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Talanta 71 (2007) 136–140

Determination of trace metals by ICP-OES in plant materials after

preconcentration of 1,10-phenanthroline complexes on activated carbon
Barbara Mikuła ∗ , Bożena Puzio
Institute of Chemistry, Silesian University, 40-006 Katowice, Poland
Received 11 February 2004; received in revised form 14 February 2006; accepted 17 March 2006
Available online 8 May 2006

In this work, 1,10-phenanthroline was used as a complexing agent for the separation and preconcentration of Cd(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and
Pb(II) on activated carbon. The metals were adsorbed on activated carbon by two methods: static (1) and dynamic (2). The optimal condition for
separation and quantitative preconcentration of metal ions with activated carbon for the proposed methods was for (1) in the static methods in
the pH range 7–9. The desorption was found quantitative with 8 mol dm−3 HNO3 for Cd(II) (92.6%), Co(II) (95.6%), Pb(II) (91.0%), and with
3 mol dm−3 HNO3 for Cd(II) (95.4%), Pb(II) (100.2%). The preconcentration factor was 100 with R.S.D. values between 1.0 and 2.9%. For (2),
the dynamic method (SPE), the pH range for the quantitative sorption was 7–9. The desorption was found quantitative with 8 mol dm−3 HNO3
for Cd(II) (100.6%), Pb(II) (94.4%), and reasonably high recovery for Co(II) (83%), Cu(II) (88%). The optimum flow rate of metal ions solution
for quantitative sorption of metals with 1,10-phenanthroline was 1–2 cm3 min−1 whereas for desorption it was 1 cm3 min−1 . The preconcentration
factor was 50 for all the ions of the metals with R.S.D. values between 2.9 and 9.8%.
The samples of the activated carbon with the adsorbed trace metals can be determined by ICP-OES after mineralization by means of a high-
pressure microwave mineralizer. The proposed method provides recovery for Cd (100.8%), Co (97.2%), Cu (94.6%), Ni (99.6%) and Pb (100.0%)
with R.S.D. values between 1.2 and 3.2%.
The preconcentration procedure showed a linear calibration curve within the concentration range 0.1–1.5 ␮g cm−3 . The limits of detection values
(defined as “blank + 3s” where s is standard deviation of the blank determination) are 5.8, 70.8, 6.7, 24.6, and 10.8 ␮g dm−3 for Cd(II), Pb(II),
Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II), respectively, and corresponding limit of quantification (blank + 10s) values were 13.5, 151.3, 20.0, 58.9 and 33.2 ␮g dm−3 ,
As a result, these simple methods were applied for the determination of the above-mentioned metals in reference materials and in samples of
plant material.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: ICP-OES; 1,10-Phenanthroline; Activate carbon

1. Introduction aqueous solution by simply adjusting the pH to an adequate

value and by using a chelating agent.
The determination of elements is usually preceded by their A literature survey revealed that enrichment of heavy met-
separation from the major components (matrix) of the sample, als on actived carbon is usually carried out after chelation with
and it involves simultaneous preconcentration of the trace com- 8-hydroxyquinoline [1–6], cupferron [7,8], dithiocarbamates
ponents. [9–12], dithizone [13,14], potassium ethylxanthate [15,16],
Activated carbon is widely use a trace collector for multi- chrome azurol S [17] or the ammonium salt of dithiophospho-
element preconcentration in analysis of water, high-purity sub- ric acid O,O-diethyl ester [18]. Following desorption in a small
stances, vegetable sample, etc. There are two general approaches volume of nitric acid, the metal concentration are measured by
to metal preconcentration using activated carbon, namely from AAS or ICP-OES.
Zhang et al. [19] presents a method where by trace elements
are adsorbed in NH4 Cl–NH3 medium on activated carbon and
∗ Corresponding author. Fax: +48 32 599978. then determined by microwave plasma torch atomic emission
E-mail address: (B. Mikuła). spectrometry.

0039-9140/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B. Mikuła, B. Puzio / Talanta 71 (2007) 136–140 137

1,10-Phenantroline has been used as a complexing reagent The activated carbon, after the metals sorption, was rinsed
for preconcentration trace metals [20–24]. with water and dissolved in 10 cm3 of 3 and 8 mol dm−3 . The
Problems in using activated carbons for analytical work are metals concentration was determined with ICP-OES.
related to the large variations in the physical and chemical
properties of the different sources of carbon and difficulty in 2.3.1. Preconcentration of activated carbon by static
obtaining full desorption of organic and inorganic analytes. method
The aim of the present work was to investigate activated car- A 10 cm3 of the complexing reagent (0.01 mol dm−3 1,10-
bon for the preconcentration and separation of cadmium, copper, phenanthroline solution) and 0.1 g activated carbon were added
nickel, cobalt and lead traces. 1,10-Phenantholine was used as to the sample and diluted to 50 cm3 . The mixture was stirred
a complexing agent. The model system was used for the deter- with a magnetic bar for 25 min. Then the sample was prepared
mination of heavy metals in plant materials. in two ways.
In the first method, the sample was filtered through a fil-
2. Experimental ter paper, rinsed with water and dissolved in 10 cm3 of 3 and
8 mol dm−3 HNO3 .
2.1. Apparatus and conditions In the second method, the mixture was filtered through a
small filter paper (Millipore). Then a filter paper covered with
Mineralizer M-9 (WSL, Bytom); Mineralizer microwaves activated carbon was mineralized by adding 3 cm3 of nitric acid
UniClever (Plasmatronika); Spectroflame, ICP Model M (Spec- in a microwave mineralizer. The obtained solution was diluted
tro Analytical Instruments). to the volume of 10 cm3 .
The sequential spectrometer was used with following param-
eters: frequency, 27.12 MHz; power, 1.1 kW; demountable 2.3.2. Column method
quartz torch, Ar/Ar/Ar; coolant gas Ar, 14.0 l min−1 ; auxilliary The 500 mg of activated carbon was packed in a column SPE-
gas Ar, 0.5 l min−1 ; nebulizer gas Ar, 1.0 l min−1 ; nebulizer PP (polypropylene-size 3 cm3 ).
pressure, 2.4 bar; glass spray chamber according to Scott, sam- The sample solution containing 5 ␮g Cd(II), Cu(II), Pb(II),
ple flow rate, 1.0 ml min−1 ; observation height 11 mm; holo- Ni(II) and Co(II) and 2 cm3 of 1,10-phenanthroline solution
graphic grating, 2400 grooves mm−1 ; dispersion of grating in (pH ≈ 7.0) was passed through the columns filled with acti-
the first reciprocal order, 0.55 nm mm−1 ; wavelength range of vated carbon after adjusting its pH to an optimum value at a
monochromator 165–460 nm; integration time, 3 s. The wave- flow rate of 1 cm3 min−1 used by BAKERBOND SPE system.
lengths for Cd, 226.50 nm; Pb, 220.35 nm; Ni, 352.45 nm; Co, The metals were then desorbed from the column with 10 cm3 of
228.62 nm; Cu, 324.75 nm. 8.0 mol dm−3 nitric acid.
2.2. Reagents
2.3.3. Mineralization of plant materials
Standard solutions Cd(II), Cu(II), Pb(II), Ni(II) and Co(II) The 1 g sample of potatoes of 1 mm grain size, dried previ-
of concentration 1 mg dm−3 (Merck). Activated carbon (AC), ously to the constant air-dry mass was mineralized by adding
powder (J.T. Baker); 1,10-phenanthroline (POCH); conc. HNO3 10 cm3 of HNO3 and H2 O2 (t ∼ = 190 ◦ C) in a mineralizer M-9.
(POCH); H2 O2 30% (POCH). All reagents used were of analyti- Then the obtained solution was diluted to the volume of about
cal or ultrapure grade. The water used for synthetic solutions was 50 cm3 . The prepared samples were neutralized to pH 7–8 with
doubly distilled in a quartz apparatus. The 1,10-phenanthroline the sodium hydroxide solution.
was prepared by dissolving 0.496(5) g of the reagent in 0.25 dm3
of doubly distilled water. 3. Results and discussion

2.3. Preconcentration procedure The application of activated carbon for enrichment of trace
elements in different materials is often presented in the analytical
The procedure of the concentration of cadmium, copper, procedures. However, better results are to be expected when
nickel, cobalt and lead by adsorption on activated carbon with the metals are complexed with organic chelating agents before
the use of 1,10-phenanthroline was as follows. adsorption on AC. For these reasons 1,10-phenathroline was
Activated carbon powder (J.T. Baker) was kept in nitric acid choosen in this work as a complexing agent for enrichment on
(1:1) solution for 24 h so as to remove the metal ions and other AC.
impurities sorbed on it. Then it was filtered and rinsed with It was proved experimentally that nitric acid slightly influ-
doubly distilled water until it was free from acid. It was dried enced the simultaneous determination of Pb(II), Co(II), Cu(II),
in a drying furnace at 110 ◦ C. The complexing reagent and the Ni(II) and Cd(II) by the ICP-OES method. Model standard
activated carbon were added to a beaker with the 50 cm3 model curves (for the solutions containing the matrix reagents) were
solution containing 5 ␮g each Pb(II), Co(II), Cu(II), Ni(II) and linear in the concentration range 0.1–1.5 ␮g cm−3 for Cd, Cu,
Cd(II). The pH of the solution was adjusted to desired value Ni, Co and 0.2–1.5 ␮g cm−3 for Pb.
(pH ≈ 7). The required pH of the solution was adjusted by In the literature there are two methods proposed. One of them
adding 0.1 mol dm−3 hydrochloric acid or 0.1 mol dm−3 sodium requires the complex compound to be added to the sample first
hydroxide. and then adsorbed on the activated carbon. In the second, the
138 B. Mikuła, B. Puzio / Talanta 71 (2007) 136–140

Table 1
Effect on the concentration of elution solutions on results of determination of
heavy metals after preconcentration on AC with 1,10-phenanthroline by the
static method
CHNO3 (mol dm−3 ) Recovery (%)

Cd Co Cu Ni Pb

3 95.4 81.4 45.2 21.4 100.2

4 95.2 94.2 50.8 21.8 99.4
5 94.0 86.3 69.8 22.0 98.6
6 93.6 90.0 70.4 35.4 96.0
7 93.2 93.2 67.6 36.0 93.0
8 92.6 95.6 78.4 42.6 92.6
9 86.8 93.8 74.1 41.2 90.0
10 84.4 93.6 70.5 46.6 85.6

pH 7–8; 10 cm3 eluent volume; ligand: 0.01 mol dm−3 1,10-phenanthroline.

Fig. 1. The effect of pH on the recovery of metals with 1,10-phenanthroline by
static method.
orption was not quantitative for nickel and copper. Therefore,
activated carbon is modified with a complexing reagent before the activated carbon with adsorbed metals was mineralized with
contact with the ions of the metal. In this work the first method 3 cm3 of nitric acid. The results presented in Table 2 confirm
was applied. the efficiency of preconcentration of metals on activated car-
In order to obtain quantitative recoveries of the metal ions bon using 1,10-phenanthroline. Difficulties with the elution of
on the activated carbon, the preconcentration procedure was adsorbed metals are probably due to formation of metal com-
optimized for the various analytical parameters such as sam- plexes strongly adsorbed on activated carbon.
ple preparation, pH, amount of activated carbon, complexing This procedure was also applied to the preconcentration of
reagent, factor preconcentration and the stirring time were stud- the investigated elements by the column method. The influ-
ied. ence of the flow rate in the range 1.0–3.0 cm3 min−1 on the
The effect of pH on the separation of metal ions was stud- sorption of metals into SPE and elution was studied. The pecon-
ied in the range 2–10, keeping the other parameters constant. centration and elution flow rate was quantitative for this range
As shown in Fig. 1, the optimum pH range for quantitative and hence 1.0 cm3 min−1 was choosen for preconcentration and
recoveries of Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd and Co was above 7. The effect of elution in the later studies. Table 2 shows the results of the
amount of activated carbon and 1,10-phenanthroline was exam- preconcentration of the complexes of metal ions with 1,10-
ined in the range 50–300 mg and 5–20 cm3 of 0.01 mol dm−3 phenanthroline by the static and column method. The results
solution, respectively. In the proposed procedure, 100 mg AC of the preconcentration in column method gave good R.S.D.
and 10 cm3 of 0.01 mol dm−3 1,10-phenanthroline were recom- but recoveries of the elements were lower than in the static
mended for quantitative sorption of metal ions. For the 300 mg method. Quantitative preconcentration and elution of metals
AC and above, the preconcentration was not quantitative. The was obtained by increasing the dilution of 5 ␮g metal ions in
stirring time of the solution was tested in the range 10–40 min. the range 25–500 cm3 (final volume: 10 cm3 ). The enrichm-
The result of the stirring time effect demonstrated that the sorp- ment factor was found to be approximately 50. The limit of
tion of the complex was quantitative after 25 min. detection values (defined as “blank + 3s” where s is the stan-
For the group desorption Pb(II), Co(II), Cu(II), Ni(II) and dard deviation of the blank determination) were 5.8, 70.8,
Cd(II), 8 mol dm−3 of eluent (nitric acid) proved to be efficient. 6.7, 24.6, and 10.8 ␮g dm−3 for Cd(II), Pb(II), Co(II), Ni(II)
However, for the desorption of Cd(II) and Pb(II), it was suffi- and Cu(II), respectively. The corresponding limit of quantifi-
cient to apply 3 mol dm−3 HNO3 as an eluent, obtaining almost cation (blank + 10s) values were 13.5, 151.3, 20.0, 58.9 and
100% recovery of metals (Table 1). The results showed that des- 33.2 ␮g dm−3 , respectively.

Table 2
Results of analysis of metal ions by ICP-OES after preconcentration on AC
M Column method, elution Static method

Recovery (%) R.S.D. (%) Elution Mineralized AC

Recovery (%) R.S.D. (%) Recovery (%) R.S.D. (%)

Cd 100.6 2.9 92.6 2.9 100.8 3.1

Co 83.0 9.0 95.4 2.6 97.2 3.2
Cu 87.6 9.4 78.6 1.0 94.6 2.4
Ni 24.6 9.0 39.4 3.0 99.6 1.2
Pb 94.4 9.8 91.0 2.7 100.0 2.3

pH 7–8; eluent: 10 cm3 of 8 mol dm−3 HNO3 ; ligand: 0.01 mol dm−3 1,10-phenanthroline.
B. Mikuła, B. Puzio / Talanta 71 (2007) 136–140 139

Table 3
Results of determining of Cd, Pb, Co, Ni and Cu in references material (oriental tobacco leaves, CTA-OTL-1) by ICP-OES methods after preconcentration of metals
with 1,10-phenanthroline on activated carbon
Metal Certified value (␮g g−1 ) Determined (␮g g−1 )

Column method, elution Static method

Elution Mineralize AC

Cd 1.12 ± 0.12 1.07 ± 0.13 1.05 ± 0.06 1.15 ± 0.07

Pb 4.91 ± 0.80 5.25 ± 0.1 5.31 ± 0.08 5.02 ± 0.01
Co 0.879 ± 0.039 0.70 ± 0.09 0.84 ± 0.06 0.89 ± 0.01
Ni 6.32 ± 0.65 1.28 ± 0.07 1.55 ± 0.08 6.25 ± 0.09
Cu 14.1 ± 0.5 14.1 ± 0.1 6.0 ± 0.1 13.9 ± 0.1

pH 7–8; eluent: 10 cm3 of 8 mol dm−3 HNO3 ; ligand: 0.01 mol dm−3 1,10-phenanthroline.

Different amounts of the metals were preconcentrated by Preconcentrating of heavy metals on activated carbon by
the proposed methods in the range 1.0–15 ␮g in 500 cm3 solu- the static and column methods, using elution with proper acid,
tion. The R.S.D. and the average recovery preconcentration were recovery of some metals was not qantitative. That is why
comparable (Table 2). mineralization of activated carbon with adsorbed metals was
In order to establish the validity of the proposed procedure, preferred.
the method has been applied to the determination of the content
of the studied elements in standard reference material-oriental 4. Conclusion
tobacco leaves (CTA-OTL-1). The results of the metal analyses
after preconcentration on activated carbon using two different The proposed static and column methods of the preconcen-
methods (the static and column methods) are reported in Table 3. tration of Co(II), Pb(II), Ni(II), Cd(II) and Cu(II) as complexes
The use of both methods gave good recovery for cadmium, lead with 1,10-phenanthroline with the use of activated carbon were
and cobalt. Only the recovery obtained for copper and nickel in found simple and accurate. The static method may be used for
the references material was significantly lower, but recovery of preconcentration and determination of Cd, Co and Pb. For pre-
metals was comparable with the values obtained for the model concentration of Cd and Pb, the static and column methods
solutions, and can also be applied to determine the approximate may be applied. However, for the group determination of the
contents of these metals. metals, mineralization of activated carbon with adsorbed met-
The AC mineralization method allowed to obtain about 100% als was proposed. It was found that there was no significant
recovery. difference between achieved results by proposed methods and
These results proved also that the procedure can be applied certified results. The methods of preconcentration of heavy met-
satisfactorily for the determination of metals in contaminated als can be used for their determination in plant materials by the
samples of plant materials. The preconcentration procedures ICP-OES.
were applied to the determination of Co(II), Pb(II), Ni(II), Cd(II)
and Cu(II) in potatoes by ICP-OES (Table 4). The R.S.D. val-
ues were less then 10%. In the investigated samples of plant References
material, in spite of the application of separation and precon-
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