PIM Common Problems and Solutions FAQ Define Catalogs Catalog Setup

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Fusion PIM: Common Problems and Solutions FAQ - Define Catalogs / Catalog Setup (Doc ID 1391190.1)

In this Document

Questions and Answers
  Dependent Technologies:
  Mandatory Log Channels:
  Common Problems:
  1. Unable to create a catalog, the catalog structure list of values is blank in the Create Catalog dialog.
  2. Unable to create a category and the category structure segments values are not listed in the Create Category dialog
  3. Unable to assign catalog to a functional area in the Manage Default Catalog page.
  Catalog Behavior Rules Based on a Functional Area
  4. Unable to re-assign a catalog to a functional area in the Manage Default Catalog page.
  5. Unable to find my catalog in the Manage Catalog page.
  6. Unable to find my category in the category hierarchy table or the Add Category search and select dialogs.
  7. Unable to download data from the catalog into a spreadsheet, the spreadsheet is launched but is blank.
  8. Unable to deploy flexfield definitions, sandbox active.
  9. Unable to see ADFDi buttons [Upload/Download/Add] from Edit in Spreadsheet option under Category Hierarchy tab.


Oracle Fusion Purchasing - Version to [Release 1.0]

Oracle Fusion Product Model - Version to [Release 1.0]

Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document covers common problems in the functionality of Fusion Product Catalog Application.



Item catalogs are an item classification structure within the Oracle Fusion Product Information Management application, but are used by many other Oracle applications. Item
Catalogs area used for classification of items and for analysis of sets of items represented by categories.

Dependent Technologies:


Mandatory Log Channels:

AppsLogger modules:


Common Problems:

1. Unable to create a catalog, the catalog structure list of values is blank in the Create Catalog dialog.

A catalog cannot be created since a value cannot be selected or found by searching for a catalog structure in the list of values. The Catalog Structure value is flagged as an error
when the Save or Save and Close button are clicked.


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Applicable ONLY to prior to Release 11:

The catalogs are key flexfields enabled and require that the Key Flexfields be created prior to creating catalogs.

See Fusion PIM: How To Create Item Catalog Structures And Catalogs (viewlet) (Doc ID 1454539.1)


After following the above steps to create a key flexfield structure and structure instance for catalogs, invoke the Create Catalogs task or invoke the Manage Catalogs task (use the
Create Icon) in the Oracle Functional Setup Manager, fill in the catalog information, select the key flexfields you created in the Catalog Structure LOV choice list, and verify that the
catalog is saved.

2. Unable to create a category and the category structure segments values are not listed in the Create Category dialog

During category creation, the Create Category dialog displays the fields for the category, but the key flexfield segments that are defined for the key flexfield structure instance are
not displayed below the Category Structure field. An error maybe displayed indicating the Category Structure is not entered when you click the OK button. The category will
sometimes be created as well, but an Application Error dialog will be launched when the catalog is saved.


Applicable ONLY to prior to Release 11:

The key flexfield definition for the category structure is not complete or the key flexfields are not deployed.

· Review the key flexfield that has been created for the catalog. The key flexfield structure should contain a key flexfield structure, segments for the structure and a key structure

· Deploy the key flexfields for the catalog flex field code “MCAT”

2. Launch the Manage Key Flexfield for Catalogs task in the Oracle Function Setup Manager application, Overview Page within the All Task tab.

3. Click the Deploy Flexfield button, status should indicate the key flexfields are deployed successfully.

4. Close the Browser ( all tabs )


After completion of the Deploy Flexfield operation, close the browser, reopen new browser window, invoke the Oracle Product Information Management application and launch the
Manage Catalog UI page. Search for the catalog that you created the category in. Create new category, the Category Structure segment prompts should be displayed as fields
below the Category Structure field.

3. Unable to assign catalog to a functional area in the Manage Default Catalog page.

A catalog that is created for a functional area does not appear in the choice list when editing the default catalog for a functional area or when searching in the choice list.


A Functional area is an application or business process that implements catalogs requiring specific behavior for their catalogs, the behavior is defined by a set of rules. The
validation of the rules for each specific functional area is used to filter the values presented in the Catalog Name choice list. The Functional Area Rules include the following:

1. The value of the Controlled At attribute for a catalog (see Figure 2) is determined based on Controlled at value of the Operational Attributes (see Figure 1) for the Functional

While assigning catalogs to a functional area in Default Catalogs UI, if the operational attribute control value is 'Organization Level' for an attribute, only those catalogs whose
control level is 'Organization Level' shows up in Catalogs LOV.

If the value of the Controlled At operational attribute is 'Master Level', then only those catalogs whose Controlled At value is 'Master Level' and 'Organization Level' shows up. The
following chart shows the operational attribute groups that are used in the Functional Area Rules.

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Check the value for the Controlled At attribute for the operational attributes using the Manage Operational Attribute Groups task in the Oracle Functional Setup Manager application
to determine what the value for the Catalog’s Controlled At attribute value.

Catalog Behavior Rules Based on a Functional Area

All Functional Areas:

The catalog must have a default category assigned to the catalog for the Functional area. Check the catalog to see if a category has been assigned to the Default Category attribute

The value of one or more catalog attributes has to have a specific value, for example the functional area may not allow the catalog to have a category hierarchy and the value of
the Enable hierarchies for categories attribute must be “No”. Check the rule below for each of the functional area and make sure the catalog conforms to the rules.

See Fusion PIM: What Are The Requirements For A Catalog To Be Assigned To A Functional Area In Manage Default Catalogs UI? (Doc ID 1488509.1)


Review the attribute values for the catalog you area assigning to a functional area and check to see that they match the rules listed above.

4. Unable to re-assign a catalog to a functional area in the Manage Default Catalog page.

In the Manage Default Catalogs UI page, a new catalog is selected from the Catalog Name choice list and the Save and Close button is clicked, an error dialog stating: “The
functional area catalog cannot be updated. (EGP-2775752)” is launched preventing from the new catalog to be assigned to the functional area.

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Once item has been assigned to any categories in the catalog assigned to a functional area, a new catalog cannot be assigned to the functional area. Check the catalog that is
being assigned to the functional area to see if item have been assigned to the catalog.

The Default Catalogs which PIM (Product Information Management) handles are:

1) Inventory

3) Planning

4) Costing


Asset Management
7) Product Reporting


If items are assigned to the catalog, remove the category assignment from Manage Items UI (if the category is from a Functional Catalog, you may have to disable the operational
attribute controlling the category assignment first). For example, if item has Purchasing Enabled = Y and you need to remove the category from Purchasing functional area catalog,
then you will first need to make the Purchasing Enabled = N.

Or, you can continue to use the catalog that is assigned to the functional area and use the date enablement features to end date categories and category associations that are no
longer in use.

Here is an example use case: Lets say you have a item assigned to Inventory default catalog and the items are consumed by Inventory.

Now, if a user is allowed to change the default catalog, all those items consumed by Inventory application will become orphaned or invalid.
Hence system does not allow this change.

You can un-assign all the items assigned to the default catalog. Once this is done, then you can update the Purchasing default catalog to new one.

5. Unable to find my catalog in the Manage Catalog page.

I search for a catalog is that is created, but do not find the catalog using the search or when I search for a group of catalog using a wildcard, the catalog does not appear in the
Search Results table in the Manage Catalogs UI page.


Catalogs are date enabled; the display, use and specific operations for catalogs are controlled by the values of the Catalog Start Date and Catalog End Date. The Search Results
table in the Manage Catalogs UI page has date filter to control which catalogs are displayed. Check the Catalog filter in the table header, the default value is display only the Active
catalogs. Active catalogs have Catalog Start Date value that is later or equal to the current date and have a Catalog End Date value later or equal to the current date ( or the End
Date can be blank ). If the catalog you are looking for does not appear in the Search Result table, change the Catalog filter to a value of “All”, which will display active, inactive and
future dated catalogs. 


Set the Catalog filter value to “All” and search for the catalog. The filter allows the display of “Active”, “Inactive” and “Future Dated” catalogs.

6. Unable to find my category in the category hierarchy table or the Add Category search and select dialogs.

In the Category Hierarchy tab of the Edit Catalog UI page, specific categories are not displayed in the category hierarchy tree table or the categories cannot be found using the
category search.


Categories and Category Associations are date enabled, the display, use and specific operations for categories are controlled by the values of the Category Start Date and Category
End Date or Category Association Start Date and Category Association End Date. ).
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The tree table in the Edit Catalog UI page has two date filters to control which categories are displayed. Check the Categories and the Associations filters in the table header, the
default value is display only the active categories and active category associations. Active categories have Category Start Date value that is later or equal to the current date and
have a Category End Date value later or equal to the current date (or the End Date can be blank).

The display of the category in the tree table is depended on values for both filters. If you do not see the category in the category hierarchy table or cannot find it by searching the
category hierarchy, then set the value of the Category and Association filters to “All”, this will display active, inactive and future dated categories and associations.


Set the Categories filter value to “All” and Associations filter value to “All”. Then view or search for the category in the category hierarchy.

7. Unable to download data from the catalog into a spreadsheet, the spreadsheet is launched but is blank.

The spreadsheet that is launched from the Edit Catalog page is blank. The system launches a dialog “Opening CategoryImport.xlsx”, you select to open with Microsoft Office Excel,
the spreadsheet opens, but the spreadsheet is blank. 


Check the following:

1. Check to see that you are using Microsoft Office Excel 2007, this release is required to support the export/import process.

2. Check to see the Oracle ADF 11g Desktop Integration Runtime Add-in for Excel client is installed on your local machine. The validate the client is installed:

· Open the Windows Control Panel

· Click on “Add or Remove Program”

· Search for “Oracle ADF 11g Desktop Integration Runtime Add-in for Excel”

If the client is not installed, download the client using the following steps:

· In the Items Work Area: Click on the drop list for the Navigator in upper left hand corner of the work area.

· Select Tools->Download Desktop Integration Installer

· Follow directions for installing client.

3. Check to see if browser security is blocking access between the browser and application using the following steps:

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· Open Microsoft Office Excel 2007

· Click on the Microsoft office button and then click on ‘Excel Options’ (See image below)

· Click the Trust Center tab and then click Trust Center Settings

· Click the Trusted Locations tab.

· Verify that the path to Oracle Product Information Management application is listed in the trusted locations table, see below.

If the path to the application server is not listed, add the path

· Select the ‘Allow Trusted Locations on my network (not recommended)’ checkbox

· Click the ‘Add New Location’ button (refer figure below)

· Enter the hostname of the server that your Integrated Excel workbook will be accessing. The path should end with the “/productManagement/”.

· Select the checkbox ‘Subfolders of this location are also trusted’

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· Click Ok.

Microsoft Office Excel is now configured to allow the integrated excel workbooks to access your remote hosts. Additional information is available in the ADF Desktop Integration
User Guide.


Launch the export of the catalog information by clicking the Export Hierarchy button, download the information to Microsoft Office Excel, login to the using the same userID and
password used to access the application, the information from the catalog will be displayed within the spreadsheet.

8. Unable to deploy flexfield definitions, sandbox active.


Applicable ONLY to prior to Release 11:

Please refer to document 1357018.1 Deployed Flexfield segment is not visible in the Setup UI for Manage Catalogs.

9. Unable to see ADFDi buttons [Upload/Download/Add] from Edit in Spreadsheet option under Category Hierarchy tab.


The button in the ADFDi are not showing up because the excel macros are disabled.

Please enable the macros and re-launch the excel,

Steps to enable macros in Excel 2007

1. Click on 'Office Button' and select Excel Options

2. In Excel Options popup select Trust Center and click on Trust Center Settings
3. In Trust Center window select Macro Settings and select 'Enable all  macros'
4. Close the excel and re-launch it.

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