KET 2 Speaking Exam - Cards Olga

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KET 2 Speaking exam – Part 3 (cards) Grammar practice

The KET 2 speaking exam cards only use the present tense. They do not use past or future tenses (these are used in Parts
1 and 2 of the speaking test).
Paso 1: Checa la pregunta.
Tiene verbo, sustantivo, u otra palabra entre las opciones? (Si es verbo, hay que usar el verbo auxiliar do/does.)
Paso 2: Como formarías la pregunta en español?
Inglés y español usan el mismo verbo y/o orden de palabras casi todo el tiempo, asi que, si aprendas las excepciones y
después tratas de usar la misma forma (siguiendo las reglas de inglés), es probable que halles la pregunta correcta.
La pista En español la pregunta sería... Entonces en inglés, es...

Where ... bank? ¿Dónde está el banco? Where IS THE bank?

Estamos hablando de un banco. ‘cerrar’ es verbo, close?
When ... close? ¿Cuándo cierra?
asi que tengo que usar el verbo auxiliar...
When DOES IT close?
‘Hay’ en inglés es ‘is there’ o ‘are there’. Estamos
¿Hay algunos
hablando de un festival. Son EVENTOS, asi que ARE THERE any special
... any special necesito usar ‘are there’ porque ‘eventos’ es events?
events? plural...

¿Tienen eventos ‘tener’ es verbo, en inglés ‘have’. Como que es DO YOU / THEY HAVE any
especiales? verbo, necesito usar el verbo auxiliar... special events?

Practice A. These questions are about a MAGAZINE. Choose the correct option to complete each
question. (Sometimes more than one answer is correct. In this case, circle ALL the correct options.)

1. What ... name? a) What is the name of the b) What does the magazine c) What is there a name the
(magazine) magazine? name? magazine?
2. How much ... cost? a) How much is the cost? b) How much does the c) Is there a cost for the
magazine cost? magazine?
3. ... free gifts? a) What are the free gifts? b) Does the magazine have c) Are there any free gifts?
any free gifts?
4. What ... website? a) What is the website? b) What does the website? c) What is there website?
5. Who ... writers? a) Who are the writers? b) What are the writers’ c) Who is there the writers?
Practice B. These clues are about a RESTAURANT. Write the questions.

1. Where ... restaurant?

2. ... children’s meals?
3. What time ... open?
4. ... phone number?
5. What food ... serve?
Practice C. These clues are about a COMPETITION. Write the questions.

1. ... an entry fee?

2. Where ... competition?
3. What ... prizes?
4. ... email address?
5. When ... competition?
Answers Practice A.
1a, 2b/c,3a/b/c, 4a, 5a/b.
Answers Practice B.
1. Where is the restaurant?
2. Are there any children’s meals? Do they have children’s meals?
3. What time does the restaurant open?
4. Is there a phone number?
5. What food do they serve?
Answers Practice C.
1. Is there an entry fee?
2. Where is the competition?
3. What are the prizes?
4. Is there any email address? / Do they have an email address?
5. When is the competition?

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