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Reflection Eumind

Daphne V3BT

1. What went well?

- The communication went well. We had contact with the Indians
over WhatsApp. This was a nice way to keep in contact because
you could ask them questions and you can always find their
answers back. Also the communication between our group went
well. We also stayed in contact using WhatsApp. We also had
contact with the Indians using google meet. This was also a nice
way to ask questions and talk about this project because you
could see each other in real life.
- The interviews were great. Everyone had their interview and now
it is all nice in the Weebly. The website looks very good.
- We worked together, our own groups but also the Indians. This
made the project also fun.
2. What would you have done differently?
- We made a division of the roles, but we didn’t use it very much.
Actually we all made sure we handed it is on time and we made
sure to know what to do.
- Maybe more people working with the Weebly. Now there is one
person who works on the Weebly (because we divided the roles)
but maybe it is easier if you work on it with more than 1 because
then you can work together.
January 20th 2022

November 15th 2021

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