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Standard System
Version 1.52 created on 17/9/04
Designed and Produced by Whitford Bates on an Amiga 4000 and Windows PC using Pagestream 4.1.

Based on the campaign created and designed by ICE, which was derived from the works of J.R.R Tolkien.
Using rules designed and created by ICE.

S pec ial Tha nks to Jonathon Dale for his spreadshe ets (Training Package
Cr eation, Race C reation and Profession Designer). Very usef ul when you
are constantly tweaking everything.
And to the authors of the module s found on merp-fan-modules. Who’s cu-
tures have found their way into this book.

I CE, Iron Crown Enterprises, MERP, Middle-ear th Role Playing and Rolemaster are all trademar ks of

This document may not be sold or used for any commercial purpose.
You may use this document f or personnel use only.
You may free ly distribute this work as a whole on a non-commer cial basis only; as long as no changes a re
ma de to the conte nts of the document.

If you have any comments, queries, or suggestions send an e-mail to whitford@ppcam
C HARACTER G ENERATION………………………………… 4 ESSEN CE ALC HEMIST……………………………………… 116
IN TRODUCTION……… ……………………………………… 4 ANIMIST……………………………………………………… 117
ABBREVIATION S……… ……………………………………… 4 RAN GER……………………………………………………… 119
W HAT TYPE OF CHARACTER TO PLAY? ………………… 4 BARD ………………………………………………………… 120
TH E INITIAL C HOICES……………………………………… 6 DRUGHÂN…………………………………………………… 121
D ETERMININ G RAC E/CULTURE…………………………… 6 KEKHAVR A…………………………………………………… 122
D ETERMININ G PROFESSION ……………………………… 6 ASTROLOG ER ……………………………………………… 123
D ETERMININ G REALM OF POWER ……………………… 6 SEER…………………………………………………………… 124
D ETERMININ G ADDITION AL BASE LISTS ……………… 6 LAY HEALER………………………………………………… 125
C ULTURES AN D RAC ES……………………………………… 8 SORCER ER…………………………………………………… 126
DWARVES (Naugrim)…… ……………………………………… 8 VRACARA …………………………………………………… 127
MEN (Hildo r)…………… ……………………………………… 8 WEG ECH……………………………………………………… 128
ELVES (Quend i)………… ……………………………………… 8 GEN ERATIN G STATS ……………………………………… 130
ORCS (Yrch) …………… ……………………………………… 8 TEMPORARY STATS………………………………………… 130
TROLLS (Tereg)………… ……………………………………… 9 POTENTIAL STATS ………………………………………… 130
KH AZÂD (House of Durin)…………………………………… 10 STAT BONUSES……………………………………………… 130
KH AZÂD (Houses of Dwálin, Thrár) ………………………… 12 ADOLESCEN T SKILL DEVELOPMEN T ………………… 131
KH AZÂD (House of Bávor)…………………………………… 14 BACKGROUND OPTIONS ………………………………… 132
KH AZÂD (House of Theló r) ………………………………… 16 CULTURAL/RAC IAL ABILITIES…………………………… 132
KH AZÂD (House of Drúin)…………………………………… 18 SPECIAL TRAINING………………………………………… 134
KH AZÂD (House of Barin) …………………………………… 20 PHYSICAL ABILITIES ……………………………………… 134
PETTY-DWARVES……… ……………………………………… 22 MYSTICAL ABILITIES ……………………………………… 134
UMLI …………………… ……………………………………… 24 MENTAL ABILITIES………………………………………… 135
AVARI…………………… ……………………………………… 26 SPECIAL ITEMS……………………………………………… 136
LOSSIDIL ……………… ……………………………………… 28 SPECIAL AB ILITIES ………………………………………… 137
N AND OR ……………… ……………………………………… 30 SPECIAL STATUS …………………………………………… 137
N OLDOR ……………… ……………………………………… 32 WEALTH……………………………………………………… 138
SINDAR………………… ……………………………………… 34 PHYSICAL FLAWS…………………………………………… 138
H ALF-ELVES…………… ……………………………………… 36 MENTAL FLAW S……………………………………………… 139
H OBBITS ……………… ……………………………………… 38 SPECIAL FLAWS……………………………………………… 140
BEFFRAEN ……………… ……………………………………… 40 APPRENTICESHIP D EVELOPMENT……………………… 144
BERNING A …………… ……………………………………… 42 STANDARD DP COSTS……………………………………… 144
BLACK NÚMENÓR EAN……………………………………… 44 VARIABLE DP COSTS ……………………………………… 144
C ORAIR S ……………… ……………………………………… 46 TRAIN IN G PAC KAGES……………………………………… 144
D ORWINRIM…………… ……………………………………… 48 EXTRA STAT GAIN ROLLS………………………………… 144
D RUG HU ……………… ……………………………………… 50 TRAIN IN G PAC KAGES……………………………………… 148
D ÚN EDAIN (of Go ndor)……………………………………… 52 VOC ATIONAL TRAIN ING PAC KAGES…………………… 148
D ÚN EDAIN (of the Lost Realm )……………………………… 54 LIFESTYLE TRAIN IN G PAC KAGES ……………………… 148
D UN LENDING S ……… ……………………………………… 56 TRAIN IN G PAC KAGE ENTRIES…………………………… 148
EASTERLIN GS………… ……………………………………… 58 ADVENTURER (L)…………………………………………… 148
ERIAD ORIAN S………… ……………………………………… 60 AMATEUR MAGE (L)………………………………………… 151
G IMÚTÉOTHRAIM…… ……………………………………… 62 ANIMAL H AND LER (V) …………………………………… 151
G OND ORIAN S………… ……………………………………… 64 ANIMAL FRIEN D (L)………………………………………… 151
G RAMUZ ……………… ……………………………………… 66 APOTHECARY (MERP) (V) ………………………………… 152
H ARADRIM …………… ……………………………………… 68 ARCH ITECT (V)……………………………………………… 152
H ARUZE………………… ……………………………………… 70 ANAMARTAR (L) …………………………………………… 152
H ILLMEN ……………… ……………………………………… 72 ASTRON OMER (L)…………………………………………… 153
LOSSOTH ……………… ……………………………………… 74 BEASTMASTER (L)…………………………………………… 153
MER IMETSÄSTÄJÄT…… ……………………………………… 76 BURGLAR (V)………………………………………………… 153
N ORTHMEN (URBAN… ) ……………………………………… 78 CITY G UARD (V) …………………………………………… 154
ROHIRRIM……………… ……………………………………… 80 CLOISTERED ACADEMIC (L)……………………………… 154
SARALAINN CLANSMEN …………………………………… 82 CON MAN (V)………………………………………………… 155
VARIAGS………………… ……………………………………… 84 CUT PURSE (V) ……………………………………………… 155
WOODMEN …………… ……………………………………… 86 CRAFTER (V)………………………………………………… 155
C OMMON ORC S ……… ……………………………………… 88 DWARVEN BERSERKER (L)………………………………… 156
URUK-H AI……………… ……………………………………… 90 ESTEH ILDI (L) ……………………………………………… 156
H ALF-ORCS …………… ……………………………………… 92 EXPLORER (L) ……………………………………………… 156
C AVE TROLLS ………… ……………………………………… 94 FARADRIM ARAN (V) ……………………………………… 157
FORR EST TROLLS …… ……………………………………… 96 FARADRIM FOROD (L)……………………………………… 157
H ILL TROLLS ………… ……………………………………… 98 FARMER (L)…………………………………………………… 158
SN OW TROLLS………… …………………………………… 100 FORTUN E TELLER (V)……………………………………… 158
STONE TROLLS ……… …………………………………… 102 HEALER (V)…………………………………………………… 159
OLOG-HAI……………… …………………………………… 104 HEALER (ORC) (V)…………………………………………… 159
H ALF-TROLLS………… …………………………………… 106 HERMIT (L)…………………………………………………… 159
TH E PROFESSIONS…… …………………………………… 108 HERBALIST (V) ……………………………………………… 160
PROFESSION ENTRIES …………………………………… 108 HUNTER (L) ………………………………………………… 160
C HAN ELLING ALCHEMIST ……………………………… 108 INNKEEPER (V)……………………………………………… 160
BARBARIAN…………… …………………………………… 109 KING’S CORPS (V)…………………………………………… 161
FIGHTER ……………… …………………………………… 110 LABOURER (V) ……………………………………………… 161
LAYMAN ………………… …………………………………… 111 LOREMASTER (V)…………………………………………… 162
ROGUE………………… …………………………………… 113 MAGIC CRAFTER (L)………………………………………… 162
TH IEF…………………… …………………………………… 114 ROYAL NAVY (MARIN E) (V)………………………………… 162
MAG ICIAN……………… …………………………………… 115 MERCEN ARY (L) …………………………………………… 162

MERC HAN T (V)……………………………………………… 163
MIDWIFE (V) ………………………………………………… 163
N OBLE (L) … ………………………………………………… 164
PERFORMER (V)……………………………………………… 164
SAILOR (V)… ………………………………………………… 164
SAG E (L) …… ………………………………………………… 165
SCOUT (V) … ………………………………………………… 165
SCR IB E (V) … ………………………………………………… 165
SELLI NIENNAVA (L)………………………………………… 166
SHAMAN PRIEST (MERP) (L) ……………………………… 166
SKUIFTLAIKAR (V) ………………………………………… 166
SPY (V)……… ………………………………………………… 167
SOLD IER (V) ………………………………………………… 167
SURGEON (V)………………………………………………… 167
TERRITORIAL CORPS (V)…………………………………… 168
TRACKER (V) ………………………………………………… 168
TRAVELLER (V)……………………………………………… 169
WAN DERER (L) ……………………………………………… 169
W EAPON MASTER (L) ……………………………………… 170
WOLFRIDER (L)……………………………………………… 170
ZEALOT (L)… ………………………………………………… 170
YOUR CHARACTERS AGE ………………………………… 173
OUTFITTING ………………………………………………… 173
TOTALING TH E BON USES………………………………… 173
ENCUMBRAN CE……………………………………………… 173
BASE MOVEMENT RATE…………………………………… 175
EQUIPMEN T ………………………………………………… 177
Money ………… ………………………………………………… 177
ENCHANTED HER BS ……………………………………… 186
H ERBS……… ………………………………………………… 186
POISONS…… ………………………………………………… 188
Finding Herb s in the Wild……………………………………… 189
BEVARAG ES & VIC TUALS ………………………………… 189
MED ICINALS ………………………………………………… 189
D ISEASES…… ………………………………………………… 189
C ONCERNING NAMES……………………………………… 190
H OBBIT NAMES……………………………………………… 190
DWARVEN N AMES…………………………………………… 190
H IG H ELVEN NAMES ……………………………………… 190
SINDAR NAMES……………………………………………… 190
N ORTHMAN NAMES………………………………………… 190
D UN LENDING NAMES …………………………………… 191
ORC NAMES ………………………………………………… 191
D UN EDAIN NAMES………………………………………… 191
RELIG ION … ………………………………………………… 192
MYT HS & RELIGION………………………………………… 192
TH E VALAR AND RELIGION ……………………………… 192
SKILLS IN MIDDLE-EARTH………………………………… 195
SKILLS……… ………………………………………………… 195
C ONCERNING MAGIC……………………………………… 203
RISK FACTORS ……………………………………………… 203
C ORRUPTION………………………………………………… 203
ESSENCE…… ………………………………………………… 203
C HAN NELING ……………………………………………… 205
MEN TALISM ………………………………………………… 205
ECON OMICS ………………………………………………… 207
SPELL LISTS… ………………………………………………… 208
TATTOO CR AFTS …………………………………………… 208
DWARVEN ARMOUR………………………………………… 210
ELVEN IN ORGANIC SKILLS ……………………………… 211
IN ORGANIC SKILLS (MERP) ……………………………… 212
Beorning Ways ………………………………………………… 213
Skill Category Record Sheet …………………………………… 216
Skill Record Sheet……………………………………………… 217

sing.………… singular form of a wor d
INTRODUCTION Ta. ………… Tazinain
This document was cr eated to aid and hopefully make ea sier
chara cter c reation in my MERP™ cam paign. By bringing together Teng. ……… Tengwar
rules from the basic rule book, optional rules from various compan- W. ………… Westron
ion books, house rule s and informa tion from ICE’s™ campaign
modules together in one place for easy reference by all. TEMPORAL TERMS
C har acte r Creation is primarily geared to c ampaigns set in the 1.A.………… First Age
mid Third Age (1007 - 2014); specifically c ampaigns set in the year F.A.………… Forth Age
1640 T.A., the tim e of I.C.E.`s™ Middle -earth campaign modules S.A.………… Second Age
a nd adventures. Any diff erances and c ha nges will be noted in the T.A.………… Thir d Age
S om e standard P rofessions, tr aining packages and spell lists
fr om the RM SS have been modified; som e more than others. Where
this has happened, it will ha ve MER P™ in brac ke ts a fter the
standard name. e.g., Sha man Priest (MERP™). This ha s no bear ing
on the gam e, it is just a r efe re nce to make it obvious whe n
something has been tinkered with.
N.B . the costs of all training packages have been adjusted and
are not the same, as those given in the rule books.
To make full use of the inform ation contained within, you need
acc ess to : -
R ole master Standar d Rules™, Spell Law™, Arm s Law™,
C astles a nd R uins™, Tre asur e Com panion™, Mar tial Ar ts
C ompanion™, The Armory™, Esse nce Companion™, M entalism
Companion™, any of the Middle- earth modules by ICE™.

When making calc ulations and using formulae the results often
do not come out evenly.
You should ma intain f ractions until you come up with a final
result that will be used in play.
B ut whe ne ve r a f ina l result has a f ractional re mainder, it is
always rounded off the ne arest whole number. (i.e., fra ctions above
or equa l to 0.5 are rounde d up; fr actions below 0.5 ar e r ounded

Ad.………… Adúnaic
Ap.………… Apysaic
At.………… Atliduk
Be .………… Bethteur (Silvan Elvish)
Bl. ………… Blarm
BS .………… Black Spe ech
Cir.………… Cirth or Cer tar
Dn.………… Daenae l ( Old Dunae l)
Du.………… Dunael
E.…………… Eldarin ( Old Elvish)
H…………… Hobbitish (Westron varient)
A view of Lake-town
Har.………… Harada ic
K. ………… Kuduk (ancient Hobbitish)
Kh.………… Khuzdul
Or.………… Orkish
pl. ………… plural form of a word
Q. ………… Quenya
R. ………… Rohirric
Rh.………… Rhovaik
S.…………… Sindarin

B efore beginning to design a char acter, you should make a
general decision as to what type of cha racter you want to play. This
decision should concern your char acter ’s profe ssion, race, physical
and mental attributes.


To de sign your cha rac te r, you should per form e ach of the
following steps. Kee p in mind that these steps are inter related and
ma y a ff ect each other.
1) Decide in ge neral wha t type of chara cter to play.
2) Chose a culture and race for your character.
3) Chose a profession for your char acter.
4) Determ ine your characters realm of power.
5) Determ ine your additiona l spell lists.
6) Genera te tempor ary stats for your chara cter.
7) Genera te potential stats for your character.
8) Determ ine your characters background options.
9) Develop your chara cters adolescence skills.
10) Develop your character ’s a pprentice ship skills and training
11) Determ ine your characters background.
12) Determ ine your characters role traits.
13) Outfit your charac ter.
14) Total your character’s pe nalties and bonuses.

To be gin designing your character you must m ake four c hoices Charac te r record Sheet. Som e profe ssions are r estr ic te d by cul-
that define your character : race /c ultur e, profession and r ealm of ture/race; as noted with the culture/race descriptions.
power. Ther e is a one pa ge, detaile d description of eac h prof ession on
the following pages.
There are a va riety of culture /r aces that you may choose f or
Eac h c hara cter must have a pr of ession. Your cha rac ter ’s
your chara cter. A two page description appear s on the following
pr of ession reflects the fact that his e arly tr aining ha s molded his
thought patterns, ther eby affe cting his ability to develop ce rtain
K hazâ d (H ou s e of Half-elves Gramuz skills a nd capabilities. A profession does not prohibit the develop-
Durin ) Hobb its Haradrim ment of skills, it merely makes some skills har der and others e asier
K hazâ d (H ou s e of Half-orcs Haruze to deve lop. Any charac ter can develop any skill in R olemaster.
Dwálin, Thrár) Berninga Hillmen
K hazâ d (H ou s e of Note: Your re alm determines determine s y our re alm
Beffraen Loss oth
Báv or) stat: Em for Essence, I n for Channelling, and Pr for
Black Nú menórean Northmen (Urban)
K hazâ d (H ou s e of Mentalism. Hy brid use rs use the average of their two
Thelór) Corsairs Saralainn Clansmen
realm stats as their realm stats.
K hazâ d (H ou s e of Dorwinrim Variags
Drúin ) Drughu Woodmen PRIME STATS
K hazâ d (H ou s e of D úne d a i n ( of Co mmon Orcs Each pr of ession has zer o, two, or thre e stats which a re that
Barin ) Gond or) Uruk-hai profession’s “prime stats”. When you gene rate your temporary sta ts,
Petty-dwarv es Dúnedain (o f the Lost Cave Trolls 90s must be assigned to these stats.
Umli Realm) Forrest Trolls
Dunlend ings PLAYER OPTION: you ca n c hoose to assign stats as you
Avari Hill Trolls wish.
Los sidil Easterlings Snow Trolls
Nandor Eriadorians Stone Trolls PROFESSION BONUSES
Noldor Gimútéothraim Olog-hai Each profession has a number of profession bonuses that a pply
Sindar Gond orians Half-tro lls to certain skills and skill categories.
Culture/Races for T hird Age 1640 Campaigns:
Note: F or ca mpaigns in other er as c onsult the Ra ce/Culture DETERMINING REALM OF
availability table for a n idea of which culture s c an be used. POWER
Once the r ace ( and culture) has been chosen, you should record You should c hoose a rea lm of powe r at this point. This is
it on your c ha racter rec or d sheet. You should also record any stat automa tic for pure, hybrid and semi spell use rs. Non spell users
bonuses, r esistance r oll bonuse s a nd spec ial abilities due to however must choose a realm of power: Essence, Channelling, or
rac e/culture. Mentalism.
Your culture/race will deter mine certain facets of your physical DETERMINING ADDITIONAL BASE
appearance. The individual culture/race descriptions give standard
physical appearance guidelines for eac h r ace and culture.
In addition to his nor mal six ba se spell lists, each pure spell user
LANGUAGES must choose f our additional ba se spell lists. These lists m ust be
The la nguage s tha t your chara cter knows ar e given in the chosen fr om the evil, open or closed lists for that spell user s realm
c ulture /r ace descriptions. You rec or d the skill r anks for the se of powe r.
language s during the adolescence skill development proc ess.
Only the B ase Spell Lists of the allowed professions, open and
DETERMINING PROFESSION closed spell lists f rom Spe ll La w ar e ava ilable . The evil spe ll lists
At this point you must chose a pr ofession and re cord it on your from S pe ll Law ar e available for those who wish to walk on the
dark side.
Non spell users:
The Arcane re alm is not used in Middle- earth; ther efore none of
Ba rbarian Pure spell user: the Arc ane spell lists can be taken.
Fighter Essence Alchemist (Essence ) Spell lists can only be learnt to a maximum of 10th level (this is
Rogue Ma gician (Essence) the height of magic al knowlege in the m id-Third Age) ; unless a
Thief Animist (Channelling) Talent or F law spec if ie s differ ent. See the C ha pter Conc erning
Layman Chan. Alchemist (Channelling) Magic to find a more detailed discussion.
Lay Healer (Mentalism)
Hybrid spell u sers: Se er (Menta lism)
Astrologer (Chan & Ment)
Sorcerer (Ess & C han) Se mi spell users:
Vra cara (Ment & C han) Ba rd (Mentalism)
Kekhavra (M ent & Chan) Ra nger (Channelling)
Wegech (Chan & Ess) Drughân (Chanelling)

1st Age 2nd Age 3rd Age 4th Age 1st Age 2nd Age 3rd Age 4th Age
Khazâd Yes Yes Yes Yes Bargemen No No Yes Yes
Pe tty-dwarves Yes Yes Yes No Berninga No No Ye s Ye s
Umli ??? ??? Yes Yes Beffraen mid- Age Ye s Ye s No
Avari Yes Yes Yes Yes Blac k Númenórean No abt. 3319 Ye s Ye s
Fuinar Yes Yes Yes Yes Brerion No Yes No No
Lossidil no Yes Yes No Corsairs No No abt. 1447 Ye s
Nandor Yes Yes Yes Yes Daan Mor late-Age No No No
Noldor Yes Yes Yes Yes Dorwinrim No aft. 1700 Ye s Ye s
Quendi Yes No No No Drughu Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s
Sindar Yes Yes YesYes Dúne dain No aft. 3319 Ye s Ye s
Teleri Yes ——–——-—-don ’t leave Aman——— —— Dunlendings No No Ye s Ye s
Va nyar Yes ————-——don’t leave Aman——–—-— Easterlings No Ye s Ye s Ye s
Half-Elves end-Age Yes Yes Yes Edain mid-Age No No No
Hobbits No aft. mid-Age Yes Yes Éothéod No No 1857-2510 No
Common Orc s Yes Yes Yes Yes Ened rim No Yes No No
Uruk-Hai No No Yes Yes Eriadorians No aft. 3319 Ye s Ye s
Half-Orc s No No Yes Yes Eriedain No bef. 26 00 No No
Estara vi No Yes Yes Yes
Ca ve Trolls Yes Yes Yes Yes
Freeeholde rs of
Forrest Trolls Yes Yes Yes Yes
the Pinnath Ceren No No Ye s Ye s
Hill Trolls Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gimútéothraim No No bef. 1858 No
Snow Trolls Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gondorians No aft. 3319 Ye s Ye s
Stone Trolls Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gram uz No No Ye s Ye s
Olog-Hai No No Yes Yes
Hara drim No Ye s Ye s Ye s
Half-Trolls No No aft. 1200 Yes
Haruze No Ye s Ye s Ye s
Race/Cu ltures in italics are not describ ed in this book.
Hillmen No af t. 300 bef. 1700 No
Lossoth No af t. 600 Ye s Ye s
Mb ion Bron late-Age bef. 3 00 No No
Northmen (Urban) No No Ye s Ye s
Númenórean No Yes No No
Rivermen No No Yes Yes
Rohirrim No No aft. 2510 Ye s
Saralainn Cla nsmen No No abt. 1500 Ye s
Variags No No Ye s Ye s
Woodme n No No Ye s Ye s
Race/Cultures in italics are not des cribed in this boo k.

The inf orm ation is intended to serve as a guideline for e quip- lives with a fire a nd passion unlike a ny other race. They ar e also
ping a nd deve loping both pla yer char ac te rs and power ful or var ied and often f lawed and vulnerable . Unlike the F irstborn, they
other wise significant non- player characters. The outfitting options are quite susceptible to disease a nd tempera ture extre mes. At the
a nd the ba ckground options have be en generated to e nhance the same time, however, they rarely wea ry of life.
process by which living peoples are translated into a game system. The re are two gre ater groupings of M en: the High Men, who
An individua l cha rac te r may str ay fr om the norms of his are commonly ca lled Edain; a nd the Comm on M en, who did not
c ultur e/race. A GM ma y dec ide to allow a charac te r to posse ss a ally themselve s with the Elves in the wars against Morgoth. Some
we apon typica lly not f avour ed by his culture/r ace , to le arn a spe ak of the Nor thm en as a thir d gr oup, middle men who a re
language usually of little gene ral interest, e tc. How muc h de viation racially close to the Eda in, but did not benefit fr om any c ontact or
f rom the norms is to be a llowed is up to the GM . And when a allia nce with the Elves.
c ha rac te r doe s not f ollow the norms, the GM needs to include Blessed by their faith in Eru a nd his Vala se rvants, the Adan line
plausible reasons for the diffe rences in the c ha racter ’s personal is special. High men a re exce ptionally large ave raging 6’3" to 6’7"
history and ba ckground. and weighing 200 to 275 pounds. Their great bone s a nd musculature
P layer s de veloping their chara cte rs should follow the norm al gives them a gra nd appeara nce; only Noldor Elves rival their
procedure for outf itting and utilizing background options described strength. They are not as nimble or resilient as the Elves, however.
in Section 14. Where dice rolling is required (talents, special items, The hair of Dúnedain is da rk brown or coa l-black - their eyes blue,
e xtra m oney), the inf or mation below should be inserted into or gre y, or black - and they tend toward fair skin. Those of pure blood
paired with Table T1.5. live as long as 250-300 years.
R emember that adventuring char acters will come into conta ct Common Men are more num erous a nd less blessed. Stocky and
with peoples and cultures unknown to them in their f ormative years. relatively shor t (5’ to 6’4") , they have pr oduced a wide variety of
A Hillman warrior might speak only the Dunael and the Westron types. The ir hair and skin colours vary fr om the deepe st brown and
upon leaving his native lands and carr y only his f ishing spear. Six bla cks to the lightest shades of blond a nd cre am . Unlike the
m onths late r (possibly second or third level) , he may ha ve picked Dúnedain, many wea r bea rds and m oustaches. Fr om their r anks
up a smattering of Quenya and be wielding a long kynac! come the vast majority of Middle-earth’s mannish lines.
Sometim es a skill is listed that is not a standard skill. When this
occurs, the skill ca tegory will be given in br ackets after the skill
ELVES (Quendi)
Elves we re the f irst to awaken a nd venture onto Middle-earth.
The y a re a gr ace ful a nd noble r ace of imm ortal be ings who
DWARVES (Naugrim) rese mble m en, but shine with an inner glow which betrays the spirit
The Dwarves are descenda nts of the Seven Fa thers, the original of unique thoughts and gif ts. No r ace ha s been blesse d with mor e,
lords c rafted from stone by the Vala Aulë. He is the S mith of the or cursed so much by the hand of fate.
Valar, the giver of mountains and maste r of cr afts, and the Dwarves Though basica lly simila r to mortal m en in most wa ys, Elves
c all him Mahal (Kh. “M aker”) . The ir se ve n line ages or houses ha ve se ve ral important, if subtle, dif ferences. As a r ace, the y are
settle d in se pa rate a reas, but a lways in or by the m ountains. All ta ller than Humans but they a re uniformly slender and ha ve less
Dwarves consider mountains sacred. body hair. Elve n men ha ve no f acial ha ir, f ine fea ture s and un-
They wer e c rea te d first, but Eru force d his se rvant Aulë to mar re d shin com bine with spar kling e yes to give the Elf an
delay their awakening until after the coming of the Elves. Following enchanted a ura. A stra nge deftness and ease of move ment give them
their birth at seperate loc ations be neath the Iron M ountains dur ing a graceful quality and it is not surprising that they are ver y a gile and
the F irst Age. they began to explore ther e new land, finding things so light afoot; the y leave few tr aces of their passing and can walk
of bea uty. Dur ing the se wander ings some of the tribe s choose to on the surface of freshly fallen snow.
settle in wondorous homes be nea th the heights of middle- earth; The Elves rever e the Va lar and many know their nature well.
whilst other s tra ve lled on in se arc h of greate r gifts. The se ven Still, they have no formal religion; instea d they show their respect
Dwarven kings quarreled over te rritory and the paths the y should through poetr y a nd song and gather to celebrate lif e and the gifts
take in quest of fa irer places to reside . Thus, the kindreds went there from on high. This respect for the way of things is largely tied to
own ways. their a cceptance of their close ties to the Fa te set down in the Song
Although these S eve n Tribes have since spre ad acr oss M iddle- of Cr eation, although much of it also stems from an understanding
ea rth, they have remained and have spawned a unive rsal reputation and joy regarding the cr eations of nature which have bee n handed
for r uggedness, practicality, and unwavering loyalty. Most groups down and overseen by the Valar. Above a ll but Eru they worship
fa vour the rocky highlands and deep c ave rns of the mountains, for var da, Queen of the Valar a nd the f aire st of all creations. S he is the
the Dwarves, perhaps more than any ra ce, remem be r the ir or igin br inger of light and they call her “Lady of the Stars” (Elentár i or
and heritage. They are superior craftsm en and they love to mine the Elbe reth)
e arth f or pre cious ge ms and m etals to forge into we apons of Ther e a re two m ajor groupings of Elves in Middle-ear th. Their
str ength and artifac ts of beauty and power. split in the early F irst Age for ms the ba sis for the deve lopment of
two sepa rate Elven cultures. The most exalted group is the Eldar,
the thr ee kindr ed’s ( Nolder, Va nyar, and Teler i) which made the
MEN (Hildor) Gr eat Journey ac ross M iddle-e arth during the F irst Age. Most
Me n were the sec ondborn and first arose in the F ar East dur ing settled for a time in Ama n (the Undying Lands), or along the shore
the First Age. There, in a land called Hildórien, they awoke to find a of now sunken Beleriand. Only the Noldor and Sindar ( a group of
wild continent and it was sometime before they first e ncounter ed Teleri) rem ained in middle-earth following the Wa r of Wrath that
the Firstborn, or Elves. It was Elve s who gave them the name ended the First Age. All other folk are called Avari or Silvan Elves.
Hildor (El. “ Follower s”) , although they are now more c om monly They are c ommonly called Wood-elves.
called by the Quenya Atani or Sindarin Edain (“Se cond People”).
Fr om these c ulture s ca me the three groups which form the
Men diff er fr om the Elves in many ways, the le ast subtle of Elven races of Middle-ear th: (1) the Noldor, (2) the Sindar, and (3)
which is the ir “Gift of Death” . Men are mortal and live their br ief the Silvan Elves.

Trolls hate all other creatur es, a le gacy of Morgoths dark touch.
ORCS (Yrch) By na ture they pr efer to rema in solitary or in small gr oups. Even
Originally bred by M orgoth in the First Age, the se cre atur es the ir br ethren ar e consider ed potential enem ie s. As cre ations
quickly bec ame servants of Darkness; it is likely that they were not Morgoth, all Trolls are vulnerabable to Saur on’s influence.
inherently evil, but were culturally a nd mentally predisposed toward
the “foul life”. Lege nd has it tha t their ancestors were Elve s who
we re twiste d in mind and body by the Blac k Ene my. Bre d a s
labourers and warriors, Orcs respec t little but brute force. They live
in tr ibal units with a strong leader, ea ch tribe has its own dialect.
Goblin is a term used by some Westron speakers when they disc uss

TROLLS (Tereg)
Trolls are huge, f oul c reatures. Like Giants and Ents, Tr olls
comprise one of the so called “Giant Rac es”. Their exac t or igin is
c louded, but they belived to ha ve been c ontrived by Morgoth
during the Elder Days by r emaking captured Ents and imbuing them
with the natur e of the fiery stone from the Underdee ps.


––Racial Stat Bonu s Modifications— Soul Race Rec ——-RR Modifications——-
Race St Qu Pr In Em Co Ag Sd Me Re Dep Type x Ess Chn Mnt Psn Dss
Hobb it -8 +4 -6 0 -2 +6 +6 -4 0 0 18 1 0.5 +50 +20 +40 +30 +15
Petty-dwarf 0 -2 -6 0 -4 +3 -2 0 0 0 16 1 0.75 +30 0 +30 +15 +15
Khazad +2 -2 -4 0 -4 +6 -2 +2 0 0 21 1 0.5 +40 0 +40 +20 +15
Umit +2 0 -2 -2 -2 +4 0 +2 0 0 16 1 0.75 +20 0 +20 +5 +5
Daen +2 0 0 +2 0 +2 0 0 0 0 12 2 1.0 0 0 0 0 0
Dúnadan +4 0 +3 0 0 +4 0 0 0 0 10 2 0.75 0 0 0 +5 +15
Drûg 0 0 -2 +4 0 +2 0 +4 0 0 12 2 1.0 +20 0 0 0 0
Common Man +2 0 0 0 0 0 0 +2 0 0 12 2 1.0 0 0 0 0 0
North man +2 0 +2 0 0 +2 0 +2 0 0 11 2 0.9 0 0 0 0 0
Half-elf +2 +4 +2 0 0 +2 +2 -3 0 0 6 3 1.5 -5 -5 -5 +5 +50
Avar 0 +2 +2 +2 +2 0 +4 -5 +2 0 3 3 1.5 -5 -5 -5 +10 +100
Nando 0 +3 +2 +2 +2 +2 +4 -5 +2 0 2 4 2.0 -5 -5 -5 +10 +100
Noldo 0 +6 +6 +2 +2 +4 +4 -5 +2 0 1 5 3.0 -5 -5 -5 +10 +100
Sinda 0 +4 +4 +2 +2 +2 +4 -5 +2 0 2 4 2.0 -5 -5 -5 +10 +100
Teler 0 +4 +6 +2 +2 +2 +4 -5 +2 0 1 5 3.0 -5 -5 -5 +10 +100
Vanya 0 +6 +8 +2 +2 +6 +4 -5 +2 0 1 5 3.0 -5 -5 -5 +10 +100
Half-orc +2 0 -2 0 -2 +2 0 +5 0 0 6 2 0.5 0 0 0 +10 0
Gus mûras +2 +2 -4 -2 -6 +6 0 -4 -2 -2 1 2 0.5 0 0 0 +20 +5
Orc +2 +2 -4 -4 -6 +6 -2 -8 -4 -4 1 2 0.5 0 0 0 +20 +5
Uruk +4 0 -4 -2 -6 +8 0 -2 0 0 1 2 0.5 0 0 0 +20 +5
Half-troll +4 -2 -2 -2 -2 +4 -2 -2 -2 -2 1 2 0.5 0 0 0 +15 +5
Torog +6 -4 -4 -4 -4 +6 -4 -4 -4 -4 1 2 0.5 0 0 0 +30 +10
Olog +8 0 -2 -4 -4 +6 0 0 -2 -2 1 2 0.5 0 0 0 +20 +10

Sk ill Rank Bonus Progression:

Body Channelling Essence Ment alism
Race Dev. P.P. Dev. P.P. Dev. P.P. Dev.
Hobb it 0•6•2•2•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•2•1•1•1 0•2•1•1•1
Petty-dwarf 0•6•5•2•1 0•5•3•2•2 0•3•2•1•1 0•3•2•1•1
Khazad 0•7•4•2•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•3•2•1•1 0•3•2•1•1
Umit 0•6•5•2•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•5•3•2•2 0•6•4•3•2
Daen 0•6•4•2•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•5•3•2•2 0•6•5•4•3
Dúnadan 0•7•5•3•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•6•5•4•3 0•7•6•5•4
Drûg 0•6•5•2•1 0•7•6•5•4 0•4•3•2•1 0•4•3•2•1
Common Man 0•6•4•2•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•6•5•4•3 0•7•6•5•4
North man 0•6•5•2•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•6•5•4•3 0•7•6•5•4
Half-elf 0•7•3•2•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•6•5•4•3 0•7•5•4•3
Avar 0•7•3•2•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•7•6•5•4 0•6•5•4•3
Nando 0•7•3•2•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•7•6•5•4 0•6•5•4•3
Noldo 0•7•3•2•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•7•6•5•4 0•6•5•4•3
Sinda 0•7•3•2•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•7•6•5•4 0•6•5•4•3
Teler 0•7•3•2•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•7•6•5•4 0•6•5•4•3
Vanya 0•7•3•2•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•7•6•5•4 0•6•5•4•3
Half-orc 0•6•4•2•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•6•4•3•2 0•6•4•3•2
Orc 0•6•4•2•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•4•3•2•1 0•4•3•2•1
Gus mûras 0•7•4•2•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•5•3•2•2 0•5•3•2•2
Uruk 0•7•5•3•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•5•3•2•2 0•5•3•2•2
Half-troll 0•9•7•4•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•4•3•2•1 0•4•3•2•1
Torog 0•11•10•9•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•2•1•1•1 0•2•1•1•1
Olog 0•15•13•7•1 0•6•5•4•3 0•3•2•1•1 0•3•2•1•1
NOTE: Hyb rid PP progress ion’s are calculated b y taking the les ser of the h ybrid spell users two realms progression .

Westron (S 8/W6), S ilvan (S5/W5), Sindarin (S4/W4) . Allowed
KHAZÂD (House of Durin) Adolescence Develop ment: Khuz dul ( S10/W10), Westron ( S10/W10),
Atliduk (Rank S6/W6), Dunael(S2/W2), Loga thig (Rank S6/W6),
(sing. Khazad) and Nahaiduk (Ra nk S6/W6).
Durin, father of the Longbear ds awoke Prejud ices: Orcs, Wargs and Dragons are swor n enemies. Above all
be ne ath the I ron Mounta ins. Wa nde ring other r aces, they despise these the m ost, a lthough the y a re ex-
south, Dur in and his folk founded Khaza d- tr emely suspic ious of mages and Elve s. They have suffere d too
dûm (Moria). Disaster struck in T.A. 1980; muc h as a re sult of m agic. No dwarf will ever forget the sly words
a nd in T.A. 1981 the longbea rds star t 18 of Saur on, one whose conjuring enslaved many of their gr eat lords.
yea rs of wonde ring until the founding of
Erebor; followe d by their expansion into the Professions: There are no Khazad Barbarian or spell users exc ept
for the C ha nne lling Alche mist. Ta ught and blessed by the Vala
Ere d Mithr in (S. “Gre y Mountains” ). The
smith Aulë, Khaz âd pra ctise a pla in, pr actic al Ear th- ma gic .
delvings in the Grey Mounta ins awaken the
Dwarves know of spell and enchantments, but the y gene rally scoff
dragons, and they ar e driven back to Erebor.
at the wa ys of Elve s or other c onjur ers, pre ferring instead to use
Some tra vel on and found homes in the Iron
Hills. I n T.A. 2770 Erebor is la id waste and those don’t goto the such power in the ma king of permanent physica l items. Tra ditional
mages and bar ds ar e unhear d of; instead they pr oduce alchemists
Iron hills spe nd 171 years wa ndering; until Er ebor is reclaimed.
and engineers.
PHYSICAL CHARACTER Tr ainin g Pack age s: All ava ila ble e xce pt, Ama teur M age ,
Bu ild: Short, stocky, strong, with exceptionally strong limbs. Males Astr onom er, Apothec ar y, Burglar, Be astma sste r, Cut Purse ,
average 150 pounds; females, 135 pounds. Midwife, S ailor, Shaman P riest, Surgeon, Spy, Ze alot and the train-
ing pac kages specific to other race/c ultures.
Colourin g: Black, red, or dark brown hair. Fair complexion.
Spec ial Skills: Everyma n: Caving, Lea ther -cra fts, Metal-cr afts,
E ndurance: Tremendous. They can carry great burdens over long
distance s with little re st. + 21 to exhaustion points. Mining, Smithing, Stone -crafts, Survival (under-ground) ; Res tricted:
He ight: Males average 4’9”; fem ales 4’5” .
Standard Hobb y Skills: Appraisal, any Armour skills, Attuneme nt,
Lifespan : 200-400 years. Body De ve lopment, Caving, Climbing, Contortions, Disar ming
Race Abilities: Khazad. Tr aps, First Aid, F or aging (M ountain/Foothills) , He rb Lore ,
Resistance: Resistance aga inst flame and ice: +30 DB and RR bo- Le ather-c raf ts, Me ta l-cra fts, P icking Locks, Public Speaking,
nuses versus heat and cold attacks. Region Lor e ( any ca ve rnous region) , Smithing, Tac tic s, Trap-
Sp ecial Abilities: Khazâd see we ll in extreme darkness. In the dim- building, any Wea pon skills.
m est light, they c an see 50' perfec tly, and fairly well up to 100'.
They can see 10' in total da rkness (non- magic al). They rece ive a OUTFITTING OPTIONS
special bonus 0f +25 to caving. Weapons: Dagger, hand axe, short sword, club, war ham mer, ma ce,
crossbow, battle-a xe, spear, throwing axe, heavy c rossbow, light
CULTURE crossbow, war mattoc k, pole arm.
Clot hing & Decoration: Bear ds, som etime s braide d. Long ha ir. Armour: Any. Dwarves favour c hain m ail. Lamellar and scale are
Heavy gar b with colourful hooded cloa ks. Cr enulated trimwor k is also available. Target shields and wall shields are popular.
popular. Clothing: Outer gar b: detachable hood with flaps sewn into it, per-
Fears & In ab ilities: Open wate r a nd the Va la r Ulmo (Lord of mitting the face to be covered; heavy cloak faste ned with a decor-
Wa ters). The y do not nor mally swim (-50 to Swimming man- ate d brooc h; tall boots of heavy leather; these garments ar e bright
oeuvres). solid colours - sca rlet, forest gree n, indigo blue, golden yellow,
L if estyle : Khazâ d ar e superb miners a nd cra ftsm en, and unsur- royal purple. Inner gar b: a lea ther jerkin or woole n tunic of a deep
passed Stonewor ker s. They live in tightly-knit groups and favour hue (mar oon, pine gre en, navy blue, br ownish black); a wool or
underground cities which are usually c ut into rugged hills or moun- linen shirt (usua lly a deep hue , som etim es white); close f itting
tains. trouse rs of deep-hued lea ther or wool; shoes or inner boots of soft
Marriage Pat tern: M onogamous. Only a third of the rac e is fe- leather.
ma le. The line is tr aced through the male.
Religion: Khaz âd believe that e ach linea ge has a com mon spirit
Khazâd get 40 Talent P oints (4 Background Points).
which per meates the m a ll a nd ties them toge ther. They re vere their
ance stors above all other things but Aulë the ir m ake r, and belie ve Ext ra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a dwarf
that in each Dwarven King exists a pa rt of his predecessors. Those in exce ptional circumstances might lear n: Adûnaic (S4/W4), Labba
of “ Dur in` s Folk” , the Khaz âd of Moria and the highlands of (S4/W4) and Umitic (S5/W5).
Wilderland, belie ve the ir Kings to all be one Dwa rf - Durin the Ment al Abilities: All available except; Telekinesis, Telepathy.
Deathless. Mystical Abilitie s: Only Da nger Sense, Destiny Se nse, Ma gical
Resista nc e, Resistance, Unde tectable a nd Unnatural Aging a re
OTHER FACTORS available.
Demeanou r: Sober, quiet, possessive, suspicious, pugnacious, in- Physical Abilities: All available.
trospec tive, a nd often ve ry gre edy. Tenacious warriors, they fight Special Abilities: All available except; S pec ial Fa miliar, S ucc our
without quarter a nd never re tre at. Each Kha zad tr eats his kind as and Summons.
brothers and non-Kha zâd as lesser beings who, one way or another,
Special Items: No spell adders or m ultipliers. Spell items ma y only
ar e a constant threat. Their blood is thic k and their bonds are deep.
contain Channelling spells. Any weapons will be of superior work-
They enter into agreements with extreme care but, once made , hon-
manship and forged of steel.
our them to the letter. The old a dage is true: “no friend e ver did a
Dwarf a favour, no enemy a wrong, without being repaid in full”. Special Stat us: All available.
L anguage: Starting Langua ges: Am ong themselves, Kha zâd spe ak Spe cial Training: All ava ila ble e xcept; Acr oba t and Natural
Khuzdul (S8/W6), a guarded tongue known by virtually no one but Horseman.
themselves. When in public or a bout in the wild, Khazâ d spe ak Ment al Flaws: All available except; F ear of Armour.

Physical Flaws: All available except; Visible Aura.
Sp ecial Flaws: All available except; Dark Tempa tion
Wealt h: Gold piece s or a gem (aquamarine, topaz, garnet, per idot,
spinel, emerald, amethyst, ruby, sapphire, diam ond) of comparable
Beardless: You were born without that most important of Dwarven
physical traits - facial hair. Yo u mu st learn to d eal with the
pity shown to y ou by your fellows (the too-loud voices, exag-
g erated enu nciation , p ain stak in gly slo w sp eech, an d other
well-intentioned efforts to make it easier for you to u nder-
stand them...) [-7 points].
Tr ap Sense: You have the ability to sense the p resence of mech-
anical traps 50% of the time (GM should roll) [15 points].
Dwar f Sens e: You h av e a su perior orientin g ab ility und er-
ground. You always seem to know th e direction o f true north
(a sp ecial bon us of +50 to the Direction Sense s kill) an d the
approx imate elevation of his location [3 po ints].
Judg e of Angles: You can judge an gles and chang es in the slan t Dwarf characters gain the follo wing skills during th eir
of relatively uniform, solid surfaces. You can tell the angle of adolescent development. Stat
an incline almost immediately. You receive a special bonus of Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Bonu ses:
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0
+25 when attempting to perceive traps o r secret doors that are Ag: -2
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 1
set in walls, floors, or ceilings [5 p oin ts]. Armour • Medium skill categ ory ………………… 3 Co: +6
Os sessive Greed : Your natu ral joy in the app reciation of gems, Chain s kill…………………………………… 3 Me: 0
jewels an d other artifice h as turned ugly. Your avarice has Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 Re: 0
beco me a co mpu lsion that dominates action and thought. You Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0 SD: +2
strive to po ssess whatever you perceive as beautifu l, sparing Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 Em: -1
nothing an d paying n o heed to the consequences [-10 points]. Climbin g skill ……………………………… 1
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 In: 0
Uns wervin g: Your fo rthrig ht attack withh olds nothing . You do Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 4 Pr: -1
do uble normal concussion damag e. Ho wever, you r bo ldness Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 Qu: -2
may be a drawback, for it do es not occur to y ou to ever figh t Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
St: +2
d efen sively. You cann ot parry with more th an 10% of y our Body Development skill …………………… 3
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 RR Mods:
OB. Th ese mighty smitings take a to ll on weaponry too. All Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Ess: +40
weapons have their breakage numbers increased by o ne and Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1
Chan: 0
checks for strength are modified by -10 [20 points]. Lang uage skills † …………………………… 8
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Ment: +40
Gift of Mahal: Yo u have been blessed by Mah al with extrao rdin- “Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Poison: +20
ary healing gifts. +77 to all healing related ro lls [50 points]. “Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Disease: +15
Enchanted Food: You have a lo af of Cram [3 points].
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Body Dev.
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 2 Progression:
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 1 0•7•4•2•1
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 Channelling
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 Essence
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 PP Dev.
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 Progresseion:
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 4 0•6•5•4•3
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 4
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 Ment alism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 PP Dev.
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 Progression:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category …………………… 0 0•3•2•1•1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Soul
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0 Departure:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 1 21
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Race Type:
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 1
Talent Points (cost: 146)…………………………… 40
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Recovery
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence Multiplier:
lang uages” . 0.5
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

KHAZÂD (Houses of Dwálin, Thrár) Langu age: Sta rting Lang uages: Among themselves, Khazâd speak
Khuzdul (S8/W6), a guarded tongue known by virtually no one but
themselves. When in public or about in the wild, Khazâd speak
(sing. Khazad) Westron (S8/W6), Silvan (S4/W4), Sindarin (S6/W6). Allowed
Hous e of Dwálin : Dwálin, father of the Firebeards awoke beneath Adolescence Develop ment: Khuzdul (S10/W10), Westron (S10/W10),
the Iron Mountains. Traveling into the northwest, they crossed the Dunael(S2/W2), Silvan (S6/W6), Sindarin (S8/W8).
Misty mountains and Eriador. Eventually settling in the Ered Luin
(S. “Blue Mountains”). Here he founded the city of Belegost (S. Prejudices: Orcs, Wargs and Dragons are sworn enemies. Above
“Mighty Fortress”, Kh. Gabilgathol). This city was destroyed at the all other races, they despise these the most, although they are ex-
tremely suspicious of mages and Elves. They have suffered too
end of the First Age; in the war of wrath when the Ered Luin was
split apart by the Gulf Lhûn and Beleriand sank beneath the sea. much as a result of magic. No dwarf will ever forget the sly words
Refuges from the destruction, settled in the Nan-i-Naugrim (S. of Sauron, one whose conjuring enslaved many of their great lords.
“Valley of the Dwarves”). Others settled in Khazád-dûm, before Professions: There are no Khazad Barbarian or spell users except
eventually returning to the Blue Mountains. for the Channelling Alchemist. Taught and blessed by the Vala
smith Aulë, Khazâd practise a plain, practical Earth-magic.
Hou se of Thrár : Thrár, father of the Broadbeams awoke beneath
the Iron mountains. Traveling into the northwest, they crossed the Dwarves know of spell and enchantments, but they generally scoff
Misty mountains and Eriador. Eventually settling in the Ered Luin at the ways of Elves or other conjurers, preferring instead to use
(S. “Blue Mountains”). Here he founded the city of Nogrod (S. such power in the making of permanent physical items. Traditional
“Dwarfmine”, Kh. Tumunzahar). This city was destroyed in the war mages and bards are unheard of; instead they produce alchemists
and engineers.
of wrath when the Ered Luin was split apart by the Gulf Lhûn and
Beleriand sank beneath the sea. Refuges from the destruction, Training Packages: All available except, Amateur Mage,
settled in the Nan-i-Naugrim. Others settled in Khazád-dûm, before Astronomer, Apothecary, Burglar, Beastmasster, Cut Purse,
eventually returning to the Blue Mountains. Midwife, Sailor, Shaman Priest, Surgeon, Spy, Zealot and the train-
ing packages specific to other race/cultures.
PHYSICAL CHARACTER Special Skills: Everyma n: Caving, Leather-crafts, Metal-crafts,
Bu ild: Short, stocky, strong, with exceptionally strong limbs. Males Mining, Smithing, Stone-crafts, Survival (under-ground); Res tricted:
average 150 pounds; females, 135 pounds. Swimming.
Colourin g: Black, red, or dark brown hair. Fair complexion. Standard Hobby Skills: Appraisal, any Armour skills, Attunement,
E ndurance: Tremendous. They can carry great burdens over long Body Development, Caving, Climbing, Contortions, Disarming
distances with little rest. +21 to exhaustion points. Traps, First Aid, Foraging (Mountain/Foothills), Herb Lore,
He ight: Males average 4’9”; females 4’5”. Leather-crafts, Metal-crafts, Picking Locks, Public Speaking,
Region Lore (any cavernous region), Smithing, Tactics, Trap-
Lifespan : 200-400 years.
building, any Weapon skills.
Race Abilities: Khazad.
Resistance: Resistance against flame and ice: +30 DB and RR bo- OUTFITTING OPTIONS
nuses versus heat and cold attacks. Weapons: Dagger, hand axe, short sword, club, war hammer, mace,
Sp ecial Abilities: Khazâd see well in extreme darkness. In the dim- crossbow, battle-axe, spear, throwing axe, heavy crossbow, light
mest light, they can see 50' perfectly, and fairly well up to 100'. crossbow, war mattock, pole arm.
They can see 10' in total darkness (non-magical). They receive a Armour: Any. Dwarves favour chain mail. Lamellar and scale are
special bonus 0f +25 to caving. also available. Target shields and wall shields are popular.
Clothing: Outer gar b: detachable hood with flaps sewn into it, per-
CULTURE mitting the face to be covered; heavy cloak fastened with a decor-
Clot hing & Decoration: Beards, sometimes braided. Long hair. ated brooch; tall boots of heavy leather; these garments are bright
Heavy garb with colourful hooded cloaks. Crenulated trimwork is solid colours - scarlet, forest green, indigo blue, golden yellow,
popular. royal purple. Inner gar b: a leather jerkin or woolen tunic of a deep
Fears & In ab ilities: Open water and the Valar Ulmo (Lord of hue (maroon, pine green, navy blue, brownish black); a wool or
Waters). They do not normally swim (-50 to Swimming man- linen shirt (usually a deep hue, sometimes white); close fitting
oeuvres). trousers of deep-hued leather or wool; shoes or inner boots of soft
L if estyle : Khazâd are superb miners and craftsmen, and unsur- leather.
passed Stoneworkers. They live in tightly-knit groups and favour
underground cities which are usually cut into rugged hills or moun- BACKGROUND OPTIONS
tains. Khazâd get 40 Talent Points (4 Background Points).
Marriage Pat tern: Monogamous. Only a third of the race is fe- Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a dwarf
male. The line is traced through the male. in exceptional circumstances might learn: Adûnaic (S4/W4),
Religion: Khazâd believe that each lineage has a common spirit Atliduk (S4/W4), Nahaiduk (S4/W4), Labba (S4/W4) and Umitic
which permeates them all and ties them together. They revere their (S5/W5).
ancestors above all other things but Aulë their maker, and believe Mental Abilities: All available except; Telekinesis, Telepathy.
that in each Dwarven King exists a part of his predecessors. Mystical Abilities: Only Danger Sense, Destiny Sense, Magical
Resistance, Resistance, Undetectable and Unnatural Aging are
OTHER FACTORS available.
Demeanou r: Sober, quiet, possessive, suspicious, pugnacious, in- Physical Abilities: All available.
trospective, and often very greedy. Tenacious warriors, they fight Special Abilities: All available except; Special Familiar, Succour
without quarter and never retreat. Each Khazad treats his kind as and Summons.
brothers and non-Khazâd as lesser beings who, one way or another,
Special Items: No spell adders or multipliers. Spell items may only
are a constant threat. Their blood is thick and their bonds are deep.
contain Channelling spells. Any weapons will be of superior work-
They enter into agreements with extreme care but, once made, hon-
manship and forged of steel.
our them to the letter. The old adage is true: “no friend ever did a
Dwarf a favour, no enemy a wrong, without being repaid in full”. Special Status: All available.

Special Training: All available except; Acrobat and Natural
Mental Flaws: All available except; Fear of Armour.
Physical Flaws: All available except; Visible Aura.
Special Flaws: All available except; Dark Tempation
Wealth: Gold pieces or a gem (aquamarine, topaz, garnet, peridot,
spinel, emerald, amethyst, ruby, sapphire, diamond) of comparable
Beardless: You were born without that most important of Dwarven
physical traits - facial hair. You must learn to deal with the pity
shown to you by your fellows (the too-loud voices, exaggerated
enunciation, painstakingly slow speech, and other well-intentioned
efforts to make it easier for you to understand them...) [-7 points].
Trap Se nse: You have the ability to sense the presence of mechan-
ical traps 50% of the time (GM should roll) [15 points].
Dwarf Se nse: You have a superior orienting ability underground.
You always seem to know the direction of true north (a special ADOLESCENCENT SKILL
bonus of +50 to the Direction Sense skill) and the approximate el-
evation of his location [3 points]. Dwarf characters gain the follo wing skills during th eir
Judge of Angles: You can judge angles and changes in the slant of adolescent development. Stat
relatively uniform, solid surfaces. You can tell the angle of an in- Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Bonuses:
cline almost immediately. You receive a special bonus of +25 when Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 1 Ag: -2
attempting to perceive traps or secret doors that are set in walls,
Armour • Medium skill categ ory ………………… 3 Co: +6
floors, or ceilings [5 points].
Chain s kill…………………………………… 3 Me: 0
Ossessive Greed: Your natural joy in the appreciation of gems, jew- Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
els and other artifice has turned ugly. Your avarice has become a Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 Re: 0
compulsion that dominates action and thought. You strive to possess Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0 SD: +2
whatever you perceive as beautiful, sparing nothing and paying no Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 Em: -1
heed to the consequences [-10 points]. Climbin g skill ……………………………… 1
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 In: 0
Unswerving: Your forthright attack withholds nothing. You do Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 4 Pr: -1
double normal concussion damage. However, your boldness may be Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 Qu: -2
a drawback, for it does not occur to you to ever fight defensively. Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
You cannot parry with more than 10% of your OB. These mighty Body Development skill …………………… 3 St: +2
smitings take a toll on weaponry too. All weapons have their break- Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 RR Mods:
age numbers increased by one and checks for strength are modified Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Ess: +40
by -10 [20 points]. Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 8 Chan: 0
Gift of Mahal: You have been blessed by Mahal with extraordinary Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Ment: +40
healing gifts. +77 to all healing related rolls [50 points]. “Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Poison: +20
Enchanted Food: You have a loaf of Cram [3 points]. “Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Disease: +15
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Body Dev.
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 2 Progression:
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 1 0•7•4•2•1
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 Channelling
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 Essence
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 PP Dev.
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 Progresseion:
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 4 0•6•5•4•3
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 4
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 PP Dev.
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 Progression:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category …………………… 0 0•3•2•1•1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Soul
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0 Departure:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 1 21
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Race Type:
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 1
Talent Points (cost: 148)…………………………… 40
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Recovery
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence Multiplier:
lang uages” . 0.5
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

line is traced through the male.
KHAZÂD (House of Bávor) Religion: Khazâd believe that each lineage has a common spirit
which permeates them all and ties them together. They revere their
(sing. Khazad) ancestors above all other things but Aulë their maker, and believe
Bávor, father of the Stiffbeards awoke beneath the Iron that in each Dwarven King exists a part of his predecessors.
Mountains before leading his folk to the Ered Angurath. A group of
dwarves lead by Runin the Headstrong settled in the Uldona Spine OTHER FACTORS
founding Kablik-madur. The Great Cataclysm at the end of the First Demeanour: Sober, quiet, possessive, reclusive, suspicious, pugna-
Age destroyed kablik-mabur. The Dwarves of the Uldona Spine dug cious, introspective, and often very greedy. Tenacious warriors, they
a new delving Falek-dim (Hh. “Home of Moving Waters”). In S.A fight without quarter and never retreat. Each Khazad treats his kind
522 orcs succeeded in caputing Falek-dim and the Dwarves of the as brothers and non-Khazâd as lesser beings who, one way or an-
Uldona Spine went south in search of there kin. other, are a constant threat. Their blood is thick and their bonds are
In the Second Age Sauron choose Mordor to be his stronghold. deep. They enter into agreements with extreme care but, once made,
he made contact with the Dwarves in his guise of Annatar, lord of honour them to the letter. The old adage is true: “no friend ever did
Gifts. The Lords of the Stiffbeards were at first taken in, but soon a Dwarf a favour, no enemy a wrong, without being repaid in full”.
became troubled by the immigrants brought in to construct Barad-
Language: Sta rtin g Lang ua ges: Khuzdul (S8/W6), Apysaic or
dûr and the nearby town. The delvings of the Ered Angûrath were
Kiranaic (S5/W5). Allowed Ado les cen ce Develo pmen t: Khuzdul
abandoned and a great migration began to the Ered Harmel. Here
(S10/W10), Apysaic (S10/W10), Kiranaic (S10/W10), Tantûrakic
they founded Námagalûz and were content; that is until they heard
(S6/W6), Mûmakanin (S6/W6).
reports about mithril in the Ered Laranor (S. “Yellow Mountains”).
Here in this great chain of mountains they built Mablâd-dûm in S.A. Prejudices: Orcs and Trolls are sworn enemies. Above all other
1211. In T.A. 777, Narad-dûm is founded in the east of the chain. races, they despise these the most, although they are extremely sus-
Baruzimabûl (Kh. “Blackflame”) is founded in T.A. 1111 in the picious of mages, Elves and anybody they haven’t had previous
west of the chain. contact with. They have suffered too much as a result of magic. No
dwarf will ever forget the sly words of Sauron, one whose conjuring
A group settled in the East Ormal bay area, with Azanulbizar
(“Vale of Dim Streams’), Nâlashatûr (“Path of the Clouds”) in enslaved many of their great lords.
Treddas Mountains, and Khelek-zâram in the Pontym Mountains. Professions: There are no Khazad Barbarian or spell users except
for the Channelling Alchemist. Taught and blessed by the Vala
PHYSICAL CHARACTER smith Aulë, Khazâd practise a plain, practical Earth-magic.
Build: Short, stocky, strong, with exceptionally strong limbs. Males Dwarves know of spell and enchantments, but they generally scoff
average 110 pounds; females, 102 pounds. at the ways of Elves or other conjurers, preferring instead to use
Colouring: Black, red, or dark brown hair. Ruddy complexion and such power in the making of permanent physical items. Traditional
wiry beards. mages and bards are unheard of; instead they produce alchemists
Endurance: Tremendous. They can carry great burdens over long and engineers.
distances with little rest. +21 to exhaustion points. Training Packages: All available except, Amateur Mage,
Height: Males average 4’4”; females 4’0”. Astronomer, Apothecary, Burglar, Beastmasster, Cut Purse,
Midwife, Sailor, Shaman Priest, Surgeon, Spy, Zealot and the train-
Lifespan: 200-400 years.
ing packages specific to other race/cultures.
Race Abilities: Khazad.
Special Skills: Everyma n: Caving, Leather-crafts, Metal-crafts,
Resistance: Resistance against flame and ice: +30 DB and RR bo- Mining, Smithing, Stone-crafts, Survival (under-ground); Res tricted:
nuses versus heat and cold attacks. Swimming.
Special Abilities: Khazâd see well in extreme darkness. In the dim- Standard Hobby Skills: Appraisal, any Armour skills, Attunement,
mest light, they can see 50' perfectly, and fairly well up to 100'. Body Development, Caving, Climbing, Contortions, Disarming
They can see 10' in total darkness (non-magical). They receive a Traps, First Aid, Foraging (Mountain/Foothills), Herb Lore,
special bonus of +15 to Crafts skill category and +10 to mining,
Leather-crafts, Metal-crafts, Picking Locks, Public Speaking,
+25 to caving.
Region Lore (any cavernous region), Smithing, Tactics, Trap-
CULTURE building, any Weapon skills.
Clothing & Decoration: They keep their wiry beards trimmed OUTFITTING OPTIONS
short, and weave their hair into very long braids. They prefer
Weapons: Dagger, hand axe, short sword, club, war hammer, mace,
heavy, sturdy, practical clothing when travelling. Cloaks, caps se-
crossbow, battle-axe, spear, throwing axe, heavy crossbow, light
cured with wraps, woollen pantaloons and sturdy boots when travel-
crossbow, war mattock, pole arm.
ling. Inside their shielded halls, they prefer to wear brightly col-
oured woven clothes. Robes of purple or turquoise, fancy hats, and Armour: Any. Dwarves favour chain mail. Lamellar and scale are
embroidery, clothing of superior craftsmanship adorned with geo- also available. Target shields and wall shields are popular.
metrical patterns and wear decoration made of silver and gold and
beset with many kinds of gems.
Khazâd get 35 Talent Points (3 Background Points).
Fears & Inabilities: Open water and the Valar Ulmo (Lord of
Waters). They do not normally swim (-50 to Swimming man- Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a dwarf
oeuvres). They prefer the dry dim environments of their subter- in exceptional circumstances might learn: Tazinain (S8/W8).
anean halls to the harsh light of day which is so common in the Mental Abilities: All available except; Telekinesis, Telepathy.
Seven lands. Mystical Abilities: Only Danger Sense, Destiny Sense, Magical
Lifestyle: Khazâd are superb miners and craftsmen, and unsur- Resistance, Resistance, Undetectable and Unnatural Aging are
passed Stoneworkers. They live in tightly-knit groups and favour available.
underground cities which are usually cut into rugged hills or moun- Physical Abilities: All available.
tains. Special Abilities: All available except; Special Familiar, Succour
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. They marry for life and wid- and Summons.
owers would never remarry. Only a third of the race is female. The
Special Items: No spell adders or multipliers. Spell items may only

contain Channelling spells. Any weapons will be of superior work-
manship and forged of steel.
Special Status: All available.
Special Training: All available except; Acrobat and Natural
Mental Flaws: All available except; Fear of Armour.
Physical Flaws: All available except; Visible Aura.
Special Flaws: All available except; Dark Tempation
Wealth: Gold pieces or a gem (aquamarine, topaz, garnet, peridot,
spinel, emerald, amethyst, ruby, sapphire, diamond) of comparable
Beardless: You were born without that most important of Dwarven
physical traits - facial hair. You must learn to deal with the pity
shown to you by your fellows (the too-loud voices, exaggerated
enunciation, painstakingly slow speech, and other well-intentioned
efforts to make it easier for you to understand them...) [-7 points].
Tr ap Sense: You have the ability to sense the presence of mechanical ADOLESCENCENT SKILL
traps 50% of the time (GM should roll) [15 points]. DEVELOPMENT
Dwarf Sen se: You have a superior orienting ability underground. You Khazad of House Bávor characters gain the following
s kills during their ado les cent develop ment. Stat
always seem to know the direction of true north (a special bonus of Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Bonuses:
+50 to the Direction Sense skill) and the approximate elevation of Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0
his location [3 points]. Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 2 Ag: -2
Jud ge o f Angles: You can judge angles and changes in the slant of Armour • Medium skill categ ory ………………… 1 Co: +6
relatively uniform, solid surfaces. You can tell the angle of an in- Chain s kill…………………………………… 1 Me: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
cline almost immediately. You receive a special bonus of +25 when Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 Re: 0
attempting to perceive traps or secret doors that are set in walls, Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0 SD: +2
floors, or ceilings [5 points]. Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 Em: -1
Oss es sive Greed: Your natural joy in the appreciation of gems, jewels Climbin g skill ……………………………… 1
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 In: 0
and other artifice has turned ugly. Your avarice has become a com-
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 4 Pr: -1
pulsion that dominates action and thought. You strive to possess
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 Qu: -2
whatever you perceive as beautiful, sparing nothing and paying no Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
heed to the consequences [-10 points]. Body Development skill …………………… 3 St: +2
Uns werving: Your forthright attack withholds nothing. You do double Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 RR Mods:
normal concussion damage. How ever, your boldness may be a Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Ess: +40
drawback, for it does not occur to you to ev er fight defensively. You Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 6 Chan: 0
cannot parry w ith more than 10% of your OB. The se mighty smit-
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Ment: +40
ings take a toll on weaponry too. All weapons have their breakage “Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Poison: +20
numbers increase d by one and checks for strength are modified by - “Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
10 [20 points]. Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Disease: +15
Gift of Ma hal: You hav e be en blessed by Mahal w ith extraordinary Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Body Dev.
healing gifts. +77 to all healing related rolls [50 points]. Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 2 Progression:
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Enchanted Food: You have a loaf of C ram [3 points]. Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 1 0•7•4•2•1
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 Channelling
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 1 0•6•5•4•3
Stalking skill………………………………… 1 Essence
Hiding skill…………………………………… 1
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 PP Dev.
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 Progresseion:
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 4 0•6•5•4•3
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 4
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 PP Dev.
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 Progression:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category …………………… 0 0•3•2•1•1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Soul
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0 Departure:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 1 21
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Race Type:
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 1
Talent Points (cost: 155)…………………………… 35
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Recovery
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence Multiplier:
lang uages” . 0.5
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

ible for the welfare of his subjects. Three Herd-Lords under him are
KHAZÂD (House of Thelór) given stewardships for the major population centres within the Ered
Harmal, and for the relationships with human populations. Servants
(sing. Khazad) of the Herd-Lords are called Gate-Lords and are held as experts on
Thelór, father of the Ironfists awoke beneath the Iron their own special facet of life in the Kingdom. There are military,
Mountains. But the menace represented by the dark enemy of the religious, social, and economic Gate-Lord's in each centre who
World with his minions in the Iron Mountains forced them to serve as a cabinet to the Herd-Lords. These leaders deal directly
migrate first to the Ered Mithrin (S. “Grey Mountains”). At the with the artisans, merchants and warriors of the kingdom, represent-
begining of the second age a colony in Mount Gundabad was forced ing their interests to the Herd-Lord, and in turn, the King. Khazâd
by treachery and Orcs to abandon there halls and join their brethern are superb miners and craftsmen, and unsurpassed Stoneworkers.
in the Grey Mountains. They live in tightly-knit groups and favour underground cities
Suaron gifted Thelór the dwarven king with a ring of great which are usually cut into rugged hills or mountains.
magic power. With the aid of this ring he hoped to reclaim the Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. Only a third of the race is fe-
Uldoa Spine from the Orcs. After seven years of battle and several male. The line is traced through the male.
great victories, the Dwarves recovered Falek-dim and renamed their Religion: Thelór's Folk are widely perceived among Dwarves as
kingdom Nurunkizdin (S.A. 2797 – 2804). Then the Dwarves being more vocal and active in their religious practice. The people
repaired the crumbling works of their Bávor predecessors, and hold of particular importance their relationship to their creator
opened new mines. Mahal. When in need they frequently call upon him for assistance.
Unfortunately in T.A. 58 miners began to be stricken by a lethal In fact, nearly all of their ceremonies and organized worship re-
disease. Which followed closely upon the discovery of green stones volve around their association with him and his creation of them. A
(Kh. Bilak-khald) that glowed with there own pale green light. This people of perfection and rigid structure, all rites and ordinances are
disaster was soon followed by fighting against King Thelór XIV performed by these Naugrim nearly exactly as they were by their
(TA 62), who was secretly assassinated by his brother Thulin. First Fathers. Very little deviation occurs or is allowed. Despite the
Thelór’s daughter discovered the truth, and driven by her need for repetition and seeming monotony of their frequent worship, it never
revenge, assassinated the greedy dwarf. Her son, Threlin, fearing a becomes vain or trivial ritual. To them, it is very sincere and very
civil war, left with his sympathetic followers out of Nurunkizdin to meaningful. While many of their rites and performances seem su-
the central Ered Harmal, where they joined Bávor’s folk in perstitious to outsiders, most are in fact deeply symbolic of the cre-
Námagalûz. Located in the Ered Harmal, the gate to this rich hold ation of the Seven Fathers and Mahal's protection of them before
opened eastward, above the waters of Heb Aaraan and not far from and after their birth.
the Chey lands. It was the greatest Dwarf city in central Endor. There is also among Thelór's Folk a great deal of ancestor rever-
ence. They, like all Dwarves, believe that each of the Seven Tribes
PHYSICAL CHARACTER has an individual spirit which binds all within it together. They too
Build: Short, stocky, strong, with exceptionally strong limbs. Males look forward to the next incarnation of their father, Thelór, and
average 150 pounds; females, 135 pounds. wonder how his coming will change their society. Many have
Colouring: Thick dark hair. Ruddy complexion. prophesised that Thelór will reunite Thralin's folk with their
Endurance: Tremendous. They can carry great burdens over long brethren to the south, leading the folk to a cultural renaissance.
distances with little rest. +21 to exhaustion points. Communication with the folk of Nurunkizdin is erratic, and the
Height: Males average 4’9”; females 4’5”. Kings of Námagalûz had been willing to involve themselves in the
politics of the tribes of Man in order to make the lines of commu-
Lifespan: 200-400 years.
nication in the Ered Harmal more secure.
Race Abilities: Khazad.
Resistance: Resistance against flame and ice: +30 DB and RR OTHER FACTORS
bonuses versus heat and cold attacks. Demeanour: Sober, quiet, possessive, suspicious, pugnacious, in-
Special Abilities: Khazâd see well in extreme darkness. In the dim- trospective, and often very greedy. Tenacious warriors, they fight
mest light, they can see 50' perfectly, and fairly well up to 100'. without quarter and never retreat. Each Khazad treats his kind as
They can see 10' in total darkness (non-magical). They receive a brothers and non-Khazâd as lesser beings who, one way or another,
special bonus 0f +25 to caving. are a constant threat. Their blood is thick and their bonds are deep.
They enter into agreements with extreme care but, once made, hon-
CULTURE our them to the letter. The old adage is true: “no friend ever did a
Clothing & Decoration: Very practical. Most enjoy wearing well- Dwarf a favour, no enemy a wrong, without being repaid in full”.
designed garments of wool and linen which are adorned with intric- Language: Sta rting Lan guages: When venturing in the outer world,
ately embroidered designs near the hems, seams and collars. They they usually speak Chyan (S5/W5) or Lynerian (S4/W4). They keep
are not very fond of hoods, and only wear them occasionally while their own language Khuzdul (S8/W6) for themselves, and they
travelling abroad in the Ered Harmal. Instead, they prefer to wear never teach it to a non-dwarf. Allo wed Ad oles cen ce Develop ment:
large and elaborate scarves and simple leather hats. Brims on these Khuzdul (S10/W10), Chyan (Rank S10/W10), Lynerian (S8/W8).
hats vary from 1” – 3” in width, while the top of these hats are
Prejudices: They mistrust all other races, especially the Lynîr. They
sometimes very tall. The scarves borne by the folk are commonly
avoid any relationships with the Taarun elves. Orcs, Trolls are
brought to just below the eyes, though occasionally are wrapped
sworn enemies. Above all other races, they despise these the most,
above them as well, leaving a narrow slit. Large and squared, these
although they are extremely suspicious of mages and Elves. They
scarves are crafted from linen and coloured to denote kinship and
have suffered too much as a result of magic. No dwarf will ever
forget the sly words of Sauron, one whose conjuring enslaved many
Very long beards which are usually worn splayed out, or occasion- of their great lords.
ally braided in complex patterns like their hair.
Professions: There are no Khazad Barbarian or spell users except
Fears & Inabilities: Open water and the Valar Ulmo (Lord of
for the Channelling Alchemist. Taught and blessed by the Vala
Waters). They do not normally swim (-50 to Swimming man-
smith Aulë, Khazâd practise a plain, practical Earth-magic.
Dwarves know of spell and enchantments, but they generally scoff
Lifestyle: They live in subterranean cities in mountains. The King at the ways of Elves or other conjurers, preferring instead to use
wields the most power, and with his advisors is ultimately respons- such power in the making of permanent physical items. Traditional

mages and bards are unheard of; instead they produce alchemists All weapon s have their breakag e numb ers increased by o ne and checks for
and engineers. strength are modified by -10 [20 points].
Training Packages: All available except, Amateur Mage, Gift of Mahal: Yo u have been bles sed by Mahal with extraordin ary healing
Astronomer, Apothecary, Burglar, Beastmasster, Cut Purse, gifts. +77 to all healing related rolls [50 points].
Midwife, Sailor, Shaman Priest, Surgeon, Spy, Zealot and the train- Ench anted Food: You have a loaf of Cram [3 points ].
ing packages specific to other race/cultures.
Special Skills: Everyman: Caving, Leather-crafts, Metal-crafts,
Mining, Smithing, Stone-crafts, Survival (under-ground); Restr icted:
Standard Hobby Skills: Appraisal, any Armour skills, Attunement,
Body Development, Caving, Climbing, Contortions, Disarming
Traps, First Aid, Foraging (Mountain/Foothills), Herb Lore,
Leather-crafts, Metal-crafts, Picking Locks, Public Speaking,
Region Lore (any cavernous region), Smithing, Tactics, Trap-
building, any Weapon skills.

Weapons: Dagger, hand axe, short sword, club, war hammer, mace, ADOLESCENCENT SKILL
crossbow, battle-axe, spear, throwing axe, heavy crossbow, light DEVELOPMENT
crossbow, war mattock, pole arm. Khazad of House Thelór characters g ain the following
s kills during their ado les cent develop ment. Stat
Armour: Any. Dwarves favour chain mail. Lamellar and scale are Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Bonuses:
also available. Target shields and wall shields are popular. Soft Leather skill …………………………… 1
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 1 Ag: -2
BACKGROUND OPTIONS Armour • Medium skill categ ory ………………… 2 Co: +6
Khazâd g et 40 Talent Points (4 Background Points). Chain s kill…………………………………… 3 Me: 0
Extra Languages: In addition to the tongu es listed above, a d warf in ex - Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 Re: 0
ceptio nal circumstances migh t learn : Adûnaic (S4/W4), Apysaïc (S3/W3 ) or
Vulmaw (S3 /W3). Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0 SD: +2
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 Em: -1
Mental Abilities: All available except; Telekinesis, Telepathy. Climbin g skill ……………………………… 1
Mystical Abilities : Only Danger Sense, Des tiny Sense, Magical Resistance, Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 In: 0
Res istance, Undetectable and Unnatural Aging are available. Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 4 Pr: -1
Physical Abilities : All available. Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 Qu: -2
Special Abilities : All available except; Sp ecial Familiar, Su ccou r and Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 3 St: +2
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 RR Mods:
Special Items: No spell adders or multipliers. Spell items may only contain Mounted Combat …………………………… 0
Channelling s pells. Any weapons will be of s uperio r workman ship and Ess: +40
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1
forged of steel. Lang uage skills † …………………………… 4 Chan: 0
Special Sta tus: All available. Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Ment: +40
Special Training: All av ailable except; Acrob at and Natu ral Horseman. “Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Poison: +20
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Mental Flaws: All available ex cept; Fear of Armour.
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Disease: +15
Physical Flaws: All available except; Vis ible Aura. Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Body Dev.
Special Flaws: All available except; Dark Tempation Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 2 Progression:
Wealth: Gold p ieces or a gem (aqu amarine, topaz, garnet, peridot, s pinel, Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 1 0•7•4•2•1
emerald, amethyst, ruby, sap phire, diamond) of comparable value.
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 Channelling
Beardless : Yo u were born without that most important of Dwarven physical
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 PP Dev.
traits - facial hair. You mus t learn to deal with the pity shown to you by yo ur Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
fellows (the too-loud voices, exaggerated enu nciatio n, painstak ingly slo w Ambush……………………………………… 0 Progression:
s peech, and other well-intentioned efforts to make it easier for you to under- Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 1 0•6•5•4•3
s tand them...) [-7 points]. Stalking skill………………………………… 1 Essence
Tr ap S ens e: Yo u have the ability to sense the presence o f mechan ical traps Hiding skill…………………………………… 1
50 % o f the time (GM sho uld roll) [15 points]. Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 PP Dev.
Dwarf Sense: Yo u have a sup erior o rienting ability u nderground. You al- Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 Progresseion:
ways s eem to know the d irection of true north (a special bonus of +5 0 to the Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 4 0•6•5•4•3
Directio n Sense s kill) and th e approximate elevation of his location [3 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 4
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 1 Mentalism
po ints].
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 PP Dev.
Judge of Angles: You can judg e angles and changes in the slan t of relatively Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0
un iform, s olid surfaces. You can tell the an gle of an incline almo st immedi- Progression:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
ately. You receive a special bonu s of +25 when attempting to perceive traps Weapo n • Miss ile skill category …………………… 0 0•3•2•1•1
or secret doors that are set in walls , floors, or ceilin gs [5 poin ts]. 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Soul
Os sessive Greed: Your natural joy in th e ap preciation of gems, jewels and Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0 Departure:
o ther artifice has turned ugly. Your avarice h as become a comp ulsion that 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
do minates action and tho ught. You s trive to po ssess whatev er y ou perceive Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 1 21
as beau tiful, s paring n othing and payin g no heed to the consequences [-10 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Race Type:
po ints]. Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 1
Uns werving: Your forth right attack withho lds nothing. You do double nor- Talent Points (cost: 132)…………………………… 40
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Recovery
mal concussio n damage. However, yo ur boldn ess may be a drawback, for it
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence Multiplier:
do es not o ccur to you to ever fight d efensively. You cannot parry with more
lang uages” . 0.5
than 10 % of yo ur OB. These mighty s mitings take a toll on weaponry too.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

UNDER DEVELOPMENT. NOT AVAILABLE FOR trospective, and often very greedy. Tenacious warriors, they fight
CHARACTER DESIGN without quarter and never retreat. Each Khazad treats his kind as
brothers and non-Khazâd as lesser beings who, one way or another,
KHAZÂD (House of Drúin) are a constant threat. Their blood is thick and their bonds are deep.
They enter into agreements with extreme care but, once made, hon-
our them to the letter. The old adage is true: “no friend ever did a
(sing. Khazad) Dwarf a favour, no enemy a wrong, without being repaid in full”.
Drúin, father of the Stonefoots awoke beneath the Iron
Language: Star tin g Langua ges: Khuzdul (S8/W6), ????? (S5/W5),
Mountains. During the First Age his people lived in the eastern
Silvan (S5/W5). Allowed A do les cence Develo pm ent: Khuzdul
vales of the misty Mountains. Early in the second age, following the
discovery of red laen; they migrated across the river Anduin and
founded Tumûn-gabil (Kh. “The Great Hollow”) under Amon Lanc Prejudices: Orcs, Wargs and Dragons are sworn enemies. Above
(S. “The Naked Hill”). In S.A. 97 the bulk of the Khazâd travel to all other races, they despise these the most, although they are ex-
Chey lands and settled in the Ered Harmel, but a small group tremely suspicious of mages and Elves. They have suffered too
remain behind at Amun Lanc. much as a result of magic. No dwarf will ever forget the sly words
of Sauron, one whose conjuring enslaved many of their great lords.
In S.A 700 this hardy people founded Ruurik in southeastern
Endor. Here they built Tumunamahal on the southwestern side of Professions: There are no Khazad Barbarian or spell users except
the great vale. In the years that followed the dwarves prospered. In for the Channelling Alchemist. Taught and blessed by the Vala
S.A. 1144 the demon king Muar made war upon the dwarves of smith Aulë, Khazâd practise a plain, practical Earth-magic.
Ruuriik. In S.A. 1157 Múar succeeded in seizing the caverns of the Dwarves know of spell and enchantments, but they generally scoff
Dwarves. having been driven to near extinction, those who survived at the ways of Elves or other conjurers, preferring instead to use
wandered west. In S.A. 2741 the heirs of this great house with the such power in the making of permanent physical items. Traditional
aid of men journeyed to Khazad-mabur, in an attempt to free the mages and bards are unheard of; instead they produce alchemists
dwarves of house Barin. The plan back fired but the Khazad turned and engineers.
events around. a year later the last of the demon kings army was Training Packages: All available except, Amateur Mage,
driven from the mountains. Astronomer, Apothecary, Burglar, Beastmasster, Cut Purse,
Midwife, Sailor, Shaman Priest, Surgeon, Spy, Zealot and the train-
PHYSICAL CHARACTER ing packages specific to other race/cultures.
Build: Short, stocky, strong, with exceptionally strong limbs. Males Special Skills: Everyma n: Caving, Leather-crafts, Metal-crafts,
average 150 pounds; females, 135 pounds. Mining, Smithing, Stone-crafts, Survival (under-ground); Res tricted:
Colouring: Black, red, or dark brown hair. Fair to ruddy complex- Swimming.
ion. Standard Hobby Skills: Appraisal, any Armour skills, Attunement,
Endurance: Tremendous. They can carry great burdens over long Body Development, Caving, Climbing, Contortions, Disarming
distances with little rest. +21 to exhaustion points. Traps, First Aid, Foraging (Mountain/Foothills), Herb Lore,
Height: Males average 4’9”; females 4’5”. Leather-crafts, Metal-crafts, Picking Locks, Public Speaking,
Lifespan: 200-400 years. Region Lore (any cavernous region), Smithing, Tactics, Trap-
building, any Weapon skills.
Race Abilities: Khazad.
Resistance: Resistance against flame and ice: +30 DB and RR bo- OUTFITTING OPTIONS
nuses versus heat and cold attacks. Weapons: Dagger, hand axe, short sword, club, war hammer, mace,
Special Abilities: Khazâd see well in extreme darkness. In the dim- crossbow, battle-axe, spear, throwing axe, heavy crossbow, light
mest light, they can see 50' perfectly, and fairly well up to 100'. crossbow, war mattock, pole arm.
They can see 10' in total darkness (non-magical). They receive a Armour: Any. Dwarves favour chain mail. Lamellar and scale are
special bonus 0f +25 to caving. also available. Target shields and wall shields are popular.
Clothing: Outer gar b: detachable hood with flaps sewn into it, per-
mitting the face to be covered; heavy cloak fastened with a decor-
Clothing & Decoration: Beards, sometimes braided. Long hair. ated brooch; tall boots of heavy leather; these garments are bright
Heavy garb with colourful hooded cloaks. Crenulated trimwork is solid colours - scarlet, forest green, indigo blue, golden yellow,
popular. royal purple. Inner gar b: a leather jerkin or woolen tunic of a deep
Fears & Inabilities: Open water and the Valar Ulmo (Lord of hue (maroon, pine green, navy blue, brownish black); a wool or
Waters). They do not normally swim (-50 to Swimming man- linen shirt (usually a deep hue, sometimes white); close fitting
oeuvres). trousers of deep-hued leather or wool; shoes or inner boots of soft
Lifestyle: Khazâd are superb miners and craftsmen, and unsur- leather.
passed Stoneworkers. They live in tightly-knit groups and favour
underground cities which are usually cut into rugged hills or moun- BACKGROUND OPTIONS
tains. Khazâd get 40 Talen t Points (4 Backg rou nd Points).
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. Only a third of the race is fe- Extra Languages : In addition to the tongues listed above, a d warf in excep-
male. The line is traced through the male. tional circumstan ces migh t learn: Adûn aic (S4/W4 ), Apy saic (S4 /W4),
Labb a (S4/W4) and Umitic (S5/W5).
Religion: Khazâd believe that each lineage has a common spirit
Mental Abilities : All available except; Telekines is, Telepathy.
which permeates them all and ties them together. They revere their
Mys tica l Abilities: Only Danger Sense, Destiny Sens e, Mag ical Resis tance,
ancestors above all other things but Aulë their maker, and believe
Resistan ce, Undetectable and Unn atu ral Aging are available.
that in each Dwarven King exists a part of his predecessors. Those
Phys ica l Abilities: All available.
of “Durin`s Folk”, the Khazâd of Moria and the highlands of
Special Abilities: All availab le excep t; Special Familiar, Succour and
Wilderland, believe their Kings to all be one Dwarf - Durin the
Specia l Items: No spell adders or multipliers. Spell items may only co ntain
OTHER FACTORS Ch an nelling spells. Any weapon s will be o f sup erior wo rkmans hip and
fo rged of steel.
Demeanour: Sober, quiet, possessive, suspicious, pugnacious, in- Special Status: All available.

Special Training: All av ailable except; Acrob at and Natu ral Horseman.
Mental Flaws: All available ex cept; Fear of Armour.
Physical Flaws: All available except; Vis ible Aura.
Special Flaws: All available except; Dark Tempation
Wealth: Gold p ieces or a gem (aqu amarine, topaz, garnet, peridot, s pinel,
emerald, amethyst, ruby, sap phire, diamond) of comparable value.
Beardless : Yo u were born without that most important of Dwarven physical
traits - facial hair. You mus t learn to deal with the pity shown to you by yo ur
fellows (the too-loud voices, exaggerated enu nciatio n, painstak ingly slo w
s peech, and other well-intentioned efforts to make it easier for you to under-
s tand them...) [-7 points].
Tr ap S ens e: Yo u have the ability to sense the presence o f mechan ical traps
50 % o f the time (GM sho uld roll) [15 points].
Dwarf Sense: Yo u have a sup erior o rienting ability u nderground. You al-
ways s eem to know the d irection of true north (a special bonus of +5 0 to the
Directio n Sense s kill) and th e approximate elevation of his location [3
po ints].
Judge of Angles: You can judg e angles and changes in the slan t of relatively
un iform, s olid surfaces. You can tell the an gle of an incline almo st immedi-
ately. You receive a special bonu s of +25 when attempting to perceive traps
or secret doors that are set in walls , floors, or ceilin gs [5 poin ts].
Os sessive Greed: Your natural joy in th e ap preciation of gems, jewels and
o ther artifice has turned ugly. Your avarice h as become a comp ulsion that
do minates action and tho ught. You s trive to po ssess whatev er y ou perceive
as beau tiful, s paring n othing and payin g no heed to the consequences [-10
po ints].
Uns werving: Your forth right attack withho lds nothing. You do double nor-
mal concussio n damage. However, yo ur boldn ess may be a drawback, for it
do es not o ccur to you to ever fight d efensively. You cannot parry with more
than 10 % of yo ur OB. These mighty s mitings take a toll on weaponry too.
All weapons have their breakage numbers increased by one and checks for
s trength are mo dified by -10 [20 po ints].
Gift of Mah al: You have been blessed by Mahal with ex trao rdinary healing
gifts. +77 to all healing related rolls [50 points].
Enchanted Food: Yo u have a lo af of Cram [3 points].

UNDER DEVELOPMENT. NOT AVAILABLE FOR Dwarf a favour, no enemy a wrong, without being repaid in full”.
CHARACTER DESIGN Language: Star tin g Langua ges: Khuzdul (S8/W6), ????? (S5/W5),
Silvan (S5/W5). Allowed A do les cence Develo pm ent: Khuzdul
Prejudices: Orcs, Wargs and Dragons are sworn enemies. Above all
other races, they despise these the most, although they are ex-
KHAZÂD (House of Barin) tremely suspicious of mages and Elves. They have suffered too
much as a result of magic. No dwarf will ever forget the sly words
(sing. Khazad) of Sauron, one whose conjuring enslaved many of their great lords.
Barin, father of the Blacklocks awoke beneath the Iron Professions: There are no Khazad Barbarian or spell users except
Mountains (S. Ered Engrin). in S.A. 707 they arrived in Ruurik, for the Channelling Alchemist. Taught and blessed by the Vala
asked for and rechieved a fief in the north of the country. in the smith Aulë, Khazâd practise a plain, practical Earth-magic.
years that followed the dwarves prospered. In S.A. 1144 the demon Dwarves know of spell and enchantments, but they generally scoff
king Muar made war upon the dwarves of Ruuriik. In S.A. 1157 at the ways of Elves or other conjurers, preferring instead to use
Múar succeeded in seizing the caverns of the Dwarves, except for such power in the making of permanent physical items. Traditional
Khazad-madûr which became the last refuge for this beleagured mages and bards are unheard of; instead they produce alchemists
people. In S.A. 2741 after centuries of self imposed entombment, an and engineers.
attempt was made to end the reign of the demon king. The plan
Training Packages: All available except, Amateur Mage,
back fired but the Khazad turned events around. a year later the last
Astronomer, Apothecary, Burglar, Beastmasster, Cut Purse,
of the demon kings army was driven from the mountains.
Midwife, Sailor, Shaman Priest, Surgeon, Spy, Zealot and the train-
PHYSICAL CHARACTER ing packages specific to other race/cultures.
Build: Short, stocky, strong, with exceptionally strong limbs. Males Special Skills: Everyma n: Caving, Leather-crafts, Metal-crafts,
average 150 pounds; females, 135 pounds. Mining, Smithing, Stone-crafts, Survival (under-ground); Res tricted:
Colouring: Black, red, or dark brown hair. Fair to ruddy complex-
ion. Standard Hobby Skills: Appraisal, any Armour skills, Attunement,
Body Development, Caving, Climbing, Contortions, Disarming
Endurance: Tremendous. They can carry great burdens over long
Traps, First Aid, Foraging (Mountain/Foothills), Herb Lore,
distances with little rest. +21 to exhaustion points.
Leather-crafts, Metal-crafts, Picking Locks, Public Speaking,
Height: Males average 4’9”; females 4’5”. Region Lore (any cavernous region), Smithing, Tactics, Trap-
Lifespan: 200-400 years. building, any Weapon skills.
Race Abilities: Khazad.
Resistance: Resistance against flame and ice: +30 DB and RR bo- OUTFITTING OPTIONS
nuses versus heat and cold attacks. Weapons: Dagger, hand axe, short sword, club, war hammer, mace,
Special Abilities: Khazâd see well in extreme darkness. In the dim- crossbow, battle-axe, spear, throwing axe, heavy crossbow, light
crossbow, war mattock, pole arm.
mest light, they can see 50' perfectly, and fairly well up to 100'.
They can see 10' in total darkness (non-magical). They receive a Armour: Any. Dwarves favour chain mail. Lamellar and scale are
special bonus 0f +25 to caving. also available. Target shields and wall shields are popular.
Clothing: Outer gar b: detachable hood with flaps sewn into it, per-
CULTURE mitting the face to be covered; heavy cloak fastened with a decor-
Clothing & Decoration: Beards, sometimes braided. Long hair. ated brooch; tall boots of heavy leather; these garments are bright
Heavy garb with colourful hooded cloaks. Crenulated trimwork is solid colours - scarlet, forest green, indigo blue, golden yellow,
popular. royal purple. Inner gar b: a leather jerkin or woolen tunic of a deep
Fears & Inabilities: Open water and the Valar Ulmo (Lord of hue (maroon, pine green, navy blue, brownish black); a wool or
Waters). They do not normally swim (-50 to Swimming man- linen shirt (usually a deep hue, sometimes white); close fitting
oeuvres). trousers of deep-hued leather or wool; shoes or inner boots of soft
Lifestyle: Khazâd are superb miners and craftsmen, and unsur-
passed Stoneworkers. They live in tightly-knit groups and favour
underground cities which are usually cut into rugged hills or moun-
Khazâd get 40 Talen t Points (4 Backg rou nd Points).
Extra Languages : In addition to the tongues listed above, a d warf in excep-
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. Only a third of the race is fe- tional circums tances might learn: .
male. The line is traced through the male. Mental Abilities : All available except; Telekines is, Telepathy.
Religion: Khazâd believe that each lineage has a common spirit Mys tica l Abilities: Only Danger Sense, Destiny Sens e, Mag ical Resis tance,
which permeates them all and ties them together. They revere their Resistan ce, Undetectable and Unn atu ral Aging are available.
ancestors above all other things but Aulë their maker, and believe Phys ica l Abilities: All available.
that in each Dwarven King exists a part of his predecessors. Those Special Abilities: All availab le excep t; Special Familiar, Succour and
of “Durin`s Folk”, the Khazâd of Moria and the highlands of Summons.
Wilderland, believe their Kings to all be one Dwarf - Durin the Specia l Items: No spell adders or multipliers. Spell items may only co ntain
Deathless. Ch an nelling spells. Any weapon s will be o f sup erior wo rkmans hip and
fo rged of steel.
OTHER FACTORS Special Status: All available.
Demeanour: Sober, quiet, possessive, suspicious, pugnacious, in- Special Training: All available except; Acrobat and Natural Hors eman.
trospective, and often very greedy. Tenacious warriors, they fight Mental Flaws: All available except; Fear of Armour.
without quarter and never retreat. Each Khazad treats his kind as Phys ica l Flaws: All available except; Visible Aura.
brothers and non-Khazâd as lesser beings who, one way or another, Special Flaws: All available except; Dark Tempation
are a constant threat. Their blood is thick and their bonds are deep. Wealth: Go ld pieces o r a gem (aquamarine, topaz, garn et, p erid ot, spinel,
They enter into agreements with extreme care but, once made, hon- emerald, amethys t, ruby, sapphire, diamon d) o f comparable value.
our them to the letter. The old adage is true: “no friend ever did a

Beardless : Yo u were born without that most important of Dwarven physical
traits - facial hair. You mus t learn to deal with the pity shown to you by yo ur
fellows (the too-loud voices, exaggerated enu nciatio n, painstak ingly slo w
s peech, and other well-intentioned efforts to make it easier for you to under-
s tand them...) [-7 points].
Tr ap S ens e: Yo u have the ability to sense the presence o f mechan ical traps
50 % o f the time (GM sho uld roll) [15 points].
Dwarf Sense: Yo u have a sup erior o rienting ability u nderground. You al-
ways s eem to know the d irection of true north (a special bonus of +5 0 to the
Directio n Sense s kill) and th e approximate elevation of his location [3
po ints].
Judge of Angles: You can judg e angles and changes in the slan t of relatively
un iform, s olid surfaces. You can tell the an gle of an incline almo st immedi-
ately. You receive a special bonu s of +25 when attempting to perceive traps
or secret doors that are set in walls , floors, or ceilin gs [5 poin ts].
Os sessive Greed: Your natural joy in th e ap preciation of gems, jewels and
o ther artifice has turned ugly. Your avarice h as become a comp ulsion that
do minates action and tho ught. You s trive to po ssess whatev er y ou perceive
as beau tiful, s paring n othing and payin g no heed to the consequences [-10
po ints].
Uns werving: Your forth right attack withho lds nothing. You do double nor-
mal concussio n damage. However, yo ur boldn ess may be a drawback, for it
do es not o ccur to you to ever fight d efensively. You cannot parry with more
than 10 % of yo ur OB. These mighty s mitings take a toll on weaponry too.
All weapons have their breakage numbers increased by one and checks for
s trength are mo dified by -10 [20 po ints].
Gift of Mah al: You have been blessed by Mahal with ex trao rdinary healing
gifts. +77 to all healing related rolls [50 points].
Enchanted Food: Yo u have a lo af of Cram [3 points].

Demeanor: Quiet, possessive, greedy, suspicious, and often treach-
Petty-dwarves (S. "Noegyth Nibin"; sing. Nogoth Niben; Hi.
erous. In some respects they are weaker than Dwarves, but they
Ta-Fa-Nilch) were a dying race before the birth of the Sun and the
make up for this in slyness and cunning. They do not always honor
Moon. The last of their kin were long assumed to have finished
agreements, which they often try to make when their lives are
their lives during the Elder Days, and only one, the treacherous
Mîm, is mentioned in the Elvish histories of those times. However,
a few fled from Beleriand before its fall at the end of the First Age. Language: When in public or about in the wild, Petty-dwarves
They have managed to survive in dark lairs in hidden corners of speak Westron (S8/W6), or some Sindar (S4/W2). Among them-
Eriador ever since, periodically making appearances that are told in selves, they speak Khuzdul (S8/W6), the secret tongue of all
legends and odd, sad, old tales. Dwarves. Allowed Ado lescence Development: Westron (S8/W8), Sindar
(S8/W8), Khuzdul (S10/W10).
The Petty-dwarves have always had a unique character,
although they were once simply a group of renegades from the Prejudices: They hate Orcs and Elves, especially the Noldor, who
ancient city of Nogrod. The murder for which their leader was stole their old lands.
exiled may well have been the first ever to occur among the Professions: No Fighters, Essence Alchemists, Channelling
Dwarves. It was the nature of the world in the Elder Days that a Alchemists, Drughân, Wegech, spell-users (pure/hybrid/semi) using
single act could shape the destiny of an entire people, and even the realm of Mentalism. Unlike other Dwarves, the Petty-dwarves
change their forms. The exile of the Petty-dwarves gave the culture do produce Mages on rare occasions.
of their small tribe a furtive and evil cast, and their secretive and Training Packages: All available except, Amateur Mage,
bitter ways twisted and diminished their bodies and minds. It was Astronomer, Apothecary, Burglar, Beastmasster, Cut Purse,
only after their sundering that they began to diminish in stature and Midwife, Sailor, Shaman Priest, Surgeon, Spy, Zealot and the train-
smithcraft. ing packages specific to other race/cultures.
Eventually they became considerably smaller than their Special Skills: Everyman: First Aid, Stalking, hiding, Observation,
Dwarven brethren, and in the Third Age they rarely stand more than choose any two skills from the Outdoor • Envoromental skill cat-
four feet high. Their tendency to stoop and move about with egory, Res tricted: Swimming.
peculiar stealth accentuates their smallness. Petty-dwarves are also Standard Hobby Skills: Armour • light skills, Armour • chain
remarkably ugly by normal standards: their gnarled limbs ill-fit skills, 1-H edged weapons, missile weapons, pole-arm weapons,
their bodies, their heads are far too large and thin, and their beards tracking, and stalking, hiding, Observation, body development, cav-
are naturally wispy and tangled. ing, contortions, cookery, foraging, first aid, trickery. play instru-
Petty-dwarves have far fewer skills in stone- and metal-working ment, Jumping, sprinting, tumbling, Weapon smithing, gold smith-
than do the Dwarves, but they can accomplish much given time. ing, fletching, trap building, public speaking, Fauna Lore, Flora
Instead, they are better at growing and using herbs and more Lore, Region Lore, History.
knowledgeable in the ways of nature. These skills proved necessary
in light of the persecutions weighed upon them; there were never OUTFITTING OPTIONS
more than a few Petty-dwarves in any land, so they were inevitably Armor: Soft Leather and loose chain are common although most
preyed upon by stronger races. favour chain mail.
Clothing: Outer gar b: detachable hood with flaps sewn into it, per-
PHYSICAL CHARACTER mitting the face to be covered; heavy cloak fastened with a brooch;
Build: Short and stocky, with bowed shoulders. boots of heavy leather; these garments are solid dark colors. Inner
Coloring: Dark brown to gray. Ruddy complexion.
Endurance: Exceptional. They carry medium burdens over long garb: a leather jerkin or woolen tunic of a deep hue; a wool or linen
distances with little rest. shirt; close-fitting trousers.
Height: 3 to 4 feet tall. Weapons: Scimitar, dagger, cross bow, sling, short sword, hand
Lifespan: 250-400 years. axe, war hammer, battle axe, spear, and javelin.
Resistance: Resistance against flame and ice (+30 bonus versus
heat and cold attacks).
Petty-dwarves get 55 Talent Points (5 Background Points).
Special Abilities: Petty-dwarves see well in the dark. In dim light
they can see 50’ perfectly, and well to 100'. Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a Petty-
dwarf might in unusual circumstances learn: Labba (S3/W0),
CULTURE Umitic (S5/W3), Dunael (S2/W0).
Clothing and Decorations: Beards, hardly ever braided. Unkempt Mental Abilities: All available except; Telekinesis, Telepathy.
long hair. Medium garb, usually of gray hue, with hooded cloaks. Mystical Abilities: Only Danger Sense, Destiny Sense, Magical
Fears and Inabilities: Poor swimmers (-35 to Swimming man- Resistance, Resistance, Undetectable and Unnatural Aging are
euvers). available.
Lifestyle: Petty-dwarves are secretive; even more so than regular Physical Abilities: All available.
Dwarves. Individual families, and sometimes whole communities, Special Abilities: All available except; Special Familiar, Succour
make homes, which are cut into hills. Since they are food-gatherers, and Summons.
such homes always near a forest, where they can gather plants, Special Items: No spell adders or multipliers.
roots, herbs, etc. Special Status: None available.
Marriage Patterns: Monogamous and for life. In Dwarvish life Special Training: All available except; Acrobat and Natural
only one third of the race is female, whereas in Petty dwarvish life, Horseman.
the number of females roughly equals the males. The line is traced Mental Flaws: All available.
through the male.
Physical Flaws: All available except; Visible Aura.
Religion: They revere Auld, the maker of all Dwarves and since
Special Flaws: All available except; Dark Tempation
nature plays a large role in the lives, they honor the spouse of Aule,
Yavanna. Wealth: Gold pieces or a gem (aquamarine, topaz, garnet, peridot,
spinel, emerald, amethyst, ruby, sapphire, diamond) of comparable

Tr ap Sense: You have the ability to sense the presence of mechanical DEVELOPMENT Bonuses:
traps 50% of the time (GM should roll) [15 points]. Petty-dwarf characters g ain the following skills d uring Ag: -2
Dwarf Sen se: You have a superior orienting ability underground. You their adoles cent development.
Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Co: +3
always seem to know the direction of true north (a special bonus of Soft Leather skill …………………………… 1 Me: 0
+50 to the Direction Sense skill) and the approximate elevation of Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 1
his location [3 points]. Re: 0
Armour • Medium skill categ ory ………………… 1
Chain s kill…………………………………… 1 SD: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1 Em: -4
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 In: 0
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 Pr: -6
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 2 Qu: -2
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 St: 0
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 RR Mods:
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0 Ess: +30
Body Development skill …………………… 2 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 6 Ment: +30
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: +15
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: +15
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 6 0•6•5•2•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 1
Ambush……………………………………… 1 0•5•3•2•2
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 3 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 3 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 3
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•3•2•1•1
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 2 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 0•3•2•1•1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 0 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0 216
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 2 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2 1
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 51)…………………………… 55
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 0.75
lang uages”.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

Bu rgl ar, C ut pu rs e,
UMLI Co n m an , F ar me r,
innkeeper, Midwife, Sailor,
(sing. Umit) Shaman Pri est, Spy,
They live in the woods and highlands to the east of the Surgeon and the training
Lossoth, in the bitterly cold regions of north central Middle- packages specific to other
earth. The Umli remain in these wilds year round, residing race/cultures.
in caves and braving the terrible frost of the dark winter. Special Skills: Ever yman:
They are a race of short folk who apparently came from an Foraging, tracking, sur-
ancient union of Men and Dwarves. vival (tundra) R es tricted:
Legends call them Half-dwarves, born as a result of a All skills in the Urban cat-
curse on Sinuphel wife of Cintapher of Hildorien. Her twin egory.
offspring Ucin andUlaphel were belived to be malformed Standard Hobby Skills:
monstrosities by the men of Hildorien. Ostracized Sinuphel any armou r skills, ant
fled northward with her children and settled in what would weapon skills, tracking,
later be known as Urd. There she raised Ucin and Ulaphel attunement, read runes,
until slain by the cold-drake Lamthanc. Ucin swore directed spells, spell lists,
vengance and drove Lamthanc northward into the Iron Stalking, hiding, observa-
Mountains and took the Worm’s lair for his own home. tion, body development,
Ulcin married a Dwarf-maiden and his sister Ulaphel caving, foraging, rope mas-
married a Lossadan hunter. Unable to break the curse their tery, weather watching,
children were born in stature like there parents, and so the dancing, tale telling, skat-
Umli race was born. ing, skiing, bone carving
[crafts], leather-crafts,
PHYSICAL CHARACTER smithing, trap building,
Build: Strong and compact, with large features and consid- wood carving [craft], public speaking, survival (tundra).
erable facial hair. Males average 150 pounds; females, 135 pounds.
Colouring: Ruddy skin and red hair, with penetrating pale blue OUTFITTING OPTIONS
eyes. Weapons: Dagger, hand axe, short sword, club, war hammer, mace,
Endurance: Exceptional in cold climates; average in temperate whip, bola, composite bow, short bow, sling, battle axe, flail, quar-
areas; poor in warm or hot climates. terstaff, javelin, spear, knife, war mattock, harpoon.
Height: Males average 4’9”; females 4’5”. Armour: Any. The Umli favour leather armour made from the pelts
Lifespan: 100-200 years. of the polar bear, northern elk, seal or whale hide.
Race Abilities: Umli. Clothing: Outer garb: long, fur-lined coat made from the pelts of the
Resistance: Umli have +30 DB and RR versus cold/ice attacks and polar bear, seal, white fox, artic hare, or snow lion; large leather
-15 DB and RR versus heat/fire attacks. hood with long, fur-lined “wings” that wrap around the neck as a
scarf; soft felt or knitted cap of yarn spun from animal hair; heavy,
Special Abilities: Umli need sleep but three hours a day.
fur-lined leather mittens over lighter, knitted liner-mittens; leather
In the cold (below 35°F), they halve any encumbrance penalties; pants; heavy, thigh-high leather boots.
above 90°F they suffer double encumbrance penalties.
In ner ga rb: shirt of sueded leather; jerkin of knitted yarn spun from
CULTURE animal hair; leg hose of sueded leather or knitted yarn; soft leather
Clothing & Decoration: Fur-lined skin coats, thick shirts, mittens, shoes or half-boots. None of their garments are dyed, remaining the
thick pants, heavy boots and large hoods. beige or neutral shades natural to the wild.
Fears & Inabilities: Nothing special. BACKGROUND OPTIONS
Lifestyle: They range far out across the realms others would call Umli get 50 Talent Points (5 Background Options).
wastes, and they subsist on hunting, gathering and fishing. they Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, UMli
move from site to site depending on the season. Most reside in might in unusual circumstance learn: Black Speech (S4/W4),
caves of underground settlements. Many mine, and the Umli are Nahaiduk (S4/W4), Orkish (S4/W4).
accomplished smiths and artisans.
Mental Abilities: All available.
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. the line is traced through the
Mystical Abilities: All available.
Physical Abilities: All available.
Religion: Somewhat formal. They worship Eru and the Valar, and
Special Abilities: All available.
revere Aulë (who they call Mahlic) above all others.
Special Items: All available. Most should be constructed from ma-
OTHER FACTORS terials common in the Far North: hides, bone, wood, bronze, iron.
Demeanour: Possessive, persevering, stubborn, fierce and yet Special Status: None available.
quiet. Special Training: All available.
Language: Star tin g Lan guages: They speak Umitic (S8/W8). Some Wealth: Goods which may be bartered or sold for coinage: a skin of
Umli know a little Labba (S4/W4), Westron (S4/W4) or Khuzdul spermaceti (important ingredient in ointments and candles) worth
(S2/W2). Allo wed Ado les cen ce Develo pment: Umitic (S10/W10), 20 silver pieces; 7 leaves of Darsurion (a leaf heals 1-6 concussion
Labba (S10/W10), Westron (S8/W8) or Khuzdul (S6/W6), Logathig hits) worth 3 sp each; 4 seal pelts worth 5 sp each; or 10 carved
(S4/W4) and Bethteur (S6/W6). trinkets of narwhal ivory worth 2 sp each. A selection of herbs
Prejudices: They hate Dragons and Wargs above all other races (Arfandas, Edram, Jojojopo, Darsurion, Gefnul, Mirenna,
Professions: All available except Drughân, Kekhavra, Vracara, Winclamit, Arlan, Delrean, Melandar, Olvar, Aldaka, Febfendu,
Wegech. Atigax, Kathkusa, Zur).
Training Packages: All available except Alchemist, Beastmaster, Mental Flaws: All available.

Physical Flaws: All available. ADOLESCENCENT SKILL Stat
Special Flaws: All available. DEVELOPMENT Bonuses:
Recall: When you need to remember something, roll d100 (open- Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 3 Ag: 0
ended) and add 3 times your Me bonus and add 25. if the total is Soft Leather skill …………………………… 3
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 3 Co: +2
greater than 100, you fully remember what you want. If the total is Armour • Medium skill categ ory ………………… 0 Me: 0
less than 100, then this is the percentage of information you recall. Chain s kill…………………………………… 0
This ability also grants you a special bonus of +10 to the Lore skill Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
group [15 points]. Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: 0
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 1 Em: 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: +2
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: 0
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2 Qu: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +2
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 2 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manouevres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: +20
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 6 Ment: +20
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: +5
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: +5
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 5 0•6•5•2•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 1 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 1 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 1 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 1
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progression:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•5•3•2•2
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 3 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 3
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 1 0•6•4•3•2
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 0 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0 16
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 1 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 1
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 100)…………………………… 50
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 0.75
lang uages”.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

skill and their Stalking, and Hiding skill.
(sing. Avar) Clothing & Decoration: Their preferred clothes are usually forest
When the Eldar departed from the original Elven homeland green, grey, or brown, and range from functional designs to fanciful
during the Elder Days, a number of their brethren remained behind. expressions of individual creativity. Their garments lack the formal-
They decided not to seek the light of the Aman and were labeled as ity and pomp typical of Noldo garb.
the Avari (Q. “Unwilling, Refusers”). These kindreds were left to Fears & Inabilities: Nothing special.
fend for themselves during the days when Morgoth’s Shadow swept
Lifestyle: The culture of the Silvan Elves is best characterized as
over the East. In these dark times they were forced into the secluded
safety of the forests of eastern Middle-earth, where they wandered unstructured and rustic by Elven standards, but rich and relatively
and hid from the wild Men who dominated most of the lands. They advanced when compared to the ways of Men. They have always
became known as the Silvan or Wood-elves. been independent, but as of late many have settled in kingdoms
ruled by the Noldors or Sindar. Still, all the Silvan folk enjoy a good
PHYSICAL CHARACTER journey or adventure and most look at life much as a game to be
Build: Most are slight of build, and all are thin by mannish stand- played. Music and trickery are their favorite pastimes. The Silvan
ards. Males average 150 lbs; females, 125 lbs. Elves are also masters of the wood and know much of wood-craft
and wood-lore.
Coloring: Ruddy of complexion, with sandy hair and blue or green
eyes. Generalizations are difficult, however, since they are many Marriage Pattern: Monogamous and for life. They sometimes
kindreds and there is wide variation among them. matty Men. Such unions produce Half-elves.
Endurance: They do not carry great burdens, but they are capable Religion: Informal and centered around communal celebration and
of travelling 16-20 hours a day. Elves do not need sleep. Instead, personal meditation. Like all Elves, they worship Varda as giver of
they receive rest through meditation involving memories, past light and maker of the stars. The principal difference is their strong
events they recall with remarkable vividness. Normally they go into attachment to the Vala Oromë, the “HUntsman and Tamer of
this trance-like state for approximately two hours each day (this Beasts”
restores Power Points as a normal night’s sleep). However, when
pressed, they can function for many days with little or no relief (the
restoration of Power Points still requires 2 hours of meditation). Demeanor: They are a fun-loving but guarded folk. Outward mirth
While in their meditative state, Elves are extremely difficult to often hides their grim intentions.
awaken; they rise at a point previously decided. This manner of rest Language: Startin g Lang uages : Silvan tongues, which are often
is in keeping with the Elven fondness for the night. Men often re- called Silvan (S10/W10), are their favoured lnaguages. The Silvan
ferred to them as people of the stars with good reason. Elves of Mirkwood and places further west, however, generally use
Height: Males average 6’0"; females, 5’9". Sindarin (S8/W6) as their native tongue. Because all Elvish has a
song-like quality, however, the slightly unique Silvan vocal pattern
Lifespan: Elves age in a graceful; nearly imperceptible manner.
betrays their racial origin, even when they employ the tongues of
Elves commonly die from only two causes: through violence, or as
the Eldar. Most know westron (S8/W6), and a little Quenya
a result of a weariness of the world. In the latter case an Elf is
(S4/W4). Allo wed Ad oles cen ce Develop ment: Sindarin (S10/W10),
simply overcome with grief over the course of time, thereby losing
Westron (S10/W10), Quenya (S10/W10), Adûnaic (S4/W4), Atliduk
the will to live. All Elves who pass away are gathered in the halls of
(S8/W8), Logathig (S8/W8), Nahaiduk (S8/W8).
Mandos, the place of Awaiting, in the far west of Aman (valinor).
There they await the End of the World, or are released back into the Prejudices: The Silvan Elves readily seclude themselves more
world to replace another of their line who has perished. In a sense, readily than the Eldar, for they have a less friendly history of rela-
Elves are often reborn as descendants of themselves. tions with Men. They despise Orcs, dislike Dwarves, and are suspi-
Race Abilities: Avar. cious of Men.
Resistance: They cannot become sick or scarred and are virtually Professions: Of all the Elven groups, they are the quickest to em-
immune to all bacterial and viral infections. Their gentile physical ploy spells, and often use magic for simple uses or mere tricks, Still,
appearance belies great strengths, however, for they are highly res- they are not normally prone to use magic of great power. Silvan
istant to extremes of natural cold, their clothing is usually for decor- Elves produce no Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra or Vracara,
ation, camouflage, or, perhaps, modesty +10 DB and RR bonuses Wegech.
versus cold attacks. Training Packages: All available except Apothecary, Beastmaster,
Special Abilities: Elves are able to see on a star-lit or moonlit midwife, Shaman Priest, Surgeon, Zealot and the training packages
night, as if full it were daylight. Their vision is restricted with less specific to other race/cultures.
light-with any light source, they can see 50' perfectly and 100' fairly Special Skills: Everyman: Music, Play Instrument, Trickery, Wood-
well. However, in absolute darkness they are no better than Men. crafting; Restr icted: Apothecry, Physics.
Their sense of hearing is also superb (+10 to Awareness manoeuvres Standard Hobby Skills: Armour • Light skills, Acrobatics, Acting,
involving only hearing), and no doubt accounts for the Elven skills Ambush, Animal Handling, Attunement, Boat Piloting, Climbing,
with music. Their reverence for song is unparalleled and has af- Cooking, Directed Spells, Fauna Lore, First Aid, Fletching, Flora
fected their language and way of keeping precious records. The Lore, Foraging, Hiding, Languages, Leather-crafting, Meditation,
Elves were first to use spoken words and have taught the other races Observation, Play Instmments, Rappelling, RopeMastery, Signaling,
of the gift of speech; thus their own name for their kind: “Quendi” - Singing, Skating, Skiing, Spell Lists, Spinning, Stalking, Star-
the “Speakers”. All of their speech has a musical quality when gazing, Surfing, Swimming, Tracking, any Weapon skills, Weather-
spoken properly, lending itself well to verse. Elven Bards, then, watching, Weaving [Crafts], Wood-Crafting.
have had little trouble in maintaining the histories and epics of their
race as a collection of wondrous songs and spoken poetry. OUTFITTING OPTIONS
The Silvan folk are superb musicians and have tremendous hearing, Armour: Any. Silvan Elves are a varied group. Some prefer en-
even for Elves (they get a special +10 bonus to Base Spell attacks chanted leather armour, while others favour no protective garb, and
from Bard spell lists). guard themselves instead with spells.
They are also elusive and get a special +10 bonus to their Trickery Clothing: Weap on-user s: silk or cotton blouse (white, beige, pale

green or plae grey); trim-fitting tunic (length varies from mid-calf
to mid-thigh); of heavy silk/cotton or leather worked so finely as to
drape like fabric (bark brown, leaf ggreen, storm grey); bandoliers
crossiung the chest, belt around the waist, straps around the limbs to
accomodate weapon sheaths; leggings of sturdy canvas or supple
leather; sandals or soft boots.
Non-weapon -users : flowing gauze blouse or smock (white, beige,
pale green or pale ggrey fabric with emdroidery from a similar clour
spectrum), sometimes restrained by a gauze or silk sash, otherwqise
hanging free; silk leggings, flowing gauze pants similar to a divided
skirt, or a many-gored gauze skirt (matching the blouse/smock or
bark brown, leaf green, strom grey); heavy silk or gauze mantle
fashioned like a cloak with sleeves or elongated (shoulder to waist)
arm openings, usually falling to the ankles, often embroidered all
over to create a leafy texture; sandals ornamented with gems or
carved wood.
Weapons: Dagger, hand axe, broadsword, short sword, whip, bola,
long bow, short bow, quarterstaff, two-handed sword, javelin, spear,
main gauche, rapier, boomerang, net, boar spear, throwing stars. ADOLESCENCENT SKILL
BACKGROUND OPTIONS Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1
Silvan Elves get 20 Talent Points (2 Background Points). Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0 Bonuses:
Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a Silvan Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Ag: +4
Elf might in unusual circumstance learn: Apysaic (S4/W4), Black Armour • Medium skill categ ory ………………… 0
Co: 0
speech (S6/W6), Varadja (S6/W6), Waildyth (S6/W6). Chain s kill…………………………………… 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1 Me: +2
Mental Abilities: All available. Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 Re: 0
Mystical Abilities: All available. Swimmin g skill……………………………… 3 SD: -5
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1
Physical Abilities: All available. Em: +2
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 2
Special Abilities: All available. Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 In: +2
Special Items: All available. Due to the Silvan Elf fondness for Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 6
Pr: +2
woodland, many items should be fashioned from fine or enchanted Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0 Qu: +2
wood, even weaponry typically metal in other cultures. Steel, silver,
white gold, tasarang and bronze are also possible materials.
Body Development skill …………………… 1 St: 0
Co mbat Manoeuvres ……………………………… 0 RR Mods:
Special Status: All available. Mounted Combat …………………………… 0
Special Training: All available. Co mmunications skill category…………………… 2 Ess: -5
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 12 Chan: -5
Wealth: Possessions to be bartered or sold: Elven rope (100' worth
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3
20 sp; holds up 500 lbs., weighs only 3 lbs.), Elven silk (length of 3 Ment: -5
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3
yards worth 2 gp), or an assortment of precious stones (lapis lazuli, “Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3 Poison: +10
malachite, agate, turquoise, onyx, amber) and Gems (aquamarine, Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 1 Disease: +100
black opal, bloodstone, carnelian, garnet, fire opal, blue topaz, jade, Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 1
Body Dev.
star sapphire). Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 5
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 1 Progression:
Mental Flaws: All available.
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 1 0•7•3•2•1
Physical Flaws: All available. Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 Channelling
Special Flaws: All available. skill in one s pell list………………………… 2
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 PP Dev.
Wa y of the Wo ods: You have a special affinity with trees and wood-
land foliage; all physical activities performed by you get a special
Ambush……………………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 4
+15 bonus when in forested terrain [10 points]. 0•6•5•4•3
Stalking skill………………………………… 4
To tal Recall: You have an excellent memory. You gain a special Hiding skill…………………………………… 4 Essence
bonus of +35 to your Mnemonics skill and a special bonus of +2 to Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 PP Dev.
your Memory stat bonus [20 points]. Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 Progresseion:
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0
Tran scender : You can work magic despite wearing gear of war. 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 0•7•6•5•4
Modifications to your spell casting static manoeuvres due to armour Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 1 Mentalism
or helmet are reduced by 25% [35 points]. 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
PP Dev.
Lembas Bread: You have been gifted with some of this enchanted Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
bread from the forrests of Lothlórien. [3 points]
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category …………………… 3 0•6•5•4•3
Mir uvo r Cordial: You have been gifted with a bottle of this refreshing 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 3
and envigorating drink [3 points]. Soul
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Departure:
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 0 3
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Race Type:
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 10
Talent Points (cost: 248)…………………………… 20 3
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Recovery
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence
lang uages” .
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try. 1.5

such as brooches, rings, bracelets and other jewelry as the mood
LOSSIDIL takes them.
Fears and Inabilities: None.
(sing. Lossedel)
Lifestyle: The harsh environment of the North demands a greater
The Snow-elves are of Nandorin origin. They began wandering the
degree of cooperation than is the norm for Silvan Elves. All Lossidil
Talath Uichel on a permanent basis from about S.A. 1700 onward,
acknowledge Losp'indel as the foremost of their people, and follow
and joined the Ystavat Talven in their westward withdrawal from
her guidance willingly. Nearly all Snow-elves spend some of their
the Sled-horde, which brought them to the Cape of Forochel. After
lives wandering the Northern Waste in small companies, though
the globing of Arda, many of the Snow-elves journeyed north onto
only a few chose this way of life for long periods of time.
the Landless Land and founded Helloth, though some continue to
wander the lands of Forodwaith. Marriage Pattern: Monogamous and for life.
Religion: Rather more like the Falathrim, the Snow-elves pay
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS greater reverence to Ulmo than to Varda, because of the Sea-lord's
Build: While more muscular than their kinsfolk in the South, the visitation to them after the Second Cataclysm.
Snow-elves do not quite equal the stature of the Sindar. Males aver-
age about 175 lbs, with females, only slightly less well-built, aver- OTHER FACTORS
aging 165 lbs. Demeanor: True to their Nandorin roots, the Snow-elves are great
Coloring: Uniformly very pale of complexion, the skin of the lovers of freedom, an attitude strengthened by their historical re-
Lossidil often resembles the whitest ivory. Eyes are usually blue sentment towards the intrusion of the Grey-elf Oropher into their
(ranging in shade from pale to dark), though grey and light green ancestral homeland of Rhovanion. Among those not of their race,
hues are not uncommon. Hair often resembles silver or pale gold, the Snow-elves are calm and quiet. When with their own they are
though reddish-brown tones are not unknown. apt to show stronger emotions. While generally peaceful, generous
and loving, anger and jealousy are not unknown among them.
Height: Snow-elven males average 6'4" and females 6'2", though
individuals may depart considerably from the norm. Language: Star ting Langu ages: The Snow-elves speak their own
tongue Lossidilrin (S10/W10). Most also know Labba (S7/W7).
Lifespan: Elves age in a graceful; nearly imperceptible manner.
Elves commonly die from only two causes: through violence, or as Adolescen t Skill Development: Labba
(S9/W9), Umitic (S5/W5), Urdic
a result of a weariness of the world. In the latter case an Elf is (S5/W5).
simply overcome with grief over the course of time, thereby losing
Prejudices: The Snow-elves hate all creatures of Morgoth and min-
the will to live. All Elves who pass away are gathered in the halls of
ions of Sauron. While friendly with the Noldor of Evermist, they
Mandos, the place of Awaiting, in the far west of Aman (valinor).
have a strong dislike for any Sindarin Elves (though this would
There they await the End of the World, or are released back into the
never drive a Lossedel to physically assault a Grey-elf).
world to replace another of their line who has perished. In a sense,
Elves are often reborn as descendants of themselves. Alone of the Professions: No barbarians, Drughán, Kekhavra, Vracara, Wegech.
Eldarin kindreds they feel little or no longing to depart from Training Packages: All available except Apothecary, beastmaster,
Middle-earth. Midwife, Shaman Priest, Surgeon, Zealot and the training packages
Race Abilities: Nando. specific to other race/cultures.
Resistance: Snow-elves cannot become ill, diseased or scarred, and Special Skills: Ever yman: Skiing, Weather-watching Restricted:
are rarely affected by adverse temperatures. However, their long None.
habitation of the frozen North has left them more susceptible to heat Standard Hobby Skills: Rigid Leather, Soft Leather, Play
than other Elves (+30 against cold, -5 against heat). Instrument, Singing, Ice Sculpture, Ivory Carving, Skiing,
Special Abilities: Lossidil share the Elvish trait of lightness, being Observation,Body Development, Languages, Cooking, Dying,
able to walk on newly fallen snow as if it were soft earth. This, and Leather Crafts. History (Elvish), Fauna Lore, Flora Lore, Herb
their affinity for the frozen North, enable them to maneuver without Lore, Region Lore, Foraging, Weather-watching, Meditation, Spells,
penalties in the worst of snowy conditions. This same affinity gives Hide, Stalk, First Aid, Weapon I-H Edged, Missile, Pole-arms
the Snow-elves a +10 to +30 to other maneuvers that could be af- Thrown.
fected by snow and cold (e.g.: Stalking, Hiding, Combat, etc.).
Lossidil share the superb vision of all Elves, which enables them to
Weapons: Snow-elven weapons are those used for the hunt spears,
see on a star-lit or moonlit night, as if full it were daylight. Their
bows, harpoons or daggers.
vision is restricted with less light-with any light source, they can see
50' perfectly and 100' fairly well. However, in absolute darkness Armour: Only the guardians of Helloth regularly wear armor. This
they are no better than Men. is a hauberk of enchanted ivory that protects as chainmail (though it
Their sense of hearing is also superb (+10 to Awareness manoeuvres is somewhat more bulky). Others can acquire soft and rigid leather.
involving only hearing), and no doubt accounts for the Elven skills Clothing: Both genders wear shirts, vests and breeches made from
with music. Their reverence for song is unparalleled and has af- reindeer-skin. Males usually don round hats, while females prefer
fected their language and way of keeping precious records. The hoods. Footwear usually consists of boots made from toughened
Elves were first to use spoken words and have taught the other races hide, though within Helloth lighter and more supple shoes are often
of the gift of speech; thus their own name for their kind: “Quendi” - worn. Bright colors and ornaments made from antlers, bone and
the “Speakers”. All of their speech has a musical quality when enchanted ice add variety to their garb.
spoken properly, lending itself well to verse. Elven Bards, then,
have had little trouble in maintaining the histories and epics of their BACKGROUND OPTIONS
race as a collection of wondrous songs and spoken poetry. Lossidil receive 20 Talent Points (2 Background Options).
Extra Languages: The languages that Lossidil may learn are re-
CULTURE stricted by their isolation. Afew learn Sindarin (S5/W4).
Clothing and Decorations: Males and females prefer closefitting Mental Abilities: All available.
garments of reindeer-skin. In contrast with their pale surroundings
Mystical Abilities: All available.
and coloring, the Lossidil use a variety of dyes to array themselves
in a wide range of vibrant hues. Individuals can also add ornaments Physical Abilities: All available.

Special Abilities: All available. ADOLESCENCENT SKILL Stat
Special Items: All available. Especially powerful items may be DEVELOPMENT Bonuses:
artifacts from earlier ages or relics of the war against Morgoth. Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 2 Ag: +4
Wealth: Snow-elven characters may trade or sell a variety of Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Co: 0
goods: reindeer-skin cloak (1 sp-30 sp), jewelry (5 bp-50 sp) and Armour • Medium skill categ ory ………………… 0 Me: +2
ivory (4 gp/lb). The Lossidil, however, have little use for money, Chain s kill…………………………………… 0
preferring the currency of friendship and reciprocity. Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
SD: -5
Mental Flaws: All available. Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 3 Em: +2
Physical Flaws: All available.
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: +2
Special Flaws: All available. Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0
Pr: +2
Read Ice: You may sense what has passed by or affected a patch of Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0
ice over the past 24 hours. The "reading" is often vague or shadowy. Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 6 Qu: +2
[10 points] Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: 0
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 2 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres ……………………………… 0 Ess: -5
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: -5
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 4 Ment: -5
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: +10
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: +100
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 1 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 7 0•7•3•2•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 1
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 1 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 2 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 4 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 4 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 4
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•7•6•5•4
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 3 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 3 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 2 3
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 3 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 3 3
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 10 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 248)…………………………… 20
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 1.5
lang uages” .
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

Clothing & Decoration: Their preferred clothes are usually forest
green, grey, or brown, and range from functional designs to fanciful
(sing. Nando) expressions of individual creativity. Their garments lack the formal-
Although initially willing to seek the West, some of the Teleri ity and pomp typical of Noldo garb.
stopped short of their goal and never came to the Undying Lands. In
the Vale of Anduin they halted thier journey and dwelt in they Fears & Inabilities: Nothing special.
forrested lands they found there. Lifestyle: The culture of the Silvan Elves is best characterized as
The Nandor, although technically among the Eldar because of unstructured and rustic by Elven standards, but rich and relatively
their Teler heritage, never came to the Undying Lands, nor wit- advanced when compared to the ways of Men. They have always
nessed the light of the Two Trees. Thus they are considered to be been independent, but as of late many have settled in kingdoms
Moriquendi (S. “dark elves”). ruled by the Noldors or Sindar. Still, all the Silvan folk enjoy a good
journey or adventure and most look at life much as a game to be
PHYSICAL CHARACTER played. Music and trickery are their favorite pastimes. The Silvan
Build: Most are slight of build, and all are thin by mannish stand- Elves are also masters of the wood and know much of wood-craft
ards. Males average 190 lbs; females, 155 lbs. and wood-lore.
Coloring: Most have fair hair and pale blue or grey eyes. They Marriage Pattern: Monogamous and for life. They sometimes
have light skin. matty Men. Such unions produce Half-elves.
Endurance: They do not carry great burdens, but they are capable Religion: Informal and centered around communal celebration and
of travelling 16-20 hours a day. Elves do not need sleep. Instead, personal meditation. Like all Elves, they worship Varda as giver of
they receive rest through meditation involving memories, past light and maker of the stars. The principal difference is their strong
events they recall with remarkable vividness. Normally they go into attachment to the Vala Oromë, the “Huntsman and Tamer of Beasts”
this trance-like state for approximately two hours each day (this
restores Power Points as a normal night’s sleep). However, when OTHER FACTORS
pressed, they can function for many days with little or no relief (the Demeanor: They are a fun-loving but guarded folk. Outward mirth
restoration of Power Points still requires 2 hours of meditation). often hides their grim intentions.
While in their meditative state, Elves are extremely difficult to Language: Star ting Lan guag es: Bethteur (S10/W10), is their fa-
awaken; they rise at a point previously decided. This manner of rest voured language. The Silvan Elves of Mirkwood and Lothlórien,
is in keeping with the Elven fondness for the night. Men often re- however, generally use Sindarin (S8/W6) as their native tongue.
ferred to them as people of the stars with good reason. Because all Elvish has a song-like quality, however, the slightly
Height: Males average 6’5"; females, 6’1". unique Silvan vocal pattern betrays their racial origin, even when
they employ the tongues of the Eldar. Most know westron (S8/W6),
Lifespan: Elves age in a graceful; nearly imperceptible manner.
and a little Quenya (S4/W4). Allowed Ad oles cen ce Develop men t:
Elves commonly die from only two causes: through violence, or as
Sindarin (S10/W10), Westron (S10/W10), Quenya (S10/W10),
a result of a weariness of the world. In the latter case an Elf is
simply overcome with grief over the course of time, thereby losing Adûnaic (S4/W4), Atliduk (S8/W8), Logathig (S8/W8), Nahaiduk
the will to live. All Elves who pass away are gathered in the halls of (S8/W8).
Mandos, the place of Awaiting, in the far west of Aman (valinor). Prejudices: The Nandor readily seclude themselves more readily
There they await the End of the World, or are released back into the than the Eldar, for they have a less friendly history of relations with
world to replace another of their line who has perished. In a sense, Men. They despise Orcs, dislike Dwarves, and are suspicious of
Elves are often reborn as descendants of themselves. Men.
Race Abilities: Nando. Professions: Of all the Elven groups, they are the quickest to em-
Resistance: They cannot become sick or scarred and are virtually ploy spells, and often use magic for simple uses or mere tricks, Still,
immune to all bacterial and viral infections. Their gentile physical they are not normally prone to use magic of great power. Nandor
appearance belies great strengths, however, for they are highly res- produce no Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra or Vracara, Wegech.
istant to extremes of natural cold, their clothing is usually for decor- Training Packages: All available except Apothecary, Beastmaster,
ation, camouflage, or, perhaps, modesty +10 DB and RR bonuses midwife, Shaman Priest, Surgeon, Zealot and the training packages
versus cold attacks. specific to other race/cultures.
Special Abilities: Elves are able to see on a star-lit or moonlit Special Skills: Everyman: Music, Play Instrument, Trickery, Wood-
night, as if full it were daylight. Their vision is restricted with less crafting; Restr icted: Apothecry, Physics.
light-with any light source, they can see 50' perfectly and 100' fairly Standard Hobby Skills: Armour • Light skills, Acrobatics, Acting,
well. However, in absolute darkness they are no better than Men. Ambush, Animal Handling, Attunement, Boat Piloting, Climbing,
Their sense of hearing is also superb (+10 to Awareness manoeuvres Cooking, Directed Spells, Fauna Lore, First Aid, Fletching, Flora
involving only hearing), and no doubt accounts for the Elven skills Lore, Foraging, Hiding, Languages, Leather-crafting, Meditation,
with music. Their reverence for song is unparalleled and has af- Observation, Play Instmments, Rappelling, RopeMastery, Signaling,
fected their language and way of keeping precious records. The Singing, Skating, Skiing, Spell Lists, Spinning, Stalking, Star-
Elves were first to use spoken words and have taught the other races gazing, Surfing, Swimming, Tracking, any Weapon skills, Weather-
of the gift of speech; thus their own name for their kind: “Quendi” - watching, Weaving [Crafts], Wood-Crafting.
the “Speakers”. All of their speech has a musical quality when
spoken properly, lending itself well to verse. Elven Bards, then, OUTFITTING OPTIONS
have had little trouble in maintaining the histories and epics of their Armour: Any. Nando are a varied group. Some prefer enchanted
race as a collection of wondrous songs and spoken poetry. leather armour, while others favour no protective garb, and guard
The Silvan folk are superb musicians and have tremendous hearing, themselves instead with spells.
even for Elves (they get a special +10 bonus to Base Spell attacks Clothing: Weap on-user s: silk or cotton blouse (white, beige, pale
from Bard spell lists). green or plae grey); trim-fitting tunic (length varies from mid-calf
They are also elusive and get a special +10 bonus to their Trickery to mid-thigh); of heavy silk/cotton or leather worked so finely as to
skill and their Stalking, and Hiding skill. drape like fabric (bark brown, leaf ggreen, storm grey); bandoliers
crossiung the chest, belt around the waist, straps around the limbs to

accomodate weapon sheaths; leggings of sturdy canvas or supple ADOLESCENCENT SKILL Stat
leather; sandals or soft boots. DEVELOPMENT Bonuses:
Non-weapon -users : flowing gauze blouse or smock (white, beige, Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Ag: +4
pale green or pale ggrey fabric with emdroidery from a similar clour Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Co: +2
spectrum), sometimes restrained by a gauze or silk sash, otherwqise
Armour • Medium skill categ ory ………………… 0 Me: +2
hanging free; silk leggings, flowing gauze pants similar to a divided Chain s kill…………………………………… 0
skirt, or a many-gored gauze skirt (matching the blouse/smock or Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
bark brown, leaf green, strom grey); heavy silk or gauze mantle Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: -5
fashioned like a cloak with sleeves or elongated (shoulder to waist) Swimmin g skill……………………………… 3 Em: +2
arm openings, usually falling to the ankles, often embroidered all Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: +2
over to create a leafy texture; sandals ornamented with gems or Climbin g skill ……………………………… 2
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: +2
carved wood.
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 6 Qu: +3
Weapons: Dagger, hand axe, broadsword, short sword, whip, bola, Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: 0
long bow, short bow, quarterstaff, two-handed sword, javelin, spear, Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
RR Mods:
main gauche, rapier, boomerang, net, boar spear, throwing stars. Body Development skill …………………… 1
Co mbat Manoeuvres ……………………………… 0 Ess: -5
BACKGROUND OPTIONS Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: -5
Nandor get 20 Talent Points (2 Background Points). Co mmunications skill category…………………… 2
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 12 Ment: -5
Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a Silvan Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: +10
Elf might in unusual circumstance learn: Apysaic (S4/W4), Black “Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: +100
speech (S6/W6), Varadja (S6/W6), Waildyth (S6/W6). “Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 1 Body Dev.
Mental Abilities: All available.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 1 Progression:
Mystical Abilities: All available. Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 5 0•7•3•2•1
Physical Abilities: All available. Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 1
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 1 Channelling
Special Abilities: All available.
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
Special Items: All available. Due to the Silvan Elf fondness for skill in one s pell list………………………… 2 Progression:
woodland, many items should be fashioned from fine or enchanted Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
wood, even weaponry typically metal in other cultures. Steel, silver, Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
white gold, tasarang and bronze are also possible materials. Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 4 Essence
Special Status: All available. Stalking skill………………………………… 4 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 4
Special Training: All available. Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Wealth: Possessions to be bartered or sold: Elven rope (100' worth Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•7•6•5•4
20 sp; holds up 500 lbs., weighs only 3 lbs.), Elven silk (length of 3 Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
yards worth 2 gp), or an assortment of precious stones (lapis lazuli, 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 1 PP Dev.
malachite, agate, turquoise, onyx, amber) and Gems (aquamarine,
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Progression:
black opal, bloodstone, carnelian, garnet, fire opal, blue topaz, jade,
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
star sapphire). 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Mental Flaws: All available. Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 3 Soul
Physical Flaws: All available. 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 3 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0 2
Special Flaws: All available. 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Wa y of the Wo ods: You have a special affinity with trees and wood- Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 0 Race Type:
land foliage; all physical activities performed by you get a special 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 4
+15 bonus when in forested terrain [10 points]. Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 10 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 230)…………………………… 20
To tal Recall: You have an excellent memory. You gain a special † - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
bonus of +35 to your Mnemonics skill and a special bonus of +2 to ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 2.0
your Memory stat bonus [20 points]. lang uages” .
Tran scender : You can work magic despite wearing gear of war. ‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.
Modifications to your spell casting static manoeuvres due to armour
or helmet are reduced by 25% [35 points].
Lembas Bread: You have been gifted with some of this enchanted
bread from the forrests of Lothlórien. [3 points]
Mir uvo r Cordial: You have been gifted with a bottle of this refreshing
and envigorating drink [3 points].

Elves were first to use spoken words and have taught the other
NOLDOR races of the gift of speech; thus their own name for their kind:
“Quendi” - the “Speakers”. All of their speech has a musical qual-
(sing. Noldo) ity when spoken properly, lending itself well to verse. Elven
The Noldor are often called “High Bards, then, have had little trouble in maintaining the histories and
Elves” ostensibly because they are epics of their race as a collection of wondrous songs and spoken
considered to be the most noble of the poetry.
Quendi in Middle-earth. In reality, they
Noldor are unparalleled at understanding and working with crafts.
are so named because they are the only
They get a special +20 bonus to their Attunement skill.
Elves living in Endor who have ever
resided in the Blessed Realm of Aman They get a special bonus of +15 to Healing Meditation and
across the sea. This exalted status is Healing Songs skills.
accentuated by their close ties with the
Valar, a relationship which accounts for
their unique cultural and linguistic Clothing & Decoration: They favour rich clothing and fine craft-
roots. Other names for the Noldor include Deep-elves, Golodhrim manship, and often have the appearance of great wealth.
or Gelydh (Sindarin labels), and Nómin (Adan label). Fears & Inabilities: Nothing special.
Finwë was the first King of the Noldor, which is counted among Lifestyle: Of all the Elves of Middle-earth, the Noldor are the most
the Eldar as the Second Kindred. Finwë‘s sons - Fëanor, Fingolfin ordered. While their brethren are content to wander or mark time in
and Finarfin - produced the three traditional lines which compose quiet diffusion, the High Elves seek to build communities and states
the whole of the Noldor. in beautiful, guarded places.
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous and for life.
Religion: Informal and centered around communal celebration and
Build: Of all the Elves, the Noldor are the strongest and sturdiest of personal meditation. Like the Dwarves, the Noldor are fiery crafts-
build, although they are still slimmer than Men. Males average 215 men who are fast friends of Aulë. The smith imbued them with a
pounds; females, 175 pounds. heightened respect for physical objects. It is not surprising, then, to
Colouring: Most are dark haired and have greyish eyes which be- find that the Noldor revere Aulë more than any other Vala, save
tray a proud demeanour. Decendants of the Fingolfin and Finarfin Varda herself. Like all Elves they worship Varda as giver of light
are often fair haired and blue eyed, for their blood contains Vanyar and maker of the stars.
Endurance: They do not carry great burdens, but they are capable OTHER FACTORS
of travelling 16-20 hours a day. Elves do not need sleep. Instead, Demeanour: Regardless of the line, all Noldor are noble of bearing
they receive rest through meditation involving memories, past and carry themselves with assurance. They are haughty and often
events they recall with remarkable vividness. Normally they go into appear to be arrogant. Of all the Elves, they are the most inquisitive
this trance-like state for approximately two hours each day (this and passionate, being full of a desire for experience and expertise in
restores Power Points as a normal night’s sleep). However, when the arts and the ways of the world. Because of this thirst for know-
pressed, they can function for many days with little or no relief (the ledge, the Noldor have often fallen prey to lust, corruption and
restoration of Power Points still requires 2 hours of meditation). strife.
While in their meditative state, Elves are extremely difficult to Language: S ta rtin g Lan gu ages : Quenya (S10/W10) (Q. “The
awaken; they rise at a point previously decided. This manner of rest Speech” pronounced Kwen-ya), is mainly used in their own en-
is in keeping with the Elven fondness for the night. Men often re- virons. For speech outside of their own quiet territory, the Noldor
ferred to them as people of the stars with good reason. employ Sindarin (S8/W6). When dealing with Men or races unac-
Height: Males average 6’7"; females, 6’3". quainted with Sindarin, they rely on the common tongue of Westron
Lifespan: Elves age in a graceful; nearly imperceptible manner. (S8/W6) or more rarely, the Adúnaic (S6/W4) of the Dúnedain.
Elves commonly die from only two causes: through violence, or as
Allowed A dolescence Develo pment: Sindarin (S10/W10), Westron
a result of a weariness of the world. In the latter case an Elf is
(S10/W10), Adúnaic (S8/W8), Labba (S6/W6), Bethteur (Silvan)
simply overcome with grief over the course of time, thereby losing
the will to live. All Elves who pass away are gathered in the halls of
Mandos, the place of Awaiting, in the far west of Aman (valinor). Prejudices: The High Elves hate Orcs, Trolls, and Dragons above
There they await the End of the World, or are released back into the all creatures. Due to their pride they tend to look down upon non-
world to replace another of their line who has perished. In a sense, Dúnedan Men.
Elves are often reborn as descendants of themselves. Professions: The term Noldor means “wise or “knowing” and
Race Abilities: Noldo. serves as a fine label for the Second Kindred. For this reason, they
produce the greatest number of Elven Bards and loremasters. There
Resistance: They cannot become sick or scarred and are virtually
are no Noldo Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra, or Vracara, Wegech.
immune to all bacterial and viral infections. Their gentile physical
appearance belies great strengths, however, for they are highly res- Training Packages: All available except Apothecary, Beastmaster,
istant to extremes of natural cold, their clothing is usually for decor- Midwife, Shaman Priest, Surgeon, Zealot and the training packages
ation, camouflage, or, perhaps, modesty +20 DB and RR bonuses specific to other race/cultures
versus cold attacks. Special Skills: Ever yma n: all skills within the Crafts category;
Special Abilities: Elves are able to see on a star-lit or moonlit Res tricted: Apothecry, Physics.
night, as if full it were daylight. Their vision is restricted with less Standard Hobby Skills: Acting, any Armour skills, Attunement,
light-with any light source, they can see 50' perfectly and 100' fairly Body Development, Dancing, Directed Spells, Embroidery [Crafts],
well. However, in absolute darkness they are no better than Men. history (famous weapons, enchanted creations), jewellery smithing
[crafts], languages, leadership, meditation, metal crafts, observa-
Their sense of hearing is also superb (+10 to Awareness manoeuvres
tions, play instruments, poetic improvisation, public speaking, read
involving only hearing), and no doubt accounts for the Elven skills
runes, riding, sewing, singing, spell lists, star-gazing, any weapon
with music. Their reverence for song is unparalleled and has af-
skills, weather-watching.
fected their language and way of keeping precious records. The

Armour: Any. Noldor prefer to derive the protection given by ar- Noldorin Healer : You have b een trained in the No ldorin healing trad ition.
mour from magical items (rings, bracelets, tiaras) where such are You g et First Aid as an occu pational skill an d 3 other healing sk ills treated
as everyman. Also +10 to all healing sk ills and +10 to Healing Med itation
available rather than from encumbering leather or metal.
and Healin g Song s [20 ponts].
Clothing: Males : fine linen, cotton or silk shirt or blouse often pure Lemba s Bread: You have been gifted with so me of this enchanted b read
white in colour; jewel-hued velvet or silk shirt or blouse often pure from the forrests of Lothló rien [3 p oints ].
white in colour; jewel-hued velvet or silk tunic (sapphire, emerald, Miruvor Cord ial: You h ave been gifted with a bottle of th is refreshin g and
ruby, amethyst, topaz), sometimes with slashed sleeves revealing env igorating drink [3 points].
the shirt beneath, sometimes sleeveless, usually embroidered or
appliquéd with geometric or weapon-inspired motifs; velvet or bro-
cade mantle with wide sleeves, cape-like body, and varying in
length from the hip to the ankles; close-fitting hose; soft boots
rising to the ankles or as high as the knee.
Female: fine linen, cotton, or silk shift often pure white in colour;
jewel-hued silk or velvet gown, sometimes with slashed sleeves to
reveal the sleeves of the shift underneath, sometime sleeveless,
often embroidered or appliquéd at the neck, hem, sleeves; belt of
silk, velvet, or decorative cord that encircles the waist and the hips
to be knotted or otherwise secured in front; soft slippers of ankle ADOLESCENCENT SKILL
boots; velvet or brocade mantle with wide sleeves, cape-like body,
and hanging to the ankles. Females who leave the Elven havens to Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1
go adventuring often don garb similar to that worn by males. Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0 Bonuses:
Weapons: Dagger, broadsword, mace, composite bow, long bow, Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Ag: +4
flail, two-handed sword, quarterstaff, javelin, lance, falchion, foil, Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 0
Co: +4
main gauche, rapier, bastard sword. Chain s kill…………………………………… 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1 Me: +2
BACKGROUND OPTIONS Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 Re: 0
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 2 SD: -5
Sin ce the Noldo r are Elv es and tied by their immo rtality to the Song o f Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1
Creation, they are strong ly bound to Fate and get o nly 15 Talent Points (1 Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0 Em: +2
Background Op tion). Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 In: +2
Extra Languages: In addition to th e tongues listed abov e, a Noldo might Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 6
Pr: +6
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1
in un usual circumstances learn: Logath ig (S6/W6), Black speech (S6/W6 ), Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0 Qu: +6
Eo thrik (between T.A. 1 - 1856), Eothirric (b etween T.A. 1856 - 2510), Body Development skill …………………… 1 St: 0
Rohirric (S6/W6) (T.A. 2510 onwards). Co mbat Manouevres skill category ……………… 0 RR Mods:
Mental Abilities: All available. Mounted Combat …………………………… 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 4 Ess: -5
Mystical Abilities: All available ex cept Unnatural Aging. Lang uage skills † …………………………… 20 Chan: -5
Physical Abilities: All available. Lore • General skill category……………………… 3
Ment: -5
Special Abilities: All available. “Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3 Poison: +10
Special Items: All av ailable. Most sho uld be con stru cted fro m fin e o r Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 1 Disease: +100
rare materials: ardarcer, arborang (high s teel), arheled (h igh glass), b orang Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 1
(lo w s teel), silver, galvorn, gold, mithril, g ems. Body Dev.
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 3
Special Status: All available. Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 3 Progression:
Special Training: All available. Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 2 0•7•3•21
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 Channelling
Wealth: Gems (peridot, aqu amarine, beryl, citrine, tourmaline, ameth yst, skill in one s pell list………………………… 4
diamond, emerald, opal, sapphire). Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 PP Dev.
Mental Flaws: All available. Ambush……………………………………… 0 Progression:
Physical Flaws: All available. Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 2
Stalking skill………………………………… 2
Special Flaws: All available. Hiding skill…………………………………… 2 Essence
S en sitive to the Es sence: You are aware of ho w th e Essen ce p ools and Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 PP Dev.
flows; this sensitiv ity allows you to b e aware of the p resence of an y en - Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0
chantments or spells (cast by Ess en ce or Men talis m users only ) within 50 Progresseion:
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0
feet (wh en he concentrates) [15 pon ts]. 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 0•7•6•5•4
Total Recall: You have an excellent memory. You gain a special bonu s o f Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 1 Mntalism
+35 to your Mnemo nics skill and a special bonu s of +2 to yo ur Memory stat 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
PP Dev.
bo nus [20 points]. Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Tra ns cend er: You can wo rk magic des pite wearing g ear of w ar.
Modification s to your s pell casting static manoeuvres due to armour or hel- Weapo n • Miss ile skill category …………………… 1 0•6•5•4•3
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
met are reduced by 25% [35 po ints ]. Soul
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0
Au ra o f Ama n (min or): One o r both o f you’re parents were born in Aman. Departure:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
T he aura o f san ctity of the Un dying land s b less ed them with cu rativ e Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 0
po wers. Some o f this power has p as sed do wn to yo u, their offspring. You r 1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Race Type:
curative powers are eq uivalent to the Healer sp ell lis ts Blood Ways, Bo ne Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 6
Ways, Muscle Ways , and Open Channelling spell lis t Purifications, all at 5th Talent Points (cost: 274)…………………………… 15 5
lev el. It cos ts 2 exhaustion points per s pell lev el to perform a cure an d you
must be touching your patient [20 points].
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Recovery
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence
Au ra of Aman (major): As Aura of Aman (minor), except you were b orn in Multiplier:
lang uages” .
Aman (which makes you over 5081 years old, at leas t) and th e lev el is 10th ‡ - See the specific culture/race en try. 3.0

are adept at all the arts and excel in their special provinces. No race
SINDAR builds better boats or ships.
(sing. Sinda) CULTURE
The Sindar or “Grey-elves” Clothing & Decoration: Sinda clothing is exceedingly well made,
are Eldar and were originally part yet subtle and utilitarian. They do not favour the rich garb of their
of the great kindred called the Noldor cousins. Greys and silvers are their chosen colours. Greys
Teleri, the Sindar chose not to and silvers are their chosen colours.
cross over the sea to Aman; Fears & Inabilities: Nothing special.
instead they stayed in Middle- Lifestyle: The Sinda are the most open and cooperative of Middles-
earth. They, like the Nando and
earth’s Elves. They are great teachers and borrowers and have an
Avari, are part of the Moriquendi,
interest in the works of all races. This is in contrast to the more in-
the “Dark Elves” who never saw
quisitive Noldor, who are quick to scoff at things which are subtle
the Light of Valinor.
or modest in appearance or utility. Grey-elves are a settled people
and enjoy the company of others. Unlike the Silvan Elves, they
build towns and havens and gather in close-knit communities. Many
Build: Thin when compared to Men, the Sindar are nearly as tall as
of the Sinda feel a kinship to the sea. They build superb ships and
the Noldor but are generally slighter of build. They are more mus-
are renowned sailors.
cular than the Silvan folk. Males average 190 pounds; females, 155
pounds. Marriage Pattern: Monogamous and for life. They sometimes
marry mortal Men. Such unions produce Half-elves.
Colouring: Most have fair hair and pale blue or grey eyes. Like the
Religion: Informal and centred around communal celebration and
Noldor, they have light skin.
personal meditation, just as those of other Elves. Like the Noldor,
Endurance: They do not carry great burdens, but they are capable they revere Eru and see Varda as their patron Vala. Given their love
of travelling 16-20 hours a day. Elves do not need sleep. Instead, for sailing and the sea, they also have a special respect fo Ulmo, the
they receive rest through meditation involving memories, past “Lord of Waters”.
events they recall with remarkable vividness. Normally they go into
this trance-like state for approximately two hours each day (this OTHER FACTORS
restores Power Points as a normal night’s sleep). However, when Demeanour: Of the three Elven races of Middle-earth, the Sindar
pressed, they can function for many days with little or no relief (the are the quietest and calmest, and appear to be the most content.
restoration of Power Points still requires 2 hours of meditation). They are less frivolous and playful than the Silvan Elves, and are
While in their meditative state, Elves are extremely difficult to less fiery and passionate than the Noldor. Sindar feelings are deep
awaken; they rise at a point previously decided. This manner of rest and not easily aroused, but when they are they cannot be stayed.
is in keeping with the Elven fondness for the night. Men often re- This is the root of their Sea-longing.
ferred to them as people of the stars with good reason. Language: S tar ting Lan gua ges : Sindarin (S10/W10), Westron
Height: Males average 6’5"; females, 6’1”. (S8/W6), Bethteur (S8/W6), Quenya (S6/W4). Allowed Ad olescence
Lifespan: Elves age in a graceful; nearly imperceptible manner. Development: Westron (S10/W10), Bethteur (S10/W10), Quenya
Elves commonly die from only two causes: through violence, or as (S8/W8), Adûnaic (S6/W6), Atliduk (S8/W8), Logathig (S8/W8),
a result of a weariness of the world. In the latter case an Elf is Eothrik (S6/W6) (between T.A. 1 - 1856), Eothirric (S6/W6)
simply overcome with grief over the course of time, thereby losing (between T.A. 1856 - 2510), Rohirric (S6/W6) (T.A. 2510 onwards),
the will to live. All Elves who pass away are gathered in the halls of Nahaiduk (S8/W8).
Mandos, the place of Awaiting, in the far west of Aman (valinor). Prejudices: The Sindar are great friends of most races and have
There they await the End of the World, or are released back into the remained particularly close to Dwarves. Their chief enemies are
world to replace another of their line who has perished. In a sense, Orcs, Wargs and Dragons.
Elves are often reborn as descendants of themselves. Professions: They produce no Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra,
Race Abilities: Sinda. Vracara, Wegech.
Resistance: They cannot become sick or scarred and are virtually Training Packages: All available except Apothecary, beastmaster,
immune to all bacterial and viral infections. Their gentile physical Midwife, Shaman Priest, Surgeon, Zealot and the training packages
appearance belies great strengths, however, for they are highly res- specific to other race/cultures.
istant to extremes of natural cold, their clothing is usually for decor- Special Skills: Ever yman: Research, Public Speaking, Sailing;
ation, camouflage, or, perhaps, modesty +15 DB and RR bonuses Res tricted: Apothecry, Physics.
versus cold attacks.
Standard Hobby Skills: Acting, Attunement, Boat Piloting,
Special Abilities: Elves are able to see on a star-lit or moonlit Embroidery [Crafts], Retching, Hiding, Languages, Leadership,
night, as if full it were daylight. Their vision is restricted with less Linguistics, Meditation, Navigation, Observation, Play Instrument,
light-with any light source, they can see 50' perfectly and 100' fairly Poetic Improvisation, Public Speaking, Read Runes, Rope Mastery,
well. However, in absolute darkness they are no better than Men. Sewing, Signalling, Singing, any Spell List skill, Spinning, [crafts],
Their sense of hearing is also superb (+10 to Awareness manoeuvres stalking, star-gazing, ship-building [crafts], swimming, any weapon
involving only hearing), and no doubt accounts for the Elven skills skills, weather-watching, weaving [crafts], wood-crafts.
with music. Their reverence for song is unparalleled and has af-
fected their language and way of keeping precious records. The OUTFITTING OPTIONS
Elves were first to use spoken words and have taught the other races Weapons: Dagger, broadsword, composite bow, long bow, flail,
of the gift of speech; thus their own name for their kind: “Quendi” - quarterstaff, two-handed sword, javelin, spear, falchion, foil, main
the “Speakers”. All of their speech has a musical quality when gauche, rapier, bastard sword.
spoken properly, lending itself well to verse. Elven Bards, then, Armour: Any. Sinda prefer to derive the protection given by ar-
have had little trouble in maintaining the histories and epics of their mour from magical clothing (robes, capes, gauntlets, belts, veils)
race as a collection of wondrous songs and spoken poetry. where such is available rather than from encumbering leather or
The Sindar are less musical than the Vanyar or Silvan Elves, and are metal suits.
less skilled in forging or crafts than the Noldor. Nonetheless, they Clothing: Smock of gauze or light silk; close-fitting vest or tunic of

fine linen, cotton, or heavy silk - tunics vary in length from short
garments barely extending below the waist to long ones slit up the
sides for freedom of movement; leather of meatl belt or a sash of
linen or silk; close-fitting hose or a sarong skirt of lucent organdy or
heavy silk reaching from mid-calf to the ankles; boots or decorative
open sandal's; hip-length ccape. The colours of the garments are all
variations on white and grey: cream, eggshell, ivory, pearl, lemon,
charcoal, taupe, blue-grey, rose-grey, green-grey, smoke, silver,
beige, etc. Embroidery and appliquéare used sparingly, usually to
create testure or pattern (as with white on white or cream on lemon)
rather thaan contrast (white on charcoal or blue-grey on ivory).

Since the Sindar are Elves and tied by their immortality to the Song
of Creation, they are strongly bound to Fate and only get 25 Talent
Points (2 Background points).
Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a Sinda
might in unusual circumstances learn: Apysaic (S6/W6), Black
speech (S6/W6), Haradaic (S8/W8), and Orkish (S6/W6).
Mental Abilities:
Mystical Abilities: All Except Unnatural Aging. Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1
Physical Abilities: All available. Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0 Bonuses:
Special Abilities: All available. Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Ag: +4
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 0
Special Items: All available. Most are beautifully crafted, bearing Co: +2
Chain s kill…………………………………… 0
floral or leaf motifs, and are constructed from fine or relatively rare Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1 Me: +2
materials: steel, silver, mithril, crystal, close grained wood, marble, Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 Re: 0
agate, amber. Swimmin g skill……………………………… 2 SD: -5
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1
Special Status: All available. Climbin g skill ……………………………… 1 Em: +2
Special Training: All available Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 In: +2
Wealth: Gems (clear quartz, blond chalcedony, zircon, mother-of- Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 6
Pr: +4
pearl, white spinelfire opal, diamond, pearl, moon stone). Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0 Qu: +4
Mental Flaws: All available. Body Development skill …………………… 1 St: 0
Physical Flaws: All available. Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 RR Mods:
Special Flaws: All available. Mounted Combat …………………………… 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 3 Ess: -5
To tal Recall: You have an excellent memory. You gain a special Lang uage skills † …………………………… 16 Chan: -5
bonus of +35 to your Mnemonics skill and a special bonus of +2 to Lore • General skill category……………………… 3
your Memory stat bonus [20 points]. Ment: -5
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3 Poison: +10
Tran scender : You can work magic despite wearing gear of war.
Modifications to your spell casting static manoeuvres due to armour Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 1 Disease: +100
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 1
or helmet are reduced by 25% [35 points]. Body Dev.
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 4
S ind arin Healer: You have been trained in the leechcraft of your Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 2 Progression:
people. Prepare Herbs is classified as Occupational. Use prepared Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 1 0•7•3•2•1
herbs, herb lore and 2 other healing skills are classed as everyman. Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 Channelling
You also get +15 to all herb related skills and +5 to Healing medita- skill in one s pell list………………………… 3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 PP Dev.
tion and Healing Songs [20 points].
Ambush……………………………………… 0 Progression:
Lembas Bread: You have been gifted with some of this enchanted Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 3
bread from the forrests of Lothlórien [3 points]. 0•6•5•4•3
Stalking skill………………………………… 3
Mir uvo r Cordial: You have been gifted with a bottle of this refreshing Hiding skill…………………………………… 3 Essence
and envigorating drink [3 points]. Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 PP Dev.
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 Progresseion:
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 0•7•6•5•4
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 1 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
PP Dev.
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category …………………… 2 0•6•5•4•3
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Departure:
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 0 2
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Race Type:
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 8
Talent Points (cost:223)…………………………… 25 4
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Recovery
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence
lang uages”.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try. 2.0

Handling, any Armour
HALF-ELVES skills, Boat Piloting,
C u l t u re Lo r e ,
(Peredhel) Diplomacy, First Aid,
Half-elves are a rare breed, the offspring Fletching, Foraging,
of Men and Elves. While the Dúnedain, Hid in g, His to ry,
Corsairs, and Black Numenoreans have Elvish Le ad e rs h i p ,
(and even Maia) blood, their connection to Med it at io n, Pl ay
Elves lies in the remote past and they are not Instrument, any Power
called Half-elves. True Half-elves have one Awareness sk ills ,
Human and one Elven parent. Pu bli c Speak ing ,
Upon reaching adulthood, a Half-elf must Region Lore, Riding,
decide whether to live as a mortal Man or an Sewi ng , Si ng ing ,
immortal Elf. Elrond of Rivendale chose the Sk ati ng , Sk ii ng ,
later course, while his brother Elros - first king Sprinting, Stalking,
of Númenor - opted for mortality. Those who S t ar - g a zi ng ,
become men receive the Gift of Death and are Swi mmin g , Tal e
not bound to Fate like their Elven kin. Telling, Tracking, any Weapon skills, Weather-watching.


Build: Strong and slender, thinner than Men but stouter than Elves. Weapons: Dagger, broadsword, long sword, war hammer, mace,
They have thin, angular features. Males average 190 pounds, fe- morning star, composite bow, crossbow, battle-axe, flail, quarter-
males 135 pounds. staff, two-handed sword, lance, spear, falchion, main gauche, rapier,
Colouring: Fair, generally with brown or black hair and grey eyes. heavy crossbow, war mattock, bastard sword, boar spear.
Endurance: Considerable. Half-elves need but 4 hours rest a day: Armour: Any. Half-elves are comfortable in plate, scale, and lamel-
sleep for mortals or meditation for the immortals. lar.
Height: Males average 6’3", females 5’11" Clothing: Males: silk blouse or tunic, often with full, gathered
sleeves (grey, silver or white); Brocade, damask, velvet or heavy
Lifespan: Mortal Half-elves live 250-500 years.
silk tabard (deep azure or verdigris or a subtle pattern combining
Race Abilities: half-elf. these hues) varying in length from the hip to the knees; elegant belt
Resistance: Half-elves are highly resistant to disease and natural of silver, white gold, bronze or polished steel; silk trousers with a
illness. They have a +5 DB and RR bonus versus cold attacks. tapered leg or close-fitting hose (grey, silver, blue or green); soft
Special Abilities: Half-elves can see extremely well in the dark. leather slippers or ankle boots worn inside sturdier leather boots
Under moon light or star light they can see perfectly for 500'. In rising to the knee or to mid-thigh (various hues of grey, blue or
other darkness situations they see as Elves do (50' to 100' if a light green); long, full cloak of deepest blue, dark green or charcoal grey
source is available). silk lined with another lighter shade (sky blue, seagreen, pearl grey,
CULTURE Females: light silk shift (grey, white or silver) worn under a form
Clothing & Decoration: Varies, although it is generally well-made fitting gown of velvet, damask, brocade or heavy silk (deep azure or
and beautifully and subtly adorned. Favoured colours are deep blues verdigris or a subtle pattern combining these tints) with a generous,
and greens, greys and grey-greens, silver, and white. flaring skirt; belt of silver, white gold, bronze or polished steel; slip-
Fears & Inabilities: Nothing Special. pers or ankle boots of soft or sueded leather; mantle of velvet,
Lifestyle: Varies, although they generally live in secluded retreats heavy silk or brocade (deep sapphire or indigo, emerald, jade or
or havens, or among Elvenkind. Their culture is much like that of moss green) with elaborate sleeves fancifully tailored, gathered,
the Sindar, although they are constantly concerned with the ways of slashed or falling open to drape around the arm while framing it;
Men. long, full cloak of dark blue, pine green or smoke grey silk lined
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. The line is traced through the with another lighter shade (pastel blue or green, dove grey, white).
male or female.
Religion: Quiet, personal, and involving meditation. They respect
Eru and the Valar and revere Varda and Oromë above all others. Half-elves only 45 Talent Points (4 Background options).
Those who live by the sea hold Ulmo dear. Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above:
Nahaiduk (S6/W6), Eothrik (S6/W6) (between T.A. 1 - 1856),
OTHER FACTORS Eothirric (S6/W6) (between T.A. 1856 - 2510), Rohirric (S6/W6)
Demeanour: Patient, reserved, considerate, balanced, mellow, and (T.A. 2510 onwards), Labba (S6/W6) and Logathig (S6/W6).
thoughtful. Mental Abilities: All available.
Language: Starting Language s: Sindarin (S8/W6), Westron Mystical Abilities: All available
(S8/W6), Quenya (S6/W5). Allowe d Adole sc enc e Developme nt: Physical Abilities: All available
Sindarin (S10/W10), Westron (S10/W10), Quenya (S10/W10),
Special Abilities: All available.
Adûnaic (S10/W10), Silvan (S10/W10).
Special items: All available. Finely wrought metals are a popular
Prejudices: Orcs are their sworn enemies. material for such.
Professions: All available except Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra, Special Status: All available.
Vracara, Wegech.
Special Training:
Training Packages: All avilable except Apothecary, Beastmaster,
Midwife, Shaman Priest Surgeon and the training packages specific Wealth: Gold pieces of Anorian or Gondorian mint.
to other race/cultures Mental Flaws: All available.
Special Skills: Everyman: none; Restricted: none. Physical Flaws: All available.
Standard Hobby Skills: Acrobatics, Acting, Ambush, Animal Special Flaws: All available.

S en se En emy: You can sense (either knowingly or Unknowingly) ADOLESCENCENT SKILL Stat
when minions of Sauron are within 500 feet [25 points]. DEVELOPMENT Bonuses:
Lembas Bread: You have been gifted with some of this enchanted Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Ag: +2
bread from the forrests of Lothlórien [3 points]. Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 1 Co: +2
Mir uvo r Cordial: You have been gifted with a bottle of this refreshing Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 1 Me: 0
and envigorating drink [3 points]. Chain s kill…………………………………… 1 Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: -3
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 1 Em: 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: 0
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 1
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: +2
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2 Qu: +4
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +2
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 1 RR Mods:
Co mbat manoeuvres skill catego ry ……………… 0 Ess: -5
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: -5
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 3
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 8 Ment: -5
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: +5
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: +50
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 1 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 1 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 3 0•7•3•2•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 1
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 1 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 1 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 2 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 2 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 2
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 1 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 0•7•5•4•3
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 2 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0 6
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 0 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 3
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 10 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: immortal 112/mortal 102)…… 45
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 1.5
lang uages”.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

HOBBITS Clothing & Decoration: They wear linen or wool garb - shirts,
pants which fall to the upper ankle, and brightly coloured vests.
They occasionally don hats, but rarely wear shoes or gloves.
Fears & Inabilities: Hobbits shy away from the bizarre or unusual,
Hobbits have an unclear origin, although they arose about the
but otherwise have normal dispositions.
east in the First Age, at about the same time as Men. Indeed, they
are said to be related to Men. Their habits, however, are unique: Lifestyle: Generally, Hobbits burrow and dig and reside in “holes.”
they burrow and dig and reside In “holes”, thus their name Kuduk, They are capable craftsmen, but are not friends of complex ma-
which means chines or magic. Their vices are few: six hefty meals a day, pipe
“ h o l e - weed smoking, and bright apparel. Still regardless of this dull and
d we l le r ” insular lifestyle, the Hobbits steady approach to life has proved suc-
(from their cessful; in the face of wars, plagues, and famines they have sur-
a nc ie nt vived relatively undisturbed.
R o va n i on Some Hobbits are curious enough to travel or adventure a bit and
H ob bi ti sh the Fallohides have produced a considerable number of rather bold
Kû d-dûkan). individuals. Each Hobbit tribe has its own favourite locale:
The trad i- Fallohides enjoy woodlands found in cool northern climes; Harfoots
t i o n a l favour hillsides and highlands; and Stoors prefer riversides and flat-
Wes tron land's. Accordingly, their preferences have had an effect on their
n a me fo r living patterns. The conservative Harfoots, for instance, have al-
Hobb it s is ways had sites for their traditional smials or Hobbit-hole houses,
Banakil (W. “Halfling”). Also known as Periannath (sing. Perian), while the Stoors and Fallohides have begun relying on surface
Holbytla (Ro. “hole-builder”) . dwellings of wood, brick, or stone.
All the Hobbits enjoy the simple life of farmers, millers, and crafts-
PHYSICAL CHARACTER men. Workshops and sheds dot their territories, uniformly low struc-
Build: smallest of the speaking people, Hobbits average between 2 tures, for the hobbits hate towers and rarely build above the first
and 4 feet in height, and tend to be fat or podgy. They have large story.
and hairy feet - to the point of being furry. There are three principal In the Shire (K. “Sûza”) the traditional office of the ruling Thain is
varieties, or tribes, of hobbits: the harfoots, Stoors, and Fallohides. hereditary.
The Fallohides are the tallest (average: males, 3’9”, 65 pounds; fe- Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. Harfoots and Fallohides trace
males 3’7”, 62 pounds). They have fair skin and, of all the groups, their lines through either the male or female. Stoors trace theirs
resemble Men the most. Their numbers are small, however, and through the female.
some observers have confused them with nearby mannish groups. Religion: Hobbit religion is without exception low-key and in-
The most common Hobbits are Harfoots. They are the smallest in formal. It is actually a series of joyful celebrations centring on the
size (average: males, 3’5”, 54 pounds; females 3’3”, 51 pounds) and gifts of Nature. Mid-years (midsummer’s) is the time for the sum-
the darkest in colour, having brown skin and hair. Neat and uni- mer festival, while the two Yule days at the beginning and end of
formly beardless, they are in many ways the picture of the average the mark the beginning of the return of the sun and the march to-
Hobbit. ward spring. Harvest times, of course, are always of special note.
The Stoors are the stockiest Hobbit folk and often appear shorter
than some of the Harfoots because of their wife profile. Generally, OTHER FACTORS
however, they are taller than Harfoots and shorter than Fallohides Demeanour: Hobbits are basically cheery, conservative, unassum-
(average: males, 3’7” 66 pounds; females 3’5” 62 pounds). Their ing, and peaceful folk. Ambition is not part of their makeup. Most
colouration is also somewhat of a compromise, although they have are conformists who avoid the unknown and shun adventure, prefer-
curly brown hair which resembles that of their shorter cousins. ring instead to stay within the comforts of neat, humble villages.
Nonetheless, the most distinguishing features of Stoors are their Language: Starting Lan guages: Kuduk (S8/W6) Allo wed Ado lescen ce
huge hands and feet (large even by Hobbit standards) and frequent
beard growth.. Developm en t: Kuduk (S10/W10), Westron(S 10/W10), Adûnaic
(S8/W8), Sindarin (S8/W8).
Colouring: Brown skin and hair. Neat and uniformly beardless.
Prejudices: Fallohides are the most prone to mingle with Big
Endurance: Hobbits have a subtle ruggedness which is akin to that
People. Stoors rarely deal with other races and the Harfoots, for the
of Dwarves and Orcs. When pushed, they can travel long distances
most part, prefer to interact with the grim dwarves. All Hobbits
over tough terrain, despite the fact that their normal routine requires
share in hating Wargs and Orcs.
frequent meals and relaxation.
Professions: Hobbits produce no Barbarian or spell users.
Height: Males average 3’5", females average 3’3".
Training Packages: All available except, Amateur Mage,
Lifespan: 90-110 years. They become adults at 30.
Astronomer, Beastmaster, Mercenary, Sailor, Shaman Priest, Soldier
Race Abilities: Hobbit. and the training packages specific to other race/cultures. It is rare
Resistance: Their feet and hands are almost immune to heat and for Hobbits to take, Adventurer, Cloistered Acedemic, Explorer,
cold. Accordingly, they are almost always barefoot. +30 DB and RR Loremaster, Sage, Spy, Wanderer, Weapon Master.
bonuses versus heat and cold attacks. Their innate simplicity and Special Skills: Everyman: Caving (Hobbit-holes), choice of any five
innocence gives them heightened resistance to magical attacks (this skills within the Crafts category, Horticulture; Restricted: None.
is reflected in their high racial RR modification).
Standard Hobby Skills: Acrobatics, Animal Handl ing,
Special Abilities: Dexterous, they move nimbly and quietly. Their
Anthropology (Genealogy), Appraisal, Athletic Games (Gymnastic-
long, strangely slender fingers allow them to craft fine handiwork
horseshoes), Boat Piloting, Caving (Hobbit-holes), Climbing,
and help explain their fine reputation as thieves (this is reflected in
Cooking, Dancing, Disarming Traps, Fletching, Flora Lore,
their high racial Agility stat bonus).
Horticulture, Juggling, Leather-crafts, Metal-crafts, any Missile
CULTURE weapon skills, Observation, Picking Locks, Play Instruments,
Public Speaking, Region Lore (local region), Rope Mastery,

Scaling, Sewing, Skating, stalk/hide, Star-gazing, Stilt-walking, to eat (much and often), you have grown quite accomplished at the
Tale Telling, Tracking, Weather Watching, Wood-crafts. preparation of succulent viands. Thus you can prepare fine meals
for yourself! You gain a special bonus of +10 to your cooking skill,
OUTFITTING OPTIONS and you may pick one particular dish for which you gain a special
Armour: None, or soft or rigid leather. Only in rare circumstance bonus of +25 to cooking manoeuvres [3 points].
will a Hobbit acquire something like Bilbo’s shirt of Elven chain Dwar f Fr iend: You are well acquainted with the Dwarves, and are
mail. immediately respected by any Dwarf you meet. You gain a special
Clothing: Males : white or cream linen shirt; colourful (roual blue, bonus of +5 to your Pr stat bonus when dealing with Dwarves, and
scarlet, grass green) waistcoat or vest, often embellished with em- you knowthree extra ranks of spoken Kuduk [20 points]
broidery or made from an ornate brocade; leather belt with a pewter, Elf Friend: You are well acquainted with the Elves, and are immedi-
gold or brass buckle; loose woolen trousers with legs that reach ately respected by any Elf you meet. You gain a special bonus of +5
anywhere from just below the knee to just above the ankle, often to your Pr stat bonus when dealing with Elves, and you know three
stripped (bright yellow, blue, orange), always vibrantly dyed. extra ranks in the Elvish language of your choice [17 points].
Females: white or cream linen blouse and petticoat; dirndl-styled
woolen jumper in a bright hue (lemon yellow, fuchsia pink, sky
blue, apple green turkey red), reaching to mid-calf; bodice (in a
contrasting colour) that laces up the front; lace or crocheted shawl
knotted around the top of the shoulders; white or cream linen apron.
Weapons: Dagger, hand axe, short sword, club, short bow, sling, ADOLESCENCENT SKILL
blackjack, pilum. DEVELOPMENT Stat
Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1
BACKGROUND OPTIONS Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0 Bonuses:
Those Hobbits who dare venture away from home are assumed to Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Ag: +6
be extraordinary, and get 45 Talent Points (4 Backgroud Points). Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 0
Co: +6
Chain s kill…………………………………… 0
Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above: Atliduk Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1 Me: 0
(S6/W6), Dunael (S4/W4), Nahaiduk (S6/W6), Orcish (S2/ W2), Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 Re: 0
Eothrik (S8/W8) (between T.A. 1 - 1856), Eothirric (S8/W8) Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0 SD: -4
(between T.A. 1856 - 2510), Rohirric (S8/W8) (T.A. 2510 on- Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1
wards), and Silvan (S8/W8). Climbin g skill ……………………………… 2 Em: -2
Mental Abilities: All available.
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 In: 0
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 8
Mystical Abilities: Only Danger Sense, Magical Resistance, Pr: -6
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1
Resistance, undetectable, Unnatural aging available. Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0 Qu: +4
Physical Abilities: All available. Body Development skill …………………… 2 St: -8
Co mbat manoeuvres skill catego ry ……………… 0 RR Mods:
Special Abilities: all available except Special Familiar and Succur. Mounted Combat …………………………… 0
Special Items: Spell adders and items that cast spells not available. Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1 Ess: +50
Only items that perform a natural task in a superior way (weapon, Lang uage skills † …………………………… 6 Chan: +20
saddle, rope, lock pick, etc.) would be present in Hobbit society. Lore • General skill category……………………… 2
Ment: +40
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3
Special Status: All available except Military Rank, Heir, Noble. “Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3 Poison: +30
Special Training: All available. Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Disease: +15
Wealth: Gold pieces and silver pieces of Anorian mint. Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0
Body Dev.
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 1
Mental Flaws: All available. Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0 Progression:
Physical Flaws: All available. Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 0 0•6•2•2•1
Special Flaws: Only Cursed Shape Shifter, Dependant, Duty, Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 Channelling
Repulsive Habit, Rival/NPC, Secret, Sercret Identity, Stat Penalty, skill in one s pell list………………………… 0
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 PP Dev.
Terrible Luck, The Slain, Unlucky.
Ambush……………………………………… 0 Progression:
Tend er fo ot: You have tender, nearly hairless feet. You cannot go Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 5
shoeless as your kinsmen do, but alas must wear boots or sandal's, Stalking skill………………………………… 5
else suffer a special penalty of -50 to Moving Manoeuvres due to Hiding skill…………………………………… 5 Essence
the overly sensitive nature of your feet [-3 points]. Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 PP Dev.
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 Progresseion:
Scrawny: You do not enjoy the culinary arts of others and you cannot Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0
cook. unlike other Hobbits, you have little or no appetite. You are 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 0•2•1•1•1
wan and emaciated, and will be looked upon with pity by your fel- Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 Mentalism
lows. You have a special modifier of -2 to your St stat bonus [-10 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
PP Dev.
points]. Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Stealthy: You exemplify the natural sneakiness of your race. You are
able to walk noiselessly and seemingly vanish at will. You gain spe-
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category …………………… 2 0•2•1•1•1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2
cial bonuses of +25 to your Stalking and Hiding skills, and also a Soul
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0
special bonus of +30 to Mingling manoeuvres if attempting to go 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Departure:
unnoticed or elude a persuer [17 points] Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 2 18
Ga rdener: You have a green thumb. You grow giant, tasty mush- 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2 Race Type:
rooms and all manner of vegetable's and herbs in your plot of land. Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12
Talent Points (cost: 124)…………………………… 45 1
You gain a special bonus of +20 to your Horticulture skill and a
special bonus of +5 each to the Flora Lore and Herb Lore skills [7
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Recovery
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence
points]. Multiplier:
lang uages” .
Gou rmand: Like all your folk, you love to eat. Not only do you love ‡ - See the specific culture/race en try. 0.5

BEFFRAEN Training Packages: All available except, Amateur Mage,
Apothecary, Architect, Beastmaster, Burglar, City Guard, Cloistered
The Beffraen were most likely the original inhabitants of Academic, Con Man, Cut Purse, Farmer, Hermit, Innkeeper,
Cardolan. They are descended from the ancient Woses, being gifted
Laborer, Loremaster, Mercenary, Merchant, Midwife, Sailor, Sage,
with night-vision and a somewhat enchanted quality, but possess
Spy, Soldier, Surgeon, Zealot and the training packages specific to
blood from other peoples (typically by kidnapping), making them
other race/cultures.
somewhat larger then a true Drúadan. The Beffraen now live only in
Special Skills: Everyma n: All skills in the Outdoor • Environmental
the area around Eryn Vorn and the woods south of the mouth of the
Gwathló, though they once inhabited all the coasts of Cardolan. skill category, Fauna Lore, Herb Lore, Hiding, Stalking, First Aid
Res tricted: All skills in the Urban skill catergory.
Standard Hobby Skills: armour • light skills, any weapon skills,
Build: Beffraen generally have a broad, stumpy profile marked by
climbing, swimming, attunement, ambush, stalking, hiding, obser-
wide, flat features, and deep-set eyes. Short, thick legs. heavy lower vation, body development, herb lore, camoflage, caving, first aid,
bodies, and pronounced brows help give them an eerie charracter - foraging, meditation, signaling, weather watching, scultping, body
unlike any other men. They have little body hair. Men avarage painting [craft], tattooing [craft], tale telling, wood crafts, stone
185pounds; women, 154 pounds. crafts, leadership, flora lore, region lore.
Colouring: Ruddy skin, black hair and black eyes.
Endurance: Average. OUTFITTING OPTIONS
Height: Men average 5’0”; women, 4’7”.
Lifespan: 40-60 years.
Race Abilities: Drûg.
Resistance: Average.
Special Abilities: They have excellent night vision and can see at
nnight as well as they can during the day. The wide noses of the
Beffraen give them an excellent sense of smell. Range 100’upwind,
2000’ downwind, and 500’ in still air. +10 Awareness categories
when dealing with smells and a +25 bonus when tracking
something based on it`s smell.

Clothing & Decoration: Clothing is simple, leather or fur loin-
cloths and robes. Most Beffraen decorate their bodies with large
tattoos that make religious statements or relate personal and family
history. males typically shave all their heads save for a top-knot.
Fears & Inabilities: The Beffraen have been tainted by their asso-
ciation with Morgoth during the second aget. Because of this there
ability to use magic has been affected and they suffer -10 to all spell
casting static manuevers, BARS, EARS, to the Power Manipulation
skill Category and to the Power Awareness skill category.
Lifestyle: The Beffraen are a hunter-gatherer culture, people with
little better than stone technology, although they have many cap-
tured weapons. Their tribal groups are led by a chief known as a
klag, who may be either a warrior or a shaman. They have a very
simple tribal organization and a language few understand. The
Beffraen are quite adept are handling their small hide skiffs along
the rocky coasts of Eriador where they fish; and they must excel in
the ways of the forest in order to survive the terrors of the Eryn
Marriage Pattern: Monogamus, producing few young. The line is
traced through the female. Weapons: Club, dagger, hand axe, mace, quarterstaff, spear, war
Religion: The Beffraen cult is based on worship ofChefuidocsuma mattock, blowpipe, throwing darts, blowgun. Most weapons possess
Tunkadur (Bef. "Mightiest Doom"). Although the Saralainn rumor stone blades or tips or attack surfaces and wooden hafts.
that claims their shamans are on a first name basis with demons is Armour: None, soft or rigid leather,
nonsense, the Beffraen religion is a bitter and grim one, having
much to do with the fear of nature and the outside world.
Beffraen get 50 Talent points (5 Background Options).
Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a
Language: Star tin g Lan guages: When they do talk, the Drughu use
Beffraen might in unusual circumstances learn: Sindarin (S6/W6),
the guteral Pûkael (S8/W5) tongue which is ideally suited to their
deep voiuces and is alien to that of other men. Some also speak a Mental Abilities: All available.
little Westron (S4/W2). Allowed Ad oles cence Development: Pûkael Mystical Abilities: None available.
(S10/W8), Westron (S8/W8). Physical Abilities:All available.
Prejudices: They are xenophobic and harbour a particular hatered Special Abilities: Succor, Summon and special familiar not avail-
for the Dunedain. able.
Professions: Beffraen only produce Barbarians, Laymen, Rogues, Special Items: Potions, tune paper, spell adders and daily items not
Rangers, Animists. available.

Special Status: None available. ADOLESCENCENT SKILL Stat
Special Training: All available. DEVELOPMENT Bonuses:
Wealth: Herbs (Reuk, 9sp; Thurl, 1sp; Terbas, 2sp; Berterin, 19 gp; Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 3 Ag: 0
Pûra, 28 gp). Soft Leather skill …………………………… 3
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Co: +2
Mental Flaws: Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 0 Me: 0
Physical Flaws: All available. Chain s kill…………………………………… 0 Re: 0
Special Flaws: All available, spell lists must be taken from the Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: +4
realm of channelling. Em: 0
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 2
Heightened Smell: You possess an acute olfactory sense. You’re Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: +4
bonus to Awareness group skill maneuvres based on smell alone is Climbin g skill ……………………………… 3
Pr: -2
increased to +30, and you’re Tacking skill bonus based on smell is Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0
increased to +55 [20 points]. Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 4 Qu: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 2 St: 0
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 3 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: +20
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 0
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 4 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: 0
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: 0
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 8 0•6•5•2•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 2
Ambush……………………………………… 4 0•7•6•5•4
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 4 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 4 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 4
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•4•3•2•1
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 2 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 0•4•3•2•1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 1 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 1 12
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 4 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 4 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 97)…………………………… 50
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 1.0
lang uages” .
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

Demeanour: Beornings are loners by nature, but enjoy their rare
(sing. Berning) moments with others. Generous and normally quiet and introspect-
The Beijabar, also called Beornings, Beijabar or Bajaegahar, are ive, they can become jovial and explosive when in social situations.
descendants of the Eriedain (Second Age Eriadorians), who became Their deep, thundering laughter is legend. As warriors, Beornings
increasingly isolated from the other Northmen of Eriador as the are fierce and often uncontrollable. this particularly true of the rare
Second Age passed. By T.A. 1 they had retreated into the high shape-changers, for they have a tendency to transform into bears
foothills and passes of the Northern Misty Mountains and the Nan when outraged or overly stimulated. Once bears, they can attack
Anduin (S. “Anduin Valley”). with tremendous force, but they have little more than single-minded
The Berninga observe a covenant with the bears of the Misty instinct to work upon.
Mountains which forbids them to hunt other mammals for food or Language: Starting Langua ges : Atliduk (S8/W8) and the system of
fur. In return, the bears taught these Men the art of skinchanging, nature signals called Waildyth (S8/W0). Most Beornings also know
enabling them to take on the form of a bear at will. Not all Berninga Westron (S6/W6) and the Woodman tongue Nahaiduk (S6/W6).
master this latent gift, but those that do are greatly revered by their Allowed A dolescence Develo pment: Atliduk (S10/W10), Waildyth
kinsfolk and feared by their enemies. (S10/W0), Westron (S8/W8), Nahaiduk (S8/W8), Logathig
They are a Northman branch related to the (S8/W8), Sindarin (S8/W8), Bethteur (S6/W6).
Woodmen, Lake-men, and Dale-men of Rhovanion. Prejudices: Beornings hate Orcs, Wargs, Trolls, Ginats, and
Their numbers are few, and some have distin- Dragons.
guished them as a clan rather than a seperate Professions: Beornings produces no essence spell users,
people. Culturally, and to some degree physically, Drughân, Kekhavra, or Vracara, Wegech.
however, they are unique. Training Packages: Only those listed are available.
Adventurer, Animal Handler, Animal Friend, Beastmaster,
Burglar (rare), Con Man (rare), Crafter, Explorer, Farmer,
Build: Physically, they are the largest of the Fortune Teller, Healer, Hermit, Herbalist, Hunter, Labourer,
Northmen, and all are strong of build and bone Merchant, Midwife, Performer, Scout, Traveller, Wanderer,
structure. Men are exceedingly hairy; they average Weapon Master (rare), Zealot (rare).
215 pounds. Women average 145 pounds.
Special Skills: Everyman: All skills within the outdoor • an-
Colouring: Their complextions are fair, but unlike most Northmen
imal category, Restricted: None.
(who are usually blond), the majority have reddish hair.
Standard Hobby Skills: Armour • Light skills, any weapon skills
Endurance: Berninga need six hours sleep only twice every three except two-handed or pole arms, climb, ride, swimming, track, am-
days. bush, stalking, hiding, observation, body development, channelling
Height: Men avergae 6’4”; women, 5’7”. spell lists, acrobatics, Animal Mastery, Animal Healing, animal
Lifespan: 80-100 years. handling, boat pilot, caving, cookery, Diagnostics, Disease Lore,
Race Abilities: Northman. first aid, foraging, Herb Lore, Midwifery, signaling, weather watch-
Resistance: Average. ing, painting, tale telling, dance, chanting [singing], rapelling, wood
crafts, leather crafts, fletching, Poison Lore, prepare herbs, public
Special Abilities: Wild animals will not attack a Beijabar unless
speaking, Second Aid, trading, Use prepared Herbs, fauna lore.
actively provoked.
Weapons: dagger, hand axe, broadsword, club, mace, whip, bola,
Clothing & Decoration: They are extremely hairy, and their tend-
short bow, sling, quarterstaff, woodmans axe, cudgel.
ency to wear furs gives them an “animal-like” appearance.
Favouring rugged tunics, capes, and woolen pants with leggings, Armour: None or soft or rigid leather.
they rarely wear any traditional armour. Clothing: Males: soft or sueded leather tunic (with sleeves reaching
Fears & Inabilities: They shy away from civilised areas. from mid-forearm to the wrist) trimmed with fur (rabbit, beaver,
mink, marten, sable) at the neck, waist, wrists and hem; leggings of
Lifestyle: Berninga have traditionally lived in small groups or
soft or sueded leather; stout leather boots; cloak made from a dear,
single families on well-tended “manors”. Some, like Beorn’s line,
bear or cougar pelt.
have favoured realative lowlands, while the majority reside in the
passes and foothils of the Misty Mountains or Grey Mountains. In Fema le: the same garments described above with the addition of a
each case, their presence is extremely subtle. Beorning families tend full suede skirt (falling to mid-calf or the ankles) trimmed with furs
both themselves and their surrounding manors with the aid of a at its hem; or a caftan-styled gown of soft leather with its pleats
wide variety of freindly animals (At. Galaistadiuza, sing. hanging from a yoke and possessing long wide sleeves. Varying
Galaistadius), members of the household which appear tame to the shades of tan, brown, and red are the favoured colours for Boerning
outsider. They do not eat their anmal feinds, but rely on fish, rep- garments. Small spots of yellow, white, or sjky blue occasionally
tiles, and fowl for food. Males leave their manors for extended peri- are used ornamentally in a yoke at neck ot waist. Women who go
ods in order to conduct military, religious, or social affairs. adventuring often wear leggings without a skirt if they must be pre-
pared for combat.
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. The line is traced through the
male. Marriage is outside the family but within the clan. The wife BACKGROUND OPTIONS
resides with her husband’s family.
Beringa get 45 Talent Points (4 background points).
Religion: Centres on the ancient Cult of the Bear (Rh. “Bairakyn”). Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a
The head of the cult, or Waildanbair (Rh. “Ruling Bear”), is also the Beijabar might in unusual circumstances learn: Labba (S6/W6),
hereditary lord of the whole Beorning clan and is the foremost of
Orkish (S6/W6).
the famous Shape-changers. During their secluded ceremonies,
these men take the form of bears and recreate their ancient legends Mental Abilities: All available.
and epics using complex dance rituals. These gatherings occur at Mystical Abilities: All available. Spell lists learned must be from
specific holy places which have some connection to their patron the channeling realm.
Vala Oromë (whom they call Araw). Physical Abilities: All available.

Special Abilities: All available. ADOLESCENCENT SKILL Stat
Special Items: No items casting essence spells or enhancing es- DEVELOPMENT Bonuses:
sence using abilities are available. Channeling spells, although rare, Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Ag: 0
may be present, as may the enhancement of channeling abilities. Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Co: +2
Boerning craftmanship is excellent, although their work is rustic
Armour • Medium skill categ ory ………………… 0 Me: 0
and lacks the refinement typical of Elvish crafts.
Chain s kill…………………………………… 0 Re: 0
Special Status: All available. Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
SD: +2
Special Training: All available. Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 2 Em: 0
Wealth: Goods to be bartered or exchanged for coinage: 10 deer-
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: 0
skins, finely worked, worth 2 sp each; 5 otter pelts worth 4 sp each; Climbin g skill ……………………………… 2
4 beaver pelts worth 5 sp each. A selection of pelts (black fox, 5 gp; Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: +2
marten, 8 gp; black sable, 10 gp; ermine, 13 gp; golden sable, 15 Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2 Qu: 0
gp; mink, 11 gp; red sable, 12 gp; white fox, 7 gp). Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +2
Mental Flaws: All available. Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 3 RR Mods:
Physical Flaws: All available. Co mbat Maneouvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Special Flaws: All available. Spell lis ts learned must be fro m Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
the chan neling realm. Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 6 Ment: 0
Ba irs ku ift (lesser): Yo u have the ab ility to change into a Black Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: 0
Bear an d b ack at will. Your equ ipment and clothin g is no t “Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: 0
affected; it takes d 10 min utes to transfo rm. Under stressfu l “Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 8 Body Dev.
con ditio ns an inv olun tary ch an ge to animal form can be Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Progression:
trig gered. Th is causes the person altiy to be subsu med, as bes- Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 4 0•6•5•2•1
tial urges take control. You can develop the shape-changing Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 0 Channelling
skill to co ntrol you r ability.
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
When transformed you gain these benefits: - natural AT 8 ; skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
criticals rolled ag ainst you are decreased in severity by 1 (‘A’ Subterfude Stealth………………………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
is modified by -20); commu nicate with bears; base mov emen t
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 4 Essence
rate o f 80 ’/ rn d; natural at tack s o f Med ium Bash, Large
Stalking skill………………………………… 4 PP Dev.
Grapple, Large Claw, Medium Bite [25 points]. Hiding skill…………………………………… 4
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Ba irs kuift (g rea ter): As Bairsk uift (lesser), except you chan ge
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
into a Cave Bear. When transformed you g ain these benefits:
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
- natural AT 8; criticals ag ains t you are ro lled on the Large 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Creature critical strike table; communicate with bears; base Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 PP Dev.
mo vement rate of 110’/rnd ; n atu ral attacks of Huge Bas h, 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Large Grapple, Large Claw, Large Bite [35 points]. Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 1 0•7•6•5•4
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Elf Frien d: You are well acquainted with the Elves, and are im- Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 2 Soul
mediately respected by any Elf y ou meet. You gain a special 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2 Departure:
b onus of +5 to your Pr stat bonu s when d ealing with Elves, Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0 11
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
and y ou kno w three ex tra ranks in th e Elv ish language of Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 1 Race Type:
you r choice [17 points]. 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 2
S hadow-sigh t: You can see gh osts, wraiths, an d other denizens Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 121)…………………………… 45
o f the shado w-world as if t hey were no rmally vis ible [10 † - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
points]. ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 0.9
Ga laistadiu s: You have an an imal companion of y our choice lang uages” provided for a character’s cu lture/ race.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.
(subject to GM app rov al). Galaistadiu za participate in the
running of Beijabar households, performing chores including
th e care of the sick and injured. The an imal h as a bonus of
+60 to perceive illness or su pernatural affliction, or ad ds +15
to it’s companions healing skill, which ever is most benefical.
[15 p oin ts]
Healer’s Lo re: You have a s pecial bo nus of +10 in First Aid,
Herb Lore an d Fauna Lore. [10 points]

the only frontier they cannot master; therfore they worship it. Those
BLACK NÚMENÓREAN few that still worship the Valar favour Tulkas the strong, the greatest
The term “Black Númenórean” (S. “Mornúmenedain”) is used master of strength and deeds. It is the always laughing Tulkas who
to describe Men of Dúnadan stock who are descended from the
best embodies the spirit of raw strength, for he is quick to make
“Infaithful” Númenórean colonists and
war, weak of counsel, forthright, and sworn of passion and honour.
conquerors who came to Middle-earth
during the middle and late Second Age. OTHER FACTORS
These Unfaithful had broken with the Demeanour: Black Númenóreans are generally haughty and self-
Valar and the Elves who bequeathed
centered - rash, confident, and full of pride. They belive in their
them the island knigdom of Númenor at
own superiority and support the view that it is the destiny of their
the beginning of the Second Age. Many
race to rule middle-earth. Their views have made them quick to
worshipped their own idols or paid
strike a blow; warlike and single-minded, they enjoy a fight. When
homage to the Dark Lord Sauron.
in a superior position they will rarely offer quarter.
Gradually, the Unfaithful came to
control Númenor and her colonies, the Language: Sta rtin g Languages: They have a strong passion for tradi-
greatest of which was centered around tion and have, therefore, maintained the Adúnaic (S8/W8) tongue of
the Havens of Umbar. When Númenor Númenor in a relatively pure form. Most also know Westron
was destroyed by Eru in S.A. 3319, (S8/W8) and Haradaic (S6/W6) Allowed Adoles cen ce Develo pment:
many of the Unfaithful survived in their Adúnaic (S10/W10), Westron (S10/W10), Haradaic (S8/W8),
refuges in Middle-earth. Apysaic (S6/W6)
Black Númenóreans, therfore, are actually very similar in Prejudices: Black Númenóreans are biased against nearly every
physical and cultural character to the Dúnedain. Certain changes other people, but their prejudices against the Elves and the
have occured after their centuries of seperate development, but both Dúnedain are particularly vehement.
groups have actively sought to remain relatively pure and true to Professions: All available except Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra,
their origins. Vracara, Wegech.
Training Packages: All available except Anamartar, Beastmaster,
PHYSICAL CHARACTER Dwarven Berserker, Estehildi, Faradrim Aran, Infantryman of the
Build: Strong and imposing, with angular features. Men average king`s Corps, Magic Crafter, Marines of the Royal Navy, Faradrim
225 pounds; women, 150 pounds. Forod, Selli Niennava, Shaman Priest (MERP), Tracker, Wolfrider.
Colouring: After long years in the hot south, the Black Special Skills: Ever yman: None Restricted: None.
Númenóreans have tanned, grey-brown skin, and black hair. Their
Standard Hobby Skills: any armour skills, any weapon skills,
piercing eyes are various shades of grey.
climb, riding, swimming, attunement, read runes, ambush, stalking,
Endurance: Considarable hiding, pick lock, observation, body development, spell lists, acting,
Height: men average 6’4”; women, 5’10”. appraisal, boat piloting, gambling, rope mastery, signaling, weather
Lifespan: 90-175 years watching, trickery, painting, sculpting, jewlry making [craft], sprint-
Race Abilities: Dúnadan. ing, jumping, metal crafts, navigation, embroidery [crafts], leader-
Resistance: Average. ship, public speaking, seduction, trading, interrogation, region lore,
star gazing.
Special Abilities: +25 to all boat handling manoeuvres, +10 to all
melee weapon skill categories. OUTFITTING OPTIONS
Weapons: Dagger, scimitar, braodsword, short sword, mace, morn-
ing star, composite bow, battle-axe, flail, quarterstaff, two-handed
Clothing & Decoration: Black and gold are their favoured colours.
sword, lance, spear, bastard sword, cat of nine tails, falchion, har-
They wear rich clothing made of dyed silk and cotton. Gems and
poon, pole arm, long sword.
feathers add elaboration. The Karma - Númenors famous overlap-
ping scale helm surmounted by a coloured leather fish crest - is still Armour: Any. Prefer scale mail armour.
in use. Clothing: Males: silk or cotton blouse of rich hue (wine, purple,
Fears & Inabilities: They fear death, but not in battle. Confidence cobalt, absinthe) with beadwork ornamaenting the neck (seed
and passion lead them to belive they can overcome any known pearls; beads of jade, carnelian, malachite, agate, or lapis lazuli);
physical enemy. tabard or over-tunic of silk, black or gold preferred, ornamented
with embroidery in metallic thread (gold, electrum, bronze); wrist
Lifestyle: Black Númenórean culture reflects a rigid slant. Their
bracers of gold or bronxe with geometric engraving; belt of metal or
societies are well-ordered and ruled by force of personality, backed
leather with extensive metallic ornamentation; silken hose; leather
by harsh law. Dictators and oligarchs hold sway over the people,
slippers decorated with metallic embroidery; cloak of spangled
most of whom are subject races who serve and pay tribute to the
gauze or of feathers.
Black Númenórean upper class. Warriors are considered the elite,
and most men serve in the army at one time in their lives. This has Females: silk or cotton gown of rich hue (burgundy, violet, indigo,
enabled them to almost always be at war. Superb craftsmen and cerulean) with beadwork ornamenting the sleeves, neck and hemline
fighters, the Black Númenóreans are experts at ship-building and (seed peardls; beads of jade, carnelian, malachite, agate, or lapis
naval warfare. lazuli: gemstone spangles of diamaond, ruby, emerald, topaz, etc.);
tabard or ocer-tunic of silk, black or gold preferred, ornamented
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. The line is traced through the
with embroidery in metallic thread (gold, electrum, bronze) and
gold, onyx, or black opal beadwork; belt of metal or leather with
Religion: Org anized religion is th e n orm amon g Black ectensive metallic ornamentation; leather slippers with beadwork or
Númenóreans. The most important cults are those pretaining to embroidery over their entire surfaces; cloak of spangled gauze or of
death and the afterlife, for these old Númenóreans concerns have feathers.
been perpetuated and modified. mummification is the norm. Námo
is the only Vala accorded respect. BACKGROUND OPTIONS
Most revere their own local heroes or gods associated with war, Black Númenóreans get 40 Talent Points (4 Background Options).
power,m terror, and the unknown. They see the untamed darkness as Extra Languages: In ad dition to the tong ues listed abo ve, a Black

Númenó reans might in unusual circumstan ces learn : Black Speech (S8/W8 ), ADOLESCENCENT SKILL Stat
Silvan (S6/W6). Bonuses:
Mental Abilities: All available. Animal Emp athy will be with a proud, Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Ag: 0
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0
fierce creature, e.g.; panth er, lion , eagle, hawk etc.. Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Co: +4
Mystical Abilities: All available. Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 2 Me: 0
Physical Abilities: All available. Chain s kill…………………………………… 2 Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Special Abilities: All available. Special Familiar will b e with a proud, Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: 0
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 3 Em: 0
fierce creature, e.g.; panth er, lion , eagle, hawk etc.. Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: 0
Special Items: All av ailable. Númenórean workmanship is superb and Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: +3
favours geometric motifs as well as strong contrasts su ch as th at sh own by Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 1 Qu: 0
the favoured juxtapos tion of onyx and gold. Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +4
Special Status: All available. Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 2 RR Mods:
Special Training: All available.
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Wealth: Coin age. Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
Mental Flaws: All available. Co mmunications skill category…………………… 3
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 12 Ment: 0
Physical Flaws: All available. Poison: +5
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3
Special Flaws: All available. “Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: +15
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 1 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 1 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 1 0•7•5•3•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 2
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 1 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 1 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 1 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 0•7•6•5•4
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 1 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0 10
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 1 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 145)…………………………… 40
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 0.75
lang uages”.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

one which must be tolerated. Their greatest enemy is the Northmen
CORAIRS (Rohirrim, woodmen, Beornings, etc,), because they are held to
The corsairs are descendants of Dúnadan rebels who fled from blame for the wars of the kin-strife.
Gondor in the wake of the kin-strife of T.A. 1432-47. Most settled
Professions: All available except Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra,
in Umbar in T.A. 1447 and began a long struggle for control with
Vracara, Wegech.
the stronger Haradan and Black Númenorean elements. Since that
time, modest in breeding with the locals has created a somewhat Training Packages: All available except Anamartar, Beastmaster,
distinct group, although their Dúnadan roots remain strong. Their Dwarven Berserker, Estehildi, Faradrim Aran, Infantryman of the
heritage as sailors and merchantmen from southern Gondor still king`s Corps, Magic Crafter, Marines of the Royal Navy, Faradrim
influences their culture and lifestyle. They long to reclaim Gondor Forod, Selli Niennava, Shaman Priest (MERP), Tracker, Wolfrider.
as their own. Special Skills: Everyman : Rope Mastery, Rowing, Sailing, Star
Gazing; Restricted: None.
PHYSICAL CHARACTER Standard Hobby Skills: Acrobatics, Acting, Ambush,
Build: Strong of build. Males average 215 pounds; Apprais al, any Armor skill s, Boat Pikiting, Body
women, 145 pounds. Development, Climbing, Cultural Lore, Dance, Embroidery
Coloring: corsairs are generally fair skinned and [crafts], first aid, hiding, history, jumping, leadership, metal-
have grey or bluish eyes and black or dark brown crafting, navigation, observation, painting, public speaking,
hair. rappelling, region lore, riding, rope mastery, sculpting, sig-
Endurance: Considerable. They do not get sea- nalling, spell lists, sprinting, stalking, star-gazing, swim-
sick. ming, tracking, trading, any weapon skills, weather-wtching,
Height: Men average 6’3"; women, 5’9".
Lifespan: 95-190 years. OUTFITTING OPTIONS
Race Abilities: Dúnadan. Armour: Any. corsairs who are wealthy adorn their armour
Resistance: Normal. with gold chasing or engraving. Some favour wearing a
modified version of the old karma helm.
Special Abilities: They get a special +20 bonus for
the following skills: Boat Piloting, Navigation, Rope Mastery, Clothing: Males: silk or cotton blouse in the rich colours favoured
Rowing, Sailing, Star Gazing, Weather Watching. by the Corsairs (scarlet, purple, gold), usually with embroidered
borders at the wrists and neck; silk or cotton tunic (also in a rich
CULTURE hue), often worn without a shirt, reacjing to anywhere between the
Clothing & Decoration: corsairs favor purple, red, and gold cloth- ankles and just above the knee, possessing an elaborate hem
ing made from silk or fine cotton. They wear tunics and only rarely (fringed, crenalated, scalloped); belt of heavy gold plates; sandals or
don leggings. Men wear gold collars, while women are well- leather boots.
adorned with jewelry. Female s: silk or cotton blouse with revealing neckline often worn
Fears & Inabilities: Disease and illness, and their own natural off the shoulder, usually in the rich colours favoured bt the Corsairs
mortality. (crimson, violet, gold); ankle-length silk or cotton underskirt, often
Lifestyle: Corair culture reflects the conservative elements found pleated or gathered into a yoke at the hip, again in rich hues; short
among Gondor’s’ aristocracy, only it is carried to an extreme. The over-skirt of silk or damask, falling to mid-thigh or to the knee, with
warm coastal influence of Umbar has added some additional influ- an elaborate hemline (crenelated, fringed, scalloped); bodice with
ences, most Black Númenórean, and the result is a throwback to the showy laces; ornamental gold belt; sandals or silk slippers.
ancient marine culture of Númenor. Weapons: Dagger, scimitar, broadsword, short sword, mace, morn-
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. Line is traced through male. ing star, whip, bola, composite bow, long bow, short bow, flail,
quarterstaff, two-handed sword, lance, spear, bastard sword, boar
Religion: Corsair religion is preoccupied with Death and Darkness,
spear, cat of nine tails; cutlass, falchion, harpoon, main gauche, net,
and largely revolves around ancestor and hero worship. Great
pole arm, sabre.
Númenórean kings are revered as godlike. Ceremonies dwell on the
perpetuation of the life of the individual and, more importantly, the BACKGROUND OPTIONS
lineage. The dead are buried with elaborate fanfare and are laid to
They get 40 Talent Points (4 Backgroun Options).
rest in a preserved state, one of pronounced splendor.
Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a Corsair
Some revere Námo, the Keeper of the Dead, or Varda.
might in unusuall circumstances learn: Black speech (S8/W8),
OTHER FACTORS Orkish (S6/W6), Sindarin (S6/W6), and Silvan (S6/W6).
Demeanor: Aggressive, haughty, determined, embittered - the cor- Mental Abilities: All available.
sairs have the attitude of royalty in unjust exile. Mystical Abilities: All available.
Language: Starting La nguag es : The first tongue of the Corsairs is Physical Abilities: All available.
Adúnaic (S8/W6), since they identify with Númenor and the line of Special Abilities: All available.
the Dúnedain. All of them speak Gondor’s common speech Westron Special Items: All available. corsairs favour weapons and tools
(S8/W6), as well as the Haradaic (S8/W6) of Umbars citizenry. ornamented with gold.
A llowed Ad oles cen ce Develop ment: Adúnaic (S10/W10), Westron
(S10/W10), Haradaic (S10/W10), Apysaic (S8/W8), Atliduk Special Status: All available
(S6/W6), Nahaiduk (S6/W6) and Eothrik (S6/W6) (between T.A. 1 Special Training: All available.
- 1856), Eothirric (S6/W6) (between T.A. 1856 - 2510), Rohirric Wealth: Gold pieces of Umbarian mint.
(S6/W6) (T.A. 2510 onwards). Mental Flaws: All available.
Prejudices: The Corsairs are a military group and are locked in Physical Flaws: All available.
constant struggle with their allies the Black Númenóreans and Special Flaws: All available.
Haradrim. They look upon both groups with suspicion and some
disdain. The Black Númenóreans, like the Dúnedain, have in many
cases married subject peoples and the Corsairs consider this a sign
of weakness. They view the Haradrim as yet another inferior race,

Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 2 Ag: 0
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 2 Co: +4
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 0 Me: 0
Chain s kill…………………………………… 0 Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: 0
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 5 Em: 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: 0
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: +3
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 1 Qu: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +4
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 2 RR Mods:
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1 Ess: 0
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 10 Chan: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Ment: 0
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3 Poison: +5
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Disease: +15
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 1 Body Dev.
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0 Progression:
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 1 0•7•5•3•1
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0
skill in one s pell list………………………… 1 Channelling
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 PP Dev.
Ambush……………………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0 Essence
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 PP Dev.
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 1
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Progresseion:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 2 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category …………………… 1 0•7•6•5•4
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Departure:
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 1 10
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Race Type:
Talent Points (cost: 138)…………………………… 40 2
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Recovery
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence
lang uages”. Multiplier:
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try. 0.75

Westron (S10/W10), Logathig (S10/W10), Silvan (S8/W8), Atliduk
DORWINRIM (S8/W8), Haradaic (S6/W6), Labba (S6/W6), Nahaiduk (S8/W8),
Varadja (S6/W6).
(sing. Dorwinadan) Prejudices: Renowned as explorers, traders, and travelers, they
The Dorwinrim occupy the lower Carnen and Uldona valleys have learned much of the spirit of others and enjoy dealing with a
and the hilly region running south from the Redwater to the wide variety of Elves and men alike.
northwest shore of the Sea of Rhûn - the land called Dorwinion.
Professions: All available except Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra,
They are a mixture of Northman and Easterling stock.
Vracara, Wegech.
PHYSICAL CHARACTER Training Packages: All available except Anamatar, Beastmaster,
Build: Dorwinrim are slightly larger than most groups labeled as Dwarven Berserker, Estehildi, Faradrim Aran, Infantryman of the
“common men”. Males average 155 pounds; females 110 pounds. king`s Corps, Magic Crafter, Marines of the Royal Navy, Faradrim
Overall, they are somewhat stocky and have wide features; narrow Forod, Selli Niennava, Shaman Priest (MERP), Surgeon, Tracker,
noses and eye slits are the only exception. Wolfrider.
Colouring: Their fair, slightly yellowish complextion is unique. Special Skills: Ever yman: Religion (Dorwinrim) Res tricted: None.
They have subdued eyes which are usually Standard Hobby Skills: any wepon skills, climbing, swimming,
brown (like their straight hair), although attunement, read runes, ambush, stalking, hiding, pick locks, obser-
some are blue or green. vation, body development, spell lists, languages, acrobatics, acting,
Endurance: Average. appraisal, boat piloting, rowing, cookery, first aid, gambling, rope
mastery, trickery, tale telling, sculpting,surfing, skiing, skating, jug-
Height: Men average 5’9”; women, 5’2”
gling, wood crafts, stone crafts, metal crafts, leather crafts, sewing,
Lifespan: 60-80 years. fletching, public speaking, diplomacy, seduction, trading, region
Race Abilities: Common Man. lore, star gazing.
Resistance: Normal.
Special Abilities: +30 to RR versus pois- OUTFITTING OPTIONS
ons. +15 acting and public speaking. +10 Weapons: Battle axe, broadsword, club, dagger, halberd, javelin,
for boat handling maneuvres. long bow, quarterstaff, scimitar, short bow, sling, two-handed
sword, long sword.
CULTURE Armour: Any. Dorwinrim prefer the lighter types of armour, al-
Clothing & Decoration: A wide variety of wools and linens. They though a warrior garded in a full suit of chain ot plate mail is not
wear shirts and pants and adorn themselves modestly. unknown.
Fears & Inabilities: Nothing special. Clothing: Males: linen shirt or blouse, usually cream or white;
Lifestyle: They are traders and river-men who abandoned their no- short woolen vest, sometimes cut straight, usually with panels of
madic past in favour of an urban, albeit rustic life. Dorwinion is fabric in contrasting earthy hues (rust and black, soft brown and
known for its fine wines and strong oils. Hardy vines cover the land dull yellow, brick and dark brown, etc,); loose woolen trousers in
and provide the principal sources of income: grapes and wine. Trees subdued colours (black, dark grey, tan, sienna, bone, taupe, umber,
produce olives and olive oil. Additional revenue comes from the etc,); linen sash or leather belt; wooden clogs or sturdy leather
Sea of Rhûn: shellfish products, food, and dyes bring good money boots; long, full coat, often with quilting and trapunto to provide
to the Dorwinrim. protection in the severe weather that visits the area in winter.
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. The line is traced through the Females: linen shirt or blouse, usually cream or white; woolen vest,
male or female. usually more form-fitting on women of marriagable age, looser on
children and matrons, with panels of fabric in contrasting earthy
Religion: Dorwinadan religion is a prominent and stable element. It
is a unifying force among a people who have no fromal law and shades (orange and charcoal, black and bone, taupe and dark brown,
equate authority with power. Donu, a local manifestation of etc,); full woolen skirt in subdued colours (rust, dark grey, tan, si-
Yavanna, is the Queen of their pantheon. She is their one “MOther enna, brick, dull yellow, umber, etc.); linen sash or leather belt;
wooden clogs or sturdy leather boots; long, full coat, with elaborate
quilting and trapunto.
Worship centres around the clannish totems (L. “Igana”), holy
sysmbols which represent deified heroes blessed by Donu. The her- BACKGROUND OPTIONS
oes are belived to have power over the places they influenced dur- Dorwinadan get 45 Talent Points (4 Background Options).
ing life and hold sway over their descendants. Therfore, a family or
Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a
clan guards its territory religiously. The totems are also crucial,
Dorwinadan might in unusual circumstances learm: Apysaic
since they are belived to have real power and are the sole means of
communication withthe hero they represent. (S6/W6), Black Speech (S6/W6), Orkish (S4/W4), Eothrik (S6/W6)
(between T.A. 1 - 1856), Eothirric (S6/W6) (between T.A. 1856 -
OTHER FACTORS 2510), Rohirric (S6/W6) (T.A. 2510 onwards), Umitic (S4/W4).
Demeanour: The Dorwinrim are known for their hardy, hospitable Mental Abilities: All available.
character. Most favour strong drink and stroy telling and never shy Mystical Abilities: All available.
away from celebration. Their distinct rolling laughter and physical Physical Abilities: All available.
closeness (e.g., hugging) adds to their reputation of friendliness, Special Abilities: All available.
although it is somewhat deceiving; a Dorwinadan may appear closer
Special Items: All available. The Dorwinadan aesthetic sense
than he really is. The Dorwinrim are amazingly loyal to riends, and
prefers exquiste simplicity over elaborate ornamentation. Their
distinctly short or cruel with enemies.
weapons and tools are beautifully made and posses graceful lines,
Language: Starting La nguag es : The Dorwinrim are well-versed in but little carving or engraving. They do employ gems for insets,
the commercial tongues of the northwest and north-central Middle- however.
earth. They speak fluent Westron (S8/W8) and Logathig (S8/W8),
Special Status: All available.
the latter their own home tongue. Since they frequently deal with
the Silvan Elves, many have acquainted themselves with the Silvan Special Training: All available.
speech or Sindarin (S6/W6). Allowed Ado lescen ce Develop ment: Wealth: Silver pieces or kysûri (10 kysûri = 20sp), the unique ivory

coinage of the Dorwinrim. ADOLESCENCENT SKILL Stat
Mental Flaws: All available. DEVELOPMENT Bonuses:
Physical Flaws: All available. Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Ag: 0
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0
Special Flaws: All available. Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 1 Co: 0
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 0 Me: 0
Chain s kill…………………………………… 0 Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: +2
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 1 Em: 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: 0
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: 0
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 1 Qu: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +2
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 1 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 10 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: 0
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: +0
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 2 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 2 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 3 0•6•4•2•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 1 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 1 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 1 0•6•5•4•3
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 1 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 0•7•6•5•4
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 1 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 1 12
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 1 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 11 5)…………………………… 45
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 1.0
lang uages”.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

to join behind in multiple tails. Drughu wear little or no clothing or
DRUGHU adornments. Instead, they prefer to go about relying on their rugged
bodies, using pigments to create imagery. Those that are most
(sing. Drûg) aquainted the other men occasionally don hide leggings and a
Of all men, none surpass the Drughu in the arts of wood-lore breechcloth, and in rugged terrain they employ a distinct high,
and wood-craft. This very ancient and diminutive race has long thick-soled laced shoe. Beyond these trappings, they have little use
been tied to the forests and has remained the greatest lot of for the costumes of other men.
woodland warriors ever produced by the Secondborn. Their skills
Fears & Inabilities: Drughu do not like towns and cities.
have in fact guarded their narrow survival, for they are considered
ugly by men and Elves alike and have been hunted and persecuted Lifestyle: Drughu are hunter gatherers. They live in clans of 30-40
since the days of the First Age. individuals made up of 4-6 family groups. Wose culture revolves
around the forests and plants they hold so dear. They are frugal and
The Drughu are few in number, and their clans are only found in
eat little, even in the best of times, and they partake of no drink but
the region of Andrast, the high regions of Ered Nimrais and the
water. Being exclusively vegetarion, they live on the gifts of the
forrest of Tawar-in-Drúedain. It is rumoured that an isolated clan
woodlands and are quick to acquire an understanding of the nature
survives in the Rast Vorn.
and location of nearly every plant in an area - regardless of its size.
The Drughu have many names. Drúedain (S. sing. Drúadan) is
Only the Elves and Ents exceed their skills in carving and plant-
the label given them by the Elves, while men use various terms:
Púkel-men, Wild men (Ro. “Róg” pl. “Rogin), or Woses (Westron).
Orcs fear the Drughu and have named them Oghor-hai. It is for their stone sculpture that the Drughu are best known. They
carve a variety of motifs and beasts, and employ a particular form in
PHYSICAL CHARACTER the making of life-like “watch-stones” (Púkel-men). These are
Build: Drughu generally have a broad, stumpy profile marked by guardian statues which they place to protect paths, entries, cross-
wide, flat features, and deep-set eyes. Short, thick legs, heavy lower roads, ant the like. Legends surround the watch-stones, most of
bodies, and pronounced brows help give them an eerie character - which are true. it is clear that they are enchanted. Orcs fear them
unlike any other men. most of all, and with good cause, since the Drughu can communic-
ate with watch-stones of their making and can derive knowledge
This uniqueness is accentuated by their peculiar hair growth, for
from the carvings “experiences”. Some very powerful watch-stones
few Wose men have any hair below eye level. Those that do are
actually come to life in order to guard their posts - acting instead of
revered, although even they have no more than a slender patch of
their creators - although in such a case, the Wose sculptor will feel
black chin hair which lies well below their wide mouths. Nearly all
all the pain of his creation. They place these watch-stones and
Wose men are bald from the forehead to the back centre of their
hideous statues around the borders of their lands and at various
squat skulls, but take pride in the hair they have along the flanks of
sensitive sites. Some are used to do no more than dishearten their
the head. Men average 114 pounds; women, 102 pounds.
Colouring: Ruddy skin, black hair, and black eyes. Because the
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous, producing fewyoung. The line is
Drughu have guarded eyes which are dark and set with black pupils,
traced through the female.
they appear to gaze from shadowy pools which might be mistaken
at a distance for a pair of cavities. one must get quite close to a Religion: Many of the watch-stones stand over the Wose holy sites.
Wose to notice any eye movement at all, Unlike many of the other men, particularly the Dunlendings with
much less any subtle distinctions in the whom the Drughu are often associated, the Drughu have a strong
eyes themselves. this haunting feature is tradition of organized worship. This is a pronounced animism which
made even more unsettling when a Wose revolves around a reverence for nature. They hold Eru and the Valar
is angry; then the pupils glow with a fiery in proper awe, although they have their own view of the nature of
red hue. the masters of the world. Of all the Valar, they worship none more
than Yavanna, the Giver of Fruits and Queen of the Earth, whom
Endurance: Average.
they call Mâm-ugu-Mâm(Pu. “First Mother”). It is she who presides
Height: Men average 4’5”; women aver- over the kelvar (plants), and it is the plants which breath life into
age 4’0”. the world of the Drughu.
Lifespan: 30-50 years.
Race Abilities: Drûg. OTHER FACTORS
Resistance: Average. Demeanour: Drughu generally seclude themselves from other folk
and do not take on freinds easily, but when they do, they are un-
Special Abilities: The wide noses of the Drughu are the most sens-
itive found in man. Even in an open field, they can smell an Orc waveringly loyal. Those that do get to know them will be impressed
before another man can see him. Range 100’ upwind, 2000’ down- by their frequent bouts of laughter, since the Drughu will laugth
wind, and 500’ in still air. +10 bonus to Awareness categories when when others sing. Their rich and unrestrained joviality forms quite a
dealing with smells. Together with their strong eyesight, they can contrast to their usual demeanour; normally they appear unemo-
track better than almost any hunting hound. Only running water will tional and slow to speak.
stay their pursuit. This is even true at night, since Drughu are Language: Starting Languag es : When they do talk, the Drughu use
blessed with superb night-vision.Even in the dark forest of the night the guttural Pûkael (S8/W5) tongue which is ideally suited to their
they can see 1000 feet as if it were daylight. +25 to tracking man- deep voices and is alien to that of other men. At an early age they
oeuvres; +15 for foraging. are taught hand and body motions to send messages, Signaling
They have the abilitiy to sit for days on end without movement. [Drûg] (rank 6) Allowed Adoles cence Development: Pûkael (S10/W8),
With legs crossed, hands on their laps or knees, and eyes closed or
facing downward, they can remain silent as a statue. This a fords Westron (S8/W8), Dunael (S8/W8), Signaling [Drûg] (rank 10).
them peace and allows for recall or meditation. Unfortunately, it Prejudices: Drughu hate Orcs, Wargs, and Rohirrim. The latter
apparently does nothing to lengthen their years, for the Drughu gen- group has occasionally made sport of hunting the Wild Men.
erally die at a young age. Professions: Drughu only produce Barbarians, Laymen, Rogues,
Rangers, Drughân (males only).
CULTURE All professions may learn Ranger or Animist base spell lists to 5th
Clothing & Decoration: They often braid their hair, pulling it back

level for a cost of 9/9. common in any w ay. [15 points]
Tattoo (I): You have a magical ta ttoo that can hold a 1st leve l spel l (from the channe l-
Training Packages: Only Adventurer, Animal Friend, Crafter,
ling re alm only). The spe ll can only be cast once , then it`s gone . H owe ve r a new spell
Explorer, Healer, Hermit, Herbalist, Hunter, Loremaster, Midwife, of equal le vel t o the tattoo, or below can be pla ced into the tattoo using an Imbe dding
Scout, Shaman Priest (MERP), Traveller, Wanderer, Zealot only. spell. [3 points]
Special Skills: Everyman: All skills in the Outdoor • Environmental Tattoo (IV): A s tatt oo (I), exc ept the tattoo c an hol d 1st to 4th level spel ls. [5 points]
Tattoo (VI): A s Tattoo (I), e xce pt the tattoo ca n hold 1st to 6th leve l spells. [10 points]
skill category, Fauna Lore, Herb Lore, Hiding, Stalking, First Aid
Restr icted: All skills in the Urban skill catergory. Tattoo (VIII): A s Tat too (I), exce pt the ta ttoo ca n hol d 1st to 8th le ve l spel ls. [20
Standard Hobby Skills: armour • light skills, any weapon skills, Special He rb/Poison: You have some kind of magical herb or poison. The GM should
climbing, swimming, attunement, ambush, stalking, signaling, hid- det ermine e xac tly what (the equipment se ction has a l isting). [3 points]
ing, observation, body development, channeling spell lists (open, Spell Adder Tattoo (+1): A spe ll adder tattoo allows you to c ast an extra spell per day
closed, ranger base, animist base only), camoflage, caving, first aid, (channe lling spells only) wit hout the expe nditure of PPs. [5 poi nts]
foraging, meditation, signaling, weather watching, scultping, body Spell Adder Tattoo (+2): As Spell Adde r (+1), except allows up to two spells pe r day.
[10 points]
painting [craft], tattooing [craft], tale telling, wood crafts, stone
Spell Adder Tat too (+3): As Spe ll Adder (+1 ), e xce pt allows uo to three spe lls per day
crafts, leadership, flora lore, region lore, history (Wose). [15 points]

Weapons: Club, dagger, hand axe, mace, quarterstaff, spear, blow-
gun, throwing darts, blowgun. Most weapons possess stone blades
or tips or attack surfaces and wooden hafts. ADOLESCENCENT SKILL
Armour: None or soft or rigid leather, Drughu rarely wear armour, DEVELOPMENT
but tortoise shell, eel hide, and bark strips are the favoured types Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 3 Stat
when it is required. Soft Leather skill …………………………… 3 Bonuses:
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0
Clothing: Hide leggings; suede breechcloth; suede collar covering Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 0 Ag: 0
the shoulders and falling to the lower ribs; swirling designs in body Chain s kill…………………………………… 0 Co: +2
paint on the face, arms, thighs, and stomach; knee-high shoe with Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1 Me: 0
thong fastners along the outer side of the leg. Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 2 Re: 0
BACKGROUND OPTIONS Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 SD: +4
D rughu get 45 Talent Points (4 Ba ckground Opti ons). Climbin g skill ……………………………… 3 Em: 0
Extra Language s: In additi on to the tongues listed above, a Drughu might in unusual Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2 In: +4
c ircumstances lea rn: Rohirric (S6/W6) (T.A . 2510 onwards only),
Mental Abilities: All ava ilable. Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 Pr: -2
Mystical Abil ities: All available Spell lists must be from the cha nneling ream. Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0 Qu: 0
Body Development skill …………………… 3
Physical Abilities: All a vaila ble.
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 St: 0
Spe cial Abilities: All available.
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 RR Mods:
Spe cial Items: None Availa ble.
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 0 Ess: +20
Spe cial Status: None available. Lang uage skills † …………………………… 4
Spe cial Tr aining: All available except Natural Arc her. Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Chan: 0
Wealth: Herbs (Reuk, 9sp; Thurl, 1sp; Te rbas, 2sp; Berterin, 19 gp; Pûra, 28 gp). “Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Ment: 0
Mental Flaws: All availa ble except Chivalrous. “Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3 Poison: 0
Physical Flaws: All available. Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Disease: 0
Spe cial Flaws: All a vaila ble Spell lists must be from the channeling ream.
H eighte ned Sme ll: You posse ss an acute olfactory se nse. You’re bonus to Awarene ss Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 8 Body Dev.
group skill ma ne uvre s ba sed on smell alone is increased to +30, and you’re Tacking Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0 Progression:
skill bonus ba se d on smell is increased to +55 [20 points]. Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 0
Bonus Item (I): You have two exceptiona l items, e ither high qualit y or special purpose . Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 0•6•5•2•1
Exa ctly wha t item you have is for you and your G M to dec ide ; a spe cial, non-magical skill in one s pell list………………………… 1 Channelling
bonus of +5 will be applied to the appropriate skil ls affec ted by those items. Stone , Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 2
w ood, bark, a nd bri ght pigme nt s are the mat eria ls used by Wose craftsmen. F or ex-
PP Dev.
Ambush……………………………………… 2
a mple you ma y ha ve a +5 lockpick kit that bestows it s bonus upon your Pic k Locks
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 4 Progression:
skill. [5 points]
Stalking skill………………………………… 4 0•7•6•5•4
Bonus Item (II): As Bonus Item (I), except there it gives a bonus of +10. [7 points]
Hiding skill…………………………………… 4 Essence
Bonus Item (III): As Bonus Item (I), e xce pt there a re either three items w ith a bonus of
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1
+5 each, or one item with a bonus of +15. [10 points]
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Bonus Tattoo (I): You ha ve a ta ttoo that ha s been enchanted w ith a bonus. Either +5 to
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Progresseion:
a Re sist anc e Rol l or skill (with a sta ndard or combine d progression). Or +2 t o a Skill
Caregory (with a sta ndard progression) or Skill (w ith a 0 • 1 • 1 • 0.5 • 0 progresssion) 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 0•4•3•2•1
or Power Points. Or +5 Hit Points. [5 points] Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 2
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2 Mentalism
Bonus Tattoo (II): As Bonus Tattoo (I), exc ept the bonus is either +10 to a Resistance
Roll or skill (w ith a standard or c ombine d progression). Or +4 to a Skill Caregory Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 PP Dev.
(with a standard progression) or Skill (with a 0 • 1 • 1 • 0.5 • 0 progresssion) or Power 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Points. Or +15 Hit Points. [10 points] Weapo n • Miss ile skill category …………………… 0
Bonus Tattoo (III): As Bonus Tattoo (I), except either +15 to a Resistance Roll or skill 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 0•4•3•2•1
(with a standard or combine d progression). O r +6 to a Skill Caregory (with a standard Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 1 Soul
progression) or Skill (with a 0 • 1 • 1 • 0.5 • 0 progresssion) or Powe r Point s. O r +30 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
H it Points. [15 points] Departure:
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 4
D aily Tattoo (I): You ha ve a ta ttoo that mystical ly casts spells when you desire. The
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 4 12
ta ttoo ca n only conta in a spell from the Channelling Rea lm (subjec t to your GM’s Race Type:
a pprova l). The tattoo is a Daily Tattoo I. [5 points]
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12
D aily Tattoo (III): As Daily Item (I), except the ta ttoo is a D aily Tattoo III. [10 points]
Talent Points (cost: 122)…………………………… 45 2
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of
D aily Tatoo (V):A s Da ily Item (I), exce pt. the tattoo is a Daily Ta ttoo V. [20 points]
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence Recovery
Loyal D om esticated Animal: You have a common ani mal that is complete ly loyal to Multiplier:
lang uages”.
you. [5 points]
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try. 1.0
Loyal Unusual Cre ature: A s Loyal D omestic ated Animal, e xc ept the c rea ture is not

Animal Handler, Animal Friend (rare), Architect, Anamatar,
DÚNEDAIN (of Gondor) Astronomer, Cloistered Academic, Crafter (rare), Estehildi,
Explorer, Faradrim Aran, Fortune Teller, Healer, Hermit (rare),
(sing. DÚNADAN) Herbalist, Hunter, Kings Corps, Loremaster, Noble, Royal Navy
Dúnedain of Gondor are descendants of the Edain who settled (Marine), Merchant (rare), midwife, Sage, Surgeon, Traveller,
on the island kingdom of Númenor during the Second Age. It was Wanderer, Weapon Master, Zealot (rare).
their Númenorean forefarthers who colonized and conquered much Special Skills: Everyman: none; Restric ted: None.
of Middle-earth. When the Isle of the West sank into the sea during
Standard Hobby Skills: Animal Handling, any Armour skills, Boat
the Downfall of S.A 3319, one group of survivers landed at Pelargir
Piloting, Body Development, Diplomacy, Dancing, Culture Lore
and founded Gondor, the Realm in Exile. Like all their brethern,
(Gondorian), Culture Lore (Elven), Embroidery [crafts]. First aid,
they have traces of Elven and (even a little) Maia blood.
fletching, hiding, history (Gondorian), History (Numenorean),
N ote: Use this category of Men for the me mbers of the jumping, languages, leadership, meditation, metal-crafts, military
royal and princely houses of Gondor (e.g., Stewards like organization, observation, play instrument, Poetry, poetic impro-
Denethor II and Princes like Imrahil of Dol Amroth). visation, pole vaulting, public speaking, read runes, riding, rope
mastery, sewing, singing, sprinting, stalking, star-gazing, stone-
PHYSICAL CHARACTER crafts, swimming, Tactical Games, tactics, tracking, any weapon
skills, weather-watching.
Build: Tall and strong. Men average 193 pounds; women, 163
Colouring: Fair skin and black or dark Armour: Any. Dúnedain warriors have access to some of the best
brown hair. They have grey, hazel, blue, armour made, as well as the powerful physique necessary to feel
or green eyes. They have no facial hair. comfortable in the heavier types.
Endurance: Considerable. Clothing: Go ndorian males: silk or cotton undershirt, usually white
Height: Men average 6’4"; women, or a pastel; rich hued silk or cotton waistcoat with eleborate sleeves
5’11". (gathered, slashed, multipole puffs), close-fitting bodice, and wide
Lifespan: 250-300 years. skirt pieces; belt of finely dyed leather and gold or silver links; dec-
Race Abilities: Dúnadan. orative collar, eleborately embroidered, covering the shoulders but
Resistance: Normal. revealing the neck; sandels or soft shoes; quilted cape with generous
hood and wide sleeves.
Special Abilities: None.
Gondor ian females: silk or cotton undershift, usually white or a pas-
CULTURE tel, often sleeveless; rich hued silk or cotton gown with eleborate
Clothing & Decoration: Rich and well made, with elaborate col- sleeves (gathered, slashed, multipole puffs), close-fitting bodice;
lars. The Dúnedain of lowland Gondor wear light tunics and often silk sash or girdle; decorative collar, eleborately embroidered, cov-
go without leggings. Those of colder areas wear more. They favour ering the shoulders but revealing the neck and chest; sandels or soft
feathers and white symbols on dark fields. Men grow their hair to shoes; quilted cape with generous hood and wide sleeves.
their shoulders, women to their waist. Weapons: Battle-axe, broadsword, composite bow, dagger, flail,
Fears & Inabilities: The Dúnedain fear Death, for they are acutely halberd, lance, long bow, mace, morning star, quarerstaff, short
aware of their own great skills and potential. sword, spear, two-handed sword, war hammer, bastard sword, boar
spear, falchion, war mattock.
Lifestyle: Well organized, comfortable, and centred around cosmo-
politan cities and towns. BACKGROUND OPTIONS
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. They often marry folk of other The Dúnedain are traditional and well-educated. They have a
races. The line is traced through the male. well organized society. This, combined with the fact that their early
Religion: Restrained and personal. The Dúnedain revere Eru and all days are so filled with learning, gives them 50 Talent Points (5
the Valar, especially Manwë, Araw (Oromë) and Varda. They have Background Options).
elaborate burials involving preservation of the body. Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a
Dúnedan might in unusual circumstances learn: Atliduyk (S6/W6),
OTHER FACTORS Labba (S6/W6), Logathig (S8/W8), and Nahaiduk (S6/W6).
Demeanour: Noble, confident, impatient, proud, and often haughty.
Mental Abilities: All available.
many see themselves as teachers and guides to the “lesser men” of
middle-earth. Mystical Abilities: All available.
Language: Starting L anguages: Their original tongue is Adúnaic Physical Abilities: All available.
(S8/W6), but many speak Westron (S8/W6). Many also speak Special Abilities: All available.
Sindarin (S6/W6) and a little Quenya (S2/W2). Allowe d Special Items: No spell adders or daily spell items.
Adole sce nce De velopme nt: Adúnaic (S10/W10), Westron Special Status: All available.
(S10/W10), Sindarin (S8/W8), Quenya (S6/W6), Dunael (S6/W6), Special Training: All available.
Haradaic (S8/W8), Eothrik (S6/W6) (between T.A. 1 - 1856),
Wealth: Gold and silver pieces.
Eothirric (S6/W6) (between T.A. 1856 - 2510), Rohirric (S6/W6)
(T.A. 2510 onwards). Mental Flaws: All available.
Prejudices: The Dúnedain hate the Corsairs, for they blame them Physical Flaws: All available.
for the kin-strife, Gondor’s civil war. They also despise the Black Special Flaws: All available.
Númenoreans. The Dunlendings, Haradrim, Wargs and Orcs have Elf Friend: You are well acquainted with the Elves, and are immedi-
always been their enemies. ately respected by any Elf you meet. You gain a special bonus of +5
Professions: All available except Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra, to your Pr stat bonus when dealing with Elves, and you know three
Vracara, Wegech. The royal lines, court artisans, and court seers extra ranks in the Elvish language of your choice [17 points].
practice various forms of traditional and blessed magic (e.g., sword- Lesser Dúnedain (les ser): Your’re bloodline has been diluted, through
making and observations through Seeing-stones). intermarriage with the local population. It might be possible for you
Training Packages: Adventurer, Amateur Mage (rare), Apothecary, to grow facial hair. To improve your standing amoung pure bloods,

you should keep yourself clean shaven. You have a lifespan of 185- ADOLESCENCENT SKILL Stat
260 years [-3 points]. DEVELOPMENT Bonuses:
Lesser Dún ed ain (minor): As Lesser Dúnedain (lesser) except; your Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Ag: 0
RR vs. Disease is modified by -10, your body development pro- Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 1 Co: +4
gression is now 0•6•4•2•1, lifespan of 95-190 years [-10 points].
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 2 Me: 0
Lesser Dúnedain (major): As Lesser Dúnedain (lesser) except; your St Chain s kill…………………………………… 2
and Co bonus is modified by -2, your Pr bonus by -1, your RR vs. Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Disease is modified by -10, your body development progression is Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: 0
now0•6•4•2•1, lifespan of 90-140 years [-25 points]. Swimmin g skill……………………………… 1 Em: 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: 0
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: +3
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 1 Qu: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +4
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 3 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 3
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 12 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: +5
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: +15
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 1 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 1 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 1 0•7•5•3•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 2
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 1 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 1 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 2 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 1 0•7•6•5•4
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 1 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 1 10
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 0 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 95)…………………………… 50
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 0.75
lang uages”.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

their enemies.
DÚNEDAIN (of the Lost Realm)
Professions: All available except Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra,
Vracara, Wegech. They are well-suited to magic, the royal lines,
(sing. DÚNADAN) court artisans, and court seers practice various forms of traditional
The Dúnedain of the lost Realm of Arnor are the descendants of and blessed magic (e.g., sword-making and observations through
the Faithful Númenoreans. Who fleeing the sinking of Westernesse
(the isle of Númenor) in S.A. 3319, settled in Eriador and founded
Arnor the Realm in Exile. The Dúnedain realm of Arnor was Training Packages: All available except Animal Handler, Burglar,
sundered in T.A. 861 into three sister states; Arthedain, Cardolan City Guard, Con Man, Cut Purse, Farmer, Fortune Teller, innkeeper,
and Rhudaur, split between three princes. Cardolan lasted until T.A. labourer, Midwife, Performer, Sailor, Scout, Selli Niennava,
1409 when it’s King and princes fell to the forces of the Witch-king Shaman Priest, Soldier and the training packages specific to other
at the battle of Amon Sûl. For the next 300 years the remnants of race/cultures.
Cardolanon nobility formed petty states and claimed authority. Special Skills: Ever yman: none; Restricted : None.
Rhaudaur became an ally to Angmar sometime after T.A. 1301 and Standard Hobby Skills: Animal Handling, any Armour skills, Boat
by the end of the 14th century had became a puppet state. Like all Piloting, Body Development, Diplomacy, Culture Lore, Embroidery
their brethern, they have traces of Elven and (even a little) Maia [crafts]. First aid, fletching, hiding, history, jumping, languages,
blood. leadership, meditation, metal-crafts, military organization, observa-
tion, play instrument, poetic improvisation, pole vaulting, public
N ote: Use this category of Men for the me mbers of the
speaking, read runes, riding, rope mastery, sewing, singing, skating,
royal and prince ly house s of Arnor (e .g., Argeleb I I), as
skiing, sprinting, stalking, star-gazing, stone-crafts, swimming, tac-
w ell as the ir direct de sc endants (e .g., Rangers like
tics, tracking, any weapon skills, weather-watching.
Aragorn) .
PHYSICAL CHARACTER Armour: Any. Dúnedain warriors have access to some of the best
Build: Tall and strong. Men average 256 pounds; women, 163 armour made, as well as the powerful physique necessary to feel
pounds. comfortable in the heavier types.
Colouring: Fair skin and black or dark brown hair. They have grey, Clothing: Arno rian males: linen, silk or woolen undershirt, in a rich
hazel, blue, or green eyes. clour (maroon, celestial blue,purple, navy blue), with close fitting
Endurance: Considerable. sleeves; woolen under-hose; silk or woolen outer hose; flowing silk,
Height: Men average 6’7"; women, 6’00". or woolen tunic (rich hues) with wide, flowing sleeves ornamented
Lifespan: 250-300 years. with fine embrodery and appliqué; decorative leather belt often set
Race Abilities: Dúnadan. with precious stones; silk or woolen collar covering the shoulders
and often the neck, decorative bands of embroidery at the top and
Resistance: Normal.
bottom edges; soft slippers; stout outer boots; quilted cape with
Special Abilities: None. generous hood and wide sleeves; fur over-cloak.
CULTURE Arno ria n fema les: linen, silk or woolen undershift, in a rich clour
Clothing & Decoration: Traditionally simple and elegant among (royal blue, deep red, sky blue, violet, midnight blue), with close
the Arthedainian. Cardolanian and Rhudaurian Dunedain favor fitting sleeves; woolen under-hose; silk or woolen outer hose; flow-
more functional clothing. Leggings and tunics are the norm. ing silk, or woolen gown (rich hues) with wide, flowing sleeves
ornamented with fine embrodery and appliqué; decorative leather
Fears & Inabilities: The Dunedain do not so much fear death as
belt or girdle often set with precious stones; silk or woolen collar
dread the ending of their works upon Arda, but their obsession with
covering the shoulders and often the neck, decorative bands of em-
burial rites is seen by most other peoples as a fear of death.
broidery at the top and bottom edges; headpiece of lace or em-
Lifestyle: Well organized, comfortable, and centred around cosmo- broidered fabric, crescent-shaped, with one point hanging onto the
politan cities and towns. The Arthedainian are fairly contemplative, forehead; soft slippers;leather ankle boots; quilted cape with gener-
and value intellectual work highly, while their brethren in Cardolan
ous hood and wide sleeves; fur over-cloak.
and Rhudaur live lives of intrigue, warfare, and subsistence.
Weapons: Battle-axe, broadsword, composite bow, dagger, flail,
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. They often marry folk of other
halberd, lance, long bow, mace, morning star, quarerstaff, short
races. The line is traced through the male.
sword, spear, two-handed sword, war hammer, bastard sword, boar
Religion: Restrained and personal. The Dúnedain revere Eru and all spear, falchion, war mattock.
the Valar, especially Manwë, Araw (Oromë) and Varda. They have
elaborate burials involving preservation of the body. BACKGROUND OPTIONS
The Dúnedain are traditional and well-educated. They have a well
OTHER FACTORS organized society. This, combined with the fact that their early days
Demeanour: Noble, confident, impatient, proud, and often haughty. are so filled with learning, gives them 50 Talent Points (5
many see themselves as teachers and guides to the “lesser men” of Background Options).
Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a
Language: Startin g Lan guag es: Their original tongue is Adúnaic Dúnedan might in unusual circumstances learn: Blaem (S6/W6),
(S8/W6), but many speak Westron (S8/W6). Many also speak Labba (S6/W6).
Sindarin (S6/W6) and a little Quenya (S2/W2). Allowed Adoles cence
Mental Abilities: All available.
Development: Adúnaic (S10/W10), Westron (S10/W10), Sindarin Mystical Abilities: All available.
(S8/W8), Quenya (S6/W6), Dunael (S6/W6), Kuduk (S6/W6), Physical Abilities: All available.
Eothrik (S6/W6) (between T.A. 1 - 1856), Eothirric (S6/W6) Special Abilities: All available.
(between T.A. 1856 - 2510), Rohirric (S6/W6) (T.A. 2510 on- Special Items: All available to Arnorian Dúnedain.
Special Status: All available.
Prejudices: They hate the Angmarrim. They despise the Black
Special Training: All available.
Númenoreans. The Dunlendings, Wargs and Orcs have always been

Wealth: Gold and silver pieces. ADOLESCENCENT SKILL Stat
Mental Flaws: All available. DEVELOPMENT Bonuses:
Physical Flaws: All available. Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Ag: 0
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0
Special Flaws: All available. Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 1 Co: +4
Dwarf Frien d: You are well acquainted with the Dwarves, and are Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 2 Me: 0
immediately respected by any Dwarf you meet. You gain a special Chain s kill…………………………………… 2 Re: 0
bonus of +5 to your Pr stat bonus when dealing with Dwarves, and Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
SD: 0
you know three extra ranks of spoken Kuduk [20 points]. Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 1 Em: 0
Elf Fr iend: You are well acquainted with the Elves, and are immedi- Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: 0
ately respected by any Elf you meet. You gain a special bonus of +5 Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0
to your Pr stat bonus when dealing with Elves, and you know three Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: +3
extra ranks in the Elvish language of your choice [17 points]. Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 1 Qu: 0
Lesser Dúnedain (lesser): Your’re bloodline has been diluted, through Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +4
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
intermarriage with the local population. You have a lifespan of 185- RR Mods:
Body Development skill …………………… 3
260 years [-3 points]. Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Lesser Dún ed ain (minor): As Lesser Dúnedain (lesser) except; your Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
RR vs. Disease is modified by -10, your body development pro- Co mmunications skill category…………………… 3
gression is now 0•6•4•2•1, lifespan of 95-190 years [-10 points]. Lang uage skills † …………………………… 12 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: +5
Lesser Dúnedain (major): As Lesser Dúnedain (lesser) except; your St
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: +15
and Co bonus is modified by -2, your Pr bonus by -1, your RR vs. “Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Disease is modified by -10, your body development progression is Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 1 Body Dev.
now0•6•4•2•1, lifespan of 90-140 years [-25 points]. Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 1 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 1 0•7•5•3•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 2
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 1 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 1 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 2 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 1 0•7•6•5•4
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 1 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 1 10
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 0 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 100)…………………………… 50
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 0.75
lang uages”.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

Amateur Mages are rare.
DUNLENDINGS Special Skills: Everyman: Driving, Herding, Horticulture, Hunting,
Also called “Hillmen” this
Play Instrument, Poetic Improvisation, Singing, Tale Telling;
group of Common Men tradition-
Restricted: None.
all y li ves in th e hill s and
highlands west of the Anduin Standard Hobby Skills: Acrobatics, Acting, Ambush, Animal
Valley. Many have b ecome Handling , any Armour • Light skills, Attunement, Body
settled farmers and herders and Development, Painting (body painting), Brawling, Caving,
make up majority populations in Cli mbi ng, Directed Sp ells , Foraging , Hidin g, His tory
Eriador. Others remain pure and (Dunlendings), Jumping, Leather-crafting, Metal-crafting,
live in the foothills and mountain Observation, Play Instrument, Poetic Improvisation, Public
vales. Speaking, Region Lore (local) , Riding, Scaling, Singing, Spell
Lists, Sprinting, Stalking, Star-gazing, Swimming, Tale Telling,
PHYSICAL CHARACTER Tattooing [craft], Tracking, any weapon skills, Weather-watching.
Build: They are of medium to
stocky build and rugged, with
Armour: None or soft leather. Some elite warriors fight naked.
little body hair. Men average 175
pounds; women, 135 pounds. Clothing: Males: woolen (vibrant plaid in a variety of colours:
Colouring: They have a tanned forest green, scarlet, royal blue, white, yellow, dark blue, orange,
or ruddy complexion and brown etc.) or hide-tunic; breeches or a short skirt of wool or hide; short
hair. woolen jacket or cape worn over one shoulder; stout leather belt;
decorative torque around the neck; hide leggings; soft leather foot-
Endurance: They are superb mountaineers and handle tough terrain
gear permitting superb manoeuvering in rough terrain; fur over coat
With little additional effort.
and hat; hair worn in a braid or many small braids or bleached with
Height: Men average 5’10"; women, 5’6". a lime-wash causing it to clump in spikes standing away from the
Lifespan: Short; about 50-80 years. scalp like a fistful of daggers.
Race Abilities: Daen. Females: Linen or wool shirt (usually white or cream); full woolen
Resistance: Normal. skirt (vibrant stripes or plaid); woolen bodice (sometimes a solid
Special Abilities: They get a special +20 bonus for Scaling skill, colour); woolen jacket or cape worn over one shoulder; soft leather
Acrobatics skill, Public Speaking skill, and Acting skill. footgear or stout boots; fur over-coat and hat; hair worn long, usu-
ally in multiple braids which are then woven together to form elab-
CULTURE orate buns or twists.
Clothing & Decoration: Crude wool and hide tunics with leggings. Weapons: Broadsword, club, dagger, hand axe, javelin, short bow,
They also wear rough over-coats, short cloaks, and fur hats. The spear, cudgel.
woollens are woven in bright plaids, the colours indicating the
wearer’s family lines and clan. Ritual tattooing is widespread. BACKGROUND OPTIONS
Fears & Inabilities: Numerous superstitions, notably a fear of Dunlendings get 55 Talent Points (5 Background options).
Darkness centring around the spirits in the earth and plants (which Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above: Rohirric
come forth at night). (S10/W10) (only T.A. 2510 onwards) and Logathic (S8/W8).
Lifestyle: Hillmen are herders, hunters, and gatherers who live in Mental Abilities: All available.
extended families and reside in villages and fortified clan-holds.
Mystical Abilities: All available.
They use chariots. Extremely theatric, they are gifted poets, musi-
cians, singers, and storytellers. Pugnacious, they often settle dis- Physical Abilities: All available.
putes by raiding, fighting, or even warring on one another (and of Special Abilities: All available.
course others). Special Items: All available. Hillmen workmanship is rather crude,
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous, but one must marry outside the although it has aesthetic appeal to those with rustic tastes; it is usu-
family. Political marriages common. Line traced through the fe- ally of materials that do not long endure (bronze, copper, tin,
male. leather, yarn, wood).
Religion: Superstitious rituals devoted to a complex grouping of Special Status: All available.
vengeful petty deities. Many are vaguely based on the Dunlendings Special Training: All available.
peculiar interpretations of the Valar. Oral traditions are crucial to Wealth: Goods to be bartered or exchanged for coinage: 10 deer-
the keeping of histories and law. Sacrifices are widespread and the skins, finely worked, worth 2 sp each: 5 skunk pelts worth 4 sp
clergy are both revered and feared. each; 4 red fox pelts worth 5 sp each; a bale of carded wool worth
20 sp. A selection of pelts (black fox, 5 gp; marten, 8 gp; black
OTHER FACTORS sable, 10 gp; ermine, 13 gp; golden sable, 15 gp; mink, 11 gp; red
Demeanour: Suspicious and self-centred, yet vocal and animated. sable, 12 gp; white fox, 7 gp or a selection of herbs worth 1-200 gp.
They love to talk, laugh, sing, and scream.
Mental Flaws: All available.
Language: Starting Languages: Dunael (S8/W4), Westron Physical Flaws: All available.
(S8/W4). Allowed Adolescence Development: Dunael (S10/W10),
Special Flaws: All available.
Westron (S10/W10), Rohirric (S6/W6) (only T.A. 2510 onwards).
Prejudices: Dunlendings generally hate the Rohirrim and Woses
above all, although many also despise the Dúnedain, Dwarves, and
Professions: All available except Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra,
Vracara, Wegech.
Training Packages: All available except, Apothecary, Architect,
Cloistered Academic, City Guard, Loremaster, Sailor, Sage, Scribe
Surgeon and the training packages specific to other race/cultures.

Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Ag: 0
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 1 Co: +2
Armour • Medium skill categ ory ………………… 0 Me: 0
Chain s kill…………………………………… 0 Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: 0
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 1 Em: 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: +2
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 5
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: 0
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2 Qu: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +2
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 3 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 4 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: 0
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: 0
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 4 0•6•4•2•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 2 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 2 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 2
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•5•3•2•2
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 1 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category …………………… 1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 2
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 2
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12
Talent Points (cost: 62)…………………………… 55
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of ranks
listed for the “allowed adolescence languages ”.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

fl et ching , foraging ,
EASTERLINGS hiding, leather-crafts, mil-
This term refers to a collection of peoples who live in north- itary organization, obser-
central Middle-earth, the area to the east of the western shore of the vation, riding, signaling,
Sea of Rhûn. These nomadic confederations are ever in search of spell lists, stalking, star-
territory and wealth and periodically invade the lands of their gazing, tactics, tale tell-
neighbours. The Balchoth and Wainriders are two such peoples. ing, thrown and missile
Each group has its own subculture and language, although most are weapon skills, tracking,
related. The following is a general view; where specifics are weather-watching.
mentioned, the discussion cantres on the westernmost Easterling
people - the Sagath. OUTFITTING
Armour: None but shield
Build: Compact and agile. Men average 135 pounds; women, 95
and helm.
Clothing: Males: woolen
Colouring: Swarthy, with a tan or yellowish/tan quality.
or li nen tu nic (white,
Endurance: Normal, although they CAN ride horses, wagons, or cream, lemon, or buff with bright crewelwork on the collar and
chariots for long periods without exhaustion (accumulate only half along the front opening) with long, close fitting sleeves, stand-up
normal exhaustion in these conditions). collar, a back vent for ease on horseback, opening in front from
Height: Short to medium. Men average 5’6"; women, 5’1". neck to hem with buttons or individual ties at intervals to secure it
Lifespan: Short, about 40-65 years. closed; leather weapons belt; leather pants; soft, unfitted, kneehigh
Race Abilities: Common Men leather boots with lacing on the outside calf to snug them to the leg;
colourful linen cloak pieced together from scraps dyed a variety of
Resistance: Normal.
colours (red, blue, green, yellow); fur hat with ear flaps.
Special Abilities: They are superb with riding animals and produce
Female: woolen or linen ankle-length smock (white, cream, lemon,
fabulous horsemen. They get a special +20 bonus for Mounted
Combat and all Outdoor • Animal skills. or buff with bright crewelwork on the collar and along the front
opening) with long, close-fitting sleeves, stand-up collar, with but-
CULTURE tons or individual ties at intervals to secure it closed; soft, uncon-
Clothing & Decoration: Colourful linen cloaks, woollen tunics, structed, knee-high leather boots with lacing on the outside calf to
leather pants, and lower leg protectors. They also wear fur hats with snug them tothe leg; colourful linen cloak pieced together from
ear flaps, or fur-covered pot helms. Some groups paint their upper scraps dyed a variety of colours (red, blue, green, yellow); fur hat
bodies and faces. with ear flaps.
Fears & Inabilities: Darkness and thunderstorms. Weapons: Bola, dagger, javelin, scimitar, short bow, short sword,
sling, long sword, usriev.
Lifestyle: They are nomads who live in mobile camps and move
their camps using great wagons (wains). Warriors all, they also herd BACKGROUND OPTIONS
horses and cattle. The leaders travel in, and fight from, rugged war Easterlings get 50 Talent Points (5 Background Options).
Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, and
Marriage Pattern: Men may take more than one wife, but this is Easterling might in unusual circumstance learn: Labba (S4/W4),
rare and costly since they must pay a bride-price. The line is traced Orcish (S6/W6), Eothrik (S4/W4) (between T.A. 1 - 1856),
through the male. Eothirric (S4/W4) (between T.A. 1856 - 2510), Rohirric (S4/W4)
Religion: Superstitious rituals concerning nature spirits and heroic (T.A. 2510 onwards), Silvan (S4/W4).
ancestral deities. Many worship Darkness and Morgoth. Mental Abilities: All available.
OTHER FACTORS Mystical Abilities: All available.
Demeanour: Cold, determined, brave to the point of foolhardiness. Physical Abilities: All available.
They relish, or are at the least unconcerned with, death in battle. Special Abilities: All available.
Language: Starting Languages: Most speak a Logathig dialect Special Items: All available. Nomad crafts involve shapely cre-
(S8/W6), as well as a smattering of Westron (S4/W4). Allowe d ations from bone, leather, iron and bronze.
Adole sce nce Dev elopme nt: Logathig (S10/W10), Westron Special Status: All available.
(S10/W10), Apysaic (S6/W6), Black speech (S8/W6), Haradaic Special Training: All available.
(S6/W6), Varadja (S8/W6). Wealth: Livestock and possibly a wain (wagon) or a war chariot
Prejudices: Nomads have little regard for anyone except their own (draft-kine, 20 sp each; light horse, 45 sp each; wain, 6 gp; war
people. They hate the Dúnedain. chariot, 25 gp).
Professions: All available except Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra, Mental Flaws: All available.
Vracara, Wegech. Physical Flaws: All available.
Training Packages: All available except Apothecary, Astronomer, Special Flaws: All available.
Architect, Beastmaster, Cloistered Academic, Cut Purse, Farmer,
Innkeeper, Loremaster, Midwife, Sailor, Sage, Surgeon and the
training packages specific to other race/cultures.
Special Skills: Everyman: Mounted Combat skill and all Outdoor •
Animal skills involving horses (unless Profession cost is cheaper);
Restricted: None.
Standard Hobby Skills: 1-H edged weapon skills, 2-H weapon
skills, Acrobatics, Ambush, Animal Handling, Attunement, Body
Development, Painting (body painting), Bone-carving [Crafts],
Contortions, Crewelwork [Crafts], directed spells, fauna lore,

Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Ag: 0
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Co: 0
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 0 Me: 0
Chain s kill…………………………………… 0 Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: +2
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0 Em: 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: 0
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: 0
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2 Qu: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +2
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 2 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 2 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 4 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: 0
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: 0
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 5 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 5 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 3 0•6•4•2•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 1 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 0•7•6•5•4
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 2 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 2 12
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 1 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 77)…………………………… 50
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 1.0
lang uages”.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

available to Gondorians in cities on the river or shore), Body
ERIADORIANS Development, Bribery, Climbing, Contortions, Cooking, Dancing,
This is a generalized label for the folk of Eriador, the com- Diplomacy, Disarming Traps, Embroidery [Crafts], First Aid,
mon men inhabiting the lands that once comprised the kingdom of Fletching, Gambling, Hiding, History (City), interrogation, jug-
Arnor. Eriadorians contain varying degrees of Daen, Northman, and gling, languages, leather-crafting, metal-crafting, obseration, paint-
Dunadan blood. ing, picking locks, plat instrument, public speaking, read runes, re-
Note: Use this cate gory for c haracters who are not of gion lore (local), riding, sculpting, seduction, sewing, singing, stalk-
pure Dúnadan blood, but are born and raised in Eriador ing, stilt-walking, stone-crafting, tightrope-walking, trading, trap
(mainly within the territories of Arthedain, Rhudaur, building, trickery, any weapon skills, wood-crafting. Rur al folk:
Cardolan). Armour • Ligh t skills,
Acro bati cs, Ani mal
PHYSICAL CHARACTER Handling, Caving, Climb,
Build: All types, but normally medium. Men average 160 Co ok i ng , Co ok i ng
pounds; women, 125 pounds. (Brewi ng), Dancing ,
Colouring: Variations of fair to tan or olive skin. All colors Foraging, Hiding, Leather-
of hair and eyes. crafting, Observation,
Rope Mastery, Scaling,
Stalking, Star-gazing,
Height: Males average 5'10", women 5'4".
Swimming, Tracking, any
Lifespan: Moderate, averaging 60-80 years. Weapon skills, Weather-
Race Abilities: Common men. watching, Wood-crafting.
Resistance: Normal.
Special Abilities: None.
CULTURE Armour: Soft Leather or
Clothing & Decoration: Practical wool and linen garb, in- no armour.
cluding cloaks, boots, etc. Tunics are worn in warmer areas; Clothing: Warm locale:
shirts belted over pants or skirts and leggings predominate in knee-length tunic and wide
cooler locales. leather belt or short tunic
Fears & Inabilities: Nothing special, aside from local super- belted over a full, linen
stitions. skirt; boots; short wool
Lifestyle: Ur ban folk: are a varied, rather cosmopolitan lot. cape.
Many are from mercantile or guild backgrounds and some Cool locale : linen shirt
have dealt with enchantments. Rural folk: are mostly farmers under a wo olen tunic;
and herders with little contact with areas outside their village wide leather belt; woolen
or region. breeches or full wooled
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. The line is traced through either skirt over wool leggings; boots; long, hooded, wool cloak. Linens
the male or female. are undyed, unbleached soft white. Woolens are subdued green,
Religion: Variations of subdued rituals. Most have reverence for
local spirits, although the principal worship focuses on Eru and the grey or brown.
Valar. Araw (Oromé) is the patron spirit of common men. As Weapons: Dagger, hand axe, club, throwing dagger, sling, quarter-
farners, they often pray to Yavanna, the Queen of the Earth. They staff, fishing spear (treat as -5 javelin).
call her “Dalam” or “Aedalam”.
OTHER FACTORS Urban Eriadorians get 55 Talent Points (5 Background Options).
Demeanour: Practical, hard-working, quiet, loyal, and often shy. Rural Eriadorians get 55 Talent Points (5 Background Options).
Language: Starting Language s: The Common Speech, Westron Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above: anl
(S8/W6) is their chief tongue, although local dialects abound. Eriadorian might in unusual circumstances learn: Adûnaic (S4/W4),
Allowed Adolesc enc e Development: Westron (S10/W10), Sindarin Blarm (S8/W8) and Dunael (S8/W8), more commonly encountered
(S8/W8), Adunaic (S6/W6). in southeastern Eriador, kuduk (S6W6).
Prejudices: Ur ban folk: are worldly enough to deal with most out- Mental Abilities: All available.
siders. They hate no race, aside from the Orcs and wargs. Rura l folk: Mystical Abilities: Only Danger Sense, Magical Resistance,
are suspicious of most outsiders and might be in awe of some. They Resistance, Undetectable, Unnatural Aging, Visions available.
hate no race, aside from the Orcs and Wargs. Physical Abilities: All available.
Professions: No pure or hybrid spell users except for Animists, who Special Abilities: All available.
along with semi spell users are exceedingly rare and no Barbarians.
Special Items: Ur ban folk: All available. Items made by urban
Training Packages: Only Adventurer, Animal Handler, Animal Gondorians display high quality craftsmanship and include durable
Friend, Burglar, City Guard, Con Man, Cut purse, Explorer, Farmer, materials often unavailable in more rural societies (steel being a
Fortune Teller, Healer, Hermit, Hunter, innkeeper, labourer, prime example). Enchanted metals (mithril, eog, etc.) are not nor-
Mercenary, Midwife, Performer, Sailor, Scout, Selli Niennava, mally available, however. R ural folk: Spell adders and daily items
Soldier, Spy, Traveller, Wanderer, Weapon Master (rare), Zealot. not available. Weapons and tools are usually crude, but servicable,
The Eriadorians of Cardolan can also be Apothecary, Crafter, wood, bronze, iron, leather, wool and linen are the most abundant
Herbalist, Merchant, Scribe, Surgeon, materials.
Special Skills: Ur ban folk: Everyman: all skills in the Urban cat- Special Status: All available.
egory; Restr icted : None. Rura l folk: Everyman: none; Resticted : none. Special Training: All available.
Standard Hobby Skills: Urba n folk: Acrobatics, Acting, Ambush, Wealth: Urba n folk: silver pieces of Gondorian mint. Ru ral folk:
Animal Handling, Appraisal, any Armour skills, Boat Piloting (only Mainly in livestock which may be sold for coinage: a milk cow (20

sp), a pair of sheep (10 sp each), four goats (5 sp each), or ten ADOLESCENCENT SKILL Stat
geese (2 sp each). The rich will also have some silver and bronze DEVELOPMENT Bonuses:
pieces. Eriadorian characters gain the following skills Ag: 0
Mental Flaws: All available. during their adolescent development. When there Co: 0
Physical Flaws: All available. are two numbers shown, the number to the left is
Me: 0
Special Flaws:Only Dependant, Duty, Repulsive Habit, Rival/NPC, for Urban folk and the number to the right is for
Rural folk. Re: 0
Stat Penalty, Secret, Secret Identity, Terrible Luck, The Slain,
SD: +2
Unlucky available. Armou r • Lig ht skill cate gory…………………………… 1
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0/1 Em: 0
Dwarf Frien d: You are well acquainted with the Dwarves, and are Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0/1
immediately respected by any Dwarf you meet. You gain a special In: 0
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 0/1
bonus of +5 to your Pr stat bonus when dealing with Dwarves, and Chain s kill…………………………………… 0/1 Pr: 0
you know three extra ranks of spoken Kuduk [20 points] Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1 Qu: 0
Elf Fr iend: You are well acquainted with the Elves, and are immedi- Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 St: +2
ately respected by any Elf you meet. You gain a special bonus of +5 Swimmin g skill……………………………… 1
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 RR Mods:
to your Pr stat bonus when dealing with Elves, and you know three Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0 Ess: 0
extra ranks in the Elvish language of your choice [17 points]. Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Chan: 0
Dúnedain Ances try (lesser): One of your antecedants was a member of Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2
the Dúnedain race. You have a lifespan of 90-140 years [3 points]. Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 Ment: 0
Dú nedain Ancestry (mino r): As Dúnedain Ancestry (lesser) except;
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0 Poison: 0
Body Development skill …………………… 2 Disease: +0
you get a +10 RR vs. Disease, a body development progression of Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0
0•7•5•3•1, and a lifespan of 90-140 years [10 points]. Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Body Dev.
Dú nedain Ancestry (majo r): As Dúnedain Ancestry (lesser) except; Co mmunications skill category…………………… 3/1 Progression:
you get a bonus of +1 to St, Co, and Pr, a +10 RR vs. Disease, a Lang uage skills † …………………………… 10/8
body development progression of 0•7•5•3•1, and a lifespan of 90- Lore • General skill category……………………… 3
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Channelling
140 years [20 points].
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3 PP Dev.
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0/1 Progression:
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0/1
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 0/2 0•6•5•4•3
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 2/0 Essence
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 1/0 PP Dev.
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progresseion:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Ambush……………………………………… 0 Mentalism
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0/1
Stalking skill………………………………… 0/1 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0/1 Progression:
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 0•7•6•5•4
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 5/0
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Departure:
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 2
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category …………………… 1 Recovery
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0/1 Multiplier:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0/1 1.0
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 0/1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0/1
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12
Talent Points (cost: 46/37)………………………… 55/55
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of ranks
listed for the “allowed adolescence languages ”.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

thieves, Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra, Vracara, Wegech and rarely
GIMÚTÉOTHRAIM produce spell users of any sort.
They are descendants of Eriedain (Second Age Eriadorians)
Training Packages: Only Adventurer, Amateur Mage (rare),
who migrated through the Great Isen gap or the passes in the misty
Animal Handler, Animal Friend, Crafter, Explorer, Healer, Hermit
Mountains during the first six centuries of the Third Age.
(rare), Herbalist, Hunter, Fortune Teller, Herbalist, Hunter,
The six tribes of the Gimútéothraim (Rh. “Gathering of the Merchant, Mercenary, midwife, Performer, Scout, Soldier, Traveller,
Glorious Horesemen”), the Horse-lords of Rhovanion; are the Wanderer, Weapon Master, Zealot.
ancestors of the Éothéod and the Rohirrim (Riders of Rohan). They
Special Skills: Everyma n: Mounted Combat skill and all Outdoor •
are the first in the line of western Horse-folk.
Animal skills, Choose one skill from the following caregories:
Also known as the Éothraim, between T.A. 1-1856 they occupy weapon • 1-Handed, weapon • polearm, weapon • missile; Restricted:
the grasslands of southern Rhovanion, with primary concentrations None.
south of the Celduin and north of central Dagorlad. heaviest
Standard Hobby Skills: Acrobatics, Ambush, Animal Handling
numbers east and southeast of Mirkwoods East Bight.
(horses), Animal Training (horses), any Armour • Medium or Light
The six tribes are : - Ailgarthas, Padaruiks, Gadraughts, skill, Body Development, diplomacy, embroidery [crafts], fauna
Beorills, Anthars, Eoaders. These tribes are broken down into clans lore (Horses), first aid, fletching, foraging, gambling, Herding, hid-
who generally occupy specific territories and jealously guard their ing, History (Eothraim), language, leather-crafts, Leadership, metal-
boundaries. crafts, military organization (cavalry), Mounted Combat, public
speaking, observation, riding (horses), signaling, singing, stalking,
PHYSICAL CHARACTER star-gazing, swimming, tactics (cavalry), tale telling, tracking, any
Build: Average to stocky and strong. Men average 190 pounds; weapons skills (except 1-H concussion and Missile Artillery),
women, 130 pounds. weather-watching.
Colouring: Fair skin, almost any colour eyes and hair; though
many are blond with blue, green or hazel eyes. OUTFITTING OPTIONS
Endurance: Average. Armour: Leather jerkin or rigid leather breastplate with helmet
Height: Men average 6’1”; women, 5’5". and shield. Those who could aford it wore Chainmail.
Lifespan: 60-85 years. Clothing: Males: long cloaks, usually wool or a kind of linsey-
woolsey cloth (also used as a bedroll during mild weather); Fur caps
Race Abilities: Northman.
and vests (worn during winter); sleeveless tunics, belted at the waist
Resistance: Normal. and falling in short, pleated skirts to mid-thigh; Deer or antelope
Special Abilities: They are superb with riding animals and produce skin leggings are added during winter.
fabulous horsemen. They get a special +20 bonus for Mounted Fema les: When riding the same as men; for every day wear, knee-
Combat, Animal Handling (horses), Animal Mastery (horses), length gowns of cotton or linen (usually white or light grey), em-
Animal Training (horses), Herding, Riding (horses), Hunting. broidered borders showing animal and tree motifs. Silk scaves
pinned with elaborate broches and worn in various ways.
Other Gear: Since most Éothraim spend the summer away from
Clothing & Decoration: Linen and/or woolen shirts, leggings.
their homes, travelling with their horses and herds, every adult has
Fears & Inabilities: Nothing special. at least one small tent, a bedroll and mess kit.
Lifestyle: Herders and horse-masters, they spend much of their year Weapons: Broadsword, dagger, lance, composite bow, long, bow,
living in various semi-permanent camps set out on a circuit of pas- long knife, javelin.
tures. They return to their permanent homes for the winter. This
permanent home is a fortified village; a collection of long-houses BACKGROUND OPTIONS
surrounding a ceremonial hall which serves as a centre for the clans Éothraim receive 45 Talent Points (4 Background Options).
territory. They are also accomplished hunters. Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above a
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. The line is traced through the Éothraim might learn in unusual circumstances:
male. Marriage can occur outside of the clan and, particularly in the Mental Abilities: All available.
case of rolalty, outside the tribe. The wife resides with her hus-
Mystical Abilities: Only Danger Sense, look of Eagles, Magical
band’s family.
resistance, Resistance, Unnatural Aging, Visions available.
Religion: They celebrate four festivals during the year; mid-
summer, mid-winter, and the equinoxes. At these times whole tribes Physical Abilities: All available.
gather to celebrate the change of seasons and the completion of Special Abilities: All available.
work. Eating, gambling, and contests of skill dominated these Special Items: Spell adders and daily items not available. Weapons
events. Festival nights bring about revelry with music and dance; and tools are usually ornamented elaborately - gold and silver
when the ceremonies of the Cults of the Stag and Earth spark the engraving and settings of ruby or amber are popular.
spirits of the whole tribe. They revere Eru and the Valar and in par- Special Status: All available.
ticular, Béma (Oromë). Special Training: All available.
OTHER FACTORS Wealth: A number of riding horses worth an equivalent amount
(light horse, 45 sp; medium horse, 60 sp; heavy horse, 80 sp; lesser
Demeanour: Honest, courageous, practical, rugged, straightforward
warhorse, 20 gp; greater warhorse, 75 gp), wagon (open, 6gp;
and somewhat loud. They enjoy song, celebration, physical games
closed, 9gp) or dogs (herd dog, 10sp; hound, 3gp)
and battle.
Mental Flaws: All available.
Language: Starting Languages: They speak Eothrik (S8/W6), most
know some Westron (S6/W0). Allowed Adolescence Development: Physical Flaws: All available.
Eothrik (S10/W10), Westron (S10/W10), Sindarin (S6/W6), Atliduk Special Flaws: Only Cursed Shapeshifter, Dependent, Duty,
(S6/W6), Logathig (S8/W8), Nahaiduk (S6/W6), Gramuik (S8/W8). Repulsive Habit, Rival/NPC, Secret, Secret Identity, Stat penalty,
Prejudices: The Éothraim hate Orcs, Wargs, Eaterlings and Terrible Luck, The Slain, Unlucky available.
Asdriags. Horse Empathy : You can communicate empathicly with any horse
Professions: The Éothraim favour fighters. They produce no within a range of 1’ for every level you have. Any maneuvre with a

horse receives a special +25 bonus [10 points]. ADOLESCENCENT SKILL Stat
S hadow-sigh t: You can see gh osts, wraiths, an d other denizens DEVELOPMENT Bonuses:
o f the shado w-world as if t hey were no rmally vis ible [10 Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 2 Ag: 0
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0
points]. Co: +2
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 2
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 1 Me: 0
Chain s kill…………………………………… 1 Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: +2
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 1 Em: 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: 0
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: +2
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2 Qu: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +2
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 2 RR Mods:
Co mbat Maneuvers skill category………………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 2 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 8 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: 0
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: 0
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 8 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 8 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 3 0•6•5•2•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Attack skill catego ry………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 2 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 0•7•6•5•4
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 1 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 1 11
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 0 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 11 4)…………………………… 45
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 0.9
lang uages” .
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

Animal Handling, Appraisal, any Armour skills, Boat Piloting (only
GONDORIANS available to Gondorians in cities on the river or shore), Body
These folk contain varying degrees of Daen, Northman, Haruze Development, Bribery, Climbing, Contortions, Cooking, Dancing,
and Dúnedain blood and make up most of the population of Gondor. Diplomacy, Disarming Traps, Embroidery [Crafts], First Aid,
Note: Use this cate gory for characters who are not of Fletching, Gambling, Hiding, History (City), interrogation, jug-
pure Dúnadan blood, but are born and raise d in gling, languages, leather-crafting, metal-crafting, obseration, paint-
ing, picking locks, plat instrument, public speaking, read runes,
region lore (local), riding, sculpting, seduction,
sewing, singing, stalking, stilt-walking, stone-
PHYSICAL CHARACTER crafting, tightrope-walking, trading, trap build-
Build: All types, but normally medium. ing, trickery, any weapon skills, wood-crafting.
Males average 155 pounds; women, 125 Rur al folk: Armour • Light skills, Acrobatics,
pounds. Animal Handling, Caving, Climb, Cooking,
Coloring: Variations of fair to tan or olive Cooking (Brewing), Dallok, Dancing, Foraging,
skin. All colors of hair and eyes. Hiding, Leather-crafting, Observation, Rope
Endurance: Average. Mastery, Scaling, Stalking, Star-gazing, Stave-
Height: Males average 5’10"; women, 5’4". fighting, Swimming, Tracking, Tug of War, any
Weapon skills, Weather-watching, Wood-
Lifespan: Moderate, averaging 65-85 years.
Race Abilities: Common Men
Resistance: Normal.
Special Abilities: None. OUTFITTING OPTIONS
Armour: Any. Inhabitants of the larger cities
CULTURE (Minas Tirith, Tharbad, Fornost) have more reli-
Clothing & Decoration: Various types of able access to chain and plate mail than do
elaborate or practical wool and linen garb, those in towns or small cities.
including cloaks, boots, etc. Tunics are worn Clothing: Wa rm loa cales: knee-length tunic
in warmer areas; shirts and pants or leggings (linen, fine cotton, or silk, often finely em-
are worn in cooler locales. Some imported silks and fine cottons are broidered) and wide leather belt or short tunic belted over a full
in evidence. Hairstyles imitate those of the Dúneadin, men have skirt (linen, fine cotton, or silk); boots; short wool cape.
shoulder length hair and women waist length bound in a net or ker-
Cool locales : shirt (linen or silk) under a tunic (wool or silk); leather
chief for convenience. Most males sport some degree of facial hair.
belt; woolen breeches or full skirt (wool or silk over a wool petti-
Fears & Inabilities: Nothing special, aside from local supersti- coat) over wool or silk leggings; boots; long, hooded, wool cloak.
tions. Colours depend on the wealth of the wearer. Poorer folk wear linens
Lifestyle: Ur ban folk: are a varied, rather cosmopolitan lot. Many an undyed, unbleached soft white and woolens a subdued green,
are from mercantile or guild backgrounds and some have dealt with grey, or brown. Wealthier individuals display snow-white linens and
enchantments. Rural fo lk: are mostly farmers and herders with little woolens and silks tinted with expensive dyes - maroon, purple,
contact with areas outside their village or region. forest green, deep brown, indigo.
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. The line is traced through either Weapons: Battle-axe, broadsword, composite bow, dagger, halberd,
the male or female. javelin, long bow, mace, morning star, quarterstaff, short sword,
Religion: Variations of subdued rituals with some organized cults spear, two-handed sword, bastard sword.
and shrines. Most have reverence for local or community spirits,
although the principal worship focuses on Eru and the Valar, Araw BACKGROUND OPTIONS
(Oromë) is the patron spirit of Common Men. Many of the elite Urban Gondorians get 55 Talent Points (5 Background Options).
revere Varda. People from ports honor both Varda and Manwë. Rural Gondorians get 55 Talent points (5 Background options).
Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a
OTHER FACTORS Gondorian might in unusual circumstances learn: Dunael (S4/W4),
Demeanor: Practical, aggressive, hard-working, and inquisitive. Haradaic (S8/W8), Kuduk (S6/W6), Logathig (S8/ W8), and
Language: Starting Language s: Westron (S8/W6) is their chief Quenya (S4/W4).
tongue, although local dialects abound. Allowed Adole sc ence Mental Abilities: All available.
Dev elopment: Westron (S10/W10), Adúnaic (S8/W8), Sindarin Mystical Abilities: Only Danger Sense, look of Eagles, Magical
(S8/W8). resistance, Resistance, Unnatural Aging, Visions available.
Prejudices: Ur ban folk: are worldly enough to deal with most out- Physical Abilities: All available.
siders. They hate no race, aside from the Orcs and wargs. Rura l folk:
Special Abilities: All available.
are suspicious of most outsiders and might be in awe of some. They
hate no race, aside from the Orcs and Wargs. Special Items: Ur ban folk: All available. Items made by urban
Gondorians display high quality craftsmanship and include durable
Professions: All available except Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra,
materials often unavailable in more rural societies (steel being a
Vracar, Wegecha. Spell users are rather rare - particularly outside of
prime example). Enchanted metals (mithril, eog, etc.) are not nor-
the largest cities.
mally available, however. R ural folk: Spell adders and daily items
Training Packages: All available except Architect, Astronomer, not available. Weapons and tools are usually crude, but servicable,
Cloistered Acedemic, Sage, Scribe, Shaman Priest, Soldier and the wood, bronze, iron, leather, wool and linen are the most abundant
training packages specific to other race/cultures. Amateur Mages materials.
and weapon masters are Rare.
Special Status: All available.
Special Skills: Urb an fo lk: Ever yman : all skills in the Urban
Special Training: All available.
category; Restricted: None. Rura l fo lk: Ever ym an: none; Resticted :
none. Wealth: Urba n folk: silver pieces of Gondorian mint. Ru ral folk:
Mainly in livestock which may be sold for coinage: a milk cow (20
Standard Hobby Skills: Urba n folk: Acrobatics, Acting, Ambush,
sp), a pair of sheep (10 sp each), four goats (5 sp each), or ten

geese (2 sp each). The rich will also have some silver and bronze ADOLESCENCENT SKILL Stat
pieces. DEVELOPMENT Bonuses:
Mental Flaws: All available. Gondorian characters gain the following skills Ag: 0
Physical Flaws: All available. during their adolescent development. When there Co: 0
Special Flaws: Only Dependent, Duty, Repulsive Habit, are two numbers shown, the number to the left is
Me: 0
Rival/NPC, Secret, Secret Identity, Stat penalty, Terrible Luck, The for Urban folk and the number to the right is for
Rural folk. Re: 0
Slain, Unlucky available.
Armou r • Lig ht skill cate gory…………………………… 1 SD: +2
Elf Fr iend: You are well acquainted with the Elves, and are immedi-
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0/1 Em: 0
ately respected by any Elf you meet. You gain a special bonus of +5 Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0/1
to your Pr stat bonus when dealing with Elves, and you know three In: 0
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 0/1
extra ranks in the Elvish language of your choice [17 points]. Chain s kill…………………………………… 0/1 Pr: 0
Dúnedain Ances try (lesser): One of your antecedants was a member of Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1 Qu: 0
the Dúnedain race. You have a lifespan of 90-140 years [3 points]. Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 St: +2
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 1
Dú nedain Ancestry (mino r): As Dúnedain Ancestry (lesser) except; Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 RR Mods:
you get a +10 RR vs. Disease, a body development progression of Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0 Ess: 0
0•7•5•3•1, and a lifespan of 90-140 years [10 points]. Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Chan: 0
Dú nedain Ancestry (majo r): As Dúnedain Ancestry (lesser) except; Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 Ment: 0
you get a bonus of +1 to St, Co, and Pr, a +10 RR vs. Disease, a
body development progression of 0•7•5•3•1, and a lifespan of 90-
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0 Poison: 0
Body Development skill …………………… 2 Disease: 0
140 years [20 points]. Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Body Dev.
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 3/1 Progression:
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 10/8
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Channelling
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3 PPDev.
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0/1 Progression:
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0/1
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 0/2 0•6•5•4•3
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 2/0 Essence
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 1/0 PPDev.
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progresseion:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Ambush……………………………………… 0 Mentalism
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0/1
Stalking skill………………………………… 0/1 PPDev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0/1 Progression:
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 0•7•6•5•4
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 5/0
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Departure:
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 2
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category …………………… 1 Recovery
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0/1 Multiplier:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0/1 1.0
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 0/1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0/1
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12
Talent Points (cost: 46/37)………………………… 55/55
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of ranks
listed for the “allowed adolescence languages ”.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

GRAMUZ Armour: chain or scale, but the most common type is leather.
They are descendants of the Eriedain (Second Age Eriadorians) Weapons: Spear, short bow, long bow, hand axe, short sword,
who migrated through the Great Isen Gap early in the Third Age. broadsword
The Gramuz (Rh. “Plainsmen”) are a clan based culture led by BACKGROUND OPTIONS
hereditary chieftains, found in the rolling plains and river valleys of
Gramuz get 50 Talent Points (5 Background Options).
Rhovanion They are primarily concentrated North of the Nan
Celduin (S. “River Running Valley”). Their settlements are usually Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a
found in sheltered lowland areas, with rich soil. Gramuz might in unusual circumstances learn: Silvan (S6/W6),
Orkish (S4/W4), Waildyth (S4/W0).
PHYSICAL CHARACTER Mental Abilities: All available.
Build: Average to stocky. Men average 190 pounds; women, 130 Mystical Abilities: All available.
pounds. Physical Abilities: All Available.
Colouring: Blond with blue eyes. Special Abilities: All available
Endurance: Normal Special Items: All available.
Height: Men; average 6’0”, women; average 5’4”. Special Status: All Available.
Lifespan: 65-85 years. Special Training: All available
Race Abilities: Northman. Wealth: Coin of the Gondorian mint, Livestock (pigs, cows, sheep).
Resistance: Average. Mental Flaws: All available.
Special Abilities: None. Physical Flaws: All Available.
CULTURE Special Flaws: All Available.
Clothing & Decoration: Men usually wear beards. They wear Shado w-sight: Yo u can see ghosts, wraith s, and o ther denizens
cloths of linen or wool. Pants or (for women) short shifts with of th e s had ow-worl d as if they were normall y visible [10
legings, medium length shirts, fabric cloaks and soft soled shoes. points].
Fears & Inabilities: Nothing Special
Lifestyle: An agrarian society living in scattered farming com-
munities, typically composed of one to three families. These house-
holds form a loose village of ‘shortened’ versions of the Northman
“long-house”; located near a protected refuge. Such as a hill sur-
rounded by a palisade or moat. These areas are usually used to con-
fine domestic animal.
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. The line is traced through the
male. Marriage can occur outside the clan or tribe, but unions with
non-Northmen are extremely rare. The wife resides with her hus-
band's family.
Religion: They celebrate four festivals during the year; mid-
summer, mid-winter, and the equinoxes. At these times the scattered
communities gather together, to celebrate the change of seasons,
the completion of work and to socialize. Eating, gambling, and con-
tests of skill dominated these events. Festival nights bring about
revelry with music and dance. The cult of the earth is predominant,
but the cult of the growing is common in certain areas.

Demeanour: Independant, determined
Language: Star ting La ngu ages : Gramuik (S8/W8) and a little
Westron (S6/W4) A llowed Ad oles cence Develo pment: Gramuik
(S10/W10), Westron (S8/W8), Logathig (S8/W8), Eothrik (S8/W8),
Atilduk (S6/W6), Nahaiduk (S6/W6).
Prejudices: They hate Orcs.
Professions: All available except Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra,
Vracara, Wegech. They rarely produce spell users of any sort; the
most common found though are Urdharkona (Pl. Urdharkonur, treat
as Animists).
Training Packages: All available except those specific to other
cultures and Apothecary, Amateur Mage, Architect, Surgeon.
Special Skills: Everyman: None Restricted: None.
Standard Hobby Skills: Armour • Light skills, Acrobatics, Animal
Handling, Caving, Climb, Cooking, Dancing, Fauna Lore, Flora
lore, Foraging, Herb Lore, Herding, Hiding, Horticulture, Leather-
crafting, Observation, Open channelling spell lists, Rope Mastery,
Scaling, Stalking, Star-gazing, Swimming, Tracking, any Weapon
skills, Weather-watching, Wood-crafting.


Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Ag: 0
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 1
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Co: +2
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 0 Me: 0
Chain s kill…………………………………… 0 Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: +2
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0 Em: 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: 0
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: +2
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2 Qu: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +2
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 2 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 6 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: 0
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: 0
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 1 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 1 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 2 0•6•5•2•1
Power Awarenes s skill category *………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 1 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 1 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 1
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 1 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 0•7•6•5•4
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 0 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 2 11
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 0 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 76)…………………………… 50
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 0.9
lang uages” provided for a character’s cu lture/ race .
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

Southern groups Apysaic (S10/W10), Westron (S8/W8), Haradaic
HARADRIM (S8/W8), Logathig (S8/W8), Varadja (S6/W6).
Prejudices: Most hate Dûnedain, Elves, Dwarves, and anyone who
(sing. Haradan) looks particularly different - although thay are suspicious of most
This is a collective name for the peoples who occupy the great people.
arid and semi-arid lands south of Harondor and Mordor, the land
Professions: All available except Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra,
called Harad. Since this is rough and unblessed territory, their
Vracara, Wegech.
greatest populations lie beside the seacoast, rivers, bays, and myriad
oases. however, Harad contains little true desert, and sparse groups Training Packages: All Available except beastmaster and the train-
settle or roam the whole region. Haradrim (S. “Southmen”) are also ing packages specific to other race/cultures.
called “Southrons” or “Haradwaith” (a term also referring to the Special Skills: Everyman: None Re stricted: None.
land). Standard Hobby Skills: 1-handed edged weapon skills, thrown and
missile weapon skills, ride, tracking, attunement, read runes,
PHYSICAL CHARACTER ambush, stalking, hiding, disarm trap, observation, body develop-
Build: North and central desert: most groups are small and wiry, ment, spell lists, animal handling, appraisal, foraging, weather
particular those of the open country; males average 130 pounds; wathching, star gazing, trickery, tale telling, singing, sprinting,
women 95 pounds. Coastal areas and Far Harad: most are related to jumping, pole vaulting, metal crafts, gold smithing, fletching,
the Men of Mûmakan, and are tall and wiry; males average 190 leadership, bribery, fanuna lore, region lore, tactics
pounds; women, 150 pounds.
Colouring: Northern groups have light/medium grey or brown OUTFITTING OPTIONS
skin; straight black hair; and dark brown eyes. Southern groups Weapons: Dagger, scimatar, short bow, short sword, spear, blow
have dark grey, brown, or black skins; straight or curly black hair; gun, boomerang, darts (throwing).
and dark brown or black eyes. Armour: none.
Endurance: Haradrim can travel great distances in hot climes and Clothing: Long-sleeved cotton, silk, or gauze blouse (white or
need little water. They are slowed only slightly by sand. they oper- cream) with embroidered (red, purple, gold) neck yoke and wrist
ate poorly in the cold. cuffs; cotton pants with leather panels
Height: Norther n gro ups : males average 5’5”; women, 5’0”. on the inner leg for riding protection;
stout leather boots; loose cotton tunic
So uthern groups : males average 6’5”; women 6’1”. (white or black) falling to the knees or
Lifespan: Nor thern groups : average, about 80-100 years. Souther n ankles ornamented with tassels and
embroidery at the neck opening, across
grou ps: short,
about 40-60 years. the shoulders, at the wrists of the wide
Race Abilities: Common Man. sleeves; leather weapons belt; cotton
Resistance: +10 DB and RR versus heat/fire attacks; -10 DB and headwrap with trailing portions that
RR versus cold/ice attacks. protect the neck from the sun; gold
Special Abilities: Their eyes are attuned to extremely bright bracelets and torques.
light, and they are unaffected by brilliant displays which might
blind others.
Haradan get 55 Talent Po ints (5
CULTURE Background Options).
Clothing & Decoration: Red, purple, and gold are favoured col- Extra Languages: In addition to the
ours, although white and black are used in practical cases. Both tongues listed above, a Haradan might
men and women wear their wealth, mostly in the form of gold. in unusual circumstances learn: Black
Fears & Inabilities: Nothing special. Speech (S6/W6), SIlvan elvish (S6/W6).
Lifestyle: Laughter, partying, and violent games are common. Mental Abilities: All available.
Although some groups are nomads, most are used to urban life. Mystical Abilities: All available.
Generally well travelled, they are used to interaction with foreign Physical Abilities: All available.
men. many are or were involved with the caravan trade, and most Special Abilities: All available.
ride well; horses and camels in northern Harad, horses and ele-
Special Items: All available. Haradrim favour gold ornamented
phants in southern Harad. There is a distinct seperation between
with elaborate engraving but bare of gems.
males and females and very strong bonds between members of fam-
ilies and clans. Special Status: All available.
Marriage Pattern: men may take more than one wife, but this is Special Training: All available.
expensive since it involves a bride-price. The line is traced through Wealth: Gold bracelets (unset with any gemstones) and/or gold
the male. torques.
Religion: Elaborate rituals in service to idols which represent vari- Mental Flaws: All available.
ous “high gods”. Altars for household gods are carried everywhere. Physical Flaws: All available.
Special Flaws: All available.
Demeanour: passionate, fiery, and instilled with a fierce but pecu-
liar honour. Some consider them cruel and vengeful, particularly
since life is not partivularly valued.
Language: Starting Languages: Northern groups speak Haradaic
(S8/W8), their home tongue, as well as Westron (S6/W6) and
Apysaic (S6/W4). Southern groups normaly use Apysaic (S8/W8),
Westron (S5/W3) and Haradaic (S5/W3). Allow ed Adolescence
Dev elopme nt: Northern groups Haradaic (S10/W10), Westron
(S10/W10), Apysaic (S8/W8), Logathig (S8/W8), Varadja (S6/W6).

Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Ag: 0
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 1
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Co: 0
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 0 Me: 0
Chain s kill…………………………………… 0 Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: +2
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0 Em: 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: 0
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: 0
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2 Qu: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +2
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 2 RR Mods:
Co mbat manoeuvres skill catego ry ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 6 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: 0
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: 0
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 7 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 7 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 3 0•6•4•2•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 1 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 0•7•6•5•4
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 0 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 2 12
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 1 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: northern 58/sou thern 47) …… 55
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 1.0
lang uages”
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try

missile weapon skills, ride, tracking, attunement, read runes,
HARUZE ambush, stalking, hiding, disarm trap, observation, body develop-
The Haruze (Har. “Godly People”) are the northern most of the ment, spell lists, animal handling, appraisal, foraging, weather
people the Dúnadain call Haradrim (sing. Harnadan) or Southrons
wathching, star gazing, trickery, tale telling, singing, sprinting,
in the Westron tongue. They live in the arid and semi-arid Between
jumping, poetry, pole vaulting, metal crafts, gold smithing, fletch-
the Poros and Harnen rivers. Their cities hold sway over the rich
ing, leadership, bribery, fanuna lore, region lore, tactics
arable lands of the harnen and Ode Pezar river valleys.
Weapons: Dagger, scimatar, short bow, short sword, spear, blow
Build: Small and wiry, particular those of the open country; males
gun, boomerang, darts (throwing).
average 130 pounds; women 95 pounds.
Armour: Chain some leather but most commonly no armour is
Colouring: Dark skinned, straight haired and smooth faced. With
dark flashing eyes
Endurance: Can travel great distances in hot climes and need little BACKGROUND OPTIONS
water. They are slowed only slightly by sand. they operate poorly in Haradan get 55 Talent Points (5 Background Options).
the cold. Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a
Height: males average 5’5”; women, 5’0”. Haradan might in unusual circumstances learn: Black Speech
Lifespan: average, about 80-100 years. (S6/W6), Silvan elvish (S6/W6).
Race Abilities: Common Man. Mental Abilities: All available.
Resistance: +10 DB and RR versus heat/fire attacks; -10 DB and Mystical Abilities: All available.
RR versus cold/ice attacks. Physical Abilities: All available.
Special Abilities: Their eyes are attuned to extremely bright light, Special Abilities: All available.
and they are unaffected by brilliant displays which might blind oth- Special Items: All available. Haruze favour gold ornamented with
ers. elaborate engraving but bare of gems.
CULTURE Special Status: All available.
Clothing & Decoration: They favour silk, cotton or wool blouses Special Training: All available.
and breeche, loose on the form but closed at the wrists to keep Wealth: Gold bracelets (unset with any gemstones) and/or gold
damp air around the body. over this to further keep in precious torques.
moisture and keep out the dust they wear voluminous robes, broad Mental Flaws: All available.
cloth sashes, and a torft, an elaborately wrapped headdress that cov- Physical Flaws: All available.
ers the neck and ears and can be drawn up to mask the face. Shirts
Special Flaws: All available.
and leggings are either white or black, but outer garments are bril-
liant reeds, purples and golds, most of them with intricate embroid-
ery and tassels. Decoration is mainly gold, with some silver and
Fears & Inabilities: Nothing special.
Lifestyle: Laughter, partying, and violent games are common.
Although some groups are nomads (known as the Urdwan), most
are used to urban life. Generally well travelled, they are used to
interaction with foreign men. Many are or were involved with the
caravan trade, and most ride horses and camels well. There is a dis-
tinct seperation between males and females and very strong bonds
between members of families and clans.
Marriage Pattern: Men may take more than one wife, but this is
expensive since it involves a bride-price and the rights of the senior
wifes must be respected. The line is traced through the male.
Religion: Elaborate rituals in service to idols which represent vari-
ous “high gods”. Altars for household gods are carried everywhere.

Demeanour: passionate, fiery, and instilled with a fierce but pecu-
liar honour. Some consider them cruel and vengeful, particularly
since life is not partivularly valued.
Language: Starting Language s: Haradaic (S8/W8), their home
tongue, as well as Westron (S6/W6) and Apysaic (S6/W4). Allow ed
Adole sce nce Dev elopme nt: Haradaic (S10/W10), Westron
(S10/W10), Apysaic (S8/W8), Varadja (S6/W6).
Prejudices: none.
Professions: All available except Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra,
Vracara, Wegegh.
Training Packages: All Available except the training packages
specific to other race/cultures and sailor.
Special Skills: Everyman: None Restricted: None.
Standard Hobby Skills: 1-handed edged weapon skills, thrown and

Haruze characters gain the following skills Ag: 0
during their adolescent development. When there Co: 0
are two numbers shown, the number to the left is
Me: 0
for Urban folk and the number to the right is for
Urdwan. Re: 0
Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 SD: +2
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 1 Em: 0
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 In: 0
Armour • Medium skill categ ory ………………… 0
Chain s kill…………………………………… 0 Pr: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1 Qu: 0
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 St: +2
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 RR Mods:
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0 Ess: 0
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Chan: 0
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 Ment: 0
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0 Poison: 0
Body Development skill …………………… 2 Disease: 0
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Body Dev.
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1 Progression:
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 6
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Channelling
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3 PP Dev.
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 7 Progression:
Rid ing skill (us ually horses and/or camels)… 2/7
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 3 0•6•5•4•3
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0 Essence
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 0 PP Dev.
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progresseion:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Ambush……………………………………… 0 Mentalism
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category………………… 0
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0 Progression:
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 0•7•6•5•4
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 5/0
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Departure:
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 2
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 0 Recovery
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category………………… 2 Multiplier:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2 1.0
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12
Talent Points (cost: 88/88)………………………… 50
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of ranks
listed for the “allowed adolescence languages ”
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try

ing from an early age to determine a person's status. All children are
HILLMEN strongly encouraged to undertake the tests necessary to become a
Hillmen are the descendants of the Mebion Bron a group of Hunter. These consist of survival alone in the wild for the long
Daen who migrated to Eriador at the begining of the Second Age. winter and the slaying of a Wolf - unaided - in late adolescence.
This semi-nomadic people are found in the forrested and semi- Those who fail or do not try this rite become Makers; it is they who
forrested high lands of Rhudaur, including the Trollshaws. perform all non-hunting tasks, from smithing to child care. Their
status is low, but their role is respected and they are protected.
Hunters, of course, hunt and a] so defend the camp. Raiding
Build: Stocky, strong, hearty and quite hairsute (A slight mustache
between rival camps is almost constant, a form of diversion and
is not considered unattractive on a woman).
conditioning. All Hunters are eligible to become the new Chief; a
Colouring: Dark complexion with dark brown or black hair and series of trials unique to each tribe determine who will run each
dark eyes. camp. This commonly involves the killing of a Cave Bear.
Endurance: Normal. The Hillman passion for raiding greatly affects their approach to
Height: Men 5’4” to 5’8”; women 5’1” to 5’5”. war. Formal "rules" of raiding place a high premium on stealth and
Lifespan: Short; about 45-60 years woodcraft. Hillmen prefer to settle feuds by formal combat between
Race Abilities: Daen. chosen champions, but their external enemies do not believe in such
methods. Always practical, the Hillmen combat these outsiders with
Resistance: Normal.
their favorite wartime greeting: a quaint nocturnal ambush in-
Special Abilities: None volving vastly superior numbers.
Marriage Pattern: Descent and inheritance are traced through the
CULTURE mother; the husband joins his wife's camp. Children are the respons-
Clothing & Decoration: Both sexes dress and wear their hair alike, ibility of the nearest hunter among the mother's kin, often an uncle.
tied in three long braids down the sides and back. They often decor- Female Hunters, who make up about a quarter of the total, generally
ate their hair with intricately carved bone rings. Men often sport postpone or avoid motherhood.
grand beards, but all are neatly trimmed and most shave their chins.
Religion: Unlike the vast majority of their neighbors, Hillmen ag-
Clothing is simple and utilitarian. The Kalth and Kullodo are worn gressively reject both the Valar and the Black Religion of Sauron.
throughout the year; the latter is a short fur jacket with sleeves Their attitude is based on their inherent mistrust of foreign ways,
down to the elbows. The Kalth is a sort of skirt or kilt made from coupled with some strange legends of their ancestors who claimed
Losrandir (Bl. “Feithan”) hide that is wrapped just above the navel. in ancient songs to have been "betrayed by both the Light and the
In mid-winter Hillmen add a full-length fur cape and wear high Darkness". In any event, Hillmen are almost as touchy about their
boots, although they favour moccasins the rest of the year. religious practices as are Dwarves. Like the Naugrim they practice
Fears & Inabilities: Various superstions, including the belief that ancestor worship, but among the Hillmen this is centered around a
injuries may causes damage to or bring some curse to the victims fearful reverence of powerful Ghosts. Lyrical chants and epic songs
spirit, unless protective chants or totems are used. And evil spirits tell the stories of these strange beings.
called Woigh bring sickness; ritual purifications must first be Hillmen look to the high country surrounding the Trollshaws as sac-
carrried out to protect the spirit before any other remedies are ap- red and actively cherish the rocky escarpments and unyielding hills.
plied. Every winter, Hillmen add venerated objects to hidden, deep pits in
Lifestyle: All Hillmen camps belong to one of the Ne Dreubhan the Highlands. Although mainly used as burial sites for the copper
(Du.“NineTribes”). Hillmen dislike laws but revere customs, and no totems that Hillmen receive at birth, the pits also hold weapons and
camp raids camps of the same tribe. Tribes do not have defined ter- jewelry. Ancestral Ghosts (Bl. "Boghain") are said to haunt and pro-
ritories, although they have changing regional preferences. Tribes tect the more valuable pits.
are ruled by Tiark whose power depends upon their own abilities. Ail-legan (Du. “little jewel"), personal totems, are rough lumps of
Each of the nine Tiark is eligible to become the new Targ-Arm (Bl. copper chosen for a child by the Wegech. They are borne until death
“high chief”), when the old one dies. In quiet times the position of and their loss often forces the dishonored Hillman to take his own
Targ-Arm is largely honorary; however, in emergencies the author- life. This is usually the case when a totem is lost to a foe through
ity of the Targ-Arm is real and respected. cunning or in battle. A Hillman's only alternative is to serve the
Daily matters of the camp are governed by the collective wisdom of holder of his totem until it can be recovered by one of the loser's
the Hunters present. It is not uncommon for the strongest or boldest own family. If the totem's location cannot be determined, the
individual to act as leader; still, there is no formality to such ar- Hillman may go to the Wegech for another; but in such a case, the
rangements. Each camp also had a Wegech (Bl. “spirit-knower”), a matriarchal Mage will invariably require the performance of an
female Mage who oversees religious affairs. Among the Hillmen, awful task or quest. Most totems are worn tightly around the neck.
this is the sole hereditary position. The Wegech also serves as a
matriarch of sorts and, although it is seldom done, she could over- OTHER FACTORS
turn the collective decision of all the Hunters. Only the Tark (Chief) Demeanour: Fierce, proud.
has more authority. Language: Starting Languages: Blarm (S8/W4), Westron (S8/W4)
Hillmen are hunters and thus very dependant on the Losrandir herds Allo wed Adoles cence Develop ment: Blarm (S8/W8), Westron (S8/W8),
of Rhudaur. They gather some plants, notably Blue Pine nuts, and Dunael (S6/W6), Sindarin (S6/W4).
cultivate a few herbs, but these efforts merely supplement their Prejudices: They hate Elves whom they call Flâhês Bhan (Bl.
hunting skills. They live in small mobile communities called “White Fiends”) and view Rivendell as a place of black trickery.
Dacaithan, that loosely follow the migrations of the losrandir. hous- They also hate the Dúnedain, orcs and dislike pretty much every
ing is provided by a semi-circular hide house called a Taigh that can body else.
be quikly dismantled and packed up. Each camp has a permanent
Professions: Only Barbarian, Fighter, Rogue, Layman, Ranger,
sacred winter campsite (Bl. “Maigban”) in the Trollshaws.
Wegech available. (base spell list are available to 8th level only,
Hillmen society has three clesses: Tiark (sing. Tark, W. “Chiefs”), other spell lists to 5th)
Dhier (sing. Dher, W. “Hunters”), and Dheusan (sing. Dheus, W. Training Packages: All available except, Amateur Mage,
“Makers”). Unlike most other cultures, these classes are not based Apothecary, Architect, Burglar, Cloistered Academic, City Guard,
on sex or blood, but rather upon ability. Hillmen use rigorous test- Cut Purse, Farmer, Innkeeper, Loremaster, Merchant, Noble, Sailor,

Sage, Scribe, Surgeon and the training packages specific to other ADOLESCENCENT SKILL Stat
race/cultures. DEVELOPMENT Bonuses:
Special Skills: Everyman: Hunting, Foraging, Tracking Restricted : Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 2 Ag: 0
None Soft Leather skill …………………………… 1
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Co: +2
Standard Hobby Skills: Acrobatics, Acting, Ambush, Animal
Armour • Medium skill categ ory ………………… 0 Me: 0
Handling, any Armour • Light skills, Attunement, Body Chain s kill…………………………………… 0
Development, Body Painting [Crafts], Brawling, Caving, Climbing, Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Foraging, Hiding, History (Hillmen), Hunting, Jumping, Leather- Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: 0
crafting, Metal-crafting, Observation, Play Instrument, Poetic Swimmin g skill……………………………… 1 Em: 0
Improvisation, Public Speaking, Read Tracks, Region Lore (local), Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: +2
Riding, Scaling, Singing, Sprinting, Stalking, Star-gazing, Climbin g skill ……………………………… 2
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: 0
Swimming, Tale Telling, Tracking, any weapon skills, Weather-
watching. Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2 Qu: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +2
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
OUTFITTING OPTIONS Body Development skill …………………… 3 RR Mods:
Armour: Hillmen generally do not use armor but occasionally don Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
a heavy hide coat. They do, however, swear by helms. These they Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
decorate with carved bone and by weaving their own braided hair Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 4 Ment: 0
through selected holes. Other forms of armor are considered too
heavy and cumbersome for use in the woods. Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: 0
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: 0
Weapons: The primary weapon of the Hillmen is a very heavy “Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
spear called the creg. Athrown creg is employed by using a special Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Body Dev.
hide sling in both hands and hurling it over one's head. It has a short Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Progression:
range (25 feet) but it can pierce the strongest armor. (Treat it as + 15 Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 4 0•6•4•2•1
versus Plate or Chain armor.) Light javelins are used for hunting. Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Most Hillmen carry knives but use them only for cutting and Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 0
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
carving. Since they rely upon bronze for most of their weaponry,
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
longer blades are in short supply. Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
BACKGROUND OPTIONS Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 2 Essence
Hillmen get 55 talent Points (5 Background Options). Stalking skill………………………………… 2 PP Dev.
Extra Languages: In addition to those listed above: Adunaic Hiding skill…………………………………… 2
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
(S6/W6), Morlam (S6/W6), Orkish (S6/W6).
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•5•3•2•2
Mental Abilities: All available. Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 1 Mentalism
Mystical Abilities: All available. 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 PP Dev.
Physical Abilities: All available. Progression:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Special Abilities: All available Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Special Items: All available. Hillmen workmanship is rather crude, 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 1 Soul
although it has aesthetic appeal to those with rustic tastes; it is usu-
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Departure:
ally of materials that do not long endure (bronze, copper, tin,
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 2 12
leather, yarn, wood). 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2
Special Status: All available. Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 2 Race Type:
Special Training: All available. 1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Wealth: Goods to be bartered or exchanged for coinage: 10 Talent Points (cost: 29)…………………………… 55
Losrandir skins, worth 5 sp each: 5 skunk pelts worth 4 sp each; 4 † - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Muliplier:
Gaich pelts worth 5 sp each; a bale of carded wool worth 20 sp. A ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 1.0
selection of pelts (black fox, 5 gp; marten, 8 gp; black sable, 10 gp; lang uages”.
ermine, 13 gp; golden sable, 15 gp; mink, 11 gp; red sable, 12 gp; ‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.
redfox, 5 sp or a selection of herbs worth 1-200 gp.
Mental Flaws: All available.
Physical Flaws: All available.
Special Flaws: All available.

Architect, Apothecary, Beastmaster, Burglar, City Guard, Con Man,
LOSSOTH Cut Purse, Cloistered Academic, Farmer, Midwife, Innkeeper,
Loremaster, Mercenary, Sage, Soldier, Sailor, Spy, Surgeon and the
(sing. Lossadan) training packages specific to other race/cultures.
The Lossoth live in the Far North of western Middle-earth and Special Skills: Everyman: Skinning, Trapping, Foraging, Survival
are often called “Snowmen” or “Forodwaith” (the latter is also a (tundra) Restricted: All skills in the Urban skill category, all skills
name for their land). They are a sparsely settled, nomadic folk who in the Science/Analytic • Basic and Specialized skill categories.
move with the seasonal migrations of big games and rarely interact
Standard Hobby Skills: armour • light skills, any weapon skills
with other men.
except 1-handed concussion, tracking, attunement, directed spells,
PHYSICAL CHARACTER ambush, stalking, hiding, observation, body development, spell
lists, animal handling, boat piloting, rowing, first aid, foraging,
Build: Stocky and hard, with pronounced muscles. They have wide
signaling, weather watching, dance, trapping, tale telling, skiing,
features and large, pudgy hands and feet. Men average 175 pounds;
skating, Skinning, Survival (arctic), copper smith [crafts], leather
women 135 pounds.
crafts, beadwork [crafts], fletching, snow lore [lore • technical],
Colouring: Fair, with reddish highlights. They have pale blue eyes fauna lore, history (lossoth).
and fair hair.
Endurance: They are extremely rugged and can travel great dis- OUTFITTING OPTIONS
tances with little or no rest. Weapons: Dagger, javelin, net, short bow, spear, harppon, ice knife
Height: Short; men average 5’5”; women, 5’3”. (treat like +5 dagger), fishing net, ice axe (treatlike a +10 hand axe),
Lifespan: Men about 50-60 years; women about 75-90 years. trident.
Race Abilities: Common Man. Armour: Their normal clothing acts as soft leather armour. other-
wise, none.
Resistance: +20 DB and RR versus cold/ice attacks. -20 DB and
RR heat/fire attacks. Clothing: Soft, suede tunic decorated with beadwork; soft, suede
pants also boasting beadwork; females wear a beadwork suede skirt
Special Abilities: They have an acute sense of smell; they can pick
over plainer pants; soft, leather moccasins; heavy, fur-lined leather
up a Mans scent a mile (5280 feet) down wind and 100 feet upwind
or wool coat trimmed wit designs embroidered using animal hair,
(1000 feet in still air). +25 bonus to Tracking something based on
fringed leather, and beadwork; heavy, fur-lined leather outer pants;
its odor and +10 to your awareness categories when dealing with
animal (snow hare, snow fox, rodent) pelt pouch (sometimes
skinned so that the beasts mouth serves as the opening) on a leather
The lossoth are “in tune” with their environment and receive a +10
thong or strap worn over the shoulder; thick, fur-lined outer boots;
bonus to skills in the Awareness • Perceptions skill caregory.
heavy fur-lined mittens attached at the wrist to a cord which passes
CULTURE through the sleeves and body of the coat, preventing the loss of a
mitten; conical, fur-lined hood with elebarately beaded, fringed, and
Clothing & Decoration: Fur, leather, and sea mammal hides. Some
embroidered exterior surface.
posses one colourful, patterned coat made of spun fabric and lined
with fur. All wear colourful, lined conical hoods. BACKGROUND OPTIONS
Fears & Inabilities: Many fear darkness. Lossadan get 55 Talent Points (5 Background Points).
Lifestyle: The Lossoth are poor, nomadic hunters and gatheres. they Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a
use stonework, bone and limited amounts of wood and metal Lossadan might in unusual circumstance learn: Umitic (S6/W6).
(mostly copper). most are primarily fisherfolk, employing light (but Mental Abilities: All available.
steady), ocean-ready boats called “meriki”. Some herd reindeer and
Mystical Abilities: All available.
all make use of hunting dogs. Furry horses of reindeer draw their
sleighs, although the dogsled is used in areas of extreme cold. Physical Abilities: All available
Extended families and bands are normally the largest groups. Special Abilities: All available
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. the line is traced through the Special Items: All available. Lossoth favour items of copper or
female. leather ornamented with fur, fringe, and beads.
Religion: They worship nature spirits who they Special Status: None allowed.
belive to be akin to enchanted or godlike beasts. Special Training: All available.
Dance and story-telling rituals make up the bulk of Wealth: Goods which may be bartered or sold
ceremonial life. for coinage: a skin of spermaceti (important in-
gredient in ointments and candles) worth 20 sil-
OTHER FACTORS ver pieces; 7 leaves of Darsurion (a leaf heals 1-
Demeanour: Generous, quiet, slow-paced, re- 6 concussion hits), worth 3 sp each; moose or
served, and shy - but fearless and persevering. elk pelt worth 20 sp; or 8 whole dried fish worth
20 sp in markets of lower latitude. A selection of
Language: Starting Languages: The Lossoth
herbs (Arfandas, Edram, Jojojopo, Darsurion,
speak Labba (S8/W0) and do not write. Some
Gefnul, Mirenna, Winclamit, Arlan, Delrean,
speak a little Westron (S4/W2) or Sindarin
Melandar, Olvar, Aldaka, Febfendu, Atigax,
(S4/W2). Allow ed Adolesc ence Dev elopme nt:
Kathkusa, and/or Zur) or a quantity of sturgeon
Labba (S10/W0), Westron (S8/W8), Sindarin
roe worth 1-200 gp.
(S8/W8), Atliduk (S4/W4), Logathig (S6/W6).
Mental Flaws: All available.
Prejudices: They hate Wargs, Dragons, Giants,
Physical Flaws: All available.
and Trolls above all things. Those that know of
Orcs also hate them. Special Flaws: All available.
Professions: Loss oth prod uce no thieves,
Drughân, Kekhavra, Vracara, Wegech.
Training Packages: All available except,

Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 3 Ag: 0
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 3
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Co: 0
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 0 Me: 0
Chain s kill…………………………………… 0 Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: +2
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 2 Em: 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: 0
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: 0
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2 Qu: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +2
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 3 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 0
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 2 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: 0
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: 0
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 4 0•6•4•2•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 4 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 4 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 4
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 0•7•6•5•4
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 0 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 2 12
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 3 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 3 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 43)…………………………… 55
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 1.0
lang uages”.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

MERIMETSÄSTÄJÄT Prejudices: Above all other races, the Merimetsästäjät hate ice and
Professions: No Kekhavra, Vracara, Drughán, Wegech, Bards,
(Sing. Merimetsästäjä) Rangers or Thievies.
The berg-dwelling Merimetsästäjät emerged as a distinct sub-
culture of the Ystavat Talven during the Urdic invasions of the Training Packages: All available except Architect, Apothecary,
Second Age, weathering the ravages of history into the Fourth. Beastmaster, Burglar, City Guard, Con Man, Cut Purse, Cloistered
Academic, Farmer, Midwife, Innkeeper, Loremaster, Mercenary,
Their berg-delvings wander the waters of Hub Falthol and Caew-i-
Sage, Soldier, Sailor, Spy, Surgeon and the training packages spe-
Cheldolath, though their hunting parties range as far north as
cific to other race/cultures.
Whalebone Isle. They are most closely related to the Jaamiehet,
their landborne neighbors on the Cape of Forochel. Special Skills: Everyman : Skinning, Trapping, Foraging, Survival
(tundra), Rowing Res tricted: All skills in the Urban skill category, all
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS skills in the Science/Analytic • Basic and Specialized skill categor-
Build: Much like the Lumimiehet and the Jaamiehet, the ies.
Merimetsastajat are stocky and well-muscled. They tend to have the Standard Hobby Skills: Soft Leather, Dancing, Tale Telling,
same broad, handsome features as all Ystavat Talven. They are Rowing, Climbing, Observation, Body Development, Signaling,
somewhat lighter than other northern fold, with men averaging 165 Beadwork, Boat Building, Ice-carving, Ivory-carving, Leather
lbs and women about 130 lbs. Crafts, Directed Spells (Ice Bolt), Ice and Snow Lore, Sea/ Whale
Coloring: Very fair complexioned, with pale blue or green eyes and Lore, History (Merimetsastaja), Foraging (Arctic), Weather
blond to almost white hair. Watching, Attunement, Open Spell Lists, Hide, Stalk, First Aid,
Sailing. Weapon: Any except I-H Concussion.
Height: Short; men average 5'4", with women slightly shorter at
Lifespan: The Bay of Forochel is not the safest of homes, and the Weapons: Dagger, harpoon, javelin and spear.
life-expectancy of the Merimetsastajat is considerably brief. Men Armor: Their thick, fur-lined coats act as soft or padded armor.
average about 45 to 55 years, while women average longer at 65 to
Clothing: Both women and men wear white or grey, fur-lined, seal-
80 years.
skin coats and hats worn over very soft sealskin pants. Fur-lined,
Race Abilities: Comman Man. leather boots bound with thick and wide leather leggings to keep out
Resistance: +20 bonus versus cold/ice attacks; -20 versus heat/fire cold and water. They often wear decorative badges, necklaces or
attacks. armbands of beads. In the endless cold, thick, fur-lined mittens or
Special Abilities: The Merimetsastajat have an acute sense of smell soft leather gloves are worn almost constantly. They may also wear
and can pick up the scent of Man, Orc or land animal from a mile various forms of pouches and bags-from a large, hard leather, water-
(5280’) downwind and a 100’ upwind. (They can also smell Dwarf, proof fish pouch to a small, soft leather, herb pouch when they arc
Elf, and Hobbit from the same distance, but unless they have met ashore in summer. The pouches are worked and decorated with
with these races before, they are not able to identify the scent). beads, leather fringes and embroidery.
They receive a +10 bonus to Observation.
CULTURE Merimetsästäjät receive 55 Talent points (5 Background Options).
Clothing and Decorations: Almost all clothing is, by necessity, of Extra Languages: Due to their isolation, the Merimetsästäjät learn
fur-lined leather, and tends to be utilitarian, with an emphasis on very few languages. In very unusual circumstances, those
warmth and protection against the cold climate. However, the Merimetsästäjät coming in contact with southern whalers may learn
Merimetsastajat are fond of bright decorations and jewelry (which Westron (S4/W4).
can be added or removed with ease, so as not to attract undue atten- Mental Abilities: All available.
tion while hunting or traveling). Physical Abilities: All available.
Fears and Inabilities: None. As they live on the sea, the Special Abilities: All available except those which deal with em-
Merimetsastajat have no fear of water. pathy with animals.
Lifestyle: The Merimetsästäjät are poor. They survive by whaling, Special Items: All available; the Merimetsästäjät favor items made
fishing, hunting and gathering. In the close quarters of a berg- of ivory or decorated leather.
delving, heimo, suku and perhe affiliations are extremely important.
Special Status: None allowed.
They do not use domesticated animals of any kind, having no place
for them on their bergs. Special Training: All available.
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous, with lineage being traced Wealth: The Merimetsästäjät may sell whale or walrus ivory at 4
through the female. gp/lb, blubber (for lamp oil) at 1 cp/10 lbs. Awhole smoked fish or
10 strips of jerked meat may be sold for 1 sp. They may also have a
Religion: They pay reverence to the Spirit World, especially to the
selection of rare herbs only found in the Far North.
spirits of whales. Ceremonial life is left largely to the viisaat and
henkinimittajat, though dancing and story telling rituals are used by Mental Flaws: All available.
the common Merimetsastaja in his or her relations with the Spirit Physical Flaws: All available.
World. Special Flaws: All available.
Demeanor: Though quiet and reserved towards strangers, among
their own kind the Merimetsästäjät are often boisterous and playful.
They are generous, open and honest (sometimes to the point of na-
ivete). They are also fearless and persevering, but never foolhardy.
Language: Startin g Langua ges: Merimetsästäjät speak (but do not
write) Lab ba (S9/W0). A do lesc ent Skill De velo p men t: The
Merimetsästäjät also have the opportunity to learn Umitic (S3/W0),
some might also speak a smattering of Westron (S2/W0).

Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 3 Ag: 0
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 3
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Co: 0
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 0 Me: 0
Chain s kill…………………………………… 0 Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: +2
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 3 Em: 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: 0
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: 0
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2 Qu: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +2
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 3 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 0
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 2 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: 0
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: 0
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 5 0•6•4•2•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 1 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 4 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 4 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 4
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 0•7•6•5•4
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 0 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 2 12
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 3 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 3 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 50)…………………………… 55
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 1.0
lang uages”.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

gion lore (local), riding, sculpting, seduction, sewing, singing, stalk-
NORTHMEN (URBAN) ing, stilt-walking, stone-crafting, tightrope-walking, trading, trap
The “urban Northmen” of Rhovanion are descendants of building, trickery, any weapon skills, wood-crafting.
Eriedain (Second Age Eriadorians) who migrated through the Great
Isen gap or the passes in the misty Mountains during the first six OUTFITTING OPTIONS
centuries of the Third Age. They live in the principal towns of the Armour: Any
Nan Celduin (S. “River Running Valley”) and Nan Annen (S. “Long
Weapons: Dagger, Broadsword, Short bow, long bow, spear, short
Lake Valley”) in the North, and Mirkwoods East Bight in the South.
The Dalemen, Lakemen, and Waildungs are all urban Northmen.


Urban Northemn get 50 Talent Points (5 Background Options).
Build: Average to stocky. Men average 190 pounds, women aver-
age 130 pounds. Extra Languages: in addition to the tongues listed above, a, urban
Northman might in unusual circumstances learn: Bethteur (S6/W6),
Colouring: Fair skin with blond hair and blue eyes.
Eothrik (S6/W6), Orkish (S4/W4), Waildyth (S4/W0), Logathig
Endurance: normal. (S6/W6).
Height: Men average 6’1”; women average 5’5”. Mental Abilities: All available.
Lifespan: 60-85 years Mystical Abilities: All available
Race Abilities: Northman. Physical Abilities: All available.
Resistance: Average. Special Abilities: All available.
Special Abilities: none. Special Items: All available.
Special Status: All available.
Clothing & Decoration: Various types of elaborate or practical Special Training: All available.
wool and linen garb, including cloaks, boots, etc. Tunics are worn Wealth: Silver pieces of Gondorian mint.
in warmer areas; shirts and pants or leggings are worn in cooler Mental Flaws: All available.
locales. Some imported silks and fine cottons are in evidence. Most Physical Flaws: All available.
males sport some degree of facial hair. Special Flaws: All available.
Fears & Inabilities: Nothing special. Shadow-sight: You can see ghosts, wraiths, and other denizens of the
Lifestyle: A varied, rather cosmopolitan lot. Many are from mer- shadow-world as if they were normally visible [10 points].
cantile or guild backgrounds and some have dealt with enchant-
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. The line is traced through the
male. The wife resides with the husbands family.
Religion: They celebrate four festivals during the year; mid-
summer, mid-winter, and the equinoxes. At these times the scattered
communities gather together, to celebrate the change of seasons,
the completion of work and to socialize. Eating, gambling, and con-
tests of skill dominated these events. Festival nights bring about
revelry with music and dance.

Demeanour: Independant, practical, straightforward and boister-
Language: Starting Lang uages: Rhovaik (S8/W8) though each town
has it’s own dialect, most know some Westron (S6/W4); Allowed

Ad oles cence Developmen t: Rhovaik (S10/W10), Atilduk (S6/W6),

Westron (S8/W8), Gramuik (S10/W10), Nahaiduk (S6/W6).
Prejudices: They hate Orcs and wargs.
Professions: All available except Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra,
Vracara, Wegech. They rarely produce spell users of any sort, the
most common found though are Urdharkona (Pl. Urdharkonur, treat
as Animists).
Training Packages: All available except Architect, Astronomer,
Cloistered Academic, Sage, Scribe and the training packages spe-
cific to other race/cultures. Amateur Mages and weapon masters are
Special Skills: Ever yman : All skills in the Urban category;
Restr icted: None.
Standard Hobby Skills: Acrobatics, Acting, Ambush, Animal
Handling, Appraisal, any Armour skills, Boat Piloting, Body
Development, Bribery, Climbing, Contortions, Cooking, Dancing,
Diplomacy, Disarming Traps, Embroidery [Crafts], First Aid,
Fletching, Gambling, Hiding, History (City), interrogation, jug-
gling, languages, leather-crafting, metal-crafting, obseration, paint-
ing, picking locks, plat instrument, public speaking, read runes, re-

Northmen (Urban ) charact ers gain the Ag: 0
following skills during their adolescent develop- Co: +2
Me: 0
Armou r • Lig ht skill cate gory…………………………… 1
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0 Re: 0
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 SD: +2
Armour • Medium skill categ ory ………………… 0 Em: 0
Chain s kill…………………………………… 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1 In: 0
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 Pr: +2
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 3 Qu: 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0 St: +2
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 RR Mods:
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2 Ess: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0 Chan: 0
Body Development skill …………………… 3 Ment: 0
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Poison: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 5 Disease: 0
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 10 Body Dev.
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Progression:
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3 0•6•5•2•1
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Channelling
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 PP Dev.
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 0
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0 Progression:
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 1 0•6•5•4•3
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 Essence
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 PP Dev.
Ambush……………………………………… 0 Progresseion:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Stalking skill………………………………… 0
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0 Mentalism
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 PP Dev.
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 5 Progression:
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 0•7•6•5•4
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 1 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Departure:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 11
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category …………………… 1 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 2
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Recovery
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 0 Multiplier:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 0.9
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12
Talent Points (cost: 77)…………………………… 50
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of ranks
listed for the “allowed adolescence languages ”.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.


ROHIRRIM Professions: All available except Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra,

Vracara, Wegech. Rohirrim rarely produce pure or hybrid spell
(sing. Rohir) Training Packages: All available except Apothecary, Amateur
The Rohirrim (S. “Masters Mage, Astronomer, Beastmaster, innkeeper, Shaman Priest Surgeon
of Horses), the Riders of Rohan are
and the training packages specific to other race/cultures.
the Northmen of Rohan and have a
complex ancestry. They settled in Special Skills: Ever yma n: Mounted Combat skill and all Outdoor •
Rohan (then Calenardhon) about Animal skills involving horses; Restricted: None.
T.A. 2510 at the request of Cirion, Standard Hobby Skills: Acrobatics, Ambush, Animal Handling,
the Steward of Gondor. The grant any Armour • Medium skill, Attunement, Body Development,
was a reward for the Northmen’s aid in the defeat of the Easterling Caving, Climbing, Contortions, diplomacy, embroidery [crafts],
Balchoth. fauna lore (Horses), first aid, fletching, foraging, gambling,
Between T.A. 1977 and 2510, the ancestors of the Rohirrim - Herding, hiding, History (Rohir), language, leather-crafts,
Leadership, metal-crafts, military organization (calvelry), Mounted
then called the Éothéod - lived in the Northern Anduin Valley.
During the period T.A. 1857-1977, these Northmen lived further Combat, public speaking, observation, riding, signaling, singing,
south in the Anduin Valley, between the Old Ford and the Gladden sprinting stalking, star-gazing, swimming, tactics (cavalry), tale
Fields (S. “Loeg Ningloren”. Prior to T.A. 1857 they were called telling, tracking, any weapons skills (except 1-H concussion),
the Éothraim of Rhovanion and lived south and east of Mirkwood. weather-watching.
The Rohirrim call Rohan the “Riddermark”. OUTFITTING OPTIONS
Armour: Chainmail with helmet and shield.
Build: Average to stocky and strong. Men average 190 pounds; Clothing: Males: long-sleeved cotton shirt (dark grey or blue);
women, 130 pounds. wool jerkin (maroon, brown, grey, blue) falling to mid-thigh, em-
broidedered bands at its hem and neck; wool trousers wrapped with
Colouring: Blond, with fair skin and blue eyes.
linen strips around the calves tokeep fabric snug; high boots or
Endurance: Average, although they can ride as long as their shoes; woolen cloak or surcoat (charcoal grey, dark blue, forest
mounts can endure, and as long as they can stay awake. green, black).
Height: Men average 6’1”; women, 5’5". Females: wear the shirt, jerkin, trousers and boots typical of male
Lifespan: 60-85 years. garb when they ride, preferring lighter hues (pale grey, sky blue,
Race Abilities: Northman. seagreen) and more ornate embroidery; at home they don low shoes
Resistance: Normal. and cotton or woolen gowns (white or pale grey favoured) with
Special Abilities: They are superb with riding animals and produce simple, form-fitting lines and extensive embrodery on the sleeves,
fabulous horsemen. They get a special +20 bonus for Mounted shoulders, skirt hem, bodice and about the neck; their outer capes
Combat. are also richly embroidered and usually bright blue or light green.
Other Gear: Since most Rohirrim spend the summer away from
CULTURE their homes, travelling with their horses and herds, every adult has
Clothing & Decoration: Linen and/or woolen shirts, medium at least one small tent, a bedroll and mess kit.
length pants and leggings. Warriors commonly wear chain mail and Weapons: Broadsword, dagger, lance, composite bow, long knife,
carry shields bearing the symbol of their folk, a white horse on a light lance, heavy lance, long sword.
green field.
Fears & Inabilities: Nothing special. BACKGROUND OPTIONS
Lifestyle: Herders and horse-masters, they spend much of their year Rohirrim receive 45 Talent Points (4 Background Options).
living in various semi-permanent camps set out on a circuit of pas- Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above a Rohir
tures. They return to their permanent homes for the winter. Some might learn: Pûkael (S4/W4) and Sindarin (S6/W6).
garden or farm. Most Rohirrim are also accomplished hunters and Mental Abilities: All available.
fishermen. Mystical Abilities: Only Danger Sense, look of Eagles, Magical
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. Line is traced through the male. resistance, Resistance, Unnatural Aging, Visions available.
Religion: Somewhat formal. Rituals celebrate life, fertility and the Physical Abilities: All available.
cycles of the seasons. Most are held atop hills in mountain vales or Special Abilities: All available.
at the base of the peaks. They revere Eru and the Valar and in par-
Special Items: Spell adders and daily items not available. Weapons
ticular, Araw (Oromë). The ancient Cult of the Stag and Cult of the
and tools are usually ornamented elaborately - gold and silver en-
Earth are maintained.
graving and settings of ruby or amber are popular.
OTHER FACTORS Special Status: All available.
Demeanour: Practical, rugged, straightforward and somewhat loud. Special Training: All available.
They enjoy song, celebration, physical games and battle. Wealth: Gold and silver pieces of Gondorian mint or rarer celebrat-
Language: Startin g Langua ges: They speak Rohirric (S8/W6), the ory Rohirric pening (equivalent in value to Gondor’s silver piece).
descendant of the older Eothrik tongue of Rhovanion. Most also Anumber of riding horses worth an equivalent amount (light horse,
speak Westron (S8/W6) and a little Dunael (S2/W2). Allo wed 45 sp; medium horse, 60 sp; heavy horse, 80 sp; lesser warhorse, 20
gp; greater warhorse, 75 gp).
Ad olescen ce Development: Rohirric (S10/W10), Westron (S10/W10), Mental Flaws: All available.
Adúnaic (S6/W6), Atliduk (S8/W8), Logathig (S6/W6), Nahaiduk Physical Flaws: All available.
(S8/W8) and Dunael (S8/W8).
Special Flaws: Only Cursed Shapeshifter, Dependent, Duty,
Prejudices: The Rohirrim hate the Dunlendings and consider the Repulsive Habit, Rival/NPC, Secret, Secret Identity, Stat penalty,
Woses to be lesser beings. They also have an age-old hatred of Terrible Luck, The Slain, Unlucky available.
Orcs, Wargs, Easterlings and Dragons. Hors e E mpathy: You can communicate empathicly with any horse

within a range of 1’ for every level you have. Any maneuvre with a ADOLESCENCENT SKILL Stat
horse receives a special +25 bonus [10 points]. DEVELOPMENT Bonuses:
Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Ag: 0
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 1 Co: +2
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 2 Me: 0
Chain s kill…………………………………… 2 Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: +2
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 1 Em: 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: 0
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: +2
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2 Qu: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +2
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 2 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeures skill category………………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 2 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 8 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: 0
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: 0
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 8 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 8 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 3 0•6•5•2•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 2 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 1 0•7•6•5•4
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 1 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 1 11
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 0 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 101)…………………………… 45
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 0.9
lang uages” provided for a character’s cu lture/ race.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

under development, not available for character

Over 100 years ago the plains Minhiriath were the home of
scattered Daen tribesmen. With the downfall of Cardolan refuges
streamed into the area along with many Eriadorians from the east.
One could have expected problems from the clash of cultures; but
the cultures merged and became one.

Build: They are somewhat swarthy coming primarily from Daen
Height: men average 5’7”; women average 5’1”
Race Abilities:
Special Abilities:

Clothing & Decoration:
Fears & Inabilities:
Marriage Pattern:

Language: Starting La nguages: Allowed Adolescence Development:
Training Packages:
Special Skills: Everyman: Restricted:
Standard Hobby Skills:

Clothing: Males:


ganization, observation,
VARIAGS Region Lore (Khand),
The Variags live in the region of Khand, a semi-arid plateau Religion (Dark), riding,
which lies southeast of Mordor. They are a distinct race, but are singing, sprinting, spell
occasionally confused with the Haradrim of Far Harad. In reality, lists, stalking, tale telling,
they have as many ties to the Easterlings. Brutal and semi-nomadic, tracking, any weapons
they have long been influenced by Mordor and the constant wars skills, weather-watching.
with their neighbours.
Build: Medium; men average 155 ponds; women, 125 pounds Armour: Soft or rigid
Colouring: Extrememly dark grey or black skin, straight black hair leather ans a small, rein-
and red or reddish brown eyes. forced, oval shield and a
Endurance: Variags can travel for extreme periods on horseback layered leather helm.
with little or no rest. Clothing: Males: short
Height: Medium; men average 5’9”; women, 5’3” or long-sleeved tunic (red
Lifespan: Short, about 50-70 years. or bl ack) spun fro m
camel hair; leather tunic,
Race Abilities: Common Man.
its front and back sur-
Resistance: Average faces entirely covered
Special Abilities: Variags are superb riders and handle both horses with the stylized image
and camels well. They get a special +10 bonus for Mounted of a beast’s snarling face;
Combat. leather belt; breeches (red or black) spun from camel hair; leather
riding greaves covering the inner surfaces of the thigh and calf; san-
CULTURE dels; helmet of layered leather with brightly hued tassels and
Clothing & Decoration: Variags favour black and red clothing and plumes; blck camel-hair cloak, its surface entirely encrusted with
wear richly adorned garb. Their armour is designed around hideous, gold embroidery and metallic red and purple appliqué.
frightening beast designs. They carry gold or gilded weapons. Many Females: short or long-sleeved tunic (red or black) spun from camel
wear gold trinkets in their ears, noses, cheeks or lips. Ornate, ritual
hair;camel hair over-tunic, loose flowing sleeves, hem at the ankles;
scarring (as opposed to tattooing) is frequently present.
black or red tabard, its surface entirely encrusted with gold em-
Fears & Inabilities: Variags fear Darkness (but not the night) and broidery and metallic red and purple appliqué; camel hair breeches
illness or infirnity - anything that might infringe upon their physical (red or black); leather riding greaves covering the inner surfaces of
prowess. the thigh and calf; sandels; head dress, taking the stylized form of a
Lifestyle: Always at war, Variags live a brutal and exciting life. bat, serpent, lizard, hawk, wild cat, or horse.
Most are herders and raid the stocks of their enemies. Elite warriors Weapons: Bola, dagger, javelin, scimitar, short bow, sling, knife,
and the female priesthood control life. horse bow, usriev.
Marriage Pattern: Woman take more than one mate, and there is
no marriage. a womans brother helps raise the children. The line is BACKGROUND OPTIONS
traced through the female. Variags get 55 Talent Points (5 Background Options).
Religion: Variags worship a pantheon of creul gods and have elab- Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a Variag
orate nighttime ceremonies; sacrifices abound. The Lord of might in unusual circumstances learn: Apysaic (S8/W8), Black
Darkness is the strongest deity, and is actually a modified incarna- speech (S6/W6), Orcish (S8/W8).
tion of Morgoth or Sauron. Female priests interpret laws. Mental Abilities: All available.
Mystical Abilities: All available.
Demeanour: Confident, fearless, jealous, abrupt, impulsive and Physical Abilities: All available.
cold hearted. Special Abilities: All available.
Language: Starting Languages: Variags speak Varadja (S8/W6), Special Items: All available. Variag craftsmen favour brightly col-
Haradaic (S6/W4), and Westron (S4/W2). Allowed Adolescence oured implements of bone, leather, iron gold and bronze adorned
Dev elopment: Varadja (S10/W10), Westron (S6/W6), Haradaic with beast motifs.
(S8/W8), Logathig (S8/W8). Special Status: All available.
Prejudices: The Variags despise all Men except those who have Special Training: All available.
recently defeated them in battle. They have grudging respect for the Wealth: Livestock (camel, 20 sp each; light horse, 45 sp each) or
races of Mordor, but generally hate all non-mannish folk. gold jewelry (earrings, nose rings, cheek rings, finger rings, wrist
Professions: Animists, Drughân, Wegech and Lay Healers are un- bracers).
known to the Variags. Mental Flaws: All available.
Training Packages: All available except Apothecary, Amateur Physical Flaws: All available.
Mage, Astronomer, Architect, Beastmaster, Cloistered Academic,
Special Flaws: All available.
Cut Purse, Farmer, Innkeeper, Loremaster, Midwife, Sailor, Sage
Surgeon and the training packages specific to other race/cultures.
Special Skills: Everyman: Mounted Combat skill and all Outdoor •
Animal skills involving horses; Restricted: None.
Standard Hobby Skills: Acrobatics, Ambush, Animal Handling,
Armour • Light skills, Appraisel, Body Development, Contrortions,
Directed Spells, Emdroidery [crafts], Contortions, Tattooing
[CRAFTS], fauna lore, fletching, foraging, gambling, hiding,
History (Variag), jumping, leather-crafts, metal-crafts, military or-

Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Ag: 0
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 1
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Co: 0
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 0 Me: 0
Chain s kill…………………………………… 0 Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: +2
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0 Em: 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: 0
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: 0
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2 Qu: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +2
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 2 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 1 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 6 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: 0
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: +0
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 4 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 4 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 3 0•6•4•2•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill category…………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 1 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 1 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 1
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 2 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 0•7•6•5•4
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 1 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 1 12
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 1 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 56)…………………………… 55
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 1.0
lang uages”.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

crafting, observation, rappelling, read runes, region lore
WOODMEN (Mirkwwod), rope mastery, signaling, stalking, swim, tale telling,
The Woodmen are descendants of the Eriedain (Second Age tightrope-walking, tracking, any weapon skills, wood-crafting.
Eriadorians), who migrated eastward over the Misty Mountains
under pressure from Númenórean colonists, during the Second Age. OUTFITTING OPTIONS
They have long dwelt in Mirkwood, the great forest of Armour: None or soft leather.
Rhovanion. They are a loose tribe of hunter/gatherers who live in or Clothing: Smock of beige or soft white wool; short tunic of buff,
below the trees as extended families, bands, or clans. They are moss green, or grey wool, ornamented with contrasting crewelwork
Northmen and thus related to the Beijabar in the nearby Anduin across the shoulders, chest and at the lower hem; woolen leeggings
Vales and the foothills of the Grey Mountains. and full trousers ending at the knee, gather into a cuff or full
trousers gathered at the knee into a narrow sheath extending to the
PHYSICAL CHARACTER ankle; short woolen coat in subdued colours; long woolen cloak
Build: Average to stocky, with strong but angular features. The men with hood; fur hat; fur boots, soft and unconstructed for excellent
possess large amounts of facial hair. Men average 195 pounds; traction on tree limbs.
women, 135 pounds.
Weapons: Club, dagger, hand axe, long bow, quarterstaff, short
Coloring: Fairskin with reddish highlights. They have blond hair sword, sling, woodman’s axe, throwing darts, knife.
and blue or green eyes.
Endurance: Average. BACKGROUND OPTIONS
Height: Men average 6’1"; women, 5’5". Woodmen get 45 Talent Points (4 Backgroun Options)
Lifespan: 65-85 years. Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a
Race Abilities: Northman. Woodman might in unusual circumstances learn: Silvan (S6/W6),
Waildyth (S6/W0), Orkish (S4/W4).
Resistance: Average.
Mental Abilities: All available.
Special Abilities: They can climb and move along tree limbs ex-
Mystical Abilities: All available.
ceedingly well. They get a special +20 bonus to Climbing skill and
Acrobatics skill. They get a special +10 bonus to Foraging skill. Physical Abilities: All available.
Special Abilities: All available.
CULTURE Special items: All available.
Clothing & Decoration: They wear crude woolen tunics and short Special Items: All available. Woodmen create items of wood, bark,
pants with leggings. Most favor coats, cloaks, and fur hats. fur, leather, and feathers.
Fears & Inabilities: Nothing special. Special Training: All available.
Lifestyle: They are an independent lot who have no formal polit- Wealth: Herbs Rewk, 9sp; Thurl, 1 sp; Terbas, 2 gp; Berterin, 19
ical structure. Living off the gifts of the forest, they reside in small, gp; Slota, 36 gp).
close groups secluded from other races. They interact with few
Mental Flaws: All available.
other than the Beornings and Silvan Elves. Utterly at home in the
woodlands, their tracking, climbing, hiding, hunting, and foraging Physical Flaws: All available.
techniques are superb. Special Flaws: All available.
Marriage Pattern: Monogamous. The line is traced through the Tree Merge: You can mege into the bole of any tree with a trunk at
male. Marriage is outside the family but within the clan. The wife least 1 foot in diameter. Whilst merged you cannot move or per-
resides with her husband’s family. ceive, nor can your presence be detected. You can emerge from any
Religion: Mostly personal and within the family or band. Female side of the tree. This talent costs 1 exhaustion point for every 5
Wuitan (“Knowing Ones”) serve as shamans - who act as seers, minutes spent merged [25 points].
healers, and spiritual leaders. They manage the ancient Cult of Dwar f Fr iend: You are well acquainted with the Dwarves, and are
Growing (“Alanakyn”) which meets for rare tribal ceremonies. The immediately respected by any Dwarf you meet. You gain a special
Vala Araw (Oromë) is revered above all others. bonus of +5 to your Pr stat bonus when dealing with Dwarves, and
you knowthree extra ranks of spoken Kuduk [20 points].
OTHER FACTORS Elf Friend: You are well acquainted with the Elves, and are immedi-
Demeanor: Quiet, independent, reclusive. ately respected by any Elf you meet. You gain a special bonus of +5
Language: Starting La nguag es : They speak the Rhovanion tongue to your Pr stat bonus when dealing with Elves, and you know three
called Nahaiduk (S8/W6), a little Westron (S6/W4), and a little extra ranks in the Elvish language of your choice [17 points].
Sindarin (S4/W3). A llowed Ado lescence Develo pment: Nahaiduk
(S10/W10), Westron (S8/W8), Sindarin (S6/W6), Atliduk (S8/W8),
Logathig (S8/W8).
Prejudices: Woodmen hate Orcs, Wargs, Trolls, and Giant Spiders.
Professions: All available except Animist, Drughân, Kekhavra,
Vracara, Wegech. Female Woodmen can become Wita (Rh. “know-
ing ones”), treat as Animist but all spells are sung or chanted; and 2
Animist base lists may be swoped for a Cleric base list and a
Ranger base list.
Training Packages: All available except Apothecary, Beastmaster,
Innkeeper, Farmer, Shaman Priest, Surgeon and the training pack-
ages specific to other race/cultures.
Special Skills: Ever yma n: Climbing, Foraging, Hiding, Hunting,
Tracking; Restricted : None.
Standard Hobby Skills: Acrobatics, Ambush, Armour • Light
skills, Body Development, Climbing, Crewelwork [crafts], dancing,
fauna lore, first aid, fletching, flora lore, foraging, hiding, leather-

Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Ag: 0
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 1
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Co: +2
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 0 Me: 0
Chain s kill…………………………………… 0 Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: +2
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 1 Em: 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: 0
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 3
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: +2
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2 Qu: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +2
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 2 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres skil category ………………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 1
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 4 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 3 Poison: 0
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: 0
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 5 0•6•5•2•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 4 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 4 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 4
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 2 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 0•7•6•5•4
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 1 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 1 11
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 1 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 111)…………………………… 45
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 0.9
lang uages”.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

suspicious. They are almost always uncomfortable and, aside from
COMMON ORCS mealtime or battle, are never happy or at peace.
Language: Starting L anguages:
(Yrch, sing. Orch) Orcs speak various Orkish dialects
Common Orcs fear the sun and make their (S8/W2), Westron (S4/W0). Allowed
dwellings in caverns beneath the mountains. The
Adolescence Development: Orkish
Hithaeglir (Misty Mountains) and the Ered
(S10/W10), Westron (S4/W4), and
Mithrin (Grey Mountains) harbour myriad tribes
Black Speech (S6/W6).
who prey upon the men of Rhovanion, sometimes
at the direction of Suaron’s will, often promoted Prejudices: Orcs hate all races, in-
merely by a greed for plunder. The Orcs inhabit- cluding Orcs of other tribes. They
ing the peaks surrounding Mordor (Ephel Dúath, particularly despise Elves, who they
Ered Lithui) are more strongly dominated by the believe to be a spiteful, wicked, and
Dark Lord. wayward race.
Professions: No Barbarian, Drughân,
PHYSICAL CHARACTER Kekhavra, Vracara, Wegech. Most
Build: Heavy, with thick hides, short legs, and Orcs are Fighters, Rogues, or
long, thin arms. They have grotesque, fanged Thieves. They make very poor spell
faces and random hair growth. Males and females users. Females can only be Laymen.
average 65 pounds. Trai ni ng Pa cka ge s: On ly
Colouring: Black or grey hair, black or reddish- Adventurer, Crafter, Farmer (females
brown eyes, and deep grey or black hides. only, giant mushrooms, goats, kine),
Endurance: Tremendous. They can travel for 2 Healer (Orc), Hunter, Lab orer,
days without rest. Alternatively, they can run for up to 12 hours Mercenary, Shaman Priest, Soldier, Tracker, Traveller, Wanderer,
without stopping. +20 to exhaustion points (see Section 22.3). Weapon Master, Wolfrider. The only training package open to
females is farmer.
Height: Males and females average 4’.
Special Skills: Everyman: Athletic Games (Brawn), Power-striking,
Lifespan: Indefinite; certainly hundreds of years, but the nature of Power-throwing, all skills within one of the following categories:
their warlike life permits few to live past the age of 50. Weapon • 2 Handed or Weapon • Pole arm, Weight-lifting;
Race Abilities: Orc. Res tricted: Public Speaking, Seduction, Trading.
Resistance: +30 DB and RR bonuses versus heat and cold attacks. Standard Hobby Skills: Acrobatics, Ambush, Animal Handling
Special Abilities: Orcs sleep during daylight hours, although they (Bats, Wargs, wolves), Appraisal, any Armour skills, Body
need sleep only once every 3 days (more often to restore Power Development, Caving, Climbing, Contortions, Disarming Traps,
Points). Orcish vision in most darkness is as good as a Man’s during First Aid, Gambling, Hiding, Juggling, Jumping, Leather-crafts,
the height of day. When there is barely any light (cloudy, moonless Metal-crafts, Picking Locks, Pole-vaulting, Rappelling, Region
nights; upper caverns, dungeons), Orcs can see at least 50' perfectly Lore (any cavernous region), Riding (wargs, wolves), Scaling,
and fairly well up to 100'. In absolute darkness (deep caverns), they Sprinting, Stalking, Tactics, Totem Making [crafts], Tracking,
can see 10'. Trickery, and weapon skills, Wood crafts.


Clothing & Decoration: Skins, leathers, and metal armour; crude, Armour: None, soft or rigid leather. Leather helmet. Shields are
but well made and effective. rare.
Fears & Inabilities: Natural sunlight and deep, running water. In Clothing: Males; short hide kilt; wrist guards; leather boots. The
full daylight, they only have 60% of normal activity each round; in leather and hides are undyed.
artificial or magical daylight, they only have 80% of normal activity Females: hide tunic, falling to mid-thigh; no foot gear; leather thong
each round. worn as a headband to restrain the hair.
Lifestyle: Bred as labourers and warriors, Orcs respect power and Weapons: Club, dagger, hand axe, scimitar, short bow, spear, whip,
terror above all things. They join and cooperate in substantial harpoon, barbed arrows.
groups only when led by a “focused will,” some overwhelmingly
strong individual. To them, politics equates with force, and separate BACKGROUND OPTIONS
Orc tribes often war. Inter-tribal cannibalism is the norm. Common Orcs get 60 Talent Points (6 Background Points)
They are, however, quite skilled. Their smiths rival those of the Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above: a com-
Dwarves and Elves and, although the items they produce lack mon Orc in unusually circumstances might learn Atliduk (S4/W4),
beauty in form, they are exceptionally effective. Orcs are also fine Black Speech (S8/W8), and Westron (S8/W8).
healers, despite their lack of concern for scarring. Utility is their Mental Abilities: All available.
principal concern.
Mystical Abilities: Only Danger Sense, Magical Resistance,
Marriage Pattern: Orcs do not marry; they breed. The females live Resistance, Unnatural Aging.
together in secluded areas which are normally accessible only to the
Physical Abilities: All available except Ear for Music.
strongest males. In addition, the females are receptive only to the
fiercest and most attractive males. This results in the strongest off- Special Abilities: All available.
spring. The many young are kept together and raised jointly by all Special Items: Daily spell items and spell adders not available (re-
the female Orcs. roll). Weapons and tools made by Common Ores are ungainly to
Religion: Most Orcs worship Darkness and power. Most revere look upon, but serviceable. Iron, steel, hide, and sinew are typical
Sauron as a god, respecting his ability to induce utter terror materials.
Special Status: Only Military Rank available.
OTHER FACTORS Special Training: All available except Natural Horseman.
Demeanour: Orcs are cruel, jealous, petty, ambitious, selfish, and Wealth: Varying mints, obtained as plunder in battle or stolen from

the tribe’s hoard. ADOLESCENCENT SKILL Stat
Mental Flaws: All available. DEVELOPMENT Bonuses:
Physical Flaws: All available. Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 3 Ag: -2
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 1
Special Flaws: Only Cursed Shapeshifter, Duty, Rival/NPC, Stat Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 3 Co: +6
Penalty, Terrible Luck, Unlucky. Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 2 Me: -4
Sn iveller: You are a fearful little rodent of an Orc. You suffer a spe- Chain s kill…………………………………… 2 Re: -4
cial penalty of -20 to all Fear RRs [-10 points]. Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
SD: -8
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1
Can nib alis tic: You have, like nearly all Orcs, tasted Orc-flesh. Em: -6
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0
However, you have acquired a taste for it and it is all you will eat. Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: -4
Food of any kind is wont to make you physically ill. You must make Climbin g skill ……………………………… 1
a Disease RR each time you attempt to eat anything but Orc-flesh [- Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: -4
20 points]. Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 1 Qu: +2
Igno re Day: You are unaffected by bright light and do not suffer the Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +2
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
activity penalties your fellows suffer while in the sun’s gaze or RR Mods:
Body Development skill …………………… 2
other bright light [10 points] Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 0
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 4 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 1 Poison: +20
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: +5
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 2 0•6•4•2•1
Power Awarenes s skill category *………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 1
Ambush……………………………………… 1 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•4•3•2•1
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 3 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 3
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 0•4•3•2•1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 0 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 1 1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 1 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: -2 0)…………………………… 60
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 0.5
lang uages”.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

Elves, who they believe to be a spiteful, wicked, and wayward race.
Professions: No Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra, Vracara, Wegech.
Most Uruk-hai are Fighters, Rogues, and Thieves; They make very
(sing. Uruk) poor Essence and Mentalism spell users. Females can only be
Following Sauron’s Laymen.
resurrection in T.A. 1000 he
began breeding a new race Training Packages: Only Adventurer, Crafter, Healer (Orc),
of Orcs, one cap able of Hunter, Mercenary, Shaman Priest, Soldier, Tracker, Traveller,
independent and intelligent Wanderer, Weapon Master, Wolfrider. Females can only be Farmers
action. After centuries of (giant mushrooms, goat, kine)
work, he produced the first Special Skills: Everyman: All skills within one of the following cat-
Greater Orcs, and he called egories: Weapon • 2 Handed or Weapon • Polearm; Restricted: None.
th em the Uruk-h ai (BS Standard Hobby Skills: Acrobatics, Ambush, Animal Handling
“Orc-race”) because they (bats, Wargs, wolves), Appraisal, any Armour skills, Attunement,
were more suited to the Body Development, Brawling, Caving, Climbing, Contortions,
formation of societies. Disarming Traps, First Aid, Fletching, Gambling, Hiding,
Initially, the Uruk-hai remained close to Sauron and served as Interrogation, Jumping, Leadership, Leather-crafts, Metal-crafts,
lieutenants and elite guards, but gradually their numbers grew and Military Organization, Picking locks, Pole Vaulting, Rappelling,
their strain strengthened. Their existence remained guarded until Region Lore (any cavernous region), Riding (wargs, wolves),
Sauron was willing to show his hand. Nonetheless, in T.A. 2475 Scaling, Signalling, Sprinting, Stalking, Tactics, Totem Making
they were unleashed in full scale battle formations. They are the (crafts), Tracking, trickery, any Weapon skills.
Dark Lord’s finest goblin troops.
PHYSICAL CHARACTER Armour: Any, excepting plate armour, Steel helmets and round or
Build: While Uruk-hai have a more “human” appearance than target shields common.
Common Orcs, they are still heavy with cat-like eyes, fang-teeth,
Clothing: Males: sleeveless hide tunic, cropped at the waist, or fall-
and black/grey hides. They have longer, stronger, and straighter legs
ing to mid-thigh; hide pants with leather belt and often a thigh strap
than Common Orcs. Males and females average 145 pounds.
and sheath for a dagger or knife; leather or steel wrist guards; sturdy
Colouring: Black or grey hair, black or reddish-brown eyes, and hide boots.
black/grey hides.
Females: hide tunic, falling to mid-thigh; belt of leather ornamented
Endurance: Tremendous. They can travel for 3 days without sleep. with steel plates, grommets, and spikes; hide vest ornamented to
Alternately they can run foruo to 18 hours without stopping. +30 to match the belt; thong sandals; circlet of steel plates worn as a head-
exhaustion points (see Section 22.3). band to restrain hair.
Height: Uruk-hai average 5’6” and 145 pounds. Weapons: Broadsword, club, dagger, hand axe, long bow, mace,
Lifespan: Indefinite; certainly hundreds of years, but the nature of scimitar, short bow, short sword, spear, whip, clawed club or clawed
their warlike life permits few to live past the age of 50. mace (use morning star table), long sword, harpoon, barbed arrows.
Race Abilities: Uruk.
Resistance: +30 DB and RR bonuses versus heat and cold attacks.
Uruk get 45 Talent Points (4 Background Options).
Special Abilities: Uruk-hai usually sleep during daylight hours,
although they need sleep only once every 3 days (more often to re- Extra Languages: in addition to the tongues listed above an Uruk
store Power Points). Uruk-hai operate freely in daylight, and their might in unusual circumstances learn Logathig (S8/W6).
vision in most darkness is as good as a Man’s during the height of Mental Abilities: All available.
day. When there is barely any light (cloudy, moonless nights; upper Mystical Abilities: Only Danger Sense, Magical Resistance,
caverns, dungeons), Uruk-hai can see at least 30' perfectly and Resistance, Unnatural Aging.
fairly well up to 75'. In absolute darkness, they can see 10'. Physical Abilities: All available except Ear for Music.
CULTURE Special Abilities: All available.
Clothing & Decoration: Skins, leathers, and metal armour- crude, Special items: No spell adders. Weapons and tools made by Uruk-
but well made and effective. hai are usually ungainly to look upon, but perform admirably. Iron,
steel, hide, and sinew are typical materials.
Fears & Inabilities: They dislike natural sunlight and deep running
water, but they do not fear them. Special Status: Only Military Rank available.
Lifestyle: Bred as warriors, Urik-hai respect power and terror Special Training: All available except Natural Horseman.
above all things. Wealth: Varying mints, obtained as plunder in battle or allotted
Marriage Pattern: Uruk-hai do not marry; they breed. The females from the tribe’s hoard for the service to the tribes chief.
are receptive only to the fiercest and most attractive males. Mental Flaws: All available.
Religion: Most Orcs worship Darkness and power. Physical Flaws: All available.
Special Flaws: Only Cursed Shapeshifter, Duty, Rival/NPC, Stat
OTHER FACTORS Penalty, Terrible Luck, Unlucky.
Demeanour: Uruk-hai possess more intelligence and cunning than Craven by L ight: You suffer the penalties in daylight that common
Common Orcs, but they are still cruel, jealous, petty, ambitious, orcs do (60% activity in ful, natural sunlight, 80% activity in ar-
selfish, and suspicious. tifical or magical lighting) [-10 points].
Language: Starting Language s: Black Speech (S8/W2), Orkish Elf-hater: Racial hatred of Elves in most Orcs is a spittle-foaming
(S8/W3), Westron(S5/W2). Allowe d Adolescence Developme nt: rage in you. You gain a special bonus of +10 to your OB, inflict
Black Speech (S10/W10), Orcish (S10/W10), Westron (S8/W8), double concussion damage, and gain a special bonus of +35 to
Atliduk (S6/W3), Nahaiduk (S6/W3), Dunael (S6/W3). Stunned Manoeuvreing manoeuvres against Elves. You cannot parry
Prejudices: Uruk-hai hate all other races. They particularly despise against an Elven opponent. Your base movement rate if attacking an
Elf is 125%normal [30 points].

Bre d for War: You are a hulking, shaggy-haired brute. You gain a ADOLESCENCENT SKILL Stat
special bonus of +2 to each your St and Co stat bonuses, and a spe- DEVELOPMENT Bonuses:
cial bonus of +10 to your Body Development skill [25 points] Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 3 Ag: 0
Bred for C arnage: You receive a special bonus of +20 to your Soft Leather skill …………………………… 1
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 3 Co: +8
Frenzy manoeuvres. Concussion hits dealt while frenzied are tripled
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 3 Me: 0
instead od doubled [30 points].
Chain s kill…………………………………… 3 Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: -2
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0 Em: -6
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: -2
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 1
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: -4
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2 Qu: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +4
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 3 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 0
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 4 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 1 Poison: +20
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: +5
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 1 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually wolv es)………………… 1 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 2 0•7•5•3•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 1
Ambush……………………………………… 1 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•5•3•2•2
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 1 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 4 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 4 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 1 0•5•3•2•2
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 1 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 1 1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 1 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 10 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 123)…………………………… 45
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 0.5
lang uages” .
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.


HALF-ORCS Armour: Any. Chain and plate armour are made of utilitarian steel.
Clothing: Males: Hide tunic; breeches or a short skirt of hide; stout
(sing. Perorch; pl. Piryrch) leather belt; short woolen (dull plaid: moss green, dull yellow,
beige, grey blue, charcoal) jacket or cape worn over one shoulder;
Half-orcs are a hideous creation, born of Man and Orc. They are
steel torque about the neck; soft leather footgear; fur over-coat and
often confused with Uruk-hai, but are a distinct race, small in
hat; hair worn in many small braids.
number but capable and deadly. Their origin is also unclear,
although it appears that they were first used by the tainted Wizard Females: those who escape the breeding pits dress to pass as young
Saruman. He still employs them as agents, spies, lieutenants, and males; those who remain in captivity wear a hide tunic, falling to
special guards. They are particularly effective in Eriador, for mid-thigh and thong sandals.
Saruman`s half-orcs have Dunlending blood in them and are Weapons: Broadsword, club, dagger, hand axe, long bow, mace,
capable of blending into their societies. morning star, scimitar, short bow, short sword, spear, war hammer,
whip, clawed club or clawed mace (use morning star table), long
PHYSICAL CHARACTER sword, harpoon, barbed arrows.
Build: Half-orcs are akin to Uruk-hai, but look more like dark Men.
Males average 150 pounds; females, 135 pounds. BACKGROUND OPTIONS
Colouring: Black or grey hair, black or reddish-brown eyes. Half-orcs get 50 Talent Points (96 cost points).
Endurance: They can travel for 2 days without sleep. +10 to ex- Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above: Atliduk
haustion points (see Section 22.3). (S6/W6), Rohirric (S6/S6), and Nahaiduk (S8/W8).
Height: Males average 5’8"; females, 5’5". Mental Abilities: All available.
Lifespan: Normally 250-500 years. Mystical Abilities: All available.
Race Abilities: Half-orc. Physical Abilities: All available.
Resistance: +15 DB and RR bonuses versus heat and cold attacks. Special Abilities: All available.
Special Abilities: Half-orcish vision in most darkness is at least Special Items: All available. Most Half-orcs are equipped from the
300'. When there is barely any light (cloudy, moonless nights; upper armouries of Saruman and thus have some of the finest gear.
caverns, dungeons), Half-orcs can see at least 25' perfectly and Special Status: Only Military Rank available.
fairly well up to 50'. In absolute darkness, they can still see 5'. Special Training: All available.
Wealth: Coinage, gems, and weapons.
Mental Flaws: All available.
Clothing & Decoration: Varies, but leather and metal armour is
standard with other clothing being depend upon the Orcish or Physical Flaws: All available.
Mannish group they are currently associated with. Special Flaws: All available.
Fears & Inabilities: They prefer to avoid bright sun lit places, but
they are not adversely affected by sunlight.
Lifestyle: Individual Half-orcs respect power and terror above all
things. Their lifestyle is dependent upon the Orcish or Mannish
group they are currently associated with.
Marriage Pattern: This is normally dependent upon the Orcish or
Mannish group they are currently associated with.
Religion: Most Half-orcs worship Darkness and power.

Demeanour: Half-orcs are normally cruel, jealous, petty, ambi-
tious, selfish, and suspicious.
Language: Star tin g Lan guages: Westron (S8/W4), Orkish (S8/W4),
Black Speech (S4/W3). Allowed Ad olescence Develo pment: Westron
(S10/W8), Orkish (S10/W8), Black Speech (S8/W8), Dunael
Prejudices: Half-orcs dislike most races, but they particularly des-
pise Elves and Dunedain.
Professions: All available except Barbarian, Drughân, Kekhavra,
Vracara, Wegech.
Training Packages: All available except Beastmaster and the
training packages specific to other race/cultures
Special Skills: Everyman: none; Res tricted: None.
Standard Hobby Skills: Acting, Ambush, Animal Handling,
Appraisal, any Armour skills, Attunement, Body Development,
Bribery, Caving, Climbing, Directed Spells, Disarming Traps,
Fletching, Gambling, Hiding, Jumping, Languages, Leader-ship,
Leather-crafts, Metal-crafts, Military Organization, Observation,
Picking Locks, Rappelling, Region Lore, Riding, Scaling,
Seduction, Signalling, Sprinting, Stalking, Swimming, Tactics, Tale
Telling, Tracking, Trap-building, Trickery, any Weapon skills,
Weaving, Wood-crafts.


Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 3 Ag: 0
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 1
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 3 Co: +2
Armour • Medium skill categ ory ………………… 1 Me: 0
Chain s kill…………………………………… 1 Re: 0
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 1
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: +5
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0 Em: -2
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: 0
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 1
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: -2
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 1 Qu: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +2
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 2 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 0
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 4 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 2 Poison: +10
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: 0
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 2 0•6•4•2•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 1
Ambush……………………………………… 1 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•4•3•2•1
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 3 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 3
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 0 0•4•3•2•1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 1 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0 6
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 1 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 12 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 88)…………………………… 50
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 0.5
lang uages” .
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

CAVE TROLLS Special Skills: Ev eryman: Racial Attacks (Huge Claw), Sense
Cave Trolls are the largest, most powerful and most beastlike
Awareness (Smell), Sense Awareness (hearing), Spatial Location
breed of troll. They are extremely solitary and cannibalistic. They
Awerness Restric ted: all skills in the Directed spells skill category,
are almost blind, but have superb hearing and sense of smell. Their
All skills in the Power Awareness skill category, all skills in the
scaly hides are pale, like those of most cave-dwelling creatures.
power manipulation skill category, power points, all skills in the
Their feet are huge and splayed.
Spells skill categories.
PHYSICAL CHARACTER Standard Hobby Skills: soft leather, 1-handed concussion weapon
Build: Cave Trolls are huge and immensely strong, with thick bod- skills, thrown weapon skills, racial attacks (huge claw), Sense
ies and limbs. Their tough hides have an inconsistent quality; many Awareness (Smell), Sense Awareness (hearing), climbing, track,
have overlapping scales and some have body hair. weight males stalking, hiding, body development, caving, foraging, gambling,
average 1511 lbs, females average 919 lbs. stone crafts, Spatial Location Awaerness, leather crafts, Fauna Lore
(small game).
Colouring: Pale hide, with black or brown eyes. They have black
blood. Facial hair is sporadic and coarse with head hair similiar but OUTFITTING OPTIONS
much more greasy. Weapons: Club, mace, cudgel, thrown rock. The weapons used by
Endurance: Average. Cave Trolls are crude creations of wood.
Height: males average 12’; females, 10’2”. Armour: None or soft leather.
Lifespan: 250-350 years. Clothing: Rough, sleeveless coat of hide; belt or strap of leather
Race Abilities: Torog. from which to hang a weapon.
Resistance: Trolls do not know fear +100 RR vs fear. Except for
sunlight of course.
Special Abilities: A trolls hide provides a natural AT 11. Cave Trolls receive 15 Talent Points (1 Background options).
Because of there size criticals against them are rolled on the Large Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a Wild
creature critical strike table. Troll might in unusual circumstance learn: Orkish (S6/W2).
They have superb hearing which allows them to hear sounds within Mental Abilities: None available.
100’ in open areas or 25’ when listening through soid barriers. Mystical Abilities: Only Danger Sense, Ethereal Sight, Magical
Their sense of smell allows them to detect a scent 100’ upwind, Resistance, Resistance, Undetectable, Unnatural Aging available.
2000’ downwind and 500’ in still air. They get +25 to tracking Physical Abilities: All available.
something based on it’s smell. Special Abilities: All available except Special Familiar.
They get a special bonus of +10 to any Awareness maneouvre based Special Items: Any special item possessed by a Wild Troll was ob-
on touch, smell or sound. A special bonus of +40 to Spatial tained because some individual of another race lost it through care-
Location Awareness and a special bouns of +15 to the Awareness lessness, thaft, or violence. Wild Trolls make nothing enchanted.
Senses skill category. Although they may possess spell adders or daily spell items, they
They are immune to naturally occuring heat and cold and take only cannot use them. No animals, if they had them, they’d eat them.
half damage from heat and cold attacks. Special Status: None available.
They have huge claws which they can use as weapons. Special Training: All available except Natural Horseman.
Wealth: Coinage, gems, weapons, and enchanted items stolen from
CULTURE other Trolls or aquired on raids.
Clothing & Decoration: Little or none.
Mental Flaws: All available except Chivalrous, Code of Honour,
Fears & Inabilities: Sunlight. When exposed to the natural light of and any fear/phobia flaws.
day they turn to stone. They are almost blind (-90 to vision based
Physical Flaws: All available.
Special Flaws: Only Stat Penalty, Terrible Luck, The Slain,
Lifestyle: Cave Trolls live to eat. No society or inner purpose stirs
Unlucky available.
them, since they unite only when compelled to. They live in or near
caves, usually on the edge of civilized lands. For they enjoy the
taste of man-flesh (when they can get it) and come forth only at
Marriage Pattern: None. Females are exceedingly rare, although
the distinction is confused. Trolls are reluctant to breed; only when
compelled by an outside force does their population grow.
Breeding is brief, rare and violent; with the partners going there
seperate ways as soon as the act is done.
Religion: None.

Demeanour: Mean, slow, stupid, and somewhat lazy.
Language: Starting Languages: Most have little or no language
capability and communcate through noises, signals, or actions. The
more intelligent Trolls speak a debased Westron (equivalent to
S4/W0). Allow ed Adolescence Dev elopment: bebased Westron
(S6/W2), Dunael (S6/W2).
Prejudices: Trolls have little regard for anyone, although they par-
ticularly hate Dwarves.
Professions: Wild Trolls only produce fighters or barbarians.
Training Packages: Only hunter, Mercenary, Soldier, Traveller,



Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Ag: -4
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Co: +6
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 0 Me: -4
Chain s kill…………………………………… 0 Re: -4
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 3
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: -4
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0 Em: -4
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: -4
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 1
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: -4
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 1 Qu: -4
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +6
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 5 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 0
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 4 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 1 Poison: +30
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: +10
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 2 0•11•10•9•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•2•1•1•1
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 3 0•2•1•1•1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 3
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 0 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0 1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 3 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 3 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 8 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 263)…………………………… 15
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 0.5
lang uages”
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try

Attacks (large claw) Restricted: all skills in the Directed spells skill
FORREST TROLLS category, All skills in the Power Awareness skill category, all skills
Forrest Trolls are the least brutal of the Tereg being closer to in the power manipulation skill category, power points, all skills in
there Ent ancestry. They are more graceful than Cave Trolls and not the Spells skill categories.
nearly as hideous. They are rarely used utilized by powerful evil
Standard Hobby Skills: soft leather, 1-handed concussion weapon
beings except in the most casual way.
skills, Racial Attacks, thrown weapon skills, climbing, track, stalk-
PHYSICAL CHARACTER ing, hiding, body development, caving, foraging, gambling, stone
crafts, leather crafts, trap building (snares), Fauna Lore (small
Build: Forrest Trolls are huge and immensely strong, with thick
bodies and limbs. Their tough hides have an inconsistent quality;
many have overlapping scales and some have body hair. weight OUTFITTING OPTIONS
males average 638 lbs, females average 476 lbs.
Weapons: Club, sling, cudgel, thrown rock. The weapons used by
Colouring: Various shades of brown, green, or grey hide, with Forrest Trolls are crude.
black or brown eyes. They have black blood. Facial hair is sporadic
Armour: None or soft leather.
and coarse with head hair similiar but much more greasy.
Clothing: Rough, sleeveless coat of hide; belt or strap of leather
Endurance: Average. from which to hang a weapon.
Height: males average 9’; females, 8’2”.
Lifespan: 250-350 years. BACKGROUND OPTIONS
Race Abilities: Torog. Forrest Trolls receive 20 Talent Points (2 Background Points).
Resistance: Trolls do not know fear +100 RR vs fear. Except for Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a Wild
sunlight of course. Troll might in unusual circumstance learn: Orkish (S6/W2).
Special Abilities: Torog vision in most darkness is as good as a Mental Abilities: None available.
mans during the height of day. In other situations when there is Mystical Abilities: Only Danger Sense, Ethereal Sight, Magiacal
barely any light (cloudy, moonless nights, upper caverns, dun- Resistance, Resistance, Undetectable, Unnatural Aging available.
geons), Trolls can see at least 50’ perfectly and fairly well up to Physical Abilities: All available.
100’. In absolute darkness (deep caverns), they can see 10’. Special Abilities: All available except Special Familiar.
They are immune to naturally occuring heat and cold and take only Special Items: Any special item possessed by a Forrest Troll was
half damage from heat and cold attacks. obtained because some individual of another race lost it through
A trolls hide provides a natural AT11. carelessness, thaft, or violence. Forrest Trolls make nothing en-
Beacause of there size criticals rolled against them are reduced by 2 chanted. Although they may possess spell adders or daily spell
(‘A’ is modified by -50, ‘B’ is modified by -20 on the ‘A’ column, items, they cannot use them. No animals, if they had them, they’d
‘C’becomes an ‘A’, etc.)
They have large claws and fierce bite which they can use as eat them.
weapons. Special Status: None available.
Special Training: All available except Natural Horseman.
CULTURE Wealth: Coinage, gems, weapons, and enchanted items stolen from
Clothing & Decoration: none or vests and boots made from animal other Trolls or aquired on raids.
Mental Flaws: All available except Chivalrous, Code of Honour,
Fears & Inabilities: Sunlight. They can survive in diffused sunlight and any fear/phobia flaws.
(operating at -50), but turn to stone in blazing daylight. Physical Flaws: All available.
Lifestyle: Forrest Trolls live in loosely organized tribes in wooded Special Flaws: Only Stat Penalty, Terrible Luck, The Slain,
Unlucky available.
areas throughout Endor. They are rarely cannibalistic, and are good
hunters preferring woodland game, but will eat anything meaty that
is not a troll, be it dear, boar or Man. They are expert with slings,
snares, and skinning knives.
Marriage Pattern: None. Females are exceedingly rare, although
the distinction is confused. Trolls are reluctant to breed; only when
compelled by an outside force does their popilation grow. Trolls
mate for life, with families dwelling together.
Religion: None.

Demeanour: Mean, slow, stupid, and somewhat lazy.
Language: Starting Languages: Most have little or no language
capability and communcate through noises, signals, or actions. The
more intelligent Trolls speak a debased Westron (equivalent to
S4/W0). Allow ed Adolescence Dev elopment: bebased Westron
(S6/W2), Dunael (S6/W2).
Prejudices: Trolls have little regard for anyone, although they par-
ticularly hate Dwarves.
Professions: Forrest Trolls only produce figthers or barbarians.
Training Packages: Only hunter, Mercenary, Soldier, Traveller,
Special Skills: Eve ryman: Racial Attacks (large bite), Racial



Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Ag: -4
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 1
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 1 Co: +6
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 0 Me: -4
Chain s kill…………………………………… 0 Re: -4
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 3
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: -4
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0 Em: -4
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: -4
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 1
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: -4
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 1 Qu: -4
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +6
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 5 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 0
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 4 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 1 Poison: +30
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: +10
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 3 0•11•10•9•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 1 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 1 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 1
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•2•1•1•1
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 3 0•2•1•1•1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 3
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 2 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0 1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 1 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 8 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 239)…………………………… 20
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 0.5
lang uages”
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try

Awareness skill category, all skills in the power manipulation skill
HILL TROLLS category, power points, all skills in the Spells skill categories.
Hill Trolls live in small groups, but are quite quarrelsome and
Standard Hobby Skills: soft leather, 1-handed concussion weapon
greedy. They prefer clubs and thrown stones in a fight and are very
skills, thrown weapon skills, racial attacks (large claws), climbing,
territorial. They guard their stolen treasures jealously, even those of
track, stalking, hiding, body development, caving, foraging, gam-
little use to them (e.g., books).
bling, stone crafts, leather crafts, trap building (snares), Fauna Lore
Build: Hill Trolls are huge and immensely strong, with thick bodies OUTFITTING OPTIONS
and limbs. Their tough hides have an inconsistent quality; many
Weapons: Club, mace, war hammer, cudgel, thrown rock. The
have overlapping scales and some have body hair. weight males
weapons used by Hill Trolls are crude creations of wood amd stone
average 1012 lbs, females average 790 lbs.
joined by sinew wrappings.
Colouring: Various shades of brown, green, or grey hide, with
Armour: None or soft leather.
black or brown eyes. They have black blood. Facial hair is sporadic
and coarse with head hair similiar but much more greasy. Clothing: Rough, sleeveless coat of hide; belt or strap of leather
from which to hang a weapon.
Endurance: Average.
Height: males average 10’6”; females, 9’8”. BACKGROUND OPTIONS
Lifespan: 250-350 years. Wild Trolls receive 15 Talent Points (1 Background options).
Race Abilities: Torog. Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a Wild
Resistance: Trolls do not know fear +100 RR vs fear. Except for Troll might in unusual circumstance learn: Orkish (S6/W2).
sunlight of course. Mental Abilities: None available.
Special Abilities: Torog vision in most darkness is as good as a Mystical Abilities: Only Danger Sense, Ethereal Sight, Magiacal
mans during the height of day. In other situations when there is Resistance, Resistance, Undetectable, Unnatural Aging available.
barely any light (cloudy, moonless nights, upper caverns, dun- Physical Abilities: All available.
geons), Trolls can see at least 50’ perfectly and fairly well up to
Special Abilities: All available except Special Familiar.
100’. In absolute darkness (deep caverns), they can see 10’.
Special Items: Any special item possessed by a Wild Troll was ob-
A trolls hide provides a natural AT11.
tained because some individual of another race lost it through care-
Due to there size criticals against Hill Trolls are rolled on the Large lessness, thaft, or violence. Wild Trolls make nothing enchanted.
creature critical table.
Although they may possess spell adders or daily spell items, they
They have natural weapons consisting off large claws. cannot use them. No animals, if they had them, they’d eat them.
They are immune to natural heat and cold and only take half dam- Special Status: None available.
age from all heat and cold attacks Special Training: All available except Natural Horseman.
CULTURE Wealth: Coinage, gems, weapons, and enchanted items stolen from
Clothing & Decoration: Little or none, simple cloaks made from other Trolls or aquired on raids.
animal hides. Mental Flaws: All available except Chivalrous, Code of Honour,
Fears & Inabilities: Sunlight. They can operate in diffused sunlight and any fear/phobia flaws.
(-50 to all actions). If exposed to direct daylight they will turn to Physical Flaws: All available.
stone only to turn back to flesh again as nightfalls. Special Flaws: Only Stat Penalty, Terrible Luck, The Slain,
Lifestyle: They are hunters and live on the wildlife found in hill Unlucky available.
country, including other races (Men, Dwarves etc.). Trolls live in
scattered caves and ruins, usually on the edge of civilized lands, and
come forth only at night. They have a great brutish sense of humour
and are fond of practical jokes (pranks that usually leave their vic-
tims dead or maimed).
Marriage Pattern: None. Females are exceedingly rare, although
the distinction is confused. Trolls are reluctant to breed; only when
compelled by an outside force does their popilation grow. Trolls
mate for life, with families dwelling together.
Religion: None.

Demeanour: Quarrelsome, mean, greedy, found of practical jokes,
Language: Starting Languages: Most have little or no language
capability and communcate through noises, signals, or actions. The
more intelligent Trolls speak a debased Westron (equivalent to
S4/W0). Allow ed Adolescence Dev elopment: bebased Westron
(S6/W2), Dunael (S6/W2).
Prejudices: Trolls have little regard for anyone, although they par-
ticularly hate Dwarves.
Professions: Trolls only produce figthers or barbarians.
Training Packages: Only hunter, Mercenary, Soldier, Traveller,
Special Skills: Everyman: Racial Attacks (large claws) Restricted:
all skills in the Directed spells skill category, All skills in the Power


Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Bonuses:
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 1 Ag: -4
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 1
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 2 Co: +6
Chain s kill…………………………………… 2 Me: -4
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 3 Re: -4
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1
SD: -4
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 Em: -4
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 1 In: -4
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 1 Pr: -4
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 Qu: -4
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0 St: +6
Body Development skill …………………… 5
RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Ess: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 0 Chan: 0
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 4
Lore • General skill category……………………… 1 Ment: 0
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Poison: +30
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3 Disease: +10
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Body Dev.
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 2 Progression:
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0 0•11•10•9•1
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 0
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 Progression:
Ambush……………………………………… 0
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 Essence
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 0•2•1•1•1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Mentalism
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 PP Dev.
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 3 Progression:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 3 0•2•1•1•1
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category …………………… 0
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Soul
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0 Departure:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 1
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 2
Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 8 2
Talent Points (cost: 253)…………………………… 15 Recovery
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence Multiplier:
lang uages” 0.5
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try



Weapons: Lumps of thrown ice, scavenged weapons.
Snow Trolls are solitary prowlers of the northern reaches of
Middle-earth. They eat and prey on whateever they can find. They Armour: None.
seldom give up the chase and have been known to follow prey for Clothing: Rough uncured hides.
weeks all the way back their homes.
PHYSICAL CHARACTER Snow Trolls receive 15 Talent Points (1 Background Options).
Build: Snow trolls are gaunt and huge. Their tough hides have an Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a Wild
inconsistent quality; many have overlapping scales and some have Troll might in unusual circumstance learn: Orkish (S6/W2).
body hair. weight males average 1164 lbs, females average 919 lbs. Mental Abilities: None available.
Colouring: Grey-white hides and icy blue eyes that glow faintly in Mystical Abilities: Only Danger Sense, Ethereal Sight, Magiacal
the dark. They have black blood. Facial hair is sporadic and coarse Resistance, Resistance, Undetectable, Unnatural Aging available.
with head hair similiar but much more greasy.
Physical Abilities: All available.
Endurance: They can go for long periods without food.
Special Abilities: All available except Special Familiar.
Height: males average 11’; females 10’2”.
Special Items: Any special item possessed by a Wild Troll was ob-
Lifespan: 200-300 years. tained because some individual of another race lost it through care-
Race Abilities: Torog. lessness, theft, or violence. Wild Trolls make nothing enchanted.
Resistance: Trolls do not know fear +100 RR vs fear. Except for Although they may possess spell adders or daily spell items, they
sunlight of course. cannot use them. No animals, if they had them, they’d eat them.
Special Abilities: Torog vision in most darkness is as good as a Special Status: None available.
mans during the height of day. In other situations when there is Special Training: All available except Natural Horseman.
barely any light (cloudy, moonless nights, upper caverns, dun-
Wealth: Coinage, gems, weapons, and enchanted items stolen from
geons), Trolls can see at least 50’ perfectly and fairly well up to
other Trolls or aquired on raids.
100’. In absolute darkness (deep caverns), they can see 10’.
Mental Flaws: All available except Chivalrous, Code of Honour,
A trolls hide provides a natural AT11. and any fear/phobia flaws.
Because of their size citicals against them are rolled on the Large Physical Flaws: All available.
creature critical table.
Special Flaws: Only Stat Penalty, Terrible Luck, The Slain,
Natural weapon huge claws.
Unlucky available.
They are immune to natural heat and cold and only take half dam-
age from all heat and cold attacks.

Clothing & Decoration: Little or none, animal hides.
Fears & Inabilities: Sunlight. They turn to huge pillars of icy slag
when exposed to daylight (in this form they are vulnerable to any-
thing that harms ice); but revert back to flesh again at nightfall.
Lifestyle: They hunt wild animals of the snowy lands (including
seals and fish) but prefer the flesh of other races (men, elves,
dwarves) when they can get it. During the summer months they go
into hibernation.
Marriage Pattern: None. Females are exceedingly rare, although
the distinction is confused. Trolls are reluctant to breed; only when
compelled by an outside force does their popilation grow.
Religion: None.

Demeanour: Mean, slow, stupid, solitary and somewhat lazy.
Language: Starting Languages: Most have little or no language
capability and communcate through noises, signals, or actions. The
more intelligent Trolls speak a debased Labba (equivalent to
S4/W0). Allowe d Adolescenc e De ve lopment: bebased Labba
Prejudices: Trolls have little regard for anyone, although they par-
ticularly hate Dwarves.
Professions: Snow Trolls only produce figthers or barbarians.
Training Packages: Only hunter, Mercenary, Soldier, Traveller,
Special Skills: Everyman: Racial Attack (huge claws) Restricte d:
all skills in the Directed spells skill category, All skills in the Power
Awareness skill category, all skills in the power manipulation skill
category, power points, all skills in the Spells skill categories.
Standard Hobby Skills: soft leather, 1-handed concussion weapon
skills, thrown weapon skills, climbing, track, stalking, hiding, body
development, caving, foraging, gambling, stone crafts, leather
crafts, trap building (snares), Fauna Lore (small game).



Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Ag: -4
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Co: +6
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 0 Me: -4
Chain s kill…………………………………… 0 Re: -4
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 3
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: -4
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0 Em: -4
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: -4
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 0
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: -4
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 1 Qu: -4
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +6
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 5 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 0
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 4 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 1 Poison: +30
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: +10
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 4 0•11•10•9•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 1
Ambush……………………………………… 1 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 1 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 1 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 1
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•2•1•1•1
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 1 0•2•1•1•1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 1
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 0 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0 1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 3 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 3 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 8 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 251)…………………………… 15
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 0.5
lang uages”
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try


STONE TROLLS Training Packages: Only hunter, Mercenary, Soldier, Traveller,

Stone trolls are the most common Torog breed. They are often
mistaken for forrest or hill trolls. Stone Trolls spend a great deal of Special Skills: Eve ryman: Racial Attacks (large claws) Restric ted:
time hoarding piles of food and treasure, stealing it from each other, all skills in the Directed spells skill category, All skills in the Power
and boasting of their riches. Their fratricidal tendencies are Awareness skill category, all skills in the power manipulation skill
extreme. category, power points, all skills in the Spells skill categories.
Standard Hobby Skills: soft leather, 1-handed concussion weapon
PHYSICAL CHARACTER skills, thrown weapon skills, racial attacks (large claws), climbing,
Build: Stone Trolls are huge and immensely strong, with thick bod- track, stalking, hiding, body development, caving, foraging, gam-
ies and limbs. Their tough hides have an inconsistent quality; many bling, stone crafts, leather crafts, trap building (snares), Fauna Lore
have overlapping scales and some have body hair. Weight males (small game).
averge 638 lbs, females average 476 lbs.
Colouring: Various shades of brown, green, or grey hide, with
Weapons: Club, mace, war hammer, cudgel, thrown rock. The
black or brown eyes. They have black blood. Facial hair is sporadic
weapons used by Stone Trolls are crude creations of wood amd
and coarse with head hair similiar but much more greasy.
stone joined by sinew wrappings.
Endurance: Average.
Armour: None or soft leather.
Height: males average 9’; females, 8’2”.
Clothing: Rough, sleeveless coat of hide; belt or strap of leather
Lifespan: 250-350 years. from which to hang a weapon.
Race Abilities: Torog.
Resistance: Trolls do not know fear +100 RR vs fear. Except for BACKGROUND OPTIONS
sunlight of course. Stone Trolls receive 20 Talent Points (2 Background Options).
Special Abilities: Torog vision in most darkness is as good as a Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a Wild
mans during the height of day. In other situations when there is Troll might in unusual circumstance learn: Orkish (S6/W2).
barely any light (cloudy, moonless nights, upper caverns, dun- Mental Abilities: None available.
geons), Trolls can see at least 50’ perfectly and fairly well up to Mystical Abilities: Only Danger Sense, Ethereal Sight, Magiacal
100’. In absolute darkness (deep caverns), they can see 10’. Resistance, Resistance, Undetectable, Unnatural Aging available.
A trolls hide provides a natural AT11. Physical Abilities: All available.
Because of there size criticals rolled against them are reduced by 2
Special Abilities: All available except Special Familiar.
(‘A’ is modified by -50, ‘B’ is modified by -20 on the ‘A’ column,
‘C’becomes an ‘A’, etc.). Special Items: Any special item possessed by a Wild Troll was ob-
tained because some individual of another race lost it through care-
natural weapon large claws.
lessness, thaft, or violence. Wild Trolls make nothing enchanted.
They are immune to natural heat and cold and only take half dam- Although they may possess spell adders or daily spell items, they
age from all heat and cold attacks. cannot use them. No animals, if they had them, they’d eat them.
CULTURE Special Status: None available.
Clothing & Decoration: Little or none, aside from random armour Special Training: All available except Natural Horseman.
and hides Wealth: Coinage, gems, weapons, and enchanted items stolen from
Fears & Inabilities: Sunlight. When exposed to direct sunlight other Trolls or aquired on raids.
they turn to stone. Mental Flaws: All available except Chivalrous, Code of Honour,
Lifestyle: They are hunters and live on the wildlife found in hill and any fear/phobia flaws.
country, including other races (Men, Dwarves etc.). Trolls live in Physical Flaws: All available.
order to play and eat. To them play means killing and pillaging, and Special Flaws: Only Stat Penalty, Terrible Luck, The Slain,
eating means fresh meat - raw or cooked - or jelly made from Unlucky available.
innards. They eat folk of other races and take whatever bright
trinkets they might aquire. No society or inner purpose stirs them,
since they unite only when compelled to. Trolls live in scattered
caves and ruins, usually on the edge of civilized lands, and come
forth only at night.
Marriage Pattern: None. Females are exceedingly rare, although
the distinction is confused. Trolls are reluctant to breed; only when
compelled by an outside force does their popilation grow. Trolls
mate for life, with families breaking up in groups.
Religion: None.

Demeanour: Mean, slow, stupid, quarrelsome, fratricidal, greedy
and somewhat lazy.
Language: Starting Languages: Most have little or no language
capability and communcate through noises, signals, or actions. The
more intelligent Trolls speak a debased Westron (equivalent to
S4/W0). Allow ed Adolescence Dev elopment: bebased Westron
(S6/W2), Dunael (S6/W2).
Prejudices: Trolls have little regard for anyone, although they par-
ticularly hate Dwarves.
Professions: Wild Trolls only produce figthers or barbarians.


Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Bonuses:
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 1 Ag: -4
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 1
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 1 Co: +6
Chain s kill…………………………………… 1 Me: -4
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 3 Re: -4
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1
SD: -4
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 Em: -4
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 1 In: -4
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 1 Pr: -4
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 Qu: -4
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0 St: +6
Body Development skill …………………… 5
RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Ess: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 0 Chan: 0
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 4
Lore • General skill category……………………… 1 Ment: 0
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Poison: +30
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3 Disease: +10
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Body Dev.
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 2 Progression:
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0 0•11•10•9•1
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 0
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 Progression:
Ambush……………………………………… 0
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 Essence
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 0•2•1•1•1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Mentalism
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 PP Dev.
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 3 Progression:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 3 0•2•1•1•1
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category …………………… 0
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Soul
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0 Departure:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 1
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 2
Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 8 2
Talent Points (cost: 233)…………………………… 20 Recovery
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence Multiplier:
lang uages” 0.5
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try


OLOG-HAI Standard Hobby Skills: Armour • light skills, Armour • chain

skills, any weapon skills, tac king, ambush, stalking, hiding, obse r-
vation, body development, caving, gambling, signaling, wrrestling,
(sing. Olog) metal crafts, le ater c rafts, trap building, leadership, interrogation,
The Olog-hai have been bred by Sauron from lesser Troll stock tactics
and have until late been a rare breed. Cunning and organized - yet
as big and strong as their lesser brethren - Olog-hai are superb OUTFITTING OPTIONS
warriors. They know no fear and thirst for blood and victory. Weapons: Battle axe, club, flail, mace, morning star, twohandes
Olog-hai are also called Black Trolls, for they have black scaly sword, war hammer, bastard sword, spiked club, war mattock,
hides and black blood. Most carry blank shields and war hammers, thrown rock.
although thay are adept at using almost any weapon. They differ Armour: Chain with plate inserts. Pot helmet and shield
from other Troll varieties in other ways as well. Clothing: Rough, sleeveless coat of hide; hide wrist guards; hide or
chain leg guards; belt or strap of leather from which to hang a
Build: Olog-hai are huge and immensely strong, with thick bodies
and limbs. Their tough hides have an inconsistent quality; many BACKGROUND OPTIONS
have overlapping scales and some have body hair. Males average Olog-hai get 10 Talent Points (1 Background Option).
850 pounds; females, 650 pounds.
Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a Olog
Colouring: Black scaly hide, with black or brown eyes. They have might in unusual circumstance learn: Atliduk (S6/W6), Haradaic
black blood. (S8/W8), Nahaiduk (S6/W6).
Endurance: Average. Mental Abilities: Only Battle Reflexes, Good Battlefield
Height: males average 10’6”; females, 9’8”. Awareness and Instinctive Defense available.
Lifespan: 150-250 years. Mystical Abilities: Only Danger Sense, Ethereal Sight, Magiacal
Race Abilities: Olog. Resistance, Resistance, Undetectable, Unnatural Aging available.
Resistance: Black Trolls ignore bleeding or stun results when given Physical Abilities: All available.
a critical strike from a normal weapon, since they are more resistant Special Abilities: All available except Special Familiar.
to unenchanted weapons. Special Items: Special equipment is usually issued to a Black Troll
Trolls do not know fear +100 RR vs fear. by the orders of his commander. Sometimes items are aquired as
Special Abilities: Torog vision in most darkness is as good as a booty on the field of battle. Enchanted weapons are the most com-
mans during the height of day. In other situations when there is mon special items possessed by a Black Troll.
barely any light (cloudy, moonless nights, upper caverns, dun- Special Status: Only Military Rank available.
geons), Trolls can see at least 50’ perfectly and fairly well up to Special Training: All available
100’. In absolute darkness (deep caverns), they can see 10’.
Wealth: Coinage, gems, weapons.
They can operate freely in daylight.
Mental Flaws: All available except Chivalrous, Code of Honour,
Their skin gives them a natural AT16. and any fear/phobia flaws.
Because of their size they are treated as a large creatures for critic- Physical Flaws: All available.
Special Flaws: Only Duty, Stat Penalty, Terrible Luck, The Slain,
CULTURE Unlucky available.
Clothing & Decoration: Little or none, aside from random armour Sun-hater: You operate at 40% normal activity in full sunlight and
and hides 70% normal activity in bright artifical or magical light. To make
matters worse, these penalties persist after you have moved into
Fears & Inabilities: Nothing.
sheltering dark for one round per five rounds spent in the light, up
Lifestyle: Olog-hai live to serve Sauron and go into battle; crushing to a maximum of six hours [-15 points].
all who stand before them. They eat folk of other races and take
whatever bright trinkets they might aquire. No society or inner pur-
pose stirs them, since they unite only when compelled to.
Marriage Pattern: None. Females are exceedingly rare, although
the distinction is confused. Trolls are reluctant to breed; only when
compelled by an outside force does their popilation grow.
Religion: None.

Demeanour: mean, slow, stupid, and somewhat lazy. They are rel-
atively quick.
Language: Star tin g Langu ages: They are capable of using normal
language properly, and speak Black Speech (S6/W2) and Westron
(S4/W2). Allowed Adoles cence Develo pmen t: Westron (S8/W8), Black
Speech (S10/W10), Orkish (S8/W8).
Prejudices: Trolls have little regard for anyone, although they par-
ticularly hate Dwarves.
Professions: Olog-hai only produce figthers.
Training Packages: Only Mercenary, Soldier.
Special Skills: Everyman: All skills within one of the following cat-
egories: Weapon • 1-h concussion, weapon • 1-h edged, weapon • 2-
handed or weapon • thrown skill category Restricted: None.



Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 1 Ag: 0
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 0
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 0 Co: +6
Armour • Medium skill categ ory ………………… 3 Me: -2
Chain s kill…………………………………… 3 Re: -2
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 3
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: 0
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0 Em: -4
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: -4
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 1
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: -2
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 2 Qu: 0
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +8
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 5 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 0
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 4 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 1 Poison: +20
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: +10
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 2 0•15•13•7•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•3•2•1•1
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 5 0•3•2•1•1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 5
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 0 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0 1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 2 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 6 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 290)…………………………… 10
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 0.5
lang uages”.
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

war mattock, bastard sword, blow gun, boomerang, throwing darts.
HALF-TROLLS Armour: Any. Plate armour forged of a black metal is common
(sing. Pertorog; pl. Pirtereg) Clothing: Black tunic of leather, silk, or wool; black belt or bando-
lier; black wrist guards; black boots; black cape of wool, silk, or the
Half-trolls are the product of a union of Olog-hai and Variag
pelt of a dark-furred beast.
men. For this reason, they are sometimes confused with Black
trolls, but they arre smaller and quicker and vaguely resemble men. BACKGROUND OPTIONS
Half-trolls differ from Olog-hai in other ways; they are more Half-trolls get 35 Talent Points (3 Background Options).
agile, they are as intelligent as man, and they avoud other Trolls.
Extra Languages: In addition to the tongues listed above, a Half-
Their unique attributes often result in Half-trolls acting as elite
troll might in unusual circumstance learn: Logathig (S8/W8).
bodyguards, Slayers or War-lords.
Mental Abilities: All available. animal empathy (animal must be
PHYSICAL CHARACTER one of those species more susceptible to Sauron’s influence - ser-
Build: Half-trolls are powerful without the extreme bulk of their pent, bat, crebain, rat, wolf, lizard, etc..)
lesser counterparts. Males average 290 pounds; females, 270 Mystical Abilities: Only Danger Sense, Look of Eagles, Magic
pounds. Resistance, Resistance and Unnatural Aging available.
Colouring: They have jet-black skin, long sharp red tongues, and Physical Abilities: All available.
glowing red eyes serve notice of their uniqueness to other Trolls. Special Abilities: All available. Special Familiar (animal must be
Endurance: Average. one of those species more susceptible to Sauron’s influence - ser-
Height: Males average 7’1”; females, 6’10”. pent, bat, crebain, rat, wolf, lizard, etc..)
Race Abilities: Half-troll. Special Items: Special equipment is usually issued to a Half-troll
by the orders of his commander. Sometimes items are aquired as
Resistance: Average
booty on the field of battle. Enchanted weapons and tools are the
Lifespan: 300-500 years. most common special items possessed by a Half-troll.
Special Abilities: Half-troll vision in most darkness is 300’. In Special Status: Only Miliatary Rank available.
other situations when there is barely any light (cloudy, moonless
Special Training: All available.
nights, upper caverns, dungeons), Half-trolls can see at least 25’
perfectly and fairly well up to 50’. In absolute darkness (deep cav- Wealth: Mixed coinage of various mints, gems, weapons.
erns), they can see 5’. Mental Flaws: All available except Chivalrous, Code of Honour,
Their skin gives tham a natural AT 11. Visible Aura.
They reduce all critical severities by 1 (‘A’ is modified by -20, ‘B’ Physical Flaws: All available.
becomes an ‘A’, ‘C’ becomes an ‘B’, etc.). Special Flaws: Only Cursed Shape Shifter, Duty, Repulsive Habit,
Rival/NPC, Secret, Stat Penalty, Terrible Luck, The Slain and
CULTURE Unlucky available.
Clothing & Decoration: They wear crude black clothing and con- Sun-hater: You operate at 40% normal activity in full sunlight and
siderable amounts of armour. 70% normal activity in bright artifical or magical light. To make
Fears & Inabilities: They prefer to avoid bright sunlight places, matters worse, these penalties persist after you have moved into
but do not fear sunlight. sheltering dark for one round per five rounds spent in the light, up
Lifestyle: No society or inner purpose stirs them, since they are to a maximum of six hours [-15 points].
breed to serve a powerful master.
Marriage Pattern: None. Half-trolls only breed when compelled to
by an outside force.
Religion: None.

Demeanour: mean, slow, stupid, and somewhat lazy. They are rel-
atively quick.
Language: Star ting Langu ages : Half-trolls speak Black Speech
(S8/W8) and Westron (S6W6). Allowed Ad olescence Development:
Black Speech (S10/W10), Westron (S10/W10), Varadja (S6/W6),
Haradaic (S8/W8), Orkish (S8/W8).
Prejudices: Trolls have little regard for anyone, although they par-
ticularly hate Dwarves.
Professions: Half-trolls only produce fighters.
Training Packages: Only Mercenary, Scout, Soldier.
Special Skills: Everyman: None Restr icted: None.
Standard Hobby Skills: any armour skills, any weapon skills,
climbing, riding, tracking, ambush, stalking, hiding, pick lock, dis-
arm trap, obeservation, body development, acrobatics, animal hand-
ling, appraisal, caving, first aid, gambling, signaling, trickery,
wrestling, sprinting, metal crafts, leather crafts, fletching, leader-
ship, interrogation, seduction, tactics, relgion (black).

Weapons: Battle axe, bola, broadsword, composite bow, crossbow,
dagger, flail, halberd, javelin, mace, morning star, scimatar, short
bow, short sword, two-handed sword, war hammer, whip, falchion,



Armour • Ligh t skill category …………………… 2 Ag: -2
Soft Leather skill …………………………… 1
Rig id Leather sk ill…………………………… 2 Co: +4
Armour • Mediu m skill category………………… 3 Me: -2
Chain s kill…………………………………… 3 Re: -2
Athletic • Brawn skill category…………………… 2
Athletic • Endurance skill categ ory ……………… 1 SD: -2
Swimmin g skill……………………………… 0 Em: -2
Athletic • Gy mnastics s kill category……………… 1 In: -2
Climbin g skill ……………………………… 1
Awareness • Perception s skill categ ory…………… 0 Pr: -2
Alertnes s skill ……………………………… 1 Qu: -2
Awareness • Searching s kill category …………… 1 St: +4
Bo dy Develo pment Skill Category ……………… 0
Body Development skill …………………… 4 RR Mods:
Co mbat Manoeuvres skill category ……………… 0 Ess: 0
Mounted Combat …………………………… 0 Chan: 0
Co mmunications skill category…………………… 0
Lang uage skills † …………………………… 4 Ment: 0
Lore • General skill category……………………… 2 Poison: +15
“Own” Regio n Lore s kill…………………… 3 Disease: +5
“Own” Culture Lore sk ill…………………… 3
Outdo or • Animal skill category ………………… 0 Body Dev.
Rid ing skill (us ually horses)………………… 0 Progression:
Outdo or • En vironmental s kill category ………… 2 0•9•7•4•1
Power Awarenes s skill category …………………… 0
Science/Analytic • Bas ic skill catego ry ………… 0 Channelling
Spells • Own Realm Open List Skill Category…… 0 PP Dev.
skill in one s pell list………………………… 0 Progression:
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0
Ambush……………………………………… 0 0•6•5•4•3
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category ………………… 0 Essence
Stalking skill………………………………… 0 PP Dev.
Hiding skill…………………………………… 0
Tech/Trade • General skill category……………… 1 Progresseion:
Urban skill skill category ………………………… 0 0•4•3•2•1
Weapo n • 1 H Con c sk ill category………………… 0 Mentalism
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • 1 H Edged skill category ……………… 0 PP Dev.
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Progression:
Weapo n • 2 Han ded s kill category………………… 4 0•4•3•2•1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 4
Weapo n • Miss ile skill category…………………… 0 Soul
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0 Departure:
Weapo n • Pole arms s kill category ………………… 0 1
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 0
Weapo n • Thro wn skill category ………………… 2 Race Type:
1 Weapon Based on Culture/Race ‡………… 2 2
Hobby Ran ks (see Section 13.0 ) ………………… 8 Recovery
Talent Points (cost: 160)…………………………… 35
† - May only be allocated u p to the max imum number of Multiplier:
ranks listed for the “allowed ad olescence 0.5
lang uages” .
‡ - See the specific culture/race en try.

This section contains a one page description for each character (though the GM may decide to allow them).
Note: The cost of the Special Defences skill category, is the revised
cost as presented in the Martial Arts Companion.

The following information is
provided for each profession: A
CHANELLING ALCHEMIST Martial Arts • Sweeps ……… 6 We apon • Ca tegory 6……… 20
We apon • Ca tegory 7……… 20
Channelling Alc he mists a re pure spell users of Channelling,
1) Profession Name: The w ho have c oncentrated on the creation of it ems. The ir base spe lls The we apon c ategories a re : 1-H Concus sion, 1-H E dged, 2-Handed, Missile Artillery,
Pole Arms, a nd Thrown.
name of the profession is at deal w ith the cre ation of ma gica l items, holy ve stments, holy wate r, Everyman Skills: Time Sense, Magic Ritua l, Chanelling,
the top of the page. a nd wards.
B Meditation.
Occ upational Skills: Six cra fting skills of the players choice,
2) Introductory Paragraph: Leana listened as the demon c rashed against the ward,
Re ligion.
A short paragraph describing howling in rage and agony. “If Rhiannon be wil ling,”
Restric ted Skills: None.
she thought, “it wil l hold another few moments. The
the profession. When appro- holy wate r is almost ready. Soon the creature will pay SP EL L D EVELO PMENT
priate, some literary ex- for its misdeeds” OWN REALM:
amples of the profession are Prime Stats: Intuition and Reasoning C Ba se list (a ll)……… …… 3/3/3 H
given. S pecial Note s: This profession i s only avail able to the Dw aven
Ope n list (1-20) … …… 4/4/4 Close d list (1-20) ……… 4/4/4
Ope n list (21+)…… …… 6/6/6 Close d list (21+)…………… 8/8
3) Prime Stats: Listed here race. OTHER REALM:
are the two (or three) prime CHANNEL E LING ALCHEMIST S PELL L ISTS Arca ne list (1-5) … ……… 6/6 Base list (1-5)……………… 50
stats. These stats must have a Channe lling Alchemists have six base lists which a re chosen Arca ne list (6-10)… ……… 8/8 Base list (6-10) …………… 70
Arca ne list (11-15) …… 10/10 Base list (11-15)…………… 90
starting Temporary value of a from the nine base spe lls lists found be low. Lists not chosen are Arca ne list (16-20) ……… 12 Base list (16-20)………… 110
treated as Own Realm Othe r Base Lists (and thus cannot be taken as
least 90. e xtra base lists). The full descriptions of all the spells on these lists Arca ne list (21+) … ……… 25 Base list (21+)…………… 130
Closed list (1-5) … ……… 20 Open list (1-5)…………… 10/10
4) Special Notes: Listed c an be found in Tre asure Companion (pages 63-71). For a sl ightly
higher de ve lopment point cost, he ma y a lso devel op Open and Closed list (6-10)… ……… 25 Open list (6-10) …………… 12
here are any special skill Closed Essence spe ll li st s. Full descriptions of t he se lists can be Closed list (11-15) ……… 40 Open list (11-15)…………… 25
bonuses or notes that are found in Spell Law (pages 73-92) and Essence companion (page s Closed list (16-&20 ……… 60 Open list (16-20)…………… 40
applicable to the profession. 93, 97, 98, 102, 106, 107). Other spe ll lists ma y be develope d, but Closed list (21+) … ……… 80 Open list (21+) …………… 60
w ill c ost a highe r number of developme nt points. Firs t 5 lists de velope d in a given le vel:.. .. ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. . x1 cost
5) Spell lists: Listed here are Holy Armour: Creates ma gica l a mours. 6th - 10th lis ts developed in a give n level: . ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. . x2 cost

summaries of the base lists Holy Office : Creates magic al genera l ite ms. 11th - up lists deve loped in a give n leve l: ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. . x4 cost

that are available to the pro- Holy Wards: Cre ates w ards to protec t people a nd sights. TRAI NING PACKAGES
fession. In addition, a listing Holy We apons: Creates magica l w eapons. Adventurer………… ………… 45 Amateur Ma ge……………… 25
Animal Handle……r ………… 23 Animal Friend……………… 39
of the other commonly avail- Holy Works: Works organic matter Architect ………… ………… 25 Cra fter……………………… 24
able spell l ists is given. Inorganic Skills: Works inorganic ma tter Astronome r ……… ………… 27 Burgla …r …………………… 36
Together with the book and Liquid/Gas Skills: Creates potions. City Guard………… ………… 32 Cloiste red Aca demic ……… 24
page number they are found Other Re alm Imbedding: Imbeds spells from realms other Con Man ………… ………… 29 Cut Purse…………………… 43
than his own. Explorer…………… ………… 37 Fortune Teller……………… 22
on. Healer……………… ………… 23 He rmit……………………… 41
Own Realm Imbedding: Imbed spe lls from his own realm.
6) Profession Bonuses: Herbalist ………… ………… 22 Hunter……………………… 44
Listed here are the bonuses F
Crafting ………………… +15 Lore • magical …………… +5
Laborer…………… ………… 21
Mercenary………… ………… 49
Loremaster …………………
that the profession gats in Influe nce ………………… +5 Lore • Obscure …………… +5 Performar………… ………… 28 Sailor ……………………… 25
specific skill areas. These Power Point D ev………… +5 Powe rAwareness ………… +5 Sage ……………… ………… 42 Scout ……………………… 30
bonuses modify the indicated Spell Group……………… +5 Weapon Group……………… +5 Spy………………… ………… 41 Soldie r……………………… 36
Traveller…………… ………… 21 Wa nderer…………………… 33
skill category(s) bonus(es). S KILLS AND SKILL CATEGORIES w
Weapon Master…… ………… 60 Zealot ……………………… 30
7 ) S kil l s and Ski ll A rmour • Hea vy ………… … 11 Outdoor • Animal ………… 3 Arumbarlie………… ………… 45 Beastmaster………………… 44
A rmour • Light………… 2/2/2 Outdoor • Environment …… 2/7 Dwarven Be rserker ………… 57 Este hildi …………………… 33
Categories: Listed here are A rmour • Me dium ……… … 10 Powe rAwareness ………… 2/5
Faradrim A ran …… ………… 64 Farme r……………………… 35
the standard skill category A rtistic • Active ………… …2/5 Powe r Manipulation …… 4/10 Healer (Orc)……… ………… 25 Infantryman kings corps…… 59
costs. After the skill category A rtistic • Passive ………… …2/5 Powe r Point Develop……… 4 Innkeeper………… ………… 29 Magic Cra fter……………… 28
costs, a list of the skills that A thletic • Brawn ………… … 3 Science • Basic …………… 1/4 Marines Royal NAvy………… 53 Faradrim Forod …………… 64
A thletic • Endurance …… … 3 Science • Specialize d…… 6/14 Scribe……………… ………… 31 Shaman Prie st (MERP) …… 31
are classified as Everyman, A thletic • Gymna stic …… … 6 Self Control ………………… 5 Trac ker…………… ………… 51 Wolfride r…………………… 55
Occupational, and Restricted Awarene ss • Perception … … 6 Spec ial Atta cks …………… 10 Silli Niennava …… ………… 41
for the profession are given. Awarene ss • Sea rching…… …2/6 Spec ial Defences ………… 30
Awarene ss • Senses……… …3/7 Subterfuge • Attack ……… 15
8) Spell Development: Body Developme nt ……… … 10 Subterfuge • Stealth ……… 5
Listed here are the develop- Combat Manoe uvres …… … 10 Subterfuge • Mecha nics…… 7
ment costs for developing Communications ………… 2/2/2 Technical • Gene ral ……… 3/7
Crafts …………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional…… 8
skill for certain spell lists at D irected Spe lls…………… … 3 Technical • Voca tional … 5/12
various ranks. The numbers Influe nce ………………… 2/6 Urban ……………………… 3
in parentheses are the ranges Lore • General…………… 1/3 Weapon • Category 1………… 6
for the ranks(s) being de- Lore • Ma gical…………… 2/4 Weapon • Category 2………… 7
Lore • Obscure…………… 3/7 Weapon • Category 3………… 9
veloped. Lore • Technica l ………… 2/6 Weapon • Category 4………… 9
9 ) Tra ini ng Packages: Martial Arts • Strikes …… … 6 Weapon • Category 5………… 9
Listed here are all of the
training packages and how many development points each costs.
Some training packages are indicated as typical for the profession.
Some packages are not normally available to this profession

Base list (6-10)…………… 240
BARBARIAN Base list (11-15) ………… 360
Barbarians are non spell users who are uncivilized, outdoor Base list (16-20) ………… 480
fighters. Their combat skills are narrower than other non spell users,
Base list (21+)…………… 600
but they are very good at what they do. They shun armor, but are
Closed list (1-5) ………… 110 Open list (1-5) ………… 100
stronger than any other profession. Literary examples of Barbarians
Closed list (6-10)………… 220 Open list (6-10) ………… 200
would include Conan, Fafhrd, and Cerebus.
Closed list (11-15) ……… 330 Open list (11-15) ……… 300
Prime Stats: Strength and Constitution. Closed list (16-20) ……… 440 Open list (16-20) ……… 400
Closed list (21+) ………… 550 Open list (21+) ………… 500
BARBARIAN SPELL LISTS First 5 lists deve loped i n a given level:................................................................... x1 cost
The Barbarian has no base lists, though he may learn (at high 6th - 10th lists developed in a given le vel :.............................................................. x2 cost
development point cost) spells from his chosen realm of magic. 11th - up li sts deve loped in a give n level: ............................................................... x4 cost
For spell lists not shown, see the Revised Spell List DP Cost Table T-2.4.


Awareness Group…………… +5 Subterfuge • Stealth ……… +5 Adventurer ……………… 36 Kings Corps……………… 47
Body Development ……… +15 Weapon Group …………… +15 Amateur Mage…………… 52 Labourer ………………… 11
Outdoor Group…………… +10 Anamartar………………… 51 Loremaster ………………… 30
Animal Handler ………… 11 Magic Crafter …………… 35
SKILLS AND SKILL CATEGORIES Animal Friend …………… 25 Royal Navy (Marine) …… 47
Armor • Heavy……………… 10 Outdoor • Animal ………… 1/3
Apothecary (MERP™)…… 31 Mercenary………………… 36
Armor • Light …………… 2/2/2 Outdoor • Environment…… 1/3
Architect ………………… 11 Merchant ………………… 27
Armor • Medium………… 4/4/4 Power Awareness …………… 8
Astronomer ……………… 33 Midwife…………………… 18
Artistic • Active ……………2/5 Power Manipulation ……… 18
Beastmaster……………33(40) Noble……………………… 24
Artistic • Passive……………2/5 Power Point Develop……… 20
Burglar…………………… 24 Performer………………… 32
Athletic • Brawn ……………2/4 Science • Basic …………… 3/7
City Guard………………… 21 Sailor……………………… 19
Athletic • Endurance ………2/5 Science • Specialized……… 15
Cloistered Academic……… 33 Sage……………………51(55)
Athletic • Gymnastic ………2/6 Self Control………………… 2/7
Con Man ………………… 22 Scout……………………… 21
Awareness • Perceptions……2/6 Special Attacks …………… 2/7
Crafter …………………… 24 Scribe……………………… 34
Awareness • Searching ……2/6 Special Defenses…………… 25
Cut Purse………………… 26 Shaman Priest (MERP™)… 47
Awareness • Senses…………1/5 Subterfuge • Attacks ……… 3/9
Dwarven Berserker……… 39 Silli Niennava …………48(59)
Body Development …………2/4 Subterfuge • Mechanics…… 3/9
Estehildi ………………… 41 Skuiftlaika………………… 35
Combat Maneuvers……… 4/12 Subterfuge • Stealth ……… 1/4
Explorer…………………… 32 Soldier…………………… 22
Communications………… 4/4/4 Technical • General………… 3/7
Faradrim Aran …………… 53 Spy………………………… 27
Crafts …………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional …… 8
Faradrim Forod…………… 50 Surgeon…………………… 31
Directed Spells……………… 20 Technical • Vocational ……5/12
Farmer …………………… 25 Territorial Corps ………… 24
Influence……………………2/7 Urban………………………… 4
Fortune Teller …………… 35 T. Corps (Reservists)……… 18
Lore • General………………1/3 Weapon • Category 1……… 1/5
Healer …………………… 21 Tracker…………………… 29
Lore • Magical……………… 6 Weapon • Category 2……… 2/5
Healer (Orc)……………… 27 Traveller ………………… 12
Lore • Obscure………………3/7 Weapon • Category 3……… 3/8
Herbalist ………………… 20 Wanderer ………………… 31
Lore • Technical ……………2/6 Weapon • Category 4………… 4
Hermit …………………… 29 Weapon Master…………… 43
Martial Arts • Strikes ………3/6 Weapon • Category 5………… 4
Hunter …………………… 30 Wolfrider ………………… 35
Martial Arts • Sweeps ………3/8 Weapon • Category 6………… 6
Innkeeper………………… 31 Zealot……………………… 29
Weapon • Category 7………… 6
The wea pon cate gorie s are: 1-H Concussion, 1-H Edged, 2-H anded, Mi ssile , Missile
A rtille ry, Pole Arms, and Thrown. The pla yer should assign one of the c ategorie s to
e ach of the wea pon ca tegories a bove.
Everyman Skills: Any one Survival skill, any one Riding skill,
Foraging, and Weather Watching
Ocupational Skills: None
Restricted Skills: Urban skills

N.B. Spell lists can only be learnt to 10th level during character
Other Base list (1-5)………… 90 Training package list (all) 8/8/8
Other Base list (6-10) …… 180
Other Base list (11-15)…… 270
Other Base list (16-20)…… 360
Other Base list (21+) …… 450
Open list (1-5)……………… 28 Closed list (1-5)…………… 45
Open list (6-10) …………… 56 Closed list (6-10) ………… 90
Open list (11-15)…………… 84 Closed list (11-15)………… 135
Open list (16-20)………… 112 Closed list (16-20)………… 180
Open list (21+)…………… 150 Closed list (21+) ………… 225
Base list (1-5) …………… 120 Traing package list (all)… 16/16

Base list (1-5) …………… 120 Traing package list (all)… 16/16
FIGHTER Base list (6-10)…………… 240
Fighters are non spell users who will find it relatively easy to Base list (11-15) ………… 360
develop a variety of different weapons and to wear heavier types of
Base list (16-20) ………… 480
armour. They are less skilled in manoeuvring and manipulating
Base list (21+)…………… 600
mechanical devices such as locks and traps (though they are still
Closed list (1-5) ………… 105 Open list (1-5) …………… 90
superior to most spell users in these areas). They have the greatest
Closed list (6-10)………… 210 Open list (6-10)…………… 180
difficulty learning anything connected with spells. Some literary
Closed list (11-15) ……… 315 Open list (11-15) ………… 270
examples of a fighter might include Conan the Barbarian, Little
Closed list (16-20) ……… 420 Open list (16-20) ………… 360
John, and Gimli the Dwarf.
Closed list (21+) ………… 525 Open list (21+) …………… 450
Prime Stats: Constitution and Strength First 5 lists deve loped i n a given level:................................................................... x1 cost
6th - 10th lists developed in a given le vel :............................................................. x2 cost
FIGHTER SPELL LISTS 11th - up li sts deve loped in a give n level:............................................................... x4 cost
The Fighter has no base lists, though he may learn (at a high For spell lists not shown, see the Revised Spell List DP Cost Table T-2.4.
development point cost) spells from his chosen realm of magic.
Armour Group…………… +10 Combat Manoeuvres……… +10
Body Development……… +10 Weapon Group …………… +20 Adventurer ……………… 36 Kings Corps……………… 45
Amateur Mage…………… 51 Labourer ………………… 11
SKILLS AND SKILL CATEGORIES Anamartar………………… 48 Loremaster ……………… 30
Armour • Heavy ………… 2/2/2 Outdoor • Animal ………… 1/4 Animal Handler ………… 11 Magic Crafter …………… 35
Armour • Light…………… 1/1/1 Outdoor • Environment…… 2/5 Animal Friend …………… 28 Royal Navy (Marine) …… 38
Armour • Medium ……… 2/2/2 Power Awareness …………… 8 Apothecary (MERP™)…… 29 Mercenary………………… 34
Artistic • Active ……………2/5 Power Manipulation ……… 18 Architect ………………… 26 Merchant ………………… 25
Artistic • Passive……………2/5 Power Point Develop……… 20 Astronomer ……………… 34 Midwife…………………… 18
Athletic • Brawn……………2/5 Science • Basic …………… 3/6 Beastmaster……………35(42) Noble……………………… 25
Athletic • Endurance ………2/6 Science • Specialized……… 12 Burglar…………………… 24 Performer………………… 29
Athletic • Gymnastic ………2/5 Self Control………………… 2/6 City Guard………………… 19 Sailor……………………… 20
Awareness • Perception ……2/9 Special Attacks …………… 2/6 Cloistered Academic……… 31 Sage……………………51(55)
Awareness • Searching………2/5 Special Defences…………… 25 Con Man ………………… 22 Scout……………………… 24
Awareness • Senses…………2/6 Subterfuge • Attack…………6/10 Crafter …………………… 24 Scribe……………………… 31
Body Development…………2/5 Subterfuge • Stealth ……… 2/5 Cut Purse………………… 23 Shaman Priest (MERP)…… 46
Combat Manoeuvres ………3/9 Subterfuge • Mechanics…… 3/8 Dwarven Berserker……… 36 Silli Niennava …………47(58)
Communications………… 3/3/3 Technical • General………… 3/7 Estehildi ………………… 41 Skuiftlaika………………… 36
Crafts …………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional……… 8 Explorer ………………… 32 Soldier…………………… 20
Directed Spells……………… 20 Technical • Vocational ……5/12 Faradrim Aran …………… 54 Spy………………………… 28
Influence……………………2/7 Urban……………………… 2/4 Faradrim Forod…………… 51 Surgeon…………………… 29
Lore • General………………1/3 Weapon • Category 1……… 1/5 Farmer …………………… 26 Territorial Corps ………… 22
Lore • Magical……………… 6 Weapon • Category 2……… 2/5 Fortune Teller …………… 35 T. Corps (Reservists)
……… 17
Lore • Obscure………………3/7 Weapon • Category 3……… 2/7 Healer …………………… 21 Tracker…………………… 37
Lore • Technical ……………2/6 Weapon • Category 4……… 2/7 Healer (Orc)……………… 27 Traveller ………………… 13
Martial Arts • Strikes ………3/5 Weapon • Category 5……… 2/7 Herbalist ………………… 24 Wanderer ………………… 31
Martial Arts • Sweeps………3/5 Weapon • Category 6………… 5 Hermit …………………… 33 Weapon Master…………… 38
Weapon • Category 7………… 5 Hunter …………………… 34 Wolfrider ………………… 31
The wea pon cate gorie s are: 1-H Concussion, 1-H Edged, 2-H anded, Mi ssile , Missile Innkeeper………………… 29 Zealot……………………… 27
A rtille ry, Pole Arms, and Thrown. The pla yer should assign one of the c ategorie s to
e ach of the wea pon ca tegories a bove.
Everyman Skills: Situational Awareness: Combat, Leadership,
Frenzy, any one non-Restricted Combat Manoeuvre, Boxing,
Occupational Skills: None
Restricted Skills: None

N.B. Spell lists can only be learnt to 10th level during character
Base list (1-5)……………… 80 Training package list (all) 8/8/8
Base list (6-10)…………… 160
Base list (11-15) ………… 240
Base list (16-20)………… 320
Base list (21+)…………… 400
Open list (1-5)……………… 25 Closed list (1-5)…………… 40
Open list (6-10) …………… 50 Closed list (6-10) ………… 80
Open list (11-15)…………… 75 Closed list (11-15)………… 120
Open list (16-20)………… 100 Closed list (16-20)………… 160
Open list (21+) ………… 125 Closed list (21+) ………… 200

Traing package list (all) …16/16
LAYMAN Closed list (1-5) …………… 80 Open list (1-5) …………… 40
Normally each character has an “adventuring” profession, Closed list (6-10)………… 160 Open list (6-10) …………… 80
reflecting how his early training and life have moulded his thought
Closed list (11-15) ……… 240 Open list (11-15) ……… 120
patterns. However, the Layman profusion represents characters who
Closed list (16-20) ……… 320 Open list (16-20) ……… 160
do not have a standard “adventuring” profession. Most non-
Closed list (21+) ………… 400 Open list (21+) ………… 200
adventuring NPC’S will have Layman profession. First 5 lists deve loped i n a given level:................................................................... x1 cost
Prime Stats: None 6th - 10th lists developed in a given le vel :.............................................................. x2 cost
Special: Every Layman should select an occupation. GM should 11th - up li sts deve loped in a give n level: ............................................................... x4 cost
move skills to the Everyman and Occupational categories as is ap- For spell lists not shown, see the Revised Spell List DP Cost Table T-2.4.
propriate to the occupation. Some sample occupations are given on
the next page.

LAYMAN SPELL LISTS Adventurer ……………… 36 Kings Corps……………… 50

The Layman has no base lists, though he may learn (at a high Amateur Mage…………… 37 Labourer ………………… 15
development point cost) spells from his chosen realm of magic. Anamartar………………… 44 Loremaster ………………… 24
Animal Handler ………… 18 Magic Crafter …………… 33
Animal Friend …………… 30 Royal Navy (Marine) …… 46
Athletic Group……………… +5 Power Awareness ………… +5
Apothecary (MERP)……… 29 Mercenary………………… 41
Awareness Group…………… +5 Power Manipulation ……… +5
Architect ………………… 26 Merchant ………………… 22
Body Development ………… +5 Self Control………………… +5
Astronomer ……………… 29 Midwife…………………… 18
Crafts………………………… +5 Technical/Trade Group …… +5
Beastmaster……………39(45) Noble……………………… 26
Outdoor Group……………… +5 Weapon Group …………… +5
Burglar…………………… 25 Performer………………… 26
SKILLS AND SKILL CATEGORIES City Guard………………… 24 Sailor……………………… 20
Armour • Heavy ………… 4/4/4 Outdoor • Animal ………… 2/5 Cloistered Academic……… 27 Sage……………………48(53)
Armour • Light…………… 2/2/2 Outdoor • Environment…… 2/5 Con Man ………………… 22 Scout……………………… 27
Armour • Medium ……… 3/3/3 Power Awareness ………… 4/7 Crafter …………………… 24 Scribe……………………… 29
Artistic • Active ……………2/5 Power Manipulation ………… 8 Cut Purse………………… 24 Shaman Priest (MERP)…… 35
Artistic • Passive……………2/5 Power Point Develop……… 10 Dwarven Berserker……… 45 Silli Niennava …………40(50)
Athletic • Brawn ……………3/6 Science • Basic …………… 2/5 Estehildi ………………… 41 Skuiftlaika………………… 41
Athletic • Endurance ………2/7 Science • Specialized………… 8 Explorer…………………… 33 Soldier…………………… 28
Athletic • Gymnastic ………2/6 Self Control………………… 2/7 Faradrim Aran …………… 57 Spy………………………… 27
Awareness • Perception … 3/10 Special Attacks ……………5/11 Faradrim Forod…………… 55 Surgeon…………………… 29
Awareness • Searching………2/6 Special Defences…………… 20 Farmer …………………… 30 Territorial Corps ………… 30
Awareness • Senses…………2/6 Subterfuge • Attack…………6/12 Fortune Teller …………… 27 T. Corps (Reservists)……… 22
Body Development ……… 4/12 Subterfuge • Stealth ……… 2/6 Healer …………………… 21 Tracker…………………… 39
Combat Manoeuvres…………/12 Subterfuge • Mechanics…… 3/6 Healer (Orc)……………… 27 Traveller ………………… 14
Communications………… 2/2/2 Technical • General………… 3/7 Herbalist ………………… 24 Wanderer ………………… 29
Crafts……………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional……… 8 Hermit …………………… 34 Weapon Master…………… 50
Directed Spells………………3/6 Technical • Vocational ……5/12 Hunter …………………… 35 Wolfrider ………………… 42
Influence……………………2/5 Urban……………………… 2/5 Innkeeper………………… 28 Zealot……………………… 27
Lore • General………………1/3 Weapon • Category 1……… 3/6
Lore • Magical……………… 3 Weapon • Category 2……… 3/6
Lore • Obscure………………3/7 Weapon • Category 3………… 4
Lore • Technical ……………2/6 Weapon • Category 4………… 5
Martial Arts • Strikes ……… 3 Weapon • Category 5………… 6
Martial Arts • Sweeps ……… 3 Weapon • Category 6………… 7
Weapon • Category 7………… 7
The wea pon cate gorie s are: 1-H Concussion, 1-H Edged, 2-H anded, Mi ssile , Missile
A rtille ry, Pole Arms, and Thrown. The pla yer should assign one of the c ategorie s to
e ach of the wea pon ca tegories a bove.
Everyman Skills: none
Occupational Skills; any one Craft (and any associated skills from
other categories, GM’s discretion).
Restricted Skills: None

N.B. Spell lists can only be learnt to 10th level during character
Traing package list (all) … 8/8/8
Open list (1-5)……………… 10 Closed list (1-5)…………… 15
Open list (6-10) …………… 20 Closed list (6-10) ………… 30
Open list (11-15)…………… 30 Closed list (11-15)………… 45
Open list (16-20)…………… 40 Closed list (16-20)………… 60
Open list (21+)……………… 50 Closed list (21+) ………… 75

SAMPLE LAYMAN OCCUPATIONS Everyman skills are Second Aid.
Acrobat Midwife
A performer of gymnastic ledgerdemain, who amazes his A healer skilled in the areas of pregnancy, birthing, child-
audience with incredible, nigh impossible stunts. sickness and related illnesses that can afflict the mother.
Occupational Skills Acrobatics and Tumbling Occupational skill are Midwifery, Preparing herbs.
Everyman Skills choose one skill from the following Juggling, Stilt- Everyman skills are Use Prepared Herbs.
walking, Tightrope-walking. Apothecary
Selli Niennava Healer Skilled in preparing herbs, mixing of periapts, decoctions,
A member of an order of healers, found running charity tinctures, pultices and potions. For the ease and cure of all manner
hospitals and hostals throughout Eriador. Knowledgable in many of ailments. They are found throughout Eriador (though since Arnor
areas of healing. dissolved they are becoming less common), Gondor, Umbar and
Occupational skills any two of the following physic, midwifery or Near Harad.
apothecary. Occupational skills are Apothecary, Herb Lore, Use prepared Herb.
Everyman skills herb lore, surgery, first aid, cooking, any one lore Everyman skills are Poison Lore, Diagnostics.
skill and one of the following physic, midwifery or apothecary. Physic
Blacksmith Or Physician; also called a Doctor if he boasts a true scholarly
A craftsman who makes items out of metal, from farming education, spends years in training as an apprentice. They must
implements to cooking pots. Most settlements in civilized areas will memorize elvish and Dunadan lore, and practice there healing skills
contain a blacksmith, serving the local community. under watchful teachers. At schools or monastic orders until they
Occupational Skills Metal Crafting (Blacksmith) and Evaluate are considered ready. They are found only in large cities or in the
Metal. service of the nobility. They are found throughout Eriador (though
since Arnor dissolved they are becoming less common), Gondor,
Everyman Skills Metal Lore.
Umbar and Near Harad.
Occupational skills are Physic, First Aid, Second Aid.
A craftsman who makes items out of wood, from bowls to
furniture. Most large settlements in civilized areas will have a Everyman skills are Apothecary, Herb Lore, Midwifery, Surgery,
carpenter. choose any three Lore category skills (except Lore Magical), choose
any two influence category skills.
Occupational Skills Wood-crafts (Carpentry)
Everyman Skills Wood Lore
Practised at managing land for the growing of crops and/or
husbanding of animals.
Occupational Skills Horticulture and Animal Handling.
Everyman Skills Animal Healing and Weather Watching
A person who knows how to get animals from Ato B, hopefully
without losing any.
Occupational Skills Herding (select Animal)
Everyman Skills Animal Handling (select animal).
From the humble street peddler to the importer of exotic goods.
If you want it they’ll sell it to you, sometimes even when you don’t!
Occupational Skills Trading, choose one skill from the following
Appraisal, Evaluate Armour, Evaluate Metal, Evaluate Stone,
Evaluate Weapon.
Everyman Skills Trading Lore, Advertizing.
Nandorin (Silvan Elf) Healer
A skilled practitioner in the use of herbs to aid healing.
Occupational skills herb lore, prepare herbs, use prepared herbs.
Everyman skills diagnostics, first aid, second aid, poison lore. You
may learn appropriate spell lists to 5th level.
Estehildi Healer
A member of a semi-religious order who run houses of healing
throughout Gondor. Kowledgeable in many areas of healing.
Occupational skills Physic, Midwifery, Apothecary.
Everyman skills herb lore, surgery, first aid, cooking and any two
lore skills.
A healer skilled in amputations and internal injuries. They are
mostly found in large cities or working as part of a healing order.
They are found throughout Eriador (though since Arnor dissolved
they are becoming less common), Gondor, Umbar and Near Harad.
Occupational skill are Surgery.

Closed list (6-10)………… 180 Open list (6-10) ………… 120
ROGUE Closed list (11-15) ……… 270 Open list (11-15) ……… 180
Rogues are non spell users with some expertise in thiefly Closed list (16-20) ……… 360 Open list (16-20) ……… 240
abilities and more specialized knowledge of arms than that
Closed list (21+) ………… 450 Open list (21+) ………… 300
possessed by Fighters. Normally, a Rogue will be almost as good as First 5 lists deve loped i n a given level:................................................................... x1 cost
a Fighter with one weapon of his choice. The cost, in development 6th - 10th lists developed in a given le vel :.............................................................. x2 cost
points, of developing his thiefly skills will generally not allow him 11th - up li sts deve loped in a give n level: ............................................................... x4 cost
to be as good in these areas as a Thief, but his flexibility is For spell lists not shown, see the Revised Spell List DP Cost Table T-2.4.
unmatched by either profession. Some literary examples of Rogues
might include Fahfard and the Grey Mouser, Robin Hood. TRAINING PACKAGES
Prime Stats: Agility and Strength

ROGUE SPELL LISTS Adventurer ……………… 34 Kings Corps……………… 47

The Rogue has no base lists, though he may learn (at a high Amateur Mage…………… 46 Labourer ………………… 13
development point cost) spells from his chosen realm of magic. Anamartar………………… 48 Loremaster ………………… 27
Animal Handler ………… 11 Magic Crafter …………… 34
PROFESSION BONUSES Animal Friend …………… 25 Royal Navy (Marine) …… 43
Armour Group……………… +5 Combat Manoeuvres……… +5 Apothecary (MERP)……… 29 Mercenary………………… 37
Athletic • Gymnastic …… +5 Subterfuge Group ……… +10 Architect ………………… 26 Merchant ………………… 25
Awareness Group…………… +5 Weapon Group ………… +15 Astronomer ……………… 34 Noble……………………… 25
Body Development ………… +5 Beastmaster……………34(41) Midwife…………………… 18
Burglar…………………… 21 Performer………………… 28
SKILLS AND SKILL CATEGORIES City Guard………………… 20 Sailor……………………… 19
Armour • Heavy ………… 3/3/3 Outdoor • Animal ………… 1/5 Cloistered Academic……… 30 Sage……………………50(54)
Armour • Light ………… 1/1/1 Outdoor • Environment…… 2/4 Con Man ………………… 18 Scout……………………… 21
Armour • Medium ……… 2/2/2 Power Awareness …………… 7 Crafter …………………… 24 Scribe……………………… 31
Artistic • Active ………… 2/4 Power Manipulation ……… 12 Cut Purse………………… 14 Shaman Priest (MERP)…… 40
Artistic • Passive………… 2/5 Power Point Develop……… 12 Dwarven Berserker……… 40 Silli Niennava …………43(54)
Athletic • Brawn ………… 2/6 Science • Basic …………… 3/6 Estehildi ………………… 41 Skuiftlaika………………… 35
Athletic • Endurance …… 2/5 Science • Specialized……… 12 Explorer…………………… 31 Soldier…………………… 23
Athletic • Gymnastic ………1/5 Self Control ……………… 2/6 Faradrim Aran …………… 54 Spy………………………… 24
Awareness • Perception … 2/6 Special Attacks …………… 2/7 Faradrim Forod…………… 51 Surgeon…………………… 29
Awareness • Searching … 1/5 Special Defences ………… 25 Farmer …………………… 27 Territorial Corps ………… 26
Awareness • Senses……… 2/6 Subterfuge • Attack ……… 4/8 Fortune Teller …………… 31 T. Corps (Reservists)……… 20
Body Development ……… 3/9 Subterfuge • Stealth ……… 1/3 Healer …………………… 21 Tracker…………………… 31
Combat Manoeuvres …… 4/10 Subterfuge • Mechanics…… 2/5 Healer (Orc)……………… 27 Traveller ………………… 11
Communications………… 3/3/3 Technical • General ……… 3/7 Herbalist ………………… 24 Wanderer ………………… 29
Crafts …………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional …… 8 Hermit …………………… 33 Weapon Master…………… 47
Directed Spells …………… 20 Technical • Vocational … 5/12 Hunter …………………… 30 Wolfrider ………………… 35
Influence………………… 2/5 Urban……………………… 1/3 Innkeeper………………… 27 Zealot……………………… 28
Lore • General ……………1/3 Weapon • Category 1……… 2/5
Lore • Magical……………… 4 Weapon • Category 2……… 3/8
Lore • Obscure ……………3/7 Weapon • Category 3……… 3/9
Lore • Technical ………… 2/5 Weapon • Category 4……… 3/9
Martial Arts • Strikes …… 3/7 Weapon • Category 5……… 3/9
Martial Arts • Sweeps …… 3/7 Weapon • Category 6………… 6
Weapon • Category 7………… 6
The wea pon cate gorie s are: 1-H Concussion, 1-H Edged, 2-H anded, Mi ssile , Missile
A rtille ry, Pole Arms, and Thrown. The pla yer should assign one of the c ategorie s to
e ach of the wea pon ca tegories a bove,
Everyman Skills: Duping, Lock Lore, choice of one Situational
Awareness, one of either Boxing or Wrestling.
Occupational Skills: none
Restricted Skills: None

N.B. Spell lists can only be learnt to 10th level during character
Training package list (all) 8/8/8
Open list (1-5)……………… 15 Closed list (1-5)…………… 25
Open list (6-10) …………… 30 Closed list (6-10) ………… 50
Open list (11-15)…………… 45 Closed list (11-15)………… 75
Open list (16-20)…………… 60 Closed list (16-20)………… 100
Open list (21+)……………… 75 Closed list (21+) ………… 125
Traing package list (all) …16/16
Closed list (1-5) …………… 90 Open list (1-5) …………… 60

Closed list (6-10)………… 200 Open list (6-10)…………… 160
THIEF Closed list (11-15) ……… 300 Open list (11-15) ………… 240
Thieves are non spell users who are specialists at manoeuvring Closed list (16-20) ……… 400 Open list (16-20) ………… 320
and manipulating. They have the easiest time learning mechanical
Closed list (21+) ………… 500 Open list (21+) …………… 400
skills (such as picking locks and disarming traps) and are fairly First 5 lists deve loped i n a given level:................................................................... x1 cost
good at picking up weapon skills. Thieves are also unusually adept 6th - 10th lists developed in a given le vel :............................................................. x2 cost
at subterfuge skills (Stalking, Hiding, etc.). They rarely wear heavy 11th - up li sts deve loped in a give n level:............................................................... x4 cost
arm our, although arm our does not especially hinder the exercising For spell lists not shown, see the Revised Spell List DP Cost Table T-2.4.
of their professional abilities (other than limiting their superb
manoeuvring abilities). Some literary examples of Thieves might TRAINING PACKAGES
include Will Scarlet and Biibo Baggins.
Prime Stats : Agility and Quickness Adventurer ……………… 34 Kings Corps……………… 49
Amateur Mage…………… 47 Labourer ………………… 16
THIEF SPELL LISTS Anamartar………………… 48 Loremaster ……………… 28
The Thief has no base lists, though he may learn (at a high Animal Handler ………… 18 Magic Crafter …………… 34
development point cost) spells from his chosen realm of magic. Animal Friend …………… 28 Royal Navy (Marine) …… 45
Apothecary (MERP)……… 29 Mercenary………………… 40
PROFESSION BONUSES Architect ………………… 26 Merchant ………………… 25
Athletic • Gymnastic ……… +5 Self Control ……………… +5 Astronomer ……………… 34 Midwife…………………… 18
Awareness Group………… +10 Subterfuge Group ………… +15 Beastmaster……………37(45) Noble……………………… 26
Body Development………… +5 Weapon Group …………… +10 Burglar…………………… 18 Performer………………… 28
City Guard………………… 21 Sailor……………………… 19
Cloistered Academic……… 31 Sage……………………50(54)
Armour • Heavy ………… 4/4/4 Outdoor • Animal ………… 2/5
Con Man ………………… 18 Scout……………………… 23
Armour • Light…………… 2/2/2 Outdoor • Environment…… 2/6
Crafter …………………… 24 Scribe……………………… 31
Armour • Medium ……… 3/3/3 Power Awareness …………… 6
Cut Purse………………… 14 Shaman Priest (MERP)…… 43
Artistic • Active ……………2/4 Power Manipulation ……… 18
Dwarven Berserker……… 43 Silli Niennava …………45(57)
Artistic • Passive……………2/5 Power Point Develop……… 15
Estehildi ………………… 41 Skuiftlaika………………… 35
Athletic • Brawn……………3/6 Science • Basic …………… 3/6
Explorer ………………… 31 Soldier…………………… 27
Athletic • Endurance ………2/7 Science • Specialized……… 12
Faradrim Aran …………… 53 Spy………………………… 23
Athletic • Gymnastic ………1/3 Self Control………………… 2/6
Faradrim Forod…………… 53 Surgeon…………………… 29
Awareness • Perception ……2/5 Special Attacks …………… 2/8
Farmer …………………… 30 Territorial Corps ………… 29
Awareness • Searching………1/3 Special Defences…………… 25
Fortune Teller …………… 29 T. Corps (Reservists)
……… 21
Awareness • Senses…………2/5 Subterfuge • Attack………… 2/6
Healer …………………… 21 Tracker…………………… 29
Body Development……… 5/12 Subterfuge • Stealth ……… 1/3
Healer (Orc)……………… 27 Traveller ………………… 12
Combat Manoeuvres …… 4/12 Subterfuge • Mechanics…… 1/3
Herbalist ………………… 24 Wanderer ………………… 30
Communications………… 3/3/3 Technical • General………… 3/7
Hermit …………………… 34 Weapon Master…………… 49
Crafts …………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional……… 8
Hunter …………………… 30 Wolfrider ………………… 41
Directed Spells……………… 20 Technical • Vocational … 5/12
Innkeeper………………… 27 Zealot……………………… 28
Influence……………………2/5 Urban……………………… 1/2
Lore • General………………1/3 Weapon • Category 1……… 2/7
Lore • Magical……………… 5 Weapon • Category 2……… 3/8
Lore • Obscure………………3/7 Weapon • Category 3………… 4
Lore • Technical ……………2/4 Weapon • Category 4………… 4
Martial Arts • Strikes ………3/7 Weapon • Category 5………… 4
Martial Arts • Sweeps………3/7 Weapon • Category 6………… 6
Weapon • Category 7………… 6
The wea pon cate gorie s are: 1-H Concussion, 1-H Edged, 2-H anded, Mi ssile , Missile
A rtille ry, Pole Arms, and Thrown. The pla yer should assign one of the c ategorie s to
e ach of the wea pon ca tegories a bove.
Everyman Skills: choice of one Situational Awareness, Duping,
Subdual, Operating Equipment
Occupational Skills: Lock Lore
Restricted Skills: None

N.B. Spell lists can only be learnt to 10th level during character
Training Package list (all) 8/8/8
Open list (1-5)……………… 18 Closed list (1-5)…………… 35
Open list (6-10) …………… 36 Closed list (6-10) ………… 70
Open list (11-15)…………… 54 Closed list (11-15)………… 105
Open list (16-20)…………… 72 Closed list (16-20)………… 140
Open list (21+) …………… 90 Closed list (21+) ………… 175
Training Package list (all) 16/16
Closed list (1-5) ………… 100 Open list (1-5) …………… 80

Open list (21+)………… 6/6/6 Closed list (21+)…………… 8/8
Magicians are Pure spell users of Essence who have concen-
trated on elemental spells. Their base spells deal with the elements Base list (1-5) ……………… 50 Training Package list (all)… 8/8
of earth, water, air, and heat. Base list (6-10)……………… 70
Base list (11-15) …………… 90
Prime Stats: Empathy and Reasoning
Base list (16-20) ………… 110
MAGICIAN SPELL LISTS Base list (21+)…………… 130
Closed list (1-5) …………… 20 Open list (1-5)…………… 10/10
The Magician has six base lists. The full descriptions of all the
Closed list (6-10)…………… 25 Open list (6-10) …………… 12
spells on these lists can be found in Spell Law (pages 99-104). For a
Closed list (11-15) ………… 40 Open list (11-15)…………… 25
slightly higher development point cost, he may also develop Open
Closed list (16-20) ………… 60 Open list (16-20)…………… 40
and Closed Essence spell lists. Full descriptions of these Lists can
be found in Spell Law (pages 73-92). Other spell lists may be Closed list (21+) …………… 80 Open list (21+) …………… 60
First 5 lists deve loped i n a given level: ................................................................. x1 cost
developed, but will cost a higher number of development points.
6th - 10th lists developed in a given le vel : ............................................................ x2 cost
Earth Law: Manipulating earth, stone, and other inorganic materi- 11th - up li sts deve loped in a give n level: ............................................................. x4 cost
als. For spell lists not shown, see the Revised Spell List DP Cost Table T-2.4.
Fire Law: Manipulating fire and heat manipulation (including ele-
mental attacks).
Ice Law: Manipulating ice and cold (including elemental atÿtacks).
Adventurer ……………… 46 Kings Corps……………… 65
Light Law: Manipulating light and electricity (including elemental
Amateur Mage…………… 26 Labourer ………………… 27
Anamartar………………… 46 Loremaster ………………… 19
Water Law: Manipulating water and other fluids (including ele- Animal Handler ………… 23 Magic Crafter …………… 27
mental attacks). Animal Friend …………… 39 Royal Navy (Marine) …… 62
Wind Law: Manipulating wind and air. Apothecary (MERP)……… 31 Mercenary………………… 56
Architect ………………… 25 Merchant ………………… 21
PROFESSION BONUSES Astronomer ……………… 29 Midwife…………………… 18
Directed Spells…………… +10 Power Manipulation ……… +10 Beastmaster……………… 46 Noble……………………… 28
Lore • Magical…………… +10 Power Point Dev…………… +5 Burglar…………………… 37 Performer………………… 27
Power Awareness………… +10 Spell Group………………… +5 City Guard………………… 39 Sailor……………………… 24
SKILLS AND SKILL CATEGORIES Cloistered Academic……… 24 Sage……………………… 45
Con Man ………………… 28 Scout……………………… 37
Amour • Heavy …………… 11 Outdoor • Animal …………… 3
Crafter …………………… 24 Scribe……………………… 32
Armour • Light …………… 9 Outdoor • Environment……… 3
Cut Purse………………… 37 Shaman Priest (MERP)…… 40
Armour • Medium ………… 10 Power Awareness ………… 1/4
Dwarven Berserker……… 62 Silli Niennava …………… 30
Artistic • Active ……………2/5 Power Manipulation ………4/10
Estehildi ………………… 41 Skuiftlaika………………… 55
Artistic • Passive……………2/5 Power Point Develop………… 4
Explorer…………………… 39 Soldier…………………… 50
Athletic • Brawn …………… 6 Science • Basic …………… 1/4
Faradrim Aran …………… 74 Spy………………………… 39
Athletic • Endurance ……… 3 Science • Specialized………6/14
Faradrim Forod…………… 71 Surgeon…………………… 26
Athletic • Gymnastic ……… 3 Self Control ………………… 6
Farmer …………………… 41 Territorial Corps ………… 55
Awareness • Perception …… 6 Special Attacks …………… 15
Fortune Teller …………… 20 T. Corps (Reservists)……… 46
Awareness • Searching …… 3 Special Defences ………… 30
Healer …………………… 21 Tracker…………………… 53
Awareness • Senses…………3/7 Subterfuge • Attack ……… 15
Healer (Orc)……………… 27 Traveller ………………… 20
Body Development ………… 15 Subterfuge • Stealth ………… 5
Herbalist ………………… 27 Wanderer ………………… 34
Combat Manoeuvres ……… 18 Subterfuge • Mechanics……… 7
Hermit …………………… 46 Weapon Master…………… 73
Communications………… 2/2/2 Technicalÿ• General ……… 3/7
Hunter …………………… 47 Wolfrider ………………… 60
Crafts …………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional …… 8
Innkeeper………………… 29 Zealot……………………… 32
Directed Spells ……………2/5 Technical • Vocational ……5/12
Influence……………………2/6 Urban………………………… 3
Lore • General………………1/3 Weapon • Category 1………… 9
Lore • Magical………………1/4 Weapon • Category 2……… 20
Lore • Obscure………………3/7 Weapon • Category 3……… 20
Lore • Technical ……………2/6 Weapon • Category 4……… 20
Martial Arts • Strikes ……… 9 Weapon • Category 5……… 20
Martial Arts • Sweeps ……… 9 Weapon • Category 6……… 20
Weapon • Category 7……… 20
The wea pon cate gorie s are: 1-H Concussion, 1-H Edged, 2-H anded, Mi ssile , Missile
A rtillery, Pole Arms, and Thrown.
Everyman Skills: Time Sense, Spell Mastery, Meditation
Occupational Skills: none
Restricted Skills: None

N.B. Spell lists can only be learnt to 10th level during character
Base list (all) …………… 3/3/3 Training Package list (all) 4/4/4
Open list (1-20) ………… 4/4/4 Closed list (1-20) ……… 4/4/4

ESSENCE ALCHEMIST Restricted Skills: None
Essence Alchemists are pure spell users of the Essence, who SPELL DEVELOPMENT
have concentrated on the creation of items. Their base spells deal
N.B. Spell lists can only be learnt to 10th level during character
with the creation of magical items, potions, runes, staves, wands.
Prime Stats: Empathy and Reasoning OWN REALM:
Base list (all) …………… 3/3/3 Closed list (1-5)………… 4/4/4
Open list (1-10) ………… 4/4/4 Closed list (6-10) ……… 4/4/4
Essence Alchemists have six base lists which are chosen from
Open list (11-15)………… 4/4/4 Closed list (11-15)……… 4/4/4
the nine base spells lists found below. Lists not chosen are treated
Open list (16-20)………… 4/4/4 Closed list (16-20)……… 4/4/4
as Own Realm Other Base Lists (and thus cannot be taken as extra
Open list (21+)…………… 6/6/6 Closed list (21+)…………… 8/8
base lists). The full descriptions of all the spells on these lists can be
found in Treasure Companion (pages 63-71). For a slightly higher
Base list (1-5) ……………… 50
development point cost, he may also develop Open and Closed
Base list (6-10)……………… 70
Essence spell lists. Full descriptions of these lists can be found in
Base list (11-15) …………… 90
Spell Law (pages 73-92). Other spell lists may be developed, but
will cost a higher number of development points. Base list (16-20) ………… 110
Base list (21+)…………… 130
Armour Enchantments: Creates magical amours.
Closed list (1-5) …………… 20 Open list (1-5) ………… 10/10
Elven Inorganic Skills: Works inorganic matter. This list can only Closed list (6-10)…………… 25 Open list (6-10)…………… 12
be developed by Elven characters. Closed list (11-15) ………… 40 Open list (11-15) ………… 25
General Enchantments: Creates magical general items. Closed list (16-&20………… 60 Open list (16-20) ………… 40
Inorganic Skills (MERP): Works inorganic matter. This list is for Closed list (21+) …………… 80 Open list (21+) …………… 60
non-Elven characters only. First 5 lists deve loped i n a given level: ................................................................. x1 cost
6th - 10th lists developed in a given le vel : ........................................................... x2 cost
Item Analysis: Analysis the workings of items of power.
11th - up li sts deve loped in a give n level: ............................................................. x4 cost
Liquid/Gas Skills: Creates potions.
Organic Skills: Works organic matter. TRAINING PACKAGES
Other Realm Imbedding: Imbeds spells from realms other than his
own. Adventurer ……………… 45 Kings Corps……………… 57
Own Realm Imbedding: Imbed spells from his own realm. Amateur Mage…………… 26 Labourer ………………… 25
Weapon Enchantments: Creates magical weapons. The spells for Anamartar………………… 45 Loremaster ……………… 19
imbueing intelligence e.g., 3. Empathy don’t exsist in Middle-earth. Animal Handler ………… 23 Magic Crafter …………… 27
Animal Friend …………… 41 Royal Navy (Marine) …… 55
PROFESSION BONUSES Apothecary (MERP)……… 29 Mercenary………………… 51
Crafting ………………… +15 Lore • magical …………… +5 Architect ………………… 25 Merchant ………………… 21
Lore • Obscure……………… +5 Lore • Technical…………… +5 Astronomer ……………… 27 Midwife…………………… 18
Power Point Dev…………… +5 Power Awareness ………… +5 Beastmaster……………… 47 Noble……………………… 28
Spell Group………………… +5 Technical • Vocational …… +5 Burglar…………………… 34 Performer………………… 28
City Guard………………… 32 Sailor……………………… 26
SKILLS AND SKILL CATEGORIES Cloistered Academic……… 24 Sage……………………… 43
Armour • Heavy ………… 5/5/5 Outdoor • Animal …………… 3 Con Man ………………… 30 Scout……………………… 34
Armour • Light ………… 2/2/2 Outdoor • Environment……… 3 Crafter …………………… 24 Scribe……………………… 32
Armour • Medium ……… 4/4/4 Power Awareness ………… 1/4 Cut Purse………………… 44 Shaman Priest (MERP)…… 30
Artistic • Active ………… 2/5 Power Manipulation …… 4/10 Dwarven Berserker……… 55 Silli Niennava …………… 40
Artistic • Passive………… 2/5 Power Point Develop………… 4 Estehildi ………………… 41 Skuiftlaika………………… 56
Athletic • Brawn…………… 3 Science • Basic …………… 1/3 Explorer ………………… 38 Soldier…………………… 38
Athletic • Endurance ……… 3 Science • Specialized……… 3/7 Faradrim Aran …………… 69 Spy………………………… 43
Athletic • Gymnastic ……… 6 Self Control ………………… 6 Faradrim Forod…………… 65 Surgeon…………………… 24
Awareness • Perception …… 6 Special Attacks …………… 15 Farmer …………………… 40 Territorial Corps ………… 45
Awareness • Searching …… 3 Special Defences ………… 30 Fortune Teller …………… 20 T. Corps (Reservists)
……… 29
Awareness • Senses……… 3/7 Subterfuge • Attack ……… 15 Healer …………………… 21 Tracker…………………… 52
Body Development………… 15 Subterfuge • Stealth ………… 5 Healer (Orc)……………… 27 Traveller ………………… 23
Combat Manoeuvres ……… 18 Subterfuge • Mechanics……… 7 Herbalis…………………… t27 Wanderer ………………… 35
Communications………… 2/2/2 Technical • General ……… 3/7 Hermit …………………… 46 Weapon Master…………… 63
Crafts …………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional …… 8 Hunter …………………… 46 Wolfrider ………………… 55
Directed Spells …………… 3 Technical • Vocational …… 3/7 Innkeeper………………… 29 Zealot……………………… 28
Influence………………… 2/6 Urban………………………… 3
Lore • General…………… 1/3 Weapon • Category 1………… 4
Lore • Magical…………… 1/4 Weapon • Category 2………… 9
Lore • Obscure…………… 3/7 Weapon • Category 3……… 12
Lore • Technical ………… 2/6 Weapon • Category 4……… 20
Martial Arts • Strikes ……… 9 Weapon • Category 5……… 20
Martial Arts • Sweeps……… 9 Weapon • Category 6……… 20
Weapon • Category 7……… 20
The weapon c ategories are: 1-H Conc ussion, 1-H Edged, 2-Ha nded, Missile Art illery,
Pole Arms, a nd Thrown.
Everyman Skills: Time Sense, Meditation, Artifact Lore
Occupational Skills: Six crafting skills of the players choice.

ANIMIST Restricted Skills: none
Animists are pure spell users of Channelling specializing in SPELL DEVELOPMENT
studies and powers concerning living things. Their base spells deal
N.B. Spell lists can only be learnt to 10th level during character
with plants, animals, weather, and nature in general.
Animists can be known by differant names in differant cultures;
sometimes with slightly differant abilities. Amongst the Woodmen
Base list own (all) …… 3/3/3 Training Package list (all) 4/4/4
they are known as Wita. The Urban Northmen and Gramuz call
them Urdharkona. Open list (1-20) ……… 4/4/4 Closed list (1-20) ……… 4/4/4
Open list (21+)………… 6/6/6 Closed list (21+)…………… 8/8
Prime Stats: Intuition and Memory.
Special: Wita may swop 2 Animist base lists for a Cleric base list
Training Package list (all)……8/8
and a Ranger base list.
Closed list (1-5) …………… 20 Open list (1-5) ………… 10/10
ANIMIST SPELL LISTS Closed list (6-10)…………… 25 Open list (6-10) …………… 12
Closed list (11-15) ………… 40 Open list (11-15) ………… 25
The Animist has six base lists. The full descriptions of all the
Closed list (16-20) ………… 60 Open list (16-20) ………… 40
spells on these lists can be found in Spell Law (pages 29-34). For a
slightly higher development point cost, he may also develop Open Closed list (21+) …………… 80 Open list (21+) …………… 60
First 5 lists deve loped i n a given level: ................................................................. x1 cost
and Closed Channelling spell lists. Full descriptions of these lists
6th - 10th lists developed in a given le vel : ............................................................ x2 cost
can be found in Spell Law (pages 9-28). Other spell lists may be 11th - up li sts deve loped in a give n level: ............................................................. x4 cost
developed, but will cost a larger number of development points.
Animal Mastery: Calming, befriending, and affecting animals in TRAINING PACKAGES
various ways. Adventurer………………… 41 Kings Corps ……………… 59
Herb Mastery: Finding, preparing, and enhancing herbs (and Amateur Mage…………… 28 Labourer…………………… 20
herbal cures). Anamartar………………… 45 Loremaster………………… 22
Nature’s Lore: Gleaning information from the environment. Animal Handler…………… 11 Magic Crafter……………… 28
Nature’s Movement/Senses: Enhancing abilities and senses of the Animal Friend …………… 27 Royal Navy (Marine)……… 55
Animist. Architect ………………… 25 Mercenary………………… 49
Apothecary (MERP)……… 31 Merchant ………………… 21
Nature’s Protection: Resisting and protecting using the elements
Astronomer ……………… 25 Midwife…………………… 18
of nature.
Beastmaster ……………… 36 Noble……………………… 27
Plant Mastery: Growing, restoring, and affecting plants in various Burglar…………………… 36 Performer………………… 27
ways. City Guard………………… 32 Sailor……………………… 22
Cloistered Academic……… 24 Sage ……………………… 45
Con Man ………………… 24 Scout……………………… 22
Awareness Group…………… +5 Power Manipulation ……… +5
Crafter …………………… 24 Scribe……………………… 31
Lore • Magical……………… +5 Power Point Dev…………… +5
Cut Purse ………………… 33 Shaman Priest (MERP)…… 28
Outdoor Group…………… +20 Spell Group………………… +5
Dwarven Berserker ……… 56 Silli Niennava …………… 36
Power Awareness…………… +5
Estehildi…………………… 41 Skuiftlaika………………… 53
SKILLS AND SKILL CATEGORIES Explorer…………………… 36 Soldier …………………… 36
Armour • Heavy …………… 11 Outdoor • Animal ………… 1/2 Faradrim Aran …………… 64 Spy………………………… 33
Armour • Light…………… 2/2/2 Outdoor • Environment…… 1/2 Faradrim Forod…………… 61 Surgeon…………………… 26
Armour • Medium ………… 10 Power Awareness ………… 2/6 Farmer …………………… 29 Territorial Corps ………… 41
Artistic • Active ……………2/5 Power Manipulation ………4/10 Fortune Teller …………… 18 T. Corps (Reservists)……… 29
Artistic • Passive……………2/5 Power Point Develop………… 4 Healer……………………… 21 Tracker…………………… 45
Athletic • Brawn …………… 4 Science • Basic …………… 1/4 Healer (Orc)……………… 27 Traveller…………………… 13
Athletic • Endurance ……… 3 Science • Specialized………6/14 Herbalist ………………… 20 Wanderer ………………… 28
Athletic • Gymnastic ……… 3 Self Control…………………… 5 Hermit …………………… 38 Weapon Master…………… 60
Awareness • Perception …… 6 Special Attacks …………… 10 Hunter …………………… 33 Wolfrider ………………… 53
Awareness • Searching………1/5 Special Defences…………… 30 Innkeeper ………………… 30 Zealot……………………… 30
Awareness • Senses…………3/7 Subterfuge • Attack………… 10
Body Development ………… 8 Subterfuge • Stealth ………… 3
Combat Manoeuvres………… 10 Subterfuge • Mechanics……… 8
Communications………… 2/2/2 Technical • General………… 3/7
Crafts……………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional……… 8
Directed Spells……………… 3 Technical • Vocational ……5/12
Influence……………………2/6 Urban………………………… 4
Lore • General………………1/3 Weapon • Category 1………… 6
Lore • Magical………………2/5 Weapon • Category 2………… 7
Lore • Obscure………………3/7 Weapon • Category 3………… 9
Lore •‘Technical ……………2/6 Weapon • Category 4………… 9
Martial Arts • Strikes ……… 6 Weapon • Category 5………… 9
Martial Arts • Sweeps ……… 6 Weapon • Category 6……… 20
Weapon • Category 7……… 20
The wea pon cate gorie s are: 1-H Concussion, 1-H Edged, 2-H anded, Mi ssile , Missile
A rtillery, Pole Arms, and Thrown.
Everyman Skills: Time Sense, Meditation, Religion, Divination
Occupational Skills: Herb Lore

CHANNELLING ALCHEMIST Restricted Skills: None.
Channelling Alchemists are pure spell users of Channelling,
who have concentrated on the creation of items. Their base spells SPELL DEVELOPMENT
deal with the creation of magical items, holy vestments, holy water, N.B. Spell lists can only be learnt to 10th level during character
and wards. creation.
Prime Stats: Intuition and Reasoning OWN REALM:
Special Notes: This profession is only available to the Dwarven Base list (all) …………… 3/3/3
race. Open list (1-20) ………… 4/4/4 Closed list (1-20) ……… 4/4/4
Open list (21+)…………… 6/6/6 Closed list (21+)…………… 8/8
Channelling Alchemists have six base lists which are chosen Base list (1-5) ……………… 50
from the nine base spells lists found below. Lists not chosen are Base list (6-10)……………… 70
treated as Own Realm Other Base Lists (and thus cannot be taken as Base list (11-15) …………… 90
extra base lists). The full descriptions of all the spells on these lists Base list (16-20) ………… 110
can be found in Treasure Companion (pages 63-71). For a slightly Base list (21+)…………… 130
higher development point cost, he may also develop Open and Closed list (1-5) …………… 20 Open list (1-5) ………… 10/10
Closed Essence spell lists. Full descriptions of these lists can be Closed list (6-10)…………… 25 Open list (6-10)…………… 12
found in Spell Law (pages 73-92). Other spell lists may be de- Closed list (11-15) ………… 40 Open list (11-15) ………… 25
veloped, but will cost a higher number of development points. Closed list (16-&20………… 60 Open list (16-20) ………… 40
Dwarven Armour: Creates magical amours. Closed list (21+) …………… 80 Open list (21+) …………… 60
Holy Office: Creates magical general items. First 5 lists deve loped i n a given level: ................................................................. x1 cost
6th - 10th lists developed in a given le vel : ........................................................... x2 cost
Holy Wards: Creates wards to protect people and sights.
11th - up li sts deve loped in a give n level: ............................................................. x4 cost
Holy Weapons: Creates magical weapons. The spells for imbueing
intelligence e.g., 3. Empathy don’t exsist in Middle-earth. TRAINING PACKAGES
Holy Works: Works organic matter.
Dwarven Inorganic Skills: Works inorganic matter. Adventurer ……………… 45 Kings Corps……………… 59
Liquid/Gas Skills: Creates potions. Amateur Mage…………… 28 Labourer ………………… 21
Other Realm Imbedding: Imbeds spells from realms other Anamartar………………… 45 Loremaster ……………… 22
than his own. Animal Handler ………… 23 Magic Crafter …………… 28
Own Realm Imbedding: Imbed spells from his own realm. Animal Friend …………… 39 Royal Navy (Marine) …… 56
Apothecary (MERP)……… 29 Mercenary………………… 49
PROFESSION BONUSES Architect ………………… 25 Merchant ………………… 21
Crafting ………………… +15 Lore • magical …………… +5 Astronomer ……………… 27 Midwife…………………… 18
Influence…………………… +5 Lore • Obscure …………… +5 Beastmaster……………… 46 Noble……………………… 28
Power Point Dev…………… +5 Power Awareness ………… +5 Burglar…………………… 36 Performer………………… 28
Spell Group………………… +5 Weapon Group …………… +5 City Guard………………… 32 Sailor……………………… 25
Cloistered Academic……… 24 Sage……………………… 45
SKILLS AND SKILL CATEGORIES Con Man ………………… 29 Scout……………………… 30
Armour • Heavy …………… 11 Outdoor • Animal …………… 3 Crafter …………………… 24 Scribe……………………… 31
Armour • Light ………… 2/2/2 Outdoor • Environment…… 2/7 Cut Purse………………… 43 Shaman Priest (MERP)…… 31
Armour • Medium ………… 10 Power Awareness ………… 2/5 Dwarven Berserker……… 57 Silli Niennava …………… 36
Artistic • Active ……………2/5 Power Manipulation ………4/10 Estehildi ………………… 41 Skuiftlaika………………… 54
Artistic • Passive……………2/5 Power Point Develop………… 4 Explorer ………………… 39 Soldier…………………… 37
Athletic • Brawn…………… 3 Science • Basic …………… 1/4 Faradrim Aran …………… 68 Spy………………………… 41
Athletic • Endurance ……… 3 Science • Specialized………6/14 Faradrim Forod…………… 64 Surgeon…………………… 26
Athletic • Gymnastic ……… 6 Self Control ………………… 5 Farmer …………………… 35 Territorial Corps ………… 43
Awareness • Perception …… 6 Special Attacks …………… 10 Fortune Teller …………… 21 T. Corps (Reservists)
……… 29
Awareness • Searching ……2/6 Special Defences ………… 30 Healer …………………… 21 Tracker…………………… 51
Awareness • Senses…………3/7 Subterfuge • Attack ……… 15 Healer (Orc)……………… 27 Traveller ………………… 21
Body Development………… 10 Subterfuge • Stealth ………… 5 Herbalist ………………… 24 Wanderer ………………… 33
Combat Manoeuvres ……… 10 Subterfuge • Mechanics……… 7 Hermit …………………… 41 Weapon Master…………… 64
Communications………… 2/2/2 Technical • General ……… 3/7 Hunter …………………… 44 Wolfrider ………………… 55
Crafts …………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional …… 8 Innkeeper………………… 29 Zealot……………………… 30
Directed Spells …………… 3 Technical • Vocational ……5/12
Influence………………… 2/6 Urban………………………… 3
Lore • General…………… 1/3 Weapon • Category 1………… 6
Lore • Magical…………… 2/4 Weapon • Category 2………… 7
Lore • Obscure…………… 3/7 Weapon • Category 3………… 9
Lore • Technical ………… 2/6 Weapon • Category 4………… 9
Martial Arts • Strikes ……… 6 Weapon • Category 5………… 9
Martial Arts • Sweeps……… 6 Weapon • Category 6……… 20
Weapon • Category 7……… 20
The weapon c ategories are: 1-H Conc ussion, 1-H Edged, 2-Ha nded, Missile Art illery,
Pole Arms, a nd Thrown.
Everyman Skills: Time Sense, Meditation. Artifact Lore.
Occupational Skills: Six crafting skills of the players choice,

Open list (6-10)…………… 8/8 Closed list (6-10)…………… 12
RANGER Open list (11-15)………… 12 Closed list (11-15)………… 25
Rangers are Semi spell users who combine the realm of Open list (16-20)………… 18 Closed list (16-20)………… 40
Channelling with the realm of Arms. Their base spells deal with
Open list (21+)…………… 25 Closed list (21+)…………… 60
operating in the outdoors and manipulating the weather.
Prime Stats: Constitution and Intuition
Training package list………12/12
RANGER SPELL LISTS Open list (1-5)……………… 30 Closed list (1-5)…………… 45
Open list (6-10)……………… 60 Closed list (6-10)…………… 60
The Ranger has six base lists. The full descriptions of all the
Open list (11-15)………… 80 Closed list (11-15)………… 80
spells on these lists can be found in Spell Law (pages 47-52). For a
Open list (16-20)………… 100 Closed list (16-20)………… 100
slightly higher development point cost, he may also develop Open
Channelling spell lists (see Spell Law, pages 9-18). Other spell lists Open list (21+)…………… 120 Closed list (2 1+)…………… 120
First 5 lists deve loped i n a given level:................................................................... x1 cost
may be developed, but will cost a larger number of development
6th - 10th lists developed in a given le vel :.............................................................. x2 cost
points. 11th - up li sts deve loped in a give n level: ............................................................... x4 cost
Inner WaIls: Providing resistance to the natural elements and bo- For spell lists not shown, see the Spell List DP Cost Table T-2.4.
nuses to certain types of activities.
Moving Ways: Enhancing the moving abilities of the caster.
Nature’s Guises: Providing hiding and disguises. Adventurer ……………… 35 Kings Corps……………… 50
Nature’s Summons: Summoning assistance in the form of various Amateur Mage…………… 37 Labourer ………………… 15
types of animals, assisting the local plant life in growth, and pray- Anamartar………………… 47 Loremaster ………………… 24
ing for weather effects. Animal Handler ………… 11 Magic Crafter …………… 31
Nature’s Way: Surviving in the wilderness (e.g., finding water, Animal Friend …………… 24 Royal Navy (Marine) …… 46
shelter, etc.). Architect ………………… 26 Mercenary………………… 42
Apothecary (MERP)……… 29 Merchant ………………… 24
Path Mastery: Discovering information about paths.
Astronomer ……………… 27 Midwife…………………… 18
PROFESSION BONUSES Beastmaster……………… 35 Noble……………………… 25
Athletic Group……………… +5 Outdoor Group …………… +20 Burglar…………………… 28 Performer………………… 29
Awareness Group………… +10 Subterfuge • Stealth ……… +5 City Guard………………… 24 Sailor……………………… 18
Body Development ………… +5 Weapon Group …………… +5 Cloistered Academic……… 28 Sage……………………… 50
Con Man ………………… 20 Scout……………………… 18
SKILLS AND SKILL CATEGORIES Crafter …………………… 24 Scribe……………………… 31
Armour • Heavy ………… 5/5/5 Outdoor • Animal ………… 1/5 Cut Purse………………… 24 Shaman Priest (MERP)…… 34
Armour • Light…………… 2/2/2 Outdoor • Environment…… 1/3 Dwarven Berserker……… 46 Silli Niennava …………… 39
Armour • Medium ……… 4/4/4 Power Awareness …………… 5 Estehildi ………………… 41 Skuiftlaika………………… 39
Artistic • Active ………… 2/5 Power Manipulation ………6/12 Explorer…………………… 32 Soldier…………………… 28
Artistic • Passive………… 2/5 Power Point Develop………… 8 Faradrim Aran …………… 57 Spy………………………… 25
Athletic • Brawn ………… 3/7 Science • Basic …………… 2/5 Faradrim Forod…………… 54 Surgeon…………………… 27
Athletic • Endurance …… 1/5 Science • Specialized………… 8 Farmer …………………… 27 Territorial Corps ………… 31
Athletic • Gymnastic ………3/6 Self Control………………… 2/7 Fortune Teller …………… 27 T. Corps (Reservists)……… 23
Awareness • Perception … 3/12 Special Attacks …………… 3/9 Healer …………………… 21 Tracker…………………… 34
Awareness • Searching………1/4 Special Defences…………… 30 Healer (Orc)……………… 27 Traveller ………………… 11
Awareness • Senses…………2/5 Subterfuge • Attack…………… 6 Herbalist ………………… 20 Wanderer ………………… 28
Body Development ……… 4/12 Subterfuge • Stealth ……… 1/5 Hermit …………………… 31 Weapon Master…………… 53
Combat Manoeuvres……… 5/12 Subterfuge • Mechanics……… 4 Hunter …………………… 28 Wolfrider ………………… 42
Communications………… 3/3/3 Technical • General………… 3/7 Innkeeper………………… 29 Zealot……………………… 29
Crafts……………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional……… 8
Directed Spells……………… IS Technical • Vocational ……5/12
Influence……………………2/6 Urban……………………… 3/6
Lore • General………………1/3 Weapon • Category 1……… 3/7
Lore • Magical………………3/6 Weapon • Category 2………… 4
Lore • Obscure………………3/7 Weapon • Category 3………… 6
Lore • Technical ……………2/6 Weapon • Category 4………… 6
Martial Arts • Strikes ……… 4 Weapon • Category 5………… 6
Martial Arts • Sweeps ……… 4 Weapon • Category 6………… 9
Weapon • Category 7………… 9
The wea pon cate gorie s are: 1-H Concussion, 1-H Edged, 2-H anded, Mi ssile , Missile
A rtillery, Pole Arms, and Thrown.
Everyman Skills: none
Occupational Skills: none
Restricted Skills: none

N.B. Spell lists can only be learnt to 10th level during character
Base list own (all)………… 6/6/6 Training package list…… 6/6/6
Open list (1-5)………………8/8 Closed list (1-5)………… 10/10

Open list (11-15)………… 12 Closed list (11-15)………… 25
BARD Open list (16-20)………… 18 Closed list (16-20)………… 40
Bards are Semi spell users who combine the realm of Mentalism Open list (21+)…………… 25 Closed list (2 1+)…………… 60
with the realm of Arms. Their base spells deal sound, lore, enter-
taining, and item use
Training package list………12/12
Prime Stats: Memory and Presence
Open list (1-5)……………… 30 Closed list (1-5)…………… 45
BARD SPELL LISTS Open list (6-10)……………… 60 Closed list (6-10)
…………… 60
Open list (11-15)………… 80 Closed list (11-15)………… 80
The Bard has six base lists. The full descriptions of all the spells
Open list (16-20)………… 100 Closed list (16-20)………… 100
on these lists can be found in Spell Law (pages 169-174). For a
Open list (21+)…………… 120 Closed list (2 1+)…………… 120
slightly higher development point cost, he may also develop Open
First 5 lists deve loped i n a given level:................................................................... x1 cost
Mentalism spell lists (see Spell Law, pages 137-146). Other spell
6th - 10th lists developed in a given le vel :............................................................. x2 cost
lists may be developed, but will cost a larger number of develop- 11th - up li sts deve loped in a give n level:............................................................... x4 cost
ment points. For spell lists not shown, see the Spell List DP Cost Table T-2.4.
Controlling Songs: Controlling a target in a variety of ways.
Entertaining Ways: Providing assistance to a stage performance.
Item Lore: Discerning information about objects. Adventurer ……………… 37 Kings Corps……………… 52
Lores: Affecting the caster’s ability to learn or know information. Amateur Mage…………… 32 Labourer ………………… 18
Sound Control: Controlling sounds to produce a variety of effects. Anamartar………………… 37 Loremaster ……………… 18
Sound Projection: Enhancing sounds in a variety of ways (includ- Animal Handler ………… 18 Magic Crafter …………… 30
ing enhancing spells from the Controlling Songs spell list). Animal Friend …………… 30 Royal Navy (Marine) …… 50
Apothecary (MERP)……… 29 Mercenary………………… 44
PROFESSION BONUSES Architect ………………… 25 Merchant ………………… 19
Artistic • Active …………… +5 Lore Group………………… +10 Astronomer ……………… 30 Midwife…………………… 18
Awareness Group…………… +5 Power Awareness ………… +5 Beastmaster……………… 37 Noble……………………… 25
Body Development………… +5 Self Control………………… +5 Burglar…………………… 27 Performer………………… 17
Communications…………… +5 Weapon Group …………… +5 City Guard………………… 25 Sailor……………………… 20
Influence…………………… +5 Cloistered Academic……… 23 Sage……………………… 42
Con Man ………………… 19 Scout……………………… 27
SKILLS AND SKILL CATEGORIES Crafter …………………… 24 Scribe……………………… 26
Armour • Heavy ………… 5/5/5 Outdoor • Animal ………… 2/7 Cut Purse………………… 26 Shaman Priest (MERP)…… 33
Armour • Light…………… 2/2/2 Outdoor • Environment…… 2/6 Dwarven Berserker……… 46 Silli Niennava …………… 48
Armour • Medium ……… 3/3/3 Power Awareness ………… 3/6 Estehildi ………………… 41 Skuiftlaika………………… 45
Artistic • Active ………… 1/2 Power Manipulation ………6/12 Explorer ………………… 33 Soldier…………………… 29
Artistic • Passive………… 1/3 Power Point Develop………… 8 Faradrim Aran …………… 60 Spy………………………… 26
Athletic • Brawn………… 4/9 Science • Basic …………… 2/5 Faradrim Forod…………… 57 Surgeon…………………… 27
Athletic • Endurance …… 2/7 Science • Specialized………… 8 Farmer …………………… 31 Territorial Corps ………… 34
Athletic • Gymnastic …… 2/6 Self Control………………… 2/7 Fortune Teller …………… 22 T. Corps (Reservists)
……… 25
Awareness • Perception … 4/12 Special Attacks ……………… 6 Healer …………………… 21 Tracker…………………… 47
Awareness • Searching………2/6 Special Defences…………… 15 Healer (Orc)……………… 27 Traveller ………………… 14
Awareness • Senses…………3/7 Subterfuge • Attack………… 12 Herbalist ………………… 24 Wanderer ………………… 28
Body Development……… 6/14 Subterfuge • Stealth ……… 2/7 Hermit …………………… 35 Weapon Master…………… 56
Combat Manoeuvres …… 6/14 Subterfuge • Mechanics……… 4 Hunter …………………… 35 Wolfrider ………………… 46
Communications………… 1/1/1 Technical • General………… 3/7 Innkeeper………………… 27 Zealot……………………… 24
Crafts …………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional……… 8
Directed Spells……………… 10 Technical • Vocational ……5/12
Influence……………………1/4 Urban……………………… 2/4
Lore • General………………1/2 Weapon • Category 1……… 3/9
Lore • Magical………………1/4 Weapon • Category 2………… 6
Lore • Obscure………………2/4 Weapon • Category 3………… 7
Lore • Technical ……………2/4 Weapon • Category 4………… 7
Martial Arts • Strikes ……… 3 Weapon • Category 5………… 7
Martial Arts • Sweeps……… 3 Weapon • Category 6……… 15
Weapon • Category 7……… 15
The wea pon cate gorie s are: 1-H Concussion, 1-H Edged, 2-H anded, Mi ssile , Missile
A rtillery, Pole Anus, and Thrown.
Everyman Skills: Time Sense
Occupational Skills: none
Restricted Skills: None

N.B. Spell lists can only be learnt to 10th level during character
Base list own (all)
………… 6/6/6 Training package list…… 6/6/6
Open list (1-5)………………8/8 Closed list (1-5)………… 10/10
Open list (6-10) ………… 8/8 Closed list (6-10) ………… 12

Body Development ……… 4/10 Subterfuge • Stealth………… 2/6
DRUGHÂN Combat Manoeuvres……… 4/10 Subterfuge • Mechanics……… 7
The Drughân (Pu. “great brother”) are semi-spell users of the Communications ………… 3/3/3 Technical • General………… 3/7
realm of Channelling, they are members of a great shamanic
Crafts……………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional……… 8
fraternity, the Drughôr-ghan (Pu. “Great Brotherhood”). They are
Directed Spells……………… 20 Technical • Vocational…… 5/12
chosen and trained from a young age to be the healers and spiritual
Influence ……………………2/6 Urban………………………… 4
guides of the Drughu. Each Drughu clan has a Drughân representat-
Lore • General ………………1/3 Weapon • Category 1……… 2/7
ive of this fraternity.
Lore • Magical………………3/6 Weapon • Category 2……… 3/9
Prime Stats: Intuition and Empathy Lore • Obscure………………3/7 Weapon • Category 3………… 4
Spe cial: All Drughân rece ive a magical t attoo w he n they come of a ge . You c an ha ve
Lore • Technical ……………2/6 Weapon • Category 4………… 4
only one of these Tattoos and must pay the cost in Tal ent Points listed; (The se tattoos
do not c ount towards the ma ximum number of tattoos one person ca n have). Martial Arts • Strikes ……… 6 Weapon • Category 5………… 4
Ta ttoo (of the Wild’s): You have a n e nc ha nte d spiralling tattoo de si gn, create d using Martial Arts • Sweeps ……… 6 Weapon • Category 6………… 6
t he colouring stone (a n a nc ient sa cred re lic, a nd symbol of D rúg culture). Eac h Weapon • Category 7………… 6
spira lling de sign i s unique, bot h in pa ttern and colour. The tat too c amoufla ge s your The we apon ca tegories are: 1-H Conc ussion, 1-H Edged, 2-Handed, Missile, Missile
skin (+50 to stalking and hiding) in a pa rticular environment (e.g. forrest), The tatoo Arti llery, Pole Arms, a nd Throw n. The player should assign one of the ca tegories to
c overs the whole body, but is invisible until its power is used. [15 points]
each of the w eapon categories above.
Ta ttoo (of Hardine ss): As Tattoo of the w ild`s, e xc ept the tattoo toughens t he fl esh
giving the w eare r an Armour Type of 3. [5 points] Everyman Skills: Fauna Lore, Disease Lore, Flora Lore, Poison
Ta ttoo (of Frie ndliness): As ta ttoo of the Wild`s, except the tattoo is in the styliz ed Lore, Sculpture.
form of a c erta in animal (not beings). This protects the wea rer from any anima l of t hat Occupational Skills: First Aid, Herb Lore.
type, but means tha t the wearer c annot ha rm such an anima l unless it truly threat ens a
friend of the wea rer. [5 points] Restricted Skills: None.
Ta ttoo (of Powe r): As Tattoo of the Wild`s, exce pt the tattoo double s the wea re r`s
inherent powe r points. [30 points] SPELL DEVELOPMENT
Ta ttoo (of Toughness): As Tat too of the Wild`s, exce pt the t attoo increa ses the N.B. Spell lists can on ly b e learn t to 10 th level during character
w eare r`s inhe rent hit points by 30. [15 poi nts] creation.
Ta ttoo (of Be ing): As Tat too of the Wilds, except the tat too gives you the a bili ty to OWN REALM:
c hange the shape of your body into one spec ific form (bird, mammal or pl ant subject
to GM`s approva l). Any e quipme nt a nd clothing that you a re c urre ntly we aring when Base lis t own (all) …………… 6/6/6 Training packag e list………… 6/6/6
you c ha nge shape, changes with you. When you re sume your nat ural shape, your Open list (1 -5)…………………… 8/8 Closed list (1-5)……………… 10/10
e quipment and clothe s return. It takes d10 minutes to transform. [30 points] Open list (6 -10 )……………… 8/8 Closed list (6-10) ……………… 12
Open list (11-15)………………… 12 Closed list (11-15)……………… 25
DRUGHÂN SPELL LISTS Open list (1 6-2 0)………………… 18 Closed list (16-20)……………… 40
Drughân have six base spell lists; two of which can be ex- Open list (2 1+) ………………… 25 Closed list (21+) ……………… 60
changed for two Ranger base lists. The full descriptions of all the OTHER REALM:
spells on these lists can be found in Spell Law (pages 29-34). For a Training package lis t………… 12/12
slightly higher development point cost, he may also develop Open Open list (1 -5)…………………… 30 Closed list (1-5)………………… 45
and Closed Channelling spell lists. Full descriptions of these lists Open list (6 -10 )………………… 60 Closed list (6-10) ……………… 60
can be found in Spell Law (pages 9-28). Other spell lists may be Open list (11-15)………………… 80 Closed list (11-15)……………… 80
developed, but will cost a larger number of development points. Open list (1 6-2 0)……………… 100 Closed list (16-20)……………… 1 00
Open list (2 1+) ……………… 120 Closed list (2 1+) ……………… 1 20
Animal Mastery: Calming, befriending, and affecting animals in First 5 lists deve loped i n a given level:................................................................... x1 cost
various ways. 6th - 10th lists developed in a given le vel :.............................................................. x2 cost
Herb Mastery: Finding, preparing, and enhancing herbs (and 11th - up li sts deve loped in a give n level: ............................................................... x4 cost
herbal cures). For spell lists not shown, see the Spell List DP Cost Table T-2.4.
Nature’s Lore: Gleaning information from the environment.
Nature’s Movement/Senses: Enhancing abilities and senses of the
Adventurer…………………… 36 Kings Corps… ………………… 49
Amateur Mage ……………… 34 Labourer…… ………………… 15
Nature’s Protection: Resisting and protecting using the elements Anamartar …………………… 49 Loremas ter… ………………… 24
of nature. Animal Handler……………… 18 Magic Crafter………………… 30
Plant Mastery: Growing, restoring, and affecting plants in various Animal Friend………………… 29 Ro yal Navy (Marine)………… 46
ways. Apoth ecary (MERP) ………… 31 Mercenary … ………………… 40
Architect……………………… 18 Merchant…… ………………… 24
PROFESSION BONUSES Astronomer…………………… 29 Midwife …… ………………… 18
Athletic Group……………… +5 Power Awareness ………… +5 Beastmaster…………………… 41 Noble ……… ………………… 27
Awareness Group…………… +5 Power Manipulation ……… +5 Bu rglar ……………………… 32 Performer…… ………………… 29
City Guard…………………… 24 Sailor ……… ………………… 20
Body Development ………… +5 Crafts ……………………… +5
Cloistered Academic………… 28 Sage………… ………………… 50
Technical/Trade Group……… +5 Outdoor Group …………… +10 Co n Man……………………… 24 Scout ……… ………………… 24
Spell Group………………… +5 Crafter………………………… 24 Scribe ……… ………………… 31
Cu t Pu rs e……………………… 30 Shaman Priest (MERP) ……… 33
SKILLS AND SKILL CATEGORIES Dwarven Berserker…………… 43 Silli Niennava………………… 39
Armour • Heavy ………… 5/5/5 Outdoor • Animal ………… 2/5 Estehildi……………………… 41 Skuiftlaik a … ………………… 42
Armour • Light…………… 2/2/2 Outdoor • Environment…… 1/5 Explorer……………………… 33 Soldier……… ………………… 26
Armour • Medium ……… 3/3/3 Power Awareness ………… 3/6 Faradrim Aran………………… 61 Spy ………… ………………… 31
Artistic • Active ……………2/5 Power Manipulation ………6/12 Faradrim Forod ……………… 54 Surgeon …… ………………… 27
Artistic • Passive……………2/5 Power Point Develop.………… 8 Farmer………………………… 29 Territorial Corps……………… 29
Athletic • Brawn ……………3/7 Science • Basic …………… 2/5 Fortune Teller………………… 24 T. Corps (Reservists) ………… 21
Athletic • Endurance ………2/7 Science • Specialized………… 8 Healer………………………… 21 Tracker……… ………………… 47
Healer (Orc) ………………… 27 Traveller…… ………………… 14
Athletic • Gymnastic ………3/7 Self Control………………… 2/7
Herbalist……………………… 20 Wanderer…… ………………… 30
Awareness • Perception … 4/14 Special Attacks …………… 3/9 Hermit………………………… 31 Weapo n Master ……………… 49
Awareness • Searching………2/5 Special Defences…………… 30 Hunter………………………… 32 Wolfrider…… ………………… 41
Awareness • Senses…………3/6 Subterfuge • Attack………… 15 Innkeeper …………………… 30 Zealot……… ………………… 28

KEKHAVRA Base list (all) …………… 3/3/3 Closed list (1-5)………… 4/4/4
Kekhavra are hybrid spell-users who combine the realms of Open list (1-10) ………… 4/4/4 Closed list (6-10) ……… 6/6/6
Mentalism and Channelling. The Kekhavrathí are the spiritual
Open list (11-15)………… 6/6/6 Closed list (11-15)………… 8/8
leaders of their clans. Each clan has a single Kekhavra who is
Open list (16-20)………… 8/8 Closed list (16-20)……… 10/10
assisted by several younger clanswomen. The Kekhavra specializes
Open list (21+)……………… 12 Closed list (21+)…………… 25
in healing and the use of herbs. Kekhavra worship Kondrí Odhí.
Training Package list (all)… 4/4/4
Prime Stats: Intuition, Presence and Self Discipline OTHER REALM:
Special: This profession is only available to female members of the Base list (1-5) ……………… 60
Variag Culture. Base list (6-10)……………… 80
Base list (11-15) ………… 100
KEKHAVRA SPELL LISTS Base list (16-20) ………… 120
The Kekhavra has six base lists. The full descriptions of all the Base list (21+)…………… 140 Training Package list (all)… 8/8
spells on these lists can be found in Spell Law (pages ). For a Closed list (1-5) …………… 25 Open list (1-5) …………… 12
slightly higher development point cost, he may also develop Open Closed list (6-10)…………… 40 Open list (6-10)…………… 25
and Closed Channelling spell lists (see Spell Law pages 9-28) and Closed list (11-15) ………… 60 Open list (11-15) ………… 40
open and Closed Mentalism spell lists (see Spell Law pages ). Other Closed list (16-20) ………… 80 Open list (16-20) ………… 60
spell lists may be developed, but will cost a larger number of Closed list (21+) ………… 100 Open list (21+) …………… 80
development points. First 5 lists deve loped i n a given level: ................................................................. x1 cost
Blood Law: Healing bleeding wounds. 6th - 10th lists developed in a given le vel : ........................................................... x2 cost
11th - up li sts deve loped in a give n level: ............................................................. x4 cost
Bone Law: Healing a variety of bone damage.
Concussion’s Ways: Healing minor damage (including concussion TRAINING PACKAGES
Muscle Law: Healing muscle damage, Adventurer ……………… 41 Kings Corps……………… 59
Herb Law: Enhancing herbs. Amateur Mage…………… 28 Labourer ………………… 20
Communal Ways: Diving information. Anamartar………………… 47 Loremaster ……………… 22
Animal Handler ………… 11 Magic Crafter …………… 28
PROFESSION BONUSES Animal Friend …………… 27 Royal Navy (Marine) …… 55
Awareness Group…………… +5 Power Manipulation ……… +5 Apothecary (MERP)……… 31 Mercenary………………… 49
Lore • Magical……………… +5 Power Point Dev…………… +5 Architect ………………… 11 Merchant ………………… 21
Outdoor Group…………… +20 Spell Group………………… +5 Astronomer ……………… 25 Midwife…………………… 18
Power Awareness…………… +5 Beastmaster……………… 32 Noble……………………… 27
Burglar…………………… 36 Performer………………… 27
SKILLS AND SKILL CATEGORIES City Guard………………… 32 Sailor……………………… 22
Armour • Heavy …………… 11 Outdoor • Animal ………… 1/2
Cloistered Academic……… 24 Sage……………………… 39
Armour • Light…………… 2/2/2 Outdoor • Environment…… 1/2
Con Man ………………… 24 Scout……………………… 22
Armour • Medium ………… 10 Power Awareness ………… 2/6
Crafter …………………… 24 Scribe……………………… 31
Artistic • Active ……………2/5 Power Manipulation ………4/10
Cut Purse………………… 33 Shaman Priest (MERP)…… 28
Artistic • Passive……………2/5 Power Point Develop………… 4
Dwarven Berserker……… 56 Silli Niennava …………… 36
Athletic • Brawn…………… 4 Science • Basic …………… 1/4
Estehildi ………………… 41 Skuiftlaika………………… 53
Athletic • Endurance ……… 3 Science • Specialized………6/14
Explorer ………………… 36 Soldier…………………… 36
Athletic • Gymnastic ……… 3 Self Control…………………… 5
Faradrim Aran …………… 64 Spy………………………… 33
Awareness • Perception …… 6 Special Attacks …………… 10
Faradrim Forod…………… 61 Surgeon…………………… 26
Awareness • Searching………1/5 Special Defences…………… 30
Farmer …………………… 29 Territorial Corps ………… 41
Awareness • Senses…………3/7 Subterfuge • Attack………… 10
Fortune Teller …………… 18 T. Corps (Reservists)
……… 29
Body Development………… 8 Subterfuge • Stealth ………… 3
Healer …………………… 21 Tracker…………………… 45
Combat Manoeuvres ……… 10 Subterfuge • Mechanics……… 8
Healer (Orc)……………… 27 Traveller ………………… 13
Communications………… 2/2/2 Technical • General………… 3/7
Herbalist ………………… 20 Wanderer ………………… 28
Crafts …………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional……… 8
Hermit …………………… 38 Weapon Master…………… 60
Directed Spells……………… 3 Technical • Vocational ……5/12
Hunter …………………… 33 Wolfrider ………………… 53
Influence……………………2/6 Urban………………………… 4
Innkeeper………………… 30 Zealot……………………… 30
Lore • General………………1/3 Weapon • Category 1………… 6
Lore • Magical………………2/5 Weapon • Category 2………… 7
Lore • Obscure………………3/7 Weapon • Category 3………… 9
Lore •‘Technical ……………2/6 Weapon • Category 4………… 9
Martial Arts • Strikes ……… 6 Weapon • Category 5………… 9
Martial Arts • Sweeps……… 6 Weapon • Category 6……… 20
Weapon • Category 7……… 20
The wea pon cate gorie s are: 1-H Concussion, 1-H Edged, 2-H anded, Mi ssile , Missile
A rtillery, Pole Arms, and Thrown.
Everyman Skills: Time Sense, Meditation, Religion, Divination
Occupational Skills: Herb Lore
Restricted Skills: none

N.B. Spell lists can only be learnt to 10th level during character

N.B. Spell lists can only be learnt to 10th level during character
ASTROLOGER creation.
Astrologers are Hybrid spell users who combine the realms of OWN REALM:
Channelling and mentalism. They have concentrated on spells
Base list (all) ………… 3/3/3 Closed list (1-5)………… 4/4/4
which pertain to gathering information, and concentrate on
Open list (1-10) ……… 4/4/4 Closed list (6-10) ……… 6/6/6
observing the movements of the celestial bodies. Their spells deal
Open list (11-15)……… 6/6/6 Closed list (11-15)………… 8/8
with detection, communing, precognition, and communication, and
Open list (16-20)………… 8/8 Closed list (16-20)……… 10/10
many are only (fully) usable under the light of the stars.
Open list (21+)……………… 12 Closed list (21+)…………… 25
Prime Stats: Self Discipline, Intuition, Presence Training Package list (all)… 4/4/4
ASTROLOGER SPELL LISTS Base list (1-5) ……………… 60
The Astrologer has six base lists. The full descriptions of all the Base list (6-10)……………… 80
spells on these lists can be found in Mentalism Companion (pages
Base list (11-15) ………… 100
127-132). For a slightly higher development point cost, he may also
Base list (16-20) ………… 120
develop Open and Closed Chanelling spell lists. Full descriptions of
Base list (21+)…………… 140 Training Package list (all)… 8/8
these Lists can be found in Spell Law (pages ??). And Open and
Closed list (1-5) …………… 25 Open list (1-5) …………… 12
Closed mentalism spell lists. Full descriptions of these Lists can be
Closed list (6-10)…………… 40 Open list (6-10) …………… 25
found in Spell Law (pages ??). Other spell lists may be developed,
Closed list (11-15) ………… 60 Open list (11-15) ………… 40
but will cost a higher number of development points.
Closed list (16-20) ………… 80 Open list (16-20) ………… 60
Far Voice: Mental communication and voice projection. Closed list (21+) ………… 100 Open list (21+) …………… 80
Holy Vision: Knowledge through communing with deities and First 5 lists deve loped i n a given level: ................................................................. x1 cost
dreams. 6th - 10th lists developed in a given le vel : ............................................................ x2 cost
Starlights: Light manipulation and light-based attacks. 11th - up li sts deve loped in a give n level: ............................................................. x4 cost

Starlore: Assists with casting and interpreting horoscopes. TRAINING

Adventurer ……………… 44 PACKAGES
Kings Corps……………… 64
Starsense: Mental detections and modifications of the caster’s Amateur Mage…………… 28 Labourer ………………… 28
senses. Anamartar………………… 40 Loremaster ………………… 21
Way of the Voice: Communication, influencing, and control spells. Animal Handler ………… 23 Magic Crafter …………… 28
Animal Friend …………… 37 Royal Navy (Marine) …… 61
PROFESSION BONUSES Apothecary (MERP)……… 31 Mercenary………………… 55
Awareness Group………… +10 Power Point Dev. ………… +5 Architect ………………… 25 Merchant ………………… 18
Lore • General……………… +5 Outdoor Environmental…… +5 Astronomer ……………… 26 Midwife…………………… 18
Lore • Magical……………… +5 Self Control………………… +5 Beastmaster……………… 43 Noble……………………… 27
Power Awareness…………… +5 Spell Group………………… +5 Burglar…………………… 37 Performer………………… 23
Power Manipulation………… +5 City Guard………………… 39 Sailor……………………… 23
SKILLS AND SKILL CATEGORIES Cloistered Academic……… 22 Sage……………………… 38
Con Man ………………… 28 Scout……………………… 32
Amour • Heavy ………… 7/7/7 Outdoor • Animal …………… 3
Crafter …………………… 24 Scribe……………………… 29
Armour • Light ………… 4/4/4 Outdoor • Environment…… 2/5
Cut Purse………………… 37 Shaman Priest (MERP)…… 31
Armour • Medium ……… 6/6/6 Power Awareness ………… 2/6
Dwarven Berserker……… 59 Silli Niennava …………… 36
Artistic • Active ………… 2/5 Power Manipulation …… 4/10
Estehildi ………………… 41 Skuiftlaika………………… 54
Artistic • Passive………… 2/5 Power Point Dev. …………… 6
Explorer…………………… 39 Soldier…………………… 47
Athletic • Brawn …………… 7 Science • Basic …………… 1/4
Faradrim Aran …………… 72 Spy………………………… 38
Athletic • Endurance ……… 3 Science • Specialized…… 6/14
Faradrim Forod…………… 70 Surgeon…………………… 26
Athletic • Gymnastic ……… 3 Self Control ………………… 5
Farmer …………………… 40 Territorial Corps ………… 53
Awareness • Perception …… 3 Special Attacks …………… 15
Fortune Teller …………… 21 T. Corps (Reservists)……… 43
Awareness • Searching ……2/6 Special Defences ………… 18
Healer …………………… 21 Tracker…………………… 51
Awareness • Senses…………2/5 Subterfuge • Attack ……… 15
Healer (Orc)……………… 27 Traveller ………………… 18
Body Development ………… 15 Subterfuge • Stealth ………… 6
Herbalist ………………… 24 Wanderer ………………… 29
Combat Manoeuvres ……… 18 Subterfuge • Mechanics……… 7
Hermit …………………… 41 Weapon Master…………… 73
Communications………… 1/1/1 Technicalÿ• General ……… 3/7
Hunter …………………… 45 Wolfrider ………………… 59
Crafts …………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional …… 8
Innkeeper………………… 29 Zealot……………………… 30
Directed Spells …………… 3 Technical • Vocational … 5/12
Influence……………………2/4 Urban………………………… 3
Lore • General………………1/3 Weapon • Category 1………… 9
Lore • Magical………………2/5 Weapon • Category 2……… 20
Lore • Obscure………………2/7 Weapon • Category 3……… 20
Lore • Technical ………… 2/6 Weapon • Category 4……… 20
Martial Arts • Strikes ……… 6 Weapon • Category 5……… 20
Martial Arts • Sweeps ……… 6 Weapon • Category 6……… 20
Weapon • Category 7……… 20
The wea pon cate gorie s are: 1-H Concussion, 1-H Edged, 2-H anded, Mi ssile , Missile
A rtillery, Pole Arms, and Thrown.
Everyman Skills: Basic Math, Direction Sense, Divination,
Divination Lore, Meditation, Time Sense.
Occupational Skills: Astronomy, Star Gazing, Weather Watching.
Restricted Skills: None.


Base list (all) …………… 3/3/3 Training Package list (all) 4/4/4
SEER Open list (1-20) ………… 4/4/4 Closed list (1-20) ……… 4/4/4
Seers are the information gathering specialists. Seers are Pure Open list (21+)…………… 6/6/6 Closed list (21+)…………… 8/8
spell users of Mentalism who have concentrated on spells which
Other Base Lists (1-5)………8/8
gain information through the use of mental spells. Their spells deal
Other Base Lists (6-10) …10/10
with evoking the past, scrying the present and divining the future,
Other Base Lists (11-15)…… 12
and the control and modification of the senses of themselves and
Other Base Lists (16-20)…… 25
Other Base Lists (21+)……… 40
Prime Stats: Self Discipline, Presence OTHER REALM:
Base list (1-5) ……………… 50 Training Package list (all)… 8/8
Base list (6-10)……………… 70
The Seer has six base lists. The full descriptions of all the spells
Base list (11-15) …………… 90
on these lists can be found in Mentalism Companion (pages 121-
Base list (16-20) ………… 110
126). For a slightly higher development point cost, he may also
Base list (21+)…………… 130
develop Open and Closed Mentalism spell lists. Full descriptions of
Closed list (1-5) …………… 20 Open list (1-5) ………… 10/10
these Lists can be found in Spell Law (pages 137-156). Other spell
Closed list (6-10)…………… 25 Open list (6-10)…………… 12
lists may be developed, but will cost a higher number of develop-
Closed list (11-15) ………… 40 Open list (11-15) ………… 25
ment points.
Closed list (16-20) ………… 60 Open list (16-20) ………… 40
Far Visions: Modifying the caster’s own senses. Closed list (21+) …………… 80 Open list (21+) …………… 60
Future Visions: Precognition and divining the future. First 5 lists deve loped i n a given level: ................................................................. x1 cost
Mind Visions: mental detection, lie detection and mind probes. 6th - 10th lists developed in a given le vel : ........................................................... x2 cost
11th - up li sts deve loped in a give n level: ............................................................. x4 cost
Past Visions: Evoking the past of persons, places and objects in
Vision Borrowing: Scrying and sharing the senses of others. Adventurer ……………… 40 Kings Corps……………… 61
Vision Guard: Defenses against evocation, scrying and divinations. Amateur Mage…………… 27 Labourer ………………… 25
Anamartar………………… 37 Loremaster ……………… 18
PROFESSION BONUSES Animal Handler ………… 23 Magic Crafter …………… 28
Awareness Group………… +15 Power Point Dev. ………… +5 Animal Friend …………… 37 Royal Navy (Marine) …… 58
Lore Group ……………… +10 Self Control………………… +5 Apothecary (MERP)……… 31 Mercenary………………… 52
Power Awareness…………… +5 Spell Group………………… +5 Architect ………………… 25 Merchant ………………… 18
Power Manipulation………… +5 Astronomer ……………… 28 Midwife…………………… 18
SKILLS AND SKILL CATEGORIES Beastmaster……………… 45 Noble……………………… 27
Burglar…………………… 34 Performer………………… 23
Amour • Heavy ………… 7/7/7 Outdoor • Animal …………… 3
City Guard………………… 32 Sailor……………………… 24
Armour • Light ………… 4/4/4 Outdoor • Environment…… 3/7
Cloistered Academic……… 21 Sage……………………… 36
Armour • Medium ……… 6/6/6 Power Awareness ………… 2/6
Con Man ………………… 28 Scout……………………… 30
Artistic • Active ……………2/4 Power Manipulation …… 4/10
Crafter …………………… 24 Scribe……………………… 27
Artistic • Passive……………2/4 Power Point Dev. …………… 4
Cut Purse………………… 37 Shaman Priest (MERP)…… 31
Athletic • Brawn…………… 5 Science • Basic …………… 1/4
Dwarven Berserker……… 55 Silli Niennava …………… 40
Athletic • Endurance ……… 3 Science • Specialized…… 6/14
Estehildi ………………… 41 Skuiftlaika………………… 51
Athletic • Gymnastic ………3/9 Self Control ………………… 3
Explorer ………………… 36 Soldier…………………… 42
Awareness • Perception ……3/6 Special Attacks …………… 14
Faradrim Aran …………… 70 Spy………………………… 37
Awareness • Searching ……1/4 Special Defences ………… 18
Faradrim Forod…………… 67 Surgeon…………………… 26
Awareness • Senses…………2/4 Subterfuge • Attack ……… 15
Farmer …………………… 39 Territorial Corps ………… 49
Body Development………… 12 Subterfuge • Stealth ………… 6
Fortune Teller …………… 17 T. Corps (Reservists)
……… 37
Combat Manoeuvres ……… 14 Subterfuge • Mechanics……… 7
Healer …………………… 21 Tracker…………………… 50
Communications………… 1/1/1 Technicalÿ• General ……… 3/7
Healer (Orc)……………… 27 Traveller ………………… 18
Crafts …………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional …… 8
Herbalist ………………… 27 Wanderer ………………… 31
Directed Spells ……………2/7 Technical • Vocational … 5/12
Hermit …………………… 41 Weapon Master…………… 70
Influence……………………2/6 Urban……………………… 3/5
Hunter …………………… 43 Wolfrider ………………… 56
Lore • General………………1/2 Weapon • Category 1………… 6
Innkeeper………………… 29 Zealot……………………… 28
Lore • Magical………………1/5 Weapon • Category 2……… 15
Lore • Obscure………………2/5 Weapon • Category 3……… 20
Lore • Technical ……………2/4 Weapon • Category 4……… 20
Martial Arts • Strikes ……… 3 Weapon • Category 5……… 20
Martial Arts • Sweeps……… 3 Weapon • Category 6……… 20
Weapon • Category 7……… 20
The wea pon cate gorie s are: 1-H Concussion, 1-H Edged, 2-H anded, Mi ssile , Missile
A rtillery, Pole Arms, and Thrown.
Everyman Skills: Artifact Lore, History, Divination Lore, Lie
Perception, Star Gazing, Time Sense.
Occupational Skills: Divination, Meditation.
Restricted Skills: None

N.B. Spell lists can only be learnt to 10th level during character

LAY HEALER Base list own (all) …… 3/3/3 Training Package list (all) 4/4/4
Lay Healers can aid the recuperative powers of others. Lay Open list (1-20) ……… 4/4/4 Closed list (1-20) ……… 4/4/4
Healers are pure spell users of Mentalism who have concentrated on
Open list (21+)………… 6/6/6 Closed list (21+)…………… 8/8
spells that heal people and animals. Their base spells deal with the
Other Base Lists (1-5)………8/8
specific healing of certain diseases and injuries: organs, blood,
Other Base Lists (6-10)……10/10
muscles, bones, and concussion bits.
Other Base Lists (11-15)…… 12
Prime Stats: Presence and Self Discipline Other Base Lists (16-20)…… 25
Other Base Lists (21+)……… 40
The Lay Healer has five base lists. The full descriptions of all Other Base Lists (1-5)……… 50
the spells on these lists can be found in Spell Law (pages 157-162).
Other Base Lists (6-10)……… 70
For a slightly higher development point cost, he may also develop
Other Base Lists (11-15)…… 90
Open and Closed Mentalism spell lists. Full descriptions of these
Other Base Lists (16-20)… 110
lists can be found in Spell Law (pages 137-156). Other spell lists
Other Base Lists (21+)…… 130 Training Package list (all)… 8/8
may be developed, but will cost a larger number of development
Closed list (1-5) …………… 20 Open list (1-5) ………… 10/10
Closed list (6-10)…………… 25 Open list (6-10) …………… 12
Blood Mastery: Healing bleeding wounds. Closed list (11-15) ………… 40 Open list (11-15) ………… 25
Bone Mastery: Healing a variety of types of bone damage. Closed list (16-20) ………… 60 Open list (16-20) ………… 40
Concussion Mastery: Healing minor types of damage (including Closed list (21+) …………… 80 Open list (21+) …………… 60
concussion hits). First 5 lists deve loped i n a given level: ................................................................. x1 cost
6th - 10th lists developed in a given le vel : ............................................................ x2 cost
Muscle Mastery: Healing a variety of types of muscle damage (in-
11th - up li sts deve loped in a give n level: ............................................................. x4 cost
cluding damaged tendons).
Nerve and Organ Mastery: Healing a variety of types of nerve TRAINING PACKAGES
damage (including paralysis).
Adventurer ……………… 43 Kings Corps……………… 57
PROFESSION BONUSES Amateur Mage…………… 28 Labourer ………………… 25
Awareness Group…………… +5 Power Manipulation ……… +5 Anamartar………………… 44 Loremaster ………………… 22
Body Development ……… +10 Power Point Dev…………… +5 Animal Handler ………… 23 Magic Crafter …………… 28
Lore • Magical……………… +5 Self Control………………… +10 Animal Friend …………… 40 Royal Navy (Marine) …… 55
Power Awareness…………… +5 Spell Group………………… +5 Architect ………………… 25 Mercenary………………… 52
Apothecary (MERP)……… 31 Merchant ………………… 21
SKILLS AND SKILL CATEGORIES Astronomer ……………… 29 Midwife…………………… 18
Armour • Heavy ………… 5/5/5 Outdoor • Animal …………… 3 Beastmaster……………… 45 Noble……………………… 28
Armour • Light…………… 2/2/2 Outdoor • Environment……… 3 Burglar…………………… 36 Performer………………… 27
Armour • Medium ……… 4/4/4 Power Awareness ………… 2/6 City Guard………………… 34 Sailor……………………… 24
Artistic • Active ……………2/5 Power Manipulation ………4/10 Cloistered Academic……… 24 Sage……………………… 39
Artistic • Passive……………2/5 Power Point Develop………… 4 Con Man ………………… 29 Scout……………………… 35
Athletic • Brawn …………… 6 Science • Basic …………… 1/4 Crafter …………………… 24 Scribe……………………… 29
Athletic • Endurance ……… 3 Science • Specialized………6/14 Cut Purse………………… 39 Shaman Priest (MERP)…… 31
Athletic • Gymnastic ………3/9 Self Control…………………… 3 Dwarven Berserker……… 53 Silli Niennava …………… 40
Awareness • Perception …… 5 Special Attacks …………… 12 Estehildi ………………… 41 Soldier…………………… 39
Awareness • Searching……… 3 Special Defences…………… 18 Explorer…………………… 37 Skuiftlaika………………… 51
Awareness • Senses…………3/7 Subterfuge • Attack………… 15 Faradrim Aran …………… 68 Spy………………………… 42
Body Development ………… 12 Subterfuge • Stealth ………… 6 Faradrim Forod…………… 64 Surgeon…………………… 26
Combat Manoeuvres………… 14 Subterfuge • Mechanics……… 8 Farmer …………………… 39 Territorial Corps ………… 45
Communications………… 2/2/2 Technical • General………… 3/7 Fortune Teller …………… 24 T. Corps (Reservists)……… 29
Crafts……………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional……… 8 Healer …………………… 21 Tracker…………………… 52
Directed Spells………………2/7 Technical • Vocational ……5/12 Healer (Orc)……………… 27 Traveller ………………… 20
Influence……………………2/6 Urban………………………… 3 Herbalist ………………… 27 Wanderer ………………… 34
Lore • General………………1/3 Weapon • Category 1………… 6 Hermit …………………… 42 Weapon Master…………… 65
Lore • Magical………………2/S Weapon • Category 2………… 8 Hunter …………………… 46 Wolfrider ………………… 54
Lore • Obscure………………3/7 Weapon • Category 3……… 15 Innkeeper………………… 29 Zealot……………………… 30
Lore • Technical ……………2/6 Weapon • Category 4……… 20
Martial Arts • Strikes ……… 3 Weapon • Category 5……… 20
Martial Arts • Sweeps ……… 3 Weapon • Category 6……… 20
Weapon • Category 7……… 20
The wea pon cate gorie s are: 1-H Concussion, 1-H Edged, 2-H anded, Mi ssile , Missile
A rtillery, Pole Arms, and Thrown.
Everyman Skills: Time Sense, Animal Healing, Adrenal
Stabilization, Use Prepared Herbs, and choice of one of Second Aid,
Surgery, or Midwifery
Occupational Skills: Sculpting, First Aid
Restricted Skills: None

N.B. Spell lists can only be learnt to 10th level during character

Open list (1-10) ………… 4/4/4 Closed list (6-10) ……… 6/6/6
SORCERER Open list (11-15)………… 6/6/6 Closed list (11-15)………… 8/8
Sorcerers are Hybrid spell users who combine the realms of Open list (16-20)………… 8/8 Closed list (16-20)……… 10/10
Essence and Channelling, concentrating on spells of destruction.
Open list (21+)……………… 12 Closed list (21+)…………… 25
Their base spells deal with the specific destruction of animate and
Other Base Lists (1-5)……10/10 Training Package list (all) 4/4/4
inanimate material.
Other Base Lists (6-10) …… 12
Prime Stats: Empathy, Intuition, and Self Discipline Other Base Lists (11-15)…… 25
Other Base Lists (16-20)…… 40
SORCERER SPELL LISTS Other Base Lists (21+)……… 60
The Sorcerer has six base lists. The full descriptions of all the OTHER REALM:
spells on these lists can be found in Spell Law (pages 117-122). For Base list (1-5) ……………… 60
a slightly higher development point cost, he may also develop Open
Base list (6-10)……………… 80
and Closed Channelling spell lists (see Spell Law, pages 9-28) and
Base list (11-15) ………… 100
the Open and Closed Essence spell lists (see Spell Law, pages 73-
Base list (16-20) ………… 120
92). Other spell lists may be developed, but will cost a larger
Base list (21+)…………… 140 Training Package list (all)… 8/8
number of development points.
Closed list (1-5) …………… 25 Open list (1-5) …………… 12
Flesh Destruction: Damaging various parts of the body. Closed list (6-10)…………… 40 Open list (6-10)…………… 25
Fluid Destruction: Destroying and manipulating liquids in a vari- Closed list (11-15) ………… 60 Open list (11-15) ………… 40
ety of ways. Closed list (16-20) ………… 80 Open list (16-20) ………… 60
Gas Destruction: Destroying and manipulating various types of Closed list (21+) ………… 100 Open list (21+) …………… 80
gasses. First 5 lists deve loped i n a given level: ................................................................. x1 cost
Mind Destruction: Damaging various mental processes. 6th - 10th lists developed in a given le vel : ........................................................... x2 cost
11th - up li sts deve loped in a give n level: ............................................................. x4 cost
Solid Destruction: Destroying and manipulating various types of
Soul Destruction: Damaging various aspects of the soul.

Directed Spells……………… +5 Power Manipulation ……… +15 Adventurer ……………… 46 Kings Corps……………… 65
Lore • Magical…………… +10 Power Point Dev…………… +5 Amateur Mage…………… 28 Labourer ………………… 28
Power Awareness………… +10 Spell group………………… +5 Anamartar………………… 45 Loremaster ……………… 22
Animal Handler ………… 23 Magic Crafter …………… 28
SKILLS AND SKILL CATEGORIES Animal Friend …………… 40 Royal Navy (Marine) …… 62
Armour • Heavy …………… 11 Outdoor • Animal …………… 3 Apothecary (MERP)……… 31 Mercenary………………… 56
Armour • Light……………… 9 Outdoor • Environment……… 3 Architect ………………… 25 Merchant ………………… 21
Armour • Medium ………… 10 Power Awareness ………… 2/S Astronomer ……………… 29 Midwife…………………… 18
Artistic • Active ……………2/5 Power Manipulation ………4/10 Beastmaster……………… 46 Noble……………………… 28
Artistic • Passive……………2/5 Power Point Develop………… 6 Burglar…………………… 37 Performer………………… 27
Athletic • Brawn…………… 7 Science • Basic …………… 1/4 City Guard………………… 39 Sailor……………………… 24
Athletic • Endurance ……… 3 Science • Specialized………6/14 Cloistered Academic……… 24 Sage……………………… 45
Athletic • Gymnastic ……… 3 Self Control…………………… 5 Con Man ………………… 29 Scout……………………… 37
Awareness • Perception …… 6 Special Attacks …………… 15 Crafter …………………… 24 Scribe……………………… 31
Awareness • Searching……… 3 Special Defence…………… 30 Cut Purse………………… 40 Shaman Priest (MERP)…… 31
Awareness • Senses…………3/7 Subterfuge • Attack………… 15 Dwarven Berserker……… 61 Silli Niennava …………… 36
Body Development………… 15 Subterfuge • Stealth ………… 6 Estehildi ………………… 41 Skuiftlaika………………… 55
Combat Manoeuvres ……… 18 Subterfuge • Mechanics……… 7 Explorer ………………… 39 Soldier…………………… 50
Communications………… 2/2/2 Technical • General………… 317 Faradrim Aran …………… 74 Spy………………………… 41
Crafts …………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional……… 8 Faradrim Forod…………… 71 Surgeon…………………… 26
Directed Spells…………… 2/5 Technical • Vocational ……5/12 Farmer …………………… 41 Territorial Corps ………… 55
Influence……………………2/6 Urban………………………… 3 Fortune Teller …………… 24 T. Corps (Reservists)
……… 46
Lore • General………………1/3 Weapon • Category 1………… 9 Healer …………………… 21 Tracker…………………… 53
Lore • Magical………………2/5 Weapon • Category 2……… 20 Healer (Orc)……………… 27 Traveller ………………… 20
Lore • Obscure………………3/7 Weapon • Category 3……… 20 Herbalist ………………… 27 Wanderer ………………… 34
Lore • Technical ……………2/6 Weapon • Category 4……… 20 Hermit …………………… 45 Weapon Master…………… 73
Martial Arts • Strikes ……… 9 Weapon • Category 5……… 20 Hunter …………………… 47 Wolfrider ………………… 60
Martial Arts • Sweeps……… 9 Weapon • Category 6……… 20 Innkeeper………………… 29 Zealot……………………… 32
Weapon • Category 7……… 20
The wea pon cate gorie s are: 1-H Concussion, 1-H Edged, 2-H anded, Mi ssile , Missile
a rtillery, Pole a rms, and thrown.
Everyman Skills: Time Sense, Spell Mastery, Meditation,
Occupational Skills: none
Restricted Skills: none

N.B. Spell lists can only be learnt to 10th level during character
Base list (all) …………… 3/3/3 Closed list (1-5)………… 4/4/4

Vracara are hybrid spell users who combine the realms of Base list (all) ………… 3/3/3 Closed list (1-5)………… 4/4/4
Mentalism and Channelling. They are priestesses of Tûmrakhí, Lord
Open list (1-10) ……… 4/4/4 Closed list (6-10) ……… 6/6/6
of Darkness. There are various sects representing different aspects
Open list (11-15)……… 6/6/6 Closed list (11-15)………… 8/8
of the Lord of Darkness. They all have the same skill costs but there
Open list (16-20)………… 8/8 Closed list (16-20)……… 10/10
base spell lists differ. The spell lists below are those received by
Open list (21+)……………… 12 Closed list (21+)…………… 25
priestesses of the Odchí sect.
Other Base Lists (1-5)……10/10 Training Package list (all) 4/4/4
Prime Stats: Intuition, Presence and Self Discipline. Other Base Lists (6-10)……… 12
Special: This profession is only available to female members of the Other Base Lists (11-15)…… 25
Variag culture. Other Base Lists (16-20)…… 40
Other Base Lists (21+)……… 60
The Vracara has six base lists. The full descriptions of all the Base list (1-5) ……………… 60
spells on these lists can be found in Spell Law (pages ). For a Base list (6-10)……………… 80
slightly higher development point cost, he may also develop Open Base list (11-15) ………… 100
and Closed Channelling spell lists (see Spell Law pages 9-28) and Base list (16-20) ………… 120
Open and Closed Mentalism spell lists (see Spell law pages ). Other Base list (21+)…………… 140 Training Package list (all)… 8/8
spell lists may be developed, but will cost more development Closed list (1-5) …………… 25 Open list (1-5) …………… 12
points. Closed list (6-10)…………… 40 Open list (6-10) …………… 25
Odchí sect Closed list (11-15) ………… 60 Open list (11-15) ………… 40
Blood Law: Healing wounds. Closed list (16-20) ………… 80 Open list (16-20) ………… 60
Bone Law: Healing bone damage. Closed list (21+) ………… 100 Open list (21+) …………… 80
Muscle Law: Healing muscle damage. First 5 lists deve loped i n a given level: ................................................................. x1 cost
6th - 10th lists developed in a given le vel : ............................................................ x2 cost
Nerve LAw: Healing nerve damage. 11th - up li sts deve loped in a give n level: ............................................................. x4 cost
Organ Law: Healing organ damage
Dark Channels: Channelling power from a deity. TRAINING PACKAGES

PROFESSION BONUSES Adventurer ……………… 43 Kings Corps……………… 59

Awareness Group…………… +5 Power Manipulation ……… +5 Amateur Mage…………… 28 Labourer ………………… 23
Influence…………………… +5 Power Point Dev…………… +5 Anamartar………………… 47 Loremaster ………………… 22
Lore’Magical ……………… +5 Spell Group………………… +5 Animal Handler ………… 23 Magic Crafter …………… 28
Outdoor Group……………… +5 Weapon Group …………… +5 Animal Friend …………… 36 Royal Navy (Marine) …… 56
Power Awareness………… +10 Apothecary (MERP)……… 31 Mercenary………………… 50
Architect ………………… 23 Merchant ………………… 21
SKILLS AND SKILL CATEGORIES Astronomer ……………… 27 Midwife…………………… 18
Armour • Heavy …………… 11 Outdoor • Animal …………… 3 Beastmaster……………… 42 Noble……………………… 28
Armour • Light…………… 2/2/2 Outdoor • Environment…… 2/7 Burglar…………………… 34 Performer………………… 27
Armour • Medium ………… 10 Power • Awareness………… 2/5 City Guard………………… 32 Sailor……………………… 23
Artistic • Active ……………2/5 Power • Manipulation………4/10 Cloistered Academic……… 24 Sage……………………… 39
Artistic • Passive……………2/5 Power Point Develop………… 4 Con Man ………………… 27 Scout……………………… 30
Athletic • Brawn …………… 5 Science • Basic …………… 1/4 Crafter …………………… 24 Scribe……………………… 31
Athletic • Endurance ……… 3 Science • Specialized………6/14 Cut Purse………………… 37 Shaman Priest (MERP)…… 31
Athletic • Gymnastic ……… 3 Self Control…………………… 5 Dwarven Berserker……… 57 Silli Niennava …………… 36
Awareness • Perception …… 6 Special Attacks …………… 10 Estehildi ………………… 41 Skuiftlaika………………… 53
Awareness • Searching………2/6 Special Defences…………… 30 Explorer…………………… 37 Soldier…………………… 37
Awareness • Senses…………3/7 Subterfuge • Attack………… 15 Faradrim Aran …………… 67 Spy………………………… 38
Body Development ………… 10 Subterfuge• Stealth ………… 5 Faradrim Forod…………… 62 Surgeon…………………… 26
Combat Manoeuvres………… 10 Subterfuge • Mechanics……… 7 Farmer …………………… 36 Territorial Corps ………… 43
Communications………… 2/2/2 Technical • General………… 3/7 Fortune Teller …………… 21 T. Corps (Reservists)……… 29
Crafts……………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional……… 8 Healer …………………… 21 Tracker…………………… 50
Directed Spells……………… 3 Technical • Vocational ……5/12 Healer (Orc)……………… 27 Traveller ………………… 18
Influence……………………2/4 Urban………………………… 3 Herbalist ………………… 24 Wanderer ………………… 31
Lore • General………………1/3 Weapon • Category 1………… 6 Hermit …………………… 41 Weapon Master…………… 60
Lore • Magical………………2/4 Weapon • Category 2………… 7 Hunter …………………… 41 Wolfrider ………………… 55
Lore • Obscure………………3/7 Weapon • Category 3………… 9 Innkeeper………………… 29 Zealot……………………… 30
Lore • Technical ……………2/6 Weapon • Category 4………… 9
Martial Arts • Strikes ……… 6 Weapon • Category 5………… 9
Martial Arts • Sweep ……… 6 Weapon • Category 6……… 20
Weapon • Category 7……… 20
The w eapon ca tegorie s are: 1-Concussion, 1-H Edged, 2-H ande d, Mi ssi le, Missile
A rtillery, Pole Arms, and Thrown.
Everyman Skills: Time Sense, Meditation
Occupational Skills: Religion, Divination
Restricted Skills: None

N.B. Spell lists can only be learnt to 10th level during character

WEGECH Occupational Skills: none
Wegech are hybrid spell users who combine the realms of Restricted Skills: none
Channelling and Essence. They are the shamans of the Hilmen and
their spells deal with combating the powers of Light and Darkness
by allying themselves with the less hostile spirits of nature and the N.B. Base Spell lists can only be learnt to 8th level and all other
ghosts of their ancesters. lists can only be learnt to 5th level during character creation.
Prime Stats: Empathy, Intuition, and Self Discipline.
Base list (all)……………… 3/3/3 Closed list (1-5)………… 4/4/4
Special: This profession is only available to female members of the
Open list (1-10)…………… 4/4/4 Closed list (6-10) ………… 6/6/6
Hillmen culture. Virtually all magic cast by a Wegech is less elegant
Open list (11-15)………… 6/6/6 Closed list (11-15)………… 8/8
than that used in the Westlands (2-3x the standard casting prepara-
Open list (16-20)………… 8/8 Closed list (16-20)……… 10/10
tion). Most involves the use of votive tools: a wooden altar for
Open list (21+)……………… 12 Closed list (21+)…………… 25
major healing and prophesying, a graven antler and elk-liver face
Other Base Lists (1-5)……10/10 Training Package list (all) 4/4/4
paint for exorcising evil enchantments, painted hide body-wraps for
Other Base Lists (6-10) …… 12
drawing poison and infections. If given time (10x normal prepara-
Other Base Lists (11-15)…… 25
tion) and the necessary votive trappings, a wegech can achieve spir-
Other Base Lists (16-20)…… 40
itual healing as a character of double her level.
Other Base Lists (21+)……… 60
The Wegech has six base lists. The full descriptions of all the Base list (1-5) ……………… 60
spells on these lists can be found in Spell Law (pages ???-???). For Base list (6-10)……………… 80
a slightly higher development point cost, he may also develop Open Base list (11-15) ………… 100
and Closed Channelling spell lists (see Spell Law, pages 9-28) and Base list (16-20) ………… 120
the Open and Closed Essence spell lists (see Spell Law, pages 73- Base list (21+)…………… 140 Training Package list (all)… 8/8
92). Other spell lists may be developed, but will cost a larger Closed list (1-5) …………… 25 Open list (1-5)……………… 12
number of development points. Closed list (6-10)…………… 40 Open list (6-10)…………… 25
Channels: Channeling direct power from a deity for attacks. Closed list (11-15) ………… 60 Open list (11-15)…………… 40
Closed list (16-20) ………… 80 Open list (16-20)…………… 60
Communal Ways: Diving Information.
Closed list (21+) ………… 100 Open list (21+) …………… 80
Protections: Providing protections from a variety of different types First 5 lists deve loped i n a given level:.................................................................. x1 cost
of hostile forces. 6th - 10th lists developed in a given le vel :............................................................ x2 cost
Exorcisms: Repelling undead and banishing demons. 11th - up li sts deve loped in a give n level:.............................................................. x4 cost
Symbolic Ways: Placing spells onto stone.
Gate Mastery: Summoning Creatures. Adventurer ……………… 41 Kings Corps……………… 58
Amateur Mage…………… 27 Labourer ………………… 17
PROFESSION BONUSES Anamartar………………… 47 Loremaster ……………… 22
Directed Spells……………… +5 Power Manipulation ……… +15
Animal Handler ………… 23 Magic Crafter …………… 27
Lore • Magical…………… +10 Power Point Dev…………… +5
Animal Friend …………… 39 Royal Navy (Marine) …… 55
Power Awareness………… +10 Spell group………………… +5
Apothecary (MERP)……… 31 Mercenary………………… 51
SKILLS AND SKILL CATEGORIES Architect ………………… 25 Merchant ………………… 21
Armour • Heavy …………… 11 Outdoor • Animal …………… 3 Astronomer ……………… 27 Midwife…………………… 18
Armour • Light…………… 4/4/4 Outdoor • Environment…… 2/6 Beastmaster……………… 46 Noble……………………… 26
Armour • Medium ………… 10 Power Awareness ………… 1/4 Burglar…………………… 34 Performer………………… 25
Artistic • Active ……………2/5 Power Manipulation ……… 3/9 City Guard………………… 32 Sailor……………………… 23
Artistic • Passive……………2/5 Power Point Develop………… 6 Cloistered Academic……… 24 Sage……………………… 45
Athletic • Brawn…………… 5 Science • Basic …………… 1/4 Con Man ………………… 28 Scout……………………… 33
Athletic • Endurance ……… 3 Science • Specialized………6/14 Crafter …………………… 24 Scribe……………………… 31
Athletic • Gymnastic ……… 3 Self Control…………………… 5 Cut Purse………………… 41 Shaman Priest (MERP)…… 29
Awareness • Perception …… 6 Special Attacks …………… 15 Dwarven Berserker……… 55 Silli Niennava …………… 36
Awareness • Searching………3/7 Special Defence…………… 30 Estehildi ………………… 41 Skuiftlaika………………… 55
Awareness • Senses…………3/7 Subterfuge • Attack………… 15 Explorer ………………… 37 Soldier…………………… 36
Body Development……… 4/12 Subterfuge • Stealth ………… 6 Faradrim Aran …………… 67 Spy………………………… 40
Combat Manoeuvres ……… 18 Subterfuge • Mechanics……… 7 Faradrim Forod…………… 62 Surgeon…………………… 26
Communications………… 2/2/2 Technical • General………… 3/7 Farmer …………………… 33 Territorial Corps ………… 41
Crafts …………………… 4/10 Technical • Professional……… 8 Fortune Teller …………… 21 T. Corps (Reservists)
……… 30
Directed Spells…………… 2/5 Technical • Vocational ……5/12 Healer …………………… 21 Tracker…………………… 51
Influence……………………1/5 Urban………………………… 4 Healer (Orc)……………… 27 Traveller ………………… 19
Lore • General………………1/3 Weapon • Category 1………… 6 Herbalist ………………… 24 Wanderer ………………… 32
Lore • Magical………………2/4 Weapon • Category 2………… 7 Hermit …………………… 40 Weapon Master…………… 61
Lore • Obscure………………3/7 Weapon • Category 3………… 9 Hunter …………………… 45 Wolfrider ………………… 55
Lore • Technical ……………2/6 Weapon • Category 4……… 12 Innkeeper………………… 25 Zealot……………………… 27
Martial Arts • Strikes ……… 9 Weapon • Category 5……… 12
Martial Arts • Sweeps……… 9 Weapon • Category 6……… 20
Weapon • Category 7……… 20
The wea pon cate gorie s are: 1-H Concussion, 1-H Edged, 2-H anded, Mi ssile , Missile
a rtillery, Pole a rms, and thrown.
Everyman Skills: Time Sense, Spell Mastery, Meditation,

Now you must generate the stats which determine your 97...................................................... 96+1d4 +2
98...................................................... 97+1d3 +2
character’s mental and physical prowess. You must generate two
99...................................................... 98+1d2 +1
sets of stats for your character: his temporary stats and his potential 100.................................................... 99+1d2 +1
stats. Each stat has a value between 01 and 101. Temporary stats are Note: See Section 1.4 (RMSS) for guidelines for making 1d2
used to determine your characters capabilities, while potential stats through 1d9 die rolls.
represent the limits to which your temporary stats may increase * - A starting potential stat will be at least as high as its
during play.
temporary stat. So, if a roll for a potential stat gives a result that is
less than its corresponding temporary stat, the potential stat is
TEMPORARY STATS instead equal to the temporary stat.
You have 600+10d10 points to assign to your 10 temporary † - These modifications are only used if the fixed modification
stats. Each “prime stat” must be assigned at least 90 points and each option is used for all stats.
other stat must be assigned at least 20 points.
PLAYER OPTION: you can choose to assign stats as you STAT BONUSES
wish. For each temporary stat, look up the corresponding “basic stat
If 90 or fewer points are assigned to a stat, the stat’s value is bonus” from the Basic Stat Bonus Table T-2.1. Record these values
equal to the number of points assigned. in the appropriate spaces in the stats section of your Character
If more than 90 points are assigned to a stat, the stat’s value is Record Sheets. For a given stat, the “stat bonus” used in the RMSS
determined by referring to the Stat Assignment Table T-1.2. is the sum of the characters basic stat bonus, the characters racial
Remember, the higher the stat the more capable the character stat bonus, and any special stat bonus the character may have.
will be when performing an action using that particular stat. BASIC STAT BONUS TABLE T-2.1
Player Option: Assign 660 points instead of 600+10d10 points. Ba si c........................................................ St at
This option must be chosen before the 10d10 roll is made.
102+........................................................... 14
101............................................................. 12
STAT ASSIGNMENT TABLE T-1.2 100............................................................. 10
Stat........................................................Value 98-99............................................................9
Points..............................................Assigned 96-97............................................................8
100.........................................................190+ 94-95............................................................7
99..................................................... 171-189 92-93............................................................6
98..................................................... 154-170 90-91............................................................5
97..................................................... 139-153 85-89............................................................4
96..................................................... 126-138
95..................................................... 115-125
94..................................................... 106-114 31-69............................................................0
93....................................................... 99-105 26-30...........................................................-1
92......................................................... 94-98 21-25...........................................................-2
91......................................................... 91-93 16-20...........................................................-3
20-90.................................................... 20-90 11-15...........................................................-4
Note: The minimum points required for a stat above 90 are 10................................................................-5
equal to 90+[stat value-90]². 06-07...........................................................-7
POTENTIAL STATS 02-03...........................................................-9
To determine each of your character’s potential stats, take the
corresponding temporary stat and increase it by the roll indicated in
the Potential Stat TableT-1.3.
A starting potential stat will be at least as high as it’s temporary
stat. So, if a roll for a potential stat gives a result that is less than its
corresponding temporary stat, the potential stat is instead equal to
the temporary stat.
Player Option: Add a fixed modification (from the column
marked on the Potential Stat Table T-1.3.) to each temporary stat to
obtain the corresponding potential stat. If this option is used no rolls
are made to determine potentials.
Tempora ry............................................. Potential Fixed
Stat...........................................................Stat Mod †
20-24............................................... 20+8d10 +44
25-34............................................... 30+7d10 +39
35-44............................................... 40+6d10 +33
45-54............................................... 50+5d10 +28
55-64............................................... 60+4d10 +22
65-74............................................. 70+3d10* +17
75-84............................................. 80+2d10* +11
85-91............................................... 90+1d10 +6
92...................................................... 91+1d9 +5
93...................................................... 92+1d8 +4
94...................................................... 93+1d7 +4
95...................................................... 94+1d6 +3
96...................................................... 95+1d5 +3

During the early years of your life (i.e., his adolescence), your the allowed languages listed for your character’s culture. The
character will develop skills and skill categories, based on his maximum number of ranks that may be developed during adoles-
cultural background. Each skill and skill category that is developed cence is also provided for each language. Remember, spoken and
will increase its rank by a fixed number of ranks. The exact number written skills for each language must be developed seperately.
of ranks can be found on the adolescent rank table given with each
On your character record sheet, you should record each of your
character’s skills and skill catergories that receive adolescence

The Adolescence Rank Table for your race/culture indicates a
number of hobby ranks. These hobby ranks may be used to increase
the ranks of any combination of skill and/or skill categories.
However, the following restrictions apply:
• No skill or skill category may be increased by more ranks than the
maximum ranks that normally may be developed when advancing
a level.
• The skill or skill rank developed must have a development point
cost of less than 40.


Your character receives a number of talent points during
adolescence as indicated in the Adolescence Rank Table. The use of
talent points is detailed in the next section.

Your character starts out with a number of language skill ranks
as indicated in the appropriate culture description.


Your character receives a number of additional language skill
ranks during adolescence. Each of these ranks may be allocated to

Arider approaches Minas Anor

Each culture gives a number of Talent Points to spend. These
points can be spent on the available Background Options, listed in
the Cultural Descriptions. Your character can also increase the
number of talent points he has to spend by taking flaws, which
decrease the cost of talents.
Note: Some bac kground options may be restric te d as
shown in the desc ription of y our culture.
A character can buy as many talents as they want within the MENTAL FLAWS
restrictions of each category. A character can take no more than No more than 4 flaws in total.
four flaws. Roll Flaw Point c ost
1 Absent Minded........................................-10
A full description of all the background options can be found on 2-3 Addic tion/Simple (common).................... -5
the following pages. 4 Addic tion/Simple (rare)..........................-15
5-6 Addic tion/Mild (common)......................-10
Every talent, as well as flaw, should have some form of history 7 Addic tion/Mild (rare )..............................-20
with it. The story should explain how/why the character gained the 8 Addic tion/Serious (common)..................-15
talent/flaw. Combining this with the culture descriptions will help 9 Addic tion/Serious (ra re).........................-25
you develop a back story for your character, 10 Addic tion/Harmful (common)................-20
PHY SICAL FLAWS 11 Addic tion/Harmful (rare)........................-30
work out his motivation, drives, ambitions and No more than 4 fla ws in total. 12 Addic tion/Fatal (common)......................-30
ultimately his personality. Roll Flaw Poi nt cost 13 Addic tion/Fatal (rare)............................. - 40
1-2 Age........................................................... -10 14-15 Bad Temper..............................................-10
3-4 Albino.....................................................- 10 16 Battle Confusion......................................-15
8-10 Anosmia ..................................................... -3 17-18 Blood G uilt ..............................................-10
11 Blind......................................................... -50 19 Bloodlust..................................................-10
12 Breaker..................................................... -20 20 Chivalrous................................................-10
13-14 Cold Se nsitive.......................................... -10 21-22 Code of Honour......................................... -5
15-16 Colour Blind.............................................. -5 23-24 Compulsive Be haviour.............................. -5
17-18 Common Allergy (minor).......................- 10 25-27 Delusionary (minor).................................. -3
19 Common Allergy (major).......................- 15 28-29 Delusionary (major)................................-10
20 Complete Klutz........................................ -20 30 Delusionary (greater)..............................-15
21 Crippled (minor)...................................... -10 31 Disavow ed Wea pons...............................-20
22 Crippled (major)...................................... -20 32 Ea sily Charme d.......................................-15
23 Crippled (grea ter).................................... -30 33 Ea sy Mark................................................-20
24 Deaf.......................................................... -20 34 Fanatic......................................................-10
25-26 Deep Sleeper...........................................- 10 35-36 Fearlessne ss.............................................-10
27 Epilept ic................................................... -30 37 Fear of Armour........................................-10
SPECIAL FLAWS 30-31 Fragile Wrists............................................. -5 38 Fear of -Ma gic.........................................-20
No more than 4 fla ws in total. 32-33 Hard of Hearing....................................... -10 39-40 Glutton....................................................... -3
Roll Flaw Point Cost 34-35 Heat Sensitive.......................................... -10 41 Greedy......................................................-10
5-6 Dark Temptation......................................-10 36 Haemophilia............................................. -20 42 Indecision................................................-20
7-9 Dependent (lesser).....................................-5 37-38 Inner Ear Proble m..................................... -5 43 Impulsive.................................................-13
10-11 Dependent (minor)...................................-10 39 Lack of Range.......................................... -20 44-45 Intolera nce (minor)................................... -5
12-13 Dependent. (major)..................................-15 40-41 Locking Wrists ........................................ -10 46 Intolera nce (ma jor)..................................-10
14-16 Duty (minor)..............................................-5 42 Loss of Visi on.......................................... -15 47 Kleptomaniac...........................................-15
17-18 Duty (major).............................................-10 43 Mute......................................................... -25 48 Le che rous.................................................-10
19-20 Duty (gre ater)...........................................-15 4. Nose Bleeds............................................. -10 49 Megalomania c.........................................-10
21-22 Friendsla yer..............................................-10 46 Not Graceful............................................ -20 50 Memory Loss............................................ 15
23-24 Lack of Scope ..........................................-10 47 Not Subt le................................................ -15 51 Muddled Mind.........................................-15
25-26 Lack of Time ............................................-20 48 Off Bala nce.............................................. -20 52-53 Minor Fear (minor)................................... -5
29-31 Magic A llergy (minor).............................-10 49-50 One Arm (minor)..................................... -15 54-55 Minor Fear (major)..................................-10
32-33 Magic A llergy (ma jor).............................-20 51 One Arm (major)..................................... -20 56-57 Oblivious.................................................-15
34 Magic A llergy (greater)...........................-40 52 One Eye.................................................... -15 58-59 Overc onfident..........................................-10
35-36 Magically Susce ptible .............................-15 53 Pain Intolerant ......................................... -15 60 Pacifist (minor)........................................-10
37-38 Magically Vulnerable...............................-10 54-55 Physical Investment .................................. -7 61 Pacifist (major)........................................-15
39-40 Magic Bane ..............................................-20 56-57 Poor Eyesight (minor)............................. -10 62 Pacifist (great er)......................................-30
46-49 Poor Control..............................................- 7 58 Poor Eyesight (maj or)............................. -20 63 Paranoid...................................................-10
50-51 Powe r Blind..............................................-10 59-60 Powe r Bum.............................................. -10 64 Passive .....................................................-10
52-53 Powe r Dra in.............................................-20 61-62 Ra in Trauma .............................................. -5 65-66 Phobia (le sser)........................................... -5
54-55 Powe r Lea kage.........................................-20 63-65 Short of Brea th (minor)............................. -5 67 Phobia (minor).........................................-10
56-58 Re pulsive H abit (lesser)............................-5 66-67 Short. of Breat h (major).......................... -10 68 Phobia (major).........................................-15
59-60 Re pulsive H abit (minor)..........................-10 68 Short of Brea th (greater)......................... -15 69-70 Poor Conc entration..................................-10
61-62 Re pulsive H abit (maj or)..........................-15 69 Sloth......................................................... -20 71-72 Pyromaniac ................................................ -5
63-65 Rival/NPC (minor).....................................-5 70-71 Slow ........................................................... -7 73 Queasy.....................................................-10
66-67 Rival/NPC (major)...................................-10 72 Slow He aler............................................. -15 74 Sadist....................................................... - 15
68-69 Rival/NPC (greater).................................-20 73-74 Spasm....................................................... -10 75-76 Sense of Duty (lesser)............................... -5
70-71 Rival/PC (minor).....................................-10 75-76 St utter....................................................... -10 77-78 Sense of Duty (minorr).......................... - 10
72-73 Rival/PC (major).....................................- 15 77-78 Te nder Skin.............................................. -10 79 Sense of Duty (major).............................-15
74-75 Rival/PC (gre ater)....................................-25 79-80 Tired Legs.................................................. -7 80 Split Personalit y......................................-20
76-78 Secre t (lesser).............................................-5 81-82 uncommon A llergy.................................... -5 81-82 Stubborn.................................................... - 5
79-80 Secre t (minor).........................................- 10 83-84 uncontrolla ble Strength........................... -10 83-84 Superstitious.............................................. -5
81-82 Secre t (major)...........................................-15 85-86 Unc oordina ted........................................... -7 85-86 Trauma (le sser).......................................... -5
83-84 Secre t Identit y..........................................-10 87-88 Unhealthy................................................. -10 87-88 Trauma (minor)...................................... - 10
85-87 St at Pena lty (minor).................................-10 89-91 Unique Looks (minor)............................... -5 89 Trauma (major)........................................-15
88-89 St at Pena lty (major).................................-20 92-93 Unique Looks (major)............................. -10 90-91 Truthful...................................................... -5
90 St at Pena lty (greater)...............................-30 94 Unique Looks (great er)........................... -15 92-94 Vow (lesser)............................................... -3
91-93 Te rrible Luc k............................................-10 95 Unw ake able ............................................. -15 95-96 Vow (minor)............................................... -7
The Slain..................................................-20 96 Weak Physique ........................................ -20 97-98 Vow (major).............................................-15
94-96 Unlucky....................................................-10 97 Weight intole rant..................................... -15 99 Vow (grea ter)...........................................-20
99-100 Unmagical ..................................................... 98-00 Wimp........................................................ -20 100 Wea pon Bane...........................................-15

2 Talents only from this ta ble.
Roll Ta lent....................................... Point Cost MYSTICAL ABILITIES PHYSICA LABILITIES
1-6 Animal Empathy..................................... 5 2 Talents only from this ta ble. 3 Talents only from this table.
7-12 Ba ttle Reflexes ....................................... 7 Roll Ta lent Point Cost Roll Talent Point Cost
13-18 Ca lmness................................................. 7 1-4 Aggre ssion...............................................7 1-3 Acc elera ted mending..............................3
19-24 Dominanc e.............................................. 8 5-7 Archetype ..............................................18 4-6 Acute Hea ring.........................................7
25-29 Empathy................................................ 10 8-12 Aura (Lesser)...........................................5 7-8 Acute Smell........................................... 10
30-35 Good Batt lefield Awareness................... 7 13-15 Aura (Minor).........................................10 9-11 Ambidexterit y (Lesser) ..........................5
36 Immova ble Will.................................... 15 16-20 Aura (Major).........................................15 Amibidexteri ty (Minor)........................ 10
37-38 Inst inctive Defense............................... 15 21-23 Aura (Greate r).......................................20 12-14 Battle Cry................................................7
39-43 Internal Sense....................................... 10 24-28 Danger Sense.........................................15 15-16 Blazing Speed....................................... 10
44-49 Master Tac tician..................................... 7 29-31 Destiny Sense..........................................7 Cold Resist anc e (lesser).........................5
50-56 Mind Over Matter................................. 10 32-34 Eloquence..............................................15 Cold Resist anc e (minor)....................... 10
57-62 Photographic Me mory.......................... 10 35-37 Ensorc ellment Cure ..............................10 Cold Resist anc e (major)....................... 15
63-70 Quic k Calculator.................................... 3 38-40 Etherea l Sight........................................10 Cold Resist anc e (grea ter)..................... 20
71-77 Spee d Reading........................................ 5 41-43 Exceptional Ma gica l Ability.................30 17-18 Comba t Re flexes................................... 10
78-83 St ability Sense...................................... 10 43-47 Innate Magician ......................................7 19-20 Comma nding Demeanour..................... 18
84-89 Survival Instinct................................... 10 48-52 Item Lore.................................................7 21-23 Dea d Eye.................................................7
90 Te lekinesis ............................................ 20 53-57 Look of Eagles........................................7 24-26 Dwarfism (Le sse r)..................................5
91 Te lepathy............................................... 25 Magical Resistance...............................15 27-28 Dwarfism (Minor)................................. 10
92-94 Unbeliever ............................................ 15 58-60 Magical Affinity....................................20 Dwarfism (Ma jor)................................. 15
95-00 Violent Prejudice.................................. 10 61-63 Mana Reading.......................................10 29-32 Ea r For Musi c.........................................5
64-67 Mana Sensi ng..........................................7 33-34 Eye of the Tiger.................................... 10
No limit to the number of ta lent s chose n from this 68-70 Re sista nce..............................................15 35 Fluid Wrists........................................... 15
71-76 Runic Lore...............................................5 36-37 Giantism (Minor).................................. 10
Roll Ta lent Point Cost 77-79 Scope Skills (ra dius).............................10 38 Giantism (Major).................................. 15
80-82 Scope Skills (target)..............................10 Giantism (Gre ater)................................ 25
1-3 Acrobat ................................................... 7
Spatia l Skills .........................................15 39-40 Golde n Throat....................................... 10
Assa ssin Training................................... 8
4-5 Deadly Training.................................... 17 83-85 Subconscious Discipline.......................10 41-43 Great A rm................................................7
86-88 Te mporal Skills.....................................20 44 Hamme rhand......................................... 15
6-8 Direc ted We apons Master (minor)....... 10
6-8 Direc ted We apons Master (major)....... 15 89-91 Transcende nce.......................................15 Hea t Resistance (lesser).........................5
92-97 Undetec table............................................6 Hea t Resistance (minor)....................... 10
9-11 Disarm Skill.......................................... 10
98-00 Unnatural Aging....................................10 Hea t Resistance (major)....................... 15
12 Exceptional Skill at Arms .................... 30
17-20 Extra Language s..................................... 5 Visions...................................................10 Hea t Resistance (greater)..................... 20
High Jumper............................................5
Extra Stat Ga in Rolls............................ 15
21-23 General We apons Master (minor)........ 10 SPECIAL STATUS Hype rcharged Adre nali ne..................... 15
1 Talents only from this ta ble. Infravision...............................................5
General We apons Master (major)........ 20
Roll Name Point Cost 51-52 Light Sl eeper...........................................5
General We apons Master (greater)...... 30
24-27 Geographic Awa reness........................... 5 1-4 Faithful Vassal.........................................0 53-54 Manual Deftness................................... 10
5-8 Favoured (minor)..................................10 55-56 Natura l Physique................................... 18
28-30 Gymnastic Training................................ 7
31-32 Herbalist................................................ 13 9-12 Favoured (major)..................................15 59-62 Neutra l O dor...........................................5
13-16 Favoured (grea ter) ................................25 63-66 Night Vision............................................7
Inner Reserve (Lesser)........................... 5
17-20 Government Ties.....................................7 67 Nimble Skelet on................................... 15
33-35 Inner Reserve (Minor).......................... 10
Inner Reserve (Major).......................... 15 21-24 Heir........................................................10 71-73 Periphera l Vision....................................7
Law Enforcement Ability (minor)........10 74 Quiet Stride........................................... 15
Inner Reserve (Greate r)........................ 20
36-40 Internal Cloc k......................................... 3 25-28 Lost Fa vour.............................................0 75 Resilient................................................ 15
29-32 Military Rank (rank 1)............................5 76-78 Reverbative Strength..............................7
44-48 Judge of Wea ponry................................. 3
33-36 Military Rank (rank 2)..........................10 79-81 Shield mastery...................................... 10
49-51 Lightning strike .................................... 12
Natural Affinity .................................... 10 37-40 Military Rank (rank 3)..........................15 82-85 Steel Grip................................................8
41-44 Military Rank (rank 4)..........................20 86-89 Strong Lungs...........................................5
55-57 Natural Arc her........................................ 8
58-60 Natural Fac ility With Armour.............. 10 45-48 Military Rank (rankS)...........................25 90 Sturdy Build.......................................... 20
49-50 Military Rank (rank 6)..........................30 91-93 Subconsc ious Prepara tion ......................5
61-63 Natural Horseman .................................. 7
51-52 Military Rank (rank 7)..........................35 94-96 Subtle.......................................................8
64 Natural Wea pons Ma st er...................... 30
65-66 Outdoorsman ........................................ 15 Noble .....................................................15 98 Tole rance............................................... 15
61-64 Orpha n.....................................................0 99-00 Unna tural Stamina ................................ 10
67-71 Portage skills .......................................... 3
73-74 Precision............................................... 20 65-68 Patron (lesser).........................................5 SPECIAL ITEM
75-78 Shield Attack .......................................... 7 69-72 Patron (minor).......................................10 Roll Ite m .Point Cost
79-82 Skille d (le sse r)........................................ 5 73-76 Patron (ma jor).......................................20 1-5 Bonus Item (I).........................................5
83-84 Skille d (minor)..................................... 10 77-80 Patron, Important ( minor)...................10 6-10 Bonus Item (II).......................................7
Skille d (major)...................................... 20 81-84 Patron, Important ( ma jor)....................20 11-14 Bonus Item (III).................................... 10
Skille d (gre ater).................................... 30 85-86 Patron, Important (great er)...................30 15-18 Bonus Item (IV).................................... 15
85-87 Sleight of Hand..................................... 13 96-00 Wanted.....................................................0 19-22 Bonus Item (V)..................................... 20
88-92 Swift. Dresse r......................................... 3 23-25 Bonus Item (VI).................................... 22
93-96 Trained Re gular Footman .................... 10 Wealth 26-28 Bonus Item (VII).................................. 25
Underground Upraising.......................... 8 No limit to the number of ta lent s chose n from this 29 Bonus Item (VIII)................................. 30
97 Warrior Extraordinaire ......................... 35 table. 30-34 Daily Ite m (I)........................................ 10
98-00 Weapon Control.................................... 10 Wealth Level 35-39 Daily item (II)....................................... 12
Worldl y (le sser).................................... 20 Very Poor.................................................0 40-43 Daily item (Ill)...................................... 15
Worldl y (minor).................................... 30 Poor..........................................................3 44-47 Daily Ite m (IV)..................................... 20
Worldl y (major).................................... 40 Norma l...................................................10 48-50 Daily Ite m (V )....................................... 25
Worldl y (gre ater).................................. 50 Ric h........................................................20 51-53 Daily Ite m (V I)..................................... 30
Very Rich...............................................40 54-55 Daily Ite m (V II).................................... 35
SPECIAL ABILITY 56-60 Loyal Domestica ted Animal...................5
1 Talents only from this ta ble. Additional Wealth Rolls 61-64 Loyal Unusua l Creature ....................... 15
Roll Ta lent........................................ Point cost Very Poor.................................................5 66-69 Potion (1 dose)........................................7
1-5 Ama zing Lea ping................................. 15 Poor........................................................10 70-73 Potion (5 doses).................................... 12
Ba ne ...................................................... 25 Norma l...................................................15 74-78 Rune Paper ( sheet).................................7
Eye of the Ha wk................................... 15 Ric h........................................................20 79-82 Rune Paper (5 sheets)........................... 12
36-40 Life time G oal........................................ 15 Very Rich...............................................25 83-87 Special Poison/Herb...............................3
Lucky (minor)....................................... 10 88-92 Spell Adder (+1)................................... 10
Lucky (major)....................................... 15 Modify Wealt h Rolls 93-96 Spell Adder (+2)................................... 15
Lucky (gre ater)..................................... 20 +10 be fore the dic e are rolle d................3 97-00 Spell Adder (+3)................................... 20
41-45 Master Warrior Friend.......................... 15 +5 after the dice are rolled.....................5 Spell Adder (+4)................................... 25
46-50 Mentor................................................... 10 Spell Multiplie r (x2)............................. 35
56-60 St at Bonus (minor)............................... 10
61-65 St at Bonus (major)............................... 20
66-70 St at Bonus (gre ater).............................. 30
71-75 St at improve ment ................................. 10
76-80 Succ or (lesser)...................................... 10
81-85 Succ or (minor)...................................... 20
86-90 Succ or (major)...................................... 30
91-95 Succ or (greate r).................................... 40
Natural Affinity - You take to a training package like a duck to water. Through
CULTURAL/RACIAL ABILITIES natural ability or maybe due to the excellance of the training. Half (round up) the cost
Some of the races/cultures have talents and flaws specific to of a training package developed during the apprenticeship period only. [10 points]
them. These talents and flaws can be found with the race/cultural Natural Archer - You receive a 25% increase to all bow ranges and +5 to the
descriptions in the appropriate chapter chapter. There is no limit on Missile Weapon Category. [8 points]
the number of talents chosen from this table.
Natural Facility With Armour - You receive a special bonus of +10 to your
Armour group. One Armour skill is classified as Everyman. [10 points]
SPECIAL TRAINING Natural Horseman - You receive a special bonus of +25 to all manoeuvres in-
These are talents that can be learned by anyone, given a volving horses. [7 points]
particular place and set of circumstances. The training is not Natural Weapons Master - All weapon skills are classified as Everyman. [30
common, but it is not quite as mystical as some of the other talents. points]
There is no limit on the number of talents chosen from this table.
Outdoorsman - You receive a special bonus of +50 to all Foraging, fire starting,
Acrobat - You receive a special bonus of +20 to your Athletic • Gymnastic skill and shelter location Manoeuvres while you are outdoors. You also receive a special
category. [7 points] bonus of +20 to all Tracking; Hunting; Stalk, and Hide Manoeuvres while you are
outdoors. [15 points]
AssassinTraining - The ambush skillis classified as everyman for you. [8 points]
PortageSkills - All of your encumbrance penalties are halved. [3 points]
Deadly Training - You receive a special bonus of +25 to your poison Lore,
Use/Remove Poison, Silent Kill, Stalk, Hide and Ambush Manoeuvres (does not Precision - Due to the precision of your strikes, you may make an Ambush man-
apply to critical modifications). [17 ponts] oeuvre every time you attack with a melee weapon . [20 points]
Directed Weapons Master (minor) - One weapon skill may be classified as ShieldAttack - You receive a special bonus of +20 to Shield Bash Skill. [7 points]
Everyman. Allother skills in the the same category are notchanged. [10 points]
Skilled (lesser) - You may receive a special bonus of +5 to one skill category, or
Directed Weapons Master (major) - One weapon skill may be classified as receive a special bonus of +10 to one specific skill. You may only purchase this skill
Occupational. All other skills in the the same category are classified as Everyman. once for a given skill or skill category. A skill or skill category can only be chosen if
[15 points] its bonus progression is combined or standard. [5 points]
DisarmSkill - You are very skilled at intentionally disarming a foe. You receive a Skilled (minor) - As Skilled (lesser), except bonus is +10 to one skill category, or
special bonus of +20 to all attempts to disarm a foe using either Disarm Foe (armed) +20 to one specific skill. [10 points]
or Disarm Foe (unarmed). [10 points]
Skilled (major) - As Skilled (lesser), except bonus is +15 to one skill category, or
Exceptional skill at Arms - You receive a special bonus of +10 to all weapon +30 to one specific skill. [20 points]
categories and to your Armour categories. You may also chose two weapon categor-
ies where all skills in the category are classified as Everyman. [30 points] Skilled (greater) - As Skilled (lesser), except bonus is +20 to one skill category, or
+40 to one specific skill. [30 points]
Extra Languages - You have either studied languages, or lived in an area that
exposed you to the languages. This ability grants you 20 ranks (total) to apply to both Sleight of Hand - You receive a special bonus of +20 to your Subterfuge • Stealth
spoken and written ranks. You can develop any of the languages listed in Allowed skill Category. [13 points]
Adolescent Development or Extra Languages, up to the maximum levels given. [5
points] Swift Dresser - All of the time it takes to either put on or take off your armour is
reduced by 25%. [3 points]
Extra Stat Gain Rolls - You have trained to bring youself closer to your peak
mental and physical condition. You get a stat gain roll for each of your stats during Trained Regular Footman - Blocking, Tackling, Wrestling, and Boxing are
your apprenticship period. [15 points] classified as Everyman skills for you . [10 points]
General Weapons Master (minor) - You receive a special bonus of +10 to all Underground Upraising -You receive a special bonus of +10 to the Subterfuge •
your weapon categories. [10 points] Mechanics and Subterfuge • Stealth skill categories. Select one Subterfuge •
Mechanics or Subterfuge • Stealth skill that may be classified as Everyman. [8
General Weapons Master (major) - You receive a special bonus of +20 to all points]
your weapon categories. [20 points]
Warrior Extraordinaire - All melee weapons are classified as Everyman. One
General Weapons Master (greater) - You receive a special bonus of +30 to all Combat Manouevre skill is also classified as everyman. You also receive a special
your weapon categories. [30 points] bonus of +10 to Specialattacks. [35 points]
Geographic Awareness - You receive a special bonus of +35 to your Mapping Weapon Control - All weapons in your primary weapon category (that category
and Direction Sense skills. You also have an uncanny ability to memorize maps with the lowest development point cost) have their fumble range reduced by 2 (to a
granting you a special bonus of +25 to your Navigation skill for a cerÿtain area if you minimum 1). All other weapon categories have their fumble range reduced by 1 (to a
have seen a map and have studied it for more than 10 minutes. [5 points] minimum 1). [10 points]
Gymnastic Training - You receive a specialbonus of +25 to one chosen Athletic • Worldly (lesser) - Whilst others stayed home, safe and warm you travelled, saw
Gymnastic skill. You also receive a special bonus of +25 to one chosen Adrenal the world and maybe had adventures. Or perhaps you are just older, and wiser and
Leaping, AdrenalLanding, or Adrenal Balance Skill. [7 points] have a life time of experience to draw on. You start the game at2nd levelwith 20,000
experience points; and may increase your skills appropriately (RMSS section 7.3).
Herbalist - You naturally recognize herbs and poisons and may use them. You Stat gain rolls are not made, these are assumed to have all ready happened to bring
receive a special bonus of +30 to all of your Cooking, Foraging, Use Prepared Herbs, the character to his current stats. You should increase your age to reflect the time it
Prepare Herbs, Poison Lore, and Herb Lore Manoeuvres. [13 points] took to gain this level.[20 points]
Inner Reserve (Lesser) - You can withstand more pain than a normal person. Worldly (minor) - As Worldly (lesser), except you start at 3rd level with 30,000
When determining your available concussion hits you may add a +1 to each Body experience points. [30 points]
Development. rank you purchase. e.g., if your Body Development progression is
normally 0 • 6 • 4 • 2 • 1, you will gain 7 points for the first ten ranks, five for the Worldly (major) - As Worldly (lesser), except you start at 4th level with 40,000
second ten, etc. [5 points] experience points. [40 points]
InnerReserve(minor) - As the lesser talent, except the bonus is +2. [10 points] Worldly (greater) - As Worldly (lesser), except you start at 5th level with 50,000
experience points. [50 points]
InnerReserve(Major) - As the lesser talent, except the bonus is +4. [15 points]
InnerReserve(Greater) - As the lesser talent, except the bonus is +6. [20 points] PHYSICAL ABILITIES
Internal Clock - You receive a special bonus of +15 to your Time Sense skill and These abilities are of a physical nature. These abilities may be
Time Sense is classified as an Occupationalskill for you. [3 points] possessed by all members of a race or by an individual. No more
than three of these abilities can be taken.
Judge of Weaponry - You have a special bonus of +40 to your Weapon
Evaluation skill. [3 points] Accelerated Mending - Your normal recovery time for injuries is halved. This
does notapply to concussion hits. [3 points]
Lightning Strike - You receive a special bonus of +5 to your iniative rolls. You
receive no penalty for Snap Actions, but only receive a +5 for Deliberate Action. [12 Accute Hearing - You have a keen sense of hearing that allows you to perceive
points] any sound within a range of 100’ in open areas or 25’ when listening through solid

barriers. You receive a special bonus of +10 to your Awareness categories when Heat Resistance (lesser) - You are more resistant to heat and fire than normal.
dealing with these sounds. [7 points] You receive a special bonus of +10 to your RRs and DB versus heat and fire based
attacks. [5 points]
AcuteSmell - You have an acute sense of smell. You can smellodors up to 100’ up
wind, 2000’ downwind, and 500’ in still air. You receive a special bonus of +25 to Heat Resistance (minor) - As above but the bonus is +20. [10 points]
Tracking something based on its odor. You receive a special bonus of +10 to your
awareness caregories when dealÿing with smells. [10 points] Heat Resistance (major) - As Cold Resistance (lesser) but the bonus is +30. [15
Ambidexterity (Lesser) - You may use either hand equally well. There is no
penalty for using a weapon in your off hand. [5 points] Heat Resistance(greater) - As Cold Resistance (lesser) butthe bonus is +40. [20
Amibidexterity (Minor) - As the Lesser talent, except you receive a special
bonus of +15 to your Two-weapon Combatskill. [10 points] High Jumper - You have a great jumping ability. You receive a special bonus of
+30 to your jumping skill. [5 points]
Battle Cry - You may shout your “battle cry” before entering combat. When you
do this, you receive a special bonus of +10 to your OB and DB for the remainder of Hypercharged Adrenaline - You receive a special bonus of +15 to allAdrenal
the combat. You may only use this ability once per day. [7 points] Manoeuvres (using skills in the Self control category) as well as all frenzy
Manoeuvres. You also receive a special bonus of +5 to your Special Defense skill
Blazing Speed - Your base movement rate is increased by +10. [10 points] category. [15 points]
Cold Resistance (lesser) - You are more resistant to cold and ice than normal. Infravision - You posses the ability of infravision. If it is dark, you can see the heat
You get a +10 to your RRs and DB versus cold and ice based attacks. [5 points] eminations from things upto 100’away. You receive a special bonus of +25 to your
Tracking skill if it is dark and what you are tracking has walked through the area in
Cold Resistance (minor) - As Cold Resistance (lesser) but the bonus is +20. [10 the last 30 minutes. [5 points]
Light Sleeper - You mat make an Alertness maneuvre to wake from sleep. [5
Cold Rresistance(major) -As Cold Resistance (lesser) but the bonus is +30. [15 points]
Manual Deftness - Your fast fingers give you a special bonus of +10 to your
Cold Resistance (greater) -As Cold Resistance (lesser) but the bonus is +40. [20 Subterfuge • Stealth skill category and a special bonus of +1 to your initiative. [10
points] points]
Combat Reflexes - Your ligntning reflexes grant you a special bonus of +5 to DB, Natural Physique - Body Development is classified as Everyman for you. [18
OB. When rolling for iniative determinatio, you may rollone extra die and mustthen points]
decide which die rolled is not used. This talentmay not be taken if Lightening Strike
is taken. [10 points] Neutral Odor - Your body has a particular ability that masks the scent of anything
within five feet of you. [5 points]
Commanding Demeanor - You receive a special bonus of +25 to your
Leadership skill. In addition, you can take a 50% action (requires a Leadership Nightvision - This allows you to see in the presence of extremely faint light. The
maneouvre) to instill fear in a foe that can see and hear you 9foe makes a Fear RR light from the moon or stars or even a tiny point of light is enough to allow you to see
versus your level). Also, you can take a 25% action (requires A Leadership normally (up to 25’). If there is no light at all, then Nightvision gives no benefit. (see
maneouvre) to inspire your allies thatcan see and hear you - they get a +10 bonus to spell law section 7.1.19 for more information). [7 points]
their OBs and DBs. [18 points]
Nimble skeleton - You get a special bonus of +15 to all Moving Manoeuvres be-
Dead Eye - Allof your missile range penalities are halved. [7 points] cause of your nimble skeleton. [15 points]
Dwarfism (Lesser) - You are shorter than normal. You are two thirds as tall as a Peripheral vision - When you are attacked from the flank, your foes bonus is only
normalmember of your race (figure normalheight, then double and divide by 3) and +5;from the rear, your foe`s bonus +15. [7 points]
your weight is normal for your reduced height. You receive a special bonus of +3 to
your Qu bonus and -3 to your St bonus. [5 points] Quiet Stride - You have a quick and quiet stride. You receive a special bonus of
+20 to your Stalking skill, You may ambush anyone from behind with a special
Dwarfism (Minor) - As the lesser talent, except your height is half normal and bonus of +10 to your Ambush skill (this does not apply to critical modification), and
your special Qu/St bonuses are +6/-6. [10 points] receive a special bonus of +20 for all balancing Manoeuvres. [15 points]
Dwarfism (Minor) - As the lesser talent, except your height is one third normal Resilient - Any bleeding wounds (wounds giving hits per round) that you receive
and your specialQu/Stbonuses are +9/-9. [15 points] have their rates reduced by half (round down). [15 points]
Ear for Music - You can reproduce any sound you hear. If the noise could not. be ReverbativeStrength - Whenever you are in a melee combat and you do a crit-
reproduced by your vocal chords, you can reproduce it on an appropriate instrument. ical to your foe, that foe takes an additional Unbalancing critical of two levels less
You can also play any piece of music you hear once (though not necessarily played severity (an ‘A’as an ‘A-50’; ‘B’ becomes ‘A-25’). [7 points]
well). You receive a special bonus of +25 to all Singing and Play Instrument
Manoeuvres. [5 points] Shield Mastery - You may add an additional+10 to the DBprovided by any shield
(e.g., normal shield now gives 35DB, etc.). You also receive a special bonus of +15 to
Eye of the Tiger - You have a special bonus of +20 to all your Adrenal Strength your Shield Bashes skill. [10 points]
Manoeuvres. [10 points]
Steel Grip - You may resist weapon disarming with a +25 bonus. Allfumble ranges
Fluid Wrists - Due to your fine wrists, you receive a special bonus of +20 to all for melee weapons are reduced bt 1 (to a minimum of 1). [8 points]
attacks with a Thrown weapon and Martial Arts • Sweeps and Throws skills. [15
points] Strong Lungs - Your lungs allow you to hold your breath for 10 seconds pIus 1
minute per Co bonus (minimum of 10 seconds). [5 points]
Giantism (Minor) - You are larger than normal. You are half again as tall as a
normal member of your race(figure normal height, then increase it by 50%) and Sturdy Build - You reduce the level of any Crushing, Unbalancing, or Impact
weigh twice as much (figure normal weight, then double it). You receive a special criticalyou receive by one level (an ‘A’ becomes ‘A-25’). [20 poirits]
bonus of +2 to your St bonus and -2 to your Qu bonus. [10 points}
Subconscious Preparation - Percentage activity needed to reload missile
Giantism (Major) - As the minor talent, except your height is two times normal, weapons and/or draw weapons is halved. [5 points]
your weight is four times normal, and your special St/Qu bonuses are +4/-4. Any
critical strike against you has is severity reduced by 1 (an `A` becomes an `A-25`). Subtle - All your Stalk and Hide Manoeuvres receive a special bonus of +25. [8
[15 points] points]
Giantism(Greater) - As the minor talent, except your height is three times nor- Tolerance -You may take 150% of your concussion hits before falling unconscious
mal, your weight is six times normal, and your special St/Qu bonuses are +6/-6. You (though death occurs atthe normal loss on hits). [15 points]
are treated as a Large creature for criticals. [25 points]
Unnatural Stamina - You have increased stamina, you have a special bonus of
Golden Throat - You have a soothing andcaiming voice. This gives you a special +100 to your exhaustion pointtotal. [10 points]
bonus of +15 to any manoeuvre where you verbally attempt to calm or persuade
(Singing, Publis Speaking, Duping, Trading, Acting, etc.). [10 points]
Great Arm - All your thrown weapon ranges are increased by 25%. [7 points]
These abilities are difficult for most people to explain. They
Hammerhand - Your hands are much harder than normal. You may make Martial reflect a supernatural power that is yours to command. There should
Arts • Strikes attacks with your bare hands and inflict an Impact critical of one less be a rational explanation on how your character received these
severity as your MartialArts • Strikes critcal (an ‘A’ becomes ‘A-25’). [15 points]
abilities. A character may not possess more than two of these

abilities. Temporal Skills - The duration of all your spells is doubled. This does not effect
Aggression - You receive a +10 bonus to either your Base Attack Rolls or to your spells with a duration of concentration (“C”) or instant(“-”). [20 points]
Elemental Attack Rolls (choose when purchasing the talent). [7 points] Transcendance - You receive a special bonus of +25 to your Transcend Armour
Archetype - Power Point Development is classified as an Everyman skill for you. skill. [15 points]
[18 points] Undetectable - You receive a special bonus of +30 to RRs versus all scrying, detec-
Aura (Lesser) - You receive an additional power point for each rank of Power tion and related spells. If such a spell is actually Passive, you may make an RR (with
Point Development you have (e.g., if your Power pointProgression was 0 • 6 • 5 • 4 • the +30 modifier) to resist its effects. [6 points]
3, the first ten ranks of Power Point Development you purchase will give you 7 Unnatural Aging - You age slowly for your race. All aging maneuvres are made
Power Points each, the second ten ranks gives you 6 PPs each, etc.). [5 points] with one category shift to the left. For example, if you are a 67 year old Rulralman,
Aura (Minor) - As the lesser talent, except you receive 2 additional power points you would normally be very old. With this talent, you would only be old. [10 points]
for each rank. [10 points] Visions - You receive spontaneous glimpses of events that are associated with a
Aura (Major) - As the lesser talent, except you receive 3 additional power points particular race, person, or item that you touch (with your bare skin). This talent is
for each rank. [15 points] usable once per day plus one additional time per SD bonus (a negative SD bonus
results in zero additionaltimes per day). [10 points]
Aura (Greater) - As the lesser talent, except you receive 4 additionalpower points
for each rank. [20 points] MENTAL ABILITIES
Danger Sense - You may make an Alertness maneuvre to detect danger (GM`s The mind is a very powerful thing. You have tapped mental
discretion). You receive a special bonus of +10 to your Awareness • Perceptions abilities that most people only dream of having. Acharacter can not
category. [15 points]
possess more than two of these abilities, however if the character is
Destiny Sense - You instinctively know the direction that will take you to a specific a Mentalism spell user, then they could have more mental abilities.
goal. This ability can only be used once per day. [7 points] Animal Empathy - You have empathy with a certain type of animal. Any man-
Eloquence - You receive a special bonus of +25 to all of your Spell Casting euvre with such an animal receives a specialbonus of +25 to it. If you associate with
Manoeuvres. [15 points] a specific animal for a month, you can communicate empathically with that animal
from a range of 18 for every level you have. The GM will have to determine what
Ensorcellment Cure - You may touch a target afflicted with a permanentmagical qualifies as an acceptable animal. [5 points]
disability (curse, lycanthropy, etc.). The disability must make an RR versus your Battle Reflexes - You may have an extra iniative roll and select the one you wish to
level or be permanently dispelled. If the disability makes its RR, you may not try to use. [7 points]
remove it untilyou gain another level. [10 points]
Ethereal Sight - By closing your eyes and concentrating for 2d10 rounds, you can Calmness - Whenever you are in a pressured situation (GM’s discretion), you re-
change your vision so that you can perceive invisible things. This lasts for 10d10 ceive a specialbonus of +20 to your social interaction skills (Leadership, Diplomacy,
minutes and may only be used once each day. Using this ability does not interfere Public Speaking, Seduction, etc.). [7 points]
with your normalvision. [10 points] Dominance - You receive a special bonus of +50 to RRs versus spells with a
Exceptional Magical Ability - You are exceptionally enchanted. You receive a Mentalsub-class (m). [8 points]
special bonus of +50 to your RR versus one realm and a special bonus of +25 when Empathy - Whenever you are near some one (within 20) you can attempt to de-
casting spells or using items based in thatrealm. [30 points] termine what their emotional state is at the moment. The person you are trying to
Innate Magician - You receive a special bonus of +20 to all Spell Casting Static “read” must make an RR versus Mentalism (using your level as the attack level). If
Manoeuvres for spells from one spell list. [7 point.s] they fail, you are informed of their current feelings; if he succeeds, you may noy try
and “read” him for 24 hours. You cannot tell why they feel that way, just how they
ItemLore - You receive a special bonus of +25 to your Magical lore skill category. feel. This ability also gives you a special bonus bonus of +25 to all your Lie
[7 points] Perception maneuvres (if within 20’of target.). [10 points]

Look of Eagles - People who are your allies, troops, friends or retainers receives a Good BattlefieldAwareness - You receive a special bonus of +25 to Situational
+25 to RRs versus panic and morale while you are welland in sight. [7 points] Awareness (Combat). You also receive a special bonus of +25 to your Reverse Strike
skill. [7 points]
Magical Affinity - You have your choice of two spell lists that may be classified as Immovable Will - You receive a special bonus of +50 to RRs versus Fear and
Everymen and a choice of one Power Manipulation skill that is classified as Charm. You have a special bonus of +25 to your Will (see Treasure Companion). [15
Everyman. [20 points] points]
Magical Resistance - You have a strange resistance to magic. You receive a spe- Instinctive Defense - You gain a special bonus of +20 to your DB for all attacks
cial bonus of +50 to your RRs versus one realm of magic. [15 points] that you are aware of. If you are unaware of an incoming attack you still receive a
Mana Reading - You recieve a specialbonus of +15 to your Attunement skill. [10 special bonus of +10 to your DB. [15 points]
points] Internal Sense - You receive a special bonus of +20 to your Stunned Maneuvre
Mana Sensing - The hairs on the back of your neck prickle whenÿever you go skill. [10 points]
near a large power source, an enchanted location, an earthnode, a haunted area, etc. Master Tactician - You receive a special bomnus of +15 to your Tactics skill. [7
[7 points] points]
Resistance - You receive a special bonus of +15 to all RRs against spells. [15 MindOver Matter -You receive a special bonus of +20 to your Self Control skill
points] category. [10 points]
Runic Lore - You receive a special bonus of +25 to your Read Runes skill. [5 Photographic Memory - You have a photographic memory. Anything you study
points] for more than 15 minutes will be placed in your memory, to be recalled whenever
Scope Skills (radius) - Your spells have double the normal radius of effect this you need. You can remember entire books if you need to, given the proper time to
only affects spells with an area of effectthat includes a radius). [10 points] study. You cannotglance at a book and then remember everything the page said, you
have to read it. When you need to remember someÿthing you have studued, you roll
Scope Skills (target) - Your spells affect twice as many targets (this only affects dl00 (open-ended) and add 3 times your Me bonus and add 25. If te total is greater
spells with an area of effectthat includes “target.”). [10 points] than 100, you fully remember what you want. If the total is less than 100, than that is
the percentage of information you recall. This ability aIso grants you a special bonus
Spatial Skills - The ranges of your spells are greater than those of most other of +10 to the Lore skill group. [10 points]
mages. Your spells with a range of self are actually a range of touch.Those with a Quick Calculator - You can instantly calculate virtually any mathematicalformula
range of touch are actually a range of 5’. All other spells add 50 to thier ranges. in your head. If the formula is sufficently complicated, like calculating when a solar
However, this extension only affects one type of spell (Force, Utility, Directed eclipse will occur, itwilltake a little more time. You receive a special bonus of +10 to
Elemental, etc.). This ability can be purchased once for every spelltype. [15 points] the Science/Analytic group. You also receive a special bonus of +5 to your Trading
Subconcious Discipline - Any spell which has a duration of Concentration will skill. [3 points]
lastfor as many ronuds after you stop concentrating as you originally spent concen- Speed Reading - You can read books, maps, and other documents at a rate of ten
trateing on the spell. e.g., if you concentrate on a spell for 4 rounds, it will continue to pages per minute. [5 points]
operate for another 4 rounds after you cease to concentrate. Note this only affects
spells with a duration of concentration (notspells with both a timed duration and the Stability Sense - Any time you are stunned, you reduce the total rounds of stun by
requisite of concentration). [10 points] one. If a strike results in only one round of stun then it has no effect. [10 points]

Survival Instinct - When you use your entire OB to parry, your DBis modified by Rune Paper(5 sheets) - As Rune Paper (1 sheet), exceptyou have five sheets. [12
an additional+25. [10 points] points]
Telekinesis - You may move one object., up to 50 pounds inmass, up to one foot Special Herb/Poison - You have some kind of magical herb, or poison. The GM
per second (witn no acceleration). Each round you use Telekinesis if costs d10 should determine exactly what (the equipment section has a listing). [3 points]
Exhaustion Points. [20 points]
Spell Adder (+1) - A spell adder allows you to cast an extra spell per day without
Telepathy - You may read or send thoughts mentally. Whenever you are trying to the expenditure of PPs. You acquired your adder either in an earlier adventure or as
read the thoughts of a person, they must make an RR versus Mentalism attack (using an inheritance. [10 points]
your level as the attack level). If the RR fails, you may leam their surface thoughts.
These midifiers are for scanning surface thoughts only. If you wish to scan for a Spell Adder(+2) - As Spell Adder (+1), except allows up to two spells per day. [15
particular thought then it is modified by the target reluctance to part with thatinform- points]
ation (e.g., a deep secret would have an RR modified by +30). Each use of this power
costs 2d10 exhaustion points. The range of this power is line of sight. [25 points] Spell Adder (+3) - As SpellAdder (+1), except allows up to three spells per day
[20 points]
Unbeliver - You may resist all magic with a +25 modifier to your RRs. You may
not, however, use any spells or spell devices (any attempt to do so willresultin abso- Spell Adder (+4) - As SpellAdder (+1 ), except allows up to four spells per day
lute failure). [15 points] [25 points]
Violent Prejudice - You may choose one specific race (subject to GM’s approval) Spell Multiplier (x2) - Doubles the number of power points available to a charac-
against which you receive and additional +10 to your OB. Whenever you deliver a ter between periods of rest. [35 points]
critical, you also deliver an Impact critical of one less severity (an ‘A’ becomes ‘A-
25’). [10 points]
SPECIAL ITEMS Some people have abilities that are difficult to believe. These
abilities go far beyond what a normal person would think possible.
These represent family heirlooms and inheritances. You would
You are truly gifted, character can only choose one of these
be quite reluctant to part with these items, even if something better
comes along. The items may be magical or just well crafted. Either
Amazing Leaping - You have a Base Running horizontal leap of three times nor-
way, it has been given to the character to aid them in upcomming mal; vertical leap of five times normal. See RMSR for rules on determining the nor-
journeys. mal jumping ability (Appendix A-1, Athletic Brawn skills description). [15 points]

Bonus Item(I) - You have two exceptional items, either high quality or special Bane - You may select one creature type (subject to the GM’s approval) against
purpose. Exactly what item you have is for you and your GM to decide; a special, which all your criticals do an additional “Slaying” critical. [25 points]
non-magical bonus of +5 will be applied to the appropriate skills affected by those
items. For example you may have a +5 lockpick kit that bestows its bonus upon your Eye of the Hawk - You have very precise eyesight, and can see things much
Pick Locks skill. [5 points] farther out than normal . You can see ten times as far as a normal person of your race.
You can see detail at this range, and can use this ability to reduce range penalties
Bonus Item (II) - As Bonus Item (I), except there it gives a bonus of +10. [7 applied to you when using a missiole weapon. You receive only 10% of the penalty
points] applied to you for all missile weapon range penalties, including thrown weapons.
Thus, for you, the ‘long range’ for all (non-thrown) missile weapons is increased by
Bonus Item (III) - As Bonus Item (I), except there are either three items with a 100’. [15 points]
bonus of +5 each, or one item with a bonus of +15. [10 points]
Lifetime Goal - You have a goal (subject to the GM’s approval) that controls your
Bonus Item (IV) - As Bonus Item (I), except there are two items with a non- every move. You do what ever ittakes to complete this goal. It should relate to most
magical bonus of +10 each or one item with a non-magiacl bonus of +20. [15 points] of your adventures, and should be a lifetime hope (e.g., the destruction of a great evil,
overthrow of a cruel ruler, etc.). Whenever you are involved in an action that is dir-
Bonus Item (V) - As Bonus Item (I), except there are either three items with a ectly related to this goal, you receive a bonus of +5 to +15 to all of your actions
magical bonus of +5 each, one item with a magicalbonus of +15. [20 points] (GM’s discretion). The total amount of the bonus is directly related to how closely
your current actions will affectthe outcome of your goal (most of your bonuses will
Bonus Item (VI) - As Bonus Item (I), except there are two items with a magical be at +5, the final +15 bonus should only come when you are near the completion of
bonus of +10 each. [22 points] your goal). Realize that this is a goal that has driven you for most of your life. You
have not thought about much else for years. When you have accomplished this goal,
Bonus Item (VII) - As Bonus Item (I), except there it gives a magical bonus of if you do, you will probably have a sense of deprivation and a loss of direction. [15
+20. [25 points] points]

Bonus Item (VIII) - As Bonus Item (I), except there are three items with a ma- Lucky (minor) - You are lucky. Your open-ended rollrange is increased by 1 from
gicalbonus of +10 each. [30 points] 96-100 to 95-100. [10 points]

Daily Item (I) - You have an item that mystically casts spells when you desire. Lucky (major) - You are lucky. Your open-ended roll range is increased by 2 from
Exactly what the item is, as well as what spell is in the item is up to you (subject to 96-100 to 94-100. [15 points]
your GM’s approval). It may be possible that you carry the item with you but are
unaware that it is enchanted. The item is a Daily I item. [10 points] Lucky (greater) - You are lucky. Your open-ended roll range is increased by 3
from 96-100 to 93-100. [20 points]
Daily Item(II) - As Daily Item (I), exceptthe item is a Daily II item. [12 points]
Master Warrior Friend - You may learn one additional rank per level in your
Daily Item(III) - As Daily Item (I), exceptthe item is a Daily III item. [15 points] primary weapon skill and skill category at a Development Cost that is the same as
the first rank (i.e., 3/7 becomes 3/3/7, 6 becomes 6/6, etc.). [15 points]
Daily Item(IV) - As Daily Item (I), exceptthe item is a Daily IV item. [20 points]
Mentor - You have a high-level spell user as a friend (your GMshould fill out the
Daily Item(V) - As Daily Item(I), except. the itemis a Daily V item. [25 points] details of your mentor). [10 points]

Daily Item(VI) - As Daily Item (I), except the item is a Daily VI item. [30 points] Stat Bonus (minor) - You receive a specialbonus of +3 to one stat (your choice).
This talentmay notbe duplicated on the same stat. [10 points]
Daily Item (VII) - As Daily Item (I), except the item is a DaiIy Vll item. [35
points] StatBonus (major) -As Stat Bonus (minor), except the bonus is +5. [20 points]
Loyal Domesticated Animal - You have a common animal that is completely StatBonus (greater) - As StatBonus (minor), exceptthe bonus is +8. [30 points]
loyal to you. [5 points]
StatImprovement - After you have made your normalstatgain rolls when advan-
Loyal Unusual Creature - As Loyal Domesticated Animal, except the creature cing a level, you receive one extra stat gain roll for one of your stat’s (your choice).
(GM choice) is not common in any way. [15 points] You also receive one such roll during your adolescence and apprenticeship develop-
ment. [10 points]
Potion(1 dose) - You have a potion that contains 1 dose. The spellimbedded in the
potion is between 1stto 5th level. [7 points] Succour(Lesser) - You have a “laying on hands” ability. When you decide to aid
someone, you may heal a variety of ailments. When you choose this power, you may
Potion(5 doses) - As Potion (1 dose), except itcontains five doses. [12 points] select one ailment from the following list: lost concussion hits, bleeding, lost points
of Constitution, broken bones, damaged cartilage, or nerve damage. When you
Rune Paper (1 sheets) - You have a sheet of Rune Paper that willhold spells upto choose to aid someone, you lay your hands on them (bare flesh to bare flesh), and
5th level. The spell written on the paper is between 1st to 5th level. [7 points] they receive healing. You may use this power once per day for each level of experi-

ence. When healing concussion hits or points of Constitution, the healing will restore inherited it from your parents. You and your GM should determine your title and the
one point per level of experience (up to the target’s normal maximum). When healing extentof your noble powers. [15 points]
bleeding, the bleeding rate will reduce by one point for every five levels of experi-
ence. When healing any other type of damage, the severity of the wound will be Orphan - You are an orphan. You have no family and no records of who they might
reduced by one for every five levels of experience (round all fractions down). See be. It would be difficult for you to track down your birth parents. You may be
RMSR for details on healing times based upon severity of wound. Note that a Light scorned in society, depending on how important lineage is to that society. In addition,
Wound can be reduced to no wound at all. [10 points] . you have some emotional scars from your life in the orphanage thatyou are probably
still learning to cope with. [0 points]
Succour (major) - As Succour (lesser), except two ailments may be chosen from
the list. [20 points] Patron (lesser) - You have a patron that provides for you. The patron is a single
individual who can only provide you with bare necessities (food, clothing, shelter,
Succour (major) - As Succour (lesser), except three ailments may be chosen from etc.). [5 points]
the list. [30 points]
Patron (minor) - As Patron (lesser), except the patron can provide you with almost
Succour(greater) - As Succour (lesser), except four ailments may be chosen from any normal items thatyou want. [10 points]
the list. [40 points]
Patron (major) - As Patron (lesser), except that the patron can provide you with
basically any type of item (GM’s discretion on availability). [20 points]
Patron, Important (minor) - You have a patron that provides for you. The pat-
You will generally receive your status from your parents, ron is either an important individuanol within the society (e.g., the leader of a coun-
although you may perform certain actions to create a status of your try) or a large organization (e.g., a church or guild). However, this patron can only
own. Unless the GM deems it appropriate, a character should never provide you with bare necessities (food, clothing, shelter, etc.). [10 points]
take more than one Special Status (even though some do not seem Patron, Important (major) - As Patron (level 2, minor), except the patron can
mutually exclusive). provide you with almostany normal items that you want. [20 points]
Faithful vassal - You are a faithful vassal to a wicked Lord or Lady. The reasons
why they despise you are left up to you and the GM, but. you are nevertheless faith- Patron, Important (greater) - As Patron (level 2, minor), except that the patron
ful to them. You try your best to not hurt them in any way, no matter what they put can provide you with basically any type of item(GM`s discretion on availability). [30
you through. You seem to be under their centrol, at least emotionally, and they will points]
often put unreasonable demands upon you. It should be a very long and involved
endeavour for you to escape their strong grip. [0 points] Wanted - You have been accused of a major crime: theft, treason, murder, assassin-
ation, etc. You may or may not have committed the crime (that is up to you and the
Favoured (minor) - You have been befriended by a high ranking official. This GM). There is a significant force looking for you, and they may try unorthodox
official may be a noble or may be a relative. The official is acknowledged by a small methods to bring you back for sentencing. It is up to you to either try and clear your
number of people (e.g., mayor of a city). If the GM deems it appropriate, the be- name or evade the authorities. [0 points]
friended officialcan be related to you. [10 points]
Favoured (major) - As Favoured (minor), except the officialis acknowledged by WEALTH
a large group of people (e.g., the leader of a country). [15 points] This option determines the amount of money your character
Favoured (greater) - As Favoured (minor), except the official is acknowledged starts the game with. Instead of actual money, some characters from
by a worldwide group of people (e.g., a demigod or angel). [25 points] certain cultures, start with an equivalent value of goods and/or
Government Ties - You have a reputation for aiding “good” government figures.
You will usually receive aid from the local constabulary (e.g., shelter, subsistence, Wealth level is used wh en determin ing starting wealth as well as what
protection, maybe money). You have earned a reputation in the unÿderworld as being kin d o f items yo u mig ht begin the game with. Use the ch art below to
associated with the govemment. [7 points] determine a character’s s tarting wealth level.
Heir - You are the heir to a great hero or Lord. Few people know of your position (in WE ALTH LEVEL
fact you may not know it either). You may discover your lineage while retrieving a Wealth Lev el Point cost
great item once belonging to your parents or some equally important quest. Powerful
evil forces may know more about your ancestry than you do, and you may well be Very Poor. ............................................... 0
hunted by them because of it. [10 points] Poor.......... ............................................... 5
LawEnfordementAbility (minor) - You have been granted the rightto enforce Normal..... ............................................. 10
law in a generalarea. Depending on the area and the local laws, the effect benefits of Rich.......... ............................................. 20
this ability may vary (from the right of execution to simple guard duty). You are
recognized as an officer of the law, unless you are undercover, and you may be called Very rich.. ............................................. 40
on by citizens to perform various legal tasks. Your jurisdiction is no more than a A ch aracter may choose to take additional rolls for wealth. The co st for
single city, town, or county. [10 points] ad dition al rolls is bas ed upon the characters wealth level. Us e the chart
LostFavor - You were once close with a member of the upper echelon of society. below to determine the cost for each additio nal roll made on the Starting
Some event occurred that caused you to lose favour with the person and now they Wealth Chart.
will have nothing to do with you. You and the GMshould determine what happened COST FOR ADDITIONAL WEALTH ROLLS
and whether or not you are innocent. Regardless, the person will no longer have
anything to do with you, will provide no assistance, and may try to hinder you Wealth Lev el Point cost
whenever possible. [0 points] Very Poor. ............................................... 5
Military Rank(rank 1) - You were in the military. While you were in the milit- Poor.......... ............................................. 10
ary, you received a promotion in rank. The actual title of the rank should be determ- Normal..... ............................................. 15
ined by the branch of the military you were in (the GM will have to let you know
what is appropriate in his world). [5 points] Rich.......... ............................................. 20
Very rich.. ............................................. 25
Military Rank (rank 2) - As Military Rank (rank 1), except you have received
two promotions. [10 points] Finally, a ch aracter can ch oose to mo dify the roll made o n the Starting
Wealth Chart. The roll may be mo dified befo re the dice are rolled or after
Military Rank (rank 3) - As Military Rank (rank 1), except you have received the d ice are ro lled (with a different cost based upon wealth level). Us e the
three promotions . [15 points] chart below to determine the cost for mod ifying the roll.
Military Rank (rank 4) - As Military Rank (rank 1), except you have received COST TO MODIFY W EALTH ROLLS
four promotions. [20 points]
Modificatio n Point cost
Military Rank (rank 5) - As Military Rank (rank 1), except you have received +10 before the dice are rolled................ 3
five promotions. [25 points] +5 after the dice are rolled..................... 5
Military Rank (rank 6) - As Military Rank (rank 1), except you have received
six promotions. [30 points]
Military Rank (rank 7) - As Military Rank (rank 1), except you have received
seven promotions. [35 points]
Noble - You are a member of the nobility. You were either awarded nobility, or

perature is above 80°F[-10 points]
These flaws affect you physically. They may hinder your Haemophilia - You suffer greatly from any bleeding attacks. All of our bleeding
results are doubled due to your haemophilia. Any critical that states you take a num-
movement or prevent you from performing certain activities. ber of hits per round or states that you are bleeding should have the hits per round (as
Age - You have reached at least middle age for your race. You mustroll stat deterior- indicated in the criticaldoubled). [-20 points]
ation rolls each year. You are older, probably wiser, and a little slower. [-10 points]
Inner Ear Problem - You suffer from a rare inner ear problem that makes you
Albino - You were born an albino. You have pale-white hair and skin, and your eyes sensitive to water and pressure changes. Whenever itis raining or your head is under-
are pink. You can never blend into a crowd without a disguise, you are too conspicu- water, you will be deafened. See the Deaf physical flaw for details on deafness. The
ous. You have no resistance to sunburn, and thus musttake many precautions against deafness lasts for d10 minutes. [-5 points]
the sun. If you are in the sun without protection, you take 5 hits of damage per hour
untilyou find shelter. [-10 points] Lack of Range - You have a difficult time targeting froma long range. All of your
spell casting and missile fire ranges are halved. [-20 points]
Anosmia - You have no sense of taste or smell. You cannot make any Awareness
manoeuvres based on these two senses. [-3 points] Locking Wrists - Every time you strike someone or something, there is a 5%
(non-cumulative) chance that your wrists will become immobile. While they are
Blind - You cannotsee. Any action you take that would require vision is at a -100 to locked you are at -100 to any action that uses or requires wrist movement. Your
the manoeuvre. You can only move athalf your normal base rate unless you are in an wrists will return to normal after d100 minutes. There is nothing you can do to restore
area that is familiar to you. As a side effect, you receive a +10 to any Awareness your wrists before they unlock themselves. [-10 points]
manoeuvre based on sound, touch or smell. [-50 points]
Loss of Vision - You may suffer temporary blindness whenever you are struck in
Breaker - You tend to break equipment more often than would seem to be normal. the head. Any time you receive a blow to your head, there is a 5% chance that you
You either force it too much, or stress it to the point where it snaps. All breakage will be blinded for d10 minutes, after which your vision will return to you normally.
numbers for any equipment or weapons you use are automatically increased by one. See the Blind physicalflaw for more information on blindness. [-15 points]
Additionally, all strength checks you make for equipment or weapons are modified
by a -20. [-20 points] Mute - You cannot speak. Any communication you make with someÿone else must
be non-verbal. You may write or use sign language for any communication you want
Cold Sensitive - You are abnormally sensitive to the cold. The colder it gets, the with another person. It is strongly recommended that the player not speak to other
more you suffer from the cold’s effects. When the temperature is lower than 40°F, players to simulate the character’s muteness. [-25 points]
you suffer a penalty to all of your actions. You suffer a penalty of -1° for every 1 the
temperature is below 40°F [-10 points] Nose Bleeds - You suffer from nose bleeds caused by changes in altitude. For every
1000’above sea level, you operate ata -5 to all of your actions (frompressure in your
Colour Blind - You are completely colour blind. Everything is white, black, or a head as well as a bleeding nose). If you remain above 1000’ for more than an hour,
shade of gray. This is more of a nuisance than a serious flaw, but it can cause prob- you starting taking 1 hitof damage per minute from the constant bleeding. The bleed-
lems. [-5 points] ing and pressure subside when you go lower than 1000’. [-10 points]

CommonAllergy (minor) - You have an allergy to a common substance (like Not Graceful - You are relatively ungraceful in your movements. You receive a
pollen) that appears seasonally. You may choose what you are allergic to (subject to special penalty of -10 to all of your moving manoeuvres. [-20 points]
the GM’s approval). When you are exposed to what you are allergic to for more than
one minute, your eyes start to water and your nose runs. While this is happening, you Not Subtle - You are not very quiet or subtle. You receive a special penalty of -10 to
are at -20 to all of your actions. This will last for d100 minutes after you have left the all of your skills in the Subterfuge Stealth category. In addition, you receive a special
vicinity of the cause. [-10 points] penalty of -15 to any Stalking or Hiding manoeuvres. [-15 points]

CommonAllergy (major) - As Common Allergy (minor), except the allergy is Off Balance - You have a poor sense of balance. You have a special penalty of -30
to something that is common and is present year round. [-15 points] to all of your Stalking manoeuvres. You also receive a special penalty of -30 to all
Manoeuvres that involve balance. [-20 points].
Complete Klutz - You are not coordinated enough to effectively use the martial
arts. Your MartialArts skill group suffer a -25 penalty. [-20 points] One Arm(minor) - You have only one hand. You may choose which hand you
have lost subject to GM’s approval. You are assumed to have developed proficiency
Crippled (minor) - You have lost some mobility because you are crippled in one in your one remaining hand, even if it was not your original hand preference. You
leg. Your movement is reduced by half. You receive a -10 to all melee OBs due to cannotfight with two weapons at once, or with a shield. Climbing is very difficult, as
your impaired mobility. You suffer a penalty of -3 to your Qu bonus. [-10 points] is putting on armour. [-15 points]

Crippled (major) - As Crippled (minor), except you have actually lost a leg. You One Arm (major) - As One Arm (minor), except you have lost the whole arm.
can only move at 25% of your normal Base Rate. You must use some form of sup- The GMshould rule on how this affects you. [-20 points]
port (e.g., either a false leg, a crutch, etc.). Your melee OB is reduced by -25. You
suffer a penalty of -5 to your Qu bonus. [-20 points] One Eye - You have lost one of your eyes. You may cover the eye with a patch,
have a glass eye, or some exotic alternative. You fire missile weapons with a special
Crippled (greater) - As Crippled (minor), except you have lostboth of your legs. penalty of -25 (due to your loss of depth perception). [-15 points]
Your movement is 10% of your normalBase Rate. You must find some other form of
mobility to move around, a wheelchair, levitation, anti-gravity chair, etc. You cannot Pain intolerant - You have a low pain threshold. Every time you take damage, you
effectively fight in melee combat. You suffer a penalty of -7 to your Qu bonus. [-30 must make an RR versus your own level, modified by triple SD bonus and by the
points] number of concussion hits (as a negative modifier to the RR). If the RR fails, you fall
unconscious. [-15 points]
Deaf - You are completely deaf. You can hear nothing at all. You operate at -100 to
all actions that require hearing. All of your starting spoken languages are reduced by Physical Investment - Every time you cast a spell that is 5th level or higher, you
2 ranks. Spoken languages are now classified as Restricted skills for you. [-20 points] take a number of concussion hits of damage equal to twice the number of PPs spent.
There is no way you can avoid this damage, but it does heal normally. Non-spell
Deep Sleeper - You sleep very deeply, especially during the first hour of rest. You users may notselect this flaw. [-7 points]
cannot be awakened during your first hour of sleep, no matter what occurs around
you. In certain rare circumstances, the GM may allow a drastic action to awaken you Poor Eyesight (minor) - You have poor eyesight, but you have some means of
from your deep slumber. After the first hour, you may awaken but suffer a -25 pen- correcting it that is not permanent (e.g., glasses, etc.). You are either near-sighted or
alty to yourAwareness manoeuvre to awaken. [-10 points] farsighted. You may choose which you are when you purchase this flaw. If you are
near-sighted, you receive a -30 penalty to all of your missile attacks. If you are
Epileptic - You have a severe case of epilepsy. Whenever you are Subject to a very farsighted, you receive a -30 to allof your melee attacks. [-10 points]
stressful situation (GM’s discretion), you must make an RR versus a Fear attack at
10th level. If you fail, you are subject to an epileptic fit. You lose your ability to think Poor Eyesight(major) - As Poor Eyesight (major), except that you do nothave a
and speak clearly. Your body starts having violent shakes. Anything you are holding means of correcting it. [-20 points]
in your hand will failto the ground. The seizure will last for 2d10 minutes. Once you
stop convulsing, you willhave spent4d10 exhaustion points. [-30 points] Power Burn - You receive damage for every spell you cast. For each Power Point
you expend, you receive 1 concussion hit of damage. [-10 points]
Fragile Wrists - Your wrists are susceptible to sprains. When you leap, fall, climb,
hang, throw an object, or attack with a melee weapon there is a 2% (non-cumulative) Rain Trauma - You are adversely effected by the rain. For each four hour period it
chance that you will sprain your wrists. If you sprain them, you will be stunned for rains and you are not in a completely enclosed area (no windows, covered up, etc.)
d10 rounds, and operate at -50 for d10 days. [-5 points] you must check to see if you lose your voice. Roil d100 and add 25. If your total is
greater than 100, you have lost your voice for d10 hours. [-5 points]
Hard of Hearing - You have a difficult time hearing things. Awareness man-
oeuvres based on hearing are made at -20. [-10 points] Short of Breath (minor) - You have fewer exhaustion points than your stats
would dictate. Calculate your Exhaustion Points normally, then reduce them by 10%.
Heat Sensitive - You are abnormally sensitive to heat. The hotter it gets, the more [-5 points]
you suffer from the heat’s effects. Whenever the temperature is more than 80°F you
suffer a penalty to all of your actions. You suffer a penalty of -l for every 1°the tem- Short of Breath (major) - As Short of Breath (minor), except reduce the normal
amount by 25%. [-10 points]

Short of Breath (major) - As Short of Breath (minor), except reduce the normal MENTAL FLAWS
amount by 50%. [-15 points] These flaws change the way you perceive the world. Everyone
Sloth - You are slow in combat. Your moves are obvious, awkward, and weak. You is a little neurotic, you are just more so.
receive a specialpenalty of -5 to your OB, DB, and your initiative rolls. [-20 points] Absent Minded - You have a hard time paying attention to someÿthing that is not
immediately threatening. You are intensely interested in one Item or idea, then you
Slow - You are slower than normal. Your Base Movement Rate is reduced by 25%. get distracted and focus on something else. You tend to ignore your surroundings
[-7 points] when something has attracted your attention. You tend to forget things. To find an
item you misplaced, or recall a conversation you recently had, you must roll 1d100
Slow Healer - You are a slow healer. All healing times for allkinds of wounds you (open-ended) modified by your Me bonus. If the result is over 100, you are success-
receive are doubled. [-15 points] ful. If you fail this roll, you cannot remember. You should role play this flaw at all
times. Remember thatyou are neither dumb nor slow, you just have a short attention
Spasm - You suffer from uncontrollable spasms. Whenever you roll an unmodified span and poor concentration. [-10 points]
66, you experience a spasm. While you are having a spasm, you take d10 concussion
hits of damage and are stunned for d10 rounds. [-10 points] Addiction/Simple (common) - You are addicted to a common substance (e.g.,
alcohol, etc.) that has an Addiction Factor of 5 or less (see Gamemaster Law for more
Stutter - You have a speech impedimentthat makes itdifficultfor you to speak. Any information on addiction and withdrawal). Your addiction starts as a Level 1 addic-
skill that requires speech will suffer a special penalty of -50 (i.e., -50 to Duping, tion to the substance. [-5 points]
Public Speaking, Trading, etc.). [-10 points]
Addiction/Simple (rare) - As Addiction/Simple (minor), except that the sub-
TenderSkin - Whenever you wear metal (including armour), your body breaks out stance is notcommon or itis illegal. [-15 points]
in a rash. The rash is itchy and painful, causing a -10 penalty to all of your actions
while you have the rash. The rash stays until you remove the metal and then lasts Addiction/Mild (common) - As Addiction/Simple (minor), exceptthe Addiction
another d10 hours after you have removed the armour. There is nothing that can Factor is 10 or less. [-10 points]
preventyour allergic reaction to metal armour. [-10 points]
Addiction/Mild (rare) - As Addiction/Mild (minor), except that the substance is
Tired Legs -Your legs are significantly weaker than a typicalmember of your race. not common or it is illegal. [-20 points]
You cannot walk more than 5 hours without resting for at least 2 hours. If you walk
for more than 5 hours, there is a 25% chance that each of your legs will develop Addiction/Serious (common) - As Addiction/Simple (minor), except the
cramps (roll once for each leg., If they cramp, they willstay cramped for 2d10 hours, Addiction Factor is 20 or less. [-15 points]
and be completely useless during that time. [-7 points]
Addiction/Serious (rare) - As Addiction/Serious (minor), except that the sub-
UncommonAllergy - You have an allergy to an uncommon object (e.g., conifer- stance is notcommon or itis illegal. [-25 points]
ous plants). You may choose what you are allergic to (subjectto the GM’s approval).
When you are exposed to the substance for more than one minute, your eyes start to Addiction/Harmful (common) - As Addiction/Simple (minor), except the
water and your nose runs. While this is happening, you are at -20 to all of your ac- Addiction Factor is 30 or less. [-20 points]
tions. This will continue for d100 minutes after you are no longer exposed to the
substance. [-5 points] Addiction/Harmful (rare) - As Addiction/Serious (minor), except that the sub-
stance is notcommon or itis illegal. [-30 points]
Uncontrollable Strength - You have great strength at times, but you have a very
difficult time controlling it. Whenever you are in an extreme emotional state (love, Addiction/Fatal (common) - As Addiction/Simple (minor), except the Addiction
happiness, hate, etc.) there is a 10% chance that you will receive triple your normal St Factor is 50 or less. [-30 points]
bonus for one round. You use this strength whether you wish to or not. You could
maul an enemy, or break the ribs of a friend while hugging him. You often crush or Addiction/Fatal (rare) - As Addiction/Serious (minor), except that the substance
break things without meaning to. You cannot choose when to get this bonus. [-10 is notcommon or it is illegal. [-40 points]
BadTemper - You have a great tendency towards violence when you are dealing
Uncoordinated - Whenever you fail a manoeuvre, no matter what it is, you re- with a stressful situation. Whenever you are insulted or offended, or under stress, you
ceive an ’A’ Unbalancing critical. [-7 points] may respond with a violent attack. Roll d100 (open-ended), add 40, and subtract
triple your SD bonus. If the result is greater than 100, you have lostyour temper. You
Unhealthy - You are particularly susceptible to a certain disease that causes your must respond to the situation in a violent, although not necessarily fatal, action. It
body to swell up and you to feel ill. Every week there is a 2% chance that you will takes approximately d10 rounds of quietfor you to calm down and regain your com-
develop symptoms of this disease. While suffering from this disease you will be at - posure. [-10 points].
20 to all your actions due to the swelling, and your Appearance and Presence tempor-
ary stats willbe halved. After d10 days, the swelling and sickness go away (your stats Battle Confusion - Whenever more than one foe is fighting you at a time, you
willreturn to normal). [-10 points] must make an Observation manoeuvre each round. If you fail this roll, you may take
no action thatround. [-15 points]
Unique Looks (lesser) - You have a very unique look. Something is significantly
different about the way you look. This willcause people to recognize or describe you Blood-Guilt - You experience guiltand become depressed any time you cause the
much easier. You might be disgusting to look at, or people might view you with a death or injury of a human or humanoid race. You are reluctant to enter combatwith
sense of awe. You may choose what makes you look distinctive, but it must be them. If you harm or kill a humanoid, you will operate at a -25 for the next d10 days
unique, describable, and in some way, limiting. The GM must approve any unique while you deal with your guilt. [-10 points]
look. What is unique is different for each game world. Most people in a fantasy
world might not be too surprised to see an Orc, but one in modern day would cer- Bloodlust - Whenever you are in a fight, you want to see your foes die. You always
tainly cause quite a scene. While you are unique in your appearance, your uniqueness use lethalforce, even in a bar fight. You make sure a defeated foe is dead, even if they
is relatively easy to conceal. [-5 points] already seem to be. You do not necessarily have a short fuse you could be a calm
individual. When you enter combat, however, you go for the throat. If there comes a
Unique Looks (minor) - As Unique Looks (minor), except you must use a dis- time when you must accept a foe’s surrender, you must roll d100 (open-ended) and
guise to conceal your unique looks or it causes an immediate reaction (usually negat- add triple your SD bonus. If your total is greater than 100, you may preventyourself
ive). When not disguised, you must subtractd10 from your Appearance, [-10 points] from killing him. [-10 points]
Unique Looks (major) - As Unique Looks (minor), except you cannot conceal Chivalrous - You must fight in an honourable and chivalrous manner. Your whole
your looks, or there is an immediate and extreme reaction to them. Subtract 2d10 code of ethics is based on doing what is honourable and right. You will always fight
from your Appearance. [-15 points] fair. This includes returning a weapon to a foe if they lose it, dismounting if your foe
is not mounted, and never attacking people frombehind. You always maintain a high
Unwakeable - You are extremely difficult to wake up. You cannot be awakened standard of courtesy. [-10 points]
while you are sleeping (or meditating). In addition, you have to sleep (or meditate) at
least 6 hours every night. If you are somehow (perhaps magically) awakened before Code of Honour - You have set rules that govrern your actions. These rules are
receiving a full 6 hours of sleep, you will be at -10 for every hour less than 6 enforced only by yourself. It is a code you try to live up to. As there are many types
you.slept. [-15 points] of codes, you may choose what kind of code you follow (subject to GM approval).
For example, you may always support the underdog even if you do not agree with
Weak Physique - You do not have much body mass. Your progression for Body them. If there are any enemies of yours who know of your code, they could use it
Development is reduced by 3 points at each stage. For example, if your normal pro- against you, forcing you into a situation that you would rather avoid. You cannot do
gression was 0 6 5 4 3, your actual progression is -3 3 2 1 0. [-20 points] something against your personal code. If you do, you will face a serious crisis of
belief. Your code of honour must contain at least three situations, and your actions in
Weight intolerant - You are very intolerant of the weight that you carry. All of those situations. For example, a thief might only steal from people who can afford to
your encumbrance penalties are doubled. [-15 points] lose money, never betray an honourable foe, and always bestow rich gifts on a lady,
[-5 points]
Wimp - You are, quite frankly, a wimp. You suffer a special -20 penalty to all of the
skill categories in the Athletic group, receive a -2 to your St bonus, and also have CompulsiveBehaviour - You have a behaviour that you must indulge in as often
25% fewer exhaustion points than normal. [-20 points] as possible. You may choose your behaviour, subject to the GM’s approval. You like
to spend a lotof time on your behaviour, and a considerable amount of your income.

If a time comes when you want to avoid your compulsive behaviour, you must roll theirAppearance, add triple your SD bonus, and subtract 50. If the result is over 100,
d100 (open-ended) and add triple your SD bonus. If the result is greater than 100, you may stop yourself frommaking a pass. [-10 points]
you may avoid your Compulsive Behaviour. [-5 points]
Megalomaniac - You believe strongly that you will fulfil a certain goal. You be-
Delusionary (lesser) - You suffer from delusions. This delusion is mostly minor lieve that it has been predestined that you complete your goal. And your goal is no
(e.g;, the planet is fiat). The GM mustapprove any delusion, and you must role play trivial task. You may choose whatever goal you wish (subject to the GM’s approval)
it every time a momentbecomes available. [-3 point] but your goal must be grandiose. You will not let anything stand between you and
your goal. People around you consider you to be much to concerned with yourself.
Delusionary (minor) - As Delusionary (minor), except the delusion is one that After talking with you for even a few minutes, they should realize your megalo-
will affect your life quite dramatically, but does not prevent you from functioning in mania. [-10 points]
society. [-10 points]
Memory Loss - You suffer from occasional memory loss. Once per month for a
Delusionary (major) - As Delusionary (minor), except that the delusion has po- period of one week, you will experience a random memory loss. You will lose d10
tentially fatalrepercussions. [-15 points] hours of memories each day for the entire week. When the week is finished, your
memories will gradually start coming back; d10 hours of memories every d10 days.
Disavowed Weapons - You have vowed not to use weapons. You receive a -15 Actions taken during the period of memory loss can gain no experience points. The
penalty to all of your skill categories in the Weapons group. [-20 points] GM should determine exactly whatyou forget and when in the month your memory
starts to go away. [-15 points]
Easily Charmed - You are particularly vulnerable to all mind affecting spells
(spells with a sub-type of “m”). Whenever you are the target of those spells, your RR Minor Fear (lesser) - You have a fear of one uncommon thing (dragons, ogres,
is modified by -50. This includes special attacks and spell devices that cause-an- etc.) subject to the GM approval. Whenever you encounter that which you fear, there
effect similar to any spell that has a sub-type of “m”. [-15 points] is a 50% chance thatyou immediately turn and flee. If you do not flee, there is a 25%
chance that you will fallunconscious for d10 hours. While you are unconscious, it is
Easy Mark - You are easy to hit when being ambushed. Whenever someone uses almost impossible to revive you. [-5 points]
Ambush against you, they receive a +25 to their Ambush skill manoeuvre (and are
treated as if they have an extra five ranks in theAmbush skill when they are adjusting Minor Fear (minor) - As Minor Fear (major), except the thing you fear is com-
the critical result). [-20 points] mon (e.g., women). [-10 points]
Fanatic - You believe very strongly in one ideal or person. This could be a ruler, a Passive - You are passive, especially concerning combat. Whenever you are in-
loved one, a country, or a religion. This faith is more important to you than anything volved in a fight, you receive a special penalty of -15 to your OB until you get
else, even to fault. You will probably not notice any failings in what you believe in, “worked up.” At the end of every round, you may roll to see if you are worked up.
and you may even be willing to die for it. You follow the code or commands of what Roll d100 (open-ended), add 20, and add triple your SD bonus. If the result is over
you believe in faithfully and fanatically. You can see no greater way to serve what 100; you have succeeded in working yourself up. You may not use the Frenzy skill
you believe in. [-10 points] while you are passive. [-10 points]
Fear ofArmour - You have a severe dislike of armour. All skills in the Armour Phobia (lesser) - You have a phobia, an irrational fear of something. Whenever
group are now classified as Restricted skills. [-20 points] you are confronted with your phobia you must make an RR versus a 10th levelFear
attack. If you fail, you become paralysed with fear for one round per 10% failure. If
Fearlessness -You fear nothing. In fact, you consider planning or waiting to be you mustinteract with whatever is causing your phobia (e.g. fighting something you
cowardly. You would rather pull out your weapon and charge headlong into battle. have a phobia of or swimming when you have a fear of water), all of your actions
Whenever you find yourself in a combat situation, roll d100(open-ended); add 40 suffer a special penalty of -25. You may choose what you are afraid of (subject to
and subtract triple your SD bonus. If the result is greater than 100, you will charge GM approval). The thing you are afraid of willonly be encountered occasionally (Or
into combat without regard for either your or any one-else’s safety. [-10 points] will not require you to interact with it very much; e.g., fear of the number 13, or the
fear of mechanical devices in a medievalsetting). [-5 points]
Fear of Magic - You fear magic. You either do not understand how it works, or
you believe that it is something man was not meant to use. Consequently, you can Phobia (minor) - As Phobia (minor), except the thing you fear will be encountered
have no base lists, and you cannot learn any spell lists except for Open spell lists of more often (e.g., the fear of heights or the fear of enclosed spaces). [-10 points]
your realm. You may learn no spells higher than 5th level. [-20 points]
Phobia (msjor) - As Phobia (minor), except the thing you fear willbe encountered
Glutton - You like to eat and drink. You will never willingly pass up a meal offered almost daily (e.g., the fear of water, crowds, bladed objects, etc.). [-15 points]
to you. If itis necessary for you not to eat, you must roll d100 (open-ended) and add
triple your SD bonus. If your result is less than 101, your will breaks and you start Poor Concentration - Due to your short attention span, anything you must con-
eating and drinking as much as possible. If there is no food available, you may centrate on for more than half a minute (most uses of the Lore category, some spells,
change your opinion of what is edible and tasty. You are also overweight. Some loading artillery, complex rituals, etc.) is penalized by -25. [-10 points]
social circles may look down on your avarice for food. [-3 points]
Pyromaniac - You have an irrational attraction to fire. You like to watch it burn,
Greedy - You lust after wealth; you can never have enough money. Any time a smell the smoke, feel the heat. You will set fires whenever possible, and you will
chance to make more money becomes available to you, you must roll d100 (open- occasionally feel the urge to set a fire without reason. If you want to resist your urge
ended) and add triple your SD bonus. If the result is over 100, you can pass up the for setting a fire, you must roll d100 (open-ended) and add triple your SD bonus, if
opportunity. You will probably not hesitate if the money-making activity presented to the result is over 100;you may resist the urge to starta fire. You can become hypnot-
you is shady. [-10 points] ized by a fire, and will always stop to appreciate any fire that you come across. You
receive a +50 bonus to starting a campfire. [-5 points]
Impulsive - You tend to act first and think later. You do not wait around for events
to unfold themselves, you charge into the fray and see what happens around you. You Queasy - Any time you see blood or gore, it makes you uneasy. Each time you even
almost never think your decisions through. You just take life as it is sent to you. You glance at something gory, you must roll d100 (open-ended) and add triple your SD
should try hard to accurately role play this flaw. If you charge into every combat, but bonus. If the result is less than 101, you will operate at a -30 until you can getaway
carefully check each door or wall for traps, the GM may invalidate your impulsive- from the scene. [-10 points]
ness. [-13 points]
Sadist - You enjoy causing pain, either mentally or physically. Whenever you can
indecision - You are indecisive. Your indecisiveness shows most when you are you must indulge your sadistic habits. You may conceal your weakness from close
forced to make a snap decision. You suffer a -50 penalty to all of your snap actions friends for a little while, but eventually they start to notice the pain you inflict on
due to your inÿdecisiveness, instead of the standard -20. [-20 points] those around you. People react negatively to a known sadist, many will want to see
you burned at the stake. Please note that this is not a “good” or “heroic” flaw for you
Intolerance (lesser) - You have a deep irrational hatred for some type of person. to possess. It is more suitable for a truly evil character, The GM may prohibit charac-
The GM must approve what it is you are intolerant of. Whenever you see what you ters from choosing this option. [-15 points]
are intolerant of you musttry to show your distaste for whatever it is. You are intoler-
ant of a small group of people (up to 100,000). [-5 points] Sense of Duty (lessser) - You feel that you have a responsibility towards someone
or something. This is an internal feeling, one you have placed upon yourself. You will
Intolerance (minor) -As Intolerance (minor), except you are intolerant of a large never betray, harm, or mislead those to whom you have a Sense of Duty. Your Sense
group of people (over 100,000). [-10 points] of Duty is towards a close friend or small group [-5 points]
Kleptomaniac - You have an irrational compulsion to steal whenÿever the oppor- Sense of Duty (minor) - As Sense of Duty (minor), except you have a Sense of
tunity presents itself. What you steal is irrelevant. It does not have to be of value, or Duty towards a large group or organization (a town or city). [-10 points]
interest to you. Whenever circumstances favour stealing, you must roll d100 (open-
ended) and add triple your SD bonus. If the result is less than 101, you must steal the Sense of Duty (major) - As Sense of Duty (minor), except you have a Sense of
closest itemthat you can hide on your person. You can never return stolen items, nor Duty towards a country or equally large group, [-15 points]
may you discard them. You may, however, give them to another person, or even sell
them. [-15 points] Split Personality - You have fromone to three additionalpersonalities. Your phys-
ical attributes like height, weight, and hair colour do not change. Your non-physical
Lecherous - You have a very strong desire to interact with the opposite sex. Any attributes can all be different, as well as each of their professions. The alignment,
time you see an attractive member (Appearance greater than 50) of the opposite sex, personality, and level can vary among personalities. Each of the personalities earns
you must try to allure them to you, no matter what else is happening. This could lead experience separately; you must keep track of which personality perÿformed which
to a serious breech of etiquette, but you cannot help yourself. If you feel the need to actions so you can award the appropriate experience to each personality. You and the
restrain yourself from seducing someone, you must roll d100 (open-ended), subtract GM must decide whattriggers the change in your personalities. [-20 points]

Duty (minor) - You have a responsibility to a particular individual or organization.
Stubborn - You are very stubborn. You want results your way, and even if you do Whenever they call upon you to do s omeÿthing, you are duty-bound to cease
not get it, you will not change your mind. Your comrades may have to resort to dup- everything you are working on and take care of the situation. A duty is something
ing you into doing whatthey need you to do. [-5 points] imposed upon you from the outside, not something you feel you have to do (i.e., a
Sense of Duty). You may determine exactly who or what you have a duty to, but the
Superstitious - You are superstitious, often reading omens into anything you en- GM must approve it. Once per month, the GM will make a roll to determine if you
counter. You always observe the various good luck and bad luck practices of your are called to duty during that month. The percentage chance that you will be
culture. Your mood and morale are often affected by these omens. [-5 points] summoned is 25 %. [-5 points]
Trauma (lesser) - You suffer from flashbacks that completely immobilize you for Duty (major) - As Duty (minor), except the chance of being summoned is 50%. [-
d10 minutes. The trigger for these flashÿbacks is something uncommon. You may 10 points]
pick what triggers your flashbacks (subject to GM approval) but itshould be at least
loosely connected to the trauma that causes your flashbacks. If you are attacked Duty (greater) - As Duty (minor) exceptthe chance of being summoned is 75%. [-
while immobilized, any hit that delivers a critical to you willcause you to snap out of 15 points]
your trance. [-5 points].
Friendslayer - Whenever you are casting an attack spell and the spell fails, you do
Trauma (minor) - As Trauma (minor), except what triggers your flashback is a not roll on the attack spell fumble table. Instead, the spell affects one of your allies.
common occurrence (e.g. a ringing bell). [-10 points] The GMrandomly determines who it affects, and the friend may make a normal RR.
If there are no friends within the range of the spell, then roll a failure normally. [-10
Trauma (major) - As Trauma (minor), except what triggers your flashback is a points]
very common occurrence (every time a horse rides by). [-15 points]
Lack of Scope - You have difficulty controlling the scope of your spells. The area
Truthful - You cannot lie. Either there is some physical reason why you cannot lie, of effect for each of your spells is halved (rounded up). For example, a spellthat can
or you are so terrible at it that anyone instantly knows when you are lying. The affect one person will still affectone person; but spell thathad a 10 foot radius would
Duping and Falsification skills are classified as Restricted for you. You also cannot be halved to a 5 foot radius. This only affects spells with an Area of Effect with a
just refuse to tell the truth. If you are ever in a situation in which you do not wish to radius or # of targets. [-20 points]
speak, for fear of revealing some truth, you must roll 1d100 (open-ended) and add
triple your SD bonus. If the resultis greater than 100, you may prevent yourself from Lack of Time - You have difficulty making your spells last as long as they should.
spilling outthe truth. This is nota vow to always tellthe truth, this is an actual inabil- All of the spells you cast have their duration reduced in half (rounded up to the
ity to lie. [-5 points] nearestround). [-20 points]
Vow (lesser) - You have taken a vow either to do or not do someÿthing. This is a Magic Allergy (minor) - You have a severe allergy to magic. You may choose the
vow that you believe in very strongly and has been sealed through some formal realm thatyou are allergic to. Whenever you try to use magic from that realm (either
ritual. Your vow may end after a certain task is accomplished (avenge the death of spells or magicalitems), there is a 50% chance that you will drop to the ground in a
your parents) or may be life-long (vow of silence). You cannot take a Vow to accom- convulsion. While you are convulsing, you can an perform no actions. The convul-
plish some task and also take the same task as your Lifetime Goal (see the appropri- sions last for d10 rounds, after which you may act normally. If you are near someone
ate Talent). You must always follow your vow. If you do not, you will penalized by (within 10’) who uses a magic itemor casts a spell fromthe realm you are allergic to,
the GM. The vow you have made will not inconvenience you much in your daily there is a 10% chance thatyou willfall into a convulsion. [-10 points],
activities (e.g., giving 10% tithe to the church, showing respect towards politicians,
or never wearing black clothes, etc.). If you fail to fulfil a vow at any time, some Magic Allergy (major) - As MagicAllergy (minor), except applies to magic from
calamity will fall on you. The severity of the calamity depends on the severity of the two differentrealms. [-20 points]
vow you took. The Gamemaster must give the final approval for any vow you wish
to take. [-3 points] Magic Allergy (greater) - As Magic Allergy (minor), except applies to magic
from three realms. [-40 points]
Vow(minor) - As Vow (lesser), except the vow will affect you on a daily basis, but
not prohibit you from functioning fairly normally (e.g., chastity, eating no meat, Magically Susceptible - You are particularly susceptible to magic. You may
never sleeping in a covered area, etc.). [-7 points] choose how vulnerable you actually are and to which realms your vulnerability ex-
tends. You may receive a -25 penalty to your Resistance Roll for spells from one
Vow(major) - As Vow (lesser), except the vow will affect you often during a typ- particular realm (you choose), or you may receive a -15 penalty to your Resistance
ical day. Most people will become aware of your vow after only being with you a Rolls fromall spells and spell devices. [-15 points]
few hours. This vow also limits you in some significant way (e.g., never using edged
weapons, never keeping more money than needed to clothe yourself, never speaking, Magically Vulnerable - You are especially vulnerable to magic. Any spell cast
etc.). [-15 points] with you as the targetreceives a modifier of‘+10 to its roll (either the BAR or EAR).
[-10 points]
Vow (greater) - As Vow (lesser), except the vow will affect almost every one of
your decisions. People will become aware of your vow quickly, and can use it to Magic Bane - You have a difficult time learning spells. Allskills in the Spell group
manipulate you into performing or preventing a particular task (e.g., aiding those are classified as Restricted skills. [-20 points]
who ask, challenge all who wrong you, fight wit ha lesser weapon than your foe,
etc.). [-20 points] Poor Control - When you cast a non-attack spell that fails, you must roll on the
Attack spell Fumble table. If you cast an attack spell that fails, you must add 10 to
Weapon Bane - All weapon skills (except skills in your primary weapon category) your spell failure roll. [-7 points]
are now classified as restricted for you. Your primary weapon category is the one
with the cheapest developmentpoint cost. [-15 points] Power Blind - You are partially blind to the power around you. You receive a -10
penalty to the Power Awareness category. [-10 points]
SPECIAL FLAWS Power Drain - You drain power from spelladders and multipliers. Any spell adder
thatyou use has its pluses (or class if you are using the Treasure Companion) reduced
Now and then, something truly bizarre occurs to a person. This by one. For example, if you were in possession of a +3 adder, in your hands it would
has happened to you. act as a +2 adder. Also, any multiplier you use will have its multiplier reduced by
Dark Temptation - You have learned one evil spell list up to 50th level. To receive one, so a x2 multiplier becomes a x1 multiplier. The power in the adder and multi-
the knowledge of this list, you had to consort with dark and evil things. You have plier will return immediately when it is given to someone without this flaw. [-20
become tainted by this evil and are forever tempted to the “Dark Side”. The GM will points]
control the details, butyou are constantly in a spiritualbattle between whatyou know
is good and the evil inside of you. You begin the game with 10d10 corruption points, Power Leakage - You cannot store power like most people. Your power point
and all corruption points gained later are doubled. [-10 points] progression is lowered by two points. For example, if your normal power point pro-
gression is 0 6 5 4 3, your actual progression is -2 4 32 1. [-20 points]
Dependent (minor) - You have a person in your life that you deeply care about.
This dependent may be used against you in order to persuade you to do something Repulsive Habit (minor) - You have a habit that is considered repulsive by the
you would normally be against. In addition, your dependent could inadvertently walk majority of society. You may choose the habit (subject to the GM’s approval). You
into a situation that requires you to rescue them. For instance, your child could follow must make a conscious effortto perform this habit whenever possible. When people
you into a haunted house wanting to see what you are doing. Your dependent re- notice your habit, they will tend to regard you with disdain, possibly loathing. Your
quires you to protect him in some way (to be a disadvantage). A family that stays at habit annoys people, but does not disgust them. This habit could range from always
home in the country, free from harm is not a dependent. Nor is your brother who boasting loudly to allaround you, to having bad breath, to relieving your self in pub-
happens to be the greatest swordsman in the Northern plains. If they are able to pro- lic. Again, the GMhas the last say on any habit. [-5 points]
tect themselves, they are not dependant's. Your dependent is a single person of aver-
age ability. [-5 points] RepulsiveHabit (major) -As Repulsive Habit (minor), exceptpeople are disgus-
ted by your habit. [-10 points]
Dependent (major) - As Dependent (minor), except you have more than one
dependent, or you have one person who has below average capabilities. [-10 points] Repulsive Habit (greater) - As Repulsive Habit (minor), except your habit
makes everyone in the roomget up and leave. [-15 points]
Dependent (greater) - As Dependent (minor), except you have more than one
dependent and they allhave below average capabilities. [-15 points] Rival/NPC (minor) - You have a rival. Your relationship to this rival and what
caused you to become rivals are up to you. Your rivalry could be romantic, profes-
sional, or personal. Whenever possible, your rival willdo his best to out do you, even

hinder you. This rivalry is rarely, if ever, violent. Both of you respect each other too
much to kill one another. You will even endanger yourself and your comrades if it
gives you the chance to out do your rival. The rival is either a personal, romantic, or
professional rival. The GMmustapprove all rivalries. [-5 points]
Rival/NPC (major) - As Rival/NPC (minor), except the rival is some combina-
tion of personal, romantic, and/or professional. [-10 points]
Rival/NPC(greater) -As Rival/NPC (major), except the rival has an upper hand
in the rivalry (either due to status or some other advantage). [-20 points]
Rival/PC(minor) - As Rival/NPC (minor), except the rival is another player char-
acter [-10 points]
Rival/PC(major) - As Rival/NPC (major), except the rival is another player char-
acter. [-15 points]
Rival/PC (greater) - As Rival/N PC (greater), except the rival is another player
character. [-25 points]
Secret (minor) - You have a secret that if discovered will cause you much embar-
rassment, pain, or even death. You may choose the actual secret you are keeping and
it can be related to another flaw you have. You also may choose what could happen
to you if the secret was revealed. The GM must approve all secrets. You must do
your best to keep your secret; you are terribly embarrassed about the situation and
will do whatever it takes to keep it quiet. If the secret were found out, it would cause
you great embarrassment. [-5 points]
Secret (major) - As Secret (lesser), except if the secret is discovered, it would
cause you to be either exiled or imprisoned or it would cause you to be injured
severely (butnotkilled). [-10 points]
Secret (greater) - As Secret (lesser), except if the secret is discovered, it would
cause your death. [-15 points]
Secret Identity - You have an alternate identity that you keep hidden from the
general public. You actually lead a double life, one as yourself and one as your alter-
ego. You also have a group of people who are interested in who you really are, thus
making you cautious about who you disclose your identity to. The GM must ascer-
tain that there is really a need for a secret identity, or that there is someone or
something that cares about the character’s real identity. [-10 points]
Stat Penalty (minor) - You receive a special penalty of -3 to a random stat. [-10
Stat Penalty (major) - As Stat Penalty (minor), except the penalty is -5. [-20
Stat Penalty (greater) - As Stat Penalty (minor), except the penalty is -8. [-30
TerribleLuck - When ever you roll a 01 the action you are attempting fails in the
most complete way possible. Equipment you are using breaks (magic items get a
RR); you fall and injure yourself, virtually anything the GM can conceive. The only
restriction is that whatever happens cannot be instantly fatal. For example, a rope you
are climbing could break, provided that there was a way; no matter how small, that
you could survive the fall. [-10 points]
The Slain - You have a special vulnerability to a particular race. The GM chooses
the race you are vulnerable to, but it cannot be your own. You may be vulnerable to
the “half” race of your race (i.e., an elf may be vulnerable to half-elves, etc.).
Whenever you receive a critical fromsomeone of that race, the critical is resolved as
a Slaying critical. Needless to say, you tend to avoid that race whenever possible. [-
20 points]
Unlucky - You have bad luck. All of your fumble/failure ranges are increased by
one. For example, in normal manoeuvres; you will fumble on a result of 01 to 06
(instead of 01 to 05). [-10 points]
Unmagical - You are naturally unmagical. You receive a soecial penalty of -10 to
all spell casting static manoeuvres, BARs, EARs, to the Power Manipulation cat-
egory and Power Awareness category. [-15 points]

After the early years of life, your character will develop his spell lists have already had ranks developed during the current
apprenticeship skills. Based upon his five “Development Stats”, level:
your character receives a certain number of skill development
• For the first five lists developed the DP cost is normal.
points (DPs):
DPs = (Ag + Co + M e+ Re + SD) ÷ 5 • For the 6th through 10th lists developed the DP cost is doubled.
These DPs may be used to: • For lists beyond the 10th, the DP cost is quadrupled.
• Increase the ranks of your character’s skills and/or skill categories.
• Obtain training packages. SKILL CATEGORIES
• Obtain extra stat gain rolls. Not all skills within a category are necessarily developed at the
same rate. Because some races and/or professions develop specific
skills at different rates, some specific skills might be designated as
STANDARD DP COSTS either Occupational , Everyman , or Restricted (e.g., dwarves might
For your profession, each category has a standard development be good at most Athletic • Endurance skills, but Swimming is
point (DP) cost associated with it. Each skill has a standard something they are not comfortable doing).
development point cost equal to the DP cost of its skill category.
• If a skill is designated as Oc cupational, for every rank developed,
There are four types of development point costs: the character gains three ranks. A character cannot develop “part”
None - A few skill categories have a DP cost of “-“. The rank of of a rank to gain fewer than three ranks.
one of these skill categories may not be increased by allocating DPs
(e.g., Rogues have no base spell lists, so there is no DP cost for the • If a skill is designated as Everyman , for every rank developed, the
Spells•Own Realm Own Base Lists” category). character gains two ranks. Acharacter cannot develop “part” of a
rank to gain fewer than two ranks.
Single Number(#) - A skill or skill category with a single
number DP cost may have its rank increased by one by allocating • If a skill is designated as Restricte d, for every two ranks de-
(i.e. expending) DPs equal to its DP cost. The rank of such a skill or veloped, the character gains one rank.
skill category may only be increased by one during the skill
Note that the skill remains in its standard category (and the
development process (i.e., once each level advancement).
category is not affected in any way). Some skills are restricted by
Two Numbers(#/#) - A skill or skill category with a two their very nature (these are indicated in italics on the skill category
number DP cost (e.g., 2/6, 3/7) may have its rank inÿcreased by one definitions).
by allocating (i.e., expending) DPs equal to the first number or it Unless a GM decides otherwise, the special skill-classifications
may have its rank inÿcreased by two by allocating DPs equal to the
(i.e., Occupational, Everyman, Restricted) specified for the
sum of the two numbers. The rank of such a skill or skill category
professions take precedence over those specified for cultures and by
may be increased by a maximum of two during the skill develop-
the skill category definitions. Similarly, the special skill classifica-
ment process.
tions specified for the culture takes precedence over those specified
Three Numbers(#/#/#) - A skill or skill category with a three by the skill category definations.
number DP cost (e.g., 3/3/3) may have its rank increased by one by
These classifications do not apply to skill ranks gained through
allocating (i.e., expending) DPs equal to the first number or it may
training packages or adolescent skill development.
have its rank inÿcreased by two by allocating DPs equal to the sum
of the first two numbers or it may have its rank increased by three
by allocating DPs equal to the sum of the three numbers. The rank TRAINING PACKAGES
of such a skill or skill category may be increased by a maximum of During the apprenticeship skill development process, you may
three during the skill development process. allocate DPs to obtain training packages for your character. Training
packages provide the following:
VARIABLE DP COSTS • Rank increases for skills and skill categories.
Some of the standard development point costs for your
• Extra stat gain rolls.
profession may vary based upon a number of factors.
• Certain special background details.
VARIABLE DP COSTS FOR WEAPONS Training packages are divided into two types: lifestyle (L) and
There are seven “Weapon Group” skill categories: vocational (V). Normally, a character may only develop one
Weapon •1-H Concussion lifestlye training package. Each training package has a specific
Weap0n •1-H Edged Development Point cost based upon your character’s profession. In
Weapon •2-handed addition, each training package increases your character’s age by a
Weapon • Missile fixed amount; i.e., it takes time to train.
Weapon • Missile Artillery
Weapon • Thrown
During the apprenticeship skill development process, you may
You may rearrange the DP costs for these skill categories. This
allocate DPs to get extra stat gain rolls (see RMSS page 36, section
arrangement is subject to GM restrictions and the race/culture
7.3). For every 8 DPs allocated, you may make a stat gain roll for a
restrictions outline for your culture/race.
stat of your choice.
The DP costs for a spell list skill rank increasesÿbased upon the
number of the rank being developed.
In addition, there is a DP cost increase based upon how many

Skill Skill Category
Applicable Rank Bonus Rank Bonus
Skill Category Stats Progression Progression Skills

Armor • Heavy St/Ag/St Standard Standard Plate

Armor • Light Ag/St/Ag Standard Standard Soft Leather, Rigid Leather
Armor • Medium St/Ag/St Standard Standard Chain
Artistic • Active Pr/Em/Ag Standard Standard Acting, Dancing, Mimery, Mimicry, Play
Instrument†, Poetic Improvisation, Singing, Tale
Telling, Ventriloquism,
Artistic • Passive Em/In/Pr Standard Standard Music, Painting, Poetry, Sculpting
Athletic • Brawn St/Co/Ag Standard Standard Athletic Games (Brawn)†, Jumping, Power-striking,
Power-throwing, Tug of War, Weight-lifting
Athletic • Endurance Co/Ag/St Standard Standard Athletic Games (Endurance)†, Distance Running,
Rowing, Scaling, Sprinting, Swimming
Athletic • Gymnastics Ag/Qu/Ag Standard Standard Acrobatics, Athletic Games (Gymnastics)†,
Climbing, Contortions, Diving, Flying/Gliding,
Juggling, Pole-vaulting, Rappelling, Skating,
Skiing, Stilt Walking, Tightrope-walking, Tumbling
Awareness • Perceptions In/SD/In 0•1•1•0.5•0 0•0•0•0•0 Alertness, Sense Ambush
Awareness • Searching In/Re/SD Standard Standard Detect Traps, Lie Perception, Locate Hidden,
Observation, Poison Perception, Reading Tracks,
Surveillance, Tracking
Awareness • Senses In/SD/In Standard Standard Direction Sense, Situational Awareness†, Spacial
Location Awareness , Sense Awareness†, Time Sense
Body Development Co/SD/Co See Table T-1.1 0•0•0•0•0 Body Development
Combat Maneuvers Ag/Qu/SD Combined 0•0•0•0•0 Blin d Fighting, Missile Deflecting, Mounted Combat,
Quickdraw, Reverse Stroke†, Subdual,
Swashbuckling, Tumbling Evas ion, Two-weapon
Communications Re/Me/Em Standard Standard Two skills for each language (spoken & written)†,
Lip Reading, Signaling
Crafts Ag/Me/SD Combined 0•0•0•0•0 Drafting, Cooking, Fletching, Horticulture, Leather-
crafts†, Metal-crafts†, Rope Mastery, Scribing,
Service, Sewing/weaving, Skinning, Stone-crafts†,
Trapping, Wood-crafts†, and others
Directed Spells Ag/SD/Ag Standard Standard One skill for each type of directed attack†
Influence Pr/Em/In Standard Standard Bribery, Diplomacy, Duping, Interrogation,
Leadership, Propaganda, Public Speaking,
Seduction, Trading
Lore • General Me/Re/Me Standard Standard Culture Lore†, History†, Fauna Lore, Flora Lore,
Heraldry†, Philosophy, Region Lore†, Religion
Lore • Magical Me/Re/Me Standard Standard Artifact Lore, Divination Lore†, Dream Lore, Spell
Lore • Obscure Me/Re/Me Standard Standard Dragon Lore, Faerië Lore, Maiar Lore, Undead
Lore, Xeno-lores†
Lore • Technical Me/Re/Me Standard Standard Disease Lore, Herb Lore, Lock Lore, Metal Lore,
Poison Lore, Stone Lore, Trading Lore
Martial Arts • Striking St/Ag/St Standard Standard Boxing, Martial Arts Striking, Tackling
Martial Arts • Sweeps Ag/St/Ag Standard Standard Blocking, Martial Arts Sweeping, Wrestling
Outdoor • Animal Em/Ag/Em Standard Standard Animal Handling†, Animal Healing†, Animal
Ma stery†, Animal Training†, Driving†, Herding†,
Outdoor • Environmental SD/In/Me Standard Standard Caving, Foraging, Hunting, Star-gazing, Survival†,
Weather Watching
Power Awareness Em/In/Pr Standard Standard Attunement, Divination†, Power Perception, Read
Power Manipulation Em/In/Pr Combined 0•0•0•0•0 Hea ling S ongs†, Spell Artistry, Spell Mastery†,
Transcend Armor, Yava nna`s Song†
Power Point Development realm stat‡ See Table T-1.1 0•0•0•0•0 Power Point Development

Skill Skill Category
Applicable Rank Bonus Rank Bonus
Skill Category Stats Progression Progression Skills

Science/Analytic • Basic Re/Me/Re Standard Standard Basic Math, Research

Science/Analytic • Specialized Re/Me/Re Combined 0•0•0•0•0 Advanced Math, Anthropology†, Alchemy,
Anatomy, Astronomy, and others†
Self Control SD/Pr/SD Standard Standard Adrenal Balance, Adrenal Concentration, Adrenal
Landing, Adrenal Leaping, Adrenal Quickdraw,
Adrenal Speed, Adrena l Stabiliza tion, Adrenal
Strength, Cleansin g Trance , Frenzy, Hea ling
Meditation, Meditation, Mnemonics, S hape-changing,
Sleep Trance, Stunned Maneuvering
Special Attacks St/Ag/SD Combined 0•0•0•0•0 Brawling, Disarm Foe (armed)†, Disarm Foe (un-
armed)†, Feint (Armed), Feint (unarmed), Garrotte,
Racial Attacks
Special Defenses None Combined 0•0•0•0•0 Adrenal Defense, Adrenal Resistance, Adrenal
Spells • Other Realm Base Lists realm stat‡ 0•1•1•0.5•0 0•0•0•0•0 One skill per spell list of this type†
Other Realm Closed Lists realm stat‡ 0•1•1•0.5•0 0•0•0•0•0 One skill per spell list of this type†
Other Realm Open Lists realm stat‡ 0•1•1•0.5•0 0•0•0•0•0 One skill per spell list of this type†
Other Realm TP Lists realm stat‡ 0•1•1•0.5•0 0•0•0•0•0 One skill per spell list of this type†
Own Realm Closed Lists realm stat‡ 0•1•1•0.5•0 0•0•0•0•0 One skill per spell list of this type†
Own Realm Open Lists realm stat‡ 0•1•1•0.5•0 0•0•0•0•0 One skill per spell list of this type†
Own Realm Other Base Lists realm stat‡ 0•1•1•0.5•0 0•0•0•0•0 One skill per spell list of this type†
Own Realm Own Base Lists realm stat‡ 0•1•1•0.5•0 0•0•0•0•0 One skill per spell list of this type†
Own Realm TP Lists realm stat‡ 0•1•1•0.5•0 0•0•0•0•0 One skill per spell list of this type†
Subterfuge • Attack Ag/SD/In Standard Standard Ambush, Silent Attack
Subterfuge • Mechanics In/Ag/Re Standard Standard Camouflage, Disarming Traps, Disguise,
Counterfeiting, Forgery, Hiding Items, Picking
Locks, Setting Traps, Trap Building,
Using/Removing Poison
Subterfuge • Stealth Ag/SD/In Standard Standard Hiding, Picking Pockets, Stalking, Trickery
Technical/Trade • General Re/Me/SD Standard Standard Begging, First Aid, Gambling, Mapping, Operating
Equipment, Orienteering, Sailing, Tactical Games,
Using Prepared Herbs
Technical/Trade • Professional Re/Me/In Combined 0•0•0•0•0 Advertising, Architecture, Diagnostics†, Drowsing,
Engineering†, Mechanition†, Military
Organization†, Mining†, Physic, Second Aid,
Technical/Trade • Vocational Me/In/Re Combined 0•0•0•0•0 Administration, Appraisal, Apothecary, Boat Pilot†,
Cartography, Evaluate Armor, Evaluate Metal,
Evaluate Stone, Evaluate Weapon, Gimmickry,
Hypnosis, Midwifery, Navigation, Preparing Herbs,
Preparing Poisons, Siege Engineering, Tactics†
Urban In/Pr/Re Standard Standard Contacting, Mingling, Scrounging, Streetwise
Weapon • 1-H Concussion St/Ag/St Standard Standard One skill for each weapon in the category.†
Weapon • 1-H Edged St/Ag/St Standard Standard One skill for each weapon in the category.†
Weapon • 2-Handed St/Ag/St Standard Standard One skill for each weapon in the category.†
Weapon • Missile Ag/St/Ag Standard Standard One skill for each weapon in the category.†
Weapon • Missile Artillery In/Ag/Re Standard Standard One skill for each weapon in the category.†
Weapon • Pole Arms St/Ag/St Standard Standard One skill for each weapon in the category.†
Weapon • Thrown Ag/St/Ag Standard Standard One skill for each weapon in the category.†
Note: Skills in italics are “restricted” .
† - This skill is actually a number of skills based on a certain factor. Each skill must be developed separately (e.g., Riding skill must be
developed separately for each type of mount: horse, elephant, Dragon, etc.).
‡ - Arealm stat is: In for Channeling, Em for Essence, and Pr for Mentalism. AHybrid spell user averages his two realm stat bonuses to
obtain his stat bonus for these skills.

A training package is a group of benefits (and sometimes If the training package is developed after Apprentice level, the
disadvantages) that can be developed using development points. starting money does not apply. When generating starting money,
The skills and abilities gained through a package represent long either the GM should make the rolls; or the player can simply
periods of exposure or training (sometimes years). If these packages take 51 (for each d100 roll) or 6 (for each d10 roll).
are developed after Apprentice level, the character should be
required to spend time in training (the exact time will vary from • Special: The GM should make a d100 roll (open-ended) for each
package to package). item, adding the number in parentheses after the item (the items
should be rolled for in the order that they are presented). If the
There are two different types of training packages: Vocational
result is over 100, the character gains the special item or quirk.
and Lifestyle. Most of the time, a character may have only one
After successfully gaining one item, the chances of gaining any
Lifestyle training package (GM discretion). However, he can have
further items is halved (i.e., the number in parentheses is halved)
as many vocational training packages as he can afford to purchase.
After successfully gaining another item, the next chance is halved
again (repeating each time an item is gained). If no items are
VOCATIONAL TRAINING gained, the last item in the list is automatically gained (if the GM
is unavailable to roll, the player should take the last item). If the
PACKAGES package is developed after Apprentice level, the benefits gained
These training packages represent specific occupations in which here may be inappropriate (GM’s discretion).
a character may become proficient. He will gain groups of skills
and abilities that would necessarily be developed if the character N ote: The GM may c hoose to allow eve ry character who
were in the occupation. deve lops a training package to have the last item in the
list (even if previous items were gained).
For example, if the character were a member of the City Guard,
he would have to know a little about how to get around in the city • Skill and Skill Category Ranks: All packages give some skill
(as well as have some skill with weapons). The training packages ranks and/or skill category ranks to the character. These skill
that are vocational are given the type “V” in the master list. ranks represent special training that comes with the occupation or
lifestyle. Occasionally, the package will list Weapon/Attack. This
LIFESTYLE TRAINING PACKAGES means that the character can choose either a weapon skill rank or
martial arts attack skill rank. In addition, a Training Package can-
These training packages represent groups of skills and would be
not raise a skill rank above 10th rank.
gained by living a particular lifestyle. Lifestyle packages should be
hard to acquire, and take long time when they are allowed. Example: Kohrist takes the city guard training package.
This package awards him 2 rank s in 1-H Edged We apons.
For example, a character who spends most of his life around
animals might develop the Animal Friend package to represent the However, he already has 9 ranks; this means that he only
animal skills he would have gained. The lifestyle training packages gains 1 more rank from the training package.
are given the type “L” in the master list. • Training Package Spell Lists: Certain training packages give
ranks in training package spell lists. All training package spell
TRAINING PACKAGE ENTRIES lists are classified as Restricted skills unless the character is cur-
rently associated with the training package that awards ranks in
Each training package gives a character one or more of the
that spell list. Note that “associated with” has no firm definition.
following benefits/disadvantages. In addition, each training package
The GM should judge whether it is reasonable for the character to
costs a different number of development points (based upon the
still have normal access to the spells or not.
characters profession).
• Time to Acquire: This is the mount of time the character needs to • Stat Gains: Some Training Packages allow the character to make
train before gaining the benefits of the package. This time should extra stat gain rolls. This section shows which stats get the extra
be modified by a percentage equal to triple the character’s SD stat rolls.
bonus (expressed as a percentage). • Professional Qualifiers: This is a set of requirements that, if the
Example: I f a character has a + 5 SD stat bonus, he character possesses all of the requirements prior to purchasing the
would gain the be nefits of a training package 15% earlier training package, the character pays a lesser cost for the training
than someone w ith a +0 SD bonus (i.e., 85% of the nor- package. The discount to the normal cost is shown after the
mal rime ). Howeve r, if the character has a -5 SD stat Qualifier.
bonus, he would take 15% longer to gain the benefit ( i.e.,
Also it is a set of requirments that must be meet before the train-
15% of the normal time).
ing package can be purchased at all.
For starting characters, total the amount of time spent in training
• Lifestyle Skills: Normally, a training package cannot raise a skill
packages and add it to the normal starting age to determine the
above tenth rank. However, if a skill is designated as a lifestyle
starting age of the character.
skill, the training package ignores this limit and instead may raise
• Starting Money: Some occupations (or lifestyles) have more or the skill as high as fifteen ranks.
less starting money than others. Most packages list a modification
• Cost by Profession: This section shows how much the Training
to the “normal” starting money. This includes the starting type of
Package costs (in development points) for each profession.
coins (silver, gold, bronze, etc.). For example, if the normal start-
ing money is 10 silver, the Adventurer package would have 10
silver plus d10 (open-ended) silver.
Note: There is one notation unique to the packages: d10
(ope n-e nded). This means roll d10; if the result is 1 to 9,
kee p the result; if the result is a 10, roll d10 again and
add it to 9; continue until a 10 is not the result.

- not allowed for this culture, un-

Dúnedain (of the Lost Realm)

less permitted by the GM. Yo u
s ho uld pr ovide a b ack s to ry to
explain how you gained the train-

Dúnedain (of Gondor )

ing package.

Black Núme noreans

Y trainin g package allowed.

R th is training package is rare in

this culture.


Be rninga



ANAMARTAR (L)§ - - - - - Y - - - - - - - - - -
APOTHECARY (V) - Y Y Y Y Y - - Y (Y) Y -
ARCHITECT (V) - Y Y R Y Y - - Y - - -
ASTRONOMER (L) - Y Y Y Y Y Y - Y - - -
BEASTMASTER (L)§ Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BURGLAR (V) R Y Y Y - - Y - Y Y Y -
CITY GUARD (V) - Y Y Y - - N - Y Y Y -
CON MAN (V) R Y Y Y - - Y - Y Y Y -
CUT PURSE (V) - Y Y Y - - Y - Y Y Y -
DWARVEN BERSERKER (L)§ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ESTEHILDI (L)* - - - - Y - - - - - Y -
FARADRIM ARAN (V)§ - - - - Y Y - - - - - - - - - -
FARMER (L) Y Y Y - - - Y - - Y Y -
HEALER (ORC) (V)§ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
INNKEEPER (V) - Y Y Y - - Y - Y Y Y -
KING’S CORPS (V)§ - - - - Y - - - - - Y -
LABOURER (V) Y Y Y Y - - Y - Y Y Y -
LOREMASTER (V) - Y Y Y Y Y - - Y - Y Y
MAGIC CRAFTER (L) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ROYAL NAVY (MARINE) (V)§ - - - - Y - - - - - Y -
NOBLE (L) - - - - Y Y - - - - - -
FARADRIM FOROD (L)§ - - - - - Y - - - - - - - - - -
SAILOR (V) - Y Y Y - - - - - Y Y -
SAGE (L) - Y Y R Y Y - - - Y - - Y - - - - -
SCOUT (V) Y Y Y Y - - Y Y Y Y Y Y
SCRIBE (V) - Y Y Y - Y - - Y - - -
SELLI NIENNAVA (L)§ - - - - - - - - - Y - -
SHAMAN PRIEST (MERP) (L) - - - - - - Y - Y - - Y
SKUIFTLAIKA§ Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SPY (V) - Y - R - Y Y - Y Y Y -
SOLDIER (V) - Y Y Y - - Y Y Y Y - -
SURGEON (V) - Y Y - Y Y - - Y (Y) - -
TERRITORIAL CORPS (V)§ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y - - -
T. CORPS (Reservists) (V)§ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y - - -
TRACKER (V)§ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WOLFRIDER (L) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

§Training Package specific to a Race/Culture.

• available to anyone if they have a back story as explanation.


Common Orc s
Noldor Elves
Sindar Elves
Silvan Elves


Half-orc s

Olog-ha i


ANAMARTAR (L) - - - - - - - - - - - - -
APOTHECARY (V) - - - - - - Y
BEASTMASTER (L) - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DWARVEN BERSERKER (L) - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ESTEHILDI (L) - - - - - - - - - - -- - -
FARADRIMARAN (V) - - - - - - - - - - -- - -
HEALER (ORC) (V) - - - - - - - - -
KING’S CORPS (V) - - - - - - - - - - - -- -
ROYAL NAVY (MARINE) (V) - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MIDWIFE (V) - - - - - - Y
FARADRIM FOROD (L) Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - - -
SAILOR (V) Y Y Y Y - - -
SELLI NIENNAVA (L) - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SHAMAN PRIEST (MERP) (L) - - - - - - -
SKUIFTLAIKA - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SPY (V) Y Y Y Y - Y R
SURGEON (V) - - - - - - Y
TERRITORIAL CORPS (V)§ - - - - - - - - - - - - -
T. CORPS (Reservists) (V)§ - - - - - - - - - - - - -
TRACKER (V) - - - - - - - - -
WOLFRIDER (L) - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
ZEALOT (L) - - - Y - Y Y

ADVENTURER (L) Reading Runes.................................................................................1
This is the character who seeks his fame and fortune by Spells • Own Realm, Open List skill category...................................0
exploration and taking risks with his own life. The adventurer is at
choice of up to three skills...................................................3 (total)
home in most types of habited places as well as many kinds of
wilderness locals. Stat Gains: one realm stat, Memory
Time to Acquire: 24 months
Barbarian …………………… 52
Starting Money: normal +d10 (open-ended)
Fighter ……………………… 51 Thief ……………………… 47
Special: Rogue ……………………… 46 Layman …………………… 37
Weapon (+10 non-magic).............................................................30 Essence Alchemist ………… 26 Magician…………………… 26
Armour (+10 non-magic)..............................................................30 Animist……………………… 28 Channelling Alchemist …… 28
Other Equipment (+5 non-magic)................................................30 Lay Healer…………………… 28 Sorcerer …………………… 28
Spell Adder (+1) or Daily I Item (1st level spell)........................30 Astrologer…………………… 28 Seer………………………… 27
Choice of weapon or armour (+5 non-magic)................................0 Bard ………………………… 32 Ranger……………………… 37
Drughân……………………… 34 Kekhavra…………………… 28
Category or Skill # of ranks Vacavra……………………… 28 Wegech …………………… 27
Body Development skill category......................................................0
Body Development .........................................................................1
Weapon/Attack skill category (choice)..............................................1 ANIMAL HANDLER (V)
Weapon/Attack (choice)..................................................................1 An animal handler is skilled at keeping, grooming, raising,
Athletic • Gymnastic skill category....................................................2 breeding, and healing a wide variety of animals or creatures. Animal
Climbing..........................................................................................1 handlers may make profits with trained animal acts, zoos, though
Athletic • Endurance skill category....................................................2 some do keep animals as a hobby.
Time to Acquire: 37 months
Awareness • Perception skill category...............................................0
Starting Money: Normal
Awareness • Searching skill category.................................................2
Observation.....................................................................................1 Special:
Power Awareness skill category.........................................................1 Prominent scar from animal encounter.........................................30
Attunement......................................................................................1 Caged Wolf (Grey Wolf, Red Wolf, White Wolf,
Technical/Trade • General skill category...........................................1 Dire Wolf. GM choice).................................................................30
First Aid...........................................................................................1 Caged Wild Cat (Chetmoig, Fishing Cat,
Cliff Lion, Grass Cat, Highland Lynx,
Stat Gains: choice of two different stats.
Spotted Lion, Unca. GM choice)..................................................30
COST BY P ROFESSION Caged Owl (BarrowOwl, Short-eared Owl,
Barbarian…………………… 36 Barn Owl. GM choice)..................................................................40
Fighter……………………… 36 Thief ……………………… 34 Caged Ferret..................................................................................40
Rogue ……………………… 34 Layman …………………… 36 Lasso, net, and thick gloves..........................................................50
Essence Alchemist ………… 45 Magician…………………… 46 Caged Lizard.................................................................................40
Animist……………………… 41 Channelling Alchemist …… 45 Caged Bat......................................................................................40
Lay Healer ………………… 43 Sorcerer…………………… 46 Groom’s Box: 2 brushes, hoof pick etc........................................50
Astrologer…………………… 44 Seer………………………… 40 Caged Rat......................................................................................50
Bard………………………… 37 Ranger……………………… 35 Basket with snake (Coireal, Egil’s Viper, Green Asp, Marsh
Drughân …………………… 36 Kekhavra…………………… 41 Adder, Nethair, Nethair Erdyr, Nethraich, Otrovativi, Rock
Vacavra……………………… 43 Wegech …………………… 41 Viper, Shaking Asp, Zamkavi. GM choice).................................20
Bag of dried fruit...........................................................................50
Leash with harness........................................................................50
AMATEUR MAGE (L) Caged Pigeons (2)...........................................................................0
The Amateur Mage studies magic in his off-time. He is
intrigued by the powers of magic and wants to know more. Category or Skill # of Ranks
Lore • General skill category..............................................................1
Time to Acquire: 53 months Fauna Lore.......................................................................................3
Outdoor • Animal skill category.........................................................3
Starting Money: normal Animal Handling (animal A)..........................................................2
Animal Handling (animal B)..........................................................1
Animal Handling (animal C)..........................................................1
Spell Adder (+2)............................................................................50
Animal Healing (animal A).............................................................1
Daily III item (casting a 3rd level spell)......................................50
Animal Mastery (animal A)............................................................1
Daily Vitem (casting a 5th level spell)........................................40
Animal Training (animal A)............................................................2
Spell Multiplier (x2).....................................................................10
Spell Adder (+1)..............................................................................0 Professional Qualifier: Animal Friend Training Package or 90+
temporary Empathy statistic [-2 points]
Category or Skill # of rank
Lore • Magical skill category .............................................................2
Lifestyle Skill(s): Animal Handling
choice of one skill...........................................................................2
Lore • Technical skill category...........................................................1
choice of one skill...........................................................................1 Stat Gains: None
Power Awareness skill category.........................................................2

COST BY PROFESSION Book (+15 Poison Lore) ...............................................................50
Barbarian…………………… 11 Book (+15 Herb Lore)..................................................................50
Fighter……………………… 11 Thief ……………………… 18 d10 Concussion herbs ...................................................................30
Rogue ……………………… 11 Layman …………………… 18 d10 Circultary herbs......................................................................30
Essence Alchemist ………… 23 Magician…………………… 23 d10 Poison herbs...........................................................................30
Animist……………………… 11 Channelling Alchemist …… 23 d10 intoxicants..............................................................................50
Lay Healer ………………… 23 Sorcerer…………………… 23 Teacher who can provide access to either
Astrologer…………………… 23 Seer………………………… 23 Physicks (mentalism training package spell list) or
Bard………………………… 18 Ranger……………………… 11 Brewing Lore (essence training package spell list).....................20
Drughân …………………… 18 Kekhavra…………………… 11 d10 General purpose herbs .............................................................0
Vacavra……………………… 23 Wegech ……………… 23
Category or Skill # of ranks
Lore • Technical skill category...........................................................2
ANIMAL FRIEND (L) Poison Lore.....................................................................................2
Generally a loner, except for his animal friends, this type of Herb Lore........................................................................................2
character spends a great deal of time in the wilderness. Science/Analytic • Specialized skill category...................................0
Time to Acquire: 102 months Subterfuge • Mechanics skill category...............................................1
Using/Removing Poison .................................................................1
Starting Money: normal Technical/Trade • Professional skill category....................................0
Special: Diagnostics......................................................................................1
Wolf friend....................................................................................30 Technical/Trade • Vocational skill category.......................................0
Wild Cat friend..............................................................................40 Apothecry........................................................................................4
Racoon friend................................................................................40
Ferret friend...................................................................................40 Stat Gains: None
Owl friend.....................................................................................40 COST BY PROFES SION
Pigeon friend.................................................................................50 Barbarian …………………… 31
Snake friend ..................................................................................30 Fighter ……………………… 29 Thief ……………………… 29
Normal dog friend (mutt)................................................................0 Rogue ……………………… 29 Layman …………………… 29
Essence Alchemist ………… 29 Magician…………………… 31
Category or Skill # of ranks Animist……………………… 31 Channelling Alchemist …… 29
Outdoor • Environmental skill category.............................................2 Lay Healer…………………… 31 Sorcerer …………………… 31
choice of up to two skills..................................................... 2 (total) Astrologer…………………… 31 Seer………………………… 31
Outdoor • Animal skill category.........................................................4 Bard ………………………… 29 Ranger……………………… 29
choice of up to three skills................................................... 4 (total) Drughân……………………… 31 Kekhavra…………………… 31
Lore • General skill category..............................................................4 Vacavra……………………… 31 Wegech …………………… 31
Fauna Lore......................................................................................2
Flora Lore........................................................................................1
Region Lore.....................................................................................1
Awareness • Searching skill category.................................................2 The Architect is hired to build sturdy towers, palaces, and
Reading Tracks................................................................................1 fortresses. Architects design and organize the building of all of their
Tracking ..........................................................................................1 structures, normally without the aid of any drafting.
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category.....................................................2 Time to Acquire: 19 months
Hiding..............................................................................................1 Starting Money: normal + d10 (open-ended)
Stat Gains: Empathy
Barbarian…………………… 25 Wealthy contact.............................................................................50
Fighter……………………… 28 Thief ……………………… 28 Favor from important person........................................................40
Rogue ……………………… 25 Layman …………………… 30 Favor from important person........................................................30
Essence Alchemist ………… 41 Magician…………………… 39 Draft of an important structure.....................................................50
Animist……………………… 27 Channelling Alchemist …… 39 Draft of an important structure.....................................................50
Lay Healer ………………… 40 Sorcerer…………………… 40 Close friends with work boss..........................................................0
Astrologer…………………… 37 Seer………………………… 37 Category or Skill # of ranks
Bard………………………… 30 Ranger……………………… 24 Influence skill category.......................................................................1
Drughân …………………… 29 Kekhavra…………………… 27 Choice of one skill..........................................................................1
Vacavra……………………… 36 Wegech …………………… 39 Lore • Technical skill category...........................................................1
Stone Lore.......................................................................................1
APOTHECARY (MERP) (V) Metal Lore.......................................................................................1
Seeing the efficacy of herbal medicines, Apothecaries attempt to Science/Analytic • Basic skill category..............................................1
distill the essence of the herbs into more potent elixers and philters. Technical/Trade • Profession skill category....................................n/a
They are found where ever there has been a strong Numenorean Architecture.....................................................................................2
influence. Choice of up to 2 skills from either
Engineering and/or Labor Organization..............................2 (total)
Time to Acquire: 27 months
Stat Gains: none
Starting Money: normal PROFE SSION
Special: Barbarian …………………… 11

Fighter……………………… 26 Thief ……………………… 26 Animist……………………… 45 Channelling Alchemist …… 45
Rogue ……………………… 26 Layman …………………… 26 Lay Healer…………………… 44 Sorcerer …………………… 45
Essence Alchemist ………… 25 Magician…………………… 25 Astrologer…………………… 40 Seer………………………… 37
Animist……………………… 25 Channelling Alchemist …… 25 Bard ………………………… 37 Ranger……………………… 47
Lay Healer ………………… 25 Sorcerer…………………… 25 Drughân……………………… 49 Kekhavra…………………… 47
Astrologer…………………… 25 Seer………………………… 25 Vacavra……………………… 47 Wegech …………………… 47
Bard………………………… 25 Ranger……………………… 26
Drughân …………………… 18 Kekhavra…………………… 11 ASTRONOMER (L)
Vacavra……………………… 23 Wegech …………………… 25
The Astronomer studies the stellar, lunar, and solar cycles and
links their passage to daily occurrence’s. An Astronomer is not
ANAMARTAR (L) content just to study and predict these cycles. A true astronomer
The Keepers of the Dead, the Anamartar (Q. “Courtiers of seeks to know why the cycles work the way they do. They strive to
Judgement”; sing. Anamarta) perform the rituals of burial and hold learn the secrets of heaven so they can understand the earth. The
much knowledge of what has been before. Living the lives of Astronomer’s constant study and focus tend to make him self-
ascetic monks, these embalmers and lore masters hold links to the absorded or too technical minded for easy conversation with non-
past very dear, and spend their days translating old volumes and Astronomer’s.
studying ancient wisdom. This order practicies involve wearing
Time to Acquire: 78 months
drab clothing, ritual prayers and sensual self-denial.
Generally the Anamartar are composed of more scholarly
Starting Money: normal
Dunedain, but on rare occasions other peoples are accepted into
their ranks. It takes a large amount of dedication and time to Special:
become a Keeper, but many feel the knowledge gained is more than Astrolabe (+15 non-magic to Astronomy/Navigation)................50
worth it. Star chart (+10 non-magic to Star Gazing)...................................50
Lodestone (+50 non-magic to Direction Sense)...........................50
Time to Acquire: 120 months
Spyglass (+10 non-magic to Observation)...................................30
Book (+10 non-magic to Astronomy)...........................................40
Starting Money: none. Book (+10 non-magic to Advanced Math)...................................40
Special: Book (+5 non-magic to Star Gazing).............................................0
Patronage of local noble...............................................................20 Category or Skill # of ranks
Embalming paraphernalia.............................................................50 Awareness • Senses skill category......................................................2
Book on embalming techniques ...................................................30 Direction Sense...............................................................................1
Book (with maps) of burial sites ..................................................40 Time Sense......................................................................................2
Historical volume (+10 History nm)............................................30 Outdoor • Environmental skill category.............................................2
Book on the Undead (+10 Undead Lore nm)...............................30 Star-gazing.......................................................................................2
Medical volume (+10 Any healing Skill nm)...............................50 Weather Watching...........................................................................2
VIP contact in Annuminas/Fornost Erain.......................................0 Science/Analytic • Basic skill category..............................................2
Category or Skill # of ramks Basic Math.......................................................................................2
Communications skill category........................................................10 Science/Analytic • Specialized skill category....................................0
Adunaic, written skill......................................................................5 Advanced Math...............................................................................1
Sindarin, written skill......................................................................5 Astronomy.......................................................................................2
Crafting skill category........................................................................0 Stat Gains: none
Lore • General skill category..............................................................2
History (Arnor)...............................................................................2 Barbarian …………………… 33
Philosophy (death)..........................................................................1 Fighter ……………………… 34 Thief ……………………… 34
Religion (Mandos)..........................................................................1 Rogue ……………………… 34 Layman …………………… 29
Lore • Magical skill category .............................................................0 Essence Alchemist ………… 27 Magician…………………… 29
Undead Lore....................................................................................2 Animist……………………… 25 Channelling Alchemist …… 27
Science/Analytic • Basic skill category............................................1 Lay Healer…………………… 29 Sorcerer …………………… 29
Research..........................................................................................1 Astrologer…………………… 26 Seer………………………… 28
Self Control skill category..................................................................2 Bard ………………………… 30 Ranger……………………… 27
Meditation.......................................................................................1 Drughân……………………… 29 Kekhavra…………………… 25
Mnemonics......................................................................................1 Vacavra……………………… 27 Wegech …………………… 27
Tech/Trade • Professional skill category............................................0
Stat Gains: Memory A natural affinity with animals enables the Beastmaster to
befriend creatures of the wilds. This friendship is deepened by
Professional Qualifier: Only available to characters from the realm magic to an almost symbiotic relationship, where each partner
of Arthedain (Circa SA3320 - TA1974) pledges loyalty and assisstance to the other.
COST BY P ROFESSION Time to Acquire: 124 months
Barbarian…………………… 51
Fighter……………………… 48 Thief ……………………… 48 Starting Money: normal
Rogue ……………………… 48 Layman …………………… 44
Essence Alchemist ………… 45 Magician…………………… 46 Special:
Superior weather-resistant clothing..............................................50

Aloyal animal friend-a riding beast (e.e., horse, camel, etc., GM Reliable fencing contacts..............................................................20
choice)...........................................................................................60 Lockpicks and disarm trap kit (+5 non-magic)..............................0
Acquainted with other loners of the local wilderness..................60
Category or Skill # of ranks
Aloyal animal friend-a hunting animal (e.g., wolf, tiger, lion etc.,
Subterfuge • Mechanics skill category...............................................2
GM choice....................................................................................50
choice of up to two skills.....................................................2 (total)
Cloak (+5 nm to Hiding outdoors)...............................................40
Athletic • Gymnastic skill category....................................................2
Boots (+5 nm to Stalking).............................................................40
Aloyal animal friend-a flying creature (e.g., hawk, falcon, owl
choice of one skill...........................................................................1
etc., GM choice.............................................................................30
Weapon/Attack skill category.............................................................1
Close friends with a local wilderness loner.................................30
Weapon/Attack skill........................................................................1
Weather-resistant clothing..............................................................0
Lore • General skill category..............................................................2
Category or Skill # of ranks Culture Lore (specific city).............................................................1
Athletic • Endurance skill category....................................................2 Heraldry...........................................................................................1
choice of up to 2 skills......................................................... 2 (total) Lore • Technical skill category...........................................................2
Lore • General skill category..............................................................2 Lock Lore........................................................................................2
Fauna Lore......................................................................................2
Stat Gains: none
Flora Lore........................................................................................2
Outdoor • Animal skill catagory.........................................................4
Animal Handling.............................................................................2 COST BY PROFES SION
Animal Healing...............................................................................2 Barbarian …………………… 24
Choice of Animal Training and/or Mastery........................ 2 (total) Fighter ……………………… 24 Thief ……………………… 18
choice of one skill...........................................................................2 Rogue ……………………… 21 Layman …………………… 25
Outdoor • Environmental skill category.............................................2 Essence Alchemist ………… 34 Magician…………………… 37
choice of up to 2 skills......................................................... 2 (total) Animist……………………… 36 Channelling Alchemist …… 36
Spells • Own Realm TP skill category†.............................................0 Lay Healer…………………… 36 Sorcerer …………………… 37
Animal Bonding spell list...............................................................3 Astrologer…………………… 37 Seer………………………… 34
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category.....................................................1 Bard ………………………… 27 Ranger……………………… 28
Hiding..............................................................................................1 Drughân……………………… 32 Kekhavra…………………… 36
Stalking............................................................................................1 Vacavra……………………… 34 Wegech …………………… 34
†category is Spells • Other Realm TP if character does not use the
realm of mentalism. Use cost in brackets for non-spell user of a dif- CITY GUARD (V)
ferent realm. Almost every urban area has some sort of paid police force.
These character are in charge of making sure that the city remains
Professional Qualifier: Beijabar only. free of bedlam in the streets. If a promotion is gained (in the Special
section), the character has been promoted in the ranks (more
Lifestyle Skills: None promotions equate to higher ranks).
Time to Acquire: 25 months
Stat Gains: Empathy
Starting Money: normal plus d10
Barbarian……………… 33(40)
Useful city contacts.......................................................................20
Fighter………………… 35(42) Thief …………………… 37(45)
Useful underworld contacts..........................................................20
Rogue ………………… 34(41) Layman ………………… 39(45)
Essence Alchemist ………… 47 Magician…………………… 46
Animist……………………… 36 Channelling Alchemist …… 46
Lay Healer ………………… 45 Sorcerer…………………… 46
Weapon (+10 non-magic).............................................................10
Astrologer…………………… 43 Seer………………………… 45
Weapon (+5 non-magic)..................................................................0
Bard………………………… 37 Ranger……………………… 35
Drughân …………………… 41 Kekhavra…………………… 32 Category or Skill # of ranks
Vacavra……………………… 42 Wegech …………………… 46 Weapon skill category (GM assigned)................................................2
choice of 1 skill...............................................................................2
BURGLAR (V) Body Development skill category......................................................0
Body Development.........................................................................1
A burglar makes his living stealing goods from peoples homes
Urban skill category............................................................................1
or businesses. They ply their trade around heavily populated areas
and then move on to another area.
Awareness • Searching skill category.................................................1
Time to Acquire: 33 months Observation.....................................................................................1
Lore • General skill category..............................................................1
Starting Money: normal plus d10 (open-ended) Heraldry...........................................................................................1
Technical/Trade • General skill category...........................................1
Special: First Aid...........................................................................................1
Stolen jewelry (worth 10d10sp)...................................................50
Stolen gems (worth 10d10sp).......................................................50 Stat Gains: none
Stolen piece of art (worth 10d10sp).............................................50
Lockpick kit (+10 non-magic)......................................................30 COST BY PROFES SION
Disarm trap kit (+10 non-magic)..................................................30 Barbarian …………………… 21

Fighter……………………… 19 Thief ……………………… 21 Fake identification (+30 Duping).................................................20
Rogue ……………………… 20 Layman …………………… 24 Investment (2d10 sp per year)......................................................10
Essence Alchemist ………… 32 Magician…………………… 39 Fake identification (+15 Duping)..................................................0
Animist……………………… 32 Channelling Alchemist …… 32
Category or Skill # of ranks
Lay Healer ………………… 34 Sorcerer…………………… 39
Awareness • Searching skill category.................................................1
Astrologer…………………… 39 Seer………………………… 32
Lie Perception .................................................................................1
Bard………………………… 25 Ranger……………………… 24
Influence skill category.......................................................................3
Drughân …………………… 24 Kekhavra…………………… 32
Vacavra……………………… 32 Wegech …………………… 32
Choice of one skill..........................................................................1
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category......................................................2
CLOISTERED ACADEMIC (L) choice of up to two skills.....................................................2 (total)
The cloistered academic spends his days locked away from the Technical/Trade • General skill category............................................1
rest of the world, embroiled in his learning. Books are his life. If he Begging............................................................................................1
is close to anyone, it will usually only be a small pet. Even servants Urban skill category............................................................................1
and others living in the same household are largely ignored. choice of one skill...........................................................................1
Time to Acquire: 95 months Stat Gains: none

Starting Money: normal COST BY PROFES SION

Special: Barbarian …………………… 22
Patron (provides financial support)..............................................40 Fighter ……………………… 22 Thief ……………………… 18
Book (+10 non-magic to a specific lore)......................................30 Rogue ……………………… 18 Layman …………………… 22
Book (+10 non-magic to a specific lore)......................................30 Essence Alchemist ………… 30 Magician…………………… 28
Book (+10 non-magic to a specific lore)......................................30 Animist……………………… 24 Channelling Alchemist …… 29
Book (+10 non-magic to a specific lore)......................................30 Lay Healer…………………… 29 Sorcerer …………………… 29
Book (+10 non-magic to a specific lore)......................................30 Astrologer…………………… 28 Seer………………………… 28
Pet (small animal)...........................................................................0 Bard ………………………… 19 Ranger……………………… 20
Drughân……………………… 24 Kekhavra…………………… 24
Category or Skill # of ranks
Vacavra……………………… 27 Wegech …………………… 28
Lore • General skill category..............................................................4
choice of up to four skills.................................................... 4 (total)
Lore • Technical skill category...........................................................3 CUT PURSE (V)
choice of up to three skills................................................... 3 (total) A specialized type of thief, the Cut Purse works the streets. He
Lore • Magical skill category .............................................................1 is particularly adept at watching crowds and determining who
choice of one skill...........................................................................1 should have the heaviest pockets.
Science/Analytic • Basic skill category .............................................2
Research..........................................................................................1 Time to Acquire: 37 months
choice of one skill...........................................................................1
Communications skill category..........................................................3 Starting Money: normal +d10 (open-ended)
one written language.......................................................................3 Special:
Stat Gains: none Stolen jewellery (worth 10d10 sp)................................................50
Stolen gems (worth 10d10 sp)......................................................50
Stolen document (e.g., map, deed, etc.)........................................50
Disguise kit (+10 non-magic).......................................................40
Barbarian…………………… 33 Reliable fencing contacts..............................................................30
Fighter……………………… 31 Thief ……………………… 31 Underworld contacts......................................................................0
Rogue ……………………… 30 Layman …………………… 27
Category or Skill # of ranks
Essence Alchemist ………… 24 Magician…………………… 24
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category......................................................4
Animist……………………… 24 Channelling Alchemist …… 24
picking Pockets...............................................................................2
Lay Healer ………………… 24 Sorcerer…………………… 24
choice of up to 2 skills.........................................................2 (total)
Astrologer…………………… 22 Seer………………………… 21
Urban skill category............................................................................3
Bard………………………… 23 Ranger……………………… 28
choice of up to 2 skills.........................................................3 (total)
Drughân …………………… 28 Kekhavra…………………… 24
Athletic • Gymnastic skill category....................................................1
Vacavra……………………… 24 Wegech …………………… 24
choice of one skill...........................................................................1
Awareness • Perception skill category................................................0
CON MAN (V) Alertness..........................................................................................2
The lure of quick money often draws street urchins into the Awareness • Searching skill category.................................................1
realm of the Con Man. The Con Man is adept at setting people up to Observation .....................................................................................1
rip them off. He often has several identities that he can assume (and
Stat Gains: none
proper papers to back up the identities).
Time to Acquire: 32 months COST BY PROFES SION
Barbarian …………………… 26
Starting Money: normal +d10 (open-ended)
Fighter ……………………… 23 Thief ……………………… 14
Special: Rogue ……………………… 14 Layman …………………… 24
Underworld contacts.................................................................... 30 Essence Alchemist ………… 44 Magician…………………… 37
Favour from an underworld figure...............................................20

Animist……………………… 33 Channelling Alchemist …… 43 Weapon • 2-Handed skill category .....................................................3
Lay Healer ………………… 39 Sorcerer…………………… 40 Choice of upto two skills.....................................................3 (total)
Astrologer…………………… 37 Seer………………………… 37 Weapon skill category (choice; not 2-Handed)..................................1
Bard………………………… 26 Ranger……………………… 24 Choice of one skill..........................................................................1
Drughân …………………… 30 Kekhavra…………………… 33 Body Development skill category......................................................0
Vacavra……………………… 37 Wegech …………………… 41 Body Development.........................................................................2
Armour • Medium skill category........................................................2
CRAFTER (V) Choice of one skill..........................................................................2
Lore • General skill category..............................................................3
Many people are good with their hands and have the desire to
Culture Lore (Dwarf)......................................................................1
create things. This training package represents all those people;
History (Dwarvish).........................................................................1
from the blacksmith, to the coppersmith, to the jeweller.
Lore • Obscure skill category .............................................................1
Time to Acquire: 28 months Dragon lore......................................................................................1
Stat Gains: Strength
Starting Money: normal +d10 (open-ended)
Special: Professional Qualifier: Dwaves only
Exceptional crafted work (10d10sp)............................................50
Exceptional crafted work (8d10sp)..............................................50 COST BY PROFESSION
Exceptional crafted work (6d10sp)..............................................50 Barbarian …………………… 39
Exceptional crafted work (4d10sp)..............................................50 Fighter ……………………… 36 Thief ……………………… 43
Exceptional crafted work (2d10sp)..............................................50 Rogue ……………………… 40 Layman …………………… 45
Set of fine crafting tools (+15 to a specific craft).......................40 Essence Alchemist ………… 55 Magician…………………… 62
Set of good crafting tools (+10 to a specific craft)......................30 Animist……………………… 56 Channelling Alchemist …… 57
Set of crafting tools (+5 to a specific craft)...................................0 Lay Healer…………………… 53 Sorcerer …………………… 61
Category or Skill # of ranks Astrologer…………………… 59 Seer………………………… 55
Technical/Trade • General skill category...........................................3 Bard ………………………… 46 Ranger……………………… 46
choice of up to three skills................................................... 3 (total) Drughân……………………… 43 Kekhavra…………………… 56
Technical/Trade • Vocational skill category.......................................0 Vacavra……………………… 57 Wegech …………………… 55
choice of up to two skills..................................................... 2 (total)
Craft skill category.............................................................................0 ESTEHILDI (L)
choice of up to three skills................................................... 3 (total) “I swear by Estë and all the Valar that I will do all within my
Stat Gains: none power to heal the sick and to preserve life. I swear that I will not
COST BY P ROFESSION raise my hand in violence, nor seek to cause another harm. I will
Barbarian…………………… 24 serve my king by healing his people and preserving the knowledge I
Fighter……………………… 24 Thief ……………………… 24 have been given.”
Rogue ……………………… 24 Layman …………………… 24 This is the Oath taken by those who enter a House of Healing
Essence Alchemist ………… 24 Magician…………………… 24 and join this order of healers. Members of the Houses enjoy the
Animist……………………… 24 Channelling Alchemist …… 24 direct protection of the King (and Stewards); and will granted an
Lay Healer ………………… 24 Sorcerer…………………… 24 escort of the King’s guard, when travelling through dangerous
Astrologer…………………… 24 Seer………………………… 24 territory. Even the enemies of Gondor hold respect for the Healers.
Bard………………………… 24 Ranger……………………… 24 Every city of Gondor has at least one House of healing. Anyone, be
Drughân …………………… 24 Kekhavra…………………… 24 he Gondorian citizen or Haruze commoner, is allowed to become a
Vacavra……………………… 24 Crafter……………………… 24 Healer.
Time to Acquire: 120 months
Terrifying warriors trained to go into a battle rage. Tales of Starting Money: normal
these warriors from their conflicts with Goblins; have helped give
the Dwarves reputations as feirce fighters who never retreat. And Special:
keep going, long after receiving wounds which would have feld a Patronage of local noble ...............................................................20
much larger foe. High quality medical kit (+15).....................................................50
D10 concussion repair herbs.........................................................30
Time to Acquire: 116 months D10 poison antidotes.....................................................................40
D10 general purpose herbs ...........................................................30
Starting Money: normal plus1-10 gp D10 burn/exposure herbs..............................................................30
D10 circulatory repair herbs.........................................................50
Debt of gratitude from a local VIP...............................................20
Two-handed weapon (+15 non-magic).........................................50
White or Pale blue robe and a heraldic
Armour (+15 non-magic)..............................................................50
device of a white tree with a hand
Hand weapon (+10 non-magic)....................................................40
superimposed upon it. (Both symbols of the order).......................0
Special training, +10 OB vs. Orcs................................................30
Two-handed weapon (+5 non-magic)...........................................20 Category or Skill # of ranks
Favour owed by important Dwarf................................................10 Lore • Technical..................................................................................0
Armour (+5 non-magic)..................................................................0 Herb Lore........................................................................................2
Poison Lore.....................................................................................1
Category or Skill # of ranks
Tech/Trade • Professional category....................................................0
Self Control skill category..................................................................4
Physic .............................................................................................2
Second Aid......................................................................................2

Surgery ............................................................................................2
Tech/Trade • General category...........................................................0
First Aid...........................................................................................2 The Faradrim Aran (S. Royal Rangers) of Arthedain hold
traditions dating back to the lordship of Gil-Galad over Eriador in
Use Prepared Herbs.........................................................................2
the Second Age, predating the founding of Arnor. Charged with the
Tech/Trade • Vocational category.......................................................0
border-watch and with infiltration and scouting, the Rangers are
both an elite and independent part of the Arthedain military.
Apothecary .....................................................................................2
Exercising a large amount of autonomy from the standard chain of
Stat Gains: Intuition. command within the Royal Army, the Rangers will allow anyone to
join (even, rarely, Dwarves and Elves (no Orcs or Teregs)).
Professional Qualifier: Only available in campaigns from circa Hopefuls must be ‘sponsored’ by an existing Ranger, and must pass
SA3320 to FA. the rigorous tests required for admittance. Recruits must commit to
a term of 7 years of service to be considered.
COST BY PROFESSION Time to Acquire: 84 months
Barbarian…………………… 41
Fighter……………………… 41 Thief ……………………… 41 Starting Money: normal + d10 (open-ended)
Rogue ……………………… 41 Layman …………………… 41
Essence Alchemist ………… 41 Magician…………………… 41 Special:
Animist……………………… 41 Channelling Alchemist …… 41 +10 Leather Jerkin (AT 5).............................................................50
Lay Healer ………………… 41 Sorcerer…………………… 41 +5 target shield..............................................................................50
Astrologer…………………… 41 Seer………………………… 41 Award of Merit (an Eresselen star-broach)...................................10
Bard………………………… 41 Ranger……………………… 41 +10 broadsword.............................................................................60
Drughân …………………… 41 Kekhavra…………………… 41 +5 (magic) broardsword................................................................10
Vacavra……………………… 41 Wegech …………………… 41 Close friends with senior Ranger..................................................40
Ranking contact in Royal Army ...................................................50
+10 composite bow.......................................................................30
EXPLORER (L) +5 (magic) composite bow...........................................................30
Similar to the Adventurer, the Explorer specializes in travelling non-magic cloak (+30 to stalk/hiding skills)................................30
in uncharted areas and outdoor exploration. This could include Promotion to watch-leader............................................................10
sailing explorers as well as overland explorers. Promotion to senior Ranger............................................................0
Time to Acquire: 66 months Category or Skill # of ranks
Weapon • 1-H Edged skill category....................................................3
Starting Money: normal Broadsword .....................................................................................3
Weapon • Missile skill category .........................................................3
Composite Bow...............................................................................3
Weapon (+10 non-magic).............................................................40
Armor • Light skill category...............................................................2
Riding animal (GM’s choice).......................................................40
Soft leather......................................................................................2
Passage credit on a ship (GM’s discretion)..................................40
Body Development skill category ......................................................0
d1O herbs (GM’ s choice).............................................................30
Body Development..........................................................................3
Map of the known world.................................................................0
Athletic • Endurance skill category....................................................2
Category or Skill # of ranks Swimming .......................................................................................1
Weapon/Attack skill category (choice)..............................................1 Distance Running............................................................................1
Weapon/Attack skill (choice).........................................................1 Athletic • Gymnastic skill category....................................................2
Athletic • Gymnastic skill category....................................................1 Climbing..........................................................................................2
Climbing..........................................................................................1 Awareness - Perceptions skill category ..............................................0
Athletic • Endurance skill category....................................................1 Alertness..........................................................................................2
Swimming.......................................................................................1 Communications skill category ..........................................................0
Awareness • Searching skill category.................................................1 Westron, spoken..............................................................................3
Observation.....................................................................................1 Adunaic, spoken..............................................................................3
Lore • General skill category..............................................................2 Morlam, spoken...............................................................................3
choice of up to two skills..................................................... 2 (total) Crafting skill category.........................................................................0
Technical/Trade • General.................................................................3 Fire Starting.....................................................................................1
First Aid...........................................................................................1 Outdoor • Environmental skill category.............................................3
choice of up to two skills..................................................... 2 (total) Choice of up to three skills.............................................................3
SubterfugeAttack skill category .........................................................2
Stat Gains: constitution, choice of one other stat
Subterfuge • Mechanics skill category...............................................2
COST BY PROFESSION Choice of two skills.........................................................................2
Barbarian…………………… 32 Subterfuge • Stealth skill category......................................................4
Fighter……………………… 32 Thief ……………………… 31 Hiding..............................................................................................2
Rogue ……………………… 31 Layman …………………… 33 Stalking............................................................................................2
Essence Alchemist ………… 38 Magician…………………… 39 Tech/Trade • General skill category...................................................0
Animist……………………… 36 Channelling Alchemist …… 39 Mapping OR Orienteering..............................................................1
Lay Healer ………………… 37 Sorcerer…………………… 39 First Aid...........................................................................................1
Astrologer…………………… 39 Seer………………………… 36
Bard………………………… 33 Ranger……………………… 32 Stat Gains: None.
Drughân …………………… 33 Kekhavra…………………… 36
Vacavra……………………… 37 Wegech …………………… 37 Professional Qualifier: Only available to Dwarven, Elven, Human

and Hobbit characters playing in campaigns from SA3320 to TA First Aid...........................................................................................1
1974. Subterfuge • Mechanics skill category...............................................1
Choice of one skill..........................................................................1
COST BY PROFESSION Subterfuge • Stealth skill category .....................................................4
Barbarian…………………… 53 Hiding..............................................................................................2
Fighter……………………… 54 Thief ……………………… 53 Stalking............................................................................................2
Rogue ……………………… 54 Layman …………………… 57 Stat Gains: Agility and Constitution
Essence Alchemist ………… 69 Magician…………………… 74
Animist……………………… 64 Channelling Alchemist …… 68 Professional Qualifier: Only available to Dunedain (of the lost
Lay Healer ………………… 68 Sorcerer…………………… 74 realm), Elves and Half-elves in campaigns set between the years TA
Astrologer…………………… 72 Seer………………………… 70 1974 to FA 120.
Bard………………………… 60 Ranger……………………… 57
Drughân …………………… 61 Kekhavra…………………… 64
Vacavra……………………… 67 Wegech …………………… 67
Barbarian …………………… 50
FARADRIM FOROD (L) Fighter ……………………… 51 Thief ……………………… 53
Rogue ……………………… 51 Layman …………………… 55
The Faradrim Forod (S. Rangers of the North) was formed after
Essence Alchemist ………… 65 Magician…………………… 71
the fall of Arthedain by Aranarth, the last sole survivor of the
Animist……………………… 61 Channelling Alchemist …… 64
Royalty of that Kingdom. Aranarth founded this loose organization
in order to help cleanse Eriador of the evil of the Witch-king, and to Lay Healer…………………… 64 Sorceror…………………… 71
preserve the bloodlines of the Dunedain. Over the course of the late Astologer…………………… 70 Seer………………………… 67
Third Age, the Rangers did much to protect what was left of Bard ………………………… 57 Ranger……………………… 54
civilization in the remains of the North-kingdom. The exploits of Drughân……………………… 54 Kekhavra…………………… 61
one Captain of the Rangers are noted in a popular history of the War Vacavra……………………… 62 Wegech …………………… 62
of the Ring, wherein Aragorn Elessar brought to fruition the hopes
of Aranarth by claiming the crown of Gondor and beginning the FARMER (L)
recolonization of Arnor. It is extremely rare for any but those of Farners devote their lives to growing the food that the rest of
pure Dunedain blood to become Rangers, though it is known to society consumes. Farmers usually make up a majority of the
happen on occasion. population. Usually a great tragedy must strike before a farmer will
seek adventure. Sometimes a simple peasant lad is detined for
Time to Acquire: 120 months
greatness, and must leave his family farm to seek his fortune.
Starting Money: normal Time to Acquire: 95 months
Eresselen star-broach..................................................................100 Starting Money: normal
Friend in Elven Wandering-Company..........................................20 Special:
Contact in Eriadorian village........................................................50 Superior farm implument (+5 pitch, no-magic)...........................20
Friendship with village noteworthy..............................................30 d10 Chickens.................................................................................50
Contact/friend in Imladris (Rivendell).........................................10 Cow (+5 Herding).........................................................................50
+10 non-magic weapon.................................................................40 Simple map of local area..............................................................50
+10 non-magic armour.................................................................30 Riding beast (GM discretion).........................................................0
+5 magic weapon..........................................................................30
Wardship of Eriadorian village.......................................................0 Category or Skill # of Ranks
Athletic • Brawn skill category...........................................................1
Category or Skill # of ranks Body Development Skill category......................................................0
Weapon skill category (choice, melee)..............................................3 Body Development.........................................................................2
Weapon (choice).............................................................................3 Crafts skill category............................................................................0
Weapon • Missile skill category.........................................................3 Horticulture.....................................................................................2
Weapon (choice).............................................................................3 Lore • General skill category..............................................................3
Armor skill category (choice).............................................................3 Fauna Lore.......................................................................................1
Armour (choice)..............................................................................2 Flora Lore........................................................................................1
Body Development skill category......................................................0 choice of one skill...........................................................................1
Body Development.........................................................................3 Outdoor • Animal skill category.........................................................3
Lore • General skill category..............................................................2 Animal Handling.............................................................................2
Choice of up to two skills...............................................................2 choice of up to two skills.....................................................2 (total)
Lore • Technical skill category...........................................................1 Outdoor • Environment skill category................................................2
Choice of one skill..........................................................................1 choice of up to two skills.....................................................2 (total)
Athletic • Endurance skill category....................................................2 Stat Gains: Constitution
Distance Running............................................................................1 Cost by Profession
Athletic • Gymnastic skill category....................................................2 Barbarian …………………… 25
Climbing..........................................................................................2 Fighter ……………………… 26 Thief ……………………… 30
Crafting skill category........................................................................0 Rogue ……………………… 27 Layman …………………… 30
Choice of Cooking or Fire Starting................................................1 Essence Alchemist ………… 40 Magician…………………… 41
Outdoor • Environmental skill category.............................................4 Animist……………………… 29 Channelling Alchemist …… 35
Choice of up to three skills.............................................................4 Lay Healer…………………… 39 Sorcerer …………………… 41
Tech/Trade • General skill category...................................................1 Astrologer…………………… 40 Seer………………………… 39

Bard………………………… 31 Ranger……………………… 27 Special:
Drughân …………………… 29 Kekhavra…………………… 29 2d10 Concussion Repair herbs.....................................................50
Vacavra……………………… 36 Wegech …………………… 33 d10 Poison antidotes.....................................................................30
d1O Burn/Exposure herbs.............................................................30
FORTUNE TELLER (V) d10 Circulatory Repair herbs........................................................30
d10 General Purpose herbs...........................................................30
Often self-taught, some Fortune tellers earn their living from
Superior medical kit (+15 non-magical).......................................30
reassuring the anxious about the future, to others it is a pastime with
Medical kit (+5 non-magical).........................................................0
which to entertain their jaded friends. Success in prediction is as
much due to an eloquent flow of words and understanding the Category or Skill # of ranks
querent as to any true ability. Technical/Trade • Professional skill category....................................0
Time to Acquire: 40 months
Second Aid......................................................................................1
Technical/Trade • General skill category............................................0
Starting Money: normal First Aid...........................................................................................1
Special: Use Prepared Herbs.........................................................................1
Knowledge of unexplained portent/prophecy Technical/Trade • Vocational skill category.......................................0
concerning a person or place........................................................60 Midwifery........................................................................................1
Agift from a satisfied querent (worth 2d10 sp)...........................40 Prepare Herbs..................................................................................1
Agift from a satisfied querent (worth 5d10 sp)...........................30 Stat Gains: none
Divination apparatus: e.g., a set of Tarot cards, a crystal ball, etc.
(+10 nm, Divinations)..................................................................30
Astrological almanacs covering five years ..................................40 COST BY PROFESSION
Friends with important person (e.g., magistrate, priest, Barbarian …………………… 21
guildmaster)..................................................................................40 Fighter ……………………… 21 Thief ……………………… 21
Divination apparatus either set of Tarot cards, crystal ball etc, or Rogue ……………………… 21 Layman …………………… 21
an astrological almanac covering one year (GM choice)..............0 Essence Alchemist ………… 21 Magician…………………… 21
Animist……………………… 21 Channelling Alchemist …… 21
Category or Skill # of Ranks Lay Healer…………………… 21 Sorcerer …………………… 21
Artistic • Active skill category...........................................................1 Astrologer…………………… 21 Seer………………………… 21
Tale Telling or Poetic Improvisation..............................................1 Bard ………………………… 21 Ranger……………………… 21
Awareness • Searching skill category.................................................1 Drughân……………………… 21 Kekhavra…………………… 21
Lie Perception.................................................................................1 Vacavra……………………… 21 Wegech …………………… 21
Influence skill category...................................................................2
Lore • Magical skill category .............................................................1
Divination Lore...............................................................................1 Contrary to popular opinion of orkish healers, they are very
Power Awareness skill category.........................................................3 accoplished at what they do. It’s just that they don’t bother about
Divinations......................................................................................3 things like scaring and pain. In fact anyone (except Elves) healed by
an Orc is garented to have a permanent scar.
Professional Qualifier: none
Time to Acquire: 17 months
Lifestyle Skills: none
Starting Money: normal
Stat Gains: none Special:
d10 Concussion Repair herbs .......................................................50
COST BY PROFESSION d10 Circulatory Repair herbs........................................................40
Barbarian…………………… 35 d10 General Purpose herbs...........................................................40
Fighter……………………… 35 Thief ……………………… 29 Good medical kit (+10 nm First, Second Aid).............................40
Rogue ……………………… 31 Layman …………………… 27 1 Organ Repair herb......................................................................30
Essence Alchemist ………… 20 Magician…………………… 20 1-4 Muscle/Cartlage Repair herbs................................................30
Animist……………………… 18 Channelling Alchemist …… 21 Medical kit (+5 nm First, second aid)............................................0
Lay Healer ………………… 24 Sorcerer…………………… 24 Category or Skill # of ranks
Astrologer…………………… 21 Seer………………………… 17 Technical/Trade • Profesional skill category......................................0
Bard………………………… 22 Ranger……………………… 27 Diagnostics......................................................................................2
Drughân …………………… 24 Kekhavra…………………… 18 Second Aid......................................................................................2
Vacavra……………………… 21 Wegech …………………… 21 Technical/Trade • General skill category............................................2
First Aid...........................................................................................1
HEALER (V) Use Prepared herb...........................................................................1
A healer is a person dedicated to tended to the sick. This should Technical/Trade • Vocational..............................................................0
include all types of persons who are caring for the sick, not just Preparing Herbs...............................................................................1
those that actually perform the healing (e.g., the nurses, attendants, Stat Gains: none
etc.). Most people who tend to the sick are doing so on a voluntary
Professional Qualifier: half-orcs, orcs and Uruk-hai only.
Time to Acquire: 18 months
Starting Money: normal Barbarian …………………… 27

Fighter……………………… 27 Thief ……………………… 27 A herbalist is a person who specializes in growing, preparing,
Rogue ……………………… 27 Layman …………………… 27 and cultivating herbs. Very often, herbalists are found near urban
Essence Alchemist ………… 27 Magician…………………… 27 areas (where demand for herbs is higher), though they also like to
Animist……………………… 27 Channelling Alchemist …… 27 secluded nature of a more rural environment.
Lay Healer ………………… 27 Sorcerer…………………… 27
Time to Acquire: 33 months
Astrologer…………………… 27 Seer………………………… 27
Bard………………………… 27 Ranger……………………… 27
Drughân …………………… 27 Kekhavra…………………… 27 Starting Money: normal +d10 (open-ended)
Vacavra……………………… 27 Wegech …………………… 27 Special:
3 Poison antidotes.........................................................................50
HERMIT (L) 4 Bone Repair herbs......................................................................50
Retreating from civilization, the Hermit leads a solitary life of 10 Burn/Exposure herbs................................................................50
unremitting hardship. He makes his abode in the wastes, whether it 2 Circulatory Repair herbs............................................................50
be in the frozen mountains, under the blazing desert sun or on bleak 10 Concussion Repair herbs.........................................................50
island haunts. Distanced from the distractions of mundane life, the d10 General Purpose herbs...........................................................50
Hermit searches for spiritual or philosophical enlightenment. 1 Life Preservation herbs..............................................................50
5 Muscle/Cartilage Repair herbs ..................................................50
Time to Acquire: 130 months 3 Nerve Repair herbs....................................................................50
4 Organ Repair herbs....................................................................50
Starting Money: normal or none (GM discretion) d10 Intoxicant herbs......................................................................30
d10 Poison herbs...........................................................................30
d10 Concussion Repair herbs .........................................................0
Bound by a vow (e.g., chastity, poverty etc)................................40
One week’s worth of preserved foodstuffs...................................50 Category or Skill # of ranks
2d10 silver pieces (contributions from wanderers).....................50 Craft skill category..............................................................................0
Afine gift from a passerby (worth 10d10 silver pieces)............20 Horticulture.....................................................................................2
An animal companion (GM choice).............................................40 Lore • General skill category..............................................................2
Respected/feared/avoided by local populace (GM discretion)...40 Flora Lore........................................................................................2
Respected by a notable in the region (a noble, a wizard, etc.)...20 Outdoor • Environmental skill category.............................................4
Nothing particularly special (GM choice)......................................0 Foraging...........................................................................................3
choice of one skill...........................................................................1
Category or Skill # of Ranks
Technical/Trade • Vocational skill category.......................................0
Awareness • Perception skill category...............................................0
Prepare Herbs..................................................................................2
Stat Gains: none
Awareness • Senses skill category......................................................1
Time Sense......................................................................................1
Barbarian …………………… 20
Body Development skill category......................................................0
Fighter ……………………… 24 Thief ……………………… 24
Body Development.........................................................................1
Rogue ……………………… 24 Layman …………………… 24
Lore • General skill category..............................................................2
Essence Alchemist ………… 27 Magician…………………… 27
Region Lore.....................................................................................3
Animist……………………… 20 Channelling Alchemist …… 24
Philosophy or Religion...................................................................2
Lay Healer…………………… 27 Sorcerer …………………… 27
choice of up to 2 skills......................................................... 2 (total)
Astrologer…………………… 24 Seer………………………… 27
Outdoor • Environmental skill category.............................................4
Bard ………………………… 24 Ranger……………………… 20
Drughân……………………… 20 Kekhavra…………………… 20
Vacavra……………………… 24 Wegech …………………… 24
Weather Watching...........................................................................2
Self Control skill category..................................................................2
choice of up to 3 skills......................................................... 3 (total) HUNTER (L)
The Hunter is at home in the wilds. He ventures into the
Professional Qualifier: none
civilized areas only to buy supplies and sell his pelts.
Lifestyle Skills:none Time to Acquire: 18 months

Stat Gains: Self Discipline, Constitution Starting Money: normal +d10 (open-ended)
COST BY PROFESSION d10 Animal Pelts (d10 sps each)...................................................50
Barbarian…………………… 29 d10 Animal Pelts (d10 sps each)...................................................50
Fighter……………………… 33 Thief ……………………… 34 d10 Animal Pelts (d10 sps each)...................................................50
Rogue ……………………… 33 Layman …………………… 34 Good set of traps (+15 non-magic)...............................................30
Essence Alchemist ………… 46 Magician…………………… 46 Reliable buyer for animal pelts.....................................................30
Animist……………………… 38 Channelling Alchemist …… 41 Traps (+10 non-magic)....................................................................0
Lay Healer ………………… 42 Sorcerer…………………… 45
Astrologer…………………… 41 Seer………………………… 41 Category or Skill # of ranks
Bard………………………… 35 Ranger……………………… 31 Missile Weapon skill category............................................................1
Drughân …………………… 31 Kekhavra…………………… 38 choice of one skill...........................................................................1
Vacavra……………………… 41 Wegech …………………… 40 Outdoor • Environmental skill category.............................................4
choice of two skills..............................................................2 (total)
HERBALIST (V) Lore • General skill category..............................................................3

Fauna Lore......................................................................................2 Lay Healer…………………… 29 Sorcerer …………………… 29
Flora Lore........................................................................................1 Astrologer…………………… 29 Seer………………………… 29
Craft skill category .............................................................................0 Bard ………………………… 27 Ranger……………………… 29
Skinning..........................................................................................1 Drughân……………………… 30 Kekhavra…………………… 30
Awareness • Searching skill category.................................................4 Vracara……………………… 29 Wegech …………………… 25
Reading Tracks................................................................................2
Tracking...........................................................................................2 KING’S CORPS (V)
Subterfuge • Stealth skill category.....................................................2
The King’s Corps; is an elite mobile force that can be quickly
deployed. Formally founded in T.A. 1643, and composed entirely of
full-time professional soldiers garrisoned at Minas Anor, Minas
Stat Gains: Constitution
ithil, Pelargir and Linhir. The largest portion of the Corps is
COS T BY PROF ESSION comprised of heavily armored infantry, with contingents of archers,
Barbarian…………………… 30 spearmen, though the Knights of Dol Amroth and other companies
Fighter……………………… 34 Thief ……………………… 30 provide cavalry support. Proud and highly skilled, the soldiers of
Rogue ……………………… 30 Layman …………………… 35 the King’s Corps are the prime instrument of Gondor’s border
Essence Alchemist ………… 46 Magician…………………… 47 defense in the mid Third Age.
Animist……………………… 33 Channelling Alchemist …… 44
Lay Healer ………………… 46 Sorcerer…………………… 47 Time to Acquire: 84 months
Astrologer…………………… 45 Seer………………………… 43
Bard………………………… 35 Ranger……………………… 28 Starting Money: normal + d10 (open-ended)
Drughân …………………… 32 Kekhavra…………………… 33
Vacavra……………………… 41 Wegech …………………… 45
High quality armor (+10)..............................................................50
High quality weapon (+10)...........................................................50
INNKEEPER (V) Close friends w/officer..................................................................40
An Innkeeper is aperson that runs and manages an establish- Ranking contact in King’s Corps..................................................40
ment that provides lodging, food, and/or drink to travelers. This Promotion......................................................................................30
training package could be used to represent vocations involving Promotion......................................................................................30
othe types of commercial endeavors. Promotion......................................................................................30
An Innkeeper is more than just a merchant; he is a friend who Medal for Bravery...........................................................................0
opens his home to travelers, he is a confidant who rewards good
Category or Skill # of ranks
tales with drink and warm company, and he is an eternal source of
Weapon skill category #1*..................................................................3
news and rumors. Sometimes an Innkeeper will hear a tale that is
Weapon Skill #1..............................................................................3
too good to ignore, and then he will pick up his rusty sword and
Weapon skill category #2*..................................................................2
leave the inn to go in search of adventure.
Weapon Skill #2..............................................................................2
Time to Acquire: 28 months Armor • Medium category..................................................................3
Starting Money: normal + d10 (open-ended) Body development category...............................................................0
Body Development..........................................................................3
Special: Lore • General category......................................................................1
Close friends with a merchant......................................................50 Heraldry (Gondorian)......................................................................1
Reputation as a good innkeeper....................................................60 Tech/Trade • Professional category....................................................0
Useful city contacts.......................................................................30 Military Organization (Ground Forces)..........................................1
10 Loyal customers.......................................................................50 Athletic • Endurance category............................................................1
Large debt to moneylender or noble.............................................40 Distance running .............................................................................1
Useful legends and adventure hooks..............................................0 Crafting category.................................................................................0
Category or Skill # of ranks Choice of Cooking or Fire Starting................................................1
Influence skill category......................................................................2 Outdoor • Environmental category.....................................................1
Trading ............................................................................................1 Weather Watching...........................................................................1
choice of one skill...........................................................................1 Tech/Trade • General category............................................................1
Technical/Trade • Professional skill category....................................0 choice of one skill...........................................................................1
Advertising......................................................................................2 * Choose from 1-H Edged (Broadsword), Polearm (Spear), or
Technical/Trade • General skill category...........................................1 Missile (Composite Bow). Each weapon category can only be
Urban skill category............................................................................2 chosen once.
choice of upto two skills...................................................... 2 (total) Stat Gains: Constitution and strength.
Science/Analytic • Basic skill category .............................................1
Basic Math......................................................................................1 Professional Qualifier: Campaigns set after 1640 only. Dunedain
Crafts skill category............................................................................0 (of Gondor), Gondorians only.
choice of Cooking or Brewery........................................................1
Service.............................................................................................2 COST BY PROFESS ION
Stat Gains: None Barbarian …………………… 47
Fighter ……………………… 45 Thief ……………………… 49
COST BY PROFESSION Rogue ……………………… 47 Layman …………………… 40
Barbarian…………………… 31 Essence Alchemist ………… 57 Magician…………………… 65
Fighter……………………… 29 Thief ……………………… 27 Animist……………………… 59 Channelling Alchemist …… 59
Rogue ……………………… 27 Layman …………………… 28 Lay Healer…………………… 57 Sorcerer …………………… 65
Essence Alchemist ………… 29 Magician…………………… 29 Astrologer…………………… 64 Seer………………………… 61
Animist……………………… 30 Channelling Alchemist…… 29

Bard………………………… 52 Ranger……………………… 50 Stat Gains: none
Drughân …………………… 49 Kekhavra…………………… 59
Vracara……………………… 59 Wegech …………………… 58 COST BY PROFESSION
Barbarian …………………… 30
Fighter ……………………… 30 Thief ……………………… 28
LABOURER (V) Rogue ……………………… 27 Layman …………………… 24
Whenever raw manual labour is done, the people in charge Essence Alchemist ………… 19 Magician…………………… 19
rarely do it themselves. The nearby villages and towns were full of Animist……………………… 22 Channelling Alchemist …… 22
folks willing to work hard for a relatively small amount of money. Lay Healer…………………… 22 Sorcerer …………………… 22
Unskilled labor is often needed in and or around a castle (especially Astrologer…………………… 21 Seer………………………… 18
during construction of the structure). Bard ………………………… 18 Ranger……………………… 24
Time to Acquire: 14 months Drughân……………………… 24 Kekhavra…………………… 22
Vracara……………………… 22 Wegech …………………… 22
Starting Money: normal
Some simple craftsmen are not as simple as they seem. Some of
Tools (+5 non-magic to crafts skill).............................................30
the most impressive and sturdy crafts are made with a little magical
Tools (appropriate to a crafts skill)...............................................50
assistance. Magical Crafters can be of any realm, and they gain
Friends with local bartender.........................................................40
access to the training package spell lists to help in their trade.
Owed a favor from local noble.....................................................20
Enemies with local noble..............................................................20 Time to Acquire: 72 months
Part of a work gang (3d 10 workers)..............................................0
Category or Skill # of ranks Starting Money: normal + d10 (open-ended)
Athletic • Brawn skill category..........................................................2 Special:
Body Development skill category......................................................0 Spell adder (+1).............................................................................30
Body Development.........................................................................2 Daily I item....................................................................................30
Crafts skill category............................................................................0 Exceptional crafted work (10d10 sp)...........................................50
choice of one skill...........................................................................1 Exceptional crafted work (8d10 sp).............................................50
Technical/Trade • General skill category...........................................1 Exceptional crafted work (6d10 sp).............................................50
Stat Gains: none Exceptional crafted work (4d10 sp).............................................50
Fine crafting tools (+15 to specific craft).....................................40
COST BY PROFESSION Good crafting tools (+10 to specific craft)...................................50
Barbarian…………………… 11
Crafting tools (+5 to specific craft)................................................0
Fighter……………………… 11 Thief ……………………… 16
Rogue ……………………… 13 Layman …………………… 15 Category or Skill # of ranks
Essence Alchemist ………… 25 Magician…………………… 27 Craft skill category..............................................................................0
Animist……………………… 20 Channelling Alchemist…… 21 choice of up to three crafts...................................................3 (total)
Lay Healer ………………… 25 Sorcerer…………………… 28 Power Awareness skill category .........................................................1
Astrologer…………………… 28 Seer………………………… 25 Attunement......................................................................................1
Bard………………………… 18 Ranger……………………… 15 Spells • Own Realm TP List skill category........................................0
Drughân …………………… 15 Kekhavra…………………… 20 choice of training package list*...........................................3 (total)
Vracara……………………… 23 Wegech …………………… 17 Technical/Trade • General skill category...........................................2
choice of upto two skills......................................................2 (total)
LOREMASTER (V) Technical/Trade • Vocational skill category.......................................0
choice of up to two skills.....................................................2 (total)
The perpetual scholar. The Loremaster studies, constantly
*select from Metal Crafting, Stone Crafting, Glass/Ceramic
striving to know all there is to know. Some Loremasters specialize
Crafting, Wood Crafting
in areas of knowledge; while others are diverse, knowing little bits
about lots of things. Stat Gains: None
Time to Acquire: 40 months
Professional Qualifier: Dwarves and Elves only.
Starting Money: normal COST BY PROFES SION
Barbarian …………………… 35
Fighter ……………………… 35 Thief ……………………… 34
Book (+20 to a specific lore skill)................................................50
Rogue ……………………… 34 Layman …………………… 33
Book (+15 to a specific lore skill)................................................40
Essence Alchemist ………… 27 Magician…………………… 27
Book (+10 to a lore category).......................................................30
Animist……………………… 28 Channelling Alchemist …… 28
1-5 books (+5 to specific lore skills)............................................10
Lay Healer…………………… 28 Sorceror…………………… 28
Book (+5 to a lore category)..........................................................0
Astologer…………………… 28 Seer………………………… 28
Category or Skill # of ranks Bard ………………………… 30 Ranger……………………… 31
Lore • General skill category.............................................................6 Drughân……………………… 30 Kekhavra…………………… 28
choice of up to three skills................................................... 6 (total) Vracara……………………… 28 Wegech …………………… 27
Lore • Technical skill category...........................................................1
choice of one skills........................................................................1 ROYAL NAVY (MARINE) (V)
Lore • Obscure skill category.............................................................1
The marines that serve in Gondor’s navy or fight on behalf of
choice of one skill..........................................................................1
the Crown take pride in their skills. Many laboured as seamen
Lore • Magical skill category .............................................................3
before officially entering the profession. Although essentially
choice of up to two skills..................................................... 3 (total)

seaborne warriors trained somewhat in the art of handling a ship,
these skilled boarders bear the triple burden of fighting the sea, Time to Acquire: 80 months
battling an age-old nemesis, the Haradrim, and defending Gondor
against a new threat, the Corsairs of Umbar. Starting Money: normal +d10 (open-ended)

Time to Acquire: 84 months Special:

Weapon (+10 non-magic)..............................................................50
Armour (+10 non-magic)..............................................................50
Starting Money: normal + d10 (open-ended)
Shield (+10 non-magic)................................................................50
Special: Medal (for wartime performance)................................................50
Weapon (+10 non-magic).............................................................50 Favour from military figure..........................................................50
Armour (+10 non-magic)..............................................................50 Favour from military figure..........................................................50
Helmet (+10 non-magic)...............................................................50 Extra d10 (open-ended) in money ................................................50
Shield (+10 non-magic)................................................................50 Extra d10 (open-ended) in money ..................................................0
Trade goods...................................................................................50
Category or Skill # of ranks
Close friends w/Dockmaster.........................................................50
Weapon skill category (choice)...........................................................2
Close friends w/ship’s officer.......................................................40
choice of one skill...........................................................................2
Ranking contact in Royal Navy....................................................40
Armour • Light skill category.............................................................1
choice of one skill...........................................................................1
Athletic • Brawn skill category...........................................................1
choice of one skill...........................................................................1
Medal for Bravery...........................................................................0
Body Development skill category ......................................................0
Category or Skill # of ranks Body Development..........................................................................2
Armor • Heavy skill category.............................................................2 Combat Manoeuvres skill category....................................................0
Plate.................................................................................................2 choice of one skill...........................................................................1
Athletic • Endurance skill category....................................................2 Communications skill category ..........................................................0
Swimming.......................................................................................2 choice of one spoken language...........................................................2
Rowing ............................................................................................1 Special Attacks skill category.............................................................0
Athletic • Gymnastic skill category....................................................1 choice of one skill...........................................................................1
Climbing..........................................................................................1 Technical/Trade • General skill category............................................1
Body development skill category.......................................................0 choice of one skill...........................................................................1
Body Development .........................................................................2 Technical/Trade • professional skill category....................................0
Craft skill category .............................................................................0 Military Organization......................................................................1
Rope Mastery..................................................................................1 Technical/Trade • Vocational skill category.......................................0
Outdoor • Environmental skill category............................................2 Siege Engineering...........................................................................1
Star Gazing......................................................................................1
Stat Gains: Constitution
Weather Watching...........................................................................1
Tech/Trade • General skill category...................................................1 COST BY PROFES SION
Sailing..............................................................................................1 Barbarian …………………… 36
Tech/Trade • Professional skill category............................................0 Fighter ……………………… 34 Thief ……………………… 40
Military Organization (Marine Forces)..........................................1 Rogue ……………………… 37 Layman …………………… 41
Weapon • 1-H Edged skill category...................................................2 Essence Alchemist ………… 51 Magician…………………… 56
Broadsword.....................................................................................2 Animist……………………… 49 Channelling Alchemist …… 49
Weapon • Missile skill category.........................................................2 Lay Healer…………………… 52 Sorceror…………………… 56
Composite Bow...............................................................................2 Astologer…………………… 55 Seer………………………… 52
Stat Gains: None Bard ………………………… 44 Ranger……………………… 42
Drughân……………………… 40 Kekhavra…………………… 49
Vracara……………………… 50 Wegech …………………… 51
Professional Qualifier: Gondorian citizens only.
Barbarian…………………… 47
From the miserly old cloth-maker to the industrious travelling
Fighter……………………… 38 Thief ……………………… 45
silk merchant, everyone eventually deals with a seller of goods.
Rogue ……………………… 43 Layman …………………… 46
Essence Alchemist ………… 55 Magician…………………… 62 Time to Acquire: 23 months
Animist……………………… 55 Channelling Alchemist …… 56
Lay Healer ………………… 55 Sorceror…………………… 62 Starting Money: normal +d10 (open-ended)
Astologer…………………… 61 Seer………………………… 58
Bard………………………… 50 Ranger……………………… 46 Special:
Drughân …………………… 46 Kekhavra…………………… 55 Close friends with a merchant......................................................40
Vracara……………………… 56 Wegech …………………… 55 Close friends with a merchant......................................................40
Close friends with a merchant......................................................40
Merchant’s scale and weights.......................................................30
MERCENARY (L) Trade goods (10d10sp)..................................................................30
A mercenary is an independent soldier who works for the Trade goods (10d10sp)..................................................................30
highest paying employer. Most armies have at least a few mercenar- Trade goods (d10sp)........................................................................0
ies to fill out their ranks (and some are comprised mostly of
mercenaries). Most mercenaries are well-versed in more than one Category or skill # of ranks
culture-and have a good working knowledge of warfare. Communication skill category............................................................3
choice of up to three languages ...........................................3 (total)

Science/Analytic • Basic skill category .............................................1 Favour From An Important Person...............................................40
Basic Math......................................................................................1 Family Jewels (worth d100sp)......................................................30
Technical/Trade • Professional skill category....................................0 d5 Rival Siblings...........................................................................40
Advertising......................................................................................1 Evil relative determined to destroy you .......................................20
Technical/Trade • Vocational skill category.......................................0 Riding horse/beast...........................................................................0
Category or Skill # of ranks
Stat Gains: none
Awareness • Senses skill category......................................................2
Lie Perception.................................................................................1
Barbarian…………………… 27
Poison Perception............................................................................1
Fighter……………………… 25 Thief ……………………… 25
Influence skill category.......................................................................2
Rogue ……………………… 25 Layman …………………… 22
Essence Alchemist ………… 21 Magician…………………… 21
Animist……………………… 21 Channelling Alchemist …… 21
Lore • General skill category..............................................................2
Lay Healer ………………… 21 Sorceror…………………… 21
Astologer…………………… 18 Seer………………………… 18
choice of upto two skills.................................................................2
Bard………………………… 19 Ranger……………………… 24
Outdoor • Animal skill category.........................................................1
Drughân …………………… 24 Kekhavra…………………… 21
Vracara……………………… 21 Wegech …………………… 21
Technical/Trade • Vocational skill category.......................................0
MIDWIFE (V) Stat Gain: Presence
Allways on hand day or night to see that the arrival of the
communities newest member goes without a hitch. The midwife COST BY PROFESSI ON
(almost allways a female) can be found in every community. Barbarian …………………… 24
Knowledgable inthe problems of pregnancy and chilled birth. Fighter ……………………… 25 Thief ……………………… 26
Rogue ……………………… 25 Layman …………………… 26
Time to Acquire: 15 months
Essence Alchemist ………… 28 Magician…………………… 28
Animist……………………… 27 Channelling Alchemist …… 28
Starting Money: normal
Lay Healer…………………… 28 Sorceror…………………… 28
Special: Astologer…………………… 27 Seer………………………… 27
Close friends with a local family..................................................40 Bard ………………………… 25 Ranger……………………… 25
Close friends with a local family..................................................40 Drughân……………………… 27 Kekhavra…………………… 27
Close friends with a local family..................................................40 Vracara……………………… 28 Wegech …………………… 26
d10 doses of Harlinder..................................................................30
Nothing Special...............................................................................0 PERFORMER (V)
Category or skill # of ranks A performer is a character who makes it his business to
Technical/Trade • General..................................................................1 entertain crowds large or small. He will often be found in taverns or
Use prepared herbs..........................................................................1 suqs. He is a restless soul however, and will seldom stay in one
Technical/Trade • Vocational skill category.......................................0 place for very long.
Time to Acquire: 40 months
Preparing Herbs ..............................................................................1
Starting Money: normal +d10 (open-ended)
Stat Gains: none
Barbarian…………………… 18 Disguise kit (+15 non-magic).......................................................50
Fighter……………………… 18 Thief ……………………… 18 Performance props (+10 non-magic)...........................................50
Rogue ……………………… 18 Layman …………………… 18 Close friends with a tavern owner................................................40
Essence Alchemist ………… 18 Magician…………………… 18 Close friends with a tavern owner................................................40
Animist……………………… 18 Channelling Alchemist …… 18 Close friends with a famous performer........................................20
Lay Healer ………………… 18 Sorceror…………………… 18 Make-up kit (+5 non-magic)..........................................................0
Astologer…………………… 18 Seer………………………… 18
Category or Skill # of ranks
Bard………………………… 18 Ranger……………………… 18
Artistic • Active skill category............................................................3
Drughân …………………… 18 Kekhavra…………………… 18
choice of one skill..........................................................................3
Vracara……………………… 18 Wegech …………………… 18
Athletic • Gymnastic skill category....................................................1
choice of one skill...........................................................................1
NOBLE (L) Communications skill category..........................................................5
Nobles are members of the ruling class. They are raised from choice of up to five languages.............................................5 (total)
birth to be leaders and administrators. However, not all nobles rule- Influence skill category.......................................................................2
there are many minor nobles (2nd, 3rd, 4th sons) that do not own or choice of up to two skills.....................................................2 (total)
control lands or money.
Stat Gains: none
Time to Acquire: 88 months
Starting Money: normal + d10 (open-ended)
Barbarian …………………… 32
Special: Fighter ……………………… 29 Thief ……………………… 28
Royal Patron..................................................................................30 Rogue ……………………… 28 Layman …………………… 26
Favour From Royalty....................................................................20 Essence Alchemist ………… 28 Magician…………………… 27

Animist……………………… 27 Channelling Alchemist …… 28 Access to a library or other collection of manuscripts.................70
Lay Healer ………………… 27 Sorceror…………………… 27 Book (+10 to one lore)..................................................................50
Astologer…………………… 23 Seer………………………… 23 Book (+10 to one lore)..................................................................50
Bard………………………… 17 Ranger……………………… 29 Friends with a library curator or archivist....................................50
Drughân …………………… 29 Kekhavra…………………… 27 Book (+10 to one specific General or Obscure Lore)..................40
Vracara……………………… 27 Wegech …………………… 25 knowledge of an artifact (history, powers and/or location; GM
SAILOR (V) Knowledge of a secret about the local region (GM discretion)..30
Consulted by one or more personages of importance in local
A sailor rarely travels inland; preferring to feel the spray of the
ocean on his face. He is perfectly at home on the water (though he
Writing implements and a journal ..................................................0
might spend a bit of time in the taverns on the docks).
Category or Skill # of ranks
Time to Acquire: 28 months
Crafts skill category............................................................................0
Choice of Scribing or Calligraphy..................................................2
Starting Money: normal Lore • General skill category..............................................................4
Special: choice of up to 4 skills.........................................................4 (total)
Passage credit on a ship................................................................50 Lore • Magical skill category..............................................................3
Trade good (10d10sp)...................................................................40 choice of up to 2 skills.........................................................3 (total)
Passage credit on a ship................................................................50 Lore • Obscure skill category .............................................................2
Passage credit on a ship................................................................50 choice of one skill...........................................................................2
Close friends with a tavern owner................................................20 Lore • Technical skill category...........................................................2
Close friends with a ship captain..................................................20 choice of 2 skills...............................................................2 (total)
Passage credit on a ship..................................................................0 Science/Analytical • Basic skill category...........................................2
choice of one skill...........................................................................2
Category or Skill # of ranks Science/Analytical • Specialized skill category................................0
Athletic • Endurance skill category....................................................2 choice of one skill...........................................................................2
Swimming.......................................................................................2 Spells • Own Realm TP skill category†..............................................0
Athletic • Gymnastic skill category....................................................1 Delving spell list ............................................................................3
Climbing.........................................................................................1 Knowledge Mastery spell list .........................................................3
Crafting skill category........................................................................0
Choice of Rope Mastery, †category is Spells • Other Realm TP if character does not use the
Sail Making, Carpentry or Shipwright...........................................1 realm of Mentalism. Use cost in brackets for non-spell user of a dif-
Lore • General skill category..............................................................2 ferent realm.
choice of two skills.............................................................. 2 (total)
Outdoor • Environmental skill category.............................................1 Professional Qualifier: none
choice of Star Gazing or Weather Watching ..................................1
Technical/Trade • General..................................................................1 Lifestyle Skills: none
Stat Gains: none
Stat Gains: none
Barbarian ……………… 51(55)
Barbarian…………………… 19
Fighter ………………… 51(55) Thief ……………………50(54)
Fighter……………………… 20 Thief ……………………… 19
Rogue ………………… 50(54) Layman …………………48(53)
Rogue ……………………… 19 Layman …………………… 20
Essence Alchemist ………… 43 Magician…………………… 45
Essence Alchemist ………… 26 Magician…………………… 24
Animist……………………… 45 Channelling Alchemist …… 45
Animist……………………… 22 Channelling Alchemist …… 25
Lay Healer…………………… 39 Sorceror…………………… 45
Lay Healer ………………… 24 Sorceror…………………… 24
Astologer…………………… 38 Seer………………………… 36
Astologer…………………… 23 Seer………………………… 24
Bard ………………………… 42 Ranger……………………… 50
Bard………………………… 20 Ranger……………………… 18
Drughân……………………… 50 Kekhavra…………………… 39
Drughân …………………… 20 Kekhavra…………………… 22
Vracara……………………… 39 Wegech …………………… 45
Vracara……………………… 23 Wegech …………………… 23


Scout can find employment in a variety of settings. Their
The sage is the consummate scholar, with an unparalleled
general duties include travelling in front of a group for the purposes
enthusiasm for learning, who acquires and assimilates knowledge
of finding hazards and/or dangers for the rest of the group to avoid.
from many sources, and can, by dint of special training, discern
much from a simple examination of an object, whether it be Time to Acquire: 33 months
commonplace or magical. Many Sages dedicate their lives to the
preservation of knowledge, and will be found copying manuscripts Starting Money: normal +d10 (open-ended)
in libraries or recording scraps of knowledge for posterity in their
journals. Special:
1 detailed map of a region.............................................................40
Time to Acquire: 171 months d10 sketchy maps of several regions............................................40
Good riding beast (+10 Riding)....................................................30
Starting Money: normal Missile weapon (+5 non-magic)...................................................20
Riding beast (GM’s discretion).......................................................0

Category or skill # of ranks Bard ………………………… 26 Ranger……………………… 31
Outdoor • Environmental skill category.............................................3 Drughân……………………… 31 Kekhavra…………………… 31
choice of up to three skills................................................... 3 (total) Vracara……………………… 31 Wegech31
Outdoor • Animal skill category.........................................................2
choice of up to two skills..................................................... 2 (total) SELLI NIENNAVA (L)
Awareness • Searching skill category.................................................4
Dedicated to healing, the Selli Niennava (Q. Sisters of Nienna)
run charity hostels and hospitals through out Eriador. It is the
Read Tracks.....................................................................................1
prominent organization of this kind in Eriador.
Tracking ..........................................................................................1
Weapon skill category (choice)..........................................................1 Time to Acquire: 120 months
choice of one skill...........................................................................1
Stat Gains: none Starting Money: normal
COST BY P ROFESSION High quality medical kit (+15).....................................................50
D10 concussion repair herbs.........................................................30
Barbarian…………………… 21
D10 poison antidotes.....................................................................40
Fighter……………………… 24 Thief ……………………… 23
D10 general purpose herbs ...........................................................30
Rogue ……………………… 21 Layman …………………… 27
D10 burn/exposure herbs..............................................................30
Essence Alchemist ………… 34 Magician…………………… 37
D10 circulatory repair herbs.........................................................50
Animist……………………… 22 Channelling Alchemist …… 30
Medical Kit (+5 nm).......................................................................0
Lay Healer ………………… 35 Sorceror…………………… 37
Astologer…………………… 32 Seer………………………… 30 Category or Skill # of ranks
Bard………………………… 27 Ranger……………………… 18 Lore • Technical..................................................................................0
Drughân …………………… 24 Kekhavra…………………… 22 Herb Lore........................................................................................2
Vracara……………………… 30 Wegech …………………… 33 Poison Lore.....................................................................................1
Tech/Trade • Professional category....................................................0
SCRIBE (V) Physic .............................................................................................2
Second Aid or Surgery ...................................................................2
A Scribe is usually an educated individual that makes a living
Tech/Trade • General category ...........................................................0
by writing. Scribes can also be found copying manuscripts and
First Aid...........................................................................................2
other documents. Scribes seldom travel, but when they do, it is
Use Prepared Herbs.........................................................................2
usually in the service of a patron or scholar who seeks to deliver a
Tech/Trade • Vocational category.......................................................0
message or obtain a rare bit of lore.
Choice of Midwifery or Apothecary ..............................................2
Time to Acquire: 45 months Spells • Own Realm Open/Closed List Skill Category†....................0
choice of one spell list*.......................................................2 (total)
Starting Money: normal †category is Spells • Other Realm Open/Closed if character does not
Special: use the realm of Channelling. Use cost in brackets for non-spell
Set of pens and inkwell (+10 non-magic)....................................30 users of a different realm.
Book (+10 non-magic to a specific lore skill).............................50
Contacts in local church................................................................30 • choose from Concussion’s Ways, Purifications, Muscle Law,
Contacts amoung the nobility.......................................................40 Nerve Law, Organ Law
Esoteric arcane knowledge (GM discretion)................................10
Set of pens and inkwell (+5 non-magic)........................................0 Stat Gains: Intuition.
Category or skill # of ranks
Professional Qualifiers: Female characters only.
Artistic • Passive skill category..........................................................1
Choice of Painting or Poeetry.........................................................1
Science/Analytic • Basic skill category .............................................1 COST BY PROFESSION
Basic Math......................................................................................1 Barbarian ……………… 48(59)
Self control skill category...................................................................1 Fighter ………………… 47(58) Thief ……………………45(57)
mnemonics......................................................................................2 Rogue ………………… 43(54) Layman …………………40(50)
Crafts skill category............................................................................0 Essence Alchemist ………… 40 Magician…………………… 40
Calligraphy......................................................................................2 Animist……………………… 36 Channelling Alchemist …… 36
Scribing...........................................................................................2 Lay Healer…………………… 40 Sorcerer …………………… 36
Communications skill category..........................................................2 Astrologer…………………… 36 Seer………………………… 40
choice of one written language.......................................................5 Bard ………………………… 48 Ranger……………………… 39
Drughân……………………… 39 Kekhavra…………………… 36
Stat Gains: Memory Vracara……………………… 36 Wegech …………………… 36

Barbarian…………………… 34 In tribal communities, there are seldom organized churches.
Fighter……………………… 31 Thief ……………………… 31 Instead, the groups often lead by a single religious leader. This
Rogue ……………………… 31 Layman …………………… 29 leader will often use animal totems and other forces of nature to
Essence Alchemist ………… 32 Magician…………………… 32 assist him in his duties. Shaman Priest are a repected member of the
Animist……………………… 31 Channelling Alchemist …… 31 community in most societies; but in some (Orc, Variag, dark
Lay Healer ………………… 29 Sorceror…………………… 31 societies) their position is based on fear and power.
Astologer…………………… 29 Seer………………………… 27

Time to Acquire: 69 months Choose Bash, Grapple, Claw and/or Bite...........................4 (Total)
Stat Gains: Self Discipline.
Starting Money: normal
Special: Professional Qualifier: ABeijabar with the ability to change into a
Divination Aid (+15 nm to Divination)........................................50 bear.
Large animal companion (GM’s choice)......................................20
Spell adder (+1).............................................................................40 COST BY PROFES SION
Daily I spell item (2nd level spell)...............................................40
Weapon (+10 non-magic).............................................................40 Barbarian …………………… 35
Armour (+10 non-magic)..............................................................40 Fighter ……………………… 36 Thief ……………………… 35
Favourable reputation or Disreputable reputation (choice).........30 Rogue ……………………… 35 Layman …………………… 41
Small animal companion (GM’s choice)......................................40 Essence Alchemist ………… 56 Magician…………………… 55
Divination Aid (+5 nm to Divination)............................................0 Animist……………………… 53 Channelling Alchemist …… 54
Lay Healer…………………… 51 Sorceror…………………… 55
Category or Skill # of ranks Astologer…………………… 54 Seer………………………… 51
Outdoor • Animal skill category.........................................................3 Bard ………………………… 45 Ranger……………………… 39
choice of up to four skills.................................................... 3 (total) Drughân……………………… 42 Kekhavra…………………… 53
Spells • Own Realm Open List skill category....................................0 Vracara……………………… 53 Wegech …………………… 55
choice of one list.................................................................. 2 (total)
Power • Awareness skill category......................................................2
Divination............................................................................. 2 (total)
Influence skill category......................................................................1 A spy is a person who makes it his job to infiltrate enemy
choice of one skill...........................................................................1 positions, gather information, and return that information to his
Lore • General skill category..............................................................2 people.
choice of up to two skills..................................................... 2 (total) Time to Acquire: 44 months
Stat Gains: Intuition, Presence
Starting Money: normal +d10 (open-ended)
Professional Qualifier: Channeling users only. Special:
COST BY PROFES SION False identification (+10 non-magic)...........................................50
Barbarian…………………… 47 Cloak (+10 non-magic).................................................................40
Fighter……………………… 46 Thief ……………………… 43 Contacts within friendly government...........................................40
Rogue ……………………… 40 Layman …………………… 35 Lock picks (+10 non-magic).........................................................30
Essence Alchemist ………… 30 Magician…………………… 30 Important papers (worth 10d10sp)...............................................20
Animist……………………… 28 Channelling Alchemist …… 31 Weapon (+5 non-magic)..................................................................0
Lay Healer ………………… 31 Sorceror…………………… 31 Category or skill # of ranks
Astologer…………………… 31 Seer………………………… 31 Subterfuge • Stealth skill category......................................................4
Bard………………………… 33 Ranger……………………… 34 choice of up to four skills....................................................4 (total)
Drughân …………………… 33 Kekhavra…………………… 28 Subterfuge • Mechanics skill category...............................................1
Vracara……………………… 31 Wegech …………………… 29 choice of one skill...........................................................................1
Awareness • Searching skill category.................................................2
SKUIFTLAIKAR (V) choice of up to two skills.....................................................2 (total)
The Skuiftlaikar (Rh. shape-changer) seeks to understand and Awareness • Perceptions skill category..............................................0
embrace his ability to transformation into a Bear. To master the Alertness..........................................................................................1
senses and abilities of this new form. Communications skill category ..........................................................2
choice of up to two skills.....................................................2 (total)
Time to Acquire: 15 months. Influence skill category.......................................................................2
choice of up to two skills.....................................................2 (total)
Starting Money: normal.
Stat Gains: none
Friends with local bears................................................................50 COST BY PROFES SION
Knowledge of a good fishing spot................................................40
Friends with a local Animist.........................................................40 Barbarian …………………… 27
Asecluded cave...............................................................................0 Fighter ……………………… 28 Thief ……………………… 23
Rogue ……………………… 24 Layman …………………… 27
Category or Skill # of ranks Essence Alchemist ………… 43 Magician…………………… 39
Athletic • Endurance skill category....................................................2 Animist……………………… 33 Channelling Alchemist …… 41
Choose from Distance Running, Swimming, and/or Sprinting.....2 Lay Healer…………………… 42 Sorceror…………………… 41
Athletic • Gymnastics skill category..................................................2 Astologer…………………… 38 Seer………………………… 37
Climbing..........................................................................................2 Bard ………………………… 26 Ranger……………………… 25
Awareness • Perceptions skill category..............................................0 Drughân……………………… 31 Kekhavra…………………… 33
Alertness..........................................................................................2 Vracara……………………… 38 Wegech …………………… 40
Awareness • Senses skill category......................................................2
Sense Awareness (choose from taste, smell, sight or hearing)......2
Self Control skill category..................................................................4
Shape-changing...............................................................................4 In almost every culture there is a professional warrior; whose
Special Attacks skill category.............................................................0 job is to protect the peoples of that culture. If a promotion is gained

(in the Special section), the character has been promoted in the COST BY PROFES SION
ranks (more promotions equate to higher ranks).
Barbarian …………………… 31
Time to Acquire: 26 months Fighter ……………………… 29 Thief ……………………… 29
Rogue ……………………… 29 Layman …………………… 29
Starting Money: normal +d10 (open-ended) Essence Alchemist ………… 24 Magician…………………… 26
Animist……………………… 26 Channelling Alchemist …… 26
Lay Healer…………………… 26 Sorceror…………………… 26
Melee Weapon (+10 non-magic)..................................................30
Astrologer…………………… 26 Seer………………………… 26
Missile Weapon (+10 non-magic)................................................30
Bard ………………………… 27 Ranger……………………… 27
Shield (+10 non-magic)................................................................40
Drughân……………………… 27 Kekhavra…………………… 26
Helm (+ 10 non-magic)................................................................50
Vracara……………………… 26 Wegech …………………… 26
Armour (+10 non-magic)..............................................................40
Friends with a ranking officer......................................................20
Promotion......................................................................................20 TERRITORIAL CORPS (V)
Promotion......................................................................................20 Each lord or govenor (except Anórien, Ithilien, Lebennin) was
Promotion......................................................................................20 responsible for recruiting a body of men to be stationed at cities and
Promotion......................................................................................20 fortressess in his domain. The territorial Corps consisted mainly of
Promotion......................................................................................20 infantry supported by skirmishers and archers.
Nothing special ..............................................................................0
Time to Acquire: 26 months
Category or Skill # of ranks
Weapon skill category (choice)..........................................................2 Starting Money: normal +d10 (open-ended)
choice of one skill...........................................................................2
Armour • Light skill category.............................................................2 Special:
choice of one skill...........................................................................2 Melee Weapon (+10 non-magic)..................................................30
Lore • General skill category..............................................................1 Missile Weapon (+10 non-magic).................................................30
Heraldry...........................................................................................1 Shield (+10 non-magic)................................................................40
Body Development skill category......................................................0 Helm (+ 10 non-magic).................................................................50
Body Development.........................................................................2 Armour (+10 non-magic)..............................................................40
Technical/Trade • Professional skill category....................................0 Friends with a ranking officer.......................................................20
Military Organization.....................................................................1 Promotion......................................................................................20
Stat Gains: none Promotion......................................................................................20
COST BY P ROFESSION Promotion......................................................................................20
Nothing special...............................................................................0
Barbarian…………………… 22
Fighter……………………… 20 Thief ……………………… 27 Category or Skill # of ranks
Rogue ……………………… 23 Layman …………………… 28 Weapon Polearm skill category .........................................................2
Essence Alchemist ………… 38 Magician…………………… 50 Spear................................................................................................2
Animist……………………… 36 Channelling Alchemist …… 37 Weapon 1-HEdged skill category......................................................1
Lay Healer ………………… 39 Sorceror…………………… 50 Dager...............................................................................................1
Astologer…………………… 47 Seer………………………… 42 Armour • Light skill category.............................................................2
Bard………………………… 29 Ranger……………………… 28 Rigid Leather...................................................................................2
Drughân …………………… 26 Kekhavra…………………… 36 Lore • General skill category..............................................................1
Vracara……………………… 37 Wegech …………………… 36 Heraldry (Gondorian)......................................................................1
Body Development skill category......................................................0
Body Development.........................................................................2
SURGEON (V) Technical/Trade • Professional skill category....................................0
A practioner in the arts of bone setting, amutation and poking Military Organization (Ground Forces)..........................................1
around your insides. This training package includes those people
who are dedicated surgeons and those who are called upon to do it Stat Gains: none
because of there association with sharp implements. e.g.; car-
penters, buthchers, barbers, retired soldiers. professional Qualifier: Gondorians only.
Time to Acquire: 18 months
Starting Money: normal Barbarian …………………… 24
Fighter ……………………… 22 Thief ……………………… 29
Rogue ……………………… 26 Layman …………………… 30
Acollection of sharp knives.........................................................50
Essence Alchemist ………… 45 Magician…………………… 55
Nothing special ..............................................................................0
Animist……………………… 41 Channelling Alchemist …… 43
Category or Skill # of ranks Lay Healer…………………… 45 Sorceror…………………… 55
Science/Analtic • Specialized.............................................................0 Astologer…………………… 53 Seer………………………… 49
Anatomy..........................................................................................2 Bard ………………………… 34 Ranger……………………… 31
Technical/Trade • Professional...........................................................0 Drughân……………………… 29 Kekhavra…………………… 41
Second Aid......................................................................................2 Vracara……………………… 43 Wegech …………………… 41
choice oo one skill...........................................................................1
(RESERVISTS) (V) Body Developmentskill category.......................................................0
Each lord or govenor (except Anórien, Ithilien, Lebennin) was Body Development..........................................................................1
responsible for recruiting a body of men to be stationed at cities and
Awareness • Searching skill category.................................................4
fortressess in his domain. The territorial Corps consisted mainly of
Observation .....................................................................................1
infantry supported by skirmishers and archers. The reservists serve
Read Tracks.....................................................................................1
a few monthe each year, practising their skills during free time from
their normal occupation.
Time to Acquire: 10 months Awareness • Senses skill category......................................................2
Sense Awareness (smell).................................................................2
Starting Money: normal Outdoor Environmental......................................................................2
choice of upto two skills......................................................2 (total)
Special: Subterfuge • Attack skill category......................................................2
Melee Weapon (+10 non-magic)..................................................30 choice of upto two skills).....................................................2 (total)
Missile Weapon (+10 non-magic)................................................30 Subterfuge • Stealth skill category......................................................1
Shield (+10 non-magic)................................................................40 Stalking or Hide..............................................................................1
Helm (+ 10 non-magic).................................................................50 Technical/Trade • General skill category............................................1
Armour (+10 non-magic)..............................................................40 Orienteering.....................................................................................1
Friends with a ranking officer......................................................20
Nothing special ..............................................................................0 Stat Gains: none

Category or Skill # of ranks Professional Qualifier: half-orcs, orcs and Uruk-hai only.
Weapon 1-H Edged skill category......................................................1 COST BY PROFES SION
choice of Short Sword or Broadsword...........................................1 Barbarian …………………… 29
Weapon Missile skill category............................................................1 Fighter ……………………… 37 Thief ……………………… 29
Composite Bow...............................................................................1 Rogue ……………………… 31 Layman …………………… 39
Armour • Light skill category.............................................................1 Essence Alchemist ………… 52 Magician…………………… 53
choice of Soft leather or Rigid Leather..........................................1 Animist……………………… 45 Channelling Alchemist …… 51
Lore • General skill category..............................................................1 Lay Healer…………………… 52 Sorceror…………………… 53
Heraldry (Gondorian) .....................................................................1 Astologer…………………… 51 Seer………………………… 50
Technical/Trade • Professional skill category....................................0 Bard ………………………… 47 Ranger……………………… 34
Military Organization (Ground Forces).........................................1 Drughân……………………… 47 Kekhavra…………………… 45
Vracara……………………… 50 Wegech …………………… 51
Stat Gains: none

professional Qualifier: Gondorians only.

The traveller is simply that, a traveller. He is somewhat
COST BY P ROFESSION knowledgeable about his local region and knows the basics of the
Barbarian…………………… 18 Time to Acquire: 18 months
Fighter……………………… 17 Thief ……………………… 21 Staring Money: normal
Rogue ……………………… 20 Layman …………………… 22
Essence Alchemist ………… 29 Magician…………………… 46
Animist……………………… 29 Channelling Alchemist …… 29 Weather-resistant clothing.............................................................80
Lay Healer ………………… 29 Sorceror…………………… 46 Riding beast (GM’s discretion).....................................................30
Astologer…………………… 43 Seer………………………… 37 Simple map of the local region.......................................................0
Bard………………………… 25 Ranger……………………… 23
Category or Skill # of ranks
Drughân …………………… 21 Kekhavra…………………… 29
Athletic • Gymnastic skill category....................................................1
Vracara……………………… 29 Wegech …………………… 30
Athletci • Endurance skill category....................................................1
TRACKER (V) Swimming .......................................................................................1
Trackers are Orc scouts. They are highly trained at reconnais- Awareness • Searching skill category.................................................1
sance, ambush and infiltration. They are are trained at developing Observation .....................................................................................1
their sense of smell. Outdoor • Environmental skill category.............................................1
choice of one sill .............................................................................1
Time to Acquire: 40 months
Outdoor • Animal sill category...........................................................1
Starting Money: normal
Stat Gains: none
Dark Cloak (+15 Hiding non-magic)...........................................50
Leather Armour (+10 non-magic)................................................50
Boots (+10 Stalking non-magic)...................................................40 Barbarian …………………… 12
Weapon (+10 non-magic).............................................................40 Fighter ……………………… 13 Thief ……………………… 12
Cloak (+5 Hiding non-magic).......................................................30 Rogue ……………………… 11 Layman …………………… 14
Boots (+5 Stalking non-magic).....................................................30 Essence Alchemist ………… 23 Magician…………………… 20
Melee weapon (+5 non-magia).......................................................0 Animist……………………… 13 Channelling Alchemist …… 21
Lay Healer…………………… 20 Sorceror…………………… 20
Category or Skill # of ranks
Astologer…………………… 18 Seer………………………… 18
Weapon skill category (choice)..........................................................1

Bard………………………… 14 Ranger……………………… 11 choice of up to five skills.....................................................5 (total)
Drughân …………………… 14 Kekhavra…………………… 13 Weapon skill category #2....................................................................4
Vracara……………………… 18 Wegech …………………… 19 choice of up to four skills....................................................4 (total)
Weapon skill category #3....................................................................3
WANDERER (L) choice of up to three skills...................................................3 (total)
choice of one other skill..................................................................1
The wanderer is similar to a traveller, except he has no “home”
Weapon skill category #4....................................................................1
region. he has forsaken any roots and chooses instead to wander the
choice of one skill...........................................................................1
Stat Gains: Strength, Agility
Time to Acquire: 95 months
Starting Money: normal
Barbarian …………………… 43
Special: Fighter ……………………… 38 Thief ……………………… 49
Rogue ……………………… 47 Layman …………………… 50
Weather-resistant clothing............................................................80
Essence Alchemist ………… 63 Magician…………………… 73
Riding beast (GM’s discretion)....................................................40
Animist……………………… 60 Channelling Alchemist …… 64
Cloak (+5 Hiding).........................................................................30
Lay Healer…………………… 65 Sorceror…………………… 73
Boots (+5 Stalking).......................................................................30
Astologer…………………… 73 Seer………………………… 70
Simple map of the known world....................................................0
Bard ………………………… 56 Ranger……………………… 53
Category or Skill # of ranks Drughân……………………… 49 Kekhavra…………………… 60
Lore • General skill category..............................................................3 Vracara……………………… 60 Wegech …………………… 61
choice of up to three skills................................................... 3 (total)
Note: No more than two ranks may be allocated to any one weapon
Athletic • Gymnastic skill category..................................................1
Athletic • Endurance skill category....................................................1
Swimming.......................................................................................1 WOLFRIDER (L)
Awareness • Searching skill category.................................................1
Wolfriders are those Orcs who act as cavalry for marauding
bands, mounted upon numerous species of wolf indiginous to their
Outdoor • Environmental skill category.............................................3
area. Some can be found riding riding Scara-gul, undead wolves
choice of up to three skills.................................................... 3(total)
who leave no bodies when killed.
Outdoor • Animal skill category........................................................1
Riding..............................................................................................1 Time to Acquire: 116 months
Communications skill category..........................................................3
choice of up to three skills................................................... 3 (total) Starting Money: normal
Stat Gains: Constitution Special:
Trained riding beast (wolf GM choice of species).......................50
COST BY P ROFESSION Weapon (+15 non-magic weapon)................................................50
Armour (+10 non-magic)..............................................................50
Barbarian…………………… 31
Superior saddle/tack (+5 nm Riding, Mounted Combat).............40
Fighter……………………… 31 Thief ……………………… 30
Shield (+10 non-magic)................................................................30
Rogue ……………………… 29 Layman …………………… 29
Trained riding beast (Warg)..........................................................30
Essence Alchemist ………… 35 Magician…………………… 34
Other equipment (+5 non-magic)...................................................0
Animist……………………… 28 Channelling Alchemist …… 33
Lay Healer ………………… 34 Sorceror…………………… 34 Category or Skill # of ranks
Astologer…………………… 29 Seer………………………… 31 Weapon skill category #1....................................................................2
Bard………………………… 28 Ranger……………………… 28 choice of one skill...........................................................................2
Drughân …………………… 30 Kekhavra…………………… 28 Weapon skill category #2....................................................................1
Vracara……………………… 31 Wegech …………………… 32 choice of one skill...........................................................................1
Body Development skil category .......................................................0
WEAPON MASTER (L) Body Development.........................................................................2
Armour • Light or Medium skill category..........................................2
A weapon master has made a life out of studying and perfecting
choice of one skill...........................................................................2
the use of weapons. However, he seldom has learned much beyond
Lore • General skill category..............................................................1
the use of weapons.
Culture Lore (dwarf or Elf).............................................................1
Time to Acquire: 95 months Combat Manoeuvres skill category....................................................0
Mounted Combat.............................................................................2
Starting Money: normal Outdoor • Animal skill category.........................................................4
Riding (wolves)...............................................................................1
Special: choice of up to two skills.....................................................3 (total)
Weapon (+15 non-magic).............................................................40
Weapon (+15 non-magic).............................................................40 Stat Gains: Strength
Weapon (+10 non-magic).............................................................30
Weapon (+10 non-magic).............................................................30 Professional Qualifier: half-orcs, orcs and Uruk-hai only.
Weapon (+5 non-magic).................................................................0
Category or Skill # of ranks
Weapon skill category #1 ...................................................................5 Barbarian …………………… 35

Fighter……………………… 31 Thief ……………………… 41
Rogue ……………………… 35 Layman …………………… 42
Essence Alchemist ………… 55 Magician…………………… 60
Animist……………………… 53 Channelling Alchemist …… 55
Lay Healer ………………… 54 Sorceror…………………… 60
Astologer…………………… 59 Seer………………………… 56
Bard………………………… 46 Ranger……………………… 42
Drughân …………………… 41 Kekhavra…………………… 53
Vracara……………………… 55 Wegech …………………… 55

A zealot is a fanatic for a religion. They are generally enthusi-
astic, but not necessarily aggressive.
Time to Acquire: 73 months

Starting Money: normal

Weapon (+10 non-magic).............................................................30
Daily I item (level 1 spell)............................................................30
Special religious token/sigil............................................................0
Category or Skill # of ranks
Lore • General skill category..............................................................4
specific lore related to the cause....................................................1
Communications skill category..........................................................2
native language...............................................................................2
Influence skill category......................................................................3
Public Speaking..............................................................................3
Weapon/Attack skill category.............................................................1
choice of one skill...........................................................................1
Stat Gains: Intuition

Barbarian…………………… 29
Fighter……………………… 27 Thief ……………………… 28
Rogue ……………………… 28 Layman …………………… 27
Essence Alchemist ………… 28 Magician…………………… 32
Animist……………………… 30 Channelling Alchemist …… 30
Lay Healer ………………… 30 Sorcerer…………………… 32
Astologer…………………… 30 Seer………………………… 28
Bard………………………… 24 Ranger……………………… 29
Drughân …………………… 28 Kekhavra…………………… 30
Vracara……………………… 30 Wegech …………………… 27

Very Very
Your character’s minimum starting age is sixteen plus the
roll Po or Poor Normal Rich Rich
months required for any training packages that he starts with. He
can be any age that is greater than his minimum. AGM may wish to 01-10 5 ip 1tp 2tp 3cp 5bp
modify this minimum based upon the race being played, as 11-20 5 tp 1cp 2cp 6bp 2 sp
suggested below. 21-30 1cp 2cp 4cp 12bp 4 sp
31-35 5cp 1bp 2bp 24bp 1 5sp
• Dwarf, 50 plus the months required for any starting package. 36-40 2bp 35cp 7bp 48bp 3gp
• Elf, 125 plus the months required for any starting package. 41-45 5bp 75cp 15bp 96bp 15gp
46-50 1sp 15bp 3 sp 1gp spg* 30gp
• Hobbits, 23 plus the months required for any starting package. 51-55 1 5bp 25bp spg(5sp )* spg(15s p)* 60gp
• Orcs, Uruk-hai, 9 plus the months required for any starting 56-60 2 sp 35bp spg(7sp )* 2gp 80gp
package. 61-65 2 5bp 45bp 9 sp 3gp s pg(100gp)*
66-70 3sp 5 sp 1gp 4gp 125gp
• Dunlendings, Easterlings, Haradrim, Variags, Lossoth, 13 plus the
71-75 3 5bp 55bp 11 sp 15gp 150gp
months required for any starting package.
76-80 4sp 6 sp 1 2sp 25gp 250gp
• Beijabar, Dorwinrim, Gramuz, Rohirrim, Woodmen, 15 plus the 81-85 4 5bp 65bp 1 3sp 35gp pg(300gp )*
months required for any starting package. 86-90 5sp 75bp 1 5sp 45gp pg(500gp )*
• Gimútéothraim, 14 plus the months required for any starting 91-94 s pg(5sp)* s pg(75bp)* spg(15s p)* pg(50gp)* jw(700gp )*
package. 95-97 s pg(6sp)* spg(9sp )* spg(18s p)* pg(100gp )* jw(1000gp )*
98-99 jw(7sp)* jw(1 2sp)* jw(2 4sp)* jw(200gp )* jw(2500gp )*
• Eriadorians, Gondorians, 16 plus the months required for any 100 jw(10sp )* jw(1 5sp)* jw(3 0sp)* jw(300gp )* jw(5000gp )*
starting package. •: s pg = semi-precios gem(s ), pg = precious gem(s ), jw = jewelled object(s )
• Black Numenoreans, Corsair, Dunedain 20 plus the months
required for any starting package. TOTALING THE BONUSES
At this point you must determine and total your bonuses for all
• Umli, 25 plus the months required for any starting package. of your character’s skills and other capabilities. In addition, you
• Drughu, 8 plus the months required for any starting package. should record that your character is 1st level and has 10,000
Experience points.


Your character automatically begins the game with the equip- For each of your stats, the basic stat bonus from the Basic Stat
ment and money listed below. Bonus Table T-2.1, the racial stat bonus modification from the Race
Abilities Table T-1.1, and any special bonuses should already be
• Up to two normal weapons of your choice (in addition to any spe- recorded in the appropriate space next to the stats on your Character
cial items). You must have a skill rank of at least one in each Record Sheet. So, add the values for each stat and record the total in
weapon skill that applies to each weapon. the “Stat Bonus” space.
• One suit of armour if your appropriate adjusted Armour skill Then for each skill, you need to record the sum of the bonuses
bonus for that armour is -10 or higher. for the stats that apply to that skill.
• Clothes (including cloak and boots), scabbards for your weapons, SKILL BONUSES
a weapon belt, belt pouch, and normal personal effects. Total the number of skill ranks for each skill and determine the
• Any equipment and money (or it’s equivalent in belongings, as bonus from the Skill Bonus Table T-2.2. Then record each bonus on
suggested in the culture descriptions) from spending talent points. the appropriate skill’s bonus line of your Character Record Sheet.

• Any equipment and money (or it’s equivalent in belongings, as SKILL CATEGORY RANK BONUSES
suggested in the culture descriptions)gained through training Total the number of ranks for each skill category and determine
packages. the bonus from the Skill Bonus Table T-2.2. Then record each bonus
on the appropriate skill bonus lines of your Character Record Sheet
• Any equipment purchased with your starting money.
(i.e., on each line for a skill that is in that category).
• Money (or it’s equivalent in belongings, as suggested in the cul-
ture descriptions)from a roll on the Starting Wealth Chart, based PROFESSIONAL BONUSES
on your wealth level. All characters begin the game with a wealth Each profession receives bonuses for certain skill categories.
level of very poor, unless Talent points have been spent to in- Record these bonuses in the profession Bonuses spaces of all skill
crease it. This roll is modified as shown in the chart below. categories to which they apply.


Wealth Level Mod ification Certain magic items provide bonuses to certain skills. Record
Very Poor............................................ +60 these bonuses on your Character Record Sheet.
Poor. ................................................... +50
Normal................................................ +45
These bonuses can come from background options, spells,
Rich . ................................................... +30
equipment penalties, etc. Record these bonuses on your Character
Very rich ............................................. +10 Record Sheet.

S KI LL BONUS TABLE T-2.2 Your base Defensive Bonus vs. Base Spell =
Standard Standard Combined Special Item Bonus
Skill Rank Skill Category Skill Rank Your base Defensive Bonus vs. Directed Spell =
Rank Bonus Bonus Bonus (3 x Qu Stat Bonus - Armour Quickness Penalty [minimum of
0 -15 -15 -30 0]) + Shield Bonus + Special Item Bonus ± Bonus for Helmet +
1 3 2 5 Armour Quality + Half Adrenal Defense Skill Bonus (only if skill is
being actively used) or Tumbling Evasion Skill Ranks (only if skill
2 6 4 10
is being actively used)
3 9 6 15
Your base Defensive Bonus vs. Area Spell =
4 12 8 20
(3 x Qu Stat Bonus - Armour Quickness Penalty [minimum of
5 15 10 25 0]) + Special Item Bonus ± Bonus for Helmet + Half Armour
6 18 12 30 Quality
7 21 14 35
8 24 16 40 HITS
You should record your Body Development skill bonus in the
9 27 18 45
space marked “Hits”. NB evrybody gets a special +10 bonus to their
10 30 20 50 body development skill.
11 32 21 53
12 34 22 56 POWER POINTS
13 36 23 59 You should record your Power Point Development skill bonus
14 38 24 62 in the space marked “PPs”.
16 42 26 68 As a character acts he expends Exhaustion points; e.g., for
17 44 27 71 combat, movement, etc. Each character has a maximum number of
18 46 28 74 exhaustion points (ExPs) equal to:
19 48 29 77 40 + (3 x Co stat bonus) + any special bonuses
20 50 30 80
21 51 31 82 Appearance ia a value (1-100) which gives a general idea of the
22 52 31 83 character’s exterior look to other members of his race (e.g., an 01 or
23 53 32 85 02 Appearance would indicate a really ugly person, while a 99 or 00
24 54 32 86 would indicate a very handsome character).
25 55 33 88 Potential Appearance =
26 56 33 89 d100 (not open-ended) + 3 * Pr stat bonus
27 57 34 91 with results above 99 treated as 100, and results below 02
28 58 34 92 treated as 01.
29 59 35 94 A characters temporary Appearance is equal to his potential
appearance, if he is well groomed and well dressed (GM discretion).
30 60 35 95
Potential Appearance can rise or drop during play due to circum-
31+ 60 + 0.5 per 35 95 + 0.5 per stances (e.g., scars, diseases, increases in Presence, etc.).
rank over 30 rank over 30


Finally, for each skill and capability, you must add together the % of character’s weight
individual bonuses and record the result in the Total Bonus space on in dead weight
the player Character Record Sheet. These “Total” skill bonuses are
more less than Encumbrance
the values that are actually used in play.
than or equal to Penalty
Your defensive bonus has a section on your Character Record 10 20 -8
Sheet. You should fill in the space with the appropriate values: 3 20 30 -16
times your Qu stat bonus, Armour Quickness penalty (if any),
30 40 -24
Adrenal Defense skill bonus (if any), your shield bonus (if any),
and any special bonuses. 40 50 -32
For refferance: - 50 60 -40
Your base Defensive Bonus vs. Melee = 60 70 -48
(3 x Qu Stat Bonus - Armour Quickness Penalty [minimum of 70 80 -56
0]) + Shield Bonus + Special Item Bonus + Armour Quality + 80 90 -64
Adrenal Defense Skill Bonus (only if skill is being actively used) or 90 100 -72
Tumbling Evasion Skill Ranks (only if skill is being actively used) 100 110 -80
Your base Defensive Bonus vs. Missile = 110 120 -88
(3 x Qu Stat Bonus - Armour Quickness Penalty [minimum of 120 130 -96
0]) + Shield Bonus + Special Item Bonus + Armour Quality + Half
130 140 -104
of Adrenal Defense Skill Bonus (only if skill is being actively used)
or Tumbling Evasion Skill Ranks (only if skill is being actively 140 and up -104 + (-8 per additional
used) weight allowance)

Height Modification Due to Stride
You should total the dead weight of all of your character’s
equipment and supplies (other than clothes and armour). Each 7’10” - 8’3” ……………………………+20
character has a “weight allowance” equal to 10% of his own weight. 7’4” - 7’9”………………………………+15
If the total weight is over your character’s weight allowance, an 6’10” - 7’3” ……………………………+10
encumbrance penalty will result. 6’4” - 6’9”……………………………… +5
Encumbrance Penalty = -8 x truncated [10 x dead weight ÷ 5’10” - 6’3” ………………………………0
character’s weight]
5’4” - 5’9”……………………………… -5
4’10” - 5’3” …………………………… -10
MOVING MANOEUVRE PENALTY 4’4” - 4’9”……………………………… -15
Each character has a Moving Manouevre Penalty that is added 3’10” - 4’3” …………………………… -20
to any moving manoeuvre rolls (see Section 25.0 RMSR). A
3’4” - 3’9”……………………………… -25
character’s MMP is equal to the sum of:
2’10” - 3’3” …………………………… -30
1) lesser of: 0
2’4” - 2’9”……………………………… -35
or (encumbrance penalty + 3 x St stat bonus)
1’10” - 2’3” …………………………… -40
2) lesser of: armour’s minimum manoeuvre mod.
or (armour’s maximum manoe uvre mod.) + (skill bonus
for the armour worn)


The Base Movement Rate for an average Common Man is 50’
per round. This can be modified for a specific character by a
number of factors: a stride modification, stat bonus, and penalties
due to armour and encumbrance.
Base Movement Rate = 50’+ Stride Modification + 3 x Qu Stat
Bonus + Weight Penalty
Each character should be able to calculate several standard Base
Movement Rates for various situations (e.g., carrying all equipment,
carrying weapons and armour only, having dropped backpack, etc.).

The Base Movement Rate is modified for a character’s length of
stride. The stride of the average 6’ person is used as the norm; every
6” difference will result in and add or subtraction of 5 (see the
Stride Modification Chart).

A character’s Base Movement Rate may be increased due to his
Quickness. Base Movement Rate is modified by three times a
character’s Quickness stat bonus.

A character’s Base Movement Rate may be reduced due to the
amount of weight he carries and by the restictive nature of the
armour he wears. A character’s Weight Penalty is equal to the sum
of his Armour Quickness Penalty for the armour he is wearing, his
encumbrance penalty for the dead weight he is carrying, and three
times his Strength stat bonus. All positive results are treated as a
zero (i.e., a weight penalty can never be greater than zero).
Weight Penalty = the lessor of: 0 or (Armour Qu Penalty +
Encumbrance Penalty + 3 x St bonus)

have lighter pieces for small copper denominations: 1 gp = 10 sp; 1
Money sp = 100 cp; 1 cp = two ½ cp, one ½ cp = two ¼ cp. A half-copper
The price lists in this section and money gained on various tables; weighs only 1/8 ounce, and a quarter-copper is but 1/16 ounce.
use the standard RMSS coins and values.
Note: 1 Mithril piece = 20 gold pieces (Arthedain doesn’t issue
Coins weigh 1/4 ounce (64 to the pound). mithril pieces).
1 gold piece (gp) = 10 sps
1 silver piece (sp) = 10 bps Coins of Gondor
1 bronze piece (bp) = 10 cps The South Kingdom produces a ½ ounce gold, a ¼ ounce silver,
a ¼ ounce bronze, and a ½ ounce copper piece. The rates: 1 gp = 20
1 copper piece (cp) = 10 tin pieces sp, 1 sp = 10 bp, 1 bp = 5 cp. Gondor`s silver piece is equivalent to
1 tin piece (tp) = 10 iron pieces one from Arthedain.
When the game starts the GM may want players to convert any Note: 1 Mithril piece = 10 gold pieces (Gondor doesn’t issue
monies left into the coinage of the area they originated from or mithril pieces).
where the campapaign will begin.

Coins of Athedain
Arthedain only mints ¼ ounce standard coins, although they

Item AT Cost Time Weight Note
Le ath e r J erk in 5 1sp 1 day 7-12 lbs. A l e ath er ve st-l ike c over in g wi thou t a rms a nd r ea ch in g onl y to the w ais t or mi d-
thi gh.
Ar m Gr ea ves - 1sp 2 day s 2-3 lbs. Pr otec ts ve rs us arm cri ts.
Le g G re ave s - 1sp 2 day s 3-4 lbs. Pr otec ts ve rs us le g cr its.
Le ath e r C oa t 6 6sp 6 day s 15-20 lbs. A l e ath er coat cove ri ng th e ar ms an d mid-th i gh .
Re in . L ea the r C oat 7 9sp 2 w ee ks 17-25 lbs. A l e ath er coat cove ri ng th e ar ms an d mid-th i gh , bu t w ith ri gid-le a the r s ec tion s
or me ta l s ec tion s se wn i n for re in force men t.
Re in . F ul l L thr Coa t 8 l1sp 16 day s 19-30 lbs. A r ei nforc ed l e ath er coat (as above ) tha t c ov ers to th e low er le g.
Le ath e r Br ea stpla te 9 45bp 4 day s 10-18 lbs. A r igid br ea stpla te cove rin g th e torso to mi d- thi gh an d part of the u ppe r arms.
Ch ai n Shi rt 13 15sp 3 w ee ks 15-25 lbs. A c ha in s hi rt c ov er in g the tors o to mid-th igh a nd h al f of th e uppe r a rms.
Fu ll C ha in 15 65sp 2 mon th s 35-50 lbs. Ch ai n ma il cove ri ng most of the body a nd le gs in th e form of a sh irt an d
le ggi ng
Ch ai n Ha ube rk 16 55sp 35 day s 35-40 lbs. A fu ll -l en gth ch ain ma il coa t spli t from th e wa ist in th e front an d bac k to
faci li tate move me t.
La mel la r Sh irt 13 11sp 2 w ee ks 17-27 lbs. A Sl ee ve le ss shi rt ma des from smal l r ec tan gul ar pl ate s lac ed toge th er, w ith
upwa rd fa cin g ove rl ays. Min . Ma noe uvr e Mod -10, Ma x. Ma nou eu vre Mod. - 70,
Miss . Atta ck Pen al ty 0, Ar mou r Qu Pen a lty 5. Spec ial - 5 DB vs . mel ee , + 5 DB
vs.mis sil e
La mel la r H au berk 16 45sp 3 w ee ks 37-42 lbs. lon g coat tha t c ov er s a rms a nd l egs. Made from smal l re ctan gul ar pla tes la ce d
toge th er, W hi ch a re ar ran ged i n upw ard fa ci ng ove rl ays in a ve rti cal a li gn men t.
Min . Man oeu vr e Mod - 25, Max . Ma nou eu vre Mod. - 130, Mis s. A ttac k Pe na lty 20,
Armour Qu Pen al ty 20. Spe ci al -5 DB vs. mel ee , + 5 DB vs .mi ssi le
Bre ast pl ate 17 20sp 21 day s 20-30 lbs. A me tal bre astpl ate plu s small er pla tes cove ri ng the torso to mid-th igh an d par t
of the u pper arms.
Sca le Shi rt 16 45sp 2 w ee ks 21-32 lbs. A s le ev el ess sh ir t made of ove rla ppi ng ov al or rou nde d squ are s cal es , W hi ch ar e
arr an ge d i n dow nw ard, ove rl appin g sta gge re d rows . Min . Ma noe uv re Mod -25,
Max. Man oue uv re Mod. -70, Mi ss. Atta ck Pen al ty 0, Armou r Qu Pen al ty 15.
H alf Sc al e 19 100sp 35 day s 50-70 lbs. Sl e eve le ss Scal e sh irt worn ove r a c ha in mai l ha ube rk. Min . Ma noe uvr e Mod -35,
Max. Man oue uv re Mod. -150, Mi ss. Atta ck Pen al ty 20, Armou r Qu Pen al ty 35.
Ta rget Sh ie l d - 35bp 3 day s 3-10 lbs. +20 v s. me le e; +10 vs. mi ssi le .
Roun d Sh ie ld - 55bp 5 day s 10-20 lbs. +20 v er sus mel ee or missi le .
Oval Sh ie ld - 7sp 6 day s 13-30 lbs. +25 v er sus mel ee or missi le .
Wa ll Shi el d - 9sp 7 day s 30-50 lbs. +30 v s. me le e; +40 vs. mi ssi le .
Le ath e r H el met - 15bp 1 day 1-2 lbs. Pa dded sk u llc ap.
Supe r. Le ath e r H el m - 25bp 1.5 day s 1.5-2.5 lbs. Rei nforc ed me tal /l ea the r.
Pla te He lm - 35bp 1 day 1.5-3 lbs. In te rloc kin g, ove rl appin g plate s.
Pot H el m - 4sp 3 day s 1.5-3 lbs. Rei nforc ed me tal sk ul lc ap.
Fu ll H e lm - 9sp 8 day s 2.5-5 lbs. Cove rs ne ck an d fac e; ha s v en t sl its .
Ave nt ail - 3sp 5 day s 1 l b. Ch ai n ne ck ar mou r; a ttac he s to he lm.
Le ath e r Ba rdin g 7 35sp 2 w ee ks 100 lbs. Cove rs horse ’s tru nk . -15 to man eu v.
Ch ai n Bar di ng 16 150sp 40 day s 160 lbs. Cove rs horse ’s tru nk . -20 to man eu v.
Le ath e r C ha nfron - 6sp 1 we e k 15 lbs. Cove rs horse ’s he ad. T rea t a s h e lm.
Le ath e r C rin e t - 5sp 6 day s 25 lbs. Cove rs horse ’s ne ck . -5 to man eu v.
Ch ai n Cri n et - 27sp 10 day s 31 lbs. Cove rs horse ’s ne ck . -5 to man eu v.
Le ath e r Br ace r - 1sp 1 day 0.5 lbs. Wri st-gu ard. 25% gre ave prot.
Pla te Brac er - 2sp 2 day s 0.75 lbs. Wri st-gu ard. 50% gre ave prot.
Me tal Ga un tl et - 2sp 4 day s 0.5 lbs. +5 Br aw lin g OB

Note: Armour type s 3, 4, 11, and 12 are animal armours, natura l body coverings with no normal armour equivalents. One cannot ac hieve such an AT without aquiring some
enchante d and specia lly designed armour (e.g., magic fell beast skin). ATs 10, 14, a nd 18 are a chie ved by using t he appropriate base armour (9, 13, and 17, respe ctive ly) with



Crafting DB
Cost Difficulty Mod. ATs Material
x1 Light* +0 5-10 Cow Hide
x10 Easy* +5 5-10 Buf falo Hide
x50 Medium* +10 5-10 Alligator Hide
x100 Hard* +15 5-10 Fell Beast Hide
x.1 Light -10 13-20 Ang
x100 Hard +0 13-20 Evyth
x1 Light +0 13-20 Hard Iron
x10 Easy +0 13-20 Borang
x100 Medium +5 13-20 Arborang
•= increase difficulty by one f or AT 9 and 10

Item Cost Type Time Weight B#s Str. Fumble Notes
[bd] Bastard Sword 20sp 2h 4-5 days 6-8 lbs. 1-4 68-82 01-04 Can be used one-hande d with -15 OB. Use Table 2.32
in The Armoury™.
[ba] Battle Axe 13sp 2h 2 days 3-4 lbs. 1-8 65-75(w) 01-05
[bj] Blackjac k 2cp 1hc 6 hours 0.5 lbs. 1-8 47-53(s) 01
[bp] Blowpipe 12sp mis 1 da y 1 lb. 1 80 01-04 2’ long. Use Table 2.132 in The Armoury™.
[bo] Bola (2 handed) 5sp th 1 da y 1-2 lbs. 1-6 47-53(s) 01-07
[bs] Broadsword 10sp 1he 3 days 3-5 lbs. 1-7 75-86 01-03
[c al Cat-o’-nine ta ils 1sp 1hc 1 da y 3 lbs. 1-5 60(s) 01-07 Use Table 2.134 in The Armoury™.
[c l] Club 1cp 1hc 6 hours 1-3 lbs. 1-8 46-54(w) 01-04
[c b] Composite Bow 17sp mis 14 days 2-3 lbs. Auto 54-66 01-04
[xh] Crossbow, Hvy 25sp mis 16 days 8-12 lbs. Auto 63-77 01-05
[x1] Crossbow, Lt. 11sp mis 7 days 4-8 lbs. Auto 63-77 01-05
[da] Da gger 3sp 1he /th 1 da y 0.5-1 lb. 1-6 74-86 01
[dt] Da rt 1sp th 6 hours 0.25-0.75 lbs. 1-6 38-42(w) 01-02 Use Table 2.135 in The Armoury™.
[fa] Falc hion l5sp 1he 3 days 1.5-2 lbs. 1-7 74-86 01-05
[fi] Flail l9sp 2h 5 days 4-6 lbs. 1-7 65-75 01-08
[ga} Ga rrote 18tp special 0.5 lb. special See t he Ga rrote skill in the Spe cial A ttacks skill cat-
[hb] Ha lbard l4sp pa 2 days 6-9 lbs. 1-7 65-75(w) 01-07 Use Table 2.18 in Arms Law
[ha] Ha nd axe 5sp 1he 1 da y 2-3.5 lbs. 1-7 65-75(w) 01-04
[hp] Ha rpoon 25bp pa/th 1 da y 5-7 lbs. 1-6 67-73(w) 01-04 Use Table 2.117 in The Armoury™.
[ja ] Javelin 3sp pa/th 1 da y 3-3.5 lbs. 1-5 38-42(w) 01-04
[la ] Lanc e 5sp pa 1 da y 8-15 lbs. 1-8 56-74(w) 01-07
[lb] Long Bow 10sp mis 9 days 2-3 lbs. Auto 54-66 01-05
Long Sci mata r 24sp 2h 4 days 5-7 lbs. 1-7 63-77 01-05 Use Table 2.37 in The Armoury™
[ls] Long Sword 18sp 1he 4 days 3.5-6 lbs. 1-6 64-76 01-03 Use Table 2.38 in The A rmoury™.
[ma] Mace 6sp 1hc 2 days 2-3 lbs. 1-8 74-86(w) 01-02
[ms] Morning Star 16sp 1hc 2 days 3-5 lbs. 1-7 65-75(w) 01-08
[pi] Pick 4sp 2h 2 days 3-7 lbs. 1-8 47-53(w) 01-06
[qs] Quarterstaff 5cp 2h 1 da y 3-5 lbs. 1-7 66-75(w) 01-03
[sc] Scimitar l0sp 1he 3 days 2-3 lbs. 1-5 56-64 01-04
[sb] Short Bow 6sp mis 3 days 1.5-2 lbs. Auto 54-66 01-04
[ss] Short Sword 7sp 1he 2 days 2-4 lbs 1-6 74-86 01-02
[sl] Sling 9bp mis 12 hours 0.5-1 lb. Auto 81-99 01-06
[sp] Spear 23bp pa/th 1 da y 3-8 lbs. 1-5 47-53(w) 01-05
[ts] Two-Ha nd Sword 20sp 2h 5-7 days 5-12 lbs. 1-8 69-81 01-05
[us] Usriev 18sp pa 5 days 11-16 lbs 1-7 63-75(w) 01-06 Use the table in the appendix.
[w h] Wa r Hamme r 15sp 1hc 2 days 3-4 lbs. 1-8 74-86(w) 01-04
[w m] Wa r Mattock l5sp 2h 2 days 4-6 lbs. 1-8 65-75(w) 01-06
[w p] Whip 2sp 1hc 12 hours 0.25-0.75 lbs 1-4 65-75(s) 01-06

The lette rs in brac ket s are the sta ndard abbreviation for that wea pon (used throughout t he RMSS).
Type is the RMSS weapon category that a pplies to the weapon. When two categories could be a pplied, they will be se parated by a slash (each type must be develope d separ-
A “(w)” after the strength of the weapon indica tes t he stats for the wea pon are for a woode n sha ft.
A “(s)” after the strength of the we apon indicates that the sta ts for the w eapon are for soft (i.e., l eather) weapons.
Note: Missile weapons are not give n breakage numbe rs and strengths because they are not directly used to strik e some thing. Full rul es for“de vice” bre akage can be found in
Section 32.4.

Item Cost Wt. Size Avail. Time B Rel/Str F Notes
Bells 4 bp 3 lbs. - T 3 days - - -
Chimes 1 sp 1-5 lbs. - T 7-10 days - -
Cymbal 35 bp 2 lbs. - T 3-5 days - -
Drum 15 cp 3-8 lbs. - A 3-5 days - -
Dulcimer 23 sp 15 lbs. - T 5-10 days - -
Fiddle (5 string) 14 sp 2-4 lbs. - T 20-30 days - -
Flute 13 bp 1 lb. - T 10 days - -
Harp 8 sp 8-10 lbs. - T 20 days - - -
Harp, large 16 sp 25-35 lbs. T 30-40 days - -
Hunting Horn 2 sp 1-3 lbs. - A 5 days - - -
Kettl e Drums 35 bp 50-100 lbs. - T 6-10 days - - Found in southern la nds
Lute 12 sp 5-10 lbs. - T 28 days - - -
Lyre 9 sp 3-7 lbs. - T 16 days - - -
Ma ndolin 9 sp 5-10 lbs. - T 25-30 days - -
Recorder 9 bp 0.5 lbs - T 7 days - - -
Trumpe t 6 sp 2-6 lbs - T 20-30 days - -


Crafting OB STR
Cost Difficulty Mod. Mod. Material
x. 001 Hard -50* -50* Ash
x. 01 Hard -40* -40* Oak
x. 05 Very Hard -30* -30* Hickory
x. 05 Routine -30 -30 Stone
x. 1 Easy -10 +20 Ang
x1 00 Light +0 -10 Evyth
x1 Easy +0 +0 Hard Iron
x1 0 Light +5 +0 Bo rang
x1 00 Medium +10 +10 Arborang
x2 000 +10 Arheled
x6 000 +15 Adarcer
x2 0000 +15 Mithin¹
x6 0000 +20 Mithglin¹
x2 80000 +20 Mithril¹
x6 00000 +20 Ithilnaur¹
x2 000000 +25 Laen¹
x2 0000000 +30 Eog¹
x1 80000000 +40 Galvorn¹
•These modifiers are des igned for weapons not normally designed from
wood (including heavy crossbows ).
¹ the se mate rials are unavailable. The Dwarves and Elve s don`t sel l them.

Item Cost ft/rnd mi/hr Max Pace Man. Ht/Wt* Capacity OB
Camel (draft) 12gp† 60 4 Spt +10 7'/900 350 lbs. -
Camel (racing) 40gp† 90 6 FSpt +20 7'/750 200 lbs. -
Dog, herd 10sp 110 7.5 +30 1’/65
Dog, hound 3gp 90 6 +20 3’/120
Ele phant 50gp† 120 8 Spt +10 12'/11,000 1,000 lbs. -
Horse (light) 45sp 100 7 D ash +40 5/800 200 lbs. +5
Horse (medium) 60sp 110 7.5 D ash +25 6'/900 300 lbs. +5
Horse (hea vy) 80sp 80 5 FSpt +10 6’ /1,300 400 lbs. +5
Mule/donkey 32sp 90 6 D ash +20 4’+/550 250 lbs. -
Ox 95sp 60 4 FSpt ÷20 5’/2,000 700 lbs. -
Pony (mature) 40sp 70 4.5 D ash +30 4'/500 180 lbs. -
Sled dog 13sp 110 7.5 D ash ÷20 2.5’/85 40lbs. -
Warhorse (lesser) 20gp 90 6 D ash +30 6'/950 350 lbs. +20
Warhorse (greater) 75gp† 80 5 D ash +40 6’+/1,100 375 lbs. +30
Boa t (sma ll) 7gp 30‡ 2.5‡ Run - 10’/200 1,000 lbs. -
Boa t(medium) 11gp 40‡ 3‡ sail - 20’/800 4,000 lbs. -
Boa t (large) 40gp 30‡ 2.5‡ sail _ 30’/2,000 7,000 lbs. -
Canoe 8gp 50‡ 35 Spt 15’/130 700 lbs. -
Cha riot (war) 16gp 90 6 D ash +20 15’/400 400 lbs. +25
Coracle 8sp 30‡ 2.5‡ Spt _ 7’/140 100lbs. -
Dog-sled 7gp 90 6 D ash -10 11’+ /350 450 lbs. -
Hand-cart 11sp 40 3 Spt -70 4.5'/100 250 lbs. -
Horse-cart (open) 4gp 50 3.5 Spt -25 6'/450 800 lbs. -
Ship (small) 80gp 40‡ 3‡ sail - 45'/6,000 19,000 lbs. -
Ship (medium) 190gp 30‡ 2.5‡ sail - 60’/12,000 35,000 lbs. -
Ship (large) 650gp 30‡ 2.5‡ sail - 80’/20,000 55,000 lbs. -
Skis 7cp 90 6 D ash -10 6'/15 300 lbs. -
Sledge (cove red) l2cp 70 4.5 FSpt -20 10'/100 400 lbs. -
Wagon (open) 6gp 50 3.5 FSpt -30 8'/600 1,200 lbs. -
Wagon (c losed) 9gp 40 3 FSpt -40 9'/850 1,300 lbs. -
Ferry se rvice 1bp+2cp/mi 30 2.5 Run - - - -
Ship passage 5bp+2tp/ mi 30‡ 2.5‡ sail - - - -
Toll c harge 1cp - - - - - - -
* H eight is at shoulder leve l. Siz e reflects low to average .
† Rarely ava ilable unless purchased from lord or wea lthy de aler in.
‡ Speed in dead wate r. Add or subtract the affe ct of curre nts and winds.
Notes: Ships are vessels capable of negotiating open seas, whil e boats are a dapted to relatively shallow wate rs: costa l c hannels, la ke s, rivers, et c.


Good/Service Cost Note
Beer/ale 2tp Pint.
Brandy 10tp Ha lf-pint.
Cide r 1tp Pint.
Me ad 5tp Pint.
Wine 6tp Pint.
Light mea l 6tp Cheese, soup and bread. 1% cha nce of il lness*.
Normal me al 10tp Meat soup or pie, bread, potato. 1% chanc e of illness*.
Hea vy mea l 12tp Stea k and vegetables, bread, soup, pastry. 1% chance of illne ss*.
Wee k’s ra tions 5cp Normal spoilage. 18 lbs.
Trail rations 1bp 1 week. Preserved. Hard on the st omach. 14 lbs.
Greatbrea d 3gp 1 week. Somewhat ma gica l, made by be ornings and a few Dúneda in and N orthmen. 4 lbs.
Poor l odging 1cp Per night. Communal sleeping.
Average lodging 2cp Per night. Allows for seperate bed or pal let and includes me als
Good lodging 22tp Per night. Allows for seperate room, meals, and ample refreshme nt.
Stable 2tp Per da y. Inc ludes food for beast.
Hospita lisa tion 6cp** 2 time s heal rate. Be dding, food, care. Often a fe e in the form of a required “contribution.”
Public Bath 5tp 1% cha nce of disease*. Gender sepa ration.
Private Bath 1cp 0% cha nce of disease*. Must pay extra for oils and pe rfumes.
Scribe 1cp Per pa ge of simple text.
Crier/Herald 5tp Per announcement. Announc ed onc e per hour for 4 hours.
Le gal Se rvices 3sp Per legal appearance (a pproximate ly 3 hours of work).
La undry 3tp Per laundry loa d (simple laundry c are ).
Le athe r care 6tp Per item to be handled (inc ludes simple repairs a nd cleaning).
Me tal care l2tp Per item to be handled (inc ludes simple repairs a nd cleaning).
Personal grooming 3cp Per visit (approximate ly 1 hour).
Research 1sp Per simple topic.

* This ri sk ma y be inc reased or reduced by circumsta nce , or by prudent instructions, additional pa yment, et c.

Item Cost Weight Time Other Notes
Arrows (20) 4bp 3 lbs. 1 da y Wooden sha fts and iron ti ps.
Backpa ck 2bp 2-3 lbs. 1 da y Leather or canvas. H olds 20 lbs; 1 c ubic foot.
Bedroll (light) 2bp 4-7 lbs. 0.5 days Wool blanket. 2 season.
Bedroll (heavy) 7bp 8-1 1 l bs 1 da y Wool/fur. 4 season.
Boots 1sp 3-4 lbs. 3 days Leather.
Brush (writing) 5cp 0.25 lbs. 4 hrs Wooden sha ft with hair bristles. Capped.
Buc ket 4bp 2-3 lbs. 1 da y Copper. Holds 3 gallons.
Caltrops (5) 8bp 2 lbs. 1 da y Portable spike traps.
Candle 4cp 0.25 lbs. 0.5 days Wa x or tallow. Lights 10' diame ter; burns 2 hrs.
Case 4sp 1 lb. 2 days Wa ter-resist. Made of leather. 12" x 3" x 6".
Cask 24bp 5 lbs. 1.5 days Wood. Holds 4 gallons.
Cha in 6bp 8-10 lbs 1 da y Iron. 10'.
Cha lk (10) 2bp 0.25 lbs. 2 hrs White. 5" long.
Cha rcoal 22c p 1 lb. 0.5 days Hot, 4-hour fire.
Chisel 9bp 1 lb. 1 da y Iron. -40 dagge r.
Cloa k 9bp 2-3 lbs. 1 da y He avy linen or wool .
Climbing pick 28bp 2 lbs. 1 da y Iron. -15 w ar mattock.
Coa t 15bp 5-9 lbs. 2 days Fur lined a nd warm. +25 RR vs. c old; -10 to moving manoeuvre s.
Crossbow bolts (20) 1 1bp 3 lbs. 2 days Wooden sha fts with iron tips.
Fire -starting bow 8tp 0.5 lbs. 1 hr Starts fire in 5 minutes.
Flint and steel 1bp 0.5 lbs. - Starts fire in 3 minutes.
Fra mepack 33c p 3-4 lbs. 1.5 days Canva s. Holds 45 lbs; 2 cubic feet .
Glove s 2bp 0.5 lbs. 1 da y He avy leather; l ined.
Grappling hook 1sp 1 lb. 1 da y Iron. Grip fa ils on a 02-03 on a manoe uvre roll.
Hammer 1sp 1 lb. 1 da y Iron. -30 mace .
Hammock 1bp 2-3 lbs. 3 days Rope; wood spreaders; iron hooks.
Harne ss 1sp 4 lbs. 2 days Leather/iron. Includes bit and re ins.
Hat 6bp 1 lb. 1 da y Leather.
Hood 16c p 0.5 lbs. 0.5 day Covers hea d & shoulders.
Hourgla ss 35sp 2 lbs. De vice for me asuring time . Measures exactly 1 hour (close e nough).
Ink 14c p 0.25 lbs. - Black; non-soluble.
La dder 32c p 15 lbs. 2 days Wood. 10`. Bears 400 lbs.
La ntern 12bp 1-2 lbs. 4 days Lights 40' diame ter.
Lock pic k kit 1sp 0.5 lbs. 2 days +5 skill bonus to Lock Pic king.
Mirror 35bp 0.5 lbs. 1 da y Silvered glass. 6" x 4".
Nails (20) 9tp 0.5 lbs. 3 hrs Iron. 3" le ngth.
Net, Fishermans 1sp 3-5 lbs. 3 days A small net with weights around the circ umferance. The ne t is ca st and then
drawn ba ck using rope.
Oar 6cp 4-5 lbs. 7 hrs Wood. 6'-8'.
Oil flask 3bp 1 lb. 1 da y Includes 1 pint oil (6 hr refill).
Padde d Unde rcoat 6bp 2-4 lbs. 2 days Fur lined a nd warm. +25 RR vs. c old; -5 to moving manoeuvres.
Paddle 5cp 3 lbs. 5 hrs Wood. 4'-5'.
Padloc k 23bp 1 lb. 2 days Iron; with 2 keys. +0 to Lock picking a ttempts.
Pants 25c p 1-2 lbs. 1 da y Linen.
Paper (10) 12bp 0.25 lbs. 1 da y 10 sheets. 12" x 6".
Parchment (10) 2sp 0.25 lbs. 1 da y 10 sheets. 12" x 6". Very dura ble.
Pegs (10) 9tp 2 lbs. 2 bra Wood.
Pitons (10) 2bp 2-3 lbs. 1 da y Iron.
Plank 6tp 11-12 lb. 4 hrs Wood. 10' x 6' x 2". Bears 350 lbs.
Pole 5cp 5-10 lbs. 3 bra Wood. 10'.
Pot (cooking) 7bp 2-3 lbs. 1 da y Iron. Holds 2 gallons.
Pouch (la rge ) 14c p 1 lb. Holds 10 lbs.
Pouch (small) 11c p 0.5 lbs. Holds 5 lbs.
Quill-pens (10) 4cp 0.25 lbs. 2 bra Goose feather quills.
Quive r 1bp 0.5 lbs. 1 da y Holds 20 a rrows/bolts.
Rope 4bp 4-7 lbs. 3 days He mp. 50'. breaks on unmod. 01-02 roll.
Rope (superior) 12bp 2-4 lbs. 5 days Reinforc ed hemp. 50'. brea ks on umod. 01 roll
Sack (50 lb) 8cp 2-3 lbs. 2 hrs Holds 50 lbs. 3 cubic feet.
Saddle 5sp 10-12 lb. 6 days Includes stirrups, blanket.
Saddle bag 8bp 4-6 lbs. 2 days Holds 15 lbs. 1.5 c ubic fe et.
Saw 23bp 2-3 lbs. 2 days Iron. 24" wood-tool.
Scabbard (belt) 25bp 1 lb. 1 da y Holds one 1-h wea pon.
Scabbard (shoulde r) 3sp 1.5 lbs. 1 da y Holds one 2-h wea pon.
Shirt 3bp 1 lb. 1.5 days Linen
Spade 16bp 3-4 lbs. 1 da y Iron. Wood shaft.
Star c ompa ss 7gp 1 lb. 2 days +25 bonus for night oriente ering.
Sundial 3sp 1 lb. 2 days Iron. Gives approxima te time .
Surcoat 9bp 1-2 lbs. 1.5 days A shirt to be worn over armor.
Tarp 1bp 3-5 lbs. 2 hrs Canva s. 5' x 8'.
Tent 2sp 8-10 lbs. 2 days Canva s. 5' x 8'. Two man.
Tinde rbox 2cp 0.25 lbs. 0.5 days Wood. Enough for 7 fires.
Torch 3tp 1 lb. 1 hr Lights 20' diame ter. (6 hrs).
Vial 2bp 0.25 lbs. 2 hrs Gla ss. Holds 2 oz.
Wate r skin 1cp 0.25 lbs. 6 hrs Holds 1 pint (.5 lbs).
Wea pon belt 5bp 1 lb. 0.5 days Holds 2 scabbards, 3 pouches.
Wedge (staying) 1cp 1 lb. 1 hr Ha rdwood.
Wedge (splitting) 3cp 3 lbs. 2 hrs Iron.
Wire (10 gauge) 9bp 3 lbs. 5 hrs Iron. 100'.
Whe tstone 14c p 1 lb. Used for the care and upkeep of bladed weapons.
Whistle 2sp 0.5 lb. 1 da y Wood/iron. 4". Range 1+ mi.

Item Cost Weight Time Avail. Other Notes
Rune Paper (I) 16gp - 4 wks M Can hold a 1st level spell. Using Rune Mastery Spe ll List.
Rune Paper (II) 72gp - 6 wks H Can hold a 1st - 2nd level spell. Using Rune Mastery Spe ll List.
Rune Paper (III) 128 gp - 8 wks H Can hold a 1st - 3rd l eve l spell. Using Rune Ma ste ry Spell List.
Rune Paper (V) 484 gp - 11 wks VH Can hold a 1st - 5th level spe ll. U si ng Rune Mastery Spell List.
Rune Paper (X) 1024 gp - 16 wks VH Can hold a 1st - 10th level spell. Using Rune Mastery Spe ll List.
Rune Paper (XX) 5000 gp - 25 wks EH Can hold a 1st - 20th level spell. Using Rune Mastery Spe ll List.

Avai labilit y indica tes the difficulty modifie r for the Purchase and resale Tabl es (Tre asure Companion T-6.1 and T-6.2) M = Medium, H = Hard, VH = Very Ha rd, EH =
Extre mely Hard, SF = She er Folly, A = A bsurd, A - # = Absurd with a
furt her penalty of #.


Custom Work
Item Value Weight Cost Time Other Notes
Adarc er 48 sp 1 lb. .7 5 Alloy (iron/carbon/tit anium)
Alca m 64 tp 1 lb. .001 .3 Tin
Ang 64 ip 1 lb. .002 .5 Iron
Hard Iron 8 cp 1 lb. Alloy (iron/carbon).
Arborang 8 sp 1 lb. .15 1.5 Alloy (iron/carbon/varies), ma kes +5 bows. High Steel
Arhele d 16 gp 1 lb. .2 .5 High G lass (high tensile strength and he at resistance)
Borang 8 bp 1 lb. .05 1 Alloy (iron/carbon). Low Ste el
Celeb 64 sp 1 lb. .01 .5 Silver
Celebur 480 gp 1 lb. 1000 800 Uranium
Cranor 1440 gp 1 lb. 5 20 Resin (nearly as ha rd a s diamond w hen cured)
Eog* 160000 gp 1 lb. 50 100 Enchanted alloy (mithril/titanium/special)
Evyth 64 bp 1 lb. .01 .5 Alloy (tin/copper). Bronze
Galnin 32 gp 1 lb. .05 1 Aluminium
Galvorn* 1440000 gp 1 lb. 300 300 Enchanted alloy (meteoric i ron/special)
Hele d 8 tp 1 lb. .001 .1 Gla ss
Ithildin* 8000 gp 1 lb. 20 36 Enchanted alloy (mithril/special)
Ithilnaur* 4800 gp 1 lb. 20 36 Enchanted alloy (mithril/special)
Kregora * 1056000 gp 1 lb. 600 60 Enchanted alloy (mithril/gold/uranium/special)
La en* 16000 gp 1 lb. 10 20 Enchanted glass
Ma l 64 gp 1 lb. .01 .5 Gold
Mithin 160 gp 1 lb. .1 1 Beryllium
Mithglin 480 gp 1 lb. 10 15 Tita nium (usually alloyed with other metals)
Mithra rian* 2400000 gp 1 lb. 1000 900 Enchanted alloy (mithril/uranium/special)
Mithri l* 2240 gp 1 lb. 5 10 Enchanted meta l, makes +10 bows. True-silver
Naukomalda 112 gp 1 lb. .01 .5 Dw ave rn gold
Naukotelpë 112 sp 1 lb. .01 .5 Dw arven Sil ver
Ogamur* 2400 gp 1 lb. 5 20 Enchanted alloy, 2oz = + 5 bowstring.
Paer 64 c p 1 lb. .001 .3 Copper
Tasarang 800 gp 1 lb. .15 8 Enchanted meta l, makes +15 bows. Shalk
• these materials are una vai lable . The Dw arves and Elves don`t sell them.
1 pound = 16 ounce s
Custom Work:
Cost: (in gold pie ces) For items not on a standard price list, custom work is naturally required. To obtain an estimate for the cost of suc h an item 9in addition to the material
cost), just determine the amount in ounc es of material re quire d and mult iply
by the fac tor given i n this ta ble.
Time: A n estimate for the time required to make the ite m is given in hours per ounce.

Adarcer: This is a white alloy, a fusion of ang (iron), gloin ("True- Evyth (S. "Bronze"): Evyth is a red-gold or golden metal formed
coal"), and durang ("Dark-iron" or titanium). It's extremely strong, of alcam and paer. Dwarves use it for decoration, or trade it to the
but somewhat rigid and difficult to work once forged. It can cleave Men of Rhovanion who use it extensively as a cheap substitute for
iron without dulling. ang. The Men of Far Harad use evyth to make scabbards, which
Alcam (S. "Tin"): This soft, silvery metal is normally used to they then decorate with hammered patterns. Some Easterlings also
make the alloy evyth, although the Dwarves use it to line water- use it to cast bells with, from giant temple gongs and prayer bells to
basins and for much of their decorative filigree. It is clear that there tiny tinkling chimes. The Elves also love this alloy, sheathing
is less alcam in Moria than there is among the Dwarves in the Blue columns and doors in it, covering roofs and casting sculpture. Of
Mountains, but this may be due to the abundance of better metal. the common metals it is their favourite.
Like copper (paer) below, the Elves seem to have more uses for this Galnin (S."Shining-white" or "Aluminium"): There are rarely
metal than the Dwarves, employing it as facings and roofs, and more than rumours of galnin; it is only infrequently available.
combining with paer to make bronze. Silvery-white, seemingly like alcam or celeb, it is lighter and will
Ang (S. "Iron"): Pure ang is silver-white and both malleable and neither tarnish nor corrode. The galnin only comes mixed in an ore
ductile. Even in Moria, though, it is rare. The more common variety found high in the south-western part of the mines of the Seventh
is dark grey and stronger. The Dwarven rule of classification is that Deep of Moria, although there have been reports of traces being
anything, which is virtually pure ang, is ang. Common ang is dark found elsewhere, and a huge load of the ore is said to exist in the
grey and hard, yet bendable. Ang is found throughout the mines of jungles of the South. Only intense fires can wrest the pure metal
the northern Deeps, at every level, and as far as the central from its ore, and this must account for its rarity. Dwarves think it
Redhorn. The Noldor use it principally in the making of borang. insubstantial and not worth the trouble of smelting. Since it's not as
Borang (S. "Steadfast-iron" or "Steel"): This silvery alloy is a strong as ang, and Dwarves like stout material, they have few uses
favourite of the Naugrim. Fused of ang, morasarn (carbon), and a for it and what little galnin the Naugrim mine in their halls, they
smattering of one or more odd metals, it is strong and durable. give nearly all to the Noldor. The Elves frequently use it as a build-
Borang supports more than ang, and is cheaper and more pliable ing material. It also found application at Amon Lind as an undercoat
than adarcer. Although the Mirdain consider it unattractive and for the application of mithrarian.
flawed, they use it extensively. Galvorn ("Shining Black"): This metal is the rarest of all known
Celeb (S. "Silver"): Dwarves often hoard their celeb, but there's in Middle-earth. First developed by Eol, it is malleable yet resists
enough of it around Moria to allow other uses and even export to cuts or punctures: the ultimate armour. When forged with certain
the Elves. The Dwarves use it for decorative inlays, chalices, plates, elements it is the hardest substance known. It is said that galvorn is
cups, mugs, horns, and virtually anywhere where they could use made in part from meteoric iron: incredibly dense metal fallen from
mal (gold), but are too mean. Still, despite its malleability, celeb is the sky. The only two Smiths in Eregion who might have redis-
stronger than mal. The Noldor prize it and use it for utensils, cups covered the skill and/or materials necessary are Celebrimbor and
and plates, and other more "common" purposes. Fendome, and neither will speak of it.
Celebur ("Burning Silver"): This is a form of weak uranium ore, Ithildin (S. "Moon-star"): Moon-star is a soft, silvery Elven metal
somewhat like radium in its effects. It is known to the Dwarves who invented by Celebrimbor, fused from mithril and other substances.
avoid it. It is required for the making of mithrarian. It was never It is used almost exclusively for inlay. Commonly used at the court
forged in any reputable smithy, but was used for a time at Amon of Arveleg I at Fornost and in the glorious buildings of Annuminas
Lind. (now in ruins), it has fallen from common use elsewhere. Rare and
strange, ithildin is used for secret inscriptions and other magical
Cranor ("Tree-gold"): This unique substance is an invention of the
purposes. During the day it appears dull and lustreless, and is often
ancient Daen folk of the White Mountains. Manufactured from the
invisible against the surrounding metal. Under the moon and stars,
sap of the Sorglasora ("Gold-pine") and the nectar of the White
however, it regains its silvery brilliance and more: it shimmers with
Lily, Cranor is a golden translucent resin. The substance is nearly as
a fine white luminosity. Naturally, the Elves and Dwarves usually
hard as a diamond, and highly resistant to fracturing. Hard slicing
employ it outside or beneath windows.
blows to the edged surfaces remove chips up to six square inches,
but strikes to flat areas do little but dent or incise the surface. An Ithildin may be the material used by the Dwarves for writing Moon-
amber material, Cranor also stores static electricity, so energy ap- letters. These runes could only be read under the light of the moon
plied to its surface builds into a stored charge (at 50 volts per if it were of the same phase and on the same day of the year as they
strike). This energy accumulates up to a level of 1000 volts, al- were written. They were written with silver pens and may have re-
though it is normally released whenever an ungrounded object quired enchantments to complete.
touches the resin. NOTE: Treat any electrical attack as a Lightning Ithilnaur (S."Moon-fire"): Ithilnaur is a favourite alloy of the
Bolt attack with an OB + # of volts minus 200 (e.g. 250 volts yields Elves made from mithril and other metals combined at very high
a +50 OB). This material was often used to encase and entomb heat. Once cooled to a nearly solid state in ingot form, it is
Dunnish Chieftains and their followers. hammered into an elongated shape to compress the lattice structure,
Eog (Du. "Eel's Iron" or "Ang Eol"): Eog is undoubtedly among folded and hammered again. Periodic rewarming is done in a small
the rarest of metals. It is a fusion of mithril, durang, and some un- enchanted furnace standing nearby. For weapons of this alloy, the
known materials, apparently from an Elven recipe handed down refolding is done literally dozens of times, in essence creating an
from the House of Eol. This formula is one the Elves will not trade extremely strong laminate. Edges and additional reinforcements are
with the Naugrim, even as the Dwarves will not divulge certain of fused to the rough blade, and the Elven smiths then carefully cool
their own recipes. It requires both hot and cold forging, and so the the metal to room temperature before the sharpening and polishing
cooperation of two of the Halls of the Elven Smiths. Both the hot- phases.
test and coldest of Khazad-dum's forges would be required to pro- Ithilnaur is surprisingly common in Moria, where it is used for
duce it. The finished material is awfully hard, tougher than prized coin and grand armaments. Elsewhere it is rarer. Like ith-
Dwarven adarcer, and even stronger than ithilnaur. It also has a ildin, since the alloy contains mithril, it looks like beautifully pure
strange appearance. Both white and red varieties commonly exist; celeb. It is a fabulously strong substance, combining titanium and
neither has any lustre. Eog also has other properties as a damper other metals with the mithril, which is very hard, maintains a su-
against certain enchantments, preventing the manipulation of the perbly keen edge, and yet is somewhat flexible, perfect for weapons
Essence within a certain radius depending on the nature of the spell and armour.
caster. The colour is the key to this, and it can be made black, white, Kregora: An extremely ductile metal, so malleable as to be useless
red, blue, or grey. as a material for weapons, and oxidizing so quickly, forming a dull

yellow patina on its surface, as to be equally worthless for jew- unique enchanted metals of incomparable quality. It always appears
ellery. Kregora's true utility lies in its ability to prevent Mentalism, polished. There are many tales of the mithril from Numenor, but
Channelling, and Essence spells from passing through surfaces that Isle is no more, and Moria may now be the only source of true-
lined with wires, threads, or netting forged of the substance. silver. It no doubt contributes to the vast wealth held by Durin's
Laen: An unbreakable rock with glass-like texture and the strength Folk. Wherever one travels to lands where it is known, it is con-
and cohesion of superb steel. normally laen is found in unique vol- sidered the richest of metals. Mithril is loved above all materials by
canic plugs, pillars of stone which hardened within the shafts of the Dwarves and is also treasured by the Elves, the Dunedain, and
dormant or extinct volcanos. These deposits correspond to the land the dark forces of Morgoth. Very little true-silver made its way
formed durung the struggles with morgoth and the other Valar when westward to Nargothrond, and the samples which did were highly
Middle-earth wasbeing shaped. The most famous site is at Isengard. prized. Celebrimbor's recommendations that the Noldor journey
Black laen is the most common, although a number of clear or toward Eregion when he left Beleriand, in hope making contact
colured varieties also exsist. The Dunedain of Numenor were the with the Dwarves of Durin, and gaining access to true-silver, gives
only folk to work the substance on any scal. Elves and Dwarves, some idea of how highly the Eldar regarded the metal. Their even-
however, are acquainted with the material’s value and nature, and tual alliance brought more mithril into the hands of the Noldor than
the art of laen-carving is still known in small circles. Its rarity and they imagined could have existed. From this true-silver many won-
utility are legend, but few men recognize or understand the sub- drous alloys emerged.
stance. The famed mithril lode is but a single vein. Running northward
Mal (S. "Gold"): Moria and other Dwarven holds are often foun- from the Seventh Deep of Moria, it extends well under the mighty
ded on the site of rich veins of mal, which the Dwarves value above Redhorn. The Dwarves dug so deeply after mithril that they released
all other metals, save mithril. Its golden colour seduces the Stunted- the Balrog imprisoned under Barazinbar. After the release of the
folk and often raises their unhealthy passions. It is too soft for Balrog, even Orcs refused to mine the Deeps for mithril, and so no
heavy tasks, but it has its merits. Mal doesn't tarnish and is recog- more silver-steel came from Moria after T.A. 1980.
nized by all peoples as valuable. When they aren't hoarding the Ogamur (S. "From Gamur"): Dwarves use ogamur for items re-
noble metal. Dwarves use it for coinage and all sorts of ornamental quiring extreme flexibility and elasticity (an unusual quality in a
or formal metalwork. metal). Few fabrics, much less metals, can stretch like this black
Although the Noldor have little use for gold for wealth's sake, they substance. Its properties make it ideal for springing devices and
value it as a beautiful metal, and are able to make from it some very works designed to absorb impact. It is difficult to make, however,
strong alloys unknown to Durin's folk. It is quite possible that the which accounts for its sparing use. It is an enchanted mix, derived
reason the Dwarves don't use gold extensively in alloys is that they from an eastern Dwarf-house in the late Second Age. The Noldor
value it so much as coinage. It isn't that they are incapable of mak- also have many uses for it in their mechanical devices. It is an end-
ing the stronger metals the Elves use; they are simply unwilling. less frustration for them that they must purchase it from Durin's
Mal is a staple of the Elven Smiths, who know every way of form- people, who refuse to relinquish the recipe.
ing and cutting it. Mixed with mithglin it becomes white-gold; other Paer (S. "Copper"): This reddish-gold metal is found throughout
elements strengthen it for use as armour or tools. One of its greatest Eriador, especially in the highlands of Rhudaur, so it is not very
advantages is its resistance to corrosion, and when skilfully com- valuable, and there is little trade in the commodity. Before the wars
bined with lesser metals, it confers this advantage to them. with the Witch-king, the Dwarves occasionally sent some to
Mithglin (S. "Gleaming Grey"; W. "Platinum): Also rare, it is Tharbad for use as coin, but the production in Moria has never been
prized for its shining hue although it does not compare to mithril. It unusually significant. Most of Moria's paer is used for water troughs
is difficult to work, requiring high temperatures and hard labour to and basins, or in the production of the more durable evyth. Men use
forge properly, but the resulting jewellery is more durable than it for pots and pans, gutters, statues, wires, and roofing. It is too soft
work made of mal or celeb. Often it is combined with mal to make and malleable for Dwarven tastes, and Dwarves see little beauty or
it more workable, resulting in white-gold, strong and resistant to use in the metal. Unlike the Dwarves, the Noldor regard the metal
corrosion. more highly and like to use it as roofing for certain buildings and
for pipes to carry water, as well as to make evyth.
Mithin (S. "Pale Grey"; W. "Beryllium"): Used mostly in jew-
ellery, it is a rare, strong, yet light material. Few smiths, even Tasarang (S. "Willow-iron"; W. "Shalk"): At first sight, tasarang
among the Elves, know how to work it. Dwarves enjoy its strength, looks like white ogamur, but one quickly realizes one's error when
and delight in creating seemingly fragile baubles from it for their first handling the stuff. Although it bends easily and has tremendous
amusement. spring, it doesn't stretch. Tasarang is also extremely light, even
lighter than galnin, like wood or pumice. Because its ore is as white
Mithrarian ("Abyss of High Silver"): Beyond rare, this alloy is
as chalk, weighs little, and is found below limestone intrusions, it is
legendary. Annatar introduced the concept to the Gwaith-i-Mirdain,
called "shalk" in the Common Tongue. The tremendous heat and
and though it attracted much interest, not even Finculin or cold used make the metal change its texture, yet it only enhances
Celebrimbor would undertake its making. If the Lord of Gifts him-
the white hue. Actually, more than one metalworker will swear that
self ever created any in the Elven Halls, it was alone and with no
it glows. The Mirdain have a vast number of applications for it, but
one's aid. Mithrarian is said to be an alloy of mithril, eog, and an-
the lack of material limits them. It has been used with some success
other metal celebur ("burning silver" or "uranium"). The resulting
to make powerful bows, but the value of the material makes this
material, Annatar claimed, defied Arda's pull, so that a boat or other impractical in most situations.
object with even the thinnest layer of mithrarian on the lower sur-
faces would float without weight. What made this more significant
than enchantments which do the same thing is that mithrarian resists
all counter-spells. Celebrimbor found the concept of the stuff some-
what disturbing, and also admitted reluctance to work with celebur,
a material the Dwarves knew of but shied away from, saying that it
caused sickness and death. The material was indeed found to per-
form as described, but this achievement was only perfected at Amon
Lind in the Misty Mountains.
Mithril (S. "Grey Brilliance" or "True-silver"): Pure mithril is in
many ways like normal silver: shining white and very malleable
but it does not tarnish and alloys with other metals to produce

Codes: The codes give a sma ll letter for the c lima te of are as w here the he rb (or poison) i s norma lly found, a capital let ter for t he type of loca le or terrain commonly associated
with the he rb, a number corre sponding to the difficulty modifier w hic h is appli ed to any sea rch rolls, and.a lette r which shows the area of Endor where the he rb is indige nous,
or most common.
Climate Codes: a = a rid; c = c old; e = everlasting c old; f = frigi d (severe cold); h = hot and humid; m = mil d tempe rate ; s = semi-arid; t = cool te mpera te.
Locale C od es: A = Alpine; B = Brea ks/ wadis; C = Coniferous forest; D = De ciduous/mise d fore st; F = Freshwa ter coasts & banks; G = Gl aci er/snow fie ld; H =
Hea th/scrub/moor; J = Jungle /rain forest; O = Oce an/ sa ltwater shores; M = Mountai n; S = Short gra ss; T = Tall grass; U = Underground; V = Volca nic ; W = Waste; Z = Desert.
Difficulty of Finding: 1 = Rountine (+30); 2 = Ea sy (+20); 3 = Light (+10); 4 = Medium (+0); 5 = Hard (-10); 6 = Very Hard (-20); 7 = Extremely Ha rd (-30); 8 = Sheer Folly
(-50); 9 = A bsurd (-70).
Compass C ode : N = North Endor, NW = Nort hwe st Endor, N E = Northeast Endor, S = South Endor, SW = Southwest Endor, SE = Southeast Endor, E = Ea st Endor, W =
West Endor, M = Mid-Endor, U = Universal
Form and Preparation: Brew - Effective when drunk 20 rounds after w ater i s boiled; Ingest - Immediate ly usabl e and may be ea ten, c hew ed, drunk, or inhale d, whichever is
appropriate; Apply - Re quire s 1-10 rounds to perpare, he rb is then applied directly onto injured area; Paste - Raw matter is made int o a paste which may be put in food or drink
or be applied to tools or w eapons a nd stays effec tive up t o 1 week, or until an object or pe rson is struck, if a poison paste is used and a critical is obtained, the foe must make a
RR or he rec eive s the effect, if t he a ttack re sult is mere ly hits (no cri t), the poison is gone. Liquid - As paste, except it re ma ins effec tive for 1 hour. Powder - May not be ap-
plied to weapon; only effective in food or dri nk.
Addiction Factor (AF): GMs may w ish to make ce rtain herbs addictive. The tables below show the sugge ste d addiction factor. Each time an herb is used, the GM should roll
d100 a nd add the AF to se e if the user becomes addicte d. If the result is over 100, the herb user is addicted. The charac ter w ill now have a level 1 addicti on. For each level of
addic tion that a charac ter has, he must take that ma ny doses of tha t herb in a week (making addic tion rolls each time he takes the herb). Each subsequently faile d addiction roll
resul ts in raising the addiction le ve l by one. If the c ha rac ter fails to take enough of the he rb in a given w eek, he will suffe r the e ffects of w ithdrawl (se e Secti on 11.1
Gamemaster Law for rules on chemical dependancy a nd withdrawl).
Effect: U nle ss otherwise sta ted, a maximum of one herb (dose_ can ta ke effect in a give n round. The effec t is based on a dose weighing approximate ly ha lf a n ounc e. For
poisons, the effect is the most severe effect that can be ga ine d with the he rb. You must use the t able s provide d in Gamemaster Law Sec tion 11.0 (Poison a nd Diseases) to find
the actual effect (based upon the RR of the vic tim).

Name Codes Form/Prep Cost AF Effect
Argsbargies a-Z-5 Flower/ingest 38gp 7 Leve l 4 antidote for musc le poisons.
Eldanna c-O-4-N Le af/bre w 99gp 2 Leve l 9 antidote for Reduction poisons. Reve rses the e ffe ct of the c urse “ Ugli ness of Orn” (from
the Cha nnelling spell list “Curse s” leve l 15).
Me nela r f-C-5-N Cone/bre w 65gp 4 Leve l 7 antidote for c irculatory poisons.
Mook t-M-3-N Berry/ingest 30gp 5 Leve l 3 antidote for respiratory poisons.
Quilmufur m-C-7 Root/brew 49gp 1 Leve l 8 antidote for c onversion poisons.
Shen t-F-6-U Le af/ingest 27gp 3 Leve l 4 antidote for N erve Poisons.
Sorul Nut c-F-2 Nut/ingest 1sp 0 Leve l 20 antidote for Nur-oiolosse.
Ul-Naza s-W-8-E Le af/ingest 4200gp 9 Leve l 50 antidote for any poison. Leaves will last for one year if wrapped in lea ther from a suf-
foc ated a nimal, ot herwise will spoil in one week.
Yuth h-J-8 Flower/ingest 29gp 8 Leve l 20 antidote for nerve venoms.

Bone Repair
Arfanda s c-F-6-N Stem/apply 2sp 1 Doubles rate of he aling for frac tures.
Bursthe las t-S-8-M Stalk/brew 110gp 22 Shatter repairs.
Edra m c-F-8-N Moss/ingest 31gp 10 Mends Bone.

Burn & Exposure Relief

Aloe t-H-4-U Le af/a pply 5bp 0 Doubles healing rate for burns and minor cuts. Hea ls 5 hits if they result for burns.
Culkas a-Z-4-M Le af/a pply 35gp 0 He als 10sq’ of burns (any).
Jojojopo f-M-4-U Le af/a pply 9sp 0 Cures frostbite. Heals 2-20 hits resulting from cold.
Kelventari t-T-3-U Berry/apply 19gp 0 He als 1st and 2nd de gree burns, 1-10 hits resulting from heat.

Circultory Repair
Aserke H-O-6-S Root/apply 75gp 7 Stops bleeding by clotting and sealing wound. Take s 3 rnds to take e ffe ct. Patient cannot move
(appreciably) without wound reopening.
Belan h-O-5 nut/ingest 40gp 5 Stops any bleeding. Take s 1-10 rndsto ta ke e ffec t. Pa tient c annot move (appreciably) without
w ound reopening.
Harfy s-S-6-U Resin/apply 175gp 9 Immediately stops a ny form of bleeding.

Concussion Relief
Arlan t-M-2-N W Le af/a pply 13sp 1 He als 4-9. Wild he als 1-6.
Darsurion c-M-3-U Le af/a pply 35bp 1 He als 1-6.
Draaf a-O-2-W Le af/ingest 7sp 1 He als 1-10 for eac h of 2 c onsecutive rnds.
Gariig a-Z-3-U Cactus/ingest 55gp 3 He als 30. A.k.a . G rarig.
Gefnul e-V-5-N Lic hen/inge st 90gp 10 He als 100.
Mirenna c-M-3-U Berry/ingest 10 gp 1 He als 10. Insta nt effect.
Rewk t-D-3-U Nodule/bre w 9sp 1 He als 2-20.
Thurl t-D-1-U Clove/bre w 2sp 1 He als 1-4. Brew keeps 1-2 wee ks.
Wincla mit c-C-7-N Fruit/inge st 100gp 12 He als 3-300.
Ya vet halion m-O-5-W Fruit/inge st 45gp 4 He als 5-50

General Purpose Herbs

Arlan t-M-2-N W Root/inge st 13sp 1 De congestant. Adds 20 to resistanc e vs common cold. Speeds recovery from respiratory illness

Name Codes Form/Prep Cost AF Effect
by 5x.
Athelas (K ings Foil) t-C-5-N Le af/bre w 300gp 20 Capable of curing anything while patient st ill a live , but healing only as effect ive as the he aler.
Full effect only in hands of an “orda ine d” king. Will not keep or give life .
Attanar t-F-4-U Moss/apply 8gp 1 Cures fe ver.
Blue pine nuts t-C-2-NW Seed/inge st 1c p 0 The seed are nutrious. 5 se eds are the e quivalent of one mea l. Each cone from the Bl ue pine
c ontains six se eds. They taste acidic but can be made palatable by roasting.
Delrean (De lrian) c-C-2-U Le af/a pply 3sp 1 Repels any inse ct (RR vs. 7th lvl or keep at least 10’ awa y), when leaves are rubbed on the ski n.
Smells foul.
Felmather m-O-5-U Le af/ingest 105gp 15 Menta l summons of one “friend” (beasts or folk). Range 300’ x user’s level. Coma relief.
Me lander c-F-3 Moss/brew 12sp 8 +10 to disea se resistance for 1-10 days.
Me nela r c-C-5-N Cone/bre w 65gp ? Cures infections.
Ur f-H-3 Nut/ingest 3gp 1 One day’s nutrition.

Life Preservation
Degík (Life-vine) h-O-5-U Le af/ingest 100gp 10 Stabilizes the condition of a seri ously ill patient for 1 day. During the time he aling spe lls a nd
herbs work at maximum potency.
Nur-oiolosse f-F-8-U Clove/ingest 200gp 13 Lifegiving (1 day). Kills one day later unle ss Sorul nut is i ngested.
Oiolassë (Say-a rana) f-F-8-U Clove/ingest 600gp 22 Elves do not suffe r any harm or de generation no matter how grievous the wound or injury for 2
days a fter ingestion. During this time all healing herbs and magics work a t maximum potenc y.
Olvar f-O-6-N Flower/ingest 200 gp 20 Lifekeeping (2-20 days).
Pargen (Ge riche, Maranna) h-J-8 Berry/ingest 800gp 25 Patie nts condition doe sn’t deterioa te for 4 days. D uring this time all healing magics a nd he rbs
w ork at maxi mum pote ncy. Berries keep for seve ral months.
Pathur a-H-4-M Nodule/ingest 35gp 8 Lifekeeping (1 hour).
Tyr-fira (Life giver) f-A-9-U Blossom/ingest 2000gp 33 Plac ing a blossom in the mouth of a dying person preve nts death. All injuries are heale d to the
minimum level to sustain life. Blossom keep for one we ek after picking.

Muscle, Cartilage & Tendon Repair

Arnuminas m-S-2-N Le af/a pply 6bp 8 Doubles rate of he aling for sprains, t orn ligame nts and ca rtilage dama ge .
Arpsusa r t-F-5-U Stalk/brew 30gp 15 Mends muscle dama ge.
Dagmathe r s-S-5-U Spine /brew 28gp 12 He als c artila ge damage.
Ebur m-O-4-W Flower/ingest 22gp 18 Repairs sprains.

Nerve Repair
Belra mba s-C-6-M Lic hen/brew 60gp 20 Ne rve repair.
Terbas m-D-3 Le af/a pply 2gp 4 Doubles healing rate for nerve damage .
Wifurwif t-M-7 Lic hen/inge st 55gp 15 Ne rve repairs.

Organ Repair & Preservation

Aldaka c-M-5 Root/brew 102gp 7 Restores sight.
Berte rin m-D-3 Moss/brew 19gp 20 Preservation of organi c mate rial (up to body siz e) for 1 da y.
Febfendu c-F-4-W Rootbrew 90gp 24 Restores hearing.
Sira n s-S-6-W Clove/ingest 80gp 31 Restoration of 1 orga n or are a. Side e ffec t: skin disease (appea rance loss of 1-10) and 6 hits pe r
round when skin is exposed to full sun.
Siri ena s-S-5-U Grass/brew 70gp 27 Preservation of any organic ma teria l (up to body size). Lasts 1 hour.
Tarnas h-J-6 Nodule/bre w 220gp 60 Repairs organ damage. N ausea for 1-10 hours (-50).

Physical Alteration & Enhancement

Atigax f-H-4-NW Root/brew 40gp 12 Protec ts e yes in intense light or glare .A llows sight despite sudden or blinding light. Lasts 9
Breldiar m-V-4-U Flower/ingest 25gp 7 Subtracts 30 from manoeuvre and melee. Adda 50 to spells and missile attacks. Euphoria. Lasts 1
Ele ndil’s Ba sket f-H-7-N Root/brew 8gp 0 Purifies water; slows effects of poison 10x. Lasts 12 hrs.
Faghiu f-M-9-NW Flower/brew 330gp 0 Victim serves or loves giver of potion for 1-100 days. Vict im will not harm self.
Gylvir m-O-6-U Algae/ingest 45gp 20 Bre athe unde r water (only) for 4 hours.
Hiam Moss c-C-6-NW Fungus/bre w 9gp 8 Ke eps one a lert and sustained for 24 hours; if use d for more than 4 consecutive da ys, requires
rest (-75) = 2x period of use. 5% chance of de ath wit h first use if user fails RR versus 2nd lvl
a ttack.
Kathkusa f-W-3-N Le af/ingest 50gp 35 Increases stre ngth for d10 rounds. +10 Strengt h bonus; double concussion damage delive red.
Kilmakur h-S-7 Root/brew 65gp 33 Protec ts versus na tural flame and heat for 1-10 hours.
Klagul s-S-3-U Bud/brew 27gp 7 Nightvision (up to 100’ for 6 hours).
La tha (Lartha , Letha, Licka) c-F-4-N Stem/ingest 10sp 4 RR bonus +10 vs. dise ase. Cure s colds. He als 1-2 hits.
Me gillos c-M-3-U Le af/ingest 12sp 19 Increases visual perc epti on (doubl es range, +25 perception) for 10 minute s.
Sha c-H-7-N W Flower/ingest 10gp ? The flowe rs when drie d and pow dered allow s the use r can see 300’i n all but total darkne ss for
10-50 rnds. 11-20 hrs a fter use, use r suffers diarrhea (-25) for 1-5 days.
Ya ran t-S-2-W Pollen/ingest 9sp 7 Ac ute smell and taste (+50 pe rception) for 1 hour.
Zulsendura a-U-4-U Mshrm/ingest 70gp 22 Ha ste (3 rounds).
Zur c-U-4-M Fungus/bre w 12gp 8 Enhances smell and hea ring (t riple range; +50 pe rception. La st s 1 hour.

Stat Modifiers
Le sta gii a-Z-9-M Cryst/ingest 520gp 45 Restores any stat losse s other than those due to a ge. Affects only one stat per use.
Me rrig s-S-9-M Thorn/brew 90GP 50 Da ily use increases Appearance by 5. Inte rruption of use will not reverse addicitive resistance,
but results in loss of be nefit. Withdrawl me ans loss of 15 from Reasoning and Memory.

Stun Relief
Suranie t-F-3-U Berry/ingest 2gp 3 Stun relief (1 round).
Vinuk (Vasha) s-S-5-U Root/brew 2gp 4 Stun relief (1-10 rounds). Root kee ps for one week.
Wit an (Drugo-sreca) h-J-6-SW Le af/ingest 15gp 5 Stun relief (2 rounds). Le ave s keep for two weeks.

Name Codes Form/Prep Cost AF Effect
Arunya m-S-3 Root/brew 4sp 50 Causes sle ep and quick unconsciousness. O ne hour’s slee p equals 4.
Black Vine c-C-9-NW Le af/a pply 205gp 0 Intense euphoria lasts 1-4 minutes. Ma ke RR vs lvl 7 or fall into a delirious sleep as the euphoria
w ears off.
Brorkwilb m-V-4 Flower/ingest 9gp 45 Euphoric . Allows shared dre ams with family member who is also sle eping.
Gort m-T-4 Le ave s/ inhale 10gp 20 Euphoric hallucinogen. +10 to users appe arance for 2 hours, but afterwa rds c auses user to be
w eak 1-10 hours (-50 to all actions).
Hoak-foer s-S-3 Flower/ingest 67gp 30 hallucinogen. Cures mind loss and menta l disease s, but prevents all move ments for 1-10 we eks.
Nelisse s-V-4 Le af/bre w 9sp 15 Euphoria for 1 hour (all actions a t -50). Gives 1 day`s nutrition.
Pipe Weed varie s varie s/ingest va ries 1 Addiction checks should only be made a fter inhaling the smoke from more than three ounces of
ta bac co. Certain kinds of pipewe ed may have a higher (or lowe r) AF. Only bec omes ava ilable
a bout T.A. 2670.

The effec ts show n below are the specific effect s of the poison. These e ffe cts will oc cur when the victim fails his RR. These effec ts w ill occ ur in addition to the general effects
of that type of poison (and take priori ty w he n t here is a conflict). If no spec ific effect is gi ven, see Gamemaster Law Sect ion 11.2 on Poisons for further general e ffe cts of
poisons. The given level has a lette r designation that allows for level variability (see C & M for how to use level variability Codes).
Name Codes Form/Prep Cost AF Effect
Circulatory Poisons
Karfar h-J-4 leaf/paste 142gp 0 Leve l 7C poison. Re ddish paste causes he art to malfunction. All effects begin in 2-12 rounds.
Klytun s-B-4 Root/paste 53gp 0 Leve l 5A poison. Golden pa ste cause s 1-10 day coma. Effect s begin after al l genera l effects have-

Conversion Poisons
Tayna ga c-C-5 Bark/powder 27gp 0 Leve l 8D poison. Brownish powder ste rilize s and gives 5-50 hits. Maximum of mode erate gen-
e ral effects.

Muscle Poisons
Ancalthur c-F-6 Liquid/ingest 45gp 0 (Lvl 2)Vic tims sense of time is warped, leaving himuncorordinated for 2-4 hours (RR failure 1-
50 = -75; RR failure 51+ = -100).
Blade Hemlock m-F-6 Paste/inject 58gp - (Lvl 6) H emlock and Curulot. RR failure 01-25 = inca pac ity 1-10 hours; RR failure 26+ = dea th
in 6-10 rnds.
Dyna llca h-F-3 Le af/paste 14gp 3 Leve l 3B poison. Ta n paste affects hearing and gives 1-10 hits. Maximum of Severe genera l
e ffec ts (de st roys he aring).
Wate r Hemloc k Plant m-F-7 Liquid/ingest 18gp ? (Lvl 3) Pa le amber clear liquid. Pure deri vative. RR failure 01-25 = inc apa city 1-10 hours; RR
failure 26+ = death in 6-10 rnds.

Nerve Poisons
Aca ana f-M-7 Flower/paste 600gp 0 Leve l 10E poison. Black paste a ffe cts nervous syste m. Extre me effec t destroys nervous syst em
a nd kills inst antly.
Adde r Venom m-F-7 Paste/inject ion 75gp 0 (Lvl 10) Adder poison and Curulot Blossom. RR failure 1-50 = fla ccid paralysis for 1-100 rnds;
RR failure 51+ = dea th in 5 rnds.
Asp Venom m-T-3 Asp/pa ste 23gp 0 Leve l 5 poison. Loss of limb struc k.
Juth a-Z-5 Scorpion/Liquid 56gp 0 Leve l 2B poison. Maximum of severe effect (insanity in 1-100 w eeks).
Ul-Acaana F-M-8 Paste/inject 500gp ? (Lvl 10) RR failure 01-20 = coma (1 day); RR failure 21+ = instant death.

Reduction Poisons
Silmaana m-T-2 Stalk/powder 4gp 0 Leve l 9C poison. Silve r powder sca rs skin; gives 2-20 hits. Ma ximum of moderate effe cts.
Slota t-D-7 Spide r/paste 36gp 0 Leve l 5A poison. Extreme effect is slow (1 day) para lysis and death (1-10 days).
Za ganzar t-M-6 Root/liquid 139gp 0 Leve l 5H poison. Bluish extrac t. Maximum of severe e ffec ts (blinds by reduc ing optic nerve to
w ater); gives 1-10 hits.

Respiratory Poisons
Gale naa na c-A-6 Le af/powde r 179gp 0 Leve l 9D poison. Green powder. Maximum of severe effe cts (except for elves who can suffer
e xtreme e ffe cts).
Jegga m-U-5 Bats/paste 92gp 0 Leve l 7B poison. Brown paste gives 1-100 hits. Maximum of mild effects.
Jitsu m-O-4 Clams/l iquid 34gp 0 Leve l 5B poison. Yellow ve nom gives 5-50 hits. Maximum of mild e ffe cts.
Kly s-H -5 Berry/paste 154gp 0 Leve l 3F poison. Brown juice gives 3-300 hits. Maximum of mild effec ts.
Shirolos m-H-8 Liquid/ingest 84gp ? (Lvl 10) Distillation of Sw eet Gale nas and white wine, clea r and yellow. RR failure 01-50 =
D rowsiness (-100 Manoeuvreing); RR failure 51+ = Tranc elike sta te (1-100 hrs); open to sugges-
tion but cannot move .
Thuryik s-V-8 Gas/ingest 85gp ? (Lvl 10) RR failure = deep sle ep (1-10 hrs).
Uraana t-S-3 Le af/paste 12gp 6 Leve l 6A poison. Creamy paste give s 3-30 hits. Maximum of mild e ffec ts.

Finding Herbs in the Wild
When searching for herbs in the wild, the first factor that must be met is that the climate and locale must be suitable for the herb to
grow. Second a successful Herb Lore roll must be made; a successful roll is one which doesn’t give a negative bonus on the static
maneouvre table. If these conditions are met, the difficulty modifier is applied to a character’s foraging roll.
Both a Herb Lore and Foraging roll must be made for each hour spent searching. If either fail no herbs are found.
There are a few other modifiers to the foraging roll. The list below shows some typical modifiers.
Area has been foraged in the last 6 months -50
For a successful Herb Lore skill check +0 to +30
Each additional searcher +2
Each 10 hours spent unsuccessfully searching +5
If the Foraging roll is an “Absolute Success” searchers have found 1-5 doses of herb.
If the Foraging roll is a “Success” searchers have found only 1 dose of herb.
If the Foraging roll is a “Near Success” another roll is made for this hour at +20.
If the Foraging roll is a “Partial Success” or “Failure” no herbs are found.
If the Foraging roll is an “Absolute Failure” or “Blunder” no herbs will be found for the remainder of the day.


Name Codes Form/Prep Cost AF Effect
Alcohol varie s varie s/ingest va ries 1 Addiction checks should only be made upon rea ching a “drunken” sta te (i.e., drinking with mod-
e ration does not cause a ddiction). Ce rtain kinds of alc ohol may have a higher (or low er) AF.
Cram c-U-2 Brea d/ingest 14sp 1 4 oz. slice is one dose . Dw arven Waybre ad that provides five day’s nutrition per slice. Tastes of
mushrooms and pepper. Loaf kee ps 7 we eks.
Le mbas Lothlórien Brea d/ingest - 0 Enchanted Elven wa ybrea d, made only in the Elve n re alm of Lothlórien. Provides a da y’s nutri-
tion, +15 e xhaustion points, +10 vs. poison a nd disea se for the day. Not available outside Lórien.
Miruvor Noldor cordial/inge st - 0 An Enchante d Elven drink, ma de onl y in Elvish lands occupied by the Noldor. It provides +5 Co
bonus, +10 RR vs. dise ase and poison, +20 exha ustion poi nts for one day. Not sold.
Pandis Shire-3 liquor/ingest 5c p 2 Bre wed in the Marish and Midgewate r marshes, this liquor is made from Delrean bark. Whe n
imbibed in quantit y this bre w repels insec ts a nd adds +30 to RR vs sna kebite.Addiction checks
should only be ma de upon reac hing a “ drunke n” state (i.e., drinking with mode ration does not
c ause addiction). Too muc h produces a nasty hangove r with greenish highlights around the e yes
a nd mouth.

Name Codes Form/Prep Cost AF Effect
Aloe Salve varie s-3 Salve/Apply 1sp 0 This salve is made from Aloe. Doubles healing rate for burns and minor c uts. Heals 5 hits if they
result for burns. Commomly ava ilable throughout NW Endor.
Cara nan Varies Mixture/ingest 3gp 0 He als 2-8 hits; relives pain and swelli ng; max 10 doses/day. Made from seve ral ingredients, all
c ommon to western, northwe stern and mi d-Endor.
Derrly Salve varie s-2 Salve/Apply 6sp 0 A lot ion made from Delrean whic h when applied to the skin re pels any insect (RR vs. 7th lvl or
keep at least 10’ awa y).
Rune Salve Varies Salve/Apply 3gp 2 Also known as Arkasu, All-heal , Mrim. He als 2-12 hits. Speeds the closing and healing of large
open wounds (normal rate x1.5). antise ptic . Also surface anesthetic, ha lf pena lties for pain from
minor w ounds. Made from 3 or four diffe rent herbs from the pla ins of Rhûn.
Ma iana Varies-5 Liquid/Ingest 7gp 0 De congestant. Ha lves the da ngerous symptoms caused by l ung afflictions a nd respiratory dise ase.
Made from a mixture of pla nts found on the northern slopes of the Misty Mountains.
Harlindar Varies-4 Powde r/Ingest 9sp 0 Preve nts misc arriages. Powder is mixed with w ater a nd drunk.. Ma de from a mixture of herbs
found in southern Eriador.
Gilder D ust (Ilya lma) Varies-5 powder/Apply 312gp 0 When sprinkle d on injuries repairs organs, arteries a nd ve ins in 1-3 minutes. A magical blend of
rare substa nce s. Only a vaila ble from Elvish hea lers and a few mannish a pothe carie s/alchemists.

Name Codes Form/Prep Cost AF Effect
Angurth - fl eas - - Leve l 2. Slow painful de ath
Bukanda s - certain wolves - - Leve l 4. Severe a sthma
Grelni xar - Vrel plant - - Leve l 8. Running dea th. Whenever able the vic tim will run (even to the point of dea th).
Igturfas - certain snakes - - Leve l 5. Feeblemindedne ss, Re drop by 20.
Jadaras - Janar grass - - Leve l 2. A gility drops by 5.
Shutinis - Hultif bugs - - Leve l 3. Insani ty.
Ve maa k - certain hornets - - Leve l 7. Hearing loss.

These lists of names are not meant to represent every possible
name available to a characters race. Merely to give players ideas for
naming characters. Almáriel (fem. name)
Aicanáro, masc. name
Arien "the Sun-maiden", fem. name,
Artaher "noble lord", masc. name
Hobbits have a first name followed by a Surname. It is very
unusual for them to have middle names. It is common to name girls Artamir "Noble jewel", masc. name
after flowers or jewels. Atanamir, *"Edain-jewel"
Atanatar masc. name, "Father of Men"
Banks, Baggins, Bracegirdle, Brandybuck, Broadfoot,
Brockhouse, Brown, Bunce, Burrows, Bolger, Boffin, Cob,
Cobbins, Coltsfoot, Conney, Cottam, Cotton, Chubb, Dobbins,
Galbasi, Galpsi, Gamgee, Gamwich, Gammidge, Goldworthy,
Aerin, Ailwen, Almarían, Almiel, Aredhel, Arlind, Arwen, Banwen,
Goodbody, Goodchild, Goodhill, Goold, Greatfoot, Grub,
Belaurin, Bereth, Berúthiel, Bladorwen, rennil, Bridhil, Brilwen,
Hairytoes, Hairyfoot, Headstrong, Heathertoes, Hornblower,
Celebrian, Celebrindal, Cerelin, Címir, Dineth, Doliel, Dolwethil,
Longburrow, Overhill, Proudfoot, Roper, Sackville, Sandheaver,
Smallburrow, Smallfoot, Shanks, Underhill, Took, Tunnelly, Turfer, Dunril, Duredhel, Eilinel, Elanor, Elbereth, Elberil, Eledhwen,
Whitfoot Elleth, Elwing, Emeldir, Faelivrin, Faiglindra, Finduilas, Firiel,
Fuil, Gailbrithnir, Galadlóriel, Galadriel, Gilmith, Gilraen,
Female Gilthoniel, Glóredhel, Gwâni, Hadoriel, Haladanil, Helluin, Hiril,
Adamanta, Adaldrida, Angelica, Anise, Asphodel, Belba, Bell, Idril, Inis, Isfin, Ivanne, Ivorwen, Lalaith, Lamril, Linmir, Lothíriel,
Belladona, Berylla, Betony, Buttercup, Camellia, Celandine, Luinen, Lúthien, Magrintha, Mavwen, Mechothli, Melethril,
Chamomile, Cherry, Chica, Daisy, Dahlia, Diamond, Donnamira, Melian, Melineth, Melis, Miriel, Mirwen, Mithrellas, Morwen,
Dora, Eglantine, Emerald, Esmeralda, Fern, Foxglove, Gardenia, Murilind, Muru, Naneth, Nellas, Neth, Nienor, Nimladel, Nimlorel,
Gilly, Goldilocks, Goldenseal, Hanna, Hazel, Hilda, Holly, Jasmine, Nimloth, Nimlothel, Níniel, Ninir, Nirnaediel, Nuneth, Nurnil,
Laura, Lily, Linda, Lobelia, May, Malva, Magnolia, Marigold, Rathlóriel, Rhien, Silmarien, Sirith, Su lmith, Talceleb,
Melilot, Menegilda, Merimas, Mentha, Mimosa, Mirabella, Myrtle, Thuringwethil, Timbridhil, Timfiril, Tinturwen, Tinúviel, Únen,
Pansy, Passionflower, Pearl, Peony, Pervinca, Poppy, Primula, Urwedhin, Urwen
Primrose, Pimpernel, Prisca, Rosa, Rose, Rosemary, Rosamunda,
Rowen, Ruby, Salvia, Saffron, Saphire, Tanta, Violet, Willow, Male
Ammalas, Amrog, Androg, Angrim, Annael, Aramir, Arminas,
Male Auredhir, Baragorn, Bethos, Bodruith, Borlas, Borondir, Bradil,
Adalgrim, Adelard, Amaranth, Andwise, Anson, Balbo, Bilbo, Bronweg, Celebrith, Cranthor, Dagnir, Damrod, Delin, Dengar,
Bingo, Bodo, Bandobras, Blancho, Bowman, Bungo, Carl, Dírhavel, Diriel, Drónurin, Duilin, Egalmoth, Egnor, Eldamir, Eltas,
Coldomac, Cotman, Cottar, Everard, Dinodas, Doderic, Dodinas, Eriol, Ermabuin, Ethlon, Falathar, Felegron, Feredir, Findor,
Drogo, Dudo, Erling, Fastolph, Fastred, Falco, Ferdinand, Finweg, Fionaur, Flinding, Forweg, Galadhor, Galathilion,
Ferdibrand, Ferumbras, Filibert, Flambard, Fortinbras, Fosco, Galdaran, Geluim, Gethron, Gilweth, Githilma, Glirhuin, Guilin,
Fredegar, Frodo, Gamoc, Gerontius, Gorbadoc, Gorbulas, Gumlin, Gwaewar, Hadron, Halmir, Halog, Hatholdir, Henderch,
Gormadoc, Girffo, Gundabold, Halfast, Halfred, Harding, Hamfast, Iarwath, Indorion, Ingold, Ingrim, Ior, Lathos, Lathweg, Lúmin,
Hending, Hildigrim, Hildibrand, Hildifons, Hob, Hobson, Holfast, Lúrin, Maethor, Magron, Mailgond, Malgalad, Mallor, Miothon,
Holman, Hugo, Ilberic, Isembard, Isembold, Isengar, Isengrim, Nathron, Orchaldor, Orgof, Orleg, Ormaldor, Othrondir, Padathir,
Isumbras, Largo, Longo, Lotho, Madoc, Marcho, Marmadas, Pelendur, Radhruin, Radros, Ranoth, Rhimbron, Russandol, Sadog,
Marmadoc, Marroc, Meriadoc, Merimac, Milo, Minto, Mosco, Saelon, Saeros, Talagand, Tauros, Thind, Thorondir, Tinfang,
Motto, Mungo, Nina, Noakes, Odovacar, Olo, Orgulas, Otho, Milo, Tinweg, Torfir, Udalraph, Ulbar, Ulfand, Ulrad, Ulwar, Urthel
Paladin, Peregrin, Ponto, Porto, Polo, Posco, Odo, Reginard,
Rorimac, Rudigar, Rufus, Sadoc, Saradoc, Saradas, Samwise, Sindarin Names are appropiate for Elven Characters of Sinda des-
Sancho, Sigismond, Seredic, Tanta, Togo, Tolman, Wilcome, cend as well as "call-names" of Noldo characters. Also Wood-elf
Wilibald, Wiseman, characters from the realms of Lórien or Mirkwood might bear
Sindarin Names, but other Wood- and Green-elves have Names in
DWARVEN NAMES Nandorin or Avarin (Pena) forms. It´s a common thing for Dúnedain
and the urban or Noble Gondorians to have Sindarin Names too
Dwarves adopt “public” names for occasions where they must
(rural men would wear Westron or ancient indigenious names)
deal with non-Dwarves. They guard their given or “inner” names
with zeal.
The names below are common “public” names used by Dwarves NORTHMAN NAMES
of either sex. These names are suitable for any northman culture during the
Azaghâl, Balin, Balli, Balrim, Barin, Bávor, Bifur, Bís, Bofur, mid-third Age.
Bohór, Bombur, Borin, Bróin, Burin, Dáin, Daram, Darim, Dís,
Dóm, Dór, Dóri, Dralin, Drarin, Drúbar, Dúrin, Dúrinin, Dúris, Female
Drús, Durí, Dwáin, Dwálin, Falin, Farin, Fili, Flói, Frár, Freri, Brytta, Haithwyn, Idunn, Lorelei, Luitgard, Lusuntha, Shagelda
Frerin, Freris, Frór, Fruhar, Fulla, Fundin, Gáin, Gimli, Gimlin,
Glein, Glóin, Glorin, Grís, Gróin, Grolin, Grór, Gulla, Gura, Gurh, Male
Gurim, Gurin, Gurn, Náin, Naug, Rálin, Thorin, Adalbert, Amalric, Atagavia, Beorn, Beornaborn, Breagla,
Donar, Eodoric, Felardan, Freaga, Gartila, Hengist, Hludwig,

Horsa, Ing, Iseren, Mahacaed, Mahrcared, Odogavia, Odovacar, Ricerch, Sawel, Seriol, Sywno, Talorg, Tathal, Tathan, Teulyddog,
Odavacer, Skulif, Tancred, Theodoric, Ugiluf, Uirdiks, Waggaeorn, Tewdwr, Trahaearn, Tudfwlch, Tudur, Tungyr, Uren, Uwain, Wid,
Waulfa, Wuilaric Ysgarran.


These names should have an Anglo-Saxon form.
Female Aigneis, Ailis, Aimil, Aingealag, Anabal, Anna, Barabal, Beitris,
Aldgylt, Amborgwén, Andbryg, Andrun, Argylt, Athelblot, Brighde, Cairistiona, Caitlin, Catriona, Ceit, Ciorstag, Ciorstan
Athelwyn, Baluwif, Bendblot, Beoliss, Beorgbryth, Beorgdotar, Diorbhall, Doireann, Ealasaid, Eibhlin, Eibhlin, Eilidh, Eilionor,
Beorgwén, Beorngilp, Bildotar, Bredwyn, Bridd, Burghild, Carbryg, Fionnghuala, Frangag, Giorsal, Grizel, Iosbail, Iseabel, Leitis, Lili,
Cynhild, Denehild, Déorliss, Dunmeden, Dwimorliss, Éadgifu, Liusaidh, Maighread, Maille, Mairearad, Mairi, Marsali, Marta,
Eadliss, Edorblot, Elfbryg, Elfdotar, Elfhild, Elfrun, Éobryg, Milread, Moibeal, Muireall, Neilli, Nora, Onora, Peigi, Raonaid,
Eoforhild, Eoforwyn, Éowyn, Faragylt, Fastgylt, Felarun, Raonaild, Ros, Seana, Seonaid, Sibeal, Sighle, Sile, Silis, Sine,
Firienhild, Folcblót, Folcliss, Folcrun, Foldgwén, Frealiss, Fréarun, Siubhan, Siusan, Una.
Frumwyn, Fyrgylt, Gardotar, Gartwif, Gléohild, Goldwif,
Grimgwén, Grimhild, Guthgwén, Guthwif, Gwén, Halibryd, Male
Hambryg, Hardrun, Helmblot, Helmbryg, Heregwén, Herewif, Adhamh, Ailean, Aindreas, Alai, Alasdair, Aonghus, Art, Artur,
Hildedotar, Hildewyn, Holdbryth, Holdgilp, Holdmeden, Barra, Batair, Bearnard, Cailean, Calum, Coinneach, Colm,
Hornmeden, Isengilp, Iserun, Léodgwén, Léodwyn, Léofblót, Criostoir, Crisdean Daibhidh, Deorsa, Diarmid, Domnhull,
Léowyn, Markhild, Mearhild, Mearliss, Meduwyn, Meregylt, Donncadh, Dughall, Eachann, Eamonn, Eanruig, Earnan, Eideard,
Merigen, Ósbryth, Ostbryg, Redhild, Redwyn, Sarumeden, Eoghann, Fearchar, Fearghus, Feundig, Fiorel, Fionnlagh, Frang,
Scaduwyn, Seldbryth, Solblót, Théodwyn, Thinen, Wegenbryd, Fronnsaidh, Gabhan, Gearald, Gille-Eathain, Goraidh, Iain, Iomher,
Widrun, Winifreth, Wisrun, Wlencu, Wolcenblót, Wulfdotar, Labhruinn, Lachlann, Liam, Lucas, Luthais, Manus, Marcus,
Wulfgwén, Wulfmeden Martainn, Maschbram, Micheil, Muireach, Mungan, Murchadh,
Male Neacal, Niall, Oengus, Padruig, Parthalan, Peadar, Piaras, Pol,
Aldor, Andwis, Arwulf, Beorghard, Beorn, Beowulf, Brandróf, Proinsias, Raghnall, Raibeart, Raonull, Risteard, Ruairidh, Saddro,
Brego, Brytta, Céorl, Déor, Dúnhere, Éadig, Ednew, Edorwine, Seammu, Seorus, Seosamh, Seumas, Sim, Somhairle, Stiabhan,
Elfheah, Elfhelm, Elfwein, Elfwine, Éobold, Eofor, Éoh, Éomer, Tearlach, Tomas, Tormod, Uilleam, Uisdean.
Éomund, Erkenbrand, Erkenfast, Fastred, Felaróf, Fengel,
Firienman, Folca, Folcred, Folcwine, Foldric, Forca, Fréa, Fréalaf, ORC NAMES
Fréawine, Freca, Fruma, Frumgar, Galmod, Gangred, Gargram,
Ashgor, Albamat, Azdog, Azlag, Bagmog, Azmau, Bolghâsh,
Gelimer, Goldleod, Goldwine, Gram, Grimbold, Grimred, Guthlaf, Azprakh, Bolghûr, Bolglag, Bolrat, Burgûlaz,Bughûr, Burgûlmuz,
Haleth, Háma, Hamfast, Hamson, Harding, Hasen, Heden, Helgor, Bûrzgol, Burgûlprakh, Dograt, Bûrzlata, Dufgoth, Bûrznût, Durbug,
Helm, Hending, Hengest, Heorrenda, Herebrand, Hilderic, Bûrzthroq, Durbûl, Burzumlag, Durshag, Durbmuz, Durubgor,
Holdwine, Holman, Holtman, Hornláf, Horsa, Isenbard, Isenbold, Durfauth, Dushgor, Dushtug, Dushthrak, Fauthaz, Fauthash,
Isengar, Isengrim, Léod, Léofa, Leofen, Leofwine, Markred, Fimbûlyag, Fauthgûl, Gâkhnût, Fimbûlgash, Gâkhthroqu, Gashbol,
Mearhere, Mearwine, Meduwine, Mundgar, Óswine, Ottor, Gashsrinkh, Gashnákh, Gazatmat, Ghâshgrond, Ghâshlag,
Scaduwine, Seldwine, Snaca, Stedeson, Tolman, Walda, Wefre, Gimbhosh, Golkrimp, Goidog, Goltug, Goiduf, Gornût, Gorghâsh,
Wegenwulf, Westgrim, Widfara, Wisman, Writa, Wulf, Wulfgar, Goruglu, Gothdog, Horuglu, Gothûl, Hûraz, Grishbûrz, Kriththroq,
Wyrmhere. Grondlug, Lagaz, Gûlbug, Lugaz, Haibolg, Lugprakh, Horbol,
HILLMEN NAMES Mataz, Ishizthrak, Matûrzlag, Kûburgûl, Mautug, Lagrog, Mogmau,
Lugrad, Muzlata, Mogdush, Shagaz, Moghor, Shagprâkh, Muzdog,
Female Sharadûmp, Muzgor, Sharamat, Nakhash, Snagalag, Nakhbag,
Adwen, Annest, Angharad, Arianwen, Briant, Collwen, Duddug, Srinkaz, Ogfimbûl, Tarkthroq, Prakhduf, Thrakmat, Rógnakh,
Dwynwen, Dyddgu, Efa, Eleri, Ffraid, Glesig, Glesni, Gwen, Ufmat, Tugrat, Uftug, Ufgâkh, Uglaz, Urukbol, Úkmat, Uruknakh,
Gwenllian, Gwladus, Heledd, Indeg, Keyne, Leri, Lleucu, Llio, Uzglag
Melangell, Meleri, Nest, Nia, Twi, Tydfill.

after T.A. 861 names are taken in the Sindarin language.
Aeddan, Aeron, Afan, Amig, Amlyn, Anarawd, Arddur, Arfon,
Arllechwedd, Arhtudd, Athrwys, Blaen, Bleddig, Bleddyn, Bledri,
Bradwen, Bragha, Bram, Bregg, Brend, Briam, Brioc, Broggha,
Brude, Brugyn, Buban, Cadell, Cadfannan, Cadlew, Cadwaladr,
Cadwallon, Cadwgan, Caradog, Catwg, Cedifor, Ceredig, Cian,
Cibno, Cilydd, Clydno, Cunvelyn, Cyfulch, Cygnar, Cynan,
Cynfan, Cyngen, Cynhafal, Cynrain, Cynwal, Defi, Donat, Drust,
Dwyai, Edar, Edern, Edynfed, Eideff, Einion, Elad, Elffin, Elise,
Erthgi, Eudaf, Fagan, Gelhi, Geriant, Golistan, Gollwyn, Gorthyn,
Graid, Gruffydd, Gundlei, Gwaednerth, Gwair, Gwanon, Gwarddur,
Gwefrfawr, Gwegon, Gwenabwy, Gwengad, Gwern, Gwion,
Gwrgant, Gwraid, Gwrfelling, Gwrien, Gwygn, Gwyleged, Gwyn,
Gwynfardd, Hyfaidd, Hywel Idwal, Iestin, Ieuan, Iorwerth, Krennt,
Llewt, Lleyn, Llifiau, Llywarch, Llywel, Llewen, Mailcon,
Marchlew, Maredudd, Meilyr, Merfyn, Merin, Morial, Moried,
Morien, Mynyddog, Naggwech, Nai, Nalle, Neddig, Neilyn,
Nerthaid, Nidian, Nwython, Owain, Padern, Pedrog, Peithan,
Rhiwallon, Rhodri, Rhufon, Rhun, Rhydderch, Rhygifarch, Rhys,

Middle-earth ia vast continent which is the home of numerous Valier). Elda scribes refer to the eight most influential Ainur as the
cultures/races. Most have their own god or gods and have their own Aratar (S. "Exalted"), or "Greater Powers," for they impact most on
set of associated rules and rituals. Many of these religions involve events in Ea. The other six Valar are counted as the "Lesser
cruel deities and the worship of Darkness. Other pantheons reflect Powers".
some local perception and belief in some or all of the Valar. This is Vala relationships mirror those of the Children of Iluvatar. Some
particularly true in northwestern Middle-earth, where the Elves and are older than others, most are married, and most have siblings.
the enlightened Men know of the true nature of those on high. Manwe's wife Varda is Queen and her word is law to all the Powers,
excepting her husband.
The Ainur, or "Holy Ones," were the first beings created by Eru,
Manwë (Súlimo) -
the one God. According to the Elda tale known as the Ainulindalë;
their spirits predated the creation of Eä, "The World that Is." They • Ass ociatio n/theme: Air (sky, wind, weather, sight, empathy, wis-
came into Existence in the very Beginning. The Ainur were with dom).
Eru, "the One," before anything else was made.
King of the Valar (aka the Elder King); Husband of Varda;
• Status:
Eru's thought gave birth to two groups of Ainur: the exalted
Brother of Melkor (Morgoth).
Valar (Q. "Powers") and their lesser but more numerous brethren,
the Maiar (Q. "Hands"). Together, these immortal servants form a • Colour: Blue.
community borne out of Eru's conception, a community entrusted Varda (Elbereth) -
with the both the making and guardianship of Arda, "the Place."
(Endor, "Middle-earth," is the central continent in Arda.) Eru (who • As sociation/theme: Light (stars, light of Arda, hearing, insight).
the Eldar call "Ilúvatar" kindled the Ainur with the Flame Queen of the Valar; Chief of Valier; Star-queen (aka
• Sta tu s:
Imperishable, the Secret Fire, giving the Holy Ones Being and Elentári, Elbereth Gilthoniel, Star-kindler); Wife of Manwë.
Vision. After sending the Flame to burn at the heart of Eä, the One
spoke to the Ainur. He imparted themes of music and the Ainur • Colour: White.
sang. They sang separately at first, but Eru eventually gathered Ulmo -
them in the Timeless Halls and instilled in them a grand theme. This
theme guided the Ainur into harmony and gave birth to the Great • As sociation/theme: Water (sea, rain, springs).
Music. The Ainu chorus sang the Great Music, and the pattern and • Status: King ofthe Sea (aka Ocean Lord; Master of Waters); Spirit
being of all that exists was born. Eä--the World and the Heavens- of the Veins of the Earth.
grew out of the Song, as did Fate.
The Ainur are all-powerful, immortal spirits. They include the • Colour: Sea-green.
exalted Valar, like Manwë and Varda, as well as the Maiar, who Aulë (Mahal) -
include Sauron and the five Wizards. Most of the Ainur (including
• Association/theme: Earth (non-living earth, crafts, creativity, insight,
all but one of the Valar) remain faithful to their creator. Others, like
Sauron and the Balrogs, have fallen from grace.
Eru is Arda’s One God, and the Valar are his servants. It is the • Status: The
Smith (Lord of Crafts); Master of the Earth; Maker (of
Valar who live in Aman. Eru originally assigned them the guardian- Dwarves); Husband of Yavanna.
ship of the world. Although they removed themselves from direct
• Colour: Brown.
interaction with Middle-earth following the Downfall Of Númenor
in S.A. 3319, they still attempt to maintain the balance of things. Yavanna (Kementari) -
Through their agents (the Wizards or Istari), they aid the Free • As sociation/theme: Earth (living earth, olvar).
Peoples in the struggle against Sauron. The Valar feel justified
intervening, since they are doing no more than righting a wrong and Mistress of the Earth; Giver of Fruits; Keeper of Plants;
• Status:
combatting power with power. Both the Wizards and Sauron are Wife ofAulë and older sister of Vána.
lesser Valar, those beings called Maiar.
• Colour: Deep-green.
The Valar include a number of beings who normally exsist as
Námo (Mandos) -
spirits and only take physical form when dealing with lesser
creatures or visiting Middle-earth. Some - like Morgoth, Sauron and • As sociation/theme: Spirits (death, passing).
the Balrogs - have become enslaved in their adopted bodies as a
result of expending too much of their inner power. Although they • Statu s: Feantur
(Spirit-master); Keeper of the Dead; Doomsmaster;
could originally alter their appearance at will, their evil has bound Lord of the Halls of Awaiting; Older brother of Nienna and Irmo.
them to their hideous forms. • Colour: Black.
While their direct influence in Endor wanes with each passing Nienna -
Age, the Powers remain the most potent beings in exsistance. The
peoples of Middle-earth still worship their various incarnations in • As sociation/theme: Conscience (grief, pity, suffering).
countless ways. After all they represent Eru’s thought, his great The Weeper (also called the Loner, the Sufferer); Sister of
• Sta tus:
themes. Irmo and Námo.
Originally, there were fifteen Valar, including the virtually
coequal brothers, Manwe and Melkor (Morgoth). Melkor possessed • Colour: Red.
greater might, but Manwe most understood the nature of Eru's Oromë (Aldaron) -
thought and enjoyed the One's special blessing. Manwe's elevation
• As sociation/theme: Nature (forests, wild, kelvar).
as chief of the Powers surprised none of his kin, save his jealous
brother. • Statu s: The
Huntsman (aka Horn-sounder, Trumpet, Tauron, Béma,
Fourteen Valar remained: seven male and seven female (the or Araw); Tamer of Beasts; Master of the Wild; Forest Lord;

Master of the Wilds; Husband of Vána and older brother of Nessa. society's experience. For this reason, some folk even deify the Valar.
Those who live beneath the boughs of the deep woods and worship
• Colour : Silver. the God of the Forest covet the works of Orome, while those that
revere the God of the Sky salute Manwe.
• Ass ociation /theme: Youth (wild, birth, renewal, fire, flowers, song). The Valar are not Gods, of course, although they are often
mistaken as such by Men. Countless pantheons include Gods that
The Ever-young; Mistress of Flowers and Song; Wife of
• Statu s: correspond to some or all of the Powers. Generally, localized labels
Oromë and younger sister of Yavanna. and trappings apply, but the features ascribed to these so-called
• Colour : Spring-green. deities are usually the equivalent of those embodied in the Valar.
It is a matter of ignorance combined with local perception.
Tulkas (surn. Astaldo) -
Where the weather is harsh, the God who corresponds to Manwe
• A ssociation/theme: Valor (friendship, loyalty, laughter, hardiness, may be viewed as powerful and brutal; while in locales blessed with
delight). a fair climate, this God may be weak and/or gentle. In either case,
the deity is a misconceived version of the Lord of Valinor.
Champion of the Valar; The Valiant; Husband of Nessa.
• Status:
Colour: Red-gold. Certain races recognize only some of the Powers. Coastal
peoples who derive all their wealth from the sea may look to a God-
Nessa - variant of Ulmo as a generous and ultimate overlord who has no
• Ass ociation /theme: Joy (celebration, happiness). peers and few servants. While their pantheon might include a lesser
Lord of the Stars (some variation of Varda) and a weak God of the
Dancer; Mistress of Celebration; Wife of Tulkas and
• Status : Sky (again, a reconceived Manwe), their woodless land might have
younger sister of Oromë. little use for any deity resembling Orome.
• Colour : Orange.
Irmo (Lórien) - Eru is th e On e Go d, and so me enlig hten ed cultures u nders tand this
• Ass ociation /theme: Spirits (dreams, desires, love, vision, peace). fact. Mos t Elves, o f co urse, b elieve in E ru Iluv atar, for th ey recogn ize
th at the Valar aro se o ut o f th e On e's Flame Imp eris hable (like all les ser
Fëantur (Spirit-master; Dream Master (aka Desirer); Lord
• Sta tus: sp irits ). Thu s, mo st Elv en g roup s p ractis e mono th eis m. Tho se that d o
of Visions; Master of the Fountains of Renewal; Husband of Estë not are us ually igno rant Mo riqu endi (particular Avari) o r are corrupt.
and younger brother of Námo and Nienna. As ide f rom th e enligh te ned Du ne dain , Men a re le ss lik ely to
emb race the wo rship o f o ne, all po werful G od . Mo rtals - h aving s ho rt
• Colour : Deep Blue.
life sp an s an d relatively little w ritten his to ry - are too far remov ed from
Estë - th e E ld er Day s to p os ses s th e k no wledg e fou nd amo ng the Q uen di.
Where mon otheistic Men reside, the s pecific form of their beliefs are
• Ass ociation /theme: Renewal (healing, rest, peace).
rarely accurate; in stead, th ey reflect th e cultu re's u niqu e exp erien ce.
• Statu s: The Healer; Mistress of the Fountains of Renewal; Wife of Th ese peo ples ty pically view th eir o ne G od in th e s ame way E lv es
Irmo. migh t loo k u po n their patron Vala o r, mo re common ly, they perceive
their on e deity as a man ifestation of Darkn ess.
• Colour : Grey.
Darkness has frequently plagued Mannish societies. Both
• Ass ociation /theme: Time (fate, tales, memory). Morgoth and Sauron promoted themselves as the King of Men, and
• Sta tus: The Weaver; Wife of Námo. each fostered ignorance among their potential subjects. Religion
became a great tool of conquest. As a result, cults deifying Morgoth
• Colour : Purple. and/or Sauron are commonplace. Either the Black Enemy or the
Dark Lord is venerated as the one God, or as the principal God,
THE FALLEN POWER among numerous ethnic groups and within the many secretive cults
Melkor (Morgoth) - that subvert cultures in less shadowy regions.
• Ass ociation /theme: Fire (cold, crafts, materiality, earth). Unenlightened or impoverished people relish power and oft
times idolize magical or physical strength. Naturally, since the
• Status: The Fallen; The
Mighty (aka He Who Arises in Might, the Great Enemies employed unrestrained enchanters and overwhelm-
Great Enemy, the Black Enemy, the Nameless, The Unmaker); ing armies, Darkness represented might.
Brother of Manwë. This, in turn, provided Men with the two-edged symbol of fear
• Colour : None. and hope, and it is not surprising that a considerable number of
races turned to Darkness. Some of the resultant religions converted
THE VALAR AND RELIGION local Gods to servants of Morgoth or Sauron or abandoned the old
Few among the Elves of Third Age Middle-earth have ever seen deities altogether, while others merged their ancient idols into the
a Vala, and virtually none of the members of the other Free Peoples persona of the conquering spirit.
actually enjoy that claim. Direct visits from the Powers were rare
after the Great Battle, and they essentially ended following the THE MULTIPLICITY OF RELIGIONS
Change of the World. Only Ulmo and a small collection of Maiar Lik e any wo rld with my riad races , cu ltu res, and su b- cultures ,
regularly venture out of Aman. In fact, Ulmo sees and hears much Mid dle-earth h as a s eemin g ly inex ha us tib le collectio n of deities ,
pan th eons , p ractices , and relig io ns . Rites and ritu als , cou ched in the
that escapes even Manwe and Varda, for the King and the Queen of
the Valar are far removed from life in Endor. pecu liarities ass oc iated w ith particular p laces an d p eop les , f ollo w
coun tless patterns and themes. T hu s, the folk of each reg io n ty pically
Nonetheless, the peoples of Middle-earth are aware of legends sub scrib e to th eir o wn s tan dards, bo rro win g an d evo lv ing with need an d
and natural manifestations that arose out of the Valar's acts. The time.
forces and features of nature - such as the waters, the wind, and the In truth, ho wev er, there is a stand ard. Eru is the Creato r an d God ,
stars - are all tied to the Valar, and they are all part of every

an d n o othe r deities ex is t excep t in belief. T he Valar are merely
p owerful serv an ts , gu ard ian s of Eru's co nception .


T his truth forms th e foun dation of Eld a and Dun adan relig io n. Bo th
g ro up s live in th e no rthw est o f Mid dle-ear th and pr actis e a no n-
ritu alistic fo rm o f mo no th eis m b ased o n the belief in Eru as th e O ne.
H aving immortality and direct con tact with th e Powers of Aman, th e
E ldar kno w abo ut th e relation ships of the Maiar and the Valar, the Valar
an d Eru , an d E ru and Ea. Dis cip les o f Eld a teach ing , the Dun edain
inherited this k now ledg e.
T he Eldar an d D un ed ain utilize a v ery p erso nal f orm of relig io n,
w hich in v olve s n o fo rmal clergy and little in th e way o f ritu als.
Pers on al meditation an d co mmu nal celeb ration o rd er their sp iritu al
liv es . In fo rmality is the no rm.
T he Valar serv e as patron s of th ese grou ps (an d of the peo ple they
influence, but they are not mis con stru ed as Go ds. Mafia s pirits p erfo rm
les ser ro les an d are res p ected as th e wise, or rev ered a s s piritu al
caretakers of the earth. Actual wo rsh ip , ho wev er, is con fin ed to Er u;
an d w hile faith is es sen tial an d o mn ipres en t, it is n ot in tru sive. This
s uits th e Valar an d their Mafia peop le, since it is in keeping with th e
Balan ce of Th ing s.

hension. This skill also encompasses knowledge concerning dream
SKILLS incubation and other rituals associated with sleep and dreams for
This section contains new skills which are available in Middle- that particular culture. {In} [Mentalism Companion]
earth, skills which are not available and notes on how old skills
Lore • Obscure Skill Category
should be used in the Middle-earth setting.
Maiar Lore - This skill provides a bonus for recognizing, and
UNKNOWN SKILLS identifying the major powers and abilities of the Maiar including
These skills from the RMSR (and School of Hard Knocks) are fallen Maiar (e.g.; Balrogs), and things pertaining to them (land,
not available to characters:- items, etc.). {Me}
Lore • Technical Skill Category
Biochemistry Warding Lore
Disease Lore - This skill is only available to members of the
Channelling Planar Lore
Drughu culture; and is classified, Restricted for any other culture.
Control Lycanthropy Psychology This skill provides a bonus for recognizing and identifying
Dowsing Death Trance diseases.
Reality Awareness Healing Trance Martial Arts • Strikes Category
Magical Languages Magical Ritual Martial Arts Striking - This skill represents the attacking
Demon/Devil Lore Jousting forms of the “hard” martial arts. This skill uses the Arms Law
Faerie Lore Surfing Martial Arts Strikes Attack Table and may not exceed the Degree 1
Circle Lore Striking Degree 1, 2, 3, 4 damage threshold. Accompanied by a Weapon Style skill or Martial
Arts Style skill, this skill can exceed the Degree 1 limitation. All
Symbol Lore Sweeps Degree 1, 2, 3, 4
criticals should be rolled on the MArtial Arts Strikes Critical Table.
If during the course of the game, a character comes upon any of If the character has 10 or more skill ranks, he can use the
these skills and a teacher; then they may attempt to learn them as Degree 2 damage threshold on the Martial Arts Strikes Table rather
Restricted skills. than the Degree 1 damage threshold, but he must suffer a special -
20 modifier. {St} [Martial Arts Companion]
NEW SKILLS Martial Arts • Sweeps Category
These skills are taken from the various Rolemaster Companion Martial Arts Sweeping - This skill represents the attacking
books, or are completely new skills unique to Middle-earth. forms of the “soft” martial arts. This skill uses the Arms Law
Athletic • Brawn Skill Category Martial Arts Sweeps Attack Table and may not exceed the Degree 1
Tug of War - Two teams consisting of an equal number of damage threshold. This skill accompanied by a Weapon Style skill
participants, pull on opposite ends of a rope. The winner is the team or Martial Arts skill can exceed these limitations. All criticals
that can pull the rope towards the themselves a marked out distane.. should be rolled on the Martial Arts Sweeps Critical Table.
{St} If the character has 10 or more skill ranks, he can use the
Athletic • Gymnastics Skill Category Degree 2 damage threshold on the Martial Arts Sweeps Table rather
than the Degree 1 damage threshold, but he must suffer a special -
Dallok - each player is outfitted with a glove of cotton and
20 modifier. {Ag} [Martial Arts Companion]
leather over the left hand and a short bat in the right. With five
players per team, the object is to knock a wooden ball through a Special Attacks Skill Category
gate. on team defends the gate and the other team atemptes to knock Feint (Armed) - This skill provides a bonus to trick your
the ball through the gate, which scores the team a point. The gate is opponent to react to a false melee attack and weaken his defenses. A
four feet high and three feet wide. successful feint a maneuvre may result in a temporary reduction in
To become the attackers, the defenders must saize the ball from the total DB of the target. To determine the success of the feint
their opponents three times without letting them score a point. To attempt, take the amount of the character’s Feint skill bonus
take the ball away, three defenders (at a distance of least three feet commited to the attack and make a static manoeuvre roll. The
from each other) must consecutively touch the ball with mitt or bat. opponents total usable OB (e.g., his OB before delegating parry or
special attacks) is subtracted from this roll. Them refer to the
Stave-fighting - Each combatant is armed with a six foot long,
manoeuvre/Movement Table T-4.1, in RMSR, using the “Extremely
stout, wooden stave, both ends heavily padded with cotton wrapped
Hard” column. If the result is a number, this number is subtracted
with leather. The fighting takes place on an elevated platform
from the targets normal DB.
(eighteen by four feet). The winner either pushes his opponent off
the platfrom or scores three god hits. A Feint manoeuvre may negate some or all of a targets DB due
to shield bonus (including magical shields), parrying actions, skills
Combat Manoeuvres Skill Category
that increase the DB of the target, or the targets Quickness modifier.
Blind Fighting - This skill is classified, Restricted. (add skill Any positional DB or inherent DB of a target will not be reduced by
description). {SD} [ Martial Arts Companion] a Feint manoeuvre. Examples of positional DB are fighting from
Lore • Magical Skill Category higher ground or being behind some sort of cover. An inherent DB
Divination Lore - This skill provides a bonus to recalling the could be general magical protection or high quality armour, both of
meaning of a given divined result using standard or specialized which cannot be affected by a feigned attack.
systems of interpretation. This skill must be developed for each If the Feint manoeuvre is successful, half of the OB commited
method of divination. {Me} [Mentalism Companion] for the feint is regained for the normal melee attack. If the feint
Note: Divination is used to gain insight into past, present or fails, all OB shifted to the feinting manoeuvre is lost for this round.
future; Divination Lore is used in interpreting and understanding If the character develops Situational Awareness: Feinting, he
that information correctly. may apply this skill bonus against Feinting attacks made against
Dream Lore - This skill provides a bonus to attempts to him in addition to any other modifiers. {Qu} [Martial Arts
interpret dreams within the framework of a given culture, using Companion]
personal, cultural and archetypal content as the basis for compre- Feint (Unarmed) - This skill provides a bonus to trick your

opponent to react to a false melee attack and weaken his defenses. A Sonsory Songs, used for amending reductions in sensory powers
successful feint a maneuvre may result in a temporary reduction in or damage to nerves; also used in aiding mental afflictions.
the total DB of the target. To determine the success of the feint Muscle/Tendon/Ligament Songs, mend, stregthen and partially
attempt, take the amount of the character’s Feint skill bonus regenerate soft tissue.
commited to the attack and make a static manoeuvre roll. The Cleansing Songs, allow general cleansing of blood and organs;
opponents total usable OB (e.g., his OB before delegating parry or also help to re-establish normal functioning of the body after long
special attacks) is subtracted from this roll. Them refer to the periods of exertion or enforced inactivity.
manoeuvre/Movement Table T-4.1, in RMSR, using the “Extremely
Strengthening Songs, songs of a very wide range capable of
Hard” column. If the result is a number, this number is subtracted
amending all of the above afflictions; also stregthen the spirit. {Em}
from the targets normal DB.
[Hands of the Healer]
A Feint manoeuvre may negate some or all of a targets DB due
to shield bonus (including magical shields), parrying actions, skills Notes:
that increase the DB of the target, or the targets Quickness modifier. Substitute the result below for those given on the Power
Any positional DB or inherent DB of a target will not be reduced by Manipulation SM Table.
a Feint manoeuvre. Examples of positional DB are fighting from Blunder: Discord enters the song, but you do not perceive it until
higher ground or being behind some sort of cover. An inherent DB its conclusion. The healing power of the song is reversed and the
could be general magical protection or high quality armour, both of illness/injury becomes worse (perhaps life-threatening). The singer
which cannot be affected by a feigned attack. suffers a spell failure roll (no modifiers).
If the Feint manoeuvre is successful, half of the OB commited Absolute Failure: Discord enters the song, making it impossible
for the feint is regained for the normal melee attack. If the feint for the patient to find healing through song, meditation or spell.
fails, all OB shifted to the feinting manoeuvre is lost for this round. Mundane healing or herbs must be relied upon.
If the character develops Situational Awareness: Feinting, he Failure: This particular illness/injury is beyond your power to heal.
may apply this skill bonus against Feinting attacks made against Other methods or singers may be tried.
him in addition to any other modifiers. {Qu} [Martial Arts Unusual Event: This particular blend of patient, song and singers
Companion] has begun to work magic of a rare and unusual kind. The lead singer
Garrote - This skill allows an unknown assailant to attack with may decide to continue or stop singing. Stopping results in a roll on
a garrote, intending to render the target unconcious. To use the the force table of the spell failure chart for all involved. Continuing
Garrote skill, a character must approach his foe undetected and be could result in nearly anything (possibly roll for random spell list
able to strike before the foe can react. and level).
To resolve a garrote attack, the attacker makes a moving Partial Success: The illness/injury is proving difficult to heal. The
manopeuvre and adds his Garrote OB. The base difficulty for the power of your song may not be great enough. You may select an
manouevre is Easy. However, this difficulty increases by one level appropriate healing spell of no higher level than your skill ranks
for every 5 full points of DB the target has at the time of the attack (not bonus) to affect the patient (or the GM may select an appropri-
(e.g., a +17 DB increases the difficulty to Hard). Look up the total ate effect).
in the Moving Manouevre Table. Unusual Success: This combination of singers, patient and song
If the result is a number, the target must make an RR to stay has healed and strengthened the patient beyond the normal scope of
concious. The base RR attack level is equal to 10% of the number your skill (GM's discretion).
from the Moving Manouevr Table (round up). The target’s level is Near Success: The illness/injury is proving difficult to heal. The
equal to his Co stat bonus (minimum of 1). If the target fails his RR, power of your song may not be great enough. You may select an
he falls unconcious. if he makes his RR, he must roll again next appropriate healing spell of no higher level than 1/2 your skill ranks
round, but the attack level increases by the base RR attack level. (not bonus) to affect the patient (or the GM may select an appropri-
E.g., if the first RR was made versus level 6, the next RR is made ate effect).
versus level12 (then level 1, etc). Repeat this procedure until the Success: The song is successful. You may select an appropriate
target is unconcious. While being choked the victim has any healing spell of no higher level than your skill ranks (not bonus) to
maneouvres he attempts modified by -30 affect the patient (or the GM may select an appropriate effect).
If the original moving maneouvre resulted in a text description Absolute Success: By weaving words of power into the song, you
at the top of the chart (i.e., a very good attack manouevre), the manage to completely heal the malady.
victim must make an RR(versus a 20th level attack) but this RR is Mo di fica tio n........................................................................................ Mod ifie r
to avoid death (i.e., failing this RR results in a broken neck). Sit uat ion (e.g., + 30 i n q uiet ro om with g entle so ng ,
-70 in a to rture cha mb er) ...................................................................+ 30 t o -70
If the original moving manoeuvre resulted in a “fail to act” Na ture of t he i llness/i njury (e.g., +30 f or a sim pl e c ut,
result, the target still makes an RR (versus a 1st level attack), and -70 for a spe cia l p o ison). ...................................................................+ 30 t o -70
success indicates he is free from the attacker. Any other test result Acc om pa ny ing sing ers ( no mo re tha n 5) .................................. + t heir skill
Mo rta l with an af finit y fo r E lve s (e.g ., a Fai thful Núm enore an)........... -20
indicates that the manouevre failed. After the victim is unconcious, Mo rta l with no af finit y fo r E lve s (e.g ., mo st Men) ................................... -50
the attacker can choose to automatically kill the victim or leave him Spell Artistry- This skill is primarily used by illusionists to
unconcious. {St} [Pulp Adventures] create more vivid illusions with greater detail and similarity to real
Racial Attacks - Add skill description. [Martial Arts life. Spell artistry allows an illusionist to mimic specfic individuals
Companion] down to minute details or to make scenes blend flawlessly with the
Power Manipulation Skill Category surrounding environment.
Healing Songs - This is skill is only available to the Elven Notes:
kindreds and is Classified, Restricted for anybody else. The GM may require an acting static manouvre to determine
This skill uses song to aid and revive those suffering from how realisticly a creature or person is portrayed (the modifier from
illness. Below is a list of Healing Songs each of which must be the acting manouvre should be added to this roll). When attempting
developed as a seperate. to fool a target, the target may be entitled to an Alertness roll (if
Blood Songs, manipulate the flow of blood. unaware of the illusion), Observation or other appropriate skill roll
(if actively looking for the illusion). The difficulty is determined by
Bone Songs, Strengthen and partially regenerate broken or
how accurate the illusion is trying to be.
shattered bones.
Example Difficulties:

Routine: Create an illusion which would fool a viewer who has no The difficulty depends on the level of noise and activity in the im-
knowledge of the subject. mediate surroundings.
Light: Create an illusion which would fool a viewer who has only Substitute the result below, for that given on the Self Control SM
heard of the subject. Table.
Hard: Create an illusion which would fool a viewer who is familiar Blunder: Instead of focusing the healing power of body and spirit,
with the subject. you fall into an almost irreversible meditative state. The ill-
Very Hard: Blend an illusion with the surroundings ness/injury runs its course unchecked. Considerable efforts (an
Extremely Hard: Create an illusion which would fool a viwer who Awakening spell, contact with the spirit, etc) must be made by out-
is very familiar with the subject. siders to wake you or you starve to death.
Absurd: Create an illusion which would fool a viewer who is in- Absolute Failure: All appears to work well, but the illness/injury
timately familiar with the subject. does not heal as expected, continuing to trouble you for the rest of
your life. For example, on certain (usually important) occasions, a
Yavanna’s Song - This skill is only available to Sindar and
healed broken arm may lose its strength.
Silvan Elves and is classified, Restricted for any other culture.
Failure: You are unable to adequately focus your will. Try again in
This skill provides a bonus to increasing the effectivness of
1 week.
herbs. For full effect, this song must be voiced in symphony with
others (containing, as it does, multiple verses which must be sung, Unusual Event: You fail to focus your will upon your illness/injury,
back and forth, in response betweeen two choruses). {Em} [Hands and instead tap into the deepest memories of your soul. The experi-
of the Healer] ence is sure to change you.
Notes: Partial Success: You focus your will successfully, but not as
strongly as possible. The illness/injury eventually heals fully, but
As most Grey and Wood-elven healers are female, it is more typical
requires a successful Healing Meditation every week for double the
for Elven-women than Elven-men to be skilled in this song (though normal healing time.*
there are exceptions). Some of its applications (such as the culling
of Yavanna's wheat for lembas are activities permitted only to the Unusual Success: You focus your will successfully. While in the
women-folk, led by their besain (the queen or highestranking lady trance you catch echoes of the Song of Creation or reflections on
of their folk). the nature of Arda. You may receive prophetic visions, deeper in-
sight into a problem, etc.
Substitute the result below for those given on the Power
Manipulation SM Table. Near Success: You focus your will successfully, but not as strongly
as possible. The illness/injury eventually heals fully, but requires a
Blunder: Discord enters the song. The potency of the herb is re-
successful Healing Meditation every 2 weeks for double the normal
versed, acting now as a poison. You must make a successful Herb
healing time.*
Lore check to notice this.
Success: You focus your will. The illness/injury heals fully at the
Absolute Failure: Discord enters the song, dissipating the herb's normal rate.*
potency. You must make a successful Herb Lore check to notice
this. Absolute Success: You focus your will. The illness/injury heals
fully in three quarters of the normal time.*
Failure: The song has no effect. Adifferent singer may be success-
ful. *The normal time for an illness/injury to fully heal (i.e. without
scars, loss of movement, etc) may be up to 3 times as long as the
Unusual Event: This particular blend of herb and song has altered time for it to heal with a penalty or scar, etc.
the herb's nature (GM's discretion). You must make a successful Mo di fica tio n ........................................................................................Mod ifie r
Herb Lore check to notice this alteration (though this does not ne- Na ture of t he i llness/i njury (e.g., +30 f or a sim pl e c ut,
cessarily disclose its exact effect). -70 for a spe cia l p o ison)....................................................................+ 30 t o -70
At tend ant E lve n hea ler............................................................... + t heir skill
Partial Success: The herb now keeps for 3x its normal duration. Mo rta l with an af finit y fo r E lve s (e.g ., a Fai thful Núm enore an)........... -20

Unusual Success: If not yet culled, the herb evolves into a com- Mo rta l with no af finit y fo r E lve s (e.g ., mo st Men)................................... -50

pletely new strain (GM's discretion). Carefully tended, it will repro- Example Difficulties:
duce. If already culled, treat as UM 66 above. Routine: An isolated and sound-proof room.
Near Success: The herb now keeps for 3x its normal duration and is Easy:A quiet room in which all of the occupants are sleeping.
2x as effective. Light: A still setting with some noise, but no activity (e.g., in a
Success: The herb now keeps for 4x its normal duration and is 2x as peaceful glen).
effective. Medium: A relatively sedate setting in which there is some activity,
Absolute Success: By weaving words of power into your song, you but it is muffled.
manage to enhance the herb's natural potency. It either keeps for Hard: While in a room where two people are having a conversa-
20x its normal duration or doubles its immediate virtue (e.g., an tion.
herb that heals broken bones now heals shattered bones). Very Hard: An active setting in which there is a great deal of
Mod ifi cat ion ......................................................................................Mod if iers
Si nger is fem a le..............................................................................................+5
Ea ch a dd it io na l singe r ( up to 10).................................................................+5 Extremely Hard: In a noisy or disruptive environment (e.g., during
Science/Analytic Skill Category an argument).
Anatomy - This skill provides a bonus to understanding the Sheer Folly: In an extremely noisy or distracting environment (e.g.,
structure of the body. It’s disection and how the different parts are while being bombed or shot at).
connected. Absurd: While in melee.
Self Control Skill Category Shape-changing - This skill provides a bonus for controlling
Healing Meditation - This skill is only available to the elven one’s ability to change form. This skill may be used to prevent the
kindreds, and is classified, Restricted for everyone else. onset of a change, to control one’s bestial nature during such a
This skill provides a bonus for focusing the healing power of change, or to initiate a change at will. {SD}
body and spirit to increase the rate of healing. {Pr} [Hands of the Notes:
Healer] This skill is only available to members of the Beijabar culture
Notes: who have the talent Bairskuift; and is classified, Restricted for

anybody else. Apothecary - Adept in the preparation of drugs, herbals,
Every time the character is angry, falls, or is struck a transform- periapts, salves, poultices and balms. The urban variation on the
ation roll must be made. A shape-changer can also concentrate for 1 country herbalist, better educated, makes more use of animal
round and make a transformation roll. Any or all of the Shape- humors and mineral salts. The apothecary typically forages for
changeing skill bonus can be added to or subtracted from a herbs in tomes, gardens and marketplaces. There is a special static
transformation roll. If the result is positive, the shape-changer takes manouevre table for determining the success of this skill. {Re}
on (or remains in) human form. Otherwise the shape-changer takes [Hands of the Healer]
on or remains in beast form. A list of the more common preparations made with this skill
These modifiers apply to the transformation roll: follows:-
have ta ken hits.............................................................................................. -25
Boiling: The plant part used must be boiled, usually in water.
have ta ken a criti cal ..................................................................................... -50
see a frie nd wound ed .................................................................................... -25
(others require wine, and in rare cases even blood). Care must be
see a frie nd killed .......................................................................................... -50 exercised, because some herbs only require a brief immersion in
cont rol chang e..............................................................................±skill b onus boiling fliud, while others mudsst be simmered for hours or even
If a change is triggered by anything other than a conscious days. The addition of other herbs, in some cases, is required to
decision, there is a chance that the animals bestial nature will take activate the medicinal virutes of the primary plat.
control. Make a Very Hard Static Manoeuvre Roll on the Self Brewing: This method of preparation differs from boiling in that
Control Static Manoeuvre Table and add your Shape-change skill the herbs are usually cooked for several hours or days until the
bonus. The amount of control the animals nature exerts, is indicated liquid is reduced to a residue that is given or applied to the person
by the percentage result. o% normal animal behaviour, 30% of needing treatment.
normal personality (more animal than man) 100% of normal
Concentration: Some herbs may be concentrated into paste
personality, negative results could indicate abnormal animal
form. This procedure is extremely common in the manufacture of
poisons which may be applied to edged or ppointed weapons. Such
If control has been lost to the beast, it is still possible to exert paste remains effective for upto 1 week (or until used). If a critical
influence on a per action basis. A roll on the Self Control Static is obtained, the opponent must make an RR or he takes the poison’s
Manoeuvre Table should be made with a difficulty as suggested effect; if not, the poison is gone. Poison paste may also be added to
below. This is modified by adding, the percentage amount of food or drink, though the chance of detection varies according to a
control, the normal personality has. number of factors.
Routine: The human's closest friend/love/lifetime goal is Crushing: Many of the healing properties of a plant are locked
threatened. within its internal structures. Crushing part or all of it, either dried
Light: Aclose friend of the human is in danger. or fresh, releasxes curative agants that may be detected either by
Medium: The beast is hungry. smell or taste. Although most of these types of herbs may be
Hard: The beast's interests are in danger of being compromised. crushed in the hand, some require a mortar and pestle.
This depends on the beast's outlook. Drying: Most dried herbs are more potent than their fresh
Very Hard: The lycanthrope is in danger of being damaged. counterpartrs and keep for a longer time before losing their virtue.
Extremely Hard: The human's desires contradict those of the beast. While most should simply be allowed to dry in a cool, dark place, a
few exceptions require a low fire.
Absurd: The lycanthrope is in danger of dying.
Pressing: This technique is required for the extraction of oils
Special Defenses Skill Category and in cases where a compound is not concentrated enough to elicit
Adrenal Resistance - The Adrenal Resistance skill enhances a a response when the plant is administered while any other form of
character’s inner strength to resist negative modifiers due to pain or extraction (such as boil,ling) would destroy the benefical com-
wounds. To determine the penalty that can be offset, make an open- pounds. for this procedurre, a specialized press is usually required.
ended roll, adding this skill bonus, and all applicable modifiers. Putrefaction: in this process, the herbs are allowed to decay and
Take the resulting number and refer to the “Extremely Hard” breakdown to release and/or allow medicinal compounds to form.
column of the manoeuvre/Movement Table T-4.1, in RMSR. If the The usual form of this type of preperation is a simple compost heap
result is a number, it can be used to reduce any negative modifiers in which other forms of refuse are also piled. In some cases,
due to pain from concussion hit loss or wounds by the amount
putrefaction must take place within the corpse of a specific species.
shown. This skill requires a 20% preparation action in the round it
Searing: The outer skin of the helpful part of the plant must be
is attempted, and the effects last upto an entire hour. Note that the
seared over an open flame. It undergoes a transformation process
Gamemaster may decide in the case of using this skill to resist pain
during the blackening and may either be used as is, or it will, in
from extremely serious wounds that there may be a risk of further
aggravating the injury. some way, bring to maturity the essence of the flesh underneath.
Some plants may be seared over any type of open flame, while
This skill requires a 10% activity action each round it is used, others must be blackened over a fire built of a certain type of fuel.
regardless of the amount of negative modifiers from wounds offset. While most such plants require only a brief exposure to the flames,
The Adrenal Resistance activity does not count against the three- a few must be thhrown into the fire and retrieved only several hours
action limit in a tactical round. The 10% activity action required for later when the flames have died down.
this skill does apply against the 100% activity limit for a given
round. {None} [Martial Arts Companion] OLD SKILLS
Technical/Trade • Professional Skill Category These are skills found in RMSR (and School of Hard Knocks)
Physic - The diagnosis and treatment of the subtler ailments of and have new uses based on the game setting or have been up-
the body: diseases such as fevers, aches, fluxes and pox, infections, date/expanded upon in the various Rolemaster Companions.
poisoning, pains, growths, troubles of aging and banes of the spirit. Combat Manoeuvres Skill Category
Involves examination of the of the body - its look, sounds, smells, Missile Deflecting - This skill is classified, Restricted.
humors, winds and excretions. A good diagnosis typically implies a
This skill provides a bonus for using the body or a weapon or a
proper treatment, but a second skill check may be needed in obscure
shield to deflect or even catch a thrown weapon or missile directed
cases. There is a special static manouevre table for determining the
at the user. To determine the effect of such an attempt, roll (open-
success of this skill. {Em} [Hands of the Healer]
ended) and add the Missile Deflecting skill bonus. Then refer to the
Technical/Trade • Vocational Skill Category Manoeuvre/Movement Table (T-4.1) using the “Extremely Hard”

column against thrown weapons or the “Sheer Folly” column Martial Arts • Strikes Skill Category
against missile weapons. If the result is a number, it is subtracted Boxing - The Boxing skill represents using one’s fists to strike
from the weapon’s attack roll (in addition to the normal DB). If the at an opponent’s upper body and torso, while protecting oneself
missile or thrown object misses, the character has a chance of from similar blows. This skill uses the Arms Law Martial Arts
catching the item. Roll d100 (open-ended) and add the modification Strikes Attack Table and maya not exceed the Degree 1 damage
received earlier from the manoeuvre/Movement Table; if the result threshold.
is over 100, the item has been caught; if desired. The Missile If hard or spiked protective coverings (e.g., the Roman cestus)
Deflecting skill requires a 100% activity action. The roll is modified are worn, use the Degree 2 damage threshold on the Martial Arts
by -20 for each additional missile that the character wishes to try to Strikes Attack Table. {St} [Mentalism Companion]
deflect that round. Resolve each missile attack separately.
Martial Arts • Sweeps Skill Category
If the character has a large object that would be useful in
parrying missiles the GM may assign a bonus to the attempt (e.g., a Wrestling - This is the skill of using’s arms and legs to grapple
an opponent and immobilize him. Note that it is not normally
shield might give a +20 and a small pot might give a +5 bonus). In
intended to be injurious to either partner,l though injury may result.
the case of a failure result, the character loses the benefit of any DB
This skill may be used to immobilize an opponent who does not
dur to Quivkness. In the case of aa Extraordinary success, the
wish to be immobilized, but it is assumed that injury is not the
character is assumed to safely deflect the missiles. {SD} [Martial
Arts Companion] intent. Attacks are resolved on the Arms Law Martial Arts Sweeps
Attack Table and may not exceed the Degree 1 damage threshold.
Tumbling Evasion - This skill provides a bonus for evading All criticals are resolved as Grappling criticals.
attacks by using tumbling manoeuvres. The skill rank (not the skill
If the wrestler’s body size is considerably larger than his
rank bonus) is added to the tumblers DB for all other attacks. The
opponent’s, he may use the Degree 2 threshold on the Martial Arts
Tumbling Evasion manoeuvre is resolved during the round it is
actively used and it requires a 60% activity action. You must be Sweeps Attack Table. If the wrestler’s body size is considerably
smaller than hi opponents, he suffers a special modifier of -20 to his
unencumbered (no moving manoeuvre penalty) or have any large
OB and must use the Degree 1 damage threshold on the Martial Arts
object in your hands.
Sweeps Attack Table. {SD} [Martial Arts Companion]
If the manoeuvre is successful you can position your character
Special Attacks Skill Category
anywhere within 10’ of were you started from. If you get an
extraordinary success you automatically avoid any one attack Disarm Foe (Armed) - This skill provides a bonus to remove a
directed at you this round (choose before results are rolled). If the foe’s weapon with your weapon. If the disarming skill check is
manoeuvre fails you lose any DB due to Quickness. {Ag} [Martial successful, the opponent will drop his weapon. Depending on how
Arts Companion] successful the character is in his disarming attempt, the Gamemaster
may decide to let the player decide where the disarmed weapon will
Two-Weapon Fighting - This skill allows a combatant to fight
with two weapons simultaneously. he is allowed to make two go. To determine the success of the disarming attempt. make a static
manoeuvre and add the character’s skill bonus. The opponent’s total
weapon attacks for each melee attack action, and may engage two
usable OB (e.g., his OB before delegating parry or special attacks)
opponents providing neither opponent is receiving any positonal
with his weapon is taken as a negative modifier to the static
combat modifiers for their OB (e.g., if either opponent is receiving
manoeuvre. There are four separate skills for the user to develop,
a +15 bonus for Flank Attack or a +20 bonus for Rear Attack the
attacker would not be able to strike both opponents in the same representing weapon categories against which a character can be
trained: 1-Handed, 2-Handed, Pole Arm and Two-Weapon
Combination. {Ag} [Martial Arts Companion]
Two Weapon Fighting skills must be developed for each two-
Disarm Foe (Unarmed) - This skill provides a bonus to remove
weapon combination (e.g., shortsword/handaxe, rapier/dagger, etc.).
a foe’s weapon while unarmed. If the disarming skill check is
The OB for each weapon attack is equal to the skill bonus for the
Two-Weapon Fighting skill for the combination of those two successful, the opponent will drop his weapon. Depending on how
successful the character is in his disarming attempt, the Gamemaster
weapons or one of the individual weapon OBs, whichever is the
may decide to let the player decide where the disarmed weapon will
lesser bonus.
go. To determine the success of the disarming attempt. make a static
Against 1 opponent: There is no negative attack modifier manoeuvre and add the character’s skill bonus. The opponent’s total
against one opponent. usable OB (e.g., his OB before delegating parry or special attacks)
Against 2 Opponents: There is a -20 modification to both with his weapon is taken as a negative modifier to the static
attacks. manoeuvre. There are four separate skills for the user to develop,
Parrying or Special Attacks: The user must reduce both weapon representing weapon categories against which a character can be
OBs by the same amount (i.e., the amount of his parry or special trained: 1-Handed, 2-Handed, Pole Arm and Two-Weapon
attaack). Against one opponent, the user increases his DB by the Combination. {Ag} [Martial Arts Companion]
amount of his parry. Against two opponents, the amount of his parry Special Defenses Skill Category
must be split between the two opponents as the user sees fit. Adrenal Defense - The Adrenal Defense skill allows the user
Using the off-hand: The two-weapon combination is developed to avoid attacks with missile or melee weapons during combat. the
for a specific weapon and hand combination. For example, a Rogue skill bonus of the defender is added to his DB versus melee attacks
trained in a rapier/dagger combination might have decided to use Against missile attacks the skill bonus is halved and added to his
the rapier left-handed and the dagger in his right. Switching either DB. To use Adrenal Defense, an individual must be aware that he is
weapon to the other hand incurs the normal -20 penalty for using under attack. in addition, the character must not be wearing armour
the off-hand for each weapon. {St} [Martial Arts Companion] and can not have any shield or large object in his hands. To
Communication Skill Category represent the division of concentration necessary to avoid multiple
Language - see the discussion on languages latter in this attacks targeted at the user in the same round, Adrenal Defense
chapter. requires 40% activity action in the combat round.
Lore • Obscure Skill Catgeorgy This Adrenal Defense activity does count as one of the three
Undead Lore - This skill provides a bonus for recognizing and allowable actions in a tactical round (this restriction may be negated
identifying the major powers and abilities of Undead, and informa- by using the proper Weapons Style or Martial Arts Style skill). The
tion pertaining to the Undead.(this skill was previously in the Lore 40% activity required for Adrenal Defense does apply against the
magic skill category) {Me} 100% activity limit for the round (this restriction may be lessened

by using the proper Weapons Style or Martial Arts Style skill). mannish dialect when conversing with men or Elves. Khuzdul is a
{None} [Martial Arts Companion] relatively harsh seeming speech marked by throaty words and the
Adrenal Toughness - The Adrenal Toughness skill allows the frequent use of distinct, drawn out “h” sounds. The construction of
user to toughen his body to withstand blows that would otherwise words employs a combination of vowels inserted into a base of
inflict damage. This skill requires taking a 20% preparation action three “root” consonants. The writings inn Khuzdul are angular and
in the round immediately prior to the use of this skill (or during the rune-like, since thay are made using the Angerthas Moria, a variant
snap action phase of the same round). Then the character must make of the Cirth.
a static manoeuvre modified by the skill bonus. If successful, the Kuduk - Or Ancient Hobbitish is related to Pûkael. The early
individual may reduce the severity of any critical by one during the hobbit speech of their pre and early Shire years was actually a
next round or the remainder of the current round. (in the case of an dialect of Rhovanion Northman. This was abandoned, however, for
‘A’ critical, the critical is modified by -20). In addition, any self- the years in the Shire saw a gradual adoption (and modification) of
inflicted critical stemming from the individual striking a surface of Westron. By the late Third Age Hobbitish has become a peculiar
object with his hand or foot is nullified completely. {None} dialect of Westron. There is no record of a distinct hobbit language,
[Martial Arts Companion] and Hobbits have apparently always relied on nearby by Mannish
LANGUAGE tongues. This adoption of the Common speech is indicative of their
These languages are available for characters to learn:- subtle adaptability, for the whole of the tribes abandoned the
original Kuduk tongue when they migrated out of Rhovanion in the
Adûnaic - This was the language of the Dúnedain of Numenor
13th and 14th centuries of the Third Age.
and is decended from the Sindarin speech spoken by the early
Edain. It is the parent tongue of Westron and is still spoken among Labba - An obscure Aravadorin tongue of the Mornerin branch;
the noble classes of Gondor, but only very rarely. Related to the is the language of the Lossoth. It is shaped by their culture, so they
Northman tongues, Adûnaic also has vague connections to the have no word for certain concepts familiar to other men such as
speech found amoung Men in the Vales of the Anduin. It is, “desert”. On the other hand, they use a thousand differant words for
extremely uncommon and inaccesible, although it is by no means concepts based on snow and ice. There is no written form of this
“dead”. language.
Apysaic - The language of the southern Haradrim. The Logathig - this is the language of the dorwinrim and easter-
dominant language family in southwestern Endor. Apysaic is lings.
associated with the Apysan (pl. “Apysani”) peoples, a group which Nahaiduk - A Rhovanion Northman dialect used by the
swept westward through the Ered Harmel in two major migrations. Woodmen.
TheApysaic speakers settled in Far harad, in the areas called Hyarn, Orkish - Is not one language or even a language family; rather
Elorna, Mirëdor, Drel, and Pel. The second wave of Appysani it is a number of tribal tongues whose common bond is the large
entered Harad over 1500 years later and came to control Far Harad. shared vocabulary made up of curses. No grammatical structure for
Their tongues are more properly referred to as New of Northern Orkish has ever been devised. Instead, orcs speak dialects based on
Apysaic, since their speech is heavily influenced by Haradaic. either Westron or Black Speech or both. Some tribes may use a
Atliduk - Used by the Beijabar this tongue is a derivation of Southron based form. As a result of this diversity, communication
ancient Eriadorian Northman speech. between Orc tribes is exceedingly difficult.
Black Speech - Sauron of Mordor invented Black Speech in the Pûkael - Is the guteral tongue of the Woses and is alien to the
Second Age. While influenced by the Melkorin tongues of Utumno other tongues of men. The Pûkael tongue gave birth to Daenael, the
and Angband, it is infused with Eldarin. His fall at the end of the common ancestor of both Dunael and the coastal tongues of Gondor
age corresponded to a decline in the usage of his language. It (before the coming of Dúnedain). Having no use for traditional
remains a tongue rarely used in its purer form. Only the higher runes or script, the Woses have developed there own system of
servants of the Dark Lord employ it on an everyday basis. Dialects, pictogram signs - most quite simple - which they utilize for the most
however, are rather common, although they are for the most part practical purposes, notably to mark paths or signal their brethren
debased. Certain Orc groups speak variations of black Speech or while out in the wood.
combinations of Black Speech and Westron. The terrible Olog-hai Quenya - This is a beautiful language marked by fluid, joyous
use it in a relatively proper manner. tones and patterns. Developed in the Undying Lands, it may have
Blarm - The tongue of the Hillmen of Rhauder. been affected by the great Vnedainalar themselves. Quenya is
Daenael (Old Dunael) - This language is classified Restricted. spoken in Middle-earth, but only raely in everyday speech. The Ents
The language of the Daen Coentis people. A forgotten culture who and the Noldor are the only groups who utilize it in normal
were indigenous to what is now central and western Gondor. converation. It is considered the “first tongue” of the Noldor who
confine its use their own environs. Both groups are small and quite
Dunael - The language of the Dunlendings bears no resemb-
elusive. Other Elven groups use it as a language of lore and
lance to the speech of the Northmen or heirs of the Edain (Rohirric ceremonies, lending it an almost spiritual quality. Acces to Quenya
or the Westron speakers). Written Dunael is rare, for a premium is
is quite limited.
placed on oration and the performing arts.
Rhovaik - Is a Rhovanion Northman dialect, used by the men of
Eothrik - This is a Rhovanion dialect used by the Éothraim.
Dale and Esgaroth. The so called Urban Northmen.
And is the ancestor of Éothirric. Was in use between T.A. 1-1856.
Rohirric - The Rohirrim of Rohan speak a distinct Northman
Éothirric - A Decendant of the Eothrik language and ancestor (Foradanin) tongue distantly related to the language of the Edain
to Rohirric and was in use betwwen T.A. 1857-2510.
(which spawned Adûnaic). Both groups are derived from a common
Fornen - The ancient speech of the northmen of Rhovanion. source. Rohirric is a relatively unchanged tongue, for the Rohirrim
Rohirric and other Northman tongues derive from the language. have a very conservative culture, and theirs is a language that
Gramuik - This is a Rhovanion dialect used by the Gramuz. closely follows the patterns of their ancient predecessors.
Haradaic - is the language of the northern Haradrim. Developed in Rhovanion and refined in the Upper Vales of the
Khuzdul - This language is classified Resticted for non- Anduin, it is more archaic in nature than most other Northman
Dwarves. Of all the languages of Middle-earth, Khuzdul is probably languages. In use from T.A. 2510 onward.
the most inacessible. Few non-Dwarves ever hear it spoken; fewer Silvan (Bethteur) - The extent of Silvan or “Avarin” dialects
still ever learn it. Amoung the Khazâd it is the language of lore and spoken in the west is unclear. They certainly predominant among
high speech. The Naugrim are careful to use Westron or some other the Elves of northern Rhovanion (specifically in Mirkwwod). it is

clear, though, that the Silvan Elves carried Avarin into the forests
and mountains wherever they settled. Of the three branches of
Elvish, this is the least “noble” and most varied. Avarin dialects can
be nearly as beautiful and melodic as Quenya or nearly as harsh as
the Varadja spoken by the Variags.
Sindarin - This is the language of the Sindar who also de-
veloped the Certar (Q. “runes”), or “Cirth”. Sindarin has had a
heavy influence on mannish speech, particularly that of northern
groups, and their heirs notably the Dúnedain. It is spoken by most
Eldar (Non-Silvan Elves) as a first or second tongue (the Noldor of
Lindon and Lórien still favour Quenya), and is known to much of
the aristocracy/rolalty in Gondor. Westron uses a number of
Sindarin words directly or via Adúnaic influence, and Sindarin lore
is prevalent in much of the cultures associated with Westron. It is
the most accesible Elven language.
Tazinain - This is the language spoken in the area of Middle-
earth known as Greater Harad.
Umitic - is the language of the Umli.
Varadja - The language of the Variags.
Waildyth - Used by the Beijabar is a system of nature signals
which can be used to speak over long distances without betraying
one’s presence, since the sounds are merely variations on the noises
of the wild - beasts, the wind, and the like. There is no written form
of this language.
Westron - Also called “common speech” Westron is spoken by
almost every mannish group in the west. Where a number of
different races meet in council or to discuss affairs Westron is
employed as a common ground. Westron is actually a mixture of
debased Adûnaic and various Endorian dialects. While it incorpor-
ates numerous Sindarin, Northman, and Southron influences,
Adûnaic provides most of the vocabulary.

Middle-earth has unique ties too the Undying Lands which spell lists upto 5th level.
created a potential for the appearance and use of significant power Only the Base Spell Lists of the allowed professions, open and
(magic). Such power manifested itself on a massive scale in the closed spell lists from Spell Law are available. The evil spell lists
First Age, and to a lesser, but significant degree, in the Second Age. from Spell Law are available for those who wish to walk on the
By the time of the late Third Age, it was quite subtle - except in the dark side.
cases of Dragons, the Balrog, Saruman and (of course) Sauron. The Arcane realm is not used in Middle-earth; therefore none of
This low key approach to the utilizatrion of great power was a the Arcane spell lists can be taken.
factor relating to the nature of those possessing the gift. The Valar
laid down their direct guardianship of Middle-earth in stages - at the
end of the First Age and with the downfall of Númenor. They still RISK FACTORS
kept watch and intervened in the Third Age by sending the Istari One of the primary reasons for the subtle and secret use of
(Wizards), beings who ythemselves had great power. The Istari, like magic is the presence of Sauron in Mordor in the Third Age. Sauron
their masters, did not use force unless it was absolutely necessary to is not one to restrain himself when he deems it necessary to act with
combat Darkness, and then only to the degree needed. As a result of great authority. He does act cautiously ans quoetly, especially when
this approach, they appeared to be much weaker than they really nursing himself after a great defeat, but he is capable of unbridled
were. explosions.
The other masters of magic in Middle-earth employed their Those who live under his eye are particularly careful not to
abilities in relative secret. Men and Hobbits were not great freinds cause attention to be brought upon themselves. This feeling may
of spells and often were unaware of their usage outside of fairy tales contribute to the restraint found in those who possess the ability to
and legends. This created and atmosphere where magical occur- wield spells. To be sure, some are weary or concerned about
ances were rarely seen and often became merged or confused with upsetting the balance of things, but most are doubtlessly afraid of
natural events. attracting the attention of the Dark Lord or his minions. Still others
died at the hands of Sauron or othters of power; for the bold and
THE DANGERS OF MAGIC USE those with power often dare to combat those most dangerous.
Magic users are relatively rare, although most folk have some The danger that Sauron and his minions present to spell casters
“magic” in them, and open displays of power are still rarer. Elves is reflected by “risk factors”. Each spell has a risk factor which
certainly employ magic in daily life, and Dwarves use spells for a reflects the potential of drawing the attention of Sauron or his
variety of reasons, even for producing wondrous toys. Nonethless, servants.
such enchanting skills are not necessarily the norm. Among Hobbits Each time a character casts a spell, the GM should make an
magic is considered the stuff of legends. Many Men often feel the open-ended roll and add the risk factor for the spell’s type and the
same way; indeed some have never even heard of the use of magic. Age Modifier for the Age in which the campaign takes place. The
There are two principal dangers that help restrain the use of risk factor can be determined from the Risk Factor Section on the
magic in the Third Age. The first of these, and the most obvious, is Spell Use Risk Chart by cross-indexing the spell’s type and the
the Shadow of Sauron of Mordor - drawing the attention of the “activity level of the great evil”.
Lidless Eye has led to the downfall of many a spell caster. Spell Use Risk Roll = open-ended roll + Risk Factor + Age
The other danger is the corrupting influence of the use of modifier
significant magic for “non-pure” goals. Unless a spell is cast for the If the modified result is 100 or more, some sort of “Evil-force”
purpose of combatting Darkness or maintaining the “Ballance”, has noticed the casting of the spell. A second roll must be made on
there is a chance thet the caster will be corrupted, “drawn towards the Spell Use Risk Chart. Otherwise, nothing unusual happens.
darkness”. This is what happened to Saruman - he used too many
The results on the Spell Use Risk Chart are guidelines to help a
spells, too often.
GM determine the consequences of the spell being noticed. The GM
SPELL LIST AVAILABILITY should modify the results to reflect the specific area and circum-
The knowledge and use of magic has declined as the Ages of the
world have passed. During the First Age Spell Lists are known to
50th level; from the beginning of the Second Age to the mid-Second CORRUPTION
Age Spell lists are known to 30th level; from the mid-Second Age Whenever a spell failure occurs there is a chance that the spell
to the end of the Second Age Spell Lists are known to 25th level; caster will be partially corrupted and “drawn towards the darkness”.
during the early Third Age (T.A. 1 - 1007) Spell lists are known to The spell failure is
20th level; during the mid-Third Age (1007 - 2014) Spells lists are resolved normally,
known to 10th level; by the late Third Age (2014 - 3021) Spell Lists and the same roll is
are only known to 5th level; in the Forth Age the knowledge of
magic almost passes away. Roll BE/DE E/F P U I ap pl ied t o th e
Corruption Point
01-60 0 0 0 0 0
Not all cultures are affected in the same way by the loss of Chart to determine
magical knowledge: - 61-65 1 0 0 0 0 how m any
66-75 2 1 0 0 0 Corruption Points
The Elves retain the knowledge of 50th level spells; they just
76-85 6 2 1 0 0 (CPs) th e spell
get extremely caustious about what they teach new students and
they never instuct non-Elves in magic. Thus the restriction in Spell 86-100 8 6 2 1 0 caster the spell
List level should be kept and may be relaxed as the GM desires. 101-150 10 8 2 1 0 caster receives.
Drughu retain their limited magical knowledge to 50th level but 151-175 12 10 3 1 0 When this happens,
don’t teach outsiders. 176-190 14 12 3 2 1 the spell caster is
Dwarves retain their limited magical knowledge to 50th level 191-200 16 13 4 2 1 allowed to make a
but don’t teach non-Dwarves. 201-300 18 14 4 3 1 Res istance Roll
Hillmen have knowledge of base list up to 8th level and other 301+ 20 15 5 3 1 against Essence (the
attack level is the

level of the spell being cast). If this RR is successful, only half The key word here is appropriate. For example, a Fire Bolt is not
(round down) of the CPs are received; otherwise, all of the CPs are appropriate to use on a bully or a thief but a Sleep spell might be.
received. A GM may also want to have “evil” items give Corruption
A GM should not appply CPs if an appropriate spell was cast Points when they are used. The origins of any item are very
for “pure” goals (i.e.; directly working against or fighting evil, important, even innocent spell adders and multipliers-if an item was
protecting the weak and helpless, healing the sick and injured, etc.). made by the “great evil” or one of his minions, its use will affect the



Early Third Age -15 Type Low Medium High Very High
Middle Third Age +0 BE +25 +35 +50 +75
DE +15 +25 +40 +65
Late Third Age +25
E +0 +10 +25 +50
Forth Age -25 F -5 +5 +20 +45
P -15 -5 +10 +35
U -20 -10 +5 +30
I -25 -15 +0 +25

Civilized/ Civilized/ Border/ Border/ Shadow Shadow
Roll Haven Urban Rural Urban Rural Wilds Lands Holds
ÿ05 nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing Sighting
06-20 nothing nothing nothing Sighting nothing nothing Sighting Spotting
21-30 nothing Sighting nothing Sighting Sighting nothing Spotting Creature
31-40 nothing Sighting Sighting Spotting Sighting Sighting Spotting Creature
41-50 nothing Sigthing Sighting Spotting Spotting Spotting Creature Patrol
51-60 nothing Spotting Spotting Spotting Spotting Creature Creature Patrol
61-70 nothing Spotting Spotting Ambush Creature Creature Patrol Ambush
71-80 Sighting Ambush Creature Kidnapping Creature Creature Patrol Army Unit
81-90 Sighting Kidnapping Ambush Kidnapping Ambush Creature Ambush Army Unit
91-100 Spotting Assassin Assassin Assassin Patrol Ambush Army Unit Special
101-150 Spotting Kidnapping Kidnapping Kidnapping Assassin Patrol Special Special
151-200 Kidnapping Assassin Assassin Assassin Special Special Special Special
201+ Assassin Special Special Special Special Special Special Special


Examples are from the Late Third Age Sighting: Any evil forces in the area are aware of the fact that a
Haven: An area completely clear any overt Shadow- spell has been cast as well as the general direction to the spell
forces (e.g., Rivendell, Lorien, the Grey HAvens, caster. This can lead to a “pursuit” situation (or “hue and cry” in
Edhellond, etc.). Hidden agents and traitors may still Shadow Lands or Shadow Holds). See RMSR Section 30.2.
be present. Spotting: Includes the effects of a “Sighting” plus at least one
Civilized/Urban: A city or town in a region relatively evil force knows the exact direction and approximate distance to
free of Shadow-forces (e.g., Minas Tirith, Dol the spell caster.
Amroth, Pelargir, etc.). Creature: An evil creature in the vicinity senses the spell and be-
Civilized/Rural: The countryside in a region relat- gins to persue, stalk, attack, or ambush the spell caster.
ively free of Shadow-forces (e.g., the Shire, Southern Patrol: Includes the effects of a “Spotting” plus at least one or-
Gondor, etc.). ganized evil patrol begins to persue, stalk, attack, or ambush the
Border/Urban: A city or town in a less civilized re- spell caster.
gion on the borders of the wild or the border of Ambush: Includes the effects of a “Spotting” plus at least one
Sauronic territory (e.g., Tharbad, Lake-town, Bree, evil force is in position to attempt to set up an ambush.
Edoras, etc.,). Army Unit: Includes the effects of a “Patrol” plus at least one
Border/Rural: The countryside in a less civilized large, organized eveil force is in position to directly attack the
region on the border of the wild ot the border of spell caster.
Sauronic territory (e.g., Rohan, Western Gondor, the Kidnapping: Includes the effects of a “Spotting” plus at least one
Iron Hills, Northeatern Mirkwood, etc.). of the Evil forces sensing the spell will attempt to kidnap the spell
Wilds: Sparesely populated, uncivilized regions that caster.
cover most of Northwestern Middle-earth in the Third Assassin: Includes the effects of a “Spotting” plus at least one of
Age (e.g., Old Pukel-land). the evil forces sensing the spell is an evil assassin, who will at-
Shadow-lands: A region with some active Shadow- tempt to assassinate the spell caster.
firces and settlements (e.g., Moria, Southern Mordor, Special: Includes the effects of a “Spotting” plus at least one of
Southern Mirkwood, Near Harad, etc.). the nearby evil forces sensing the spell is a very powerful evil
Shadow-holds: A region with a heavy concentration agant or lieutenant; perhaps even a powerful spell caster and his
of Shadow-forces and settlements (e.g., Angmar, Dol retinue.
Guldur, Gorgoroth, etc.).

user negatively even if only in a minor way. In this case, each time armour, metal helmets or metal greaves may be worn when casting
a character uses an evil item, he must make an RR against Essence channeling spells.
(the attack level is 10). If this RR is successful, no CPs are
received; otherwise one CP is received. Certain very powerful
asrtifacts may give more than one CP when this RR results in
failure. By using the very personnel power locked within themselves,
Mentalism users are able to channel the power of Essence through
Note: A GM my wish to use a RR against the realm of their own mental corridors; thus, manipulating and bending the
power of the spell being cast. reality that surrounds them. In a sense, they act as very minute
The GM should keep track of each character’s CP total as play imitations of the Valar, giving power not to others, but retaining it
and directing its manipulation. They are masters of the Essence
progresses. Each character’s CP total normally starts at zero, and
within themselves.
increases through spell failure and using evil items. A GM may also
want to assign CPs for particularly evel acts by characters. A GM Because they have to retain the power within themselves, they
may wish to allow certain rituals at certain places to “cleanse” (i.e., have to work within the limitations of their worldly bodies, their
remove) CPs from characters. own senses and perceptions. Rarely are they able to direct their
spells beyond themselves or one target.
In general, a character’s CPs reflect his tendency towards evil.
On this scale, a total of zero indicates an “innocent” and a 100+ Any head covering interferes with their gathering of power, so
indicates a totally evil being. The effects of Corruption Points is up wearing helmets will interfere with the casting of mentalism spells.
to the GM and the player of the corrupt character, but we suggest
the following:
• If the character is faced with temptation, the GM may make an
open-ended roll and add the character’s CP total and subtract
three times his Self Discipline stat bonus. A result of 100+ means
that the character must give in to the temptation.
• If the character is in the presence of an “evil being” who com-
mands the character to do something, the character must make an
Essence RR modified by subtracting his CP total and adding his
Self Discipline stat bonus times three (use the evil being’s level
for the attack level). Failure means that the character must obey
the evil being’s command. A RR should be made for each such
command. During a given day, each RR is modified by an addi-
tional +5 for every such RR already made that day (e.g., the sixth
RR against evil commands made on a given day would have a
+25 RR modification).

The essence realm utilizes the power that exsists in everyone
and everything of and in Arda and, in particular, Middle-earth.
Essence in Middle-earth has its source in the Song (The
Ainulindalë) which created Arda and the order of things. A
character who casts spells of the Essence taps this power, molds it,
and diverts it into his spells. Most of the truly powerful Essence
spells spells deal with forces elemental in nature: fire, earth, water,
wind, light, cold, etc.
The more inert material that is on the person of someone casting
Essence spells, the more difficult it becomes to manipultate essence.
Thus, when casting or using essence spells, no armour, greaves or
helmet may be worn

The Valar are the offspring of Eru (God) who came to Arda to
fulfill The Song. The Channeling reallm utilizes the power of the
Valar as channeled through characters casting spells. Since the Valar
are not part of the Song (they helped to develop part of the Song,
and Morgoth corrupted part of it), Channeling is independant of the
A character casting channeling spells draws directly from the
power of one or more of the Valar, Even though this does not
“usually” require the conscoius cooperation of the Valar involved.
Thus spells of this realm do not necessarrily reflect the nature of the
Valar as long as the spells are relarively subtle and low level (e.g.,
healing, detection, etc.). More powerful and higher level spells
might require active consent of the Valar - the Valar include
Morgoth, so evil Channeling spells may be cast if the power comes
from him.
Metal interferes with drawing power from the Valar, so no metal

Only in the largest cities of Middle-earth (e.g., Minas Tirith, Dwarves - limited hierocratic exchange (the King to his
Minas Ithil, Tharbad, Annúminas, Fornost) is the exchange of vassals); widespread free market based on coinage; barter is rare.
coinage for goods usual and commonplace. In the rural lands of Umli - limited hierocratic exchange; exclusively barter other-
Arnor and Gondor, among different cultures (the Woodmen and the wise.
Woses, to name but two), and in the havens of the immortal Eldar, Eldar - exclusively hierocratic exchange (Lord to vassal to
different ways of distributing wealth are used. retainer); guests from other cultures must be supported by gifts,
Note: In Middle- earth, a coin is a spe cific measure of a until they depart or(rarely) are allowed to pledge fealty.
prec ious metal rather than a sy mbol of a government’s Avari - varies along a spectrum with hierocratic exchange at
promise to re deem the coin ( its materials generally worth one end and barter at the other; coinage-based free markets are very
little) with some thing of value (often gold or silver) T hus rare.
the coins of long fallen kingdoms (such as Núme nor) have
value ce nturies or millennia after the authorities that min- Hobbits - limited hierocratic exchange (King of Arnor to the
Thane); extensive free market based on coinage; some barter.
ted them cease d to exist.
Beornings - largely hierocratic exchange; some barter; in the
Barter is the most widespread commercial system employed in
Third Age, after the Quest of Erebor, Beorning Lords accepted
Middle-earth Goods are exchanged for goods. A Woodman herbalist
coinage from travellers.
trades her healing salves for a woollen cloak. An Eriadorian
shepherd swaps his bale of wool for a sack of wheat berries. A Black Númenóreans - very limited, largely symbolic, hiero-
Lossoth hunter gives a fresh polar bear carcass for a reindeer cratic exchange (among the highest nobles); widespread coinage-
trained to pull his sleigh. based free market; some barter.
Even in areas where coinage is typically used, people frequently Corsairs - predominant hierocratic exchange; large, supple-
engage in barter-based exchanges. The reverse, however - coin mental coinage-based free market; some barter.
given in places where barter rules supreme - is not always possible. Dorwinrim - coinage-based free market and extensive barter.
The degree of isolation is the key element determining the Dúnedain - predominant hierocratic exchange; large, supple-
outcome. mental coinage-based free market; considerable barter.
Isolated societies that don’t use coinage have little use for it. Dunlendings - limited hierocratic exchange (typically just
Consider the Easterling warrior offered gold for one of his fine shelter and food); widespread barter; limited amounts of coinage
horses. The horse can run beside him as he rides his nomadic accepted from outsiders by all but isolated tribes.
circuit, but the gold is heavy and would have to be carried. The Easterlings - varies by tribe; in general, exclusively barter;
horse, as part of a herd, might gain him a beautiful wife-or alone coinage not accepted.
might be exchanged for a kingly tent. The gold could be traded for
Eriadorans - widespread barter; limited hierocratic exchange (
nothing owned by the members of his tribe. And he encounters a
Arnorian vassals to retainers); some coinage used in villages.
Gondorian or a Dorwinadan (who probably has little he wishes to
acquire anyway) perhaps once every decade. Of course he will not Gondorians - widespread coinage-based free market; limited
accept coins from a travelling adventurer! hierocratic exchange (Gondorian vassals to retainers); some barter.
Note: N ot all nomadic soc ie tie s e sc hew coinage . T he Haradrim - limited hierocratic exchange (division of booty
Easterlings- raiders who measure wealth in horseflesh-do after raids); widespread free market based on gold jewellery;
so. Howe ver, nomadic trade rs suc h as the Haradrim, find coinage accepted.
coins, gems, and jewelry to be the compac t way to trans- Lossoth - exclusively barter.
port wealth. Rohirrim - limited hierocratic exchange (patriarch to his
The other predominant method for distributing wealth rests family; weaponry and war gear guarantied by the King to his
upon ties of kinship and sovereign obligation. In this system, a lord Marshalls and their troops); widespread free market based on silver
is required by law or by tradition to supply his vassals with certain coinage; widespread barter.
commodities-typically food, shelter, clothing, tools, and weapons- Variags - +exclusively barter; coinage not accepted; limited
for the vassal’s family and dependents. In turn, the vassal provides a hierocratic exchange (division of spoils after raids).
portion of these items to retainers and their families who have Woodmen - exclusively barter; some coinage accepted.
pledged fealty to him and to his lord. Woses - exclusively barter; coinage not accepted.
Typically, within this “hierocratic system,” a retainer or vassal
Orcs - pre-dominant hierocratic exchange (Orc-lord or Sauron
who performs a deed of great courage (or celebrates an event of
to his minions); supplemented with stealing by violence or by
strong portent) may receive gifts from the lord in commemoration stealth; coinage accepted willingly.
of it. Gems, jewellery, fine garments or furnishings, land, a manor, a
Wild Trolls - no system of voluntary exchange; all accom-
high-courage steed, the right to hold oaths from more retainers-
these are examples of such presents. plished by stealing-using violence or stealth
Most of the societies and cultures of Middle-earth employ a Black Trolls - pre-dominant hierocratic exchange (Sauron to his
unique mixture of the three major systems of exchange. The Eldar minions); supplemented with stealing by violence or by stealth;
coinage accepted willingly but not truly understood.
use the hierocratic system in its purest form. The Dúnedain, heavily
influenced by the Elves, mix it with free markets based coinage. Half-trolls - pre-dominant hierocratic exchange (Sauron to his
The Woses rely exclusively on barter to effect exchanges. The chart minions); supplemented with stealing by violence or by stealth;
below provides specifics. coinage accepted and valued as among civilized mannish societies.

DRUGHU OPEN CHANNELLING LIST enchanted with a Class II bonus.
16 Daily Tattoo V - As Daily Tattoo I, except 1st to 5th level spells
TATTOO CRAFTS can be imbedded; a 1st level spell could be cast 5 times per day; a
Lvl Spell Area Of Effect Duration Range Type 2nd or 3rd 2x/day; a 4th or 5th, once per day.
1 Make Tattoo 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F 17 Tattoo VIII - As Tattoo I, except up to an 8th level spell can be
2 Tattoo I 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F imbedded.
3 Imbed Tattoo I 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F
4 Tattoo II 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F 18 Imbed Tattoo VIII - As Imbed Tattoo I, except 1st to 8th level
5 Imbed Tattoo II 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F spells can be imbedded.
19 Make Tattoo True - Allows caster to flawlessly create a tattoo
6 General Tattoo I 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F on magical flesh. All required tools and material must be present.
7 Daily Tattoo I 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F The time to work the material is halved.
8 Tattoo IV 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F
9 Imbed Tattoo IV 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F 20 Tattoo X - As Tattoo I, except up to a 10th level spell can be
10 General Tattoo II 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F imbedded.
25 Imbed Tattoo X - As Imbed Tattoo I, except 1st to 10th level
11 Constant Tattoo II 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F spells can be imbedded.
12 Daily Tattoo III 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F
13 Tattoo VI 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F 35 General Tattoo IV - As General Tattoo I, except a tattoo can be
14 Imbed Tattoo VI 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F enchanted with a Class IV bonus.
15 General Tattoo III 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F 50 Constant Tattoo X- As Constant Tattoo II, except 1st to 10th
level spells can be to be imbebbed.
16 Daily Tattoo V 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F
17 Tattoo VIII 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F SPECIAL NOTES
18 Imbed Tattoo VIII 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F
19 Make Tattoo True 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F 1) This list only imbeds spells from the channelling realm.
20 Tattoo X 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F 2) A magical tattoo must be a minimum size of 1” x 1”. There is no
limit on the maximum size (except the obvious one). Or how de-
25 Imbed Tattoo X 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F tailed the design has to be.
35 General Tattoo IV 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F
50 Constant Tattoo X 1 tattoo 24 hrs self F 3) Magical tattoos can not cross each other and only one enchanted
ability can be placed in each tattoo.
TATTOO CRAFTS 4) A maximum of 13 magical tattoos can be placed on one indi-
1 Make Tattoo - Allows caster to flawlessly create a tattoo on non- vidual.
magical flesh. All required tools and material must be present. The 5) General tattoo spells can be used to either add a bonus to a skill
time to work the material is halved. or skill category, a figured ability (Resistance Rolls, etc), create
2 Tattoo I - Allows the caster to enchant a tattoo so that it can have adders or create multipliers. The caster must specify what the effect
a 1st level spell imbedded in it. of the General Tattoo spell must be before tattoo creation begins,
3 Imbed Tattoo I - Allows the caster to imbed a 1st level channel- Use the table below to determine the exact amount of the bonus.
ling spell into a tattoo. 6) To enchant a tattoo with a bonus to a skill or skill category the
4 Tattoo II - As Tattoo I, except up to a 2nd level spell can be im- spell caster must have personnel knowledge of that skill. With a
bedded. skill bonus at least twice that of the bonus being enchanted.
5 Imbed Tattoo II - As Imbed Tattoo I, except 1st to 2nd level 7) The list uses the normal rules for magic item creation as detailed
spells can be imbedded. in the Treasure Companion™. Thou the actual cost required to cre-
ate ink and/or needles from special and difficult to obtain ingredi-
6 General Tattoo I - Allows the caster to enchant a tattoo so it can
ents should probably be waived (GM decision). After all the
have a Class I bonus.
Drúghu creating the tatttoos would spend time finding and collect-
7 Daily Tattoo I - Allows caster to imbed a 1st level Channelling ing his own ingredients.
spell (using an Imbed spell) that can be cast once per day.
8 Tattoo IV - As Tattoo I, except up to a 4th level spell can be im-
9 Imbed Tattoo IV - As Imbed Tattoo I, except 1st to 4th level Table missing place here.
spells can be imbedded.
10 General Tattoo II - As General Tattoo I, except tattoos can be
enchanted with a Class II bonus.
11 Constant Tattoo II - Allows a spell of 1st to 2nd level to be
imbebbed (using an imbed spell) so that it either functions con-
stantly or ‘at will’.
12 Daily Tattoo III - As Daily Tattoo I, except 1st to 3rd level
spells can be imbedded; a 1st level spell could be cast 3 times per
day; a 2nd or 3rd, once per day.
13 Tattoo VI - As Tattoo I, except up to a 6th level spell can be
14 Imbed Tattoo VI - As Imbed Tattoo I, except 1st to 6th level
spells can be imbedded.
15 General Tattoo III - As General Tattoo I, except tattoos can be

CHANNELLING ALCHEMIST BASE LIST 12 Work Ogamur - As Work Stone, except the enchanted metal
Ogamur can be worked.
DWARVEN INORGANIC SKILLS 15 Work Mithril - As Work Stone, except the enchanted metal
Lvl Spell Area Of Effect Duration Range Type Mithril can be worked. Items created with the metals from this spell
1 Work Stone cast 24 hrs self F have a bonus of +20.
2 Work Metal caster 24 hrs self F 16 Work Ithilnaur - As Work Stone, except the enchanted alloy
3 Work Alloy caster 24 hrs self F Ithilnaur can be worked. Items created with the metals from this
4 Work Ang caster 24 hrs self F
5 Work Borang caster 24 hrs self F spell have a bonus of +20.
17 Work Ithildin - As Work Stone, except the enchanted alloy
6 Make Alloy caster 24 hrs self F Ithildin can be worked.
7 Work Celebrang caster 24 hrs self F 20 Work Laen - As Work Stone, except the enchanted glass Laen
8 Make Steel caster 24 hrs self F
9 Work Ardarcer caster 24 hrs self F can be worked. Items created with the glass from this spell have a
10 Work Tasarang caster 24 hrs self F bonus of +25.
25 Work Eog - As Work Stone, except the enchanted alloy Eog can
11 Work Gems tone caster 24 hrs self F be worked. Items created with the metals from this spell have a
12 Work Ogamu r caster 24hrs self F bonus of +30.
14 50 Make/Work - Allows the caster to make and work any metal,
15 Work Mithril caster 24 hrs self F alloy, or inorganic material.

16 Work Ithilnaur caster 24 hrs self F SPECIAL NOTES

17 Work Ithildin caster 24 hrs self F 1) The spells manipulating material for non-magic weapons can also
19 be used to make other non-magic objects where strength and durab-
20 Work Laen caster 24 hrs self F ility are essential (usually armour and shields).
2) The bonuses gained to items made using this list are because of
25 Work Eog caster 24 hrs self F the material used. And are not magical in nature. To give items ma-
30 gical bonuses, other spell lists are needed.
50 Make/Work caster 24 hrs self F
3) This spell list is only available to Dwarven Alchemists.
1 Work Stone - Allows caster to flawlessly work non-magical
stone, creating items with a -50 to +0 bonus (in combat). All re-
quired tools and materials must be present. The time required to
work stone is halved.
2 Work Metal - As Work Stone, except non-magical metals such as
Paer (copper), Alcam (tin), Magasting (lead), etc., can be worked.
This spell does not allow the working of hard iron. Items created
with the metals from this spell have bonuses that range from -30 to
3 Work Alloy - As Work Stone, except non-magical alloys such as
Gulinion (brass), Evyth (bronze), Monel (pewter), etc., (but not iron
alloys) can be worked. Items created with the metals from this spell
have bonuses that range from -15 to +0
4 Work Ang - As Work Stone, except non-magical Ang (hard iron)
can be worked. Items created with the metals from this spell have a
bonus of +0.
5 Work Borang - As Work Stone, except non-magical Borang
(low-carbon steel) can be worked. Items created with the metals
from this spell have a bonus of +5.
6 Make Alloy - For the duration of this spell, the caster can make
alloys from raw materials (but not steel from iron). The amount of
the alloy that can be made depends on the available supplies and
7 Work Celebrang - As Work Stone, except non-magical
Celebrang (high-carbon steel) can be worked. Items created with
the metals from this spell have a bonus of +10.
8 Make Steel - For the duration of this spell, the caster can make
steel from iron. the amount of steel that can be made depends on the
available supplies and equipment.
9 Work Adarcer - As Work Stone, except non-magical Adarcer
can be worked. Items created with the metals from this spell have a
bonus of +15.
10 Work Tasarang - As Work Stone, except the enchanted metal
Tasarang can be worked.
11 Work Gemstone - As Work Stone, except non-magical gem-
stones can be worked.

20 Armour Defense True - As Armour Defense, except the bonus is
Lvl Spell Area Of Effect Duration Range Type 25 Enchant Cloth IV - As Enchant Cloth I, except the spell protects
1 as AT 20.
2 Shield* caster 1 min/lvl self U 30 Armour IV - As Armour I, except armour and shields can be
3 Shield Defense I caster 1 min/lvl self U enchanted with a +20 magical bonus or a +25 bonus versus a gen-
4 Armour Defense I caster 1 min/lvl self U
5 Armour I caster 24 hrs self F eral group such as Elves, Great Drakes, etc. The armour must have a
+15 non-magical bonus to begin with due to material composition.
6 Enchant Cloth I caster 1 min/lvl self U 50 Mystical Armour - Enchants the caster’s armour, to reduce any
7 Shield Defense II caster 1 min/lvl self U critcal strike made against it by one level of severity. `A` criticals
8 Armour Defense II caster 1 min/lvl self U have a special modifier of -25 to the roll.
9 Armour II caster 24 hrs self F
10 Enchant Cloth II cater 1 min/lvl self U SPECIAL NOTES
1) Special enchanted abilities that can be produced using the spells
11 Shield Defense III caster 1 min/lvl self U on this list can be found in Treasure Companion Section .4.
12 Armour Defense III caster 1 min/lvl self U Enchanted Abilities can be placed inh items even if they lack the
13 material strength requirements necessary for the Armour spells on
14 Armour III caster 24 hrs self F
this list.
15 Shield Defense IV caster 1 min/lvl self U
2) Armour spells on this list can create either a magical item with a
16 Armour Defense IV caster 1 min/lvl self U bonus against all combatants or a limited, but greater bonus against
17 a particular group. Generally, the limited bonus is applied as a
18 Enchant Cloth III caster 1 min/lvl self U second enchanted ability after the general plus has been given to the
19 Shield Defense True caster 1 min/lvl self U item, though this need not be the case. These bonuses are not cumu-
20 Armour Defense True caster 1 min/lvl self U lative. The weilder or wearer gets the best of the two bonuses if
25 Enchant Cloth IV caster 1 min/lvl self U both are present in the item.
30 Armour IV self 24 hrs self F 3) Enchanted Armour is considered to be superior in design, and
50 Mystical Armour Caster 1 min/lvl self U thus, the Armour penalties are reduced by 10. Armour penalties can-
not be reduced below 0. Enchanted Armour normallt made with a
DWARVEN ARMOUR .85 weight reduction. This reduction is applied after the minus 10
2 Shield - Creates an invisible force shield in front of the caster. for superior design.
This functions as a normal shield (subtracting 25 from appropriate
attacks, etc.), except it does not occupy a hand. This spell can not be
combined with a real shield.
3 Shield Defense I - Caster’s shield DB is improved by +5.
4 Armour Defense I - Caster’s armour DB is improved by +5.
5 Armour I - Allows the caster to enchant armour and shields giv-
ing them a +5 magical bonus or a +10 bonus versus a general group
such as Elves, Great Drakes, etc. The armour must have a +0 non-
magical bonus to begin with due to material composition.
6 Enchant Cloth I - The caster’s clothing (AT 1 or AT 2) is en-
chanted to protect as AT 4.
7 Shield Defense II - As Shield Defense I, except the bonus is +10.
8 Armour Defense II - As Armour Defense, except the bonus is
9 Armour II - As Armour I, except armour and shields can be en-
chanted with a +10 magical bonus or a +15 bonus versus a general
group such as Elves, Great Drakes, etc. The armour must have a +5
non-magical bonus to begin with due to material composition.
10 Enchant Cloth II - As Enchant Cloth I, except the spell protects
as AT8.
11 Shield Defense III - As Shield Defense I, except the bonus is
12 Armour Defense III - As Armour Defense, except the bonus is
14 Armour III - As Armour I, except armour and shields can be
enchanted with a +15 magical bonus or a +20 bonus versus a general
group such as Elves, Great Drakes, etc. The armour must have a +10
non-magical bonus to begin with due to material composition.
15 Shield Defense IV - As Shield Defense I, except the bonus is
16 Armour Defense IV - As Armour Defense, except the bonus is
18 Enchant Cloth III - As Enchant Cloth I, except the spell protects
as AT16.
19 Shield Defense True - As Shield Defense I, except the bonus is

GENERAL ALCHEMIST BASE LIST 13 Work Mithglin - As Work Stone, except non-magical Mithglin
can be worked. Items created with the metals from this spell have a
Lvl Spell Area Of Effect Duration Range Type 15 Work Mithril - As Work Stone, except the enchanted metal
1 Work Stone caster 24 hrs self F Mithril can be worked. Items created with the metals from this spell
2 Work Metal caster 24 hrs self F have a bonus of +20.
3 Work Alloy caster 24 hrs self F 16 Work Ithilnaur - As Work Stone, except the enchanted alloy
4 Work Ang caster 24 hrs self F
5 Work Borang caster 24 hrs self F Ithilnaur can be worked. Items created with the metals from this
spell have a bonus of +20.
6 Work Glas s caster 24 hrs self F 17 Work Ithildin - As Work Stone, except the enchanted alloy
7 Work Arborang caster 24 hrs self F Ithildin can be worked.
8 Make Alloy caster 24 hrs self F
9 Work Mithin caster 24 hrs self F 20 Work Laen - As Work Stone, except the enchanted glass Laen
10 Work Tasarang caster 24 hrs self F can be worked. Items created with the glass from this spell have a
bonus of +25.
11 Work Gems tone caster 24 hrs self F 25 Work Eog - As Work Stone, except the enchanted alloy Eog can
12 be worked. items created with the metals from this spell have a
13 Work Mithglin caster 24 hrs self F
14 bonus of +30.
15 Work Mithril caster 24 hrs self F 35 Work Galvorn - As Work Stone, except the enchanted alloy
Galvorn can be worked. Items created with the metals from this
16 Work Ithilnaur caster 24 hrs self F spell have a bonus of +40.
17 Work Ithildin caster 24 hrs self F
18 50 Make/Work - Allows the caster to make and work any metal,
19 alloy, or inorganic material. The enchanted alloy Kregora can only
20 Work Laen caster 24 hrs self F be worked/made using this spell.

25 Work Eog caster 24 hrs self F SPECIAL NOTES

35 Work Galvorn caster 24 hrs self F 1) The spells manipulating material for non-magic weapons can also
50 Make/Work caster 24 hrs self F
be used to make other non-magic objects where strength and durab-
ELVEN INORGANIC SKILLS ility are essential (usually armour and shields).
1 Work Stone - Allows caster to flawlessly work non-magical 2) The bonuses gained to items made using this list are because of
stone, creating items with a -50 to +0 bonus (in combat). All re- the material used. And are not magical in nature. To give items ma-
quired tools and materials must be present. The time required to gical bonuses, other spell lists are needed.
work stone is halved. 3) This spell list is only available to Elven Alchenists.
2 Work Metal - As Work Stone, except non-magical metals such as
Paer (copper), Alcam (tin), Magasting (lead), etc., can be worked. kregora has intense anti-essence, anti-mentalism, anti-channelling
This spell does not allow the working of hard iron. Items created and anti-arcane properties.
with the metals from this spell have bonuses that range from -30 to
3 Work Alloy - As Work Stone, except non-magical alloys such as
Gulinion (brass), Evyth (bronze), Monel (pewter), etc., (but not iron
alloys) can be worked. Items created with the metals from this spell
have bonuses that range from -15 to +0.
4 Work Ang - As Work Stone, except non-magical Ang (hard iron)
can be worked. Items created with the metals from this spell have a
bonus of +0.
5 Work Borang - As Work Stone, except non-magical Borang
(low-carbon steel) can be worked. Items created with the metals
from this spell have a bonus of +5 (Borang).
6 Work Glass - As Work Stone, except non-magical Glass can be
worked.Items created with the glass from this spell have bonuses
that range from -50 to +10.
7 Work Arborang - As Work Stone, except non-magical Arborang
(high-carbon steel) can be worked. Items created with the metals
from this spell have a bonus of +10.
8 Make Alloy - For the duration of this spell, the caster can make
alloys from raw materials, including steel from iron. The amount of
the alloy that can be made depends on the available supplies and
9 Work Mithlin - As Work Stone, except non-magical Mithlin can
be worked. Items created with the metals from this spell have a
bonus of +15.
10 Work Tasarang - As Work Stone, except the enchanted metal
Tasarang can be worked.
11 Work Gemstone - As Work Stone, except non-magical gem-
stones can be worked.

GENERAL ALCHEMIST BASE LIST Items created with the metals from this spell have a bonus of +20.
20 Work Laen - As Work Stone, except the enchanted glass Laen
INORGANIC SKILLS (MERP) can be worked. Items created with the glass from this spell have a
Lvl Spell Area Of Effect Duration Range Type bonus of +25.
1 Work Stone caster 24 hrs self F 50 Make/Work - Allows the caster to make and work any metal,
2 Work Glass caster 24 hrs self F alloy, or inorganic material.
3 Work Metal caster 24 hrs self F
4 Work Alloy caster 24 hrs self F
5 Work Ang caster 24 hrs self F
1) The spells manipulating material for non-magic weapons can also
6 Work Borang caster 24 hrs self F be used to make other non-magic objects where strength and durab-
7 Make Alloy caster 24 hrs self F ility are essential (usually armour and shields).
8 Work Arborang caster 24 hrs self F 2) The bonuses gained to items made using this list are because of
9 Make Steel caster 24 hrs self F the material used. And are not magical in nature. To give items ma-
10 Work Mithlin caster 24 hrs self F
gical bonuses, other spell lists are needed.
11 Work Gemstone caster 24 hrs self F 3) Dwarfs and Elves have alternative spell lists that they develop
12 instead of this one.
13 4) There are two versions of this list either of which can be learnt.
The version presented is based on Elvish knowledge. For the altern-
15 Work Mithril caster 24 hrs self F
ative version which is based on Dwarvish knowledge; simple re-
16 place the 10th level spell with the one below.
17 10 Work Adarcer - As Work Stone, except non-magical Adarcer
18 can be worked. Items created with the metals from this spell have a
19 bonus of +15.
20 Work Laen caster 24 hrs self F

50 Make/Work caster 24 hrs self F


1 Work Stone - Allows caster to flawlessly work non-magical
stone, creating items with a -50 to +0 bonus (in combat). All re-
quired tools and materials must be present. The time required to
work stone is halved.
2 Work Glass - As Work Stone, except non-magical glass can be
worked. Items created with the glass from this spell have bonuses
that range from -50 to -10.
3 Work Metal - As Work Stone, except non-magical metals such as
Paer (copper), Alcam (tin), lead, etc., can be worked. This spell
does not allow the working of Ang (hard iron). Items created with
the metals from this spell have bonuses that range from -30 to -10.
4 Work Alloy - As Work Stone, except non-magical alloys such as
brass, Evyth (bronze), pewter, etc., (but not iron alloys) can be
worked. Items created with the metals from this spell have bonuses
that range from -15 to +0
5 Work Ang - As Work Stone, except non-magical Ang (hard iron)
can be worked. Items created with the metals from this spell have a
bonus of +0.
6 Work Borang - As Work Stone, except non-magical Borang (low-
carbon steel) can be worked. Items created with the metals from this
spell have a bonus of +5.
7 Make Alloy - For the duration of this spell, the caster can make
base alloys from base materials (but not steel from iron). The
amount of the alloy that can be made depends on the available sup-
plies and equipment.
8 Work Arborang - As Work Stone, except non-magical Arborang
(high-carbon steel) can be worked. Items created with the metals
from this spell have a bonus of +10.
9 Make Steel - For the duration of this spell, the caster can make
steel from iron. the amount of steel that can be made depends on the
available supplies and equipment.
10 Work Mithlin - As Work Stone, except non-magical Mithlin can
be worked. Items created with the metals from this spell have a
bonus of +15.
11 Work Gemstone - As Work Stone, except non-magical gem-
stones can be worked.
15 Work Mithril - As Work Stone except Mithril can be worked.

Beijabar Channelling? mentalism? LIST
under development, not available for character

Beorning Ways
Lvl Spell Area Of Effect Duration Range Type
1 Befriending caster 1 min/lvl self U
2 Animal Healing caster 1 min/lvl self U
2 Teach Speech (Rank 1) 1 animal Permanent Touch U
3 Train (Simple) 1 animal Permanent Touch U
5 Teach Speech (Rank 3) 1 animal Permanent Touch U

8 Train (Complex) 1 animal Permanent Touch U
9 Teach Speech (Rank 5) 1 animal Permanent Touch U
10 Dance 1 animal Permanent Touch U




1 Befriending - Caster receives a s pecial bonus 0f +15

to any Animal Mastery manouevres.

2 Animal healing - Caster receives a special bonus of

+15 to Animal Healing manoeuvres.

2. Teach Speech (Rank 1) : Caster may teach an animal to under-

stand any known language to Rank 1. Animals cannot speak or
write, but may read. This spell is cast on the animal 1x/day for 1
week (requiring 2 hours of concentration/day).

3. Train (Simple) As Teach Speech (Rank 1), but an animal may be

trained to perform a simple task (e.g., wash vegetables, open doors,

5. Teach Speech (Rank 3) : As Teach Speech (Rank 1), but animal

may learn up to Rank 3.

8. Train (Complex) : As Train (Simple), but a complex task may be

learned (dicing carrots, manipulating lanterns, etc.).

9. Teach Speech (Rank 5) : As Teach Speech (Rank 1), but animal

may learn up to Rank 5. (Caster must also know Rank 5.)

10. Dance As Train (Simple), but a dance may be learned. (Used

for Dance of the Living.)

Conversion of RM2 hit dice to RMS S
Dice Total Body Dev. Point
Type Hits Progression Cost
D8 80 0•6•2•2•1 -17
D8 100 0•6•3•1•1 -15
D8 110 0•6•3•2•1 -10
D8 120 0•6•4•2•1 0
D10 120 0•7•3•2•1 5
D8 130 0•6•5•2•1 10
D10 130 0•7•4•2•1 13
D10 140 0•7•5•2•1 14
D10 150 0•7•5•3•1 15
D12 200 0•9•7•4•1 20
D15 220 0•11•7•4•1 22
D15 300 0•11•10•9•1 30
D20 350 0•15•13•7•1 35

Character Name:

Middle-earth Role Playing

Campaign (GM):


Appearance: Home Town/City:______________
Race:_ ____________________________ Sex:___________ Skin:__________ Patron /Lord:__________________
Professio n:________________________ Apparent Age:_________________ Parents:______________________
Training Packages:__________________ Actual Age:___________________ Spouse:______________________
_____ ____________________________ Height: ________ Weight: _______ Children:_____________________
_____ ____________________________ Hair: __________ Eyes: _________ Other: _______________________
Realm: ___________________________ Personality:___________________ ____________________________
_____________________________ ____________________________
RACE/STAT FIXED INFO: Motivations: __________________ ____________________________
Soul departure: ______ rounds _____________________________
Race Typre: _________
Recovery Mu ltiplier: x_________ BASIC RACIAL SPECIAL STAT
___ ________________________ Agility ______ ______ ____ __ _______ _______ _______
PP Development Progression: Con stitution ______ ______ ____ __ _______ _______ _______
___ ________________________ Memory ______ ______ ____ __ _______ _______ _______
Reason ing ______ ______ ____ __ _______ _______ _______
Self Discipline ______ ______ ____ __ _______ _______ _______
Experience Points:
Empathy ______ ______ ____ __ _______ _______ _______
Intuition ______ ______ ____ __ _______ _______ _______
Armour Type:______________________ Presence ______ ______ ____ __ _______ _______ _______
MMP:___ _________________________ Quickn ess ______ ______ ____ __ _______ _______ _______
Weight Penalty:_____________________ Strength ______ ______ ____ __ _______ _______ _______
Missile Penalty: ____________________
Qu stat bonus x 3 - Armour Qu pen alty:
(min 0):__ _________________________
Base Movement Rate Max Pace Exhastion Co st
Adrenal Defense: ___________________
No Equipment Dash (x5) 50/rnd
Shield Bonu s:______________________
Just Backpack
Magic (Spells, Items, etc.):____________
Just Armo ur
To tal DB (mellee/missile):____________
Just Armo ur & Weapons
Fully Equiped
Chann neling (3 x In): _______________
Essence (3 x Em):__________________
Mentalism (3 x Pr):_________________ :
Chan/Ess (In + Em):________________ SPECIAL ABILITIES
Chan/Ment (In + P)r:________________
Ess/Men t (Em + Pr):________________
Poison/Disease (3 x Co): ____________
Fear (3 x SD):_____________________


% of ExPs Taken Penalty

0% to 25%...................................0 % of PPs used Mod to spell
26% to 50%............................... -5 casting SM
% of Hits taken Mod
51% to 75%............................. -15 0% to 25%....................................0
0% to 25%...................................0
76% to 90%............................. -30 26% to 50%.............................. -10
26% to 50%..............................-10
91% to 99%............................. -60 51% to 75%.............................. -20
51% to 75%..............................-20
100%+.................................... -100 76% to 100%............................ -30
76% to 100+%..........................-30 Recove r:-
Recove r:- Recove r:-
Active; one per 3 min Active; one per 3 hours
Active; one per 3 hours Resting; (1+Co stat bonus/2) per min
Resting; (Co st at bonus/2) pe r Hr Resting; (realm stat bonus/2) pe r Hr
Sleeping; all in a full 0.5 hours Sleeping; half max per 3 Hrs
Sleeping; (Co stat bonusx2) per 3 Hrs
Skill Category Record Sheet Character:

Applicable Dev. # of New --------------------- Bonuses--------------------

Skill Category Stats Cost Ranks Ranks Rank Stat Prof. Special Special Total
Armour • Heavy St/Ag/St ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Armour • Medium St/Ag/St ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Armour • Light Ag/St/Ag ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Artistic • Active Pr/Em/Ag ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Artistic • Passive Em/In/Pr ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Athletic • Brawn St/Co/Ag ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Athletic • Endurance Co/Ag/St ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Athletic • Gymnastic Ag/Qu/Ag ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Awareness • Perception In /SD/In ___ __ n/a ‡ 0 _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Awareness • Searching In/Re/SD ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Awareness • Sen ses In /SD/In ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Body Development Co /SD/Co ___ __ n/a † 0 _____ _ ____ +10__ _____ ______
Combat Manoeuvres Aq /Qu/SD ___ __ n/a * 0 _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Communications Re/Me/Em ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Crafts Ag/Me/SD ___ __ n/a * 0 _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Directed Spells Ag /SD/Ag ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Influence Pr/Em/In ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Lore • General Me/Re/Me ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Lore • Magical Me/Re/Me ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Lore • Obscure Me/Re/Me ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Lore • Technical Me/Re/Me ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Martial Arts • Strikes St/Ag/St ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____
Martial Arts • Sweeps Ag/St/Ag ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Outdoor • Animal Em/Ag/Em ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Outdoor • Environment SD/In/Me ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Power Awareness Em/In/Pr ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Power Manipulation Em/In/Pr ___ __ n/a * 0 _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Power Point Develop _________ ___ __ n/a † 0 _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Science/Analytic • Basic Re/Me/Re ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Science/Analytic • Specialized Re/Me/Re ___ __ n/a * 0 _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Self Control SD/Pr/SD ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Special Attacks St/Ag/SD ___ __ n/a * 0 _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Special Defences none ___ __ n/a * 0 _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Spells • Other Realm Base Lists _________ ___ __ n/a ‡ 0 _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Spells • Other Realm Closed Lists _________ ___ __ n/a ‡ 0 _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Spells • Other Realm Open Lists _________ ___ __ n/a ‡ 0 _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Spells • Own Realm Clo sed Lists _________ ___ __ n/a ‡ 0 _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Spells • Own Realm Open Lists _________ ___ __ n/a ‡ 0 _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Spells • Own Realm Other Base Lists _________ ___ __ n/a ‡ 0 _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Spells • Own Realm Own Base Lists _________ ___ __ n/a ‡ 0 _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Subterfuge • Attack Ag/SD/In ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Subterfuge • Mechanics In/Ag/Re ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Subterfuge • Stealth Ag/SD/In ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Technical • General Re/Me/SD ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Technical • Professional Re/Me/In ___ __ n/a * 0 _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Technical • Vocational Me/In/Re ___ __ n/a * 0 _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Urban In/Pr/Re ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Weapon • 1-H Concu ssion St/Ag/St ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Weapon • 1-H Edged St/Ag/St ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Weapon • 2 Handed St/Ag/St ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Weapon • Missile Ag/St/Ag ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Weapon • Missile Artillery In/Ag/Re ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Weapon • Polearms St/Ag/St ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
Weapon • Thrown Ag/St/Ag ___ __ _____ ooo _____ _____ _ ____ _____ _____ ______
_____ ______

Progression:- ooo Standard “-15 • 2 • 1 • 0.5 • 0” for category ranks and “-15 • 3 • 2 • 1 • 0.5” for skill ranks; * Combined -30 • 5 • 3
• 1 .5 • 0.5; † See Table T-1.1; ‡ “0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0” for skill category ranks an d “0 • 1 • 1 • 0.5 • 0” for skill ranks
Skill Record Sheet Character:
# of New ----------------------Bonuses---------------------
Skill Name Class Ranks Ranks Rank Category Item Special Special Total
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
_________ ____________________________ _____ ooo ______ ____ _ _____ _____ _____ _____
Critical Type: Puncture Range Modifiers: - Attack Table
Length: 7 - 12 feet
Weight: 11 - 16 pounds Usriev
Fumble Range: 01 - 06 UM
Breakage #s: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Polearm
Strength: 63-75w
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
148 - 150 18E 20E 22E 24E 30E 30E 33E 33E 34E 36E 39E 40E 38E 38E 43E 46E 39E 42E 46E 47E
145 - 147 18D 19E 22E 23E 29E 29E 32E 32E 33E 35E 38E 39E 37E 37E 41E 44E 38E 41E 44E 46E
142 - 144 17D 19D 21E 22E 28E 28E 31E 30E 32E 34E 37E 37E 36E 36E 40E 43E 36E 39E 43E 44E
139 - 141 17C 18D 20D 22E 27D 28D 29D 29E 31E 33E 36E 36E 35E 35E 38E 41E 34D 37E 41E 42E
136 - 138 17C 18C 19D 21D 26D 27D 28D 28E 30D 31E 34E 35E 34E 34E 37E 40E 33D 36D 40E 40D
133 - 135 16B 17C 19C 20D 25D 26D 27D 27D 29D 30D 33D 34D 33D 32E 36E 38E 31D 34D 38E 39D
130 - 132 16B 17B 18C 20D 24C 25C 26C 26D 28D 29D 32D 33D 32D 31D 34E 37E 29D 32D 37D 37D
127 - 129 15A 16B 17C 19C 23C 24C 25C 25D 27D 27D 30D 31D 31D 30D 33D 35E 28C 31D 36D 35D
124 - 126 15 16A 16B 18C 22B 23C 24C 24C 26C 25D 28D 29D 30D 29D 32D 34D 26C 29C 34D 34D
121 - 123 14 15A 16B 17C 21B 22B 23C 23C 25C 24C 27C 28D 28C 27D 31D 32D 24C 27C 33D 32C
118 - 120 14 15 15B 16B 21A 21B 22B 22C 23C 22C 25C 26C 27C 26C 30D 31D 23C 26C 31D 30C
115 - 117 13 14 15A 15B 20A 20B 21B 20C 22B 21C 24C 25C 26C 25C 29C 29D 21B 24C 30C 28C
112 - 114 13 14 14A 14B 19A 19A 20B 18B 21B 20C 23C 24C 25C 24C 27C 28C 19B 23B 28C 27C
109 - 111 12 13 13 14A 19 18A 19A 17B 19B 18B 21B 21C 24B 23C 25C 26C 18B 21B 27C 25C
106 - 108 12 13 12 13A 18 17A 17A 16B 18B 17B 20B 20C 23B 22B 24C 25C 16B 19B 26C 23B
103 - 105 11 12 12 12A 17 16 16A 14B 16A 15B 18B 19B 22B 21B 23C 23C 14A 18B 24C 22B
100 - 102 11 11 11 11 16 15 15A 13A 15A 14B 17B 18B 21B 20B 21B 22B 12A 16A 23B 20B
97 - 99 11 11 10 10 15 14 14 12A 14A 13A 16B 17B 19B 18B 19B 20B 11A 14A 21B 18B
94 - 96 10 10 10 10 14 13 13 11A 13A 11A 14A 15B 18A 17B 18B 19B 9A 13A 20B 16A
91 - 93 10 9 9 9 13 12 12 10A 12 10A 13A 14A 17A 16A 17B 17B 7 11A 18B 15A
88 - 90 9 9 8 8 12 11 11 9 10 9 11A 12A 16A 15A 16B 16B 6 9A 17B 13A
85 - 87 9 8 8 7 11 10 10 8 9 7 9A 10A 15A 14A 15A 14B 4 8 16A 11A
82 - 84 8 8 7 7 11 9 9 7 8 5 7 8A 13 12A 13A 13A - - 14A 10A
79 - 81 8 7 6 6 10 8 7 6 7 3 5 6A 12 11A 12A 11A - - 13A -
76 - 78 7 7 6 5 9 7 6 5 6 - 3 5 11 10 10A 10A - - 11A -
73 - 75 7 6 5 4 8 6 5 3 4 - - 4 10 9 9A 8A - - 10A -
70 - 72 6 6 4 3 7 5 4 2 3 - - 3 9 7 7 7A - - 9 -
67 - 69 6 5 4 3 6 4 3 - - - - - 8 6 5 5 - - - -
64 - 66 5 5 3 2 5 3 2 - - - - - 7 5 - - - - - -
61 - 63 5 4 2 - 4 2 - - - - - - 6 - - - - - - -
58 - 60 5 3 - - 3 - - - - - - - 5 - - - - - - -
55 - 57 4 3 - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
52 - 54 4 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
49 - 51 3 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
46 - 48 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
43 - 45 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
40 - 42 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
37 - 39 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
34 - 36 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
31 - 33 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
28 - 30 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
25 - 27 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
22 - 24 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
19 - 21 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0 - 18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A cross between a lance and a long, thin two-handed sword with a razor sharp 4 foot blade.
Alternate Critical I: Slash -20
Alternate Critical II: Krush -30


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