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High-dose bee venom exposure induces similar tolerogenic

B-cell responses in allergic patients and healthy beekeepers
T. Boonpiyathad1,2,3,4, N. Meyer5, M. Moniuszko6,7, M. Sokolowska1, A. Eljaszewicz1,6, O. F. Wirz1,
M. M. Tomasiak-Lozowska7, A. Bodzenta-Lukaszyk7, K. Ruxrungtham3 & W. van de Veen1,4
€rich, Davos, Switzerland; 2Department of Medicine,
Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF), University of Zu
Phramongkutklao Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand; Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand; 4Christine Ku

for Allergy Research and Education (CK-CARE), Davos, Switzerland; 5Department of Rheumatology, Clinical Immunology and Allergology,
University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland; 6Department of Regenerative Medicine and Immune Regulation, Medical University of Bialystok,
Poland; 7Department of Allergology and Internal Medicine, Medical University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland

To cite this article: Boonpiyathad T, Meyer N, Moniuszko M, Sokolowska M, Eljaszewicz A, Wirz OF, Tomasiak-Lozowska MM, Bodzenta-Lukaszyk A,
Ruxrungtham K, van de Veen W. High-dose bee venom exposure induces similar tolerogenic B-cell responses in allergic patients and healthy beekeepers. Allergy
2016; DOI: 10.1111/all.12966.

Keywords Abstract
allergen-specific immunotherapy; bee
Background: The involvement of B cells in allergen tolerance induction remains
venom allergy; CCR5; IgG4; immune
tolerance; Regulatory B cells. largely unexplored. This study investigates the role of B cells in this process, by
comparing B-cell responses in allergic patients before and during allergen
Correspondence immunotherapy (AIT) and naturally exposed healthy beekeepers before and dur-
Willem van de Veen, Swiss Institute of ing the beekeeping season.
Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF), Methods: Circulating B cells were characterized by flow cytometry. Phospholipase
Oberestrasse 22, CH-7270 Davos Platz, A2 (PLA)-specific B cells were identified using dual-color staining with fluores-
Switzerland. cently labeled PLA. Expression of regulatory B-cell-associated surface markers,
Tel.: +41 81 410 08 48 interleukin-10, chemokine receptors, and immunoglobulin heavy-chain isotypes,
Fax: +41 81 410 08 40
was measured. Specific and total IgG1, IgG4, IgA, and IgE from plasma as well
as culture supernatants of PLA-specific cells were measured by ELISA.
Results: Strikingly, similar responses were observed in allergic patients and beekeep-
Accepted for publication 22 June 2016
ers after venom exposure. Both groups showed increased frequencies of plas-
DOI:10.1111/all.12966 mablasts, PLA-specific memory B cells, and IL-10-secreting CD73 CD25+CD71+
BR1 cells. Phospholipase A2-specific IgG4-switched memory B cells expanded after
Edited by: Thomas Bieber bee venom exposure. Interestingly, PLA-specific B cells showed increased CCR5
expression after high-dose allergen exposure while CXCR4, CXCR5, CCR6, and
CCR7 expression remained unaffected.
Conclusions: This study provides the first detailed characterization of allergen-speci-
fic B cells before and after bee venom tolerance induction. The observed B-cell
responses in both venom immunotherapy-treated patients and naturally exposed
beekeepers suggest a similar functional immunoregulatory role for B cells in allergen
tolerance in both groups. These findings can be investigated in other AIT models to
determine their potential as biomarkers of early and successful AIT responses.

Allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT) is currently the only

available treatment that can lead to allergen tolerance. AIT
can result in a reduction of allergic symptoms, disease severity,
Abbreviations and decreased medication use (1). AIT for insect venoms, also
AIT, allergen-specific immunotherapy; BCR, B-cell receptor; BR1, B known as venom immunotherapy (VIT) has been proven effec-
regulatory 1; Breg, regulatory B; PLA+, PLA-specific; PLA, tive for preventing further allergic reactions to insect stings (2).
phospholipase A2; PLA , PLA-nonspecific; Th, T helper; TR1, T Allergic patients receiving VIT as well as healthy nonallergic
regulatory 1; Treg, regulatory T; VIT, venom immunotherapy. beekeepers represent valuable human in vivo models to study

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
B-cell responses in allergen tolerance induction Boonpiyathad et al.

the mechanisms of immune tolerance induction to allergens. method, we could isolate PLA-specific B cells and confirm
Beekeepers receive multiple bee stings during the beekeeping their antigen specificity. Moreover, we used flow cytometry
season in spring and summer, while they are not exposed to to characterize PLA-specific B cells. This approach revealed
bee venom in autumn and winter. Within a week after the first that allergen-specific memory B cells expand in response to
bee stings of the season, the frequency of allergen-specific IL- high-dose allergen exposure both in patients as well as
10-producing T regulatory 1 (TR1) increases in beekeepers (3, healthy individuals. Furthermore, B cells developed an
4). Venom-specific Th1 and Th2 cells switch toward IL-10- immunoregulatory phenotype, characterized by elevated pro-
secreting TR1 cells, which suppress T-cell responses through duction of IL-10 and IgG4, and increased CCR5 expression,
various mechanisms (3–5). IL-10 has a wide range of immuno- which may facilitate their migration to site of inflammation,
suppressive functions including suppression of proinflamma- where they can exert their regulatory function.
tory cytokine production, suppression of effector T-cell
responses as well as augmentation of IgG4 production and
suppression of IgE production by B cells (6–8). Methods
AIT also induces IL-10-secreting B regulatory 1 (BR1) cells,
which can regulate immune responses through suppression of
antigen-specific CD4+ T-cell proliferation and production of Peripheral blood was obtained from 14 bee venom-allergic
noninflammatory IgG4 antibodies. Allergen-specific IgG4 can patients, who underwent VIT and 15 beekeepers (before and
interfere with allergen-mediated IgE cross-linking, thereby pre- during the beekeeping season). Three bee venom-allergic
venting mast cell and basophil degranulation (9, 10). Further- patients received rush VIT and 11 patients received ultra-rush
more, AIT can stimulate somatic hypermutation of allergen- VIT. Details on the immunotherapy protocol are described
specific B cells, leading to generation of high-affinity antibodies elsewhere (20, 21). Blood samples were collected at baseline
(11). In response to AIT, typically a transient increase in circu- before subcutaneous VIT, and at week 7 in rush VIT, and
lating specific IgE is observed, followed by gradual decrease 10 weeks after the start of ultra-rush VIT. Samples were col-
over subsequent months (12). In contrast, circulating specific lected from beekeepers at baseline before the start of the bee-
IgG4 increases during AIT (13). However, the correlation keeping season (February to March), and after multiple bee
between serum IgG4 and clinical outcome of AIT remains con- stings during beekeeping season (May to October). Tables S1
troversial, and allergen-specific B-cell responses have not been and S2 list the detailed characteristics of patients and bee-
thoroughly studied (1). Interestingly, a recent study demon- keepers. All participants gave written informed consent. This
strated a positive correlation between serum histamine levels study was approved by the Ethical Commission of the Can-
and venom-specific IgG4 antibodies in beekeepers, associating ton of Graub€ unden, Switzerland, the Ethical Commission of
high histamine levels in serum with a tolerant phenotype (14). the Canton of Bern, Switzerland, and the Ethical Commis-
Allergen-specific B cells are found in circulation at very sion of the Medical University of Bialystok, Poland.
low frequencies (11). Accurate detection of allergen-specific B
cells therefore requires a thorough exclusion of nonspecific
Flow cytometry
staining. It has been demonstrated that small fractions
(<0.05%) of B cells express a B-cell receptor (BCR) that Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated by
specifically recognizes fluorescent dyes such as Phycoerythrin Ficoll (Biochrom, Berlin, Germany) density gradient centrifu-
or Allophycocyanin (15). Therefore, detection of allergen-spe- gation of peripheral venous blood. Cells were stained with Fix-
cific B cells without inclusion of such dye-specific B cells may able Viability Dye eFlour780 (eBiosciences, San Diego, CA,
be more accurate when cells are stained with antigens labeled USA) according to manufacturer’s instructions. Cells were
with two structurally unrelated fluorescent dyes. subsequently stained with antibodies against surface markers.
Chemokine receptors play a key role in the regulation of The antibodies used for surface staining are listed in Table S3.
immune responses by coordinating chemotaxis of immune Cells were analyzed and/or sorted with a FACSAria III (Beck-
cells. B cells express a range of chemokine receptors including ton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA).
CXCR4, CXCR5, CCR6, and CCR7 (16). CCR5 is not For the detection of IL-10-producing B cells, 2 9 106
widely expressed on B cells but was of interest because it PBMC were stimulated for 48 h with 1 lM of the TLR9
plays an important role in the functionality of Treg cells in ligand CPG2006 (Microsynth, Balgach, Switzerland) in com-
immune tolerance (17–19). CXCR5 and CCR7 primarily reg- plete RPMI 1640 medium (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO,
ulate cell trafficking in lymphoid tissues, CXCR4 facilitates USA). Then, PBMC were stimulated for two hours with
bone marrow homing and trafficking of B cells in lymph 20 ng/ml PMA and 1 lg/ml ionomycin followed by 2-h stim-
nodes, and CCR5 and CCR6 promote homing to peripheral ulation with 10 lg/ml brefeldin A (all from Sigma-Aldrich).
sites of inflammation (16). Surface staining was performed, cells were washed, fixed and
There are still many open questions regarding the role of permeabilized using BD Cytofix/Cytoperm kit (BD Bio-
allergen-specific B cells in the induction of immune tolerance sciences San Jose, CA, USA), and stained with anti-IL-10-
to allergens. In this study, we investigated the effect of VIT PerCP/Cy5.5 (clone JES3-9D7; Biolegend, San Diego, CA,
as well as natural tolerance induction on allergen-specific B- USA). Samples were analyzed and sorted with a FACSAria
cell responses. We used dual-color fluorescent staining to III (Beckton Dickinson South Indianapolis, IN, USA). Data
identify phospholipase A2 (PLA)-specific B cells. Using this were analyzed using KALUZA software (Beckman Coulter).

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Boonpiyathad et al. B-cell responses in allergen tolerance induction

memory B cells in PBMC before and during VIT in allergic

Antigen-specific B cells
patients and before and during the beekeeping season in bee-
The major bee venom allergen PLA was used as a representa- keepers. PLA-specific class-switched memory B cells were iden-
tive allergen to identify bee venom-specific B cells. Purified tified as CD19+CD27+IgM PLA+ (gating strategy of PLA-
PLA from honeybee venom (Sigma-Aldrich) was labeled with specific B cells is shown in Fig. S1). The frequency of circulat-
Lightning-Link AF647 Rapid Conjugate System or Light- ing PLA-specific memory B cells was significantly increased
ning-Link PE/Cy7 Tandem Conjugate Kit (Both from during VIT compared to baseline (0.13  0.07% to
Innova Biosciences, Cambridge, UK). The conjugated PLA 0.23  0.09%) (Fig. 1A). Similarly, the frequency of PLA-spe-
constructs were titrated for optimal concentration for stain- cific class-switched memory B cells was significantly increased
ing. Phospholipase A2-specific B cells were defined as (0.18  0.01% to 0.30  0.02%) in the beekeeper blood sam-
CD19+CD27+IgM (class-switched memory B cells) and ples that were collected after multiple stings during beekeeping
double positive for PLA-AF647 and PLA-PE/Cy7. As a neg- season compared to the samples taken before the start of the
ative control, cells were incubated with an excess of nonla- season (Fig. 1B). The percentage of PLA-specific class-
beled PLA for 15 min in the dark at 4°C before adding the switched memory B cells (CD19+CD27+IgM PLA+) was
conjugated PLA (Fig. S1). higher in naturally exposed beekeepers than in the VIT group,
but this difference was not statistically significant. The frequen-
cies of PLA-specific, non-class-switched memory B cells
PLA-specific antibody detection
(CD19+CD27+IgM+PLA+) showed a small but significant
To demonstrate the specificity of the allergen-specific B-cell reduction during VIT (0.33  0.04% to 0.24  0.04%) but
staining, PLA+ and PLA memory B cells were sorted and were not significantly changed in beekeeper samples (Fig. S2).
cultured in 96-well plates in Iscove’s Modified Dulbecco’s To confirm the specificity of the method for the identifica-
Medium (Sigma-Aldrich) with 105/ml irradiated CD40L L tion of PLA-specific B cells, we purified PLA-specific
cells (22) and rIL-21 (25 ng/ml) for 72 h at 37°C. Super- class-switched memory B cells (representing 0.01–0.60% of
natants were collected, and we used ELISA to measure class-switched memory B cells) (Fig. 1). Phospholipase A2-
secreted PLA-specific immunoglobulins. A total of 5 lg/ml specific and control (CD19+CD27+IgM PLA ) cells were
PLA was coated to a Nunc Maxisorb microtiter plate sorted by flow cytometry and cultured with CD40L and
(Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) and then blocked rIL-21. Secreted immunoglobulins were measured by ELISA.
with blocking buffer (PBS pH 7.4, 1% BSA, 0.05% Tween- There was no significant difference in total IgG production
20). Cell culture supernatant was incubated for 2 h at room
temperature. The following detection antibodies were used:
mouse anti-human IgG4 (clone RJ4; Bionostics, Devens, A VIT
MA, USA), mouse anti-human IgG1 (BD Pharmingen, San
Diego, CA, USA), mouse anti-human IgG-PO (Jackson Lab- Before During

(% of CD19+CD27+IgM–)
PLA-specific B cells
oratory, Bar Harbor, MA, USA) followed by incubation 0.13 %
0.23 %
with peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG (Thermo

Scientific). Tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) substrate was used

to develop the assay. The reaction was stopped by 2 M sulfu- 0.2
ric acid, and OD450 nm values were measured by a Mithras
LB 940 spectrophotometer (Berthold Technologies, Bad

Wildbad, Germany).

B Beekeeper
Statistical analysis
Before During ***
(% of CD19+CD27+IgM–)

The data are presented as mean  standard error of the 0.6

PLA-specific B cells

mean (SEM). Statistical analysis was performed with GRAPH- 0.18 % 0.30 %
±0.01 ±0.02 0.4

PAD PRISM 5.0 software (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, CA,

USA), and Wilcoxon matched-pairs test was used for assess- 0.2
ment of statistical significance. Statistically significant results
are indicated on the graphs and figure legends.
D e


Results Figure 1 Increased frequency of PLA -specific class-switched

memory B cells in response to VIT in allergic patients (A) and after
Frequency of PLA-specific class-switched memory B cells
multiple bee stings during the season in beekeepers (B). Cells
increases in response to high-dose allergen exposure
were first gated as CD19+CD27+IgM . Phospholipase A2-specific
To determine whether VIT and natural exposure to bee venom cells were identified as PLA-AF647+ and PLA-PC7+. (Left) Repre-
induced activation and expansion of allergen-specific B cells, sentative dot plots (means  SEM), (Right) cumulative data from
we measured the frequency of PLA-specific class-switched VIT group (n = 14), and beekeeper group (n = 15). ***P < 0.001.

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
B-cell responses in allergen tolerance induction Boonpiyathad et al.

between PLA-specific and control cells (Fig. S3). The amount 10+ B cells in patients and beekeepers. The gating strategy for
of secreted PLA-specific IgG1 and IgG4 was significantly CD73 CD71+CD25+IL-10+ is shown in Fig. S4A. The fre-
higher for PLA-specific cells compared to control cells quencies of CD73 CD71+CD25+IL-10+ cells among CD19+
(Fig. S3). These data confirm that our method of using dual- cells increased significantly in the VIT group (1.2  0.3% to 1.8
color surface staining with fluorescently labeled PLA can be  0.4%) (Fig. 3A) and in the beekeeper group (1.51  0.38%
used to detect and purify PLA-specific B cells. to 2.09  0.51%) (Fig. 3B).
The frequencies of CD73 CD25+CD71+ B cells did not
change significantly during VIT in patients and after multiple
Plasmablast frequency increases after high-dose allergen
bee stings during the season in beekeepers (Fig. S4B). We
also investigated another subtype of IL-10-secreting Breg
Plasmablasts secrete immunoglobulins, but continue to prolif- cells, CD38hiCD24hi cells, but there was no significant differ-
erate and can be found in circulation. Human plasmablasts ence between the groups (Fig. S5).
can be identified using surface markers CD19, CD27, and
CD38 (23). In bee venom-allergic patients, the frequency of
Frequency of IgG4-switched PLA-specific memory B cells
circulating plasmablasts (CD19+CD27hiCD38hi) increased
increases after high-dose allergen exposure
significantly during VIT (0.57  0.09% to 0.82  0.13%)
(Fig. 2A). In the beekeeper group, there was also a signifi- The immunoglobulin heavy-chain isotype is a key determi-
cant increase in plasmablast frequency (0.29  0.04% to nant of the effector functions executed by an antibody. We
0.44  0.06%) after multiple bee stings during the season therefore investigated the isotype of the immunoglobulins
(Fig. 2B). produced by PLA-specific and PLA-non-specific class-
switched memory B cells. The gating strategy for PLA-speci-
fic (PLA+) and PLA-non-specific (PLA ) immunoglobulins
IL-10-secreting Breg cells expand after high-dose allergen
is shown in Fig. 4A. The frequencies of PLA+IgA+ and
PLA+IgG1+ B cells did not change significantly in response
To detect IL-10-producing regulatory B cells, we stimulated to VIT in allergic patients and after multiple bee stings in
PBMC with the TLR9 ligand CPG2006 for 48 h before flow beekeepers (Fig. 4B). Meanwhile, the frequencies of
cytometric analysis. It was previously demonstrated that IL-10- PLA+IgG4+B cells were significantly increased during VIT
producing B cells are enriched among CD73 CD25+CD71+ B (7.20  1.99% to 17.83  3.27%) (Fig. 4B) and after multi-
cells (24). We therefore investigated CD73 CD71+CD25+IL- ple bee stings in beekeeper group (25.58  3.68% to
39.20  3.81%) (Fig. 4B). The data from Fig. 4B are sum-
marized in a stacked column graph in Fig. 4C to illustrate
A VIT the relative distribution of different immunoglobulin sub-
classes expressed by PLA-specific B cells. IgG4-switched
Before During 2.0
0.57% 0.82% * PLA-non-specific B cells were detected only in very small fre-
(% of CD19+)

1.5 quencies (<1%) and did not significantly change upon high-
±0.09 ±0.13
dose antigen exposure (Fig. 4B,C).
1.0 We also measured the secretion of PLA-specific IgG1 and
0.5 IgG4 antibodies from purified PLA-specific B cells. The

D e

VIT Beekeeper


CD73– CD71+CD25+IL-10+

CD73 –CD71+CD25+IL-10+

B Beekeeper 8 * 8
(% of CD19+)

(% of CD19+)

Before During 1.5 6 6

(% of CD19+)

0.29% 0.44%
±0.04 ±0.06 1.0 4 4

2 2

0 0











Figure 2 Increased frequency of plasmablasts during VIT in allergic Figure 3 Frequencies of BR1 cells increase during bee VIT in aller-
patients (A), and after multiple bee stings during the season in bee- gic patients and after multiple bee stings during the season in bee-
keepers (B). (Left) Representative dot plots (means  SEM). keepers. Frequencies of IL-10-producing BR1 cells
(Right) Frequencies of CD27hiCD38hi plasmablasts (right) in VIT (CD73 CD71+CD25+IL-10+) in venom immunotherapy (VIT) group
group (n = 14) and beekeeper group (n = 15). *P < 0.05, (n = 11) (A) and in beekeeper group (n = 15) (B). *P < 0.05,
***P < 0.001. **P < 0.01.

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Boonpiyathad et al. B-cell responses in allergen tolerance induction

A PLA-non-specific C BK
CD19+IgM – CD27+PLA–AF647–PC7–
+ - + - - IgG4

(% of PLA– cells)

Ig subclass
other Ig


IgG1 CD19

ur e
Be g
ur e
D efor

D for

CD19+IgM – CD27+PLA–AF647–PC7+ VIT BK

(% of PLA+ cells)
Ig subclass

IgG1 CD19 0

ur e
Be g
ur e
D efor

D for

VIT Beekeeper

80 80 80 80 80 80
(% of PLA– cells)

(% of PLA– cells)
(% of PLA– cells)
(% of PLA– cells)

(% of PLA– cells)

(% of PLA– cells)

60 60 60 60 60 60



40 40 40 40 40 40

20 20 20 20 20
0 0 0 0 0

D e



















80 80
80 80
** 80 80
(% of PLA+ cells)
(% of PLA+ cells)

(% of PLA+ cells)

(% of PLA+ cells)
(% of PLA+ cells)
(% of PLA+ cells

60 60 60 60 60



40 40 40 40
40 40
20 20 20 20
20 20
0 0 0 0
0 0

D e

D e


D e














Figure 4 PLA-specific IgG4-switched B cells increase during VIT in aller- before and during VIT (left) and in beekeepers before and after multiple
gic patients and after multiple bee stings during the season in beekeepers. bee stings during the season (right). (C) Stacked column graphs represent
Phospholipase A2-specific cells were gated as CD19+IgM CD27+PLA- mean percentages of immunoglobulin subclass expression by PLA-speci-
AF647+PLA-PC7+. (A) Representative staining of IgG1, IgG4, and IgA on fic and PLA-nonspecific memory B cells. Venom immunotherapy group
PLA-specific (PLA+) and PLA-nonspecific (PLA ) B cells. (B) Frequencies (n = 14) and beekeeper (BK) group (n = 15) **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.
of IgA+, IgG1+, and IgG4+ cells among PLA+ and PLA B cells in patients

amount of IgG4 secreted by purified PLA-specific B cells IgG1 production by PLA-specific B cells did not change in
increased during VIT in patients as well as after multiple response to VIT or multiple bee stings. Likewise, serum
stings in beekeepers (Fig. S3C). Phospholipase A2-specific PLA-specific IgG4 increased during VIT and after

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
B-cell responses in allergen tolerance induction Boonpiyathad et al.

multiple bee stings (Fig. S6). Interestingly, the frequency of CCR5-expressing PLA-specific memory B cells are increased
IgG4+ PLA-specific B cells at baseline as well as after after high-dose allergen exposure
multiple bee stings was on average higher than in the VIT
group before (threefold) and during (twofold) treat- Next, we analyzed the expression of the chemokine receptors
ment (Fig. 4B,C). In contrast, the proportion of non-PLA- CXCR4, CXCR5, CCR5, CCR6 and CCR7 in PLA+ and
specific IgG1+, IgG4+, and IgA+ B cells did not differ PLA class-switched memory B cells (Fig. 5A). CCR5
between the groups (Fig. 4B,C). Interestingly, IgG4+ B cells expression increased significantly after high-dose bee venom
comprised <1% of the PLA-non-specific B cells in all exposure in the both groups (Fig. 5B). The expression level
groups, indicating a relative dominance of IgG4-switched of CXCR4, CXCR5, CCR6, and CCR7 was not different
cells among allergen-specific B cells both in healthy and between the groups. Chemokine receptor expression in PLA-
allergic individuals. non-specific class-switched memory B cells was not

A PLA-specific

% of gated


% of gated


B PLA-specific
VIT Beekeeper
20 * 20 ** Before
15 15 During


10 10

5 5

0 0






C PLA-non-specific
20 VIT 20 Beekeeper Before
15 15 During


10 10
5 5
0 0





Figure 5 CCR5 expression is upregulated on phospholipase A2 (PLA)-specific switched memory B cells in allergic patients during venom
immunotherapy (VIT) and in beekeepers after multiple bee stings during the season. (A) Representative histogram overlays of geometric mean flu-
orescence intensity (MFI) of CXCR4, CCR5, CCR6, and CCR7 staining. PLA-specific cells were gated as CD19+IgM CD27+PLA-AF647+PLA-PC7+
and PLA-nonspecific cells were gated as CD19+IgM CD27+PLA-AF647 PLA-PC7 . Dotted line: isotype control (i.c.), light gray: before VIT or
before bee stings (in beekeeper group), dark: after VIT (patients) or after multiple bee stings (beekeeper group). Cumulative data of chemokine
receptor expression on PLA-specific switched memory B cells in allergic patients before and after VIT (n = 14) and beekeepers (n = 15) (B) and
PLA-nonspecific switched memory B cells (C). Data are shown as mean  SEM,*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Boonpiyathad et al. B-cell responses in allergen tolerance induction

significantly different between before and after exposure in switched B cells was significantly higher in beekeepers than
either group (Fig. 5C). in bee venom-allergic patients. After high-dose exposure to
bee venom (VIT in patients or seasonal exposure in beekeep-
ers), PLA-specific IgG4+cells and serum PLA-specific IgG4
increased significantly in both groups. IgG4 is a blocking
In this study, we investigated the effect of high-dose allergen antibody isotype with anti-inflammatory potential. Induction
exposure on circulating na€ıve and memory B cells as well as of allergen-specific IgG4 was observed during the course of
plasmablasts, and compared these responses in two types of clinically successful in AIT (28, 29). The capacity of IgG4
well-established allergen tolerance models, namely AIT and antibodies to exchange Fab arms is a unique mechanism that
natural allergen exposure. As in vivo allergen-specific immune leads to the formation of functionally monovalent antibodies
tolerance models, we used VIT-treated bee venom-allergic that lack antigen-cross-linking capacity (9, 30–32). Moreover,
patients, and compared this with nonallergic beekeepers, who allergen-specific IgG Abs can inhibit IgE cross-linking on
were exposed to high doses of bee venom by multiple bee mast cells or basophils only when the IgG concentration
stings during the beekeeping season. We observed that aller- and/or affinity are high in relation to the allergen dose (33).
gen-specific B-cell responses to high-dose venom exposure in Allergen-specific IgG may inhibit the capture of IgE–allergen
patients and beekeepers showed striking similarities. In both complexes by CD23 on B cells (34).
groups, we observed an increased frequency compared to Circulating IgE-switched PLA-specific B cells could not be
baseline of IL-10-producing BR1 cells, PLA-specific detected (data not shown). This may be due to very low fre-
immunoglobulin heavy-chain-switched memory B cells (par- quencies of circulating IgE-switched memory B cells. It has
ticularly IgG4-switched cells), plasmablasts, and PLA-specific been demonstrated that high-affinity IgE antibodies develop
CCR5-expressing B cells in patients receiving VIT or after primarily through sequential switching through an IgG inter-
multiple bee stings during the beekeeping season in beekeep- mediate (35). In humans, both direct and indirect class switch
ers. recombination to IgE occur, and the relative contribution to
Currently, several methods have been developed to examine low- and high-affinity IgE antibody production remains to be
antigen-specific B cells. Because of their low frequency, accurate elucidated (36). A recent study demonstrated that membrane-
detection and confirmation of specificity pose a challenge in the IgE-expressing B cells are self-restrained and rapidly undergo
analysis of antigen-specific B cells. Fluorescent multimers have apoptosis, providing an explanation for the low frequencies
been used to detect peanut allergen-specific as well as tetanus of IgE+-switched memory cells (37).
toxoid-specific circulating B cells (25, 26). A dual-labeling strat- We demonstrated that BR1 cells expanded in response to
egy similar to what we used in this study was applied to investi- high-dose antigen exposure, both in patients receiving VIT and
gate Ara h1- and Ara h2-specific B cells in peanut allergy (11). in beekeepers during the beekeeping season. We have previ-
We demonstrate in this study that this approach can be success- ously shown that IL-10+ BR1 could suppress antigen-specific
fully applied to detect PLA-specific cells by measuring the pro- CD4+ T-cell proliferation and upregulate IgG4 production
duction of PLA-specific antibodies from purified PLA-specific (24). Furthermore, regulatory B cells can induce Treg cells to
and nonspecific B cells. We also found increased PLA-specific infiltrate lungs, where they suppress allergic airway inflamma-
IgG4 in supernatants of purified PLA-specific B cells in patient tion, while a deficiency of regulatory B cells increased allergic
samples during VIT and in beekeeper samples after multiple bee airway inflammation (38–42). Besides IL-10-producing B cells,
stings during the season, which corresponded to observed TGF-b-producing B cells can suppress food allergy-induced
increases in with serum PLA-specific IgG4. intestinal inflammation through induction of Treg cells and
Plasmablasts are antibody-secreting B cells that are in the suppression of Th2 responses (43).
process of terminal differentiation toward plasma cells. We Chemokines and their receptors regulate lymphocyte hom-
observed increased frequencies of circulating plasmablasts in ing and play a critical role in B-cell migration. In this study, we
patients during VIT and in beekeepers during the beekeeping investigated the expression of CXCR4, CXCR5, CCR5,
season. Peanut-specific immunotherapy has been previously CCR6, and CCR7 on PLA-specific B cells. While CXCR4,
associated with an increased frequency of circulating allergen- CXCR5, CCR6, and CCR7 expression was not affected by
specific class-switched memory B cells and plasmablasts (11, allergen exposure, CCR5 expression was significantly higher
26, 27). However, PLA-specific plasmablasts cells were rarely after high-dose bee venom exposure in patients and beekeep-
detected in our study. This could be due to downregulation of ers. The natural ligands for CCR5 are macrophage inflamma-
BCR expression during plasma cell differentiation, which tory protein 1a (MIP1a/CCL3), MIP1b/CCL4, and regulated
impairs detection of antigen-specific BCRs. The frequency of upon activation, normal T-cell expressed, and secreted
class-switched PLA-specific memory B cells at baseline was (RANTES/CCL5). CCL5/RANTES serum concentration is
higher in beekeepers than in bee venom-allergic patients. This elevated in insect venom-allergic patients compared to healthy
is most likely because beekeepers are chronically exposed to individuals and decreases significantly during the course of
bee venom during multiple seasonal cycles, while allergic AIT (44). CCR5 is involved in chemotaxis of immune cells to
patients need to avoid contact with bees or wasps. inflammatory sites in the periphery (16). An increasing body of
We subsequently analyzed the class of immunoglobulin evidence indicates that CCR5 expression by Treg cells is essen-
heavy-chain isotype that was expressed by PLA-specific B tial for their migration to inflammatory sites, and as such, is
cells and found that the proportion of PLA-specific IgG4- essential for Treg cells to exert their suppressive function

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
B-cell responses in allergen tolerance induction Boonpiyathad et al.

in vivo. CCR5 / Tregs, which were functional in suppressing

Conflict of interest
T-cell proliferation in vitro, failed to prevent lethality in an
acute graft-versus-host disease model (18, 19). CD103+ The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
tumor-derived Treg cells also required CCR5 expression to
exert their in vivo suppressive function on antitumor responses
Author contributions
(17). Another study demonstrated that, after 9 months of
house dust mite immunotherapy, the proportions of CCR5+ TB and WV designed the study, performed, and analyzed
IL-10-producing T cells increased significantly, indicating that experiments, and wrote the manuscript; NM, MM, MT,
IL-10-producing CD4+ T cells expand and acquire a periph- and AB recruited patients and collected patient material;
eral tissue trafficking phenotype (18). MS, OW and AE performed and analyzed experiments;
In conclusion, we demonstrate that B-cell responses to KR supported and made contributions to data interpreta-
chronic high-dose allergen exposure in allergic individuals tion. All authors revised and approved the final version of
and nonallergic beekeepers show remarkable similarities. the manuscript.
These responses are characterized by expansion of IL-10-pro-
ducing BR1 cells, plasmablasts and PLA-specific class-
Supporting Information
switched memory B cells. These PLA-specific memory B cells
are enriched IgG4-switched memory cells, and thus adopt an Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
anti-inflammatory profile. Allergen-specific IgG4 produced online version of this article:
by these cells may prevent allergic responses and increased Figure S1. Gating strategy for PLA-specific cells in periph-
expression of IL-10-producing BR1 cells, plasmablasts and eral blood mononuclear cells.
surface CCR5 enables the migration of these allergen-specific Figure S2. Detection of circulating PLA-specific
B cells to peripheral sites inflammation, where they might CD27+IgM+CD19+ non-class-switched memory B cells in
function as suppressors of inflammatory responses. In order patients before and during VIT (A), and before and after
to prove that these phenotypical changes in the B-cell com- multiple bee stings in beekeepers during the season (B).
partment are required for tolerance induction to allergens, Figure S3. Immunoglobulin production by purified PLA-
further studies are required in which responders and non-re- specific, and PLA-nonspecific B cells.
sponders are compared. Because VIT is successful in >90% Figure S4. Gating of IL-10-producing BR1 cells (A), Rep-
of the patients, it is challenging to obtain sufficient samples resentative gating strategy for CD73 CD71+CD25+IL-10+
from non-responders (2). Therefore, these findings should be B cells. Samples were pregated on live CD19+ cells. Percent-
investigated in larger cohorts of multiple types of AIT to ages in dot plots indicate frequencies of gates cells among
assess their applicability as biomarkers of early and success- total CD19+ cells. (B) Frequency of CD73 CD71+CD25+
ful AIT response. in VIT group (n = 11) and beekeeper group (n = 15).
Figure S5. Identification of CD24hiCD38hiIL-10+ B cells.
Figure S6. Serum PLA-specific IgG4 and IgE.
Table S1. Venom-specific immunotherapy patient charac-
This study was supported by The Christine K€ uhne-Center for teristics.
Allergy Research and Education (CK-CARE), Davos, Switzer- Table S2. Beekeeper characteristics.
land, and by funds from Medical University of Bialystok and Table S3. Antibodies used for surface marker staining.
Leading National Research Center in Bialystok, Poland.

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