $675,000, one of 162 residences in
income for upkeep, main- and keep that money in $629,000 and $599,000 the Gothic-style former
tenance and emergen- that account and save it,” in 2018 before it came off office building. So far, the
cies,” Hertzog said. Hertzog said. the market. It was relisted highest-priced sales in the
“Security deposit laws in July for $650,000 and Tribune Tower have been
Remember to renew your govern how much time then reduced to $635,000 on higher floors, such as
leases: If mom-and-pop you have to return a secu- in August before finding a attorney Patrick Salvi’s
landlords have one glar- rity deposit when tenancy buyer. $8.09 million purchase
ing blind spot, it’s the ends, less any expenses The home had a $19,363 recently of a 22nd-floor unit.
failure to renew tenant for cleaning and repair, all property tax bill in the Sophia Klopas, who
leases in a timely manner, of which have to be item- 2020 tax year. represented Koudounis
according to George. ized.” in the purchase, declined
“You’d be surprised Of course, this is only John S. Koudounis, CEO to comment. A Calamos
how many landlords one aspect of the laws of Calamos Investments, spokesman, Jeff Kelley, did
don’t renew their leases surrounding rental buys condo in the newly not respond to a request for
every year, so they’re property, and there are converted Tribune Tower comment.
letting their tenants go on many others that land- for $4M: John S. Koudou-
month-to-month leases,” lords must know to avoid nis, the CEO of Naper- A 13-room home in Riverside was built in1894, one of three in Bob Goldsborough is
she said. “What’s wrong running afoul of them. ville-based Calamos a row on Bartram Road that architect Jarvis Hunt was hired to a freelance writer.
with that? What’s wrong You’ll want to be famil- Investments, paid $3.86 design. It is three stories tall.
is, their whole thinking iar with rules around million on Aug. 10 for a Join our Chicago Dream
is that now, if I want to eviction, fair housing and two-bedroom condo- Tribune Tower. after previously serving Homes Facebook group for
get my tenant out, I can’t other regulatory require- minium on the fifth floor Koudounis joined the as the president and CEO more luxury listings and
because now they’re not ments. of the newly converted money manager in 2016 of Mizuho Securities. real estate news.

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4  Chicago Tribune | Section 7 | Sunday, December 5, 2021

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Chicago Tribune | Section 7 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  5


Getting help with your end-of-life decisions

By Ilyce Glink and recommend a different
Samuel J. Tamkin attorney, accountant, finan-
Tribune Content Agency cial planner or financial
adviser who could assist
Q: I was wondering you. Take care, because this
if you can help me. I individual (or firm) will
thought you may know control your money when
of a business firm, not an you can’t.
attorney or health care You should know, once
provider, that can act as you have passed away, there
my “end-of-life-agent.” are companies that can
I want to be prepared as help you with estate issues
I have no family to ask and assist your estate, such
or friends young enough as estate settlement and
that I would trust. My wealth transfer advisers.
attorney says he can Trust companies are
draw up trust docu- also set up to perform the
ments, but he can’t be my services you’re asking for.
“end-of-life” agent. These companies usually
It seems no attor- work with high or higher
ney can due to it being net worth people. If you fall
against their liability into that category, you can
insurance. So, what I’m call on them to help you
looking for is a business- out.
person who can read my You won’t have to deal
end-of-life wishes and with a particular person,
carry them out. I need as the company will act as
someone who agrees by your trustee and whoever
contract to carry out my is assigned to your estate
specific written wishes. when you die would work
Of course, when that to follow your estate plan.
is needed, they will be They can be expensive, but
compensated for this in perhaps this sort of solu-
my estate. Do you have tion would work. We don’t
any suggestions? make specific recommen-
A: First, you may face dations, but you can look
end-of-life decisions while for a bank or other finan-
you are alive, which may cial institution in your area
pertain to your health or that has a trust and estate
financial matters. Second, services department. You
you have decisions to make can talk to them and see if
now as to what happens to Most estate attorneys would advise having a last will and testament, a power of attorney for health care, a power of attorney for it’s right for you.
your estate once you have financial matters, and a living will. DREAMSTIME Having said that, if you
passed on and who will don’t want to or can’t spend
carry out those wishes. member or friend make treatment. living will) are emotionally You can deliver a copy to the kind of money some of
While you are alive, decisions about your health If you can’t find a friend fraught. You want some- your personal physician these companies charge,
we can understand how care, if you cannot, and or family member to help one to be able to separate or primary care person. you may find an estate
your attorney would see a work with your doctors you with your health care emotions from making a They, in turn, can deliver planning firm that can
conflict in making health to carry out your wishes and financial matters if tough call, who will be will- a copy of the document work with you.
care decisions for you. regarding your health. you become incapacitated, ing and able to carry out to a hospital if something Readers, we don’t believe
We’ll start by saying The power of attorney your attorneys won’t want your final wishes while you happens and you wind up our correspondent is the
that most estate attor- for financial matters allows to draft those documents are alive: decisions about there. You don’t need to only person to have run out
neys would advise you to someone other than you and also name themselves your health care, your appoint anybody on a living of family or friends who can
have a last will and testa- attend to your finances, in those same documents. living situation, and finan- will. You just have to make take on these roles. Have you
ment, a power of attorney including paying bills, sell- Family and friends are key cial affairs. it readily available. Can seen or experienced other
for health care, a power ing assets and taking care parts of our lives, but some Without friends or your local hospitals keep it solutions? Write us and we’ll
of attorney for financial of your financial affairs people either don’t have family, you’ll need to find attached electronically to publish relevant responses
matters, and a living will. when you are incapaci- family or the kind of friends support. And you could your file? Perhaps. in a future column.
The last will and testa- tated. Finally, a living will they wish to ask this of and potentially have a situation If you become incapaci-
ment lets people know is a document that lets the prefer to have a neutral where you need one type tated for a longer period of Ilyce Glink is the CEO of
how you wish to distribute medical community know party handle their affairs. of assistance while you are time, you will need some- Best Money Moves and
your money and personal your wishes as to what These sorts of deci- alive and another after you one to step in and handle Samuel J. Tamkin is a real
property after your death. medical treatments should sions about when to stop have died. your financial affairs. While estate attorney. Contact
The power of attorney for be given to you to keep life-saving medical treat- While you are alive, you your attorneys can’t help them through the website
health care lets a family you alive and when to stop ment (even if you have a can still set up a living will. you, they may be able to

Here’s what you should know Don’t swallow ‘bidding war’

if you’re eyeing flipped house story without studying data
By Zach Wichter By Tanza Loudenback
Not all houses are
created equal. In any given Shopping for a home
price range, every property these days, it’s easy to get
you’re going to look at will caught up in what seems
have its pros and cons. This like a buying frenzy. Real
applies even more so if estate agents, friends and
you’re considering a home headlines will tell you that
that was recently reno- bidding wars are rampant,
vated by a flipper. preemptive all-cash offers
You certainly don’t need are the order of the day,
to avoid properties that are and that paying hundreds
being flipped, but there are of thousands of dollars
some things to watch out above the asking price is
for if you’re looking at one. not only normal but often
House flipping is hardly required if you want to
new — in fact, Bankrate snag a home before prices
wrote a whole guide on rise still further.
how to do it a few years Take a deep breath.
ago. But as real estate In San Francisco, Even in competitive markets, average sales aren’t hugely
prices skyrocketed over perhaps the most compet- above the ask. DANIA MAXWELL/LOS ANGELES TIMES
the past 12-18 months, itive market, yes, 71.2% of
many people saw an An experienced and thorough inspector can pick up on homes sold for above the by Redfin agents) shows $710,000
opportunity to earn a quick problems in a recently flipped house. DREAMSTIME asking price in September. where buyers can expect
buck by buying property, But only 8.3% above the to face the most competi- Less competitive
fixing it up and reselling problems. better eye than the buyer,” asking price, on average. tion and where they won’t markets
as the market pushed the She said she recently she said. On a median sale price — and may even be able Among the 20
value ever higher. toured a house that she When she tours a house of $1.525 million, that’s to snag a deal. Pay close most-populous metros,
Experts warn that could tell was flipped that she suspects is being $127,000. That’s a lot, but attention to the sale price in these five markets in
flipped houses can some- because a kitchen drawer flipped, she’ll check the it’s not hundreds of thou- vs. the list price. September only around
times be more trouble was blocked by the refrig- title’s chain of custody to sands of dollars. one-third or less of homes
for the post-flip buyers, erator and the dishwasher see who owned the home So, before swinging More competitive here sold above asking.
however, especially at wasn’t installed properly. previously, and will reach for the fences with a big markets The average sale in all five
lower price points. “If those things are out to other agents in her above-ask bid, ask your „„In San Francisco, 71.2% was below ask.
“There’s always been missing, cosmetic, on the network to see if anyone real estate agent for recent of homes sold above list „„In Miami, 19.5% of
an issue with fix and flips surface that I mentioned, has experience buying comps that prove the need price. homes sold above list.
with the quality of them,” that tells me to be wary of from the flippers. to do so and study recent Average home sold for Average home sold 2.9%
said Stephanie Fix, a Real- what’s behind the walls,” You can easily tell if the sales on Zillow and Redfin. 8.3% above list price below list price
tor with RE/MAX Profes- Fix said. “Most of the home is a flip by looking Remember, the home Median sale price: Median sale price:
sionals in Denver. “The things that are dangerous, at the property records. bidding process is opaque, $1.525 million $402,000
margins are so slim these you can’t always see with If the home is back on the meaning the buyer is at a „„In Riverside, California, „„In New York, 27.7% of
days with these investors your eyes.” market just a few months big information disadvan- 61.9% of homes sold above homes sold above list.
that they’re really cutting a Alterations that seem after being purchased by tage. Nobody has to — or list price. Average home sold 0.5%
lot of corners.” rushed on the surface a new owner, odds are it’s likely will — show you Average home sold for below list price
That reality came to could indicate bigger a flip. other offers on a home 1.9% above list price Median sale price:
the forefront recently as problems, like electri- At the height of the you’re vying for. Don’t get Median sale price: $656,000
Zillow exited the home cal work that isn’t up to pandemic real estate talked into bidding against $505,000 „„In Philadelphia, 33% of
flip market. The online code or plumbing that boom, many buyers were yourself. „„In Los Angeles, 60.8% of homes sold above list.
real estate giant made a big wasn’t installed correctly. waiving inspections and Redfin says that in April, homes sold above list price. Average home sold 0.9%
push to boost its iBuying Addressing issues like other contingencies in 74% of home offers written Average home sold for below list price
platform in the last year, that can become costly, their contracts to make by its agents faced compet- 2.6% above list price Median sale price:
but ultimately decided especially if you haven’t their offers more attrac- itive bids. By Septem- Median sale price: $260,000
it overpaid for too many factored them into your tive. Fix said that’s an espe- ber, according to Redfin’s $820,000 „„In Houston, 34.4% of
properties and went into budget. cially bad idea on flipped analysis, 59% of sales were „„In Boston, 60.3% of homes sold above list price.
loss-cutting mode earlier properties. competitive. Put another homes sold above list price. Average home sold 0.7%
this month. What to do if you’re “These guys typically way, on 41% of deals there Average home sold for below list price
buying a flipped house don’t permit things,” she was but a single bidder. 2.8% above list price Median sale price:
Flip warning signs It’s crucial to work with said, so getting an expe- Being that party should Median sale price: $300,000
to watch out for a knowledgeable Realtor if rienced inspector to go accord one some negotiat- $605,000 „„In Chicago, 35.7% of
Fix said that a shoddy you’re considering a house take a thorough look at the ing power. „„In Seattle, 56% of homes homes sold above list price.
flip isn’t always obvious, that’s being flipped, Fix property is crucial. “It’s A look at Redfin’s metro- sold above list price. Average home sold 0.7%
but finishes that seem off said. going to be really import- level housing data for all Average home sold for below list price
can sometimes point to “An experienced agent ant to do your sewer and home sales in September 3.7% above list price Median sale price:
bigger construction quality is probably going to have a separate roof inspections.” (not just those represented Median sale price: $290,000
Chicago Tribune | Section 9 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  1


Check out more than 75 comic strips, from
“Barney Google and Snuffy Smith” to “Zippy the Pinhead.”
Crossword, Sudoku and 30 more games and puzzles.

Dilbert By Scott Adams Baby Blues By Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott

Zits By Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman

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2  Chicago Tribune | Section 9 | Sunday, December 5, 2021

Take It From the Tinkersons By Bill Bettwy

Blondie By Dean Young and John Marshall

Dogs of C-Kennel By Mick and Mason Mastroianni

Chicago Tribune | Section 9 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  3

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puzzle island
For interactive puzzles and games go to
(Crossword editor Stanley Newman is on vacation until Dec. 19. Please enjoy this crossword from 2011 that he recently updated.) 12/5

5 TIMES 3:
Or 3 times #22, if you prefer
By S.N. | Edited by Stanley Newman

Across 77 Bloodhound’s track 5 Simpsons kid

1 Simplicity 78 Female lobster 6 Sell off
5 Real-estate listing 80 Electric-bill letters 7 Vitamin amt.
abbr. 81 Electronic 8 “Ditto!”
9 One more time instrument, for short 9 Paid-for magazine
14 16th-century pope 82 Treasury Dept. p.
19 Very short pencil agency 10 Estimate
20 Helper 83 14 Down attraction 11 Wheel of Fortune
21 “Beats me!” 86 11 Wall St. addressee buy
22 Type of navel 87 Green sci. 12 Quaint quarters
23 Path for the risk- 89 Daredevil action 13 Fiction writer
averse film of ’77 14 Tuscany city
27 37 Across order 91 Hebrew alphabet 15 Payment from an
28 Chooses, with “for” starter S&L
29 Actress Mendes 94 Has influence over 16 Promoting harmony
30 Kids’ game 98 Pig-poke connector 17 Singer known as
31 Manufacturing 99 I Love Lucy actress “The Voice”
center 101 All tied up 18 “Mixed” side dish
32 “Get lost!” 103 Just released 24 Full
34 Move obliquely 106 Similar 25 NASDAQ news
37 Tubular pasta 107 Alchemist’s element 26 At any time
38 Language suffix 108 Extensive 33 Word often
39 Obsessed by 110 Make amends preceding
41 Good breeding 112 Gumshoe “contested”
43 Half of hex- 113 Proverb ending 35 “Now __ heard
44 Small loudspeakers 114 Tennis surface everything!”
47 Purviews 116 Basis for a Puccini 36 Palme __ (Cannes
48 Polite-but-firm opera prize)
persuasion 118 The Cherry 37 December
52 Soft mineral Orchard playwright birthstones
54 Brainstorm 123 Orchestral group 40 Blaster’s buy
55 Long-time Chicago 124 3101, long ago 41 Meet with Last week’s answers can be found in today’s “Puzzle Island Solutions.” © 2021 Creators Syndicate. All rights reserved.
columnist 125 Mystical glow 42 Hugo hero
56 Winter bug 126 Olden days 43 Dam-building agcy. 60 Stallone film of ’90 84 “Egg” prefix 95 One’s wheels 108 Doughboys’
59 Norwegian 127 Kindly 45 Chinese frypan 61 Be sleepy 85 Ebbed 96 Blaster’s buy conflict: Abbr.
physical feature 128 Salmon and coral 46 Changes slowly 63 Prankster’s cry 86 Largest US union 97 Trashy 109 Ancient South
62 Casablanca piano 129 Haughty one 48 Travel documents 65 Author Fleming 88 ’60s illumination merchandise Americans
player 130 Ran a tab 49 One of four singing 67 Role for 99 Across fad 100 Type of tide 111 2021 Summer
63 Marker brothers 69 Spare target, at 89 Vision, in product 102 Alternative to Olympics site
64 Peaceful protest Down 50 Like some times names buttons 113 Technical sch.
66 Woman mentioned 1 Get away furniture polishes 71 CBS franchise 90 Hereditary 103 Appointment 115 Hertz rival
in “The Raven” 2 Lagoon enclosers 51 Rise 72 TiVo ancestor 91 Video gamers’ self- ignorer 117 Fictional whaler
68 In the midst of 3 Cool dessert 53 CIO partner 73 Chiang Kai-__ images 104 Apt rhyme for 119 Lofty verse
70 Auto parts 4 Whom Haley 56 Type of pen 76 Frat letter 92 In excellent “more” 120 Rival of the Citadel
74 Wide tie replaced as the Tin 57 Actress Ullmann 79 Sesame Street condition 105 Followed a zigzag 121 Alphabetic trio
75 Gown renter Woodman 58 French article character 93 Adam or Eve, e.g. course 122 5th-century invader


Sounds of the Sea

By Jill Singer
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

Across 105 Contrary to popular 44 React to falling

1 The Phillie belief, throwing prices, perhaps
Phanatic and it won’t endanger 45 Gradually impart
Bernie Brewer birds 46 Almost-ready
8 Like some goods 106 Architect Jones products
15 Minimal 107 Dispensed, with 47 Word with whiskey
20 How big dogs may “out” or wolfhound
travel 108 Bout decision 48 Solo’s opposite, in
21 Berry, for one 111 Amazing music
22 Not warranted 114 Actor Quinn 50 Comic actor Bert
23 Commander of 115 Marine mammal in 51 Angle iron
primitive fish? the air? 52 Amos at the piano
25 Goes (through) 117 Silly joke response, 53 Chips partner
carefully perhaps 55 Indicate
26 Ginseng and 118 Symbol of love 59 Twill fabric
rooibos 119 Without value 60 Degree of
27 Early hrs. 120 Baden-Powell who uncommonness, in
28 Muslim judge co-founded the Girl some games
29 NFL commentator Guide movement 61 Pittsburgh’s __ Park
Michael 121 Marginal moves 63 Suggestion for a
30 Leave out 122 2002 Soderbergh sprain
32 Longings sci-fi film 64 Author Binchy
34 Open-__ shoes 65 Stopped
35 Festival for dugong Down 68 Many a Prado
relatives? 1 Tennis error painting
40 Rage 2 Opposite of retro- 69 Name near
41 Disney’s “__ and 3 Reduced-speed Uzbekistan, on
the Detectives” road sign symbol maps
43 Tons 4 Union __, Dow 70 Crucifix letters
44 Burn lightly Chemical 73 It’s often an attic
46 Went for the worm subdivision 77 Jazzy James
49 Tiny crustacean 5 Skin, e.g. 78 Demonstrate
herald? 6 Shampoo brand 79 Besides Mo., the
54 Lose it 7 What sweeps only state that
56 Blood system sweep borders eight others
letters 8 Discoverer of the 81 NHL Flames’ home Last week’s answers can be found in today’s “Puzzle Island Solutions.” © 2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

57 Informal clothes first ocean route to 82 Off-road vehicle

58 Former Yugoslav India 83 Yet to happen Jumble Sudoku 12/5
leader 9 Nails the final 84 Got a goal against
59 Key next to D 10 High pt. 85 Lang. of about Unscramble the six Jumbles, one letter per Complete the grid so each row, column and
62 Unsurpassed 11 Neighborhood 200,000 Americans square, to form six words. Then arrange the 3-by-3 box in bold borders contains every digit
66 Italian wine region 12 Origin 86 Letters in old dates circled letters to form the surprise answer, as 1 to 9.
67 Help for little fish? 13 Those, to José 87 Old Mideast org. suggested by this cartoon. Level:
71 Words with a hand 14 Connection letters 92 Seat of New York’s
up, maybe 15 Vader creator Nassau County
72 Magician who 16 Sukiyaki ingredient 94 Prof.’s degree
is a two-time 17 Looking up to 95 Most developed
“America’s Got 18 Sink 96 Earth tones
Talent” winner 19 QBs’ targets 97 Hang on to
74 Natural light 24 “And the people 99 More jungly
refractor bowed and prayed 100 1999 ATP Player of
75 Eco-friendly / To the __ god the Year
certification letters they made”: Paul 101 To boot
76 Most stylish Simon, “The 103 Look parents
80 Pirate’s cry Sound of Silence” caution children
81 Jumping, as a joint 28 Nautical pronoun about
82 Reason to go 31 New Age musician 104 __ on the dollar
to a seafood John 106 Urge forward
restaurant? 32 Talk out of, with 108 “If so ... ”
88 Danson of TV “from” 109 17th-century
89 Disney’s vision of 33 One reading signs privateer
tomorrow 35 Peace, in Russian 110 Folklore fiend
90 Make up (for) 36 Boxer Laila 112 Toi et moi
91 Pre-storm state 37 Power source: Abbr. 113 Roughly
Last week’s answers can be found in today’s “Puzzle Island
93 Warrior prefix 38 Disaster response 114 Simile words Solutions.”
This week’s answers can be found in today’s “Puzzle Island
94 Crustacean seller? gp. 115 NFC West team Solutions.” By The Mepham Group © 2021. Distributed by Tribune
98 “Terrible” czar 39 Stupefies 116 Term of By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek. © 2021 Tribune Content Content Agency, LLC. All rights reserved.
102 Status car 42 NYSE, e.g. endearment Agency, LLC. All rights reserved.
4  Chicago Tribune | Section 9 | Sunday, December 5, 2021

1. Define clues, writing in Words column over
numbered dashes.
2. Transfer letters to numbered squares in diagram.
3. When pattern is completed, quotation can be
read left to right. The first letters of the filled-in
words reading down form an acrostic yielding the
speaker’s name and the topic of the quotation.
Clues Words

Last week’s
answers can
be found
in today’s
“Puzzle Island

By Mel Taub.
Edited by
Linda and
© 2021
Agency, LLC.
All rights


Structured Relationships
By Charles Preston

Across 52 Bedtime syncopation 18 Remove grain or seed

1 Road sign 54 Aggressive one 22 Subj. of Duke study
5 Cugat tune 56 Recording thief 23 American soprano
10 Operatic prince 58 Like this puzzle Emma
14 Setting for 3 billion souls 59 Branch-trunk angle 24 Plants
15 Bermudian bulb 60 HOUSE 25 HOUSE
16 Specify 65 Campus figure 29 Water lines
17 HOUSE 66 Sully 30 Single: prefix
19 ___ en point: her. 67 Delhi musical piece 31 Half a da Vinci portrait
20 Baccarat cases 68 Making ___ meet 33 L-o-n-g times
21 Living fences 69 Cheap smoke 36 Menu
23 Undertakings 70 Organ unit 37 More reserved
26 Cubic meter 40 French article
27 A Night at the Opera Down 41 Cringe
song 1 Fie! 44 Announces
28 Disney rabbit 2 Apply 47 Wall Street roles
32 Frozen dessert 3 Woody’s ex 49 Cage target
34 ‘‘Sail ___ ship of state!’’ 4 Estelle, of Hollywood 50 Floor material
35 Rudiments 5 Factory ‘‘hand’’ 52 Architect’s concern
38 Miscue 6 Turmoil 53 Eisenhower in-law
39 Shelter 7 Mr. Van der Rohe 55 Wacky
42 Shea support 8 Fluffy scarf 57 Projected costs: abbr.
43 Western obi 9 Key of life: Egypt. 58 Toynbee’s muse
45 Pilot’s abbreviation 10 Picnic drink 61 Touch
46 Road 11 HOUSE 62 Tun
48 Most ‘‘wired’’ 12 Paravane 63 Jung concern
51 Emulate W. J. Bryan 13 Dodger under Shotton 64 Disappearing seat
Last week’s answers can be found in today’s “Puzzle Island Solutions.” © 2021 Creators News Service.

Today’s birthday (Dec. Cancer (June 21-July clever ideas. Grab a lucky

5): Expand communication 22): 8. If you can’t get some- break. Get the word out.
channels this year. Widen thing done, your partner Sagittarius (Nov. 22-
circles of influence with can. Coordinate collabo- Dec. 21): 9. Silver is avail-
steady contribution. Winter rative efforts for greatest able. Focus on bringing it in.
illuminates you from with- ease and benefit. Romance Energize for lucrative re-

island in, recharging your physical

performance this spring.
Slowing to process summer
changes and transitions
sparks when least expect-
ed. Listen to intuition.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22):
9. Practice your moves to
sults. Money saved is mon-
ey earned. Reduce waste to
save more. Simplify.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.

solutions inspires autumn dreams,

visions and plans. Get the
word out for what you love.
make it look easy. Physical
efforts get satisfying results.
Take an unexpected oppor-
19): 9. Imagine an accom-
plishment completed, and
you can see the steps to
Aries (March 21-April tunity. Dance to the music take. Take charge for the
19): Today is an 8. Take that stirs your spirit. results you want. You can
Last week’s crosswords Last week’s Quote-Acrostic advantage of a spontaneous Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): make things happen.
professional opportunity. 8. Stumble into a romantic Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb.
OF THE DESERT: We may prefer to live
Trust a crazy hunch. Listen situation. Set aside worries 18): 7. Enjoy thoughtful
amid hills, meadows, fields and wood- to your intuition. Make a for now. Take a sponta- planning mode. You’re
lots, or even, for that matter, surrounded valuable connection. Push neous moment for fun and especially intuitive and
by steel and concrete. But ‘wilderness,’ and win a prize. sweetness with someone sensitive. Listen to the pre-
‘jungle,’ and ‘desert’ are still stirring Taurus (April 20-May who makes your heart vailing mood and plot your
words, as even moviemakers know. 20): 8. Explore new sights. flutter. course. Chart the steps to
Grab an unexpected oppor- Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): realize a dream.
tunity. The more you learn, 8. Get drawn into domes- Pisces (Feb. 19-March
Last week’s Sudoku the more you understand tic solutions. Household 20): 8. Find unexpected
how little you know. Follow projects produce satisfying synchronicity between
a fascinating thread. results. Find an unexpected friends, a spontaneous en-
Gemini (May 21-June bargain that renews your counter or chance bit of fun.
20): 8. Opposites attract. space. Clean messes. Relax Make an excellent connec-
Give in to some spon- with home comforts. tion. Enjoy shared affinity,
taneous fun with your Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. respect and admiration.
partner. Put your talents 21): 8. Dive into a fascinat-
together for shared gain. ing subject to find unex- — Nancy Black, Tribune
Grab a lucrative chance pected treasure. Listen to Content Agency
“Two for Two” when it appears. young people. Develop your

Word Game
Bridge This game challenges
you to find as many words
Q.1—Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold: as you can, as quickly as you
♠ 10 9 6 5 3 ♥ A Q 6 2 ♦ K 4 ♣ J 9 can, in one master word.
This week’s Jumble Partner deals and passes. Right-hand opponent also passes.
What call would you make?
ih-pis): The brink of a
Q.2—North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold: dangerous or disastrous
♠ K Q 10 8 6 5 4 2 ♥ Void ♦ A Q ♣ 9 8 6 situation.
North East South West Can you find 17 or more
1NT Pass 2♥* Dbl words in PRECIPICE?
Average mark: 13 words
Pass 3♥ ?
Time limit: 30 minutes
*Transfer to spades Here are the rules:
What call would you make? 1. Words must be four or
Q.3—East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold: more letters. 2. Words that
“Pop Quiz” ♠ 64 ♥ K4 ♦ A986 ♣ A8754 acquire four letters by the
East South West North addition of an “s,” such as
“bats” and “cats,” are not
1♠ Pass 2♠ 4♥ used. 3. Use only one form
4♠ ? of a verb — either“pose” or
“posed,” not both. 4. Proper
What call would you make?
nouns and slang terms are
Q.4—Both vulnerable, as South, you hold: not used.
♠ J42 ♥ AK8753 ♦ J ♣ 876
Answers to the word
South West North East
2♥ Pass 2♠ Pass creep; crepe; icier
price; recipe; rice; ripe; epic;
pierce; pipe; piper; prep;
What call would you make? peep; peer; perp; piece; pier;
Answers in Monday’s comics pages.
— Kathleen Saxe,
— Bob Jones distributed by Andrews McMeel Syndication for UFS
Chicago Tribune | Section 9 | Sunday, December 5, 2021  5

Mt. Pleasant By Rick McKee and Kent Sligh

Dustin By Steve Kelley and Jeff Parker The Lockhorns

By Bunny Hoest and John Reiner
6  Chicago Tribune | Section 9 | Sunday, December 5, 2021

Mutts By Patrick McDonnell

The Middletons By Ralph Dunagin and Dana Summers

Doonesbury By Garry Trudeau

Prickly City By Scott Stantis

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