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Environmental Determinants of Infectious Disease: A Framework for Tracking

Causal Links and Guiding Public Health Research

Article  in  Environmental Health Perspectives · September 2007

DOI: 10.1289/ehp.9806 · Source: PubMed


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7 authors, including:

Karen Levy James C Scott

University of Washington Seattle Colby College


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Environmental Determinants of Infectious Disease: A Framework for
Tracking Causal Links and Guiding Public Health Research
Joseph N.S. Eisenberg,1 Manish A. Desai,2 Karen Levy,3 Sarah J. Bates,2 Song Liang,4 Kyra Naumoff,2
and James C. Scott 2
1Department of Epidemiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA; 2School of Public Health, University of California
Berkeley, Berkeley, California, USA; 3Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California Berkeley,
Berkeley, California, USA; 4Division of Environmental Health Science, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA

matrix can be used to assess the strengths and

B ACKGROUND : Discoveries that emerging and re-emerging pathogens have their origin in weaknesses of existing knowledge and thus
environmental change has created an urgent need to understand how these environmental changes prioritize avenues for future research.
impact disease burden. In this article we present a framework that provides a context from which to
examine the relationship between environmental changes and disease transmission and a structure Contemporary Frameworks
from which to unite disparate pieces of information from a variety of disciplines. of Environmental Change
METHODS: The framework integrates three interrelated characteristics of environment–disease rela- and Infectious Disease
tionships: a) Environmental change manifests in a complex web of ecologic and social factors that
During the modern era of public health, atten-
may ultimately impact disease; these factors are represented as those more distally related and those
more proximally related to disease. b) Transmission dynamics of infectious pathogens mediate the tion to the natural and built environment has
effects that environmental changes have on disease. c) Disease burden is the outcome of the inter- fluctuated, reflecting wider trends in biomed-
play between environmental change and the transmission cycle of a pathogen. ical thought and praxis (McMichael 2001;
RESULTS: To put this framework into operation, we present a matrix formulation as a means to Porter 1999). In the 19th century, the progen-
define important elements of this system and to summarize what is known and unknown about the itors of public health instituted a suite of inter-
these elements and their relationships. The framework explicitly expresses the problem at a systems ventions that astutely reflected perceived
level that goes beyond the traditional risk factor analysis used in public health, and the matrix pro- linkages between environmental conditions
vides a means to explicitly express the coupling of different system components. and poor health. Campaigns that focused on
CONCLUSION: This coupling of environmental and disease transmission processes provides a much- sanitation, hygiene, housing, and nutrition led
needed construct for furthering our understanding of both specific and general relationships to unparalleled leaps in health and longevity
between environmental change and infectious disease. (Szreter 1988). Despite a flawed rationale
KEY WORDS: environmental change, infectious disease, interdisciplinary, system theory, transmis- based on theories of miasma or contagion,
sion dynamics. Environ Health Perspect 115:1216–1223 (2007). doi:10.1289/ehp.9806 available these campaigns effectively controlled many
via [Online 31 May 2007] significant communicable pathogens (Cipolla
1992). Moreover, their success demonstrated
the utility of intervening further up the causal
Public health scientists are increasingly discov- burden. We argue and provide a framework for chain, even in the absence of comprehensive
ering that the recent emergence or re-emer- leveraging the wealth of prior research in both knowledge (Smith and Desai 2002).
gence of infectious diseases has an origin in realms by highlighting the links between them. Subsequent advances in germ theory gradu-
environmental change (McMichael and These links are conveniently defined through a ally overshadowed the environment as a major
Martens 2002; Morse 1995; Patz et al. 2000). matrix formulation in which system elements cause of disease. In the 20th century, public
These environmental changes encompass social from one component are mapped onto system health strategies for the control of infectious
processes such as urbanization and creation of elements from another component. The matrix disease progressed along a reductionist trajec-
transportation infrastructure, as well as eco- cells can then be used to provide information tory that emphasized vaccines, antibiotics, pes-
logic processes such as land and water use, bio- on what is known about the particular link. ticides, and barriers to infection. These
diversity loss, and climate change. Concern This matrix formulation is consistent with a technologies resulted in further improvements
surrounding these trends has inspired much dynamic systems approach that accounts for in the public’s health and deservedly continue
exploratory research because these phenomena feedbacks, a central feature of complex systems. to influence much of biomedicine.
are often anthropogenic, interrelated, and The Environmental Change and Infectious However, a growing body of literature on
accelerating. Yet there remains a pressing need Disease (EnvID) framework uses a systems the- environmental change and infectious disease
to more clearly define the causal relationships, ory structure to integrate and analyze disparate has emerged during the past decade, returning
leading from a distal environmental change to information from a variety of disciplines. Our public health to its roots (Daily and Ehrlich
alterations in more proximal environmental ultimate goal is to identify knowledge gaps and 1996; Epstein 1995; Gratz 1999). Overviews
characteristics and disease transmission cycles, define research directions as well as to develop on the topic have permeated a growing array
which eventually lead to a shift in the preva- relevant study designs and approaches for data
lence, distribution, or severity of an infectious analysis so that knowledge about environmen-
Address correspondence to J.N.S. Eisenberg,
disease (Figure 1). tal change can be incorporated appropriately University of Michigan, School of Public Health,
In this article we focus on the intermediary into the study and control of infectious dis- Department of Epidemiology, 611 Church St., Ann
relationships between proximal environmental eases. In the ensuing section, we survey the lit- Arbor, MI 48104-3028 USA. Telephone: (734) 615-
characteristics and transmission cycles. erature on contemporary frameworks of 1625. Fax: (734) 998-6837. E-mail:
Environmental sciences have traditionally environmental change and infectious disease. We thank K.R. Smith for his valuable comments
focused on the links between distal environ- Next, we motivate and describe the EnvID on the manuscript.
This study was supported by National Institute of
mental changes and their effects on proximal framework. We then use this framework to Allergy and Infectious Diseases grant RO1-AI050038.
environmental characteristics, whereas public generate a putative matrix of plausible rela- The authors declare they have no competing
health scholarship has focused on the link tionships between proximal environmental financial interests.
between transmission cycles and disease characteristics and transmission cycles. This Received 6 October 2006; accepted 30 May 2007.

1216 VOLUME 115 | NUMBER 8 | August 2007 • Environmental Health Perspectives

Environmental determinants of infectious disease

of academic fields (Anderson 2004; Cohen Although such refinement and reflection Feedbacks among exposures and out-
2000; Kombe and Darrow 2001; Price-Smith have addressed some weaknesses of risk factor comes generate context-dependent effects.
1999) and popular literature (Garrett 1994). analysis, others have emerged. For example, Population-level effects are not equivalent to
These commentaries have raised interest and although the individual level may be an impor- the sum of individual-level effects, and individ-
stimulated research, but understanding how tant scale for probing certain public health ual-level effects depend on the distribution of
environmental change impacts an infectious questions, risk factor analysis is challenged by population-level effects. Herd immunity and
disease process remains a challenge. This chal- the complexity of fundamental causes, includ- threshold density are two well-known examples
lenge hinders efforts to translate research into ing social and ecologic drivers (Krieger and of this phenomenon. Moreover, feedbacks are
public health policy and practice. Zierler 1996; Pimentel et al. 1998), gene–envi- also integral to many wider causal webs of
To help bridge this gap, we highlight ronment interactions (Hunter 2005), and life- environment and disease (Figure 1). In com-
three threads of scholarship that link environ- course trajectories (Susser and Terry 2003). plex systems, inappropriate inferences based on
mental change and infectious disease: Risk factor analysis, even with modification, potential outcomes can severely distort the
• debates on the future of epidemiology, faces limits in its capacity to examine causal interpretation of effects and misdirect the
• integrative reviews on environmental change mechanisms at multiple scales (Susser and application of interventions (Eisenberg et al.
and infectious disease, and Susser 1996a); it may adeptly explain who is at 2003; Halloran and Struchiner 1995; Jacquez
• mathematical models of disease transmission. risk but not why risks exist or differ within and et al. 1994). Risk factor analysis for infectious
We draw and build on the major themes between populations (Krieger 1994; Rose disease can sometimes be partially salvaged
and converging concerns and approaches 1985; Susser 2004). through conditioning on transmission poten-
within these threads. Causal inference for infectious disease. tial (Haber 1999) or employing counterfactuals
Debates on the future of epidemiology. Yet other critiques have questioned the tradi- (Robins et al. 2000), but results from both
Suggestions that public health move from a tional analytical approach in epidemiology experimental and observational studies warrant
discipline concerned primarily with risk factors that assumes independence of outcomes. The cautious scrutiny prior to generalization.
at the individual level toward one concerned assumption of independence means that the New paradigms for epidemiologic
with multiple levels and types of causation causal link between exposure and disease is research. The impetus to understand causality
have prompted vigorous discussions. Several made at the individual level. This model within complex systems has inspired the search
themes within these debates on the future of hinges on the conjecture that populations are for new paradigms that do not abandon con-
epidemiology offer guidance for the study of simple collections of individuals, and the ventional research but rather situate it within
environmental change and infectious disease. nature or arrangement of interactions the study of processes. Several more sophisti-
Strengths and weaknesses of risk factor– between individuals does not alter patterns of cated approaches have been proposed, the most
based analysis. Risk factor analysis has become risk (Koopman and Lynch 1999). The propa- influential of which include ecoepidemiology
virtually synonymous with modern epidemiol- gation of exposures and outcomes through a (Susser and Susser 1996b), social-ecologic sys-
ogy. It supplies the theoretical and method- population, however, is intrinsic to most tems perspectives (McMichael 1999), and eco-
ologic foundation for studying relationships at communicable pathogens and plainly violates social theory (Krieger 2001). These efforts all
an individual level, and within this realm, pro- the so-called stability assumption, which use a systems theory–based approach to extend
vides the basis for testing causal hypotheses. requires independence among individuals’ the purview of causation across axes of space,
Although risk factor analysis has enjoyed much exposure and outcome status (Halloran and time, and organizational level and propose to
success, its limitations have come to light in Struchiner 1995). Disease (e.g., cholera) interrelate research at different scales through
recent years (Pearce 1996; Susser 1998). In influences exposure (e.g., contaminated water feedbacks and interactions.
response, more valid and precise techniques source), which in turn influences outcome Integrative reviews on environmental
that better account for bias and error have been (e.g., more cholera), and so on, via transmis- change and infectious disease. In recent years,
developed (Greenland 2001; Lash and Fink sion. It is not simply an individual’s exposure research on the linkages between environmental
2003; Robins et al. 2000). Others, on the to water that alone determines the individ- change and infectious disease has proliferated,
other hand, have continued to advocate the ual’s outcome but rather the exposure and embracing multiple types and levels of anthro-
risk factor approach, stressing the role of appar- outcome status of all other individuals in pos- pogenic disturbance, pathogenic process, and
ently inexplicable results in eventually guiding sible prior contact with the same water source scientific approach. Integrative reviews on envi-
discovery (Greenland et al. 2004; Savitz 1994). (Eisenberg et al. 1996). ronmental change and infectious disease have
played a critical role for the nascent field by dis-
tilling results from disparate sources. Because of
space constraints, we cannot systematically
Changes in assess these integrative reviews, and our refer-
Climate change infectious disease
patterns and ence list overlooks many worthwhile publi-
Road projects Population levels
(human, hosts,
human health cations. Instead, we concentrate on three
Deforestation Migration patterns vectors) emerging trends within this literature of notable
Soil cover Behavior (contact rate)
Population density
Organism properties import to future projects and syntheses.
(probability of
Agricultural practice infection) Conceptual frameworks. A set of integra-
Water salinity Wind speed
Dam projects
Water flow rate Fecal contamination
tive reviews articulate conceptual frameworks
Distal Proximal for comprehensively organizing knowledge
about systems of interacting components that
link fundamental drivers to disease resurgence
through an interplay of subsystems (e.g.,
social, economic, biological, physical) (Barrett
Environmental changes and Transmission Disease et al. 1998; Cohen 1998; Daszak et al. 2000;
characteristics cycle burden
Mayer 2000; Weiss and McMichael 2004;
Figure 1. Environmental determinants of infectious disease (EnvID) framework. Wilcox and Colwell 2005). Some existing

Environmental Health Perspectives • VOLUME 115 | NUMBER 8 | August 2007 1217

Eisenberg et al.

conceptual frameworks could also be applied transmission models toward informing study disease burden by bringing together strengths
to environmental change and infectious dis- designs, effect estimates, and intervention strate- from interdisciplinary fields and sound causal
ease. Particularly germane are frameworks for gies (Eisenberg et al. 2002; Levin et al. 1999). inference.
climate change (Colwell 1996; McMichael From the extensive literature on transmission We propose a series of steps, derived from
and Butler 2004; Patz et al. 1996), globaliza- models, we underscore two important and these three threads, toward constructing a
tion (Woodward et al. 2001), social epidemi- related conclusions: a) transmission models are more robust framework. An initial step defines
ology (Diez-Roux 2000; Subramanian 2004), instructive as a well-developed systems theory– flexible and logical classifications of environ-
and environmental health (Black 2000; Parkes based approach, and b) transmission models ment and disease that can readily translate to
et al. 2003). The various conceptual frame- can themselves be incorporated into wider causal webs. These classifications or compo-
works reveal the exceptional complexity and studies of environmental change. nents form the basis of our framework. A sec-
difficulties of their subject matter, such as Systems theory–based approach. The ond step begins to integrate transmission with
striking a balance between the general versus overt consideration of feedbacks and interac- environment by examining the intersection of
the specific, and difficulty in assessing validity tions within and between populations in a proximal environmental characteristics and
and relevance to decision-making bodies. Still, transmission model allows for a consideration transmission cycles and acknowledging the
conceptual frameworks undoubtedly encour- of infectious diseases as inherently dynamic useful but limited insights of risk factor analy-
age critical thought and shape the evolution of and interdependent processes, and thus causal- sis. Here we detail some of the connections
the field. ity as context dependent and systems based that exist between environment and health. A
Interdisciplinary research and integration. (Koopman 2004). Transmission models eluci- third step develops causal networks with
Virtually all integrative reviews are, at least to date the relationships governing the creation explicit feedbacks and interactions that high-
some extent, interdisciplinary, as the study of and distribution of risks by disentangling indi- light the dynamic properties of this large-scale
environmental change and infectious disease vidual- and population-level effects (Halloran environmental process.
clearly requires expertise from numerous fields. et al. 1991). The insights enabled by this
Most integrative reviews include various bio- analysis are often nuanced. For example, alter-
A Framework to Contextualize
medical sciences but selectively emphasize cer- ing the pattern of connections between the Environmental Determinants
tain social or ecologic sciences, with more exposed and unexposed individuals may of Infectious Disease
recent work displaying greater inclusivity and impact the level of infection within a popula- The EnvID framework encompasses three
deeper collaboration. In addition, integrative tion more so than altering the exposure status interlocking components: environment, trans-
reviews that reference the gradually growing of individuals in that population (Koopman mission, and disease (Figure 1). There has been
number of case studies on sustainable develop- and Longini 1994). If a core group is sustain- a tendency to delineate environmental changes
ment (Corvalan et al. 1999; Shahi et al. 1997) ing infection in a larger group, targeting inter- into those that are social, such as urbanization,
or ecosystem approaches (Corvalan et al. 2005; ventions based on individual-level risk factors and those that are ecologic, such as deforesta-
Parkes et al. 2005; Patz et al. 2004) bridge sci- will not, in general, address the principle cause tion, but in actuality any process affecting
entists, policymakers, activists, and citizens. of disease (Christley et al. 2005; Jacquez et al. human health has both social and ecologic
Categorization schemes. Explicitly or 1988; Verdasca et al. 2005). components that are inextricably linked. These
implicitly, many integrative reviews deploy Transmission models embedded within changing environmental processes may affect
particular typologies to categorize environmen- wider systems. The influence of social and eco- the transmission cycles of infectious pathogens.
tal changes and/or infectious diseases. Most logic contexts on disease transmission has been We present six transmission groups that each
schemes do not emphasize the most salient fea- recognized for diseases spread through direct relate to the environment in distinct ways
tures of environment–disease relationships. contact [e.g., sexually transmitted diseases (Figure 2). Disease burden is determined by
Infectious diseases are commonly grouped (STDs) and airborne diseases] (Klovdahl et al. incidence and severity of infection, which is in
according to scientific taxonomy or clinical 2001; Rothenberg et al. 1998; Shen et al. part a function of the transmission cycle.
symptoms, which might be useful for purposes 2004), diseases with environmental reservoirs As an initial step to put this framework into
of diagnosis and treatment but do not corre- (e.g., waterborne diseases) (Colwell 2004; operation, we propose using a matrix formula-
spond reliably to environmental drivers. Eisenberg et al. 2005), and diseases for which tion to move both backward toward the more
Wilson (2001) groups infectious diseases by land use change modulates vector populations fundamental causes of disease, and forward
transmission cycle, an approach we adopt here. (e.g., vectorborne diseases) (Lindblade et al. toward disease burden. A matrix, as described
As environmental change involves complex 2000; Ostfeld and Keesing 2000). Trans- in this section, can provide an explicit descrip-
causes and consequences, proposed typologies mission models can serve as conceptual or ana- tion of the interconnections between system
also have been elusive. Still, the tentative dis- lytical instruments to analyze the interactions elements. In this manner the matrix defines one
crimination of environmental changes along between environmental contexts and transmis- component of the system and provides a means
continuums of spatial extent, temporal persis- sion cycle components (McMichael 1997; to summarize what is known and what is
tence, distal to proximal action, and social ver- Smith et al. 2005). unknown about that component.
sus ecologic impact could more usefully Preliminary synthesis. These three threads This section describes each of the three
translate linkages, as they are identified, to a of scholarship all advocate a gradual shift main EnvID components, with a focus on the
putative causal network. toward a systems theory–based approach. The linkage between proximal environmental
Mathematical models of disease transmis- emerging epidemiologic paradigms—spurred characteristics and transmission cycles.
sion. Mathematical models of disease transmis- by debates on the future of epidemiology— Framework description. Environmental
sion began to be developed nearly a century ago and the conceptual frameworks—distilled change. Although the environment represents
with work on mass action (Ross 1915) and from integrative reviews on environmental the first component of the systems-level
threshold densities (Kermack and McKendrick change and infectious disease—are essentially EnvID framework, it is itself a system of inter-
1933), with subsequent elaboration from math- extensions of the systems perspective. This sys- acting components. We choose to disaggregate
ematical and population biologists (Anderson tems perspective is intrinsic to mathematical the environment into distal environmental
and May 1991). Ecologists, epidemiologists, models of disease transmission that spans the changes that act on disease transmission
and mathematicians are increasingly deploying gulf from distal environmental change to through multiple intermediate steps and

1218 VOLUME 115 | NUMBER 8 | August 2007 • Environmental Health Perspectives

Environmental determinants of infectious disease

proximal environmental characteristics that host, or human) and thus may directly affect The first group (I) includes person-to-per-
directly affect disease transmission. the transmission cycle of an infectious disease. son transmitted diseases, wherein “contact”
The list of distal environmental changes Distal changes affect disease only through between humans is the principle mode of
in Table 1 includes anthropogenic changes a series of causal linkages. For example, a dam transmission, through intimate proximity (e.g.
that affect landscape ecology, human ecology, does not change health directly; rather, a dam casual contact or droplet spray) or bodily fluid
and human-created environments as well as causes changes in water flow, which may exchange (Mandell et al. 2000). In this group,
natural perturbations and natural disasters. affect mosquito habitat, which in turn can humans are the only host and the environ-
There are clear interactions among these dis- affect transmission potential of malaria. A ment does not serve as a reservoir for the
tal factors and their effects. For example, cli- new road may affect disease through major pathogen. The second group (II) includes all
mate change may impact the characteristics of demographic shifts that ultimately lead to vectorborne diseases in which humans play an
El Niño, roads may contribute to urbaniza- increased sexual activity and STD incidence. important role in the transmission cycle.
tion, deforestation may amplify climate The causal linkages between distal and proxi- Transmission occurs through contact between
change, and the impacts of natural disasters mal, therefore, represent a continuum, and humans and vectors (defined here as arthro-
might be augmented by anthropogenic the labeling of a factor as distal or proximal is pods that move pathogens from one host to
changes such as loss of wetlands. relative. However, by focusing on measurable another). The third group includes infectious
The distal changes are larger in temporal proximal environmental characteristics studies diseases for which the environment (e.g., food,
and spatial scales than the more proximal envi- can more clearly and definitively describe the water, soil) plays a significant role in a
ronmental characteristics that they influence. causal linkages that changes in the environ- pathogen’s transmission cycle. In the first sub-
Proximal environmental characteristics are ment have on disease transmission. type (IIIa), transmission occurs between
defined as directly measurable physical, chem- Transmission cycles. The impact of humans and the environment directly; no
ical, biological, or social components of the proximal environmental characteristics on other host animals are involved. In the second
environment, including populations and traits disease burden is mediated through transmis- subtype (IIIb), nonhuman hosts mediate
of relevant organisms (Figure 3, column 1). sion cycle dynamics. We categorize pathogens transmission, although the environment
Proximal environmental characteristics can into one of six transmission system groups remains an integral part of the transmission
have a direct influence on the environment of based on their distinct relationships with the chain. The fourth group (IV) includes all
the organisms in question (pathogen, vector, environment (Figure 2). pathogens that cause zoonotic diseases. The
Figure 2. Transmission cycle groupings.
Transmission group Transmission pathway Modes of transmission Environmental factors Transmission cycle
I. Directly transmitted diseases
AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia Human–human Fluid exchange (intercourse, Pathogens cannot survive long in the Humans
Measles, rubella, smallpox, pertussis, transfusion) environment
diphtheria Physical touch Factors governing transmission: close
Influenza, severe acute respiratory Droplet spray personal contact Humans
syndrome (SARS)
Tuberculosis Airborne
II. Vectorborne diseases
Malaria Human–vector Vector biting a host (human Pathogens survive outside host in Humans
Dengue fever or nonhuman) arthropod vectors; humans are
Onchocerciasis the only host Vector
Trypanosomiasis, filariasis Factors governing transmission:
biting rate, vector survivorship, Host
host-seeking behavior
IIIa. Environmentally mediated diseases—no nonhuman host
Cholera Human–environment Water ingestion Pathogens survive long periods of Humans
Diseases caused by hepatitis A, hepatitis E, Environment–human Food ingestion time in the environment
rotavirus, enteroviruses, noroviruses, Dermal contact Cholera has free-living stage
typhoid fever, shigelosis, amebiasis, ascaris, Inhalation Environment
trichurus, hookworm, strongyloides

IIIb. Environmentally mediated diseases—nonhuman host

Same as IIIa, except for some bacteria Human–environment Same as IIIa, except nonhuman hosts Humans
infection that occurs through consumption Environment–human can be infected and transmit
of infected meat Animal–environment pathogens or infect humans through Environment
Diseases caused by tapeworms, consumption of meat
Escherichia coli, salmonelosis Host
IVa. Zoonotic diseases
Lyme disease Zoonotic transmission; Vectorborne biting Pathogens survive outside host in Host
Yellow fever, West Nile virus, Japanese vectorborne with nonhuman hosts arthropod vectors; humans are the
encephalitis nonhuman hosts; only host Vector
Bubonic plague humans are dead-end Factors governing transmission: biting
hosts rate, vector survivorship, host-seeking Human
behavior, host ecology
IVb. Zoonotic diseases
Rabies Zoonotic transmission Same as those in Factors governing transmission: Host
Hantavirus, toxoplasmosis (involves nonhuman groups I, II, and III nonhuman host ecology
trichanelosis hosts); humans are Environment
Anthrax dead-end hosts
Botulism, tetnus Human

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Eisenberg et al.

transmission cycles of all zoonotic diseases diseases in which pathogens are transmitted they share common attributes; namely, all are
share two key features; humans are dead-end indirectly through the environment or directly affected by the population level and/or den-
hosts and no person-to-person transmission is from a host are included in subtype IVb. sity of the host and/or vector, and all are dri-
possible. Subtype IVa includes vectorborne While each of these six transmission cycles ven by a transmission potential governed by a
zoonotic diseases. Nonvectorborne zoonotic describes a different mechanism of transmission, number of biological and environmental char-
acteristics. The transmission rate from one
Table 1. Examples of distal environmental changes and diseases they may impact. host to another can be thought of as the prod-
Environmental uct of two processes: contact rate and infectiv-
change Description Disease ity. The contact rate quantifies the interaction
Hospitalization Increased people and time spent in hospitals Tuberculosis (TB) between hosts or between a host and the envi-
Enteric and respiratory diseases ronment and is generally determined by host
Urbanization Increasing migration to and growth within towns Dengue fever behavior and properties of the environment.
Diseases caused by fecal–oral pathogens Infectivity, or probability of infection given
Diseases caused by TB
contact, is a function of both the virulence of
Antibiotic usage Emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of Multidrug resistant TB and salmonelosis
bacterial pathogens Salmonella typhimurium the pathogen and the immune status of the
Water projects Water flow changes due to dam construction Schistosomiasis host. Environmental changes can affect popu-
and irrigation networks Malaria lation levels of the host, vector, or environ-
Agricultural Changing crop and animal management Cryptosporiosis mental stage of the pathogen as well as the
intensification practices; fertilizer and biocide use; use of Diseases caused by E. coli transmission rate at which pathogens move
genetically modified organisms
between hosts, vectors, and environment.
Increased interplay between humans and Influenza, severe acute
domesticated animals respiratory syndrome (SARS), avian flu Disease patterns and disease burden.
Deforestation Loss of forest cover, changing water flow patterns Malaria Understanding how environmental change
Reforestation and human encroachment along Lyme disease affects disease transmission and incidence
and into forested areas Hemorrhagic fever does not address the crucial public health
AIDS concern of disease burden. For example, high
Transportation Construction of roads, increasing access to Malaria
levels of rotavirus disease exist in both devel-
projects remote areas STDs
Natural Large-scale climate and other changes such as Cholera and leptospirosis oped and developing countries, but the mor-
perturbations El Niño events tality rates in developing countries are much
Cataclysmic Localized landscape changes caused by Water-related diseases like cholera higher than in developed countries (Parashar
events earthquakes, tsunamis, large fires, and other et al. 2003). In addition, environmental
Climate change Changing temperature and precipitation Malaria, dengue fever, and change can affect disease burden directly
without necessarily influencing transmission.

Figure 3. Matrix for mapping the relationship between proximal environmental characteristics and transmission cycles. GMO, genetically modified organism.

1220 VOLUME 115 | NUMBER 8 | August 2007 • Environmental Health Perspectives

Environmental determinants of infectious disease

If environmental change affects nutrition, for choice of columns is based on the transmis- social processes. In contrast, those changes
example, this can in turn affect disease sever- sion system paradigm elaborated above. This impact diseases caused by group IV pathogens
ity. Disease burden can also feed back to trans- paradigm suggests that disease incidence is via mechanisms primarily mediated by nonhu-
mission cycles, as people who are more proportional to the population level of all man ecologic processes. Both ecologic and
seriously sick may have higher pathogen loads. organisms that can harbor the pathogen, and social processes influence groups II and III
Relating proximal characteristics to trans- the transmission rate, which is the product of pathogens.
mission cycles. Many studies have focused on the rate of contact between hosts or between a Application of framework: road develop-
the association between specific proximal host and the environment, and the probabil- ment and diarrheal disease transmission. The
changes in the environment and health, and ity of infection given a contact occurs. The EnvID framework can be used in several ways.
how these proximal characteristics influence matrix columns therefore represent factors For example, it can be used to assess all possible
transmission. Because proximal environmental needed to estimate the transmission rate, and impacts of environmental factors on a single
changes often affect transmission processes the matrix rows represent those environmen- infectious disease. A formal use of this frame-
directly, experiments can be designed to eluci- tal factors that can impact the transmission work to conduct a systematic review, evaluating
date these mechanistic relationships. These potential by modifying factors represented in the weight of evidence of how the environment
proximal environmental characteristic/trans- the columns. Each cell represents the poten- affects a representative pathogen for each of our
mission cycle (PEC/TC) relationships can be tial for a proximal environmental characteris- transmission groups, is forthcoming in a future
mapped using a tabular “transmission matrix,” tic to affect a component of the transmission article. The framework can also be used to
in which the environmental proximal charac- cycle. Different portions of the matrix guide a particular research question exploring
teristics are represented as rows and the trans- (columns and rows) will apply to the different the impacts of a distal environmental change on
mission cycle characteristics are represented as transmission groups outlined in Figure 2. a particular disease. It provides a structured way
columns (Figure 3). Environmental change will obviously to conceptualize the causal network, which can
The transmission matrix organization is impact disease patterns differently depending guide research approaches.
consistent with two paradigms prevalent in the on the transmission cycle of a particular To illustrate this latter approach, we pre-
literature. First, the classic paradigm of infec- pathogen (Figure 2). Because diseases in trans- sent a short case study here that examines the
tious disease transmission depicts the agent, mission group I are directly transmitted proposed causal linkages between road devel-
host, and environment as each representing one between humans, they are most influenced by opment and diarrheal disease. In 1996 the
node of a triangle. The matrix columns repre- the proximal changes in the environment that Ecuadorian government began a 100-km road
sent the host and agent nodes. They consist of affect human social structure, such as condi- construction project to link the southern
population/demographic factors such as den- tions of severe overcrowding, social changes Colombian border with the Ecuadorian coast.
sity, virulence, and immune status, as well as affected by access to transportation, and The road was completed in 2001, but sec-
those factors that influence the rate of transmis- migration and travel patterns. However, many ondary roads continue to be built, linking
sion from one host to another, such as ingestion of these pathogens can survive in the environ- additional villages to the paved road. These
rate, vector biting rate, and human-to-human ment for hours or more, and therefore other roads provide a faster and cheaper mode of
contact rates. The matrix rows represent the physiochemical characteristics of the environ- transportation compared with rivers and have
environment node that consists of those specific ment may also play a role. Environmental led to major changes in the ecology and social
proximal environmental characteristics that can change can impact transmission of diseases in structure of the region (Sierra 1999). Although
affect host/agent properties. transmission group II through its effects on there is evidence that road construction affects
The proximal environmental characteris- proximal factors associated with vector ecol- the incidence of vectorborne and sexually
tics, represented as rows in Figure 3, were ogy, such as vector biting behavior, mortality, transmitted diseases (Birley 1995), the impact
chosen to encompass physiochemical charac- and population density, or through social that environmental changes from road con-
teristics associated with air, water, and cli- changes that can increase human contact with struction have on diarrheal disease remains
mate; ecologic characteristics of plants and vectors. Because all pathogens in transmission largely unexplored. A PEC/TC matrix of this
animals; genetic characteristics of pathogens; group III can survive in the environment and environmental change/infectious disease exam-
and human characteristics associated with some have nonhuman hosts, environmental ple illustrates that there is strong risk factor evi-
short- and long-term human migratory pat- change impacts transmission through modify- dence for the relationship between the
terns, human contact with the environment, ing human exposure to contaminated media proximal factors of water quality as well as san-
and social structure. Again, each row may not such as drinking water, recreational water, and itation and hygiene levels and transmission of
be relevant for every infectious disease, and food, animal hosts, and other infectious indi- enteric pathogens. There are fewer studies that
the list is not meant to be definitive. The viduals. Because this class of pathogens con- demonstrate a relationship between distal
sists of both vectorborne and environmentally social factors such as crowding or general social
mediated pathogens, the contact patterns of infrastructure and distal ecologic factors such as
Importance of process

transmission group IV are similar to those of regional-scale water patterns with diarrheal
Ecologic processes groups II and III, but transmission is sustained disease (Curriero et al. 2001).
in nonhuman hosts, so environmental factors Road development represents a compara-
associated with the ecology of these nonhu- tively distal environmental change that can
man hosts and their relationships to pathogens impact both ecologic processes, such as defor-
Social processes are most salient. estation, biodiversity, and hydroecology, as well
These differences in the role of social and as social processes, such as migration, demo-
ecologic processes in mediating environmental graphics, and infrastructure. Deforestation can
Transmission groups change between the six transmission groups cause major changes in watershed characteristics
Pathogen’s ability to maintain transmission are represented in Figure 4. Environmental and potential local climate change, which can
outside of the human host or another host change impacts those diseases caused by affect the transmission of enteric pathogens
Figure 4. Importance of ecologic and social pathogens within transmission group I via (Curriero et al. 2001). Perhaps more important
processes from different transmission groups. mechanisms that are primarily mediated by than ecologic processes, social processes such as

Environmental Health Perspectives • VOLUME 115 | NUMBER 8 | August 2007 1221

Eisenberg et al.

migration that are facilitated by roads can relationships between environmental, social, change and infectious disease. This systems-
increase the rate of pathogen introduction into and biological change to explain the detection based approach can be put into operation by
a region. Road proximity affects short-term of the relationship between road access the proposed matrix formulation. The matrix
travel patterns, thereby resulting in continual and infection. formulation represents a succinct way to char-
reintroduction of new pathogen strains into acterize the system, providing information on
communities. New communities are created Conclusion the interrelatedness of the different system
along roads, and existing communities can As public health moves more toward examin- components and defining research needs.
rapidly increase in density. These changes in ing how both ecologic and social processes Data needs for the matrix often will be a
social structures of communities often create or affect disease transmission, and more specifi- combination of site-specific data, collected
are accompanied by inadequate infrastructure, cally toward examining the fundamental role specifically for the systems-based analysis, and
which affects hygiene and sanitation levels, and of environmental change in creating the land- data from the literature, which always need to
in turn the likelihood of transmission of enteric scape of human disease, a systems theory be assessed with respect to quality and appro-
pathogens. Roads can also increase flows of framework is needed from which to integrate priateness. The matrix can additionally be
consumer goods such as processed food, mater- and analyze data obtained from the disparate used to conduct model-based simulation
ial goods, and medicines and may also provide but relevant fields of study involved. As the studies that may provide a) valuable informa-
communities with increased access to health review of contemporary frameworks suggests, tion on the broader system’s dynamics associ-
care, health facilities, and health information. the inherent multidimensionality of these ated with specific, more focused, empiric
Figure 5 illustrates a mapping of the distal envi- problems precludes the use of standard studies; and b) a means to integrate and con-
ronmental change, due to road proximity, to analytic approaches. textualize these empiric studies with other
the proximal environmental factors associated The EnvID framework builds on previous processes that are either more distal or proxi-
with water sanitation and hygiene that directly frameworks by a) articulating a broad but mal to disease burden.
influence disease transmission. As pointed out flexible and logical system specification; A formal use of this framework to con-
in the figure, whether these relationships result b) explicitly incorporating transmission duct a systematic review, evaluating weight of
in an increase or decrease in disease burden is groups that provide important links to public evidence of how the environment affects a
not known. health intervention strategies; c) emphasizing representative pathogen for each of our trans-
The framework and matrix help elucidate the intersection of PECs and these transmis- mission groups, is forthcoming in a future
the necessary interdisciplinary research sion processes; d) incorporating a matrix for- paper. The challenge for future studies on the
elements and approaches needed to study mulation that specifies system components, environmental determinants of disease is to
environmental impacts of road development identifies knowledge gaps in the literature, develop new approaches for thinking about
on diarrheal disease transmission in this and facilitates the integration of an existing processes at the system level that in turn will
Ecuadorian landscape. The research question body of research; and e) emphasizing dynamic elicit new study designs and data analysis.
requires a design that examines and integrates processes and hypothesis generation. The Given the increasingly explicit nature of the
processes at multiple spatial and temporal EnvID framework attempts to facilitate the connections between proximal environmental
scales using regional, village-wide, individual-, integration of a body of research, and in so change and health—for example, the SARS
and molecular-level data, and system-level doing, identifies the source of disputes and epidemic in 2003, the Indian Ocean tsunami
models to integrate these data. Epidemiologic prioritizes avenues for resolution. As research in 2004, Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and the
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