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Education and Training

The Cost of Not Doing BIM:

Education and Professional Development
By Robert Yori

BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING in a particular profession, especially ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC)
(BIM) is rapidly becoming the de facto through continued education.” Such systems is helpful in understanding the
standard for how buildings are designed, education can take place in the form of importance of preemptive clash detec-
constructed and maintained. BIM has mentorship, study and research, or per- tion as part of the design and precon-
planted itself firmly into the universe of sonal experience. Professional develop- struction BIM tasks. An understanding
knowledge that architecture, engineer- ment is inextricably tied to knowledge, of building construction means and
ing and construction (AEC) profession- accomplishment and success, whether methods would be helpful to an individ-
als must inhabit, including parametric it is in the eyes of oneself or in the eyes ual who needs to phase the construction
design models and space programming of others. logistics of a project. Experience with
tools; from quantity takeoffs and cost es- The term “skills or expertise” is project cost estimating will help inform
timates; modular prefabrication to assist broad in scope and can be attributed the type and level of specificity required
tracking and project phasing; and BIM to knowledge about particular systems, in pricing a BIM.
execution plans, to facility management techniques or managerial aspects of a
(FM) models and Construction Opera- profession. For example, an architect SUPPORTING SOFTWARE
tions Building information exchange might demonstrate particular knowl- Learning Navisworks, Revit, Vico,
(COBie) standards. edge about curtain wall and building Tekla or any of the other BIM tools is
Familiarity with the topic is more of enclosure systems, a structural engineer as important to the BIM process as un-
a necessity than a preference. Entities might be known for expertise on super derstanding the process itself, as long
such as the U.S. General Services Ad- tall building structures and a fabrica- as the tools are learned with the over-
ministration (GSA), the U.S. Army Corps tor might have developed expertise in all goals in mind. Knowing the tools
of Engineers (USACE), states, education- minimizing the waste of raw materials affords one the ability to contribute in
al institutions and healthcare compa- when forming ductwork. All are profes- the common communication platform,
nies have recognized the efficiency, the sional skills, each directly germane to a in the same way our knowledge of how
increase in quality and the owner ben- particular profession or trade and each to speak allows us to contribute to a
efit that BIM brings to a project. They can be informed in some way by BIM. conversation.
have even begun requiring its use. In the BIM describes the embodiment of Unfortunately, the most commonly
simplest terms, the “cost of not doing professional knowledge and technique recognized approach to BIM training
BIM” translates into not being consid- into a process. To quote Finith Jernigan; might be lacking the proper context.
ered for projects due to reduced project it is about, “managing to get the right in- Students often enroll in classes designed
quality and increased schedule times. formation to the right place at the right and optimized to teach features of a
In more individual or personal terms, it time.” Such a feat combines specific given piece of software. There are also
manifests itself as an opportunity cost of technical knowledge, the ability to con- self-paced versions, video tutorials and
slowed personal advancement and de- vey that knowledge using specific tools books, some of which are more compre-
creased satisfaction. and a managerial understanding of what hensive than others.
This article proposes BIM as an inte- to deliver, to whom it should be deliv- By their very nature, most of these
gral part of professional development, ered and at what point in the project it types of classes focus on application
which, when coupled with other types should be delivered. BIM is truly a skill functionality without providing the “big
of professional expertise, advances one’s and mastery of that skill certainly quali- picture” perspective of the overall BIM
profession or trade through innovation, fies as expertise. process. Unfortunately, examples and
enhances the quality of the built envi- exercises used in these types of classes
ronment and enriches one’s own profes- BIM SKILLS AND EXPERTISE may not parallel the use cases that the
sional experience. In this context, the By definition, BIM is about infor- students face in their professions—the
“cost of not doing BIM” can be viewed as mation, communication and delivery. poorer the match, the less material re-
“not advancing professionally.” Understanding BIM requires an under- tained by the student. In the absence of
standing of the processes and intricacies applied knowledge (for example, learn-
BIM AND PROFESSIONAL of design and construction. Conversley, ing the tool in the context of specific
DEVELOPMENT an understanding of those processes can professional goals), this type of learn-
Professional development is defined be fortified by understanding BIM. For ing is, at best, mildly successful. It is
by as, “the advance- example, familiarity with the problems imperative that such classes be supple-
ment of skills or expertise to succeed of conflicting structural and heating, mented with material more specific to

28 Journal of Building Information Modeling

an individual’s particular professional So, what is the cost of not doing BIM? invested and interested in their profes-
area of interest for an optimal learning It can be thought of as a series of oppor- sion, deepens professional knowledge,
experience. tunity costs, including the potential loss helps to raise the quality of the built en-
of work and incurred fees. Quite directly, vironment and contributes to a greater
HOW ADULTS LEARN there is a cost associated with not even sense of personal satisfaction. What’s
Applied learning is the key to any being considered for large-scale work. not to like? n
type of adult learning, whether it is soft- On a more personal level, learning, us-
ware, BIM, a language or anything else. ing and mastering BIM affords an indi- Robert Yori is a Digital Design Spe-
Adult learning motivation is at its high- viduals a more thorough understanding cialist at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
est when an individual can relate the of modern design and construction LLP, one of the leading architecture, in-
material to his or her experiences. What tools, techniques and processes. Such terior design, engineering and urban-
could be more motivating than a direct knowledge helps keep them current, planning firms in the world.
correlation to one’s day-to-day respon-
sibilities? What if a relationship could
be established to BIM and increased
efficiency? Increased project quality?
How about innovation?


Once a cognitive understanding of
the BIM process and a cognitive un-
derstanding of the supporting tools
are achieved, coupled with an in-depth
understanding of other profession or
trade-specific knowledge, the real in-
novation begins. Tools can be used to
rapidly test and answer questions that
might not have been asked without
using them. For example, a structural
engineer might run a load path optimi-
zation simulation and the result may
lead to a different way of thinking about
the original problem and perhaps an
entirely new solution. Clash detection
might lead a fabricator to redesign the
duct depths. The results of a heat gain
analysis might prompt an architect to
rethink an all-glass west façade. While
technically possible without BIM, such
tools accelerate and ease the processes
of coordination and redesign.
It is absolutely essential to the de-
velopment of design professionals or
tradespersons that they continue to
learn and acquire professional knowl-
edge, and expertise, judgment and dis-
cretion to successfully understand the
BIM process and tools in the proper
context. Examples of this necessity are
reflected in structural analysis and en-
vironmental design software, which can
be useless and often detrimental, if the
individuals using them do not under-
stand the principles on which they are
based and cannot properly interpret
the results.

Spring 2011 29

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