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Continuing Nightmare Unto Secular1 End-Times

Mass Awakening and Non-compliance
Does this title make any sense? I’d say that if not, it means you likely didn’t receive the memo.2
Although said memo has been circulating around independent media for the past two years, it has
unfortunately been deemed not ‘fit to print’ in legacy (mainstream) media circles. Much of this has
been known for decades actually but is really coming into focus now.

Anyhow, here’s a Cliff Notes of the Cliff Notes version along with a few related links:

The current top-down worldwide covid response and injection program, i.e. the ‘New Normal’,
continues and is dramatically accelerating a “New World Order” agenda. In more recent times this
agenda has been dressed up with PR labels like the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ and ‘4th
Industrial Revolution’, or the United Nation’s ‘Agenda 21’ and ‘2030 Agenda’.

Although much of this is easily verifiable by their own documents, statements, etc., they of course tend
to spin it with the most assured and favorable language... phrases like ‘Sustainable Development Goals’
or more recently, ‘Build Back Better’ are really bitchin’ for sure! Rah, rah, rah! While yeah, this all
sounds real snappy, I’m pretty sure however it’s the centralized, unilateral, undemocratic, behemoth
monster aspect that people are objecting to here. At any rate…

This agenda involves-

---A technocratic and revolutionary bio-security state control of humanity... to be achieved through
allopathic medical cartel drugs, vaccines, etc. and the digital SMART grid, track and trace technology
and vaccine passport / ID systems, all of which are coming onboard now.

Dayz of Noah, ‘2022 Mass Psychosis / Problem Reaction Solution’-

---Totalitarian management (think curtailment) of human Freedoms including Religious, Imaginative,

Psychological, Artistic, etc. through social engineering.

Spacebusters, ‘Trust Ultra Trust Naomi’-

Corey’s Digs, (article) ‘ALERT: 2030 Psychological Agenda- Obedience Training For PreK-Adults
Already Global With Billions In Funding For Full Control- Part 2: Programming’-

Newsbud, ‘Proudly Serving a One World Government- The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in
1 Implying here that it’s not just religious fantasy to speak of “end times”. For me, the technocratic enslavement of
humanity qualifies.
2 A figurative memo

---A ‘social credit’ system (think China).

Dissident Signposts, ‘China’s Social Credit System’-

---Transformation of all financial systems to a unified ‘Central Bank Digital Currency’ (CBDC).

Best Evidence, ‘Larry and Carsten’s Excellent Pandemic’-

---Likely substantial reduction of human population.3

ApplesIsland, ‘Dr. Andreas Noack Released This Video and Died/Killed Shortly After’-

Through this long developing, well considered and organized process, humanity is being herded to the
first scenario mentioned in the title, ‘Continuing Nightmare Unto Secular End-times’… we’re in the

Researching so-called alternative information on vaccines, philanthropy, world government, history of

false flag terrorism, social engineering, etc. will lead people naturally to demand the second and only
acceptable scenario:4 ‘Mass Awakening and Non-compliance’.5

As just alluded to, society is being guided toward this first stated darker option through psychological
means. Terms like ‘misinformation’ and ‘conspiracy theory’ have been deliberately employed by
‘powers that be’ to dissuade you from looking into any of these ‘controversial’ topics and connecting
dots. The modern social paradigm we’re all swimming in daily including its science, history, etc. is the
new religion.6 Objection is considered heresy. This intentional and largely false construct cannot bear
serious challenges to its underlying structures. Such dissent from orthodoxy must be rooted out,
ultimately by any means necessary.

As a result of these efforts to counter such alternative viewpoints, many people still have very little idea
about any of this. Still, I’ve been consistently impressed that more people aren’t catching on here, what
with the internet ‘n all. I would say this phenomenon is largely denial and willful ignorance, but
3 This last bullet point is speculation of course, however, since many of our philanthropic overlords have close ties to
eugenics movements of the past, it makes sense and seems likely. These people are ushering in a technocratic world
where you and I won’t be necessary. To them a greatly reduced population would be desirable (reduced strain on
resources, environment, etc.) but it’s kinda hard for them to just come out and say it… though sometimes they do
anyhow lol.
This is good, esp. on history of Eugenics, etc. The Corbett Report-
4 At least I’d think it “the only acceptable scenario”.... Compare and contrast the totalitarian technocratic vision presented
here with “Democracy” as understood in America… ya know, that thing that Patriots fought and died for.
5 For anyone wondering, this is the “accentuate the positive” part...
6 Not trying to criticize religion here and wouldn’t be qualified anyhow. Personally, I think Christianity represents a
higher model of moral behavior than any of the weak and degraded liberalism that’s been inculcated in modern western
cultures. At any rate, possibly a more apt descriptor then would be ‘cult’ although I don’t think that’s real great either.
Individuals are individuals… however, groups of people can be said to exhibit ‘cult-like’ behavior… that’s the point.
personally I don’t blame people for this situation. Most of us have been trained since we were kids,
especially through government schooling, to ‘appeal to authority’ to such an extent that as adults we
just can’t wrap our heads around any idea that suggests these ‘authorities’ may be wrong.

Although this problematic situation is not our fault, I’d say it is our responsibility to consider the
dissenting information and charges being made against ‘the system’. A person will then be better
informed on the varying viewpoints, narratives, opinions, etc. going on with some of these
‘controversial’ topics. I’d suggest that the people out here researching, compiling and collating
information that counters this prevailing paradigm actually have good to excellent critical thinking

Again, we have all been the objects of conscious propaganda designed to dissuade us from looking
behind the curtain so to speak. Couple this with the fact that most people are busy just trying to manage
their lives with work, family, etc. and so decide by default that they don’t have the remaining time or
energy necessary to spend the required hours of research in these areas.

To this I would say, because we’re all now charged with deciding at an individual level between the
two options presented in the title of this short article, it has literally become a matter of life and death.
I’d recommend that people just spend the time. Although at a minimum probably hundreds of hours are
required to begin to ‘get it’, these things should become fascinating for a person well before that and
the job will likely (hopefully) transform itself from a chore to an energized and engaging endeavor. The
links supplied above are a start but also just a drop in the bucket.

I recently wrote an article series called ‘Eyez2C’ which is full of informational links to videos, articles,
books, etc… an additional drop. These might serve as a partial ‘conspiracy’ primer for those unfamiliar
with some of these topics. The articles have been up for awhile so they’re getting a little dated already
but I think (hope) the perspectives and resource links8 are still valuable. Here’s the intro article, the
others are linked at the bottom of it...

Well thanks for listening, I just felt compelled to mention some of this to hopefully help out as we all
navigate and cancel their ill-advised attempt at a ‘New World Order’.

Peace In, Drew

7 I don’t assume to be possessed of this quality but many of the people I listen to definitely are.
8 Some of these resources have been censored out of existence already. Big tech censorship is a major problem…
remember when there was Freedom of Speech, Press, etc?

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