Topic-Product Development For MBA Online Coaching: MRH Project

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MRH Project

Topic- Product Development For MBA Online



Table of Contents
Objective of the Survey.........................................................................................................................4
Purpose of the Study:............................................................................................................................4
A. Questionnaire Design....................................................................................................................5
B. Developing a questionnaire............................................................................................................11
Survey Outline.....................................................................................................................................12
SNAPS OF DATA COLLECTION..............................................................................................................13
Questionnaire Design..........................................................................................................................13
Data Collection....................................................................................................................................15
Correlation matrix:..............................................................................................................................16
Regression analysis:.............................................................................................................................17
R code..................................................................................................................................................17
SPSS Conjoint Analysis.........................................................................................................................19
Key conjoint analysis terms.................................................................................................................19
Interpreting the result of conjoint analysis..........................................................................................20
Overall Statistics..................................................................................................................................23
Importance Values...............................................................................................................................24
Correlation values................................................................................................................................24

We would like to express our deepest appreciation for Prof. Amar Saxena, who provided us the
opportunity to conduct the survey and present this report. We express our gratitude to Sir for
providing us mentorship, before, during and after the survey. Right from helping us arrive at the
topic for research to constant guidance and insights, his overarching support was indispensable.

Furthermore, we would also like to acknowledge all those who chose to bestow their faith in us
and agreed to be a part of this survey. Without their contribution, this survey could not have

Last but not the least, many thanks to our peers for their encouragement and motivation.

If it was engineering or medical science in the 90’s, it is MBA that rules the roost currently in India.
There were almost 6 lakh MBA graduates according to the “All India Survey on Higher Education”
(AISHE) Report, 2018-19, published by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). It is
no surprise that in the past decade or so, MBA colleges have mushroomed. ASSOCHAM (2016)
report said that there were at least 5500 B-schools in operation, which would have grown even
further. As competition becomes even more intense, we see a surge in the number of institutes
offering coaching. Off late, online coaching has picked up. It offers many advantages such as ease of
timing, convenience, customization etc.

Objective of the Survey

 To Find out the attitude of students towards online coaching’s Vis-à-vis Offline for MBA
entrance exam aspirants coaching
 To Understand the factors which are important for launching online coaching services

 Purpose of the Study:

The purpose of the study is to understand the perception of students towards online coaching
classes. As the traditional method of learning is fading day by day with the millennial generation,
who prefers to get customised online learning which is more feasible and comfortable for them
in terms of flexibility to attend lectures at any time which wherein we tried to understand how
much of the students who are going to appear for the MBA entrance exams would prefer opting
for online coaching exams and what would be the major determinant factors which would be
used by them to select online coaching services. The study involves understanding and
developing questionnaire to get the basic idea about the features which are to be considered for
introducing online services. We have done the analysis of the survey using R- language and Excel
tools to find the relation between kind of coaching which the students prefer to avail from the
available input factors influencing their decision making. The important factors were used to run
conjoint analysis which gave different 16 cards which were used in SPSS to get the main 

A. Questionnaire Design
The questionnaire was divided in three parts

1.1 Part 1- Basic information of the respondent

1.1.1 Name
1.1.2 Age
1.1.3 Gender: The options were
(a) Female
(b) Male
(c) Other

1.1.4 Branch of Engineering: The options were

(a) Aerospace
(b) Civil
(c) Computer Science
(d) Electronics & Communication
(e) Instrumentation
(f) IT
(g) Mechanical
(h) Metallurgical

1.1.5 Which graduation year are you in?

(a) 1st
(b) 2nd
(c) 3rd
(d) 4th

1.1.6 What is your total annual household income?

(a) Less than Rs. 2 Lakhs
(b) Rs. 2 to Rs. 5 Lakhs
(c) Rs. 5 to Rs. 10 Lakhs
(d) More than Rs. 10 Lakhs

1.1.7 What is your graduation percentage/CGPA?

This was an open ended question. This question was asked to understand if and how academic
performance impacts preferences.

1.2 Part 2 includes the questionnaire- 13 questions were asked to understand their preferences,
influencing factors and classification groups of the respondents.

● Q1 was our filter question. Only those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1 were asked the
remaining questions.
● Q2 was asked to analyse the area they are the strongest at
● Q3a-Q3h tries to understand the target exams of aspirants
● Q4-Q6 is for understanding their awareness for online coaching, sources of
awareness and factors influencing their decision while making a decision
● Q7 is for finding out which institutes (whether online/offline/both) they have heard
● Q8-Q9 is for knowing their preference for online coaching and the relative
importance of various factors that impact their preference for online coaching
● Q10 is to know what is their perception towards the future of online coaching
● Q11-Q13 is for understanding their past-MBA exams taken, number of attempts and
mode of coaching taken

The questions and their options are shown below-

Q1_Are you planning to pursue MBA?

(a) No
(b) Yes
(c) Undecided

Q2_What is your strongest area? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)
a) Data Interpretation
b) Logical Reasoning
c) Quantitative Aptitude
d) Verbal Ability

Q3a_Will you target CAT? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q3b_Will you target CMAT? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q3c_Will you target IIFT? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q3d_Will you target XAT? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q3e_Will you target SNAP? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q3f_Will you target NMAT? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q3g_Will you target CET? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q3h_Will you target TISSNET? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q3g_Will you target any other MBA exam? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q4_Are you aware of online mode of learning? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)

(Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)

(a) Yes
(b) No

Q5a_Did you come to hear about online coaching through "Promotional Banners/hoardings"?
(Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1 and ‘Yes’ to Q4)
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q5b_Did you come to hear about online coaching through "Newspapers"? (Asked to those who
answered ‘Yes’ to Q1 and ‘Yes’ to Q4)

(a) Yes
(b) No

Q5c_Did you come to hear about online coaching through "Magazines"? (Asked to those who
answered ‘Yes’ to Q1 and ‘Yes’ to Q4)

(a) Yes
(b) No

Q5d_Did you come to hear about online coaching through "Friends & Relatives"? (Asked to those
who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1 and ‘Yes’ to Q4)

(a) Yes
(b) No

Q5e_Did you come to hear about online coaching through "TV"? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’
to Q1 and ‘Yes’ to Q4)

(a) Yes
(b) No

Q5f_Did you come to hear about online coaching through "Radio"? (Asked to those who answered
‘Yes’ to Q1 and ‘Yes’ to Q4)

(a) Yes
(b) No

Q5g_Did you come to hear about online coaching through "Social Media"? (Asked to those who
answered ‘Yes’ to Q1 and ‘Yes’ to Q4)

(a) Yes
(b) No

Q6a_Rank your 1st preference from the options given below as per influence level. (Asked
to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Promotional Banners/hoardings
(b) Newspapers
(c) Magazines
(d) Friends & Relatives
(e) TV
(f) Radio
(g) Social Media

Q6b_Rank your 2nd preference from the options given below as per influence level. (Asked
to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Promotional Banners/hoardings
(b) Newspapers
(c) Magazines
(d) Friends & Relatives
(e) TV
(f) Radio
(g) Social Media

Q6c_Rank your 3rd preference from the options given below as per influence level. (Asked
to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Promotional Banners/hoardings
(b) Newspapers
(c) Magazines
(d) Friends & Relatives
(e) TV
(f) Radio
(g) Social Media

Q7a_Have you heard of the institute "Career Launcher"? (Asked to those who answered
‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q7b_Have you heard of the institute "Hit Bulls eye"? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q7c_Have you heard of the institute "2IIM"? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q7d_Have you heard of the institute "Time"? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q7e_Have you heard of the institute "Iquanta"? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q7f_Have you heard of the institute "Cracku"? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q7g_Have you heard of the institute "Inside IIM"? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q7h_Have you heard of the institute "Endeavour"? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q7i_Have you heard of the institute "Handa Ka Funda"? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’
to Q1)
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q8_What kind of coaching will you prefer? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Online
(b) Offline
(c) Both

Q9a_How important is "Saving Time" when you consider online coaching? (Asked to those
who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1 and ‘Online’ or ‘Both’ to Q8) (1 being the highest, 5 being the
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3

(d) 4
(e) 5

Q9b_How important is "Convenience" when you consider online coaching? (Asked to those
who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1 and ‘Online’ or ‘Both’ to Q8) (1 being the highest, 5 being the
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
(e) 5

Q9c_How important is "Customisation" when you consider online coaching? (Asked to those
who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1 and ‘Online’ or ‘Both’ to Q8) (1 being the highest, 5 being the
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
(e) 5

Q9d_How important is "Pricing" when you consider online coaching? (Asked to those who
answered ‘Yes’ to Q1 and ‘Online’ or ‘Both’ to Q8) ) (1 being the highest, 5 being the lowest)
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
(e) 5

Q9e_How important is having "No limit on lecture views" when you consider online
coaching? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1 and ‘Online’ or ‘Both’ to Q8) ) (1 being
the highest, 5 being the lowest)
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
(e) 5

Q10_Do you believe that online coaching will become more popular in future? (Asked to
those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q11_Have you appeared for any MBA Competitive exam? (Asked to those who answered
‘Yes’ to Q1)
(a) Yes
(b) No

Q12_How many attempts have you made earlier? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1

and ‘Yes’ to Q11)
(a) 1 Attempt
(b) More than 1 Attempt

Q13_Which mode of preparation did you take? (Asked to those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1
and ‘Yes’ to Q11)
(a) Online Coaching
(b) Offline Coaching
(c) Both Online and Offline

Our classification groups were repeaters (Q12), price conscious (Q9d) and convenience
conscious (Q9a, Q9b, Q9c and Q9e)

B. Developing a questionnaire
The development of questionnaire includes:

1. Deciding the information essential for survey/ Topic on which survey is being
2. Knowing the potential market for which questionnaire is going to be prepared.
3. Deciding various sets of questions which fit in reference to the topic.
4. Framing out questions into meaningful format, and the layout of the questionnaire
should be in sequential order.
5. Once questions are framed, cleaning becomes very important. The data should be
easy and understandable by referring correct and easy usage of words.
6. Pre-testing is followed by cleaning of the data, and a successful testing leads to
development of final questionnaire.

Rationale Decision of topic: As the first phase deals with the selection of the topic , this
phase becomes very crucial and it was bit challenging due to various dynamicity of the
market. Analysing various factors which might affect the further process in making
questionnaire was came out as a learning from this phase.

Simplicity in questionnaire: Through this project , we can now easily detect the question
which are redundant, ambiguous and not in an understandable format. The questionnaire
should be defined according to the target audience so that they can easily understand the
question. Also the options provided should not reflect any ambiguous data.

Effortless Questionnaire : the questionnaire should not provide respondents with the
options which can be ranked equal. This will increase the effort of the respondent and might
not fill proper data. It should be prepared so that it can be smooth and effortless.

Collection of unbiased data : The data set so collected with the questionnaire can lead to a
biased data, which means it can be driven towards a particular question. This deals with the
learning of the cleaning the data before presenting it for pre-testing. The data should be
unbiased and should not be misleading.

Question Progression: This part of the questionnaire deals with the logical arrangement of
the questions and should be in a order. Also the question and the set of questions related to
it should be in complete sequence. The questionnaire should have more of multiple
questions as respondents find it less time consuming and will respond to it. The layout
should appear painless. The questionnaire should be as short as possible. It should not be of
10-12 pages as the responder will be reluctant to fill it. The duplicate/ similar questions
should be compiled and written

Survey Outline
1.3 This is an exploratory survey.
1.4 The survey was conducted in the city of Chennai, Tamil Nadu over a span of two
days on the 22nd and 23rd of February, 2020.
1.5 The unit of survey was individuals. Our population of interest was engineers who
are MBA aspirants.
1.6 The survey was conducted in engineering colleges and malls.
1.7 The report presents findings based on responses collected from 46 students.
1.8 After securing due permission from respondents and assuring them of utmost
confidentiality, we proceeded with the survey. The respondents were briefed about
the survey, its purpose and the scope. They were then presented with the hard copy
of the questionnaire.
1.9 For performing conjoint analysis, respondents were provided with 16 cards of
different combinations of attributes we deemed fit (viz. pricing, course duration, live
doubt classes, total hours and average length of videos). They were asked to rank
the cards from 1-16, with 1 being the most preferred combination and 16 being the
least preferred option.
1.10 After conducting the survey, the responses were promptly recorded in
Google Form and Excel for storage and data preservation.


Questionnaire Design
The questionnaire was divided in three parts

1.11 Part 1- Basic information of the respondent

This included
1.11.1 Name
1.11.2 Age

1.11.3 Gender: The options were
(a) Female
(b) Male
(c) Other
1.11.4 Branch of Engineering: The options were
(a) Aerospace
(b) Civil
(c) Computer Science
(d) Electronics & Communication
(e) Instrumentation
(f) IT
(g) Mechanical
(h) Metallurgical
1.11.5 Which graduation year are you in?
(a) 1st
(b) 2nd
(c) 3rd
(d) 4th
1.11.6 What is your total annual household income?
(a) Less than Rs. 2 Lakhs
(b) Rs. 2 to Rs. 5 Lakhs
(c) Rs. 5 to Rs. 10 Lakhs
(d) More than Rs. 10 Lakhs
1.11.7 What is your graduation percentage/CGPA?
This was an open ended question. This question was asked to understand if and how
academic performance impacts preferences.

1.12 Part 2 includes the questionnaire- 13 questions were asked to understand

their preferences, influencing factors and classification groups of the respondents.

● Q1 was our filter question. Only those who answered ‘Yes’ to Q1 were
asked the remaining questions.
● Q2 was asked to analyse the area they are the strongest at
● Q3a-Q3h tries to understand the target exams of aspirants
● Q4-Q6 is for understanding their awareness for online coaching, sources of
awareness and factors influencing their decision while making a decision
● Q7 is for finding out which institutes (whether online/offline/both) they
have heard of
● Q8-Q9 is for knowing their preference for online coaching and the relative
importance of various factors that impact their preference for online
● Q10 is to know what is their perception towards the future of online

Data Collection

● It is the most crucial step in the survey as without data collection, no

analysis can be done and we can’t proceed further. Our topic targets the
audience of MBA students preparing for the competitive exams.
The following learning, we get from data collection:
● Dealing with sceptical consumers: The consumers targeted were students
and the survey conducted was in malls and colleges where we found that
consumer were hesitant and were not ready to fill the questionnaire. The
crowd in mall was not in a mood to fill up any survey. Convincing them and
making them comfortable was a tough task to deal with.

● Language Issue: The students covered near the area of railway station and a
few people in malls were not at all aware of any other language except
particular regional language. Tackling with them was a bit challenging as we
were not able to explain them the process to rank the cards.

● Looking for the data in the right place: The target audience for our survey
was students who are going to prepare for MBA competitive exams, the
segment we first targeted was the colleges, but some colleges were not
allowing any external survey. After that we have targeted malls which was a
tough nut to crack as people there were more in un mood and not to fill
any survey.

● Inability of respondents to provide information: we faced the problem

when we asked the respondents to rank the cards and get to know that
many of respondents facing difficulty to understand the concept of cards
and were ranking some cards equally, inability to identify their motives and
provide ‘reasons why’ for choosing their options. We have to provide data
in the ascending order as to make them clear or else they were getting
confused. The larger chunk of time was engrossed in sorting and arranging
the cards.

With data spanning across 13 columns which form the questionnaire for the analysis, we have come
up with 8 variables which have impacted our analysis. Among these 8 classified variables, we see
that the Response variable here is ‘What kind of Coaching one would prefer’ and below are the 7
other independent columns which are impacting the response variable .

Correlation matrix

Correlation matrix:
1. Data cleaning and preparation was our primary step for analysis as we have removed
the blank records.
2. The categorical data variables (both string and range numerical data) have been
converted to numerical variables for our analysis.
3. The factors that impacted our analysis have been considered.
4. Correlation matrix for the same has been designed to see the strength of Independent
variables on Response variable.

This correlation matrix gives us the impact of the 7 independent variables on the output variable and
we see that the Strongest area of subjects(Logical reasoning, Quantitative aptitude, Verbal ability
and Data Interpretation), number of attempts made earlier, Appearance of Competitive exams have
significant impact with correlation value greater than 0.3.

Regression analysis:
Among these 3 strongly correlated input variables to Output variable, we see that there exists Multi-
collinearity ie., correlation value of 0.759 between Appearance of Competitive Exam and Strongest
area of Subjects which is why we removed that variable from our Regression analysis.

So the Regression analysis is now carried out between the Response variable ‘What kind of Coaching
one would prefer’ and the input variables number of attempts made earlier, Appearance of
Competitive exams.

Regression analysis

Here, we can see that Multiple R and R Square values have higher values 0.859, 0.738 respectively.
The addition of the input variable ‘Appearance of Competitive exams’ to the input variable ‘Number
of attempts made earlier’ improved Multiple R value significantly. The F-significance and the
Probability values are very low showing that the model is good for analysis.

R code
#importing libraries
library(naniar) # for missing values


#factor analysis
data$graduation.year <- factor(data$graduation.year)
data$gender <- factor(data$gender)
data$annual.household.income <- factor(data$annual.household.income)
data$ <- factor(data$
data$strongest.area <- factor(data$strongest.area)
data$attempts.made.earlier <- factor(data$attempts.made.earlier)
data$ appearance.of.competitive.exam <- factor(data$appearance.of.competitive.exam)
data$kind.of.coaching <- factor(data$kind.of.coaching)

#Correlation analysis
data <- as.numeric(data)

#Conversion from String to Numeric data

data$gender.1 <- revalue(data$graduation.year, c("Male"="1", "Female”=”0”))
data$annual.household.income.1 <- revalue(data$annual.household.income, c(“More than
Rs. 10 Lakhs”=”3”, “Rs. 5 to 10 Lakhs”=”2”, “Rs. 2 to 5 Lakhs”=”1”, “Less than Rs. 2
data$ <- revalue(data$, c(“Yes”=”1”,
data$strongest.area.1 <- revalue(data$strongest.area, c(“Logical Reasoning”=”2”,
“Quantitative Aptitude”=”3”, “NA”=”5”, “Verbal Ability”=”4”, “Data Interpretation”=”1”))
data$attempts.made.earlier.1 <- revalue(data$attempts.made.earlier, c(“NA”=”0”, “1
Attempt”=”1”, “More than 1 Attempt”=2))
data$appearance.of.competitive.exam.1 <- revalue(data$appearance.of.competitive.exam,
c(“Yes”=”1”, “No”=”0”, ”NA”=”2”))
data$kind.of.coaching.1 <- revalue(data$kind.of.coaching, c(“Both”=”3”, “Online”=”1”,
”Offline”=”2”, “NA”=”0”))

#Regression analysis
input <- data[ ,c(“data$appearance of competitive exam.1”, “data$attempts.made.earlier.1”,
18 <- lm(data$ kind.of.coaching.1 ~ (data$appearance of competitive exam.1+
data$attempts.made.earlier.1, input)

SPSS Conjoint Analysis

Conjoint analysis provides various outputs for analysis, including part-worth utilities, counts,
importance, and shares-of-preference simulations. This analysis discusses these measures and gives
guidelines for interpreting results and presenting findings to management.  It is an advanced
exploratory technique used to determine how people make decisions and on what factors do they
place real value in various products and services. It has been widely employed for product/services
analysis purposes.

The technique involves analysis of choices people make, and determination of reasons behind those
choices. The tools does not only measure utility of decision made by consumers, but also helps
managers answers questions such as, “What features should we add to our products, “What impact
would changes have on sales and revenues”, “How will the intended changes give us an edge over
competitors” and “What would be the impact of prices changes on sales”.

Consequently, the answers to these questions can be used to construct market models, enabling
forecasting in different areas of business. The forecasting model could be invaluable help to
organization as they would help them to plan ahead and allocate resources accordingly. The conjoint
methodology decomposition approach helps evaluates consumer preference. Consumers are asked
to give an overall rating or score to a particular product profile, which is created by putting in varying
attributes for products and services under scrutiny.

When customers are about to make a purchase, they are faced with trade-offs in form of competing
products and services. The product exhibited by the competitors may have varying attributes, which
will lead the customer to make a choice based on those attributes.

Key conjoint analysis terms

Attributes (Features): The product features being evaluated by the analysis.

Levels: The specifications of each attribute.

Task: The number of times the respondent must make a choice.

Concept or Profile: The hypothetical product or offering. This is a set of attributes with different
levels that are displayed at each task count. There are usually at least two to choose from.

Relative importance: Also known as “attribute importance,” this depicts which of the various
attributes of a product/service are more or less important when making a purchasing decision.

Part-Worth/Utility values: Part-Worth, or utility values, is how much weight an attribute level
carries with a respondent. The individual factors that lead to a product’s overall value to consumers
are part-worth

Profiles: Discover the ultimate product with the highest utility value.

Interpreting the result of conjoint analysis

We have generated the following card list:

We have captured the response of various customers by asking them to rank these cards as per their

To get the conjoint analysis output we first write a script by going File ->New->Syntax

In the syntax field we will write our script named conjoint.

 The first thing we have to define is the conjoint plan. The plan in our case is the file
which contain the master data.
 The DATA is the file that contain responses.
 SEQUENCE is the variables which contain our preferences.
 SUBJECT is the name of the customer and the FACTORS are defined by us for our
product offering of online coaching.
 LiveDoubtClasses has been declared as discrete as there is no increasing or decreasing
relationship in LiveDoubtClasses.
 Linear more suggests an increasing relationship whereas linear less suggests
decreasing relationship.


After running we get the following response:

It suggests all the results have been generated in orthogonal way. Live doubt classes have got 2
levels and they don’t have any increasing or decreasing relationship between them. Other have
either got 3 or 4 levels with linear increasing relationship.

Overall Statistics

Overall statistics talks about utility estimate which gives an idea how much consumer prefers a
particular attribute. If the values are in negative then it suggests that consumer are choosy about
that particular attributes.

 In live doubt classes option “yes” has higher utility suggesting that majority of people
prefer to have live doubt classes.
 In course price as the price increases the utility decreases, suggesting that consumers
get choosier with increasing price.
 Consumers prefer course duration of 3 months, 100 hours of total video with average
video length of 120 minutes.

Importance Values

The importance values suggest which are key factors as per consumers. By looking at the above
result we can see that average length of videos is the most pivotal factor followed by Live doubt

Correlation values

The correlations between observed and estimated is .543 which suggests that there are people who
have randomly given ranks to the cards. Had it been more than .8 it would have been much better.

1. Majority of the people give highest importance to the availability of live doubt classes.

2. Average length of video turns out to be the 2nd most important attribute of
3. Course duration turns out to be the 2nd least important attribute.
4. Course price is least significant factor for responders.
5. As per 1,2,3 and 4 we can infer responders are ready to pay more money if they
get videos with longer average length in a shorter course duration with live
doubt classes.

The analysis likes to take an effort to understand how engineering students like to go about while
purchasing a online MBA course. Over all we can say that average length of videos and live doubt
classes are the most critical factors for consumers while purchasing an online course while course
price is the least important factor. The correlations value suggests that there are few responders
who have given random rankings.


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